YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 333: Shenanigans in the Labyrinth


Loud thunders and tremors resounded all over the place, winds bellowing like crazy and pillars falling one after another. A scene of ruin and devastation played out, more than a dozen beings erased every second.

Two figures danced, winds and frost lashing out on the battlefield as they waved their hands. Many monsters rushed towards them, but they were all sent to oblivion, never to be seen again, fragments of light slowly fading away.

Beams of silver light bolted towards them, but they were all for naught. All it took was a single punch and they were dispersed like clouds of dust. They shattered like brittle fragments of glass, the ground razed by the passing pressure.

⟨⟨Icicle Shotgun!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

⟨⟨Gale Waltz⟩⟩ [Grey]

Two distinct voices rang out in the air, mana swirling around in less than a fraction of a second. On their palms formed icicles of blue and blades of white. They waved their hands once more, a volley of death rushing forth towards the enemies.

It was a merciless massacre, blades cutting down the golems and icicles boring holes though the high pixies. They all fell helpless to the ground, loud thuds resounding in the air. They turned into mana soon enough.

"Whew~! That was all off them, right, Grey?" [Yuna]

"Hmm... There are still more a few hundred meters away, but that's a problem for later. So yeah, that should be all of them." [Grey]

"Mmn~! Great! We could finally catch our breaths!" [Yuna]

Or so said the young lady, but there was no trace of exhaustion on her face nor her eyes. If anything, she was smiling ever so brightly, merrily humming to herself as she enjoyed a leisurely walk with her beloved.

It has been a couple of hours since Grey and Yuna dove down the Labyrinth of Stars, and after quite some battling and running, they are finally at the 5th floor.Both D and C rank monsters have started appearing all over the place.

And like the floors before them, the deeper they went, the more exquisite the ruins became. The 5th floor, for example, now looked like a ruined town with all sorts of structures popping out here and there. It was a great place for "sightseeing" as Yuna would describe it.

Even the zones in the Labyrinth were laid out differently. Rather than corridors, they are now divided into areas. Even if one can see them, as long as they're in another area, the monsters wouldn't be able to attack them. A great place for grinding.

"Alright, let's continue along, Yuna." [Grey]

"Eh?! We just arrived though?! Let's at least take a picture!" [Yuna]

"Haah... Alright. Just for a couple minutes." [Grey]

"Yaay~! That's my fiancé for you! You're so understanding!" [Yuna]

And like they did during the 2nd floor, Grey and Yuna have been taking stops from time to time to take some photos of the Labyrinth's ruins, the young lady especially enjoying it with a bright smile on her face.

Grey tried to stop her at first, but she continued sulking all throughout the floor, making a face which only pierced Grey's heart with guilt. He just gave up on the thought and decided to go along with her whims. It's what makes her happy, after all.

Snap Snap Snap Snap Snap

A snap here, a snap there, and flashes everywhere. Yuna took dozens of photos in a blink of an eye, her fingers pressing down the button like a rapid-firing machine gun. A smile bloomed on her face every time they took one.

Like a professional photographer, she then skimmed through the photos she took and inspected them closely. All were beautiful and lovely, making her very happy. Her ears were flapping excitedly as she did, eyes bright as can be.

"Grey, I know I'm being unreasonable right now..." [Yuna]

Out of the blue, said the young lady as she scrolled through their photos. She then looked at Grey with pure and innocent eyes, ears now drooping down as she hid behind the camera. She soon opened her mouth, continuing her statement.

"So, in exchange, I will make you the best dinner tonight... Is there anything you want to eat in particular?" [Yuna]

"Nothing really... I'm sure everything will be delicious." [Grey]

"Fufufu! Then I'll make sure to blow your mind away!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. I'm looking forward to it." [Grey]

It was no wonder Grey couldn't bear to hate her. With Yuna putting in that way, Grey could only smile and accept the young lady's proposal. He could only fall harder for her... Plus, she looked really cute. His heart skipped a beat.

After their little flirting session, Grey and Yuna continued on their way and traversed the Labyrinth of Stars once again. They bolted at breakneck speeds, leaving craters and clouds of dust on their wake.

Many monsters appeared before them, but with the gap of their power, it didn't even take them some effort to erase them from the world, a series of clinks and thuds echoing in the air as their drops fell towards the ground.


Some C-rank monsters appeared here and there, especially in the red and black zones. But as one would expect, they were all one-shotted by Grey and Yuna. It didn't matter how big or how fast they were. They were all destroyed to oblivion.

At some point in time, they stepped foot on a black zone and dozens of monsters spawned simultaneously. They all rushed towards Grey and Yuna with eyes full of fury and bloodlust, however...

