YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 363: Self-Proclaimed Genius


The chalk streaked across the board, lines of white left behind. Words and formulas were inscribed, the eyes of the students all glued towards it. They were all watching intently, taking glances as they wrote down notes, page after page.

It was the first lecture of the week, and with Dorothy handling them, their first subject was the "Mana Theories in Specialized Alchemy" which is a major theory class in the academy which all third years need to take in their 3rd year.

"Okay... Who can tell me what this formula is?" [Dorothy]

"Professor!" [???]

"Yes, go ahead." [Dorothy]

"It's Chandler's mana allocation formula which allows us to estimate how much mana is needed for concoctions. This was used in the making of magical items, however, it has been proven that this formula is wrong several decades ago." [???]

"That is correct. This is indeed Chandler's mana allocation formula which has been used by the alchemists for a few hundred years. However, it has a flaw that it doesn't consider the natural inflow of mana, thus making it inaccurate." [Dorothy]

Professor Dorothy continued to explain, and time passed by quickly. Each student nodded their heads as they listened to her explanation, some tilting their heads as they tried to wrap their heads around the topic.

"Good job, Edin. That's 5 points for you. You may take your seat now." [Dorothy]

"Yes. Thank you, Professor." [Edin]

A couple hours passed since Yuna joined the class, and though it was burdensome at first, everything soon settled down as soon as the Professor scolded the students, a few points deducted for those who were misbehaving.

"Now... You already know Silva's mana allocation formula which was made by the Headmaster himself, to replace the old formula. It was one which considers several aspects and variables to compute mana, and why it is important." [Dorothy]

The professor said whilst drawing up the new formula, and listing all the variables that's involved. It was one which has been taught by the subject during their first lecture, and something all alchemists should know of.

However, she also told them that there was still a problem with the formula and it was that it didn't take into account the abnormal fluctuations of mana, and the extremities of extraneous variables which may occur at any given moment.

"As you are now, you won't be able to reach Tier-5 if you don't know how to counter these extraneous variables. You not only need precision in using mana, but also be careful in adding extra reagents as it may alter the whole formula." [Dorothy]

Continued the professor, then adding to it how they would be able to do so. After all, reaching Tier-5 not only needs knowledge and skill, but precise mana control as the Alchemist's mana needs to supplement the reactions in the concoctions.

'So this is how alchemists make recipes, huh...' [Yuna]

Of course, Yuna also listened ardently to the discussion, finding several differences between her ways and the way other alchemists make potions, stunned by the sheer difference between their processes.

First of all, Yuna didn't need any formulas or magic tools to measure such variables. She herself was more than enough to estimate it, training her senses to the highest degree of accuracy, and simply relying on her intuition as a Transcendent.

She was not bound to the rules of the book nor was she confined in the common ways of thinking which others struggle to escape from. It was that very freedom and stubbornness that pushed her so far in her path.

Still, it was fun seeing other people's perspectives and learning how they handle their things differently from her own methods. Their methods and formulas may not be as effective as the ones Grey taught her, but they were still interesting.

"Then there's alsoー Hm?" [Dorothy]

But Dorothy couldn't even finish her lesson, when another professor appeared by the door and called her out silently. The former then approached the latter, greeting her all the while, leaving the students to their own devices.

The other professor then started whispering words towards the former, telling her a couple things, the former nodding her head attentively. It seems like someone was looking for Dorothy, a couple instructions passed by the other instructor.

"Ahh... And just when it was getting interesting..." [Alea]

"Does this happen often?" [Yuna]

"Not really, per se... But, Elena, do you know something about those extraneous variables the Professor was talking about just now?" [Alea]

"Sorry, but we haven't discussed it in our academy as well... Maybe the professor will tell us later. We'll just have to wait and see." [Yuna]

Or so she says, but she didn't even go to an academy. Forget about the extraneous variables, it washer first time encountering such formulas. Grey's teachings were far too different from how the Academy handles things.

Though, it wasn't like she was completely clueless. She has already encountered a ton of problems before, so she would be able to list them down if given enough time. She just needs to know what makes a variable "extraneous" and the rest is easy.

"Sorry, class, but it seems like the Headmaster is looking for me. I will have you dismissed earlier than usual." [Dorothy]

"Ah... Looks like we won't be hearing it all today..." [Alea]

"Instead, I will be leaving you with an assignment. Identify at least 5 variables, and the ways to avoid them. The deadline will be at Mercurii." [Dorothy]

"Ugh... Homework... It's still Lunae and we already have homework..."

