YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 330: And the Winner is…!

Turmoil and chaos brewed in the air, confusion and shock adrift amongst the crowd as the clouds continued to cruise along the ever so blue sky. It was lively day, the deafening cheers now turned into mutters and chatters.

Gossip spread like wildfire and the flames of turbulence were lit ablaze, boisterous and irritable voices running rampant all over the Grand Colosseum. All other noises were drowned out by such a disturbance, the clashing of swords ceasing to echo.

Amongst the dozens of thousands of audience, a certain chamber was struck even harder, eyes widened in shock and their mouths hanging in agape as they watched the scarlet-haired man standing in the arena. They knew him far too well.

"I... It... It can be... Isn't that... Lionel...?" [Miranda]

"E-Elder Brother Lionel?! What is he doing on stage?? Isn't he sick?!"

"Has Lord Deltran been fooling us all this time...?"

They were all greatly distraught, watching the man as their hearts were ravaged by a confusing swirl of emotion. The man they thought was so sick he couldn't even go outside was now standing before them with a sword in his hands.

Each and every one of them were worried about him, and to think he was perfectly fineー no, to think that he was even a master of swordsmanship who surpassed the best swordsmen of the Kingdom, they couldn't be any less shocked.

The King was especially troubled, anger, frustration, and confusion brewing in his heart. He was happy that his son was healthy, but also irritated that he hid such a vital fact from them. He felt played like a fool.


"Lionel! You bastard of a son! What are you doing here?!" [Archen]

Filled with rage, the King slammed his hand onto the table, blasting it to smithereens and pulverizing it into pieces. He couldn't control his anger any more, not showing his usual dignity and majesty as he cursed his son in front of everyone.

"You unfilial bastard! We have been worried about you for all these years and to think you were out here playing with your sword! I will make sure to teach you a lesson you wouldn't forget! Just you wait until we get back to the Royal Castle! I'll make sure to really cripple you with my sword!" [Archen]

Well, rather than rage... It was more like an angry father nagging his child. He was so angry, his manner of speaking has become crude and rough, not even minding the populace as he made such a loud and attention-grabbing racket.

His rowdy ruckus was so loud, the people couldn't help but overhear from him. It took them a while to make out what he was saying at first, but when they did, commotion struck the crowd once again, even louder than before.

"D-Did His Majesty just say the Champion is his son...?"

"I heard that too, and if it's Lionel we're talking about... Isn't that the sickly prince?!"

"The sickly prince? No way... It can't be true, right? Just which part of him is sickly?!"

The rumors spread far and wide all throughout the seating areas and before long, everybody was already talking about Deltranー no, about Lionel, the "sickly prince" who suddenly appeared before. All eyes glancing at him from time to time.

Two figures watched such a scenery unfold, standing still in silence and unable to utter a single word. It surely was a sight to see, but they didn't know whether they should be amazed or be burdened by it, soon looking at one another awkwardly.

One was the sickly prince who was the root of trouble in the Grand Colosseum, and the other was the one who broke the ring and let all chaos loose. They were both to blame, smiles strained and wry as they scratched their heads and cheeks

"Haha... This is even more troublesome than I thought..." [Lionel]

"Sorry about that, Lionel... I didn't think I'd actually break your ring... That must have been quite precious, wasn't it?" [Grey]

"Don't worry too much about it. It was about time for it to break anyway. No, actually, it lasted longer than I even thought it would..." [Lionel]

The prince was right. Though it was Grey who dealt the final blow, the ring has been starting to wear down after about decade's worth of use. It was just a Superior-Grade item, after all. It would be breaking down eventually.

Even then, Lionel couldn't help but look at the ring one final time before picking up the pieces and fragments and storing it into his storage ring. There was a look of longing and dejection in his eyes, saying his goodbyes to his longtime companion.

With his identity now revealed, Lionel could only move forward. He once again picked up his sword and gripped it tightly. His eyes gleamed sharp and his guard was raised. A smile filled with excitement bloomed on his face as he faced Grey.

