YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 15: Emergency!

A few days have passed since Grey and Yuna had their first quest, and currently, the two are treading in a forest in order to fulfill another one of their quests. The last quest they needed in order to take a rank-up exam.

If it weren't for the lack of high-difficulty quests, they could have ranked up much sooner. It was unfortunate but there was nothing they could do about it.

And unlike their usual days, Grey and Yuna only took one quest for the day. It was so that they could finish earlier as Grey had promised to cook Yuna a delicious dish after their promotion to E-rank.

"Ah! I've found it. It's 300 meters northeast." [Grey]

The contents of their current quest was simple, it was to hunt a red-eyed boar which is roaming about in the forest. A beast Null-attributed beast which attacks by charging recklessly towards its enemies.

Although the quest provided a lot of points, the real reason why Grey and Yuna picked the quest was because... the boar's meat was exquisite! It was the meat Grey will use for their little celebration.

When the two arrived at the location, what greeted them was a large boar which easily exceeded 1.5 meters in height, it was even bigger than a regular bear. It was ramming a tree in hopes that the fruits would fall to the ground.

"Yuna, I'll leave this to you." [Grey]

"Un!" [Yuna]

Without wasting a breath, Yuna vanished from the forest as if she was never there to begin with.

With her "Nihility", she snuck up on the red-eyed boar, and when it lowered down its head to eat the fallen fruits, Yuna quickly appeared from behind and swung her dagger down its neck.

⟨⟨Swift Guillotine!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

Before it even noticed, its head was already cut cleanly. Blood gushed out of the red-eyed boar's neck like a fountain, and shortly after, its massive body fell to the ground, making a loud thud.

Witnessing the scene before him, Grey once again realized how terrifying Yuna's ability was. If it weren't for his "Divine Eye", even he could not dodge an attack which was concealed both physically and magically.

"Grey!" [Yuna]

"Coming!" [Grey]

With the boar down for the count, Grey rushed towards it and quickly dismantled it, leaving only its tusks which will serve as its proof of subjugation.

Unlike monsters, beasts are simply animals which can utilize the mana inside their bodies and use magic. This means the moment they are defeated, they will leave their corpse behind. There also wouldn't be any mana crystals dropped as they are real living things.

What would normally take quite some time was sped up with the help of magic. The boar was now quickly dismantled, and its unusable parts were disposed of by burying it into the ground, preventing other beasts from gathering.

As for the tusks, bones, meat, pelt, and edible innards were stored cleanly inside Grey's "Inventory". Grey has already started planning what dishes to cook now that they have acquired the meat.

"Yuna, would you like grilled, fried, braised, or stewed pork?" [Grey]

"I want all of them!" [Yuna]

"Eh~? Would we even be able to finish it?" [Grey]

"Then let's eat with Helen and her parents! That way no food will be wasted." [Yuna]

Yuna said enthusiastically, making Grey chuckle with how eager she was. It seems like food is one of the things where the usually meek Yuna becomes energetic.

With that, Grey and Yuna had completed their quota and the two started to return back to the guild. By the time they returned, it was almost time for lunch already.

The moment the two entered the guild, there were less adventurers than usual. It was because adventurers usually return in the afternoon after completing their quests. The only ones remaining were those who had completed theirs or didn't accept any quest.

"Oh, it seems like you're back already," [Tilda]

"We only took one quest after all." [Grey]

"I see... Then, let's process it quickly so we can all have our lunch early." [Tilda]

As the days passed, Tilda had already gotten used to Grey and Yuna's abnormally fast completion of the quest. By now, she had already accepted it as a part of her normal life.

"Then, Yuna. I'll leave it to you, I'll be going to the cold storage to sell the things we don't need." [Grey]

"Un, take care." [Yuna]

After handing the tusks of the red-eyed board to Yuna, Grey then left the guild using the side entrance and headed to the cold storage at the back of the guild.

Normally, only employees could enter the cold storage, but after the Guildmaster gave the two permission, they were allowed to head in and out as they pleased. A privilege only Kris and Aria have besides them.

