YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 377: Limits of Patience

"Mmn~! As expected of your cooking! This is really delicious!" [Alea]

"I've already eaten this whole week, but Still couldn't get enough of it!" [Kale]

"Right?! It's so delicious, I'd believe it was from the Royal Kitchen!" [Alea]

The sky was bright and dandy, beautiful clouds of white drifting ever so slowly as they painted the sky of blue. The rays of sunlight graced the world like it does every single day, shadows barely visible, hiding below the underside of objects.

There was still excitement in the air, their happiness rising by bounds and leaps after taking a bite of lunch, enjoying a tasty meal surrounded by a green scenery and the fragrant scent of herbs and flowers. It was a peaceful time.

"Elena, tell us the truth. You're a noble in disguise, aren't you? Otherwise, you wouldn't have such delicious meals everyday." [Edin]

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not~! Me and Shin are the ones who cook out meals everyday, you know?" [Yuna]

"Kuuh... Not only do you have have a handsome fiancé, he also knows how to cook delicious meals.... Elena, I'm so envious, really..." [Alea]

"Right~? I'm so lucky to have met him." [Yuna]

Yuna didn't even deny it, fully proud of who her fiancé was. He may always bully her all the time and annoy her whenever he has the chance to, but he's also very caring and also very sweet. Above all, he's a good cook. He was perfect.

Even now, whilst she eats lunch with everyone, she couldn't help but think what Grey is doing, missing him a little bit though it hasn't been that long since they last saw one another. She still has no idea that Grey was away because of her.

And whilst she was eating the lovely lunch they cooked together, Yuna's eyes once again shifted towards her right, caught by the flower of blue and red, her eyes filled with curiosity once more as she tilted her head a tad bit.

"Come to think of it, everyone. Now that you've successfully cultivated the Frostburn Calendula, what are you three planning to do?" [Yuna]

"Hm? What do you mean?" [Alea]

"I mean, like what are you going to do with your research? Are you going to sell it? Are you going to make a business out of it? Or are you going to spread your findings out to the world? There are many possibilities." [Yuna]

At Yuna's words, the three childhood friends were put into deep thought. They also looked at the Frostburn Calendula, then to one another's eyes, trying to find answers whilst cupping their chins and scratching their cheeks.

After all, with their research now past the observation stage and they have reached their conclusion, there are several pathways an alchemist can proceed with with such a wonderful research idea. Their research would surely cause a stir, that's for sure.

Of course, selling the findings after making a patent is not very uncommon either. Especially since they aren't very well off financially, they could earn some big bucks the moment they sign the papers to transfer ownership.

However, if one is an alchemist... There is only one answer which would come to mind. It didn't take too long before the three stopped thinking.

"No, I don't think we will sell it anytime soon." [Edin]

"Yeah. We'll probably research a little bit more, and try to find new things while we're at it. Maybe we could discover new things." [Kale]

"Fufufu! Yeah, that sounds nice, doesn't it?" [Alea]

All of them had the same answer, their eyes shimmering with a resolute gleam, all of them not agreeing to simply give away the fruit of their labor for some meager sum of money. It was a unanimous conclusion reached without even any discussion.

To seek new knowledge and to expand one's skills. To learn the truth about the world and the laws of nature. To create new items for the betterment of the people. To urge progress and usher in a new age. Such was what it meant to be a researcher.

Yuna already knew the answer, but hearing them say it to her directly, she couldn't help but feel touched. The temptation of money is not one to be overcome easily, yet they resisted without any hesitation. She could only smile proudly.

"Ehh~? I'm sure you can earn millions if you earn the patent though. Wouldn't that make your progress in alchemy even faster?" [Yuna]

"E-Eh?! Millions?! That much?" [Kale]

"Of course it is! Weren't you listening to our Economics?!" [Alea]

"But if it's millions then just how much could we buy with that...? Wouldn't we be able to buy a mansion with that kind of money?! No! We can buy even more!" [Kale]

Though, as it seems, it looks like one of them was unaware just how precious their research is. It was only natural that you'd earn so much for a herb which is essential to the making of high-quality medicine. It can even reach a higher figure.

And once again, Alea was scolding Kale for his thoughtless words, smacking some sense into him. The only thing sure was that neither of them would betray one another. Not unless they're prepared to face the demoness called "Alea".

