YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 368: Subject of Envy


Tubes and vials were shaken, liquids of red and blue mixed with one another, fumes rising to air whilst bubbles formed and popped. The flames were alight, burning gently just enough to heat the liquids and creation reactions time and time again.

The sound of footsteps resounded with the clinking of glass, a man wandering all over the room, his eyes swimming left and right, stopping and peeking closely then nodding his head before continuing on with his leisurely strides.

"Student Jasmine, you're using too much water. Add more Rudentia extracts to balance out the proportions."


"The test tubes are too close to the fire, Student Carsiel. Raise them by half an inch. Otherwise, you will have to restart all over again."

"Sorry! I'll make sure to be careful!"

Of course, he wasn't just wandering around aimlessly. He was looking all around the classroom and observing the students, correcting their mistakes the moment he saw them. He even extends his hands from time to time, assisting the students directly.

The Professor looked stern and strict, his sharp eyes shifting here and there as he continued his pace. Yet he never scolded and looked down on the students, only correcting them, raking down notes all the while as he continued his observation.

"Nng... Just a little more... Ah! Perfect!" [Alea]

"Student Alea, please keep your voice down. You might distract the others."

"Y-Yes! I'm sorry, Professor!" [Alea]

It has been a few days since Grey and Yuna started school, and it was now Veneris, the last of the weekdays. Now, Yuna and Alea are on their last subject, the elective, "Poison Analysis", under yet another Professor, a tier-7 one at that.

It was a subject which tackled many kinds of poison, how to concoct them, how to handle them, and how to make antidotes for them. A class with both theory lectures and practical experimentations, the two now doing the latter.

The topic for the day is how to make an antidote against "Mad Cobra's" venom, the Professor providing them a handful of ingredients enough for 5 tries, everyone using both skills and knowledge to create a clear and useful Tier-3 potion.

'13mL of Heller Sprouts... 4mL of Rudenttia extracts... Lower the flames a little bit... Stir it a bit... A drop of Kalkia grass extracts...' [Yuna]

Of course, as one would expect, Yuna's progress was already leaps and bounds ahead of everybody else. Her techniques were flawless, moving her hands in a swift yet delicate manner, handling everything without any inefficiency.

The solutions which were maroon in color were diluted with water, the vial then placed atop the tripod and wire gauze to be heated by the flames once again. All the while Yuna crushed dried lichen, refining them to fine powder.

Yuna then poured the crushed powder inside the solution the moment it started to boil, then stirring with the stirring rod until the color started to change again, now looking a tad bit lighter with an acrid smell drifting in the air.

Of course, she didn't just let the smell be, adding a neutral yet deodorizing mixture into the mix. The smell was soon dissipated before everyone could even have a whiff of it, the young lady then turning off the flames.

'Then, finally...' [Yuna]

All that was left was cooling, filtration, and dilution, Yuna pouring the solution towards a fine mesh and into another glass vial. She made sure to drain it whole, then adding about 30mL of water and mixing it ever so gently.

Yuna made sure to remove all the air within with a little bit of magic, then closing it as soon as possible, making sure it was tight and secured. With it, she was finally finished with the antidote, a reddish mixture sparkling in front of her.

"Oh? Are you finished already?"

"Ah, Professor... Un, I'm finished." [Yuna]

"I see... Let me take a look then."

The Professor was already behind her before Yuna could even notice, then taking the potion she just brewed and scrutinizing it closely. He did a bit of shaking, raised it up against the light, and subjected it to mana to see how it reacts.

Though normally, one might need a bit of smelling and tasting for others before they could identify it, but for an Alchemist of his caliber, all he needed was a quick look. It didn't take long before he opened his mouth, his face dyed with satisfaction.

"I did hear you were amazing from the other Professors, but to think you'll make a Middle-Grade potion so quickly... Wonderful job, Student Elena. You get full marks."

"Your praise is too much, Professor." [Yuna]

Of course, with her skills as high as it is, Yuna easily got a perfect score. While the Professor might have called it Middle-Grade, it was the highest of its kind. Not only was it made properly, it was also sealed properly. A fine product is what it was.

"W-What?! Miss Elena already finished making the potion?!"

"No way?! I'm not even halfway done yet! How is she so fast?!"

"Kyaa~! As expected of Lady Elena! She really is a genius!"

