A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 79: Ekkenosis and Ergi (Our Xafra)

Ekkenosis and Ergi (Our Xafra)

Content Warnings:



The venom burrows into my Frame, past the layers of synthesized skin and meat and iron older than the modern reckoning. A shipworm through time, seeking out and gnawing on the garrote that binds me like a caravel to a foreign harbor. The Quills hit like the song of thunder, distorting what is into what could be, a window of possibility. I look across those gathered, the Pack in stalking stride encircling us like the dancers of Kizzura's clan, their forms bleeding light and warmth. My Mistresses before me, tendrils softly chiming shadows and darkness in soothing contrast as I am unmade. And Augusta, unaffected by the changes to my vision and perception, writing rapidly in her book, the ink shifting to invisible lignum bumps on the pages as she writes from my perspective. 


At this moment I hate her more than any other and can feel that she accepts such scorn without question.


I find myself standing, not having stood, my form flowing upwards into an approximation of itself.


"What am I?" I ask, already gathering the countless answers yet needing to know what they will say.


"Our Xafra. A wonderful Person and our Bonded Partner. For as long as you want to be." My Mistresses respond immediately, but as one also focusing on a difficult task elsewhere. "But also... More. Of course. Adaline tumbled into the term Dreamborne and we think that's a good start until you find something better. Not an amalgam of the gerls in your Driftdream, but the one who saved them. Wove that gaggle a space to be safe and begin healing after others sought to use them. As for your origins before then... you'll have to ask older sorts for the most clarity on that. But know that we'll be delighted to discover these new and hidden Truths by your side."


Verbess thrums wordless answers into our Quill-Song. Melodies that only one who has felt its deepest Functions can understand. Things of slow end to Frame and self not just postponed but... reinvigorated. Not just life continued but existence enriched. Dreams it never wanted to have now the most important prey to this old huntress to pursue with me. 


Krahe intones fierce admirations to me, her Pack Lead. One who was ready to hunt her to a dream's end to ensure she was adopted into the Pack. A gerl she is not just glad to follow, but ravenously dedicated to being a good Pack Sister to. Who felt the hidden parts with nothing but awe and excitement to feel me perceive.


I embrace these Truths and let them envelope me as my form trembles. Older Truths emerge, those hidden by the Garrote that my Mistresses devour and replace with bits of their own soulstuff, Tuned to match my own under all the many souls tethered to and through me.


"Yes. Yes. Yes. But we are... Missing some. I have heard their words but forgotten the sounds."


I feel my body, the vast emptiness within my chest. I look up and I see the stars that had been hidden from my sight, each the core of a Reality unto themselves, a Truth too large to accept for such a small vessel as mine. I am... Real and Unreal. Dream and Dirt and Whispers and Moonshite and Nightmares and Flesh.


"Slow down, Dear one..." My Mistresses murmur softly from within and without. "No thrashing about like some Grakler caught in a web. We have a pace, match it. Mind the tangled bits or you'll tear something important. This Garrote is kept smothered by our Pack but is still old and messy and... honestly brittle. But those fragile strands hold parts of you together. So no ripping them up."


Then it's like... in those first days of figuring out how to make myself a body. Jezrial curled about my small first forms and cupping her hands gently around and beneath mine. Guiding me through the delicate motions of everything. From Curanos work to cooking to... holding a book I wanted to read. 


But now there are all these threads and I'm unraveling them with my Mistresses and... and eventually Adaline too. Warden hovering close but only offering assessments while Verbess and Schatzi manage the melody that keeps the threads from turning back into sneks.


Because the threads are coiled about me, also coming from deep within, and after pulling them out we have to make them new before tying them back inside me.


"One thread at a time." Elevar assures gently through it all.


"I need to..." I cannot find the words to express while my ontology expands inwards and through and I nearly scream in frustration before Augusta speaks up with the missing words.


"Xafra is going to be bringing more individuals to help. The present perspectives are insufficient to fully sever the Garrote." This woman I now recognize as kindred in a different way announces.


