Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 23 – Part 2 – Stolonium

Third Person Point of View

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"Madam Raerea is still missing. Any updates from your end?" inquired a towering figure, his voice carrying a tone of concern.

"None at all... But it's possible to speculate that she might have been captured by the Resistance or met an unfortunate end. It's the only logical explanation I can think of. She had no hostility towards Lady Phumera, Elanor, or Infersos," responded another, contemplating the situation.

In a dimly lit room, situated on a distant planet, six loyal subordinates of Raerea gathered to discuss the whereabouts of their missing leader, a formidable Eradicator. Despite launching extensive search operations and sending out small reconnaissance teams, Raerea remained elusive. As time passed, their efforts weakened, yet their determination to find her remained firm.

"Raerea has been known to vanish from time to time, hasn't she? Perhaps this disappearance is just an unusually prolonged absence. It's not entirely unprecedented," remarked another member, adopting a casual demeanor.

"I'd normally agree with you, but given the current circumstances, I'm starting to wonder if this is indeed one of her usual excursions or if she's fallen into the enemy's hands..." responded the towering figure, his tone tinged with uncertainty.

His companion shrugged indifferently. "We can continue to speculate and allocate resources to the search, or we can simply wait it out. The decision is yours; you're the one who leads us in her absence," they remarked.

A solemn silence fell upon the room as the towering figure surveyed his five colleagues. After mulling over his comrade's words, he exhaled heavily. "Very well. We'll suspend our search efforts and concentrate on managing the planets overseen by Madam Raerea."

"Tomorrow, I expect all of you to stay for an important announcement that will be transmitted across Madam Raerea's jurisdiction. Understood?" declared the imposing figure with authority.

His fellow subordinates nodded in agreement, acknowledging the directive, and then dispersed. Alone in the room, the imposing figure stood thoughtfully, his gaze fixed on the wall before him. Frowning, he pondered over the fate of their absent leader.

"I pray it's nothing serious, Madam Raerea," he murmured softly to himself, a hint of concern in his voice. With a resigned shake of his head, he exited the meeting room, leaving behind a lingering sense of apprehension.

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"Madam Callorahine, all units are ready to proceed with the eradication of Exsteanus and its surrounding celestial bodies," reported a Volgendur, standing with a stoic face before her desk.

Callorahine's eyes, fixed on a document, snapped up, her gaze piercing the very essence of the Volgendur before her. The intensity of her stare seemed to cut through the messenger as her pupils narrowed into sharp slits. With a silent nod, she acknowledged the report.

"Excellent. Ensure that all units are deployed before nightfall today," she commanded, her voice carrying a chilling edge.

"Y-yes, Madam Callorahine, right away!" stammered the woman, hastily exiting the room.

Alone once more, Callorahine released a quiet sigh through her nostrils, her gaze returning to the documents before her. Her eyes drifted to a photograph resting nearby—a cherished image of her late husband, daughter, and herself. In the picture, they were a picture of happiness, all smiles frozen in time, captured in one of the last moments of their former life before tragedy struck.

As her eyes remained fixed on the photograph, a faint whisper, barely audible, echoed within Callorahine's ears, a voice that seemed to speak directly to her soul.

[…For the future…for their return…] it murmured, its words resonating with a haunting echo.

In response, Callorahine's eyes began to emit a deep, luminous blue glow, reflecting the intensity of her emotions and resolve. The whisper stirred something within her, igniting a fierce fire that burned within her core. For her, the end goal justified any means necessary, even if it meant sacrificing everything she held dear.

"Yes... for my family, my people, and for myself... all of this... is for them," she whispered softly, the words laden with conviction, as she reaffirmed her commitment to her cause.

A faint, wraithlike figure of a creature, emitting a soft blue aura, loomed behind Callorahine, its form concealed in shadow. A sinister grin adorned its lips as it gently placed a transparent hand upon her shoulder.

[Yes…for your people…your family… consume everything to reach that destiny…] it whispered, its voice echoing with a chilling undertone.

In a fleeting moment, the apparition vanished, leaving Callorahine's glowing eyes to gradually dim as she regained her composure, returning her attention to the documents before her.

To her, the pursuit of her goals superseded any concern for consequences. Whether her actions brought about destruction or salvation mattered little, as long as she attained what she desired. She had been reassured by not one, but two higher powers, and that assurance strengthened her resolve. For her people, for her family, and for herself, she would stop at nothing to achieve her ambitions.

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Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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The place we teleported into seemed deserted and abandoned. Abandoned structures were scattered across the landscape, surrounded by piles of garbage and debris scattered haphazardly on the ground and even floating in the air.

"What on earth... have we landed in some kind of poverty-stricken area, like the slums?" Cao Cao asked, his expression showing his confusion as he looked around with the others.

"Yes. This is what remains of my home planet. The old Stolonium was never known for its kindness. Despite its harsh conditions, it still holds a certain sentimental value for me," Raerea admitted, her eyes tracing the dilapidated scenery with a mix of nostalgia and resignation.

Approaching a weathered tree, her hand tenderly resting upon its bark, a wistful expression adorning her face, Raerea spoke, "This tree... I spent countless hours tied to it. It served as a focal point for the cruelty I endured. Children and adults alike would hurl insults, garbage, and even physical violence at me," her voice tinged with the weight of past suffering.

Latia's reaction was one of shock and disbelief. "That's... that's not right. Such experiences should not be romanticized or cherished," she interjected, her concern evident in her tone.

Raerea's smirk belied her somber reminiscence. "Indeed, they were far from ideal. Yet, in a twisted way, these memories provide a peculiar sense of familiarity and stability. I advocated for the preservation of this desolate landscape precisely because it serves as a reminder of where I came from," she explained, her words carrying a sense of grim acceptance.

Before any movement could unfold, a tiny figure, hardly more than a child, dashed toward Raerea with a weathered, rust-stained sword tightly clutched in their grasp.

"Die!" the child cried out, their voice seething with raw aggression as they swung the makeshift weapon toward Raerea. The unexpected attack left everyone else frozen in disbelief, while I remained rooted in my spot, observing the scene with a sense of detached curiosity.

Despite the threat, Raerea's expression remained calm, almost serene, as she met the child's attack with a knowing smile. With effortless grace, she intercepted the blade with her bare hand, the metal barely making an impression on her skin.

Unbeknownst to the others, in a private moment before our gathering, I had granted Raerea temporary access to her powers, but with a safeguard in place. Any hostile intentions toward us would trigger an automatic seal, ensuring she couldn't use them any further.

With a flick of her wrist, Raerea effortlessly destroyed the sword, causing it to disintegrate into harmless fragments as the child staggered backward, unharmed but clearly startled by her display of power. With a raised eyebrow, she addressed the young assailant.

"You're still alive, Osmein? Didn't I arrange for you and the other children to be placed in a well-equipped and staffed orphanage?" she inquired, her tone a blend of concern and admonishment.

"This is the domain of the Rat Dwellers! The Great Osmein, Master of Shadows, will always return to claim his territory!" the child proudly proclaimed, his hands planted firmly on his hips in defiance.

"So the others are here too?" Raerea queried, a hint of resignation coloring her voice as she shook her head. "It's not safe here. You know that as well as I do. However—"

"Ha! We know the risks! We come here to hang out too, you know!? We don't fear those monsters or malfunctioning robots! This is our turf, and we'll defend it!" Osmein interjected defiantly, his youthful bravado masking the underlying dangers of their chosen sanctuary.

"Wait, just a moment, what exactly is happening here?" Latia interrupted, her face mirroring the confusion of the group, who all nodded in unison.

I couldn't help but chuckle at their puzzled reactions, but Raerea turned to Latia and began to explain. "As Cao Cao mentioned earlier, we are in one of the slums of this world. There are many similar areas marked for redevelopment into more livable and visually appealing spaces. However, I made the decision to spare this particular town from destruction, as it holds sentimental value to me."

"And as for this young gentleman," Raerea continued, gesturing towards Osmein, "he is the leader of a group of children who engage in imaginative play. Although, after witnessing Aaron's system of classification, I would categorize them as Middle-class in terms of power, with Osmein falling into the lower end of the High-class tier."

Raerea stole a glance at me, her silent plea shining through her eyes as she sought my guidance on how to handle Osmein's question. It was evident that despite his keen insight, Osmein remained oblivious to our identities. It was wise to keep our roles hidden from the children, and if they did happen to stumble upon the truth, I could easily suppress their memories for the time being.

With a subtle nod, I silently agreed with Raerea, conveying that discretion was indeed the best course of action for now. It was crucial to maintain our anonymity among the younger residents of the slums, protecting our purpose and intentions until the right moment presented itself.

I lifted my hand, subtly manipulating the fabric of reality on this planet and encasing it in a protective barrier. This alteration would allow us to move freely without the need for disguises, ensuring that our actions went unnoticed. For now, I aimed to maintain a sense of normalcy, delaying the revelation of our identities until the situation called for it.

"That's right, we are the new recruits under Raerea's command," I confirmed, meeting Osmein's gaze with a reassuring smile.

Osmein studied me for a moment, his expression showing a hint of skepticism before he nodded in acceptance. "I see. So she's gathered another group of six... that's quite a number," he commented, trying to convey an air of wisdom beyond his years.