As for the class' reaction... Well, there was no need to say anymore. While some of them have only seen her a couple times, they already knew of her prowess, always impressed by how efficiently and flawlessly she does her work.

Those who were her classmates in the homeroom were just as impressed, still not used to how brilliant she was. It has just been barely a week, and her fan club was already going strong, cheering for her at every single chance they got.

"Tsk! That b*tch is getting all the credit again!"

Of course, there were also some people who weren't particularly happy about all the attention and praise Yuna was getting, their faces looking quite grim and dark as they grit their teeth, glaring at her from afar.

They weren't very good at their works nor were they outstanding in other fields, but seeing a newcomer rake in all the praise was enough to make their blood boil, hating her and not admitting to the inferiority complex they harbor towards her.

"What a tryhard! Lord Jermel is supposed to be the one in the spotlight!"

"That b*tch must be crazy! Just because she's a little good looking and talented!"

"Hmph! I bet she's looking down at us! We must be a joke to her!"

Jermel's frivolous entourage was especially hostile, glaring at her as if there was no tomorrow and throwing hypocritical remarks left and right. They made up all sorts of reasons in their hearts just so they could hate her.

After all, much to their knowledge, "Elena" was of commoner status, and only had her looks and skills going for her. There was no way they, coming from the houses of nobility and large merchantries would allow anyone to be above them.

There was only envy and irrationality brewing inside them, engulfing their hearts like a sea of flames devouring an entire forest. They were all hopeless people, the very definition of scum, only having money and connections going for them.

"Lord Jermel, what should we do with that b*tch?"

"That's right, My Lord. She's been acting all important the whole week and humiliating us. Shouldn't we teach her a lesson?"

"Just say the word, Lord Jermel, and I'll make sure it happens."

Of course, the one most infuriated was Jermel, the whisper of demons ringing in his ears. He may look calm outwardly, but there was a deep rage burning inside him, lashing out fiercer and fiercer with the passing of time,

He was the Heir to a Comital House, and not just a Comital House, but the Caraquel Comital House renowned for its rich history alchemy. He had been called a genius by many, heir to such a prestigious and respectable house.

Yet now, he was overshadowed by a nameless girl who suddenly appeared out of nowhere. There was no way he could withstand the humiliation, every single fiber of his being wanting to drag her down and make her know her place,

To make matters worse, the words of his irritable followers only served to pour oil to the fire. They were poison which not only inflated his ego and narcissistic personality but also intoxicated his mind. They were nothing but leeches.

"No... Everyone, let's leave her be for now." [Jermel]

"But Lord Jermel...! Are you really fine with this?!"

"Did you not hear me? I said 'for now', didn't I?" [Jermel]

Said Jermel with a nasty color painted in both his eyes. They were eyes which looked calm at first glance but brewing like a turbulent storm deep inside. Miserable scenes had played in his mind as he glared at Yuna once more.

It was such a nasty and obvious glare, Alea just couldn't help but notice. There was worry brewing in her eyes, a bit of fear clouding her mind as she clenched her fists. They were the eyes of someone who was up to no good.

"What do you think you're all doing? Stop staring at Student Elena's work. I will deduct points to those who aren't moving their hands."

"Eek! Not again! I already had my points deducted last time!"

"Agh! Forget it! I'm sure I'll get this one way or another!"

The class continued without a hitch and everyone finished making their creations one after another, the Professor then grading them as soon as he could and recording it down the class record, numbers written down along the pages.

Before long, everyone was finally finished with their work, all graded properly and not a single one of them failing the test. However, no one even came close to Yuna, each of them failing at least once or twice before getting it right.

"Haah... We're finally done... I could finally take a rest..." [Alea]

"Fufufu! You sure worked hard, Alea." [Yuna]

"Yeah... I just want to go to sleep already..." [Alea]

Well, not that it mattered much anyway. As long as they are able to complete the task, the Professor gives them a passing grade and added a couple bonus points based on his evaluation of their execution.

It was the very same Professor who was now packing his things, and cleaning the front table. It was already Veneris, after all. Much like the students, he was also excited to finally take a break on the weekends, to kick back and relax his old bones.

"Oh, right. That reminds me... Before we go... Everyone, remember to not go around wandering too deep in the forest for the time being. A number of Kobolds have been spotted loitering the forest as of late."

Said the Professor with a stern expression painted on his worried face. It wasn't the first time that the students were warned about such a fact. In fact, all their previous professors have warned them all the same.

