A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 81: Jade Slippers and Kyanite Whispers (Doll)

Jade Slippers and Kyanite Whispers (Doll)

Content Warnings:



After carrying the Mistresses and Xafra off to bed, this one and the rest of the Pack head back down the tunnels to the store room to grab materials for Warden. "So, black Nephrite, Tagua, and Pewter. That's all the materials we need, right?”


"Yes, sister Adaline. Warden thinks it sounds ideal." It answers while we start opening the casks of treasure to find them.


Krahe prowls over to one of the odder shaped ones with Verbess focusing on her curiously tittering Quill-Song. Pokes the thing with tails and lets them slither about it. Begins to tighten and tug and growl little things as her Frame cracks larger and talons click out. Scratching and clawing and even trying to sink teeth into the grooves to no avail.


<Told you Sister... without Ousia these odd things are beyond us. These ones tried long before even Xafra was found.> Verbess cackles through the song.


Krahe continues to struggle at it. Growling Quills thrumming in even louder focus. "Just didn't try hard enough, little bird. Gotta search for the weak point. Like those odd fish that liked to wear stones and paddle about."


Verbess is about to protest again, but pauses. <Warden, do you sense any configurations of Krahe's motions that might crack this without the debt of Ousia?>


"Warden is reluctant to imply that such a thing is beyond Sister Krahe. But would instead point to the likely displeasure success would cause the Mistresses." It responds with deft logic.


With a giggle, this one subtly channels some of Xafra's Ousia into the Cradle Krahe is attempting to pry open.


With a snap-crack the thing starts to bloom like some weird flower. Sending Krahe into a stumble but... Quill-Song shifts to a thing of victory as she adjusts to grin across the room as Warden. "See? Just like those weird–"


But in a flash of motion from the cask at least two dozen... things, leap from the cradle and scatter. Each about the size of a finger and shimmering in vibrant hues in the dim cavern.


Krahe acts quickly, tails darting out to snatch up as many as she can carry, but leaving at least 6 more to try and escape.


This one pulls hard on Xafra's Physis to seal the chamber and calls out to Verbess "Stun them with your Quills if you can, I'll hold the door and Krahe can finish them off.”


Verbess cracks forth, Quills jerk and snap out a pulse of <DISRUPTION> within half a heartbeat of my words.


The bugs totter and tumble but... mostly like if the wind hit them. Odd chitin seems to cause the Quill-Stun to wash over them.


Krahe sets loose her own pulses of <DISRUPTION> and leaps after them like a snek from the treetops.


Gross. Terrible. Just absolutely disgusting. This one pulses <STILLNESS> in revulsion and contrast to her sisters disrupting pulses to try and cause these awful things to drop where they can be... Contained? 


<Goal?> I request with a rapid thrum.


The little things jerk and twitch and seize up even more at our combined Quill-Songs. Giving Verbess the chance to sweep in to snatch up the remaining escapees that were about to slip free of Krahe's hunt.


<Reclamation... Complete. Assessment... ongoing. Harvest... required.> Verbess thrums while rising, each arm’s long talons pinning the twitching bug between sharp tips.


"Jittery little things..." Krahe hums while dropping to sit and look between the ones gripped in her tails and two in her own talons. "And... not any gooey bits from what this one can feel. All hard shells and such. Even inside."


One of the horrid things in Verbess' grip seems to open up a big mouth on the underside of itself. Trying to gnash and gnaw at the big Pack Sister.


This one stabs out with a claw at the wretched thing, carving it in two. "No one gets to bite the Pack without permission!" screams from my lips.


Verbess adjusts its hold as it continues to wiggle and squirm about in it's grip. Quills twitching and twittering melodies of focus and curiosity at the odd bug that did not cease to Function after my fatal blow. Most of its focus is on its assessment but...


Eye's flicker to this one's.


Quills dance out a soft melody of approval at this one's fury but also... brushing questions. Mostly as to the reason such small and fragile things unnerve me but without anything like the condescension another might have. A request to hear me speak or sing to the feelings at the roots of that while it bisects the prey we've already captured.