"Stop trying to be clever," Raerea admonished Osmein sharply. "Now, where are the others?" she asked, her gaze sweeping the surroundings.

"They're out gathering supplies, the usual stuff we scavenge around here," Osmein replied nonchalantly, waving off her concern with a casual gesture.

Raerea's patience wore thin at his dismissive attitude, and she swiftly appeared beside him, delivering a firm smack to the side of his head. Osmein recoiled in pain, clutching the sore spot with a yelp of surprise and irritation.

"None of those items are safe to use," Raerea admonished, her voice tinged with frustration. "The caretakers at the orphanage always dispose of them. Why do you insist on being so stubborn about this?" she demanded, her tone carrying a hint of exasperation.

"I am the boss—" Osmein tried to assert himself, but Raerea's persistent strikes kept interrupting his words. Though not forceful enough to cause harm, the barrage of taps left Osmein flustered as he futilely attempted to shield himself from the relentless onslaught.

"We're... on a mission here, right...?" Isatha interjected, her voice tinged with disbelief as she observed the scene unfolding before her.

"As far as I'm aware, yes," Cao Cao confirmed, his own incredulity mirrored by Isatha's.

Beside me, Azathoth had been gazing off into the distance, her attention seemingly focused elsewhere. I followed her gaze, but saw nothing out of the ordinary except...

"It's beginning, isn't it?" I murmured quietly, drawing Azathoth's attention back to me. With a solemn nod, she affirmed my observation. Presently, Exsteanus and its associated planets were under siege, the onslaught of attacks commencing as anticipated.

"They will survive," I confirmed, my eyes fixed on the vast expanse of the blue sky. With the deployment of Shadow Soldiers and our covert allies, I held firm in my confidence in the resilience of Exsteanus and its people.

Azathoth's question brought my focus back to her, her intense gaze searching for understanding. "You sense something... significant unfolding in this universe, don't you?" she asked, her expression serious.

"Yes, I do," I admitted, my tone reflecting the weight of the situation. "It's a recent development, something I intentionally kept myself in the dark about until now. It all began with the discovery of Esina, prompting my discreet questions into the mysteries of this universe."

The Ancient Era, the fall of gods, the existence of entities rivaling their powers, and a multitude of other mysterious phenomena dotted the fabric of this universe. My quest for understanding led me to go into ancient lore and seek out legendary creatures and hidden realms, relying on conventional means rather than my inherent powers to uncover the truth.

As I pondered my thirst for knowledge, I couldn't resist the excitement of uncovering the universe's secrets firsthand. The thrill of discovery held a certain charm, much like diving into the lore of a beloved series without spoiling the surprises in store.

"The Keeper of the Eternal Flame, The Shifting Cosmic Storm of Uijla, The Icebound Eternity, and The Tyrant of Decay... fascinating titles indeed," I commented to Azathoth, recounting the strange entities I had come across in my research. "There are more, but these are among the few I've managed to gather information about, through interactions with the Resistance and other sources. Although I've yet to go deeply into conversations with Esina or Ebacan on the matter."

Azathoth's eyes closed briefly as she whispered, "Beapa, The Harmony Keeper, and Xiaxu, The Lord of Endings... You will encounter them. As for the others you mentioned... well, their paths will intersect with yours in due time..." Her mysterious words lingered in the air, hinting at encounters yet to come, cloaked in uncertainty and anticipation.

"Haven't most of the gods died because of Phumera and Magnum Tenebrosum's purges?" I asked, my confusion plain to see.

"They are not gods," Azathoth explained, her tone serious. "They are unique entities that defy conventional understanding. As long as the laws of their existence and the fabric of reality remain intact, they exist. Think of them as akin to Outer Gods, though not as all-powerful as us."

"So... they're not truly 'dead'?" I pushed for further clarification, trying to grasp the complexities of their existence.

Azathoth shook her head. "They may lack a physical form, but their essence persists. Both Tene and Phumera tolerate their existence, as long as they do not hinder their objectives or directly oppose them. It seems they are content to remain inactive or observe from the shadows," she explained.

Esina's curious question interrupted our conversation, prompting us to shift our focus to her. "What are you two talking about?" she asked, her head tilted in curiosity.

"Oh, nothing to worry about, just something we happened to come across," I reassured Esina with a wry smile, hoping to ease any suspicion.

Addressing the group, I laid out our plan of action. "Let's move forward with our mission. Cao Cao and Isatha, you can start your tasks without disguises, thanks to the adjustments I've made. The rest of us will accompany Raerea."

With a nod of assurance, Cao Cao indicated their departure. "Understood. Isatha has a general idea of where to start our search. We'll keep you informed if we discover anything significant." And just like that, they vanished in a teleportation.

"As for the rest of us," I continued, "Elanor has put out a call for recruitment for the Eradicators and Ueboros, and likely the Umbra as well, given their covert nature." I relayed this information to the remaining members of our group, preparing them for the tasks ahead.

Raerea put an end to her scolding of Osmein, telling him to gather the rest of his group and join us. Despite his initial protest, Osmein gave in under the weight of Raerea's intimidating glare and hurried off to retrieve his companions.

Turning back to our group, Raerea let out a weary sigh. "Usually, my subordinates are spread out across the planets I oversee," she explained to us. "But it seems that they've all gathered here today, probably because of Elanor's recruitment event."

"Are they normally dispersed across your territories?" Esina asked for further clarification.

Raerea nodded. "Yes, that's right. I rely on a core group of six individuals, with the rest of my forces considered less reliable and not actively monitored. If they're all here today, Sirozo would likely be leading them, as he acts as their de facto leader," she explained, giving us insight into the structure of her subordinates' organization.

As Osmein returned with the remaining children, Raerea wasted no time in leading our group out of the desolate town. As we traversed the dilapidated streets of the slums, it became apparent that the entire area had been abandoned, left to decay in neglect.

"No one lives here anymore," Raerea remarked as we moved forward. "They've all migrated to the expansive city I built. I've made sure that everything is affordable, relieving the burdens that plagued us under the oppressive rule of the previous regime. When I took on the role of an Eradicator, I quickly ousted the former ruler and brought in positive changes."

Curiosity piqued, Latia posed a question to Raerea. "Could you provide examples of the improvements you've made?" she inquired, seeking tangible evidence of the transformation Raerea had brought upon the once-dismal landscape.

Raerea described the changes she had made, portraying a society that had undergone a positive transformation. "Access to free healthcare is now available to everyone. Elderly citizens receive a 50% discount on all goods and services with their cards. Free transportation is provided within the city. Essential items such as food, water, and clothing are affordable for all. And housing and rent are now within reach for most, offering a range of options, including luxurious accommodations," she explained with pride in her voice.

Osmein also shared his own achievement, his tone reflecting a sense of satisfaction. "The orphanage receives generous donations from Boss and her followers too. We have plenty of toys, food, and clothing," he announced, prompting the other children to excitedly share the recent gifts they had received.

Raerea then brought attention to the ongoing struggles faced by some members of their society. "Donations to the orphanage are provided monthly. We prioritize the maintenance and upkeep of the orphanage, recognizing the difficult situation of abandoned children, despite the improvements in our society. Despite the availability of free education, many parents still selfishly abandon their children, a sad reality that continues even in our universe," she lamented, acknowledging the challenges that persist alongside the progress.

Arriving at a sleek, futuristic bus stop, we watched as a sophisticated tram glided into view, its white marble exterior and interior exuding an air of elegance. The structure was adorned with blue glowing accents, giving it a futuristic aesthetic, while its crystal-clear windows offered uninterrupted views of the surroundings.

As we stepped aboard, we were greeted by an automatic cleansing and detoxification process at the doorway, a testament to the advanced technology at work. Taking our seats in the pristine interior, the tram smoothly set into motion, whisking us away at remarkable speed.

"This is pretty advance," I commented, admiring the innovative design. "These could prove invaluable for the Resistance's operations, as well as in our own universe as things begin to change."

Raerea nodded in agreement. "Feel free to utilize them. The technology isn't proprietary and is used in various locations, including Elanor's planets," she confirmed, highlighting the widespread adoption of such advancements beyond our immediate surroundings.

"It's going up!" Excitedly, Osmein gestured towards the window and we all saw a colossal robotic bear taking shape in the distance in a flurry of metal and light particles. The children gathered around him; their youthful enthusiasm contagious as they marveled at the spectacle unfolding before them.

"Incredible," Latia murmured in awe, her gaze fixed on the ongoing construction. Turning to Raerea, she posed a question tinged with curiosity. "Do you use advanced technologies here? No offense intended, Raerea, but you didn't strike me as the innovative and technologically adept type."

Raerea responded with a wry smile to Latia's inquiry. "None taken," she replied calmly. "While my focus may have been on implementing social and structural reforms, I do recognize the value of embracing technological advancements. The integration of advanced technologies, such as the one you see before you, has played a pivotal role in our efforts to enhance efficiency and improve the quality of life for our citizens."

"I cannot take full credit for this creation," she confessed with admiration in her tone. "Elanor provided assistance, but the credit also belongs to one of my subordinates, who possesses remarkable intelligence and ingenuity. I trust such projects to their capable hands."