"Well, with that, there's no need to hold ourselves back any longer... Let's continue the duel, shall we?" [Lionel]

"I was just thinking the same thing." [Grey]

There was no need to hesitate any longer. Lionel's identity may have been revealed, but it doesn't change the fact that they still have a match to settle. The furious winds blew and a storm of mana rocked the ground once again, a resounding bang boomed all over the Grand Colosseum as they clashed once again.


Two figures flashed like lightning and filled the area with life and colors, a chaotic yet strangely harmonious symphony playing in the air. Grey and Lionel's swords clashed and sparks exploded like fireworks, heavy gales sweeping the ground.

The Grand Colosseum which was once covered in chaotic chatter was now drowned out by the sound of clashing swords and rupturing shockwaves. All eyes were on the stage, people only able to sit in silence as they watched the fight unfold.

"I-It seems the fight is still far from over, folks! Even with the scandal revealed just now, Their Highnesses had resumed their fight and clashed once again!" [Konan]

"They aren't the slightest bit bothered by the sight, unbothered by everyone at all! Lord Grey and Lord Delー I mean, Prince Lionel are continuing the match! What do you think about the situation, Partner?!" [Terry]

"If you're talking about the scandal, then I'm afraid I can't answer, but...! If we're talking about the duel, then there is no need for words! It's amazing!" [Konan]

The once noisy crowd has now gone silent, listening to the sound of crossing swords and watching attentively as the shockwaves rang out all over the place. They'd totally forgotten about what they were talking about, eyes enticed by the beauty of the duel,

Soon, a clap resounded in the air, followed by the cheers of dozens and the squeals of hundreds. Thousands upon thousands clamored in excitement, the audience now even more rowdy and lively than they once were, raising their fists towards the air.

Meanwhile, Grey and Lionel continued exchanging blows. Grey with his heavy and rapid blows and Lionel with his precise and smooth strikes. Two varying styles, yet dancing in harmony, none superior or inferior to the other.

⟨⟨Blitz Symphony!⟩⟩ [Grey]

⟨⟨Bladed Tempest!⟩⟩ [Lionel]

Grey fired strike after strike, after strike in rapid succession, his blades riding along the winds and attacking from all directions, rushing towards Lionel's feisty tornado of blades and piece to break through using the smallest of gaps.

The match was equal, both Grey's offense and Lionel's defense not letting up as they continued to brandish their swords. If anything were to be caught between their strife, they would surely be torn to pieces and be sent to oblivion.

'Just a little more... And... There...!" [Grey]

A sudden glint shone in Grey's eyes and he halted his strikes. He burst forth with the sound of thunder, leaving deep craters on the ground at his wake. He rushed forth like a bullet, bolting towards Lionel's deadly tornado of blades and destruction.

It was as if time suddenly slowed down, the lashing tornado now revealed for what it truly was behind its sheen. Grey's eyes glowed like the starry night, pulling his sword back as he saw a tiny gap in Lionel's defense. It's tiny, but it was more than enough 

⟨⟨Point Blank: Gale Pierce!⟩⟩ [Grey]

The winds howled and gathered at the tip of his sword and he thrusted it with all his might. The bellowing and screeching of the gales followed, a sharp and destructive gale rushing forth towards Lionel. The sound of cracking glass soon followed.

It was a fierce clash, a number of shockwaves resounding in the air. But Grey has the upper hand, his attack striking where it hurts and breaking Lionel's relentless array of swords. Cracks soon started to appear, the whole sword art broken soon after,

Lionel's attack was stopped and he received a slight backlash. Yet Grey continued to rush towards him at breakneck speeds. The ground quaked once more as he planted his foot, debris flying in the air as he raised his sword, aiming for the former's head.

