YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 382: An Unexpected Find

「Haah... I can't believe this...」 [Nerester]

A lengthy sight echoed in the air, the usually calm and graceful voice of the King now riddled with disbelief and confusion. Grey couldn't see him over the phone, but he could clearly tell that he was punching his forehead on the other side.

It has been but a few minutes since Grey entered the underworld and casually ended an entire criminal organization. He was still by the sewer system, casually walking down the sewers, calling the King with a phone in his hand.

The sight below wasn't particularly attractive nor was the smell particularly pleasant, but compared to the blood and gore he caused inside the hideout, it was, strangely enough, quite peaceful. A creak resounding as he opened a door to another room,

「So... If I understand this correctly... You were saying you crushed a criminal organization on a whim, and not just any criminal organization, but 'Black Bane'? And what's more, you left their leader alive for the sake of investigations...」 [Nerester]

"Oh? Was that their name? I didn't really pay much attention, but I do know that their leader's name is Khan― Oh, and there's someone named Garnes too." [Grey]

「Yes... That is definitely 'Black Bane'... The biggest criminal organization in Xeros... That's definitely them....」 [Nerester]

And such a bug organization met their downfall in a matter of minutes thanks to a certain young man whom they managed to offend by chance, wiping out everyone amongst their hideout from smallest minion to the Big Boss himself.

There may not be a High-Ranker amongst their ranks, but there were still a few C-rankers present, making them quite a strong power compared to other organizations. Even a whole platoon of knights would have a difficult time,

They were a pretty elusive group, switching hideouts from time to time and managing to avoid authority all the time. Even if the government does their best, it would still take them a couple days at best to completely wipe out the whole organization.

"Is there something wrong, Your Majesty?" [Grey]

「No, nothing... We were preparing for a large-scale purge by the end of the year anyway. You saved us a lot of trouble. Thank you, Lord Grey.」 [Nerester]

"No problem. I was just out on a foraging date with Yuna, and these scums just happen to disturb us. So I did a little bit of cleaning up, you see." [Grey]

「So that's what happened... They really are unlucky...」 [Nerester]

They weren't just unlucky, they were extremely unlucky. Had they not accepted the commission to assassinate Yuna, they would have lived to see another day. Too bad, they were too greedy for money, and such greed spelled their doom.

As for the one who commissioned them to harm Yuna, it was obvious as can be. It was none other than Jermel whose letter was still in the drawers. It seems like it wasn't the first time he dealt with them, causing both their downfalls.

Well, they would be wiped out from the surface of the world sooner or later anyway. It might have been even better that they suffered a relatively quick and painless death from Grey rather than getting tortured and interrogated by the authorities.

The King had just received the phone a couple weeks ago, but never did he think that the first news he'll hear from Grey was the subjugation of the Black Bane. It was truly shocking, the King in a loss for words about the young man.

「So, what is our hero doing right now? Do you need any help?」 [Nerester]

"Actually, that's one of the reasons why I called you, Your Majesty. Actually... I... Well, I made quite the mess here in the hideout..." [Grey]

But the real reason why Grey called was none other than to have someone clean up after his bloody and violent mess. He could easily deal with all the blood and broken things, but dealing with the corpses of criminals was not his thing.

Or well, to put it more bluntly, he was just too lazy to deal with them. There was also the matter about Khan who is still despairing in his room. He wanted to take his leave before things get any more troublesome, dumping all responsibilities to the King,

「I understand. I will send a group of knights to deal with the place later. I will also make sure to reward you. Just tell me if there's anything you need.」 [Nerester]

"There's nothing I really want in particular... Maybe some materials and magic plants we could use for alchemy? I think Yuna would love that." [Grey]

「Materials and magic plants... That is not too difficult. Though it might take a few days to process that. I hope our dear Hero understands.」 [Nerester]

"That's not a problem, Your Majesty. I'm more than thankful." [Grey]

Said Grey, his eyes looking around the room and his head turning in all directions. He had gotten inside one of the hideout's secret storage rooms, not a single person in sight and no traps or special mechanisms to be seen.