This one nods and sits in its lap, Verbess carefully carving apart the things while this one's words are shared. "In the villages like where I grew up, we had different flora and fauna compared to what is more typical down near the Groves. Don't know if many of the Groveborn even realize it, that the selective breeding of plants around the Groves have such a major impact. We didn't get attacked by Sun-Blessed much, one of the benefits of being higher in elevation, the slopes themselves seem to discourage them. The bugs though... Gadflies were prevalent, likely still are, because of how important standing water is when you can't just... dig down into the aquifer. There's methods for keeping them away of course, but typically it's simply expected that everyone learns the basic Physis shield that blocks them.”


It thrums understanding as it lays the broken bugs out between us. Performing its own <assessments> while Warden does it’s. Cataloging the internal pieces and trying to chart out a schema to fully grasp the Functions and pieces as they become less and less like gross bugs and more akin to... to little Dolls?


Verbess' Quills click and twitch in preparation for this one's next words. Almost like it expects them before they roll through lips and Quills. Not thought reading but... like how some older sorts would speak to feeling the first Summer Storms approach as their bones ached. Or smelling the sweet stench of the ocean's tides before they might roll in.


This one continues carefully, "As a child I was precocious... Prone to wandering off. I thought I was self-reliant enough to manage foraging trips on my own. Was for the first few. But... I fell in one of the lakes during spawning season. Ran out of Physis and passed out halfway back to the village. It. Um… Went bad.”


Verbess' pauses, words and feelings toward the memories bringing the melody this one is sharing to twitch its Quills in harmonic understanding. Almost... No, not almost. It is wrapping itself about all of this. The tune and emotions chiming off this Frame's Quills, the words shared aloud, and even the posture this one has settled into.


If this one wants to stop here, it will agree and consider it Good Function. Same for if we continue to share this song.


"I don't like insects. Part of the reason I'm so fond of spiders, honestly. They are efficient at treating such things as prey." This one chitters firmly.


Verbess clicks and thrums in approval to this one's words. "As are you, but to a much wider grove of foes." Then cracks and folds itself away, letting Schatzi resume her shape and management of the Frame.


Warden finishes its cataloging as this one speaks and as I finish, it takes over. "Warden Identifies these as having Pewter segments, they are primarily made of wood, but the restructuring techniques they use can be implemented in a Warden Frame to better accommodate User needs." Its voice is unmistakably happy and excited, almost giddy.


Krahe has already let her tails begin to pull apart the bugs based on Warden's instructions. Cradling the segments we need in talons while plopping the rest of the parts back into the open cask. "I really hope none of the others are filled with odd things like this. Are um... Are these normal these days? Turning animals or bugs into Dolls? Or.... making Dolls that were never anything before being Dolls?"


"No, definitely not. It's worse than heresy to do such a thing, it's gauche and ineffective." This one responds reflexively.


"Huh. Weird." Krahe's Quills thrum satisfaction as she finishes her work and walks over to plop down beside us, then change to a curious tune that wordlessly asks what the next steps will be.


"We um. Warden still requires the Black Nephrite and Tagua. Other cradles should be opened." Warden declares with wavering confidence.


Krahe hops up happily though, letting a tail deposit the pewter segments into my hands. Then she heads over to one of the cradles we were about to open before her's let loose this swarm. 


Within the Pack's song Verbess knits a forming countdown to action. Our sister's Quills thrum a huntress' anticipation as talons and tails slither out to poke and prod at the thing. Then, with a whip-crack of motion, Verbess channels the required Ousia through Krahe into the Cradle while our many-tailed Sister looms over the opening cradle.


A pause.


Nothing moves from within.


And Krahe slowly returns to motion. Reaching into the cradle to pull out a bundle of cloth. She spreads it out to reveal it to be a shawl and matching dress of rich green knittings with ivory shards knit throughout to form embordered patterns.


"Huh." She grins past it at me. "Neat."


Then darts forward to drape that into Schatzi's arms along with a playful little tail hug to both of our wrists before moving to the last cradle.