⟨⟨Cleaving Crescent!⟩⟩ [Grey]

It was a massive swing, deserving of its name as it cleaved everything in front of it. Lionel just barely dodged, just the shockwave of the slash still grazed him, blood trickling down his cheeks as a small wound opened up.

However, there was no time to rest. As soon as he regained his balance, Grey once again launched another aggressive slash, the sound of metal clangs filling the air as his sword parried the latter's, the winds lashing out soon after.


It was yet another ferocious exchange, yet the longer they clashed, the more evident and overwhelming the clashes became. Lionel could barely believe his eyes, but he needed to face the truth. A wry smile sprouted on his face.

'Grey... This kid…! He's improving as we clash...!' [Lionel]

He wasn't just improving, he was improving at a rapid rate. Every strike they dealt was recorded into Grey's mind and processed into something useless, augmenting his skills and deepening his understanding with the passing of time.

The smoothness of the flow of his strikes, the unpredictability of his actions, the right balance between weights and speed, the chaining of combos, and many more. All were soaring into an astonishing degree which would make geniuses go pale.

Grey couldn't improve much before his skills in swordsmanship was better than all his opponents, but now that he was fighting someone better than him, his skills only improved by bounds and leaps, numbers soaring to an all time high.

"Don't get too conceited...!" [Lionel]

Lionel cried and the ground quaked. Not just one or two, but dozens upon dozens of boulders started hurling in the air and spinning at unimaginable speed. Clouds of dust enveloped the stage, the boulders soon turning into earthen swords.

Such swords flew at insane speeds, all bolting towards Grey as if they had lives of their own. Lionel was simply controlling them via "Telekinesis", but it was as if Grey was fighting against dozens of swordsmen, each skilled as they come.

⟨⟨Deep Earth Rhapsody!⟩⟩ [Lionel]

The swords rallied and the swords darted. A downpour of blades rained upon Grey, heavy and fast as can be. Hundreds of clashes occurred in a single moment, and hundreds more followed in the next, the rhythm intensifying as they went.

Of course, with Grey's cheats, there weren't many problems to think about. He simply brandished his sword to block and parry, dodging the rest with magic by his side. His footwork was unmatched, defending against the most difficult of strikes with ease.

However, Lionel didn't just rest whilst he coordinated the swords. Seeing how occupied Grey was, he bolted towards his "blind spot" and raised his sword towards the sky. A fierce glint shimmered in his eyes and he twisted his body.

⟨⟨Thousand Blades Spiral!⟩⟩ [Lionel]

The prince lashed out once more, a thousand slashes raining down on the stage and ripping everything apart. The already tattered arena felt his wrath once more, now becoming a sea of dust as the storm of ruin brewed even more aggressively,

A thousand slashes using a hundred earthen swords. It was Lionel's strongest attack yet, his blades slashing through with everything they've got. Even with all his cheats, Grey's opponent found it very hard to defend against such a force, some passing through his defense every once in a while.

The storm passed and all that was left was destruction, a deep crater carving deep into the ground more than five meters deep. Still, two figures remained standing in such a ruinous landscape, their heads held high.

"Haha... You really are one hell of a monster..." [Lionel]

"No, not really... You managed to wound me, didn't you? Four of them at that... That's not an easy feat..." [Grey]

It might look like a small amount to others, but those who have fought against Grey would know how much of an achievement it was. It has been a long time since Grey had received such wounds, and it was something to be proud of.

"Haha... I will gladly take that as a compliment then... Still, are you really fine on continuing like this, Grey?" [Lionel]

"Hm? What do you mean?" [Grey]

"Don't act dumb. I know you still aren't using your full strength. I want you to fight me with everything you've got. Or... Are you looking down on me, Grey?" [Lionel]

Lionel's eyes shone with dismay as he looked at Grey, shaking the young man ever so slightly. He never intended to do so, nor did he want for it to come about in such a way. Still, he could understand where the prince was coming from.

Sure, Grey had used his abilities and also different kinds of magic, and even under the limitations of the barrier, he showed an amazing performance. Still, he himself wouldn't say he was doing his best. He was still fighting half-heartedly.

