Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 23 – Part 1 – From When Time Changed

Third Person Point of View

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Phumera's response to the Phoshetoms' actions was not a mere dismissal; she viewed it as a manifestation of cowardice, deriving amusement from their reluctance to directly confront the Eradicators, Ueboros, or Umbra. This understanding of their tactics and mindset only fueled her resolve to decisively put an end to the conflict.

Upon her return to the main planet's base, Phumera did not immediately spring into action. Instead, she took the time to assess the situation, strategize, and mentally prepare herself for the impending confrontation. This demonstrated her leadership, strategic prowess, and dedication to efficiently resolving the conflict.

When Phumera crossed paths with Caeda, it was not a casual encounter. Their meeting held great significance, as Caeda, being Rank 8 of the Eradicators, possessed valuable information and insights about the ongoing situation.

"Lady Phumera, allow me to bring you up to speed," Caeda offered, her tone respectful yet urgent. Phumera nodded, signaling her readiness to listen and absorb Caeda's briefing.

Before them, Caeda displayed a series of screens, offering a comprehensive overview of the planets currently controlled by the Phoshetoms. Each screen detailed the extent of Phoshetoms' control and the precise locations where they had siphoned resources for their own benefit.

Additionally, she provided Phumera with detailed intelligence about the positioning of the Umbra, Ueboros, and Eradicators, showing their readiness to spring into action at the mere signal from Phumera herself.

Taking in the wealth of information, Phumera maintained her stride alongside Caeda, her mind spinning with strategic considerations. Upon reaching a new room, she broke the silence with a decisive directive.

"Given the value of the assets that have been stripped away, instruct two of the Ueboros to initiate a reclamation operation. We cannot afford to overlook any resources, particularly in light of the interference from the Outer God. Every piece of equipment and every morsel of sustenance is now crucial to our cause. Move swiftly," she commanded, her tone leaving no room for hesitation.

"Yes, of course, Lady Phumera," acknowledged Caeda before swiftly departing, leaving Phumera to her solitary contemplation. The room she now occupied was a vast control center, its walls adorned with an array of screens that offered insights into the operations unfolding across numerous planets.

Alone in this chamber, Phumera embraced the solitude, dismissing the attendants who would typically clutter the space. Preferring to oversee proceedings with her own eyes, she settled into a chair, surrounded by the glow of the multitude of screens. With practiced precision, she manipulated holographic displays and tapped commands into the translucent keyboard before her.

Focusing her attention on the planets ensnared by the Phoshetoms, she honed in on each one, scrutinizing the scenes playing out upon them. To her satisfaction, she observed her loyal followers being treated with a degree of care by their captors, receiving sustenance that elicited a faint smirk of amusement from Phumera's lips.

"How naïve... such innocence," she reflected, her laughter reverberating through the room as she observed the unfolding scenes on each planet. The sight of resources being used for her captured followers elicited a blend of amusement and disdain from Phumera.

With each transition to a new planet, the pattern repeated itself, further cementing the absurdity of the Phoshetoms' actions in her mind. Despite their reputation as warmongers, they displayed a surprising inclination for generosity, a contradiction that amused Phumera endlessly.

Closing her eyes briefly, Phumera summoned the attention of Ecthrois, her "adopted" son, who stood quietly behind her with a contemplative air. A smile teased at her lips as she addressed him, her voice tinged with playful excitement. "Well? Will you simply linger there, gazing at me?" she challenged, welcoming his presence with open arms.

"I've been wondering about your inactivity towards this war. Our reserves are dwindling rapidly," observed Ecthrois from his position behind her.

Phumera slowly turned her chair, meeting Ecthrois' gaze with a sly grin. "We have ample resources from other planets, as you are well aware. However, our associates, with the exception of Elanor and Infersos, remain unaware of this. Allowing them to believe in our scarcity will spur them into action," she explained, her tone exuding calculated confidence.

Ecthrois raised a skeptical eyebrow, his posture relaxed yet attentive. "That strategy carries risks, Phumera," he cautioned.

A spark of intensity flickered in Phumera's eyes as she replied, her smile unwavering. "Indeed, it does. However, more often than not, the odds tilt in my favor," she asserted, her gaze momentarily flashing with crimson intensity, a subtle show of her mysterious powers.

The young man let out a deep breath, his face betraying a blend of resignation and annoyance. "So, what specific action do you require of me? You always have a plan," he asked, his tone tinged with familiarity.

Phumera nodded in approval at his quick response. "As expected of my son, always sharp," she commented. "As for your task... bring the King, Queen, and their children to me. I will personally handle their fate," she commanded, her voice dripping with icy resolve.

Ecthrois met her gaze with a solemn nod, taking in her directive with a serious demeanor. "Understood. When do you want this to happen?" he asked, his gaze unwavering.

"As soon as possible. I long to see the chaos unfold among their kind. There's a certain satisfaction in watching them fall," Phumera replied, a malevolent smirk curling upon her lips as she anticipated the impending upheaval.

"Very well. I shall begin at once. Anticipate their arrival within a matter of hours," Ecthrois affirmed before disappearing into the shadows, leaving behind a small flicker of shadows.

Phumera chuckled softly at his quick compliance, her amusement evident as she turned her attention back to the array of monitors. Observing Ecthrois' movements through the surveillance feeds, she couldn't help but shake her head in amusement at his awareness of being watched. "Such audacity," she murmured with a hint of admiration.

Settling back into her chair, Phumera released a sigh of anticipation, her thoughts drifting towards the orb nestled within her palm. "Just a bit more... and then we can awaken him," she murmured to herself, the hues of red, blue, and purple swirling within the orb hinting at its latent power. "May it be sooner rather than later... and may that wretched Outer God not impede our progress," she added with a note of frustration.

With a flick of her hand, the orb dissipated, leaving Phumera to resume her surveillance of the planets under her watchful gaze. Meanwhile, she began to initiate communications with various individuals, setting into motion the carefully orchestrated downfall of the Phoshetoms.

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"Hladrifa, Lady Phumera has issued new directives for the eradication of the Phoshetoms," Echilys reported, pointing to the Rank 1 of the Ueboros with a subtle gesture.

A blue screen materialized in front of Hladrifa, who carefully examined its contents before nodding in acknowledgement. "We will take charge of the attack on their various spacecraft. I will inform the others. What about the Umbra and Eradicators?" she questioned, turning to Echilys for clarification.

Echilys gave a clear and concise response, her expression showing no sign of doubt. "Both factions have been given their own instructions. It is reasonable to assume that the Eradicators will be involved in frontline combat, while the Umbra will handle covert operations behind the scenes. After all, the Eradicators are the public face of Lady Phumera's organization," she explained briefly.

Hladrifa acknowledged Echilys' words with a nod before preparing to leave. However, Echilys' voice stopped her in her tracks, causing her to turn back and focus on her comrade.

"Eyhylde has recently fallen. As a fellow Volgendur, what course of action do you intend to pursue? And what about your species?" Echilys asked, her tone filled with curiosity as she sought to understand how the Volgendurs would react to the loss of one of their own.

As one of the primary representatives of her species, holding a position similar to that of Brynhildr among her people, Hladrifa's response carried significance. She looked at Echilys with a steady gaze before delivering her answer with not much emotion. "There's a strong possibility of our kind declaring open hostilities against the Resistance, despite the ongoing conflict. I will appeal to Lady Yve or Lady Phumera for permission to join them. Even if we're unsure of the whereabouts of their base or planet, we will scatter across the cosmos, searching for any allies they may have and eliminating them in retaliation," she declared firmly, her resolve evident in her words.

Echilys absorbed Hladrifa's response with a nod, masking her underlying concern with a composed demeanor. "Do you have any hints about whom you might target in your retaliation? Also, considering that you and Eyhylde weren't particularly close, I find it somewhat surprising that you're personally invested in pursuing the Resistance," she remarked, her tone neutral yet inquisitive.

Hladrifa acknowledged Echilys' question with a solemn nod. "While our relationship may not have been characterized by closeness or frequent interaction, there existed an unspoken bond between us as fellow Volgendurs. We recognized that we could rely on each other in times of need, albeit in silence. Eyhylde sought my counsel on occasion, evidence to our mutual respect. And as one of the strongest among our kind, it is obligatory upon me to seek retribution for her and as her comrade in Ueboros," she explained, her resolve resolute as she spoke of her duty to avenge her fallen kin.

With a resigned sigh, she added, "When it comes to our targets for the upcoming attack, there are plenty of options due to the diverse array of species and races aligned with the Resistance. However, we must seek Lady Phumera's approval before moving forward. Personally, I plan to journey to Stolonium to enlist the support of a particular group there, especially considering their affiliation with Raerea prior to her disappearance."

As Hladrifa spoke, her gaze remained fixed upon the ground, oblivious to the shock that widened Echilys' eyes. Echilys planned to inform Aaron of this development, as it seemed unexpected for Hladrifa to venture to Stolonium—a planet Aaron had intentions of visiting soon.

"Are there any other places?" Echilys inquired, her curiosity piqued. "Stolonium harbors a multitude of species, so it's not entirely surprising. And what about that other planet known for—"

Hladrifa interrupted, her tone probing, "Your odd interest in our affairs is rather notable, Echilys. Why is that the case?" She scrutinized Echilys with a narrowed gaze, seeking answers.

