A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 78: Jagged Rocks, New Shells, and The Leaps Taken to Find Them (Witch)

Jagged Rocks, New Shells, and The Leaps Taken to Find Them (Witch)

Content Warnings:




“Okay. Okay okay okay.” Lynette's snek Doll hums while tearing her gaze from the empty skies above. Broken odd patterns that always dance beneath the surface of her three scarlet eyes dimming. Ears remain at their full height as she says to us. “Hi! Okay. This one can do this now. Mhm. Promised Her. So… Questions questions? You had questions? Careful questions and careful answers? But not stories. Can’t give those. Or… No, that's a lie. Mistress promised this one that she didn’t have to ever do that again. But questions can be okay… Okay?”


{Ah... It seems Lynette sending her little one was, at least, an act of trust?} I intone to my Xafra.


Still completely locked from my body and its current perceptions but... oddly unbothered. Lynette was a mess of fury and pain and cracking parts. And the best one to help her pull away the thorns is our dear Schatzi. She... saw to our needs for decades and is the only reason we survived so much.


"I have a lot of questions but I'm not sure how many you could answer that I'd be willing to ask you." Xafra responds before canting ::Agreement:: at me.


"Because you don't want to make this one panic." She nods while ears seem to swivel about. "Mhm. Tears and screaming make questions... messy. But those come from stories. If you keep to questions that want words that don't move then that won't happen. Right? And... If the question demands words that move this one just won't answer and won't think about them. Promise promise. So... try one out? See what words wiggle and which don't?"


Xafra tilts her head to the side, eyes unfocused for a second and asks carefully. "What can we offer to help improve your life?"


"Oh that's Eaaaasy." She giggles. "Teach Sikkina how to sing better. She only knows how to do that in ugly ways right now but has such a pretty voice. If you can only sing ugly too then... find someone who doesn't sing ugly and ask them to help! And um... well, don't let the Zurrzunge come back up again. Wow. That was scary. And... OH! Ask Miss Augusta to bring that soft pillow tomorrow night. Mhm! Those are the still worded answers with only a few wiggles!" 


Then the odd Doll turns to grin at Adaline. "This one's turn! And It's allowed to ask for stories. What was the second best dream The Seraph remembers having? You... Well, this one heard you mention it and wanted to know!"


As Xafra falls prey to confusion once more, Adaline stammers "Oh um well... Her second best dream is definitely to beat Dark Lord Snurgle once and for all by swaying him to her side with the power of love and incredible violence. You know, being able to just hang out and eat hot chips."


"This one knew it." The Doll whispers, her smile widening. "That's why she sends little messengers to tease that the Dark Lord should change the name to Snuggle instead of Snurgle and and and..."


She trails off with a giggle, then takes a deep and happy breath, ears twitching and fur rippling. "Okaaay. Okay okay. Good question. Good answers. Next good answer... but first a question that could be good?"


"Sure. Happy to answer whatever we can." Xafra says with a smile, pulling Adaline over into her lap as she shifts to Warlord to properly envelop her.


"Is... the next soft snuggler that Miss Xafra's first Doll making for you the secret teacher or the super secret moon infiltrator? That Doll is really bad with names and words that don't become pictures in her heads and she keeps getting distracted by Miss Xafra's second Doll and pouncing on her instead of explaining anything! This one can't hear the colors of the threads used, but the shapes soooound like a mix between a prickly fish and a fruit with wings." She asks with nothing but a focused expression.


I can't help but titter at that. Keep my manifesting Physis form steady and mostly quiet but let Xafra and Adaline feel my joy at this little one's fixations. Recalling with enjoyment Adaline's last gush about the plans for the delightful story she's weaving.


"The super secret moon infiltrator. Retansi is a bug person who pretends to believe in the Eternal Dark so ze can learn about Dark Lord Snurgle's plans and copy his diary to help The Seraph turn him to the side of friendship." Adaline excitedly explains.


"Oooooh.... That sounds amazing! Ze's soft snugglie is gonna look SOOO good!!!" She replies happily while ears sway back and forth. "Okay okay okay. Question again. But this one asked two so two can be asked back. Even... Questions that got this one upset before. It can answer most and like... just not answer if problems."


"Hmmm...  Okay. Have you been here longer than Calix?" Adaline asks.


"No. But also yes." She turns around to settle herself within the coils of her tail to sit. Ears stilling but not moving in in worried or scared ways. Just attentive and focused as her voice loses all bubbling joy in favor of a more even tone. "This Frame was woven and filled with the refractions eighteen hundred and forty-two days after that one was knit into his Frame. But other refracted reflections of this one from other vessels came here before even that."


"Thank you. That's helpful to know." Adaline responds softly.


"Agreed. I wanted to know if you had any ideas for a soft snuggler of your own?" Xafra says, changing the subject as she intones to me [Something just... shifted with Schatzi. She's still requesting privacy but I'm worried.]


{Something like what? Lynette would never harm Schatzi, would probably die even to keep her safe.} I reply and ask. {Verbess? Should we... press for information?}


"This... one's own?" And the snek Doll's head quirks in confusion as ears remain pointed straight up. Eyes looking past us all as she seems to puzzle over those words.


