YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 331: Lobster Risotto and Stuffed Peppers!

Roses, tulips, violets, orchids, and many more. The whole place was full of life and color, a sweet, aromatic scent drifting in the wind. The butterflies flapped their wings and the birds chirped atop the branches, tilting their heads from time to time.

Over yonder was a sight of blue, lily pads and algae floating on the water surface and reeds growing by the banks of the pond. Ripples appeared from time to time, the little fishes swimming about and the dragonflies bobbing up and down.

What a peaceful day it was... Yet, on that peaceful day, a certain princess' brows are knit tightly, puffing her cheeks ever so adorably with her annoyance brewing deep in her blue eyes. She only looked at the pond and played with the little furballs, ignoring everything else entirely.

"Lisa... Are you still mad over what happened yesterday?" [Lionel]

"My, I have no idea what you're talking about Elder Brother Lionelー Oops! I should call you Your Grace now, shouldn't I?" [Lisandra]

"Hey, Lisa... You didn't need to rub salt on my wounds..." [Lionel]

It is the day after the Carnival of Swords, and after yesterday's events, Lisandra was still sulking about Lionel keeping secrets from her. Not just any secret, but one which also happened to be the biggest scandal in Avalon as of the moment, now published in every newspaper.

Every person in the Royal Capital now knew of the previous Champion's secret, who was in actuality, the "sickly" prince who had been disguising himself. There wasn't really much backlash, but it was definitely shocking.

The most shocked was none other than the Royal Family, especially Lisandra. He had looked up to both Lionel and Deltran for such a long time, and to think they were the same person... It was as if her world suddenly crumbled.

"Lisa, won't you give this older brother of yours a chance? Please...?" [Lionel]

"Hmph! What kind of older brother lies about such an important matter?! And for such a long time as well! Why don't you go into the Grand Colosseum and flail your sword like you usually do!" [Lisandra]

"Lisa... That hurts, you know..." [Lionel]

"And you deserve it! Dummy!" [Lisandra]

Lionel has been trying to court Lisandra ever since yesterday, but his efforts were all in vain. The princess was still sulking quite profusely, not wanting to get involved with her older brother as of the moment.

The prince continued to court and apologize to her, and the princess continued to ignore his advances. Such a scene continued to unfold, two figures watching them from a little distance away, chuckling and giggling to themselves.

"Fufufu. It seems like Prince Lionel has met his match." [Yuna]

"Yuna, you should pay more attention to what you're cooking. Look, the onions are going to get burnt." [Grey]

"A-Ah! Y-You're right!" [Yuna]

It was already lunch time, and so, Grey and Yuna were now cooking some delicious dishes for lunch. A wonderful brew of aroma was floating adrift in the air, the peaceful melody in the background making the place more serene.

It was supposed to be a picnic date with just the two of them, but Lisandra suddenly started tailing them, and soon enough, so did Lionel. They couldn't even say no as neither of the two were willing to listen.

Thankfully, there were the familiars to entertain them. With them around, they could leave Lisandra and Lionel to them and simply go about their lovely picnic plans, now cooking lunch. Grey promised Yuna yesterday, after all.

As per usual, Grey took out their trusty portable kitchen once again, much to Lionel's surprise. Not that they really minded him, simply proceeding to cook as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Food was justice, after all.

"Grey, I'm done with the creamy beef and mushroom stew. I'll proceed with the stuffed peppers now, okay?" [Yuna]

"Sure. I'll make the Lobster Risotto then." [Grey]

Butter, garlic, paprika, thyme, chicken stock, shallots, lobster tails, white wine, cheese, spring onions, salt, pepper, and spices to season. Each ingredient was already prepared, sitting neatly atop the kitchen table.

First, Grey steamed the lobster tails for a couple minutes to ease the removal of shells. He then put them along the cutting board, and with swift movements of his hands, unveiled the juicy lobster meat, then removing it ever so gently.

In a saucepan, he poured in some water and added cloves of garlic and thyme in the mix. He let it simmer over medium heat before switching to low heat, then adding in some butter and whisking it gently, making sure it doesn't boil.

"And another one..." [Grey]

Grey kept adding more butter, whisking the mixture once more and until all the butter needed was used up. With a little bit of salt, pepper, and some spice action, he made sure that the mixture was just right.

Soon after, it was time to poach the butter. Grey spooning the butter mixture over it and stirring the lobster meat until the tails started curling up. He then took them out the pot and chopped them into big chunks, letting them rest afterwards.

Of course, he wasn't done yet. He also needed to make the butter topping, simply heating butter over medium heat then adding the lobster poached butter into the mix, stirring it gently before setting it aside for later use.