Echilys nodded thoughtfully, her expression contemplative. "I usually keep to myself and observe from the sidelines. However, the complexities of inter-species dynamics never cease to captivate me. Your affiliation as Volgendurs piqued my interest, especially considering your apparent lack of closeness. Therefore, I felt compelled to ask further. But if you would rather not go deeper into the matter, I will respect your boundaries and refrain from further probing."

Hladrifa acknowledged Echilys' explanation with a single nod. "Understood. Your curiosity is duly noted, Echilys. I hadn't taken you for the inquisitive type. Nonetheless, I would appreciate it if you refrained from further questioning. With that being said, I shall take my leave now. Please help in sharing the information to the rest of our faction," she concluded, turning on her heel and departing.

Watching Hladrifa leave, Echilys felt the weight of responsibility settling on her shoulders. "I must warn Aaron about the potential meeting with Hladrifa in Stolonium. If he kills, or captures her, it could worsen the situation with the Volgendurs," she murmured to herself, her thoughts burdened with worry.

With a resigned sigh, Echilys reluctantly tore herself away from her thoughts and turned to fulfill her duties as a member of the Ueboros. Despite the urgency of her tasks, her mind remained tangled in a web of possible outcomes, none of which seemed promising.

'I can only hope for the best, but Aaron's unpredictable nature leaves much cause for concern,' she thought to herself as she navigated through her responsibilities. With a heavy heart, Echilys left the area, her mind consumed by the numerous possibilities that lay ahead.

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Infersos gazed upon a certain planet, now under the grip of the Phoshetoms, with total indifference. Hidden within his personal spacecraft, he observed from a safe distance, his expression concealed by a silent sigh of resignation. With narrowed eyes, he concentrated on a specific area of the planet's surface.

Raising his right hand, a powerful weapon quickly appeared—a magnificent blue-purple sword crackling with potent electricity. Without delaying any further, he directed the blade towards the designated target, and with a swift motion, it descended upon the planet's surface.

The impact was cataclysmic. A significant portion of the planet was instantly obliterated by the force of his attack. Through the myriad of monitors surrounding him, Infersos witnessed the chaos that ensued. Panic spread through the populace as they scrambled in disarray, their lives thrown into turmoil by the sudden devastation.

Despite the collateral damage, Infersos remained resolute in his conviction. His primary objective, the elimination of a high-ranking Phoshetom soldier, had been achieved. In his eyes, the sacrifice of those caught in the crossfire was regrettable yet necessary—a means to an end justified by the greater cause.

Infersos shifted his gaze to a different screen, a sly grin tugging at the corners of his lips. There, displayed before him, was Zyra, one of the fresh recruits to the Umbra, diligently carrying out her duties. On two adjacent screens, Molqaoth and Faodra mirrored Zyra's efforts. Despite the departure of Sagriff, their former comrade, the void left behind was quickly filled by Zyra, seamlessly integrating into their ranks.

Turning his attention to another cluster of monitors, Infersos observed the Eradicators and Ueboros engrossed in their respective tasks. A sense of satisfaction washed over him as he recognized the progress of his meticulously laid plans. Each cog in his grand scheme was turning, inching him closer to his ultimate objective. Lost in thought, he absentmindedly stroked his chin, contemplating the intricacies of his plans.

"Lord Infersos," one of his subordinates interjected, breaking his reverie, "we have just received word that Lord Ecthrois is in pursuit of the King, Queen, and their remaining kin."

"Hmmm? So Madam Phumera has chosen that path?" he questioned, a chuckle slipping through his lips. "Very well, let her enjoy herself. No need to interfere; it's all just a game to her."

Infersos found it rather amusing that Phumera would personally take on the task of eliminating the King, Queen, and their remaining kin. In the past, she would have assigned such matters to others. However, he speculated that her change in approach might be attributed to the presence of the outer god and the recent "victories" claimed by the Resistance. It was reminiscent of the early days of the Resistance, mirroring events from years gone by.

"Shall we proceed with the other plans, then?" the subordinate inquired.

"Proceed with Plan 1. If circumstances shift as I indicated, switch to Plan 62," he instructed, observing as the subordinate nodded in understanding.

"Right away!" the subordinate acknowledged before promptly departing to carry out his orders.

He directed his attention to a specific monitor, a satisfied smirk appearing on his face. "This little charade should come to an end by the day's end, or perhaps tomorrow, depending on the actions of Madam Phumera, the efficiency of our operatives, and the resilience of the Phoshetoms," he mused aloud, considering the variables at play. With a mere thought, he summoned numerous colossal swords, each piercing the planet's surface with devastating force, furthering the chaos and destruction.

Infersos took a moment to relish in the havoc he had caused. While he didn't delight in battle like some, he found a twisted pleasure in witnessing the suffering and misfortune of others. It was an inherent inclination, devoid of any tragic backstory—he simply existed to bring about destruction, much like a God of Destruction and Outer God.

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Hours drifted by before Ecthrois finally reached the primary spacecraft housing the royal family: King Valagor, Queen Jelania, and their lone surviving son, Yinlaing.

Upon his arrival, Valagor, awakening from slumber, gazed at Ecthrois with curiosity. "Who might you be?" he inquired, his eyes fixed on the newcomer.

Ecthrois, maintaining his composure threw the two heads of his recently resurrected daughters in front of him—Zeaina and Lyaina. Ecthrois then responded with a hint of incredulity, "Surely, King Valagor, this is but a jest on your part. It is inconceivable that you're not aware of who I am."

Valagor burned with fury as he beheld the severed heads of his beloved daughters. Yet, he swiftly reined in his raging emotions, a feat mirrored by his queen by his side. Beside him his son bristled with violent intent, ready to unleash vengeance upon the perpetrator. However, a single glance from Valagor conveyed a silent command, compelling the young prince to quell his rising anger, albeit begrudgingly.

Valagor scrutinized Ecthrois, recognition dawning slowly. "Ah, you are Ecthrois, ranked first among the Eradicators, rumored to be the adopted son of Phumera. Have you come to claim our lives?" he questioned, his gaze sharp.

A faint smile graced Ecthrois' lips as he replied, "I have arrived to capture all of you. Phumera herself shall give out your fate," he declared, conjuring forth daggers of dark blue color, crafted from the shadows themselves.

Advancing with a look of fury on his face, Yinlaing spread his wings, signaling his readiness to confront the intruder. "I will handle this. Mother, father, you need not worry," he declared, his voice resolute. He then unleashed a barrage of jet-black feathers and alternating orbs of black and white energy toward Ecthrois.

Undaunted, Ecthrois effortlessly deflected the onslaught, his dark blue daggers effortlessly slicing through the projectiles while dark blue shadows emerged from the ground, forming formidable barriers against the attacks.

Seeing his initial effort fail, Yinlaing furrowed his brow, his determination unshaken. Stepping closer, he summoned a legion of white slimes that transformed into avian creatures and razor-sharp blades, all aimed at Ecthrois. Yet, the adoptive scion of Phumera remained unmoved, his stance unchanging. With a mere tilt of his dagger, he shattered the incoming attacks into a myriad of minuscule fragments, showcasing his unparalleled mastery of the situation.

"Your appearance is quite striking, quite unlike others of your kind. A mutation, perhaps, or an unconventional evolutionary path?" Ecthrois commented with indifference, acknowledging Yinlaing's unique traits. "However, your individuality does not help you, for your abilities are nowhere near as powerful as mine."

In a flash, Ecthrois disappeared, reappearing behind Yinlaing with astonishing speed. "Realize your insignificance," he scolded, his words filled with contempt, as he swiftly shattered Yinlaing's arms and wings into countless pieces.

Yinlaing, shocked and furious, prepared to fight back, summoning the familiar white slimes once again. Yet, before he could attack, Ecthrois' foot connected with his face, driving him forcefully into the ground with a loud impact. The vessel shook violently under the force, a testament to the strength of the blow, leaving Yinlaing unconscious in the middle of the silent room.

Valagor and Jelania were stunned by the quick defeat of their son. Yinlaing had become stronger once he came back from getting his new body, they even had him fight various others from their species, even the ones he couldn't beat before and he defeated them with ease but today they were reminded how powerful the Eradicators were.

"Jelania..." Valagor murmured weakly, causing both the King and Queen to stand up, their determination wavering in the face of adversity.

"I understand. We must use every bit of strength, lest we be defeated," Queen Jelania replied, urgency coloring her voice.

Before their plan could unfold, Ecthrois appeared abruptly between them, his presence a palpable threat. With quick precision, he reached out, his hands poised dangerously close to their faces, freezing the monarchs in place with dread.

Caught off guard, Valagor and Jelania found themselves immobilized, their minds racing to comprehend the sudden turn of events. Before they could formulate a response, Ecthrois seized them by the faces, his dark blue darkness enveloping his hands, and forcefully thrust them to the ground, rendering them unconscious with alarming efficiency.

Surveying the unmoving bodies of Valagor and Jelania, Ecthrois let out a silent sigh. In battle, he occasionally found himself more talkative, but such scenarios only emerged when victory was assured or his mood dictated. Otherwise, he remained a silent, formidable presence, his actions speaking louder than words.

Ecthrois quickly sidestepped a surge of black and white energy, narrowly avoiding it as it slammed into the glass window in front of him. He turned to face Yinlaing, who had regained consciousness, showing signs of exhaustion but also a fierce determination in his eyes.

