A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 80: House-Warming Games (Witch)

House-Warming Games (Witch)

Content Warnings:




Amidst our mess of thoughts and altered scheming, we remember a Pack Sister’s request as we pass by the hidden entrance. One where we gifted our Xafra replacements for the very iron she wove across our tattooed scales.


“Warden, back before, you mentioned wanting a very particular type of form that you’d like to inhabit. Are there supplies from the collection down here that might be to your liking?” We ask while ensuring a fresh catalog is given over the bond to it.


"Warden believed it would be implanted into an existing implement and had not considered that a custom one would be crafted." Warden says in quiet awe.


"Of course we'd want you to have a Frame that befits you, and we suspect that only something freshly woven can possibly encompass all your facets." We smile and turn to regard it softly as tendrils dance a melody we hope is encouraging, "And... More importantly, we'd adore to see you craft a thing that you'll delight in the shapes of. Something perfect. For you. If the supplies or knowledge on hand do not suffice let us know and we'll ensure they are acquired."


"Warden! Um. Warden would like that." It squeaks as it dissolves its projection into the Pack.


"Adorable. It's so giddy it can't maintain the projection." Adaline laughs.


We laugh with her while beginning to move us along through the tunnels. Keeping our imaginings for the shape it hinted at wanting but... curious how it will enact them, to ourselves.


Don't want to let our muses alter that one's shaping overmuch.


Before we know it, we find ourselves at the entrance to our Spire's lower chamber. Moving through to find... 


Our Xafra's adopted mother waiting.


Jezrial has already risen from a chair at the sound of our arrival, stone laden shape a touch harder to reach than one of flesh but... enough so that I'm able to raise a hand to stop what her first words might be.


Lynette pulls away. Pointedly concerning herself with some nonsense of the Estate instead of parsing words.


"It seems reintroductions are in order, mother to our bonded partner." I offer in a gentle tone, letting our tendrils settle to quiet careful sounds. "And before anything else... Thank you. For gifting our Xafra loving words that helped grant her freedom, instead of trying to lash her to what you think she should be."


She purses her lips at that, but nods and lets what seems a cascade of stress out in a breath. "That's what I was going to say. Thank you for freeing her and... for doing everything you could to ensure what replaced the Basal Garrote was hers to weave. Not just another set of chains."


I smile softly. "You're most welcome. But... let's see about finding you a space on the grounds."


**    **    **


After Jezrial has been shown to some temporary rooms in a well-kept storage Spire, Lynette insists we lead our Pack out to a place even I haven't been in... a very long time. I think?


Wait... Did Yselda take me here even once?


"It was early on, but she did." Lynette replies to my thought aloud as we reach the cracked and broken Spire on the edge of the grounds. "But... We got distracted and the old Cunt decided against trusting us on that day."


I don't know how to respond to that, both her openly and seemingly easily insulting Yselda, but... how I also can't dredge up the memory. After a heartbeat Lynette nudges me, and without question I murmur a gentle {Blasenplage} to burn the old dead Vines that wrap about this Spire's entrance. Revealing a half open passage for us to step forward and move through.


Dust abounds, but otherwise it's all dead. Not rotting, but... lifeless. Wood almost as lacking color as the plants out where we freed our Xafra. Desks and chairs and all the furniture are quite dry and overly rigid. Possibly even brittle?


"This is a time for it, I think." Lynette nods then turns to our Pack. "Thoughts? A lost cause or salvageable? Its upper layers may be long gone but it seems more than a few of you prefer the open skies to a roof. The Summer Storms will need preparing for but... that can be a problem for future you all to consider long after you've relocated to this space."


"It's… Nice I think. A lot of potential?" Xafra offers.


"Gotta ask what the plan is here, loves." Adaline counters with caution.


I barely feel Lynette as she looks about the room and over our Pack, less as she speaks.


"I've needs for Xafra's Spire, and with all others so very full this is the obvious place. But between the lot of you, and the other Doll's Xafra likes to keep close, there are plenty of hands to make it more than functional. Even comfortable. You're all still more than welcome to our Spire at all hours but..." Lynette pauses while tip-tapping the dead wood of a nearby desk, then turns to move our gaze between the Pack Sister's. "This should be where you keep your precious belongings otherwise. Perhaps.... Even conduct all manner of strange experiments where you won't wake up the rest of the grounds with how the lot of you like to squeal."


“Huh. Alright. That actually sounds like a decent project. I will insist on a couple of days unless absolutely necessary, to ensure Primrose and Nettle have time to move their stuff without too much stress. I don't have much to move and..." She pauses, a mild sense of anxious dread rising. "I don't have to have the sex talk with Calix and Rufus right? Please tell me that's not going to be necessary."


Lynette lets out an inward sigh and settles with a grin at Xafra’s easy acceptance and far less dangerous anxiety.


