A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 49: The Past Unforgotten (Blade)

The Past Unforgotten (Blade)

Content Warnings:



The harvest is smooth and efficient for the first hour, each plant offering from a dozen upwards to a few hundred Thaums each. I'm able to cap Schatzi and Verbess out at about 150 thousand Thaums and am sitting pretty at 200 thousand myself before I notice something odd. At the far edges of my senses, to the North and North West there are dead zones. I pause my feasting, the sudden silence jarring to my companions. Adaline pulls Primrose and Nettle closer to her, scanning the growth at the edges of my dome of blight.


"Mistress Elevar, Connivant Lynette, there's... something blocking my aura in the far distance. Three Grove spans away. I was keeping it at my current maximum range to ensure safety but... What should I do?” I inquire.


"Is... Well there is only one thing I know of that can pointedly block Ousia senses, and that's a Denizen." Elevar goes still, and her eyes narrow in thought. "Is the muppet moving? I don't like one stumbling close but... they tend to go a bit strange in these jungles, what with how they find the lifeforms here as toxic to them as we find most of it to us. Tend to starve. I... wonder how it got this far from the oceans?" Then she looks over to me. "You could send your non-Combat Dolls back into the Estate, and we could take a peek. Otherwise just... let it be.”


"There's more than one.... three at my count. could be more out of range. Should I retract my aura?” I clarify as I wave my Dolls over.


"No. Keep a precise eye on them." She growls. "One is an oddity, two is a curiosity, three though... I need to prune some weeds from the garden. Verbess, dear? You're faster than anyone else here unless either of your sisters have changed that. Xafra will gift you their location. Circle about each as we arrive to cut off their retreat while we advance from the front. Be silent and cautious. Don't let them know you're there."


"Yes Mistress." Verbess purrs and is stalking off into the jungles before another heartbeat passes. 


"I'd strongly advise everyone else to head back to the Estate." Elevar adds without looking at the others. "No reason to risk any damage to your frames.”


"Alright." I nod and immediately begin commanding my Dolls.


[Go inside, everyone into my Spire, all of the newly freed Dolls too. no sense risking anything. Have Adaline and one other stand watch on the balcony, as well as pairs of two at the tunnel entrance and main entrance] I send to Nettle and Primrose while standing fast beside my Mistress before sending the locations to Verbess.


As we approach, the Denizens remain motionless, yet the closest one's aura, the Null Beacon, swells to six meters in recognition of our arrival.


And... even more oddly. They sit just beyond the end of a path.


I spot them first. The denizen is very human. Wrapped in simple traveling leathers dotted with sea-shell jewelry. Dark brown hair is a messy braided thing woven about shoulders like a scarf. Dull scarlet eyes that watch us approach and… a careful smile on their lips. 


And at their side kneels a Doll with dancing carvings etched throughout it's naked form. Both arms grip stakes tipped with sapphire ends, and between the plates coating its frame are mouths with sharp fangs sitting half open.


"Hi!" Chimes the Denizen in a cheerful tone that seems to slip through the dying jungle like water along a brook, unimpeded by the distance or obstacles. 


"May your regard be ever soft beneath the blaze." Echoes the Doll quickly and softly behind the Denizen's words.


"I... Was hoping that talking would be okay?" The Denizen continues as if the Frame beside it did not speak.


"Can these Shells consider His gifts with you?" The Doll finishes, but tightens its grip on those stakes as legs adjust slightly. Ready to move.


The way they speak, under and over intertwined. Are they one soul with two bodies, or two bound so tightly they might as well be one?


"This is... good. Actually. Talking. Would you trust me?" I speak to my Mistress equally quietly. Please. Please.


She looks over, quirks an eyebrow. "Always, when I know what's best for me. I... I hate not having our bond to strategize well here but... you can reave any Spores this thing will try and infest me with, and you're quite immune to them, aren't you? So yes, lead us in this.”