As the rest of the group turned their attention to me, I understood the unspoken question in the air. With a subtle nod, I silently confirmed their unspoken query. If the situation took a turn for the worse, we would choose capture over outright elimination. While Raerea held her subordinates in high regard, there remained the possibility of unforeseen betrayals or hidden agendas. In such cases, we would exercise caution and resort to decisive action if necessary.

Each of my companions possessed discerning judgment, and I trusted in their ability to accurately assess the situation. However, if they encountered difficulty in reaching a verdict, they were free to seek my help.

The journey came to a swift conclusion, and we found ourselves fully immersed in the grandeur of the metropolis. The cityscape sprawled out before us, a breathtaking panorama of towering skyscrapers set against charming, welcoming structures. Ornate fountains adorned the streets, while winding rivers and cascading waterfalls added a touch of tranquility to the lively streets. Everywhere we looked, lush greenery added to the city's vibrant ambiance.

"Are those... boats?" Esina exclaimed in amazement, pointing towards a canal where people leisurely navigated on watercraft.

Raerea confirmed Esina's observation with a nod as we stepped off the tram, our feet now on the bustling streets of the city. "Indeed, that river encircles the entire city and extends beyond its borders," she explained. "Traveling along its peaceful waters offers a unique perspective of the city's beauty, whether by day or night. Each moment presents a different view and atmosphere to behold."

"We'll head to the orphanage then!" Osmein's vibrant declaration reverberated through the streets as he and the other children dashed off, leaving Raerea to release a weary sigh.

"They never fail to keep me on my toes," she remarked, her tone tinged with affectionate exasperation.

"Kids will be kids," I said with a chuckle, offering a sympathetic smile to Raerea. As the rest of the group began to survey their surroundings, both Azathoth and I simultaneously directed our attention to the ground, sensing a subtle disturbance in the air.

Raerea's suggestion to visit the orphanage brought our focus back to her. "How about we make our way to the orphanage?" she proposed, her tone welcoming. "I'd be delighted to showcase some of the remarkable buildings in the city. They're truly a sight to behold."

"Agreed, it wouldn't hurt to quietly gather information while we're here, especially regarding Elanor's recruitment efforts," I replied, echoing the sentiments shared by Latia and the others. The prospect of uncovering the intentions behind the recruitment offer intrigued me, and I remained vigilant in anticipation of any potential traps.

"I share your curiosity about the technologies present here," Latia remarked, her tone tinged with a hint of caution. "And given the suspicious nature of Elanor's recruitment, it's essential that we remain cautious."

As we embarked on our trip with Raerea leading the way, Azathoth and I found ourselves walking alongside each other. Sensing an opportunity to talk discreetly, I leaned in to address her in hushed tones. "What did you sense? Is there something about this planet that we should be aware of?" I inquired, casting a wary glance around our surroundings.

As Azathoth held her steady gaze forward, her words lingered in the air, heavy with significance. "You sensed it—the core energy of this planet," she acknowledged softly, her voice carrying a solemn undertone. "It is the focal point for a series of events that are set to unfold in the hours ahead. This extraordinary city and world are shaped by the influence of the entities I mentioned earlier."

Her mention of these enigmatic beings stirred a sense of unease within me, prompting me to close my eyes and tap into my powers for insight. Before I could delve deeper, however, Azathoth's touch on my shoulder broke my concentration.

"Gearfather, Sovereign of Steel and Circuitry," she continued, her words resonating with profound gravity. "It is they who have inadvertently set into motion the events that will soon transpire. However, their actions were not driven by malice. Rather, it could be seen as a ten-million-year-old mistake—one that will only come to fruition in the future. What you choose to do with this knowledge is entirely up to you," she concluded, leaving me to ponder the implications of her revelation.

The mention of the Gearfather, Sovereign of Steel and Circuitry, lingered in my thoughts, its implications weighing heavily upon me. Despite its peculiar title, it seemed clear that this entity held sway over a vast array of technological domains, perhaps even encompassing the very essence of technology itself. With a resigned sigh, I redirected my focus to Raerea's voice as she led us through an impromptu tour of the city.

As we paused before a quaint bakery, Raerea's suggestion drew my attention. "Let's stop here for a bit," she proposed, gesturing towards the shop. "It's a bakery with various delicacies. I believe Aaron can even replicate them with his own touch..."

The sudden turn of conversation prompted amused reactions from Esina and Latia, their gazes shifting towards me expectantly. With a playful chuckle, I yielded to their silent plea. "Very well, let's go and check it out ourselves," I agreed, leading the group into the shop with eager anticipation. Stepping inside, I marveled at the familiar interior, reminiscent of the tram we had recently departed from.

The bakery's pristine and immaculate surroundings exuded an almost surreal aura, leaving me with a lingering sense of restlessness. Everything appeared so flawless, so meticulously arranged, that it bordered on the surreal. Yet, despite the artificial perfection, there was an undeniable allure to the place—a charm that drew us in, despite our reservations.

Raerea's recommendations guided our selections, and as Latia and Esina made their choices, I couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment from the seemingly idyllic scene unfolding before me. With our purchases in hand, we stepped outside into the bustling streets once more, the crisp air tinged with the aroma of freshly baked goods.

Latia and Esina wasted no time in sampling their treats, their expressions lighting up with delight as they savored each bite. "Good..." Latia murmured appreciatively, her approval evident in her satisfied expression.

"Delicious~!" Esina chimed in jubilantly, her enthusiasm infectious as she relished the flavors dancing upon her palate.

I reached into one of the bags and retrieved three of the baked goods, distributing them among Raerea, Azathoth, and myself. As I bit into the seemingly ordinary-looking treat, I was pleasantly surprised by its delectable flavor. Despite its unassuming appearance, the combination of ingredients melded together harmoniously, creating a satisfying culinary experience.

Raerea indulged in her portion with evident enjoyment, while Azathoth regarded her food with a hint of apprehension, her expression betraying a sense of reluctance. Sensing her hesitation, I asked, "Is something wrong?"

Azathoth paused for a moment before responding, her tone thoughtful. "It feels strange not eating food prepared by Grayfia, Raiko, Inaie, or Aaron. That's why I'm hesitant to try it. However, given your positive reactions, I'll give it a taste," she explained before tentatively taking a bite.

Her initial reaction was subtle but perceptible—a slight widening of her eyes followed by a moment of contemplation. Eventually, she nodded in approval, acknowledging the satisfying flavor of the baked good. "It's enjoyable... though not quite on par with Aaron's cooking or baking," she remarked with a hint of nostalgia.

Chuckling softly at Azathoth's comparison, I quipped, "Oh, really? Well, I'll certainly give it my best shot when we get back home." With that playful promise, we continued our leisurely stroll through the bustling streets, enjoying our treats and immersing ourselves in the sights and sounds of the city.

Raerea, always the well-informed guide, entertained us with stories of the city's landmarks and structures, offering insightful explanations for even the most seemingly ordinary buildings. Her expertise added depth to our exploration, enriching our understanding of the city's history and culture.

Approaching a small group of people, we were drawn to the lively scene unfolding before us. Intrigued to see what had captured their attention, we eagerly joined the gathering, eager to further immerse ourselves in the vibrant atmosphere of this remarkable city.

Moving through the crowded streets, we found ourselves drawn to a mesmerizing spectacle. In the center of it all, a man commanded the attention of onlookers as he conjured intricate patterns of light-blue constructs that twirled and danced around him. With a graceful touch, he shaped a variety of forms, from elaborate structures and machinery to whimsical creatures and lifeless objects.

As impressive as his talents were, there was a sense of restraint in his performance, as if he were purposefully holding back. Intrigued by this, I activated my [Aosozth] to probe deeper, seeking the truth behind his skills.

My suspicions were confirmed as I delved into his identity, uncovering him as a trusted subordinate of Raerea. Despite his incredible abilities, he was hidden in plain sight, posing as a simple street performer, concealing his nature in the affluent city surroundings. It was a subtle disguise, allowing him to seamlessly blend in with the bustling streets while quietly wielding his formidable powers in anonymity.

The title of Furuke, known as the "Heavenly Energy Manipulator," caught my attention, especially given the recent discoveries about the underlying energies in this planet. Just having a conversation with Azathoth about the impact of powerful beings like Gearfather, the Sovereign of Steel and Circuitry, made me wonder if Furuke's abilities were connected to these larger forces at play.

After Raerea mentioned Elanor's role in shaping the city and Furuke's contributions to its technological marvels, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Furuke than what was apparent. Was Furuke meant to have a significant part in the upcoming events? The thought lingered in my mind, stirring up anticipation and uncertainty.

Looking at Azathoth, I noticed her watching me with an unreadable expression. And when I turned to Raerea, I saw a similar sense of confusion in her face, indicating the complexity of the situation unfolding before us.

Abruptly, he stood up from his seat, and a faint azure structure formed beneath him, gradually lifting him up. This manifestation slowly transformed into a translucent automaton with articulated limbs, beginning to move Furuke with independent motion. His laughter reverberated as the onlookers watched in amazement.

With agile movements, he jumped from one limb to the next, drawing gasps from the audience, yet he continued, his laughter growing even louder. As the performance came to an end, he gracefully descended to the ground, making a respectful bow, mirrored by the robot, drawing applause from the crowd who then generously contributed to the hat placed before us.

