YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 49: Arrest


A loud noise resounded throughout the room as the tablewares fell towards the ground. The one responsible behind such commotion was none other than Gabal. No, it would be more appropriate to say that Grey ordered Gabal to.

After Grey casted "Hijack" towards Gabal, the latter's consciousness had faded into darkness. Now, Gabal possessed neither senses nor any sort of awareness. It was as if he was sleepwalking.

"Hijack", a curse magic spell which allows the user to control the target like a puppet. Although it only works on living things that are at least two ranks lower than the user, it's still a powerful spell.

For a couple of minutes, Grey has been testing his control over Gabal, and the loud noise earlier was the result of him ordering the latter to perform a triple backflip. Although he was successful, he splendidly crashed on the table when he landed, toppling everything that was on the table.

As he controlled Gabal, Grey wondered what got into the latter's mind and tried to control him with an array. As Grey had proven it, curse magic was more effective. Not that Gabal has the capability to control him anyways.

'Hmm... Now that I've already confirmed how effective "Hijack" is, I should probably go to the main point now.' [Grey]

Grey pondered as he sat back on his chair. Gabal on the other hand remained standing still with his eyes devoid of any life and color. In a quick glance, he would appear as if he was a zombie, only one that is alive.

"Gabal, tell me, who ordered you to do this?" [Grey]

"Mas... ter... Al... ge... rio..." [Gabal]

While it was a bitー No, completely broken, Grey had confirmed that Gabal is indeed capable of answering his questions. He already knew that that was the case, but just wanted to confirm it firsthand.

Of course, if it was a normal and good-natured person, Grey would not use this spell on them, even for the sake of interrogations. It was just that Gabal happened to not be one of those people. He was the opposite.

"Following on, is this 'Algerio' also the one behind the attempts to abduct Eliza von Landevar?" [Grey]

"Yes..." [Gabal]

"How about the attempt on Fritz von Landevar's life?" [Grey]

"Af... fir.. ma... tive..." [Gabal]

Just like that, Grey was able to confirm that Algerio was indeed the one behind the recent incidents. He was able to crack a case which Fritz couldn't even solve after a couple of weeks.

The only problem was evidence. No matter what kind of testimonies or who testifies, testimonies are just testimonies. It wasn't really a strong piece of evidence in a world ruled by elites who could just hire people to testify.

Even if Gabal was a close aide to Algerio, the latter could just deny Gabal's claims and get away with his crime. It wasn't uncommon for people like him to cut off the people once they have become useless to them.

Grey's temper starts to boil as he ponders over how to help out Fritz and protect Eliza. It was such a huge pain in the ass that Grey started to wonder if he could just slug Algerio and get over it.

"Hey, what is your relationship with that scum, Algerio?" [Grey]

"I... am... his... but... ler..." [Gabal]

Just as Grey's annoyance over the matter was about to reach the limit, he saw a ray of hope in solving the case. Who knew that the trap set up against him could be used to catch his enemy.

A little smile quickly formed on Grey's face as a simple yet brilliant idea popped inside his mind. He only needed to confirm one thing and the case will be in the bag. They could finally ensure Eliza's safety.

"Gabal, tell me... How much does he trust you?" [Grey]

"Ve... ry... high... ly..." [Gabal]

A satisfied smile bloomed over Grey's face as Gabal answered his hopes. Lady Luck was on his side as fate itself has provided him with an efficient way to deal with the likes of Algerio.

"Gabal, go back to Algerio's house and gather as much evidence as you can against him. Make sure you act normally around him, and after you gather the evidence, bring them back to me. Understood?" [Grey]

"Un... der... stood..." [Gabal]

"Ah, right... Make sure you don't talk to anyone, otherwise, things will become troublesome," [Grey]

With a final reminder from Grey, Gabal set off towards Algerio's home to perform the task that was assigned to him. While he talked in broken sentences, his movements were fine and dandy.

Bang Bang Bang

Just a few seconds after Gabal left the room, a loud banging came echoing from somewhere in the room. When Grey checked out where it came from, he found an elderly man tied to a pillar behind the curtains.

He seemed to have just woken up and caused as much commotion as he could as soon as he came to his senses. Thankfully, Gabal has been turned into a puppet and there is only Grey left in the room.