"Oh? Someone from back on the grounds or..." Lynette asks.


I dig my nails into my abdomen and pull outwards, tearing not only flesh but distance as well, revealing my first Doll through a goreformed passage.


"Primrose dear, your mistress needs you. I would suggest you hurry on through." Augusta speaks swiftly.


"I... um...." The girl stammers, but without any more hesitation tumbles forward through threads and gore and mess to flop down onto the grass between us. Looking about in a rush of dedicated focused confusion before her eyes settle on me.


She stills as the passage closes, then rises.


"Mistress. You need this one." She asks steadily despite all the nonsense, Frame standing happily at attention.


I nod wordlessly, still caught in the storm of my thoughts and the reweaving. I feel Reality around me and push my fingers through the surface as easily as I did my flesh to withdraw Jezrial and Kizurra from the Driftdream. One who wishes to serve, One who wishes to teach, and One who wishes to cease. The missing perspectives.


Jezrial takes in the scene the quickest, repressing what I know would have been words of frustrated reproach for doing this without her at the start, but turns her still stone wrapped form away from all others to face mine. "What do you need from me?”


"What am I?" I ask the question again, the resonance carving new shapes into being.


"Ooooh." Primrose's steady worry breaks into a much more familiar grin bubbling with joy as memories play through her mind's eye. "The best Mistress. You find all the colorful bits inside and help those you love pull them out. Makes sure those you claim never feel anything but loved and safe and enjoyed. And... and... this one knows it's because you know what it's like to not have others help you do that. Were hurt so much in the before now times. The old Mistress was hurt too but... she was kinda your opposite. Made us feel worthless and broken and used. That's why you're best Mistress. You turn your pain into softer things for this one and others."


My first Doll nods, then settles in the grass by her Mistress' feet. Even wraps careful arms around a leg in support and love.


"I..." Jezrial looks down. Stone body so very still as the Curanos' fists clenches so tight I think they might break. "A Goddess’ child I taught and raised and loved as... as my daughter. The one who even with lies and horrid memories trying to smother her rose above it all. Devoured every word and lesson I could ever hope to teach, and more still. The girl who's always deserved more. Especially from me."


She goes quiet then, settling to sit cross legged on the grass. Then stills to seem as a statue once again.


Kizzura grunts in annoyance as the wind carries her muffled words from a wispy translucent body. "An annoyance. Bloody woman too big for her britches who slaughtered whole clans of my people on behalf of my idiot son simply because they were in the way of your vengeance. You've changed since meeting this lot. Made wiser choices with less arrogance. Don't get stupid again, girl.”


These Truths as well, I wrap tightly around myself with gratitude and love. The Garrote is undermined further and I feel my reach expanding farther with my growing understanding.


I ask, for the third and final time, those who have been there all along, whose presence should terrify me and strike me dead with the weight of their regard. 


"What am I?" I whisper to the Dirt, the Suns, and the remnants of the Moon.


The answer I dread, doesn't come the way I expect. No loud voice, or strike of thunder from clear air, meteors falling or earth shaking. Instead, for a long moment, there is such absolute silence in a way I cannot understand... Until they resume speaking once more and I can almost understand the murmured thoughts that they have been speaking my entire existence.


"Xafra...?" Lynette asks carefully after about a dozen heartbeats. She can't even begin to hide the fear and worry and bubbling defensiveness rises. Isn't capable of pausing her work, but does slow as she focuses on everything coming down the bond from me. "Did... Did they respond?”


"Yes." I answer with utter delight, finally understanding that I was not abandoned, that I've never been as alone as I felt.


She regards me for a little while longer, then nods and continues the work on the Garrote. Slowly unweaving and untangling before letting me reknit the raw Ousia they're gifting into new Truths.


As the work nears completion I lower myself back to the ground, gently petting Primrose as my form flows once more before settling into a new yet comfortable body.


I see myself from Augusta eyes and perspective, a gift to a newly ascended Daemon my instincts tell me as she smiles and pulls away the blindfold.


