A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 50: Tangled Weaves and Messy Minds (Witch)

Tangled Weaves and Messy Minds (Witch)

Content Warnings:



<Alright, she’s heading up now.> Lynette murmurs. 


I nod and let her bubble up as we finish this bout of waiting.


And then the Snek shaped Gerlthing of a Doll is poking her head up over the last incline. All dirty and torn up and… just pitiful. Really. Three eyes go wide as she spots us. Tall ears pull back in worry. 


“Hello dear.” Lynette murmurs gently.


A pause, and the Doll whispers back in a trembling voice. “H– hi? This… this one just wants to see the Empty Sky, if that’s alright?”


Lynette nods, “Maybe, but first I’m going to have you come with me and answer my questions.”


The Doll purses her lips, shakes her head in worry and fear. “No. No questions. This one is empty. No stories.”


Lynette sighs. “See? She’s a mess, Elevar. Let me claim her and make this simple?”


I wince internally but… Fine. I hate it but… fine. But only use it this first time. After that you will take care of her like I do my Doll. No Tone. Ever. Agreed?


“Um… This one is confused.” The Snek Gerlthing murmurs. 


“Agreed.” Lynette nods and turns our focus back to the Doll. Hesitates where I do not expect her to. “Dear… would you like a new Mistress? The Old one is dead and the others have a new gerl to watch over them. But… not you. May I claim you?”


The Snek gerlthing considers that for a few moments. “Will… will you let this one sleep below and… and not suffer under the Sky’s Cruel Regard?”


“You can avoid his gaze for as long as you desire, and sleep wherever you feel most safe within the reasonable limits of the Estate.” Lynette agrees.


“And… AND keep the fog from hugging this one?” She adds, ears slowly rising in hope.


Lynette smirks with my lips, “Who do you think has kept it at bay these past days? Yes. Of course. This Estate is mine, as is the fog and the Spires and even the tunnels below.”


The snek Gerlthing goes quiet for a long while, nibbling on that cute lower lip while ears twist up to show her interest.


“Keep this one safe? No… you won’t punish unless it is bad? Won’t… won’t make it… it…” She shivers, curling in on herself.


I fight not to push Lynette aside and comfort the Gerl, but Lynette reacts without pause.


“Yes. I promise. I will treat you better than your first Mistress.” Lynette assures her.


“Um… Oke.” She finally murmurs, slithering up into my bed chamber to settle in front of us. 


Lynette kneels us to sit in front of her, takes a deep breath, and…


I, Lynette Nāvahīna, claim you as mine until death or pruning. At which point you will pass into the care and grace of my daughter, Sikkina.” My Witch Tone rolls out like the rushing tide, more heavy and potent than it's ever been. “Know my voice, and lay all your needs and burdens upon my shoulders.


I’m a bit stunned by her Tuning words. How… how different they are from our first to Schatzi and Verbess. Alongside her taking my chosen last name a riddle beyond my understanding.


“Alright dear, let's get you–”


The Snek Gerlthing slams into us in a flurry of tears and sobs, weeping senselessly as her everything shudders in suddenly unleashed sadness. There… are words in her babbling. Things we barely understand and things we can’t comprehend.  


I worry Lynette will… will lash out with Tone or annoyance but… she surprises me. Only adjusts to sit and hold her close. Murmuring soft calming words over the gerl while letting Physis flutter out and wash away what must be weeks and weeks of muck and filth.


As the cleaning is done Lynette murmurs. “Alright dear. Let’s work some details out before I take you above. Won’t be a whisper. Then, if everything goes well, you can watch the Empty Sky with me.” 


** ** **


“Thank you for your patience.” Lynette states as she moves across the floor of our study. The chamber filled with those we'd asked to come just past sundown.


Xafra, Adaline, Schatzi and Verbess wait about as Lynette settles us and the Snek Gerlthing in her arms into a comfortable couch.


Once this new Doll seems settled she asks the room. "Will Calix not be joining us?


Xafra looks over to Adaline questioningly, who shrugs and replies, "He said he'd be right over once he was done with his current set of tests."


"I'll make sure he's on his w—" She suddenly stands and turns, shifting to Warlord as Calix soars through the open balcony and snatches him out of the air.


"Sorry I'm late! I was getting Mélusine, Scarabella, Coqui, Alpinia, and Hyssop all tested for strength and durability since they're all combat designation and some tend to be a bit overly uhm... Rough when playing." He says in a rush as he wiggles out of Xafra's grip to take a seat.


“Ah.” Lynette nods, a touch annoyed… but the Doll nuzzled close seems to wash it away right quick. “I take it your Mistress filled you all in on today’s discoveries?”


"Yes. It certainly is worrisome, but we are keeping the majority of the... Shelf" Adaline shakes her head at the bizarre term that Xafra has picked, "Less informed for now so they may settle into their new quarters. Calix is of course invaluable with getting them accustomed to a new Mistress."


"Thank you. I'm just trying to do my part. It's a lot easier now that I can rest peacefully. We have some documents we can review as well now that Valthirii has started on the Library. Some concerns about her, but nothing major." Calix reports.


"Mhm. There's a lot to do here even without outside problems." Xafra finishes as she shifts back to Doll form and sits down again.


I push up to reply. “We’re honestly still uncertain how much this should change our plans, but… You’ve all handled this marvelously regardless, Thank you. I’d… Like to be introduced to them all eventually. Only met a few in my outings and want to make sure they know I’m about if they need anything.”


Then I’m pulling back to let Lynette bubble up again. “Which leads us to said plans. Within 35 to 50 days we mean to meet with both Envoys of the Groves and Envoys of the… Sea-Borne? Shells? Honestly it was easier when we had a name to wrap them all in but… needs must.” She sighs and shrugs. “We wanted to take this opportunity to lay out what the latter means. Get some disparate perspectives. The Groves demanded Yselda remain within the walls of this Estate when she slew her past mentor. I don’t mean to even entertain such a demand, of course. But... how calmly this goes will cascade forward. Force us to adapt.”


"I've been calling them Sun-blessed, seems... apt." Xafra states.


"More Sun-Scorched, I think, but... they'll appreciate your term better I think. We'll keep to it." Lynette smirks.


But then the Doll at our side twists to stare at us. "W- what? Mistress please no. I... I don't..."


Our hand drifts up to cup her cheek, "Shh, dear. I promised. Never again. The Sky is still Empty. You can go take a quick peek if you'd like?"


The Gerl instantly relaxes, nodding, "O- oke? Thank you Mistress!" She nuzzles Lynette's hand once more, then darts off to the balcony. Turns up to stare blankly and so quietly. Ears perking up to full and almost straining height. 


"I'm happy you were able to help her, Lynette. I was quite worried but she seems much happier now." Xafra observes warmly, looking out at the Doll.


"It cost me little." Lynette shrugs. "And... more importantly this one will be able to provide us answers we can trust. If this Estate's understanding of these Sun-Blessed is accurate, she's not been touched by their Spores since her Dollification, or Nomos since... Well about four days past. She's devoid of naught but Frame laden memories we can sift through."


Adaline frowns at Lynette. "You don't have to be a bitch about it."


Xafra puts out a hand to Adaline asking for patience, "This isn't the time. Please."


"Oh? No please, I'd love to hear her opinions. I did not call you all here to keep such delightful observations to yourselves." Lynette quirks an eyebrow. "In what way am I... how did you phrase it? Being a bitch, about this?"


