YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 337: Winter Forest

"Ugh...!" [Grey]

A loud and pained grunt echoed, accompanied by the ringing of explosions. A young man was blasted towards the walls, a crater forming behind him and debris flying in all directions. The cloud of dust cleared up, but the battle was still far from over.

Just as he regained sight, sharp and hasty claws greeted his face. A scarlet shine gleamed and bolted towards the wall, another massive crater forming as Grey barely dodged the attack, his cheeks grazed and blood trickling down his face.

⟨⟨Judgement: Excalibur!⟩⟩ [Grey]

Grey clenched his hands and swung it towards the Bloodwing Chromius' flanks, but the latter dodged it with ease, docking downwards and soon waving its claws towards Grey once again, four massive gashes creeping up the walls.

However, the claws didn't reach Grey. He had already disappeared from sight, not a single trace of him behind. There were only dust and rocks, the walls crumbling down and massive chunks of marble and gold falling towards the ground.

It was just like any other day. With his mana reserves now low, Grey had once again escaped from the grasps of death. The Bloodwing Chromius walked away and headed back towards the centerー or so it was going to.

⟨⟨Northern Wind: Boreas!⟩⟩ [Grey]

It hasn't even taken a single step and a familiar voice echoed in the air once again, winds whirling into countless spears as they darted towards the unsuspecting enemy. It was all too sudden, a couple dozen piercing its back and boring through its wings.

It turned around with and brandished its claws, destroying all the spears with a single wave of its hands. However, it was its biggest mistake. As soon as it turned around, it left its back unguarded, Grey springing out of nowhere and grabbing the opportunity,

⟨⟨Pinpoint Tempest: Deathpierce!⟩⟩ [Grey]

The winds howled with his fist and his cold voice rang in the air. What followed after was a deafening crash, Grey's hands connecting towards the Bloodwing Chromius and blasting its several meters away towards the wall, two echoed following suit.

Grey didn't just stop there. The moment the enemy was still out of balance, he then pounced forward and coiled his fists with the bellowing winds, shockwaves ringing all over the place as he activated his "Bellowing Heavens".

⟨⟨ ⟨⟨Pinpoint Tempest: Deathpierce!⟩⟩ ⟩⟩ [Grey]

Two fists connected one after another, four echoes following it soon after. Holes were bored through the Bloodwing Chromius and chunks of scarlet light were shaved off its body, burying its body deeper into the Labyrinth


Pained shrieks shocked the air and ground and the Bloodwing Chromius lashed out with fury. It flapped its wings and countless feathers fell out, turning into scarlet arrows and bolting towards all directions at breakneck speed.

Grey had no other choice but to retreat, his steps light as a father, using the grace of the wind to hasten his movements, and the blessing of fire and lighting to give him a tremendous boost whenever he needed it.

Yet despite how fast he was going, the Bloodwing Chromius was still faster. The very moment Grey let up from his attacks, it quickly chased after him and brandished its claws, deep gashes left on the ground from the sheer amount of pressure alone.

It missed, but it didn't just end there. It then twisted its body and struck a kick towards Grey's head, followed by a sharp blow towards the chest, and the arrows of radiant light coming from the back, leaving Grey with no time to think.

If it weren't for the fact that Grey possessed the "Divine Eye", he would have already died multiple times over and over again. A single mistake and his whole body would be torn to pieces by the sharp claws of the enemy.

"You persistent bastard...! ⟨⟨Vein Breaker⟩⟩!" [Grey]

Grey casted the curse, and the enemy quickly backed away after sensing the danger. Yet despite retreating, it still created countless scarlet orbs and rained down a storm of light, thousands of bolts and arrows pouring down on Grey.

⟨⟨ ⟨⟨ ⟨⟨ ⟨⟨Northern Wind: Boreas!⟩⟩ ⟩⟩ ⟩⟩ ⟩⟩ [Grey]

Of course, Grey didn't lose out either, creating spears of his own to combat the volley of the enemy, shockwaves ringing relentlessly as the two destructive forces clashed time and time again, incinerating even the tiniest of dust particles.

Explosions continued to echo, and so did the clash between Grey and the Bloodwing Chromius. They didn't waste any more time, dodging all the spears and arrows and exchanging blows against one another, claws and fists creating endless shockwaves.

⟨⟨Pinpoint Tempest: Deathpierce!⟩⟩ [Grey]

The winds howled once more and answered Grey's call. They lashed out and draped his fist with power, a piercing drill rotating faster and faster as it rushed towards the enemy, another wave of tremors and shockwaves echoing soon after.

Grey's punch connected and bore through the enemy's shoulder, two echoes striking after it and blasting the enemy away, its shoulders slightly shattered and a few of its feathers plucked off from the brute force of their clash.

