YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 362: Exchange Students

Clear as glass, the mirror was. Light bounced off such a crystal surface, reflecting the scenery before like the surface of a still lake. Every drop of color, every shape and figure, and every movement playing out.

The figure of a young lady was reflected in front of such a mirror, twirling left and right whilst a smile as radiant as the sun bloomed on her face, lovely like a diamond, the air springing up with excitement as she hummed ever so happily.

She wore an open white blazer, streaks of black outlining it, and a long sleeve shirt serving as her undershirt, and a maroon necktie hanging by her neck. A crest was embroidered in the right sleeve, bearing the symbol of a tree, and two small snakes wrapping around its trunk.

Below her waist was a skirt the same color as her tie, reaching just above the knee, and a streak of black running through it, a belt tucking it to her waist. She also wore maroon high socks, and black shoes to complete the look.

"Looking at the mirror won't change the way you look, you know?" [Grey]

"I know, but! I'm just so excited, I can't help it!" [Yuna]

"Calling yourself excited is a massive understatement. You didn't even have enough sleep yesterday... Geez... You're already an adult." [Grey]

"And that's why I'm so lucky to have such a caring fiancé~! Teehee!" [Yuna]

Yet another day has arrived, and with the end of the weekends, it was now time for Grey and Yuna to attend their first day of school in Merusia, the young lady already wearing the uniform with such glee on her face.

Of course, Grey also wore the uniform Headmaster handed them yesterday, fitting them without a single problem. It was as if they already knew their measurements. They don't know whether it's just a coincidence, but they rather be it that way.

"Though, I gotta say... Seeing you in a uniform feels refreshing... It suits you. You look beautiful in it, Yuna." [Grey]

"Fufufu! Thank you~! You don't look too bad yourself, Grey. You look handsomeー No! You look super-duper handsome!" [Yuna]

Likewise, Grey also wore the uniform of white and red, the only difference being that rather than a skirt, there were pants instead of skirts. It has been a long time since he was in a uniform, and it felt much more wonderful that he remembered.

Well, even if they're treated as adults in Merusia, it was still a fact that they were still teenagers. If it was back on Earth, they would still have been students in their prime. The uniforms fitted them to a tee.

And as one would expect from the most prestigious Alchemy Academy in the whole continent, the uniforms weren't normal. Other than the fact that they were super high quality, they were also laced with a few enchantments to repel grime, resist against lesser magic, and regulate temperature. They were outstanding.

"I wonder how much these will cost in the market..." [Yuna]

"The academy provides them for free, but... They'll probably cost a silver coin or two in the market. Maybe even a little higher?" [Grey]

"Hmm... That's expensive for a uniform, isn't it?" [Yuna]

"It is, but... Enough about the uniforms and all these nonsense... Shall we head out to the Academy now, Milady?" [Grey]

"Un! Let's go!" [Yuna]

There was not a need for any arguments. As soon as Grey extended his hands, Yuna accepted it whilst her lips broke into a sweet smile. The two used the gate once again and headed out of their room, unnoticed by any eye.

They once again popped out by an alleyway. A couple dozen steps of walking later, and a large gate greeted them by the other side of the street, the Darius Academy standing proud under the brilliant shimmer of the sun above it.

The guards stood still by the entrance, examining the students, instructors, and the people that passed, looking stern and serious. It was even livelier than yesterday, students pouring in as the start of classes drew near.

"Come one, Grey! Let's head inside too!" [Yuna]

Now, it was her who reached out her hand and grabbed Grey by the wrist. She was full of energy and enthusiasm, running towards the gate without paying attention to the onlookers, keeping her eyes straight towards the Academy Gates.

There was no need to fall in line nor was there any need to wait. All they had to do was show their identification cards, a certain elf's ears flapping up and down as she did so, her eyes beaming with radiance pure as the sky.

"Alright, you may pass."

The ID inspection came without a hitch, the guards letting pass through without any problems. And a couple steps later, they were finally under the gate, an ecstatic whirl of emotions brewing in their hearts with every step.

They have gone through the gates the day before, but now that they're wearing their uniforms, it felt much grander, much more fulfilling, and much more humbling. It was the same feeling they felt when they were just about to register in the Guild, a tinge of nervousness rippling in their hearts.

Grey and Yuna took their first steps inside, and their footsteps started to echo. They had just entered the gate, but it felt like they were already starting their dream school life. There was one one thing ruining the mood...