⟨⟨Twin Spiral!⟩⟩ [Grey]

... It was all for naught. A pair of tornadoes rushed forth at Grey's command, debris blasted off towards all directions and the already ruined houses reduced to rubble. Not a single monster survived his attack, all returning to nothingness.

They continued on their way and reached the halfway point about 20 minutes after they started. They continued to tread along their way, when their footsteps suddenly stopped, silence swallowing the ruins whole.

"Grey, do you sense that?" [Yuna]

"Yeah, or rather... There's no way I would miss them." [Grey]

They are hard to spot first, but if one were to look closely, one would be able to notice the inconsistencies throughout the Labyrinth, monsters hiding stealthily and waiting to ambush all the unsuspecting prey that falls to their traps.

The monsters in hiding are called "Spectres", light-attribute monsters that specialize in hiding and ambushing their prey. They have the ability "Camouflage" which allows them to blend in with their surroundings and ambush their enemies once they are in range. A pretty nasty tactic.

Grey and Yuna have also encountered "Little Spectres" on e lower floors, but as their camouflage was not as good, it wasn't too hard to spot them. Even novices would be able to tell as long as they're careful and cautious.

Normally, spectres would be D-rank monsters, but since the Labyrinth of Stars boosts all light-attribute monsters, they are now at the bottom of C-rank. They could easily destroy boulders as if they were brittle chunks of glass.

"Hmm... What should we do with them..." [Yuna]

"Yuna, I know what you're thinking. This isn't a game, you know?" [Grey]

"Ehh... I haven't said anything yet... I just thought it looked like fun." [Yuna]

"Haah... I knew you were gonna say that..." [Grey]

However, such dangers only apply to normal people. To Grey and Yuna, they aren't even considered a threat in their eyes, but some toys to waste their spare time on. It seemed fun to spot them and play with them.

Their senses and their detection abilities were already off the charts so there was no risk for them even if they were to let their guard down. They could instantly react in an instant and obliterate them in a single moment.

"Please, Grey~! Just 10ー no, even five minutes is enough!" [Yuna]

"Yuna... Those five minutes are important, you know?" [Grey]

"B-But! We entered early, didn't we?! I'm sure 5 minutes would be fine! A-And, I'll make an extra dish for dinner if you want." [Yuna]

She was desperate, alright, throwing all sorts of conditions and freebies so that Grey would accept her request. She also wore adorable and expectant eyes, ones that she knew Grey wouldn't be able to resist. She has become a bit sly.

Grey didn't know whether he should laugh or cry, clearly spent on what he should do with her adorable yet mischievous fiancée. It wasn't like he doesn't understand her, also wanting to test out the limits of the specters.

"Haah... Suit yourself. And also, I want some pudding." [Grey]

"Eh? Is pudding really okay? You can request something more difficult, you know? Like cake or salad..." [Yuna]

"No, pudding is fine. I don't want to burden my fiancée too much." [Grey]

"Grey... You just don't want to waste more time and efficiency because of my baking, do you? I'm right, aren't I?" [Yuna]

There were no direct answers to Yuna's question, Grey only showing a vague smile on his face. He neither denied nor claimed that Yuna was right. But with such an expression on his face, it was clear as day which one it was.

After all, even with magic, baking would take several minutes unlike pudding which could easily be done in just a couple of minutes. That would also mean there would be less time for training. He was a demon through and through.

Well, it wasn't like it was the first time Grey hid some intentions behind his words, and Yuna had already gotten used to it. She could only puff her cheeks and pout as she punched Grey every so lightly on his side.

"Maybe yes, maybe no... Who knows?" [Grey]

"Mou... Grey, you meanie... I'm your fiancée, you know... Your fiancée..." [Yuna]

"And as my fiancée, I only want what is best for you. Let's do our best and get stronger, alright?" [Grey]

There was no use arguing any longer. With Grey as strict on training as he is, Yuna could only heave a lengthy sigh and give up on thinking too much about it. It was also fun fighting against strong enemies. She was quite the optimistic one.

"Then, please wait for me. I'll wrap it up in just a few moments." [Yuna]

"Alright. Good luck, My Dear. I'll be cheering on you." [Grey]

Yuna didn't waste time any longer. A smile bloomed on her face and she vanished in the air soon enough. There was no sound of footsteps nor were there any shadows to be seen, only silence enveloping the ruins of white.

The spectres were evidently shocked by Yuna's sudden disappearance, but they still managed to keep themselves calm and still. They all stared at Grey, waiting for him to make a move, lying in patiently like silent and observant predators.

Yet however much they waited, they gained nothing. Grey didn't make a single move and simply stared into the distance. He even took out a donut from his "Inventory" and enjoyed himself, munching through it with a smile on his face.