A flicker of surprise crossed Ecthrois' face at Yinlaing's resilience. Despite the force of his previous attack, the young prince had managed to rise once more, a testament to his new strength. Ecthrois regarded him with a smile, acknowledging Yinlaing's unbending spirit.

"I commend your resilience in standing again. You have certainly caught my interest," Ecthrois remarked, his tone tinged with curiosity. "Show me the remnants of your strength, the unbreakable spirit of your lineage."

"Shut up!" Yinlaing's response came as a defiant growl as he unleashed two weaker beams towards Ecthrois, having depleted much of his energy in his initial attack.

Ecthrois, with a calm and composed demeanor, effortlessly maneuvered through the two weakened attacks, his movements graceful and precise. Closing the distance between them in a blink, he observed Yinlaing's preemptive strike with a faint smile, admiring the prince's tactical skill. Despite Yinlaing's anticipation, Ecthrois effortlessly evaded the blow.

Undeterred, Yinlaing launched another beam in a calculated maneuver, aiming to exploit Ecthrois' evasive pattern. Yet, once again, Ecthrois gracefully sidestepped the attack, his movements efficient and almost elegant.

Seizing the opportunity, Ecthrois drove his dagger into the still-bleeding stump of Yinlaing's arm, eliciting a cry of agony from the young prince. Before Yinlaing could fully comprehend the pain, Ecthrois delivered a swift, brutal kick to his neck, sending him hurtling across the room to collide with the unforgiving surface of the wall.

Though conscious, Yinlaing's spirit had been shattered by the overwhelming power of his opponent. Aware of his inevitable defeat, he resigned himself to his fate, his body weary and his resolve broken, as he lay defeated and motionless against the cold, hard wall.

"You have potential, Prince," Ecthrois remarked with a hint of acknowledgment, though skepticism tinged his words. "But I doubt Phumera, Elanor, or anyone else would consider you worthy of their service. Your autonomy under Eyhylde's oversight was fortunate. But for now, rest."

With a decisive kick, Ecthrois rendered Yinlaing unconscious, putting an end to the confrontation for the time being. Dusting off his shoulder, he surveyed the room, his mind calculating the next course of action.

Creating several clones, Ecthrois dispatched them to scour the area for any valuable assets. After a brief search yielded no significant findings, he dismissed the clones, deeming their mission fruitless.

In a swift motion, Ecthrois summoned fresh clones to transport the incapacitated royals. Within moments, they vanished from the confines of the spacecraft, leaving behind a scene of oblivious chaos.

Moments later, as they materialized away from the vessel, a deafening explosion tore through the cosmos, engulfing the spaceship and all within it in a fiery inferno. It was a final act of mercy from Ecthrois, sparing them from further suffering and ensuring their demise remained swift.

He fixed a discerning gaze on one of his clones and asked, "Have you secured the remaining provisions?" The clone responded with a quick nod, promptly opening a portal to an alternate dimension filled with rations, sustenance, and gear. Ingeniously, he had assigned several duplicates to discreetly salvage these supplies from the vessel before its obliteration during his thorough reconnaissance of the craft.

"Excellent. It seems our task is completed and a lot quicker than I anticipated," he stated, his satisfaction evident. The challenging aspect lay in pinpointing the whereabouts of the spacecraft; however, this accomplishment would undoubtedly deeply trouble the prideful Phoshetoms.

With a thoughtful murmur, he vanished again, accompanied by his duplicates, leaving behind only the faint echo of his actions reverberating through the void.

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As the sun rose, casting its warm glow upon the scene, the captives were brought before Phumera, the very location where Ramlar had met his grim demise. Yinlaing, Valagor, and Jelania stood bound and shackled, their once-proud demeanor now subdued by chains of captivity.

A crowd of onlookers surrounded them, their voices rising in a cacophony of vitriol and condemnation, hurling curses and scorn towards the trio of detainees.

Phumera, resplendent in her authority, rose to address the assembly, a sardonic smile playing upon her lips. With a snap of her fingers, she conjured forth blue displays, revealing the dire plight of their brethren—subjugated, ensnared, and transferred to the desolate confines of their ancestral homeworld, Zenoiria.

"For the transgressions perpetrated by your kin in recent days, only the most severe punishment will suffice," Phumera intoned, her words laced with a steely resolve that brooked no dissent.

Valagor and Jelania readied themselves to speak, their intent almost palpable in the charged atmosphere. However, before any words could escape their mouths, the chains binding Yinlaing convulsed violently, echoing his aggressive growl that demanded attention. His defiant grin illuminated the darkness, a beacon of rebellion against their captors.

"Transgressions?!" Yinlaing's voice echoed through the area, a mixture of defiance and righteousness coloring his words. "We may not have been most righteous of species, going around countless worlds, conquering races, but consider our actions now! Isn't our cause noble?"

The bleeding wounds on his arms, though cauterized, served as a testament to their struggle, a visual reminder of the price paid for his defiance towards Ecthrois.

Yve's impending action came to an abrupt stop with a simple gesture from Phumera, her hand halting the course of events. With a smirk, Phumera turned her gaze back to Yinlaing, her words oozing with disdain.

"Noble? For whom?" Phumera's question hung in the air like a dagger ready to strike. "For the wretched Resistance? Aside from them, who else would dare to see your actions as noble?"

Her smirk carried the weight of her dominion over the universe, her control reaching far beyond mere physical restraints. Phumera was keenly aware that her subjects, deeply entrenched in her indoctrination, would never perceive Yinlaing's actions from his perspective of righteousness. Years of careful manipulation, spanning generations, had ensured her hold remained unshakeable.

Yinlaing's power surged like a tempest unleashed, driving him forward with an electrifying intensity. The chains encasing him rattled and quaked violently, echoing the storm brewing within him. With a scoff followed by a smirk aimed squarely at Phumera, he spoke words that resonated with terrifying defiance.

"Even if we die today, your tyranny will eventually crumble," Yinlaing declared, his voice a thunderous proclamation against the darkness of oppression. "The Resistance will emerge victorious!"

Though rarely given to praise, Yinlaing held a silent gratitude towards the Resistance. Their home provided solace in the middle of chaos, and their actions had facilitated their liberation from Phumera's grasp. Yet, gratitude remained unspoken, veiled beneath layers of stoicism and pride.

Phumera's frown deepened, a silent acknowledgment of Yinlaing's rebellion. With a swift gesture, two swirling beams of energy lashed out, piercing Yinlaing's thighs and anchoring him to the ground. Yet, despite the physical restraints, his gaze remained fixed upon Phumera, an unwavering defiance burning in his eyes.

"They... have resisted the fate you tried to impose on them," Yinlaing's voice trailed off, a faint orange glow emanating from his chest, drawing Phumera's gaze with a chilling intensity. "But not anymore... they chose to defy your twisted destiny—"

Before Yinlaing could finish his revelation, a searing beam of energy erupted from Phumera's fingertip, punctuating his words with finality as it pierced his skull and extinguished the spark of resistance within him in an instant. Phumera's eyes, wide with horror, betrayed the shock of her own actions, a glimpse into the depths of her ruthlessness.

With an aura as cold as death itself, Phumera issued her command without remorse. "Dispose of the rest. I care not for the method. Remove them from my sight."

Turning away from the scene she had orchestrated, Phumera strode purposefully from the arena, leaving a stunned crowd in her wake, including Yve, who stood frozen in disbelief.

Yve, shaken from his stupor, bellowed her directive into the void. "Execute them! Leave no trace, feed them to the abyss!"

The echoes of screams and shattering bones reverberated in the background, a haunting accompaniment to Phumera's departure. As she retreated, shaken to her core by the glow she saw. She couldn't believe she saw it again.

"...It was meant to be gone. 'That' was meant to be dead... its resurgence can only mean..." Phumera's voice trailed off, her power pulsating in tandem with her mounting dread, sending ripples through the fabric of the cosmos. "She's alive..."

The realization shook her to her core, igniting a fierce determination within her. "I must find it and obliterate it. Its existence cannot be tolerated any longer." Yet, despite her formidable abilities, the elusive nature of her target eluded her senses, shrouded by her assumptions of the interference of an outer god.

"Damn it... if only it would reveal itself more," Phumera cursed, frustration and anger emanating from every fiber of her being. "But I still must awaken Master Magnum Tenebrosum..."

With a heavy heart and a mind brimming with schemes, Phumera departed the planet, returning to the side of her master to strategize. For a certain god had resurfaced, defying her expectations and stirring ancient fears from the depths of her memory.

"...Keeper of the Eternal Flame, where do you hide?" Phumera's voice was laced with frustration, her brow furrowed in contemplation. "The last to come close to you was Lucius Benevolentia..."

With the departure of Phumera, the relentless gears of destruction continued without pause. Commands were executed with cold precision, and before long, the fate of Zenoiria and its inhabitants was sealed with a single devastating blow.

A catastrophic explosion consumed the planet, its very core shattered by the force of annihilation unleashed upon it. In an instant, all life within its borders was extinguished, consumed by the fiery storm of destruction.

The Phoshetoms, once a proud and thriving species, were now nothing but a memory. Their existence was snuffed out in a blinding flash, their legacy reduced to dust by the merciless decree of Phumera.

In the depths of the cosmos, amidst the stars and galaxies, a solitary god wept. Its tears flowed unseen and unheard, like rivers of sorrow, mourning the lost lives and extinguished potential of the fallen planet.