"They sure are staring a lot, aren't they?" [Yuna]

... It was that many of the students were looking at them, dazed at the sight of them walking side by side. After all, no matter where you put the two of them, their looks were simply outstanding amongst the rest. They were picture perfect.

"Did we ever have students like them before?"

"It's also the first time I'm seeing them, but they look so gorgeous!"

"Do you think they're children of renowned families? They must be, right?!"

Such comments floated around as the two of them walked down the entrance areas, all eyes gazing at them as if they were just bewitched by a powerful spell. If cameras were already widespread, many of them would have taken photos already,

The two in question knew each other was gorgeous, but they have gotten so used to each other that they almost forgot such a fact. Not just noble ladies, even royalty would be envious of their looks which made them look like living artworks.

Many of them wanted to approach the two, but just didn't possess the courage to. Though it was because of that that Grey and Yuna aren't having too much trouble dealing with them. A riot is the last thing they wanted to happen.

『This is a problem... Would the Headmaster scold us later?』 [Yuna]

『Probably not, but yeah... This is quite the troublesome situation indeed... Should we just go and make a run for it? A single second should be enough.』 [Grey]

『Uuu... That's true... But I don't want the uniform to be ruined...』 [Yuna]

『Well, we just got them, after all.』 [Grey]

It was a little uncomfortable, but there was simply nothing they could do about it. Not only for the sake of their uniforms, but to conceal their identities as well. It would only become more troublesome if the latter does ever happen.

Grey and Yuna already experienced being surrounded by a crowd of people, not just once or twice, but many times, each just as terrible as the others. The last thing they want to do is cause a commotion during their very first day.

"Oh dear... It's still your first day but you've already kicked up quite the fuss already. This is really troubling, isn't it? Mister Shin? Miss Elena?" [???]

But before all hope was lost, a familiar voice echoed before them, holding a couple books and notes in her hands. She was their guide the day before, and now, she is their guide once again to deliver them to their classrooms.

"Sorry, Professor Dorothy, and good morning too." [Yuna]

"Yes. Good morning as well, you two~! [Dorothy]

Though, she wasn't just a guide. She was also the one who will be handling the class which Yuna will be a part of. She was a Tier-6 Alchemist who was also a graduate of Darius Academy more than a decade ago already.

Of course, as Grey and Yuna's admission was all but a simple yet secret deal, the teacher wasn't knowledgeable about anything. Only the Headmaster knew about the secrets of the two, keeping his mouth shut. Such a trustworthy fellow.

"Then, let's nor dilly-dally any longer, shall we? Let me lead you to your classrooms now. Class is almost starting." [Dorothy]

"Yes. That is much appreciated." [Grey]

"Un! We'll be in your care, Professor Dorothy." [Yuna]

There was no time to waste. As soon as Grey and Yuna agreed to Dororthy's words, they soon departed and their steps which were abruptly stopped started to flow again, the three of them heading towards the main building in front of them.

Laboratories, classrooms, libraries, offices, and so much more. There were all sorts of rooms present as they walked down the corridors, each serving a purpose vital to the growth of the students and tailored to their needs.

And like what happened near the entrance, the passing students couldn't help but be starstruck by Grey and Yina as they walked down the corridors, talks and whispers spreading like wildfire amongst the students.


Thankfully, the academy bell rang just in time. With it was the signal that classes will be starting soon, the students hesitantly dispersing as they headed towards their own classrooms, not wanting to be late to the lectures.

"Hey, what are you all doing, still dazed and standing there? Don't you have classes to attend to? Or... Are you that eager to have your points deducted?" [Dorothy]

"N-No, not at all! But before that... Professor, could we ask who they are?"

"Th-That's right, Professor! And which classes do they belong to?"

But of course, there were also some stubborn ones who remained despite the bell having rang already. They were all eager to learn about Grey and Yuna, risking it all despite only having a couple minutes left.

"Haah... Fine... Just this once, okay?" [Dorothy]

"O-Oh! Thank you, Professor? I knew we could countー"

"In exchange, tell me your names and classes. I want to have a 'heart-to-heart' talk with you when the day is over. That much is fine right?" [Dorothy]

Dorothy said with expression on her face, a bright smile blooming like flowers at the advent of spring. It was the smile on an angel which many men would have easily fallen for, like the sweet scent of nectar to bees and butterflies.