A body that at first seems a humanoid Doll Frame with how it seems to shine a bit, but subtle rhythms of breath and heartbeat makes it not. Those Lunargent filigree from her Spearform now trail across her body like ever moving tattoos that twist into languages no one can read but her and I. Skin is so soft looking and smooth and pretty but... broken at immediate notice at side of neck and hip and wrist. As if she was all made of glass and parts have either frayed into sharded edges. Revealing totally hollow insides with no place for the heart or organs or flesh.


Instead there is a little sparking flame at her core. The Breath of Dämmerung seemingly miniscule against the space within she could choose to fill with things.


Her eyes are as they are always and should be. Ruby red iris but not quite the ones from before. Seeming to almost dance between the edges of the hues that color can be. Dimming or glimmering up to near Scarlet depending on her mood/desires.  


Her hair though... To the average unobservant sort it would seem a tangled silver mess. Always in the wind even when resting. But to those close and watching or seeing her get excited in this form, the ends glow and shift to a vibrant red.


The largest crack in her form is at the back of her skull. And from it pours this gorgeous mane of hair that glimmers with little subtle reflections of what others don't know to be Watchers.


As for the wings that I can feel her shudder in delight, the filigree twines together to twist across shoulder blades into glasslike feathered shapes. When folded, they can lay flat against skin and not obstruct clothing, but can expand out to encompass an absurd wingspan.


The blindfold is replaced and I snap back to my own perspective, dizzy with joy, and freedom, and power.


"I think... It's done?" I ask and suggest with hesitation.


"Just... one more little..." Elevar murmurs, then snaps back from her weaving. The tendrils of Physis brimming with Ousia tied off and cut away like thread about a stitched-up wound. Pieces are already being pulled into my core and subsumed. Then they blink multiple times as eyes adjust back to their triple iris set. Trailing up and down my new form while a grin grows to match the bubbling mess of delighted excitement at the me they see. "From this new form and absolute lack of Garrote flavored mess within you...I'd say we are, yes. How are you feeling?”


"I feel... Complete. Whole. Free." Looking around I see Kizzura quietly dissipating away with a slight shrug and I wave goodbye to her for the last time. "Blessed be, my guardian.”


Primrose remains close but pulls back as Elevar carefully moves closer to sit before me, such a smile on her lips. "Good. I... Cracked and Riven Moon is that good to hear. You seem light as a feather within that gorgeous form." 


I carefully hug Elevar, uncertain of my strength and whisper "Give me a moment please, my Mistresses”


"I can offer more than one, take all the time that you need." She replies while returning the embrace, then rises and steps away to give me space with….


I turn and float over her, carefully raising this stone shaped family of mine to rise. "Mother... Thank you. I understand your worries now, and can put them at ease. None except my elders are strong enough to chain me again.”


Jezrial purses her lips at the title, adjusting to the word as she finally grips my hand back while replying. "I doubt anything would ease my worries for you. Less now that you know it all and can be whatever you want to be. But I'm proud. At least know that more than any other thing I've ever tried to teach you if it's not too late to say. Our Dead Merciful Moon knows I didn't tell you that enough before.”


"I know. But I should inform you that Uncle Girra would be quite annoyed if anything happened to either of them. I can't quite understand him yet but he has... remitted them to my custody. Trust me, and let's work together. Please.


My mother sighs and looks around us. Seeming to calm a bit at the sight of this place more like the world from before. "You don't seem to have been rechained by the... by her. And that was my main fear. But... Check on Sikkina and make sure she's not in danger from things you couldn't see before. You may trust Lynette, but you know the Estate has a say in her actions. Push her to share more. Especially after today. She can honestly love you and still be forced to hurt you all regardless. Do those things, and I'll promise not to strike out. Will help in any way I can. Those are my…” She hesitates, then softens her words even more to murmur. “my requests.”


"Yes, Mother. Those are more than reasonable. and... I'm sorry. For what I was going to do to you.”


