YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 338: New Heights

A massive blade clad in darkness, heavy armor shining like onyx under the starlight, and black flames burning ablaze in place of its head. A headless knight hovered in the air, commanding over darkness as it gripped its sword.

It rode a dragon as dark as the night sky, winds howling like a pack of starving wolves every time it flapped its massive wings. Its teeth were sharper than daggers and its tail whipped like gargantuan waves in the ocean, obliterating anything it touched.

The dragon opened its maw and darkness bubbled in its mouth. Glimmers of black and violet shone ever so brightly, raging flames escaping its maw as its eyes flashed, sweeping through the ground and razing down every ruin in sight.

"Headless bastard, aren't you tired of using the same attack?" [Grey]

Said the young man, drawing back one of his feet and firmly planting it on the ground. He pulled back his arms and clenched his fist, a violent swirl of mana whirling in like a vortex, winds coiling all over his fist.

⟨⟨Pinpoint Tempest: Deathpierce!⟩⟩ [Grey]

He shot his fist and the winds bellowed into a deadly drill. The wave of darkness was not a match against it, a massive hole bored through as Grey's fist soared towards the air, a resounding boom echoing soon after.


Grey's fist connected and four more followed, striking the Dark Dragon's chest and piercing through like a rapier. A gaping hole was made in a single moment, a piercing shriek reverberating all across the Labyrinth as it spiraled down, a resonant crash resounding as clouds of dust swept through the ground.

However, the Deathless Dullahan remained calm and indifferent. Before its steed crashed towards ground, it leaped towards the air and bolted down by itself, forming a crater where it landed and splitting the ground.

It didn't mind its dying steed and simply gripped his sword. The cloud of dust was soon cleared as it bolted towards Grey, its sword gleaming with darkness, ready to strike down the young man before it.


It raised its sword and struck it down with the strength of a million men. It was fast as lightning, not even a blur to be seen, the ground split in half as it touched the already ruined tiles, a massive gash running for several dozen meters ahead.

However, it was still far from enough. The cloud of dust soon cleared up, but there was not a corpse nor blood to be seen, not even the silhouette of the young man. There was only its blade and the scar it left on the ground.

"Didn't I already tell you? Stop using the same attacks!" [Grey]

It was all too sudden. Before it could even sense him, Grey had already appeared in its peripheral, hands clenched into a fist and mana swirling by his will. His fist hollered like a meteor falling from the sky, darting towards the Deathless Dullahan's torso.

⟨⟨Judgement: Excalibur!⟩⟩ [Grey]

The Deathless Dullahan tried to block it with his sword, but it was all for naught. His fist cruised like lightning and broke the sword without any effort, continuing its fury and rushing towards the Headless Knight, a deadly glint glimmering as it connected.

One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Grey's fist bellowed five times and the Deathless Dullahan was blasted with 5 times the force, its heavy armor torn into pieces and its limbs detached from the sheer force alone.

Yet the young man didn't just stop there. As soon as the Headless Knight went on flying, he raised his hands and the wind swirled into a hurricane by his command. It was turbulent and destructive, the very nature of a storm.

⟨⟨Southern Wind: Notus!⟩⟩ [Grey]

A massive spear was formed and Grey threw it with all but a single hand. It bolted at unimaginable speeds, blowing the Deathless Dullahan to tatters and smithereens, its already broken armor torn to countless pieces.

The winds lashed out violently, exerting force and pressure from all directions and cutting everything in sight. The Headless Knight was ripped to shreds, not even a speck of it remaining, and the winds became peaceful again.

Fragments of light shone in the Labyrinth, specks of light drifting in the wind. Mana then cluttered into a couple places, items manifesting out of thin air. A couple thuds echoed as they fell towards the ground.

"An armor set... A broadsword... Phantom threads... These are pretty good stuff. I didn't think it'll drop so much..." [Grey]

They weren't just good, they were extremely amazing. Both the armor set and the broadsword were of Legendary-Grade and enough to fetch at least 10 billion kiels each in the market. Even the phantom threads were top tier.

Of course, to Grey, they were nothing more than spare items and trophies. They are using Divine-Grade items, after all. For them to be useful for them, they should at the very least be Mythical-Grade or above.

"How much does this make it...?" [Grey]

It has been a month since Grey and Yuna dove in the Labyrinth of Stars, and it is now the final day. It was the day that they would be challenging the boss, and also the day Grey would take another step to fulfilling his mission.

Of course, since he would be challenging the boss with Yuna, he is now outside the Boss Room for once, guiding Yuna and the others to it and making sure nothing ever goes wrong. It was quite nerve-wracking.


