Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 21 – Part 7 – Unexpected Alliance

Third Person Point of View

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The young girl had endured countless hardships in her brief life. Forced to flee danger and turn to theft, she lived a harsh reality. Survival was her only instinct, driving her to persevere each day and push for a better tomorrow.

Before her life took a turn for the worse, she had experienced the love of a caring family. But tragedy struck when her loved ones fell victim to a brutal attack by ruthless outlaws, devastating her peaceful hometown and leaving only a few survivors. With other orphaned children, she sought refuge in a bustling city, but the promise of a better life remained out of reach.

And so began her current struggle: a never-ending cycle of theft, trickery, and deceit, each day a precarious balance to ensure her survival. Despite her young age, her intelligence shone through—her departed family had recognized her remarkable skill, a quality she now used as her most powerful weapon in this unforgiving world.

Not every orphan who sought refuge with her chose to follow, but her persuasive prowess prevailed, rallying a significant portion to her cause. Thus, her cadre was formed, a small yet formidable group unified under her strategic guidance. Leveraging her sharp intellect and cunning, they gradually amassed a modest fortune, which they judiciously used to enhance their quality of life.

As their circumstances improved, many found solace and stability, forging connections, entering into marriage, and embracing a semblance of normalcy. However, their newfound peace was short-lived, shattered by the oppressive arrival of the Eradicators, an imperial force that subjugated the planet, conscripting its inhabitants into servitude.

Tragedy befell the young girl once more as comrades and kin alike fell victim to the Eradicators' iron grip. Deprived of her support network, she found herself alone once more, relying on her keen intellect to navigate the treacherous landscape. Her unique talent for generating clones of herself proved invaluable, affording her a tactical advantage in her quest for survival and advancement amidst the turmoil.

In time, Morwenna's exceptional talents caught the attention of the Eradicators, particularly one influential figure, Elanor. Through Elanor's personal invitation, Morwenna became associated with this formidable organization, thus forming a significant bond between herself and Elanor.

As their partnership deepened, Morwenna found herself increasingly swayed by Elanor's manipulative plots and convincing persuasion. Gradually, her once unwavering sanity, principles, and moral direction began to falter, reshaped by Elanor's subtle influence.

Intent on maintaining her dominance over Morwenna, Elanor skillfully sowed seeds of uncertainty and manipulation within her susceptible mind, orchestrating a gradual transformation that led Morwenna away from her former beliefs.

Elanor's scheming went beyond simple manipulation; it was a carefully calculated experiment in psychological control. Determined to assert dominance without using overt methods or abilities, she orchestrated a fabricated "bond" with Morwenna to test the extent of her influence.

To Elanor's surprise, her tactic was incredibly effective. Morwenna, caught in the intricacies of Elanor's web, remained unaware of her true intentions for a prolonged period. It was only after a significant amount of time that Morwenna began to unravel the facade, realizing with growing clarity the extent of Elanor's deceit.

However, by then, the damage was irreversible. Morwenna, ensnared in Elanor's web of lies, had undergone a profound transformation, straying far from the principles and identity of her former self. The realization of her exploitation came too late, leaving her adrift in a sea of disillusionment, a mere shadow of her former self, irreversibly changed by Elanor's insidious influence.

Morwenna, realizing the necessity of breaking free from Elanor's grasp, devised a covert plan to emancipate herself from her influence. Skillfully pretending obedience, Morwenna played the role of an obedient subordinate, all the while secretly preparing for her departure. With meticulous precision, she orchestrated the transfer of her possessions to a distant planet, while also building a team of loyal followers to support her independence from Elanor's control.

In a final act of rebellion, Morwenna secretly obtained sensitive plans and information from Elanor, ensuring that her departure would not only be swift but also deal a significant blow to her former mentor. When the time was right, Morwenna executed her plan with precision, cutting ties with Elanor and leaving her in a state of confusion and betrayal.

Although initially surprised by Morwenna's daring move, Elanor ultimately saw it as a triumph. Despite Morwenna's departure, Elanor acknowledged the enduring impact of her influence, as evidenced by the lingering remnants of Morwenna's beliefs and methods. In Elanor's view, the experiment had achieved its intended outcome, leaving an indelible mark on Morwenna's psyche and ensuring that her legacy lived on, even in her absence.

Despite her persistent efforts to carve out her own path, Morwenna found herself constantly drawn back to the teachings and ideologies instilled by Elanor, much to her frustration and fury. However, with time, Morwenna came to a sobering realization: perhaps it was futile to try to eliminate these lingering remnants of Elanor's influence entirely. Instead, she made the decision to embrace and transform them, molding them into something entirely her own.

It was with this resolve that Morwenna embarked on a controversial path, delving into the realm of fetus and child experimentation. Although she had first proposed this idea to Elanor, it had been dismissed outright as inefficient.

Despite the rejection, Morwenna held onto a seed of resentment, pushing back against the boundaries of Elanor's authority. With Elanor no longer in the picture, Morwenna found herself free to pursue her own endeavors, unhindered by the constraints of her former mentor's judgment.

And so began Morwenna's descent into moral ambiguity, her passionate experimentation marking a significant departure from her previous self. No longer bound by the dictates of another, she embraced her newfound independence with enthusiasm, forging ahead into uncharted territories of scientific inquiry, heedless of the ethical implications that once held her back.

As Morwenna knelt before an unconquerable enemy, a humbling realization washed over her like a tidal wave. For the first time, doubt crept into her mind, casting shadows upon the decisions she had made. Despite her amazing intellect and strategic prowess, she found herself faced with a foe against which her cunning and ingenuity proved futile.

Throughout her challenging journey, Morwenna had navigated past numerous obstacles, utilizing her meticulous plans and sophisticated equipment to evade trouble and emerge unharmed. Yet, today marked an exception, an impasse that defied all her previous triumphs.

In this moment of vulnerability, Morwenna grappled with the weight of her choices, questioning the morality of her actions and the consequences they had brought. The walls that loomed before her, seemingly insurmountable, served as a stark reminder of the limits of her power and the fallibility of her judgment.

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"Shall we make a pact, Morwenna?" Cúntóir's voice shattered the silence, her smile concealing a mysterious intent.

Still reeling from her recent defeat, Morwenna struggled to comprehend the proposal before her. "And what would this pact entail?" she asked, her gaze fixed upon Cúntóir, her body still paralyzed by the power used on her by Cúntóir.

Cúntóir's response sent a jolt of confusion through Morwenna's mind, bringing forth the image of a devil named Astaroth. "I have a certain person in mind," Cúntóir explained, her words filled with intrigue. "Would you be willing to become a pseudo-Sacred Gear for her?"

Morwenna's bewilderment only deepened at the mention of "Sacred Gear," a concept entirely foreign to her. The revelation left her momentarily stunned, her mind racing to grasp the implications of Cúntóir's proposition.

With a chuckle, Cúntóir proceeded to enlighten Morwenna about the nature of Sacred Gears, detailing their significance and revealing that Phumera had already developed her own iteration of the Sacred Gear system. However, she cautioned that these creations were still in their early stages, lacking the stability of their counterparts in their universe.

Morwenna's contempt was evident as she considered Cúntóir's proposal. "So, you're expecting me to give up my independence and become just a tool?" she shot back, her voice filled with bitterness. "I've already been through the humiliation of being used by someone else. Do you really think I'll agree to this so easily?"

Undeterred by Morwenna's doubt, Cúntóir offered a different viewpoint. "Consider it more like this," she began, her tone persuasive. "This pseudo-Sacred Gear is like a spaceship. While you may be confined within it, the interior can be made to feel like a familiar home. The wielder will only use its power when necessary, mainly for creation. I see your pseudo-Sacred Gear specializing in creating various objects and entities."

Morwenna thought over Cúntóir's explanation, grappling with the implications of her potential role. "So, I'll be sharing my knowledge," she observed, seeking clarification.

Cúntóir nodded. "Essentially, yes. With Aaron and my help, your ideas will be channeled through the pseudo-Sacred Gear, working with its wielder's abilities to bring to life both inanimate and animate creations. Think of it as a fusion of the [Annihilation Maker], any Independent-type Sacred Gear, and [Innovate Clear]."