I have to reach up and cover our mouth with the back of a hand to suppress some titters. "I think those two can figure things out, if they haven't already. Might need to see about shoving them off to a new Spire once they've officially asked you about claiming Rufus. Which..." I brush some soot and such off said table and hop up to sit on it. "Amidst today's events I guess that is but a minor hiccup. How're you feeling about that?"


"About Rufus? It makes sense I think. Would provide Calix a sense of like, Equality with him and provide an extra level of insurance for Rufus's behavior... Not that I expect it to be an issue. I mostly don't know like... What kind of responsibilities it would include or how I’m supposed to treat him in regards to the role? For Calix, he's slipped into a younger brother role quite easily, needs advice and support on occasion, but is mostly independent and can be trusted to make... Mostly reasonable decisions."


"I suspect he'll fall into much the same role as Calix in that regard." I nod in agreement. "You taking the place of an older sister or such seems a healthy way to view this. Rufus doesn't have my messy nonsense past when it comes to siblings and will probably adore you spelling it out. Probably even be a bit flattered by it all."


"Huh. I'm glad to hear that. It's been a lot of constant struggle and we deserve some easy wins." Xafra muses.


"Mmhm. My mind was all hurty but it's good and soft and smooth again, ready to help as needed." Schatzi bubbles.


"We'll not want to wait more than five days before heading out, but that's enough time to relax and prepare. Which... Are there other things we can help you all tend to? Preparations or otherwise?" I ask.


"We can get and should get Warden situated in a Frame first, and see if I can get some of the Arts Lynette mentioned working. I've been practicing but a good trial run is needed before I can be confident in claiming competency." Adaline suggests.


"Oh that won't take much for you to obtain." Lynette bubbles up to smirk. "Which Arts have caught your fancy?"


"Well after... Today's revelations, I've decided to at least temporarily put my study of Dream Gardens on hold and focus primarily on The Fractals of Glyphwork. I already have a number of flashcards made for practise that can be improved upon to mask the source of the magic if you think that seems like a good idea, and am willing to install the first set of Glyph Shards when we are all ready,"


"That seems perfect, actually." I agree, leaning forward to place. "From there.... Honestly, we could set you up with quite the personal Archive of Glyphs Shards to choose from. Toy with finding ways to let you switch out Glyph Shards at will. We coaxed Dämmerung into etching Glyphs of our Blasenplage and weaving of motion and energy upon us during our Resheathing. Could have Xafra see if her senses can't differentiate them from the Fleischbrecher and Blitzköder scars on our frontal lobe if that'll help. See how their workings compare to ours in terms of flexibility, efficiency, and durability."


Warden politely reminds the Mistress of the standing promise to explain her last Einwandfrei." it suddenly mentions.


I go still, tendrils stilling their easy melodies. Thinking back and...


"In the midst of it all I forgot to do that, didn't I?" Are the words that I chuckle out as such a strange mangled mess rolls through me. "Thank you Warden. It's... a bit of a thing to explain. Not our first flawless weaving itself, but the why of it. Because... we actually made it to kill Yselda. If you'd like us to tell it all here I will if our Pack has the patience for it?"


"Certainly. While you explain, I'll help Warden with materials and considering the relative ease of design we can get that finished today as well?" Adaline asks.


"Of course." I reply, and Pack considers places to settle about the room.


"As I said, the Blitzköder was knit to kill Yselda, but... That's getting ahead of things. I'm not sure how much I've let slip but we grew up in a Grove on the far side of the things from this Estate. Discovered right quick how little the world regarded gerls like us when starting to learn Spellcraft, alongside the quite fascinating murmurs of a Matron who mastered a nearly forbidden splice of the Healing Art. Then, took half a year to find Tomes that spoke of this place, and even then none could tell me where exactly her home was. So I spent all my early lifes jade and good-will on supplies and left to find her. Traveled the Root Ways until I found the dead branched Pathways on this side and started checking each one. Took near a year to find the right one. Then had to camp out in the same spot we met Rufus for two days before the... before she even stepped out to meet me."


I go quiet for a few heartbeats. Letting old memories settle into words and other more coherent things.


"We'd never seen a Matron or Matriarch before. Didn't know what to expect. But..." We murmur together. "It wasn't the gerl we met that day. A painting given flesh, every word a deft stroke. She asked what we were here for and we told her. To learn and master Fleshcrafting. We... nothing we read mentioned if she was Half-Knit or not and we didn't know how to ask without giving offense. And when she effortlessly offered us a deal we didn't think it mattered. She was going to let us utilize her Archives to learn and master the Nine Tri-Fold aspects of the Art, provide us food and bed and company. But... only for six months. After that if we could not prove our mastery we'd allow her to take over our education in full." We pause to sigh with a smirk. "Too stupid and smitten to see the trap. To understand what we were agreeing to."


A snap crackle of Physis and Lynette has gently pulled from me. Divided but... sitting on the same table and considering our thoughts.


