Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 22 – Part 1 – Kritānukūla

Third Person Point of View

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Elanor contemplated Morwenna's passing while playing with a holographic globe, her thoughts shrouded in a somewhat solemn mood. "It seems Morwenna's departure is permanent. A regrettable loss indeed; she was one of my most favorite pieces," she murmured quietly, her fingers gliding across the globe's surface.

A full day had passed since the events at Qurastale Nexus. Elanor remained watchful, her attention fixed on the vanished planet. The sudden disappearance, coinciding with Eyhylde's demise, revealed a clear understanding within Elanor's mind.

Rising from her seat, Elanor walked toward a modest shelf, taking a book with deliberate grace. "I wonder about the impact on her species. Despite her position as a societal outsider, will her species hold resentment toward the Resistance, will they declare war?" she mused aloud, her gaze wandering into the distant realms of thought.

Returning to her desk, Elanor started a holographic video playback, her demeanor composed yet she had a grin on her face.

Another holographic display sprung to life, endlessly looping a video of Valagor's declaration of war against Phumera's organization. His sudden announcement to launch immediate attacks on their conquered planets filled the room, infusing it with an undeniable sense of urgency.

Valagor wasted no time in carrying out his fervent intentions, swiftly mobilizing his forces to fulfill his promise. Reports began to trickle in, confirming the actions on at least four planets, each lacking the presence of the Eradicator, Ueboros, or Umbra, making them susceptible to rapid conquest by Valagor's species.

In the aftermath of these quick and resolute actions, Phumera, the central figure of the targeted organization, remained conspicuously silent. Despite the urgency of the situation, her lack of response left her associates and allies in a state of obvious anticipation, eagerly awaiting her next move with bated breath.

Settling back into her chair, Elanor wore a thoughtful expression. "It's glaringly obvious," she remarked, her voice tinged with a hint of admiration. "Phumera's silence in response to Valagor's declaration serves a calculated purpose—to allow the enemy to extend their reach, fostering a facade of false victory. And when the time is ripe, she'll extinguish their hopes without mercy."

A wry grin played upon Elanor's lips, an indication to her appreciation for Phumera's strategic cruelty. "She possesses a cunning ruthlessness that I personally love," she added, her amusement evident in her widening smirk. With a hearty laugh, Elanor delved into the surveillance feeds from other planets under Valagor's new jurisdiction, each one proof to her meticulous monitoring.

Despite the temptation to intervene, Elanor, like Phumera and her loyal allies, chose a path of calculated restraint. Ecthrois, the leader among Phumera's subordinates, had made it clear to the others: hold back and await the opportune moment. This directive found support in the lack of action from Infersos and echoed in Elanor's own decision. Thus, a collective agreement emerged among Phumera's associates to bide their time, observing with poised patience as events unfolded according to plan.

"Only time will reveal the outcome of these events. We will watch with great interest," Elanor stated, lounging comfortably in her chair, her gaze drifting to the holographic displays that adorned her workspace. "As for those persistent insects, they may hover around, but they will not attack me or this planet. The instructions of their outer god will make them hesitate."

A mischievous glint appeared in Elanor's eyes as she shifted her attention to another display, considering the potential reaction of her unsuspecting target. "But… will you take that bait?" she reflected, a playful grin playing on her lips. "Your compassionate nature may lead you to visit the planet once ruled by Raerea. The changes I have arranged there will be quite a spectacle."

With a chuckle that filled the room, Elanor looked forward to the unfolding of her carefully planned schemes, savoring the anticipation of the unwitting individual's descent into her web of manipulation and intrigue.

— ○ ● ○ —

In the desolate expanse of an unknown planet, Ecthrois, rank one of the Eradicator stood and watched as Valagor's forces once again extended their dominion over a newly conquered world. His gaze narrowed in contemplation, a tinge of frustration creeping into his voice as he muttered, "...Why do you withhold your hand, Phumera? Unless this is by design..."

A sudden presence cast a looming shadow behind him, announcing the arrival of an enraged assailant. With a ferocious cry, the man swung a massive club towards Ecthrois, intent on delivering a devastating blow. However, his strike was abruptly halted by a powerful barrier of dark blue darkness, emanating from Ecthrois himself.

Turning to face his would-be attacker, Ecthrois regarded him with a quiet air of observation, his piercing eyes revealing a hint of curiosity. "I've been expecting your inevitable confrontation," he remarked calmly, his voice carrying an undercurrent of intrigue. "You've trailed me for a week, yet you choose this moment to strike. Truly, you are strange."

Shifting his focus effortlessly, Ecthrois commanded the potent darkness around him to swiftly eliminate his assailant, extinguishing the intruder's life without the need for physical exertion. Returning to his silent watch, Ecthrois resumed his meticulous observations of the unfolding events on the conquered planet below.

His mind turned to the strategic pursuit of Valagor's species, a calculated endeavor aimed at gathering vital intelligence for a future counterattack sanctioned by Phumera. Despite the inherent challenges and risks, Ecthrois remained resolute in his commitment to track and monitor their movements, poised to strike when the opportune moment presented itself.

"...How bothersome," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, as he settled onto the ground.

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Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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The morning crept in with a calm presence, leaving me with an unusual surplus of time before the day's scheduled activities began. In the middle of the hurried preparations for the upcoming mission to Etoce Rhirlara, I found myself momentarily free from any pressing obligations.

Sitting alone outside, I took a moment to reflect, letting my thoughts wander aimlessly through the peaceful surroundings. With detailed plans in place for the immediate future, there was little cause for concern or immediate action. The endless expanse of the azure sky provided a tranquil backdrop to my idle ponderings.

A soft sigh escaped me as I considered the peculiar sensation that surrounded me. "Was this, perhaps, what one might categorize as boredom?"

The sudden appearance of a pair of ample breasts took me by surprise as they landed on my face, leaving me momentarily bewildered by the unexpected encounter. "Why am I being graced with a pair of breasts to the face?" I expressed my confusion, my mind quickly trying to identify the owner based on their shape and size. "Xenovia, is that you?"

With a bemused chuckle, Xenovia removed her breasts from my face, her expression a mix of amusement and mild incredulity. "I'm not sure whether to be impressed, embarrassed, or horrified that you could tell it was me," she quipped, giving a playful salute. "But yes, Aaron, it's me. I'm also here for that."

I couldn't help but furrow my brow in confusion, puzzled by her unexpected presence and the bold declaration that followed. "Here for what, exactly?" I inquired, my voice tinged with uncertainty.

Xenovia's response was nothing short of bold and unapologetic. "For our long-awaited date, followed by you fucking my brains out," she declared unabashedly, her words tinged with an air of certainty. Grateful for the privacy of our surroundings, I found myself momentarily at a loss for words.

Regaining my composure, I offered a wry smile in response to Xenovia's straightforwardness. "Well, I have to praise you for your directness," I remarked, a hint of amusement coloring my tone. "As for Irina, it seems a similar arrangement may be in store, though perhaps postponed until the following day, given my prior commitments."

Xenovia's confident statement took me by surprise, but her playful expression suggested she wasn't entirely serious. "You've hit the nail on the head with that assessment," she said, her lighthearted tone matching the sparkle in her eyes. "That flirtatious angel Irina is definitely eager for some one-on-one time with you as well."

With a quick and playful gesture, Xenovia grabbed my arm, her excitement evident as she declared, "Let's make the most of this date! Although I wouldn't mind skipping straight to the good part," she added with a wink.

Despite her playful suggestion, I couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. "Let's stick to the plan and enjoy a proper date first. I owe you that much," I responded, feeling her warmth as she hugged my arm in return.

Together, we set off, the anticipation of our upcoming date blending with the lively banter between us.

— ○ ● ○ —

"I should have known you'd bring us here," I chuckled, taking in the familiar surroundings of Hephaestus' smithy. As Hephaestus emerged from the back, her presence elicited a warm smile from both Xenovia and me.

"Aaron, Xenovia, welcome," Hephaestus greeted us warmly, her smile genuine as she approached.

Returning her embrace with a fond hug, I inquired about the coffee she had received from Agravesta. "How was the coffee from Agravesta?" I asked with genuine interest.

Returning the hug with equal affection, Hephaestus beamed up at me. "It's been absolutely wonderful. Kioko and Sherry have been enjoying it too. Thank you for the generous supply you arranged," she expressed her gratitude sincerely.

With a nod of acknowledgment, I explained, "I made some tweaks to it when I sampled it earlier. It was good, but I felt inspired to infuse it with a bit of Toole magic."

"I would love to have some, if you don't mind," Hephaestus eagerly requested.

"Of course, Hephaestus. I'll gladly brew some for you," I agreed with a nod, appreciating her interest in the Toole-infused coffee.

As Xenovia expressed her intention to join us shortly and wandered off to explore the armors on display, she added, "Ah, please make me some too. I'll join you in the back in a second, I like these and maybe I'll buy them."

"Sure thing, Xenovia. I've prepared some food for when I leave with Yasevi to her planet, but sharing some coffee right now wouldn't be a bad idea," I explained before leading Hephaestus to the back of the smithy.

Once we arrived, Hephaestus and I found Kioko and Sherry seated at the table, their weariness apparent. "Hey there, you two. Feeling a bit worn out?" I greeted them warmly.