"I'm not familiar with those concepts," Morwenna retorted bluntly, earning a snigger from Cúntóir.

"Nevertheless, trust my judgment. Now, what is your decision?" Cúntóir's threat hung in the air, accompanied by a disconcerting grin. "Keep in mind, if you decline, I won't simply end your life; I'll subject you to unimaginable torment for a millennium, amplifying the sensation a thousandfold. So, choose your course wisely." The exaggerated grin on Cúntóir's face belied the severity of the ultimatum.

'…That's just blackmail right there,' Rias thought to herself, unable to interject in the middle of the tense atmosphere.

"I—" Morwenna started, but Cúntóir swiftly cut in once more.

"Hmm. I could always revisit the past and strike a deal with your parents," Cúntóir mused aloud, her tone tinged with a hint of mischief. "Aaron is against the idea, pointing out the complications that come with time manipulation. Normally, changing the past creates alternate timelines, making any alterations irrelevant. However, due to my unique link to Aaron, I have the ability to bypass these consequences. I can utilize his powers to prevent new timelines from forming and stop any ripple effects from my interference. As a result, the events will play out the same, except for the return of your parents," Cúntóir explained, casting a heavy silence over the room with her words.

Morwenna's gaze remained fixed on Cúntóir, her expression betraying a mixture of uncertainty and disbelief. The notion of time travel had occupied her thoughts on numerous occasions, but she had always been met with staunch opposition, particularly from Phumera, who adamantly forbade any tampering with the past. Morwenna had even broached the subject with Elanor, only to be met with a resounding rejection.

The mention of Phumera's ability to detect and stop unauthorized time travel attempts sent a shiver down Morwenna's spine. The consequences of defying such a formidable power were not to be taken lightly.

"And no, Phumera can't do anything to me, I'm stronger than her," Cúntóir asserted confidently, punctuating her statement with a self-assured smile directed at Morwenna. "So, what do you say?"

Following a moment of silence, in which Morwenna carefully considered the implications of being used as a mere pawn in someone else's plans—a prospect she vehemently opposed—she ultimately reached her decision.

"I—" Morwenna started, her voice holding a hint of unease as she gathered her thoughts to express her answer.

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Crom Cruach's grin widened as he savored the unfolding two-versus-one scenario in the skies of Qurastale Nexus. Suroyl and Edoria commanded his respect as they had survived fighting against him this long.

Suroyl, his long blonde hair tied back, possessed piercing gray eyes and wielded a spear with practiced skill. His attire, a striking combination of black, red, and gold, gave off an air of regality, emphasized by the golden guards on his knees and shoes.

Edoria echoed Suroyl's noble demeanor, emanating an aura befitting royalty. Her short black-blue hair framed light green eyes that held a hint of determination. Clad in an ensemble of white, blue, and gold, her attire exuded elegance, complemented by navy blue boots adorned with a solitary golden guard on her right hip. Her weapon of choice, a rapier, spoke of her finesse and precision in combat.

Crom Cruach floated with confidence, effortlessly intercepting Suroyl's spear and Edoria's rapier, sending shockwaves through the planet's atmosphere. His grin widened as he taunted his enemies, urging them to push their limits.

[Come on, come on, you can do better than that!] Crom Cruach's excitement was palpable as he reveled in the intensity of the battle.

Suroyl, frustrated by Crom Cruach's seemingly impenetrable defense, voiced his exasperation. "Damn battle maniac, what the hell is wrong with you?" he demanded, his irritation evident.

Meanwhile, Edoria remained silent, her gaze fixed on Crom Cruach with a mixture of determination and animosity. With a resolute exhale, Crom Cruach launched a counterattack, unleashing a forceful strike that propelled both opponents away in opposite directions.

With his grin widening, Crom Cruach swiftly closed the distance with Edoria, delivering a powerful straight punch aimed at her face. Though she managed to block the blow in the nick of time, she felt the impact of an almost imperceptible fist-shaped aura slamming into her, sending her reeling backward.

Crom Cruach's laughter resounded through the air as he swiftly reappeared above Edoria, his hands clasped together before delivering a powerful strike to her stomach, sending her crashing to the ground below. As Edoria struggled to rise, Crom Cruach drew in a deep breath, his mouth and belly swelling with gathered energy before unleashing a ferocious torrent of flames towards her.

Reacting quickly, Edoria rose from the crater formed by Crom Cruach's previous blow, her determination unwavering. With a hasty motion, she imbued her sword with a radiant light blue energy, preparing to counter her enemy's fiery attack.

With a resolute thrust, Edoria directed her sword towards Crom Cruach's oncoming flames, creating a mesmerizing swirling vortex of blue energy. The clash between their attacks ensued, each force vying for dominance. Beneath Edoria's feet, the earth began to tremble and crumble under the immense pressure, a testament to the overwhelming force displayed against her.

Despite her valiant effort, Edoria could not withstand the absurd strength of Crom Cruach's onslaught. As her swirling vortex of light blue energy faltered and was ultimately consumed by the raging flames, she couldn't help but mutter in disbelief, "What absurd strength... if this is the power of one of '[DxD]'s' members, then what about the leader and outer god...? How ridiculous."

Beneath Crom Cruach, the earth erupted into a raging sea of flames, devouring everything in its path and reducing buildings to ruins. The destructive power of the fire showed no mercy. In the middle of the chaos, Crom Cruach felt the life energy of Edoria, indicating her survival.

Despite the devastation of the inferno, Edoria emerged from the flames, her body marked with burns and her attire in tatters. Yet, her spirit remained unbroken, her eyes filled with fiery determination as she looked up at Crom Cruach.

Though battered and injured, Edoria's resilience only served to feed Crom Cruach's satisfaction, his grin widening at the sight of her fiery resolve.

Determined to defy defeat, Edoria made a solemn vow to continue the battle until her very last breath, regardless of the toll it took on her healing abilities. With a fierce determination in her eyes, she declared her vow to Crom Cruach.

"I, Edoria of the Fallen Kingdom of Jyuniaza, will not yield in my fight against you until the end," she proclaimed, her voice firm despite the odds stacked against her.

In response, Crom Cruach chuckled dismissively, his amusement evident as he addressed Edoria. [Jin mentioned that you might be somewhat 'unstable' if you were associated with Morwenna's group, given her experiments with children. However, you don't strike me as one of those types,] he remarked casually, referring to the earlier encounter. [The same goes for the pretty boy making his way back towards me.]

Right on cue, Suroyl re-entered the battle, his spear surrounded by a swirling red and golden energy that resembled a mysterious creature, catching Crom Cruach off guard. Despite the unfamiliar aura, Crom Cruach remained unfazed and easily blocked Suroyl's attack with a smirk.

With incredible speed, Crom Cruach delivered a devastating headbutt to Suroyl, breaking his nose and following it up with a powerful punch to his chest, sending him crashing to the ground once more. But before he could fully take advantage of the situation, Edoria charged forward, launching a relentless series of thrust attacks at the Evil Dragon.

Undeterred, Crom Cruach effortlessly countered Edoria's assault, his finger shrouded in draconic energy deflecting each strike with ease. His confident smirk only fueled Edoria's frustration as she continued to press the attack.

Seizing the perfect moment, Crom Cruach struck with precision, targeting a still-healing wound on Edoria's body, causing her to wince in pain. Swiftly following up, he delivered a punishing kick to her face, sending her crashing back to the ground with a resounding thud.

With a wicked grin spreading from ear to ear, Crom roared, "Is this all you bring to the table!? A pretty boy with a spear and a noble lady with a rapier!? Come now, aren't you both from the same place, the same kingdom? Is this the limit of the strength and honor you are willing to show for your fallen people!?"

The taunt proved effective as both Suroyl and Edoria stood up, the energy surrounding them growing even more intense.

"Don't you dare…" Suroyl began, anger evident on his face. His eyes narrowed to sharp slits, and his nails extended as a mixture of crimson and golden energy surrounded his body.

