YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 367: Yuna the Alchemist (pt. II)

"Listederne Fern... Kolen Petunia... Rikalia Roots... Harpen Tropical Cedar... Seven Star Karsialis... Halestraw... Felris Flower... Harpcap..." [Yuna]

Words, words, and even more words. Various and difficult words were spoken one after another, the one speaking them void of sight. Yet despite the looming darkness, she never wavered, speaking her words with confidence.

All eyes were on her, silence enveloping the whole place. Everyone's mouths hang in agape, watching the incredible spectacle unfolding before them. Even the Professor could only watch in silence, looking at her with eyes filled with both shock and awe.

"A... Amazing... As expected of a Tier 4 Alchemist..."

"Huh? Could all Tier-4 Alchemists be able to do this?"

"Does she maybe have an ability to sharpen her senses?"

"It must be, right? That's the only explanation."

A few hours have passed since the 1st lecture, and the afternoon has arrived. After having yet another delicious and blissful lunch at the cafeteria, Yuna and the others are now on their 4th period, learning under a new professor.

The subject is called "Material Processing" which teaches the students what kinds of materials and ingredients there are, how to tell them apart, and where to find them, and how to turn them into useful items for Alchemy.

Today is a day designated for a test, in which all students must identify the materials and ingredients, crushed into powder and turned into extracts, by smell alone. Their noses were their only weapon, their eyes veiled by a thick blindfold.

There were 50 items in total, and though some had pretty strong and distinct smells, many of them were subtle and hard to tell apart from each other. Some were even identical in smell, only differing by the sensation they offer.

It was a test where one's familiarity with the various alchemy items is tested. After all, there aren't just one or two items which look alike. One also needs to use the other senses, especially smell and taste, skills which alchemists must hone.

"Astorias... Hairy Mothstalk... Blumhorn Wild Rose... Miulla..." [Yuna]

Of course, though she was an exchange student, Yuna could also participate in the test, and so she did. After all, there was only more to gain. She was also excited to see how she would fare against the other students.

Moreover, unlike the others who had been preparing for the test, Yuna didn't know beforehand the item list the Professor gave them. It only made things more exciting and difficult, Yuna accepting the challenge with a smile on her face.

"How much does that make it...?" [Alea]

"It should be over 30 by now... No, maybe over 40?" [Kale]

"Does that matter? What's more amazing is how fast she can identify them." [Edin]

As to be expected, Yuna didn't get even a single thing wrong, answering all the items without hesitation. The moment the Professor drew the item next to her nose, she immediately identifies them in the next second.

"It's like she's been dealing with them for decades... Is she really our age?" [Edin]

It wasn't just Edin. Everyone else also thought the same, watching her with marvel and disbelief brewing in their eyes. Even if they didn't have the blindfold on, they would still get a number of them wrong, yet she didn't get any. She was incredible.

The Professor's hands moved time and time again, items identified one after another, everyone continuing to watch the scene without making a single sound. The test was drawing near, only a couple more items left unidentified.

"Okay, here's the final one..."

And for the last item, the Professor took the dish furthest from him. Unlike the others, it was only one which wasn't labeled, and was the only item which wasn't in the list the Professor gave them.

So far, not a single one of the students have gotten the right answer, most of them answering the ever so familiar "Kalkia Grass", and some trying out other items which came to mind, much to no avail. It was a tricky one.

"What do you think, Student Elena?"

Yet despite that, Yuna didn't feel any challenge at all. Rather, there was only a smile on her face, not a single ounce of doubt in her mind. She has found her answer.

"It's Kalkia Grass... Or at least, most of it is..." [Yuna]

"Oh? Are you sure about that?"

"Un... And, there's also Mikumiku and Madreeds... Mixed in a ratio of 20... No, 21:1:3, respectively. Am I correct, Professor?" [Yuna]

"Correct...? That was perfect… Good job, Student Elena,"

It wasn't just a single ingredient, but a combination of 3. Not only did Yuna identify them, she also revealed the ratio in which the mixture was created with. She was dead right on the mark, not missing even a single point.

"Ohh!! Sh-She got it! As expected of Elena, she's in a totally different league!"

"No wonder we got it all wrong... That was unfair, Professor!"

"Kyaa~! You're amazing, Lady Elena! You got them all right!"

The whole class was sent into an uproar at Yuna's great achievement, every one of them showering her with cheers, applause, and praises. There was pandemonium, an orchestra of loud and boisterous cheers echoing throughout the classroom.

