YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 376: Fruits of Effort


Papers of white were flipped and stacked, words and numbers strung along to make sentences and paragraphs. Its ink was darker than the night sky, dancing beautifully on the paper, leaving dark marks on its wake.

The pens glowed a gentle glint, a string of characters signed on the paper. The pen was soon passed to another, writing yet another string after the former, the pen once more glowing a subtle shimmer. Signatures were affixed on the final pages.

"It was a pleasure working with you, Your Majesty." [Fran]

"The pleasure is mine, Headmaster.... Though, I would have preferred it if you would address casually like you usually do." [Grey]

"Hahaha. Sorry, sorry, it's just too fun, I couldn't help myself." [Fran]

It has been almost 3 weeks since Grey and Yuna entered the Academy, and ever since, their days have gone at a casual pace with nothing too noteworthy happening. The only thing that comes to mind is how Yuna dominates the whole place.

Now, Grey is meeting up with the Headmaster to discuss all the terms and processes about all the new recipes and concepts Yuna developed in order to make patents out of them, the latter serving as the witness to their submission.

With it, Yuna is now a proud owner of over a dozen patents, with many more coming soon. Not only would she earn a lot of money once people start using them, but her name would forever be engraved in the history of alchemy as a great alchemist.

"It's good that we're already done with the procedures, but... It would have been nice if it was Yuna who signed the papers." [Fran]

"I would also like that too, but, you know Yuna. She's one who prioritizes alchemy over most things. I might have to have her sign at a later date, though," [Grey]

"Hahaha. It seems like she's having fun here in Darius." [Fran]

"A little bit too much fun, actually... She always holes herself up whenever we get back home and makes all kinds of items. Just yesterday, she tried making a sense enchanting pill out of curiosity." [Grey]

"Oh, a sense enhancing pill! I would love to hear more about that!" [Fran]

With the paperwork dome, the two gentlemen now chatted casually over some idle topics, talking about Yuna's progress and adventures in alchemy in particular. Grey sounded quite like a doting father very proud of his daughter,

Not that the Headmaster couldn't relate with him though. He as well knows what it feels like when someone you've taught advances in something. It feels like oneself also took a big step forward. An immense feeling of joy and happiness.

The Headmaster himself also has a few disciples, and though many of them reached Tier-6, Tier-7, and even Tier-8, none of them could catch up to him. As for Yuna, she was simply on another level, he couldn't help but be envious of.

"Maybe later... Or actually, a lot later... It might be better to have Yuna tell you about it. She's the one who made it, after all." [Grey]

"That's a good idea. But from your words, I don't think I can have a chat with her any sooner... Do you think I could lure her with sweets, Grey?" [Fran]

"Please don't treat my fiancée like a toddler, Headmaster." [Grey]

"Sorry, I didn't mean it that way. It's just that she seemed the type to come here voluntarily if I offer her some snacks. It just feels like it." [Fran]

There was no need to doubt as the Headmaster was right on point. Though Yuna may be wary of strangers, such wariness doesn't extend to those she already knew beforehand. She would absolutely, for certain, take such an obvious bait.

It was only then that Grey realized how easy his fiancée was. She may be growing up to be a fine young lady, but at the same time, her childish tendencies also seemed to grow along with it. Grey just couldn't help but worry over her.

It's quite hard to imagine that such a little glutton is a Tier-8 Alchemist. You must have taught her quite well, Grey." [Fran]

"No, I only taught her about the basics of everything. All she has now is all because of her talent and hard work." [Grey]

"I see... The basics, huh..." [Fran]

Grey wasn't exaggerating when he said such words, holding quite the admiration for Yuna as she spoke with price. He might have taught her in the beginning, but most of what she knows is all because of the efforts she put in to improve herself.

In fact, not a single one of the patents passed just now was from Grey's knowledge. They were all made by the young lady by experimenting over and over again, doing things with a lot of freedom to achieve whatever results she wants.

In a way, Grey admires Yuna's determination which burns even stronger than his. She might act like a child someー no, most of the time, but it was still an undeniable fact that her skills were the real deal. He was lucky to have her.

"Haah... Anyway, It truly is a pity. If only I had found her sooner, I would have loved to be her Master. Doesn't it have a nice ring to it, Grey?" [Fran]

"Well, it does... But it isn't as good as it sounds, Headmaster. Yuns gets too excited when it involves alchemy. It's hard to calm her down." [Grey]

"Hahaha. That's just how we alchemists are. She isn't the only one." [Fran]

"Hearing that... I don't know if I should be worried or not..." [Grey]

A wry smile spread over Grey as he looked at the Headmaster, all the while a couple questions brewed in his mind. He just doesn't know whether alchemy is the reason people turn insane, or whether insane people are the ones who tend to choose alchemy.