"I forgive you." Is her immediate reply while stepping closer, hesitating to embrace me. "That... I could have handled that better. Should have. And when I first woke up again too. I was nothing but furious and confused and not acting like you needed me to.”


"Would you like... a home out here? I know you well enough to know you probably wouldn't truly be comfortable in the Estate, though that would work as well. But like... We could clear out and rehabilitate this place a bit. You could have a good measure of freedom while we work things out and I prepare for war.”


She shrugs. "Maybe... eventually. But I'd rather stick close for now. If a Doll Frame is still on offer I can make myself useful even.”


"I um. Mother..." I reach out and touch her stone form. "If that is truly what you desire, I will be happy to accommodate, but it doesn't seem necessary at the moment. You should gain more physical sensation soon and we can have time to... do this right. Give you a body that can be comfortable.”


"I'll trust you to pick something suitable." She agrees with a sigh of relief more at my touch than words, reaching up to fold her hand over mine. "But, you've already saved me. Never forget that. I can wait as long as needed. Tend to yourself first.”


"Okay." Pulling her along with me, I walk on my new legs back to Primrose and lift her too from the ground. "Primrose darling, Thank you so much for your assistance. It was more essential than I realized.”


"Very welcome Best Mistress!" She grins and seems to bounce from one foot to the other while staring at my form. "Wow. You made a really shape pretty. This one is... wow. Hi. This one doesn't know where we are or why is what, but is glad to be helpful!”


"We're outside the grounds, Xafra decided to break more than a few Principles of Spellweaving to pull you here." Elevar chuckles at my stunned pause before Lynette rises up to add. "And we should get back. My little one and Augusta apparently have a bit of sky watching to do soon and I'll not see it delayed without cause.”


I lean forward to kiss Primrose and twirl her around thrice as a good girl like her deserves. "The Mistresses are right. Let us return. Augusta, We will have to talk soon.”


My Doll sputters out, happily a mess under my wordless praise and melting at my touch.




My Mistresses lead us back to the pit and through the tunnels, with Primrose splitting off to hurry back to Nettle at the passage up to my Spire and Jezrial told to wait for us in my Mistress’. From there they lead us until we stand outside Sikkina's Sanctuary.


"So. We've a promise to show was kept." My Mistress murmurs before Lynette looks back to settle her eyes on Augusta. "Thank you for your assistance today. If you wouldn't mind waiting here to begin your night with my little one when she comes along?”


"Of course. I have years before my first conversation with Sikkina." Augusta mentioned with a disarming smile.


Lynette pauses, then narrows eyes at her while purring. "Careful now. Flaunt more deliciously interesting skills like that and I'll give you more work to do.”


"For that you'd have to talk to Calix. I've never been anything close to an Oracle. I simply keep track of what I'm told.”


"They were all blinded for a reason. It's not something to meddle too deeply in." I find myself murmuring the old knowledge that flows forth unrestricted.


My Mistress quirks an eyebrow in interest but says no more before taking up my hand and pulling me forward while instructing out Pack to follow with a simple Cant of ::Attend:: to them.


Only once we reach a wall of thorns do they speak again. "Did... did the memories of your past Communions return? Or will this be a first memory of a true exchange of words with Dämmerung?”


"It is like... Memories passed down. I know things I've never experienced but the memories I am missing have not returned.”


"We'd hoped you'd get things back." They sigh. However, then they turn to smile gently at me while the root wall recedes. "But let's make the best of it. Get you some new first memories. We'll not spoil anything other than they really seem to like you. And hopefully in a way that doesn't cause problems.”


"I'm... worried truthfully, but hopeful. I can hear them a bit even now, though I can't understand the language.”


"Really? Mayhaps we can search the Threads or Grove Archives to see if any older sorts understand parts?" They murmur quietly while leading me forward. "Can you catch some words and let us see if we recognize them?”


"I can try, but I think... it would be best to get permission. Make sure I'm not accidentally trespassing." I caution.


