YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 334: Overwhelming Battles

⟨⟨Northern Wind: Boreas!⟩⟩ [Grey]

Deafening howls filled the ruins as the winds ran at the speed of sound, ripping apart the walls and pillars as they lashed out. They condensed denser, creating dozens of massive spears, the power of wind dwelling inside them

Grey extended his hands out and the spears rushed forth. A cacophony of gales and tremors rocked the Labyrinth, spears of carnage bolting towards the monsters before them and massacring every last one of them,

The battlefield was riddled with ridiculous S-rank monsters from Orc Conquerors to Golem Kings, but their were all pierced and skewered, their flesh torn apart without mercy and their bodies riddled with gaping holes, blood trickling down towards the ground, painting it a dark red color.

"Oh? Did I put too little power?" [Grey]

It was a scene of carnage, but some still managed to survive, their bodies riddled with wounds and their limbs barely intact. Even with the situation as it is, they still had the will to fight, rushing towards the young man whilst bearing hostility.

A Minotaur General swung its massive battleaxe from above, an Apex Werebeast opened up its maw, ready to devour Grey, and the Gorgon King fired a petrification beam towards. Yet he remained unfazed, not a single worry traced on his face.

⟨⟨Frost Field!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

Cold as ice, another voice rang out and the ground was soon covered in blue. Ice burst forth as if there was no tomorrow, creeping towards all directions and freezing every corner without a single shred of mercy.

Not even the monsters were spared from the attack, their bodies devoured by glacial ice and puncturing their every cell with frost. A multitude of shrieks and bellows rang out until they were all frozen still, imprisoned in large chunks of ice.

"Everyone, I leave everything to you." [Yuna]

"Understood. You can rest assured, Mistress." [Polaris]

However, everything was still far from over. With the monsters now bound by eternal frost, 10 platinum figures opened their mouths, bright light shining inside their mouths as they opened their maws, illuminating the place with radiance.

With the passing of time, more and more mana was only drawn towards them, the orbs of light shining even brighter and brighter. The shone until the ground trembled in terror, the winds howling in fear, and the Labyrinth was riddled with tremors.

"Fire! Don't leave a single one behind!" [Polaris]


The orbs were fired upward and a cacophony of explosions followed. They exploded like fireworks midair, showers of bright light raining down the ground and rushing like spears of judgement coming down from the heavens.


Left, right, front, rear, and center. No matter where one stands, a deafening explosion thunders ever so closely, razing the ground and demolishing the structures of marble and quartz all over the place, flames devouring the whole floor.

The battlefield of blue now turned into a scene of the apocalypse. Yuna's ice was thawed and shattered into oblivion. The monsters inside were also ruptured apart, their blood boiled away by the heat before they could even trickle down the ground.

The symphony of chaos and destruction soon reached its end and clouds of steam and dust veiled the area whole. It was hot and arid, only a few glimmers to be seen and only a few figures remaining standing.


A young man flicked his fingers and the winds started to howl. The thick veil of dust, steam, and debris was easily blown away, everything soon revealed to the world, and it was just as they expected.

There were craters... Craters everywhere. There wasn't even a trace of the ancient ruins which stood once proud on the 9th floor, only devastated grounds and pieces of debris hanging about all over the place, a few resounding thuds resounding as they crumbled down even further.

Grey could still remember how it looked like a previously thriving ancient city, but now, it would be more fitting to call it a demolition site, junk sitting just about everywhere as they turned their heads left and right.

"We really did a number on the place... I feel kinda bad..." [Grey]

"Fufufu! It's good that we took photos beforehand, isn't it?" [Yuna]

"That's not what I meant, you know..." [Grey]

It has been several hours since Grey and Yuna started their dive and they are now in the 2nd deepest floor, the 9th. A hellish place which is filled with S-rank monstersー or at least, it was full of them.