"Mock our people!" Edoria burst out, unleashing her full power. Swirling light blue energy formed into armor around her arms and legs, with wings spreading out behind her.

Charging at Crom Cruach with the fury of a thousand suns, Suroyl and Edoria confronted his menacing grin head-on. Shimmering azure blue wings enveloped Edoria's rapier as she directed it towards the Evil Dragon, while simultaneously, the tip of Suroyl's spear took on the form of a creature's head as he thrust it towards their opponent.

Crom Cruach's smirk widened as he observed their efforts. [Not bad, but still too weak!] he taunted before unleashing his formidable aura and wings, causing ripples in the fabric of the cosmos. Both Edoria and Suroyl found their attacks stopped by Crom Cruach's overwhelming aura and intimidating gaze.

[Retry in your next lives!] he bellowed at them before reappearing behind them, gripping their heads in his hands. [Well, weren't entirely bad, I simply grew bored. Unfortunately, neither of you managed to unlock your full potential.]

The conclusion was sudden and befitting for both of Morwenna's subordinates, in line with their wish to meet their end in honorable combat. Crom Cruach stood as their most formidable adversary yet, although neither Suroyl nor Edoria could decisively determine if he surpassed the strength of Yve or Phumera.

Both Suroyl and Edoria hailed from the Kingdom of Jyuniaza on their home world of the same name, and they held deep ties to their land. Edoria was on the brink of ascending to the throne upon her mother's abdication, while her brother Suroyl had no ambitions for rulership. Therefore, the responsibility of succession rested solely on Edoria's shoulders. However, before this transition could take place, their planet fell victim to an assault orchestrated by Elanor, driven by motivations independent of Phumera's organization.

Spared by Elanor for being "amusing," Suroyl and Edoria found themselves teetering on the brink of survival. Eventually, they were drawn to Morwenna's faction, captivated by her defiance against Elanor. While they supported Morwenna's cause, they refused to condone the atrocities committed by her group, maintaining a passive stance as Morwenna granted them significant leniency.

In a cruel twist of fate, their hopes for revenge went unfulfilled as Aaron and the Gremory team arrived on the planet with their own agenda. Their lives, filled with turmoil and hardship, ended in futile demise, their chance for retribution extinguished in the midst of conflicting interests.

Crom Cruach allowed their lifeless bodies to fall to the ground before he threw their heads to them too. He then casted a contemplative gaze upon them. With a quick motion of his hand, a large fireball consumed their remains entirely.

[Now then... with no worthy opponents left, I shall make my way to the designated meeting place,] he muttered to himself, departing with a complex expression adorning his features.

Notoriously known for acting solely in his self-interest, Crom Cruach had been captured by the Khaos Order and subsequently accepted into the ranks of [DxD]. Within this new organization, he encountered a myriad of new experiences and peculiar occurrences. However, of late, he found himself grappling with unfamiliar sensations he struggled to comprehend.

As he dispatched both Suroyl and Edoria, a peculiar sensation stirred within him, near his abdomen—a sensation he had only heard described but never before experienced. Determined to unravel this enigma, he resolved to discuss it with Aaron in the days to come.

But one thing was certain—he was determined to be involved in the death of Elanor.

— ○ ● ○ —

Xenovia, Gasper, and Asia found themselves locked in a relentless struggle against the son of King Valagor and Queen Jelania. Despite their best efforts, it seemed as though they were barely making a dent in his formidable array of abilities. In fact, it would be an understatement to simply call them powerful; they were thoroughly and incredibly annoying.

Throughout the confrontation, neither Xenovia nor Gasper suffered any discernible damage from the onslaught, while their enemy, Yinlaing, remained unharmed as well. Cloaked in a new corporeal form, Yinlaing sported short, white hair and wore an open-chest white kimono decorated with yellow tattoos, with a pair of majestic jet-black feathered wings unfurling behind him.

A deluge of black and white orbs materialized in abundance around the battlefield, accompanied by the emergence of white slime. These relentless attacks rained down upon the trio without respite, prompting laughter to echo from Yinlaing's lips as he observed their futile struggles.

"Uuuu…Aaron said to bring him back alive but…can't we just ask him to…you know…?" Asia expressed her frustration, her tone tinged with uncertainty.

As Xenovia skillfully dodged yet another attack and swiftly cut through another with her trusty [Durandal EX], a chuckle escaped her lips. "A year ago, I doubt I would have ever heard such words from you, Asia. But I understand your sentiment. Killing him and then relying on Aaron to resurrect him would indeed be more convenient for us."

Gasper, adeptly using his appendages of darkness to shield the trio from the onslaught of Yinlaing's attacks, interjected, "Aaron-nii never specified whether such actions were permissible or not. Maybe we should call him and ask?"

Recognizing the wisdom in Gasper's suggestion, Xenovia nodded in agreement. "You make a valid point. Asia, could you call Aaron and ask him about it?" she inquired, even as they continued to evade and counter Yinlaing's relentless barrage of attacks.

Asia concurred, swiftly initiating communication with Aaron through the transceivers embedded within their rings. Gasper, ever vigilant, enveloped her in a protective shroud of darkness, shielding her from any stray attacks that might threaten to disrupt their conversation.

"Haaa…such futile attempts," Yinlaing taunted in a disdainful tone. "You truly need to wield more power if you wish to inflict any harm upon my new and magnificent body and abilities."

"We could easily do so, but there's a matter we need to clarify first," Xenovia retorted, her words dripping with sarcasm, much to Yinlaing's chagrin.

"Nonsense!" Yinlaing exclaimed defiantly. However, before he could react, Xenovia swiftly closed the distance, appearing behind him in a blur of motion. With a resolute strike, she swung her sword at his back, only to find her path obstructed once again by the white slime that had previously shielded him.

"Heh, I told you—" Yinlaing began, his tone brimming with confidence.

To his astonishment, Xenovia's smile widened as her strength surged, her demonic aura enveloping her blade with newfound potency. With renewed force, her sword pierced through the slime, shattering it, and severing Yinlaing's left arm in a single swift motion. With a graceful landing, Xenovia rejoined her companions, prepared to continue their battle with renewed vigor.

"Was it really necessary to tease him like that, Xenovia-senpai?" Gasper asked, giving her a sideways glance.

Xenovia responded with a mischievous grin and playfully stuck out her tongue. "I was just giving him a little preview of what's to come."

"Maybe we should take a moment to evaluate the current situation," suggested a woman's voice, causing Gasper and Xenovia to turn their attention towards her in surprise.

Standing before them was a woman they had not encountered before. She had long gray hair, pale yellow eyes, and was dressed in a long white lab coat over a gray business suit. She wore red earrings and sleek black pump heels, and held a holographic clipboard in one hand while raising the other in a greeting. "Hey there, you must be Zyra's comrades, am I right?" she addressed them in a casual yet inquisitive tone.

The tension hung heavy in the air as Xenovia and Gasper stood ready for action, but their anticipation wavered at the mention of Zyra's name. "Zyra? You know Zyra?" Xenovia asked cautiously, her guard still firmly in place.

Confirming their suspicions, the woman known as Eliara nodded, pulling out an identification card from her breast pocket and handing it to Xenovia. "I'm Eliara. I work with Zyra, and recently, I've been 'hired' by Morwenna, you know, acting as a spy, a double agent, or whatever term you prefer. I wasn't expecting any confrontations today since I wasn't given that information."

"Aaron-nii said it was supposed to be kept confidential," Gasper replied, his defensive instincts prompting him to conjure an even larger shield of darkness to protect them from potential threats.

Eliara casually shrugged her shoulders. "Well, here I am. And just so you know, that Cúntóir person, they're on their way here with Morwenna. They shouldn't be too far now."

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't just refer to me as 'Cúntóir person,' thank you," came Cúntóir's voice from behind them. Turning around, Xenovia, Gasper, and Eliara found themselves face to face with Cúntóir, accompanied by Rias and Morwenna, the latter looking subdued, her body language betraying her inner turmoil.