Cough Cough Cough Guuhkkk

However, it wasn't just Grey's punch which connected perfectly. The enemy's claws also broke through his defenses and blasted him away towards the walls. His chest was marked with deep gashes and blood spurted out of his mouth.

Grey could still keep on going with just a little bit of healing, but his mind was already struck with fatigue, his focus going hazy and his whole body starting to tremble. It has been more than half a day since he started battling, his mind slowly slipping away.

"Dammit... Looks like this is how far I'll go..." [Grey]

Lamented Grey as he looked at the Bloodwing Chromius one final time. It tried to bolt towards it with its claws reaching out, but it was just a step behind. All it slashed was a mirage left behind by Grey, a gate closing soon after.

Silence reigned over the room, the clash of spears and arrows soon coming to an end. The Bloodwing Chromius was full of wariness as it scoured the room, however, no gates opened up once more. The battle was over.

On the other side of the doors, the exit of the gate appeared. What came out was a young man with claw marks on his body, blood gushing down and his eyes turning white. Despite all that, he still had the strength to move, bearing with all the pain.

"Ugh... Dammit... I should have escaped earlier..." [Grey]

He headed near the wall and slipped down towards the ground, resting his back against the wall. He panted and grunted, his hands trembling in pain. It wasn't the first time he was in such a condition, but it was never pretty.

⟨⟨Perfect Heal⟩⟩ [Grey]

A pained voice echoed in the air and golden light swallowed the hall. It was warm and gentle, feeling like a mother's loving embrace as it enveloped Grey's body, a sense of peace returning to his mind and his heart slowly calming down.

The golden light melded into his body and his wounds started to disappear, pain melting away as if they were but fleeting dreams. Soon, Grey's body was back to its peak, his hands no longer trembling.

"Haah... That's much better..." [Grey]

It has been a week since Grey and Yuna came down the Labyrinth, and things have progressed quite smoothly, both them and the familiars growing at tremendous rates in the face of danger and death.

It was so well, in fact, that many of the familiars have crossed over to Calamity-Class, sending tremors all over the Labyrinth just a few days ago. To top it all off, Grey was now also at the pinnacle of Calamity-Class, only a step away from breaking through.

"That tough angel bastard... Looks like I'll have to make new strategies again... So annoying." [Grey]

Still, with all such progress, Grey couldn't equal the Bloodwing Chromius. They had come up with various ideas in order to defeat it, but it was futile. It will just work once or twice, the enemy learning of it again and creating countermeasures soon enough.

They even entertained the idea of attacking from outside and using gates to slowly whittle away its health. The only problem was that it was a two-way portal. The event the Bloodwing Chromius crosses over, it would be over for them,

Though Labyrinth monsters are known unable to escape their respective zones, Grey is not crazy enough to try such a theory against a Boss monster. Not only him, Yuna, the familiars, and the others in the Labyrinth would be in danger.

Even now, Grey enters the "Sanctuary" first before using "Gate" to exit, making sure the Bloodwing Chromius wasn't on his tail and it wouldn't spell disaster on anyone. It was simply too troublesome once all hell breaks loose.

'Should I use that potion again... No, it's too risky. Ah! Then how abー' [Grey]


And just as he was thinking of ways to defeat the insurmountable enemy behind the Boos doors, a loud rumble echoed in the air. And no, it wasn't from the ground, but from his stomach, grumbling like an old man

"Well, there's always tomorrow... I should probably head back first. One can't think on an empty stomach, after all." [Grey]

There was no use thinking too hard about such a stressful topic. Grey simply stood back up and stretched his arms towards the Labyrinth's ceiling. He hasn't eaten since breakfast, so he was looking forward to dinner very much.

Grey stretched out his hand before him and created another gate. He soon stepped foot inside of it and light swallowed his field of sight. The moment he exited the gate, the tempting smell of dinner aroused his nose and stomach.

Fizzle Fizzle Sizzle Sizzle

Yuna was in the middle of frying fish and the familiars were preparing the plates. He arrived just on time, a serene sight greeting him. If one were to see such a sight, they wouldn't be able to believe they were in a Labyrinth. It was far too peaceful.

"Oh, Grey! Welcome back~! Come have a seat." [Yuna]

"I'm back... Sorry I always rely on you for dinner." [Grey]

"Fufufu! What are you talking about, silly? I'm your fiancée. This much is only natural, and... I know you've been working hard all day." [Yuna]

They have yet to marry, but Grey already felt like a husband being welcomed home by his lovely wife. The aromatic smell of dinner greeting his nose and the warmth of home giving him a tight embrace. It made his heart flutter ever so happily.

He soon took a seat, and another sight greeted him. It was none other than Polaris who was now looking at him with eyes full of gloom and guilt, unable to even look at him straight in the eyes, clearly crestfallen like a scolded puppy.