It has only been a little over an hour since Grey and Yuna arrived and they already razed the place to the ground. It was a good thing that no one would be diving down so deep, or they would surely be in for a surprise.

"Ah! Grey! Look! There's something sparkly over there!" [Yuna]

In fact, it was so devastated, even the treasure rooms were destroyed by their crazed rampage, treasures lying all over the ground as they were forcibly taken out of their little rooms. Quite a few things sparkle here and there.

Moreover, since their attacks were so destructive, only those which are at least Peak-Tier Superior-Grade items survived. There were also a couple Legendary-Grades in the mix, all in all amounting to billions of kiels. They've become richer once again.

"Polaris, if you will." [Grey]

"Leave it to me, Master." [Polaris]

The massive dragon's eyes glowed sharp and bright and so did the treasures. They soon vanished from sight and when they reappeared, they were already gathered into a pile of shimmering items before Grey and Yuna.

"Ohh~! There are some good ones here, aren't there? Some are already enchanted too... This is quite a hood haul..." [Yuna]

"Well, I doubt we're going to use much of them anyway... They'll probably be gathering dust in the 'Inventory' like the others." [Grey]

"Grey, I can keep all the alchemy materials, right?" [Yuna]

"Yeah, you can keep them. We'll probably find more on the 10th floor." [Grey]

"Okay~! I'll ask for them once we get out of the Labyrinth." [Yuna]

A radiant smile floating on Yuna's face, Grey then waved his hand and stored all the items in his "Inventory", numbering a few dozen. It was their first batch of treasures in the Labyrinth of Stars, and it surely won't be the last.

But perhaps the most valuable treasure they've got is the sheer amount of powerful monsters they killed. With it, the familiars got even more nourishment not only to sate but also to grow themselves and become even stronger than before.

It was a little worrying about Procyon and Achernar at first since they were still the weakest at A-rank, but it was all for naught. The Labyrinth of Stars was the perfect place for them to train and hunt monsters.

Not only did Procyon get strengthened by the power up of all Light-attribute beings, Achernar could also deal increased damage because she uses dark-attribute magic which is the bane of light, and vice-versa. All she needs to do is not to get hit.

"Alright. Rest time's over. Let's head down the 10th floor!" [Grey]

"Un! Okay~!" [Yuna]

Their feet started moving once again and their footsteps resounded in the air. They were already at the edge of the 9th floor, so it only took them a couple more minutes to reach the final flight of stairs, eliminating a few more monsters while they're at it.

The party didn't waste any more time and made their descent, the familiars changing into smaller forms to fit in the stairs. They were not cut pups which looked harmless as can be, running around as they followed Grey and Yuna.

Like before, the stairs now also changed. It was much grander, pillars of white and gray erected all over the place, intricate carvings engaged on the walls and proper stairs made of marble. Rather than a Labyrinth, it was now a majestic settlement.

"Waah~! Amazing! It's even much prettier than the last one!" [Yuna]

"Master, Mistress, are we really in a Labyrinth?! It looks so different!" [Vega]

"Hmm. It truly is beautiful. As expected of the 10th floor." [Sirius]

It wasn't just beautiful, it was a masterful work of art. Unlike the previous floors which looked like ruins or abandoned towns, the 10th floor was a beautiful capital with water running down the fountains and trees growing by the sidewalk.

If it weren't for the fact that there weren't people present, one would instantly believe it was a beautiful and bustling city. A city with beautiful architecture and layout fitting for a fantasy world, not a single ruin to be seen.

There was a massive castle in the middle, a couple aztec-style white pyramids, over a thousand housing residences, a central plaza, outposts, gardens, and many more. It was a city through and through, not missing even a single little detail.

With the "starry sky" above them, it looked especially beautiful like a city deep in the night. It was a shame that it was inside the Labyrinth, otherwise it would have been a popular tourist destination, thousands of people heading in and out.