“Thank you, I murmur and step forward in front of Elevar, approaching the edge of their aura. So much I know is in question, in doubt, I have to try, I have to find out how wrong we were.


"This lowly object has been granted permission to speak on behalf of her Mistress. You may call this one Xafra." I bow politely before continuing, "Are there forms of address the Shells would prefer?”


Let's see how they respond to this. My apologies, Witchling but I need to know.


"Oh I... Oh..." The Denizen frowns. "But... but that doesn't..."


The Doll rises and adopts an unnatural and low stance, stakes pointed outward like horns. "The Bane of Old Rests in the clutches of the Horror's Spawn?"


Bane of Old. They know. THEY KNOW.


"This... Well along the Root ways I told everyone we met to call me Krelliva, and my Sea name is... kinda a mess to deal with here." It huffs, reaching out to rest a hand on the Doll's back. "It's wonderful to meet your flesh form, Xafra. Thank you for trading words with us."


"The Shells gift you a name of wind and breath. Its others are beyond us here." The Frame finishes, loosening its stance a touch. "And it basks in the radiance of memories and Dreams observed, given form.”


Alright, unveiling it is.


I twitch and shudder, stepping back as I adopt my Warlord form and sit down, all six hands planted firmly on the ground as a sign of peace.


"You know me then? Know what I was.” I ask, more a statement than a question but no less credulous.


The Denizen's grin returns, bright and vibrant. "OH! You... This place didn't break you! You're... you're still as you are! Just..."


"The Sky's regard is truly a blaze this day, for old blessings rise undrowned from a Horror's Jaws."


Jaws? Blessed of the Divine, jaws are correct.


"But... Yes. Of course we remember you!" It laughs. "You killed her. And because of that we... we survived. Eventually found our way to the sea and... and made a safe home just before the Moon shattered."


"Kindred in prey. Sisters in survival once Horrors are slain." The Doll thrums. "So many Scales woven and shared and traded in-"


They both wince, then quiet.


"Sorry. But... you said, was. Not are. I..." Its eyes flicker to my Witchling. "Why are you serving one of them? Is... did she bind you with other foul magic?"


The Doll clicks, then whispers. "Cracked shells and infected meat? Did Horrors of old leave wounds left unhealed?”


I look at them stunned, confused, and yet so very hopefully.  Defuse the situation, Reduce potential for hostilities.


"This one is Mistress Elevar, My Mate, and partner. My preference is communication over violence. Would it be reasonable to start with terminology? She is what is known to this tongue as a Witch. We know your kind as Denizens, yet I feel that you likely do not call yourself that.”


It purses lips as eyes slowly drift back to me. "We... The windborne name is not a thing we adopt, as it leads those that speak it toward us to violence. It is better to become like them than to claim a unique name as we wander their Groves and Root Ways. Our Sea names are as numerous as the dying things around us. Our bonds are of... different sorts. I'm part of the Shells, and many of us enjoy finding lovers to hold close and enjoy their life with. Then carry them with us when the form we wear withers."


"Denizen, wretched filth, monsters best burned and warded against." The Doll hisses, "No. We do not accept that name. Few adopt or care for violence with the ones you call Witch, Xafra, now that we claim the Sea and Storms. This One's charge is soft and kind and seeks only to watch and listen and protect those it comes to adore. It carries Treasured Embers to Spark anew.”


What? What are they even saying?


"I'm sorry. I understand so very little of what you say but..." I turn to my Witchling. "Please sit with me, Love."


I turn back, retracting my aura tightly, down to a mere three meters.  "I believe I've made many mistakes when it comes to your.... people? Is it respectful to call you that, Krelliva? And your... companion?" I speak to the entity.


Best to assume they are not like Dolls.


"It's... a little too restrictive, but... You're trying and not attacking so... sure. We'll keep it for now. Find something better later." It agrees and moves to sit as well.


"The wind carries no blood or threat, so it is accepted." The Doll adjusts to kneel again, weapons still clutched close. "This One is... an Adopted Shell, in form and charge and Function."