The manifested form of Verbess thrums in interest and... an almost manic delight? Cackling out with a grin as even Krahe looks to it with confusion. [No, Mistress. Schatzi has simply... found that an old buried reservoir of herself has grown while hidden away from considerations. And through this trove found resonant aspects to match to these one's Second User. She and Lynette will arise stronger after harmonizing tonight and share what they feel is necessary.]


[Schatzi's Wairua tripled in an instant and I have no idea how.] Xafra supplies.


Verbess' mirth titters into such a thing that overwhelms the bond and probably more so the Quill-Song for a heartbeat. Probably helps balance out my Xafra's worry more than my words do even...


{I... That's a good thing. Terrifying as we don't know why but... in our favor. Might help us be prepared if we meet other sorts who know how to toss the weight of their Wairua around like you've shown us? And Verbess seems more than happy about this development, so... let's trust them. She'll explain after she and Lynette have tended to each other this night.} I intone to them.


Lynette's Doll has gone quiet while we conversed. But those ears are now beginning to swivel in worry as she whispers when Xafra seems more focused on her again. "A... a sleepy clam. Like the ones filled with long soft fingers inside the shell. If... Um..." She takes a deep breath, then looks between us. Attempting to appear calm despite the obvious fear in her next words. "This one is sorry. Please don't be upset with it. Or... or tell Mistress it's wanting things. Please."


I'd ask more about this odd creature, but her last words make me need to suppress a wince of sadness as I recognize the Doll's terror. Old torments and abuses not from her time in Lynette's care but... Yselda's. All Mistress' mingled together in few a heartbeats of conditioned pain.


I'm already moving to gather the little one up in my arms, but stop when I realize I my Physis form isn't sturdy enough to hold her. And before I can consider how to overcome that or ask another... There is a twitch in the Pack's song, and Krahe has slipped forward. Tail splitting to half a dozen as she curls around Lynette's Doll without actually touching or entrapping her.


"Kinda... like these?" Krahe grins while they swirl about, Quills dancing a little quiet song of calm, even protective, curiosity.


Lynette's Doll pauses, wide eyes moving to try and follow the darting tangle as her Frame leans back into the chest of the Pack Sister. "Um... No. Too wiggly. More like fingers with joints and no teeth. Very soft but also strong and grabby."


Ear's shifting from that twisting of fear back to gentler things. Wonder at Krahe's display of her tails and focus on answering questions.


"We won't tell unless you wish us too. We aren't upset at all. It's The Seraph's third best dream that all cuties and wigglers and stony folk get the soft snugglies they want." Adaline declares with passion as Xafra smiles at me with gentle reassurance.


The little one's ears fully still their anxious motions while adjusting to lean back more into Krahe, calming greatly at Adaline's words. "Okay. Okay okay. Um... They only open up when they're hiding deep beneath the waves or... or the sky is almost empty. But snuggle anyone who swims too close. Only let go when it's time to close up again."


"They sound an absolute adorable menace." I chuckle and let my Physis form lean into Xafra's arm, completely unfamiliar with this strange creature but deciding I'd like to see Primrose make it. "But... that's our two questions. Your turn. Mayhaps to ask more about Adaline's work? I'm sure she'd love to answer more."


There are at least another two dozen questions exchanged before Lynette's little one seems to want to just return to her sky watching. Most were between Adaline and Lynette's little one about The Seraph and the Dark Lord Snurgle and all the movings within the story. Each softer and less worrisome than the last as each gerl sits happily cuddled in the arms of a Pack Sister. 


Eventually the Cracked and Riven Moon has tilted far enough to warn of the coming suns incoming weeping and the snek Doll leads us down from the roof. Deft and easily slithering across the outer walls to drop into the upper study. Then, faster than our Pack in this moment by sheer nature of certainty of destination, disappearing into the lower bedchambers before the rest of us even enter the hallway.


Words echo up from the lower bedchambers. Mostly from... Huh. So Schatzi did pull Lynette away from whatever project she stormed off to focus on. Even got her to go below and probably clean off all the mess from yesterday's events.


But... she's still closed off from me. Keeping our Division intentional and well defined.


Then, before the rest of the Pack can react to this, the snek Doll comes slithering up the steps at speed. Stopping just shy of slamming into anyone to grin up and giggle. "This one thanks you for watching the Sky and giving answers and stories and... and hugs."


Then she proceeds to embrace everyone with Frame or flesh in adorable little squeezes before slithering back down. Ear's drooping a bit but... only from weariness as the rest of her radiates a happily.


"Shall we check on Schatzi and Lynette now?" Xafra asks with slight trepidation. "She's... probably going to be angry with me."


I wish so much I could take up my Xafra's hand in support, but make due and instead gift that desire and encouragement along our bond. "Speaking from a place of absolute honesty... no one can remain properly angry after so many hours with Schatzi. Especially not me. And less so her. She has very little practice using the Soul Rot to gift the conditions to try, you see. Sustained grumpiness in the face of Schatzi's steadfast care is quite the difficult thing to maintain."