"Ah, Jin-san, welcome," Sherry replied with a lazy wave, her exhaustion evident in her movements.

Kioko, immersed in a book on blacksmithing, flashed me a grin before returning to her reading. Their presence added to the cozy atmosphere of the smithy's back room, and I looked forward to sharing a moment of relaxation with them before the day's activities resumed.

I brewed a fresh batch of coffee in a nearby kettle, making sure there was enough for all of us, including Xenovia's share. As we settled in and took our first sips, expressions of surprise and delight lit up their faces.

"What in the world is this!? It's amazing! I can feel my energy coming back and soaring!" Kioko exclaimed, her eyes widening in awe. Beside her, Sherry nodded vigorously in agreement.

Hephaestus chuckled softly before inquiring, "You did more than just alter the flavor, didn't you?"

Nodding in acknowledgement of her observation, "Yes, Grayfia started adding special ingredients to the coffee and tea she makes for me, and the others followed suit. It's turned into a bit of a silent competition to create the 'best' tea and coffee whenever I'm in my office," I confessed with a sigh.

Kioko glanced at Sherry and Hephaestus before teasingly commenting, "His harem-building powers are getting stronger."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her playful jab. "And what exactly do you mean by that?" I asked, amused by her teasing.

"Your abilities, Aaron, are getting stronger, you know? They're just slowly guiding your partners in doing all sorts of things," Kioko said, her voice filled with excitement, as if she had just uncovered some incredible secret.

"I do things for them too. It's a give and take—also, that's just a normal part of being in a relationship, helping out your significant other," I explained to her. She nodded her head, a big grin on her face, like I had just given her some mind-blowing piece of advice. It felt like she was teasing me, but at the same time, Kioko seemed to be a bit of an air head, or maybe she just wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed...

Xenovia suddenly strolled into the room, lugging a full set of armor. "I want to buy this armor set before we head out. I think my future son or daughter would find it useful. Aaron, I was hoping you enchant and modify it in the future," she said, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

A little taken aback, I agreed and said, "Sure thing, Xenovia. I've done that kind of thing before, so I'm pretty confident I can pull it off. But yeah, you're definitely thinking way ahead into the future, aren't you?"

With a chuckle, she joined us at the table and savored the coffee I had carefully prepared. "Hmm? This is pretty good," she remarked.

"So, what brings you two here today?" Kioko asked, setting her book aside with a gentle gesture.

"Date, followed by sex," Xenovia deadpanned, finishing her coffee in one swift motion. Her forthright statement caused the three women there to blush, while I simply shook my head in mild disbelief. Xenovia looked at us with a mischievous grin. "I've been looking forward to this moment for quite some time."

Kioko nodded knowingly. "Ah, I see. But have you explored any other, shall we say, risqué activities? Or is your excitement solely centered on the prospect of sex?" she inquired, her tone tinged with curiosity.

"Oh, we've done other lewd activities before. It's just that we haven't crossed that final line yet... I think? Does it count if I take it up the butt?" Xenovia mused, tilting her head in contemplation.

"We haven't done anal before, Xenovia…" I interjected quickly, feeling compelled to clarify.

Xenovia cocked her head to the side, pondering for a moment before responding, "Hmm... maybe it was just a dream then. Nonetheless, consider it a preference of mine for future reference!"

Hephaestus shook her head, a hint of disapproval in her voice. "This conversation is veering into overly explicit territory. Let's keep things more subdued. However," she continued, rising from her seat, "I'll ring up your armor set. Follow me." Xenovia readily agreed, and they departed from the table.

"How are the hammers I provided you with? And what are your impressions of this universe thus far? If you want to return to ours, simply inform me. I've facilitated Vali's return for a brief visit, making the transition quite straightforward," I inquired.

"They serve their purpose well, streamlining our work and yielding superior results. Nonetheless, the expertise and skill of a seasoned master blacksmith still hold sway in crafting superior works. It looks that Hephaestus-sama reaps the greatest benefits from their usage," Kioko explained.

I offered a comforting smile and a nod. "That was indeed my intention in creating them. Skill, confidence, and experience are crucial to craftsmanship. Hephaestus' expertise naturally leads to exceptional results, but both of your creations possess admirable quality," I explained, receiving nods of understanding from the group.

"I see... that makes things clearer. Although, I have to admit, it does feel like my creations surpass my current level of expertise," remarked Sherry with a touch of self-awareness.

"The hammers also takes into account your potential and innate talent in the craft, so even those at a lower skill level may create something remarkable or even legendary through chance," I added.

"It does have a resemblance to a gaming mechanic," mused Kioko thoughtfully.

"I can't argue with that," I chuckled in agreement, the atmosphere lightening with shared amusement.

After Xenovia and Hephaestus returned to the room, Xenovia exclaimed, "Let's continue our date! I know the perfect place at Cosmosilica Terraflora!"

"Very well, let's not linger then. I'm sorry for unexpectedly intruding into your workshop. We'll take our leave now," I conveyed to Hephaestus and the others.

"No need for apologies, as I mentioned earlier, today has been rather uneventful," Hephaestus reassured before giving me a quick peck on the cheek, and we departed.

"So, our destination is Cosmosilica Terraflora?" I asked Xenovia once we were outside.

"Yeah, that's right. But be warned, it will require considerable energy. Are you ready?" she exclaimed, her eyes filled with anticipation.

Amused by her excitement, I chuckled and nodded in agreement, before teleporting us to our destination planet.

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The destination Xenovia guided us to was none other than the grand basketball arena that I had designed for the planet weeks ago. It was filled with eager spectators, capturing the passion with which the inhabitants of this universe embraced the sport.

"Hmm... it seems quite crowded," Xenovia commented with a hint of disappointment, taking in the crowds of people.

"We could simply watch the matches. After all, there appears to be a small tournament happening," I suggested.

"True. Let's find some seats," she replied, and we held hands as we weaved through the bustling crowd, eventually finding a place to sit.

As we settled in, we became absorbed in the unfolding games. Everything progressed as usual until the climactic showdown between the final two teams. However, an unexpected turn of events occurred when one of the players suffered an injury, leaving their team in need of a substitute.

"I volunteer as tribute!" Xenovia declared loudly, getting up from her seat with excitement.

Xenovia was recognized by the spectators and warmly welcomed into the team fold. Both men and women were part of the teams, promising a dynamic and entertaining game, especially given the allowance for the utilization of their inherent abilities. With gusto, Xenovia donned the team's jersey before stepping onto the court.

Before the game resumed, I offered a cautionary reminder, "Remember, moderation is key." Xenovia responded with a mischievous grin and a thumbs-up gesture. However, as soon as the game commenced, she wasted no time in showcasing her prowess, effortlessly sinking a three-pointer from the opposing end of the court. "Didn't I just warn you about overexerting yourself?" I quipped, albeit with a hint of amusement.

Undeterred, Xenovia continued to dominate the game, using her superior physical abilities to outmaneuver and outclass the opposing team. Despite her individual prowess, she remained cognizant of the collaborative nature of the sport, frequently facilitating scoring opportunities for her teammates. As a result, the opposing team found themselves confounded and overwhelmed by the unforeseen turn of events.

As the game advanced, the opposing team started implementing more sophisticated strategies to diminish Xenovia's impact, thus limiting her chances to score. Yet, a subtle glint of mischief shimmered in Xenovia's eyes, hinting at a concealed plan waiting to be unleashed.

And then, the perfect moment arrived.

Receiving the ball in the middle of the tight defense of three opposing players, Xenovia's smirk revealed her intentions. With lightning-quick dribbles and calculated movements, she skillfully maneuvered past her markers, leaving them stumbling in her wake as she effortlessly executed a breathtaking slam dunk.

The crowd erupted into a frenzy of cheers and applause, while I couldn't help but chuckle at Xenovia's strategic display. "So she was holding that back, huh? Ankle-breaking them…" I mused to myself, thoroughly entertained by her cunning. As Xenovia resumed her dominance on the court, a sudden realization dawned upon me, prompting me to pause and reassess the situation.

As Xenovia flawlessly replicated moves from the basketball show I had introduced her to, a realization struck me. "I... I did show them those videos, didn't I? And even that knockoff version of Kuroko no Basket in this universe..." I murmured to myself, a sense of recognition sweeping over me.

[It seems Xenovia and a few others took a keen interest in basketball after that little showing. I suppose she practiced in secret,] Ddraig remarked with laughter resonating in his voice.

Returning my focus to the game, I marveled at Xenovia's ability to flawlessly execute intricate maneuvers from the show. With her innate powers, remarkable flexibility, and lightning-fast reflexes, she effortlessly recreated each move with precision. The crowd's excitement reached a fever pitch as Xenovia even replicated Kuroko's Vanishing Drive, eliciting thunderous applause and cheers.

I sighed in resignation and shook my head. "All that's missing is... oh dear," I muttered under my breath, observing as blue electricity crackled in Xenovia's eyes. "She's actually using the 'Zone,' isn't she?" I realized, albeit with a sense of awe. While it wasn't the true "Zone" technique, Xenovia's utilization of blue electricity and her own powers created an effect eerily reminiscent of it, amplifying her abilities to astounding levels.

