A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 51: Shelf Polyarmory (Blade)

Shelf Polyarmory (Blade)

Content Warnings:



I wake up the next morning with Nettle and Primrose clutching tightly to my naked Doll form, both of them still fast asleep.


Cuddling was definitely a good idea. I'd feel terrible if they tried to prioritize my desires over each other's.


Moving slowly, I begin the process of extracting myself from the tangle on the previously unused bed.


Nettle stirs, but otherwise doesn't rouse. Primrose wiggles closer, but more on reflex, and her Frame allows me to easily slip free and re-adjust her to cuddle her Pinnate.


I dress quickly in a simple green dress, feeling it appropriate for this form despite its lack of any genitalia. It's comforting to know that I can exist in a body that's both feminine and... not designed for intercourse. That Sun-blessed Doll didn't wear clothing, but all the others I've seen have, well… except for Alpinia. Probably best to continue to do so... Maybe I should ask Elevar about it?


I head downstairs to the common room where Adaline is politely drinking the 'tea' Calix has apparently made for her after learning last night that she can consume liquids without issue.


"Did you want some?" she asks politely, with her emotions and expressions very carefully masked.


"... What's in it?" I respond cautiously, uncertain how much trouble I'm looking at.


"Hot seawater with belladonna, aniseed and dried juniper berries. It honestly tastes much better than this one expected for something that would kill any mundane or Witch foolish enough to drink it." she giggles at my wariness.


I take a sip and it's salty, sweet, metallic, and tart, like Ozuth berries coated in blood. 


"Oh no, it's delicious." I moan, pitching my voice loudly enough for Calix to hear from the next room.


Joy bubbles along the bond from him and I take a seat across from Adaline to collect myself and figure out plans for today. 


"So... To uh start, once I get the go ahead from Elevar and Lynette, I'm willing to attempt the reknitting for you. There's additional considerations for afterwards though.”


She sips at the tea more, her growing grin making it difficult. "Go on, Mistress.”


I lower my voice "If we are able to turn you into a Witch Doll or whatever term you choose, I'd like you to take over responsibility for some of the others. Just a few at first. Valthirii, Riana, Selene, and Zelma.”


"You'd be... giving me up?" Adaline responds with concern.


I shake my head in frustration, annoyed with my inability to explain well. "No, not at all. I think that a hierarchy would be more effective, and I want to show my trust as well as help ensure everyone's needs are being met.”


"You mean... You'd be my Mistress still, and this one would be the Mistress to other Dolls? That sounds... odd. Kind of silly.”


"Well yes, and it may be a bit... odd considering in the end you will all still be mine, but I do think it will help when it comes to our plans to dealing with threats and taking over the Groves if every doll has someone to report to." I explain, already trying to determine who else can be placed in positions of command. 


Definitely not Calix, he needs to be free to go where needed. Nettle probably could. I think I could put her in charge of... Garami, Shelkie, and of course Mélusine, would be inappropriate to seperate them. then I need someone to take charge of all the Combat Dolls... Coqui could do it, but I will need to get to know them more though. Will be good to have the rest more settled soon so I can figure out how to accommodate them.


"Alright. So where first, Mistress?" Adaline asks smoothly.


"Well... I need to privately touch base with Verbess and my other sisters soon. I also need to buckle down and read these bloody books, and it might be more comfortable to start those in the Library that Valthirii is working on, which would give you a chance to get to know her more as well, assuming you'd like to tag along. Uhhhm... Primrose said she has something to show me later today apparently, now that the paint is restocked and replenished." I start counting on my fingers, "I've been told that Strychnine has some real talent at cooking and in retrospect, I haven't actually eaten anything designed as food for way too long. I want to do some renovations with the Spires, see what I can do to convince Lynette to create a space at one edge of the Estate that is not part of it, while still being within the Walls so I can make a temple or something. Repugnant, I know but it seems extremely foolish to risk Divine retribution by not paying proper obeisance to Dämmerung, Him, and my dear deceased Moon. Oh, and... Well... I'm not sure how to say this one without it coming across as wildly forward and outright rude..." I trail off after ticking down the sixth finger.


"Go on, you've got this one intrigued now." She smiles wickedly.


"I uhhm would like to see exactly how your liquid intake system works so I can try and replicate it for others and expand on it to permit eating, if not proper digestion, for the Dolls that want it." I facepalm as she goes from amused to puzzled to laughing uproariously.


