YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 381: A Quick Clean-up


Several figures rushed quietly throughout the forest, their bodies clad in leather and iron, armor to protect their bodies, and bows and blades to spill blood. They were all packed with muscles, looking like a pile of rocks moving ever so slowly.

Their eyes peered towards the far distance and their ears listened for the slightest sound, sensitive and cautious as can be. An arrow was soon shot with the slightest rustle of the leaves, a subtle cry echoing as blood dyed the ground red.

"The hell, it's just a rabbit."

"Hahaha. You're too paranoid. You haven't slept last night at all, haven't you?"

"You bastard, how could I? I was having a lot of fun!"

Merry and vulgar laughter resounded in the forest, the men talking about repulsive things as if there was nothing wrong with it. They were all scums who'll do anything for money just to spend it to fulfill all their material and carnal desires.

They were vagabonds who would do anything for money, and wouldn't even hesitate to kill for the sake of it. Today, they had been hired by quite a big shot to dispose of a certain silver-haired and blue-eyes elven lady for quite a large sum.

"Kekeke. We're earning quite a lot today, aren't we? What do you think we should do with the money? Something refreshing would be nice."

"Hahaha! Refreshing, my ass! I know you're going to go gambling again! As for me, I'll be making use of it in a much more pleasurable way. Hahaha!"

"You idiots, bring me along with you. I'd like to have fun too! Hehehe!"

Whilst the men laughed their hearts out, one of them was kneeling on the ground. He looked at the ground, sensing the most subtle traces and turning his head left and right, his eyes peering sharply at the smallest details.

With just a bit of information, he was able to quickly figure out where his prey went, acting like a hunter whose nose was as sharp as his guard dog. His tracking ability may only be 1☆, but it was more than enough to figure out the forest.

"Lark, come here."

The man signaled one of his minions and the latter quickly approached him without much questions. He followed his instructions and pointed towards a certain direction, the latter focusing on his sight and seeing through the scenery before them.

He possessed the ability "Keen Eye 1☆" and is able to see much further than most people. They were still more than half a kilometer away, and he could already see them clearly as if they were standing right in front of them.

"Affirmative, Boss. They're in sight."

"Hahaha. Good job! Looks like we'll be hitting it big tonight!"

Said the leader whilst a repulsive smile appeared on his face. Just thinking about what he'll do with the money he'll be receiving later, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself, his smile spreading from ear to ear, disgusting as can be.

He was the biggest pervert amongst them with twisted tastes, having intense lust and greed which couldn't be compared to everyone else around him. He enjoys bullying the weak and coercing them for their own entertainment. A scum amongst scums.

However, there was just one slight problem. No matter how hard the scout tried to look, the number of people to what they previously knew was off by a single person. He tried to turn his head and shift his eyes, but it was futile.

"Oi. You've been acting all fidgety. Is there something wrong?"

"Ah, Boss... It's just that they're missing a single person..."

"Hah? What are you talking about?"

The man gumbled with a displeased face, then asking his minion to loom again and make sure that it was true. However, just like before, the results always remained the same, the total number of people remaining at 4 and never more.

They have already asked some people about who went out the gates, and they have gathered that there were 5 of them, made up of 2 women and 3 men. However, there were only 2 men present. A black haired youth was missing...

"Are you looking for me?" [Grey]

... Or at least, he seems to be, when all of the sudden, he appeared before them out of the blue and closed in on them before they could even notice. The young man was none other than Grey, a calm and indifferent expression painted on his face.

The vagabonds reacted a bit too late, but the moment they realized Grey was there, they immediately increased the distance between them, all the while drawing their weapons and pointing their blades and arrows towards the latter.

They were all vigilant and confused, not knowing where the young man came from. All they knew was that Grey wasn't any normal person, and that he wasn't from their side. The moment he takes a step will be the moment they strike him down.

"Hmm... So there's 14 of you, huh... How extravagant..." [Grey]

Meanwhile, Grey's expressions couldn't be any less calmer. He was simply tilting his head slightly as they watched them, his eyes seeing through them. He is once again using "Judgement", his whole field died red at a single moment,

But it didn't just end there. The moment Grey used the "Eye of Destiny", he saw all their recent memories and all the heinous acts they have committed thus far. It was a new trick Grey had picked up to further determine his evaluation of a person.

He had seen pretty terrible things from before, but the ones before them were one of the dirtiest bunch. From murder, rape, theft, fraud, coercion, and many more crimes to name, they had their list heavy and lengthy, red as can be.

"Oi, you bastard brat! Who are you?! Do you want to die?!"