I wince internally at... at how she's annoyed but this is truly her being considerate while also not ceding anything. She's also not... in spirit or form breaking her promises so... I'm at a loss but to gently nudge her like Xafra's doing to Adaline. Soft requests for calm.


"Naught but Frame laden memories we can sift through, You sound so callous as though you don't care for her, but apparently masking emotions is something that Elevar learned after your time." Adaline keeps a level voice even as Xafra tenses.


"I show my care for this one here because it benefits me to do so." Lynette smirks, "And often, a callous regard is needed to aid those we hold most dear. Else our own pain becomes theirs. But that aside, I keep my promises, she will find nothing but a kind Mistress in me. Don't take my words there as anything but... turns of phrase. I'll be gentle."


Even I wince at that. Lynette that’s… not the…


<I know.> She cuts me off. <I’m curious to hear this one’s honest thoughts of me.>


After a pair of quickened heartbeats, Xafra turns to Adaline and whispers, not quietly enough, "If you even begin that process, I will shatter your jaw. I will feel terrible about it but I do not play around with the safety of my Mate and the mother of my child. If you wish to vent anger, we can talk afterwards, and you can scream, hit, and spit at me to your heart's content."


"Xafra." I nearly snap as I push past Lynette's amused curiosity. "I've made her promises, and I won't have you be a surrogate for either myself or Lynette. Adaline knows my limits."


"Are you suddenly immune to Moonwaste like myself?" Xafra responds in a droll manner while Adaline looks stricken for only a second before feigning serenity.


"Moonwaste? Why would that..." I shake my head as I hear Lynette cackle, then glance down and away to murmur. "What's so funny?"


<The cunt. The absolute brilliant bitch. How does she impress me even after she’s dead and burned and buried?>


Then something clicks, and a few odd memories slink together.


"Ah." I nod slowly and turn back to face them. "The Passing Flame of the Old Cunt ran off with your Schema, Adaline. She... Yes. Apologizes for not stepping in. I didn't realize Lynette was goading you until it was too late. I... I'm sorry. It's inexcusable for me to be so careless."


Another few heartbeats, and Adaline answers after a calm look from her Mistress."No. I'm sorry. I nearly did something horrific. I... I just got so mad and those memories flared up and... Yeah." 


<This little Patchwork Doll would have been so perfect had–>


Don’t call her that. I snap at Lynette, and she pulls back. Still mirthful but… restrained. 


"I'm not that uncivilized, dear Witchling, that I would threaten one of my dearest kin, my second in command, with violence if it was not absolutely necessary. I promised her and only her, that I would not use my Voice on her or invade her mind, so I make due."


“I… Of course. I'm sorry to you as well, Xafra. You both… You’re taking care of each other and I was trying to manage Lynette besides and I lashed out without thinking. I trust you both more than myself in these things when I stop to let myself remember that. And…” I take a deep breath and let it out. “That is what tonight… well, is about. I'll need the bitch when it comes time to hopefully find a way to help this poor Doll but... The Groves are what really worry me. I have a few ideas in mind for how I can manage this well but... they're all fairly messy. Could use some opinions outside my own? If you're still willing to offer them?”


"Before I can offer opinions, I really need context. Is this Estate unique or do all the Groves have one?"


"Oh, Cracked and Riven Moon, no. This place is quite unique. Or... well there are a few odd..." I wave my hands in negation. "But to your question. The Groves are for people to live and thrive in safety. This... well those De-, I mean Sun-Blessed, had the right of it. The Estate is a trap and prison made to lure in, synthesize, and sometimes dissolve threats to the Groves. Specifically things that fall outside of certain approved parameters. At least... we think? This place doesn't really have the context for itself, but it does know what its function is. It doesn't even need a Blossom or Floret. Didn't before The Old Cunt's mentor managed it. Not since... well at least a thousand years or so."


"So then, What or who... did the Estate send the update to at the Groves? because, ideally I'd like to eventually overturn them all, free my Kin, restrict dollcraft to genuine volunteers with resheathing taking its place, destroy every single Thresher in existence, and come to some sort of peace treaty with the Sun-blessed. But I also recognize that that's a lot."


I go a bit stiff at that, caught between my own spiteful angers toward the Groves and Lynette's voracious hungers bubbling at my back. So I say very carefully, "You've... mentioned this to me before. Back in the jungles. But understand that path will cost us all, Xafra. And won't be quick. I'm not sure how the Groves communicate or what defenses they have. If we are clever and careful then... we can do much of this quietly before they are roused to know we're hunting them. Like..." I wince and look away. "Like how she was teaching me to do. Yselda, I mean. I... I was trying to topple enough of it all to... to make it so she could take over a Grove or two. But the Soul Rot dashed that plan into the sea. I'll try to do it again for you. Of course. But... I want to make sure everyone in this room, at the very least, consents. I'm not just some fool Half-K-" I stop myself, "Gerl, sorry, with a head full of nonsense and far too good at cruelties. I've accepted my responsibilities to you. To my Schatzi and Verbess. To you, dear Adaline. And... to every single traumatized Doll here. I will walk this path if it is asked by you. Just..."


Calix speaks up, "The nature of Dolls. Mistress, do you know what happens at the end? It is silent, but it is... not a gentle silence. It continues for... far too long after the frame has stopped responding."


Xafra stills, the words a familiar horror.


I wince. "I've... I did not. I always hoped that if Dolls stopped then they at least had good Dreams to replace the life they were living before their complete end. But... they don't? Do they? That would have to be an odd side effect or... or intentional function of the Frame. Which... isn't something even the kindest crafter of Dolls would knit during the process. They'd... it would be considered it a waste." I run a hand through my hair. "It's all so backwards. And I... I knew that. But it wasn't me and I couldn't change it so... why care? Why not ignore it and imbibe the easier lies? And... and now I'm up to my tits in the truth of this and... of course I can't say no. Just want to make sure I don't mess up what you've all built here. I will deny you all nothing. Just... please be careful in your demands? Not for me. Cracked and Riven Moon, not for me. But for yourselves. You all deserve to be safe. Finally. With your eldest Kin able to give you whatever life and form you desire."


Calix smiles, brighter than reasonable. "It's been a long time, but we're going to make a difference. This one was tired, Mistress, but now has hope. With caution and deliberate steps, we can do this." The fool boy, many times my age advises.


Nodding I turn to look between my Doll and Adaline. "And you all? What are your thoughts?"


Verbess responds first, doesn't even bother cracking out fangs to intone. "This half of the Frame will rise to hunt any prey Mistress or its sister sets their sites on. But... agrees. Understand the ground we tread as well as the target sought. Either will hold surprises kept hidden to lash out with."


Warden responds before Schatzi, "Progenitor plan correlates at 80% accuracy to Directive One."


"I don't like this. This one thinks that... this is going to cause a lot of pain and suffering. but... we should not pretend that inaction is noble." Schatzi states after Warden retreats.


"Thank you all." I move to stand, head over to my shelves to begin pulling books down. Journals and records from over a decade past. "Let's... be clear then. This is not some messy warlord's conquest. Taking of land and riches without care for those left broken." I state as softly yet firmly as I can. "This is a cleaning and reorganizing task of vicious regard. We are not uprooting and upending the entire garden. We are carefully and purposefully pruning the weeds to cultivate healthy growth. I would burn the Groves down if you asked me, but fresh ashes spawn all sorts. Which... means we're going to need allies. Others to help fill roles and help us take inventory of where to start our work. And... that means we'll need to be able to walk the Root Ways freely. Once we start any slaughter things will escalate very quickly." I turn and look to Xafra. "And this goes doubly for the Threshers, they are a wretched gaggle but once that nest is kicked there is no telling the magic they will spew forth. I'm in agreement to the need for their total removal but it needs to be done in a single fell stroke." I pause, holding my collection of books close. "Have I stated this well? Do any of you take issue with my summary? Wish to... add expectations or limitations at this early stage? Correct my perspectives?"