And speaking of Yuna, she is now battling against another Calamity-Class monster just a few hundred meters away. Brandishing her trusty daggers against a Draconic Vampire, the highest species of the vampire line.

⟨⟨Thousand Bleeding Stream!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

Her blades glided in the wind, silver streams sparkling in the wind. In just a single second, hundreds of slashes cut through the Draconic Vampires' flesh, black blood trickling down the ground like a gushing fountain.

Hundreds turned into thousands, the Draconic Vampire's limbs ripped from its body, searing with pain as its agonized shriek rang out all over the Labyrinth. Rage boiled deep inside its heart yet the young lady remained unfazed.

Poof Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak

The vampire exploded into a swarm of bars and scurried away from Yuna. A cloud of darkness soon loomed over her, the bats opening their mouths and darkness dancing inside their mouths like the running winds.


Piercing cries and beams of darkness rushed towards Yunq, surrounding her from all directions. The winds clamored in a cacophony and the countless little craters littered the ground, pillars of smoke rising into the air.

The Draconic Vampire didn't just stop there. The cloud of bats swirled into a singular point and it transformed back to its regular form, rage and dissatisfaction burning in its eyes as it raised its hand, an orb of darkness condensing in a matter of seconds.


The orb of darkness was shot, and pierced the ground. It quaked like crazy and a deafening explosion followed it soon after, the ground swallowed by the flames of darkness and the ruins turning into puddles of liquid corruption.

"Mmn... Was that the best you could do?" [Yuna]

However, that was still not enough. It may have moved quickly, but Yuna was even quicker, appearing behind it before it could even notice. Her daggers were already gripped tight, ready to swing and cut at any given moment.

All fibers of its body screamed with danger, the Draconic Vampire rushed away with all its might, exploding away into a swarm of bats once more. They scattered towards different directions, all bolting at breakneck speeds.

⟨⟨Thousand Bleeding Streams!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

Yuna's daggers lashed out like a deadly storm, but there was not a single enemy in her range. She had moved far too slowly, completely missing her enemyー or so it would seem at first glance.

Squeak Shriek Squeak Screech Shriek

Yet strangely enough, the bats started dying off one after another. It didn't matter how far they were or which direction they flew off to, they al, faced sudden death, their bodies slit open and their heads decapitated, hundreds of them dropping like flies.

"Phantom Stream"... Such was the name of Yuna's new ability after she achieved enlightenment in assassination arts. An ability which allows her to attack the enemy from a position they were recently at, a couple seconds at most. But that's not all...

Shriek Shriek Screech Squeak Squeal

Many of the bars escaped, but they were still far from Yuna's grasp. As soon as they reached a certain rain, cuts suddenly opened in their bodies and they all started dying off one after another, a cacophony of high pitches dancing in the air.

... Yuna's ability also allows her to plant "slashes" and activate it remotely whenever she wants to, no matter how long it has been and where she was. The true nature of "Phantom Streams"... Slashes which cut through time.

"Then, for the finale, let me show you my new technique..." [Yuna]

Her cold voice was carried by the winds and the world seemed to have stopped. The vibrations in the air, the particles in the air, the flow of mana, and everything there is to sense, everything was clear in her mind,

⟨⟨Fading Haze⟩⟩ [Yuna]

She gripped her daggers and she disappeared at that very instant. The moment she appeared, she was already behind a batー no, she reappeared behind all bats. She was so fast, she left afterimages in hundreds of places.

Their hands moved at once and silver streaks shone all over the place. Thousands of slashes were drawn in a fraction of a second, creating a net of blades all over the place, not a single gap to be seen, only death awaiting those who ran away.

Shriekkkk Khieekkk Squeakkk Screecchhhhh Squeaallll

Dozens... Hundreds... Thousands... The bats were diced and minced into countless places, cutting them until only dust was left of them, their "remains" scattering in the air as blood showered the ground, dyeing the once white ruins black.

By the time Yuna landed softly back on the ground, the swarm of bats was nowhere to be seen, only clouds of dust and darkness remaining. Only a single bat remained, flapping its wings in panic as it tried to escape as quickly as it could.


... Or at least, it was the one who survived the longest. A single icicle bolted towards it and struck its back, piercing its body. Its flames of life were extinguished for good, crashing and spiraling towards the ground without any resistance.

With that, the Draconic Vampire had been fully exterminated. Yuna's task was now finished, a couple drops materializing out of thin air and the young lady collecting them soon afterwards with a bright smile on her face.

"Hmm... I wonder how everyone else is doing?" [Yuna]


Scorching explosions, waves of water, rumbling earthen spikes, lashing roots and vines, spears of light and darkness. Apocalyptic scenes played out all over the 10th floor, the ruins reduced to dust and the whole floor turned to a wasteland.