Yet, in the darkness, a glimmer of hope flickered. A long-dormant power had been reignited, a beacon of defiance against the shadows of oppression. The god knew that this spark of rebellion, though small now, would ignite a wildfire of resistance in the days to come.

In the quiet of its domain, the god watched and waited, knowing that the tide of destiny was turning. The ember of rebellion would grow, fueled by the flames of courage and determination, until it blazed brightly across the universe, bringing hope to all who dared to dream of freedom.

And so, with patience and unwavering faith, the god bided its time, for it knew that in the end, light would triumph over darkness, and the echoes of lost lives would be drowned out by the resounding chorus of victory.

Lucius Benevolentia, the herald of change, was the first to unleash the storm of revolution, yet its potential was stifled before it could fully awaken. Despite its suppression, the embers of rebellion continued to smolder, passed from one generation to the next like a torch in the darkness.

Now, with the emergence of a certain group, the dormant flame is ready to be reignited, its intensity fueled by the fervor of those who dare to defy the status quo. Like a wildfire unleashed upon the cosmos, their collective strength will shake the very foundations of the universe, leaving no corner untouched by the flames of revolution.

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Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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Upon hearing her revelation, I lifted my eyes to the sky to confirm her claim. It was undeniable—the once lively planet of Zenoiria was now nothing but ruins, its remnants scattered like forgotten memories across the cosmic sea.

Exhaling silently, I solemnly nodded in agreement. "It seems so. Have you informed Unagor, Ailaozev, and Geharon of this grim news?" I asked, seeking clarity. However, Ravel's response was a shake of her head, indicating that she had not yet done so.

"No, not yet. I considered waiting for you before delivering such dire news to them," she revealed softly, her expression conveying the weight of the burden. "I believe it would be beneficial for you to be the one to deliver the news instead of me."

Recognizing the wisdom in her suggestion, I agreed with a measured tone. "Very well. We will meet with Unagor and the others first. Then, we will extend the courtesy of informing the wider populace," I resolved, prioritizing empathy in the face of tragedy. "They deserve time to mourn before we share the news with everyone."

Glancing back at the two Heavenly Dragons, I commanded, "Continue their training regimen. I plan to make the announcement in about four to five hours."

They acknowledged my instruction and rallied the others with fervor, encouraging them to persist despite the weight of recent revelation. Reluctantly, the group resumed their activities, driven by a mix of duty and apprehension.

Turning away, Ravel and I set out on our journey towards the abode of Unagor and his companions. As we traveled the path, curiosity compelled me to ask, "Who else was informed of this situation?"

Ravel's response was prompt and comprehensive, "Grayfia-sama, Raiko-sama, and Inaie-sama. They have promised to keep it a secret until the appropriate individuals are informed of the situation."

"Understood," I acknowledged, expressing gratitude for their discretion. Arriving at our destination, we found ourselves near a quaint park adjacent to Team [DxD]'s apartments.

Approaching the trio, Ravel and I were cautious, knowing the significance of what we were about to reveal. Despite my best efforts to remain composed, the gravity of the situation hung heavily in the air, casting a solemn shadow over our meeting.

Unagor, as perceptive as ever, preempted my introduction with a resigned acknowledgment of the moment's weight. "Whenever you come to us, it's never without significance. I had hoped for a moment of calm today," he lamented as we joined them. "What news do you bring, Aaron?"

Taking a deep breath, I looked up, grappling with the weight of the words about to leave my mouth. "There's no easy way to convey this," I began, my voice heavy with sorrow.

Before I could continue, Unagor interjected, his voice laden with understanding. "They're all gone, aren't they? They've all been killed by Phumera, right?" he surmised, his words resonating with a mixture of acceptance and grief.

I nodded solemnly, confirming his suspicions. "Yes. The entirety of your species has been extinguished, and your home planet obliterated alongside them," I disclosed, the weight of the truth hanging heavily in the air. "You three, along with a select few scattered across the cosmos, are the sole survivors."

A heavy silence settled over us, cloaking the air in a substantial stillness. It felt as though time itself had slowed, burdened by the weight of our collective sorrow. Each of the three survivors lowered their gaze, lost in reflection on the grim truth before them.

Yet, along with the somber silence, Ravel's reaction stood out distinctly. Beside me, her expression betrayed a glimmer of surprise at my revelation. "What... what do you mean by that, Aaron-sama?" she inquired, her voice tinged with astonishment.

I turned to her, meeting her gaze with a solemn nod. "There are three more," I confirmed, offering a glimmer of hope in the desolation. "Three individuals who were not present on their home planet at the time of its destruction. They had left years ago, choosing to hide and avoid detection. There is potential for their species to make a comeback, if you understand the implication."

Unagor furrowed his brows in confusion, seeking clarification with his gaze. "What do you mean by that?" he asked, uncertainty coloring his voice.

"As I mentioned, there are three individuals who have managed to evade detection so far," I repeated, striving to clarify the complexities of the situation. "They have chosen to remain in hiding, cautious of openly aligning themselves with our cause. However, given time, it's possible that they may reconsider."

His face softened as he absorbed my explanation, and he let out a heavy sigh. Turning to Ailaozev, the only female among their group, Unagor's gaze then returned to me, his expression filled with anticipation. "Forgive me for asking, but... who are the others? Specifically, in terms of sex..." he inquired, his tone a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

"Among the remaining survivors, two are women and one is a man," I revealed, laying out the gender makeup of the group. "With all six of you coming together, there's a hopeful chance of restarting your species. However, the decision ultimately lies with you, and I will refrain from unnecessary interference, aside from assisting in your reunion."

Unagor acknowledged my words with a slight blush, his expression showing a mix of gratitude and deep thought. Ailaozev, too, seemed to understand the gravity of the situation, her silent nod speaking volumes.

Turning to me, Geharon brought up a practical concern, a sense of urgency in his voice. "When will you let the rest of the Resistance know?" he asked, seeking clarity on our next steps.

"In approximately four to five hours," I confirmed, allowing them time to process their grief. "But if you need more time, I am willing to accommodate your needs."

They shared solemn looks before coming to a collective decision. "Four to five hours should be enough. We cannot dwell in sorrow forever. Go ahead with your original plan, Aaron," Geharon stated firmly.

Ailaozev then presented a thoughtful idea, her gaze steady as she suggested establishing a settlement for their species. "If possible, could we create a community on this planet? I believe it would benefit our future efforts, promoting a culture that rejects violence and embraces a more harmonious path," she expressed, her vision for the future filled with hope and determination.

Unagor and Geharon echoed her thoughts, showing their agreement with sincere nods. "Whether it's here, Cosmosilica Terraflora, or Kritānukūla, we are open to any option," Geharon added, a touch of urgency in his plea.

I assured them of my dedication, pledging my support to their cause. "Rest assured, I am fully committed to your collective wish. I will make plans for the settlement accordingly. Please, choose the location that resonates with you. If you choose Kritānukūla, I will need to inform Yasevi," I assured them, eager to fulfill their aspirations for a brighter future.

Unagor nodded in agreement with Ailaozev's proposal, his expression thoughtful as he considered the possibilities. "May we have some time to think it over? Perhaps we'll come and inform you by the time you make the announcement," he requested, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

"That's perfectly fine. You can take all the time you need, there's no rush to inform me," I reassured them, emphasizing my willingness to accommodate their needs.

After another brief exchange, Ravel and I left them to their deliberations, giving them the space to reach a decision in their own time.

As we walked away, Ravel shared her concerns about the practical implications of their situation. "Having only one partner for each of them could pose a problem if they struggle to conceive or if the offspring are all of the same sex," she remarked, her voice laden with empathy.

"It will work out. They will come to me for assistance in that regard as well. They are doing this out of love and for the preservation of their species. I believe it's acceptable, albeit a little unconventional," I replied, acknowledging the complexities of their situation and the need for compassion in finding solutions.

Her penetrating gaze bore into me as she posed her question, the weight of it hanging heavily in the air. "So, you're saying they might request to change the baby's gender while still in development to help revitalize their species?" she asked, uncertainty evident in her voice.

I nodded in acknowledgment, understanding the seriousness of her inquiry. The silence that followed spoke volumes as she processed the potential implications of such a request.

Unexpectedly, she hit me with another question, catching me off guard. "Would you be willing to do that for your future children as well?" Her voice held curiosity and a hint of apprehension.

Taken aback, I looked ahead, earnestly contemplating her question. Would I be comfortable making such a decision for my own children?

As I pondered, conflicting emotions surfaced. On one hand, the idea of sparing my children from birth defects and ailments held undeniable appeal. I wanted nothing more than for them to lead healthy, fulfilling lives, free from the burdens of illness or deformity.

Yet, the notion of altering their genetic makeup felt ethically complex. Would it be right to intervene in their natural development, even if it could potentially improve their quality of life?

After a moment, my resolve solidified. "I think I would," I admitted, my voice measured yet resolute. "I don't want my future children to be burdened by such challenges. I want them to have the best possible start in life."

However, I added a caveat, mindful of individual autonomy. "But if any of my wives expressed a desire not to undergo such alterations, I would respect their wishes without hesitation. Regardless of any differences or challenges they may face, they would be treated with the same love and acceptance as any other child."

Ravel's faint smile communicated a feeling of comprehension and approval. After exchanging a nod, we went our separate ways, dedicated to the work that lay ahead. There was a great deal to organize, and time was of the utmost importance.

