Wreath of Lilies, Cauldron of Poison

Chapter 197: Bronze and Silver

Chapter 197

Bronze and Silver

Three days later, Connie and her companions had made the mansion their new home. Lihua had made it her personal mission to clean it from top to bottom, hiring only the best servants available to make the mansion livable. During this time, she could be seen dragging Martell around with her, teaching him things like how to properly fold a laundry and clean rooms.

Martell was not used to early mornings and having to do real housekeeping, so at the third morning, he finally grew tired of it, threw the mop he was holding and complained.

“Why do I have to do all this?! We have other servants to do the cleaning!”

Lihua, who had been polishing bronze cutleries with a cloth, spoke without moving her attention from the bronze tray that she was holding. “Pick up that mop and put it in the bucket,” she ordered with a flat tone. “Lest this one might be inclined to show you how much damage this one could do with it.”

The sudden coldness of that statement made Martell do as he was told, albeit sulkily. Her words had a different type of weight than Connie’s. While Connie’s words were that of a Conqueror who expected things to be done as she wished, Lihua’s was a judgment; as if she would think less of you if you did not do as you were told.

“To answer your question, yes, we have servants. But some things should not be left to common servants.” she said. “As such, this one was thinking about making you a Butler.”


“Indeed. It is unacceptable for a person of the Mistress’s stature not to have a proper Butler. Oh, this one had heard about the one named Sebastian. But he had placed his loyalty to a sow, and as such, unworthy of a thought,” she turned the tray around, and saw her beautiful face smiling back at her with satisfaction.

“The next logical choice is you. You have the poise and the manners, but no experience in everyday domestic activities. And for a Butler, that simply won’t do,” she paused and threw a look at him. The boy flinched, the judging stare that he felt through the cloth was palpable. “Or is there something you’re unsatisfied with?”

“N-no, it’s just…” Martell was flabbergasted by this sudden expectation that was thrust onto him. It was a strange feeling, not unlike succeeding in neutralizing the Fragment of Calamity. It was the feeling of being recognized by someone he admired. “…surprising. Mistress had never told me that before.”

“Of course, because it was this one’s own thought.”

“Still, I don’t see why I need to do all this on our own.”

“Shush!” Lihua raised a finger. “This is not bargain. Not everything can be learned through books and words. Some must be taught the old way. It needs to be known that this one had taught many people before you. Many of whom had become personal maids and servants of princes and princesses, kings and queens.”

“I’m a clever one. Try me.”

“Is that so?” a thin curve appeared on the side of her lips. Geniuses, she thought. They’re all the same.

“Then tell this one why we bought so many sets of bronze and silver cutleries instead of just silver like most well-to-do households here?”

This question was entirely out of left field. The boy’s ears twitched from surprise and lowered as he started to think. Why? Is it because it’s cheaper? No, that’s not it. Is it because the bronze ones are going to be used by others also? No, the number of sets she bought won’t be enough for everyone in the mansion.

“…five minutes has passed. If you are as clever as you imagine yourself to be, you’d have answered it instantly.”

Martell’s ears and tails drooped down at Lihua’s gentle scolding. “Then, what is the answer?”

“The answer is simple. Because silver reacts to poison. And the Mistress is a poison user. Can you imagine the hassle we would face trying to remove the black tarnish on them when they reacted to her poison? Oh, it’s fine when the poison she’s been handling is not the type that reacts with silver. But we’d never know.”

“I’ve…never thought of that.”

"Yes. You haven't," she said again. "Remember. Anyone can be a good servant. All they need to do is just say yes to everything. But a great servant needs to take initiatives. Think for themselves. Make oneself be invisible while providing service to your Mistress.”

“But why bronze? Surely there are other types of cutleries we can use. Wooden ones, for example?” Martell asked again, refusing to let that question go.

“Wooden spoons? Like in common taverns?” Lihua threw her head aside in disdain. “Darling, it would be fine for us to use such things outside this house, but within? One must keep a certain level of propriety according to our position here.”

“Now, continue with your mopping. This one expects the floor to be so clean one could eat off of it…ah, on second thought, put them away and prepare some refreshments,” the raven-haired beauty said as she peered through the window overseeing the front yard. “It seems we have guests.”