Lounging in my seat, I couldn't resist letting out another sigh, coupled with a chuckle of awe. Xenovia always managed to leave me speechless with her energy. As the game came to an end, it was evident that her team held a commanding lead of at least 200 points. The crowd, her teammates, and even the opposing team erupted into cheers and applause.

Despite the one-sided outcome, it was clear that this tournament was all about enjoyment and friendship. The opposing team, despite their defeat, couldn't help but be in awe of Xenovia's exceptional display of skill and prowess. Consequently, the atmosphere shifted to one of celebration and admiration, with everyone joining in the festivities to honor the thrilling game.

— ○ ● ○ —

"You really are something else. I meant for it to be a fun, carefree game, you know? But you turned it into a full-fledged competition," I teased Xenovia, playfully tapping her head.

Xenovia laughed heartily, raising her fist in triumph. "I just wanted us to have a good time playing basketball before we go for a well-deserved meal. But hey, I didn't expect all of that to happen! But it's all good, right?"

"Well, there are free outdoor basketball courts on the planet, you know. We could have easily gone to one of those instead," I informed her, causing her to freeze in disbelief.

"Why didn't you mention that earlier?!" she exclaimed, her eyes widening in astonishment.

Tilting my head slightly, I replied, "Well, you never asked. Although, you were certainly invited to play—"

Before I could finish, Xenovia seized my hand and pulled me along. "No more excuses! Let's go find one and play! I won't take no for an answer!" she declared with determination, and we quickly located a vacant court to indulge in a friendly game of basketball.

We entered the court, and with a quick flick of my wrist, I summoned a basketball, prepared to partake in a friendly match. Xenovia made the first move, but I swiftly intercepted the ball with my sharp reflexes, dribbling to the other end with a smirk on my face.

"Maybe you should approach this as seriously as you did in the game, Xenovia. How about this..." I playfully taunted, pointing at her. "Score just one point on me, and I'll agree to anything—absolutely anything."

A surge of determination emanated from Xenovia, her eyes burning brightly with resolve. "I'll score that point, no matter what!" she declared passionately before charging towards me with renewed energy.

"Pregnancy is definitely out of the question for now!" I exclaimed, dribbling the ball around while dodging Xenovia's attempts to catch me. She seemed more interested in chasing me than the ball itself, adding to the amusement.

"Damn it!! Why not!?" she fired back, frustration evident in her tone.

"Because we're still students, you goofball!" I retorted, laughter bubbling between us as we continued our playful banter. Despite our efforts, neither of us managed to score until I took a step back and launched the ball into the air, sinking a three-pointer.

"Nooooooooooooo!!!" Xenovia wailed dramatically, clutching her head in mock despair before collapsing to the ground in an exaggerated display of defeat.

Baffled by Xenovia's dramatic response, I couldn't help but question her apparent distress. "Why are you reacting like this? Remember, I told you that you could ask for anything you want if you score. There are no rules saying that I can't score," I clarified.

Realization illuminated Xenovia's face, her expression changing from despair to determination. "Ah! I get it now! I can still get the ball!" she exclaimed, darting towards it with renewed enthusiasm. As she retrieved the ball, a wide grin spread across her face, though with a slightly unsettling edge.

Taking a deep breath, Xenovia prepared to take her shot, only for the ball to inexplicably collide with an invisible barrier in the sky, rebounding back to the ground. Perplexed, Xenovia retrieved the ball and attempted another shot, only to encounter the same obstacle once again. This repeated several times, much to Xenovia's growing frustration.

"What the heck?! This is rigged! I demand a refund!" she protested loudly, her frustration reaching a boiling point.

Chuckling softly, I made my way over to Xenovia and retrieved the ball, causing her to playfully pout and cross her arms. "You totally planned this, didn't you? I can't win under these conditions..." she sighed, with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Well, yes, but actually, no," I replied, grinning. Pointing to the court floor, I directed her attention to a series of markings. "See those? Each one triggers a different effect on the court when stepped on. The one you stepped on activated an effect that makes any three-point shot impossible. Only close-range two-point shots or slam dunks are doable. It's all about enhancing the game experience."

Stunned by this revelation, Xenovia eagerly explored the court, examining each marking to uncover its unique effect. After thorough investigation, she returned to me with a renewed determination, grabbing the ball once more and sprinting towards the basket to execute a powerful slam dunk, her earlier frustration seemingly forgotten in the sheer thrill of the moment.

Caught off guard by Xenovia's sudden demand, I barely had a moment to process before she seized my collar and pressed her lips urgently against mine, her kiss fervent and demanding. As our tongues intertwined, the intensity of the moment escalated, and she pushed me to the ground, our kiss deepening.

However, our passionate interlude was abruptly interrupted by the sound of approaching voices. With a blush adorning her cheeks, Xenovia quickly agreed to allow the newcomers to use the court, pulling me away to a secluded corner before I could gather my thoughts.

In the privacy of our secluded spot, Xenovia wiped the sweat from her chin before turning to me and initiating another kiss, her desire palpable. Encouraged by her boldness, our kiss grew more fervent until I felt it was time to redirect our focus.

"We still have some time left, so how about we visit one more place before grabbing lunch—" I began, only to be cut off by Xenovia's exuberant shout.

"Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeex!!!" she exclaimed with unabashed enthusiasm, causing me to burst into laughter at her bluntness.

"Yeah, we can totally make that happen towards the end of our date before I head off to meet Yasevi," I explained in a relaxed tone.

"Mind if I join you? We could put 'that' on hold until after we're back from visiting Yasevi's planet. That way, we can stretch out our time together," suggested Xenovia after calming down.

Considering her suggestion, I replied, "Sounds good to me. I don't see any problem with it, and I doubt Yasevi would have an issue, so let's do it."

"Would you mind if I asked the others if they would like to join us?" she asked eagerly, reaching for her phone. I couldn't help but chuckle softly as I nodded for her to go ahead. Without hesitation, she reached out, and after a short while, received positive responses from a few, while the rest were unable to join.

Raynare and Ravel were the ones who agreed to join, promising an interesting trio to accompany me later in the day. Sadly, Lavinia wanted to join but found herself tied up with Suzaku, pulled into a meeting with the Slash Dog Team. It seemed they were likely going to join on the mission to Etoce Rhirlara.

"Anyways, let's head to the final spot before grabbing some lunch," I said to her before teleporting us away.

— ○ ● ○ —

Taking Xenovia's interests into account, I teleported us towards a location that aligned with her passions—an establishment showcasing a variety of sports equipment and motorcycles. The unique fusion of these interests was further complemented by the presence of a nearby restaurant.

Upon reaching the destination, Xenovia's eyes lit up with excitement. "At first, I considered upgrading your current motorcycle, but then I thought, why not buy you a new one and then upgrade and enchant both? This way, you'll have a pair to choose from in the future."

A mischievous grin spread across her face as she teased, "You certainly know how to cater to my preferences, Aaron. Nicely done!"

With a knowing smile, I replied, "That wasn't exactly my intention, but I appreciate the sentiment."

Xenovia eagerly grasped my arm, pulling me through the store as she immersed herself in browsing through countless items. Finally, she came to a stop, turning to me with a mixture of horror and disappointment as her wallet was mostly empty.

"A-Aaron!" she exclaimed, while staring at me pleadingly. She didn't have any money to buy the items.

I reassured her, "I didn't say you had to pay... feel free to get whatever you want, especially the sports equipment. But let's limit ourselves to one, maybe two motorcycles, that's the maximum, okay?"

Her triumphant fist pump showed her delight as she continued to pull me through the store, making me carry the weight of her numerous purchases. The scene played out like something from a quirky anime or cartoon.

After paying the bill and discreetly hiding the purchases within my ring, we turned our attention to the motorcycle section. Xenovia, bubbling with enthusiasm, carefully examined each two-wheeled vehicle.

Having no prior knowledge about motorcycles, I found myself in uncharted territory, clueless about the specific type that might appeal to Xenovia. While I entertained the idea of learning to ride one, the allure of motorcycles had never captivated my interest.

Surveying the vast array of options, I sought Xenovia's input. "What kind of motorcycle are you looking for? I've just done a quick search, and there seem to be numerous types. Are you leaning towards an all-rounder, or is there a particular style you have in mind?" I inquired, rattling off a list that included Cruiser Motorcycles, Sport Bikes, Touring Motorcycles, Standard Motorcycles, Dual-Sport Motorcycles, and many more.

Before receiving an answer, Xenovia suddenly darted away. Quickly following her, we came to a stop in front of a particular model. "The Kawasaki Versys 650?" I queried, prompting her to turn around, her eyes still gleaming with enthusiasm, eliciting a chuckle from me.

With a nod of approval, I said, "Go ahead and pick out another one. There's no harm in indulging a bit." Xenovia's face lit up at the suggestion, and she made her way to another motorcycle, the Suzuki GSX-S1000GT, a choice that piqued my interest.

"The Suzuki GSX-S1000GT... quite an interesting choice, Xenovia. I can't say much since I've only familiarized myself with these machines in the past few minutes," I remarked, letting out a chuckle.

Amused, Xenovia saw the chance to enlighten me with a barrage of information. She delved into the intricate details, offering a thorough analysis of the Kawasaki Versys 650 and Suzuki GSX-S1000GT—almost as passionately as when I discuss the nuances of cooking. I stood there, attentive, recognizing her love for motorcycles paralleling her enthusiasm for the church, training, and god.