While some view it as favoritism from the Guildmaster, the real reason was Grey's actions. On the second day, he almost brought out a large carcass on top of the counters. It was the carcass of a beast which Grey knew wasn't delicious so he didn't bother dismantling it.

Starting that day, Grey had always headed towards the cold storage every time he wanted to sell off a beast of animal parts which still needed some treatment. He also got acquainted with the workers there because of it.

"Oh, lad, you're quite early today." [Bartolos]

Seeing Grey walk inside the cold storage, a middle-aged man quickly greeted him as soon as he saw him.

The man in question was the head dismantler in the guild. His name was Bartolos and was put in charge by the Guildmaster to handle whatever Grey and Yuna had to offer.

"Ah, yeah. We only took one quest so we finished early." [Grey]

"I see, I see. Then, what do you have to offer for today?" [Bartolos]

"Nothing much, just some bones, pelts, and innards from a red-eyed boar." [Grey]

While he was speaking, Grey brought out the said materials into the large table and Bartolos quickly appraised them as soon as he saw them.

"You don't have any meat?" [Bartolos]

"Well, I only got enough for consumption. After all, it will only spoil inside the storage ring even if I get too much." [Grey]

That was a lie.

Whenever Grey brings out things from his "Inventory", he always tells people it was from a storage ring which was his village's heirloom. A believable reason which no person was suspicious of so far.

But unlike "Inventory", storage rings have limits and only slows down time rather than stops it. It means that even if you store meat in there, it will still spoil after some time has passed.

Of course, Grey had been mindful of how many things he brings out the "Inventory", as it would be suspicious if the limit of the storage ring suddenly got larger. After all, he only said that it can only store up to 5 cubic meters of space.

"Such a shame. Even the meat from the carcasses you brought the other day are almost decaying. Thankfully, it wasn't a delicacy, otherwise it would really be such a waste of good meat." [Bartolos]

"Yeah, it really is unfortunate." [Grey]

But even if he knew it was all to hide his abilities, lying straight to face still didn't feel good. It only made Grey feel guilty towards the people he is lying to.

"So, how much will these fetch?" [Grey]

"Wait a minute, let's see..." [Bartolos]

Hearing Grey's words, Bartolos quickly examined the products while mumbling to himself the things he was taking note of. It didn't take long before the total price was decided.

"I'd say 1,800 kiels for all of these. If you had any meat, it would have fetched quite a hefty sum." [Bartolos]

"1,800... I'll take it," [Grey]

Ignoring the latter part of Bartolos' remarks, Grey quickly agreed to the price Bartolos offered, not using "Judgement" to check whether Bartolos was lying or not.

With the days Grey had sold things in the guild, he already knew that the guild always offers a fair price. After all, for such a big organization, losing its customers' trust for a small profit was nothing but a foolish move.

"Grey, are you done?" [Yuna]

Just about the time Grey and Bartolos finished with the transaction, Yuna's voice echoed from outside the cold storage. It seemed like she had also finished with her side.

Without much thought, Yuna also entered the cold storage like Grey before her, and as she went inside the workers shortly stopped with their work to greet her. She had also become acquainted with them like Grey.

"Oh, lass, morning." [Bartolos]

"Un, good morning. Are you finished?" [Yuna]

"Hehe, we just finished, lass. You can take your partner back with you." [Bartolos]

"Then, we'll be going now." [Grey]

"Yeah, yeah, make sure to bring more materials next time." [Bartolos]

"We'll try." [Grey]

With a wave of their hands, Grey and Yuna left the cold storage and the cold storage returned to the way it was before as the workers continued with their work.

As for Grey and Yuna, rather than going back home like their usual routine, the two reentered the guild building with excitement evident on their faces. It was finally time for them to rank-up.

Like the process a few days before, Grey and Yuna were once led by a staff member to the examination room, and like before, the Guildmaster became their examiner for the rank-up exam.

'Just how much free time does he have...' [Grey]

Grey thought seeing how the Guildmaster could just come to their exams and act as an examiner as if he had the leisure time to do so.

