Wreath of Lilies, Cauldron of Poison

Chapter 196: Let Silence Reign

Chapter 196

Let Silence Reign

It was late the next day when Connie and Illumca returned to Greyvault as a result of Illumca insisting on spending one more day of having Connie for herself.

When Connie descended on the lawn of the mayor’s mansion, the Grey Ghosts guarding the place looked at her with a mix of awe and surprise. Akula, who was talking with Martell there, greeted them with a wide smile.

“D-did the Lady just fly?” one of the Grey Ghost standing guard spoke to his friend, who was gazing at her with a look of idolatry.

“Where have you been, you two? We were worried sick!” Akula scolded them, despite that, she was saying it with a jovial tone.

Then she saw they happy face of Illumca’s and her arms wrapped around the blonde’s. “Did you…?”

Illumca looked away, a blush appeared on her cheek.

“Oh…Ooooh,” Akula laughed while slapping Connie on the back. “Well, congratulations! Two whole days? We should have a great feast of roasted meat and wine to celebrate! I still have some great mare wine in my -”

Before the Centaur managed to finish, Harrison appeared from the mansion while a little out of breath. “Lady Steelheart! You’re back!” Harrison ran over to her. “I’ve been looking all over for you. The mansion you purchased is ready. Would you like to take a…look?”

The mayor’s voice trailed off when she saw the awkward look in everyone’s faces. “Did I…disturb something important?”

“Never mind,” Connie said. “The mansion is ready?”

“Yes, it is.”

“Oh, you work fast, Harrison.”

“The process should have taken longer, but the owner said that he’s in need of Gold and is willing to hand it over to you as soon as possible. He’s been here since yesterday, but you weren’t here so he returned to the mansion and is waiting for you. We can go there anytime.”

“Very well. Lead on.”

The mansion in question was located quite far from the middle of the town. It took them half an hour to reach it with a carriage.

The mansion looked old, but it was well kept. In front of the gate was a pot-bellied man with a defeated look, whose clothes had seen better days. Beside him was a large man with clothes that screamed groundskeeper. The two took off their hats when they saw the carriage approaching.

The fat man introduced himself as Baron Harvey Reevers. When he bowed to them, Connie could see the Baron’s balding head and his failed effort to comb whatever was left of his hair over it. He directed the second man, whose name turned out to be Barry, to open the gate.

With an audible creak, the gate was opened and he invited them in. He spoke to them of the history of the mansion with a prideful tone.

“This mansion has been in the family for hundreds of years. Bestowed to my ancestor by King Henry, Second of His Name, about four hundred years ago, for my ancestor’s service in his court. As such, the design is reminiscent of that era. Very strong, sturdy pillars and large, decorated windows,” the man said. “There was also the addition of a second house for the servants to the right. It once housed twenty people in its heyday. Very simple but robust. That’s where Barry lives right now.”

When they were about to enter the main building through a large wooden door, Akula saw that the wooden steps that led inside were made of wood and looked well worn. She gingerly tapped it with her front hoof to make sure it would not break under her.

Seeing this, Baron Reevers laughed and lightly jumped up and down on the steps. “Please, go ahead. The wood here had been treated properly and can withstand a great amount of weight.”

“Hm, you’re a Noble. I thought you’d be more discriminating to Beastfolks,” Martell commented. “You didn’t blink an eye when you saw us either.”

Reevers chuckled, waving the comment off. “That seems to be the consensus of most Nobles. But I have spent a few years in the Grasslands in my rebellious days. Come, let me show you inside. As you requested, we’ve also cleaned the mansion to the best of our abilities.”

When they took a step inside, they were greeted with a large foyer, with a high ceiling and wrought iron staircase.

“Quite the impressive interior,” Connie commented.

Illumca rubbed her nose. The place smelled of dust, old wood, and solitude. It’s evident that it had not been lived in for quite some time.

“Thank you. We have many renovations over the years so the styles of the rooms might clash. Also, most of my family’s collections have been sold…and stolen. But all the sconces and details were originals, dating back a few hundred years."

“We also have a large dining room just behind the door in the middle. Two guest rooms with plenty of light, one through the hallway to the right and the other to the left. Up there is the master bedroom. I - ”

“Baron Reevers, I don’t have much time. I just want to make sure of some of the things that I asked are available as requested. We will view the rest in our own time.”

“Oh, ah…yes,” the fat Baron flinched, but quickly recovered himself. “A garden and a basement or a cellar, right?”

Baron Reevers guided them to the back garden, which hugged the mountain that Greyvault was latching on.

The garden was rather sparse, but with some effort, it could be something impressive. In the middle was a fountain. The water had been turned off and the small deer statues that were supposed to be spurting out water were covered with moss.

Connie nodded with a satisfied look. Once he saw that, the Baron gave a sigh of relief and proceeded to show them the cellar.

“Cellar, eh?” Akula grinned. “That means, you got a lot of wine in there?”

“Haha, wouldn’t that be great? Unfortunately, like many of our properties, we have sold most of them. Only a few bottles are left. You are free to take them, though they were not the best vintage.”