"Oh it's so pretty! Do you think they'll let me keep it?" Schatzi exclaims.


"Doesn't have the material we need, so it's likely." this one responds.


A few more Cradles, and a few more oddities found within. Mostly deposits of materials in crafted shapes. The Black Nephrite found as a dozen coins about the size of this one's palm, each with... strange veins of what looks like golden amber throughout the pitch stone. Symbols engraved seem... somewhat nonsensical to this one on first examinations.


The Tagua is an even stranger discovery in the form it takes. What looks... like some kind of weird plant growing throughout its cradle. Throughout it though are fruits that seem to bloom from the roots. The plant seems long dead though. Only kept from decay by the absolute sealing of the cradle.


"These should work well enough, I feel. Let's take the stuff up to the Workshop Spire. We can get the majority of it done there." I announce, picking up the Cradle with the Black Nephrite.


Krahe thrums agreement and follows me while taking up the Pewter parts and Tagua growths.


After a short walk back up through the tunnels, we get to the Workshop Spire and lay out the materials. "I think it's likely best if Verbess shapes the pieces, as it has the most precise blade movements. Warden, would you overlay the exact requirements?" This one suggests.


"Warden will!" it exclaims in excitement, manifesting ethereal models of each component after taking into account the shapes of the material.


Verbess cracks out to loom over this one. Not even making me feel the need to move aside as it's four talons reach around to pause just away from the parts. Quills tittering a harmonizing tune in preparation of Warden's readiness with the diagrams and layouts to match with Verbess' Frame.


A few heartbeats, then it begins to work. Talons deftly snapping out to cut and sheer and reshape the mess of disparate pewter parts into the construction of Warden's design. It's motions... More like a Mistress at her loom than anything else. Each motion of those talons tumbling into the next stanza of this elaborate schema Warden's actively knitting and adjusting.


And then something seems to tick upways within the Frame behind and around this one as Verbess works.


Moving too fast now. Hard to keep up. Even with just my eyes and the Quill-Song pulsing through me.


Then everything just... stops. Easily. Talons and pieces and schema held in place as if in one of Primrose's paintings.


<Sister...> Verbess sings through Quills at me. <Have you not learned to adjust the Giyars within your Frame?>


"I... have Giyars?" I blunt out in confusion. "But I'm not a real combat model like you, I was designed for infiltration and subversion.”


"There are many types of combat models, Sister Adaline. These ones' Frame simply embody a rather thin facet of what a Doll can be." It cackles through the Quills and splitting fangs, "And yes, you have Giyars. At least five from initial assessments beyond the Giyar Null. Not fully accessible before your Resheathing, but fully installed as your Quills sprouted. A Frame needs at least three to endure a Pack Bond. Would you like These ones to show you how to adjust them consciously?”


"Yes! That that sounds awesome!”


It thrums in anticipation. Adjusting the song to weave in a new melody for me to follow.


A buzzing sensation along this one's Quills. Like... an echo or flash of light for me to notice the pieces within this Frame. Helping new parts alight with sensation so that they are noticed before...


How a kind mentor might tip-tap a new tool, expecting a Floret to carefully pick up and examine this glimmering next step in her education.


Giyar One. Slow motions and awareness of self and inner Frame.


Tip-taps the next.


Giyar Two. Frame speeds and senses limited. Focus on single target and gentle movements.


Then another.


Giyar Third. My present Giyar. Good for all mundane tasks and Functions.


And another.


Giyar Fourth. The state this one was in when hunting and being hunted in the jungles with Elevar and Lynette. Double the motion and thinking speeds of a mundane body.


And finally...


Giyar Fifth. Double the last Giyar's ability. This Frame's current limit. Can be maintained for a limited duration, and is advised to use in quick bursts to help this one acclimate and utilize at peak efficiency. As while this Frame's Quills and mind are tuned to keep up, instincts and reflexes must be highly disciplined to avoid mistakes and bad motions.


This one roils with the thrill of following its lead, cycling up and down through the Giyars as I turn my attention inwards to feel my Iphodian gears change speed and resonance with each alteration. "And Giyar Null?" I query


Pleased with my acclimation and enjoyment, It turns this one to regard this last tool.