"It took us almost a month to see the snare." Lynette picks up. "To look past the alluring Witch and her gaggle of far too pretty Dolls to understand what the future held. For those here not fully grasping it yet, the Nine Tri-Fold Aspects are all of Fleshcrafting. Things it took Yselda a decade to learn and double that to master."


I nod and sigh. "She insisted we have dinner with her almost every night. Tell her of our research as if our efforts were anything but amusing to her."


"So... when it all became ruthlessly plain, we stopped taking meals with her unless she insisted, and tried to seem a stupid gerl blissfully absorbed by our work. Unaware of what we could see that she planned to do to us." Lynette adds. "Despite how obvious she honestly made it all, if I'm being honest."


"And amidst our frantic studies... we discovered such interesting Tomes." I pick up. "To heal or change the body requires careful precision and focus. More so when attempting to consider the Ousia or Physis. Creating something to instead destroy is a simple enough matter."


"We weren't stupid enough to think Yselda was without Wards or readiness to weave a counter-spinning." Lynette chuckles while raising a hand. "Knew we'd need a thing that could intercept the second while melting the first to get to the soft core beneath."


Another snap, but this time Lynette is weaving...


I go still.


Our Blitzköder. Tittering almost playfully as it arcs between her fingers.


But... only with Physis. No Ousia. Not something that'll backweave into us like the Fleischbrecher did.


"Yes." I swallow and calm. Push away the memories of that spell as Lynette holds the working as an example for our Pack. "The Blasenplage is honestly a more efficient working in almost every way for killing a caster. Except..."


"My Blitzköder gives a cunt the time to understand how very helpless they are as it ignites their Ousia, Physis, and even flesh." Lynette picks up after I trail off. "Elevar's Bubble plague was made to kill quickly and, unfortunately, painlessly when at its best. This working can be lashed out a fool's neck and left to burn. Even removed before all their Ousia is gone."


"The... base principles come from an odd quirk of Fleshcrafting." I explain past Lynette's words. "Volatility agitation cascades. A type of inflammation that occurs if the wrong changes are forced too quickly. Adaline's Gnadenhalsband touches upon the same concept but... more gently. She folds and smothers, while this is more akin to catching a thread of someone's blouse in a loom and letting it tear them apart."


Adaline dashes up to us and grabs our hand tightly with fascination. "You made magical Amberin? But you're Groveborn, where did you get the idea? It looks identical. Would need to do some testing but... if it is, there's some choice implications for reversing the conversion."  Adaline turns from us and begins rapidly chittering and thrumming her Quills at Warden, too fast for us to comprehend.


"I'll gift you our books on the Blitzköder once we have them again." Lynette offers. "As well as our other Einwandfrei, of course."


"I think she would like that a lot. Thank you for sharing this with us." Xafra murmurs, looking over at Adaline and Warden. "I don't have anything negative to say about this Einwandfrei, as was likely a concern. But... I am sorry you went through what you did. It was a tragedy even though it led you to me."


"Mostly a self-inflicted tragedy. But that's not the full of it, yet. The Blitzköder was also made to..." I trail off as I feel the gerl beside me in body and mind bubbling with the right words for it all.


"Made to coil about Garrotes with precise and deft elegance. Especially the Makellose." Lynette smirks and finishes, her tone filled with such... reverie. Almost longing even. Whether for the chance to reenact old cruel habits, or for the woman I did them with, is impossible for me to parse. 


Can't help but wince and sigh at that, smile carefully at our Pack. "You all have the full of it now, then. Lynette put it harshly, but... emphasized a good point. They were both things of torture, My first two flawless weavings. And once those Tomes are gifted I suspect it'll be simple for any here to turn them to better uses. Empty Skies know Adaline is already a third of the way there already most like."


"Torture is best done for pleasure. It serves no other real purpose. Perhaps… You could tune the Blitzköder downwards yourself as well, for a uniquely exciting technique in the bedroom?" Xafra states with a look of rapt hunger.


I go still, feel something inside me tilt as thoughts wander into the possibilities, "I mean... You're not wrong. About any of that..."


But then Lynette is cackling and shifting the hand that sits happily under Adaline's gaze and...


Wait. When did we switch who was manifesting as Physis and who was in control of our flesh?


"Oh, wouldn't that just be such an expensive thrill to seek?" She smirks through our lips as tendrils titter in delight. "And If Elevar's warnings about the backlash are even half correct..."


Can't help but consider the measurements. Chart the numbers while feeling the arcs of the Physis woven working tilt and crawl across flesh. Always a thread from actually slicing, of course. But...


"Our scales change things, but less than the weavings you laid across them." We whisper as our Physis manifestation dissolves. "Would actually make the working leak less. Reflect about inside without an escape. Would tear so much apart..."


The thought makes the scales on the back of our next rise and fall like brumbleflesh might.