Xafra winces at the term Warlord's conquest, but nods, "Yes. I would like to have minimal casualties, get the majority on our side if possible."


"Well, since that negates the idea of just poisoning all the Groves with Moonwaste, my second thought is... perhaps crueler, but none of you have a problem with cruelty, right?" Adaline states, waiting for an answer with a vicious grin.


I shrug. "More so now than before, what did you have in mind?"


"Hear me out before you shoot it down." she starts. "We have here in this room, A Witch with four Einwandfrei under her belt, the Emissary of the Estate, the oldest Doll we know with insights that he has no right or comprehensible reason to have, the Progenitor of all Dollkin, an Entity with wondrous Schema, and this one, the remains of a Witch in her prime.


"Alright, Adaline, yes. we have a lot of capabilities." Xafra remarks.


"Let's just half-knit the moon-cursed lot of them, seal away their Arts in their bodies, every Witch we come across, to be undone when they are determined safe. Even a fragile Art Doll is stronger than a Witch without access to their magic." She finishes.


Calix laughs, an unhinged thing that deepens and peters out.


Lynette cackles loudly with the fool boy as I go stiff. "I... It's..."


<I see why you adore this one! Cut from the same cloth as us. Such a shame you didn't actually fix her...>


I swallow bile, take a gulp of air as I try very hard to steady myself. "Can... You explain that? The shape of the practical? The Thresher version of the Garrote has that application, if tangled right. The need it to lock rogue Witches from their magic. But... I'm not sure if that's what you mean?"


<Come now Elevar... She said what she said. It's honestly a perfect scheme. Delicious.> She coos.


"I mean, we, as a group, come up with a weave that will encapsulate a Witch's magic into a physical part of their body. Not remove it, so of course their lifespan is unchanged, but able to feel it, see it, and yet have it be Just. Out. Of. Reach." Her words sing with such bitter agony, but she goes on, "And I even have an idea for a delivery mechanism that none will suspect."


"Alright." I reply while moving carefully to take the chair at my desk. "Go on then. It's... if such a spell can be woven to entangle even a fraction of Witches then it could be useful. Anyone important will have wards or such to keep most things at bay though. But not the gaggle they employ and work through. Most Threshers won't."


"Tell this one, dear Wife, before Xafra handed Sikkina's egg off to Primrose, did you even consider that a Doll could hold such a construct of Ousia and Physis? Or did you, like this one, assume it an absurd concept, an impossibility, as we obviously don't have a wellspring for it to connect to?" Adaline's voice trembles with each word, like an addict desperate for a fix.


<Dredging up such Nightmares...> Lynette's tone is a thing riven with almost manic delight.


I nod, seeing the shape of Adaline's desperate hope. "But if we developed some kind of surrogate for these theoretical Dolls to carry. Even manipulate and control at their leisure... None would probably catch on until we've hobbled or completely overtaken at least three Groves. This weaving could be one of many spells laid within for their easy use."


<With Warden's talent for schema, my access to the Archive within the Threads, and this Gerl's desperate need to feel a Witch again...> Lynette giggles.


"It'll most likely be akin to what Xafra's mentioned existed in ages past. Adjacent to Witch Arts, but bearing its own limits and considerations... Will probably be undetectable until activated and casting." We murmur, more to ourselves. Then chuckle. "Oh won't that ruffle them. Dolls not just with magic, but magic they don't understand."


"I am... hesitant. This feels like using non-combatants as weapons. reducing my kin once more to simple tools." Xafra interjects.


We shake our head. "No. We can handle this like we would anything else, depending on the cost and flexibility of this change. Dolls are incredibly malleable, and this infection doesn't have to be a mandatory part of the wellspring. This... It'll be like any garden. We're just tilling the soil within the Dolls and offering them choices. Letting them pick which Dreams to foster. It'll be a Storm forced backwards through a bottle, but this place has needed to weave some..."


We trail off. Thoughts divided.


I shake my head. "Odd Dolls. None... None up above. Things... kept below? Lynette?" 


She huffs, annoyed by something beyond my own senses. <Leave it well enough alone. I'll make sure to pass along anything useful and safe from the Archives.>


"Mistress Xafra, we should be given the choice, if you are willing to allow it. Some of us will choose to help." Calix argues.


She stares at him wordlessly before clacking all her faceplates in a gesture of acceptance. "Freedom means the freedom to fight as well, eh? Fine. I will assist with this, but only if we are all here agreed."


"I'll help within... certain limits. From Lynette's delight I'm guessing we're not the first to tamper with plagues of Ousia and Physis. But I'll not have us Knit something with thought at considerations or the ability to develop them." I look to Adaline, smile softly. "But the wellspring? I'd do that without hesitation. How can I refuse? I'd delight to see you weave again. More so in a form you set the terms of."


"Oh. Ooooh. Is that it? I mean we haven't tried it yet, but it's probably possible to simply..." Xafra trails off, deep in focus.


Adaline turns and stares incredulously at her.


<Such a useless word to use... 'wellspring'> Lynette muses. <Toss it aside. We need to think outside the Mundane Witch's perspectives. Anyone with a touch of good sense knows its a system of interlocked weaves that don't even thrum with kinetic force! Better to...>


I sigh as she babbles on. "It's going to be a mess to figure out, and we'll need to make sure the Frames are not compromised, since they'll have to either hold or supply at the very least the cost, if not some kind of... of Glyph for each spell. But... anyway. This is a good idea even without the... well the infection. That'll be kept till we know what the options are. And worth spending our time on while we wait to see what comes our way. Alongside these..." I tip-tap the books. "Making sure that our Xafra understands everything she can about the Groves, their politics, and their layouts. If you want to uproot everything you better know how to settle the soil. And... that leads to my next question, how would you like to walk the Groves? Before this all gets complicatedly violent, I mean. As a Doll or otherwise, you'll need to stick to it till we're ready as keeping your nature a secret is a must. You can change your mind before the Envoy arrives, of course. Take time to consider which you'd like to be introduced as."


"Mistress Elevar... I think I can do it." Xafra begins weaving Physis into a template, not a full weaving, but a proof of concept that modifies a Doll intrinsically, obviously completely unrelated to Adaline's idea.


Calix looks at the template and quietly begins edging towards the balcony.


<No no no no...> Lynette sighs. <She's got it all... backwards and upside-down even! Here... let me->


I refuse her, pointedly, and look to him. "Dear boy, if you suddenly want to leave you are welcome to depart. But I would ask that you use the front entrance, and would you mind terribly dropping these off in Xafra's space?" I hold out the books.


"No weaving for me again. This one can't. Please Mistress?" Calix asks while he approaches me, making a large detour away from Xafra.


Xafra doesn't notice, continuing to fiddle with the template as it steadily resembles Adaline's Frame with the alteration getting increasingly specific.


"Of course not, Calix. No alterations unless you consent to them." I assure him, offering up the books.


<Elevar, she's half likely to make any Doll she tries that on fray apart. Nasty look on them. Let me interject some sense!>


"Xafra, dear? You won't be testing that out tonight, correct?" I ask past Calix and Lynette's annoyance.