"I was planning to head to the plaza today... What luck..."

And as it seems, even in Merusia, students also hate homework as much as students on Earth hate it. Everyone immediately started grumbling at the thought, most of them frowning at the idea of doing homework.

Only a few of them had a different reaction, Yuna looking rather excited. After all, it was the first time she ever received proper homework from school. It may be a little troublesome but she was ready to take on the challenge.

"Elena... You look fired up... Are you the type who likes homework?" [Alea]

"Mmn? Not really. This is my first homework from Darius Academy, you see. So I'm looking forward to it a little." [Yuna]

"I see... That makes sense, but... That's still weird, you know?" [Alea]

"Eh?! Is looking forward to homework weird?!" [Yuna]

"Extremely weird. Only kids on their first day of school do that." [Alea]

It hit right on the mark, Yuna unable to reply or retaliate. After all, Alea's words were true. Though it may be embarrassing to be excited about it, she just can't help but look forward to it. Her heart was still pure and innocent in that aspect.

Soon, the Professor dismissed the class early and headed to the Headmaster's office along with her colleague. The tension was finally broken and things felt more relaxed, everyone keeping their pens and papers inside their bags.

And as one would expect, now that class was over, everyone's eyes immediately turned towards Yuna's direction with eyes like that of a predator's. With no one to stop and reprimand them, they can finally go all out.

"Miss Elena, do you have any plans for lunch break?! Do you want to join us?!"

"No! We got here first! Miss Elena, please go with us!"

"Miss Elena, we are going to the sweets store, do you want to come with us?!"

Before Yuna could even escape, everyone already crowded around her, asking her all sorts of questions, and extending invitations left and right. It was even worse than what happened earlier, everyone strangely fired up.

There were girls amongst them who just wanted to be friends with her, but the boys were especially enthusiastic. After all, it was rare to see such an outstanding beauty, so there was no way they would easily let such a chance go.

"H-Hey! Quit pushing! Can't you see you're making Elena uncomfortable?" [Alea]

"Alea, how are you already so casual with her?! That's unfair!"

"Huh?! Is it wrong to be friends with your seatmate?!" [Alea]

Alea tried to intervene and help her out, but all it did was all fuel to the fire, many of their classmates jealous of her that she gets to sit with such a beauty. There was only pure and utter chaos in the classroom. It was pandemonium.

It was very fortunate that Alea was a woman as well, otherwise, all hell would have already broken loose. If Yuna's seat mate was a man, he would have been subject to damnation, condemned by the others. However...

"But Alea and Miss Elena, huh... That... That sounds nice, doesn't it..."

... There were also ones who had trodden a dark path, flowers blooming in their eyes as they watched Alea and Yuna together. After all, Alea was also a beauty in her own right, looking perfect beside one another.... Well, everyone is different, I guess...

"Miss Elena, do you have a boyfriend?!"

And there it was, the golden question. As soon as the men heard it, they all fell silent, ears perking up as they anticipated Yuna's answer. Everything was finally at peace, everyone looking at the young lady with interest.

"Ahh... I don't have a boyfriend..." [Yuna]


"But... I... I do have a fiancé..." [Yuna]


From "Ohhh!!" to "Nooo!!", their short-lived hopes were quickly crushed by the young lady's following words, the boys kneeling down the ground and bawling their eyes out as they cried out their despair, pain seeping in their hearts.

Moreover, Yuna's eyes were that of a maiden in love, her cheeks and ears dyed with light blush as she gave her answer. It was a critical blow, dealing a high amount of damage to all the single men present in the room, gritting their teeth in pain.

With just a few words from Yuna, the vigor the men once felt vanished into thin air as if it was just a passing lie. They all cried their eyes out, heading back to their seats in complete defeat. The battle was already over before it even started.

"Now, you should also get back to your seats. Elena already made plans with me for lunch break. Better luck next time." [Alea]


As for the girls, they were easily handled by Alea without a problem. All she needed to say was that they already had plans, and they easily gave up. It was fortunate that they weren't as stubborn as the boys, much easier to handle.

Of course, what Alea said was a lie, but if she didn't go so far, they wouldn't have been able to get away in such a situation. Yuna couldn't be any more thankful for her help. She has already made a good friend on her first day of school.

"That was quite the spectacle, Alea. Hahaha." [???]