It was still Yuna's second day, but she already garnered the respect and admiration of everyone. Heck, she even has her own fans now, waving banners with her name printed on it and shouting her name with great vigor and enthusiasm.

"Hahaha. In all my time teaching her, I never thought someone could get it right. You really are impressive, Student Elena."

"Then, how many points is that, Professor?" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. Normally, I'd give 70 points to those who can guess it right, but... Since you pretty much perfectly guessed it, I'll give you 100 points instead."

"Un! Thank you~!" [Yuna]

Of course, other than challenging herself, the other reason why Yuna participated in the test was the points! She is strangely competitive, wanting to garner as many points she could. She's also "Yuna the Hoarder", after all.

A smile on her face, Yuna returned to her place with great satisfaction blooming in her heart. The only difference from now and before was that she now knew what the merit points would be used for, and one would expect, it was the "performance" part of a student's grade.

Though students are also graded based on their test results and tier advancements, performance is also a large portion of their grades. It really doesn't matter much to Yuna, as she isn't even a student to begin with, but she was still happy nonetheless.

"Elena, do you have a sniffing ability or something?" [Alea]

"Hm? Not at all! I'm not a dog, you know?" [Yuna]

"Ehh... But how did you identify them all... You must be hiding something!" [Alea]

"A-Alea! E-Enough! Th-That tickles!" [Yuna]

With Alea tickling Yuna, and the latter giggling out loud, the test proceeded smoothly, one student going after another. They all did their best, trying to focus on their senses and trying to get the highest scores they could.

Of course, with Yuna answering the mystery item, the Professor already switched it with another mixture, just as difficult to identify. Not a single one of them were able to identify them, everyone only getting about half the items on average.

Time passed some more, and the school bells rang once again. Everyone was soon dismissed by the Professor, then heading to their next subjects. However, this time, they all parted ways, heading in different directions.

"Oh? You also took 'Heavy Brewery' as an elective, Elena?" [Alea]

"Un. Is it a troublesome subject?" [Yuna]

"No, it's nothing like that! It's more on the practical side so there's no need to study so much. It's the best!" [Alea]

"Oh! That sounds really promising!" [Yuna]

As for the reason why, it was because it was now time for the electives, ones which the students themselves selected for themselves. There are 3 of them in total, 2 during MWF schedules, and the other 1 during TTH.

Yuna selected "Heavy Brewery" which deals with the making of consumable items, other than potions and elixirs, which are mostly used in battles. This includes poison recovery pills, stamina enhancers, beast repellants, and many more.

As an adventurer, how could she not take such an elective? It was literally made for her. She is already someone in the Top 10 most powerful people in the world, but every bit of preparation matters. Of course, it seemed fun as well.

"Though... It seems like Edin and Kale took different electives, huh." [Yuna]

"That's right. Edin took 'Ancient Alchemy' while Kale took 'Physical Strengthening' for their TTH schedules.... Ah! We do have 'Economics' is common though." [Alea]

"Oh! I have that too! And I also have 'Poison Analysis'!" [Yuna]

"Really?! That means we'll be classmates for all subjects! Is this fate?!" [Alea]

"Un! This is the best!" [Yuna]

Chattering aloud, Yuna and Alea headed towards their next classroom, walking down the hallways while blinding people with their smiles. After all, Alea was also a beauty to behold... If only it wasn't for her fierce and violent personality.

They soon arrived in the classroom, and the others were already present. There were already all sorts of people hanging around, waiting for the Professor to come. Each of them looked pretty carefree, their toolsets already sitting atop the tables.

"Elena, let's sit over here." [Alea]

"Okay~!" [Yuna]

The whole classroom was abuzz and aloud, many people glancing at the two young ladies' direction, the latter paying them no heed as they admired the equipment and materials displayed atop the table, smiles on their faces.

Of course, Yuna was already familiar with such things, but that doesn't make things any less interesting. She can't wait to tinker around with them, doing alchemy without the aid of her usual equipment. It was very exciting!

"Elena, is your equipment back in your academy like this too?" [Alea]

"Ah... The Academy's equipment... I guess you say that." [Yuna]

"Waah~! I want to see it one day too! Can I?" [Alea]

"Un, sure... I'll tour you around when we get the chance." [Yuna]

Or so she says, but guilt was poking her heart as she answered Alea, barely making a comfortable face. After all, forget the equipment, the "Academy" she transferred from in the first place doesn't even exist. It was already amazing that she could lie.