Connie had taken one of the rooms on the second floor as her office. And she was now lounging on a chair behind a centuries old wooden desk, decorated with an old-world style painting of a lion hunting its prey. It was one of the few things Baron Reevers did not sell as he felt that it should only belong with the mansion, even after it changed owner.

The chair was standing on its rear two legs, teetering on the verge of falling as she rocked gently back and forth. “Hmmh. I got the money and the materials, but not enough skilled craftsmen. Without them, I won’t be able to properly outfit my men. And the Sect also needs more capable teachers.”

It was one of her greatest concerns when she found out that more than half of the populace in Greyvault was illiterate, while most were only capable of basic reading. It was unacceptable! How was she to spread the teachings of the Questioning Heaven Sect if they could not read? Books were the sources of knowledge. And without knowledge, how would someone comprehend the world? Thus, the first thing she must do was to educate the people.

She eyed the letters on her desk with a grunt, especially the one at the top that arrived just this morning. That particular letter looked conspicuous, as it was written on top of very expensive paper. The envelope that once held it was sealed with wax that contained gold flakes. And one could not mistake the lion and the dragon stamp, symbol of the Calendian Royal Family.

It was an invitation by the King to all Nobles in Calendia to come to the New Year’s Party, which is held in conjunction with the Spring Ball in the next few weeks. A big event that most right-headed Nobles would not miss. Normally Connie would just skip the whole thing. However, she had a reason to attend now.

If one wants to build lasting power, strength alone is not enough.

Connie raised her legs and let her chair fall forward with a thump. She let out a sigh. “I guess it’s unavoidable.”

Then, she heard three knocks coming from the door.

“Mistress. It’s me.”

“Come in.”

The door opened with a creaking sound characteristic of an old building. A creak that lingered in the air. Martell came in with a quick bow.

“Pardon me, Mistress. There are some guests for you. They are waiting in the hall.”


When Connie took a glance over the second-floor railings, she saw Caelin and his party members were talking with Barney of the Bearkillers. Nick was also with them. She descended down the stairs with arms held behind her back.

“Well, if it isn’t my friends and…huh,” Connie eyed Caelin, who was outfitted with clothes for a long journey. Even the gentle giant Rhoddes and the plain Mage, Dhani were wearing new coats. “You all look like you are going on a long trip.”

“Yes, we are.”

“Is Barney going with you?”

“No. We just met at the entrance,” Rhoddes said. “He has some business with you, I think,” Rhoddes looked at the strangely sheepish man. “You can go first, Barney.”

“Greetings, er, Your Ladyship,” Barney tried a very clumsy bow, which made him look foolish.

Connie did not comment on the failed effort and asked simply. “What can I do for you?”

“Um, it’s like this, Your Ladyship. Er, we – I mean, me and some of my fellas were wondering if you’ve got some slots left in the Grey Ghosts.”

“No more slots for now, I’m sorry to say,” Connie looked at the crestfallen face of the slender Hunter. “Are you short of money? Didn’t I give the Bearkillers enough compensation?

“It’s not that, Your Ladyship. The Bearkillers has been disbanded. Most of my men had done a bit of thinking after surviving the Dungeon. And some of them ended up leaving,” the man scratched his patchy sideburns.

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“No, no. It’s actually a good thing. What happened there made me rethink everything about myself. I’ve been a Hunter most of my life, and this is it. B-Rank is the best I can do. Where do I go from here? Am I just gonna go hunt, turn it in for some money, and use the coins for ale and women until I die in a ditch somewhere, mauled by a monster?”

Behind him, Nick nodded at his every words. Such was the fate of Hunters. Most Hunters became Hunters not because they wanted to, but because it was the only thing they could do. In return for quick money, they must risk their lives.

“Then, two days ago I woke up behind an alley near the square after binging on ale and happened to hear to the Grand Teacher’s sermon,” At this, Connie glanced furtively at Nick, whose eyes widened in surprise. He shrugged in response to Connie’s inquisitive glance.

“I don’t understand much about what he’s talking about, but he made me think. I wanna do something good. I dunno what it is, but I wanna do something that’ll make people who know me say, Barney, he’s a good chap and shared a drink over my tales even after I’m dead.”