"Oh," Akula's expectant shoulders sagged. "What a bore."

After passing through a few cobwebs, they arrived at the cellar. Along the walls were empty shelves that once stored wines, covered in thick layer of dust. The cellar itself was unexpectedly large.

“Is it me or is this place wider than the mansion above?”

“Because it is,” the Baron said bashfully. “Not a lot of people are interested in what’s under here, you see. So, one of my ancestors - who was particularly fond of wine - expanded the cellar beyond its allowed size.”

At this, Connie laughed. “That’s my kind of man. I am very satisfied with this place, Baron Reevers. Let’s finalize our deal as soon as possible.”

With that, the Baron and Connie, witnessed by mayor Harrison, signed the contract and the deed for the mansion was handed over to her.

While everyone else stayed inside the mansion to explore their new home, Connie escorted the Baron personally. It was an unprecedented honor to the Baron, who was almost too happy to receive such treatment by his betters.

“I hope you will treat this place well, Lady Steelheart.”

“I will.”

“Before I go, Lady Steelheart. If I may ask of you one thing. If you can, do you mind keeping Barry on? The man’s a bit dim, but he’s loyal. And quite a good hand at gardening.”

He glanced at the man in question, who was peacefully sewing a holey pants while sitting on a stool near the servants’ quarters.

“I can’t promise anything. But I will keep that in mind. And do you remember what I asked of you?”

“Yes. I will not speak about this place ever again to anyone. Just as well. With the money I get from selling this mansion, I am going to start over in another country. Where my skills are more appreciated,” With a final sigh, Baroon Reevers gave a last look at his childhood home and left. His sagging shoulder looked straighter now.

As soon as she finished saying goodbye, Connie went to the cellar. There, Illumca was standing quietly with a picture of a Gate Rune’s symbol in her hand.

“What do you think?” Connie asked.

The Dark Elf was silent for a moment before answering. “It’s going to take me the whole day to make the Gate Rune from start to finish. I’ll start tomorrow.”

“Good. Just tell me if you need anything.”

“Alright,” Illumca spoke. “By the way, about my bedroom…”

“Hmm? Didn’t I say that you’re all free to choose? There are so many bedrooms here.”

“I know, but shouldn’t’ we…you know, sleep in the same room?” she said. “We have become lovers…right?”

“We have. But I’m planning to use half of my room as my workplace. And you know how hazardous my work is. I’m afraid unless you are immune to poisons, it’ll be harmful for you to stay in my room.”

“Oh,” Illumca said with a downcast look.

“But that doesn’t mean I can’t visit you in your room.”

“Then, are you visiting tonight?!” she suddenly beamed.

“Was last night still not satisfying enough for you?” Connie looked at the flushed cheek and the eye full of desire that was directed at her. Illumca was a maiden who had tasted the pleasure of the flesh, the joy of mingling bodies out of love. And like those who had taken the first bite of the forbidden fruit, they would desire more.

Connie took her hand and put it inside hers. “Not now,” she said, kissing her lightly on the lips. “Make do with this for the moment.”

Connie realized that she needed to learn to say no to her advances, otherwise she would not be able to keep up.

In the evening of the next day, the Gate Rune was finished. Illumca placed the Essence Crystals needed for it to work. After it was finished, Connie spoke to the bat familiar dangling upside down on a coat rack.

A few minutes later, five people came out of the crackling blue Gate Rune.

“Well met, Lihua.”

“It gladdens this one to see you in person, Mistress,” Lihua said in response. She bobbed lightly at Connie, who accepted the greeting with a solemn nod.

Behind her were Arryn and three Dark Elves, who clasped their fist with a bow as a greeting to their Mistress.

Illumca eyed Arryn. Her demeanor had changed a little. She was sharper now; more alert. And the way she walked was different from how she was walking before. Now, her steps made almost no noise. Arryn sneaked a smile when she saw Illumca, and as quickly returned to her serious face to face Connie.

“With this, we have connected the Gate Rune in Untouchable Marshes with the one here. In the future, we will place more of them in different parts in Calendia; allowing us more freedom of movements.”

“Gate Rune is expensive to create, expensive to use, and expensive to maintain,” Nick said. “If we want to make it work, you need a steady source of both Essence Crystals and money.”

“And that’s where the Untouchable Marshes comes in. What makes a steadier source of Essence Crystal than a Dungeon that’s undergoing Dungeon Break?” Martell said. “Isn’t that right, Mistress?”


Arryn wrote something on her slab and showed it to Connie with a polite bow.

I have experienced faulty teleportation via damaged Gate Rune. It was a very unpleasant experience. I recommend to have at least two or three people to guard and maintain the Gate Rune.

“That’s not a bad idea,” Connie said. “Let's do that."

"Speaking about that, Mistress. The men have almost finished their training. A word of encouragement would do a lot of good to them."

"Very well. I too have something I want to announce," Connie gave a wave of her sleeves. "Let's make a move then."

“I’ll...stay here if it’s alright with you. Just in case,” Nick said, sitting on a nearby crate.

"Suit yourself."