The leader of the vagabonds shouted a booming voice, but Grey couldn't care any less. He continued to scan each one of them, seeing even more and more heinous and unforgivable crimes, his eyes burning with a sharp glare.

"Hey! You bastard brat! Are you ignoring me?!"

Shouted the leader of the vagabonds once more, but he was ignored all the same. He could only clench his hands in rage, irked veins popping out his head as his eyes turned red from anger, marching towards the young man with heavy steps.

Well, he wasn't the only one who felt angry. It might not show with how clear and calm his eyes were, but deep inside, he was boiling with loathing for the pieces of scum before them. He has finally made his decision.

"Of you aren't going to answer, then go to hellー"


The man couldn't even get surprised, everything happening all of a sudden. At one moment he was swinging his sword, ready to cut Grey's head off, but the very next moment, a massive hole was already bored through his body.

Blood was spilt on the forest, loud splashes echoing accompanied by a heavy thud as the man's lifeless body fell towards the ground. Another pair of boom and crash echoed, the three falling towards the ground as a small pebble bore through it,

Everyone was in shock, fear running through their hearts as they tried to understand what just happened. It all happened so fast, the leader that they knew now gone to the afterlife. Only a young man remained standing before them.

"I was planning to just cripple you and hand you over to the authorities, but... It seems like that's too much of a luxury for you." [Grey]

"W-What did you do to the Boss?! You bastard! I'll make you pay for it!"

Seemingly not understanding what just happened before him, yet another one of the men rushed towards Grey, his axe held high and his eyes burning a fierce red color as he brandished his trusty weapon. Yet Grey only stood still...

⟨⟨Air Bullet⟩⟩ [Grey]

... All he spoke was a single word and yet another life was taken. A bullet of wind and ruin formed at point blank range, shooting out like a bolt of lightning, and boring a big hole through his stomach and making all his organs burst like bubbles.

An explosion of blood occurred, more blood dyeing the forest floor. In just a short moment, two of their people had been wiped out, the young man still not moving a single muscle. It was only then that they realized what situation they were in.

"M-Monster! He's a monster! Run for your lives!"

"Who the f*ck said it was going to be easy! God-f*cking-dammit!"

There was no need for a debate. Once one of them turned back and ran away, the others followed suit and all ran away as well, dropping their weapons and the items weighing them down to run as fast as they could.

Their faces were pale and tears formed in the corner of their eyes. Fear crept inside their hearts as they ran with all their might, scurrying around the forest and wishing Grey wouldn't catch up to them. An irrational wish is what it was.

"Who gave you the permission to move?" [Grey]

Forget about running away, they couldn't even move their legs. Grey's dark and cold voice echoed throughout the forest, his dominating aura weighing down on the thugs, forcing them to the ground and making even breathing hard.

Grey's footsteps soon echoed before them for the first time, but rather than regular footsteps, what the men heard was the close approach of death. Their hair rose from goosebumps and their hearts pumped mad, his eerie steps ringing in their ears.

"M-M-My Lord! P-Please spare us! We'll do anything you want!"

"That's right! We were just forced into this! We did nothing wrong!"

"We'll turn over a new leaf! Please spare us, My Lord! We beg of you!"

One dog barked, and the others followed. With no other choices left, all the hideous thugs could do was beg for their lives and get empathy from Grey, some even crying their eyes out, beating even the actors in a theater.

But rather than appease him, all it did was anger him even more. Remembering all the unforgivable acts they had committed, Grey wants nothing more to do with them. They were nothing but empty words of scums who don't even deserve to live.

⟨⟨Silence⟩⟩ [Grey]

Grey opened his mouth and peace finally returned to the forest. The vicious thugs tried to beg, but their voices wouldn't come out no matter how much they tried, not even the rustling of the leaves and the whispering of the winds to be heard.

And no, Grey did not cast such a spell to make the begging fools quiet. Rather, it was the opposite. It was so that the outside world wouldn't be able to hear what he's about to do, scorching flames of scarlet red dancing in the palm of his hands.

"Blame yourselves for living such dishonest and pathetic lives… May you burn and repent in the deepest parts of hell… ⟨⟨Incinerate⟩⟩." [Grey]

The flames danced more radiantly and vibrantly, drifting afloat the rushing winds, and engulfing the whole place without a second leaving a single spot behind. A spot of red emerged at the sea of green, blooming like a flower at the start of spring.

Be it their swords, their armor, their bags, or their bodies. The flames devoured them whole without leaving a single trace behind. It was as if they never existed in the first place, consumed by the scorching flames of judgement and cleansing the world.