She finally snaps out of her concentration to look up and offer the weaving to me, "Oh I mean, I was planning to have yourself, Lynette, and Adaline to look it over first to check it. Proof of concept, right? But I think if I shift Adaline's 5th dorsal Iphodian gear to crystal and attach a resonator sphere... I can make her able to weave again. Will have to top her up while half woven, as she doesn't have a Breath yet, but..."


"Perfect, thank you." I nod, look back to Calix, whisper very gently as his hands close about the books. "And... if there is anything I can help with, or you need to talk about the why of it, just let me know. I... I won't say I understand, just that I might relate better than others. Alright? Adaline is... she's being kind when she says I have four Einwandfrei. I have two now, and only on a good day. I can barely think about the others. Much less spin them."


"Please no. This one cannot be allowed to weave again. Please, Mistress." He whispers back.


"Never. You have my promise, that unless you ask for otherwise in sound mind and form, I'll not let these fool gerls change you to be able to Weave." I nod. "Alright?"


<Such... an odd one. Yselda never really leaned toward boys.> Lynette muses. <And there are no records of him in the Threads.>


What does that mean?


<Either he was woven before she started using the Chambers below. Or... was pruned from the records.> She murmurs.


"Thank you, Mistress," he responds, before leaving the room quietly.


Xafra, noticing him leave, looks at me in bewilderment, "Did I miss something? Why's he leaving?"


I sigh and look after him in worry. "Something here poked at a scar, Is my guess. I'd suggest you keep this research away from him. I've... not seen him shaken like that in... well... ever. Even in my early days here. I'd guess conditioning from the Old Cunt but... I don't want to assume. This was very specific."


"Ah. Yes, I'll make sure to keep it from him. I'm sorry."


I shake my head and turn a soft smile on her. "You did nothing wrong. Just make sure maybe... one of the others takes a peek at him later? Just to make sure he knows he's not alone?


"Of course. I'll have Garami look in on him. They've been getting along quite well, from what I've seen."


"Good. I'm glad to hear that." I nod, begin to settle but... then look over to spot Lynette's Doll still just... curled in the middle of the balcony. Staring up with rapt abandon. So I rise and murmur, "Give me a moment."


Then I carefully step over to kneel before her. "Dear?"


<Let me.> Lynette presses.


"Dear one." I say and ignore her Mistress. Speaking a little louder.


She blinks, an ear twitches, then she slowly and with obvious distractions toward the sky above looks to me. "M– Miss Elevar?"


"Yes dear, would you be so kind as to come sit with me?"


"Um.... B– but... Mistress said..." She nibbles on her lip, ears flattening a touch.


"Just a peek, if I recall." I smile, holding out a hand to her. "And we've given you quite a sight more than that."


She huffs, carefully takes my hand. "I'm sorry. She... she's not mad is she?"


"At you? Never. You're a good gerl." I assure her. And with only a small pause she slithers up about me and I carry her back to the couch. Settle her beside and let her nuzzle close. Then look back to the remaining gaggle. "Thank you."


Lynette settles back into quiet annoyance but... settled acceptance of my treatment and care for her Doll.


"So... Spellcraft studies. Doll alterations. Grove studies. Wicked schemes all. Did I miss anything...?" I sigh to the room.


"Only the most important thing. Will it work? Could I be... something new, better than I was?" Adaline asks, desperation evident in her eyes.


I give her a careful smirk. "The bitch thinks Xafra's initial designs are a mess but... is thrumming with enough excitement to let slip there are things below whose Frames might hold some secrets we can reverse and apply here. My guess is that there are monsters contained that it had to build something like this to channel and filter worse out of them. And your Mistress has already done the impossible already. If anything, this'll be trivial. You... you'll probably have options even. More control with different limitations. New Arts to explore."


"Well that's good to hear. Means that we can potentially have a bunch of things making progress all at once. I'm still not onboard with weaponizing the Dolls until my sisters agree, but I'm definitely willing to help my Dolls regain their weaving if they so desire.” Xafra says.


Adaline walks over to me slowly, and kneels down on the floor in front of me. "Thank you, so very much."


I go stiff, pinned beneath my own aching heart and the Snek Gerlthing nuzzling close. "Don't... Adaline, do not kneel to me. You're welcome but... but this is not a gift given, this is a debt owed. And only the start of my attempts to help you heal."


She stands with a smile, "This one won't kneel if you stop trying to keep a ledger between us. That's no way for us to become better together."


"This would be much more amusing if I could gossip with Lynette, you know." Xafra chuckles. "Anyway, was there anything else to discuss for now? I think you said Calix has books for me to read, and I should ensure that my Doll form is something I can handle for an extended time to travel."


I huff. "Yes. I... I'll avoid phrasing it that way. It's just... how I've taught myself to move forward. How about... You've very important to me so how could I not help you regain this thing I know you want very much?" Then I turn an amused glance past Adaline to Xafra. "Yes. Studies on the Groves and such, alongside my journals from when I traveled as First Floret. Regardless of what form you take it will not do for you to strut at my side with only a cursory knowledge of things. Since you mean to play the role of a Doll no one will care about your past, but it's best you don't come across as... well. Ignorant. There were two other things but... well. we'll see. Tonight has gone awry in ways I am still fuddling with."


"Okay. This one is going to go back to our Spire and continue working with the newly claimed Dolls, if that's alright?" Adaline declares.


I nod, "Of course. Thank you for your time. Let me know if... if you need anything else?"


"Definitely." With a wicked grin she runs and jumps off the balcony.


"I adore these disasters, my Witchling."


"Well that's good, because..." I pause, look between the Snek Gerlthing and my Doll. "Schatzi? Dear. Would you mind keeping an eye on this little one while I take Xafra off for a chat?"


The Doll on my lap tenses, but I quickly add, "No questions from myself or your Mistress tonight, dear. You can go watch the Empty Sky, if you like?"


She hesitates, then nods and pulls free to slither back over to the balcony while I rise. Look to Schatzi. "It... Won't be an involved thing. Most she'll do is climb the Spire till morning, then wander below again. You can otherwise do as you please?"


"Yes Mistress, This one would be happy to accompany her."


"Thank you." Then I turn to Xafra, "Shall we?"


"Gladly." Xafra reaches out to take my hand.


With nothing but a nod, I lead her below into my bedchamber. Only speaking to ask her as we move down the last steps. "Would you mind if I had Lynette seal us in? I'd... rather this be as private as I can make it."


"That's fine. I trust her."


Lynette sizzles in curiosity and hope and annoyance… but after those words she seals us in without a word.


“So… First off. I think only lightly questioning that Doll will be more appropriate than what Lynette was hoping for tonight. And that should be done after she’s had some time to get used to you. Start seeking out her Mistress when she slithers up instead of us needing to intercept.” I say aloud to her while moving to sit on the edge of the bed. “Agreed?”


A pause, and I pull back to let her reply with our lips. “It… can wait. I mostly wanted to verify what the two we met said. If my understanding is correct her recollections will be sporadic. Possibly broken beyond even her understanding. Dollification might have ruined that one beyond what even our dear Xafra can help heal.”


Then we look to Xafra as I regain control.


"I'm willing to help her however I can. I feel... obliged to do so."