He used his eyes and as it seems, there were several smaller rooms inside, precious items and magic tools categorized by their use and value. They were items which will be smuggled at a later time, only waiting for the customers to pick them up.

Of course, there were a lot of illegal things presentー or rather, most things present were illegal. There were materials from beasts, illegal plants, drugs, unregistered weapons and accessories, and valuable items such as gold and silver.

"Anyway, Your Majesty, about the commission letter I told you earlier... What would happen to the one who requested it? Their punishment, I mean." [Grey]

「You're talking about the Young Lord of Caraquel, right? There's nothing to worry about, Lord Grey. Everything will proceed like it usually does. Even if he's a noble, the law will make sure to punish him appropriately.」 [Nerester]

"And if there are others involved in this as well?" [Grey]

「Then they will receive the same treatment. I swear that on my name and my dignity as a King, so you can rest assured, Lord Grey.」 [Nerester]

And as it seems, there was really no need to worry about the clients of Black Bane who will be receiving the same punishment as the others. No matter who they were, they would be dealt with properly, the King leading the whole case.

Grey could easily hunt them all down, but doing so would be breaking the law and starting chaos in the city. It was better to have the King and the government officials deal with all the mess, cleaning his troublesome traces along with it.

「Or, is there a punishment you wish to serve against the Young Lord of Caraquel? I would be more than happy to lend my ears.」 [Nerester]

"No, nothing really comes to mind. I don't really mind how Your Majesty deals with it.

As long as no one gets hurt, then I'm fine with it." [Grey]

「Hahaha. That makes things a lot easier.」 [Nerester]

The King's meek laughter echoed in the air, and Grey continued to look around the storage rooms, finding even more things, and even some cursed items which were only made to bring trouble to those unlucky enough who happened to use them.

'Hmm... Those are...' [Grey]

But perhaps the most interesting things are the crates Grey have been looking at with eyes filled with curiosity. It wasn't particularly attractive, only stored in a wooden crate and covered with tape and nails all over it, secured tight as can be.

Though, no matter how tight it was, all Grey needed was to light a single finger and he broke open the crate, revealing quite a radiant and generous sight. The insides were as valuable as the crates were shabby, a smile blooming on Grey's face.

「Then, Lord Grey, I shall be taking my leave. I would like to talk more with you, but I am not exactly free right now. I hopeー」 [Nerester]

"Ah, wait... Your Majesty, can I ask you another favor...?" [Grey]

Grey's voice rang towards the other side of the phone, a bright smile blooming on his handsome face. The talk continued and a few more words were spoken, Grey making yet another deal with the King and taking grasp of the new items they found.

The candlelit flames continued to burn and silence loomed over the whole, the short squeaking and scratching of the rats running through the empty sewers, splashes and gushes accompanying it. A mysterious symphony in the dark.


"Waah~! Magic really is convenient!" [Alea]

"Oh! To think it would wash off so easily! How fascinating!" [Edin]

A couple voices echoed across the forest and towards the blue sky, splashes and trickles dancing in the air, accompanying the rustling of the leaves. There was only peace, smiles and twinkling eyes floating all over the place.

It has been almost half an hour since Grey left the others, and after several minutes of work, they finally finished dismantling the Forest Wolves, now washing their hands and their clothes with the use of magic, a hot and cool wind to dry them,

From the Forest Wolves, they got not only claws and fangs, but fur, meat, bones, green eyes, organs, and many more. Some were more valuable than others, but all can easily be sold in the market, yielding quite a sum if they were all to be sold.