However, the student saw it differently, their bodies jolting with fear as her words rang inside their ears. It was the smile of a devil who is ready to take them to hell. After all, Dorothy was also known to be an instructor who won't spare a second chance to the misbehaving students, deducting points mercilessly.

"A-Ah, s-sorry, Professor! L-Looks like I'm out of time! I-I'll be going now."

"M-Me, too! My class is already starting! Ha-Have a good day, Professor!"

"H-Hey! Wait for me!"

The moment they saw her devilish smile, they all scurried away with their tails tucked between their legs, all looking pale. They ran as if their lives depended on it, having no thoughts of getting punished due to simple curiosity.

In just a quick moment, everyone quickly vanished out of sight, leaving only the three of them in the corridors. A smug and triumphant expression bloomed on Dorothy's face, proud to have chased the stubborn students off.

"Sorry for the inconvenience. Did I make you wait for too long?" [Dorothy]

"No, no, not at all. It was fascinating to see Professor Dorothy chase the students away. It was quite a spectacle." [Grey]

"Un! Professor Dorothy must be an amazing Professor!" [Yuna]

"Fufufu! Well, let's just say that I am... Then, shall we continue?" [Dorothy]

With the distractions of the way, everyone then continued treading down the path and headed towards their destinations, seeing a couple more sights unfolded as they passed through the corridors and climbed the stairs.

Soon enough, they finally arrived at Grey's designated classroom, leaving him to the care of his advisor. He was assigned in 4th year, 2nd class as is only behind the graduating students, registered as Tier-4 Alchemist.

"Then, we'll be parting here, Elena." [Grey]

"Un... Take care. I'll see you later." [Yuna]

"Yeah. I'll count on you on that," [Grey]

A quick goodbye later, and Grey finally started his class, the Professor's voice ringing in the air, clear and resonant, as he introduced Grey to the class, a pandemonium of cheers and squeals echoing all throughout the corridors.

Meanwhile, Yuna and Dorothy continue down their path and descend another floor before heading to another grand building, exiting the current one using a bridge which connects the two and pieces them together.

"Did you hear about the Liliosa Clown Troupe? I heard they arrived yesterday."

"Hehe! The Explorer's Lily I planted just bloomed yesterday. Would you like to see?"

"Hey, what did you do during the weekends? Mine was super boring."

A couple more steps later, and they finally arrived at their classroom as well, the loud and merry voices of an unsupervised group of students rocking the halls. They were all waiting for their instructor, chattering their time away with their friends.

"Oh dear, looks like they're getting rowdy inside... Really... These kids..." [Dorothy]

And their advisor was the complete opposite of them, slightly ashamed that such a rowdy atmosphere was what greeted Yuna as soon as they arrived. One just couldn't leave a whole class by itself. There is bound to be trouble,

"Miss Elena, please follow behind me. Lectures will be starting soon, but before that, I will be introducing you to the class. Is that fine with you?" [Dorothy]

"Un. No worries, Professor. I'm good with that." [Yuna]

"Fufufu! Then, please excuse me." [Dorothy]

Dorothy didn't waste any time. As soon as Yuna agreed, she then resumed her steps and headed inside the room, Yuna following behind her, her eyes sparkling brightly, greatly looking forward to learning and getting to know her classmates.

The very moment Dorothy entered the room, the students immediately got quiet, and seated themselves properly, each one of them behaving quite differently in an instant as if they switched to "work mode" or something of the sort.

But such attitudes were quickly broken the moment Yuna made her entrance. All their attention was captured by her captivating looks, time seeming to slow down as they saw her enter, whispers and rumors spreading amongst each other.

"Quiet down, everyone. Today, I have a special announcement to make. This may be sudden, but we will be having an exchange student join us in Class 1 until the end of the school year. That would be one whole month,....." [Dorothy]

The Professor continued to explain, but the students could barely hear her, every one of them distracted by the incarnation of beauty before them. It didn't matter if they were a boy or a girl, all fell prey to Yuna's glamor.

"She's an exchange student from Alfrione, and is also at the peak of Tier-4. Make sure to not treat her lightly, okay?" [Dorothy]

"Ohh~! As expected of an exchange student! She's amazing!"

"Not only is she beautiful, she's skilled as well!"

Of course, Yuna's information was changed to match the expectations of the students of what an exchange student would be capable of. After all, introducing her as a Tier-8 would only cause chaos. It was too absurd.