"Cracked and Riven Moon, would that be a mess of a thing to drown in." We chuckle, then let cut off the spell. "For... any interested."


We settle our tendril's far too revealing titters, trying to let them match up with the Pack's Quill-Songs of...


Huh. More discord than normal. Sudden and a thing Verbess doesn't seem to mind letting sit in contrast to the rest's chosen melodies.


And all from this Pack's Lead. Xafra quite clearly showing her thoughts in the way that pretty dark-purple dress we slipped her into before leaving our Spire tents out. Even... cheeks growing a bit flush.


"Really?" We grin as out eyes flitter up and down her form. "Well... That is one way to turn a place into a home."


With a snap crack of wordless weaving we let a gentle wave of Ousia and Physis twist out to clear and clean away all dust or other such things we'd rather not feel against flesh.


With a surprised giggle, Xafra involuntarily slides Quills out from the end of her scaled tail that rattle with lust. "Oh. That's where they went."


Adaline suddenly stops chittering at Warden and spins back to us, "Oh my goodness, Xafra has reactions she can't control now. That's so hot."


"Now Adaline... we really should be responsible with a discovery like this. Help a gerl find her limits and see what reactions she's going to struggle to manage." Locking eyes on hers, we let a slow predatory grin spread across our lips. "Wouldn't want irresponsible sorts to use them against her or, more horribly, tease her when things get too overwhelming."


"D-definitely not, only the most responsible sorts should use and tease me. I. heck. I didn't mean to say that." Xafra mumbles with an even bigger blush.


"Well, isn't that such a coincidence?" We purr and move to rise, taking up Adaline's hand and tugging her to follow as we prowl towards Xafra. "This Pack is quite responsible. Their Witch though..."


Let our unrestrained desires flow down our bond to her and the others. So very curious just what sort of reactions our Xafra will be unable to stop from bubbling up at simple shared muses of our mind.


"We vary from heartbeat to heartbeat."


She shivers and squirms as a wet spot appears on her dress and her wings ruffle, rapidly spreading out to full extension. "I... Um... Yes."


Step forward, hook a finger under Xafra's chin and...


Was this form always shorter than us? And by quite a bit at that. Almost as much as Schatzi was before those horns took shape. 


"Look at you wiggling all about." We chuckle while tilting her gaze up to meet ours, enjoy so much how her eyes seem to shift and dance in time to our gifted desires down the bond. "And this is nothing, Adaline. It's as though our Xafra has never felt our hands or ravenous hungers. Can you imagine what she's going to be like when we actually start?"


"Mmmhm, I can't wait to see." Adaline titters.


"Then.... let's not." We whisper while leaning down, but... leave our lips to stop just a whisper away from Xafra's. Let her feel our delight at seeing her react to what she seems to feel is an agonizing pause. 


Tail writhing like a viper snared in a web, Quills twitching as we've never seen, and body absolutely overcome with another shivering wave as brumbleflesh dances across her everything.


"Such a patient gerl." We breathe while trailing across her jaw and neck. Raising up a hand to graze fingers across the fabric of this soft dress. Slowly work our way up to hook the collar that never left her neck. 


Not even during her change.


We chuckle as we feel the Pack's absolute focus on their Lead's wriggling song as we take up the lead between a few fingers, glance about them with a raised eyebrow. "So... Adaline. Which of your Sisters should we feed her to first? Or do you think our Xafra could handle more than one's interest in this new form?"


Xafra's eyes widen in excitement and her breath quickens as she stifles a moan by biting her lip.


"Seems like she is interested in the second option." Adaline observes.


"Really? We don't know.... The gerl seems quite speechless to us." We reply thoughtfully while tip tapping our lower lip, then look Xafra up and down performatively. "We should start by making sure that pretty dress doesn't get any more messy. Krahe, dear? Would you mind terribly helping your Pack Lead out of that?" 


The Pack Sister growls happily from where she had perched on a bookshelf behind Schatzi. Then starts to stalk forward, those wonderfully interesting tails unraveling from a simple hug about her sister to slip free. Wiggling up and under and through Xafra's dress. Those uncountable rows of teeth obviously already teasing flesh while pushing it up and off.


"That tickles! Eeek, Kr-Krahe, that's so many all over, I–"


With a twist and flick of deft tail and Quill-Song nudges, Krahe slips the dress off, down, and out from under Xafra. Cackling as she deftly folds the dress like I've only seen Schatzi do before placing it on the table. Only lets anything but those tails touch flesh until she nips playfully at her Pack Lead's flank before settling to sit by her little birb's legs. tails still out and swaying in predatory wiggles.


"And ticklish now?" We giggle while openly appreciating this newly unclothed morsel. Click tongue and tendrils in thought as we playfully curl the leash about our wrist to pull her closer. "Oh that's going to be a problem for you, we think. Especially among irresponsible sorts. Perhaps... we should start with that."


Krahe grins and leans forward. Eyes that were already enjoying watching Xafra now snapped to a hunter's focus.