Polaris was fighting with Grey against the Boss, but had been wounded early on and had to be summoned out by Grey, leaving the former to fight all by his lonesome self. As a familiar, he couldn't be anymore ashamed of himself.

"I apologize, Master... I have not been of any help to you this day..." [Polaris]

"Don't say that, Polaris. You were plenty amazing today. We were just unlucky. That's all there is to it." [Grey]

"But, Masterー" [Polaris]

"No buts! That's an order! Another word of self-depreciation and I'm not bringing you along with me tomorrow. I mean it." [Grey]

Polaris tried to reason out, but Grey cut off any loose ends. All he could do was look at himself once more, feeling even more ashamed from the generosity of his master. He was happy, but conflicted at the same time...

"That's why, if you feel bad about today, then just do your best tomorrow. You can do at least that much, no?" [Grey]

"... Understood, Master. I will make sure to live to your expectations." [Polaris]

...Conflicted feelings which were soon washed away by the comfort of Grey's words. He may not be the best familiar, but he had the will to strive and improve himself for the better, and that's what matters the most.

Yuna and the other familiars could only watch the two with warm eyes, giggling to themselves as if there was no tomorrow, the other familiars cuddling towards Grey and Polairs like little pups, laying down the former's lap and resting themselves.

Dinner was soon served and they had a merry time together, enjoying the only hours of enjoyment they had and chatting their time away as night continued to go deeper. They were all laughing all so merrily, not minding their problems a single bit.

"We also hunted another Sequoian Treant this afternoon, and it's super annoying! It scattered all sorts of flowers and spread poison everywhere." [Yuna]

"Well, that's what plant-attribute monsters do, after all." [Grey]

"I know... But still! They're super duper annoying to deal with!" [Yuna]

Squealed Yuna as she complained about the enemies they faced throughout the day. She was puffing her cheeks and waving her hands recklessly, getting agitated just thinking about it, Grey chuckling by her side.

And just as they spoke about such things, a sudden and random idea popped inside Yuna's mind. She suddenly stopped talking and looked at Grey with curious eyes, a bright smile blooming on her face as she gazed fervently at her fiancé.

"Grey, do you remember those ice-attribute magic plants we got from the auction? Those ones which looked like ice sculptures?" [Yuna]

"Yeah... Why? Do you want to make a potion with them?" [Grey]

"No, no, that's not it. I was just wondering if we could create more of those flowers using plant and ice magic. What do you think?" [Yuna]

Grey was speechless at the words of his beloved, looking at her straight in the eyes as he processed one of the most absurd things he ever heard. It was then that he once again realized how much of an alchemy maniac Yuna was.

"No, that's impossible. In the first place, normal plants would die if exposed to the ice element for too long. Their cells would freeze and burst." [Grey]

"Then how about we start with ice magic and then modify them with plant magic later on? Would that work?" [Yuna]

"I don't know... Ice is even alive in the first place. We could probably make them move and bloom using manipulation, but... Hmm... I don't really know..." [Grey]

"Then let's try it! It shouldn't be too hard, right?" [Yuna]

She was positive as ever, grabbing Grey by the hand and rushing off towards the open with an expectant smile on her face. She was doing all such things on a whim, the blood of the alchemist within her boiling in excitement.

They soon stopped and found a nice place to experiment on. There were a couple boulders and debris in the wind, but they were easily cleared out with all but a wave of the young lady's hand, clouds of dust swept along with them.

"Yuna, it might be too late to ask, but... Why the snowflake flower?" [Grey]

"Because it's pretty? Why else?" [Yuna]

Short and simple, Yuna's answer was, Grey left speechless by how simple yet cute his beloved was. He reined in all the other questions he had, knowing he'll only receive unexpected answers from his ever so excited fiancée.

"Then, I'm starting now~!" [Yuna]

A blue glint shone in Yuna's eyes and the nightly breeze turned cold in an instant. Ice and frost crept up on the Labyrinth of Stats, chilly whispers riding along the wind as the atmosphere turned colder and colder by the second.

Crystals of ice soon formed in Yuna's hands, a whirlpool sucking in the cold and the ice condensing tighter and tighter, mana holding them back and making sure that not a single speck escaped. A blue gem the size of apple seeds forming on Yuna's hand.

"Then, that's a seed done~!" [Yuna]

Yuna didn't just stop there, and continued pouring in more and more mana on the "seed", making it glow brighter and bluer with the passing of time. It was a beautiful crystal, worthy enough to be given to kings and queens.

As the seed was nourished by her mana, Yuna then opened up a small portion of the seed, and crystals of ice slowly formed from it, gushing forth slowly and branching out like snowflakes, water molecules tightly bound by mana.

It was also made with "veins" running through it to supply every part with mana. The thicker veins turned to stems and branches, whilst the thinner ones were only able to spread thin layers of ice, turning them into leaves.