"Waah~! That smells nice! It makes me feel even hungrier..." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. Just a little more, Milady. I will be done before you know it." [Grey]

"Un! I'm looking forward to it!" [Yuna]

The young man proceeded with cooking, mixing both chicken and lobster stock, then adding atsuete leaves to make sure the broths mix well. He then added some garlic and paprika, heating it until it simmered. All that's left was the risotto.

Grey took out another pad and heated it over medium heat. He added some lobster poached butter and heated it before adding the shallots, salt to season. He sautéed them until the shallots softened considerably.

He continued to stir, adding the risotto, and stirring some more for a couple minutes until the rice was slightly toasted. He then added the stock from before and some of the white wine, stirring continuously over medium heat.

Time and time again, Grey continued adding stock and white wine, stirring it gently until the rice was cooked. A wonderful aroma filled the air as he added some lobster poached butter and grated cheese into the mix.

"Alright, that should be done..." [Grey]

The sound of knives chopping echoed in the air, lobster tails finely chopped one after another. Grey then added them to the risotto and stirred one final time, the sound of plates clattering followed soon after, his hands moving quick like lightning,

First came the risotto and then the big chunks of lobsters on top. A sprinkle of finely chopped spring onions, chives, and a little bit of salt followed it, and finally, there was the drizzle of the butter mixture, sour cream, and melted dish. A tasty masterpiece!

"Waah~! Yuna, can I have some of these? They look tasty!" [Lisandra]

"Fufufu! You'll have to wait a little bit more. I should be done soon enough." [Yuna]

"Yes! I can't wait! I'm sure they'll be delicious." [Lisandra]

Of course, while Grey was busy, so was Yuna. She had already made dozens upon dozens of stuffed bell peppers, laid out in trays and coming in different colors. Just in time, she is about to make another batch.

The peppers were already prepared and the oven was already heated, so all that was needed was to add the stuffings. A stuffing made of ground beef, chopped garlic and onions, tomato sauce, cheese, eggplants, and mushrooms. Salt to season.

In a frying pan, Yuna cooked the beet and onions over medium heat, sitting from time to time until the beef turned brown. She then added salt, garlic, tomato sauce, and all the other ingredients, cooking until hot.

"Lisa, do you want to help out? We just need to stuff the bell peppers." [Yuna]

"Yes! I would love to! That's easy!" [Lisandra]

"I would like to help as well. I just need to stuff them right?" [Lionel]

"Un... And oh, make sure to be careful. They're still hot, after all," [Yuna]

With Lisandra and Lionel to help her out, they then started stuffing the bell peppers, lining them up a tray and filling them until they were bursting full with goodness. The rest of the tomato sauce was poured over the peppers.

They were then covered tightly with foils, and put inside the oven to bake. A meaty and appetite-arousing aroma wafted through the air as the peppers were tender and ready to be served. A little sprinkle of grated cheese and the dish was done!

"Waah~! They look so good! We can eat them now, right?!" [Lisandra]

"Fufufu! That's right. We just need to set the table andー oh?" [Yuna]

"I already set it. You looked like you were having fun so I brought it upon myself to set it. The familiars also helped me out." [Grey]

They were all so focused on cooking that they didn't even hear a single sound coming from Grey. Before they knew it, the dining table was already tidied up, a number of delicious and exquisite dishes sitting atop the dining table, sparkling like stars.

Well, they weren't the only ones sparkling brightly. Just as Yuna tilted her head down a little bit, she was greeted by a display of sparkling eyes, nine cute furballs looking at her with beaming faces, clearly wanting to be praised. They were so adorable.

"Fufufu! So reliable~! Thank you, everyone. Thank you, Grey." [Yuna]

"You're welcome. Let's have lunch now, shall we?" [Grey]

The trays of stuffed peppers in their hands, everyone headed to the dining table and lined them up neatly with the other dishes. They were all wearing lovely smiles on their faces, clearly excited to have a taste of lunch.

A sky of blue reigning over them, a field of green as far as the eyes can see, all sorts of colors popping in and out and swaying along the fresh breeze, the subtle rustling of the leaves and the rippling of water echoing softly. What a peaceful and picturesque scene it was. A work of art.

""""Thank you for the meal!!""""

There was not a time to waste. Holding their spoons and forks, everyone then dug in and munched down on the tasty delights before them, explosions of flavor bursting forth in their mouths, warming up not only their stomachs but their hearts as well.

The risotto was creamy and cheesy, the lobster complimenting its mild taste with its juicy and tender meat. It has a little sourness in it as well, and if one were to add a bit of lemon juice, then it would surely add a bit of a zesty punch.