Giyar Null. The void betwixt Function. Total stillness and silence. Self as it would be if dead. Frame empty of This one's will. Zero expenditure of this Frame's resources.


But as this one reaches to consider this last tool, a note of deft caution sings through the Quills. 


"Time within Giyar Null does not exist as it does to those within a more natural slumber." Verbess thrums. "If you were not Pack Bound These ones would demand you craft an anchor. Voices and words to call you back to Function. But... as long as Pack Sisters and the Mistress remain, you are safe from drifting into its depths for longer than is good. Can even visit Xafra's Driftdream and sit within your space to consider the events that drove you from the world without."


"Warden, would you be willing to assist me with an experiment?" I suddenly get the compulsion to ask, mind brimming with epiphany.


Warden nods in confused acceptance.


With a rapid fire transmission of instructions, I mentally pull and twist, then drop myself to Giyar Null. For what feels like the briefest of moments, I disappear.


** ** **


This one opens her eyes once more, uncertain how much time had passed. "Did it work?" I ask, looking around.


Verbess cackles, thrumming the contentment of a huntress of prey within her maw. "It did, Sister. And you discovered the odd nature of the Giyars for those housing extra wills within their Frame. All others affect any within the Frame, save the void betwixt Function. That is a place each may enter from and rise into alone.”


I chitter with excitement before I feel it and look down at Warden’s new frame, held gently in the hands I lent it. "Warden, You're gorgeous. Mistress Xafra might be jealous." I say teasingly.


"Warden finds it unlikely. Sister Xafra is significantly longer and is the Mistresses preferred weapon for combat. Warden is very grateful for the opportunity, Adaline. Thank you." Warden responds with an even tone, rife with emotion kept from spilling out.


Krahe giggles as she hovers about. Tails sneking about us all as one carefully reaches up to touch the hilt of Warden's form. "It really came out perfect though. I think she'll be a touch jealous. At least a smidge. This one doesn't even want to be anything but what she is now and I'm a bit jealous.”


"Considering that we were able to have Warden occupy my Frame, it is likely that you could test out Wardens as well." This one responds. "We should head back to the Mistresses, get Warden implanted, then... it would be really nice to get those Glyphs set in me.”


Verbess pulses agreement, then crack-snaps back to fold away into its Frame. Letting Schatzi's new shapes split free as it returns to the place between and atop and around the Quill Songs tittering between us.


Schatzi leads us across the Estate to the Mistresses Spire with a happy tune of "walk walk walk", prancing her way up the stairs to the bedchamber and immediately snuggling up next to them and Xafra.


Without waking up at all, a single hand drifts back to rest upon Schatzi's arm. Then a couple tendrils titter a little happy sleepy melody before nuzzling into her hair a bit before settling into stillness and silence again.


I look over to Krahe and Warden, set Warden's new Frame on the dresser, and shake my head as I lead us back out of the room. "Well. Honestly we should probably let them rest for a while longer. Don't know if you'd prefer to stay at their side in the meantime Warden, but I think I might go cause problems on purpose with Krahe.”


Krahe giggles and lets her Quills titter a soft little song of mischief and agreement.


Warden nods to us and dissolves its ephemeral projection, settling itself down within Schatzi once more.


"Alright Krahe. What mischief should we get up to?”


She pauses, going more still than she's done since her installation. Then such a grin takes her features as her tails and Frame resume their normal restless motions. "You got a good feel for your Giyars? Wanna... do some tests? See their limits? Or... get a start on the Glyph things? Both? Both can happen at the same time.”


"Hmmm… For the Glyph shard implantation, I think we should grab some assistance... Jezrial, Valthirii, and Riana, perhaps?" I suggest, already seeing how much minor chaos such a grouping will cause.


Krahe's Quills sing a happy little melody as tails writhe back together into a single limb. "Sounds good to this one. Wanna race to their Spires? I'll keeep... tooo... Let's say Giyar four while you can tick up to five as much as you please? Get a feel for how it kicks mid-motion?”