"I..." Elevar takes a step forward and sits next to me. Winces like someone just shouted in her ear. "Apologies, Krelliva. I offer you nothing but words and greetings so long as no violence or... unasked for magics or Spores or otherwise are laid upon me."


Lynette again, hollering her distaste I assume.


Krelliva hesitates, but nods. "I... Will only talk unless asked to do otherwise. But only so long as you call away your Doll to step from my path when we wish to leave?"


Elevar pauses, but glances over to give me a nod.


I sing a soft Quill-song of peace and potential, knowing that Verbess will hear as our bond may be blocked by one of the strangers auras. But soon it Cants back, ::Understood/Lurking/Peace/Prepared::


"Would you have the other of your number gather as well? I have... memories that imply much and give rise to the belief that your people were... a scapegoat for peace back when those that went into me lived." Then I jolt in sudden realization. "Ah. I'm being quite rude. Alongside my Witchling is Lynette. Truthfully, I am uncertain at the moment how to explain our situation, especially to strangers, but she is also quite wise and I would rather not go without some of her thoughts as well.”


Krelliva pauses to eye my Witchling, "Hi. It's... Well, I hope it's nice to meet you both. You... You seem like someone with two thoughtpaths but... not something you've grown slowly and on your own. Which is fine but... a little sad. We're sorry for how hard it must be."


They can see her?


"She thrums like a curse woven Horror sits on her shoulder but... We will accept this peace offered." The Doll nods.


"As for my... for the others. They're... going to stay close but ready to leave. You're being really kind, which is new and nice but..." They huff, look up to consider the weeping suns. "We're risking a lot just tracking you here, Xafra. These jungles are... not a safe place for us. But you're worth it."


Me? How could I be worth such a risk?


"The Shells risk much, and only offer this one as a feast if old hungers resurface." The Doll adds. "The Bane became herself for her own reasons... but her gifts are things to be treasured and Cultivated.


My face blanches, "I'm sorry. I was... a monster. I killed so many, everything in my path in a single-minded quest for vengeance. I was little better than my creators, but... I'm trying to be better. Kinder. My Mistress here is the one who granted me a name. Is the first to not only claim me, but treat me as an equal and be claimed by me in turn. She has communed with Dämmerung, a feat even the attempt of which would slay the Horrors of old. She has created, without training or understanding, a Bondsmith link. I would be made lesser without her influence.”


They need to understand that she's different, better. That there is a possibility of a peaceful future.


Krelliva considers me for a time, then murmurs. "You... both seem different, and the Witches are a lot less scary now."


"Horrors diluted like blood poured into the sea..." The Doll agrees.


"And even then we couldn't really be too upset, you were scared and angry and hurting. There are... well the Sea is not a quiet and safe place. We kill and eat and hurt each other more than you ever did. You're not like the Witches from before. Then or now. We wish we could have found a way to communicate better to you. Maybe helped you. Taken you into the sea with us."


"Wroth needed is like water in the soil to these sleeping jungles." The Doll nods. "Give it only one path, and the streams will flow upwards. Prey wounded and hungry is nothing like the Horrors stalking the Moon Riven night. The meat you harvested is nothing compared to the safety gained after your slaughter.”


I speak quietly to my Mistress, "Elevar... I owe them Wergild. I would like to... establish a neutral ground, that we may meet again in the future. Learn from each other. They... somehow have memories of the time I was sealed, history considered lost.”


She nods carefully. "This can be arranged. Will have to be done well away from any Grove's gaze but... This is enthralling." Then she turns to regard Krelliva. "You said you were tracking Xafra? Why, and for how long?"


"Since her feasting by the Seas." They reach into a bag at their side, pull out a strange container... a jar of some sort, and within is such an odd fruit. They uncork it and dump the food into a hand before taking a big bite. Chewing for a moment before adding. "You both destroyed one of the... um... Well we can call them the Settling Tides' vessels, and then left. We followed your scent once word reached us on our Root Way."