"Ah, they've arrived," Eliara remarked casually as she tossed a holographic clipboard to Cúntóir, who caught it effortlessly. "Everything you need is there. It's from my personal database—I've meticulously documented everything Morwenna possessed, including her secret projects. Aaron person should have access to the remainder."

"Thank you for your diligence," Cúntóir responded cheerfully, eagerly delving into the data collected by Eliara. Meanwhile, Morwenna observed her with a mixture of astonishment and disbelief.

As the wall of darkness lifted, Asia turned to the group and began, "Aaron—oh, hello Cúntóir, Rias-ane-sama. Um, anyway, Aaron has given the green light. We're clear to take him out and then bring him back. Aaron, Akeno-san, and another person are on their way to Yumi."

Before she could finish her explanation, the wall of darkness created by Gasper shattered, and Yinlaing burst through with a look of fury on his face. "You—! Huh!? Morwenna!? You've been captured?! I'll—!"

"Quiet down and go to sleep," Cúntóir murmured dismissively.

Suddenly, a sizable object appeared in Yinlaing's mouth, causing him to choke and then swiftly fall asleep and collapse to the ground. The unexpected turn of events left the onlookers stunned, their gaze on Cúntóir, who remained unfazed by the chaos. She glanced up briefly, offering them questioning and confused looks before returning her focus to the data at hand, seemingly unperturbed by the commotion.

"Everyone, gather at the assigned meeting spot and await Aaron's group there. I've already passed on the message to the others," Rias commanded with authority. In agreement, Xenovia took charge of carrying the sleeping Yinlaing, while Eliara guided the absorbed Cúntóir alongside them.

— ○ ● ○ —

Yumi adeptly deflected a flurry of projectiles, including blood bullets, balls, and spears, as well as demonic bullets and swords. Her opponent, Fandren, the sole surviving member of Morwenna's followers, appeared determined to persist in the battle despite his obvious distress. Yet, Yumi couldn't shake the sense that something was not right.

With each movement Fandren made, blood seeped from his eyes and mouth, a visible indication of the intense pain he was enduring. Despite Yumi's plea for him to stop, he persisted, driven by the belief that he was still under Morwenna's influence.

"Please, Fandren, put an end to this," Yumi implored, her voice filled with concern. "You're only causing yourself more suffering."

"I can't," Fandren responded, anguish evident in his voice as more blood spilled from his wounds. "I don't want to die or be discarded. I want to keep on living...!"

As Fandren launched another barrage of attacks, his strength waned, and his vision blurred. Just as he was on the verge of collapsing, a comforting presence caught him, preventing his fall.

"Aaron!" Yumi exclaimed, her relief evident as she witnessed the unexpected rescue. Hurrying to their side after evading Fandren's attacks, she joined them with a mix of concern and curiosity.

"Good job, Yumi. The task is done now, so let's leave," Aaron instructed calmly, his reassuring tone comforting Fandren, who remained bewildered by the sudden turn of events.

"Fandren, was it?" Aaron inquired, addressing the disoriented subordinate. "I'll give you a full explanation later. For now, rest assured that everything is under control."

Fandren looked at Aaron for a moment, processing his words before succumbing to exhaustion, closing his eyes in resignation. As he did, a soothing sensation enveloped his body, relieving the relentless pain that had plagued him for so long. It was a sensation alien to him, a semblance of normalcy that he had never experienced before. Grateful for the respite, Fandren finally surrendered to unconsciousness, his troubled mind finding solace in the embrace of sleep.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

I let out a sigh as the small hybrid drifted off to sleep in my arms. Another "brother" seemed inevitable as I looked at the peaceful face of Fandren. Standing up with his weight held in my arms, I glanced over at Yumi.

"Is everything settled? Are we ready to go?" she asked, putting away her [Gram].

"Yes, I'll explain everything later. For now, let's head to the rendezvous point as others are gathering there too," I replied, and she agreed as I teleported us away.

We arrived at our destination quickly, getting there before the others. Moments later, the rest of the group appeared. I signaled for them to step into the teleportation circle I had set up earlier, and they followed. Vasco Strada took the sleeping Fandren from me and joined the others in the circle, leaving Akeno and Yasevi with me.

"Why is Morwenna still alive?" Yasevi demanded, her voice shaking with anger.

"Your people are safe and unharmed. While I understand your anger towards Morwenna, one of my companions has chosen a more fitting 'punishment' for her. Essentially—" I explained the complexities of Sacred Gears to her, as well as Cúntóir's plan to trap Morwenna in a pseudo one.

After absorbing the explanation and gradually calming her anger, Yasevi asked, "So, she will be condemned to laborious toil for eternity?"

"Essentially, yes. She will be restricted to perpetual labor, unable to leave her confinement or interact with the outside world, as the possessor of the pseudo-Sacred Gear will prevent it. As I mentioned, your people are unharmed on another planet, giving you the chance for a reunion. Firstly, I will take you to the Resistance stronghold, where you can have a meal, get new clothes, and receive a more dignified grooming than your current state. Then, I will facilitate your journey to that distant planet. Does this proposal meet your approval?" I inquired.

Yasevi conveyed her gratitude, her words dissipating into the air as Akeno led her towards the teleportation circle. With a smile, Akeno and Yasevi vanished from sight, leaving me to contemplate the planet before me.

I held the fate of this world in my hands, torn between the impulse to erase it from existence and the reluctance to waste the potential it held. Annihilating everything seemed excessive, almost gratuitous. It was in this moment of uncertainty that Ddraig floated the unconventional idea.

[How about turning them into trinkets?] Ddraig's suggestion lingered in the air, stirring up a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts.

{Huh? Isn't that just kind of out of taste? What if someone gets offended or gets triggered by the mention of a planet because of the suffering it made its people go through?} Albion voiced the concern that had been lurking in my own mind.

[…Point taken. It's up to you, Partner,] said Ddraig, leaving the decision in my hands, weighing heavy with consequence.

"For now," I began, extending my right hand towards the planet. "I will replicate the method I used with those eighteen planets." With the use of my powers, the planet below me dissipated, condensing into a tiny sphere held in my palm. With casual click of my fingers, I fashioned a delicate necklace, carefully enclosing the celestial body within its intricate design.

Upon our eventual return, I intend to have a thorough discussion with Yasevi about her future plans. I am prepared to assist in facilitating their return to this planet, striving to restore it to its former glory. Similar to the ongoing efforts with Cosmosilica Terraflora and Titancrest, both under the diligent supervision of myself and my army of Shadow Soldiers, the possibility of situating it close to the Resistance's headquarters is being considered.

Taking a moment to contemplate the pendant, I let out a thoughtful sigh before securely placing it within my [Inventory], and then initiating the teleportation sequence back to the familiar confines of the spacecraft.

— ○ ● ○ —

It had been about an hour since our journey back began. I found myself in the medical bay with Fandren and Yinlaing. The doors opened, and in walked a group of individuals: Asia, Rias, Cúntóir, Eliara, and Morwenna. Their arrival seemed almost like a choreographed dance, coinciding with Yinlaing and Fandren waking up.

Fandren was mostly unrestricted, but Yinlaing was securely bound. I had also taken steps to seal his powers, reducing the likelihood of him being a threat when he woke up. But, as expected, Yinlaing woke up in a frenzy, struggling against his restraints and screaming curses at everyone there.

His eyes, filled with rage, were fixed on Morwenna, taking her by surprise. I realized that Morwenna truly cared for Yinlaing, a revelation that caught me off guard. Contrary to what I had assumed, she hadn't manipulated him but had put safeguards in place to protect against any potential betrayal by embedding a failsafe in his new body.

"Outer God," Morwenna's voice cut through the tense air, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. Even Yinlaing paused his rant, directing a hostile glare at her. "I didn't see you with Fraisy and Vei Vei earlier. Where are they? Did you kill them?" Her tone carried a hint of distress and unease.

I met Morwenna's gaze, struggling to find the right words to convey the truth. Glancing at Cúntóir, who gave me an encouraging but uneasy smile, I silently took her advice to be honest. Gathering my courage, I took a deep breath before speaking, "I have them in my custody."