— ○ ● ○ —

Within this surreal setting, I found myself engulfed in a sense of disorientation. The names I called out reverberated into the void, only to be met by the silence of the strange world that surrounded me.

As I peered down at the swirling expanse below, it appeared to pulsate with an otherworldly energy, a dazzling display of colors and shapes dancing before my eyes. And then, the whispers commenced—faint, barely audible words that seemed to drift on the ethereal breeze.

Despite the absence of my powers, I couldn't shake the feeling of being observed, of unseen eyes scrutinizing my every move. With a sense of apprehension gnawing at my senses, I began to move ahead, guided by an instinctual sense of purpose.

Each step I took felt weighty with significance, as if each movement held the key to unraveling the mysteries of this odd place. If I had been drawn into this place, whether by chance or design, it surely held some deeper meaning, some hidden truth waiting to be unearthed. And so, with determination in my heart, I pressed onward, eager to uncover the secrets that lay within.

As I walked deeper into the unfamiliar world, a sense of warmth surrounded me like a comforting embrace. It started as a small spark, a hint of heat within the vastness, but with each step I took, it grew stronger, leading me strongly towards its origin.

Despite the increasing warmth, there was no discomfort or sweat. Instead, it felt oddly reassuring, as if the warmth were guiding me towards some profound truth.

Even as I walked, the scene below remained unchanged, a constant display of swirling lights and colors. It was as if I were traversing a still landscape, yet the feeling of progress persisted, propelling me forward.

Accompanied by the multitude of voices that enveloped me, one voice stood out above the rest. "Is he the next?" it repeated, a persistent question that reverberated through the depths of my mind. Though the words held no clear significance, I resisted the temptation to acknowledge them, knowing in my gut that it would serve no purpose.

With determination in my heart, I continued onward, drawn inevitably towards the source of the warming sensation. Whatever lay ahead, I was firm in my mission to uncover its secrets and unravel the mysteries of this surreal world.

As I drew nearer, the peculiar landscape transformed into a gentle incline leading towards a vibrant orange light suspended in the air. And there, accompanied by the radiant light, stood a figure, their silhouette outlined against the brilliant light.

They stood still, their back facing me, their long crimson hair cascading over their shoulders. Adorned with an orange crown, they emanated an aura of regal presence that entranced my senses.

As I reached out to them, a voice reverberated in my mind, commanding me to stop. Frozen in place, I listened attentively as the voice spoke once more, its words resonating with an otherworldly authority. "Soon..." it murmured, without turning to acknowledge me.

Before I could grasp the meaning behind its strange message, I felt a powerful force tugging at my consciousness, pulling me inexorably out of the dream. Though a part of me resisted, a deeper instinct urged me to surrender to the inevitable, to allow events to unfold as they were meant to.

Reluctantly, I relinquished control, allowing myself to be drawn back into wakefulness. Though the sense of urgency gnawed at me, compelling me to intervene, I understood the wisdom in heeding the voice's guidance, trusting in the natural course of events to unfold in due time.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Aaron, wake up," Grayfia's voice pierced through the mist as I roused from sleep, her touch gentle on my shoulder.

I blinked, feeling disoriented, and sat up with a strange sense of detachment. My mind lingered in the world of dreams as I glanced down at my right hand, lost in thought.

Sensing my distraction, Grayfia's concerned tone broke the silence. "Is everything alright? You don't usually drift off like that, especially not in the middle of the day," she remarked, her brow furrowing with worry.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts before responding. "I... I just felt unusually tired and decided to take a short nap once everything was sorted. Sorry," I offered, rising to my feet and conjuring a fresh set of clothes with a flick of my fingers.

But Grayfia remained unconvinced, her intuition picking up on my unease. "Did you have a dream or something?" she pressed, her gaze searching mine for any hint of the truth.

I nodded with a smile, agreeing with Grayfia's assessment. "Yeah," I confirmed, recounting the details of my dream and how it seemed to align with previous experiences where my dreams held significance or provided glimpses into the future.

To my surprise, Grayfia's expression shifted to a frown, her brow furrowing in deep thought. Sensing her unease, I couldn't help but inquire, "Do you have an idea about it?"

Her response was unexpected, as she delved into a revelation about an ancient text she had encountered while assisting Savina and Lysanvar. According to her, the text contained information about various planets, artifacts, and even descriptions of deities, resembling the figure I had encountered in my dream.

As she continued to speak, my interest was piqued. "I brought this book with me and showed both Ebacan and Esina. They confirmed that everything within it was, albeit not entirely accurate or too detailed as it was recorded by a single man," she concluded, shedding light on the potential significance of my dream in the context of ancient lore.

As we made our way to the venue for my announcement, my curiosity about the figure from my dream only intensified. "Another god, huh? Or someone important. Who was it, by the way? Or what did the ancient text say?" I asked, eager to uncover more about the mysterious entity.

Grayfia shook her head slightly, her expression tinged with uncertainty. "Not much was known about them—even Esina and Ebacan were unsure of the details," she admitted. "But they and the text referred to the figure as… 'The Keeper of the Eternal Flame,' and 'The Arbiter of Balance.'"

The titles resonated deeply within me, stirring something profound. "The Keeper of the Eternal Flame and The Arbiter of Balance, huh?" I mused aloud, contemplating the significance of such designations. "Pretty intriguing titles for such a mysterious individual."

As we continued our journey, thoughts swirled through my mind, piecing together fragments of information in an attempt to unravel the mysteries before us. Could this figure be the same deity we sought to rescue? It seemed possible, and I made a mental note to prioritize seeking them out in the near future. After all, if they were indeed the Keeper of the Eternal Flame and the Arbiter of Balance, their guidance could prove invaluable in the chaotic times ahead or even…recruit them to our side.

Stepping into the room connected to the platform where I would deliver my speech, I was met with a gathering of familiar faces. Among them were Savina, Lysanvar, and the other leaders of the Resistance, along with unexpected attendees like Latia, Raiko, Rossweisse, and Göndul.

"Are you prepared, Aaron? Unagor's group wants to speak to you after the speech," Savina informed me, anticipation lacing her words.

With a resolute nod, I affirmed my readiness. "Yes, I'm prepared. Let's start this. It won't take long, but I'll also outline our next target in the speech," I confirmed, feeling the weight of the moment settle upon me.

Standing before the hovering microphone, I took a deep breath and felt the weight of the moment settle over me. Looking out at the gathered crowd, including members of [DxD], a surge of calm flowed through me.

Clearing my throat, I addressed the audience with conviction. "The Phoshetoms and their planet, Zenoiria, have recently faced destruction," I announced, the gravity of the words hanging heavy in the air. "Their species now teeters on the brink of extinction."

Murmurs rippled through the crowd at the solemn news. I continued, maintaining a steady tone. "However, accompanied by the devastation, there are six survivors—three of whom are here with us today," I declared, gesturing towards the individuals in question. "I implore all of you to show them your support during this challenging time."

Reflecting on my recent encounter with the Phoshetoms, I recounted my efforts to persuade them to change their destructive plans. "I went on a mission to their planet in an attempt to dissuade them from their path," I explained. "Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, I was unable to sway them from their course."

"Even in the aftermath of this tragedy, we remain undeterred. Instead, we will use it as motivation to propel us forward," I declared, my voice resonating with unwavering conviction. "The three survivors standing among us today have pledged their aid in our mission to free the universe from the oppression of Phumera."

With a snap of my fingers, a holographic display appeared above me, illuminating the image of the planet Etoce Rhirlara. "Etoce Rhirlara is our next destination," I announced, the weight of the moment hanging heavily in the air. "Several of our comrades went there on a mission and have yet to return. Our objective is twofold: to rescue them and to capture Taphelis, the Rank 8 member of the Ueboros."

Normally, I would have kept such plans confidential, but given recent events, transparency was crucial. "I share this information with all of you so that you may stand united in our cause," I continued, my gaze sweeping over the assembled crowd. "Together, we will emerge victorious in this next endeavor, for the future of our universe depends on it."

The echoes of my speech dissipated into the air, and a wave of enthusiastic applause and cheers erupted from the crowd. Their voices harmonized, conveying their unity and support for the forthcoming mission. Gratefully, I observed as the members of [DxD] and the Resistance were adorned with well-wishes and words of encouragement.

In particular, the outpouring of goodwill towards Unagor, Geharon, and Ailaozev deeply moved them. The trio, visibly touched by this unexpected display of solidarity, were overcome with emotion. Tears filled Ailaozev's eyes as they expressed their gratitude to the assembled crowd, their voices choked with feeling.

Along with the raucous cheers and applause, a sense of togetherness and camaraderie filled the air, unifying us all in a common purpose. It was a poignant reminder of the strength that can be found in solidarity, and the unity of those who stand united in the face of adversity.

As the Resistance leaders addressed the crowd, I retreated into the room with Göndul and Rossweisse by my side. Their presence sparked my curiosity, leading me to inquire about their intentions.

"What brings you two here? How can I help you?" I asked with genuine interest in my tone.

Göndul spoke first, her voice filled with determination. "Volgendurs," she declared. "I am aware that eventually, you will journey to that species' planet. I ask you to take us with you. We have discussed it with the others, and we plan on reaching out to Odin-sama soon. But for now, I want to let you know that I am determined to go and meet them."

Her words resonated with a strong sense of purpose, and I nodded in understanding before turning to Rossweisse, eager to hear her thoughts.