I mimicked the movement, upholding our mask of nonchalance as we made our exit.

"Well, that was quite entertaining, don't you think?" Esina observed, her amusement clear.

"He certainly has a strong command of his ability... but such mastery does make it suspicious. Aaron, Azathoth, and Raerea appeared puzzled as well. Do you care to shed some light on the matter?" Latia asked, shifting her gaze to the three of us.

"He felt familiar, but I can't quite put my hand on what, who, or where I had seen him before," Raerea mused, her gaze fixed on the ground.

Azathoth offered no response, merely shaking her head and closing her eyes, a habitual gesture that prompted Latia to shoot me a curious glance.

Utilizing my abilities to survey our surroundings, I noted that Furuke remained oblivious to our discussion. With a subtle nod, I interjected, "He was... Furuke, one of Raerea's subordinates, the mastermind behind all the technological advancements in this planet. That's likely why she found him familiar; he had merely concealed his identity."

Raerea's eyes widened in surprise as she turned to me. "I see... so that's the reason," she murmured, her brow furrowing in contemplation. "But why...? Why would he do that? He's usually absorbed in his laboratory, conducting experiments and creating new inventions."

"Maybe he needed a change of scenery?" suggested Esina, her head tilted inquisitively.

"He does take breaks, but usually he's either napping or engaged in other leisure activities to unwind. Stepping out, wearing a disguise, and changing his appearance... that's not a usual behavior for him," Raerea explained.

Latia interjected thoughtfully, "Are you absolutely certain that you're familiar with all your subordinates? You mentioned there are six in total—can you confidently claim to know each of them thoroughly?"

This caused Raerea to pause, her eyes fixed on Latia, considering her question. Finally, she shook her head. "No... I cannot claim to know everything about them for certain. While they may serve under my leadership, they undoubtedly have their own ambitions and feelings."

"I may grant them a significant amount of independence, but ultimately, like all beings in our universe, they have the ability to betray me and align with another group. It's a concept that I have always recognized, although I have doubts about its likelihood," Raerea asserted confidently.

"You speak with confidence," Latia remarked, meeting Raerea's gaze directly. A palpable tension settled over us, the air heavy with anticipation as the two women locked eyes in a silent standoff.

Azathoth remained impassive, while Esina appeared visibly flustered, her gaze darting between them, discomfort evident in her demeanor. Seeking guidance, she turned to me, silently pleading for assistance in the charged atmosphere.

"Regardless of his reasons, the truth will be revealed once we confront him. But for now, let's put an end to this tension," I interjected firmly, playfully tapping their heads with a karate chop.

Both women gave me a disapproving look, but the hostility between them faded, and we continued on our journey. It was a somewhat awkward situation, considering Raerea and Latia were both strong-willed individuals, fiercely independent and used to relying on themselves.

Raerea, in particular, had earned her position through her own hard work, albeit with perhaps a hint of help along the way. Similarly, Latia, though somewhat more naïve when we first met, had since grown and carved her own path with remarkable resilience and determination.

— ○ ● ○ —

We arrived at a majestic building that bore a striking resemblance to a museum. Its flawless white exterior was bathed in a gentle blue light that harmonized with the city's architectural charm. The entrance was dominated by a sign proudly declaring the establishment's name: "Museum of Stolonium."

"Why have you brought us to a museum?" Latia asked, her interest sparked by our chosen destination.

"A brief history lesson wouldn't be a bad idea. It will provide context for our upcoming interactions with my subordinates, especially since all of you are here for the 'recruitment' process," Raerea explained, earning an approving nod from Latia.

Esina tilted her head with curiosity and clapped her hands together. "How far back does its history reach? I may have some insights to offer, given my considerable lifespan, although my memories may be somewhat foggy. Nonetheless, I traveled through many lands before my imprisonment," she offered.

"If you have anything to contribute, it would be greatly appreciated. Let's proceed," announced Raerea, taking the lead as we entered.

Inside, we were greeted by a statue of Phumera, evoking a collective but silent eye roll from everyone except Raerea, who remained stoic, allowing us to react as we pleased. Once we had finished our silent commentary, she guided us to the first exhibit.

Displayed before us was a mesmerizing 3D hologram video depicting a certain historical event. We gazed at it with a mixture of fascination and confusion, prompting Raerea to step in and offer an explanation with palpable enthusiasm.

"This marks the first significant incident recorded on this planet, back when I was still a child. Although my role was limited at the time, the memory remains vivid," she began, gesturing towards the holographic scene. "A massive influx of Shadow Devils suddenly appeared on the planet. To this day, we speculate that a third party teleported them here... for reasons unknown. The motive behind their actions remains a mystery."

On the video hologram, it showed countless Shadow Devils going crazy and attacking everything around them. Various buildings and large portions of the planet were destroyed and ruined, all because whoever teleported them to the planet, might have just felt like it or treated them as an experiment.

"About fifty thousand lives were lost on that fateful day, yet despite the overwhelming odds, the planet's mightiest individuals joined forces and engaged in a long-drawn-out battle against the monsters," Raerea recounted solemnly. "It was no mere skirmish, mind you. The conflict raged on for approximately three weeks, marked by ceaseless combat and unfathomable carnage. It was a living nightmare, with rivers of blood, mountains of corpses, and widespread devastation."

We remained silent as Raerea guided us to another exhibit, where a floating spear held our gaze. Its surface bore the marks of dried blood, and various sections showed signs of wear and damage.

"This spear belonged to the leader of that courageous resistance," Raerea continued, her voice filled with reverence. "Even though he perished in battle with only about twenty Shadow Devils left, his trusted lieutenant wielded this very weapon to vanquish the remaining monsters alongside their comrades."

"It took about two years to reconstruct our devastated city, but sadly, the aftermath brought new challenges for its residents," Raerea remembered, her voice laced with bitterness. "Despite their courageous efforts, the people who had bravely defended us were met with indifference by the ruling elite of that era—a man truly lacking in compassion. Because these 'heroes' came from the poverty-stricken slums, their actions were disregarded, and instead of praise, they were faced with further isolation."

A hint of anger crossed Raerea's face as she continued, "I still remember the day when those imposing walls went up, separating the affluent district from the rest of us. We were only allowed entry under rare circumstances, and even then, the wealthy looked down upon us, treating us as if we were nothing more than filthy animals. It was an infuriating experience."

Her expression softened as she looked away, guiding us to another 3D holographic display. The change in atmosphere was tangible as her excitement returned, eager to explore the next exhibit.

"This was the day I returned as an Eradicator, fueled by bitterness and anger towards the ruling elite who ignored my demands for change," Raerea recalled, her voice tinged with a touch of nostalgia. "I swiftly took down the oppressive ruler and, in a bold act of defiance, tore down the barriers that separated the wealthy from the impoverished. My mission was clear: to establish equality for 'my' people and the elite alike."

Raerea's eyes glinted with resolve as she added, "By that point, I had already gathered my initial group of six loyal subordinates, among whom Furuke stood reliably by my side."

"With our collective collaboration, we have gradually transformed this city into the semblance of a utopia that it is today, wouldn't you agree?" Raerea remarked with a hint of fondness. "Certainly, achieving such a feat did not happen overnight, but through years of tireless effort. It took approximately five years to shape everything according to our vision, and then another decade to elevate it to its current state. Even after reaching this level of prosperity, we continued to seek ways to innovate and improve."

It was clear that beneath her stoic exterior, Raerea held a deep affection for her planet, its inhabitants, and her dedicated subordinates. Despite her initial aloofness and stern demeanor, she embodied the qualities of an exemplary ruler, driven by a genuine desire to nurture and uplift her people.

If only Phumera's organization operated with integrity and decency, this turn of events would be cause for celebration. Yet, as always, there lurked a shadow of doubt within the hope. I exhaled heavily, mirroring Raerea's weary resignation.

"This clearly indicates the integration of my home planet into Lady Phumera's dominion," Raerea remarked, her tone tinged with a mixture of acceptance and reluctance. "At first, I was indifferent, given the stability her rule brought to conquered planets, including my own. Lady Phumera, alongside Lady Yve and Elanor, played pivotal roles in bolstering our infrastructure. In particular, Elanor's direct involvement facilitated the establishment of this city and its advanced technologies," she explained.

"During that time, Furuke also formed a closer bond with Elanor, as they went into discussions about their ambitious projects," Raerea continued, her expression reflecting a mix of admiration and bewilderment. "The rest of us, less skilled in matters of technology, often found ourselves confused by their conversations. However, we had faith in their expertise and supported their endeavors," she confessed.

"One of the most astounding discoveries they made was this," Raerea motioned towards another exhibit, unveiling a triangular object emitting a radiant glow. "This is the core that serves as the lifeblood of our entire planet," she explained with a hint of awe. "Situated deep within the planet's core, I have been fortunate to catch a glimpse of it alongside others on numerous occasions. Its magnificence is truly beyond words."

"A power source like those found in Kuoh, the Dimensional Gap, Sanctuary, and the Resistance's planet?" Latia asked, her eyes moving between Esina and Raerea as she sought confirmation.