Xafra folds into us, trying to use our body to shelter her own even slightly from the playful advances of her Pack sister. "This isn't fair, I didn't know bodies are like this. it's wonderful and spinny and I'm so very needy, Mistresses."


"We'd have never guessed." Is our purring giggling reply while leaning down and around to curl arms about her. Lips just beside her ear as we trace fingers over soft and naked flesh, "But... you've been such a patient gerl, and Krahe is so very hungry. Won't you let her take a single bite? Or... well probably quite a few more. If we're being honest."


A heartbeat, then Krahe lunges. Tendrils, talons, and even teeth all about the gerl in our arms faster than a flinch can respond to.


But her everything freezes just before touching Xafra's skin. 




"Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes." Xafra trembles in fright and arousal in our arms.


Adaline casually gets out her curanos supplies and lays them out nearby with a wink at us.


"Hmmm.... We should probably make sure at least a few of those tendrils are kept at bay." We murmur with a grin and a grateful nod to Adaline, then reach back to take up one of her hands while another one reaches out to curl a finger at Schatzi. Becoming them both over. "Would you two mind helping out with that?"


"Yes Mistresses. We would be thrilled to assist." Schatzi responds for both of them as they move to encircle Xafra and Krahe.


The dozen tails have already begun to writhe about from the moment Xafra pleaded her desires, but... wait just beyond even grazing flesh.


"Go ahead then," We chuckle to Krahe. "Satiate some hungers."


Such a rumble rolls through the gerls Frame as she cracks apart to enlarge herself. Form stretching to a larger shape than even Verbess tends to take. Tails twisting outwards in snaps of motions about each of us. Effortlessly pushing us all back and down to gently settle on the floor with Krahe atop Xafra, whose head rests in our lap with Schatzi and Adaline now sitting at our sides.


As our fingers happily begin to brush through Xafra's impossibly soft mane of ever drifting hair, Krahe's tendrils dance across her Pack Lead's form. Two sets on each side fold out to caress, curl about, and squeeze her other two Pack Sisters.


Keeping from anyone's most sensitive parts, teasing and grazing and tittering about while Quills flutter in focused need.


Xafra thrashes in anticipation, wordless moans urging for more while we can tell she's still doing her best to be gentle even while being overwhelmed with desire.


Adaline and Schatzi take up her arms and begin to kiss and nibble their way from fingers to elbow while we trace soft patterns down and about her ears. Then slowly across her jaw before letting our touches wander farther still. Moving between Krahe's ever quickening workings and enjoying, so much, watching Xafra's erect cock twitch and quiver with need in the middle of it all. Completely untouched and...


Such an interesting shape. Only one dick, unlike her warlord form's two. A set of hard ridges along the top of the shaft lead our gaze to an even more unique feature, a rounded section that swells and deflates with her arousal as though trying to create a seal.


Reaching out, we slowly and very gently caress a single finger up and down her length. Eventually settling into a tantalizing pattern that involves moving our touch about the tip before trailing back down to the base, then up again. Over and over. Only shifting as Krahe's own hungers drive the gerl to lean down and begin gnashing at Xafra's neck and jaw.


"Is this alright, Mistress?" We hear Adaline's gentle voice asking our Xafra for confirmation, paying close attention to her condition even while she works.


"Sister is so tasty." Schatzi exclaims as she extends her own surprisingly long tongue and wraps it along Xafra's arm.


Xafra cants ::Affirmation/Pleasure:: to Adaline while doing her best to pay attention to all of us at once.


We grin and enjoy the performance our Pack weaves in earnest at their Lead's assurance, not missing how our motions about our Xafra's dick seem to form the base melody of the song.


Such good gerls. All of them. Easily and openly working together to take care of each other. Even... Heh. Verbess threads itself throughout in mostly subtle ways. An errant bite with another's teeth there, a raking over flesh there, perhaps a tongue whip-cracking out just a whisper from touching the heart of this storm. Little suggested melodies to punctuate its own desires.


But it's time we found out just how sensitive this new body of Xafra's really is. So with a click of tongue and tendrils we lean down to kiss a breast. Then take to playfully dancing tongue and teeth all about the nipple before moving past. Letting one of those delightful tails take our place as we trail a line of slow kisses to the base of Xafra's dick.


Carefully and gently move lips up soft skin. Feel her writhe a bit as we take our first tastes as tongue drags the same path our fingers once took. Up and down and around and teasing this gerl with our slow attentions.


The increased pitch and rattling of her tail Quills is our only warning as she attempts to lunge forward at us, lost in her need.


Krahe easily holds her down with Adaline and Schatzi's help but the attempt is surprising nevertheless.


Pause in surprise to glance down at her expression see...