With a giggle I dash off, attempting to get a head start "Yes!”


Krahe pounces after, keeping Quills to a silent hum at first. Catching up about the time I'm mid-way through the entryway. And as we tear free of the Spire she sneks about me and Quills snap out a melody of release. Frame's movements silently cracking into breakneck motions that pull her ahead steadily.


This one grabs hold of the mechanisms that regulate her autonomously, and pushes them into Giyar Five, seizing a burst of speed and power to catch up.


She cackles through Quill and fangs at this, titters a tone of mischief as her Frame adjusts to bound forward upon all four limbs just as I catch up and...




That tail snaps out at my legs playfully, barely avoiding my ankles. Then the melody her Frame radiates teases at three more strikes Krahe doesn't mean to miss.


A warning and challenge and gift of mischief for me to adapt to and overcome.


She will lose some speed for this, but not near as much as I will if a tail's strike even clips me when moving at these speeds. And only sheer reflex will let me react quick enough to avoid these.


The first strike lashes out lazily, jumping over it as I bound off a Spire is easy enough. The second comes with fair warning but requires much more dexterity as I strain Giyar Five to dodge. The third, in the shadow of the second I have no chance, so instead I clamp onto it with my claws and teeth as it impacts me, knocking me out of Giyar Five and back down to Giyar Three. Now a squirming anchor on her tail, this one's Quills sing of sheer joy and amusement.


Krahe giggles while rounding on me and pouncing. Letting us tumble through the grass as her tail wriggles to coil fully about my Frame and pin me like the prey caught in a snek's grip. By the time our rolling about ends she has me wrapped up with only one of my arms free while both legs are left to dangle and kick about.


Quills titter happily as she rises up looks about the grounds, tail pulling me press close into her back like some traveling pack. "Which were we even going for first? You took off before this one could ask.”


"Valthirii first, since she'll likely be the hardest to convince." I say with a smile.


Krahe thrums in amusement at that, happily lifting me up to begin her bound toward the Spire. And... Of course my Pack Sister doesn't even consider the main entrance. Just leaps and skitters up the edge to an open balcony that sits connected to one of the larger sections of Valthirii's libraries. Crawls into and begins to move throughout without loosening her tail's tight grip on me. Frame still cracked large and imposing while beginning her stalking through the floors in search of our first prey.


Krahe finds Valthirii after a dozen heartbeats of quiet searching tucked into a webbed corner niche with a cup of tea and a set of shockingly pornographic scrolls, murmuring quietly to herself.


"Heya!" Krahe cackles happily, lifting this one's Frame around to dangle next to her. "This one's got a delivery for ya.”


"Just the distraction I needed. I do hope it is more material. You've caught me entangled in a miserable scrawling attempting to pass itself off as a weaving." Valthirii's eyes turn to favor us. "Cute gerlthings aside, I covet for more than shallow depictions of flesh to sink my fangs into.”


Krahe uncoils her tail in a way that loops and spins me about before depositing my Frame to stand before Valthirii. "Adaline needs your help getting something magical or another etched up inside her. And... This one doesn't actually know if that could be done with fangs?" Her tails split to their dozen smaller limbs to poke and nip at me playfully with their inner layer of teeth as Quills titter along. "It should be tried though. For research purposes or whatever!”


Valthirii works her chelicerae and fangs in tight frustrated motions.  When she speaks, disappointment envenoms her tone. "Ah. Cries for help and a summons hardly invite the same expectations as a delivery. Don't you agree?" She sets her tea aside before rising to her full height. "No matter, you are lucky that Adaline is the one in need. Do explain any details that ensure I bring what is needed in as clear and concise terms as you can.”


"I wanted to know if you'd like to help root around inside my Frame and determine good shapes for Glyph Shards as well as suitable anchor points, since if we can get it working well you're next on my list. Your help is not necessary but would be appreciated, and likely to provide unique insights. As far as equipment... Clothing you don't mind getting dirty, a change of clothes for after, and notetaking supplies." I answer with a wicked grin.