Morwenna's brows furrowed in confusion, her face filled with uncertainty. "I see," she responded cautiously, her voice tinged with trepidation. "Can I—"

"Do you not know the truth?" I interjected, causing Morwenna to look at me with bewilderment.

"Truth? What do you mean?" Her confusion deepened, causing a weary sigh to escape my lips.

"Vei Vei and Fraisy were nothing more than manifestations of your own psyche," I began, my voice steady but infused with a solemn gravity. "In the wake of Elanor's manipulation and the subsequent psychotic episode, she preyed upon your vulnerability. It was during this chaotic period that she conceived two distinct entities, 'Fraisy' and 'Vei Vei,' each possessing their own physical forms. These entities were instructed to remain in your constant company," I paused, allowing my words to sink in, "Have you not noticed any resemblance between them and yourself?"

The weight of my revelation hung heavy in the air, evoking expressions of astonishment upon the faces of Morwenna, Fandren, Eliara, and Yinlaing. Their collective gaze shifted between me and Morwenna, who appeared utterly taken aback by the disclosure.

"Did you never experience a sense of disconnection following that psychotic episode? A lingering sensation that something was missing? Or perhaps you were too preoccupied with the challenges of life after breaking free from Elanor's grasp to introspect?"

Morwenna's eyes slowly widened, betraying the whirlwind of thoughts swirling through her mind as she grappled with the revelation about Fraisy and Vei Vei. Beads of cold sweat formed on her brow, a physical display of the internal turmoil provoked by the sudden realization. Moments later, she clutched at her head, an instinctual response to the overwhelming flood of emotions crashing over her. Gut-wrenching screams tore from her throat, echoing in the sterile confines of the medical bay.

Some regret consumed me as I witnessed Morwenna's raw reaction but upon remembering what she did for years, I didn't feel too bad about this, but there were some regrets to it. Looking back, perhaps my decision to reveal such a profound truth had been rash.

To discover that her most trusted confidants were mere figments of her own psyche, manipulated into existence by Elanor's schemes, was undoubtedly a devastating blow. They had been her devoted companions, her unwavering allies—but beneath it all, they were nothing more than extensions of her own consciousness, twisted into existence to surveil her at the command of another.

The depth of Morwenna's anguish spoke volumes about the significance she had attributed to Fraisy and Vei Vei. They had likely been more than just loyal subordinates to her; they had been companions, perhaps even friends. Yet, in an instant, their identities had been shattered, revealing the stark truth lurking beneath the facade. As Morwenna's anguished cries filled the room, she was quickly brought out by Cúntóir with the help of Eliara to bring her somewhere else.

Yinlaing interrupted, his voice composed yet tinged with curiosity as he sought confirmation of my words. "Are you serious?"

I met his gaze with a steady nod, acknowledging his inquiry before proceeding to explain the circumstances that led to the discovery of Vei Vei and Fraisy. "Yes, indeed. During our exploration of Morwenna's secret underground bases, Akeno, Yasevi, and I encountered Vei Vei and Fraisy. It was then that the truth was brought to light."

Yinlaing's demeanor shifted, his expression softening as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. With a sigh, he turned his attention to the sheets covering his bed, his demeanor reflecting a mixture of regret and understanding.

"I may have only had brief interactions with them, but even in that short time, I could sense the depth of Morwenna's attachment to them," Yinlaing confessed, his tone laced with remorse. "Despite her outward facade, there was a genuine bond between them. To learn that they were nothing more than pawns in Elanor's manipulative game... it undoubtedly dealt her a devastating blow."

Yinlaing's penetrating glare bore into me as he stood his ground. "Let me be clear—I will not change sides to join the Resistance. I would honestly rather die. However, I am open to being returned to my planet. There are matters I must attend to with my parents."

Acknowledging his reasoning, I responded calmly, "Understood. But be aware that your species may soon find itself in conflict with Phumera. We have liberated them from their oppression, and tensions are rising. War may be on the horizon within a week or two."

Yinlaing nodded in acknowledgment before reclining on his bed, signaling the end of our conversation. Turning my attention to Fandren, I approached him with concern. "How are you feeling? Any discomfort or abnormalities in your body?" I asked.

He looked at me for a moment before conducting a brief self-assessment. After some reflection, he shook his head. "No, everything seems to be fine. I'm not sure what you did, but thank you. This is the first time I've felt normal throughout my entire body. No aches, no pains... just... nothing," he admitted, his voice tinged with emotion as tears welled in his eyes.

"Don't worry, just concentrate on getting better for now. We'll be reaching the Resistance's headquarters soon," I reassured Fandren, receiving a nod of agreement from him.

As I turned to leave the room with the others, Fandren stopped me with a question in his voice. "Um... why did you help me and spare me? I was part of Morwenna's group..."

Memories of my past encounters with ostracized or manipulated individuals flashed through my mind—the bonds I formed with my juniors, the camaraderie shared with Gasper, Valerie, and the other vampires, as well as the empathy extended to Vivi and other devils who faced discrimination.

Drawing from these experiences, I replied sincerely, "I helped you because I wanted to. Besides, given your current situation, I highly doubt that you committed any truly wicked deeds while under Morwenna's influence. You were simply a pawn in her game. Anyway, rest assured, and focus on recovering."

Fandren responded with a grateful smile before settling back onto his bed, signaling the end of our conversation.

Noting Asia with a slight nod, I observed Xenovia and Yumi entering the room, carrying a collection of books. "Good luck, and thank you," I expressed sincerely.

In unison, their response was laced with playful insistence. "I expect some compensation after this!" they declared, prompting a chuckle from me.

"Of course, anything you need, just ask," I reassured them before taking my leave, allowing them to attend to Fandren and Yinlaing. With a final glance over my shoulder, I left the room, trusting in their care for our comrades.

Departing from the scene, I made my way to Morwenna's whereabouts, where Cúntóir and Eliara had previously escorted her. Rias accompanied me, her concern evident as she voiced her thoughts. "Do you think she will recover from this? Cúntóir mentioned plans to place her into a pseudo-Sacred Gear."

Looking out of the spaceship's window at the drifting celestial bodies in the vast expanse of space, I deliberated for a moment before responding. "Only time will reveal the answer, but I have faith in Morwenna's resilience. She possesses a strong mental strength, and I believe she will overcome this ordeal. Perhaps she may even undergo a partial return to her former self, although the outcome remains uncertain."

Rias regarded me with a scrutinizing gaze, detecting a hint of ambiguity in my words. "Are you merely speculating, or do you possess knowledge of the truth?" she inquired, her suspicion palpable.

With a mischievous glint in my eye, I locked eyes with Rias and playfully retorted, "Who knows, Gremory-sama?" as I picked up my pace, almost breaking into a run. She made a strange sound before hurrying to catch up with me.

Upon reaching the spare room where Morwenna was staying, we discovered her curled up in a fetal position in one corner, her eyes wide with shock and tears streaming down her face. Eliara and Cúntóir sat on sofas nearby, their expressions unreadable as they observed Morwenna's distress.

Noting our presence, Eliara remarked, "She has been in this state since we arrived. Perhaps she has suffered a mental breakdown? If she is incapacitated, is she still of value to us? Should we consider disposing of her, perhaps by ejecting her into space or outright killing her right here?"

Although Eliara's casual suggestion was a bit unsettling, I chose to set aside my unease for the time being. She likely had her own underlying issues to address.

"With Morwenna's abilities currently sealed, she possesses limited utility beyond her accumulated knowledge. However, given her current condition, even that may not be readily accessible. For now, let us monitor her progress and await signs of recovery before proceeding with Cúntóir's plan to transform her into the pseudo-Sacred Gear. Are you in agreement with this approach, Cúntóir?" I inquired, seeking Cúntóir's input on the matter.

Cúntóir's eyes closed momentarily, her head tilting in contemplation before fixing her gaze on Morwenna once more. "In practical terms, the plan can proceed. We have the capability to forcibly extract her knowledge and powers, integrating them into the pseudo-Sacred Gear. However, I suspect you may have reservations about this course of action, given what you've witnessed," she remarked, her tone thoughtful.