There was not a need to worry as everyone was doing well, dominating their enemies and exterminating every monster in sight without a problem. It couldn't even be called training anymore. It was a full-blown massacre.

"That was a beautiful show, Yuna." [Grey]

"Grey..." [Yuna]

Soon enough, Grey's footsteps echoed in the air and he arrived to get his fiancée. It didn't take too long before the familiars finished off their opponents, retrieving their drops and heading back towards where Grey and Yuna were.

The Labyrinth was the most peaceful it has ever been, not a single monster in sight. It would have been much better if the ancient city was still there, but all that remained were rubble and craters... It was charming in its own way... It was charming, yes...

With all the monsters cleared out, everyone gathered by the entrance to the Boss Room, a glorious and magnificent pair of doors welcoming them, staying intact still and despite all the ruin and destruction happening all over the place.

"So this is the Boss Door, huh... It's even more beautiful up close..." [Yuna]

"Hm? Did you come here before, Yuna?" [Grey]

"A-Ah! I-I only peeked! I didn't go inside! I promise!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. Why are you panicking? I'm not scolding you, you know?" [Grey]

"Uuu... Grey, you meanie..." [Yuna]

The time had finally come to face the boss, but there was no need to rush. They just battled against a few monsters, so they were not at their prime. Recklessly going in at such a time would be no different from running to their deaths.

They stretched their hands and sat by the ground, leaning their backs to the Labyrinth walls, resting themselves. Of course, what better way there is to rest than enjoy some treats and refreshments as well. Sweets and desserts, that is.

"Mmn~! Cupcakes really are the best! I can eat these all day!" [Yuna]

"Mistress, you're totally right! These are so good!" [Vega]

"Hey! Second Brother! That's mine!" [Procyon]

"Here. Eat more, Achernar. You need to grow faster." [Polaris]

Smiles and laughter floated in the air, sweet refreshments served chilled, and all sorts of tasty treats served in little platters. It was as if they were having a picnic, only that they were inside a hostile and dangerous Labyrinth.

Things were like their everyday life, but at the same time, not at all. Everyone has changed so much over the past month, everyone growing the most they ever did. Grey and Yuna are especially outstanding. They were true monsters...



[Name]Grey Silverdrake





[Mana Capacity]10,870 [Mana Quality]S

[Combat Power]28,932 [Threat Level]Disaster

[Attribute]Wind [Magic Proficiency]Superior (92%)

[Class]Brawler [Weapon Proficiency]Superior (92%)

[Physical Enhancement]93%

[Ability]『Divine Eyes (Divine)』

                 『Divine Mind (Divine)』

                 『Subspace (Divine)』

                 『Wind Magic - Bellowing Heavens』

                 『Brawling Arts - Spectral Echoes』








[Mana Capacity]6,601 [Mana Quality]S

[Combat Power]16,907 [Threat Level]Calamity

[Attribute]Ice [Magic Proficiency]Superior (90%)

[Class]Assassin [Weapon Proficiency]Superior (90%)

[Physical Enhancement]90%

[Ability]『Nihility (5☆)』

                 『Ice Magic - Winter Forest』

                 『Assassination Arts - Phantom Stream』


... They had grown past the point of normalcy. They were now both Transcendents, Grey reaching Disaster-Class a couple weeks ago, ranking him amongst the top 3 strongest in the world, and Yuna along the top 10.

It wasn't just them, the familiars had also grown beyond imagination. Polaris was at Disaster-Class like Grey, Sirius sitting at about the same combat power as Yuna, and the others other than Procyon and Achernar at the lower end of Calamity-Class.

But perhaps the ones with the most growth were the youngest. Though Procyon and Achernar had yet to reach Calamity-Class, they were now at the peak of S-rank. Not even the Generals of the powerful kingdoms could mess with them.

'With that said... This is quite horrifying, isn't it?' [Grey]

Thought Grey as he once again realized how insane their party was. Forget about a country, they could raze down a whole continent if they wanted to. Not even armies could stop them. They were already close to unstoppable.

It was at that moment that Grey swore to himself to never let a soul know about their true combat power. The last he wants to see is their life getting full surveillance 24/7. That would just be a pain in the ass.

"Grey, is something bothering you?" [Yuna]

"Nothing really... I'm just thinking of the future..." [Grey]

"The future...? You're not thinking of backing out on our wedding, are you?" [Yuna]

"Yuna... Just what do you think of me..." [Grey]

Grey couldn't even catch the drift of what his fiancée was thinking, now looking at him with innocent eyes. She might have gotten stronger, but she was the same old Yuna. She was still unpredictable as ever, sparkling brightly as can be.