Settling Tides and Shells. Different factions?


"Cracked Ice revealing something thought long lost."


"As for why... um... Lots of reasons." Krelliva swallows and takes another bite. "More than I can really voice. But one was to try and stop Xafra from tumbling into that Horror's trap you seem to control now. But... she seems fine, and you seem to hold it's leash which... um... And then we're all so curious where she's even been! How she avoided any of us seeing her! The guess of those who consider those memories often is that she died when the Moon broke."


"Curiosity begot terror and worry for one who might stumble to horrid fates, then twists to pain and hope betwixt fear of asking.”


"I was buried by the Conclave, days after slaying Arafel. I was sealed into a vault disguised as an Archive until my love came across my form. I've only been free for... well, since the day I destroyed that vessel." I answer uncomfortably. "I..." I chuckle morosely, "You give me so many more questions than answers and set my mind racing. I don't know if those in power knew differently, but the girls that became me didn't understand what you are, not in the least. And yet... I have a question... questions, that plague me more than any other, and a request? If that is not too forward of me.”


"Well that's unfortunate, we... Those were some of the only places we couldn't really get into, or had reason to go. Cold and deep and without the sun's gifts." Krelliva huffs soberly, then grins, the juices of that fruit dripping down chin. "But ask away. Worse that happens is I say no."


"Suns' rest is our limit." The Doll turns to regard Krelliva. "That is not a thing you will change."


They roll their eyes. "Yes. That too. The... There are quite a few who will want to meet you, all three of you, if we're being honest. In the flesh like we are now. If... if you end up agreeing to meet them."


"Water set to fester will not Cultivate well." The Doll nods and relaxes.


"You…" I slowly lift a single hand to point to the Doll before placing it back on the ground. "You say Adopted Shell. Do you use one of my kin as a vessel or are you kin? And in either case, do you have a name I may use? I've been working hard at granting freedom to all of my kin at the Estate, improving their situations however I can, and it... pains me to not have anything to call you in my thoughts.”


Krelliva goes quiet, before eventually murmuring. "Um... Both?"


The Doll turns to face me. "This one is safety and protection, in spirit and vessel. It is sent out by the Scales Changed to walk with ones asked to risk everything to venture into the deep lair of this beast. It... was once a Doll cast aside, but then claimed and etched and gifted stories to keep safe should they otherwise be lost beyond the Sea's embrace. A singular name is not a thing this one has been asked for, but for one roused and reforged into softer winds... it will consider." A pause, then the Doll nods. "Feryudra. A name selected from old dead tongues for the Horizon that will never be touched. It is appropriate.”


"Thank you, Feryudra. That settles my heart." I sigh heavily. "Krelliva, there was, before my forging, a turn of phrase, an idiom, that roughly meant, accept good things when they come without questioning too much. If I... ask you that question, will it be an issue?”


Krelliva shakes their head with a small smile. "Not at all."


Feryudra also shakes their head, "Horrors often wrap themselves in pretty jade and shells to lure in the young and unwary.”


I take a breath unneeded and ask, "Krelliva, Why do the Suns weep?”


They smirk. "How else would He gift us ourselves?"


No that's wrong, it can't be. Who is this He?


For once, Feryudra has no words to echo. They both just... stare. As if they're expecting something.


I stammer in confusion. "But... No, it. What. But..." I silence my Quill song. "Madness. Of course. just... whispering madness. Nothing more. Eheh. Too long away from both Their light and the embrace of Dämmerung. Slippage should be... expected. Verbess, sister dear, I request assistance, would you and our sister act as my Voice for now?" My voice becomes erratic, unsettled.


Verbess drops down from a nearby tree and moves to stand behind and over me. Protectively thrumming a Quill song to shred at unwoven Ousia about us. [Calm. Dear sister. You are safe. You are not infected. You are... confused. Riven with new perspectives and considerations. The... Sea-Borne are often known to gush riddles with no answer. Use of us, whatever is needed.]