“Then I remembered about what we did in the Dungeon. We saved Greyvault. We saved people! You don’t know how it felt to have people who you don’t know look at you with smiles on their faces, not just because they want something from you. But genuine respect. Children actually said that they wanted to be a Hunter because of us!”

“So, I thought maybe, just maybe, we can be a part of something bigger! Talked about it with some of my men and they too, have the same thoughts,” Barney then knelt before Connie. “Please, Your Ladyship, I’m sure we can be of help. All of us are veteran Hunters. We’d be better than some greenhorns you get.”

Connie laughed at the show of clumsy etiquette. She could feel the sincerity, and knew that these were good men. “You are all B-Ranks. It would be stupid of me to refuse a gift staring at me in the eyes. I want you and your men to train the Grey Ghosts so that they could survive in the wild like Hunters do, can you do that?”

“Leave it to us, Your Ladyship.”

“Milady would suffice.”

“Yes, Milady. Wait till I tell the others! They’ll be proper chuffed!”

“Alright then, you can talk about the salary with Lihua. She’ll be helping you and your men get settled in. These are good men, Lihua. See to it they are treated well.”

“As you wish, Mistress,” the tall beauty gave a smart little bop and a small bow as a greeting towards the new employee of Connie’s. “Please come this way, Mr. Barney.”

Connie then turned towards the rest, both arms opened with a warm welcome. “Sorry for the wait. I don’t suppose you’ve come here to work for me, then?”

Caelin chuckled lightly. “Haha, sadly, no. We are here to say goodbye. The three of us are going to follow this big lug on a grand quest.”

“I see. Then we need to talk more privately. Come, the living room is not yet decorated, but it would serve for our talk.”

The living room on the first floor were still barren, and it only had a few cushioned sofas and a single table upon which Martell had placed some snacks. Rhoddes chose to stand as the sofa’s legs started to bend when he tried to sit on it. So only Dhani and Caelin were sitting in front of Connie.

“What’s this about a grand quest, then?”

Rhoddes’s large head bopped to and fro. “A sign has been sent to me, Connie. We are to find the Hero blessed by the Dark-Mother. With his help, we will have a better chance in finding the crown.”

“Wait, do these guys know?” When Connie heard him saying about the crown without hiding anything, she immediately looked at Caelin and Dhani. “About what we want to do?”

“We know only what we need to know,” Dhani said. “That’s what we’ve always been doing as Hunters.”

“Not knowing is half the fun in adventuring. Life would be boring otherwise!”

“That’s…not how it works, though,” Connie said, but she did not want to argue. “Regardless…to be willing to help you even though they don’t know everything…you really do have great friends, Rhoddes.”

“It is the Dark Mother’s guidance,” Rhoddes smiled.

“Still, though. I did not realize that you have a Hero. I thought you don’t have a country that supports you?”

“Indeed. The day when we have a land to call our own might be faraway in the past, but we still have some hidden treasures that we - or should I say - my brethren, used to summon a Hero. However, a mishap had happened and he is now missing. We are heading to Morgrin, the town bordering Al-Khemiya, where he was last seen,” the Anukaran Nankhudi said. “As soon as we find him, we’ll contact you.”

“That would be great. In that case, all I can say is…I wish you luck, my friends,” Connie said. “I wish all of us luck. We’ll need it.”

After finishing her talk with Rhoddes and his companions, Connie made for her office and started to write some letters. She then called for Lihua and Martell. She gave the letters to Martell to be sent through the Merchant’s Guild and to return quick. She then asked Lihua to gather the others.

“As soon as Martell returns, take everyone to my office.”

Once everyone was gathered, Connie placed the invitation letter with the King’s Stamp upon it on her desk and pushed it for everyone to read. Martell took it and read it aloud for everyone to hear.

“There’s going to be a New Year’s Party hosted by the King in two weeks. An annual party to welcome Springtime.”

“Excellent!” Lihua clapped her hand enthusiastically. “If one wants to build a lasting power, one needs to gather followers. This party would be a great place to start!”

“I agree,” Connie nodded. “We will leave in four days. We also should take along a few of the Grey Ghosts and have a few members of the Silence to follow us from behind. This visit to the Capital might prove to be…eventful.”

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