YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 14: Chips and Fries

Potatoes, root crops which were considered important in the history of Earth. When there was famine, potatoes kept the people fed and satisfied. Even in modern times, potatoes were still popular, coming in all kinds of food varieties. An ingredient which has become a staple in multiple cuisines all around the world.

Seeing the almost mythical potatoes he had searched for no avail in the kitchen counters, Grey's eyes were almost trickling from tears for happiness. Finally, his 3-year search for the potatoes was over.

With potatoes in his hands, he could achieve new heights in cooking and improve his dishes by leaps and bounds. Not only that, he could only imagine the variety of snacks he could eat with them.

"Chief!" [Grey]

Dashing like the wind, Grey immediately headed back to the living room where the others were waiting, surprising them with his sudden shout.

"Y-Yes...?" [Chief]

Even the very carefree and casual chief answered in a formal tone from surprise.

"Could I borrow some of these potatoes?!" [Grey]

"Potatoes...?" [Chief]

Hearing Grey's words, the chief tilted his head from confusion. Not only him, even Marlon was also confused. After all, potatoes were crops which were frowned upon by the world.

Inside the village, everyone has understood how to properly prepare potatoes to prevent food poisoning, but in the eyes of the public, it was still food which brings about a terrible stomach ache to those who eat them. It was also the reason why they couldn't sell potatoes despite having a good amount of them.

Seeing Grey act so excited at the mere sight of those forsaken crops, chief and Marlon became increasingly puzzled as time passed. As even if Grey did know how to prepare them, it was just another simple crop after all.

The only person who wasn't surprised was Yuna. Even when she knew that potatoes can cause food poisoning, her trust in Grey was stronger. After all, their 3 years of living together weren't for nothing,

"Y... You can use as much as you want. But what will you be using them for, young man?" [Chief]

"That's a secret! You'll know soon enough!" [Grey]

As suddenly as he appeared, Grey suddenly came back to the kitchen once again, leaving behind an even more puzzled chief and Marlon.

Humming to the sound of sizzling oil, Grey quickly peeled the potatoes and separated into two groups. One group where sliced into thin pieces, while the other were turned into long sticks.

Of course, Grey didn't forget the other dishes he was cooking beforehand. Luckily, none of it was burnt when he left the kitchen.

With his "Divine Mind's" third effect, "Multitask", he was able to keep checking multiple tasks as if he had multiple consciousness. It was the effect he had unlocked upon reaching B-rank, about the same time they first celebrated Yuna's birthday.

Not only in battle, it was also helpful in everyday lives in situations like what Grey is currently having. With it, he was able to use both his hands to perform two entirely different tasks while using magic to perform others.

With a few chops and slices, two bowls of potatoes were quickly finished. And with Grey's "Divine Eyes", the slices were done thinly and precisely as if a machine was the one which made it.

After slicing and chopping them, Grey then washed it lightly and soaked it in salt water. He left it there for about half an hour as he prepared the other meat dishes and cooked the rice.

Of course, he didn't forget to make the sauces where the fried potatoes will be dipped upon to. And thanks to his date with Yuna yesterday, he had acquired the ingredients he needed for them.

The first one was gravy. When he was in the forest, the only way he was able to make it was using his makeshift flour made from wild wheat he found by the riverbed, but now that he had acquired proper flour, he can make an even more delicious version of it.

After the gravy came tomato ketchup, something he was not able to create with the lack of tomatoes in the forest. Wine vinegar, sugar, a few herbs and spices, tomatoes, and a little help with magic, he was able to make ketchup in a matter of minutes.

Lastly, there was sour cream which was made with milk collected from beasts in the forest, lemon juice, and of course, cream. It was the only one which he needed to use his stock in the "Inventory" to create.

The time was ripe and it was finally time to rinse the potatoes and heat the oil. The moment Grey fried the potatoes, a familiar sizzling sound and scent filled the kitchen. A scent he had missed for 3 whole years.

A few minutes later, a tempting and salivating aroma spread in the air. It was a scent which made Grey reminisce of the past when he could eat junk food at fast food restaurants back on Earth.

Grey quickly and carefully took the potatoes from the boiling oil, and with a little sprinkle of salt, it was finally finished ... Potato chips and fries!

If one would look closely, one could see a little droplet of tear falling off his face. That's just how happy he was.

"Oh, what's this delicious smell?" [Chief]

"I'm done!" [Grey]

With a smile on his face, Grey entered the living room where Yuna, Marlon, and the chief were talking. It seems like the tea had already been prepared just as Grey finished.

Without further ado, Grey served the dishes to the living room table. First came the main dishes, and after it were the potato snacks. With it, the smell which once wafted the kitchen was now also brought to the living room.

"Young man, are these perhaps..." [Chief]

"Yes, they're made from potatoes!" [Grey]

Seeing the finished product before him, the chief and Marlon could barely believe their eyes.

Although they could recognize the potato, the aroma coming from it was something they haven't experienced. In all their life, it was the first time they had smelled the potato exuding such an appetizing aroma.