"But with this, we're much closer to our dreams, aren't we?" [Edin]

"Yeah! With this, I'm sure we made a big leap forward!" [Alea]

"Your dreams... You mean the pinnacle of alchemy, right?" [Yuna]

"Yes. It's been our dream to climb the top and be the best alchemists. We'll make sure to make all sorts of items and cultivate all sorts of herbs to achieve that. Don't you think that sounds beautiful, Elena?" [Edin]

Normally, he was an idiot who went on about how genius he was, but for the first time ever, Edin actually sounded like a proper person who could be a great inspiration to others. A role model who can change the very roots of alchemy.

"Well, I'm sure I can reach it sooner or later! I'm a genius, after all! I just don't know about these two, maybe it will take them a longer time." [Edin]

"Huh?! What did you just say, you punk?!" [Kale]

"Edin, have you already forgotten how bad I beat you up last time? It sounds like you're asking for another one, huh?" [Edin]

Unfortunately, he just had a terrible personality and an inability to read the atmosphere. He's not only a genius in alchemy and research, but also in getting himself in trouble, once again getting beaten up by his ever so feisty childhood friends.

"Agh! That hurts, you gorilla girl! Be more gentle!" [Edin]

"Huh?! Who are you calling a gorilla, you dumbass?!" [Alea]

Meanwhile, Yuna simply continued eating her lunch while peacefully admiring the scenery. Edin's scream echoed in the background, but she just continued to eat, a bright and happy smile blooming on her face as she continued to chomp and munch.

Time passed by quickly, and the two were finally done venting their anger on Edin. He was beaten black and blue, his hair ruffled wildly and his clothing disheveled. He was completely roughed up, but luckily, his body was still intact. He just barely survived.

"Haah... Sorry that you had to witness that, Elena. We just need to teach that dumbass a lesson. He just never learns his lesson, you see." [Alea]

"Yeah. He's already a lost cause, to be honest." [Kale]

"No, it's okay. I've already gotten used to it." [Yuna]

You are also lost causes... Is what Yuna really wanted to retort with, but she could only smile wryly and nod awkwardly. It was better to just keep quiet, and just enjoy lunch without any troubles coming her way. It was for the best.

"Then, how about you, Elena? What is your dream?" [Alea]

Now, it was Yuna's turn to be questioned by the same question, everyone looking at her with curious eyes at the same time. However, there was not a need to think too much as she has pretty much the same answers as the others.

"I also want to reach the pinnacle of alchemy like everyone and be the best alchemist there ever is! Now, there are four of us, isn't there?" [Yuna]

"Oh! The pinnacle too, huh?! Then how about your reason?!" [Alea]

However, what Yuna did not expect was the following question. She was asked why she wanted to reach the top and what exactly was driving him to go so far. She was frozen at the question, not a single answer afloat in her mind.

After all, Yuna doesn't have a particular reason to pursue such a faraway dream. She was already strong enough, so even if she didn't go down the path of alchemy, she would always be at the top, be it in fame, prestige, or strength.

If there was any reason why she's practicing alchemy, it's because it was fun and interesting, and it was satisfying to make things and watch the process evolve. She doesn't have a true dream like everyone else around her.

"For me, I want to make the best medicine so that everyone doesn't have to suffer anymore from diseases and grieve a loss." [Alea]

"Mine's not that deep. I just want to earn a living and create the biggest alchemy business in the whole world, maybe even create a market or two," [Kale]

"I just want to pursue knowledge and make new discoveries. After all, I've been in love with alchemy ever since I was a kid. I want to create a world where alchemy serves a better purpose and makes people's lives better." [Edin]

Alea wants to help the sick, Kale wants to start a business, and Edin simply wants to know more. They were dreams that they have always held onto even when they were still young, working towards achieving it every single day.

While Yuna does have a couple similarities with them, it isn't as deeply rooted as the other three. She doesn't have a reason which keeps her heart pumping and makes her burst with determination. Rather, she was feeling a little empty.

"Umm... Elena, did we say something wrong...?" [Alea]

"A-Ah, no, not at all! I... I was just thinking of something." [Yuna]

"Really? Are you sure?" [Alea]

"Un... It's just... Up until now, I never really asked myself about why I have such a dream... I'm just thinking about it..." [Yuna]

Replied the young lady, a troubled look on her face. She tried to probe deep into her heart, but she still found nothing. The more she tried, the more empty it felt. It's like she was blindly grasping for things in the abyss.

Why... Why... Why... Why... Why...

Such questions spun around her mind, and her consciousness was thrust into a turbulent storm of thoughts. She wasn't in despair or dread, simply in shock about why she couldn't answer a seemingly simple question.

"Elena, you don't need to force yourself. I'm sure you'll find your answer sooner or later. Let's just take it slowly. Just take it at your own pace, okay?" [Alea]

"Ah... Un... You're right..." [Yuna]

Thankfully, there was Alea and the others present there to comfort and reassure her. They always saw Yuna as someone so perfect, but never did they think she too also has her own shortcomings. She felt more like any other person at that moment.