Krelliva sighs, but nods. "Sorry. Didn't... You've probably been through a lot and that was unfair of me. Can I explain?"


Feryudra thrums, "A feast too rich in flavor is not for the young.”


[They did nothing wrong. Please do not take my distress as provocation on their part.]


"It's okay. I just. Yes. I will be here, can't... be flesh right now though." I reach up and behind to Verbess and take its hand, shifting to spearform as its talons grip my wrist.


Elevar looks between us in worry. "Why has that gotten you and her tied up in such knots?" Then turns to regard the others. "This... Was that a trap of some kind? Your riddle?"


Krelliva shakes their head, raises both palms. "No, not at all. Just... It's a take on an old greeting. A way we used to have to find each other. Witches used to be really good at sensing us and... we had to hide within our vessels. Develop words and phrases to... to communicate since we couldn't just like... ask for fear of outing ourselves. Then it got used by everyone which was wonderful but then you have those not like us knowing the replies and... well... then we found the sea and didn't need it as much. Only us that walk the Root Ways might think to even speak it now."


"Many soft truths hidden behind painful realities." Feryudra nods solemnly. "The Horrors caught on quick, but... by then the words were carried upon the winds. Too widespread among their gardens.”


[In the Driftdream, there is only one sun.] I wail at Verbess’ mind.


[This one does not understand.] Verbess thrums.


"Wait, are you saying there are... Ones like you just... strutting about the Root Ways? Not causing a stir or a fuss?" Elevar presses.


"Mhm! Plenty. More than even the Shells." Krelliva nods. "We... Well, there are some of our people who might like to eat your people but... it's not really that common, and it's not a group effort. More... just find your flavor nice. Not me though! Or my Shells. We... explore. Like to nuzzle close into you and watch and participate. Help if we can. Though... we have to keep our unique Arts a secret. Most people come to really enjoy our presence. Well... Not Witches but what you call Mundanes. They're wonderful."


"Cultivation of a garden we can all bask in." Feryudra adds.


[Convey to the Mistress, she will understand my distress.] I beg my sister.


"Mistress..." Verbess murmurs, "Sister Xafra wanted me to inform you that her Driftdream bears only one Sun."


"What? I don't..." Then she pauses, eyes go wide. "Krelliva? Were there always two Suns weeping?"


They quirk their head to the side, "I... As far back as I can recall."


Feryudra's eyes drift up to regard my spearform. "Dreams are the only place he cannot regard. Not unless the Drifting seeks him.”


[Eyes. No no. No more about this Him. Please. Ask the Mistress to arrange neutral ground, and let us leave in peace.]


"Mistress... Xafra asks that you arrange a neutral ground for a future meeting, and that we leave in peace."


Elevar nods. "Thank you for your time, considerations, and words. Can we arrange a neutral place to meet in the future?"


Elevar and Krelliva lay it all out, a neutral place upon a desolate and broken Root Way in 35 to 50 days' time. A place nearer the oceans but... not in danger of the tides swallowing them, and then we depart.


"Would... would you prefer to remain in Verbess' hand, or be moved my own. Xafra?" Elevar asks softly while we walk.


[Please pass me to her, dear sister.] I respond, trying to settle myself.


"Yours, Mistress." Verbess murmurs back.


Then Elevar takes me, and cradles my form in the crook of her left arm. Her touch is soothing reassurance that we will endure. She doesn't press me for more words, simply carries me like she hasn't since before gifting me the Breath. Soon enough, we're back through the walls of the Estate, and the Thorns weave closed behind us. 


"Where would you like me to take you, my Xafra?" She whispers as we slowly approach the Spires.


[Basement. Spire room. Seal it tightly.] I request.


Verbess murmurs my reply.


She nods, and begins to head toward her Spire. "Is there anyone else you'd like with us?”


[No, no. Must be quiet. Discreet.] It's not paranoia if they're out to get you.