"Grey! Doesn't it look super beautiful?! It's like we're in a completely different world! It's an ancient capital!" [Yuna]

"Yeah, it really is beautiful, except... a certain something is ruining the view." [Grey]

"Ah... Right..." [Yuna]

Well, it wasn't only the beautiful scenery that greeted them warmly, but a monster as well, hovering freely in the air and only waiting for them to come out of the safe zone. Its eyes were glaring at them, ready to kill them the moment it got the chance.

It was a "Primal Gorgon" which stands at the pinnacle of the gorgon monster line. A Calamity-Class monster which wields the power of lightning and also petrifies those who happened to look it in the eyes. A truly troublesome enemy.

Moreover, its combat power stands at about 15,000. Though the others could win if they try their best, only two can actually deal with them with ease. They were none other than Grey and Polaris who were sitting at the same combat power range.

"Yuna, I know that we're here for training, but can you leave this one for us? I just need a little bit of a warm up before we start the real battle." [Grey]

"Hmm... Okay. I'll be cheering on you then. Good luck, Grey~!" [Yuna]

"Thanks. I'll wrap this up in a jiffy." [Grey]

Said Grey as he cracked his knuckles and rotated his shoulder blades. It has been quite some time since he used a considerable amount of power, and he was getting giddy with excitement, ready to thrash the opponent before him.

"Now then... Are you ready, Polaris?" [Grey]

"At your command, Master." [Polaris]

"Good! Then let's go!" [Grey]

There was not a single second to waste. As soon as Grey gave his signal, a platinum figure suddenly vanished into thin air, the moment he showed himself again, he was already behind the Primal Gorgon, a shining orb in his mouth.


The beam was shot and light swallowed the Labyrinth. The Primal Gorgon narrowly dodged the attack with its insane reflexes and speed, maneuvering itself with sharp turns in order to launch a counterattack towards Polaris.

It was smart, but not smart enough. While it was good to concentrate on Polaris, it had completely forgotten it had two opponents. He was rushing towards one of them with its halberd, whilst the other appeared by his side, ready to land a hit.

⟨⟨Howling Thunder!⟩⟩ [Grey]

A heavy storm rushed towards the Primal Gorgon's side and Grey's punch resounded loudly. It connected and two more strikes were dealt with his "Spectral Echoes", the opponent blasted towards the white pillars and loud crashes echoing in the air.

The opponent was about to get back up, when suddenly, it was greeted by Polaris' signature breath attack, pounding it with destructive force and forcing it to bend down. An ear-piercing bellow thundered all over the 10th floor.

It tried to block with its halberd, but it was futile. The moment it concentrated its eyes and defense against Polaris, Grey once again appeared behind it and and the winds started howling in rage, a whirlpool of mana concentrating on his fist.

⟨⟨Pinpoint Tempest: Deathpierce!⟩⟩ [Grey]

Grey's punch shot at breakneck speed and struck the Primal Gorgon's chest, boring a hole and boring two more the moment his "Spectral Echoes" were activated again. Blood started trickling down its body, dyeing its scales crimson red.


Shockwaves ruptured the place over and over again. With Grey and Polaris working hand in hand, the Primal Gorgon couldn't even have time to defend, getting struck by another enemy as soon as it focused on one of them, its bellows filling the air.

It tried to counter attack, but the moment it does, both Grey and Polaris rush towards it and deal a heavy blow from different angles. It was tossed back and forth like a ball, wounds appearing all over its body with the passing of time. It was an unfair fight.

The Primal Gorgon was blasted away once again and hatred raged deep inside its heart. Grey was about to rush towards him, when it suddenly discharged a massive amount of electricity, bolts of black lightning lashing out all throughout the 10th floor.

It didn't just stop there. As soon as it was done deterring their attacks, it shrieked and its eyes glowed even sharper, turning everything which looked at its eyes into stone statues. Such was the ability called "Stone Gaze".