As for the stuffed bell peppers, it was all one could wish for. It was sweet and meaty, a little bit of spice from the pepper and spices. It was really tender as well, its meaty goodness melting in one's mouth. Dipping it in hot sauce also makes quite the twist.

"Mmn~! So good! I could keep on eating these all day!" [Lisandra]

"I totally agree. Not only are you good fighters, you cook well too,.. Is there even anything you're not capable of?" [Lionel]

"Hehe! Wait until you get a taste of their hot chocolate, Elder Brother Lionel! It will surely blow your mind!" [Lisandra]

"Oh~! I'm looking forward to that." [Lionel]

The dishes were so good, Lisandra had completely forgotten she was mad at Lionel, now talking to him cheerfully with a bright smile on her. She was acting like a spoiled child again in front of her beloved older brother.

Well, it didn't take long before she realized what she was doing, immediately hitting the brakes and puffing her cheeks again. She started ignoring Lionel again, stuffing her face with the dishes to hide her embarrassment. The tomboyish princess has a cute and adorable side as well.

『Master, Mistress, this is so delicious! Can I have more?!』 [Kentaurus]

『Me too! Me too! I want to eat more!』 [Vega]

『I... I as well... I would love to eat more, Master, Mistress...』 [Achernar]

Of course, the familiars also dined with them, happily enjoying their lunch with bright expressions on their faces, excitedly asking for seconds. They may have tiny bodies, but they sure can eat a lot. Like masters, like familiars.

The lunch continued and so did the happy chatter. It wasn't just the lobster risotto and the stuffed bell peppers that they enjoyed, but all the dishes as well. From the creamy beef and mushroom stew all the way to grilled tuna, they were all immaculate.

But perhaps the one they looked forward to the most was dessert. Grey and Yuna once again made the special fruity puddings from before and served them chilled. They were sweet and cold, the best that they came.

Lisandra was especially delighted, eyes shining bright as she picked which flavor she wanted to eat first. And take note, "first"... That only means she is planning on trying all of them, bracing her sweet tooth for the challenge.

"Mmn~! I knew it! You really do make the best sweets! What do you call these again... Pu... Pudd... Umm... Puddー" [Lisandra]

"It's pudding! Delicious, right~?!" [Yuna]

"Yes! Very delicious! Are you sure you don't want to be our royal chefs? We pay our people very handsomely, you know?" [Lisandra]

"No, no way... We don't want to be tied down like that, and even if we did... I'm sure we can make more money off adventuring. A single C-rank quest is worth about a hundred thousand kiels already." [Grey]

"A hundred thousand... What the hell..." [Lisandra]

It was a good effort, but Lisandra was quickly struck by the harshness of reality. Even she, as a princess, couldn't get such an astronomical sum by herself. Forget hiring them, meeting them was already fortunate. All she could do is give up.

"Still, even if we couldn't hire you, I'm sure it's alright to refer us to the suppliers of these ingredients, right?" [Lionel]

"By that, you mean rice?" [Grey]

"Yes. And if possible, the other ingredients as well. I'm sure I saw new things just now which aren't available in our market." [Lionel]

Lionel was totally right. Though Merusia is even richer in resources than Earth, many of these things go unnoticed, especially the ones used in the culinary field. There is just so much to see, that people often pass them by.

Thanks to Grey's efforts and knowledge, the production of rice, potatoes, and other crops have started to increase, but they are still only available in nearby villages and larger towns from Galderia. It is still a new industry in the making.

The approval and promotion of the Royal Family and other nobilities also prompted the growth in many crops, especially chocolate which are now expanding faster than ever, cocoa farms popping in and out as the market grows.

Still, even with how fast they are growing, it would take years before they reach other kingdoms and territories. Only the nobility and royalty would be able to procure them as luxury items, and still in small quantities at that.

"Well, I don't know how it will go, but I'll see what I can do. Though, we still have other plans so that might have to wait." [Grey]

"No, that's more than enough already... Then, that's a deal, right?" [Lionel]

"Yeah, it's a deal." [Grey]

There was no need to be discouraged. The more higher-ranking people are involved, the more information about it will spread, and in turn, the support would also start to pour in. The industry would only continue to grow.

Grey may not be a great merchant, but he knows a thing or two about how the market and economy works. The more help he could get, the better it would be for everyone. All for the sake of delicious food and enjoyment!

"Oh! Speaking of which... You mentioned that you have other plans... I assume this is about the Labyrinth, am I wrong?" [Lionel]

"No, you're right, Prince Lionel. Grey and I are planning to dive again. The Labyrinth of Stars would be our third after the Labyrinths of Death and Flames.." [Yuna]

"Yeah. It's one of the reasons why we came to Graystone." [Grey]

They may have been swept away by all the colosseums and the Carnival of Swords, but Grey and Yuna haven't forgotten about their original objective yet. They are going to challenge another Labyrinth and get stronger like they always do.