After checking with his "Judgedment", Grey then quickly untied the man from the pillar and set him free. When he was set free, the first thing he did was massage his shoulders and arms. A light sound of bones cracking could be heard.

"Thank you for saving me, umm..." [???]

"Grey, call me Grey. And you are...?" [Grey]

"Ah! How rude of me! Sorry for the late introduction, I am called Argas, president of the Sagrada Company." [Argas]

After experiencing Gabal's schemes, Grey did not take any chances and checked out whether the man's identity really was who he claimed to be. Sure enough, "Argas" was displayed in his name slot.

"Ummm... Forgive me for asking, but how did you get inside my room?" [Argas]

In order to answer Argas' question, Grey told him the details of how he got there, excluding the fact about him using curse magic. After Grey stated his side of the story, Argas told him how he ended up getting tied in the pillar behind the curtains.

Apparently, while he was preparing for their meeting, Gabal came out of nowhere and knocked him out. Because of that, he was unconscious all the time while Grey was conversing with Gabal. He only woke up because of the loud noise from Gabal's graceful crash.

"I apologize for letting you experience that sort of situation, Your Excellency." [Argas]

"Don't worry about it. Also, can you please keep quiet about this?" [Grey]

"Ah, is this perhaps an important matter, Your Excellency?" [Argas]

"Well, yeah, you could say that. It's just that it can't be revealed to the public yet. I don't really have much say in this." [Grey]

"I see... Then you have my words, Your Excellency. I swear upon my honor that I Will not tell a single soul about it!" [Argas]

Argas declared with a heart full of compassion and sincerity. It was too over the top that Grey didn't really know how to react. He seemed to be the type of person who always wears exaggerated expressions.

Even when Grey asked Argas to just address him casually, the latter didn't budge as according to him, "He should treat all customers with the respect they deserve". He was pretty adamant about it.

After that, Grey decided to stay in Argas' home for a while and chatted with him about a lot of things, mostly revolving around appliances. Grey was waiting for Gabal's return so he figured he'd play the meeting he was supposed to have in the first place.


Not muttering a single word, Gabal traversed the hallway, heading towards Algerio's office. There was not a sound to be heard. Even his footsteps were as silent as the dead.

"Good evening, Mister Gabal." [Maid]

A maid tried to greet him on the way there, but because of Grey's order, Gabal did not respond back. But he was not targeted by suspicion as this is how Gabal normally acts towards the other servants.

Gabal did not bat an eye to the maid and continued to travel towards his destination.

And as if luck was by his side, when he entered the office, there was not a single soul there. But even if there was, Gabal wouldn't have cared and would have still continued to carry out his task.

Without wasting any time, Gabal opened up the drawers and cabinets, and searched them for documents and articles that could prove Algerio guilty. Papers were scattered on the ground and supplies fell out the table. It was a mess.

After laying waste to Algerio's office, Gabal then headed to Algerio's bedroom where he did the same thing. But because of how messy Gabal was, he woke up the sleeping Algerio from his slumber.

"Huh...?" [Algerio]

There was a long silent pause when the eyes of the two met. It was a moment wherein the success of Gabal's task was on the line. A moment where everything could go wrong with just a single mistake.

"Oh, it's just Gabal..." [Algerio]

But after seeing the face of Gabal, Algerio simply laid back on his bed and continued with his sleep. Combined with his trust in Gabal, Algerio's sleepiness decreased his cautiousness to the point where he simply didn't care.

It was a miracle that Gabal was not discovered. But the puppet Gabal did not seem to care and just carried on with his task. He didn't even care when Algerio saw him rummaging through his belongings.


"Oh, so it uses lightning mana crystals to power it..." [Argas]

Currently, Grey is showing Argas how a blender works. They were so engaged in their conversations about appliances that Grey ended up showing a couple of appliances he recreated using the concepts from his past life.

The latter who owned a large store, with appliances as their main product, have become hooked towards Grey genius, to the point he started praising Grey as some sort of technological God.

"So, how does this work, Your Excellency?" [Argas]

"You take fruits, berries, or other food items and place them in this glass container. After that, you put in some water and ice, then turn it on. The blades will rotate at high speeds and cut up the foods into tiny bits while mixing them with the water and the ice. After a few seconds, a smoothie will be ready for serving." [Grey]


A whirring sound rescounded in the air as thin metal blades continued to rotate in extreme speeds, all the while cutting fruits into fine pieces. A few minutes later, a beautiful smoothie was made.