"Do you really think that would work?!" [Grey]

However, it was futile. With Grey's innately high resistance and the help of the "Divine Amulet", petrification only slowed him down a little bit like paralysis. He easily broke through it using wind magic to augment his speed, rushing towards the enemy.

⟨⟨Phantom Caliber: Omega!⟩⟩ [Grey]

Grey's punch once again struck the Primal Gorgon, but rather than blast him away, massive amounts of impact ran all throughout its body, rupturing all its organs and destroying its natural flow of its body from the inside.

To make things worse, not only does Grey's "Divine Gauntlets" maintain the impact as it spreads, his "Spectral Echoes" also sent two more waves of impact, further damaging its insides and making it cough out copious amounts of blood.


The Primal Gorgon only holler in pain as its body was destroyed from the inside, its eyes red from bloodshot and irked veins popping out all over its body. It had lost all rationality, only instinct guiding it as it flashed out a counterattack.

It slashed and slashed some more without a single care in the world, rampaging like a brute whose brain was only there for aesthetic purposes. It was fast, but Grey was even faster than it, not even landing a single attack.

Grey didn't even have to use "Eyes of Destiny". The Primal Gorgon's pattern had become more predictable, Grey dodging them with ease and landing counterattacks one after another, hitting all the vital spots without a break.

Crackle Crackle Crackle BOOOOMMMMMM

Lightning aggressively lashed out once more and a resounding explosion danced in the air. Once the cloud of dust cleared, Grey was nowhere to be seen, the enraged gorgon turning its head left and right as it searched for the young man.

But rather than Grey, what it found was yet another deadly beam heading its way. Polaris was all the way in the back and launched out his signature breath once more, packing enough power to obliterate a town or two without any problems.

However, no matter how powerful the attack was, it was useless if it couldn't even hit. The Primal Gorgon maneuvered against it and evaded the attack with ease, bolting towards Polaris with its halberd extending out, ready to rip the dragon apart.

"You fell for it again, you fool!" [Grey]

Unfortunately for it, it was all but a trap, Grey appearing by its flank once again and drawing back his fist for another reckoning. The winds howled and bellowed. Soon, the bellowing cries of the Primal Gorgon resounded in the air.

⟨⟨Pinpoint Tempest: Deathpierce!⟩⟩ [Grey]

Grey's punch drilled on the Primal Gorgon's flank, creating three gaping holes in its body and blasting it towards the castle located as the centerpiece of the door. Pillars of dust rose towards the air, craters and holes appearing on the once beautiful castle.

Rage... Such was the only emotion which brewed in the Primal Gorgon's heart. Even though its whole body was screaming in pain, it decided to ignore it and continue to fight, lifting its body from the rubble and gripping its halberd tightlyー or so it did.

Before it could even stand, another orb of light shone before it. Polaris had teleported above it and was now preparing the final blow. It was a point-black range attack with no single way out. The battle has already been decided.

"This is the end! Perish and whiter away!" [Polaris]


Polaris' voice rang like under and a loud explosion followed after it. The whole castle was blasted to smithereens, debris flying out in all directions and a thick veil of dust engulfing the whole area as it collapsed with such grandeur.

The clouds of dust soon cleared out and peace returned to the place. The Primal Gorgon's hands fell to the ground without much resistance and its body started to glow. It turned back into mana, only leaving behind a handful of good drops.

Polaris changed his shape into that of a black panther and grabbed the drops, then leaping from building to building as he rushed towards Grey. His steps soon stopped and he landed on the ground with footsteps soft as can be.

"Here is the loot dropped by the Primal Gorgon, Master." [Polaris]

"Thanks, Polaris. That saves me a lot of trouble." [Grey]

"No problem, Master. It was my pleasure." [Polaris]

Grey received the items from Polaris and stored them into his "inventory" as usual. He then looked up towards the royal castle and watched the havoc that they brought forth the once beautiful centerpiece of the ancient city.