Valthirii goes still, her eyes narrowing in thought. All around her, threads go taut. "Very well. I will gather my things. I might even come to accept this opportunity as a proper delivery." 


All at once threads begin to slacken as her focus turns towards spinning a number of garments, implements, and tools into a cocoon that dangles from looped threads cradled in the crook of her arm. "If my insights are desired, Adaline will have the. In excruciating detail, of course."  She calmly finishes her tea, savoring the taste before striding out from her corner of the library.


"Yup. She was right. Can see why too. That one's neat." My Pack Sister murmurs while bouncing from one foot to the other as we watch Valthirii leave. Then turns to smirk at me with fully cracked out fangs. "So... Who we snatching up next?”


"Definitely Riana. Jezrial has to be last so I can be calm by then.”


Krahe nods and bumps me with more tails while Quills titters little supportive things. "Was surprised you wanted her to help with this.”


"I'm scared of her... But she knows old Curanos ways, Not the most technologically advanced, or the modern Groveborn Curanos magics, but the natural hybridization of the two. I want that understanding." This one looks at Krahe and bumps heads with her. "More importantly, I need to know if she can be trusted in this way. Xafra is so much more vulnerable now, and... I fit the profile. I need to do this, Sister. You understand right?”


"Xafra absorbed the memories about all that, will be super happy to share. Soooo... Nope. The Curanos hackles are still up and this one won't see you get hurt trying something like that." Krahe murmurs and wraps tails about to pull me closer. Quills... thrumming a melody of protective focus. "Buuuut... Letting her help with someone important to her daughter is a good idea. But just for advisement and like... perspective giving on this? Not the actual inner Frame stuff. That's too far, Sister. This one... isn't going to let you allow someone you don't trust adjust your Frame. Never ever again. Nope.”


"I need to do this. And I'll have you there to keep me safe. It's... Symbolic. Like... Jezrial isn't Yselda. She's done evil things, but not to serve her own ends. She wants to do good. And I'm still scared of her, but can choose to trust her." I explain.


Krahe's Quills titter an uneasy but thoughtful tune at that, "This one doesn't expect her to be stupid here. Like... this is something you want and will plan out. Which makes it better. Buuut.... Just..." She goes stiff in Quill and Frame. Giyar still at at least third or fourth but... all the focus inward and refusing to share even a single note of it for a solid three of my old heart's beating. 


Then she returns to motion, Quills resuming their quiet protective melody. "Yeah. Okay. I'll watch over ya. Make sure you feel as safe as possible.”


"Thank you, Sister." I embrace her firmly as Valthirii returns, and we make our way over to the Spire that Riana shares with Strychnine, Hyacinth, and the others.


Riana's just stepping out as we approach. Leaf woven hair dancing a bit like there is a good wind blowing despite the still air the grounds here always seem to have. Big sketchbook pinned to her chest by both arms and two fistfuls of colorful writing tools. Garami's at her side, long arms holding similar tools but twice the number. Both chatting happily and with abandon. 


Riana smiles as she sees us, waving and tilting her head curiously when we deliberately turn to intercept them.


With both Krahe and Valthirii trailing me, I prance up to them and begin. "So so so so so. I have an offer request invitation for you Riana, and you as well Garami, if you'd be interested.”


"OH! Um...." Riana sways and looks over to Garami.


"What did you have in mind?" Garami asks, already reshuffling her grip on books and tools while looking between us with an excited smile. "This one... is guessing we've some skills or passions that match to a project you're setting up?”


"Very much so. I am going to be having some magic symbols implanted in my body, but we haven't yet determined the ideal placement, material, or forms for the symbols to each go on. Having Dolls with artistic inclinations would help significantly I believe.”


Riana's eyes go wide as her hair begins to bounce more than sway. "We... This one has things that... Just... WAIT HERE!"


Then she'd taking off into the nearby Spire.


Garami titters while watching her Connivant run off, then turns back to give me a smirk. "Oh noooow you're gonna get it. She just stumbled into a collection of research notes about two weeks back and hasn't been able to stop thinking about the diagrams she found. Plant and animals and everything between with all sorts of magical abilities she never even knew they could get and the organs to help em Function. Like... easy a dozen books. Some thick as you've ever seen!”