It seems like the sudden meeting from before was about the recent and numerous reported appearance of kobolds in the Lorinia Forest, a few people already harmed by them, some even returning with grave and fatal injuries.

The Kingdom has already dispatched a subjugation squad, but with how expansive and lush the Lorinia Forest was, there had been barely any progress. It might take a week or two before everything settles down.

Of course, this also meant that it was now much riskier for Alchemists to explore the forest and gather herbs and materials to use for their experiments. It was unfortunate, but there was no need to risk their lives unnecessarily. It was best to wait.

"Do I make myself clear?"


"Good. Then that will be all for now. Make sure to continue your studies and I wish you all a wonderful weekend, everyone. Class dismissed."

The warning now relayed, the class was quickly dismissed before long. The students stretched their arms high, and moved their stiff bodies a little. Smiles soon bloomed on their faces, looking forward to the weekends where they can relax themselves.

One after another, the students poured out of the classroom, everyone cleaning up after themselves and joining their friends on the way out. Some waved goodbyes and some cheered aloud, the corridors bustling with boisterous voices.

Yet despite the long lectures now over, a nasty and ill-tempered glare remained. It was one filled with envy and resentment, targeting the silver-haired young elf, glued to her even when she was exiting the room with Alea.

"Alea, where are you going after this?" [Yuna]

"Mmn... I guess I'm heading back to the dorm? I haven't been having enough sleep as of late so I want to catch some rest before dinner." [Alea]

"Fufufu! The Professors did give quite a lot of homework." [Yuna]

"I know... How could we enjoy the weekends like this..." [Alea]

Said Alea, grumbling whilst she puffed her cheeks. Just thinking of the mountain of assignments the Professor gave them, she was already having a severe headache. The more she thinks about it, the more grim her face becomes.

Rather than enjoying the weekends, she would probably be busy reading books in the library and answering them for many hours to come. It was as if she didn't have a weekend at all.... Oh, the pitiful life of a student... Was misery indeed...

"Well, other than that... Elena... How should I put this..." [Alea]

"It's about Jermel and his group, right?" [Yuna]

"Oh, so you also noticed it too." [Alea]

"Fufufu! How could I not? They were so obvious, after all." [Yuna]

They weren't obvious, they were extremely obvious. They didn't even hide the fact that they loathed her, most of their words reaching her pointy ears, and their hurtful stares feeling like Yuna's nape had been pricked by thousands of needles,

Yuna has been stared a lot before, but it was the first time someone openly showed such intense hostility to her. Thankfully, she wasn't the violent type who would beat up people for no reason. Otherwise, they would have already been black and blue.

"I see... But... Aren't you worried at all? I don't know if they're true, but I've heard plenty of rumors about him, and they're not particularly pleasant." [Alea]

However, unlike her, Alea was feeling quite a bit worried for her safety. There weren't just one or two rumors going around about Jermel, not one of them were wonderful to listen to, many people trying to avoid him because of this.

There have been cases of students suddenly dropping out for unknown reasons, quite a number of students getting assaulted after going outside the campus, a couple of greenhouses getting damaged and destroyed, and many more.

And many of these cases have one thing in common, and that was that all the students were quite talented and were people Jermel's entourage did not look at with favor. It was too convenient for it to be called a coincidence.

"Hm? Did the Academy not do anything about it?" [Yuna]

"Well, they tried to... But without any strong and conclusive evidence, there's only so much they could do." [Alea]

"It looks pretty obvious though? Can't the Headmaster just do something about it? Isn't he really powerful and influential?" [Yuna]

"It's not as easy as that, Elena. If the Headmaster treads carelessly, this could be taken as a declaration of war from House Silva to House Caraquel. And you know how difficult things are in the political world." [Alea]

"I see... That sounds really troublesome..." [Yuna]

"Right?" [Alea]

The harsh and complex political world was a world of chaos and headaches. He may have retired as the Head of House Silva long ago, the Headmaster still couldn't do anything careless that might harm the reputation of his household.

Even the slightest bit of trouble might shake the relationship between two households and a fight might break out in the Alchemy world. Not only them, but even the normal folks below would also be affected by such a situation.

'Not that it has something to do with me though...' [Yuna]

Well, not that it matters ro Yuna anyway. She may have been conferred the rank or "Archduchess", but she wasn't a true noble like they were. There was no need for her to engage in such pointless conflict with only trouble up ahead.