Oh. Well doesn't that make far too much sense then? This new form comes with all the messy body things that she's no experience dealing with. Her other shapes can bear the weight of arousal because it is probably a thing she wove for herself at the observation and study of others. But now... She's worse than any gerl when life first dumps the bucket of bodily urges on them. Even more than we were when we first felt our body untethered from the burdens of wrong shapes while under the gaze of an incredibly voracious Witch.


And under this Pack's expert work alongside our endless teasing...


"Aren't you just so very adrift in the tides of that new form's nonsense?" We can't help but giggle while returning to kiss and nibble at her shivering dick. "But good gerls know to ask, dear one. Mayhaps even... beg, if you're in the mood for it. Of course."


Our words seem to get through to her, clarity returning to her eyes followed by spikes of terror, despair, and hatred coursing through the bond, rapidly suppressed.


"Please Mistresses... I need it." Xafra whimpers.


Anyone else we'd stop everything at that.


Or... at least part of us would. 


...We think? Hope. Even promise ourselves that... 'Yes, actually, even at our worst we'd do that for a gerl we adore so very much. You stupid half-knits.'


Best not to consider our divide beyond that right now.


But... the Pack's Song remains steady. Stronger even. Supportive and already adjusted to that flair of painful emotions. Wordless communications so far ahead of our heartbeat of hesitation and nothing of warning for us to stop.


So we trust them, know that they'd never let us hurt our Xafra, and turn to reward this gerl for her patience.


No more teasing.


It really is quite a delight to explore a new shape after years of encountering mostly the same. Dolls would sometimes have more interesting parts but... we only ever really enjoyed the company of our Schatzi and Verbess in that regard. But this... 


The shape of those ridges against the inside of our mouth. How it tastes when she bucks in response to us exploring with swirling tongue and lips. Feeling that rounded section pulse as we take her fully and deeply. Hearing this gerl and her Pack thrum with desires and needs we're pointedly seeing to.


Lose track of everything else. As, honestly, we tend to do when pleasuring a gerl with the intent to make sure she dreams of nothing but our work when anyone else thinks to use their mouth between her legs. Become as stupidly unbearable as the worst of the summer storms.


A sudden pressure builds in our mouth just behind our teeth as the rounded section expands to an extreme, locking us in place. "Oh oh no, Mistresses, I ohh." Xafra whines in confusion.


Can't help but enjoy it as a rumble of a laugh rolls through us at this unexpected delight, letting the vibrations of it take the place of our work during the moment of surprise. But... We're far too interested to see where this leads to overworry much and even try to pull away. If fact we... she could...


Things shift across as within us. And we feel... things slide out of our sides like shadows to grip Xafra further. Our tongue splits and slithers longer to continue its work while our jaw remains firmly about her. We could unhinge it, even without whatever nonsense our flesh is doing but...


Not yet.


Just pin this silly gerl and her new body beneath our work and unbridled enjoyment of this. Let Tendrils and bond and slithering tongues make sure she knows we're enjoying her so very much.


Xafra twitches and shudders as she cums, hands reaching out to grab our shadowy tendrils tightly.


"I..." Our silly gerl starts. "Mistresses, I think I'm stuck."


One big final swirl and lick with the trio of tongues just before they and the rest of the odd extra bits twist and fade, a crack-snap quick unhinge of our jaw, and we pull free. Enjoy how she bucks and wiggles at the motions. So very sensitive in her post orgasm state. 


"Quite." We agree as everything without settles to some semblance of normal with things within continue to writhe. "But... You being stuck with us was all part of our scheme."


One last nip at the brumble covered flesh of her hips before pulling back. Krahe's taken more to wrapping her tendrils about Xafra, Schatzi, and Adaline at the end of this, but still has a few good neck and collarbone nibbles every now and again.


"Oh. Wow. Um. That was... Intense. Thank you. Eheheheh" Xafra blushes and curls up, dazed from the experience.


"You are most welcome." We chuckle and gather her up in our arms. Moving to stand while pulling our Xafra close. 


"Krahe, be a quick dear and go grab us a good bundle of pillows and blankets and such." We murmur to her, sending the gerl to dart off without hesitation as we nod to her sisters to follow us up the steps.


Krahe's easily returned when we arrive at the uppermost level. Glance about the moonlit roofless spaces separated by walls in various states of cracked and riven states.


"So... Help us find a good spot to relax with our Pack under an Empty Sky." We suggest while slowly starting our walk through what is to be their new home.


Part of us is still confused by this insistence, wanting to ask more but... choosing to trust when no true reasons are given.


The uppermost level reveals the true oddity of this Spire. We always wondered what became of this place's crown. And now we can't help but marvel at how clean the stroke that damaged this Spire is. The tilted cut leaving a still crisp angle across the top of the walls, something even our most destructive workings would never mimic on this large and dense a scale.


Xafra follows along in wonder, Quills on her tail thrumming as she expands her Ousia field to better understand the structure. "It is quiet here. That's... Nice."