"We really got a lot, huh. Are you sure we can have all of them, Elena?" [Kale]

"Un! As long as we can have the meat then we've fineー Ah! No, actually. Can I have some organs as well? I want to use them as alchemy." [Yuna]

"Of course! There's a lot around here! I'm sure we can last several months with this! Take as much as you want, Elena! Take them!" [Alea]

Though they may be amateurs, they dismantle the Forest Wolves quite well. Edin's work was especially good, each of the Forest Wolves he dismantled seamless and beautiful, able to fetch high prices each if he sells them through the Guild.

Yuna didn't waste any more time and quickly stored them all into her storage ring, everything disappearing in the blink of an eye. Even the blood on the ground has been swept clean with magic, everything looking neat as it was.

However, despite them finishing every one of the Forest Wolves, there was still not a single trace of Grey, not even news from him. Even Yuna hasn't heard from him ever since their last telepathy call, question marks floating inside her head.

"How long has it been already? Shin hasn't returned yet..." [Kale]

"Right. I can't even see him around... Did something actually happen to him? He couldn't have encountered a strong monster, has he?" [Alea]

"We're pretty far from the city already... That might have happened." [Edin]

And now, everyone had seeds of doubt and worry sprouting in their hearts. They have seen how capable Grey was, but there are also a lot of dangers lurking in the forest, just like the news of Kobolds they just heard quite some time ago.

Yet despite them acting all worried, the fiancée was only smiling cheerfully, even humming happily to herself. There was not a trace of concern or anxiety in her eyes. She was now searching for herbs, gathering time which she can.

The sight was so absurd, they couldn't help but feel bewildered. They already knew how much Yuna loves alchemy, but they didn't think she could still continue foraging herbs in such a dire and uncertain situation they were facing.

"Elena... Aren't you worried about Shin? She's your fiancé, isn't he?" [Alea]

"Worry...? Why should I be worried? Shin can handle himself pretty well, you know? He wouldn't pick impossible fights willy-nilly. I'll scold him if he does." [Yuna]

"Elena, you sure trust Shin a lot, huh..." [Kale]

"Of course! He's my fiancé, after all! I trust him the most!" [Yuna]

Stunned... They were simply stunned by Yuna's answer. They already knew how much the two love each other, but to think they trust so much that they couldn't even be bothered to worry. That... Or they're just weird. Either way, it's still amazing.

And just when everybody's worries were increasing, a familiar figure appeared in the young elf's sight, his black hair darker than the shadows. Grey has finally returned, a bright smile blooming on the former's face as she greeted his return.

Seeing Yuna's smile, everyone couldn't help but turn their heads around. They still couldn't see what she was looking at, heads puzzled as can be. It was only after a couple minutes passed that they understood why she was doing so.

"Shin! You're back! What took you so long?!" [Alea]

"Hahaha. Sorry to worry you. I just happened to see a little something." [Grey]

Said Grey, lifting up one of his hands and showing what he brought along with him. They were black and brown, roots measuring more than 30 centimeters in length, and deep green leaves sprouting up top and spreading wide and open.

"Aren't these Deeproot Ginsengs?! And there's so many of them too!" [Kale]

"They're quite big too! They must be at least a decade old!" [Edin]

That's right. They were none other than Deeproot Ginseng useful for making calming and detoxifying powders which have a great shelf life. They also offer a refreshing and cool sensation, making them quite popular to many connoisseurs.

They weren't magic plants nor were they very rare and valuable, but they weren't very common either. However, they were uncommon herbs which many of the alchemists seek to die for the sheer fact that they compliment drinks and food well.

"I wonder how much these will cost in the market. They were all harvested nicely and are also pretty big. I think you can fetch several hundred kiels with this." [Kale]

"Kale, stop that! Is there only money on your mind?!" [Alea]

"What's wrong with that? I'm going to be a merchant in the near future anyway. Shouldn't I start practicing right now? I won't always be young, you know?" [Kale]

"Kale has a point. I should also study these Deeproot Ginseng as soon as possible. Can I take some samples, Shin? Only a little bit will suffice." [Edin]

Just like that, faces which were once laced with worry were now traced with merry and excitement. Their eyes were all sparkly and twinkly, all of them looking at the earthy roots, their expressions dyed in the same colors. They really were childhood friends.