"Ohh~! As expected of Lord Jermel! You really are the star of Darius!"

"That's only natural with my skills. Which house do you think I hail from?" [Jermel]

"Of course, House Caraquel is amazing, but even if you didn't come from it, Lord Jermel would still be outstanding!"

"That's right! Lord Jermel's talent is only something we could hope for!"

"Naturally. After all, I am 'Jermel ro Caraquel'!" [Jermel]

And just as Yuna and Alea were comfortably chatting with one another, a loud group of men and women were orchestrating a ruckus at the back of the classroom, quite a few people garnering around a blond-haired young lord.

He wasn't particularly attractive nor was he outstandingly strong, but there was one thing he possessed which everyone else didn't. He was the heir of House Caraquel, allowing him to warrant the attention of many, people buttering him up.

While it was normal that students are noisy without a Professor around, there were many who were irritated by such boisterousness. The young lord's narcissistic words were also a pain, everyone trying hard not to pay them much attention.

"Tsk! They just couldn't keep quiet..." [Alea]

Even Alea was annoyed by them, a different and deeper sense of irritation when she was bantering with Kale and Edin burning within as she glared at the group. Still, she kept her voice as low as she could, making sure no one else could hear her words.

"Hmm... Is he a great alchemist or something?" [Yuna]

"Well... He's a Tier-4 Alchemist just like you, amongst the best in our year, but that's not what matters. It's all because he's from House Caraquel." [Alea]

"House Caraquel... Is it a prominent House?" [Yuna]

"Yeah, very... And not just any prominent House... They're a House of Alchemy." [Alea]

The Comital House of Caraquel, along with the Marquessal House of Silva which was once headed by the Headmaster, is one of the most prominent Houses of Alchemy, producing countless genius Alchemists in every generation.

In fact, the current Head of House Caraquel is a Tier-7 Alchemist, on the verge of breaking through Tier-8. The Previous Head was also a Tier-8, only second to the Headmaster in terms of skill in the whole of Foltriesse.

Jermel just happened to be the heir of such a house nurtured in alchemy ever since his youth and tempered with the best materials and equipment there was. He was a noble with power, influence, and talent.

"I see... But... Aren't they chumming too much to him? I thought status is irrelevant here in Darius." [Yuna]

"Ah, the merit system... Actually, about that..." [Alea]

Alea was scratching her cheeks with trouble brewing in her eyes. She soon opened her mouth, explaining everything to Yuna all the while keeping her voice down.

And, Yuna was right. There is, in fact, a merit system taking place in Darius Academy and that everyone is treated equally regardless of social status. It was a skill in which only skills matter, everyone punished accordingly the moment they break the rules.

However, those rules only extend in the Academy. In the outside world where there is endless competition between various powers and authorities, many people try to cling to those with power and influence in order to survive.

While the Academy is mainly a place to learn, it is also a place to build connections. It has been a deeply rooted problem, people finding loopholes in the room and making sure they get the best out of everything. A political battlefield.

"Worst of all, he's also our classmate in 'Poison Analysis'! It's so annoying seeing his face every single day!" [Alea]

"You really hate him, don't you?" [Yuna]

"Of course, I do! If only he wasn't a noble, I would have sent him flying!" [Alea]

Angrily proclaimed Alea, still keeping her voice down. It wasn't just simple hatred, but deep resentment brewing in her heart and showing in her eyes. It wasn't the first time she felt the urge of wanting to punch such an annoying pest like him.

Yuna could only laugh wryly at Alea's feisty remarks. She doesn't know what really happened, but seeing how mad the latter was and how arrogant and entitled Jermel sounded, she could more or less guess what happened.

"Well... Haah... Even if I say that... They really can't do anything to you here in the Academy. The Headmaster has been vigilant on that front." [Alea]

The only saving grace was that Alea was one who could keep her temper in check, not wanting to get her life ruined all because of a single mistake. Everything she has poured in so far would have become worthless otherwise.

"But...! Elena, no matter what, don't get involved with him, okay?" [Alea]

Of course, Alea also reminded Yuna to not get involved with such people, not wanting her to be put in danger. Especially with how skilled and pretty she was, it wouldn't be a surprise if someone holds ill intentions towards her.

Well, even if he does something funny, there was no way someone would be able to harm her unless it was something along the likes of True Dragons. Still, she found it quite heartwarming, a subtle smile blooming on her face.