Meeting Cúntóir's gaze, I remained silent, carefully weighing her words. The intensity of our exchange seemed to unnerve Rias and Eliara, who fidgeted anxiously in response to the palpable tension filling the room.

While I couldn't deny feeling a twinge of sympathy for Morwenna in her current state, I couldn't overlook the gravity of her past transgressions. The mental anguish she now endured paled in comparison to the suffering she had inflicted upon others over the years, both physically and emotionally. As such, proceeding with the plan to transform her into the pseudo-Sacred Gear seemed justified, albeit with a lingering sense of moral conflict.

"Currently, Latia has no eager desire to pursue a power-up or Sacred Gear. She is quite content with her present abilities. So, let us proceed with my plan for the time being, alright?" I proposed, speaking to Cúntóir with confidence. Her demeanor softened as she agreed to my suggestion.

"Fufu, I simply wanted to gauge your decision, Dear. But why are you both so tense? We were simply engaged in a silent exchange. Surely, you've had similar moments, Rias?" Cúntóir teased, her tone light-hearted.

"We don't usually get quite this... intense!" Rias replied, her voice tinged with stress as she clutched my arm tightly. With a tired sigh, she leaned her head against my shoulder, seeking solace in the midst of the tension-filled atmosphere.

Eliara released a heavy sigh, her nervousness nearly palpable as she looked away. Yet, she chose to remain silent, offering no additional words. As I observed Morwenna's motionless figure, I turned to Eliara, who flinched slightly before giving a small nod.

"I... I'll keep an eye on her for now," she whispered softly, her attention immediately drawn to a blue holographic screen that appeared before her. Focused on her task, she began typing away, fully engrossed in her duties.

Watching Eliara's back, I discreetly sent two Shadow Soldiers into her shadow before leaving the room with Cúntóir and Rias. However, before we could make our exit, I paused and repeated the action with Morwenna's shadow. Only once we were safely outside did Rias stop us with a serious expression.

"Is there a chance that she's feigning her condition?" she asked, her tone reflecting genuine concern.

"No, Morwenna's breakdown seems to be authentic. Though she is skilled in deception, her current state is a result of genuine emotional turmoil," I reassured Rias, noting the relief in her expression.

As we continued walking, Rias shifted the conversation to Vei Vei and Fraisy. "And what about Vei Vei and Fraisy? Where are they?" she asked.

"They're in another dimension. I felt it was inappropriate to confine them to my usual dimension (Inventory)," I explained. "However, I can show them to you. They're currently in a catatonic state, so there's no need to fear any retaliation. Let's move to another room, and I'll bring them out. I've already taken precautions to seal their powers, just in case too," I added, leading the way to an empty room nearby.

Entering the room, I retrieved the lifeless bodies of Fraisy and Vei Vei from the different dimension, both of them crumpled to the floor. They were quite literally lifeless, resembling nothing so much as discarded dolls. I approached the two of them, slowly raising Fraisy's limp figure up from the ground. Her eyes were closed shut, her pupils rolled back into her head, leaving nothing but stark, unblemished white in their wake.

I spoke, my tone casual yet laden with a nonchalant air of authority.

"They start to move and exist when I bring them back. I guess they're currently 'off' and if I turned them 'on' they wouldn't just be lifeless forms anymore. They sink into a sort of dormancy that resembles a toy that's been left off," I explained.

"Anyway, I'll do that to Fraisy, but I'll restrain her first," I continued. With a sharp click of my fingers, anti-abilities cuffs materialized around their wrists, their metallic sheen glinting in the room. Another click of my fingers, and Fraisy's eyes flickered back to life, their irises snapping back into place with an audible click.

Surveying her surroundings, her gaze eventually fixated on me. Alert and determined, she tried to harness her powers and formidable strength, only to have them rendered ineffective by my prior actions. Reduced to the capabilities of an ordinary woman, her futile strikes posed no threat, as they were stopped by my [Infinity].

"Have you forgotten about our prior conversation?" I asked, addressing Fraisy directly. The question brought her struggles to a halt, leading her to ponder our previous conversation. Gradually, recognition dawned upon her, her eyes widening in realization.

Giving up her resistance, she looked down at her own hands before exhaling heavily. "...Yes, our purpose is clear," she admitted, acknowledging the truth of what had happened. "We were created by Lady Elanor to monitor Lady Morwenna, our identities mere fragments of her consciousness inhabiting separate bodies. Our duty is to observe Morwenna's actions and report them faithfully to Lady Elanor."

"Quite impressive, I must admit," I mused, considering Fraisy's creations. "She's created bodies with a range of capabilities. But what truly struck me was the absence of what some might call a 'soul.' Despite inhabiting bodies and possessing unique abilities, neither of you seemed to possess a soul."

My voice trailed off as I found myself drawn into a silent exchange with Fraisy, her gaze meeting mine with unwavering intensity.

The debate about whether our personality is synonymous with the soul has caused a division among people. This age-old question delves into the depths of our being.

Put simply, some believe that our personality, encompassing our actions, thoughts, and emotions, is intricately linked to something more profound within us—the soul. They argue that the soul is the essence of who we are, transcending our physical existence.

On the other hand, some view personality as a product of genetics, upbringing, and life experiences. They are skeptical of the concept of the soul and prioritize scientific observation and measurement.

Religion and spirituality are also key players in this discourse. Certain faiths assert a connection between personality and the soul, while others perceive the soul as distinct from our personality traits.

Ultimately, this is a complex and multi-faceted topic that has been scrutinized through various lenses over time. It delves into philosophy, psychology, and spirituality, with no one-size-fits-all solution in sight.

In the instances of both Fraisy and Vei Vei, it became clear that they could function independently of what some might consider a conventional soul. Nevertheless, they unquestionably developed distinctive personalities over time, influenced by their experiences alongside Morwenna.

Yet, a newfound intensity filled my gaze as I focused on Fraisy, who trembled with fear within my grasp. A thought-provoking question lingered in my mind: Could individuals with split personalities, inhabiting separate bodies, eventually create their own unique soul?

As I kept my eyes fixed on Fraisy, a faint glow began to emerge, indicating the early development of her own soul. The realization filled me with immense astonishment.

Shifting my focus to Vei Vei, I noted a similar phenomenon taking place. However, there was a noticeable difference between the two: Fraisy's soul radiated a vibrant brightness, brimming with vitality and warmth, while Vei Vei's appeared slightly obscured, tinged with a murky darkness.

Contemplating Morwenna's crucial role as the original and the balancing force between the personalities, a compelling understanding dawned on me. Fraisy embodied the "light" and benevolent aspect of Morwenna's personality, while Vei Vei represented the "dark" and malevolent facet. This contrast was reflected in the evolving nature of their souls, manifesting as differing hues of luminosity and shadow.

Was Morwenna's instability mostly due to Elanor creating these two? Would she find stability if I returned them to her? But it seems that she is even more distressed about the idea. The more I think about it, the more it gives me a headache.

"Fraisy," I said calmly, noticing the fear in her eyes begin to lessen as my own intensity dimmed. "Do you know how Morwenna is doing? If not, I'll explain soon, but I need your honest acknowledgment first."

Fraisy nodded, a mix of curiosity and apprehension on her face, showing she was ready to listen.

I turned to Vei Vei and woke her up with a quick burst of energy. Like Fraisy, she reacted with initial alarm, but then accepted my explanation with cautious interest after realizing she couldn't do much in her current situation.

After explaining Morwenna's condition and outlining my plan, I sensed a mix of concern and skepticism in their reactions.

The plan was unconventional, involving merging them back into Morwenna to restore stability. But I had doubts about whether this action was necessary since Morwenna seemed to be maintaining equilibrium in her current state.

However, the revelation of their true nature had left her in a state of shock, almost catatonic.

As I waited for their response, uncertainty hung in the air, burdened with the weight of impending decisions and their potential consequences.

'My King, Morwenna is—' I heard the voice of my Shadow Soldier trying to warn me of something, but it was too late.