If there was someone who wore a different expression, it was none other than Yuna who was a little bummed. She doesn't have a perfect memory ability like Grey but she knows it was hers, a little upset that her precious herbs were taken out. Grey simply decided to ignore the young lady.

"Right! Shin! Where did you find them?! I want to get some please!" [Alea]

"I just got lucky and found them while I was chasing down the Forest Wolves. They were just growing behind the bushes, and in abundance as well," [Grey]

That was a lie.

Forget about such a coincidence, they weren't even recently harvested. They are amongst the thousands upon thousands of herbs inside the "Inventory", Grey just pulled out randomly to create an excuse for how late he came back.

To make it even more believable, Grey even covered the Deeproot Ginsengs with earth and dirt, sprinkling a bit of moisture in them. The "Inventory" stops time either way, so it was pretty believable to see that they were still freshly picked.

"Sadly, these are the only ones left, so... Getting more might be hard." [Grey]

"Ah... I see... It can't be helped then..." [Alea]

"Hahaha. Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I already picked all of them, you see, and most of them are in my storage ring. You can have all of these if you want. We already have more than enough for ourselves." [Grey]

"Oh!! You really are generous, Shin! We'll take you up on your offer then! Just don't start regretting it later, alright? They'll be gone before you know it!" [Kale]

"Hahaha. What a declaration." [Grey]

Grey didn't waste any more time and soon handed over all the Deeproot Ginsengs to everyone, splitting them three ways before giving them to Alea, Kale, and Edin, much to Yuna's dissatisfaction. She was upset that her herbs were given away.

Of course, there were still several thousand Deeproot Ginsengs inside the "Inventory" and her storage ring. But knowing Yuna, such a reaction was only natural. She was like a puppy who just got her favorite toy taken, ear dropping down sadly.

『Yuna, don't be too upset. I also brought something for you.』 [Grey]

Thankfully, Grey already knew she would react in such a way. So using the fact that she asked Yuna beforehand and that he was just in the city a couple minutes ago, he then took out his secret weapon, a subtle smile all over his face.

"Right, everyone... I also brought something else. I hope you'll like it," [Grey]

"""Waah~ / Ohhh! Sweets~!!"""

They all responded simultaneously, excited expressions on their faces. And they were right, Grey brought them sweets from the city, and not just any sweets, but sweets from one of the best pastry shops in the capital.

Normally, it was hard to buy sweets from them, and even if one was able to make some orders, it would take several days before it's ready as there are a lot of people who order from them. Well... Normally, that is...

But with an introduction from the King himself, there was always a way. All he needed to do was show his letter of recommendation and the bakers and shop owner quickly moved their hands. He was fortunate enough to have some pastries ready on the go, his stop only taking him a couple minutes.

"But that's strange... How could you bring sweets all the way here? Is there a magic shop around here which suddenly pops out of nowhere?" [Edin]

"Like those in Fairy tales? There's no way that happens, you punk." [Kale]

"That's right. I just got lucky and passed by a merchant's carriage on the way there. The sweets smelled delicious so I bought some for us to enjoy. They were pretty cheap too, so I got a lot." [Grey]

"Hm? The highway is quite far from here, though?" [Alea]

"Well, I'm confident in my speed. A few kilometers is not that hard." [Grey]

The 1st statement was a lie, and so was the 2nd one, and even the 3rd one, Grey still wearing a bright and gentle smile as he uttered such deceitful words. He didn't even bat an eye, the others nodding their heads after him.

He was so natural, the others didn't sense the obvious loopholes in his statements. Yuna would have also been fooled and convinced if she didn't know it beforehand, a little in awe and afraid of the deceitful abilities of her fiancé.

""""Mmn~! Delicious~!!""""