Verbess cackles and thrums. "Less so now that this one's Sister has embraced long buried parts."


I eye the Physis manifestation of it, long past being worried and just... tired and curious. Honestly thinking myself ready for whatever new ways Schatzi has adapted schema to better shift her body to suit her inner self.


"Yeah okay. But... if she decides to yell, I deserve it so... let it pass please. All of you."


"Honestly, loud anger from her would be a good sign, I think." I reply with a chuckle as I begin to shift my form forward to lead us downways. "The gerl has too many of my memories of being taught to treat fury like some... horrid stew. Let it boil until perfect to serve to those that wronged her. But... I won't let this get out of hand, will promise you that instead."


Turn as Xafra begins to consider her next words and... stop.


Lynette's there. Sitting at the edge of the bed and watching the passage her little one took to get back below. Can't see her face but that's not a sign of anything either way to her mood.


And next to her is such a strange figure with...




This is My Schatzi.


Her skin is fully gray toned and seemingly… textured? Possibly coarse if stroked at the wrong angles if my guess is correct. Smile also much wider than is normal, with hands sprouting to talons with extra joints, and what were soft and delicate horns now branching backways to violent spikes. 


But the same brilliant eyes I remember getting a bit lost in those first few weeks together. Glimmering brighter than I think they have in years. 


I know she can feel my tangled mess of emotions about seeing her like this. Despite my reaction to hide them from her.


"Hello, dear one." I murmur gently to her, struggling past much less useful thoughts to find the words to express the important things as quickly and cleanly as possible. "Verbess has been thrumming like never before over what it felt. And now I understand why. You look wonderful."


"Perhaps a touch grey around the eyes?" Adaline jokes softly.


"This one... Doesn't remember much about this... Form, but it is... Is it okay?" Schatzi asks in a dreamy daze.


"Yes. It's perfect." I reply immediately and let my Physis shape carefully drift closer. Very openly admiring her Frame and form. "It feels like... like I've gotten to watch a cute flower bud in our time together but... only just recently have you begun to burst into full color and blossom. Finally the right season."


"Thank you. This one.... I um...  Mistress Lynette was having some difficulties and this one wanted to help and support her and just... Stopped holding the Frame back from shifting with me."


"Suits you. But that doesn't... Sorry, this isn't an interrogation, I'm concerned because your presence, your Wairua tripled between one moment and the next." Xafra presses.


"It was quite the thing to witness." Lynette finally speaks, turning back to regard us with our bodies smoky midnight violet eyes. "Old mantles and such becoming unburied and perceived as the Frame can twist to suit it. She's been knitting both together without much conflict, which is impressive and not at all surprising. But... may find some disparate parts tumbling over each other later."


Verbess thrums approval while Physis form dissipates. Then Krahe grins and seems to bounce happily over to Schatzi before I can blink. Tails unfurling to poke and nudge and eventually just gush some seemingly bubbly wordless melodies at her little birb's new shapes.


"Understood." Xafra strides forward and drops to one knee in front of Lynette. "Mistress, I want to apologize. I deliberately provoked you and tried to get you to act against your beliefs and that was unacceptable."


Our hair tendrils click and clack such an... odd melody. A thing riven between steady warning and... something else. A fear? No. Even that isn't right. It's too messy and conflicted.


"Schatzi helped me understand something. That, while chains don't make you who you are, they can..." She trails off. Then sighs so tiredly while reaching out to very carefully brush a loose strand of Xafra's hair back neatly into place. Finishes with a far quieter voice than before. "Can make us what we are. Hurt as we or others try to tug us past their limits."


"Yes, Mistress. It is something to overcome, yet it is easier to do so when such is recognized and acknowledged." Xafra smiles in relief.


"Speaking of that..." She leans forward to take up Xafra's leash while emphasizing each previous word, purring while tendrils titter a dangerous melody. "Jezrial's shared little observation, bolstered by Schatzi's explained perspectives, are more than enough to ensure our success without her aid. So I've decided that your Basal Garrote gets eaten after we've all had a good rest. No more delays. No more hesitations."


Lynette glances up to me with eyes and soul in question that everyone can easily read as she intones over the bond, <Do you, as Primary User to this Pack, consent to this?>


"If Xafra and our Pack think we're prepared then... " I nod and Cant a simple ::Approval/Agreement:: to her and our Pack. Choosing to trust her in this scheme despite my lack of fully understanding what has changed below.


Xafra unsteadily gets to her feet and looks at me and Lynette, "Uhhm. I mean, Yeah? I don't really know what you need to prepare."


And... between one heartbeat and the next... I feel Lynette again.


She's... oh.


Cracked and Riven Moon. What have you... 


No. You're right. We can tend to that all later.


Physis form dissipates as senses return. Everything feels so raw and tired and sensitive.


I sigh aloud and let Physis tendrils spark out and begin to nibble at our own core while reaching out to Xafra's while Lynette shares things.  Wordless at first. Bare information without the confinements even our six languages hold. Details and considerations and schema and...