"Whew. Well. Okay. How about, we start the day with a meal with Lynette and Elevar, ask her about the thing then, break off to do whatever with Verbess, at that point, I'll head to the library and get Valthirii to assist in making notes on the books to save time and have a bonding moment or whatever, you meet me back here after, see what's up with Primrose, and then we can do some... testing, shall we say? You help me, I help you?" She offers.


She's a natural at this. Impressive really. Never was much of a leader myself, not like there was really an opportunity for it.


"Sure. Thank you very much. That would be much appreciated.”


A half hour later, Elevar, Lynette, Schatzi, Adaline, and myself are all sitting at a table on the new patio that Adaline made. Strychnine is positively gleaming in the bright sunlight as all six of their arms carry baskets and trays of food and drink.


"Good to meet you again. I didn't expect the shine, honestly," I say to them as they begin setting things on the table.


Strychnine smiles, a stilted unfamiliar expression for them. "Thank you. This one is happy that Calix was able to help remove the limescale.”


Strychnine departs, and we all begin to dig in, the baskets for me and the Dolls very clearly labeled as not for Witch consumption.


"This is quite pretty." Elevar comments after setting down her basket and kneeling to touch the stone. "A good choice. I don't often enough get to enjoy a meal outside, this was a good idea.”


"This one is very glad it meets with approval. It was... frustratingly difficult without the correct knowledge to start.” Adaline while moving to grab a pastry looking thing from one basket.


"Oh? And what knowledge was the correct kind for this project? I've not personally studied much Root weaving myself so... stone is quite beyond me." Elevar follows up while moving to sit at my side.


"Tamping... apparently it wasn't just a dumb dirtgodthing ritual, but a mundane technique to level the ground for the pavers." Adaline answers with chagrin.


I sip on a jar of what Strychnine assures me is a test batch to recreate one of my favorite fermented fruit drinks of the past as Adaline carefully tries a beast blood smoothie.


"Thank you again, for showing us the library last night." Elevar says to me. "Lynette's been all alight with comparing what you've shared about older magics with what this Estate has recorded. From the little I've caught of her muses she's finding all sorts of interesting connections.”


"Excellent. Oh. That reminds me." I pull a ring of Lunargent encased in a delicate mesh of my own iron out of my pocket and offer it to my Mistress.


"I... What's this?" She tilts her head while carefully reaching out to take it. Our bond humming with nothing but curiosity besides what feels to be... something. Lynette's steady focus on something else while only vaguely considering the events here? Perking up at her name being mentioned by Elevar but otherwise occupied. Only carefully controlled emotions being shared from her. Both last night and now.


"I offered you a copy of my Driftdream library, remember? It's up to date as of last night, and it will update whenever you visit my Driftdream. Took a bit of work last night to make it, mostly just having the weave remember it's still a part of me, but I think it looks quite nice?”


"Oh! This is encasing the Lunargent?" She turns it about between fingers, holding it up to the sunlight. "It's quite gorgeous, actually. Thank you.”


"You're very welcome. It seemed prudent to make sure any sort of jewelry I make for my Mate is as lovely as I can manage while also being functional.”


"I've not bothered with such things for years." She murmurs, begins to carefully test the ring out on different fingers. "And a ring like this will... definitely stand out. Things of iron are already a rarity, so our needle was... quite the stand out tool. And to have a ring such as this is quite a step beyond." Then she finds the finger I sized it for, and slips in on. Smiling only a little, but not worrying to smother the titters of enjoyment she feels from passing through the bond to me.


"I'm glad you like it. I uhh… Had a question for you that is a bit awkward, and another request for Lynette." I begin, feeling weirdly nervous.


"Of course," She replies easily, "Start with whichever you'd like.”


"To avoid coming off as... manipulative, I'll make my request first. Lynette, I want to ask for a section of the Estate, preferably near one the Walls, to be... divested from the Estate, so I can..." my stomach turns with the words "Build a Temple.”


Elevar tilts her head, and the bond sings with confusion and interest but... also a few other things she hides before gently letting them pair with the others. Worry and a touch of concern. "A place for worship? To... whom?”


The distracted considerations from Lynette turn to rapt attention. Like one reading a book shutting it with a deliberate motion to turn and eye me. <Oh?>


"To... all three Divines. As a precautionary measure, considering our upcoming meeting with the Sun-blessed, and your... acceptance by Dämmerung. It makes my frame crawl, but I'd rather not have my loved ones harmed due to a lack of proper respect.”