After her detailed exposition on motorcycles, Xenovia took a breath, her cheeks tinted with a hint of embarrassment. "S-sorry, I rambled on there for a bit too long."

"No need to apologize. I've been guilty of similar lengthy speeches, especially about cooking and various other subjects in the past. Is it safe to assume that this newfound interest in motorcycles is on par with your dedication to training and your devotion to god?" I asked. Xenovia nervously smiled and nodded in agreement.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, Xenovia. Just ensure it stays in moderation and doesn't consume you like some addictions," I advised.

She playfully retorted, "Like you having two sacred spatulas?"

My lips twitched, acknowledging the truth in her retort. "Yes, much like me, one of those peculiar enthusiasts," I admitted, prompting laughter from Xenovia. It was an undeniable reality—I had crafted two special spatulas over the course of my reincarnation, and they held a special place in our kitchen, wielded regularly by Raiko, Grayfia, and Inaie.

Engaging in some light-hearted banter, Xenovia and I went forward to negotiate a deal for the two chosen motorcycles. Spotting a promising candidate, presumably the owner, Xenovia took the lead in the discussions, with myself lingering in the background. It was vital to ensure we weren't taken advantage of, given our recognizable status.

Yet, the negotiation took an unexpected turn as the conversation shifted from the deal to an enthusiastic discussion about motorcycles. Despite my attempts to steer the conversation back on track, the fervor of these enthusiasts seemed insurmountable. Accepting defeat, I summoned a chair, settled into it, and patiently waited for them to conclude their motorcycle discourse.

After a few minutes of spirited conversation, they eventually circled back to the matter at hand. The owner, grinning, extended his hand towards Xenovia. "Hmm? Ah, we've been rambling. How about it, is it a deal?" he inquired.

Xenovia, equally enthusiastic, replied, "It's a good deal for me, so I'll take it!" The handshake solidified the agreement, bringing our motorcycle acquisition journey to a successful conclusion.

"I'm ready to settle the payment in full with cash right now, if that's fine with you," I interrupted, shifting the focus back to the financial side of the deal.

The owner, caught off guard, looked at me before bursting into laughter. Coming over to me, he playfully slapped my back. "Is that right, sir leader?! Well then, let's wrap this up in my office. I'll get the necessary paperwork!" he announced, promptly leading me, with Xenovia in tow, as we made our way to the office to finalize the transaction.

With Xenovia's efficient handling of paperwork, thanks to her position as the student council president, the process of finalizing the deal was expedited. As she reviewed the documents, she adorned herself with a pair of charming red glasses, a look that surprisingly suited her. I couldn't help but admire her in them, and it seemed she noticed my lingering gaze, choosing to keep them on even after we had finished.

Once the paperwork was completed, Xenovia efficiently stored the motorcycles into her ring, and we made our way to the restaurant. As we walked, she linked her arm with mine and asked, "Do you like them?"

Watching her exaggerated blinks and playful demeanor, it was clear that she was referring to her glasses, trying to appear endearing.

"Those glasses really suit you," I said with a smile.

Xenovia seized the opportunity to make a deadpan statement, "Well then... the glasses stay on during sex." I couldn't help but facepalm at her unexpected comment, but her laughter was contagious as we entered the restaurant, noticing the sparse crowd.

We chose a spot to sit and rang the bell on the table after making our menu selections. As we waited for our food, a brief silence fell between us as we sat across from each other. With her elbows on the table and hands on her cheeks, Xenovia looked at me with affection and a blush on her face.

"By the way, what can we expect from Yasevi's new planet? You mentioned combining her old one with the new one, right?" she asked, her affectionate gaze unyielding.

Xenovia reached out to me, and our fingers intertwined, creating a moment of closeness. She playfully toyed with my hands, occasionally bringing them to her lips for a surprise kiss, which took me by surprise, but I allowed her to continue, finding it charming.

"I did indeed discuss it with Yasevi," I confirmed, as we sat hand in hand. "Our plan is to blend the old and the new, integrating modern building designs and architectural elements while preserving the allure of the old medieval style. We've already drawn up detailed plans, so the implementation process should be fairly straightforward once we arrive."

I went on, "Along with the modern and medieval fusion, we'll also incorporate unique structures from both Yasevi's old planet and the other two planets she holds dear. These additions will undoubtedly enrich the charm and character of the new planet."

Xenovia listened intently as I explained, nodding and playfully fidgeting with our hands. Her quirky behavior seemed to be a result of the day's events, and I didn't think much of it. However, when she occasionally rubbed my hands against her cheeks, I couldn't help but chuckle.

Our conversation paused as our food arrived, and Xenovia's playful gestures came to a halt. A brief pout crossed her face, but it quickly disappeared as she dug into her meal, clearly enjoying the taste. We continued our conversation in between bites.

After swallowing a mouthful, Xenovia asked, "By the way, will we stay there for more than a day?"

I considered the options and replied, "If everything goes smoothly, we could possibly make it back tonight. However, if there are unforeseen complications, we might have to stay overnight and potentially until the end of the day tomorrow. If you'd like, we can—"

"Yes," she interrupted, firmly expressing her preference to stay there with a knowing smile.

Chuckling, I nodded in agreement. "I suppose we can, although our home would have been a more ideal setting. But, as you said, what can you do?"

Xenovia, with a smirk, retorted, "People go to love hotels, you know? It's not that different."

"Fair point," I conceded, and we continued our meal, engaging in casual conversation on various topics. Once we finished and settled the bill, we left the restaurant, heading towards Yasevi. Glancing at the time, it seemed that our date had concluded at an opportune moment.

"The timing is good. She's waiting. Let's go," I remarked.

However, Xenovia interjected, "Ah, wait. I'll go get Raynare and Ravel." I nodded in agreement, watching her depart to fetch our friends.

A few moments later, Xenovia returned with Raynare and Ravel in tow, and together we made our way towards Yasevi. She was standing by a small pole, her eyes fixed on the ground. As soon as she saw us, she greeted us with a warm smile.

"I've been waiting for you. It seems like you've brought some of your lovers," she said with a playful smile directed at Raynare, Ravel, and Xenovia. "While I've only seen a small part of what my new kingdom will be like, I assure you all the best of our hospitality."

I gently poked her forehead. "Enough with the formalities. Let's go," I said, prompting a laugh from Yasevi as she agreed to join us. I noticed the intrigued looks on the faces of Raynare, Ravel, and Xenovia, but I paid no attention and teleported us away.

— ○ ● ○ —

"...What in the world are those?" Raynare exclaimed as soon as we set foot on the planet.

Spread out before us were expansive rocky formations, housing the dwellings and structures of Yasevi's people. The structures, towering like oversized onions and eggs, were numerous and imposing. Above, large glass windows revealed the glow of lights from distant buildings. Below, the desert sands stretched out, dotted with trees, rocks, and illuminated by orange lights embedded in the ground.

Xenovia, cocking her head to the side, commented, "Onion and egg-shaped peaks for mountains. Unconventional choices. But not a bad view, I must say."

We found ourselves on a narrow ledge on the mountainside, offering us a sweeping vista of the city below. Raising my hand to get their attention, I elaborated, "There's only one city on this planet, with a few towns on the outskirts, but the majority of the population resides here."

"Anyway, let's continue. The temporary leader knows we're coming, so someone should be waiting," I informed them, teleporting us to the entrance of the distant "castle."

Upon arrival, we were met with rock pillars and a metal gate. The guards, initially taken aback by our sudden appearance, quickly composed themselves upon recognizing me.

"I'm here to speak with him. Can you let us through?" I asked. The guards nodded and proceeded to open the gate. As their eyes swept over our group, they widened in surprise upon seeing Yasevi. She responded with a warm smile, evoking a range of emotions in the guards. Though they tried to hide it by covering their faces with their hats, tears were visible, betraying the depth of their feelings.

"Your people hold you in such high regard," remarked Raynare with a hint of admiration in her voice, as she observed the guards' emotional response to Yasevi's presence.

Yasevi smiled softly and acknowledged, "I've worked hard to earn their trust over the years. It warms my heart to know that they still hold me in such high esteem. I'm eager to resume my leadership role and continue serving them."

As we walked through the grand halls of the castle, the ancient sandstone walls were adorned with intricate motifs and embellishments, reflecting the rich culture of Yasevi's people. Lush foliage and unique decorations adorned every corner, adding a touch of natural elegance to the surroundings.

Guiding my companions through the corridors, we eventually reached a stately meeting room. With a gentle knock on the door, I announced our presence before pushing it open, ushering us into the room filled with anticipation and purpose.

In the room, there stood a solitary figure—an elderly man with a long brown beard, a bald head, and draped in a flowing white robe. When he laid eyes on us, his face lit up, and despite the slight hunch in his back, he approached with a cane in hand.

"Lord Aaron, you have..." he began, his gaze shifting between me and Yasevi, "...brought back our Queen. Thank you," he expressed, wiping away tears that betrayed his deep emotions. Bowing to Yasevi, he declared, "I, your loyal servant Barakyu, am ready to serve you once more, Queen Yasevi."

Yasevi responded with a warm smile, acknowledging the faithful Barakyu. "It's great to see you again, Barakyu. Thank you for looking after our people while I was away," she expressed, recognizing his unwavering dedication during her absence.