<Seven. We know seven Languages, Elevar.> She corrects tiredly. But... letting her relief at slowly peeling away from worries of the flesh. Detangling messy wounded parts that connect us and letting most settle to rest. <Yudredii's brother tongue may not have a name, but it took twice as long as most others to grasp.>


"Don't think that let's us randomly claim it as unique, but you've a point." I murmur aloud with a smirk as a tendril hooks our Xafra, then look up to Xafra and our waiting Pack. "We're doing the preparations now. Just need to... well, Jezrial made a good point. Actually. We're ensuring our core is Tuned perfectly to yours. Will take... probably six hours? Which is fine because this body needs almost twice that at the moment and this is something Lynette can manage while I sleep. Will also run calculations with Warden to ensure our numbers add up before getting Adaline's perspectives on their final mappings."


"Alright. That works for me." With a wicked grin Xafra pounces on Schatzi and nuzzles her. "I'm gonna cherish the heck out of Schatzi in the meantime."


"Mrph!" is the most coherent sound Schatzi makes as she happily lets Xafra envelop her with excited chirps.


I giggle then barely manage to muster the energy to crawl up and onto the bed properly before slumping into a heap. Passing into slumber to the lullaby of my Doll being overwhelmed by the relentless affections of her Sisters.


No Driftdream though.


Not tonight.


Part of us will find peaceful oblivion within the spaces between. While the other Tunes Ousia and Physis to Our Xafra.


It's a simple enough task. Just... a little backways. Possibly even a trap laid by the Curanos to crack our mind and will and focus. Because this is completely absurd! A Witch, tuning herself to her 'property' instead of it being the other way around? It's... it's just so stupid and wrong and should be impossible!


But our Physis tendrils let us do it anyway.


From the Threads within and below an Old hissing voice is all but screaming at Lynette for letting this happen. For choosing this. For not following through with her schemes to shove Xafra's face into the bitter brew set to boiling down in the Estate's depths. Teaching her the consequences for so flippantly ignoring softly given-


But then a Pack Sister takes to nibbling on the tip of Schatzi's new horns. And the sound she makes is just...


Lynette has to stifle a giggle of lips and tendrils, but due to the Tuning process can't really stop the tittering of interest and delight from slipping past to the Pack. A thing probably more loud to them than any word or sound with how entwined they are in their Pack Bond.


Well.... Moonshite. She sighs inwardly before rolling our body over to regard the Pack. Keeps a mask of calm amusement at what she finds...


Adaline holding Schatzi close while teeth and tusks slowly graze and gnaw on those horns. Then Xafra murmurs something after there is a nod of agreement before beginning to slice away my Doll’s clothing with deliberate slowness. All while Krahe lurks about, mischievous tails slithering and wiggling all about her Pack Sisters’ Frames and forms.


Quill-Song thrums louder. Pulses down bond and Physis tendril and rumbles through body and thought and even our other half's Dream.


Ah… There’s the other ravenous Pack Sister. 


From deep within the Harmonics, Verbess purrs its own hunger through the Song as it resonates with the others. Happily twisting through the melodies that slowly wrap Schatzi in their Pack's attentions. Showing our Doll with very unsubtle motions what it thinks of this sister's newly blossoming form.


Lynette smirks and simply... settles in to enjoy watching this Resonant Chorus attend to their newest sister's Symphony.  


With synchronized motions, Krahe and Xafra use their many tails and limbs respectively to pin Schatzi in place and explore the texture of her skin, the new angles of her hands, and most importantly to them, find the places that make her squirm and moan in pleasure the most.


It's... quite a sight. To see our Doll like this. Not just in the Frame's new shapes, that's had Lynette all a mess since the first moments Schatzi decided to reform herself. Reveal all the sharp edges that twist about the soft. Like... like some wreathed sculpture of such artistry. All Gentle angles wrapped in vicious curves. 


Aspects we always felt in her as she strode about the Root Ways and Groves with us, but only got to see when Schatzi's skills were needed in the removal of a problem. But now she's cracked free. Freshly hatched and... so vulnerable. A foul word or perception from either Mistress or Pack will ruin her


Not that Lynette would ever dream of doing such a thing, even if such changes to that form filled her with anything but ravenous glee and painful... somethings that she'll tend to later.


Especially as she feels that Schatzi can do nothing but melt under this Pack's desire to affirm her new shapes with touch and lips and Quill-Song. Unable to even consider any other desires but her own. All worry for others needs or wants just... settled as the Pack finds themselves perfectly Harmonized to this task.


The Pack rolls about, as they tend to do during these sorts of things, song and Frames shifting to prepare for a rising melody within our Schatzi. Xafra beneath and Krahe behind while Adaline refuses to stop gnashing on those horns and… A pop, then a loud twinned snap along her back, and something new begins to form. A last vestige of her hidden self feeling safe sprouting loose under the Pack’s love or Inspired by it.


But Lynette doesn’t have time to ponder which it is as a pair of wings crack out from Schatzi’s back to stretch toward the ceiling. Gorgeous bat-like things that shift to a dark-gray color on their underside.


Xafra stops in surprise and adoration for a moment before Krahe takes advantage of the momentary pause to push forward and sandwich Schatzi between herself and Xafra once more leading to a rowdy chorus of giggles.