"I know, love. Just wanted to communicate that before I get into the weeds of this next part." Letting out a sigh I turn to glare at a wall. "Tonight... was supposed to go differently. It... went well in some ways. Adaline gaining magic will be wonderful for her. And the bigger plans are still a mess but that was always going to be the case. But... Lynette, you Salt-guzzling Half-Knit BITCH!!! Why, by the Cracked and Riven Moon, did you say that to Adaline!?! What does hurting that Gerl gain you? Give me just... just one good reason why I shouldn't..."


I cut off the thought and words. Which causes her to pause in surprise at my ability to retain and hide a thought from her. After twinned heartbeats I let her bubble up.


"I will admit... her anger there was more than I expected." Lynette replies carefully. "It was not a lie when I told you my goal was to goad her into speaking aloud her spite for me. Not... whatever that was." Then she turns to Xafra. "Thank you for stopping her, by the way."


Xafra shrugs, "She would have regretted her actions but it would not undo the harm she could have done.  She wasn't even angry at you, but at her own helplessness. Her lack of control. She resonated purely of self-loathing, not anger."


"Moonshite." I hiss and smother Lynette before she can say a word. "Why couldn't it be anger? Empty Skies, I... She deserves that. Not..." I shake my head. "Either way. I wanted to apologize to you as well. Her pain is yours to hold and if we are both very lucky the possibility of her gaining magic will drown this. But... This could still be a thing that troubles her. I'm sorry."


"I think it's better to know. While I'm not particularly fond of Lynette's method, it certainly offered useful results."


A pause, and Lynette gently nudges at me a request to speak. So I let her. "I agree. But I'm still... quite confused. Actually. How unstable is this Patch-" I'm about to snarl at her but she corrects herself quickly, raises our hands in surrender. "Sorry. Sorry. Elevar. I remember. How unstable is this last Doll Yselda made? The Moonwaste... envenomed fangs? Spit? I'm not sure but that speaks to a thing woven by a woman with no regard toward even the most extreme limits agreed upon by the Groves. Which... Well, I'd be flattered if the Cunt was willing to ravage the Groves after discovering my infection if things had gone differently. I understand the shape of events after the Rot but... not the details or emotions felt. Only little flitters are open to my considerations, and only those quite a few years even after you killed the Cunt. What happened to that one?"


She pulls back and I'm openly glaring at the floor.


"From personal experience with a faceful, it seems to be a gland and valve system similar to that of some snakes that allow them to shoot venom, connected to a significantly large reservoir in her stomach. Yselda quite literally made her into a salt-guzzler. It seems... more a choice to be even crueler to Adaline and to protect you with a weapon that others would never detect or suspect." Xafra explains the mechanism, while very deliberately leaving my own actions unspoken.


"That's... a mess. One I don't disprove of, mind you." Lynette says carefully through my lips. "But that still doesn't explain why she almost spat Moonwaste into the face of the woman she seems to care quite deeply for. My words were at worst barbed, barely a paper-scratch. And she knew it was me talking. So... What am I missing? You freed her from the Garrote, yes? It wasn't your fault she was trapped in Yselda's Spire for over a decade. So..."


She pulls back, and I huff tiredly. "While I burned the Garrote away with the Blasenplage it... she wasn't... it didn't free her. The old commands of Yselda's Garrote always burned deeper than others. So I tried everything I could think of to help her. Got bitter and spiteful right quick. Lashed out with Tone many many times and... and eventually just stopped trying. Left her to wither alone after abusing her."


Lynette chews on that before rising up to murmur. "Ah. I... see how my words dug deeper than intended. I apologize for that then, and be more deft in future interactions. Even... apologize to Adaline if you or her Mistress would ask it of me."


"I'll let Xafra talk with her and let us know if it's something she wants." I shrug, but can't hide my obvious relief.


"Thank you. I appreciate the consideration." Xafra sits beside us on the bed. "So was there anything else?"


I let my head just... fall over to lean into her shoulder. "Yes. Actually. I was wanting to try unbinding the bond. Even... If only for a short while."


Lynette goes still. Anticipation and excitement brimming


"I. What do you mean?" Xafra asks carefully.


"Sorry. The tether's, I mean. The blockage I wove to keep you all safe. I'd... like to try letting myself be felt again. Even..." I let out a soft sigh. "Even if that means having to let you deal with Lynette's nonsense fluttering through it."


"Please. I am more than willing."


“But… I have a question, first.” I whisper. “And will trust you in whatever answer you give. Should… I have threats for her. Warnings. Vicious plans if she betrays me here or… or messes this up in the future. Probably petty but… it’s the only way I know to meaningfully hurt her. If she was callous or cruel when I brought up what she said to Adaline I wouldn’t even be asking you but… Should I just leave them spoken? Like this? Or give her a taste of what I’ll do if she hurts any of you?”


Lynette does the equivalent of a head-tilt of curiosity. It would be a thing of amusement but… worry touches it.


"I would rather you not. Trust first. That's the only reason I didn't try and kill you immediately. And why you didn't garrote me when I held that girl in my hands. Because we decided to try and trust. I am willing to try."


"Alright..." I murmur and regard the tethers I wove about the bond. Begin to call up Ousia laden Physis to carefully unweave them apart while gripping the bond itself like I've not needed to in... a while. Not that long honestly but Cracked and Riven moon does it feel like a lifetime. "Just... Xafra if you can't stand what you feel or...  then just tell me. I can re-knit this right quick and will not have her treating this or... or you all like toys to be played with."


"I'm not a child, Elevar..." Lynette murmurs through my lips while I work. "And... we never broke our things without purpose."


I huff, considering just... dissolving the lot as they begin to give me trouble. "That's not the comfort you think it is."


Xafra quietly mumbles something under her breath as she blushes, her faceplates brightening.


"Cracked and Riven moon just... melting them a touch seemed clever at the time and..." I growl, while Lynette bubbles close to murmur. "What's that dear? Does our Xafra have any... Interesting proclivities besides-"


I lose my patience right quick with the mess and just snap {Blasenplage}, to destroy the mess. Then follow up with a quick. {Garrote} to quickly heal and recreate the tethers to writhe free from the... the...


The room spins a bit as I lean forward to place my head in my hands, and for a second all I can focus on are my own deep breaths, ironclad grip on the tether, and... dangerously low Ousia reserves. Not quite the pittance I had before Xafra's first infusions but... too close for comfort.


"Are you both alright?" Xafra asks nervously.


"Yes. Just... Lower reserves that I should have let happen." I murmur while regathering my mess. "Stupid. If an emergency appeared I'd... Well, I can't be careless like that." Then I take a deep breath, slowly loosen my grip on the bond while wrapping the tethers close about my core, and... gently release my grip on our bond.


A pause, then I carefully intone. {X- Xafra?} Not even trying to hide my worry and trepidation and... and desperate hope.


[MISTRESS!MYMISTRESSELEVAR!MYMATEMYLOVEMYWITCHLING] Xafra's response is immediate and near overwhelming with sheer joy and hope and trust as she flops on the bed giggling.


I let myself bask in that. Shivering a bit while the echo that rolls through us, eventually sluggishly turning to crawl over to loom above her. {Hello love. Sorry it took me so long to... to do this.} Lean down I rest forehead on hers, letting the mess of delight and love and peace feeling her brings me just... pour down the bond.


She smiles widely and wiggles before reaching out again to both of us this time. [Lynette?]