"Anyway... Now that we've rested enough. We should probably think of a strategy to take down the boss." [Grey]

"Hmn? Didn't we already have a plan?" [Yuna]

"That's true, but we never know. Having more than one won't harm us." [Grey]

"I guess that's reasonable... So, what should we do?" [Yuna]

Shenanigans aside, Grey, Yuna, and everyone else thought up a couple plans to defeat the Bloodwing Chromius. And by a couple... It meant a couple dozen plans. They were monsters amongst prodigies, after all.

There was a plan to bombard the enemy with all they got, a plan to stall time and whittle away the enemy's health slowly but surely, a plan to use Yuna's alchemy concoctions to imbue different status effects to the enemy, and many more.

Of course, when worse comes to worst, they could also use the foolproof plan and destroy the whole room with the "Divine Poison" and sacrifice Grey's life once again. A plan full of pain and agony.

'Ugh... I really don't want to do it...' [Grey]

Grey still had the resurrection ability of the "Divine Amulet", but he still doesn't want to experience such misfortune again. Just remembering the searing heat and pain that ate away his body sent shivers down his spine.

"Don't worry, Grey! We'll make sure to do our best so that you don't have to do that anymore! We'll beat the boss!" [Yuna]

Thankfully, Yuna was there to reassure Grey, healing him with her bright smile and her soothing voice. She truly was an angel, Grey's greatest blessing...

"Haha. Thanks Yunaー" [Grey]

"Probably... We'll probably beat the boss, right...?" [Yuna]

"Yuna... You know you don't sound so convincing at all, do you?" [Grey]

... Well, it was reassuring at first, but with Yuna ending her declarations in question marks, making Grey even doubt himself. She was adorable, yes, but that doesn't matter in such a moment. He could only sigh in resignation.

Meanwhile, the familiars were all gloomy and crestfallen, some were looking towards the ground whilst some were looking at the two with innocent puppy eyes. They were especially effective since they were in their wolf pup forms.

"Master, Mistress, can we really not join you in the battle?" [Arcturus]

"That's right, Master, Mistress! We can totally thrash that flying fool if you just give us the chance!" [Canopus]

"Y-Yes... S-Second Brother is r-right, Master, Mistress." [Capella]

The reason was simple, it was because they wouldn't be fighting with Grey and Yuna against the Boss. Only Polaris and Sirius were allowed to fight as they were the only ones strong enough to fight alongside them.

The others were powerful, but against one at the peak of Disaster-Class, they would barely stand a chance. The more of them that fight against the Bloodwing Chromius, the more members Grey and Yuna have to worry about.

"Everyone, stop it already. You all know how difficult the battle ahead is. Even if you want to help out, with how you are right now, you would only burden the Master and Mistress. Don't be unreasonable." [Polaris]

Polaris' words were harsh, but they were the truth. The familiars could only look down and accept it. Their hearts bubbled with frustration and disappointment, soon sighing as they gave up on the thought and letting go of their selfishness.

"Then Master, Mistress, please let us roam here for a while!" [Canopus]

"Canopus is right. It may be futile, but we will continue hunting here." [Rigel]

"Y-Yes! We'll make sure to grow stronger!" [Achernar]

Fortunately, everyone was not so brittle that they would be shattered by such simple words. Rather, they were even more motivated and eager to grow stronger, a subtle smile blooming on Polaris' face at such a sight.

"Alright... Go ham." [Grey]


Fast as lightning, the familiars then rushed out all over the place and platinum figures soared in the air, massive dragons scanning the ground for any monsters, scouring like hunting eagles and stooping down as soon as they spotted them.

 It didn't take long enough before explosions started echoing in the 10th floors, large columns of smoke rising towards the air and strong gusts of wind sweeping through the rubble-covered grounds. It was pandemonium.

"Fufufu! They sure are motivated." [Yuna]

"Then, should we proceed with our battle as well?" [Grey]

The wind was quiet and tension was in the air. Only the sound of footsteps could be heard, two figures changing their forms and taking the shapes of panthers, drawing closer towards the massive doors of white and gold before them.


Grey and Yuna touched the cold doors, warm mana flowing from their fingertips to the golden engravings running all throughout the massive door, heavy mechanical sounds reverberating in the massive halls, gentle rays of light seeping out soon after.

A familiar figure stood in the center, patiently waiting for them. It slowly stood up, its core pumping with hostility as it spread its wings. Scarlet light swallowed the room, greeting them ever so warmly.

The final round is about to unfold.


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