Though, even if Yuna is restricted, she is still planning to give it her all and make sure to not waste the learning opportunity. It was her chance to learn more about the world of alchemists, so she was more than excited to test herself out.

"Then, Miss Elena..." [Dorothy]

"Good morning, everyone. My name is Elena. I will be in your care." [Yuna]

"Y-Yes! We'll be in your care too, Miss Elena!"

"Waah~! What a pretty name! It suits her very much!"

All Yuna did was introduce herself and everyone was in an uproar, praises thrown left and right, and some even introducing their names fervently with a burning passion lit ablaze in their hearts, trying to make the young lady notice them.

And though they may be rowdy, they make up for it with their skills. They were still 3rd year students between the ages 18 and 19, all at very least at Tier-3, and some even reaching Tier-4, enough to be considered true practitioners of alchemy.

Of course, there were also some exceptions which are at the higher end of Tier-4, able to make Middle Grade, Peak-Tier items without a hitch. They are the pride of Darius Academy, and the future pillars of the alchemy world.

"Now then.... Where should I place you..." [Dorothy]

"Over here, Professor! We still have an empty spot!"

"No, over here is better! You can see the lectures more clearly!"

"What are you talking about?! Near the windows is obviously the best!"

Now yet another commotion broke out as soon as the Professor pondered over which seat Yuna shall be in for the rest of the year, the whole class fighting over where the new exchange student will be sittingー or rather, who will be sitting with her.

The girls were all simply curious, but the boys were on a different level, their true intentions leaking in their voices and painted all over their faces. Yuna couldn't even feel happy or horrified, utterly overwhelmed by their enthusiasm.

Thankfully, Grey wasn't around, and things would have gotten a little dicey. He may be level-headed most of the time, but who knows what possessiveness might bring them. It was scary just thinking about it.

"Then, Miss Elena, you can take a seat in the furthest left corner at the 1st column. Is that fine with you, or would you like to pick your seat yourself?" [Dorothy]

"No. It's fine, Professor. Thank you very much," [Yuna]

Not that the Professor allowed them to decide anyway. Because rather than have her sit with the enthusiastic ones, she made her sit the farthest away from her, only one seatmate beside her, a bright, beautiful, and well-behaved young lady.

The boys screamed "Nooooo!!" to the top of their lu ga, despairing as they lost the chance to be seated with such a beauty. Despair which only got deeper as Dorothy deducted points from them for being too rowdy.

With her seat now decided, Yuna then headed towards it with a bright smile on her face. She moved the chair backwards albeit slightly and sat on it. Her seatmate greeted her with a friendly smile and she replied in kind.

"Hello~! My name is Alea. Nice to meet you." [Alea]

"Nice to meet you too, Miss Alea. I will be in your care from now on." [Yuna]

"Yes, likewise." [Alea]

The two quickly became friends and started chatting over friendly topics, both smiling just as beautifully as the flowers by the garden. It was a sight everyone was jealous of, the people wanting to scream out as they despaired.

With the introductions out of the way, the Professor then took the chalk and started writing on the board, drawing a multitude of symbols, figures, and equations Yuna was ever so familiar with. All were theories of Alchemy

The lecture has already started, and everyone finally settled down. The students had now taken out their notebooks, and started jotting down notes, taking note of those written on the board and the lengthy explanations of their Professor,


And on another side of the Academy, a room quite some distance away from Yuna's, the very same thing was happening, the professor making his lecture and everyone taking down notes of it.

"And here, you'll see why we can't use hipukute grass to make blindness-inducing pills. We need to change this for the Palethorn Bluet to make this possible. Who can tell me why this is so."


"Yes, go ahead."

"It's because the essence of the Hipukute grass is too acidic and would often clash with the extracts of other ingredients. Plaethorn Bluet has a lower acidity and also has a milder effect which makes it perfect for the job."

"That's correct. 10 points for you,"

It was a lecture as normal as the ones Grey remembered. The Professor would talk and ask questions, and the students would answer it, receiving participation points in exchange. There was just one slight problem...


... It was that many of the students' eyes were all on Grey. The girls glanced at him with shy and bashful looks on their faces whilst the men stared at him intently and fervently at him with a death stare, eyes filled with envy and hostility.

It was still the first day of school and Grey already made enemies with all the boys in class. It was like a situation he often read in fiction works before, but he never knew it would be so unpleasant and uncomfortable. He's rather fight monsters than be there,

'Haah... Just when will this day end...' [Grey]


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