Barakyu's smile remained as he reflected, "Huhu, I've been watching over you since you were just a baby, my queen. This is nothing to me. Ever since Lord Aaron saved us, things have been slowly returning to normal. He has been keeping me updated on the plans, and I have to say, they are quite impressive."

Yasevi joined in the laughter, adding, "Yes, I wanted it to be unique, blending this planet's structures with our old one. It will have a distinctive mix, incorporating elements of the medieval style. What Aaron's lovers showed me really piqued my interest."

Raising an eyebrow, I turned to the trio accompanying me. Raynare offered a nonchalant shrug, Xenovia wore a puzzled expression, and Ravel, scratching her cheek, hinted at her possible involvement in the intriguing revelations that caught Yasevi's attention.

"Shall we begin our discussions?" I suggested, turning to the trio with me. "You are welcome to explore the city if you like. I don't want to bore you. We will try to finish this as quickly as possible and start the merging and reconstruction process," I explained.

Before anyone could speak, Xenovia eagerly said, "Roger!" Taking the lead, she promptly guided both Raynare and Ravel away, leaving them a bit bewildered but willing to explore the city while we focused on the discussions ahead.

— ○ ● ○ —

Raynare's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

As Xenovia led us through the city, Ravel couldn't hide her disappointment, "Xenovia-sama, I would have loved to be part of the process!" She pouted, crossing her arms.

"You just wanted to be with Aaron, stop pretending," I teased, smirking at her. Ravel blushed, unable to deny the truth. Shifting my focus to Xenovia, I asked, "Why did you agree so quickly? Wasn't today your date?"

"It's okay. I'm excited to explore this place, and besides, my date mostly ended before we came here. All that's left is... well, can you guys sleep in a different room tonight?" Xenovia asked, turning away and blushing.

Realization dawned on me, and I chuckled, "Ah... so it's finally your turn, huh? Good luck. Make sure you try to stop him at one round, or he'll keep going, and you'll be completely exhausted by the next day. That guy has way too much energy at times," I advised, earning a furious blush from Ravel.

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind. So," Xenovia said, activating her ring to display a 3D holographic map of the city. It was a new addition that Aaron had recently included in our rings, along with other updates such as an improved [Appraisal] feature.

"Are there any specific places you guys want to visit?" Xenovia asked, displaying a holographic list legend next to the map, which showed thousands of names and places to explore, from the extraordinary to the ordinary.

"Maybe we should bring back some souvenirs for everyone?" Ravel suggested. "I know we're merging this planet with another and placing it next to the Resistance's base, but it wouldn't hurt to do so, right?" she added, proposing the idea of collecting mementos to remember our visit.

"Speaking of that... why did Aaron look at us when they mentioned the medieval architecture?" I inquired, turning to Ravel for an explanation.

"Uhm... I, well, Rias-sama, Latia-sama, and I showed her some images of the Underworld's structures as well as ones from different pantheons and of the human realm back in the medieval days, and she liked it. So she may have... asked Aaron-sama to plan some buildings to resemble that period," Ravel explained, shedding light on Yasevi's fascination with medieval architecture.

"What's with people and Medieval or Victorian architecture? I don't get it..." I mumbled, expressing my confusion about the collective obsession with such historical styles. While those eras had their challenges, Aaron's transformative efforts were slowly making the world a better place.

"Didn't people poop out their windows back then?" I added, eliciting looks of disbelief from both Ravel and Xenovia, who seemed taken aback by my candid remark.

"Well," Xenovia began, "you make a valid point. During the Middle Ages, the absence of modern sanitation systems led to the development of certain practices, particularly in crowded urban areas. Without the conveniences of today, people faced difficulties in disposing of waste. Unfortunately, one such coping mechanism involved the disposal of waste, including human excrement, directly out of windows."

"This unhygienic approach, although a reflection of the limitations of the time, had significant consequences. It not only contributed to unsanitary conditions but also helped in spreading diseases within communities. The architectural and urban planning shortcomings of that era played a significant role in these practices."

"Fortunately, as societies progressed and gained a better understanding of public health, advancements in urban planning and sanitation alleviated these challenges," explained Xenovia.

My gaze remained fixed on Xenovia, filled with a hint of disbelief. When did she...? Ah, yes. She had been dedicating herself to studying long before Aaron and Rias' class had graduated, so it came as no surprise that she possessed such extensive historical knowledge. Still, I had not expected her to delve into the history of Medieval Europe.

"Your memory is as sharp as ever, Xenovia-sama. Truly fitting for the president of the current student council," praised Ravel, acknowledging Xenovia's exceptional expertise.

Xenovia blushed and sheepishly scratched the back of her head. "H-heh, you think so? I didn't want to rely solely on physical strength—I wanted to expand my knowledge, which is why I devoted myself to studying to join the student council. Anyway... how about we visit this place?" she suggested, gesturing towards a souvenir shop displayed on the 3D holographic map.

We all agreed with her proposal and made our way to the designated souvenir shop.

— ○ ● ○ —

"This is... much larger on the inside," Xenovia mumbled, visibly surprised by the expansive interior of the souvenir shop.

Ravel pointed to a nearby sign, explaining, "It says Aaron-sama used spatial manipulation to expand it. It's much bigger than it should be—there are two additional floors with many other shops... and even a cinema connected to our world's cinemas?!" she exclaimed, marveling at the unexpected features.

Sighing, I placed my hand on my head. "He's already incorporating elements from our world here, huh? But I find it hard to believe they didn't know what films were. I mean, we saw some in our base, didn't we?"

"That's true... but I didn't expect him to link the films of our universe to this universe. It's quite surprising," replied Ravel.

"Surprising? We've seen him catch the attention of not one, but two other outer gods, and... this is surprising to you?" I questioned, feeling a bit bewildered by Ravel's reaction.

Ravel chuckled nervously. "You're right. I shouldn't be too surprised by this."

As we browsed through the store, examining various souvenirs featuring Yasevi and Aaron, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. However, my face slightly paled as I pointed out a certain keychain.

"H-hey... l-look..." I stuttered, drawing the attention of both Ravel and Xenovia. Their faces also paled as they followed my gaze.

Reacting swiftly, Ravel rushed up to the store clerk and began to make a fuss. The clerk looked confused but decided to summon a manager to handle the situation.

The keychain I had pointed out depicted a very revealing picture of Rias in a bikini, and the one next to it featured Lavinia in a similarly revealing attire, both doing provocative poses. They were undoubtedly knock-off third-party products of the Oppai Dragon show merchandise, bearing the names "Witch Princess" and "Switch Princess" above the respective images.

It was evident that Aaron would have never approved of such photos. This meant that either they were photoshopped or someone possessed remarkable skills in creating realistic drawings. If Aaron were to discover who was responsible for these unauthorized products, consequences would be severe.

A hushed conversation ensued between Ravel and the manager, their tones suggesting a heated argument. It became clear that the manager was hesitant to remove the controversial items.

As I contemplated the situation, I, sounding annoyed, muttered, "Wait... how many of those have sold?"

"Why don't I have one?" Xenovia asked, causing me to look at her in confusion.

"Is that what you're really worried about?" I asked, perplexed by her reaction.

Xenovia looked at me, then nodded to herself. "Hmm... you have a point. Never mind, I better tell Former Prez about this," she said, pulling out her phone and beginning to text.

I suggested to Ravel through our ring's communication feature, [Ravel, ask about how many have been sold.] Ravel paused, glanced back at me, and continued talking to the manager. Eventually, she sighed in defeat and walked back to us.

"Former Prez now knows. She's apparently contacting Aaron now... so the fallout should be soon," Xenovia informed us, putting her phone away.

Ravel hung her head, a clear signal of her defeat. "They refused to remove it, claiming that none have sold because the people on this planet find them incredibly ugly, even their bodies."

Xenovia and I stood frozen, trying to make sense of her words. Ugly? Rias Gremory and Lavinia Reni considered ugly?! If they're deemed ugly, what did that imply about me? An overwhelming annoyance surged through me, and I could feel my entire face twitching.

Just then, we felt it. The shop's door opened as usual, and Aaron silently entered. Upon seeing the offensive merchandise, he snapped his fingers, summoning all of it. He then engaged in a conversation with a random individual who appeared out of nowhere. As their discussion progressed, the man's body began to shake, displaying sheer horror.

The man enthusiastically nodded, even getting down on all fours in agreement. Aaron, carefully observing the store clerk and managers, proceeded to eliminate the offensive merchandise featuring Rias and Lavinia. The shocked man, who had appeared out of nowhere, vanished just as quickly. As Aaron finished, he looked at us, winked, gave a thumbs up, and left.

"…He was really angry," murmured Xenovia.

"I hadn't seen Aaron-sama that angry since… well, never, really," added Ravel.

"Angry, huh? Did that really look like he was angry?" I pondered, recalling the instances I'd heard about Aaron's anger, such as the incident with Azrael and Kokabiel and during the war. Wasn't he angry then? I scratched my head. "I don't get it."

"Anyway!" Xenovia exclaimed, causing me to jump slightly. I glanced at her and then at the defeated store clerk and manager. "Let's go to the other floors; we can pick up some souvenirs before we leave."