"Oohh... What a magnificent invention! Did you create this, Your Excellency?!" [Argas]

To Argas' passionate question, Grey could only nod in response. He still felt guilty claiming the inventions as his own. But explaining his reincarnation was a no go. He had no other choice.

Well, technically, one could say he "invented" it in this world since there are no such things as mana crystals back on Earth. But since the concept was not his to begin with, it would be better to call it an "innovation" rather than an "invention".

"As expected, Your Excellency really is a geniusー" [Argas]

Knock Knock Knock

Just as Argas was praising Grey, a sudden knocking echoed from outside the room, interrupting his statement. Argas tried calling out to the one knocking but there was no response.

Of course, Grey already knew who it was. It was Gabal who came back after accomplishing the task Grey assigned to him. He had arrived quicker than Grey had expected him to.

"I'll go get it." [Grey]

"Oh, thank you." [Argas]

Grey stood up immediately as soon as he stated his suggestion. He didn't want Argas to see Gabal's face. After all, what kind of person would stay calm after seeing the face of the one who tied them up like an animal.

Just as Grey opened the door, the expressionless face of Gabal greeted him along with a few documents and items which were apparent to be the pieces of evidence they so desperately need.

"Mister Argas, something important just came up, I'll be going now!" [Grey]

"Ah, then I'll just quickly prepare a gift for Your Excellency to take." [Argas]

"I'm thankful, but there's really no need to. See you next time!" [Grey]

"Ahー" [Argas]

Before Argas even could mutter another word, Grey already made his speedy escape with Gabal just tailing behind me. Grey made sure to move while matching Gabal's speed.

A few minutes later, the two had arrived at the mansion. But knowing that the guards will check Gabal's identity, Grey ordered Gabal to wait outside quietly, hiding inside a bush like some wild animal.

"Ah, Grey, you're back..." [Yuna]

Starstruck. That was what became of Grey as soon as he witnessed Yuna's beauty. There were only mild differences in Yuna's appearance but those small differences made quite a big impact on the people who looked at her.

Seeing a new side of the girl he loves, Grey's heart raced quickly like a galloping horse. Being in love with Yuna, Grey already finds her extremely beautiful. The moment she put on light makeup, she transformed from a goddess to an existence who could be said to be the incarnation of beauty herself.

Even when Eliza, Rosa, and a few servants were present too, Grey's eyes were only focused on Yuna. He didn't even notice the surroundings even when there were quite a number of people around.

For a moment, Grey had forgotten about everything and just fixed his eyes to the young maiden in front of him. Unmoving, unwavering, speechless. There were a lot of words which could describe his current state.

"Grey... You're staring too much..." [Yuna]

Yuna murmured with a beet red color painted on her face, clearly embarrassed as the man she loves was gazing at her passionately. Her heart thumping and pumping just as fast as Grey's is.

While Yuna experienced Hell from learning how to apply makeup with the maids, after she saw Grey's reaction, she felt that it was worth it. It was the first time Grey looked at her so passionately.

"Ah, sorry about that! Anyway, have you seen Fritz around?" [Grey]

"Father...? He should still be at the office. Is something wrong, Elder Brother Grey?" [Eliza]

"Nothing really, I just have something to give him. Anyways, thanks for the tip, I'll be going now! See you!" [Grey]

The moment he said goodbye, Grey immediately ran towards Fritz's office without taking a moment to look back. He wanted to escape as fast as he could as he didn't want Yuna to see how red his face was.

Meanwhile, Yuna was also frozen. Not because Grey left without saying a word to her, but because she saw how beet red Grey was. She felt hope bloom in her heart that Grey now saw her not as an adventurer partner or a friend, but as a woman.

Yuna was so happy her legs were trembling as she struggled to stay standing. Grey's flustered expression was engraved deeply into her heart as a lovely little smile unfolded on her face.

"Looks like it was effective, Lady Yuna! I'm sure Lord Grey's heart is pumping super fast now!" [Rosa]

"Elder Sister Yuna is really beautiful!" [Eliza]

"U... Un..." [Yuna]

Warmth flowed in Yuna's heart as she remembered Grey's flustered face over and over again. It was to the point she couldn't even hear other people's words clearly and just answered by default.