The flames stopped soon enough and there was only but a charred area left in the ground. A charred area which was quickly painted green and brown with a flick of Grey's finger, blades of grass swaying in the winds once again.

"Hmm... I wonder if being a villain suits me more,.." [Grey]

Asked Grey to himself as he watched the grass quickly devour the ashes of those he just burned. He felt nothing in particular, not even pity nor remorse to those he had killed with his own hands, expressions as indifferent as he arrived.

As an adventurer, it wasn't the first time Grey had to kill someone, and it wouldn't be the last either. It might have been different for the innocent ones, but to those who were even worse than scum, there was no need to let them live any longer.

"Now... What to do..." [Grey]

However, just because he had killed the enemies, it doesn't mean the problem was over. It seems like the group of thugs was just but a miniscule part of an even larger organization operating in the underworld, their headquarters located...

"The sewers huh... How typical..." [Grey]

... In amongst one of the most clichéd places Grey would have ever thought of. It may be a good place to seek refuge, but with them hiding in the same place, it would only take a short while before they are discovered. They were all quite dumb.

However, it was because of how dumb they were that it would be easy to clean them up. All he needed to do was read one of the enemies' memories beforehand and use it to get them in one fell swoop. The faster it is, the better it will be for everyone,

『Yuna, something just came up. Can you keep everyone occupied for me for the time being? I promise it won't take too long.』 [Grey]

『Hm? Did some dangerous monster appear or something?』 [Yuna]

『Well... Something like that... Anyway, I'll make sure to come back within half an hour. Is there something you want be to buy before heading back?』 [Grey]

『Then buy me some sweets, please~! Lot's of them!』 [Yuna]

It was as if Grey was just heading out to buy groceries, a merry and cheerful voice ringing in his ears. A smile soon bloomed on his face, quickly agreeing to the young lady's demand, much to her joy, her hums transmitted even through telepathy.

There was no time to waste. With a burning determination in his heart, Grey then cloaked himself with illusion magic and rushed towards the whole forest, covering hundreds of meters of distance in just a single minute, the wind howling at his wake.

He quickly arrived by the wall and with a firm step on the ground, he leaped up the high walls of Xeros and continued his pace as if it was nothing. He was riding along the breeze, his amethyst eyes glimmering brightly under the radiant sun.


A dark and musty room, the flames dancing by the candle top and books piled up over the desks. There was barely any sound to be heard, but the soft scritches and scratches of the pen as it drew words across the papers.

A single figure was in the room, dark bags under his eyes as he moved his hands across from left to right, writing down words and reviewing the paperwork. His hands soon stopped and he put his pen down, standing up soon after.

He was a man called Khan, the leader of the underworld in the Capital City of Xeros. A notorious criminal known for gathering all sorts of misfits to do dirty work and earn large sums of money for every request he fulfills.


"Boss, it's me." [???]

The man was just cracking his neck when a couple of knocks echoed from the room. His footsteps soon echoed in the room as he approached the door, a click, clack, and creak echoing in succession as he opened the door.

The moment he did, an obstructed sight was what greeted him. There was a massive person before him, body covered in bulging muscles and popping veins, Khan barely reaching the height of his shoulders and less than 3 times his size.

"Garnes... Seems like you finished your work already," [Khan]

"Hahaha! Who do you think I am, Boss?! Those b*tches were nothing at all!" [Garnes]

"Well, you're a C-ranker, after all. Those flimsy soldiers and guards would never stand a chance against you." [Khan]

And the man before him was yet another wanted criminal. He was once a part of the Knights, but fell into ruin after his gambling and addiction problems. Now, he works for Khan as his right-hand man, doing most of his dirty work.

"Well, enough about that. We just got a large commission recently, worth several platinum coins. What do you think we enjoy ourselves a little bit?" [Khan]

"Hahaha! That's what I like about you, Boss! You know how to treat your men well!" [Garnes]

"How could I not? After all, a King needs to treat his Knights well." [Khan]

"That's right! That's right! So, which places should we go for today? It's been quite some time since I had the taste of women and alcohol. Should we head to that place again? I heard they got a new batch of fresh goods." [Garnes]

And as one would expect, they were also scumbags beyond saving. They are even worse than their subordinates, taking pleasure in many criminal acts such as murder, rape, and torture. True scums even worse than monsters.

Those scums were both smiling from ear to ear just thinking of what pleasure they'll be experiencing with such a huge sum of money. They couldn't help but be excited, frivolous and repulsive thoughts written all over their ugly faces.