Lunch continued and time passed by with the shifting of the shadows. They continued their lunch and enjoyed a hearty meal together, merrily chatting their time away whilst discussing their next steps after completing such a lengthy task,


The school bells soon rang with the ending of lunch break, and it was finally time for the afternoon classes to commence. Everyone cleaned up after themselves, then heading back towards the classrooms together with bright smiles on their faces.

Their footsteps soon ceased to exist, and peace returned to the greenhouse. The shadows continued to shift with sinking of the sun, and the chirping of the birds resounded all over the pace filling it with sweet melody,

But such tweets and chirps couldn't be any less fitting than the current situation, a few figures suddenly appearing out from behind the buildings, soon stepping foot inside the greenhouse, their heads turning left and right.

"Kukuku! What a beautiful greenhouse. They also have a rare flower here too."

"Hahaha. It's just a shame that they went against the Master. A shame indeed."

"Well, less talking and more action. Let's get this party started!"

There were disgusting smiles plastered on their ugly faces, their hearts black as coal as they cracked their firsts. They had nothing but ill intentions towards the serene and beautiful greenhouse, their eyes glimmering a despicable light.

The sound of crashes and smashes soon reverberated into the air, pots shattered one after another and glasses broken into smithereens. The plants were uprooted from their earthy plants and ripped into pieces, thrown towards the ground soon after.

"Oi! Wasn't this the pretty flower they were just talking about before?!"

"Yeah, what of it?! Are you going to spare that one?"

"Hahaha! God no! I was just thinking of giving it some special care."

Said one of the figures, a violent smile spreading all over his repulsive face. He raised his hands and the winds started to whistle. The winds blew more violently and swept away both dust and pollen into the air, creating quite a show.

Petals of red and blue fluttered in the air, its leaves soon torn apart and shredded into pieces. Not a single leaf of it was left unharmed, the violent dance of the wind ended with a heavy stomp. It died the very same day that it bloomed.

A beautiful flower no more.



The clock struck 4 on the smaller hand and 6 on the longer one. The eternal sky had changed its colors into a deeper tone and the shadows had shifted from before, the bells had been rung once again, marking the dismissal of the students.

With classes ending left and right, the clamoring noises of the excited students filled the hallways and echoed all over Darius Academy, each one packing their bags and cleaning up after themselves before heading out.

"Hey, hurry up! We're going to leave you behind!"

"Haah... So much homework... Our Professors must be devils..."

"Have you heard about the new desserts released by the White Princess' Palace? I heard that they're very delicious. Do you want to try them out?"

"Oh! You should have told me sooner! I'd love to!"

The students had different reactions, monologues and dialogues echoing all over the place as they greeted the end of the school day. Some went home alone, and some headed out with their friend groups, wanting to have some fun,

"But who will be making all the papers? I'm sure it would take a long time." [Kale]

"Haah... Just leave it to me. In exchange, you'll handle the negotiations later, okay? I don't want to deal with those sly merchants." [Alea]

"That's fine with me. We might need to notify the Headmaster first though. I think we'll have a better chance if we have him backing us up." [Edin]

"We know, we know. That's the first thing we'll do." [Alea]

Yuna and the others were amongst the last ones left behind the classroom, chatting amongst themselves as they continued their conversations from before, waiting for a certain someone before they head out of the classroom.

"Oh! Elena, your husband is here!" [Alea]

"A-Alea! How many times have I told you already?! He's not my husband yet! Not yet, okay?! Geez!" [Yuna]

The person they were waiting for was none other than Grey, the young man now silently standing by the doorframe and waving his hand towards them and greeting them with a smile sweet as honey, obviously directed to Yuna.

Of course, Alea did not miss the chance and teased Yuna about it, poking fun at her before running towards the doors, a mischievous smile on her face. She also greeted Grey, the others following suit after her.

"You all sure look happy. Did something good just happen?" [Grey]

"Yeah, something really good! Our 2-year project finally bore fruit today!" [Alea]

"Oh, that is something good. Should we celebrate a little?" [Grey]

"Oh! That's a great idea, Shin! But, ah! Before we do that, we should show you what project I'm talking about, shouldn't I? I'm sure you'll be surprised!" [Alea]

Declared Alea with a proud tone in her voice, puffing her chest with confidence and smiling a triumphant smile. Behind her were two other figures, also as proud as her and as excited to show Grey the fruits of their labors.