"Oh. That sounds like it could be very useful." this one responds with astonishment.


I thought I went through all the research in the Spires already, but this is an entire trove I've never heard of.


A few dozen clicks of Third Giyar's meter and Riana is skipping back into view with a stack of books stacked and carried from her hips to chin. Balance... precarious. But not enough to cause worry about her dropping any.


"Okay! Sorry. This one..." She stammers from behind the stack.


"Thought that was what you were going to fetch." Garami assures her. "This one let them know the basics of what you found."


"OH! Good good good." Riana huffs. "So like... The animal digrams are the BEST but honestly the plant ones might be better for your stuff. But this one has no idea yet so grabbed the best journals written on both! Alongwithmy... um... personal recreations of them. Just in case they might help!”


"Wonderful. We have one more participant to collect if you want to walk with us, or you can meet us at the Sheared Spire?" I offer.


"Um.... Okay that's a spooky choice but This one likes that." Riana nods. "We'll meet you there!"


The two of them turn, taking a few slower strides to pass some of the books to Garami, then continue on.


"Right! You should know that It's Xafra's new home Spire. We're all about to start moving in." I explain before we head off.


That causes them both to still for a second, but Riana nods. "Neat? This one thinks? Is... okay. Yep. We'll meet you there!”


Jezrial isn't hard to find. Her chosen room is higher than Xafra expected, but still within range for our Quill-songs to reverberate against her Ousia. With precise control, I knock on her door. This one even easily hears her gentle footfalls as she approaches the door and opens it. Pausing to eye us all in a heartbeat of hesitation. "Hello Adaline. Krahe. Um... Valthirii. Yes? If my gifted recollections are correct. How may I help you all?”


"I would like your help with a project. Aside from myself, you have the most medical and anatomical knowledge of anyone on the Estate. Would you be willing to operate on me?" I ask with more tremor in my voice than desirable.


"I... Of course. Yes. Let me just grab my things." She nods, takes a step back as if to retrieve something but... hesitates in the middle of the room as she takes in where she is. Huffs out a laugh while turning back to me. "Even if I had my pack I doubt anything from before would be good for Frame upkeep. Just... Old habits are still buried deep.”


"Mmm. My frame was originally designed to imitate humanity upon surface inspection, so if there are any specific tools you feel would be necessary, we can see about producing them. The main differences to my knowledge are the following: my heartbeat is synthesized via a percussive mechanism and the blood for this ones surface layers is preserved snek blood; My stomach leads to a pump instead of a digestive system; and I recently developed a venom system during my resheathing which I am uncertain about in regards to function." I speak more steadily as I talk about my Frame, objective things that don't cause distress.


"Ah. And this operation you need, what are you seeking to... repair? Adjust?" Jezrial asks plainly, interested but in an almost... detached way. Questions seeming as habitual as her stepping back to grab her Curanos tools.


"An addition, the precise form and location to be discussed with my gathered advisors. I've been offered the potential to be the first to claim a new methodology for spellweaving. Implanted compoundable spell glyphs along with an Ousia reservoir. You've done both mundane and magical Curanos work. I've only practiced the mundane, though much more developed in some ways. I would be very grateful for... For your assistance.”


She considers that for a moment. "Hm... We've no original schema or something akin to it after your Resheathing. But that trick Xafra and Verbess did with the echo location gives me a decent idea of where to start. Which Glyphs are you wanting to work with first?”


"Beith, Sail, and Dair were the ones that looked to best accommodate my initial needs and permit reasonable experimentation.”


"If we're lucky we'll be able to do this in such a way that everything is interchangeable, But... Wishing for third day rations never brought them to the cabinet." Jezrial muses while stepping from her room and pulling the door shut behind her. "It'll be best to be ready to attempt others in their place if there are subtle disjunctions we don't know about. Find all the ways this won't work and narrow down the thin path this will. Best thing is to treat your Frame like we were taught to work with heavily Resheathed sorts and not make too many assumptions.”