"That's not a bad plan, good thinking." They reply, but then we've reached the end of the passage to find Lynette's Doll already perking up.


"Mistress!" She yawns and rises. Then slithers over with darting speed to hug them. "Is tonight still the story night with Augusta?"


"It is." Lynette hugs her back so tight, sighing happily and exuding a mess that helps calm a bubbling anxiety. "She's just outside Sikkina's Chamber. Waiting and ready to head up with you."


The Doll wiggles happily free of her Mistress' embrace and darts off after bumping playfully into the other Pack sisters and drawing out a couple pokes and murmured soft growls from Krahe.


Then we're alone in the quiet chamber. A place empty of Nomos and so still.


My Mistresses takes up my hand and pulls me to kneel. "Alright dear one. Whenever you are ready.”


I follow their lead and kneel down, taking a deep breath that... Fills my lungs and quiets the pressure that was building in my head "Mistresses.... I think I need to breathe in this form?”


They regard me for a moment, then let out a huffing chuckle. "That's probably a good thing to keep track of and get used to. Cracked and Riven Moon. You're... we knew you'd be more than a touch fragile afterwards. But... probably not in the ways we expected.”


"It'll be fine, I shouldn't have any issues healing any damages up afterwards like I have for you." I reassure them before using my teeth to gash open my right arm to obtain the blood for communion.


"Dämmerung, Cradle of Twilight, My second home and birthplace of my Joy, I entreat you to speak with me here in your shallows." planting both of my hands on the passage floor for the blood to flow into the ground, I speak to the Divine.


As we kneel, the wall of the passageway ahead crumbles around the form of a Chitin-Eater who strides towards us. I instinctively try to leap to my feet but, drained of Physis by the ritual, I can do nothing but shout a warning to my Mistresses and Pack. "Watch out!”


"Rude Child. Passing judgment on appearance.'' The voice causes my body to ache in ways I didn't know I could hurt as pressure fills the passage and holds my companions back.


"Aaaaah. It seems our blade has forgotten her manners. So let us offer ours." My Mistresses call into the surprised pause with a chuckle. "We welcome you into this place, and offer only words as long as you agree to the same.”


"Welcome Back, Strife Wielder and Nameless One. You have freed Our Blade" the Chitin-Eater responds and I look at my Mistresses in confusion.


There is a tangled mess of flaring fur and pain from within them, but it’s quickly cut off as they reply with a tilt of their head. "Of course. And... Are we to assume you are Dämmerung or simply a chosen Envoy to this Godling below?" 


The... Divine? Nods its thorax in a slight bow "Manifestation. Tzzchek. My created species. Godling... Diminutive term. Dirt Godthing was... less insulting.”


I finally clamber to one knee and offer a proper bow as I hiss quietly at my Mistresses "I told you blasphemy was a bad Idea.”


"Words are wind and less important than actions, dear one. And we have just fulfilled our end of a promise." Lynette eyes me with a smirk before they fully regard the Divine with a more even tone. "We will refrain from unintentionally offering insult. It truly is a wonderful night for a chat. You and our Xafra have quite the catching up to do, and we'd hate to delay that.”


Dämmerung chitters, a deep and resonant yet familiar sound, and I realize that they're laughing. I'm on my knee, panicked and they're laughing. Rude old bastard. With sheer irritation, I lift myself to my feet using the same innate ability that Augusta displayed and hover just above the floor. "If you're not here to smite me, can you lay off the pressure? It's rather impolite.”


More chittering and the pressure relents. "Little goddess of strife, you are awake and dreaming yet tethered to nothingness. Not Fae, nor Demon, nor Nightmare, but something with potential for much more. Firstborn of Sín, you are welcome here. It is... Good to know you hear me.”


My Mistress strides forward to stand beside me while laying a hand on my shoulder. "That's a lot of words and truths that we've only learned from the Estate and one other yet roaming, and to a gerl who's traveled a world very different from this... few of them will click into place for her. Perhaps gift our Xafra some explanations on some basic truths? Cracked and Riven Moon knows we'd adore to hear your perspectives on the state of things.”