"You're right... Sorry about that... I'll be facing you seriously now." [Grey]

"Great. That's more like it." [Lionel]

The atmosphere in the stage suddenly changed and tension increased multiple folds. As silence swallowed the arena, Grey's sword shone bright as it disappeared into nothingness, leaving only fragments of broken light behind.

"Something big seems to be happening folks! Lord Grey suddenly unequipped his sword... Is he perhaps going to surrender?" [Terry]

"N-N-No! That's not it, Partner! L-Look carefully at his hands, folks! He's... He's equipping… gauntlets!?" [Konan]

Everyone was in shock by the sudden changes of equipment, the whole colosseum thrust into utter chaos once more as they watched such a scene unfold. Not even Yuna expected Grey's action, eyes now wide open in shock.

Grey was a brawler, after all. And as a brawler, there was only one way of fighting... To crush enemies with your fist and engage in close quarters combat. To land a fury of rapid and deadly blows. A smile was afloat on his face.

"Lionel, you better have prepared yourself. I'll make sure to engrave in your soul what it means to be a warrior. Make sure to remember it." [Grey]

"Hahaha. That's quite the big mouth you have there, Grey. Are you sure you won't be the one regretting it?" [Lionel]

"Well, let's see about... That!" [Grey]

Lionel couldn't even respond, Grey vanishing before his very eyes. The moment he reappeared, he was already in front of him, his right fist drawn back and concentrated with power. Power was soon unleashed as he struck Lionel with haste.


'Keuk...! Heavy...!' [Lionel]

The moment Grey's strike connected towards Lionel, a hollering shockwave echoed all over the place. The winds lashed out and the ground gave in from the sheer force behind it, Lionel's forced to kneel on the ground. It was a perfect hit!

And there wasn't just one, but three howling strikes echoing over and over again, the Prince bearing all their weights without a break. Each echo dented the ground even more, Lionel spitting some blood as his whole body screeched in pain.

It was still the first strike yet Lionel was already on his knees, his whole body numb and trembling as he held on. It was only then that Lionel realized what mistake he made. He challenged a true monster.

"Oh? You survived that? Then, let's try this one for size..." [Grey]

The prince has yet to recover yet Grey was raring to go once again. A storm of mana gathered on his fist, swirling more and more violently, even the clouds of dust got sucked in like a vortex. Another hurricane was unleashed yet again.

⟨⟨Howling Thunder!⟩⟩ [Grey]

Lionel tried to block Grey's strike, but it was all for naught. The moment Grey's punch connected, a resounding explosion erupted in the Ground Colosseum, sending heavy tremors all over the Royal Capital, the people feeling the quake.

The arena was the most affected, large boulders flung towards the air as ground shook, everything crushed into oblivion. Even the barrier was not safe, small cracks appearing all over it. A little more and it would have shattered like brittle grass.

The clouds of dust cleared and the pillars of smoke continued to rise. For the first time since their duel started, only one figure remained standing on the stage, the other now kneeling on the ground, barely resisting with his now shattered sword.

"Haha... How powerful... Is this your full power, Grey...?" [Lionel]

There was no direct answer, only a deafening silence looming over the arena as dust slowly started to settle down. It didn't take too long before Lionel understood the deal with his silence, a bitter smile blooming on his face.

"I see... So I'm still far away from the pinnacle, huh..." [Lionel]

The Prince's voice slowly faded away along with his consciousness and a subtle thud echoed in the air as he fell towards the ground, vision now engulfed by darkness and mind not in black out. The match has finally reached its conclusion.

"The match is now over! Gladiator Grey overturned the match with a single strike and defeated the reigning champion! A first in three years!" [Konan]

"Woohoo!! That was an amazing match!"

"It's my first time seeing a brawler fight! I didn't think they're so powerful!"

"As expected of the Hero! So this is his full power!"