There was no need to refuse, and Grey accepted the invitation without much thought. They soon headed towards their greenhouse, excitement springing from their steps and heart singing with joy, all three of them acting like happy little children,

But rather than a beautiful scenery of herbs, flowers, vines, and orchids, what greeted them was a large crowd of busy students, gathering around their greenhouse. They were all buzzing and murmuring, grim expressions painted on their faces.

"Excuse me... What's happening here?" [Alea]

"Ah, Alea... Kale and Edin too..."

Alea asked, but there was not a direct answer to be heard. The student she asked simply stepped aside, the crowd following suit after him. They revealed a ruinous sight, not a semblance of beauty to be seen.

The pots were shattered, the glass was broken, the ground was cratered and dug up, and the plants have been uprooted. Some were torn to pieces, some were burnt to ashes, and some have been violently broken and ripped apart.

It was a sight nothing short of disastrous, everyone's heart which was high in cloud nine now sunk to the depths of despair. Their faces were pale, unable to utter even a single word, shock and disbelief brewing in their hearts.

"No.... This... This can't be..." [Alea]

Such was all Alea could say as she knelt to the ground, watching the sight before her. Tears soon followed, trickling down her beautiful face as an uncontrollable surge of emotions turbulently stormed her heart. She was devastated.

"Elton... Can... Can you tell me what happened here?" [Kale]

Kale tried to act tough, asking one of the co-owners of the greenhouse about what just happened, but it was evident that his whole body was trembling. He grit his teeth with rage, trying to keep his head cool and calm.

Meanwhile, Edin could only walk towards where the Frostburn Calendula used to be. He crouched on the ground and picked up what seemed to be the petals of the plants, scraping them silently as he tried to hide his dread and sadness.

"I see... So it's already like this when you arrived..." [Kale]

"Sorry I couldn't help much."

"No, it's alright. I know this is hard for you as well." [Kale]

Even when Kale asked the other owners beside them, all of them had the same answer. They were all clueless as to what just happened, similarly devastated as them. Kale could only clench his fist in gloom and anger.

The happiness they once felt was now gone, only negative emotions swirling deep inside their heaths. The greenhouses they have cared for almost 3 years already have been reduced to rubble, barely recognizable.

『Grey... Please...』 [Yuna]

Of course, Yuna didn't remain unaffected as well. She already had an inkling as to who was responsible for what happened, a seething rage boiling deep inside her heart. Her cheerful and adorable smile was nowhere to be seen.

『Understood.』 [Grey]

Grey granted her request without any question, using his "Eyes of Destiny" to see into the past and using illusion magic to share the sight with Yuna, playing all the scenes which had transpired without missing a single one.

Who were the ones who did such a despicable thing, how many of them there were, how vicious and unjustifiable their actions were, the conversations that took place, and many more. Many questions were answered in a couple minutes of silence.

But perhaps the most important part was the mention of a single name. He did not appear in the scene, but his name had been mentioned throughout the whole time, the ugly thugs repealing his name over and over again.

Yuna had confirmed her suspicions... It was Jermel...

『Jermel...! You lunatic...!』 [Yuna]

She was angryー no, she was extremely infuriated. She may look calm and cool from the outside, but inside was a scorching and thundering rage making her heart tremble uncontrollably. It was rage even dragons would be wary of.

There was a dark expression painted on Yuna's face, the young lady barely reining in her anger. She stood there in silence, trying to maintain reason as she watched the unforgivable scenes play out before her.

『Calm down, Yuna. Take a deep breath and cool your head a little.』 [Grey]

『Grey... I am calmー No, that was a lie... Sorry, Grey... I don't think I can keep my calm for now...』 [Yuna]

Grey had been with Yuna for more than 4 years already, but he barely sees her get angry. She may be cute and adorable most of the time, but when she's angry, she turns into a completely different person. An unrivaled force of destruction.

It would have been easy to solve if the opponent was a beast or a monster, but the one before them was a person, and of noble lineage at that. They couldn't afford to be reckless and cause needless strife over something so relatively trivial.

『Grey... I'm going to crush him.』 [Yuna]

『Yuna, we might get into trouble with that, you know?』 [Grey]

『Don't worry, I wouldn't do something so reckless. I'll properly settle this matter not as a warmage, but as an alchemist. Please trust me.』 [Yuna]

Yuna's words were soft and gentle, but firm and immovable. She had already decided to crush Jermel without showing any mercy, not with brute force, but honorably as an alchemist. There is no more stopping her.

『Haah... Fine... Do whatever you want... I'll be cheering for you.』 [Grey]

『Un. Thank you...』 [Yuna]

Grey could only heave an exasperated sigh.


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