"Yeah. Th-that." I stammer out, mind reeling with comprehension as the terms sink into me.


"Ask them. Girra still cries maddened tears, Sín is absent yet remains, and I watch and wait for my worshipers to find me once more.”


"So.... Sín is the Moon, and you are Her firstborn." My Mistresses murmur gently to me. "Dämmerung is the one before us, and that leaves Girra as the suns above. We learned from Augusta that labels and Names matter, grant power but also define limits quite fiercely for beings such as yourselves. That's why you immediately felt a draw to ask those whose views you regarded highly to gift you definement. The Basal Garrote forced a label and purpose upon you without choice. Breaking it was akin to when you removed my bones. My foundations. Needed, but dangerous if nothing takes their place. You could also change yourself more but... should be careful. Just as we would if your gifted bones needed adjustments.”


"Okay. That makes sense, I think. So then you too, are limited, Dämmerung?" I ask, needing to know why this unimaginably powerful being had let so many terrible things happen.


"Yes. The Void Maid above can tell you more. I have been holding stable my counterpart's remains. Crafted the Tzzchek to cleanse the water. Limited in... interaction. To change would be—" The Godthing says something but instead of words it comes across as a vision screaming into my mind, the surface of Dämmerung crumbling, gravity failing, the air that envelops Dämmerung being sucked into massive lungs as everything dies and the eyes of Girra close.


My Mistress's arms support me as the sensations pass. Elevar carefully murmuring soft words before glancing to Dämmerung. "Holding up the entire Cracked and Riven Moon. This... entire time? No wonder I've not heard even a whisper of your existence anywhere but here. You've been incredibly preoccupied with trying to restabilize things."


I can feel that Verbess has cracked free of their Frame and is keeping Quills on the brink of a song of <Negation> But... it holds them back as the visions fade. Works with Warden to lay melodies through the Pack's songs.


Seeing that I'm wavering somewhat, even with my Mistresses support, Adaline snaps at Dämmerung with an audacity that stuns me, "Hey! Divine Shitlord! Use smaller words, that could have hurt her!”


A pause of dead silence passes before more chittering. "The Void Maid was wise in choosing you, Lost One. Likewise, Our Blade." Dämmerung twitches their antennae in the equivalent of a shrug and turns to stride back into the wall.


My Mistress' twitch like they mean to say more, but remain still as the Divine leaves. Looking over to grin at me as the manifestation is fully gone. "Well wasn't that an odd first meeting. But... Our best yet, besides our talk with the Sun-Blessed mayhaps. Probably the most peaceful one we'll see in a while.”


"Yes. Let's... Go." I suggest with a tremor as I notice my arm still bleeding. I pulse Ousia and Physis in a healing weave through it and... Nothing happens


"I'm going to need to have this wound cleaned and bandaged apparently…” I whisper.


Their brow furrows in surprise as they carefully take up my limb and look it over. "Is this just... not a problem we expected to deal with today."


Without pausing they carefully crack out and weave a Physistendril  about the wound to apply pressure, then adjust to slip an arm beneath my knees while another curls about shoulders. Lift me in a swift motion before turning to begin our exit. Carrying me like they did the night of their Resheathing.


"Schatzi, run ahead to make sure the old Curanos kits are prepared and waiting for us." They instruct.


Adaline twitches Quills and shakes her head while reaching into one of the packs she brought along today. "No need, I have one with me. Used to study mundane medicine, remember?”


My Mistresses let out an obvious sigh of relief. "Truly? That was something we just... didn't expect to need today. At least not for this one. Our walk is quite a bit shorter then. Xafra can have her wounds tended to while basking in Sikkina's chamber. No need to sit in the dirt and risk infections.”


"Well, my wife and my Mistresses are all fools who tend to leave your body covered in wounds, so I've made it a habit just in case." Adaline responds swiftly while moving towards Sikkina's chamber with us.