And then, through the mess, I notice the thrumming from her. Like... like someone draped over and peering past my shoulders. Careful amused interest tittering on the edge of more vibrant emotions hanging about her as Lynette replies. <Well... Aren't you two a delight? Hello, Xafra.>


Xafra positively vibrates with acceptance [Hello, I love your twin a whole bunch and I really hope we can get along because I've missed her so much]


<Cracked and Riven Moon... I was wrong.> Lynette giggles, trying to mask her disquieted enjoyment of this. <She did collar you. More aptly than any thing of cloth or iron or Ousia. Wonderful.>


I would radiate annoyance at her but... her words are playful. She means them but only in a seemingly approving way.


<But yes. That is my hope too. Dear one. She... You are so important. To everything I want to do.>


I sigh openly. {Lynette... She's not a tool. She is a person. My Xafra. My partner. Her happiness means all the world and beyond to me. Please don't phrase things that way? Ask her? Show her? Please?}


Lynette flitters in startled surprise. <You consent to my... My sharing that? Truly? I expected it to take weeks...>


[I mean I wouldn't be opposed to an actual collar... show me what?] Xafra asks.


I eye her while radiating obvious interest in that, but shake myself back to her question. {Our... Our deal. Why we made it. Why I... I trusted her when I was below. Why I never once questioned if she could be a mother to your child.} A pause. Then I sigh, {You deserve to know. To judge my choices and tell me if I made a mistake. And... and to at least know the conditions that would need breaking to undo the mess of it.}


Xafra's emotions sober, the joy and giddiness still present but set aside to permit focus. [Alright. I'm ready.]


Lynette sighs. <I still don't get why you're so... so sensitive about this. It'll sting, of course. But... She'll find herself riven with delight, is my guess.>


I scoot about to lay atop Xafra. Left hand ready for when Lynette needs it. {You're guesses are... not the most trustworthy things when it comes to people, dear. Please choose your words with care for her?}


<Fine. I won't coddle but... I can stick to the facts.> She agrees, <So... As you know Elevar went below and found Sikkina, got me etched into her, and came back a bit of a mess as Blossom. What she didn't tell you is where she found Sikkina. It... was not in a good place. Our daughter needs a few things to grow as you intended. Main thing is core of consciousness, a Ousia/Physis layout to fuel and weave herself into, and... well there are a few other things but half of them she'd make as she grows. That seem an accurate description so far?>


Xafra nods [At the stage of refinement I had completed for her, yes. That's accurate.]


I intone. {She... I don't really have words for where I found her. I... I think Sikkina tried but... her shell couldn't latch onto anything here. This place was just... too prepared to handle worse things than her. My letting her start through my Little Archive stopped this place from treating her like it might have otherwise but... she fell. Toppled through the Threads until she ended up in... in...}


Lynette picks up as I fall into a guilt ridden mess. <Wasteways. Effectively. Places soon to be mulched and ground into nothing. She might have survived. That's a hard shell you wrapped her in. But... Would have been a slog to recover as this place used said mess as... well, fertilizer is an apt word I guess. She'd have nothing to latch and grow through.>


{And I was so tired and angry and... and I thought I... I tossed your daughter away.} I shake, first dribbles of moisture bubbling up. {Or worse. So I scooped the poor Gerl up into my Little Archive as the Estate began to... to look through me for the Blossom it needed.}


I tremble harder, vaguely aware of Lynette's careful words. <That's... how I found them. This fool Gerl cradling your child as this place finished growing me. Terrified I'd want to hurt either of them. So... stupid. Honestly. Your child is a work of Art, Xafra. How could I not claim her alongside my messy Half-Knit?>


{Possessive bitch.} I growl weakly. 


<Of course.> She shrugs, letting herself radiate that openly and with pride. <Would you have trusted anything else from me? Let me use you to break this decaying corpse of an Estate from its melancholy or slumber? Force it to convert one of its most voracious Chambers into a Sanctuary for that Gerl? No. I think not. I may have wanted to be Yselda, but seeing what she did to you... well, I mean to outshine the Old Cunt. Embrace a bit of botany in my Art. Let Sikkina grow beyond the rich soil I planted her in.>


[I don't... understand. What part am I supposed to be upset about? You both made sacrifices to protect and assist my daughter. As far as I'm concerned you've been better parents to her than me so far.]


I'm not sure what makes me snap. Lynette's smug satisfaction at someone affirming that she's right, Xafra's annoying acceptance of this, or... or it's probably my own mess of guilt.


{It's because I gave away your child to her!} I seethe, but... hopefully she knows it's not at her. {I gave you one limit. Xafra. A single line I did not want to cross. Do you remember? 'Do not curse a child with me as their mother.' Simpler than you realize to avoid. And... and if you'd still wanted to birth this wonderful gerl that would have been fine. I'd have helped in every single way possible. Literally. Would have even carried her myself if that was what you wanted. But... but I wouldn't have let you call me her's until she was good and ready to choose me.} I turn my glare away. {I didn't know Lynette would... would be like she is. Thought... thought she might even be a spitting image of the Old Cunt just... suddenly obsessed with this child instead of me. But I still did it. Laid this stitching and... and just hoped you could save Sikkina if things got bad. Refused to keep the Breath in case she... she tricked us all and... But it doesn't matter. My excuses don't matter. I should have carried your child up and let you decide her future. Regardless of the cost. Not me. I am not her mother.}


"No you aren't. I don't expect you to be in any way. You didn't give up my child, or abandon her, you gave her a chance to exist in a safe environment. I made her shell as a weapon to devour Witches. You should have carried her up? Elevar, you would have been dead within hours of her consuming your archive and I'd have a daughter wearing the corpse of my beloved. HOW DARE YOU THINK THAT WOULD BE BETTER! You went above and beyond my wildest hopes once I learned where she was implanted. You aren't her mother, no, but you are her saviour, as you are mine. You carried us both from the darkness into a future where we can thrive." Xafra drops to a whisper, her doll form crying real tears. "I didn't expect her to make it. I was delusional and desperate, and you saved her."


“Sh– she… I could have gotten up to you before anything happened to me. Just… might been a mess.” I grumble, twisting up and around to pull Xafra into me. Wrapping her in a full hug. “I’d not let her eat me. My wards were doing a decent job of giving her shell something to chew on. Of course I don’t think that would be better. I just…” I trail off, pulling Xafra closer still.


[Elevar... I designed the parasite that I altered into my daughter. It was made for the Witches of my age. The shell was unchanged. Once it gets through wards, the first thing it goes for is the spine, to cause paralysis. You likely had... minutes.]


I… consider that. Chew on those muddled hours and if… if I think I could respin better wards before she could…


<To be… entirely fair, and if I may be so bold as to interject…> Lynette intones carefully. <My pitch for the Sanctuary was hard to resist.>


A nudge and with a sigh I pull my left hand around between us. Let the display for Sikkina’s area flicker to cerulean light.


<A Fold between the Roots. Will be saturated with a sea of Ousia and Physis knittings for her to consume as needed, and will work, in part if the weavings take well, as her Core. Your… odd alchemical slurry will need to be implemented, albeit in a less messy fashion, if she wants to wear flesh. But from the start she will have all the materials she needs to weave any body she wants from here once she hatches.> She starts. <And if we come to an understanding… and I can learn more about your Driftdream, I want this to function as the anchor for hers. A loadstone, to be metaphorical, so that if she is ever say… dropped down a very deep hole, she can return here without even needing Ousia within her Frame. And if she decides to crack the tethers from it to the Estate… well… it will be unreachable except by those she invites and have been there to memorize the Fold’s unique Tune.>


Xafra pauses before changing focus to Lynette. [I think... There may be further potential development we could grant her. A way of... ensuring peace between us and the Sun-blessed, and making her unrivaled in potential. As for the Driftdream, as stated, the way is open to you both whenever you wish. All my knowledge is accessible to both of you.] Xafra holds onto us as she stares at the display of Sikkina's nest, her tail gently wrapping around us securely.