Tail's change their gentle teasing to quicker motions. Twisting about everyone in ways that cause more than just Schatzi to squeak and meep in delight. Almost... Ah. Verbess has joined the mess more directly. Not just gently supporting the Pack's overall motions but voraciously gifting Krahe the knowledge and hungers to dig into this delightfully prepared meal.


Together guiding each tendril tail to those perfect spots across the Pack Sisters. Tightening movements and cascading the Song to drag each note to the melody of the pleasure it seeks to gift them all. 


Stupidly impressive. Honestly. Lynette smirks while enjoying the performance. How it weaves the Pack Song like some Matron of Looms. Except... Instead of knitting some quilt or dress or other such, it weaves a tapestry of Frame-shivering sex with the entire gaggle without missing a single beat or string of thought.


The Pack doesn't last long under Verbess and Krahe's focused efforts. Eventually their adorable little sounds of enjoyment tilt into things of need and nearly helpless anticipation for the coming release. Their buckling under the pressure a rush that starts with Adaline, cuts through Xafra, then slams into Schatzi with the weight of the prior two gerl's eruptions. 


Krahe is the last. Sort of... more overwhelmed by the Pack's conjoined climax than any precise touches or efforts. But none the lest included in the final turnings of the Harmonics.


And they all tumble into a heap together. A mess of heaving breaths and twitching Frames and wiggling Quills. The bond alight with quite an unfair amount of nonsense. Especially vibrant by the Physis tendril we've left attached to Xafra's core. Slowly drinking in the information we need to Tune ourselves to her.


A prick of growling nonsense and Lynette lets out a huff of a sigh. Closing our eyes and turning her attentions back to the Beast below as it stirs. 


Thread's are being pulled tight as they will nearly go. Strangling the Muppets of this horror to silence. All old voices shivering in love and anticipation and such fear to the thing that binds them all. The Beast still sleeps but... its dreams fray more and more at the seams. 


Lynette curls mind and will down and about it the best she can with how tightly it binds her. Whispering soft promises. A pleading for it to... to wait.


Don't wake up.




You'd ruin the feast you've woven me to prepare. The compromise is working. She and this gaggle trust me. Won't be a problem. You can feel that.


The Beast rumbles, pulls the Threads so tight Lynette feels aspects of her begin to shift. Change. Weight of memory echoes cracking her to-


So she reweaves herself. Like always when this big stupid thing thinks it knows better than the Blossom it knit to consider the waking world through. Trying to make her more... Well. Like a thing Elevar and our Pack would not endure. 


But Lynette bought us all more time. Consumed those Sun-Blessed Spores and chews through them while slowly gifting this beast the feast of memory and knowledge.


Just... need to free Xafra. Tell her everything she can. 


Hope she won't do something stupid.


Be the clever gerl Lynette knows she can be and press through the muck so Sikkina can inherit our second gift.


At some point... long after our Pack has passed into the deeper exhausted slumber they desperately needed, Lynette is able to pull free of the beast below with most of herself unshifted. Then she almost almost absently Spins open our Physis link to her daughter's Sanctuary to begin humming the lullaby the little one has taken a liking to lately. 


One about a little beached clam who can never seem to find a shell to fit her. Eventually settling for something sort of close to her dream shell but... still wrong. After that she endures the pain and grows within that shell, bearing all the discomfort for years and years. Until... one day she does find the perfect shell. Alight with joy and longing she tries to pull free to claim it but...


She's stuck.


Too long within a wrong shell, and unable to slip free to take a new one.


So, she climbs atop the highest rock she can find. Planning to toss herself into the jagged shapes below so that she may be free to claim that perfect shell.


The song ends without anyone knowing whether she survived and crawled free to slip into her happiness, or died.


But... such is the nature of Sun-Blessed stories gifted to their futures.


**    **    **       


<Just... be sure to take it slow.> Lynette murmurs to my wordless observation. <One step at a time. Focus on getting us up and about.>


Need to keep the mess beneath our tendril's little melodies as we focus on rising from the pile of Gerlthings without causing a stir. Canting ::Solitude/cleansing:: gently to any who rouse at our movements. 


{Is... is it as loud for you as it is me?} I ask as I move toward the washroom, carefully reaching out with our Physis to start the cool downpour. 


Trying to drown the reverberating mess that seems to roil beneath our everything. Would probably send me into a panic were it not for the Tendrils filling our mind with discordant things.


<You really don't want to know what it's like on my side.> She chuckles as I step us beneath the waters. <But if you find yourself overwhelmed know that I'll be able to fully handle things.>


{I... That's actually quite calming to know. Thank you.}


Lynette pauses, almost hiding her reaction but... eventually lets me feel how much my easy trust bothers her as we take our time washing and adjusting to this new state.


{Should we talk about last night?} I ask near the end.


<I... mean to share a few things. With you and our Pack. Ensure they are prepared and protected from any poor outcomes or... or choices.>


{Okay.} I murmur back softly. {But just so you know, I was a touch off balance after you stormed off. Don’t really like being without you. Am willing to accept whatever dark secrets you think too much for us.}


A long pause passes as we end the downpour before she replies. <Just... Let's finish today before you alter any plans or perceptions.>


I nudge her gently at the deflection but... don't push.