All of a sudden, Morwenna burst into the room, immediately commanding the attention of everyone present. Her eyes darted around before settling on Vei Vei and Fraisy, who nervously awaited her reaction. Rias and Cúntóir exchanged looks of uncertainty with me, mirroring our collective bewilderment as we watched the scene unfold.

To our surprise, Morwenna rushed forward and embraced Vei Vei and Fraisy tightly, catching them off guard with her sudden display of affection. Eliara, in response to my silent question, could only shrug, indicating her own confusion.

Morwenna's voice reverberated with vulnerability and defiance as she spoke. "I don't care anymore. I refuse to lose either of you. I'll endure whatever turmoil my mind and heart may have!" Her proclamation filled the room, emphasizing the depth of her commitment to her companions.

Turning to me with unwavering resolve, Morwenna articulated her decision. "Merge them into the pseudo-Sacred Gear with me. With their presence, this wielder will undoubtedly gain additional abilities, correct?"

In the middle of Morwenna's revelation, Vei Vei and Fraisy remained surprisingly composed, much to our astonishment. Although I hadn't yet explained the complexities of Sacred Gears to them, they showed no signs of being perturbed by Morwenna's words.

"I may not fully comprehend the implications, but I am devoted to following Morwenna's decisions," declared Fraisy with conviction.

"Likewise," echoed Vei Vei in a nonchalant manner.

Once again surprised by their unexpected compliance, I regarded all three with a hint of skepticism. Morwenna, however, shook her head, her expression resolute.

"We are prepared to spend eternity within that tool, repenting for our transgressions," she asserted earnestly. "We pledge to assist the wielder in any way possible. I understand that mere words hold little weight without action, but believe me, we are sincere. Our past deeds have caused much harm, but I implore you to grant us the opportunity to demonstrate our remorse through our actions."

Mulling over her words, I took a brief moment to ponder before taking any action. Sensing the need for protection, Cúntóir swiftly created a barrier around herself, Rias, and Eliara.

As I opened my eyes, I felt a subtle yet noticeable shift in the atmosphere, accompanied by a gentle, silvery-white glow surrounding me. <<Are you prepared to risk everything for your dedication?>> I asked, my voice slightly changing to be a tone lower.

The pressure in the room became more intense, causing all three individuals to kneel under its weight. Yet, to my surprise, Morwenna found the strength to stand, meeting my gaze with unwavering defiance. "We offer our entire existence as a pledge—across all time, space, and realities! Erase us if we betray our word, in any form of existence!" she declared, her sentiment echoed by Vei Vei and Fraisy, though with visible struggle.

A faint smile appeared on my lips. <<Very well, let us formalize this with an oath,>> I suggested, approaching them with purpose.

Upon reaching out, Morwenna firmly seized my hand and guided it to rest on her left breast. Her gaze met mine with a mix of defiance and determination. Although her bold move momentarily caught me off guard, I remained composed. Vei Vei and Fraisy followed suit, each gripping my other hand, resulting in a shared touch of their chests.

In the middle of this exchange, I heard a snicker from Cúntóir behind me. With a glance, I swiftly silenced her amusement, causing Rias to regard us with incredulity. Despite the momentary distraction, earlier I looked into the multitude of potential future paths they go down, each one remaining true to this course of action.

However, as I've emphasized before, the fabric of this timeline is fluid, subject to change. Thus, I remain vigilant, recognizing that nothing is set in stone, and continue to keep a watchful eye on them.

"I, Morwenna, solemnly swear to uphold my pledge to dedicate eternity to assisting the wielder of the pseudo-Sacred Gear. If I ever break this vow, I willingly accept the consequence of immediate demise, alongside Fraisy and Vei Vei," she declared with unwavering determination.

In a synchronized manner reminiscent of the Church Trio, Vei Vei and Fraisy echoed her words, their breasts emitting a gentle glow as the oath sealed. Moments later, Morwenna discreetly pulled aside her top, revealing a symbol emblazoned upon her left breast—a union of a dragon and a flower.

Confirming the completion of the oath, I sought clarification, to which she nodded, promptly covering herself once more. Vei Vei and Fraisy mirrored her actions, displaying their respective insignias on their breasts.

Suddenly, Cúntóir wrapped me in a playful embrace from behind, causing my aura to scatter. With a teasing tone, she quipped, "Indulging in some breast-touching while imposing rules, you mischievous dragon~"

Suppressing a hint of irritation, I countered, "Your interpretation couldn't be further from the truth; it's uncomfortably misleading, so please don't ever say it again." With a swift motion, I turned to deliver a light karate chop to her head before refocusing on the trio, who sported subtle blushes.

I directed, "For now, go find rooms aboard the ship; there's ample space. You're now part of the Resistance, but I'll personally watch over you three until the creation of the pseudo-Sacred Gear, in which you'll be placed. Understand?"

The trio nodded in agreement, acknowledging their new roles within the Resistance and the forthcoming vigilance I would uphold over them.

"Yes, Lord Aaron," they chorused in unison as they bowed before me. The sound of it was unsettling, but I brushed off the sensation and exited the room. Once outside, I turned to Eliara and inquired, "Did Morwenna snap out of her trance immediately after Vei Vei and Fraisy returned from the alternate dimension?"

"I'm not sure, but shortly after you departed, she suddenly sprang to her feet and bolted out of the room," Eliara responded. "I trailed her, but she didn't seem intent on leaving the ship. Instead, she led me on a chase until she burst into your room, and, well, you know the rest. By the way, is there any truth to the rumor that you have a fondness for randomly groping women's breasts?" Eliara's question came with a curious tilt of her head.

Rias and Cúntóir burst into laughter as I released a frustrated sigh and shook my head. "No, that's completely untrue. Who on earth told you such nonsense!?"

"Zyra brought it up," she replied. "Although, considering you haven't made any inappropriate advances towards me, I suppose there's some truth to your denial. Zyra does have a tendency to embellish and make up stories. But, hypothetically speaking, it would be acceptable if it involved someone you're intimate with, right? Like Rias?"

To this Rias blushed but didn't deny it. "In private settings, yes," I stated firmly, "but I wouldn't engage in such behavior randomly in public!" With that, we continued our stroll, our conversation persisting until we finally reached the cockpit, where our discussions carried on for the next several hours.

— ○ ● ○ —

It had only been about two hours since our arrival on the Resistance's planet. Immediately after landing, we gathered everyone together for a crucial meeting. The purpose was to brief everyone about the alarming situation on the planet of Zenoiria and the plans of the Phoshetoms.

Making sure to include Yinlaing in these crucial discussions, I planned to return him to his people after the meeting concluded.

Not to anyone's surprise, Yinlaing expressed his agreement with the information I shared with the leaders of the Resistance. Despite my warnings and the advice of many others, he adamantly stood by his belief that his race and his parents should confront Phumera in warfare, even in the face of likely defeat.

According to Yinlaing, his people were unwilling to endure the shame of retreat and preferred the possibility of annihilation over living in disgrace. Despite our best efforts to dissuade him, his and their resolve remained unyielding. It was becoming increasingly clear that their species was headed for a collision course with imminent destruction.

As for Yinlaing's predicament, I took steps to modify certain aspects of his reality to ensure that he wouldn't inadvertently disclose the location of our base. In addition, I chose to erase a small portion of his memory upon his return to his home planet of Zenoiria.

With these preparations in place, I allowed Yinlaing some time to compose himself and enjoy a meal, giving him the opportunity to settle his nerves before our departure. Once he was prepared, I planned to accompany him back and have one final discussion with the leaders of his planet before returning to our base. Following that, I intended to consult with Yasevi before setting out on our journey to her planet.

I found myself sitting on the stands on the training fields, watching Ddraig and Albion as they instructed the members of the Resistance. At the same time, Artemis had not yet approached me to address certain matters, I knew that she would do so in due time. She mentioned that there had been other discussions during my absence. Nevertheless, I embraced the peace of the moment and planned to stay there a bit longer.