Connie used the Gate Rune and appeared on the other side, in Untouchable Marshes. The hot and humid air of the marshes crept up on them. The change from the winter-end's cold to the heat of the marshes made Akula feel extremely uncomfortable. She immediately took off her coat with scowl.

Four Dark Elves who were on duty saw them and clasped their hands in greeting.

“You and you. Call everyone here,” Lihua ordered. “The Mistress wishes to see everyone.”

Two of the Dark Elves pointed by the raven-haired Lihua saluted and quickly disappeared into the marshes.

Within fifteen minutes, the Dark Elves, old and young, warriors and non-fighters, gathered in the middle of the encampment. There were now semi-permanent buildings, Connie noted, and the place looked better maintained than the last time she was here.

When Connie appeared before them with arms behind her back, the Dark Elves all fell to their knees and saluted.

“Lhong Lhive the Heavenly Phoison Khing!!”

“That’s a great look in their eyes,” Akula noted with an amused grin. “Now they look more like Grasslands warriors. What kind of training have you given them, Madame?”

“Oh, this one has her ways,” Lihua laughed while covering her mouth with her sleeves, giving a coquettish look. However, there is no mistaking the bone-tingling glint in her eyes. “This one is willing to explain to you in great details if you so wish.”

The brave Centaur flinched when she saw this. “Er, maybe next time.”

“Appearance can be deceiving,” Connie said, before she suddenly spread her bloodlust towards the Dark Elves. Where they would once cower upon her intimidation, they could now withstand her mental attack, all while keeping their saluting position strong and stable as an ancient tree.

Seeing how the black-clad Dark Elves did not utter a noise even under her blood lust, Connie let out a jovial laugh and clapped in appreciation of their strength of will.

“Brilliant! Simply brilliant!!” she spoke. “To be able to withstand my blood lust is proof of your strength of will! You all have truly changed from the cowering wastes controlled by fear into true warriors!” she nodded at the old world Demon. “It seems to me that you’ve beaten the fear out of them, Lihua!”

“It’s good that you are content, Mistress,” Lihua responded with a graceful bow.

Connie gestured for them to rise before she continued with her speech.

“You have all fallen once, because your heart is weak! You suffered in silence, without daring to fight back. Now, you, who were once satisfied with merely surviving, has been given the power to fight back! But what is power without a purpose?” Connie bellowed. She walked near one of the Dark Elves and spoke. “Do you wish for revenge against the Demons? Who humiliated you and taken away your loved ones?”

Upon hearing this, many of the Dark Elves, who were staying still and hid their emotions, clenched their fists.

“Answer me.”

“Yhes!” the Dark Elf replied with a resolute nod.

Connie walked a few step back and addressed all of them. “That wish, it can be fulfilled. As long as you serve me well. And to better serve my purpose, you, as my Shadow Guards, need a new name. A name that will strike terror in the heart of your enemies. So that when they hear it, they will fear the silence that you will bring them. Thus, I shall name you…,” Connie raised a finger to her lips, making a shushing noise.

“…The Silence.”

The Dark Elves, even the people who were closest to Connie were stunned into silence.

“That’s right. That’s the reaction I’m expecting. How is that a scary name? That’s something you tell your kid to do when they make too much noise. There’s no blood in that name. No image of an edge. No danger.”

Connie grinned, showing her fangs. “But that's why that name fits you. For that name is a reminder. A reminder of what you have lost, and a reminder to your enemies ofwhat you will take away from them. I want you to make them fear that name, not because it is scary, but because you will make the name The Silence synonymous with terror. For in your wake, silence shall reign!”

Finally understanding the meaning of their name, the Dark Elves, or rather, The Silence, raised their arms with joy. The image of returning the humiliation and pain that they had suffered to their enemies were so vivid they could not help but praise Connie’s name.

Connie beckoned to Illumca to join her while Lihua waved at a grey-haired Dark Elf. “Benua,” she called him.

The male Dark Elf held a tray covered with white cloth, upon which a terrifying mask made of iron was placed. It looked like the ones the other Dark Elves had around their neck. However, this one had an elaborate carving around the jaw, finished with lines of red lacquer, giving it a bloody look.

Connie took the mask from the tray, gave it an appreciative glance, before handing it to Illumca, who received it with both hands.

It did not weigh much, but it was very heavy in her minds. The responsibility and expectation symbolized by this mask was a great burden. A burden that she must bear for the sake of her hate and her love.

“Lead them,” Connie said. “Let them see your fire.”

She glanced at Connie, then at the expectant look of the other Dark Elves.

She took a deep breath and donned the mask. After which she raised her dagger and shouted.

“Let Silence Reign!!”

As one, the Dark Elves raised their weapons and shouted at the top of their lungs. Their words, though imperfect due to their disabilities, rang true.

“Lhet Silhence Rheign!! Lhet Silhence Rheign!!”

The Silence shouted her name again and again, interspersed with their new motto.

Connie stepped back, watching Illumca in her moment of glory.

Now, I have the foundation of power both in the light and the dark. Connie thought. Slowly but surely, I will spread the words of Cultivation to all corners of Grea. And with it, my influence.

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