"I echo granny's sentiments," Rossweisse affirmed. "I too desire to meet more of this universe's valkyries. They intrigue me, and I am curious to learn more about their culture and customs. Moreover, their inclination towards conflict in response to the loss of one of their own is a phenomenon that warrants further exploration."

With a warm smile for Göndul and Rossweisse, I confirmed my decision. "Ravel has informed me of your wish, and I am more than happy to oblige. All the valkyries, as well as the geezer, will be joining us on our journey to the Volgendurs planet," I announced.

Their faces softened, and they nodded in agreement. Göndul came forward, her hand resting on my chest as she smiled gratefully up at me. "Thank you, dear. I look forward to our journey together," she expressed warmly.

However, Rossweisse's reaction was quite different. Her eyes widened in shock, and she let out a horrified scream. "G-g-g-g-granny?!?! Wh-what are you doing!?" she exclaimed, clearly taken aback by Göndul's unexpected display of affection.

Recognizing Göndul's increasing affectionate behavior, I chose not to interfere, respecting her independence as an adult woman and honoring her choices. Despite any concerns I may have had, I knew she was resolute in her decisions.

Turning to both Göndul and Rossweisse, I addressed their worries about the valkyries of Volgendurs. "We will proceed with your plan once I take care of a few other matters or if they pose a direct threat to us, requiring us to confront them directly," I reassured them. "Ideally, I would prefer to win them over to our side, but I understand that it may be a tough challenge. If it comes to that, I ask that you do not stand in the way of what must be done."

They quickly understood my intentions and readily agreed. They had no prior connections with the people in question, and I doubted that they would form any connections with them so quickly. As a result, I had no immediate concerns about the Valkyries siding with them. However, a lingering unease remained within me.

"I'm worried about Odin. If they uncover his more unusual tendencies, they could use them to manipulate him," I expressed my concerns.

Göndul let out a hearty laugh, while Rossweisse let out a tired sigh. Göndul then replied, "Odin-sama may have a fondness for beautiful women and unconventional pursuits, but his loyalty remains dependable. Even if they were to try and take advantage of those, he wouldn't easily abandon you, [DxD], or his own pantheon. His integrity a lot higher than you think, Aaron."

"If you say so, Göndul," I replied, nodding in acknowledgment to her words. I glanced at Latia, silently asking for her input, but she simply shook her head, indicating she had none. In response, I shrugged, accepting the situation.

With those discussions over, we waited for the remaining speeches to conclude. It was not until about thirty minutes later that the final speaker finished, and the crowd started to disperse.

Approaching me with a lingering sense of surprise at the swiftness of their newfound support, Unagor and Geharon Ailaozev approached me.

"We have come to a decision, Aaron," Geharon announced, with the others silently agreeing. "We aim to establish a new settlement in Kritānukūla. Would it be wise to inform Queen Yasevi as our first course of action?" he asked for my approval, to which I responded with a nod of agreement.

"Hmm. I shall promptly inform her. It shouldn't be too difficult. However, it would be wise for you to discuss the specifics with her and then update me. I will handle the logistics once the plans are finalized. Furthermore, I will arrange for a personal teleportation pad to be linked to the new settlement, allowing for quick access between there and the Resistance's base. Currently, the only pad is located in the main city," I explained, detailing the upcoming course of action. They nodded in understanding.

"Thank you again, Aaron... for everything you have done for us. We look forward to contributing to the Resistance in the days, weeks, months, and years to come," Geharon expressed his gratitude, bowing his head in respect.

"Don't mention it. You have all been essential in your own ways, contributing to the cause. You are integral members of the research department, and Unagor and Ailaozev are assisting in the training efforts here," I acknowledged, emphasizing their valuable contributions. They nodded in acknowledgment.

We continued our conversation for a bit more before parting ways for the rest of the day.

— ○ ● ○ —

As darkness fell, the anticipation grew for the upcoming journeys of the two teams. One bound for Etoce Rhirlara and the other, my own team, preparing for our expedition to Stolonium alongside Raerea. I sought comfort within the embrace of the rejuvenated tree that stood as the focal point of the Resistance's planet. One of the odd creatures, born of the tree's essence, rested in my arms, while its counterpart was missing, I didn't know where it was.

Looking out at the landscape, a whirlwind of emotions stirred within me, prompting a sigh to escape my lips. How many sighs had I released during this hour of contemplation within the sacred branches? My legs hung over the ledge as I absentmindedly stroked the creature's head, cradled in my lap, finding solace in its silent company.

A familiar presence wrapped around me, approaching from behind and settling next to me. As I glanced beside me to greet their arrival, my eyes landed on Esina, seated beside me with the other creature being nestled in her arms.

"Good evening, Esina. How can I help you?" I asked, the words slipping out automatically as I returned my attention to the view spread out before us.

Her smile cut through the darkness as she commented, "It's funny how you always offer help when someone approaches you. Only with those you cherish do you simply acknowledge their presence without the offer. But even then, you still extend the offer on occasion. It's just something I've observed, anyway."

I fell into a thoughtful silence, acknowledging the truth in Esina's observation. Offering assistance had become second nature to me, a result of the numerous requests for aid that came my way.

With a wry smile, I conceded, "It does seem to be a deeply ingrained habit of mine... So, what brings you here?"

Esina proceeded to explain the reason for her visit, recounting Grayfia's consultation with her and Ebacan about my dream. Recalling her initial hesitation to share the information, she admitted, "At the time of Grayfia's visit, the details I had were just whispers and rumors. Unsure of their accuracy, I hesitated to reveal them. However, it seems Lucius also had similar dreams, despite never coming into contact with the being known as 'The Keeper of the Eternal Flame' directly."

"Do you have any specific knowledge about this entity?" I asked, wanting to gain more insight.

"Why not use your powers to discover more?" Esina countered, her smile warm as she rested her head against my shoulder.

"...In the dream, I felt a strong urge, or perhaps a command, not to use them. It was as if the entity was indicating that events should unfold naturally. Perhaps it had foreseen the events leading up to my encounter with it and immediately afterward. As a result, I held back from probing further into the matter," I explained, remembering the sense of constraint imposed within the dream.

Esina's explained that she heard hushed conversations of the adults, snippets of information heard from the scientists that experiment and tortured her, along with them asking if she was "chosen" too in that regard. Pausing for a moment, lost in thought, she resumed with a sense of solemnity.

"I do remember there being a lullaby associated with it," she started, her voice carrying a weight of gravity. Then, in a gentle, almost reverent tone, she began to recite the lullaby.

"Within the vast expanse of the cosmos, where stars twirl in an eternal trance, there resides a serene and wise force, Preserving peace beyond the skies.

In the cradle of celestial grace, with tender hands and gentle embrace, it cradles the universe with loving care, ensuring balance in every corner.

Through the passage of time's embrace, it maintains its equilibrium with unwavering grace, in every galaxy, in every twinkle of a star, its presence is felt, like a soothing dream.

Hush now, little one, and close your eyes tight, under the watchful gaze of celestial light, for the Eternal Flames guide your sleep, guiding your dreams in a peaceful sweep.

So, sleep, dear child, in tranquil repose, as the Constant Dream softly bestows, its blessings upon this vast expanse, ensuring harmony in every galactic dance."

With the final notes of the lullaby drifting away into the night, a tangible sense of admiration hung in the air, as if paying homage to the mysterious force known as 'The Keeper of the Eternal Flame.'

"Or something like that, hehe," Esina quipped with a playful giggle, her laughter injecting a bit of lightheartedness into the solemnity of the moment.

I didn't immediately respond to the melody of the lullaby; it held an unexplainable charm, leading me to contemplate the source of its origin. Nevertheless, I decided to follow its guidance in my dreams, hoping for more encounters or revelations.

"As I journeyed alongside Lucius and the first group of the Resistance, our adventure brought us to a unique planet now forgotten in history. There, too, were followers of this mysterious being, yet they remained distant and unresponsive to our advances, even to me, a deity in my own right. Nonetheless, they gave this being another name, often referring to her with a feminine identity intertwined with another title," she revealed, looking upward with anticipation in her gaze.

Eagerly anticipating Esina's revelation, I waited with bated breath for her words. With a gentle smile, she revealed, "They called her 'The Keeper of Fates.' I have no clue what it means though. However, I personally believe she was the reason for the balance in this universe. Now, her powers are fading, and everything is in disarray—or perhaps it had been so for a long time, although I'm not sure."

As I pondered the implications of her revelation, I marveled at the idea of a deity responsible for maintaining the equilibrium of the universe. The mysteries of the Ancient Era beckoned, promising a treasure trove of secrets yet to be unveiled. With a nod of acknowledgment, I replied, "With the hints you provided, I have formulated my own theories regarding this deity. Thank you, Esina, for your insights."

Esina's lighthearted manner evoked a chuckle from herself as well. "Well then, can I have a reward for helping you?" she playfully teased.

Returning her grin, I nodded in agreement. "I don't see why not. What would you like? Just, please, be reasonable," I requested.

With a mischievous spark in her eyes, Esina pretended to contemplate her request before finally admitting, "I would like a deep kiss on the lips, please." A faint blush tinted her cheeks as she made her bold request, her gaze steady as it met mine.