And when all the distractions were gone, two young men approached them, looking quite different from the others. One was a tall white-haired young man with an earring stuck on his left ear, looking quite like a delinquent.

Meanwhile, the other was the bespectacled student who answered one of the Professor's answers from before. There was a couple books in his hand, looking like a typical bookworm, the complete opposite of the other,

"Ah, right. Elena, these are my childhood friends. The one who looks like a thug is named Kale, and the nerdy one is called Edin." [Alea]

"Hey! Who are you calling a thug?!" [Kale]

"That's right, Alea. Aren't you being too harsh on us?" [Edin]

As it turns out, they were actually Alea's childhood friends whom she grew up with in the same village. They were both Tier-3 alchemists like Alea, possessing talent which would surely blossom even more in the future.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mister Kale, Mister Edin. My name is Elena, I will be in your care until the end of the school year." [Yuna]

"Huh? What's with the formality? Just refer to us casually like you do with Alea. We aren't nobles or anything like that anyway." [Kale]

"Kale's right. Feel free to talk comfortably with us. We're the same age anyway so there's no need to be siff, right?" [Edin]

And as it seems, they aren't bad people either. Yuna may not have the same eyes as Grey, but even she could tell they don't mean her any harm. If anything, she feels rather at ease with her, able to see them as friends.

"Fufufu! You're right... Then again, it's nice to meet you, Kale, Edin," [Yuna]

Yuna finished her words with a nice and bright smile on her face, the other three reciprocating it with a smile just as friendly. Now, Yuna could finally rest assured in the academy, feeling the school life she had been looking forward to.

The minutes and seconds quickly passed, and lunch break was approaching close. Everyone stayed in the room for the time being, talking about simple and common topics which they could relate to each other with.

And though they may all look different outwardly, having grown up with each other, the three were all in sync in their thoughts, happily revealing each other's gravest secrets, much to Yuna's entertainment. The young lady smiled time and time again,

If there's one more thing Yuna found out, it was that...

"And while I was trekking the mountain, there it was! I found her! Its leaves green as emeralds, and its flowers blue as the sky! It danced like an angel as the winds blew! I knew it was love at first sight as soon as I saw her!" [Edin]

... Edin was in love with alchemyー no, it would be more appropriate to say he was obsessed with it, turning into a completely different person the moment he started talking about alchemy, and his adventurers with it.

If one were to hear his words, they would have most likely thought Edin was talking about a goddess-like woman, but don't be fooled for it is nothing more than an herb. Not just any herb, but one easily found as long as you climb high enough.

Edin was telling everyone the story of how he came to love alchemy, and how it all started when he found such a retry blue flower. He was full of joy and enthusiasm, heart fluttering like butterflies as he continued his tale.

"Haah... How many times have I heard this already..." [Kale]

"He just doesn't stop once he starts. Sorry about this, Elena." [Alea]

"No, no, it's okay. It's a nice story to listen to." [Yuna]

Well, it's not Yuna could really criticize, as she too, was in a sense, similar to Edin. She was also one who couldn't calm down when it comes to alchemy, getting more and more impulsive about buying and hoarding things everyday.

If it isn't because of Grey, she would have probably already bought everything in the Alchemists' Square and caused the economy to be in shambles. She also has a few quirks which need some working on.

"Really? Are you sure you're not forcing yourself? If you want me to stop him, I'll immediately do so. It only takes a single punch." [Alea]

"Ah... That may be a little too much..." [Yuna]

"Fufufu! Don't worry. Edin can take a punch or two. Would you like to see? I could do a quick demonstration if you want." [Alea]

"N... No, thank you... I'll pass for now..." [Yuna]

And the more he listened to her, the more she realized how different Alea was than her expectations. At first, she thought she was a prim and refined young lady, but she is even more of a thug than Kale was, sounding nice even when she means violence,

In that aspect, it was Kale who was the most normal of the group. He was also the oldest of the three, and also the most responsible one. You really can't judge a book by its cover. Galderia's motto stands proud.

"Of course! I won't stop until I reach the top!" [Edin]

"The top...? Is that your dream, Edin?" [Yuna]

"Yes! It's been my dream ever since I was young! I'll be the one to reach Tier-10, and surpass even the Headmaster!" [Edin]

Proclaimed the young man with a flame of unwavering determination in his eyes, truly confident in himself. Many had told him his dream was impossible, but he has yet to give up, giving it his all with every try he got.