"Yes. This Spire died long before even Yselda came here." We murmur while trailing a finger across one of the rough root walls. "But from the records it was this Estate's tool for viewing the Empty Sky before it was cracked and riven."


"It's a lovely view. I can only imagine how beautiful she was." Adaline says in wonder.


"Gorgeous and important enough to hobble the Estate when struck dead. So much that it..."


Division. Hard and like a snap of sudden and unexpected thunder from an early Storm. Sends me tumbling a bit. 


Can... Can Lynette not...? 


But Lynette effortlessly continues over the thoughts and words like we used to skip over the murky Wasteways at our Grove. "Hmmm... And my Little One probably won't want to come to rest here. This place may have a wonderful view but lacks the quick escape through tunnels from the Sky's Cruel regard." 


I cautiously allow myself to mingle closer, find nothing amiss but... avoid sharing my thoughts on what tore us apart.


The one intake to escape these grounds, and the damage they did both when entering and exiting. Things I burned from this Estate's records. Logs I've only retained in basic memory and couldn't even place in my Little Archive for fear of it examining them before I could get it to let Xafra go.


"Well we can definitely add in a chute of sorts for her to better accommodate her need, if that's something she would like? It would be good to share this view." Xafra offers as she stares upwards. "I wish that I could help her. But... I don't think that is my function, not when there are so many wrongs to right down here."


We take up her hand again and give it a squeeze as I murmur. "Of course we'll reach up to Her when we have the wingspan for it. But... yes. Small steps first. See to the Groves and Seas and lands about us before throwing ourselves at problems with so much weight."


"Might I... heh... Be like Calix for a moment?" She asks us suddenly.


"In that you mean to leap from this Spire in hopes that those pretty wings of yours are easy to figure out?" We smirk at her. "Only if you allow Krahe a heartbeat of three times to run down there to be ready to catch you. And make sure you allow your Pack Sister here to give you some instruction first. Empty Skies know that Schatzi's already worked with Warden to master the Art of perfectly using her wings by now."


"I'm more than willing to be that patient." she giggles.


We can't help but tug her and our Pack forward to where a type of balcony once was. The safety wall comes only up to our bellies and is more than surmountable.


"But where is the fun in that?" Is our reply while turning to eye them. "Schatzi can go first and show us all how this sort of thing is done properly. And with Quill-Song and Krahe already rushing below your leap will be safe enough. Will use one of the higher Giyars to ensure you're caught well even."


As we speak, Schatzi is already leaping over us with a whipsnap of spreading wings, swooping downwards before flapping back up and around the Spire.


Her Quills screaming in excitement, Xafra kisses us fiercely and jumps backwards off the Spire.


Chuckling in excitement we dart forward to lean over the railing and watch as she begins her first attempt. But… Her wings expand out and clip the side of the Spire sending her spinning down in a pained panic as she tries to right herself.


But luckily Krahe already was below and about. So quick to launch herself up to swipe-gather Xafra in her arms about a dozen feet from the ground. Cradling her Pack Lead close as she zips down the wall the Spire and to the grounds below, then into the entrance. Already is topping the steps to these uppermost levels as we turn. Slowing only as she gets to us. 


"You... really weren't watching Schatzi very closely, were you?" We sigh, but with nothing but soft amused tittering of our tendrils, as Krahe settles Xafra to her own feet. "Did they get hurt too badly to try again?"


"Hssss. Oh Mistresses, it hurts a lot. I think I messed up my wing..." Xafra complains.


"Well, That would be a spot of bother. But..." We murmur while adjusting her to turn and let us see the wing. "Share that pain and let us reweave it into something more bearable but no less distracting while we have Adaline see to this with us."


We brace ourselves and prepare for such a wave of sensation but…


The pain is... Miniscule. Truthfully. Nothing more serious than a sprain. Which makes us hesitate in motions and considerations and...


This is just like the pleasure. And how much it quickly overwhelmed. She never felt pain in the way we did. Even... even with our surgery. It was all fractured and filtered and sifted.


Impressive to be sure, but... not perfect. This is her first real encounter with fully woven flesh and bone and everything between that manages both.


We ensure none of our surprise comes across as anything but things of considerations of the odd way her wing's sensations differ from other limbs as we draw it up and reknit the pain into something more pleasurable. Making sure to twist the gerl round again so we can hold her through Adaline's work. Now worried about another set of problems.


How much will she struggle with her other forms? In... in how much they'll rob her of the sensations? We'll always want her to stride about in shapes best suited to her desires but...


Thank the Cracked and Riven Moon Adaline, the Resheathing Ritual, and Jezrial are here to help her adjust and manage them. Because the more we consider this shape the more we worry about how vulnerable it is. How... how it might be a form she could be slain in. How much she'll need to have comfortable alternatives.


As Adaline checks her over and carefully braces her wing in place, Xafra begins quietly moaning and panting. "Oh oh ohhhhhhhh. That might be too much."