Letting out a sigh, I couldn't help but voice my confusion. "I don't mind fulfilling your request, but I have to ask: why are you so infatuated with me? All I did was help you escape a grim fate. You shouldn't invest all your gratitude in me alone. It seems like you're projecting an idea onto me, seeing me as something or someone else and allowing yourself to be swept along by it."

Despite my questioning, Esina's smile remained as she nodded, indicating her understanding. "I have to admit," she started, "I saw glimpses of Lucius Benevolentia in you, especially in certain words you said to me when you first helped me. I was initially drawn to you because of the idea of Lucius being reborn in you, but..."

Her gaze shifted to the mesmerizing scene in front of us—the night sky adorned with glistening stars, the universe extending endlessly above us. It was as if this moment had been crafted by some higher force, perfectly tailored for this revelation. After a brief pause, Esina continued.

"As I got to know you better, I came to understand that you are distinctly different from Lucius. While you both share a common purpose and some personality traits, the core of who you are is unique. Even Azathoth, the other Outer God, confirmed that you are not the reincarnation of anyone. You are simply yourself, Aaron Toole," she earnestly explained.

'Do you hear that, Rudra? Looks like it's just me, no one else around,' I teased my inner companion in a playful manner.

'Enough with the jokes, Aaron. Esina is being sincere,' Rudra admonished, his voice tinged with seriousness. Despite his reprimand, I couldn't help but inwardly chuckle at his stern demeanor.

"Indeed, I am well aware of that," I responded, my tone turning more earnest. "The journey of that year, and the experiences I encountered in my own universe, have reinforced this realization within me. Regardless of the expectations others may impose upon me, I remain resolute in my own convictions. I will go down that course but in my own way—a bit of Toole magic, you could say," I concluded with a grin.

Esina couldn't contain her amusement at my words, her laughter ringing out melodiously. Leaning forward, she placed a hand on my chest. "Well then, I believe it's time for that reward now, Lord Toole," she teased, prompting laughter from both of us.

In response to her plea, I leaned in and lightly pressed my lips against hers, as she had asked. Esina eagerly reciprocated, one hand resting on my chest while the other remained on the creature in her lap. Surprisingly, her kiss was full of energy, her lips soft and faintly tasting of peanut butter, likely from a snack she had indulged in earlier. We remained locked in the embrace for a full thirty seconds before finally parting.

As I pulled away, it was clear that Esina was blushing deeply, yet she bravely held my gaze. Despite her embarrassment, she didn't flinch from looking at me, even though she had been the one to make the initial request.

"…M-may I have one more?" Esina's shy plea caught me off guard, her usual confident demeanor momentarily faltering. Yet, I couldn't help but find her bashfulness endearing.

Without hesitation, I leaned in once more, capturing her lips in another kiss, reflecting the depth and passion of our previous embrace. However, this time, Esina's hand gripped my shirt, signaling her eagerness for more. As the kiss prolonged, I sensed her growing more invested, her desire for closeness becoming palpable.

Feeling her tongue gently probing my lips, I willingly parted them, granting her access to my mouth. Esina eagerly explored, her movements becoming more assertive as she delved deeper. In response, I reciprocated with equal enthusiasm, engaging in a playful exchange as our tongues danced together in a tender embrace.

After another moment lost in our passionate exchange, we parted once again, a delicate thread of saliva briefly connecting our tongues before vanishing. Esina's face was now a deep shade of scarlet, her embarrassment evident in the crimson hue of her cheeks. I offered her a warm smile, allowing her a moment to compose herself.

After a brief silence, Esina finally spoke up, her voice trembling slightly. "T-thank you... I... enjoyed it," she admitted, her blush deepening as she confessed. "Lavinia and Suzaku gave me tips on how to approach kissing," she added, her embarrassment evident in her confession.

The revelation that Esina had sought advice from Lavinia and Suzaku caught me off guard. I had expected her to turn to Akeno or Kuroka for such matters, making it a truly unexpected revelation. "Is that so? Those two weren't the ones I expected you to ask, but it's a welcomed surprise," I replied, reaching over to gently pat her hair in a reassuring gesture.

"Ah, there you are. There's something significant happening. Come to the plaza in Ivoryillum," Cao Cao's voice startled us, breaking the moment we were sharing.

We turned to see Cao Cao's inquisitive expression and raised eyebrow, which only succeeded in making Esina even more self-conscious, causing her blush to deepen. I stood up and offered Esina a hand, helping her to her feet.

"What's going on?" I asked as I teleported us just outside the plaza.

"The valkyries of this universe are making an announcement, and it's being broadcast across the universe," Cao Cao explained as we quickly made our way towards the plaza, joining the crowd that had already gathered there.

Pushing through the crowd, we finally reached the center of the plaza, where everyone was focused on a floating display. It showed a stadium and a microphone, with a woman standing prominently at the center. On closer inspection using [Aosozth], it showed her as Callorahine, the Queen of the Volgendurs.

"Has she started yet?" I asked of Cao Cao, but he shook his head in response.

"A different valkyrie simply mentioned that the Queen was on her way and about to begin the announcement. It seems she just arrived. Let's listen," he replied, prompting me to fall silent in anticipation.

[With permission of Lady Phumera, we will be broadcasting this across the universe so that it reaches the Resistance,] Callorahine's voice rang out with cold sternness. [Recently, one of our own has been killed in a cowardly manner by the Resistance. Therefore, we, the Volgendurs, will be declaring war against the Resistance!] she declared, her voice resounding with authority and purpose.

[Eyhylde, a powerful Volgendur, has met her end at the hands of Suzaku Himejima, a despicable member of the Resistance. We will ensure that she and all who align themselves with the Resistance suffer for their actions. That is why we will be targeting a planet suspected of harboring ties to the Resistance!] Callorahine declared, her words laced with unhinged spitefulness as she gestured to her side.

The camera angle shifted, revealing a planet unknown to me. However, Cao Cao's furrowed brow indicated his recognition. "That's Exsteanus. It's quite distant from here, but it plays a crucial role in the transportation and distribution of goods and essential resources across the cosmos. You could liken it to transportation companies in our own universe. Exsteanus serves as both the name of the planet and the organization," he elaborated.

Scowling at the revelation, I expressed my concern, "So they're going after a company that has no connection to us? What makes them think there's any link?"

Cao Cao provided an explanation, "Their main goal is to further tarnish our reputation in the eyes of the public. You're well aware of how deeply ingrained everyone is in the Phumera universe. The Queen of the Volgendurs will exploit that to her advantage. By targeting Exsteanus, even though it's not the largest company of its kind in this universe, it will demonstrate the severity of the Volgendurs' threat."

"Using fear and manipulating public opinion to turn them against us," I pondered, a touch of bitterness creeping into my voice. "That's probably nothing new for the Resistance..." I trailed off, my eyes fixed on the screen as the Queen continued her speech.

"That's accurate. The constant barrage of slander from Phumera and her associates has been a recurring challenge for us within the Resistance. We've encountered slander of varying degrees throughout our various incarnations, ranging from severe to mildly derogatory," mentioned Savina, her voice reflecting a mixture of resignation and acceptance as she joined our conversation with Zyra.

"Phumera is simply a bitter soul, holding animosity towards everything and everyone for no apparent reason. Aaron, don't let her venom weaken your spirit," Zyra added, her arms folded in a defiant gesture.

"What do you mean?" I asked, intrigued. "Have you been to their planet?"

"Svlalria—that's the name of their homeworld. As for Callorahine's demeanor, it remains a mystery to me. There are rumors that she was once married, but after her husband's death, her attitude changed for the worse. However, I suspect there's more to the story, and his passing only worsened her bitterness. Although, that's just my speculation," Zyra explained, her tone suggesting a hint of speculation.

"Hmm..." I pondered, stroking my chin thoughtfully. As I readied myself to tap into my powers, a resounding "no" reverberated within my mind, causing me to flinch slightly. The voice resembled that of the "Keeper of the Eternal Flame," prompting me to refrain from using my abilities for the time being. Whatever unfolds on that distant planet and whatever destiny awaits their queen, it seems destined to intertwine with the valkyries and the mysterious Keeper of the Eternal Flame. I should prepare myself for the unexpected upon my arrival.

"What kind of powers does the Queen of the Volgendurs possess?" I asked, fixing my gaze on Zyra.

"She possesses abilities focused on manipulating ice. Her ice has a darker hue than most, almost resembling jet-black with specks of blue scattered throughout. It's rather ironic, considering it reflects her current demeanor, don't you think?" Zyra responded, her tone tinged with a hint of irony.

[Keeper of the Eternal Flame and a queen hardened by her control over ice. I can already see where this is going, Partner... I think?] Ddraig remarked.

{Don't you dare say any clichés, Ddraig, or I'll have to quiet you down,} Albion retorted wryly.

[Partner will melt her cold exterior with his passionate flames and bring her into his harem! Cue the credits!] Ddraig cheered, just before a series of explosions erupted.

Their playful banter provided a brief amusement for me, but a lingering feeling warned me that things wouldn't unfold as expected. Nevertheless, I turned my attention back to the holographic display before addressing Zyra, who observed me with a curious tilt of her head.

"In that case, I've made a decision to change my plans. After my trip to Stolonium, I'll head straight to Svlalria. There's something about it that bothers me, so I intend to investigate before traveling to Fengyun Fudi," I declared, surprising both Zyra and Savina.

"Aaron, Isatha and I would like to join you on your journey to Stolonium, if you'll have us," Cao Cao interjected suddenly, catching me off guard with his unexpected offer.