Even if Jermel does make things harder for her, with her abilities, it wouldn't take her a second or two to handle things. Even if he sends in assailants to harm her, they'll be the ons beaten up instead.

"Elena, make sure to not go out willy-nilly, okay?" [Alea]

"Eh? Even if I have Shin with me?" [Yuna]

"Of course! Even if Shin looks fit and strong, what can he do when you're surrounded by a group of thugs?" [Alea]

A lot... Grey can do a lot... Is what Yuna wanted to say, but she simply nodded her head instead, not wanting to drag out the conversation longer than it needs to. Alea was worried for her so there was no need to deny her kindness.

"Okay. I'll just stay at our inn then. And of course, I also won't approach shady people, so you can rest assured." [Yuna]

"Really you promise me that?" [Alea]

"Un, I promise. Safety comes first, after all." [Yuna]

That was a lie, arrows flying towards Yuna's hearts as she answered Alea's words. After all, she already made plans with Grey that they'll be heading out of Xeros for the weekends and look around the Lorinia Forest for anything interesting.

Well, rather than look around, it might be more appropriate to say that they'll be going around collecting and hunting for materials. With such a thing in mind, there was no way Yuna would be able to keep her promise. She would be going without a doubt.

"On another note... Are you free this upcoming Solis, Alea?" [Yuna]

Trying to not dwell too much on the thought, Yuna quickly changed the topic, then throwing a question towards Alea this time. There was a bright smile on her face when she asked, her eyes sparkling excitedly quite a bit.

"This Solis...? Um, well... If I finish all the homework by tomorrow, then I should be free the day after... Why do you ask so suddenly?" [Alea]

"Mmn... Actually, it's my birthday this Solis so Shin and I will be holding a little celebration. I was wondering if you could comeー" [Yuna]

"I'll go! I'll definitely go!" [Alea]

There was no need for second thoughts. As soon as Alea received the invitation from Yuna, she immediately accepted, grabbing the latter by the hands, and clasping them rightly with a bright and excited look painted vividly on her face.

It was as if she was the one having a birthday, looking even more elated than Yuna. She had already sworn to finish all her homework before tomorrow ends, her heart burning with passion and her eyes all fired up.

"Are you sure? Wouldn't you be busy?" [Yuna]

"No, no, not at all! Who do you think I am? I'm already a 3rd year student here in Darius, you know? This much homework is nothing new!" [Alea]

"Fufufu! Then I'm counting on you. I'll write you a map so you can head to our innー And, right! Can you invite Kale and Edin for me as well?" [Yuna]

"Kale and Edin, right? Consider it done!" [Alea]

And draw a map, Yuna did. As soon as Alea gave her word, she then whipped up a piece of paper and a pen, then writing down general directions towards the Camellia Valley, making the map look simple yet very comprehensible,

There were landmarks present drawn all over the place, approximate distances, and familiar symbols written down. Before long, a direction map was finally made, Yuna then handing it over to Alea, the latter happily accepting it.

"Oh! Looks like your husband is here already, Elena." [Alea]

"Geez! How many times do I have to tell you?! He's not my husband yet!" [Yuna]

And just as they finished with their exchange, Grey popped up in their sight by the end of the hallways, waving his hand towards the two gorgeous young ladies, all the while wearing a warm smile which complimented his good looks.

Of course, Alea didn't miss a beat and struck Yuna with a teasing remark, making the latter blush a little and pout as she retaliated. Much like Grey, she also found it fun to tease the young lady, enjoying her wonderful reactions to the fullest.

"Fufufu! 'Yet', huh? That means he's going to be in the future. Shouldn't you start getting used to it by now, Elena?" [Alea]

"What are you talking about?! We still have a long way to go!" [Yuna]

"That's right, Alea. Don't bully Elena too much. You might make her cry," [Grey]

"Not you too, Shin! You both bully me too much!" [Yuna]

And now, even Grey has joined in on the fun, poking Yuna with a little bit of teasing as he went with Alea's flow. Alea was already hard enough, but now, there was Grey too. Yuna was stuck in a pit with two predators.

Time passed some more, and after a few minutes of chatting, it was finally time for them to part. Alea, with an elated look on her face, waved her hands happily as she said her goodbye, heading off into the dormitories, her figure slowly vanishing into the horizon until it was no more.

"Then, shall we head home as well, Milady?" [Grey]

"Un! Let's go!" [Yuna]


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