"Un! I'll keep that in mind." [Yuna]

"Class, settle down. We'll be starting the lesson shortly."

"Ah, the Professor's here..." [Alea]

Before long, the Professor finally arrived bringing with her a couple of books, a number of helpers carrying crates of materials with her. The subtle scent of herbs drifting in the air, the moment she opened them up.

"Now, everyone, form a line and take your herbs."

Announced the Professor whilst she fixed the positioning of her eyeglasses. Soon enough, the students then lined up neatly and promptly, each one of them taking fair numbers of materials and heading back to their tables.

And as flashy as usual, Jermel's entourage proudly marched towards the front of the room. They were like a group of chicks following after the mother hen, loud as can be and very annoying. It was one of the reasons Alea hates him so much.

Even the Professor had given up on them. She had been reprimanding them before, but after several months of no progress, she finally gave up, just letting it pass off as the students' merriness and deducting points whenever necessary.

"Our topic for today will be about 'Paralysis Potions'. As you may know, these are potions which are often used in hunts, and..."

The Professor finally started the lecture, drawing figures on the boards and making sure every single one of the students understood it, answering various questions left and right the moment she got the chance to.


However, the lectures didn't last too long, the sounds of clicking vials and bubbling liquids as the students started the practical applications. They all made their hands move with the goal of making a paralysis potion in mind.

The herbs and materials were crushed under the mortar and pestle, the extracts were mixed and diluted inside the vials, the flames were turned on, fumes building up and swept by the winds, a number of processes happening simultaneously.


It was also worth saying that many students failed one after another, their solutions overflowing and some outright evaporating into thin air. Thankfully, there weren't any violent explosions, everyone relatively unharmed by the experiment.

Even then, everyone made sure to be careful, their lab coats and protective eyewares making sure they're safe. Their gear was al enchanted, not a single ounce of hazard in sight. Finally, lab coats which literally protect one from great danger.

"Hmm... What am I doing wrong..." [Alea]

"Mmn... Try adding another 20mL. Maybe the solution is too concentrated." [Yuna]

"Okay. I'll give it a try." [Alea]

Yuna also participated in the experiment, doing her best with the materials she was given and moving her hands perfectly, not making a single mistake and handling the whole process with both precision and accuracy.

She could easily finish the paralysis potion in a matter of a few minutes, but there was no need to expose her real abilities just to show off. It was also fun to have a couple of handicaps, humming to herself as she finished one step after another,

A drop of this, a pinch of that, and a bit more of shaking. The solution's color changed time and time again, the temperatures dropping and rising like the whims of the wind. With the passing of time, everyone slowly progressing towards the finish line.

"Ohh! The solution is already turning red! You're almost there, Lord Jermel!"

"Be quiet. Can't you see I'm concentrating?" [Jermel]

"A-Ah... I apologize for my rudeness."

If only it weren't for the annoying entourage around Jermel, everything would have been much better. They weren't even making that much progress, praising Jermel for every little thing rather than making an effort in their own works.

No matter. Their frivolous attitudes weren't one which was long lived. As while they go about praising and cheering on the arrogant young lord, Yuna was steadily making a lot of progress despite the handicap. All until which...

"Phew... That was a little tiring..." [Yuna]

... That she finally finished her potion, the colorー or rather, the crystal clearness of the solution shimmering like transparent glass. It seemed like water, but wouldn't be any more regretful the moment they take even the slightest gulp.

"Ehh?! You're done already, Elena?!" [Alea]

"What?! How is that possible?! It hasn't even been 20 minutes yet!"

"Waah~!! It really is a Paralysis Potion! Look, it's so clear!"

Everyone crowded around Yuna the moment Alea squealed about her achievement. They all looked at the potion with sparkly eyes admiring it closely and examining it as if they were looking at something straight out of the Royal Treasury.

"Oh dear, it's even at the Peak-Tier of Middle-Grade. This is amazing."

Even the Professor couldn't help but be amazed at her feat, wondering how she could use the materials efficiently without wasting any time or ingredients. She could only praise Yuna, asking her a couple questions here and there.

Everyone was excited, enthusiastically gathering around Yuna to get some tips and tricksー or at least, almost everyone was full of fervor. There was a dark expression painted on his face, eyes sharp as daggers as he grit his teeth and clenched his fists.

That person was none other than Jermel....


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