We agreed and quickly departed from the first floor, as lingering there felt a bit awkward after the recent events.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon reaching the second floor, it felt more like a vast mall than just a single level. It extended endlessly with thousands of shops and restaurants in every direction. A sign by the elevators indicated that the floor above us was a colossal cinema center, just as expansive as the one we were currently on, which was quite a surprise.

"Hey, they show films from our universe, see," Xenovia pointed out, gesturing towards posters featuring various films, some familiar from our universe and others unique to this realm, although they seemed more like propaganda than entertainment.

"Forget about the first floor; we can probably find better souvenirs here," remarked Ravel with wonder. "It also mentions that the rooms in a single cinema here are three times larger than those in our universe. And the best part? The food is free too..."

"Free food... but there's no guarantee that it's good. I mean, the food in our cinemas was... well, subpar," I chuckled. Ravel and Xenovia nodded in agreement, remembering the lackluster experiences we'd had at the cinema a few times in the past.

We rarely felt the need to go to the cinemas and spend unnecessary amounts of money since we had our own cinema back home, and Aaron always served his homemade snacks, which were delicious.

Although... going out with Xenovia's classmates and other devil friends Ravel made back when she was in the Underworld, and when they visit here, is something essential. But do I even have friends outside of Aaron's harem and the ones in Grigori and here?

"Raynare, is everything alright?"


Both of their voices brought me back to reality, as I had been lost in my own thoughts, staring at the wall. "H-huh?" I stammered, turning towards them. They both greeted me with warm smiles and motions to join them. A smile crept across my face... does it really matter? As long as I have friends, the rest is inconsequential.

I used to lead such a dull life before meeting them... but now... I hurried over and together, we continued exploring the second floor, eager to uncover more of its hidden secrets. "How about treating yourself to some lingerie, Xenovia? Tonight is your special night."

"Hmmm... now that you mention it, I could use something new," Xenovia replied, nodding in understanding.

"Is it okay to do that...?" Ravel asked nervously.

"Yes," Xenovia and I deadpanned, causing the nervous girl to turn beet red.

"Then I'll buy some too," she said, sounding a bit more determined.

Yeah... this is fine. As long as I have everyone here, it's fine. I don't need anything else. I need to seriously thank Aaron again; I don't think I did it enough yet.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

"Is that settled then, are we in agreement?" Yasevi inquired of Barakyu, who responded with a nod of affirmation.

"Fufu, very well, my queen, those seem like commendable proposals. However, I do have a question," Barakyu interjected, directing his gaze toward me. I cocked my head slightly in his direction, prompting him to continue, "Might I ask as to why you left earlier?"

A faint sigh escaped my lips as I proceeded to clarify the events that transpired, supplementing my explanation with visual evidence using a magic circle. Barakyu's expression fell as he absorbed the information, shaking his head in a mixture of resignation and disappointment.

"In our city, he's renowned for his skill in replicating anything through his innate drawing prowess. While he enjoys widespread admiration, his tendency to create without consent often leads to friction," Barakyu elaborated, shedding light on the individual in question.

Standing up from his seat, he announced, "With that matter settled, I will have a word with him to ensure he stops."

Trying to ease any worries, I interrupted, "No need, I've already spoken to him about it earlier." Barakyu's initial surprise turned into amusement, and he began to chuckle.

"Hmm, very well. I will give him an additional warning. I will meet you at the designated location when proceedings begin. Until then, Lord Aaron, Queen Yasevi," Barakyu said as he approached the door. But just before leaving, he turned with an unexpected mischievous grin. "My queen, do you have an interest in him?"

Yasevi, taken aback, was momentarily speechless. Barakyu left, chuckling to himself, leaving Yasevi with a flushed face and a hint of irritation. Watching her reaction, I couldn't help but remark, "That old man certainly has remarkable audacity; one can't help but respect him for it." My laughter, though genuine, earned me a stern glare from Yasevi.

"Shall we continue?" I suggested, and we swiftly left the room. Once outside, the three of them lingered in the same spot. "They're located at Proton's Souvenir and Mall Place... quite an unusual name. I have to admit, my naming sense is questionable at times but theirs is just horrible."

"Please refrain from criticizing my people; we've only been here for two hours," Yasevi interjected, exhaling loudly.

"I didn't mean to, but one of them did create inappropriate drawings featuring Rias and Lavinia," I commented, glancing in her direction.

Yasevi sighed, shaking her head. "Noted. Let's go to their location. I want to explore this city before incorporating it into our plans. The goal is not to completely destroy it, but some restructuring may be necessary to align with our new vision."

Nodding in agreement, we made our way to the mall, carefully taking in the sights around us. The streets were bustling with people, each one immersed in their own business ventures. Giving in to the temptation of the delicious food being sold on the street, I bought us a meal, and we enjoyed it while soaking in the energetic atmosphere.

Afterwards, we came upon a small jewelry stall. "Well, my queen! What a pleasure! How can I help you?" the owner exclaimed, his eyes filled with respect. Then he turned to me, "Lord Aaron! You're here too! Thank you for helping my family before! What can I do for you today!?" he said with fervor.

"Can I buy this?" I asked, showing him a large amount of money.

The man, surprised, stuttered, "T-t-t-this is—"

"Think of it as a goodwill gesture. It will surely help you out. Give my best to your family," I said, interrupting any objections before they could arise. As we walked away, the sound of his grateful thanks echoed through the bustling surroundings.

"Here," I presented, offering her the upgraded and enchanted bracelet. Yasevi examined it for a moment before graciously accepting. "I've applied my enhancements and protective measures to it, ensuring your safety from potential threats in the future."

Yasevi's cheeks reddened, and she expressed her gratitude, "T-thank you..."

[Rizz God title has been achieved…] murmured Ddraig. [Even if it's a goodwill gesture, Partner, holy damn. Is that infinite LUK stat working in your favor?] he inquired, followed by a hearty laugh.

Disregarding the dragon's banter, I shook my head and stated, "No problem, let's keep going then." We swiftly explored the bustling streets before heading to the mall to check on everyone. The scene that unfolded was nothing short of chaotic.

— ○ ● ○ —

"...What in the world happened here?" Yasevi asked, completely bewildered by the chaos that was unfolding around us.

As we made our way to the mall and souvenir shop and reached the second floor, we were met with a scene of complete pandemonium. It wasn't quite a riot, but it was chaotic, with people running around in various states of undress—some without shirts, some without pants, and some completely naked. Food fights would break out sporadically in all the commotion.

In front of us, Raynare, Xenovia, and Ravel were all sitting in a seiza posture. Letting out a resigned sigh, I asked, "What on earth happened here, and who's responsible for this?" I had expected it to be some random individual causing the disturbance, but to my surprise, both Ravel and Raynare simply pointed at Xenovia, who flushed red with embarrassment.

"Nova?" I directed my question at Xenovia, who visibly flinched in response.

"I... I can... explain," she offered tentatively.

"Then go ahead," I prompted, urging her to gather her thoughts. Xenovia took a series of deep breaths, averting her gaze to the ground as she contemplated how best to articulate her account.

Meanwhile, Yasevi intervened, stating, "Raynare and Ravel, come with me to help calm this situation. Aaron, I leave Xenovia in your care."

With a certain amount of reluctance, Raynare and Ravel left with Yasevi, leaving Xenovia and me to confront the aftermath of her actions.

Clearing her throat, Xenovia adopted a more serious tone. "It all started when we went into a particular establishment to get new lingerie. My intention was to be adequately prepared for tonight."

Momentarily surprised, I encouraged her to continue the narrative. "So... we found some lingerie we liked and began to leave—"

"We? What do you mean by that? I thought you said you were getting new lingerie," I interjected, seeking clarification, to which she nodded sagely.

"Ravel and Raynare picked up a few things, which might lead to an interesting encounter with Raynare during our stay here and the chance to see Ravel in some very revealing clothing after our time together tonight," Xenovia revealed, confirming her own thoughts.

"Very well, go on," I replied with a resigned sigh.

She continued, nodding. "As we went to pay, a noisy group, including both men and women, entered the store. After we finished our transaction, we tried to leave but the group stopped us, bombarding us with questions. At first, we tried to answer them, but the questions quickly turned personal, prompting us to want to leave even more."

"Despite our efforts to avoid them, they kept following us from one store to another. I wanted to confront them, but Ravel convinced me to continue ignoring them. However, things got serious when one of the women forcefully took the bag with our recent purchases and said she was keeping our things."

"So, in response to their persistent harassment, I snatched back our items from her with a firm declaration that continued harassment would result in physical repercussions. Not caring about my warning, they tried to take our belongings again forcibly. In the ensuing scuffle, I may have delivered a more forceful punch than intended, propelling the instigator towards a nearby food court. The impact destroyed tables and chairs, disrupting diners in the middle of their meal, thereby setting off a chain reaction of pandemonium," Xenovia recounted, her cheeks tinged with embarrassment.

"Presumably, one of the men in the group, likely her boyfriend, tried to retaliate using his abilities. However, I resorted to using a similar strategy, redirecting each aggressor with well-placed punches that inadvertently sent them flying into stores or unsuspecting bystanders, ultimately contributing to the current state of chaos," she concluded, her face flushed with a blush.