"We have a list of Glyphs as alternatives, and I will defer to your judgment if we get to that point. I've only ever worked on unmodified mundanes and lightly fleshcrafted bodies, so your experience in that regard will be quite beneficial." I respond as we move towards the Sheared Spire. "Valthirii here is to be my Dàrna in the Coterie I'm weaving. She was once a Witch of renown, and more accomplished than myself in magical theory. Meeting us there are Riana and Garami. Both of them are artists, with Riana specializing in depictions and analysis of living flesh, and Garami specializing in metals and other inorganics. I feel that with all of us, we should have either sufficient capability to accomplish this project successfully.”


"Sounds like it." She agrees. "Or fail in such a way that we learn what we're missing.”


"Exactly. As much as I know that Xafra could likely just... Will such changes into being, asking her to do that wouldn't teach us anything, and I don't want her to feel like a tool.”


Jezrial snorts at that. "Oh... We'd learn plenty, most of it would be how my daughter always did love to take shortcuts. Like some girl never taught that climbing through a neighbor's windows to get home quicker is going to cause problems. We never know when the World we live in will take offense to someone ignoring the rules of things. She can break the laws of it all when we've been properly introduced and asked permission to use the front door.”


"I adore the way you think." I pause as we approach the Spire. "Valthirii, could you go on ahead? I would appreciate a quiet word with Jezrial.”


"You could have just asked me to bind her in thread. I would have made it an expressive arrangement. Or I suppose I could just bind the mouths and ears of everyone else present." Valthirii says with a sigh and extended hand. "Very well. I'll leave you to your quiet exchange of words.”


The Curanos takes a breath but nods, letting her eyes watch as Valthirii leaves before shifting back to regard Krahe and myself with a subtle and polite raised eyebrow.


"Curanos Jezrial. It is important to me that you know before we begin that I am frankly terrified of you. Despite that, I do want your help and I trust you to not deliberately harm me.”


"It seems... I'm the girl stumbling through the window. If we're to overuse my metaphor." She sighs, almost to herself, while reaching into a pocket to pull out a length of thread. Then uses it to bundle up all that hair away from her face into a tight ponytail. "What I understand about you, from Xafra's memories at least, is that you are a girl that prefers rapt and crisp honesty. Yes? So can I ask why I terrify you? Or would it be taken as being too forward or... underhanded? I'd honestly rather not guess or assume when you could just tell me yourself, despite the high chances I could probably get it all in one or two tries.”


"That's unlikely actually. Because it's... Heh. It's not even because of anything you've done. I am terrified of you because you're Xafra's acknowledged Mother. My... My own mother never spoke to me again after I tried to express my identity as a youth. Then with Yselda, she wasn't Elevar's mother of course, but she was her mentor and role model, and... She betrayed us both. Bound us into servitude. Taught us that the ability and willingness to use violence is what grants the capacity to consent. I am terrified of you because I am scarred by my past and I am going to trust you anyways because I refuse to be bound by it anymore.”


That makes her pause, only nodding slowly and carefully by the end. "Ah, well that does complicate things. And in ways I can't even explain away or try and assure you of the contrary. But... " Jezrial takes a deep breath, then releases it. "Let me try to offer this. While this place does not fill me with a sense of safety, I'm glad my daughter has found a little village of sorts like her. She's needed that for an eternity. And that goes double for her Pack. So... feel free to direct my actions today. I'll treat you like I would any fellow Curanos and walk you through every step of the chart we'll be making today.”


I continue walking before I speak again, "Thank you... And this place isn't safe. Don't ever forget that. It is a barely chained horror that we are keeping pacified as best we can.”


"I know, and you're welcome. I hope this turns out to work in every way you're hoping for." She replies and moves to follow.


"It will!" Krahe chirps up, moving to bounce alongside me with tails spinning all about before curling back into a single limb. Quills humming a tune that radiates a mix of calm and support to this one. "Or... we'll just have to ask our Pack Lead to help this one break all the rules and work backwards from there!”





Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


You can come chat about this story oooooooon Discord!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 



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