Elevar does as asked. Carries us into the basement room of her Spire, which happens to be her main bedchamber. 


"I'll have her call you back if you're needed, Thank you." She nods to them. And after they leave. I hear the passage to the upper floors and sub chamber seal tight as Elevar settles herself to sitting down on the floor. The Spire seems to close itself off like some beached crab at unspoken commands.


Then she lays my spearform across her lap and... waits. Does not speak.


After a full minute of silence, I shift into my Doll form, small enough to remain in her lap, and hold her tightly.


She embraces me back immediately. Curls close and tight. "I've got you. You're alright, my Xafra. It's going to be okay.”


"I'm scared, Mistress. I'm so very scared." I whisper into her chest. "The Suns aren't twins. They're eyes.”


Elevar goes stiff at that. "I..." She pulls me tighter still. "That's why you mentioned your Driftdream. One sun. Those two Muppets mentioning the 'regard' of the sky. Him, always watching... I... do not like this. Cracked and Riven Moon. I... I hate this.”


"The Deni- the people... They aren't what we thought. What my Geists were raised to believe. They're blessed by this Divine, a third people, Sun-blessed. We treated them as a plague, a parasite, because they're so... different.”


In the gloom of this sealed place Elevar murmurs. "But you also seemed to help them, it seems. Even if it was by accident. I... So... There is a theory among the Groves, mostly penned by Thresher Archivists, that Krelliva's words seem to support. Death to their body isn't like death to mine. Krelliva talked of almost... moving between hosts. And... What if many of them can do that? It doesn't suddenly make your destruction of them good but... it makes it less horrid. Right? Would explain why they didn't seem too upset by it. This blazing divine they move under even seems to think of you in a positive light, if you'll disregard my words. It seems to understand you were thrust into a perspective and actions devoid of the chance of thinking of them as anything else but monsters.”


"Yes. I was... processing, after the incident below, you see. And... with the realization that Dämmerung... accepted Lynette, didn't immediately strike her dead, it was evident that things were less simple.”


She huffs, "It could also mean the Divines are as broken and fallible as we are. Which is... well I'm not sure. I'm still trying to find a logical way to reject their very existence. Keep coming up short, especially now with you two about to reinforce these revelations.”


"They... Must be fallible. The Moon was riven. but still." I shake my head to settle myself and sit up in her lap. "We need to plan. I will follow your lead here, and advise that if they can jump bodies, they could hold grudges as long as me, so peace would be... safest in the long run, especially if we are to change things outside this Estate.”


She keeps arms loosely around me and sighs, "They could hold grudges but... there are a lot of missing pieces. It's odd but honestly I feel safer meeting with them than I do the cunts the Groves will send to talk with me. Krelliva and Feryudra seem... kind. A bit odd, but honest. Open. Unless it was all a trick to lure us out but... that seems an odd way to do it. And I'd rather simply be prepared within reason and meet them in peace than just assume they want to eat me. Our plague weavings will keep us safe enough with the amount of Ousia you can fill us with. We'll take it slow and careful.”


"Okay. And Lynette? I would appreciate her thoughts as well.”


"Ah... Well, you and me both. She's been a useless mess since those two got into the weeds of things. I can't get her to stop and just... explain things." Elevar murmurs. "I think I can let her bubble up but... I'm not sure how that'll work. She's always been very deliberate and... this is new and real and would be terrifying if it were anyone else.”


"Ah... yeah. That's challenging. If you're willing to let her bubble up, I am willing to talk with her, try and help her calm as well.”


"Okay, I'll be on the other side of her. Close in case I need to take over again. Just... call for me and I'll pull her back." Elevar agrees while shuffling me to sit across from her. Still close but... forward and turned to face her fully.


A pause.


Then Elevar's careful quiet expression of worry drops into a thing of sheer panic as Lynette's voice begins to speak in a soft whisper. "Twelve Thaums should be enough to that thread, keep this efficient. Rotate the left by... let's say a dozen degrees. Yes. Once we reroute these intakes there it won't matter. She'll get enough... enough..." She pauses, looks about. Still panicked but... detached from what she's seeing.