<I so very much look forward to all the delightful things we can make together, Xafra.> Lynette agrees, then considers me. <So… shall we take her up on this offer? Or would you prefer more delays?>


I sigh bodily and nuzzle closer into my Xafra. {I… fine. Yes. Let’s see how much I can stand trekking about with you. Dear if… if you would pull us into your Driftdream?}


Xafra opens herself up to us, the bond widening into more of a gateway than the previous times where it acted as a grasping hand.


I take a deep breath, and plunge us forward. Settling our form to slump comfortably while still holding Xafra close. Lynette and I enter the shaft, descending slowly along the forested walls of blue-leaved trees that are now blooming in a rainbow of colorful flowers, each glowing softly and illuminating the passage.


The village and the valley it rests in is dark, lit only by the light of torches, candles, hearths, and the unbroken moon that shines from above. The sight is breathtaking. Almost distracts me from the bubbling fear. As feet touch the ground I have to pause to... to take a deep breath before looking to see...




"Lynette?" I murmur, looking up and about for her.


<Yes?> Her voice echoes a touch from me.


I jerk a bit. "You... did you not get pulled in too?"


<I'm literally with you all the...> She begins to sigh in exasperation, but then pauses. <Was that part your deep fear of returning here? That... that I'd manifest as some Geist or... or separate ghost to haunt you both? Really?>


"Could you?" I murmur.


She considers that. Seems to flex out and... then retract. <No. Not without a decent amount of focus from us both. We're still quite... My consciousness is still very much a bud twisting out from yours. With practice and your help I could grow to do that. But... much of myself is still devoted to the Estate.>


I can't restrain my own huff of relief. "Ah. Good. Something to figure out then. A future exercise of trust."


She does the equivalent of a shrug. <Perhaps.> But... Her hope for it is obvious.


"Welcome ladies." I turn to see Xafra approaching, making her way up the path from the village with a smile on her face, wearing the first form I saw her in. “I've done a bit of renovations as of late.” 


"It's gorgeous." I reply immediately, moving forward to meet halfway and pull her into an embrace. "Care to show us what my Näherin has spun? Even from this distance it seems a delight."


Xafra hugs us close but frowns. "No. This won't do for me. Hmm…" She mutters and before I realize it, there is another gerl beside us, me but younger, less weathered, and heavily tattooed by deep green vines.


"There. You'll have to stay within a few metres of one of me, but you'll be able to talk aloud here and explore the library yourself as well."


The gerl suddenly adjusts, looks about. "Well... isn't this an odd sensation." Lynette murmurs, then eyes Xafra while tilting her head in acceptance. "But a nice one. Very thoughtful. Thank you."


Mind rings a bit with her movements and words but... too fuzzy. Can't peer past to see through her.


"Cracked and Riven Moon did I really sound like that?" I huff. "It's... I forgot how... insufferably well we did with our voice."


"Still do, honestly. You've not kept up with it as well as you could've." Lynette smirks, eyes me up and down. "Moonshite, Yselda really did try and make us look like a sister she never had. You've aged well though. A thing she never could stand to do."


"I'm glad it meets with your approval. The form is that of my subconscious image of you, as the Driftdream is in effect, a manifestation of my subconscious. That being said, you can change how you look with a slight effort of will, and I will remember the alterations. As a note, Lynette, you have free range anywhere in the valley except for room 112 in the Inn. I would ask you not to test that boundary." Xafra declares.


Lynette chuckles. "The thought never crossed my mind. Although..."


"Lynette." I warn.


"What? You'll need my help with that anyway. You'll fall all to pieces if you try to get it off her, and the mother of my child being Garroted is absolutely unacceptable." She sighs then. "But it can wait, I suppose. Trust building and all that."


"Hm? Oh no. That's not... in here. It would be easier if it was, then I could have destroyed it myself. From what I understand, it only exists tangibly in.... that form."


"Really? Well, Isn't that a thing of stupid spite on her part." Lynette smirks. "But I won't press on the issue when we have so much more... enthralling Dreams and topics before us. Shall we?"


"Of course. Did you want to head right to the library or look around first?"


"I'd love a tour." I say quickly, moving a hand down to clasp Xafra's. "We'll probably be spending far too long buried in the library, and you really seem to have put a delightful amount of effort into this place."


A pause, and I glance to Lynette to find her nodding. "I agree. I want to see more of this one's good works. But... first I have a promise to keep."


And with an outstretched left hand, a glimmering swirl of jade strings fall from above. Eventually manifesting and forming into a floating array of books before her. Twelve in total. All individually thicker than even my Blasenplage's single one.


"This... is everything you need to successfully cast the Wurzelriss." She nods and waves a hand over the tomes. "Please read the warnings and limitations before you attempt it, dear Gerl. I'd hate to have you try to sneak into our daughter's sanctuary only to crack a second Spire and all your precious Dolls within."


Xafra visibly bites back a remark before nodding and taking the books, a wave of her own hand dissolving them into the ether of the Dream. "You said I could not visit yet. I had no plans or intentions to go back on my word. Thank you, this should be useful." She turns and begins to lead the way back down the path to the village.


I turn a quick glare back at Lynette, both mentally and Dream physically? I guess?


She quirks an eyebrow and mouths ‘What?’


I huff and face forward, gripping Xafra’s hand tighter as we walk. “Apologies, as always. For her. For how I was. It’s… If it helps I can assure you that was a mix of her flirting and drawing attention to something she’s honestly terrified of. Not you getting to Sikkina without her approvals, mind you, that excites her I suspect. But… the idea of you failing. Getting hurt beyond what even you could probably survive. It’s vile but… It’s all the fool Gerl knows.”


I feel Lynette's amusement twist into... something. A messy emotion she quickly hides at my last words. But... remains silent as she follows. Falling back to what I suspect is the limit of her manifested form's safe range from Xafra.


An odd look crosses Xafra's face before she asks something outrageous, "Lynette, Are you a masochist?"


She laughs, soured emotions twisting into mirth. "If you're asking if I have our Elevar's well tuned ability to enjoy pain, yes. It's honestly something I'm glad to see she's not lost. Would make lovemaking so... dull."


A sigh slips free from me as we walk. "I... if Verbess wasn't there I might have. Since The Old Cunt was the only other one willing to go as far as I liked. But... that one can be ravenous and I wanted to... to give back to it after it remained awake for such long periods with me. Only took a few nights for me to learn to recenter myself about the pain and not need my weavings to keep me steady."


"Ah. Yes. That one truly is a delight. Very good at sensing limits and not needing to pester a gerl when she's tits deep in the tides of it." Lynette agrees, then turns a focus to Xafra, walking to be just a touch closer. "But... Why do you ask? I'd thought it would be quite obvious from your mate's temperaments and abilities."


"Truthfully, I was... concerned with how she mentioned she learned how to court pain from Yselda, and with me beginning to learn your tastes somewhat, that... " Xafra shakes her head and pushes through the discomfort, "That I was being used for self harm. I am... not just happy, but enthusiastic, about aiding a partner in pleasure however they would enjoy, but that would be different. Sorry. That's my baggage, and unrelated to what we're supposed to be doing."