A pause, and Lynette seems to chuckle, but ensures the mirth that tints her words is a soft thing. <That... is not a thing I believe worth doing. Not that I can't be convinced, mind you. Or doubt your motives. I have nothing on a possible Moon Godling, and only a little on this Dämmerung. Save the Estate's borders and understanding to both not disturb it and watch for... shall we say, little monsters that it might hatch forth from its territory. And as for this Sun Godthing... This Estate remains unknown for a reason. A snake in the grass. To give these Sun-Blessed a foothold in these jungles would invite dangers. We know of those 'Shells' willingness to parlay but I'd rather not expose ourselves to the wider considerations of their ilk.>


I continue to speak aloud out of respect for Adaline. "Alright. I'll take that as a no for now and we can revisit it if it seems more... urgent. It's not something I want, to be clear, but I didn't want to neglect the idea.”


"That and we don't know if the Sun-Blessed even use or need such places." Elevar adds. "If we manage to gain their support in other things and find them trustworthy we can settle on accommodations if they wish to visit. Let them instruct if such a place is desired?"


Lynette communicates the equivalent of a head tilt of acknowledgement, but not agreement. Then to turns back to whatever her muses were focusing on before, idling murmuring. <I mean to ask for your aid eventually regardless. I was thinking about properly settling a place below to consider and commune with this Dämmerung. Either for you or Sikkina.>


I nod in agreement, "Which... brings me to the awkward question. Heh. From my newest Geist, I learned a number of customs and such of course but it seems that this one is ahhh regional. So... back in Tiefenfelder, there was a tradition that when you uhhm impregnated someone, you got them a gift. Typically something quite personal to represent the bond being formed." I begin turning bright red in embarrassment.


"I... That's... An interesting perspective. On... All that." Elevar tries to hide her outward surprise and matching flustered enjoyment at my words and rising blush, failing a bit at both. 


The link to Lynette goes silent for a good few heartbeats as Elevar tries to recover, then resumes with an attempt at calm considerations undermined by her hesitant reply. <I... mostly thought of Sikkina as adopted but... I... suppose there is analogy due to my connection to the Estate and the placement of the Sanctuary. From a certain point of view.> 


"If anything we should be... be congratulating you. Getting you a gift." Elevar adds, her soulmate's words sparking her to continue. "I just managed a fire... Held her for a bit."


<And I agreed to... to simply make sure she grew to her full potential. Without the nonsense her mothers dealt with.> Lynette tries to finish calmly. <But... That's quite thoughtful of you regardless.>


"She is incubated in a sanctuary you formed from the Estate, which you are a part of. I consider you her mother in truth as well, Lynette. I am... somewhat scared of you, but I trust and respect you. So, I wanted to know if it would be permissible or acceptable to offer such a gift.”


She goes still for a heartbeat, then more steadily than before intones. <I... of course. I won't turn away a gift from Elevar's Näherin or the mother of my child.>


With precise motions, I raise my hands to my face and have my crystalline eyes fall into them as new real red irised eyes grow in their place. I offer them out, one in each hand to both my Mate and the mother of my child. "To freedom and new beginnings.”


Their hands reach out, and through the bond I can feel them both mingled close in their next actions. Carefully but with a small tremble taking the offering. "You... yes." They whisper, pulling both hands and gifts close. "We will keep them close, always. Remind ourselves that even the most beautiful of chains should be broken free of... And... and that even from that such wonderful people can persist and grow beyond."


Lynette goes still after the words leave their lips. Still present but... distracted by things she keeps carefully concealed. 


"Thank you, and... yes. I'm..." Elevar says and doesn't try to stop the moisture that touches her eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't realize what they meant sooner. Didn't insist you gain my help in letting you change them.”


I smile and cry happy tears, real tears from real eyes that can see my beautiful Mistress Elevar with no artifice processing my vision for me. "You're very welcome, you silly Witchling. You're forgiven even though I don't blame you in the slightest.”


She rises from her seat to step over and pull me into a hug. "I know that, I think. Even if it's not settled in my heart yet. I... But I wanted you to know that if other things like this arise or lay about, please come to me. Always. And thank you. Thank you so much. These gifts are wonderful."


Our chairs were already closely placed, but once she returns to sitting after our embrace she moves it even closer. Making sure the edges of legs touch and a single hand always close to mine.