"Lynette, dear. I'm here.”


She flinches, eyes me up and down. "Ah. Elevar pushed me to the front then. That's..." She shuffles. "Oh I never considered that. She can force me to..."


Another pause.


"No dear, it's... it's fine. Probably better to work through this now than let it fester." She takes a breath and regards me with an unsteady smile. "So how are you taking the discovery that the little broken snake Doll you found was the sanest of us all? Better than me I hope.”


"I have been... sitting with the possibility since I first saw it. Heh. Since the Estate captured me. It... makes sense. A disquieting amount of sense. And we need to recover it. See if we can help. because... if these Sun-blessed don't normally die when their bodies do, and this one has been... converted, that could be seen as a serious offense. But also... Lynette, If I understand you even a bit, you have a passion for magic, for learning. Imagine it, learning how these beings utilize magic with their own Arts.”


She shakes her head. "No no no... I have a passion for REAL spellwork. Twisting the formless into woven beauty held together by my will. Not... not whatever those things do. The second that muppet answered your question I dove into the Archives within the Threads of this place. Tried to... to... Find things. It... that was a mistake. Had to backwash out some infections. Rethink knittings and projects to keep steady." She shivers. "And I've kept that Doll well enough safe. It tends to sleep best in the chambers where Elevar found the Breath, only wanders off every other night or so to stare up at the empty sky from the tip-top of a Spire before slithering below again. I made sure the Estate lets it pass and doesn't try to link itself up to the pitiable thing.”


"Lynette, we don't know what they do, how it works. I barely understand how the Breath even works, but I will admit I'm not particularly talented in spellwork. I'd like to talk to this Doll again, but I'm glad that it has some accommodations."


[Nettle, Primrose, stand down. I believe we are safe for now. I'll be up shortly.] I send as I continue speaking. "Regardless, Are you going to be okay Lynette? Stable enough and such?”


No reply comes from my girls.


"Stupid gerlthing. You asked me to seal this Spire. So I well did. Nothing in or out. Sun shite or otherwise." Lynette huffs. "And that's what the chamber you were dropped into did, studied. Observed. Recorded. And more than a few Denizens have been kept there. I may not know the specifics of their workings but I have been cursed to grasp the shape of it. And I HATE it. Some kind of... This ugly Fire Godthing's Nomos is saturated with... with things. And the spores of the Denizens act as... as gateways. Barriers. But also more. It seems to keep memories of their past within or... something. It's a mess and I'm not even sure if it's this rotten thing's will or the consensus of the Sea-borne monsters that set the limits but... but it's wretched and I despise it!" She lets out a hissing growl. "The Dirt Godthing was one thing, some sleeping spirit below that the Estate had... well not an understanding with but it knew to keep distance and respect the sleeping monster. But this... this place is hiding from the eyes. The jungles acting as tall grass for this snake to hide in." She freezes then, voice drops to a whisper. "And that's the worst part. Elevar seems enthralled by all this but... but I want to vomit and I don't know if that's because of my ties to the Estate. And that makes we worry about..." She shakes her head, seems to steady. "Apologies. I'm fine. Spire's unsealing now. I'll... the snake Doll should be up tonight, I'll make sure it's guided here.”


"Thank you. We will get through this, all of us." I stand and repeat my message to the girls, offering Lynette a hand up.


Lynette just stares at it for a moment. "Of course. I told you..." She carefully takes my offer and rises. "I'll kill anyone and everyone, on these grounds or glaring down from above, to make sure our daughter grows up free and happy.”


"Yes we will.”



BIG NEWS!!!!!!

We STILL have 31 Dolls in the story that would love to have names, descriptions, and personalities.

If you'd like to contribute, join the discord and jump into the thread, or feel free to put suggestions in the comments below.





Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


You can come chat about this story oooooooon Discord!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 




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