YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 50: Welcoming the Knights

"Huwaaaahhhh~" [Grey]

A new morning has arrived yet again, and like how Grey always did, he once again greeted it with a light stretching of his arms along with a barely audible yet lengthy yawn.

Yesterday, Fritz had successfully arrested Algerio, and along with Gabal, several other accomplices were arrested as well, and the Goldstone company was brought to ruins in just a single night.

After the arrest, the innocent servants in Algerio's household were freed from their work contracts, and are now being helped out by Fritz to find new jobs so that they can still continue to earn a living.

A gift had also arrived from Argas just before the arrest. Even when Grey had told him to not fret over it, he still went ahead and showered Grey with presents. Most of which were various pastries which Grey took a liking upon. Yuna and Eliza were also delighted by Argas' presents.

There was also the time where Grey saw Yuna with makeup on. Even when it was just a light application, Yuna looked very different. Just remembering about it again was enough to make his heart race like mad.

As Grey recollected the events that had happened the day before, he felt like sleeping in the very comfortable bed once again. Although his body wasn't really tired, the same thing couldn't be said to his mind.

Bang Bang Bang

"Elder Brother Grey, hurry up! I wanna eat already!" [Eliza]

Just as Grey was about to sprawl leisurely in the comfortable bed, a loud banging echoed throughout the room. The perpetrator was none other than Eliza who was excited for breakfast.

As the days passed by, Eliza has become more attached to Grey and Yuna as if they really were her older siblings. With their bonds deepening, Eliza has also become less restrained towards the two. She started to act more spoiled towards them.

Well, neither Grey nor Yuna minded Eliza's personality. Even when she acts spoiled from time to time, she still knows her limits and tries her hardest to be considerate to them. She also doesn't complain no matter how hard the training is.

"Just wait a minute! I'm still preparing myself!" [Grey]

A few minutes later, Grey walked out of the room and headed to the kitchen with Eliza, where she enthusiastically watched him cook breakfast with Rhodes and the other chefs.

Yuna was also there, cooking her own dish. But she didn't try to get close to where Grey was. She didn't want to look at him as she could still remember Grey's flustered face, making her heart beat like crazy. The two were experiencing the same thing, but they didn't know that.

Upon finishing his dish for the day, Grey left the kitchen and took a quick bath to refresh himself. The moment he soaked in the bath, the fatigue inside his mind quickly washed away as if it wasn't even there to begin with.

"Haah... Bathing really is great." [Grey]

Grey heaved a low breath as he continued to enjoy the hot bath. Especially when it was such a large bath and he was the only one there. It was like he was the king of the bath.

After the bath, Grey wore a change of clothes and then joined everyone in breakfast, wherein only Eliza looked like the one who wasn't tired. But even though they were tired, everybody still ate their meals heartily.

Grey had almost finished with my meal when suddenly, he remembered something important that he forgot to ask Fritz yesterday.

"Oh right, Fritz. Now that Algerio has been arrested, are our jobs finished?" [Grey]

"Hmm... I think it is. Don't worry, I'll send you the payment later." [Fritz]

"It's alright, there's no need to rush... Also, although we're thankful for letting us stay over, I think we'll be going back to the inn now that we have finished our quest." [Grey]

"Un! We had a wonderful stay here, thank you very much!" [Yuna]

Yuna and Grey had already decided about it quite some time ago that after they finish their job, they would be going back to the "Blue Spring" inn they had previously stayed at.

Although the mansion was a wonderful experience for the both of them, the thought of damaging something expensive really places quite a burden on their minds. After all, everything inside the room was quite valuable,

Clang Clang Langgggg

A pair of spoon and fork suddenly fell down from the table, hitting the floor. The owner of those utensils was Eliza whose face contained traces of shock as tears started to form on her eyes.

"What's wrong Liz?" [Yuna]

"Uuu... Elder Sister Yuna and... hic... Elder Brother Grey are... hic... leaving... hic... I don't want that! No! No! No! I want them... hic... to stay!" [Eliza]

Tears flowed out furiously of Eliza's eyes as she started throwing a large tantrum. She has already become so attached to Grey and Yuna that she wanted them to stay no matter what.

After all, before the two came into the mansion, she was mostly alone, only able to interact with the servants. Even then, their statuses acted as a barrier between her and the servants. It was only when Grey and Yuna came that she became a lot more cheerful like a normal child would be.