Schatzi lands beside us and helps hold Xafra still with gentle words and strong hands.


We adjust and alter the balance of pain and pleasure throughout Adaline's quick and deft work. Trying to keep Xafra from both misery and over-stimulation. Eventually murmuring near the end of the work. "Not sure if we have anything for the pain on the grounds... other than some healing tomes we could consider."


"It should be okay. I just need to adjust to it. It feels... So much more real than pain did previously. I didn't really notice when I was doing communion with Dämmerung because it was a sharp pain but it's like all my nerves are extra sensitive now."


"That makes sense. But... honestly from what you've shared along the bond it all seems quite normal. If we had to place a guess it's probably that you're able to absorb the entire range of sensations, whereas before it was either sifted away due to Garrotes or your creations being made to mimic only certain aspects." We lean back to eye her up and down. "Not the full range of a mundane body's nonsense like this one enjoys."


The only response is soft grumbles and a blush as Adaline finishes before there is a spear in front of us once more. [Overstimulated. Quiet time for me for a while, Mistresses.]


::Rest/Calm/Silence:: Is our Canted reply while such a grin takes our lips. Easily pulling our Xafra's spearform to close to cradle it. Ensuring no parts touch the ground as is her preference.


Schatzi smiles brilliantly at us and bumps her horns against our shoulder. "It's a good day Mistresses!"


"Isn't it?" We pull her close while scooting and shifting to lean back to the nearest wall, then release a sigh as our eyes drift shut. Letting the gentle thrum of her horns and the Pack's wider song roll through us. "Cracked and Riven nonsense we... we did it. She's free. And it all went off without more than a few cuts and strained wing."


Such a weight seems to shift from our shoulders at those spoken words. Then... It's like something that was holding us up is gone and the weight of the day pulls part of us to droop into near immediate unconsciousness.


"Thank you." We barely whisper together as Division looms. "We... This is not something we think could have been done alone. Not without it costing us so much more than we might have been willing to pay."


"That's how teamwork functions, dear Wife. We lift together to carry burdens and accomplish things we could not safely do alone." Adaline chimes in.


Can't help but rumble a soft acknowledgement of that as gentle Division pulls us apart. 


"Not a thing I'd thought to be comfortable with. And... to be honest it's still a thing that grates against my everything." Lynette chuckles as she settles into parts of herself where I cannot see or hear or feel. Fingers moving to dance through Schatzi’s hair.  "Today could have ruined everything. If I thought for a second I could gain forgiveness I'd have instead... But no. Together was better. The calculations were sound. And... I couldn't let the Cunt be right about me. Not when it mattered."


"Do you want to talk about it? Your desires? It can help to be open about the things you choose not to do."


"It would, I suspect. But..." Lynette considers that for a long few heartbeats, then opens a single eye to look at Adaline. "That's actually a thought. Adaline. May I ask you a personal and possibly destressing question? Something I mean no malice or callousness in, but... need to test?"


"Yes." She answers without hesitation.


"What were the first words Elevar spoke to you, and where were they given?" She asks.


I... think back. Not worried about her being altered by my memories she's not supposed to have. Curious for all of a single heartbeat what she's trying to understand...


But it's obvious.


She can't consider my memoires about those days. But... Can she consider another's specific words on the events? It would seem an easy weakness to exploit if not. A flaw in the Estate's weaving.


She thinks for a long moment before reciting in a voice nearly identical to ours at a younger age "Oh. I didn't know that Mistress Yselda accepted boys.... I'm so sorry, that was foolish of me. I should have realized."


I wince a little at the memory. Know Adaline long since forgave me for that but...


Lynette is cackling. 


"Cracked and Riven Moon. Elevar, you petty stupid cunt. You thought Adaline was here to replace you." She chortles while starting to run our fingers across Schatzi's horns. "And... nothing cut away. I should have thought of this back when I asked you and our Doll about the needle. But it was vague enough that I didn't think it would be the same. And then the journals didn't stick but that was because... Of... other reasons."


She hitches, but only for a moment, then continues. "But this side steps that. Easily. Thank you Adaline. This opens up so many delicious opportunities."


Adaline smiles and her Quills hum a hunting tune. "It is good to find the range one can move."


"Quite. I should... consider this. Need to ask the right questions." Lynette murmurs, tip-tapping Xafra's hilt and Schatzi's horns in thought. "The Old Cunt hid much from you, so there will be a lot I can't find. But also things Elevar didn't see. Your private talks with her and the Matron of Dollcraft. Would you be willing to answer more after I've had time to collect myself?"


"Yes. It would be my honor to assist you in this."


"Perfect. Thank you. I'm... going to let the flesh rest a bit." The other part of me leans our head back against the wall. From her I feel nothing but as I drift off I can't help but feel our face twist into an expression of such... anxious worry, just before she lets our eyes close once again.





Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


You can come chat about this story oooooooon Discord!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 



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