Esina nodded, her brow furrowing in thought. "Raerea, do you have any idea about its origins?" she asked, intrigued by the mysterious nature of the core.

Unfortunately, Raerea shook her head. "No, neither Furuke nor I have that knowledge," she admitted, a hint of frustration creeping into her voice. "Furuke suspects that Elanor might have some understanding of its origins, but she hasn't shared any information with him. Still, he's diligently researching the matter, and his latest update indicated he was nearing a breakthrough."

"But?" Latia interjected eagerly, urging Raerea to share more.

"But... there's more to the tale," Raerea disclosed, her voice tinged with a mix of disappointment and suspicion. "After some time, Furuke abruptly halted his pursuit, claiming he couldn't unravel its mysteries. His once intense pursuit of its origins dwindled, and he stopped mentioning it altogether."

Latia's skepticism flared at this disclosure. "That's highly suspicious. If he was adamant about being on the brink of discovery, it's inconceivable that he'd suddenly abandon the endeavor. There's undoubtedly more to this than meets the eye. My instincts tell me there's something amiss," she asserted vehemently.

Raerea regarded Latia with a complex expression, her unspoken agreement evident in the depths of her gaze. Though reluctant to voice her agreement aloud, her concern for her people, particularly her trusted subordinates, including the first six, was undeniable.

After a short break, Raerea took us on a tour in the rest of the museum, sharing fascinating insights and stories about the different exhibits. As she recounted the planet's history and the city's development, around thirty minutes passed, each moment a tribute to the progress made by both.

Despite the captivating tour and Raerea's informative tales, my mind remained preoccupied with the recent conversation with Azathoth and the unsettling information shared by Raerea. Furuke's sudden retreat from his investigation into the core's origins lingered in my thoughts, sparking suspicion within me.

I couldn't shake the feeling of whether our encounter with him earlier was just a coincidence, or if he held suspicions about Raerea's involvement. I considered the possibilities, wondering if his actions were driven by intuition or deliberate strategy. However, my confidence in my reality-warping abilities reassured me that any attempts at deceit on Furuke's part would be in vain.

Esina pressed her eyelids together, intertwining her fingers in a thoughtful gesture. Intrigued, we watched her closely, even Azathoth, who had remained silent until then, fixed her gaze on the artificial goddess. After a brief pause, Esina opened her eyes.

"It feels strangely familiar yet elusive, like a memory about to resurface. I apologize, but with some prompting, I might be able to recall the identity of this source of energy..." she confessed, a hint of distress evident in her demeanor.

I exchanged a glance with Azathoth, and she reciprocated the gesture. Then, through telepathy, I asked, 'Does anyone have knowledge about these entities? Weren't they entities from the Ancient Era?'

Azathoth glanced at me briefly before turning her attention back to Esina, who began to show signs of restlessness. 'The truth is, knowledge of these entities is scarce. They would likely be seen as formidable beings existing beneath Phumera, the Eradicators, and Ueboros. Even if we were to reveal their name, it's doubtful that Raerea or anyone else would recognize its significance,' Azathoth explained.

"I have a suspicion," I began, looking at Esina. "Though I'm not sure if the name will mean anything to you."

"Any clues would be greatly appreciated," Esina eagerly replied, her tone tinged with urgency. Latia and Raerea leaned in attentively, equally intrigued, waiting for my revelation.

"Gearfather, Sovereign of Steel and Circuitry," I disclosed, closely observing their reactions. "A being similar to the Keeper of the Eternal Flame that you mentioned before. Azathoth and I had a discussion about such entities, and she suggested that an 'accident' involving Gearfather long ago may have granted this planet its mysterious power source," I calmly elaborated.

Esina's eyes widened in understanding, her mind racing to piece together fragments of knowledge from the Ancient Era. Her eyes faintly glowed with intensity as she went on a journey of recollection, delving into the depths of her memory to unravel the mysteries of the past.

Raerea found herself in a state of confusion as she tried to make sense of the unfamiliar names in relation to her own knowledge. "Gearfather? The Keeper of the Eternal Flame? These names are completely new to me," she muttered, her brows furrowed in puzzlement. "Lady Phumera, Yve, or Elanor have never spoken of them either..."

Latia's deduction filled the room with a sense of foreboding, her voice trailing off as she considered the implications. "If these entities are truly as powerful as you suggest, Aaron," she began slowly, her expression a mix of concern and uncertainty, "then it's possible that Furuke's reluctance may stem from a fear of disbelief or perhaps... something more sinister." Her voice trailed off, leaving the possibility ominously lingering in the air.

Raerea's resolute tone mirrored her determination to uncover the truth, her brow furrowing in intense frustration as she sought clarity in the uncertainty. "Sinister? What exactly are you insinuating?" she pressed, her voice laced with annoyance.

Latia's response, delivered with a measured tone, offered a perspective steeped in caution and foresight. "Beings of such magnitude often embody alignments ranging from good to evil, or even neutrality," she explained, her gaze steady as she met Raerea's probing stare. "Without knowing the nature of the 'accident' attributed to Gearfather, we cannot establish its implications. Should it lean towards evil, ominous outcomes may indeed loom on the horizon. Conversely, if it veers towards neutrality or good, this planet may continue to thrive, unbothered," she concluded, her words carrying a weight of solemnity and anticipation.

Raerea stood on the brink of sharing her thoughts, but a subtle unease held her back. While she deeply respected and trusted her subordinates, a lingering doubt surfaced about the truth of Latia's words. Despite her desire to speak out, Raerea chose silence, a deliberate decision in the center of uncertainty.

— ○ ● ○ —

Leaving the museum after five minutes of that silence, we found ourselves in a vast area that resembled a bustling college campus after a silent ten-minute walk, filled with the vibrant energy of youth. Despite its collegiate appearance, the numerous signs indicated that it was actually a place dedicated to education.

"This is where our young people come to learn," Raerea explained, motioning to the expansive grounds. "Children as young as five can start their educational journey here, progressing through different stages until they reach the age of eighteen to thirty, depending on their chosen path. As I mentioned before, education is provided free of charge, with the exception of dormitory rent, which is due every six months, and the cost of food and other necessities," she clarified.

It struck me that this educational institution encompassed all the traditional levels of schooling, from elementary to tertiary education. The option to graduate at the end of "high school" or "college" added a layer of flexibility to the academic journey. In addition, the widespread use of high-tech infrastructure emphasized the forward-thinking nature of this educational sanctuary, offering an immersive and innovative learning experience.

"The person in charge of my team takes on the roles of both teacher and president, titles that I personally bestowed upon them. They are primarily responsible for running the educational and administrative aspects of this institution. I had hoped to have a conversation with this person, but Aaron's actions have made me doubt whether they will be open to my words or capable of recognizing my identity," Raerea explained.

"During which time period do the children from the orphanage enroll—currently or in the future?" Esina asked, clearly trying to change the subject from the previous uncomfortable conversation.

"Within a year, all of them will start their educational journey here. They receive education at the orphanage from the ages of five to six, and then they come here. They will continue to stay in the orphanage until they reach adulthood or if they are adopted," Raerea clarified.

"Regardless," she added, "let us make our way to the orphanage. It will be our final destination for the day, after that we'll go to my home, giving us the chance to get to know my subordinates. Oh, and..."

"I will make sure to remove it when the time comes, but we will still keep the ability active on us," I interrupted, to which Raerea agreed.

As we walked on, Raerea provided more details about the institution. In brief, it was similar to any standard educational establishment in our realm. The young wards there received thorough instruction and gradually formed their own perspectives on various matters. Afterward, they would choose their own paths, pursuing careers aligned with their interests, although...

It became clear to us that the institution had neglected to instill ethical values and proper moral guidance. As Raerea had mentioned before, a significant number of children born out of wedlock often faced abandonment. Surprisingly, even children born within marriage experienced neglect or were sent to the orphanage.

However, the number of parents on this planet was limited due to the long lifespan characteristic of this universe. This extended lifespan allowed individuals to prioritize personal pursuits before considering "settling down." Unfortunately, even with this, it still often resulted in the abandonment or neglect of these vulnerable children.

Although I felt compelled to address the issue, I considered it unwise given the existing tension between Raerea and Latia. Sensing that Raerea was already aware of the issue and the strained atmosphere, I chose to postpone any discussion until a more suitable time, perhaps upon our return home. In the meantime, I decided to let the matter simmer, contemplating a more suitable course of action in due time.

— ○ ● ○ —

"What on earth... How could this possibly be an orphanage? It's more like the luxurious home of a wealthy individual!" Latia exclaimed incredulously.

We stood at the entrance of a magnificent mansion, surrounded by an expansive walkway. In front of us stretched a long avenue bordered by a grand body of water adorned with a central fountain. Smaller pools were scattered throughout the landscape, accompanied by a variety of small to medium-sized trees. Behind us, imposing white metallic gates enclosed the entire compound.

At the far end loomed the main building. Its sheer size was breathtaking, characterized by walls of pristine white stone topped with pale blue roofs, punctuated by numerous windows. Flanking the main structure were additional annexes, hinting at the immensity of the estate. Beyond, I caught a glimpse of the promise of a spacious backyard area.