As for the examiner in question, he was once again excited to see the strength of the two youths before him. Especially after he heard from Kris about how powerful they really are.

Even when Kris himself told Tilda to keep quiet about Grey and Yuna's true threat level, he himself had revealed it to the Guildmaster. Thankfully, Gaston was a very tight-lipped person. It may also have been the reason why Kris spilled the secret to him.

"Alright, let's begin." [Gaston]

The first to take the exam was Yuna, and like before, the moment the Guildmaster activated the device, a monster slowly took form and was summoned in less than a fraction of a second.


The monster that was summoned was a high orc, which unlike the G-rank orcs, were E-rank monsters. It was a monster which was already considered "strong" in the eyes of adventurers.

But no matter how "strong" that monster was, it was still no match for the A-rank Yuna. As the moment the high orc was summoned, Yuna had already closed the distance between them.

⟨⟨Sickle Claw!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

With a swing of her daggers, a strong smell of death rushed towards the high orc. It tried to defend itself, but before it could even raise its arms, its head was already decapitated from its body.

Just using a basic-level art, the E-rank high orc which was feared by many adventurers was felled by Yuna. Not to mention, everything that occured in just about a second.

Even in the experienced eyes of the Gaston, all he could see was a blur. The next moment, the high orc's head was already sent flying to the air as its body fell to the ground.

'What a monster.' [Gaston]

Thought Gaston as he witnessed Yuna easily defeat a high orc. It was the only word which he could use to describe the elven youth which he had no hopes of winning against.

"Grey, your turn." [Yuna]

"Alright." [Gaston]

Before the high orc could even vanish into thin air, Grey already took Yuna's place and shortly after, another high orc was summoned as replacement of the one before him, only to suffer the same fate.

⟨⟨Air Bullet⟩⟩ [Grey]

Like the goblin, orc, and ogre in the first day, a swift bullet ruptured through the high orc's skull, leaving behind a hole in the center. Seconds later, another high orc fell to the ground and turned back into mana.

Although Gaston had expected it, he didn't think Grey would still use the basic-level "Air Bullet" to defeat a high orc. Veteran adventurers would probably frown at the thought of the monster they struggled upon being one-shotted by an air bullet.

"Haah... Not even a minute." [Gaston]

Just as Gaston had said, starting from the moment they entered the room up until now, not even one minute had passed. It was the fastest rank-up exam he had conducted in all his life.

While he was feeling a sense of defeat from how strong Grey and Yuna were compared to him, deep inside his heart, he was happy that such prodigies landed in his guild. He wouldn't have it any other way.

"You're done already?" [Tilda]

With the rank-up exams finished, Grey and Yuna headed back to the reception desk and presented Tilda with the results.

Tilda, seeing the results, wasn't even a bit surprised. It seemed like she had already built up a tolerance against Grey and Yuna's absurd actions. One could only describe her as a "professional".

"Here are your cardー" [Tilda]

"Help! Help! T-There's a o-o-o... Haahh... Haahh.. O..." [???]

Tilda was about to hand Grey and Yuna's cards back to them when suddenly, a man entered the guild and started screaming for help.

The man was out of breath, pale, and was struggling to convey his message. Seeing him in such a state, Tilda and the other receptionists quickly gave him a hand.

"Please drink some water first." [Receptionist 1]

"T... Thank you..." [Man]

When a receptionist handed the man a water jug, the man received it and quickly emptied it. It just showed everyone in the guild how much in a hurry he was.

"What's happening here?!" [Gaston]

Noticing the commotion inside the guild, Gaston went out of his office and asked the receptionists about the situation at hand. But the one to answer his question was the man who just recently rushed inside.

"Haah... Haah... Please help! Our village... a horde of orcs are attacking our village! And it's being led by an Orc General!" [Man]

"An Orc General!?"

"Hey are you serious!?"

"That's a C rank monster!"

"Is there anyone here who can defeat that?"