"Sure, why not? I've never placed any restrictions on those who want to join me or come with me on my ventures. Everyone is welcome to ask or offer their help, but may I ask why?" I confirmed, directing my question to Cao Cao.

"Isatha believes she may have connections in that planet, so our main goal will be to operate independently. Our mission isn't about conquest or destruction; instead, we aim to maintain our independence while being ready to provide assistance if the situation becomes dire," Cao Cao explained. "In addition, we are aware that it could be a trap, so we will be cautious and prepared to fight or flee if necessary."

Acknowledging his reasoning, I nodded in agreement and added, "Understood. I will assign a few Shadow Soldiers to accompany you both as well. Best of luck on your journey, but remember our newfound notoriety. Using magic to conceal your identities could be useful."

In understanding, he nodded while we remained focused on Callorahine's speech. As time passed, a wave of anxious murmurs spread through the crowd after about ten more minutes. Looking at Savina, I received a confirming nod before we both stepped forward to address the gathering once the speech was done and the display disappeared.

With a composed demeanor, we reassured them that there was no need to worry, emphasizing our confidence in our ability to avoid detection. However, to further ease their concerns, I promised to deploy Shadow Soldiers to assist our allies who were stationed beyond the borders of this planet.

Our words appeared to calm the growing unease, and soon the crowd began to disperse. As the last of the attendees left, I let out a sigh of relief. "It's always something," I murmured, prompting a chuckle from Savina.

"Seems like there's never a dull moment," Savina quipped playfully.

I shifted my tired gaze to her and managed a faint smile. "Unfortunately, that seems to be our new normal," I replied with a tinge of resignation.

We exchanged a few more lighthearted remarks before deciding to part ways for the time being. As I walked away, my mind swirled with thoughts about the impending events, leaving me with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty.

— ○ ● ○ —

Once more, I found myself drawn into the mysterious world of my recurring dream, but this time, the familiar figure of the Keeper of the Eternal Flame was conspicuously absent. Undeterred, I held my ground, fixating my gaze upon the blazing orb of energy hovering atop the incline.

Despite my attempt to analyze and comprehend its nature, a persistent voice echoed in my mind, resolutely repeating the word "no." Each time I tried to delve deeper, the voice exerted a subtle influence, compelling me to stop my efforts. It was not a display of power or manipulation; rather, it was the firm conviction in the voice that dissuaded me from probing further.

Whoever this Keeper was, they wielded a remarkable influence, effectively stopping my attempts to unravel the mysteries concealed within the fiery ball before me. In the end, I agreed to their silent command, relinquishing my futile endeavors and resigning myself to contemplation in silence.

As I prepared to sink to the floor to further into my silent contemplation, the landscape around me began to subtly shift, accompanied by a chorus of voices that went beyond the mere murmurs I had previously heard.

[Why...?] a female voice lamented, heavy with dismay.

Beneath me, the universes expanse morphed, transforming into a kaleidoscope of shifting colors—alternating between pitch black and radiant white in a mesmerizing display. It was as if the very fabric of reality mirrored the chaotic emotions of a troubled soul, oscillating between sorrow and joy with each blink. The sensation was undeniably strange, stirring a sense of unease within me.

Yet, accompanied by the cacophony of voices and the disorienting changes in scenery, a deep, muffled voice resonated—a voice that emanated not from a human source, but from something altogether otherworldly. Its eerie timbre sent shivers down my spine, yet paradoxically, I felt a strange sense of familiarity with its unsettling presence.

"...So, it was really you, huh? I wonder if your actions mirror hers..." I murmured, narrowing my eyes in deep thought. The lingering presence of his influence, reminiscent of hers in my world, was palpable here. Perhaps it was leftover energy from his departure, or maybe he still held a subtle sway. But I lean towards the former rather than the latter.

[Relinquish...for a better be reunited with them...relinquish...everything to me...!] the eerie voice echoed, sending a wave of cold air around me.

I furrowed my brow at the haunting sound and let out a resigned sigh. "I suppose I'm more tangled in this web than I first thought. It looks like I have to help them free themselves from this maze of influence. But how deep does it go? Does it reach back to their very origins? Has it shaped them into who they are now? If so...can it simply be 'extracted' from their genetic makeup?" I pondered aloud, grappling with the weight of my newfound responsibility.

[...Can you promise me...?] the fearful feminine voice asked, her words quivering with uncertainty.

[!] the eerie voice retorted with an unsettling calmness.

Following a tense moment of silence, the desperation in the feminine voice became palpable. [Take everything...take everything...! I refuse to exist in a world devoid of them! No matter the duration it takes, as long as I can be reunited with them...!] she pleaded, her desperation echoing through the dreamy space.

As those words echoed into the void, the ground beneath me erupted into a swirling vortex of blue and white, before the surroundings reverted to their usual state. The cosmic panorama churned beneath me, returning the dream world to its quietude, punctuated only by sporadic whispers.

Sensing a presence, I lifted my gaze to meet the penetrating stare of the Keeper of the Eternal Flame. Their eyes emitted a serene orange glow, as if they were scrutinizing me intently. Apart from the tendrils of hair and the flames enveloping their form, I could discern little else about their mysterious figure.

Raising my hand, I directed a pointed finger towards them. "I'll entertain your schemes, but know this: whatever fate you seek to steer me towards, I'll do my best to change it and reshape it according to my own methods," I declared calmly, a hint of a smile playing on my lips.

A tense silence enveloped us, swallowing even the faint whispers that had lingered. Only the crackling of the flaming orb punctuated the silence. After what felt like an eternity of quiet contemplation, a smile crept across the face of the Keeper of the Eternal Flame. Moments later, I felt the inexorable pull of the dream world, drawing me back to consciousness.

Resigned to the transition, I offered no resistance as I was pulled from the dream. As reality reclaimed me, I caught a glimpse of the Keeper's silent gratitude before awakening fully.

— ○ ● ○ —

The next day, as both teams, along with the members of the Resistance's team, made final preparations to depart, I stood among those saying goodbye. The other teams, including [DxD] and the remaining members of the Resistance, had already started their own smaller missions, preventing them from joining us.

I gave Lavinia a reassuring pat on the back, trying to ease her mixed emotions. She was filled with a combination of excitement and apprehension about the upcoming mission. It had been a while since she had accompanied the Slash Dog Team, and this reunion had her feeling anticipation. Additionally, her role in teaching magic during their training sessions had ignited a sense of pride and eagerness to see how they would apply her teachings in the field.

"We'll handle this quickly!" Lavinia declared with burning fury in her eyes, her embrace growing stronger around me.

"I have complete faith in you guys," I replied, returning her hug and then affectionately patting her head. "I trust you and Suzaku to oversee all three teams in my absence."

Suzaku stepped forward and gently parted Lavinia from me. She weakly resisted, silently pleading for me to intervene, but I held back. Instead, Suzaku turned to me and locked eyes with mine.

"Don't worry about me, Aaron, I'm fine. I know you watched over me last night and this morning," Suzaku reassured me, her voice steady and confident. "I can defend myself, and Zhuque and the others are there to support if necessary. But I highly doubt it will come to that."

In a gesture of understanding, I nodded in response to her words, planting a quick kiss on her lips as she departed alongside Lavinia, who intermittently glanced back at me as they boarded a single spacecraft. Catching Lavinia's gaze, I couldn't help but chuckle, returning her wave before they disappeared into the vessel's confines.

As the spacecraft swiftly soared away, I turned on my heel, finding Latia by my side. "Who's accompanying you tomorrow to Stolonium?" she asked.

"For now, it's you, Esina, Raerea, Cao Cao, Isatha, and..." My voice trailed off as I caught sight of a certain goddess approaching.

She had joined Azazel's group earlier in the month and now stood before us, silent yet evidently eager. It was clear she would be joining our journey. "Zorya will be joining us as well. If anyone else wishes to accompany us, they can make their intentions known to me before day's end," I elucidated.

Latia and I both agreed, and with Zorya by our side, we prepared for our upcoming mission. The idea of traveling to Stolonium, a clear trap set by Elanor, didn't discourage me. Instead, it sparked a sense of excitement to participate in her game. Another motive resided within me—to give Raerea the chance to go back there, and hopefully convince them to join our cause. However, my optimism was still clouded by doubt.

— ○ ● ○ —

As the appointed day arrived, I found myself among our small group, each member exuding a palpable sense of preparedness for the upcoming journey. To my surprise, Azathoth, who had only just expressed her desire to accompany me to Stolonium and Svlalria the previous night, now stood among us.

Meanwhile, upon receiving the latest developments from Ignia, I promptly informed Velgrynd about the changes. She, in turn, swiftly departed for the Central World to assess the situation firsthand, assuring us she would return to this universe if all was well and also tell me the changes.

"Are you guys sure you're ready for the mission for today?" I asked, receiving reassuring nods from each member of our group.

"Is Zorya not coming with us?" Cao Cao asked, scanning the area.

"She's been asked to stay for a while, as Avezza needs her help," I explained. "But once they're done, she'll contact me, and I'll arrange for her teleportation to our location." It was an agreement she had made with me earlier, and I had no problem with it.

With their readiness confirmed, I promptly initiated the teleportation spell, transporting us to the barren expanse of Stolonium, meticulously following the precise instructions provided by Raerea.

— ○ ● ○ —

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