A warm reception was received by Grey as the crowd sang praises of his name. They were all full of smiles as they talked about the battle, some imitating his punches as they tried to recreate what just happened. There was celebration everywhere.

Yet, there was something strange. Despite the commentators announcing Lionel's defeat, they didn't directly announce Grey's victory either. The commentators only discussed with one another, only opening their mouths as they reached a conclusion.

"This is the first time this has happened, and so, following Gladiator Deltran, Prince Lionel's, defeat, the winner is... Her Highness! Gladiator Yuna!" [Konan]


"With both Gladiator Grey and Gladiator Lionel out of the competition, Gladiator Yuna wins by default and takes home the crown!" [Konan]

"Her Highness wins the Carnival of Swords's Senior Division! A new champion is born! Give her a merry round of applause!" [Terry]


A shock, and a second shock. Such was what rocked the Grand Colosseum as soon as the commentators released their statements. It was the most chaotic Carnival of Swords there ever has been, the crowd in an uproar once again.

Apparently, both Grey and Lionel have been disqualified from the Carnival of Swords. The latter because he faked his identity, and the former because he used a weapon other than a sword. Both rules have been briefed on them since the first day.

"Haha... Looks like it's a tie, after all, Lionel..." [Grey]

It was a shame, but there was nothing they could do about it. With the rules fair as they are, it would only be foolish to complain about the Grand Colosseum's decision. It is their fault in the first place, so it only makes sense that they take responsibility.

Still, Grey couldn't help but feel guilty about it. A certain young lady popped up in his mind along with a certain promise. It was only then that he realized how much he messed up, a sneaking gaze peering at him from the waiting areas.

『Uuu... Grey, you dummy!!』 [Yuna]

A resounding voice, upset and sulky, rang inside his mind and his eardrums almost exploded. It was the voice of his beloved fiancée who was now on the verge of tears, especially upset that he broke their promise.

The young lady has been looking forward to their match in the Grand Finals, but now, it has become all but a far-fetched dream. Grey could already imagine the trouble up ahead of him, Yuna pouting all day as she puffs her cheeks. Adorable yet troubling.

Just like that, the day continued to pass and the champions of all the divisions rose victorious. Since both Grey and Lionel had been disqualified, Lionel rose to the ranks of the runner-up, 2nd again this year.

"Here you go, Lady Yuna. Congratulations for winning the Carnival of Swords. May the sword guide and bless you on your path to greatness." [Archen]

"I am forever grateful, Your Majesty." [Yuna]

The awarding ceremony for the champions proceeded smoothly, and despite how upset she was, Yuna still accepted the trophy and rewards with a smile on her face, quite different from the pouting and sulking mess she once was.

After the Carnival of Swords, another party was held in the Royal Castle and things were lavish as ever, the venue and food grandiose as they come, people merrily chatting over what just happened over the Carnival of Swords.

If there was anything different, it was that it was more lively. First, it was lively due to the success of the event and how exciting it was. Second, because of the fresh twist the newly introduced division system. And third, because....

"Come back here, Lionel! Draw your sword if you're a man! You were the previous champion, weren't you?! Hurry up and fight me!" [Archen]

"Father, I already said I'm sorry! Forgive me already!" [Lionel]

"Hah! If you can talk, then talk with your sword! I will only accept your apology then!" [Archen]

A certain King was chasing a certain Prince all over the Grand Hall, brandishing his sword with the intent of teaching his son a lesson. He wasn't even drunk, he just wanted to pummel his child and scold him for once. It was a sight to behold.

"Haha... They sure are lively, aren't they, Yuna?" [Grey]

Grey asked, but there was no response to be heard. The person in question simply turned her head away when Grey looked at her, drinking her glass of orange juice in silence. She was clearly still pouting, puffing her cheeks cutely.

"Yuna... Are you still upset about our promise?" [Grey]

"Hmph! Figure it out yourself, Dummy!" [Yuna]

The night drags on...


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