Hearing the man's words, the nearby adventurers voiced their worries. Not only them, even the guild staff were panicking too.

As for the man who just reported the situation, he was drowning in despair as he saw the adventurers panic over the mere mention of the monster's name.

"Everybody, Quiet!!!" [Gaston]

With one order from the guildmaster, the once chaotic guild was enveloped with silence. Not one adventurer dared to defy the Guildmaster's order.

"With a horde of orcs following it, it would qualify as a B-rank threat." [Receptionist 1]

"On top of that, Mister Kris and Miss Aria aren't here right now. Guildmaster, what should we do?" [Receptionist 2]

"Aghh... God f*cking damnit! There's only one way left... Tilda! Bring Grey and Yuna here, right this instant!" [Gaston]

"Y-Yes!" [Tilda]

Having no other options left, the guildmaster was forced to use Grey and Yuna's strength. Even when he wanted them to build up their reputation first, it was the only way he could

Other than Kris and Aria, Gaston is the strongest person and C-ranker based in Galderia. But even if he went himself, he would still not be able to stop an entire horde.

"Mister Grey! Miss Yuna!" [Tilda]

Without even having their opinions asked, Grey and Yuna were dragged by the hand by Tilda towards the guildmaster.

"Guildmaster, I've brought them." [Tilda]

Seeing the two being brought in front of the guildmaster, the onlooking adventurers became filled with confusion. Not only them, even the guild staff and the man who reported the incident were confused.

"Listen, you two. I need a favor from you and defeat that orc horde for me. Don't worry, I'll record this as a special quest so you don't have to worry about not having to receive the proper compensation." [Gaston]

Plain and simple, that was how the Guildmaster asked Grey and Yuna of a favor. But as expected, there were a lot of objections to it.

"Guildmaster, are you serious!?"

"They're just rookie adventurers!"

"What are a couple of kids gonna do against an Orc Horde!?"

"Guildmaster, are you out of your mind!?"

"We would stand a better chance than them!"

Hearing the guildmaster's decision, the adventurers quickly voiced out their complaints, but...

"Shut your traps! If you've got any complaints, then come here and say it straight to my face!" [Gaston]

... with just one statement from the guildmaster, the guild became quiet again. There was no one in the guild who had the guts to face the Guildmaster.

Even the cockiest of adventurers became silent at the guildmaster's words. After all, just the Guildmaster's intimidating aura was enough for most people to get frightened.

"You're all complaining about my decision when you don't even have the courage to face me." [Gaston]

"Guildmaster, are you really serious about sending kids to defeat the orc horde? You know we'll be responsible if something goes wrong, right?" [Receptionist]

"When it comes to strength, age is just an insignificant value. Haven't you still learned your lesson when Kris beat up the asses of the veteran adventurers here." [Gaston]

At the Guildmaster's words, silence became prevalent once more. They have no words to retaliate against the Guildmaster.

The day where Kris beat up veteran adventurers were still fresh in the hearts of the adventurers. It was a day where Kris showed them what true strength really was. Even the younger adventurers were aware about how Kris singlehandedly crushed the prides of multiple adventurers.

"I'll only tell you this once, so listen carefully. Though they're both still young, even if I fight them seriously, I won't stand a chance against either of them. Even Kris and Aria would be brought to their knees trying to fight against these two." [Gaston]

Just like that, the guild was filled with voices of surprise and disbelief.

If it weren't the Guildmaster himself saying those words, they would have surely laughed at that person and called them crazy. But even when the guildmaster himself has admitted defeat, they could only accept it as the truth.

Once again, prodigies of unparalleled might have appeared in Galderia. It reminded everyone once again about the guild's motto... to never judge a book by its cover.

"So are you two going?" [Gaston]

"You're still asking that after all you've said?" [Grey]

"You can leave it to us." [Yuna]

"Then, I'll be counting on you two." [Gaston]

After accepting the quest, Grey and Yuna traveled east towards the aforementioned village. It was the first quest they could finally call a "quest".

Special Quest: Defeat an Orc Horde!


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