Instead stride back out to the bed our Pack lounges on. "Alright, dear ones. I trust your night was less a mess than yesterday? Perhaps at least more entertaining?"


"Yeaaaahhhh. Eheheheh. Physically messy only." Xafra chuckles softly as she extracts her naked form from Schatzi, Krahe, and Adaline. "Those tentacle tails of Krahe's are.... certainly something."


Lynette giggles within and over the bond at that but only adds without. “Good. We all seem in a perfect state to start the removal of the Basal Garrote today.”


Then she waves our hand as Physis manifestations arise and pass to our Pack. 


“This is our mapping and schemes and moment to moment tasks as well as…” Lynette pauses, hitches, then continues. “Expectations. For if things twist wrongways. From the simple reknitting of the motions to evacuations and such. Augusta will be near to aid with gifted knowledge on today's events. Consider them as you settle and Harmonize for this. Take your time. Look for gaps or mistakes.”


"The desolate zone just outside the Estate where we embodied Krahe? Seems like the best place to do this." Xafra suggests after reading over the information.


Adaline twitches her head a few times in confusion and says "Augusta says she will meet us there?"


"Hmmm...." Lynette muses, actually... lets her enjoyment of Xafra suggesting the spot she expected her to flow down the bond while turning to Adaline. "She will. I mean to speak with her before this all starts anyway and will inform her of the location then."


Then she turns to Xafra. "That would be a good place, symbolic and such even. But... still within the Estate's perceptions. And from the way your Ousia lazed out like some napping Grakler before... I'd like to avoid you thrashing into it as things get untangled. There are some odd... structures beyond its outer limit. They remind me a touch of the buildings in your Driftdream and from your time. Well away from all Root Ways and only partially consumed by the jungles. If you desire to be away from this place for this, let's not accept a half measure."


"No I mean... She just told me that she'll meet us there." Adaline insists. "With... Words in my vision instead of using the bond you all use..."


"Cracked and Riven Moon. That woman..." Lynette sighs, but with a smirk. "I need her to follow us below. We're not splitting the Thorn wall for any Threshers to spot. Also... I've a thing I'd like her opinion on before all this starts."


"Alright. Let's... head to wherever you suggest, and I guess Augusta will know to follow... Somehow..." Xafra says in puzzled acceptance.


So we lead them below. Through tunnels and passages and winding nonsense pathways. Lynette is quiet the entire time. Tending to an anxiety bubbling to an eventual boil.


Augusta meets us at the exit in a suit of black leather dress armor with buttons and buckles of Lunargent. Her long red hair is tied up in a prim bun and her eyes are covered with a white blindfold. In holsters on her hips is a large book to the left and opposite it a set of writing supplies. 


"This is good. Very... Good." She says softly as we approach.


"Well don't you strike quite the figure?" I smile at her. "Thank you for coming today."


"I wouldn't miss it for the Moon. It is an auspicious occasion after all. Was there anything you wished to discuss before we leave?"


"Yes, actually. But we can talk while we move." Lynette responds while walking past, vines woven into a circular pattern to block the path forward pulling away to reveal...


A passage riven and staked with sharp spines of root and rock and other substances I can't recognize pointed away from us and covering sides and top of the tunnel. Leaving only a single narrow pathway through.


"Stay on the path." Lynette murmurs while striding forward, only after walking for a few paces asking. "Augusta. I'm looking to avoid future big problems by creating smaller ones now. I need an active Floret. But... Am unsure who to choose. Xafra is an obvious choice, but I'll not risk the Estate's attentions on her again until she's a bit more... unfolded and settled with her new Truths." She turns us to walk backways, glancing over our Pack and Augusta. "But in the meantime I need one we can trust to bear the burden of free entrance and exit from this place well. Someone... balanced. Steady and without loyalties to outsiders. And above all else, someone who I won't stumble over in my schemes. I've a few possibles to ask but wanted your advise before upending roots and soil."


"From the Pack or otherwise?" She asks while following.


"Well that's the most interesting question, isn't it? To past Blossoms anyone but a flesh and blood Witch was impossible to pick for this. But go back far enough and even Elevar and Yselda would have been rejected and eaten for the audacity of breathing on these grounds due to a lack of pure Witch endowment." Lynette replies. "Now though? I think I can seed almost anyone but a Mundane. A Pack Sister seems an obvious choice, but... possibly a short sighted one."


"My answer is quite different but still obvious I think. Rufus. After he binds to Calix."


"Oh, well isn't that a twist on the traditional choice?" Lynette chuckles, "Those with history within the Threshers have long made such... rich soil. Lots of Ousia to use, coupled with an education on the dangers of old magics. And even a Half-Knit like the current and previous Blossom. He'd not be a bad selection. How soon do you think it'll be until he or Calix muster the moment to advance things together? I'd not rush them, of course, or seek to spoil the weeks after while they settle into each other."


"Calix has already asked me for advice regarding convincing our Xafra here to accept Rufus as one of hers." Augusta gossips.