Needless to say, each and every bite was delicious, an explosion of sweets bursting forth in their mouths. There were sour, salty, citrusy, and bitter sweets, but they were all delicious, everyone happily enjoying them and stuffing their cheeks full.

After which, they then continued exploring the Lorinia Forest and gathered several more herbs and materials. They were all led by Kale, taking to his previous spots and fulfilling the requirements in place of their greenhouse.

Of course, there were also shenanigans afoot whilst they ventured throughout the forest, merry laughs and chatter echoing all throughout the forest. The sands of time continued to trickle down the hourglass, the sun setting soon enough.

As the sky turned amber, everyone soon returned to the city and parted their own ways. The trio headed back to the Academy whilst Grey and Yuna headed towards the Camellia Valley, eating dinner before heading to their bedroom.

"Fuwaahhhh~! Today was so fun!" [Yuna]

"Yuna, you should really stop doing that. That's very unladylike." [Grey]

"Ehh... That's so troublesome... Don't wanna..." [Yuna]

And as per usual, Yuna quickly jumped towards the bed as soon as she arrived, then rolling around and hugging the pillow. Grey scolded her a little, but it was useless. She was already one with the bed, an adorable smile blooming on her lovely face.

Well, she at least removed her boots and changed into her casual clothes with a bit of magic. Grey can only shake his head at the sight of his whimsical fiancée, not having any will to scold the young lady. He could only sigh and open his "Inventory" to take out a certain something from inside.

"Grey~! Let's cuddle~! What are you doing~? Hurry upー !!!" [Yuna]

The young lady couldn't even finish her words, her eyes opening wide from shock as Grey showed what he was holding onto in his hands. What he took out wasn't just any ordinary item, but one worth millions, rare as can be.

It was yet another magic plant, its leaves red as blood instead of green, veins of gold and amber running through it and along the stem. Its petals, like Yuna's hair, was a beautiful silver color, its pollen sparkling like starlight in the middle of the night.

"I-Isn't this a Silver-Haired Cattleya?! I couldn't even find one in the auction! H-How did you get this, Grey?! Was it magic?!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. What are you talking about, you silly girl? I got this as a gift." [Grey]

It wasn't just a simple gift, but a present from the King to him as a hero. It was one of the smuggled items which he found in the storage area, packaged carefully and kept even more securely than gold and silver, precious as can be.

It was amongst the rarer magic plants, used in making higher grade alchemy items. And coincidentally, it was also one of the ingredients Yuna had been seeking for a long time, sparkling so beautifully before her eyes.

"G-Grey! You're the best! I love you! I love you! I love you!" [Yuna]

The young lady had no hesitation, jumping towards Grey's arms and embracing him tightly. She then showered her with kisses and a flood of affection, the young man only able to receive her laugh whilst chuckling to himself.

"Hahaha. I didn't know you liked it this much." [Grey]

"Of course. I do! You know how long I've been looking for it! But to think you'll find it faster than me! Your luck must be Divine-Tier too!" [Yuna]

"Luck, huh... I guess you could say that." [Grey]

The young man chuckled once again, but he wasn't talking about the herbs. He was talking about the very sweet and adorable young lady before him. Just spending the days with her is the best experience. He was the luckiest man in the world.

"Then, as a reward, I'll give you tons and tons of hugs and kisses!" [Yuna]

"Ehh...? But you already did that anyway though..." [Grey]

"Now, now, don't mind the little details. Is there something wrong with me showing affection to my beloved fiancé?" [Yuna]

"Well... I guess you're right... Haah... I really am no match against you." [Grey]

"Fufufu!" [Yuna]

And as one would expect, what followed after was a lot, and by that, I mean a whole lot of flirting, the whole room dyed pink and red, the atmosphere getting sweeter and sappier by the moment, smiles blooming all over the place.

The nightly breeze continued to whistle and bellow, the curtains dancing fervently by the tune of the winds and the symphony of the night. The moon was a magnificent crescent, shining beautiful as gentle light rained down the world.

Yet another peaceful night.


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