"Please take a bite." [Grey]

With Grey's invitation, the three slowly took some, and with a single bite, a burst of flavor rushed into their mouths.

"T-This is!" [Marlon]

"How delicious!" [Chief]

"Grey, it's delicious." [Yuna]

The eyes of the three beamed with surprise and happiness at the same time. Especially the chief and Marlon, they have never thought there was a way to make potatoes so delicious and crispy.

"Hahaha, I'm glad you liked it." [Grey]

With everyone recognizing the greatness of potatoes, lunch came underway with all four having large plastered smiles on their faces.

It had been a long time since Grey had such a lively meal. If it weren't for Yuna, he would have probably lived his life in the forest in a very monotone and boring way. He was very thankful to Yuna for that.

"Is something wrong?" [Yuna]

"No, nothing," [Grey]

Yuna asked as she noticed Grey looking her way, which was then dismissed by Grey with a light shaking of his head.

Coupled with the sauces Grey made, the two bowls of potato chips and fries reduced in numbers until there were only a few pieces left. And soon after, the other dishes were finished too.

The chief was especially surprised by the rice, it was his first time seeing a grain which was as white as silk, but as filling as bread. During the meal, he had kept asking Grey about it.

Sadly, providing rice to the chief was still out of the question. After all, even after two and a half years of cultivating, Grey only had enough for him and Yuna to eat daily. There were even times where they couldn't eat it.

And if you're curious how Grey was growing rice, it was all thanks to "Subspace's" third effect, "Sanctuary". It was an effect which created an environment in a separate space where even living things could enter. And unlike storage, times flows inside of it, making it perfect in cultivating crops no matter where Grey was.

Not that he thought of it, Grey realizes he had been using his broken cheats in odd situations. People would probably look at him with a dumbfounded face if they ever knew such godly powers were used for growing crops and cooking.

"Fuwaaahhh... That was a good meal. I never knew potatoes could be cooked in such a way. It seems like I still have a lot to learn, kuhahaha!" [Chief]

"Mister Grey, if it isn't too much to ask, could you teach me how to cook these? I would also like to have my wife and kids eat these." [Marlon]

"Huh? Sure!" [Grey]

"T-Thank you!" [Marlon]

Hearing Grey's response, Marlon bowed his head in 90 degrees from pure happiness. Of course, Grey made him lift his head immediately.

The reason for Marlon's attitude was simple, it was because people normally would not share their recipes with another. Especially, if it was something one had created with their own efforts.

But to Grey, he wasn't the one who created those dishes, he simply recreated them and introduced them to Merusia. It only felt right to him that other people would enjoy the taste of it as well.

But it is not to say Grey can't receive any credits. After all, it took him painstaking effort to recreate the dishes in Merusia. There were even some ingredients which didn't exist and he substituted with other things.

"With these, maybe we can finally introduce potatoes to the market..." [Chief]

The chief mumbled to himself in a low voice, assessing how he can have the village profit using those two dishes.

"Young manー no, Mister Grey. Would you like to have a partnership with our village?" [Chief]

As if he was an entirely different person, the chief asked Grey with a serious expression on his face. It was an expression fitting for his title as "chief".

"Is it about selling the potatoes?" [Grey]

"Yes... As you know, the general public frown upon the concept of using potatoes as food, but with these dishes, we could easily turn their opinions for the better. Of course, we won't be taking the credit for these recipes, but I want to use them to promote potatoes in the market. But that's only if you agree." [Chief]

Confronted by the sudden proposal, Grey fell into silence as he thoroughly thought of the right response.

Although Grey wanted to introduce the greatness of potatoes to the world, it felt wrong to him being credited for dishes he did not invent. It was as if he was stealing other people's efforts and using it for himself.

The village also isn't in a dire situation, but being able to sell potatoes in the market will surely make the lives of the villagers much better. It was a battle between guilt and convenience.

Grey fell into a dilemma, but as he saw Yuna happily eating the last piece of potato chips, he had finally come to a conclusion.

"Alright, I accept. I'll also provide you with the recipe for the sauces." [Grey]

"R-Really?! T-Then this village will forever be in your debt! Just tell us if you need something, and we'll provide it, young man!" [Chief]

The chief shook Grey's hands furiously in extreme delight. Because of Grey's approval, the serious atmosphere in the living room had disappeared and returned to normal.

Grey had decided to share his knowledge to the world. Even if it felt wrong, if it was for the betterment of the people, he was willing to burden the guilt. After all, what's a little guilt compared to the happiness of many.

He had also realized one more thing. He had been thinking of such things too seriously. Didn't he agree to God's proposal so he can enjoy a life he wanted? If so, then he'll enjoy his second life to the fullest.

With Grey's approval, the chief quickly wrote up a contract and had both their mana signatures affixed on it. Yuna and Marlon also served as witnesses in the signing of the contract.