The "seedling" grew bigger and bigger with time, more and more leaves sprouting on the stem as it continued to grow. Soon, a bud formed on top of it, and a flower clear as ice bloomed with beauty and mystery. A true masterpiece.

"See, Grey? I made it, didn't I?" [Yuna]

"Not quite. You are still assisting it, after all... And even if you weren't, a living thing can gather energy for itself, you know?" [Grey]

"Hmm... Then how about this?" [Yuna]

The young lady still didn't give up, and imbued even more mana on the ice flower and expelled some in order areas, creating a whirlpool effect in which mana is endlessly sucked in by the "roots", then utilized to grow the plant even further.

It was unstable at first, but with the use of something similar to the capillary force and vacuums, mana continued to flow in and out of the plant and it was able to sustain itself without relying on Yuna's mana any longer.

"Grey, look, look, it's growing on its own! It's slow but it's growing!" [Yuna]

"Haah... Yuna, that's still not alive, you knowー !!!" [Grey]


Grey has yet to finish his words, when the Labyrinth suddenly quaked, the ground and walls riddled with tremors. Everyone was alerted by such a sudden tremor, their guards prompted up, yet they still couldn't believe what happened next.

A golden beam of light suddenly shone and fell from above, rushing towards Yuna and enveloping her with warmth and comfort. Power surged within her body, and seals broken one after another as the dams were finally opened.

"Unbelievable..." [Grey]

For him, he needed to rely on the concepts of his past world and changed the way he moves the wind to achieve enlightenment, yet all Yuna did was play around and she also reached such a state, numbers rising up fast as lightning.

Right in front of everyone, Yuna is breaking through S-rank to Calamity-Class, her powers surging like never before and a new ability engraved on her status screen, shockwaves resounding time and time again all over the place.

What was once labeled "Advanced" was now "Superior", and what was once "S" was now "Calamity". Yuna's combat power increased by leaps and bounds as the light faded away, feeling a little strange with her newfound strength.

"G... Grey... Did... Did I just..." [Yuna]

"Yeah. Congratulations, Yuna. You've reached Calamity-Class." [Grey]

"Waah~! Mistress, you did it! You really did it!" [Vega]

"M-M-Mistress, c-congratulations!" [Capella]

Smiles and applause brewed in the air as the familiars greeted Yuna in her sudden, but very welcome advancement. She still couldn't believe it, but she could feel deep inside her that it was true. She was finally one step closer to Grey.

And like anyone else who just got a new power, Yuna was itching to try out her new ability named "Winter Forest" as indicated on her status screen. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she glanced at Grey's direction, her lips breaking into a smile.

"Grey, I want to try out my new powers, can I?" [Yuna]

"... Of course. I'm a little bit curious as well." [Grey]

"Un! Great! Then let's find a test subjectー I-I mean, an opponent!" [Yuna]

She was enthusiastic as can be, punching her fist towards the air as they marched off to the distance, searching for an opponent to test things out with. It didn't take too long before they found a Blackheart Cyclops... Test subject #1.

Yuna quickly activated "Winter Forest" and ice swallowed the ground in an instant. It crept up in all places and buds soon bloomed all over the place, icy plants sprouting from the ground and creating an entire forest in a matter of seconds.

There weren't just flowers, but grass as well as trees and vines. It was a full on forest with every flora imaginable. The only difference was that they were all made of ice, finely sculpted to look like the best masterpieces.


The Blackheart Cyclops rushed towards Yuna, its steps sending heavy tremors on the ground. But the moment it entered Yuna's domain, it slowed down significantly and its movements were restricted, the trees acting as a buffer to stop it.

'Oh, so it's a defensive ability...' [Grey]

Was what Grey thought at first, but his mind was quickly changed when he saw what happened next.

The vines suddenly lashed out and coiled all over the Blackheart Cyclop's body, and soon enough, blades of grass and leaves drifted in the wind. The moment it touched the intruder's body, it slit up a wound and ice started swallowing it, creeping at rapid speeds.

Moreover, giant, flytrap-looking plants suddenly emerged from the ground and lunged towards the Blackheart Cyclops. Its frozen legs and arms were devoured whole and it was finished off by ice needles shooting out from all directions.

A field to slow things down, massive trees to serve as walls, vines to bind, leaves and blades of grass to wound and freeze, flytraps and needles to kill, weeds to pierce and hinder movement, and many more traps waiting to be discovered.

No matter which angle one looked at it, it was a domain which covered all aspects of battle perfectly. It doesn't even consume mana. As long as Yuna was inside of it, she controlled the battlefield. A deadly forest was what it was.... The forest of nightmares...

"Umm... Grey... Isn't this… too overpowered…?" [Yuna]

"Haha... What the hell even is this..." [Grey]


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