"Wh- What?" Xafra nearly stumbles as she stammers over that.


I let my own giggle bubble up as we reach a fork in the path and I lead us down the left route. "I assumed they'd try something the other way around, but of course I should have expected Calix to uproot expectations and tug Rufus down new paths."


"Calix is the one in charge, it would mess with their relationship something fierce if he was suddenly expected to obey Rufus."  Augusta continues blithely.


"Exactly. The men Rufus chased in his younger years were... very unique." I smirk and wink at Xafra before turning back to face the path, adding to Augusta's gossip with my own. "Calix checks all the fool boy's boxes and then more than a few extra. Which... Did he ever tell you about the two he was bumbling between when I left? Wretched, the both of them, but... each in ways that didn't quite push him to cut things off until much later."


"He did. It was... Well, that was during a session, so I'll respect his privacy."


"Of course, wouldn't want to babble on besides." I reply as my smirk softens. "I'm glad he's safe and happy. It's... sort of why I don't want for him to be a Floret to this place. Because he would run off and toss himself into danger. It's selfish. But... it's in the way I was taught to be about the few fools I love."


"Not with Calix to balance and anchor him, as well as minimize the amount that the Estate can... Warp in him." Augusta counters.


Nearly a dozen heartbeats pass before I sigh and reply. "I'm... actually not worried about the Estate Warping him. Not really. To be a Floret is to hold a key. That's all. I just..."


As I trail off, Lynette rises to guide us and speak. "I still like the idea. The boy developed quite the wanderlust and has been all but demanding we give him more to do. The real question and concern for him, and a few other possibles, is how they will be treated along the Root Ways. Fleshcrafting in private is barely tolerated, open alterations are not. But, of all our choices he'll have the best chance of knowing how to avoid his old gaggle. Can even navigate the jungles if needed, I'd assume."


"Why would he even need to avoid them? He's the conquering hero, having claimed the Estate with might of arms... or something. No, that's not going to work, he's too much of a pushover." Xafra muses.


I can't help but chuckle at that. "No, Honestly I'd advise him to travel the Root Ways as just... a cute new Fleshcrafter and his Doll wandering about and helping people. A quiet oddity. One the Groves and Threshers ignore in favor of other problems we'll weave to distract them. I'm just worried what they'd do if they learned who he is. How they'd make those two top priorities to find and capture and interrogate. Mayhaps send their best hunters too." I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. "When I walked from this place I was endlessly scorned and constantly in danger from Threshers. And that was with Yselda's threats looming large at my back. I don't want that for him, at the very least."


With a vile laugh Xafra responds, "Oh I can be much scarier than Yselda though. I'm not bound to a location like she was and no one hurts those I claim."


I... Keep our tendrils clicking away to smother the extra weight her rising emotions have. Press away the reverberations bubbling up from our Xafra while...


"You're viciously delightful." Lynette chuckles while basking in that murderous tune tittering down the bond, but glances back to give our blade a grin. "However, this is assuming he'll accept all my terms for the role." Then she shifts back to regard the Kindly One. "So, Augusta. Let's assume Rufus is no longer an option or I decide to treat myself and plant a second Floret. Who else do you think could sprout well into the role?"


"Valthirii. She's like you, in a way."


"Interesting... In what way is she like me?" Lynette asks as the passage begins to incline upways.


"General demeanor, viewpoints, and utter discontent with the status quo. I consider all of these positive traits to be clear. In some ways, she's barely a Doll at all."


"Ah..." Lynette murmurs with a smile as rays of sunlight can be seen prickling down from above about fifty steps down the tunnel. "No wonder Adaline thinks well of her. A good suggestion. Are there any on the grounds you'd highly recommend I not even consider? Ones I might find interesting choices?"


"Adaline is down bad for her as the Dolls say, almost as much as she is for you..." Augusta mentions with a giggle without answering the question.


"Hey..." Adaline protests.


"Is that truly what they say? Well... Of course a brilliant Sister of our Pack has wonderful tastes." Lynette chuckles. "Thank you for your perspectives, Augusta."


Then we reach the spot with the light above. Find ourselves at the bottom of a pit lined with even more of those sharp spines and a nasty drop from above. 


"Alright..." We murmur, purpose mingling as we gaze upways. Tendrils tittering in anticipation. "Up and out then. The vines have already tugged in their spikes for anyone here to use."


Too high for a normal leap. Could climb but where's the fun in that? So... A gentle brush of the Glyph should do it. We consider while bending our knees and adjusting our aim. Then use Physis to correct if needed. Just like in the jungle but with more force.


Press Physis through the mind-laden Glyph of Endurance and Motion.


A spike of energy. And everything is... well not slow.


Our subconscious mind just absorbs everything so much faster.


Crack of motion.


Up faster than we expect.


Already in the jungles. Slamming into a branch and only barely and on reflex snapping out to grip it before we'd otherwise fall back down.


"Cracked and Riven Moon." We hiss. Cutting off the Physis to the Glyph before we overexert and crack something without or within. Pulling up to get steady on our perch while glancing below.


As the Pack all jump their way up, Augusta casually floats upwards a full foot away from the vines.