Yuna could fully sympathize with Edin, a smile blooming on her face. The one and only difference is that her goal was much higher than the latter, aiming to become a Divine Alchemistー no, maybe even higher than that.

"Fufufu! What an amazing dream. I'll be cheering on you, Edin!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha! Then make sure you remember my name, Elena, because I will be the one making history! I'm a genius, after all!" [Edin]

"Genius, my ass. Didn't you just fail an experiment yesterday?" [Kale]

"Hah! That may be true, but I still learned a lot of things because of it! This is the difference between us! I'm a genius, after all!" [Edin]

"You punk... Are you picking a fight with me?" [Kale]

Most of all, he was fully confident about himself, never bending to bending and the will of others. He may not be a fighter like Yuna, but his fighting spirit was something to behold. A man who is not afraid of failure nor the opinion of others.

Yuna has yet to learn something significantly useful about alchemy, but she gained an insight which many lacked. The Academy wasn't just a place for academics, but one which will hone you to be a better person as well.

It isn't just the books and professors she could learn from, but her classmates as well, offering her different perspectives that she might have missed before. It was a great decision that she came into the academy. One of the best she made.

"Speaking of which... What was Edin making yesterday?" [Yuna]

Yuna asked, and the boys, who were once wrestling with one another, suddenly stopped. There was a bright glint in Edin's eyes, flicking away Kale's arms as he broke through his grasp, looking like a ferocious madman.

"I'm glad you asked, Elena! Behold, my book of secrets!" [Edin]

It was as if another switch was flicked inside him, Edin smiling like a maniac as he whipped out a thick book from his backpack. A loud thud echoed all over the room as he put it down the table, seeming as heavy as it looks,

"Book of secrets...? Then shouldn't you be hiding this instead...?" [Yuna]

"Kukuku! Worry not, my dear friend! Because even if someone gets their hands on this treasure of mine, they won't be able to understand it! Only geniuses such as myself are capable of deciphering these codes!" [Edin]

"Codes, my ass... Your handwriting is just trash." [Kale]

"Yeah. Even a toddler writes much better than you." [Alea]

And they were right. Edin's writing was really trash. Rather than handwriting, it looked more like some worms were drenched in ink and wiggled their way through the paper, all the while spasming due to being laced by salts.

Yuna doesn't want to admit it, but even high level runes in enchanting were much easier to understand than Edin's handwriting. She has seen the Little Princess' handwriting before, and it was even much better. Such a pitiable man.

"You just don't understand my greatness! Just look at this part!" [Edin]

"Quit pushing it to my face! No matter how close I look, I still wouldn't be able to read your handwriting, you punk!" [Kale]

"Then, I'll read it to you. Be grateful!" [Edin]

"Looks like I haven't punched you enough recently! Come here!" [Alea]

And there they go, fighting and arguing amongst each other. It was a battle between Kale and Alea against Edin, the latter beaten one-sidedly by the other two. He may have a big mouth, but he was as weak as hai looks suggested.

Whilst they fought, Yuna was left with no other choice but to watch over them, as they don't seem to be the type to listen when fighting. Thankfully, Edin's "Book of Secrets" wasn't involved, so she could take a peek without worry.

'Hmm.. His handwriting really is terrible... Wait! Aren't these...!' [Yuna]

It took her quite a while to realize because of how terrible Edin's handwriting was, but the very moment she deciphered what was written there, her eyes widened in shock, unable to believe what she was seeing before her...

'These are all really terrible...!' [Yuna]

... Edin's notes and ideas were outrageous, no, they were outlandish. Yuna couldn't even begin to describe how unrealistic and absurd they were, even when her own standards were considered. They were all terrible.

From potions which will make your ears hairy, to pills which make you grow a few whiskers, and even potions which make your stomach bulge. Yuna couldn't tell whether he was serious or was just insane.

Of course, there were also normal ones for health and medicine, but most ideas were something toddlers would randomly think of, some even realistically impossible. They were a new perspective, sure, but whether they were useful was debatable.

"Alea! Stop punching my stomach! That hurts!" [Edin]

"That's the whole point, dumbass!" [Alea]

"Alea, give him another one!" [Kale]

"Roger!" [Alea]

"Stop it, you twoー Keuk!" [Edin]

And the man in question was currently being beaten by his two childhood friends, one holding him down and the other punching him with her fists. It was already a normal scene in the classroom, no one bothering to stop them.

'Will I be okay...?' [Yuna]

The question remained unanswered...


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