"I expected to have something witty to say, but I'm honestly pretty scared. What if... I keep bleeding when I change forms. Or like. What if this one dies? It's living and has the inside bits and stuff. Oh heck, oh no, I don't think I'm responsible enough to have a living body!" I begin to panic.


"Shhh... shh... It seems your desire for personhood has... perhaps, led you to weave a body with some of the messier aspects you associate with it." My Mistresses murmur gently while pulling me closer, slowing only as we pass from the tunnel into my daughter's Sanctuary. "You'll be okay. This wound is a paltry thing, looks worse than it is. We can already feel your body attempting to clog the wound. Trust yourself, our Näherin. Your skills are without compare.”


"But I'm gonna have to eat and sleep and like... What about breathing when I'm a spear? Does it pause or do I hold my breath, or um..." I wiggle and try to look over the form I crafted instinctively, searching for issues I hadn't yet thought of and accidentally whap Schatzi with the tail I didn't realize I have. "A TAIL? WOW.”


"You'll have to get used to one that doesn't always simply obey direct thoughts but instead loves to betray your deeper mind. And honestly, dear one..." They chuckle as we reach the center, kneeling to have me curled in the lap while moving my arm to be presented to Adaline and Schatzi. "We think the little aspects like that are things you wished to experience, but have always understood that each form comes with their own... interesting facets. I doubt you'll find your spearform needing to breathe or feed on anything but Ousia or Physis. Or your Doll Frame suddenly bursting with irreplaceable life's blood.”


I stop, suddenly fixated. "But what if i want my Doll form to bleed so Verbess can have more fun?”


At that the Pack's song tilts in sudden and very acute interest at that.


Verbess, previously happily tending to the foundations of the Quill-Song in lazy watchfulness, now alert and focused.


My voracious Sister needs to take a half of our Mistress' heartbeat to avoid adjusting the melody it conducts from dipping back into an overbearing desire for more of the activities from last night. But... instead allowing its thrumming amusement and curiosity mingle steadily through the song as it settles instead.


[These ones will gladly enjoy sharing that melody with you.] It cackles. 


"Then you'll weave such possibilities into that form." My Mistresses reply while restraining their own bubbling laughter, needing to hold my limb steady. "As always, but with more options. No more limits aside from the reach of your own skills and knowledge.”


"Oh. Yeah okay, that makes sense... They called me a goddess, my Mistresses.”


"Mhm. That they did." Are the soft words they offer at first while nothing but thoughtful muses dribbling down the bond. "We told you these Truths behind the Garrote were not terrible things. And now you know them to be more... akin to a Matriarch passing their estate to a child. Your inheritance, long hidden away from your reach or knowledge. Not a war crime. Not an accidental amalgam of the gerls you saved. Not a mistake. But... a twice-fold cherished daughter. Only just now able to decide what that word will mean to you.”


"I think... That means that Gebetshure was right and I need like... A temple or something maybe. And to talk to Augusta more. I... Understood the terms Dämmerung used. The knowledge came to me immediately." While I start rambling away, Adaline and Schatzi carefully clean out the jagged wound I made with my teeth and stitch it closed before wrapping it loosely with gauze and bandages.


"I think that's a good place to start. Take everything one step at a time, don't rush anything or feel rushed to make big decisions yet." Elevar agrees, pulling my arm from the two Pack Sister's before me and lays it gently on the wood floor. 


Then Lynette rises to murmur. "She knew today was important, of course. Has been wiggling about like mad to feel her Brewing Mother close and well. Would worry more if..."


But she trails off, and simply adjusts to lay her hand over mine.


I smile back at her, calm and reassured in her presence. "We're going to have to teach Sikkina how to sing better apparently. Thankfully, we have an entire Pack here to help." I lay myself down beside the cradle where she yet grows and I whisper a promise to her. "You, my child, will have a childhood that is full of adventure and opportunity, with room to grow and flourish, where you can always be assured that when you need us we will be there to catch you when you fall." 


No matter what it costs us.




Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


You can come chat about this story oooooooon Discord!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 



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