"Well isn't that just... a wonderful way to take your first motions? Welcome to the outside, Augusta." We can help but grin at this marvel of a woman. "This passage may be a bit... secluded and a pain to use, but it will be open to you. For as long as we are Blossom to this Estate. To come and go as you please if we're not about to open a path from the grounds. Threshers stopped using this intake gutter long before I came here and so you won't have to worry about odd sorts tumbling about."


"It is appreciated." she smiles. "I have something to share once we arrive, but before you begin the process."


"Consider us intrigued." We rise and take a heartbeat to orient ourselves. "It's a short walk from here."


Then we lead them. Through jungles identical to the ones we pursued and were pursued by our Adaline through. Eventually finding it cut off like some great wall sits before it. And before us...


Is a town similar in silhouettes and shapes to the one in Xafra's Driftdream. Structures of stone instead of woven living Roots. All overgrown by the oddest plants. Dull things with desaturated hues and an overabundance of green shades. Trees with grayish brown trunks instead of the richer shades of maroon or white or even dark blues. The ground is full with grass that tickles at our knees when we drop down into it but... doesn’t grow much higher.


"Well... How does our Xafra feel about this place?" We murmur while stepping up to take her hand in ours. "We can explore a bit, find a spot you feel best about?"


"It's good. Looks comfortable. Outside feels best. No walls for this."


We nod and lead her forward. Walking through the divides between the structures and listening to the midday. It's... very quiet. The sounds from the thick jungles can be heard but... not really anything from this abandoned place.


We eventually find a central opening. A spot between some of the larger structures with more trees but shorter grass and a healthy number of these little trees.


"Alright... Here seems a good spot." We whisper while settling in to sit on the prickly grass.


Augusta sits down cross-legged, withdraws her book and opens it on her lap. "Today I am going to tell you all a story that I heard over a hundred years ago as it was told to me. For this story there are two rules that must be followed. First is that you cannot ask me about the story afterwards, and second is you cannot interrupt. Is that alright with you all?"


"I think all of us can easily agree to that." We nod, adjusting to get more comfortable.


"Then I will begin." Still blindfolded, she runs her fingers along raised bumps on the page of the book and speaks in... Calix's voice.


"Once upon a future present time, there is, was, and will be a Demon. This Demon, like all Demons, chooses a Virtue name on her Nameday. Knowing the past of her parents and wanting to follow the example they had and will show since she was young, she chose the name Miséricorde, or Mercy in the common tongue. Mercy will be a gentle Demon, yet one of incredible power. She travels the space between Dreams and Reality like an Avian flies or a Tzzchek burrows, eventually coming to a domain that had forsaken magic eons before. She remains trapped on the dream side of the domain until a man attempts a ritual to summon himself a wife. Now obviously this doesn't work, magic doesn't yet again exist, but Miséricorde rides this ritual to the Real to take upon a body of shadow and ink. She will not love this man, and makes that clear, but helps him learn to speak to women and earn the affections of one of his peers. She travels this reality for a while until disaster strikes. A stone flying across the vastness of between comes to strike the dirtland she's grown fond of. Without hesitation, she demonstrates her immense strength and deflects it, striking their moon instead. Yet... This Moon will not be just a rock hanging in the empty sky, it is a twin of our own Mother Moon, and when an Installation on the Moon is struck by this stone deflecting with the greatest of Mercy, the Real and the Dream eventually come to an end. For two full years, the impact shook until it will, and did, reach through the vast and shatter our Mother Moon. The reality the Demon had come to love resumed once more with the magic of our Moon bleeding through to theirs. This Demon will be and was heartbroken, for how could such a monster ever go home again or be forgiven? It adopts a new name, and a new policy of intervening only on a much smaller scale, and even now, Tymalth doubts its parents will ever forgive its greatest sin. This was the story of how our Moon died due to the grandest of intentions."


Long heartbeats pass, and we can't help the eternity of questions that bubble up within. But... we respect her requests and only murmur without. "We... Thank you. For this. We have inscribed the words within and will keep them close."


"After this ritual, Xafra herself will know the answers to some of the questions you most certainly have, and the others I either cannot answer myself or have been sworn to secrecy regarding" Augusta responds, resuming her own voice.


We nod to her. "We assumed as much, but it's good to hear." Then we turn to our Blade, and intone aimlessly in our twinned Witch Tone. "My Xafra, are you ready?"


With a voice that blends her own and Jezrial's Witch Tone, Xafra responds as she kneels before our sitting form. "Yes, My Mistresses. I am ready."


Tendrils click and titter as Physis extensions crackle out to curl about her form. Pausing only as we carefully allow our Ousia to begin seeping into their cores. 


Eyes shift to what others see as our smoking dark crimson iris as hands move out to twist and tangle through her hair. Soon followed by our invisible tendrils coiling about her like sneks. Each to their places before blossoming little fangs and sinking teeth of Physis into her core. 


Cant a simple and direct ::Beginnings:: to the Pack.


Then begin to inject the venom of Ousia to start the work.


Tossing us all forward toward like some silly clams needing to crack old Shells loose.




Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


You can come chat about this story oooooooon Discord!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 



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