"Don't worry, Liz, we're going to visit you everyday." [Yuna]

"Yeah, and we'll bring back gifts for you." [Grey]

"No! I want you... hic... to stay with... hic,.. me!" [Eliza]

"But Liz, we still have other jobs to do." [Yuna]

"Then... hic... I'll go with you!" [Eliza]

Grey and Yuna tried to convince Eliza that they will be visiting her from time to time, but the latter stayed adamant. In fact, it only made things worse as Eliza really wanted to stay with them.

"Liz, don't be unreasonable! Grey and Yuna still have their own jobs. You can't monopolize them." [Fritz]

"But... hic... But... hic... I just want... them to be... with me..." [Eliza]

It was only when her father reprimanded her that Eliza became more quiet and tried to behave herself. Even then, the tears trickling down her face didn't stop from flowing. She became quiet but it didn't mean she had agreed to what her father said.

As time passed, more and more tears flowed out from Eliza's eyes. Seeing her like that, Grey and Yuna's hearts ached a little. Even Fritz, who wanted to scold her, felt as if his heart was being torn the more he looked at his crying daughter.

It wasn't that Eliza didn't understand their words, she just didn't want to give in. She reminded Grey and Yuna of Helen who was also crying when they departed, only that it was an adorable little girl this time.

"Haaah... Alright, alright, we'll stay. We'll stay as long as your father agrees to it. Right, Yuna?" [Grey]

"Un... As long as it makes Liz happy." [Yuna]

Not being able to resist her crying face, Yuna and Grey agreed to Eliza's request on the condition that Fritz agrees to it. Hearing their condition, Eliza looked at Fritz with teary eyes that could easily break one's heart.

"Haah... So long as you don't ask unreasonable things from them." [Fritz]

"Uuu... Thank you... Father! Thank you... Elder Sister Yuna and... Elder Brother Grey! I... I love you all!" [Eliza]

Eliza expressed her gratitude with a half crying and half smiling face. She then hugged her father, Grey, and Yuna one after another. She knew she was being selfish and was happy that the three granted her wish.

In the end, they were all powerless against Eliza, and it was agreed Grey and Yuna stay over the mansion while they are still at Moterno. The power of a crying child was just too much for them to handle.

Grey's heart started to ache when he started to imagine just how Eliza would react when he and Yuna finally went back to Galderia. It will probably be another round of Eliza crying her eyes out.

"Your lordship, the guests have arrived." [Rosa]

Just as they all finished eating their breakfast, Rosa suddenly entered the dining hall and notified Fritz on some people's arrival. It seemed urgent that it caught Grey and Yuna's attention.

"Tell them I'll be there in a minute." [Fritz]

Having heard Fritz's response, Rosa then bowed politely and silently left to carry out her task. Fritz also went ahead and fixed himself up to meet the said quests.

"Visitors?" [Grey]

"You could say that. They're knights from the capital that are sent here to participate in the Labyrinth of Death's opening." [Fritz]

Fritz answered nonchalantly as he stood up from his seat, preparing to go out and meet the knights the kingdom had sent over.

As the treasures inside the labyrinth will be owned by whoever obtained it. Kingdoms from all around the world send military forces to try and collect as many treasures as they could. Treasures which could easily equal a few month's earnings of a large city.

Compared to adventurers, knights on average were more powerful, if the adventurers' combat power averages at about 35, same with the soldiers, knights average at 80 or so. Just thinking about it made Grey a little curious.

"Hey, Fritz, could we meet them?" [Grey]

"There's no problem with that, but why all of a sudden...?" [Fritz]

"I'm just curious, that's all." [Grey]

"I want to go as well." [Yuna]

"Me too!" [Eliza]

Because of Grey!/ sudden request, everyone ended up going out of the mansion to welcome the knights. Eliza who was once crying has also gone back to her usual energetic self.

"Greetings, Viscount Landevar! 12th Legion Commander, Lt. Commander Gustav von Geldoria, reporting for arrival! We'll be in your care once again." [Gustav]

The moment they all went out to welcome the knights, a large middle-aged man with a muscular build and bearded face suddenly greeted Fritz with a loud booming voice, introducing himself formally.