"I too have a sense for manipulating space," Azathoth confirmed, immediately noticing the unusual spaciousness of the area. "It appears that the interior has been expanded as well. Not only is there a back garden, but also a meticulously crafted underground section, perhaps in preparation for potential threats or emergencies."

Raerea nodded knowingly, a small smile appearing on her lips. "Yes, I spared no expense for the orphanage. I am well aware of the difficulties faced by abandoned children in our society. Despite my relentless efforts to address the issue, the numbers continue to rise, increasing the urgency of our mission."

"Fortunately," she continued, her voice a mix of relief and contemplation, "our planet's low birth rates mean that we currently have just one hundred and two children here, a relatively modest number compared to our vast population of one hundred and fifty million people."

"Such a low number with so many people? How is that even possible?" Latia inquired, her incredulity evident.

"As I mentioned earlier," Raerea explained, her tone laced with a hint of resignation, "the priorities of our society have shifted significantly since I took on the role of Eradicator and ruler. Career advancement and personal aspirations have taken precedence. Sadly, for the impoverished families and individuals, children are no longer a primary focus. Despite our efforts, we cannot impose restrictions on sexual activity…"

"That doesn't make it right," Latia interjected, frustration seeping into her voice, but ultimately she relented with a sigh. "Let's just go…"

Raerea, uninterested in needless arguments, elegantly led our group towards the imposing structure ahead. As we walked, we couldn't help but be amazed by the luxurious splendor of our surroundings. Every building radiated an aura of excessive wealth, leaving us in wonder at the sheer extravagance on display. Approaching the ornate fountain, Raerea turned left, guiding us onward. Instead of a continuation of the road, an expansive body of water lay ahead, stretching out like a vast, shimmering expanse.

"The children's recreational areas are mainly located within the building or located behind the building," Raerea explained, her voice carrying a tone of earnest instruction. "Furthermore, we prioritize combat training for the young ones, recognizing the importance of self-defense skills. Kids like Osmein show remarkable potential, making them prime candidates for recruitment into Phumera's organization," she added, her words resonating with a sense of purpose and conviction.

"Are you still set on going down that path?" Esina's voice held a faint touch of sadness as she expressed her concern.

Raerea's response carried a sense of acceptance, her tone burdened with uncertainty. "No matter the outcome today, I dread the challenge of convincing my people. Despite witnessing the efforts of the Resistance and recognizing their worth, it will be an uphill battle to sway my citizens. Leading multiple planets only adds to the difficulty, as the existing animosity towards both myself and Phumera, along with inherent distrust, complicates the task," she explained with a solemn undertone.

As I observed Raerea's contemplative demeanor, I detected a subtle shift in the atmosphere. Her time in captivity had undoubtedly shaped her views, but her vast experience and deep understanding of her people added weight to her practical assessment. Glancing at Azathoth and Latia, I noticed their differing reactions; Azathoth seemed unaffected, while Latia appeared lost in thought, clearly grappling with internal deliberations.

Upon arrival at the grand entrance, I couldn't help but notice the intricate details that surrounded us. Upon closer inspection, it became clear that the layout offered no significant divergence; whether we chose to go right or not, our path led inevitably to the single door hidden behind the colossal pillar at our rear.

With a swift motion, Raerea swung open the door, signaling our entry into the expansive interior. As I deactivated the cloak of reality manipulation surrounding her, I realized that earlier, Osmein had already discerned her identity, a fact underscored by the fact that I hadn't yet initiated the concealment.

Stepping into the vast expanse beyond, we were greeted by a sight that defied our expectations. The interior boasted an impressive scale, with towering ceilings soaring overhead. A magnificent chandelier hung prominently, casting a warm glow that illuminated the space. To our collective surprise, the interior was immaculately clean, a testament to the meticulous upkeep maintained within the confines of the building.

"The children play a role in maintaining the premises, helping with cleaning duties in specific areas," Raerea explained, her voice reflecting a sense of pride in their combined efforts. "But for more demanding cleaning tasks, we rely on either our natural abilities or the assistance of the androids created by Furuke."

As Raerea guided our group forward, we journeyed through a maze of corridors, each revealing a variety of rooms filled with an assortment of strange objects and curiosities. Some rooms appeared as vast, empty spaces furnished with simple amenities, while others contained shelves lined with a diverse array of books, toys, and mysterious artifacts whose purposes eluded our understanding. In this diverse building, we came across essential facilities such as bathrooms, kitchens, and numerous bedrooms, scattered throughout the complex like hidden treasures waiting to be discovered.

Arriving at a door hidden within the expansive right wing, Raerea knocked softly before leading us inside. Upon entering the room, we were greeted by the sight of an elderly gentleman, wearing spectacles and with wisps of white hair falling from his head, accompanied by a flowing beard. Dressed in a simple gray robe, he exuded an aura of wisdom and warmth as he welcomed Raerea with a gentle smile.

"Madam Raerea, it is truly a pleasure to have you visit today. How can I assist you?" The man's voice conveyed genuine concern as he stood up to speak to her. "I should also mention that Sirozo came by to inform us of your temporary absence. Did you go out on your usual excursions?" he asked, his tone tinged with curiosity.

"I simply went on my usual excursions, Francis. There is no need to worry," Raerea reassured him with a soothing smile. "How is everyone under your care faring? Osmein and his companions went back to the slums, as you know, and we ran into them there when I returned," she explained, her words reflecting her familiarity with the routine events at the orphanage.

Francis, a hint of exasperation in his expression, released a weary sigh as he pondered Osmein and his group's recurring defiance. "Once again, they have disregarded my warnings. It seems a disciplinary measure is in order," he murmured, his voice heavy with resignation.

Shifting his focus to our group, Francis greeted us with a warm smile. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," he remarked, his demeanor cordial despite the underlying concern regarding Osmein's actions. "Given Madam Raerea's discerning nature in selecting her companions, I can only assume that you are here under her support. It's great timing too, as Madam Elanor has deployed one of her androids to initiate recruitment efforts on our planet as well."

All eyes turned towards me, awaiting affirmation of our intentions. With a nod, I affirmed, albeit with a touch of deceit, "Yes, you could say that. In anticipation of the approval of Lady Raerea's other subordinates, we may indeed align ourselves with Raerea in the future." Though my words concealed the nature of our visit, I maintained the façade, keeping our ulterior motives hidden from Francis.

Francis nodded wisely, acknowledging the dynamics within Raerea's group. "Integrating into Madam Raerea's circle may pose an initial challenge, as some members have reservations about newcomers. However, with time and effort, mutual respect and solidarity often blossom, bridging any initial divides," he advised, his words carrying a note of reassurance.

Raerea, her brow furrowed in contemplation, interjected with a sigh. "The clash of personalities among certain members can make smooth cooperation in mundane tasks challenging. However, when the need arises, they demonstrate a remarkable capacity to set aside their differences and collaborate effectively to fulfill my directives," she explained, her tone tinged with a hint of resignation.

Francis nodded in agreement, his understanding evident. Before he could respond further, the door creaked open once more, revealing another unexpected visitor, eliciting a startled reaction from Raerea.

Before us stood a man of commanding presence, his predominantly white hair gracefully cascading over his right eye, lending an air of mystery to his visage. His piercing gray eyes held a depth of wisdom, complemented by the regal attire he wore—a white ensemble adorned with accents of blue and gold, exuding an aura of nobility and refinement. Black boots adorned his feet, adding contrast to his ensemble.

Perched upon his left shoulder sat a strange creature, its form reminiscent of a bird, its plumage matching the man's hair in color. Adorned with a miniature top hat atop its head, the creature added a whimsical charm to his already striking appearance, hinting at a bond that transcended mere companionship.

As he addressed Raerea and Francis, his demeanor exuded both authority and elegance, commanding attention with his dignified presence. "Ah, Lady Raerea, how unexpected. We were just about to start an announcement. Perhaps you would care to join us?" he suggested, his voice carrying a blend of formality and warmth.

Upon noticing our presence, his gaze shifted towards us, his gray eyes betraying a hint of curiosity. "And are these new recruits you've brought with you?" he inquired, his attention returning to Raerea.

With a nod, Raerea affirmed his suspicions. "Yes, they are. I stumbled upon them during my customary excursions," she explained, her tone carrying a sense of authority and purpose. "Gather the others. We will arrange for a brief meeting shortly. I intend to stay here for a while longer before leaving," she instructed, her demeanor projecting a calm confidence.

"Unzaifai will faithfully convey the message to the others. May I inquire about the duration you plan to stay in this place for?" he asked, performing a graceful bow.

"We will prolong our stay by an additional twenty minutes before joining the rest of the group. In the meantime, please adjust the announcements to accommodate the android sent here on behalf of Elanor," she ordered.

"Of course, my lady! I will take care of it immediately," he exclaimed with passion, adding a wink before leaving.

"He does have a certain charm, don't you think?" remarked Esina, her tone tinged with amusement.

With a sigh, Raerea smiled softly before saying, "Yes, he has always possessed such charisma, even since the time I found him near death. His name is Unzaifai, as he mentioned, and he ranks among the most loyal, second only to Sirozo."

Turning to Francis, who greeted her with a warm smile, Raerea spoke, "I will take care of guiding them for the next twenty minutes, Francis. You can continue with your tasks; I'll oversee the removal of the items Osmein's group collected."