And as the recipes for potato fries, chips, and sauces were quite easy, he was able to hand out the recipe quite quickly. Of course, Grey had also received a copy of the contract as proof of the agreement.

The chief also kindly had Grey take a couple baskets of potatoes as thanks for his help, which Grey happily accepted. After all, it was something he had been searching for 3 long years.

With the contract established, Grey and Yuna then left the village to wrap up their other quests. And sure enough, they were able to finish them in just a matter of minutes each, arriving back in Galderia before sunset.

"Good afternoon, Miss Tilda. We're here to report the completion of our quests." [Grey]

"Eh?! You're finished already?!" [Tilda]

Tilda yelled as she heard Grey's casual remark. She also checked the quest forms with them and sure enough, they were all finished.

Although Tilda had heard from Kris about how strong Yuna and Grey were, seeing their complete the hardest F-rank quests in less than half a day was still quite shocking to her.

To her, an F-rank quest of the highest difficulty was something which would take even a veteran F-rank party a couple of days to complete. But in front of her were two youths who crushed all logic.

Thinking about how strong Grey and Yuna really were made Tilda's head ache, to the point where she had completely stopped thinking and accepted the things just the way they were.

With the completion of 5 high-difficulty F-rank quests, Grey and Yuna earned more than 5,000 kiels and about 260 points. In just a half day, they gathered almost half of the points needed for a rank-up exam.

It is also worth noting that the money was only from the quest rewards alone, it still didn't take into account the money from selling the drops and mana crystals, which could easily triple it.

In just a single day, Grey and Yuna had earned an amount which would take a normal family more than 3 months to earn. That's just how absurd their actions were.

"Here are your cards." [Tilda]

With the completion of the records, Tilda handed back the guild cards to Grey and Yuna. It was now updated to contain the amount of points Grey and Yuna had.

"Haah... At this rate, Mister Grey and Miss Yuna will probably rank up in just a matter of days. I won't even be surprised if you rank up tomorrow." [Tilda]

"Hahaha, You're thinking too much of us." [Grey]

"Un, we just got lucky." [Yuna]

Hearing Grey and Yuna's casual remark, Tilda's headache became even worse. She doesn't understand what was normal and what wasn't anymore.

In Tilda's mind, the line between normalcy and absurdity had become thinner than before. It was to the point she had given up in understanding high-rankers, she had just equated high-rankers with eccentric people, which wasn't that far off the mark.

"We'll be in your care tomorrow again, Miss Tilda." [Grey]

"See you tomorrow~." [Yuna]

"Sure, sure, see you tomorrow." [Tilda]

As Grey and Yuna left the guild, Tilda had broken her professional character. Just one conversation from Grey and Yuna alone was enough to tire her out for the day.

"Haah... I need to take a break..." [Tilda]

Just imagining that she'll be recording Grey's and Yuna's quest from this day onwards warranted Tilda to take a break. But unbeknownst to her, she will be subjected to more surprises later, but that's a story for another day.

Walking back to the "Rabbit's Den", the sun had started to set and the sky had turned to the color of amber. The stall owners had also started to close their stalls, only waiting for the 5th bell to ring.

"Hey, Yuna, what did you think of today?" [Grey]

"Hm...? It was fun, I guess?" [Yuna]

"Fun, huh... I see..." [Grey]

Confronted by Grey's sudden question, Yuna was only able to come up with a simple yet satisfactory answer.

With the day ending, Grey had realized how different adventuring was than what he had initially imagined. Although it was fun, it didn't quite meet his expectations.

After the first quest, it easily became a monotonous cycle of travel, defeating enemies, and getting a signature for completion. It was as if they were just completing odd jobs, but on another level.

But even with that, Grey still wouldn't be quitting adventuring. It was only because of his high expectations that he became disappointed. He was sure that as time passes, he'll experience more and more adventures, especially with Yuna by his side.

"Is something wrong?" [Yuna]

"No, I was just thinking about something. So, what did you enjoy the most today?" [Grey]

"Ah, it was definitely the fries and chips! They were delicious!" [Yuna]

Reacting to Grey's question, Yuna became a little bit worried. Thankfully, Grey was able to dismiss the topic quickly, turning Yuna's mood to cheerful.

"Chips and fries, huh...? Should I make you some more tomorrow?" [Grey]

"Eh?! Why not today?" [Yuna]

"Hey, you'll get fat if you eat too much." [Grey]

Grey warned Yuna, shocking the latter. But deep inside, Grey already knew that was impossible since those with high combat power maintains their peak figure. He only said it so that he could tease Yuna.

"No, you're fooling me again!" [Yuna]

Unluckily for Grey, his giggle didn't escape Yuna's sharp eyes, making the latter retaliate in an adorable way, stomping her feet with her cheeks puffed.

"Hahahaha, sorry, sorry. How about I cook you a bowl of chips as an apology?" [Grey]

"No, make it 2 bowls. I'll only reconsider by then." [Yuna]

"As you wish, milady." [Grey]

"Yay~!" [Yuna]


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