⟨⟨Appraisal⟩⟩ [Grey]



[Name] Gustav von Geldoria

[Race] Human

[Sex] Male

[Age] 39

[Status] Healthy

[Mana Capacity] 756 [Mana Quality] D

[Combat Power] 632 [Threat Level] C

[Attribute] Lightning [Magic Proficiency] Intermediate (41%)

[Class] Lancer [Weapon Proficiency] Intermediate (43%)

[Physical Enhancement] 45%

[Ability] 『Super Strength (2☆)』


Seeing his status screen, Grey knew that he was strong by the world's standards. But when he saw his age, Grey could clearly tell that Vanessa and Kirt were the strange ones for being young and powerful at the same time.

"What's with that formality, Gustav? That's really not like you." [Fritz]

"Hahaha! You really know me too, Fritz." [Gustav]

"Haah... You are my brother-in-law, after all." [Fritz]

At first, the man looked serious, but after seeing his maniacal laughter, Grey and Yuna concluded that he was just another carefree person. It reminded them of a certain Guildmaster who shall not be named.

"Good morning, Uncle Gustav!" [Eliza]

"Oh, Good morning, Liz. Looks like you've grown taller again." [Gustav]

"Un!" [Eliza]

Following her father's greeting, Eliza also went ahead and greeted her uncle. Although they didn't look any little bit related to one another, they seemed to be rather close to one another.

"Ah... By the way, Fritz. Who are these youngsters with you." [Gustav]

"Oh, right..." [Fritz]

Hearing Gustav ask while he looked at Grey and Yuna's general direction, Fritz responded as if he had forgotten the two of them were there. After all, it was the first time Fritz has welcomed the knights with them.

"This is Grey and Yuna, I've hired them to be Liz's bodyguard for a few days. Though their jobs are done, they will still be staying at the mansion." [Fritz]

"I'm Grey. It's a pleasure to meet you." [Grey]

"Yuna. Nice to meet you." [Yuna]

"Hm...? Grey and Yuna...? where have I heard those names...?" [Gustav]

Rather than greeting them back, Gustav only pondered over their names as he tried to recall where he heard them from. It only took a few seconds for him to recall the things he wanted to remember.

"Ah! I apologize for my rudeness, Your Excellencies, Count Grey, Countess Yuna! I've heard so many tales of you two from Lt. General Filastra. It's an honor to finally meet you!" [Gustav]

Gustav quickly bowed his head as soon as he remembered their identities, making Grey and Yuna quite dumbfounded by his sudden actions. It was a reaction the two have now gotten accustomed to.

But even though he has already gotten used to that kind of reaction, there was one thing which bothered Grey. It was the second half where he heard something about Vanessa's tales about them.

"Umm... Lt. Commander Gustav... What kind of stories did Big Sisー I mean Lt. General Filastra tell you...?" [Grey]

"Well... There was a story where you defeated an opponent as strong as a lesser dragon. There was also one where the two of you had annihilated a horde of orcs. Oh, and she also mentioned that Lady Yuna could destroy B-rank enemies with ease!" [Gustav]

While it was questionable how Vanessa had gotten her hands on their feats as adventurers, Grey and Yuna felt relief when everything Vanessa had said were all true. Unluckily, that relief didn't last long...

"Ah, there was also one where you destroyed a whole mountain, and annihilated an ogre nest in less than a minute. She even mentioned you two being able to take on the entire Alfrione army without breaking a sweat!" [Gustav]

... As the moment Gustav continued to run his mouth, more and more exaggerated and made-up stories started to appear. It made Grey in particular shout Vanessa's name with annoyance inside his heart.

An idea to give Vanessa a piece of his mind briefly popped up inside of Grey's mind, but he quickly dismissed the thought. Even if he does that, he probably won't win against her. After all, Vanessa is Vanessa.

"Hmm... Now that I think about it, I haven't really seen how you two fight. How about we have a practice match?" [Gustav]

"Now, now, isn't that too much to ask on your first meeting, Gustav?" [Fritz]

"Come on, it's just for fun. Also, these knights of mine are getting a bit cocky. I could use a hand to teach them how vast the world is. What do you say, Lord Grey? Lady Yuna?" [Gustav]

A sudden request from Gustav was hurled towards Grey and Yuna. Fritz tried to stop him but it was useless. His eyes full of determination didn't allow him to give in to such an opportunity.