I found myself pondering Xenovia's account, my hand absentmindedly scratching my head in confusion. Despite the lack of specific details, I was inclined to trust her narrative, knowing her usual honesty in such situations. My gaze wandered past her, taking in Yasevi, alongside Raynare and Ravel, diligently restoring order within the chaos that was gradually dwindling. The mere presence of Yasevi seemed to have a calming effect on the unruly crowd.

Shifting my attention back to Xenovia, I asked, "Could you round up the individuals you sent flying earlier? I'd like to get their account on this situation." Xenovia, showing eagerness, nodded before promptly disappearing from view. In a short time, she reappeared with each unconscious individual placed carefully beside her. Resuming her seiza posture, she waited for further instructions.

"Thank you..." I woke the unconscious individuals, watching as they looked around with a hint of hostility towards Xenovia, only to be discouraged by the intensity of my gaze. "Tell me what happened. Remember, lies will not go unnoticed by me."

Flinching under my stern gaze, they went on to explain their perspective, blaming their actions on the effects of alcohol and the resulting intoxication. Afterwards, they showed remorse, offering profuse apologies to both Xenovia and myself.

"Just go, and be more mindful of your alcohol consumption, especially at this early of an hour," I admonished them before they quickly agreed and left in a hurry. "Let's go back to Yasevi and the others." And with that, we swiftly made our way to where they were.

"Things seem to be calming down," I observed as I reached Yasevi, who sighed and leaned on me for support.

"I've heard bits and pieces of what happened, but it sounds like it all started with people crashing into others and then spiraled into the chaos that we saw," Yasevi asked, wanting more details. I confirmed her suspicions and recounted Xenovia's version of the events.

Yasevi sighed and looked over at Xenovia, who blushed and began apologizing earnestly to her. "It's... okay. The cause was mostly understandable. But those who responded with hostility can't escape blame. They are also responsible for the chaos that followed," Yasevi explained.

"Not everyone reacted that way, though. There were some who tried to diffuse the situation, but their efforts were only partly successful or, unfortunately, resulted in their own harm," Raynare added, providing more insight.

A soft sigh escaped me as I gently lifted my arm, sending out a gentle wave of healing energy that slowly began to restore the chaotic surroundings. The bystanders, taken by surprise at the sight, collectively expressed their amazement, signaling a gradual return to normalcy.

"Considering the situation, let's continue exploring this area before putting the plan into action to bring everything together. After that, we'll have to move everyone to the Resistance's planet," I suggested.

Agreeing with my proposal, Yasevi added, "I'll make a short announcement to make sure no one is caught off guard. And it's been too long since I've reconnected with my people as their queen."

"Alright, but for now!" Xenovia exclaimed with enthusiasm, grabbing my other free arm while the other was still occupied with Yasevi. "Let's enjoy our time here!" With that, she spiritedly led us away, leaving Ravel and Raynare with a glint of jealousy in their eyes.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Movies and free food!" Xenovia exclaimed in a hushed but eager tone. Having thoroughly explored most of the second floor, we realized that a complete tour of all the shops would take up a considerable three-day span. Thus, we chose to visit only the establishments that piqued our interest, picking up souvenirs for our family and friends back home.

As we ascended to the third and final floor, Xenovia's excitement filled the air as we stepped into a vast cinematic expanse. Each room resembled a theater, and although not numerous, they were built to accommodate the entire population of the planet. Thanks to my interdimensional connection, I had access to a wide collection of films from my universe, a feature that had gained considerable popularity, as Barakyu had indicated.

With our plan to briefly explore before beginning the planetary transformation, we ventured into the cinematic expanse, looking forward to a leisurely break before commencing the monumental task ahead.

"Can we eat the free food without needing to buy tickets to watch a movie, or is it exclusively tied to purchasing tickets for a movie?" Raynare asked, sparking a collective curiosity among us.

Approaching the staff, we sought clarification on this matter. A chuckle escaped the staff member as she replied, "The free food offer is only available when tickets are purchased. We've put this in place to prevent potential abuse. However, if it's just food you're looking for, there are food banks available on the planet."

Understanding the reasoning behind this policy, Raynare agreed with a nod. "That does make sense," she commented, accepting the conditions for enjoying the culinary offerings.

As we continued our exploration and expressed gratitude to the staff, we were surprised to find that the expansive lobby housed a mini-restaurant, a souvenir shop, entrances to bathrooms, and even a designated play area for children. The contrast with our own universe's cinemas was striking, and the novelty of these amenities intrigued us.

"I should remember this, maybe incorporate similar features into my future businesses," I murmured to myself. The vision that I had bore a resemblance to the establishments owned by my biological father in my previous world, yet I had no intention of instilling fear among those involved, at least that was my hope.

"Planning to expand your restaurant empire?" Yasevi asked, releasing my arm as Raynare smoothly took her place. Ravel's absence didn't go unnoticed, her disappointment clear on her face.

"Absolutely. Limiting myself to just the culinary world would be a missed opportunity. With my extensive resources and connections, venturing into different industries should be easily achievable," I stated confidently, showing belief in my own abilities and the strategic plans forming.

"As for our next destination, is there a specific place you'd like to visit? We can get things started, but Yasevi needs to handle her responsibilities with her people first," I suggested, motioning towards the variety of amenities surrounding us.

"I believe it's time to wrap up our exploration," Xenovia declared, her voice reflecting a hint of weariness. "I'm excited to see the new planet and fully engage in its exploration; it will be a new adventure for all of us."

"I agree. It will also be valuable for the community as they need to be informed about the upcoming transition," Ravel added, echoing Xenovia's enthusiasm. Raynare, showing no particular interest in the decision, trusted our judgment and was content to accompany us for the rest of the day.

Looking to Yasevi for approval, she nodded in agreement. "Alright then, I will go address my people. While I do that, please make the necessary preparations. Once I'm done, I'll join you," she confirmed.

"Got it. Let's get going," I confirmed, initiating our departure by teleporting us back to our starting point.

— ○ ● ○ —

Yasevi stood before her people, her voice amplified by a microphone for clarity. Our preparations were complete, all that was left was for her speech to end and for her people to be ready for the upcoming teleportation. The plan was to transport them to the Resistance's planet, move this planet to its new orbit, and then merge it with the Qurastale Nexus planet, creating a newly-formed world with diverse structures and regions.

We sat on a bench that I had conjured, waiting patiently for Yasevi. Xenovia was on my left, Raynare on my right, and Ravel was nestled on my lap. To pass the time, I offered sweets to Ravel while we waited for the speeches to end, creating a lighthearted atmosphere.

"They always seem to go on forever, those speeches," remarked Raynare, playfully pinching my side.

"I plead the fifth," I responded with a mock whine, followed by a chuckle, enjoying the light-hearted moment.

"Aaron-sama..." Ravel's hushed voice broke through my thoughts. I looked over at her to find her eyes closed, lips puckered in anticipation.

Amused by her playful charm, I let out a soft chuckle and leaned in, meeting her lips in a gentle kiss. Despite our previous intimacy, Ravel always approached these moments with a certain innocence. As her tongue lightly brushed against my lips, I responded in kind, deepening the kiss.

I couldn't ignore the subtle sense of Raynare's gaze on us, and when I glanced in her direction, she quickly looked away, a blush spreading across her cheeks.

As the kiss with Ravel grew more intense, the sound of cheers and applause indicated the end of Yasevi's speech. The door began to open, prompting me to bring the intimate moment to a gentle close. Ravel sat in my lap, flustered and blushing, her eyes meeting mine with a mix of embarrassment and affectionate longing.

"I have finished my speech. Please allow ten minutes for them to prepare. They will gather at their assigned locations before you begin the mass teleportation," Yasevi informed, her eyes shifting between Ravel and me.

"Understood. We will wait until they are ready. Is there anything else you need help with?" I offered, ready to assist if necessary. However, she declined, saying that Barakyu would take care of any remaining tasks. Yasevi chose to stay with us during the wait.

"Now that's settled, will you consider naming the new planet as I suggested?" Yasevi asked, positioning herself in front of me.

"Kritānukūla, right? I find it acceptable. It has a uniqueness that surpasses any ideas I might have come up with," I replied, a chuckle accompanying my agreement.

"Thank you," Yasevi expressed her gratitude, a warm smile directed towards me. The ensuing silence, however, was a comfortable one, briefly interrupted by the passage of time, which seemed to slip away effortlessly.

As the ten minutes elapsed, we prepared for the mass teleportation and the subsequent transformation process. Barakyu provided an update, confirming that everyone was nearing completion, signaling our readiness to commence.

"Everyone is nearly done, my queen. We can commence in a few seconds," Barakyu informed.

"I see. Thank you," Yasevi responded, her gaze fixed upon the new planet before her. An indescribable sense of attachment emanated from her eyes, despite the brief duration of her acquaintance with the planet.

The upcoming merger marked a pivotal moment for the Yasevi people, promising them not just a new home, but also a larger and less crowded living area. The new planet was set to feature three major cities, along with several towns and villages, ensuring abundant space for their thriving community.

As we waited for the start of this transformative process, I settled onto a rock, suppressing a yawn. My eyes turned upward, pondering the well-being of those undertaking the mission that was happening soon to Etoce Rhirlara.

Though a persistent worry lingered within me, the presence of Suzaku and Lavinia brought a sense of reassurance, instilling a degree of confidence in the safety of their mission. Despite the anticipation, a feeling of hope persisted, mingling with the natural uncertainty that comes with significant endeavors.