"If that's what you want, Madam Raerea," he replied with a chuckle, settling back into his seat to resume his work.

With a nod, she motioned for us to follow. "Come with me. There are some facilities that I'd like Aaron to inspect and provide feedback on." And with that, we left Francis' office, making our way through the corridors of the orphanage.

— ○ ● ○ —

Our first stop on the tour led us to a training facility designed to promote physical development among the children. The area was equipped with a variety of exercise equipment, catering to different workout routines. On the right, a setup resembling a gym caught our attention, while the left side featured an open field with training dummies and ample space for sparring sessions.

In the middle of the busy activity, a group of children were engaged in workouts, mainly on the right side where they were using the equipment. We approached cautiously, allowing them to continue their exercises undisturbed.

"What do you think?" Raerea asked, motioning towards the bustling scene. "Similar setups can be found on the Resistance's planet, but on a larger scale with more instructors. However, due to limited staffing here, this represents the extent of our capabilities," she explained, highlighting the practical approach taken despite resource constraints.

With the ultimate goal of recruiting them for the Resistance in mind, I eagerly seized the opportunity to offer extensive guidance. With a confident nod, I began a detailed analysis of the training facility. "It's clear that certain areas could benefit from improvement. For example, in the expansive training fields, strategically placed rest zones are essential to give individuals ample opportunities to rest and regain their stamina during the intense sessions. This balance between effort and recovery is crucial for maintaining peak performance over extended periods."

"Furthermore," I added, gesturing towards the bustling activity, "the introduction of vending machines stocked with a variety of energizing beverages, nutritious snacks, and replenishing energy bars can serve as powerful motivators, encouraging participants to push through moments of exhaustion and remain fully committed to their training routine."

Before concluding our discussion, I eagerly shared further insights, keen to contribute to the ongoing improvement of their training program. However, my attention was soon diverted when Latia discreetly pulled me aside, expressing her desire for a private conversation.

While the rest of the group chatted away, Azathoth would glance in our direction now and then, only to shift her focus to the children who were busy with their exercises. Sensing Latia's unease, I asked, "What's on your mind, Latia?" as she let go of my wrist.

"Unzaifai, I don't trust him. There's something about him that doesn't sit right with me," she declared, locking eyes with me.

I responded with a smile, saying, "Why is that? Could you shed some light on it?" Despite having my own doubts about the person in question, I preferred to hear Latia's perspective before sharing my own.

With a faint crease on her forehead, she carefully expressed her thoughts, "His demeanor struck me as overly friendly, almost unnaturally so. At first, I found myself reciprocating that feeling towards you, but over time, your authenticity became more apparent. Yet, there's something off about him; my gut tells me that his friendliness is just a facade. Maybe that's why he struggles to truly connect with others. And the way he behaved towards us felt unsettling, like he was hiding something beneath the surface. It's possible that his personality is fake, maybe even deceitful, although I don't have solid proof."

Understanding the weight of her words, I nodded slowly, taking a moment to process her insights. I shared her reservations. The intensity of his focus on me left a troubling impression. Every aspect of his manner seemed touched with suspicion. His lingering gaze, particularly aimed at me, deeply unsettled me. Understanding Latia's reluctance to voice her concerns in Raerea's presence, I realized that the current atmosphere wasn't favorable to such open discussions.

"Without a doubt, while I have not used my abilities to uncover his true nature, I agree with your assessment of him. Therefore, I will keep a close watch on his actions. Let us both take on this responsibility and keep each other informed if we notice any suspicious behavior, understood?" I suggested to her.

Latia agreed, showing her approval with a nod and saying, "Yes, I think that would be wise. But why have you held back from using your abilities to investigate him?"

"I plan to do so in time. But I am hesitant to share any findings with Raerea, as she seems unwavering in her belief that her subordinates are loyal to her, given her affection for them. Perhaps she has chosen to overlook their potential wrongdoings because of their long-standing service under her leadership. Nevertheless, I will keep these insights and discoveries to myself for now," I explained to her.

"Very well, I will trust your judgment. But I am intrigued by those beings you mentioned earlier—the ones you spoke of with Azathoth and Esina," she asked, her eyes showing a deep sense of curiosity.

I glanced at her briefly before turning my attention back to the group, noticing they were getting ready to leave the area. "I will share the details with you later. The topic is more complex and involved than you may realize, and it will take time to explain thoroughly. Given the potential events unfolding on this planet, now may not be the best time," I explained.

Latia looked at me for a moment before nodding and turning to rejoin the others. We made our way back to the group, engaging in conversation for a little while longer before Raerea led us to a different section of the orphanage.

— ○ ● ○ —

"A gigantic library?" I exclaimed as we entered a vast expanse filled with rows upon rows of books. Several children occupied the space, many engrossed in quiet reading sessions in the distance.

Raerea acknowledged my query with a nod, elaborating, "Indeed, as mentioned previously, the children here receive their education prior to enrolling in the institute. This area serves as the primary location for most of their classes, with an adjoining classroom facilitating instruction. Additionally, the training facility you observed earlier is utilized for their physical education. While it's that the institute offers similar amenities on a larger scale..."

"Nevertheless, I intend to incorporate the various suggestions you proposed earlier to further enhance efficiency," she interjected, proceeding to lead the way forward.

As we strolled past several children who greeted Raerea with respectful nods, she led us to the furthest section, which was cordoned off with unique security measures. Placing her hand on the barrier, Raerea granted us access to a different chamber, which was adorned with monitors and computer terminals.

Latia, visibly puzzled by our unexpected arrival, inquired, "What is this?"

"This is my personal observation room," Raerea elucidated, gesturing towards the array of technology. "On the bookshelf to the left, you'll find a compilation of documentation spanning my years spent here. While this room doesn't provide complete coverage of the planet, it encompasses a significant portion. I can confidently assert that I've witnessed an innumerable of events during my time here," she elaborated.

Latia and Esina nodded in acknowledgment and turned their attention to the documentation, eager to peruse its contents. Meanwhile, Azathoth stood beside me, and I felt a communication attempt coming through. I answered through my ring and initiated the dialogue. [Hello?] I greeted.

[Aaron... it's me... I'm ready to join...] Zorya's voice came through the ring, her usual stoic tone going through it.

[Ah, alright, I'll teleport you to our location,] I responded, ending the call. With a snap of my fingers, a magical circle appeared on the ground, and Zorya emerged from it, immediately embracing me. "Hello to you too. Did everything go smoothly?" I asked, and she simply nodded in response.

"What were you occupied with?" Azathoth inquired, taking me by surprise.

"...They were in the process of creating something called 'Cosmic Gears.' It's a project Azazel has been secretly pursuing in our own universe. His goal is to harness the power of the cosmos and other universes for these new Sacred Gears. Recognizing the nature of the inhabitants of this universe for such pursuits, he sought their assistance," Zorya disclosed in hushed tones.

My eyes widened in alarm upon hearing this revelation. "Zorya... what are they currently using as a power source?" I asked, a hint of desperation creeping into my voice.

She looked at me with a puzzled expression before replying, "The... Abyss Puppeteer and the Aunos Calba that Natsume possesses..."

Upon discovering that the power source in use was the Abyss Puppeteer and the Aunos Calba, a sense of relief flooded through me. But the mention of Cosmic Gears sparked a concern deep within. If Azazel was delving into the ancient texts and lore of the Ancient Era, his pursuit of Cosmic Gears could pose a significant threat. Yet, if he understood the reason for avoiding such endeavors, he might reconsider his approach. It was crucial that I discussed this matter with him at once.

"Cosmic Gears you say? It does seem like something Azazel would strive to create—his own unique Sacred Gears infused with his personal touch, rather than following the blueprints and methodologies of the late God of Christianity," Latia remarked as she and Esina sifted through the various documents together.

"He hasn't made any breakthroughs despite the help of scientists and researchers. Even the experiments conducted with me yielded no results, leaving them at square one. However, they may soon approach Aaron regarding this matter," Zorya explained.

"I'll handle the situation with him soon, so don't worry. Now, Raerea, why did you bring us here?" I redirected our attention to the former Eradicator.

Raerea acknowledged my question with a nod, clearly intrigued by the conversation revolving around "Cosmic Gears." She then turned her focus back to the array of monitors, pointing towards one of them displaying Furuke engaged in conversation with Unzaifai before their departure.

"The last time I saw them together, they didn't seem to be on good terms. It seems that the others are unaware of this, and I think we need to gather more evidence about their activities and intentions," she remarked, her brow furrowed with concern. "I don't want to confront them directly, but I feel it's necessary to gather as much information as possible."

"Excuse me for my question, but why assume they're scheming something together instead of just being friendly?" I asked, genuinely fascinated.

"I couldn't help but notice your unease towards him earlier. It wasn't just a lack of trust in a stranger, but a suspicion of potential deceit. To be honest, I began to have doubts about him around two years ago, but chose to overlook them. However, after seeing the way he scrutinized you and the others, I felt compelled to face the truth, and lo and behold, I stumbled upon this," Raerea revealed.