Now, because Yuna became the champion of the Carnival of Swords, other than the magic plant she wished for as a prize, they are also granted early access to dive in the Labyrinth of Stars, a bonus they didn't expect before.

It was also the reason why Lionel wanted to win the Carnival of Swords. He was still an adventurer, after all.... Although, unfortunately, he lost this time around, and so all he could do is wait and try again next time.

"The Labyrinth of Stars... I have never participated in a dive before... Is it really as dangerous as they say, Grey, Yuna?" [Lisandra]

"Not only is it dangerous, it is terrifying as well. You could lose your life with a single mistake. Not even veterans are safe." [Grey]

"Well, there's also treasures and valuable drops, so I think you could also say it's exciting. It's a high-risk, high-reward place." [Yuna]

"I see... So that's how it is..." [Lisandra]

Or so they say, but Grey and Yuna were the type to just enjoy the fighting and push themselves to their limits. Any normal person would have quit in the first couple of moments, but they live there for an entire month. They are crazy.

Even then, there was no need to mention that to Lisandra. Not only would it bend her values of safety and risk putting her to danger. Also, it would be very troublesome, so they just kept their mouths shut.

"Then, Lisa, why don't you dive in the Labyrinth too? It would serve as good training for you. It's a good place to earn some practical experience." [Grey]

"Un! I also think that's a good idea. You go all out without any worries!" [Yuna]

"Mmn... I want to, but... Didn't you just say it's dangerous? I doubt Father would allow it... He can be so stubborn and overprotective at times..." [Lisandra]

They were the ones to warn the princess, but now they are convincing her to go. It's not that they couldn't make their minds up, they just wanted the best for her, it was a once in a couple years opportunity, after all. Missing it would be such a shame.

"In that case... Why don't you dive with your older brother?" [Grey]

Everyone was in shock, their eyes shifting towards the man in question. He was just as shocked as Lisandra, not knowing whether he was just hearing things or not... He found out the answer soon enough.

"Huh...? Me? Are you talking about me?" [Lionel]

"Who else would I be talking about? And... You're also diving down the Labyrinth of stars, aren't you? Why don't you take Lisa with you?" [Grey]

"That does sound good... But Father, he... Hmm... I don't know..." [Lionel]

The prince was in on their idea, but the King was a different matter. Though he acts dignified and also rowdy at times, he's surprisingly doting to his children. Such was the reason why Lionel had to fake his identity in the first place.

Lionel really wanted to refuse, he really does, but beside him were a pair of blue orbs, sparkling every so brightly as they gazed at him. He wanted to ignore such eyes, but it was impossible. The more he hesitated, the more they sparkled brighter, boring a hole through his head.

"Haah... Alright, fine. I'll dive with you in the Labyrinth. Happy now?" [Lionel]

"Yaay~! You're the best, Elder Brother Lionel! I love you! I love you! I really, really love you so much~!" [Lisandra]

It didn't take too long before Lionel came to a decision, heaving quite a lengthy sight of exasperation as he gave in to his younger sister's demand. He was not a match to his bright and sparkly puppy eyes. It was his defeat.

Though, it was also thanks to his decision that Lisandra seemingly looks like she had forgiven him. He sighed once more, a soft and subtle smile painted on his face soon after. He could only thank Grey and Yuna for their help.

"Lisa, I know I already agreed to go with you, but you need to abide by my conditions. Your safety is still the utmost important, understood?" [Lionel]

"Y-Yes! I understand! I will be in your care, Elder Brother!" [Lisandra]

"Good. And I'll say this right now, but if even one of these rules are broken, we would immediately return to the surface. Do I make myself clear?" [Lionel]

"Yes! Loud and clear, Elder Brother!" [Lisandra]

They were like a military officer and his subordinate, the latter responding with vigor all the while her eyes remained sparkling. They soon decided to settle the rules and made compromises with one another. Their list of rules, sort of...

Meanwhile, Grey and Yuna only continued eating their lunch, happily munching down on them with smiles on their faces. They also gave the familiars more treats, simply enjoying their free time like that. Time continued to fly.

"Now... All that's left is to convince Father..." [Lionel]

The prince said with a calm voice, but his expressions begged to differ. He just had a fight with the King the day before, and now, it seems like he's up for another one. It just never ends. It was the hardest part.

"Haah... This is going to take a while..." [Lionel]

"Yeah, good luck with that," [Grey]

"Here, Prince Lionel, have more stuffed bell peppers." [Yuna]

"Ah... Thank you..." [Lionel]


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