"Your face looks red, did something happen...?" [Fritz]

On the other hand, Grey had arrived at Fritz's office. He was so embarrassed that he didn't even think as he entered. His face was still red as he remembered Yuna's face.

"D-Don't mind me, it's all because of how much I ran... Anyways, why don't you take a look at these." [Grey]

Grey skillfully evaded the question as he laid out a number of documents on top of Fritz's table. The latter was confused at Grey's sudden actions, but the moment he saw the documents, his eyes hidden from surprise.

"This is.....!!" [Fritz]


It was deep in the night, and just as how deep the night was, Algerio was also deep asleep as he dreamed about making more money, swimming in a pool of gold and platinum coins.

It was a wonderful dream, but...

Crash Bang Clang Crash

... because of the extremely loud noises outside, he was quickly taken away from dreamland and returned to reality. It was so loud that he could even hear it from his bedroom.

"W-What's happening!?" [Algerio]

Algerio lashed out as he could no longer bear the loud noises.The sky was still dark and the town was already asleep. But even , the noises still didn't stop nor did it show any signs of stopping.

"M-M-Master Algerio!" [Maid]

Just on the other side of the door was a maid calling out Algerio's name. The moment he heard a tinge of desperation in the maid's voice, cold shivers ran down his spine. He received a bad premonition.

Algerio quickly rushed towards the door, and just as he was doing so, he noticed how messy his room was. Still, he didn't give it any heed and prioritized hearing out what the maid had to say.

"What is it!?" [Algerio]

"A-A group of soldiers are looking for you..." [Maid]

"Soldiers!?" [Algerio]

"Y-Yes... A-And they have an arrest warrant for you..." [Maid]

The maid didn't dare to look at Algerio's eyes as she relayed the news to him. She knew for a fact how much the latter hated it when bad news was relayed towards him.

Algerio's premonition became true, but even then, he wasn't afraid of getting arrested. He had full confidence about how clean his works were. After all, if he was lousy, he would have been caught ages ago.

Irked veins popping in his head, Algerio rushed towards the gates, ready to confront whoever was responsible for such a racket in the middle of the night.

"What is the meaning of this!?" [Algerio]

"We're here to arrest you for the crimes, isn't that obvious?" [Fritz]

"What crimes!? This is just slander!" [Algerio]

"Slander, hun.... Well, there's attempted murder, attempted kidnapping, physical assault, treason to the lord, transacting with criminals... honestly, I could go on with the list. It would be better for you to just surrender peacefully." [Fritz]

"What evidence do you have to say that I committed those crimes!? These are all just false accusations! Even if you're the lord, you just can't arbitrarily arrー" [Algerio]

Before Algerio could even finish his words, Fritz threw a bunch of papers and documents straight into his face, causing him to stop from talking with his loud mouth.

Those documents were of course his transactions towards a dark guild, records of his crimes, and other sorts of heinous crimes he has committed. He held on to them just in case the dark guild betrayed him, but who would have thought that it would be used against him instead.

"H-How did you get these!?" [Algerio]

"So you've admitted that these documents are yours." [Fritz]

"No, I-I justー" [Algerio]

"Men! Arrest him! And make sure he doesn't try anything funny." [Fritz]

Despair loomed over Algerio's face as the soldiers slowly approached him. He tried to fight back, but compared to the trained soldiers, his strength was like that of a mere child. He was powerless.

As the soldiers slowly took him away, his eyes fixated on Fritz's figure. Soon enough, the feeling of despair changed into that of an inextinguishable rage as he strongly gritted his teeth and clenched his fist.

His heart blamed Fritz for losing all his fortune and fruits of his efforts. The more he thought about it, the more his blood boiled with rage. One could only imagine how many times he had killed Fritz inside his mind.

"Fritz von Landevar! I'm going to make sure you regret ever crossing me!" [Algerio]

Algerio shouted with all his might, but Fritz paid it no heed. He just continued to order the soldiers he brought to continue searching the building for more evidence which could be used against Algerio.

Just as how abruptly it came, the loud noises also vanished just as quickly. The night returned to its quiet and serene former state. It was as if nothing ever happened.


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