With Yasevi's subtle signal, indicating her people were ready, I stood up from the rock and prepared for the mass teleportation. After one final look to confirm their readiness, I initiated the teleportation sequence, first moving Yasevi's people to the Resistance's planet, and then moving ourselves along with the planet.

"Alright then..." I whispered, taking out the necklace containing Qurastale Nexus. With a deliberate throw into the air, the two planets began the process of merging, Qurastale Nexus breaking free from its confined space. To protect us from any potential effects, I enacted protective measures.

Watching the merging process up close, I couldn't help but be fascinated by it, the complex process of both planets merging and transforming before our eyes. It was a rare opportunity to witness this phenomenon at such close range, adding a sense of wonder to the moment.

As the merging process came to an end, the newly formed planet emitted a radiant glow before settling into its transformed state. The landscape was mostly barren, with a scattering of buildings hinting at the future cities. Satisfied with the outcome, I nodded to myself before we descended onto the planet's surface.

With a tap of my foot, a mesmerizing sight unfolded as the cities, meticulously planned with Yasevi, began constructing themselves from the ground up. It was an otherworldly spectacle, with buildings sprouting like plants in a rapid yet graceful dance.

Those accompanying me expressed awe at the surreal display as they witnessed the phenomenon. Xenovia, standing beside me, scratched her head in mild confusion before posing a question.

"How does that work?" she inquired.

"Would you like a comprehensive explanation?" I responded.

"N-no thank you," she quickly replied, shaking her head, seemingly content with the simplicity of the moment.

"This just reminds me how utterly nonsensical outer gods can be at times..." Yasevi muttered beside me.

In response, I playfully gave her the finger guns, saying, "Agreed." This unexpected and somewhat irreverent reply elicited a chuckle from Yasevi. She might have anticipated a more profound response, but sometimes simplicity had its charm.

Reflecting on my powers, I found them to be a blend of understanding and mystification. While I had extensively experimented and honed my abilities, the decision-making process often boiled down to a straightforward set of criteria: Is there an enemy? Do they use complex powers? Can I defeat them with a good ol' punch? If yes, then I'd proceed accordingly.

Sure, there were moments of deviation based on whims or emotions, but the core principle remained refreshingly uncomplicated. If this line of reasoning were to be revealed, it might be somewhat embarrassing. Still, I suspected that my closest friends were well aware of my pragmatic approach to handling challenges.

"Let's make sure everything meets our standards," I said as the buildings continued to rise and the road appeared beneath us. "I'm confident, but it wouldn't hurt to do a thorough check. And I'll give you a tour of the new castle."

With unanimous agreement, we embarked on a survey of the surroundings. The emerging buildings captured the group's attention, but it soon became clear that the distant castle held a special allure.

"This... feels different from medieval, Aaron-sama," observed Ravel as she looked at the buildings.

"It's a bit of a deviation. While some buildings have a medieval touch, it's a mix of various architectural styles, making it more unique," I explained. "What do you think?"

"Y-yes! They're wonderful!" she replied enthusiastically, seemingly appreciating the eclectic blend of styles.

Traveling through the new main city of the planet en route to the castle, we were captivated by the consistent yet graceful architecture. The buildings boasted semi-circular, smooth, or flat roofs, while the roads were adorned with pristine white marble. A network of rivers and canals intersected the city, adding a tranquil charm to the scenery. Countless lamps and floating orbs bathed the surroundings in a warm glow, illuminating the cityscape.

Approaching the castle, a grand marble bridge extended across a vast moat teeming with various species of fish, from both our world and indigenous to this universe. The majestic structure loomed ahead, its towering walls and imposing presence commanding respect.

Upon entering the castle, I swiftly led my companions on a tour of its interiors. Using enchantments to enhance our pace, I also used magic circles to showcase various rooms and features along the way. Eventually, we arrived at the throne room, where a sprawling red carpet unfurled before us. Adorned with weaponry mounted on the walls and a grand chandelier suspended from the ceiling above, the room exuded an air of regal splendor.

"Alright, this is the throne room, obviously. If you have any more changes in mind, now's the time to mention them, Yasevi. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until our next visit, as it will be a while before we return," I explained, turning my attention to Yasevi.

She wore a wide smile as she surveyed the room but shook her head. "We've already gone over everything. But if I do need assistance, I'll reach out to you as usual," she reassured, the ring I had given her glimmering in the ambient light of the room.

"Very well. I'll take your word for it. I'll head back outside and gather everyone. Take your time coming out," I suggested. As I prepared to teleport, Ravel, Xenovia, and Raynare each grabbed onto my sleeves, and together, we departed from the throne room.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon arriving back at the origin point, I initiated the teleportation of Yasevi's people back to the planet. Gathering their attention, I presented an overview of the transformed place, highlighting the various cities, towns, and villages that now graced the landscape. I stressed the opportunities available for those seeking a simpler life away from the bustling city.

A wave of excitement swept through the crowd as several thousand of them cheered before eagerly dispersing to explore their new home.

"How will they return here for speeches?" Xenovia asked.

"They don't need to; they'll watch through monitors. They will be placed in every city, town, and village. However, if they are on the move, they may miss it. Nevertheless, there are teleportation pads to various locations, making it relatively easy to return," I explained, offering a solution for their convenience.

From our vantage point, we observed a group of people gathering around a raised circular platform with a small pool of water below, some eagerly taking the plunge. I had intentionally designed the pool to be shallow, ensuring their safety, but I couldn't help but wonder why they hadn't sought confirmation first.

"Aaron-sama, I wish to explore this place as well," Ravel requested. "Xenovia-sama and Raynare-sama, please come with me."

"Of course, go ahead. I will return to Yasevi and engage in discussions with her. More of her advisors will be coming to assist her now that the transformation is complete. Unlike the other planets we've recreated, we won't require constant monitoring here, as Yasevi and her people will be making this their permanent home. Anyway, have fun," I conveyed, prompting Ravel, Xenovia, and Raynare to depart, albeit with a hint of confusion on the latter two's faces.

— ○ ● ○ —

Returning to the castle premises, I swiftly made my way toward the throne room, only to find it conspicuously vacant. Puzzled by the empty space, I recalled Yasevi's earlier request for a designated meeting place. This memory prompted me to divert my course to the specified location.

As I traversed the corridors, the bustling presence of maids, butlers, and guards caught my attention. They were engrossed in their duties, bustling about and exploring the surroundings. Their familiar nods and greetings acknowledged my acquaintance with them, adding to the sense of normalcy in an otherwise unusual situation.

Hastening my steps, I finally reached the appointed meeting room. Upon entering, the occupants briefly diverted their attention from their ongoing discussions to acknowledge my presence before seamlessly resuming their deliberations. Taking my place in a chair, I patiently awaited their inquiries or invitations for input. The interlude endured for what seemed like an eternity, lasting approximately ten minutes, before one of the advisors finally addressed me.

"Lord Aaron, might we propose the establishment of an entertainment district? Perhaps incorporating the amusement parks you previously mentioned," the advisor suggested, breaking the quiet with a proposal that piqued my interest.

Seeking further information, I leaned in and laced my fingers together as I asked for more insights. "Do you have any additional buildings or places you want me to build or a specific location in mind? I'm interested in details such as size and other relevant considerations," I inquired, prompting the advisor to nod in agreement.

As he began outlining the desired specifications, I noticed an unexpected resemblance to certain places in the Underworld, possibly influenced by Yasevi's interactions with devils. Acknowledging this observation with a subtle nod, I absorbed the details of their proposal.

Our discussions expanded beyond the proposed entertainment district, covering other urban developments they hoped to incorporate. Throughout the conversation, Yasevi, with a satisfied smile, observed our interaction. The approval reflected in Barakyu's expression indicated their satisfaction with the harmonious collaboration taking place.

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Third Person Point of View

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Ravel took the lead, guiding Raynare and Xenovia across the uncharted terrain of the newfound planet. Yet, in the middle of the exploration, a palpable questioned lingered, compelling Raynare to broach the subject.

"Why the sudden urge to explore? While I also want to explore, the suddenness of this decision is a bit strange," Raynare scrutinized Ravel, seeking an explanation.

Ravel hesitated before divulging, "Earlier, during an, um, intimate moment with Aaron-sama, he handed me this." She produced a small piece of paper, prompting Raynare and Xenovia to draw near and examine its contents. The written words unveiled a revelation that sent a jolt of surprise through them.

[A coup d'état may happen soon; please go to these places and get rid these factions. I will keep an eye on the duo in the meeting room, creating a diversion before apprehending them with the evidence I possess. The rest is entrusted to you three.]

"A cou—" Raynare's abrupt hand slap silenced Xenovia, preventing the inadvertent disclosure of the paper's contents. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on their collective understanding, urging them to prepare for the impending upheaval.

Xenovia, letting out a sigh of frustration, expressed her insight, "It seems there's more to this place than meets the eye. I hate dealing with two-faced people."

Raynare, showing no patience for delay, gave a decisive order, "There's no time to waste. The locations mentioned in this piece of paper can be compared with our ring's maps. Let's move forward without delay." Her directive was met with unanimous agreement from the group, propelling them into immediate action.

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