No, at a close self-inspection, he could also be called crazy amongst all others. He couldn't really pin all the insanity on Yuna and the alchemists, as he himself knows he also gets passionate when it comes to blacksmithing. People in Merusia are just all crazy when they are burning with passion.

"Well, you're not too bad yourself, Grey. From what I know, you're a blacksmith and an enchanter as well, am I wrong?" [Fran]

"No, that's correct. Though I didn't think I'm that famous already." [Grey]

"Hahaha. Even if you weren't the Hero of Oiros, one would still know of the youngest Blacksmith to have reached Tier-8 and the youngest Enchanter to have reached Tier-7. Quite the amazing feats, aren't they?" [Fran]

"You give me too much credit, Headmaster." [Grey]

"Too much credit, you say... I was just telling you what is known to the world. If I were to trust my guts, I would say that you've reached Tier-8 in enchanting as well, don't you? You wouldn't say that's not amazing as well, now are you?" [Fran]

The Headmaster said calmly as he smiled towards the young man. Grey had been planning to keep it all to himself, but with the Headmaster's "Extra Sense", it was all futile. All he could do was heave a lengthy sigh.

"Yuna specializes in alchemy, and you specialize in blacksmithing and enchanting. Are you two planning to take over the world or something?" [Fran]

"Ugh... We aren't, Headmaster. We just love our work, is all." [Grey]

"Really? But it isn't a terrible thing to dream about, you know? With your power, it is quite possible to dominate the world. I'm sure you two can pull it off." [Fran]

"Headmaster.... Should you really be saying that...?" [Grey]

The wry smile only grew bigger the more the Headmaster spoke. Though he sounded calm and soft, he was strangely very intent on pushing the idea of world domination to Grey, clearly doing it out of pure curiosity.

After that, Grey and the Headmaster talked some more about a couple topics and idled their time away. Their topics ranged from something trivial like the weather the other day to complex philosophies. Of course, there was also alchemy.

And while they talked about such topics, the Headmaster suddenly remembered something he heard from the students whilst he passed by the hallways. Something which he just couldn't ignore even if he wanted to.

"Come to think of it, Grey... I just heard a certain rumor yesterday." [Fran]

"A rumor...? What kind of rumor?" [Grey]

"I don't know if I should be asking this... But it's about Yuna," [Fran]

Said the Headmaster with a serious glint burning in his eyes. Grey didn't even need to hear the rest of his words. Just from the sudden change in his tone and mood, and also the strange seriousness in the air, he knows what the former is talking about.

"Is it about Yuna's bullying?" [Grey]

"As expected. You already know of it too." [Fran]

"Of course, I would. My very own fiancée is involved in this matter, so there's no way I wouldn't know. I am painfully aware of what's happening around her." [Grey]

He was aware, yes, but he didn't do anything. Or rather, he couldn't do anything about what the other students were doing against his fiancée. The person herself doesn't really care, so all he could do was wait and see.

It was wonderful that Yuna was strong willed, but she was just a bit too strong willed for her own good, looking at the harassments as some sort of games she could use to have some fun. Common sense just doesn't apply to her anymore,

If it was up to Grey, he would have given them a scolding already, but it would be a problem if Yuna started troubling him because he interfered with her fun. He too has a couple loose screws, also someone whom common sense in inapplicable,

"First of all, I would like to apologize for my students' inexcusable behavior. I would like to give them the appropriate punishment, but you know how the world of politics is, Grey. It's always so complicated.

Unless I have conclusive evidence, I could punish them, but that isn't the case right now. I hope you understand, Grey." [Fran]

The Headmaster didn't mention any names, but Grey could easily tell who he was referring to. And it wasn't the first time he was dealing with such a person before, a number of several cases already happening in the past couple years.

If he could, he would have already expelled the said students from school. The only other problem other than the fact that he didn't have evidence was the fact that the main perpetrator came from a prominent family, one with high prestige.