But before they could even open the doors and head out, a series of crashes and explosions rang out all over the place. They both raised their eyebrows, wondering what was happening outside for their bastard subordinates to be so rowdy.

"Those damn pricks. What are they up to again?" [Khan]

"Hahaha! Just get used to it, Boss. Some of those bastards may be bumping their heads against one another after a heated argument." [Garnes]

"Those pricks... So they haven't learned their lesson. Then Iー" [Khan]


Khan couldn't even finish his words, the door forcefully broken down before him, and a person sent flying across the room. His stomach was dented in, the shape of a fist etched into his body. He coughed a lot of blood, soon losing the light in his eyes.

Clouds of dust and darkness loomed over the room, and the debris were blasted all over the place. The commotion finally died down, a single young man appearing before their very eyes, his hands stained with blood, a sharp look in his eyes.

"You must be Khan. I've been looking for you." [Grey]

"Y-You! What do you think you're doing?! Do you know who I am?!" [Khan]

"Are you stupid? Didn't I say your name just now? And... Don't worry too much. You'll be reuniting with your subordinates soon enough." [Grey]

Said the young man, his eyes glowing a cold and deadly glint, looking at both Khan and Garnes who were even redder than the ons he's seen before. There was no need to see the past. He doesn't want to know what atrocities they have committed.

Khan knows not even a single thing about him, but all he knew was that he was bad news. After all, he just slaughtered everyone in the hideout in a matter of moments and dyed the whole place red, blood and corpses everywhere.

"G-Garnes! K-Kill him! Make sure you rip him apart!" [Khan]

"Hahaha! That's what I've just been thinking! Die, youー" [Garnes]


The massive scum couldn't even finish his words, Grey fists suddenly connecting towards his chest. It was just a light swing, but the shape of his fist was carved towards the massive scumbag, rupturing his heart and exploding his veins.

In just a single second, he was sent flying towards the man Grey had just punched before him, crashing towards the wall as blood spewed out of his mouth. There was no more movement, his flames of life extinguished for all eternity,

"Seriously, you all say such clichéd lines, but you all die in a single hit... Just how are you the biggest criminal organization in the city..." [Grey]

Muttered Grey, his eyes lingering around the man he just sent flying. He once again didn't feel any remorse, not even the anger in his heart lifted with his death. A sigh escaped his mouth, his eyes soon shifting towards the only one left around,

"P-Please spare me! I-I'll give you anything you want! Do you want money?! Or do you want women?! How about alcohol! Just name it, and I'll give it to you!" [Khan]

And like others before him, the most notorious criminal in Xeros was now begging ever so desperately after seeing what happened to his trusty subordinate, his whole body trembling visibly like all the innocent lives he's tortured before.

"Don't worry. You're a special case, so I won't be killing you." [Grey]

"R-Really?! That's a reー" [Khan]

"After all, I'll be handing you to the authorities later. But... You don't truly think you'll get out of this unscathed, do you?" [Grey]

Grey finished his words, and an overwhelming pressure enveloped the room soon after. It was even heavier than most, the notorious Khan unable to breathe easily, grasping his chest as he struggled on the ground.

He was like a lowly worm, barely holding onto the thread of life, tears flowing out of his eyes as he suffered immeasurable pain, his soul crushed under extreme pressure by the man before him. However, Grey was far from finished...

"You should at least pay for everything you've done, shouldn't you?" [Grey]

Grey finished his words with a gold glimmer in his eyes. He then casted the curse of "Nightmare" towards Khan, his heart and mind swallowed by his deepest fears, and darkness chasing him, devouring everything in sight.

"Ahhhh! No! Nooo! Get away from me! Nooo! P-Please save me! Aggghhhh!! My arms! My arms! NOOOOOOO!! GOD, PLEASE!! AAGHHHHH!!" [Khan]

It was a spell which Grey gave his all to brIng him an experience even worse than hell, breaking his mind and spirit completely. Though the moment he does, Grey simply casts a recovery spell, repeating the whole process over and over again,

He was screaming and struggling, but with a quick spell of "Silence", everything was soon quiet and peaceful. Grey could only heave a sigh of resignation, not feeling any remorse as he left the room, an array to cast the spells in an endless loop left behind.

The moment he got out, he was greeted by a sight of blood and gore, broken tables, chairs, and furniture everywhere. It was a sight of ruin, a massacre in just a couple of minutes. Never does his nickname as the "Grim Reaper" suit more.

"Now... What should I do with all of this..." [Grey]


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