"The view must be great up here, no?" [Yuna]

It was all too sudden, the voice of a young elf echoing to their ears. Before one of the spectres could even react, a platinum dagger already struck its heart, a piercing and deafening shriek echoing in the Labyrinth soon after.

"Waah... That was so loud..." [Yuna]

The spectres were drawn in by the sound, their eyes latched on where one of their kin previously was. But rather than another spectre, all they saw was a silver-haired elf and fragments of light which were once their kin.

A sense of danger sent chills down their spines as they saw such a scene transpire, hatred and hostility blooming on their hearts as they watched their kin die. Not one of them looked at Grey anymore, all their hostility pointed at Yuna.

"That's one already... Several more to go. Fufufu!" [Yuna]

Eyes bloodshot from rage, the spectres all rushed towards Yuna, floating like ghosts with their garments fluttering in the air. Their claws extended towards the young lady, sharp as can be and ready to rip her to shreds the moment they reach her.

They swiped their hands and cut her in halfー or so it would seem. But the figure suddenly faded into thin air like a veil of mist. There was no collision nor substance, Yuna vanishing as if she was never there to begin with.

All were in panic as they searched around the place, eyes full of caution and sense sharpened to the extreme. They growled and bellowed with hatred, cutting down a handful of the already ruined structures as they searched for her.

"My, are you looking for me?" [Yuna]

They searched, and she appeared. Only that she was in a place she didn't expect her to be, her voice resounding from behind their backs. They immediately turned around but it was already too late. A silver glimmer gleamed in the air.

⟨⟨Sickle Claw!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

Yuna crossed her daggers and a cross of silver appeared out of thin air. They were silent but deadly, cutting the spectres into pieces in but a blink of an eye. Three more were wiped out of existence, turning back into mana as their drops fell to the ground.

Some tried to attack her whilst she was busy, but with a quick twist of her body, a lone dagger bolting towards its body. It connected without fail, and with an upward motion of her hand, Yuna cut the spectre vertically without a shred of mercy.

With that, a total of five spectres have been eliminated, only a little bit over a dozen remaining in the air. Yuna could easily wipe them out in a single strike, but she didn't choose to. After all, doing that would be no fun.

"Fufufu! Don't get too scared now, okay?" [Yuna]

She spun her daggers as she said her words, a bright smile on her face. She was adorable, but at the same time, very terrifying, sending shivers down to the rotten spines of the spectres as they watched her blue eyes glimmer under the stars.

The massacreー I mean, the battle continued and Yuna continued vanishing without a trace. Monsters knew not how to retreat and they just kept pouncing on Yuna every moment they got. They were all rushing towards their deaths.

One... Two... Three... Four... With every slash, another spectre left the world, only leaving a few drops behind along its mana crystals. Some more were attracted to the noise, but it only made things more exciting for the young lady.

"Really... That girl... This isn't a playground, you know..." [Grey]

Grey could only watch as his fiancée laid waste on the group of spectres, brandishing her daggers without mercy and cutting them down as if she was mowing down grass early in the morning. The cries of the spectres echoed in the Labyrinth.

As if to mock them, Yuna was also beating them in their own game. They tried to be stealthy, but now, it was them who needed to be careful and search for her, eyes filled with hatred as they rampaged. It was an interesting sight to say the least.

'Hm? Isn't that...' [Grey]

And just as Yuna continued her carnage, a sudden figure appeared on Grey's field of view. It was another one of the creatures the Labyrinth spawned, but it was his first time seeing it personally, just flying about a couple kilometers away.

A smile bloomed on his face as he decided to grab such a rare opportunity. Whilst his fiancée is having fun, who says he also couldn't do the same? It was the Labyrinth, after all. They could do anything they wanted to their heart's content.

"Yuna, I just saw something interesting. I'll be off for a bit." [Grey]

"Okay~! Good luck! Oh! And have fun!" [Yuna]

The young lady waved her hand and finished off another pair of spectres. Soon after, Grey took his first steps and thunder resounded all over the Labyrinth, not even a blur of him to be seen as he bolted towards the east at breakneck speed.

The distance spanned a couple of kilometers, but with wind magic giving him a boost, it only took him several seconds to bridge such a lengthy distance and arrive at his destination, a wonderful surprise greeting him as soon as he arrived.

A massive figure soared in the air, feathers white as snow and eyes shimmering like gold. Its wings spanned more than 5 meters and its claws sharp as daggers. It was a monsterー No, it was more appropriate to call it a demonic beast.