"It's okay. I understand your point, Headmaster." [Grey]

"I'm glad to hear that." [Fran]

"Instead, I have a favor to ask, Headmaster. I can't tell you what it is now, but don't worry, it isn't something which will harm you or the academy. I just want to feel some bit of reassurance, you could say." [Grey]

"... Reassurance... I see... Then just mention the word. I'll make sure to do the best I can. You can always count on me." [Fran]

"Hahaha. Thank you very much, Headmaster." [Grey]

However, such prestige didn't matter in front of absolute power. Grey could easily bring their "Prominent" House down in ruins if he wanted to, but he shouldn't. He wanted to solve everything in a more civilized manner if he could.

And to do that, all Grey needed to do was provide some evidence to the Headmaster, and he'll do the rest. It was a very different experience from using one's fist in order to solve things. All he knows is that it's worth a lot of headaches.

"Oh, right. Isn't it lunch time already? Aren't you going to eat with Yuna?" [Fran]

"Hmm... I'm not sure. I already have her lunch beforehand so I'm sure she wouldn't be starving. She must be eating with her friends right now," [Grey]

"Hahaha. That sounds fantastic. Looks like she made some great friends." [Fran]

The idle chat continued and Grey stayed a bit longer in the Headmaster's office. This time, they chatted about the organizational systems Grey had experienced back on Earth, sharing some bits of knowledge he once learnt from the internet.

They all sound so fantastic, the Headmaster's unbridled curiosity was lit up once again. Grey was detained in the office even longer than originally planned, stuck answering each and every single question of the Headmaster. It was tiring,



A long lime stretched from left to right, students taking a slow pace as they moved towards forwards. The savory smell of stews, the delicious smell of meat, and the sweet smell of desserts was wafting all throughout the place.

The sun was now shimmering high in its zenith and the school bells had just rung a couple minutes. Lunch break had already started and the students are now lining up by the cafeteria, hungry stomachs growling and rumbling from time to time.

Amongst those students were Yuna, Alea, and Kale, happily chatting their time away whilst they waited for their turn. They just finished their previous PE class, and after running around several laps, they are now hungry as can be.

"Come to think of it, I don't see Shin around today. Is he absent?" [Kale]

"No, the Headmaster had business with him in his office. They're probably discussing something important right now." [Yuna]

"Oh? The Headmaster? Is it about your exchange student program?" [Kale]

"Probably. Shin didn't really tell me that much," [Yuna]

That was a lie.

In fact, Grey had reminded Yuna over and over again several times before, but the young lady was too focused on her alchemy and has been distracted by excitement that she didn't pay attention to Grey's words at all.

Yuna doesn't even know she herself was the reason why Grey had to meet up with the Headmaster. All she knew was that he had important business to attend to with him and that he won't be able to join them for lunch.

"Rather than that... Where's Edin? I don't see him around anymore," [Yuna]

"Ah, that. He's the one in charge of watering the plants this week. He said he'll be joining us with lunch later." [Alea]

"I see. So that's how you take care ofーHm?" [Yuna]

Yuna couldn't even finish her words when she saw a familiar face enter the cafeteria by the distance. He was panting and out of breath, drenched his sweat and fidgeting whilst he turned his head left and right, almost dropping his eyeglasses.

"Oh, speak of the devil. He's hereー Uwaahh!!" [Alea]

It was Edin and the very moment he found the three of them, he immediately rushed over, grabbed Alea and Kale by their wrists, and bolted awayー or at least, he did. He soon came back with a serious glint in his eyes.

"Elena, could you follow us for a second?" [Edin]

"A-Ah... Yes...?" [Yuna]

As his hands were full with Kale and Alea, he simply couldn't grab Yuna as well, and simply just asked to accompany them, soon bolting away afterwards. Yuna was so puzzled and confused, she ended up speaking formally.

Yuna soon followed the bespectacled young man and chased after him. Like the others, she also doesn't have a clue onto what was happening. She was just simply doing what she was told, heads filled with question marks.

"E-Edin, you dumbass! What do you think you're doing?!" [Alea]

"S-Sorry, I forgot to tell you! But I'm being serious here! We need to hurry up! It finally happened! It finally bloomed!" [Edin]

"Y... You...! You should have told us sooner!" [Alea]

Yuna still has no idea what was going on, but the moment Alea heard Edin's words, she immediately understood what he meant and excitement came flooding into her fierce and feisty heart, beating faster and faster.

Alea quickly took over the reins, and planted a firm step on the ground. She then reversed Edin's grip on her and grabbed him instead, also grabbing Kale while she was at it. She boomed and zoomed, the two boys swung around like rag dolls.