Adaline quietly steps away from the table. "I'll see you in a while, Mistress. I don't want to intrude on this." I worry at first but her link sings only of amusement and anticipation.


Elevar glances over but... doesn't stop Adaline, only sighs in a similar touch of worry. Just a small trickle to tint her otherwise thrumming adorations for me.


I wave to Adaline as she departs to the newly converted Library Spire, then turn back and place my hand on hers. "Sister, I have some questions for you, if that's alright?" I ask Schatzi who's been silently observing.


"Huh what? Yes definitely, this one was certainly paying attention." She splutters, jolted into motion with the question.


"Warden." I begin, waiting for the change.


"Progenitor acknowledged, Query pending?" It responds without delay.


"Is this... Final Wish still in effect?" I continue.




"Then I won't press you any further for now, but I think you owe your Mistress some answers rather soon.”


"My Gerls owe me nothing, Xafra." Elevar says, but gently. "I mean to inquire about the Directives, mostly to ensure I don't stumble across something problematic, but otherwise... If this one wants to share they can in their own time." Then she turns to Warden. "And I mean that. Alright? You've somehow managed to keep both yourselves and me safe through all the nonsense I pursued. Share at your leisure.”


"Progenitor opinion is acknowledged and will be included in decision matrices. Primary User opinion noted and appreciated." Warden responds before dropping back down.


[You don't think it's unfair to Verbess and Schatzi that their third is actively modifying their memories and urges to suit its own ends, not to mention hiding its presence from them?] I send to Elevar and Lynette, while smoothly moving into my first actual question for Schatzi. "I was wondering how you are doing lately, considering we were quite worried about you both.”


"Pretty good I think? I have horns now and they're really cuuuute and and Sister Verbess is feeling better and gosh Mistress Elevar and Miss Lynette are really good to us and Miss Lynette's Doll is a cutie and I got to cuddle her earlier and it was so nice, she's soft and fuzzy and got the scales and cute ears, yea.”


"Isn't she? Lynette was considering offering to let her rest up here with us. The Spire would need to be sealed to accommodate her through the night, however." Elevar replies then adds. "Once she seems more comfortable, and you all agree, of course."


{Of course I think that's unfair, but I... I'm not certain we fully grasp their situation? Or... maybe that's just because I didn't see their internals as you did. I was blind for years to its presence. And I'm not certain if I entirely understand what exactly their relationship is, or if my insistence will change that. Warden is able to ignore my commands despite being Tuned to me. It... I've also not ever... well I don't really know how to... put this...} She trails off.


<I'm in agreement with Xafra, actually.> Lynette inputs. <Verbess almost killed us when Schatzi first let it crack free, and I'm fairly certain she was the one who stopped it from doing so all those years ago. And Warden never even spoke to me before the other day. It's... also one of the most complex and dangerous Dolls we've ever seen. Warden's actions speak to motives it should be honest about. Especially now that we've gifted this Doll the power to modify and repair itself as much as it likes.>


"Oh gosh! I would like that if she was okay with it too." Schatzi says excitedly.


[I don't think Warden is malicious in any way, to be clear, I just feel like it's not taking its sisters’ agency into consideration. So having a talk with it at some point, simply about not messing with memories and letting them know it exists would be sufficient to ease my worries.]


"I also had quite a productive discussion with our Mistress and... Wondered how you felt about intimacy between us.”


{I... yes. I agree. At least. I can push it for that. Of course.}


"Scandalous" Schatzi murmurs, "You need to talk to Verbess about that, Sister Xafra." before promptly shunting Verbess forward.


Verbess comes out rumbling a low purring laugh. "This one feels all sorts of things, Sister." Fangs click free, then fold away. Almost playfully. "Things that words won't express well. But to the answer it thinks you seek... It has sat wondering if either you would request our attendance, or the Mistress would command its function, in this. This one looks forward to such a time.”


I laugh full-throated and aroused at its insinuations. "Well. Mistress, how do you feel about a bit of a show?”


That cracks the worry from her, causing Elevar to giggle with me. "Never did I think to see the day this one would be so ravenous for another. And I've always enjoyed watching both of you work." She settles, leaning over to rest chin on palm, purring softly to us both. "Please, I'd adore some entertainment.”


"I'm so fragile right now sister dear... give me a head start?" I ask with a grin before jumping up and sprinting towards Elevar's Spire.






SO! We are hosting a CHARACTER directed Q&A both here and on our Discord in Celebration for 

A Blade and Her Witch.

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Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


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Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 



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