Well, it wasn't the city he was looking at, but the other monsters as well. With how loud and rowdy they were, they attracted quite the number of monsters, all gazing at them with eyes full of hostility and bloodlust, only lying in wait.

Other than them, another set of footsteps also echoed in the air. However, there was no need to be wary as it was his beloved, who, for whatever reason, was now puffing her cheeks and pouting as he approached Grey.

"Grey! I haven't taken a picture yet! Look! The city is now destroyed!" [Yuna]

It didn't take too long before the reason was revealed, and it was more trivial than one would expect. Grey had completely forgotten that they take photos every time they enter a new floor, and went ham. The city is now in ruins like the floors above.

"Sorry, sorry, I completely forgot. Don't worry, the structures would revert back to normal soon enough. You can take pictures then." [Grey]

"Oh, really?! How long would it take?!" [Yuna]

"Hmm... A couple of days... Probably..." [Grey]

Or so he says, but he was actually unsure how long it would take or whether it would even revert back while there are still people who are in the Labyrinth. All he knew was that it would put itself back together sooner or later.

Though... It didn't take Yuna long to figure out something was fishy. She puffed her cheeks once again, and clenched one of her hands to a fist. She then punched her fiancé ever so lightly on the side, letting out her frustration a little bit.

"Well, anyway, Grey... Which one should we take on? There are quite a lot of them so I would like to avoid fighting against multiple enemies if possible." [Yuna]

"Let's see... Other than the one from my left... Every single one of them is Calamity-Class. The weakest one would be the Blackheart Cyclops behind us and the Ogre of Massacre on the right." [Grey]

"Hmm... What do you think, everyone?" [Yuna]

Shenanigans aside, Grey and Yuna started deciding upon their next step. Their main goal is to become stronger, after all. It was best that they plan the most efficient way and avoid too many risks. "Safety" was still the number one priority.

Yuna and the familiars other than Polaris would be fighting in the 10th floor against Calamity-Class and the bottom of Disaster-Class monsters, whilst Grey and Polaris would be fighting the boss everyday.

It would normally be an impossible task, but with Grey's "Gate" and "Sanctuary", he could go in and out without needing to defeat the Boss. It was a crazy plan, but it was also the most effective one. A High-Risk, High-Reward strategy.

"Then, Yuna, I'll be going ahead now." [Grey]

"Please take care of yourself, Mistress." [Polaris]

"Un. Good luck, you two~!" [Yuna]

Grey soon took off with Polaris and waved his hands goodbye. Yuna sent him off with a soft and sweet smile on her face, waving her hand enthusiastically as she watched Grey's figure slowly vanish into the horizon.

To be honest, she was a little bit worriedー no, she was very worried, but she can't let her worries be shackles that weigh Grey down. She also needs to be stronger, both mentally and physically. She resolved herself with a heart of steel.

"Then, everyone. Let's get ourselves ready too, shall we?" [Yuna]

"We await your command, Mistress." [Sirius]

"Yes! We'll make sure to rip everything that stands in our way!" [Procyon]

"Rest assured, Mistress. We will do our best and live up to your expectations." [Rigel]

Moreover, she has their ever so supportive familiars with her. With them saying such words, there was no way she has the time to feel down. All she could do to repay them was try her best and make sure to not waste even a single second.

"Now then, who wants to come first?" [Yuna]

The atmosphere in the air completely changed and the monsters' eyes glowed a red color. The winds howled with piercing chills and ice devoured the ancient white ruins, painting them a deep blue color as Yuna's cold eyes glimmered sharply.

Her silver figure suddenly vanished into thin air and her daggers shone with delight. She brandished them towards the Ogre of Massacre and blood was spilled, trickling down the once white tiles and dyeing the place with terror.

Spears of ice darted in the air, and so did beams of light. Explosions dotted the place and shockwaves ripped the buildings to pieces, clouds of dust rising with every clash. The scene of the apocalypse played out once again.

⟨⟨Winter Gale's Parade!⟩⟩ [Yuna]


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