"Sweet~! I didn't think I'd get to encounter a demonic beast here. This must be my lucky day!" [Grey]

Like monsters, demonic beasts also spawn inside the Labyrinths. With it dropping a beast crystal, it is something many seek out to earn a fortune. A roaming treasure of sorts. Unfortunately, they are rare, getting even rarer as you go down the floors.

As Grey and Yuna always stay at the lowest floors of the Labyrinth, they have yet to encounter a demonic beast even though it was already their third Labyrinth. Well, up until now that is, as one was now flying above Grey.

"That's an Aethon... No, a Fallen Aethon." [Grey]

It was a D-rank, light-attribute beast which looks like a massive eagle. Though not even close to their familiars in terms of power, it could still be a handy familiar for their acquaintances. It is a must catch at all cost!

"Hmm... But who should we give it to... Hm?" [Grey]


Grey couldn't even finish what he was thinking when, suddenly, the fallen aethon hastily gathered a large amount of mana and concentrated it into a singular silver beam, firing it towards Grey's direction without wasting a single second.

A loud explosion echoed in the air and a crater was left on the ground. The smoke and dust soon cleared out, but there was not a trade of Grey to be seen. The aethon continued to hover in the air, its sharp eyes scouring the ground.

"Hey... Don't you know it's rude to interrupt someone while they're thinking?" [Grey]

It was very sudden, a voice echoing behind its back out of the blue. The young man suddenly reappeared before it could even sense his presence, one of his hands now drawn back and clenched into a fist, expression unfazed as can be,

⟨⟨Magnum Caliber⟩⟩ [Grey]

His indifferent voice echoed in the air and his punch connected towards the aethon's massive body. A shockwave resounded all over the place, the subtle sound of bones cracking and veins popping following suit after a large shock.

All it took was a single shot and the fallen aethon was struck towards the ground, it created a massive crater, debris flying off everywhere. Its flames of life ceased to burn and its blood dyed the white tiles red as it laid down motionlessly.

"Ah, crap... I totally overdid it..." [Grey]

Grey only acted out of reflex and he even used his weakest attack, yet he didn't think that the fallen aethon would die in an instant. Its body soon started to glow and orbs of silver and gold filled the air as it started to vanish.

Normally, demonic beasts would leave behind its body, but since it was created by the Labyrinth, it would disappear like the others the moment it is defeated. Only a hand-sized crystal was left behind... It was a beast crystal.

"Oh... It really dropped it... This isー" [Grey]

"Grey! I heard a large explosion so I hurried over. Did a strong monster appear here? Have you defeated it already?" [Yuna]

"Yeah, I did... Anyway, how was your hunt? Did you have fun?" [Grey]

"Un! I did! I hunted them all, easy-peasy!" [Yuna]

Declared the young lady with a bright smile on her face, puffing her chest with pride as she announced such words. She even brought a rare drop with her to prove her point, looking at Grey eyes full of expectations and enthusiasm.

She was the one who suggested it, and now, she wanted to be praised for doing a good job. She was his fiancée, but even Grey couldn't read what's going on in her mind sometimes. He could only pat her head to appease the young lady.

"Oh, by the way, Grey... Isn't that..." [Yuna]

"Yeah, it's a beast crystal. I defeated a fallen aethon just now, so I got one as a drop. Pretty neat, isn't it?" [Grey]

"Waah~! Does that mean we can summon another familiar?" [Yuna]

"Hmm.... I don't know..." [Grey]

If Grey and Yuna were to summon another familiar with the beast crystal, they would, without a shred of doubt, get another High Dragon. But rather than doing that, Grey felt conflicted and had other plans in mind.

Giving it as a gift to royalty or nobility in order to make them owe them a favor, giving it to someone they knew so that they can stay safe, or selling it in an auction house. There were endless possible options Grey could choose.

Well, no matter what it would be, it would surely benefit them. It wasn't as strong of a demon beast anyway, so it would be troublesome to raise it. Still, many would pine for a D-rank beast to be their familiar.

"And, we already have Procyon for light magic. Summoning this one might just cause us some problems, don't you think so too?" [Grey]

"Mmn... I guess you're right. So who should we give it to?" [Yuna]

"I'm still thinking, but... We should probably get rid of those guys first..." [Grey]

Guurrrukkkkk Whooonnnn Aiiieeeekkkkkkk

There wasn't just one nor two, but dozens upon dozens of monsters gathering around Grey and Yuna, some still rushing towards them with vigor with their weapons raised towards the air, shrieking loudly in the top of their lungs.

Yet Grey and Yuna remained unfazed, simply watching the curtains of dust rise as the enemies pounced towards them. They were excited, silver glimmers filling the air as they drew out their weapons once more.

"Shall we have a competition to see who gets the most kills?" [Yuna]

"Alright, you're on." [Grey]

The carnage continues...


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