Once again, Yuna couldn't be any more confused about what just happened, only seeing Alea vanish away before her very eyes. There was a wry smile on her face, following after the others with eyes of confusion.

Their destination was none other than the greenhouse, and the moment they arrived, the three childhood friends immediately rushed towards a certain direction, their eyes lit with anticipation, almost tripping from too much excitement.

"Waah~! It finally bloomed! It really did!" [Alea]

"Woo~! This is amazing! I knew we could do it!" [Kale]

"Hahaha. Didn't I tell you?" [Alea]

Such remarks echoed in the air, and Yuna could only draw closer. Soon, a beautiful flower appeared in front of her, looking weak and fragile as it would be uprooted by the wind if it blew any harder.

Its petals were blue and red, two opposing colors spreading in an alternating pattern, and its leaves were a deep green color, streaks of yellow green running through the center as the veins spread over the area. A colorful and wonderful flower.

But it wasn't just any flower, oh no it wasn't. It was a rare species even amongst the rarer magic plant which possessed not just one, but two different attributes. They were fire and ice, contrasting as they were beautiful.

"A Frostburn Calendula... It's the first time I've seen it..." [Yuna]

"Fufufu! That's only natural. It doesn't grow in normal places, after all." [Alea]

"Yeah. This little guy's been troubling us for 2 tears already. I can't believe this punk finally bloomed. " [Kale]

Their words sounded simple and casual, but their expressions begged to differ. They could still maintain their usual voice, but tears were already forming in the corner of their eyes, clearly emotional at the sight served before them.

They had every right to do so. After all, the Frostburn Calendula was a magic plant which only grows in extreme places, namely an active volcano of high altitude. The volcano feeds it with the fire attribute, whilst the falling snow sustains with ice.

It was a delicate plant which could die if the balance of the two were to become even slightly unstable. And though it was also an ingredient which is essential in making medicine for the most common sicknesses, it isn't very well known because of how troublesome it was to cultivate them was.

'A Frostburn Calendula in a tropical greenhouse... How bizarre...' [Yuna]

Of course, many alchemists and researchers have succeeded in growing them away from their natural habitat, but all of them cost a lot of money to do so. Money which commoners such as Kale, Edin, and Alea have no access to.

They were even just lucky enough to have won a contest in their first year and got the seeds as a prize. And since then, they have been working their butts off to make the flower bloom, spending over 2 years trying to do so.

They had books to follow, but didn't have the right materials. They simply substituted for what they lacked, trying out several iterations and wilting some of the other seedlings during the process. The one before them was the last, finally blooming with splendor.

"Fufufu! Congratulations, everyone! You just made a huge breakthrough!" [Yuna]

"Y-Yeah! We finally did it... We finally... After 2 years, we... We finally... Hic... We really, finally did it... Hic..." [Alea]

"Goddammit... I wasn't prepared for this at all,,," [Kale]

"That's only natural. You're working with a genius, after all!" [Edin]

And now, all three of them were bawling their eyes out, unable to take them off the flower of blue and red blooming before them. They were trembling ever so slightly, both from happiness and excitement. It was a joyous occasion.

If it wasn't for the Frostburn Calendula, they could have spent those 2 years studying harder and making progress in their skills. They would have been able to reach Tier-4 by now. They had sacrificed a lot.

There was such a certain mood in the air, that Yuna couldn't help but be emotional too. She knows full well how difficult it was to care for and cultivate plants, especially when it came to magic plants. It would have been impossible if it wasn't for her magic,

However, Alea, Kale, and Edin didn't possess such powerful magic as hers. They were just ordinary people, doing the best they could to realize their goals, and they did. They finally reached it, Yuna smiling happily for them.

"Then I guess you'll have to apply for a patent now, huh?" [Yuna]

"Fufufu! We'll have to compile and organize our research first before that. But yeah, we could finally say that proudly!" [Alea]

"It will probably be a lot of work, but I'm sure it would be worth it!" [Kale]

"Of course it would be! This is a groundbreaking breakthrough! You knoー" [Edin]


They had forgotten. They were too excited by the fact that the Frostburn Calendula that they had completely forgotten that they haven't had lunch yet, a loud rumbling echoing in the sir, suddenly cutting off Edin's words.

The source of the rumbling was none other than Alea's stomach, the young lady now red as can be from embarrassment, all eyes glued on her. She is usually fierce and aggressive, but now, she has become meek as a sheep.

"Fufufu! I guess we should have lunch first." [Yuna]

"Uuu... So embarrassing..." [Alea]


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