"Furuke and Unzaifai have never seen eye to eye—they've openly declared their mutual animosity, claiming they would hate each other for eternity. Despite this, they were willing to put aside their differences if I asked them to work together on a project. However, watching their seemingly friendly interaction raises red flags in my mind. Something doesn't seem right," Raerea frankly explained.

Nodding in understanding, I closed my eyes, trying to gain insight into the situation unfolding before me. After a moment of deep thought, I began to unravel the events taking place. It was clear that two opposing factions were fighting for control, reaching far beyond the boundaries of our world.

Letting out a heavy breath, I studied the frozen image of Furuke and Unzaifai deep in conversation. Squinting, I pretended to concentrate deeply before speaking. "I've grasped the essence of their discussion, but that's the extent of my understanding," I conveyed, although I was stretching the truth. "I would suggest keeping Sirozo away from them for now. His loyalty to you is real and will never falter. However, the loyalty of the others may be more easily influenced," I added.

"...What do you mean by that?" Raerea asked, a hint of worry flickering across her face.

"As I've mentioned, the loyalty of the other three could swing in either direction—towards our cause or towards Furuke and Unzaifai's. Exercise caution in handling this situation. And if you fail to keep those two away from Sirozo, his life may be in danger," I warned her frankly, noting the shock that showed on her face.

Raerea lapsed into a thoughtful silence, pondering over my words. Eventually, she gave me a perplexed look. "Why?" she asked.

"It's a complicated matter, and our time is running out. Let's regroup with the others," I redirected, shutting down any further discussion.

Leaving no room for argument, I gestured for us to leave, assuring that I would provide more insight if the opportunity arose in the future.

Gritting her teeth in frustration, Raerea reluctantly followed my instructions. After swiftly wrapping up our activities in the observation room, we began our discreet journey towards the imposing structure in the distance. Using a secret entrance known only to her, we stealthily made our way up the building.

After a tense fifteen minutes of navigating, we found ourselves standing in front of a door. Before opening it, Raerea turned to me with a mix of apprehension and doubt in her expression. "Were you serious...?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Yes," I replied firmly, leaving no room for doubt. Raerea sighed, a combination of frustration and resignation evident in her demeanor, yet ultimately accepting the gravity of the situation.

As Raerea turned the doorknob, we entered the room to find her subordinates gathered inside. Each one had a distinctive appearance, easily setting them apart from one another. My eyes scanned the group, taking in the sight of four men and two women.

Standing head and shoulders above the others was Sirozo, his expression tinged with surprise at our unexpected arrival. His graying hair was pulled back into a ponytail, accentuating his piercing yellow eyes and neatly trimmed beard. Two locks of hair hung in front of his rugged features, adding to his authoritative presence. He was dressed in a black jacket and pants, paired with polished black shoes, exuding an undeniable sense of authority.

Next to Sirozo stood a woman of considerable seriousness. With short brown hair and piercing purple eyes, she exuded an air of professionalism. She wore a checked gray suit, matched with heels, and unique earrings adorned both her ears. The weathered, aged countenances of Sirozo and the woman indicated their seniority within the group.

The remaining members of Raerea's group were just as unique in their appearances. Unzaifai greeted us with a warm wave, his demeanor radiating a genuine sense of warmth and goodwill, even if it was fake.

Sitting beside him was a man adorned in jet-black armor, distinguished by a glowing red eye near his chest and a captivating cape resembling a vibrant purple galaxy on the inside. Despite his striking appearance, his expression betrayed an aura of anger and arrogance, indicating a formidable presence.

Opposite them sat a man with long, light blonde hair, donning spectacles and boasting piercing green eyes. Clad in an elegant ensemble comprising a green shirt, jacket, and light green pants, along with black gloves, it was unmistakably Furuke. His demeanor exuded an air of superiority, as if he considered himself above the rest of us.

Lastly, there was the woman beside Furuke, radiating friendliness as she waved at us. Her brown hair was fashioned into a long ponytail, framing her pale green eyes. She sported a sleek, skin-tight black suit, accentuating her curves and adding to her allure.

"Quite a lot of ponytails, I must say. I give my approval," I commented, receiving a playful smack from Latia, much to the delight of Esina and myself.

Sirozo quickly composed himself, clearing his throat before speaking to Raerea. "Welcome back, Madame Raerea. May I inquire about your recent whereabouts?" he asked, his gaze shifting towards us. "And who might these individuals be? Could they be new recruits you've come across?"

"I've went out and did my usual excursions, Sirozo. Please forgive my absence. As for these individuals, yes, they are indeed new recruits I encountered during my ventures. I have great hopes for their potential contributions to our cause," Raerea replied calmly, skillfully deflecting any suspicion.

Accepting Raerea's explanation, Sirozo nodded with palpable relief. "I understand. Allow me to introduce ourselves then. I am Sirozo, the leader of Madame Raerea's subordinates, and also the principal of the institute you may have glimpsed in our city. To my right stands Acissa. Despite her stern appearance, she is quite approachable. She and I are the eldest members of our group."

He then motioned towards Unzaifai, indicating his familiarity. "You are likely already acquainted with him, as he informed us of your arrival." Sirozo then directed our attention to the man beside Unzaifai. "This is Helapos. He is a seasoned warrior, renowned for his prowess on the battlefield. Though he may come across as arrogant, his strength is undeniable."

Continuing his introductions, Sirozo gestured towards Furuke. "Opposite them, with the blonde hair, is Furuke. He serves as the lead researcher and scientist on our planet, and—"

"I am Anran Wu. Previously, I served under the leadership of Lord Virion Deamonne. However, after Madame Raerea extended her invitation, I decided to join her here. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," the woman interjected, offering a warm smile to the group.

Sirozo cleared his throat once more before acknowledging her statement. "Indeed, she is Anran Wu. Originally hailing from the planet of Fengyun Fudi, she was under the leadership of Lord Virion Deamonne. Upon Madame Raerea's proposal, she made the decision to join us here. Might we have the pleasure of knowing your names?" he inquired, turning his attention towards us.

The room was peaceful, everyone maintaining their composure in the middle of lingering silence. Zorya, who had been absent earlier, was filled in on the recent developments and our planned course of action. Her seclusion from the public eye in this universe had left her virtually unknown, as she devoted the majority of her time to delving into the depths of libraries and immersing herself in her studies. Therefore, using her real name presented no foreseeable issue.

"I'm Zero," I announced, taking the lead in introducing ourselves. "Known for my expertise in swordsmanship, it's a pleasure to meet you." Indicating the individuals with me, I added, "This woman by my side is Latios (Latia). Standing next to her is Sinae (Esina). On my other side is Hazothta (Azathoth). And finally, next to her is Zorya."

Choosing a proactive approach to introductions, I believed it to be the most effective course of action.

As Isatha and Cao Cao were preoccupied with their own activities, I chose to omit them from our current proceedings. Prior to this, I had sent a Shadow Soldier to inform them of our plans, which they accepted without objection. They expressed their intention to rejoin us only in the event of conflict, a condition to which we agreed to.

Upon my introductions, Sirozo acknowledged with a nod. "Zero, a fitting moniker indeed. The pleasure is mutual," he remarked before addressing Raerea. "Madame, if you permit, I suggest we proceed with the announcements now that you've returned. I've implemented the necessary adjustments in accordance with your earlier directives."

After a brief moment of contemplation, Raerea gave her consent with a nod. "Very well. Let us proceed," she declared before directing her attention towards us. "As for you five, I will have one of my attendants accompany you to a nearby hotel and make arrangements for your accommodations until further notice. Our plans for your stay are still being finalized. Once the announcements are concluded, please return to this location promptly. Is that understood?"

"Understood, Madame Raerea," I confirmed with a respectful nod, offering a slight bow in acknowledgement. Gesturing for the others to follow, we left the room, where a maid was waiting to lead us to our temporary lodging.

Descending in the elevator to the ground floor, we accompanied the maid on a brief stroll to a nearby hotel, conveniently located just a five-minute walk from Raerea's imposing castle structure. Upon arrival, the maid presented some documentation at the reception desk, securing a key for our temporary abode.

"You will all be lodging in this room for the time being. Once the accommodations are finalized, each of you will have your own residences," the maid informed us as she led the way to our designated room.

"Thank you," I acknowledged with a nod as we reached our destination. With the access key card in hand, the maid departed, leaving us to settle into our new surroundings.

Stepping inside, we found the room to be surprisingly spacious, thanks to clever employment of spatial manipulation techniques. A large bed dominated the space, flanked by two comfortable sofas. Other essential amenities adorned the room, including a connected bath/shower combination, assorted furniture pieces, and a well-stocked fridge, ensuring our comfort during our stay.

"Now what?" Latia asked, her curiosity shining through. "And what's the deal with those unusual names you gave us? Zorya-sama's name seemed pretty normal."

"Zorya isn't exactly a common name around here, so using her real name shouldn't cause any problems. As for the rest of you, well, I took some creative liberties with your names," I admitted. "For Latia, I just chose a slight variation."

I chose not to mention that "Latios" and "Latia" were names from the Pokémon universe in my original universe as works of fiction.

"As for our next steps, let's hold off and observe. The announcement should be on television, so let's tune in. Also..." I snapped my fingers, dispelling any hidden cameras or recording devices in the room. "Let's plan for any potential confrontations, if they happen."

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