"Don't apologize, dear one." Lynette giggles while I struggle to find words for this. "To alleviate your concerns, no. I can't speak to our Elevar's current needs, but I was gifted a craving to watch and feel and delight as the old chaff is ripped free. Then... after she wove this form for me, to bask in every little sensation it could gift me. Pleasure was also so much sweater either betwixt or after she nearly drowned me in pain."


I have to stop, take a few false breaths. Riven between old recollections. Working very hard to smother older memories with the newer ones where my Xafra was present.


"Yes. That. I... Pain is where I go to escape the mess. Focus on something... well not simple but... clean." I whisper. "Guilt and... and shame ruins it. Was why the bone replacement wouldn't work if I knew you weren't enjoying it or protected from the pain."


Lynette sighs as the memory and truth of my words radiate off me. "Such a shame I wasn't present for that. Or the jungles. Or the Inn where you first let her cut into you. Memories are nice but..." She shrugs and walks past us. Looking about to examine my Xafra's work.


"There's always the future, if Elevar agrees, though... actually, that can definitely wait for later."


Xafra waves to a few Geists that are working the fields near the path, and they head towards us. The first shifts to Xafra's warlord form, the second to her Doll form, and the third to the grakler form.


Three of them speak in a harmonious chorus while the fourth meows, "When I was going a bit mad, I learned a new talent. Not certain if I can manage it outside my Driftdream yet, but it seems to have potential. Anyway, please pick your guide or guides from amongst us."


I consider them, then tighten my grip. "Well my hand is comfortable where it is, at least."


Lynette moves forward to walk about them, circling between and around while such a smirk plays on her lips. I... fully expect her to pick the looming giant of the group but... she surprises me. Moves to kneel before the Grakler Frame. Offers a hand to hover just to the side and below its cheek. "This one, I think. And..." Then she peers over to the Doll form. "That one."


“Don’t take that as anything but… but that form being very distracting.” I whisper to Xafra. “In all the best ways, but we’re here to see your new creations. Not swoon over old ones. That can come later.”


Xafra's Warlord self has her Quills hum a tune of amusement as she turns away and returns to the Geist she was only moments prior.


"So," Lynette asks the grakler before her. "What is it you seek to impress us with?"


The grakler meows at Lynette and is somehow understandable in this dream, "I started focusing more on the form and purpose of the Driftdream. I now have a trio of potters, a tailor, and a duo of woodcarvers in addition to my blacksmiths, and they… Well, come look." Her form prances along the main road and down a side path where these crafters apparently reside.


Unlike the previous times I was here, the Geists aren't just reenacting the role, but are... actually crafting things from raw materials, low quality, but notably informed of the process.


"Are you still directing all of this? How much focus does this take? If any?" I murmur, looking between them in curiosity. Pulling us both forward so we can get a better look at their work while Lynette observes in steady interest.


"I'm not actively directing them, but I'm... more closely connected. Less deliberate separation than before. I was quite worried for a very very long time that they would... become people, become real, and I would be nothing more than a jailer if I paid too much attention to them, if I acknowledged their individual actions.” She explains from my side. “Yet, they didn't. They're all still me, just more directly... repositories that I can implement in different ways? I'm actively learning how to do all these trades. It's not immediate, and will plateau out without some external practice as well but... I'm learning how to make things."


"That's... that's really wonderful Xafra." I turn from these workings to smile at her. "Both in a practical sense, of course, but... also for you. Each part of you here, both Geist and Wisp, seem... fundamental. Foundational. It's... honestly really important. I think. That you get the chance to explore what you can become through this. Well done. I'm so glad I get to watch how this progresses."


"Oh and the library... changed?” She grins. “Also have a Geist as a librarian there, which is helping me integrate the knowledge I have much more efficiently. Turns out a lil bit of madness let me just... skip over the existential horror of my reality to get things actually working."


An odd sound sputters from behind me, but when I turn to regard Lynette she just looks away and waves me off. Murmuring softly. "Nothing. Nothing. Just... glad to hear she's managed it well."


And such a flitter of fear sings off her before being cut to quick ribbons. 


"To this library then?" She huffs and moves past us in its general direction. Whatever that was replaced with quick and deft annoyed anticipation. "The first Gerl I seduced for information was a Archive Keeper at the Calla Grove, and she was actually directed to keep me from the knowledge there."


"Sounds like you wound her around your finger, Miss Lynette." Doll Xafra responds, walking two step backs and one to the right of her.


The... original Xafra, the one I met first, stays beside me. "So... I figure I should ask first..."


"Mmm?" I murmur while letting Lynette pull enough ahead while she begins to regale Xafra with... honestly quite the embarrassing story. She's not wrong in her retelling but... Cracked and Riven Moon was I truly that insufferably overmuch? "Ask me what?"


"How upset would you get if I tried to seduce Lynette? We... haven't really talked about your perspective on multiple partners, like I know you have Verbess and Schatzi as well, and I've avoided doing anything with any of the Dolls without talking to you, but... I think it would be... rather awkward to try and be intimate with you, my mate, if your sister is in your head completely uninterested."


"Why would I be..." I turn to eye her, quirking a brow while smirking. "Xafra, dear, she's already in love with you. Yes, much of that is from the memories of mine she's struggling to untangle her own identity from but... that's the second thing she decided to keep. Holds it close like the last ropes in a storm. And... yes. Of course. I'm sorry I... I didn't make this clear the day you and Primrose bonded but any who wish to share your bed and affections are welcome to them so long as you are willing and wanting. I'm not possessive or the jealous sort. Most of my... well I guess my hesitations about the two of you are in regards to the Gerl hurting you. But... you're right. She's not me. Certainly not my sister, please no thank you to that perspective, but the more I see her. The old parts of me. Well..."


I sigh and shrug. At a loss for words as I feel Lynette lost in the climax of the retelling. In every sense of the word. Something about... of course. We had the Gerl insensible at the log books while she tried to help a local Matron's heiress. Shuddering and such a mess while we loomed at her side, feigning to be a new Archivist while our hand worked below the desk. I... I wish I wasn't so horrid and rude to that Gerl once we got what we needed. She was sweet. And her acceptance of us was real. Just... assumed she was just callously using us too.


"Oh gosh. I um. Didn't expect that. Either of those things." Xafra laughs and hugs me tightly. "I'm not jealous, but I'm probably in the running for the most possessive girl on Dämmerung, because I'm going to make sure all of you are safe and happy, and free to live the lives you desire."


I embrace her back, so tightly. Just... once again unraveling at this fool Gerl's overwhelming hunger, abilities, wit, and... and compassion to follow through with those words. Even... even for a couple messy Witches like Lynette and myself. "Thank you, my love." I murmur, letting this flood through the bond like I've not trusted doing in far too long. "I... I'm going to enjoy seeing all the wonders you'll set upon this world."





SO! We are hosting a CHARACTER directed Q&A both here and on our Discord in Celebration for the End of Book one of

A Blade and Her Witch.

WOW! This is not a stop or end just a brief pause while...

Ourswelves and Ruby are Currently looking to get this gaggle of worbed edited up right tight for a physical release! 


AND we're planning to put all of these questions at the end of said Physical releases copy as a special THANKUMS chapter for all our readers and those who participate!

SO COME JOIN US or ask these character directed questions here! Rules are simple. No spoilers for future chapters, be kind. Must ask the Characters your questions!



Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


You can come chat about this story oooooooon Discord!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 



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