"I don't mind. We also haven't gotten much exercise lately." [Grey]

"Me too! I also want to see how strong the knights are!" [Yuna]

"Haah... Then I'll allow you all to use the practice grounds, just try to not destroy anything." [Fritz]

"Hahahaha! It's settled then!" [Gustav]

Hearing Grey and Yuna's answers, Fritz was left with no choice but to agree to Gustav's sudden proposal. The latter laughed boisterously as soon as he heard a confirmation from Fritz.

With the venue already decided, Gustav then ordered the knights to follow him, and headed there. Grey and company then followed suit. When they arrived there, Gustav then announced the practice match to the knights and explained the rules briefly.

The rules Gustav made were simple. In order to win, one side must knock out all the opponents from the other side. The use of any form of magic or any consumable items was forbidden, and one would be disqualified if the rules are broken.

It was also decided that Yuna will be the one to fight against the knights. Grey also wanted to have a go at it, but when it came to Yuna, he immediately conceded that place to her.

"Alright, then begin!" [Gustav]

Gustav announced the start of the match with a loud booming voice, but rather than attacking, the knights only complained why they were made to fight a delicate-looking teenage elven girl.

It was only logical for them to complain, who wouldn't? Just from a single glance, one could tell that it was more than 300 against 1. Just the numbers alone were already overwhelming.

"Hey, Missy, can you surrender for us? We really don't wanna get you hurt, okay?"

One of the knights said as he tried to pat Yuna's head, but before he could do so, Yuna disappeared from her view and when she reappeared, she already knocked out the knight with the hilt of her dagger.

"Oh, right. I forgot to mention, Lady Yuna is much stronger than Lt. General Filastra!" [Gustav]

Gustav declared his statement with his booming voice once again. It was a statement which was obviously a big fat lie. He just wanted to lower the knights' guards and have some fun.

"You've got to be kidding us!"

"Hey, don't drop your guards!"

"Let's corner her!"

Hearing Gustav's words and seeing how quickly Yuna knocked out one of them, the knights quickly became alert and became vigilant. They formed a goal to defeat the young lady before them.

The knights charged towards Yuna but just like what she previously did, Yuna vanished from their sight once again. When she appeared once again, she was already on the other end of the charging knights, and knocked out about 30 of them.

Yuna was utilizing her "Nihility" ability. She was like a ghost which appears out of nowhere and destroys the enemy without them even noticing her presence.

"Don't let your guard down! She can appeー"

"Behind you!"

"Where is shー"

One after the other, the knights fell by Yuna's hands. Rather than a practice match, it looked like a one-sided beatdown. Not even a minute has passed, but the knights' numbers already dwindle to a quarter of what it originally was.

"Hm... This is my first time seeing Yuna fight." [Fritz]

"Hahaha! She's just like how Lt. General Filastra described her!" [Gustav]

"Elder Sister Yuna is amazing!" [Eliza]

While the knights were suffering a crushing defeat in the hands of Yuna, the three spectators showered her with praises. Eliza in particular was super proud of her Elder Sister.

Meanwhile, Grey only felt pity for the knights. It was a lesson they have to learn to lessen their cockiness. Thankfully, they weren't allowed to use magic, otherwise, Yuna would have already obliterated them.

A few more seconds passed and the last knights finally fell, and thus the match was concluded with Yuna winning one-sidedly. Yuna didn't even break a sweat even with all the movements she did.

When the knights regained consciousness, they received a lecture from Gustav and they apologized to Yuna, but...

"Lt. Commander, please let us have another match!"

"Maybe we could win a fight with the young man there."

"Yeah, we'll prove our worth as knights."

... the knights asked to have another bout, but this time, they wanted Grey as their opponent. They still haven't learnt their lesson.

"No, no, no, there's no way you'll win against Grey. If I were to estimate, he should be about 5 times stronger than me." [Yuna]

But of course, Yuna shot down their hopes before Gustav could even agree to their request. Grey on the other hand was a little happy that he can also have a go against the knights.

"You really didn't learn your lesson, did you? Lord Grey, I would like to ask you to educate them once more." [Gustav]

As soon as Gustav gave the signal, another practice match began, and just like the previous one, the knights were defeated one-sidedly. It couldn't even be called a practice match.


"Please forgive us!"


That day, the knights gained an unforgettable experience, and the motto of Galderia's adventurer's guild was engraved to their souls, and that is to never judge a book by its cover.


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