The tranquility was short-lived, however, as someone sat beside me. When I looked over, I saw Sona quietly absorbed in a book. We exchanged no words as she leaned against me, and I naturally wrapped my arm around her, finding comfort in her presence in the middle of the lively activity of the training grounds.

After a few moments of silence, interrupted only by the sounds of the training session unfolding before us, Sona broke the quietude. "Yinlaing mentioned that he'll be ready to depart for his planet in two minutes. It should take us the same amount of time to return to that rendezvous point."

"I was wondering why you decided to come here. The constant shouts of 'Haa!!' aren't exactly what I'd call calming white noise," I remarked, earning a chuckle from Sona.

"True enough," she agreed, stowing her book away in her ring before rising to her feet. I followed suit. "But I offered to fetch you, so here I am."

With a gesture of her hand, Sona indicated that it was time to depart, and we swiftly made our way out of the training area.

— ○ ● ○ —

As we made our way to our designated spot, Sona began to speak. "I'm not sure if you're aware, but both my team and the Slash Dog Team are partaking in the infiltration mission to Etoce Rhirlara. Savina and Lysanvar are keen on capturing Taphelis as well and have requested your assistance in creating a tool to facilitate the task, something akin to those capture balls."

"Are those the only teams involved?" I inquired. "And I don't mind making those items; they're relatively straightforward."

Sona nodded. "While there are other members of the Resistance joining the mission, the primary teams will be mine and Kanami's. Our approach is to execute the operation quietly. Cúntóir has agreed to neutralize all security systems, minimizing any potential complications. Additionally, we intend to leave a puppet decoy leader behind. Cúntóir has assured us of her assistance in that aspect as well, so you can focus solely on your task without concern."

Hand in hand, we strolled and I couldn't help but chuckle softly. It was impressive to see how well-prepared they were for a mission I wasn't directly involved in. But I had my own plans, especially concerning Elanor and the tournament in Fengyun Fudi. Scratching my head, I inquired, "Is Sairaorg's team not participating in this mission?"

Sona shook her head, responding, "Artemis-sama has indicated that an upcoming mission to Fengyun Fudi will require their full cooperation and assistance. Ravel and Raiko-san also agreed with her decision, so they opted out of this mission, leaving us to take their place."

Those two... they're really set on having Sairaorg and Rank 4, Virion Deamonne go head-to-head, huh? I'm not against it at all, in fact, I've been hoping for the same outcome. But now, the question is: when should I make my move? Do I go to the planet where Raerea used to be in charge first, or do I prioritize Fengyun Fudi? And should I bring Raerea along to that planet too?

I had a general idea of what needed to be done, but the specifics still eluded me...

Upon arriving at the spot where Yinlaing stood waiting for us, he leaned against a small pillar, his gaze fixed on the sky, a touch of melancholy shading his expression. It appeared as though he was lost in contemplation, perhaps pondering various matters.

Before approaching him, Sona and I exchanged our farewells. "I'll see you soon," I reassured her.

As we shared a fleeting kiss, she hesitated before speaking, "Um, there's something I'd like to discuss."

"A date?" I teased, eliciting a blush from her. She nodded, and I chuckled, "Sure thing. Let's plan one soon, perhaps before our missions begin." Sona agreed, and with that, we bid each other goodbye.

As I approached Yinlaing, I raised my hand in greeting. "Are you ready to go?"

Without hesitation, he responded with intensity. "You!" he exclaimed, striding over with a fierce glare, his eyes bloodshot with anger. "Did you put a hand on Morwenna!?"

I met his gaze evenly, offering an explanation. "We made an oath. She initiated it by grabbing my hand and placing it on her chest to seal the oath. I had no say in the matter when it began."

He scoffed in frustration, turning away with a muttered curse. "Tch. Whatever, let's just get going," he grumbled, clearly still holding onto resentment towards me.

With a nonchalant shrug, I complied, and with a swift teleportation, we departed for his planet, bracing myself for what I anticipated would be a challenging discussion ahead.

— ○ ● ○ —

The area we arrived in was just beyond the castle grounds. Sensing a shift in the atmosphere, I quickly took hold of Yinlaing's arm and transported us to the location where my companions had gathered earlier.

"Why did you do that—" Yinlaing started, cut off by my raised hand as I took in the scene unfolding before us. What had once been a peaceful view was now filled with frantic activity and swirling smoke. An unsettling feeling of discord hung in the air, even palpable to Yinlaing, who wore a slight frown.

"Everyone is getting ready," he said, his voice showing resignation. "My parents have probably gathered them for war, prompting each person to prepare in their own way. Some train rigorously, others arm themselves with tools and supplies, while some seek comfort in the company of loved ones."

His explanation revealed the urgency filling the atmosphere, each person's response a sign of the impending conflict looming on the horizon.

"You've surely been through your fair share of conflicts, haven't you? You and your companions sound like busybodies from the short time I was with them," Yinlaing remarked, giving me a quick glance.

"Well, you're not wrong. But the only 'war' we truly experienced was rather brief, at least from my perspective, since I was asleep for most of it," I replied with a wry smile. "Regardless, it's time for us to head back."

With another snap of my fingers, Yinlaing and I reappeared in front of the imposing castle. Taking the lead, Yinlaing and I walked purposefully into the grand hall. The guards stationed there glanced warily in our direction but did not try to stop us. Whether this was out of recognition or mere trepidation in my presence, remained uncertain, though I suspected the latter.

As we entered the ornate throne room, Yinlaing pushed open the towering doors, drawing the attention of the assembled rulers and courtiers. Confusion flickered across their faces at the sight of Yinlaing's new body, but recognition dawned quickly as they saw me at his side.

"Yinlaing, is that really you?" Jelania's voice rang out, her expression a mix of astonishment and disbelief as she hurried forward to meet him.

"I have come back, Mother, Father," Yinlaing announced, his voice dignified as he spoke to the rulers. "Aaron has safely brought me back and refrained from causing me any harm during our visit to Morwenna's planet. However, I did encounter some members of the Resistance in combat," he confessed, tactfully leaving out certain details, such as the fight that led to Xenovia severing his arm.

Valagor quickly joined Jelania, their expressions a mix of concern and relief as they observed Yinlaing's changed appearance. Though they wore somewhat puzzled expressions, a tangible sense of joy flickered in their eyes at his return.

"If you're curious..." Yinlaing started, effortlessly transforming back to his original form with a simple gesture. "I still retain the ability to change back. Earlier, a member of the Resistance assisted me in this transformation."

It was clear to me but not to everyone that Cúntóir was likely the mastermind behind this accomplishment, given the intricate nature of the transformation. Yinlaing exchanged glances with his parents and then turned to me expectantly.

"It was most likely Cúntóir," I confirmed, acknowledging their gazes at me. Then, addressing the two rulers once more, I continued, "I'm here to make one final attempt to dissuade you. I'm even willing to go as far as bringing back your daughters. What do you say?"

Their reactions were a blend of shock and disbelief. I had considered proposing this solution earlier, but the timing never seemed right. Now, with Yinlaing safely returned and their attention focused, it felt like the right moment. Although I had doubts about whether they would accept it, their pride often clouded their judgment—a fact that had been pointed out to me many times.

"I made sure to confirm their ability to be revived beforehand," I interjected, carefully observing their reactions.

Valagor's skeptical gaze bore into me as he asked, "Why wait until now to offer this?"

I met his gaze directly, providing an honest explanation. "It slipped my mind in the chaos of the moment. My thoughts were consumed by various concerns before. Now, with a semblance of calm restored, except for the preparations for war outside, I felt it was the right time to present this option."

The declaration held elements of truth and deception, a paradox of sorts. My mind did swarm with countless thoughts, yet I consciously chose to keep certain truths concealed. The scrutinizing gazes of both parents were fixed upon me, their intensity almost tangible. Valagor, in a measured tone, suggested moving the discussion to the meeting room for a more in-depth conversation.

Our departure from the throne room was swift, marked by Valagor issuing instructions to those present. As we gathered in the meeting room, seating arrangements defined our positions: Valagor and his family at one end, and myself at the other.

Valagor's interrogation carried a harsher edge this time, his penetrating gaze demanding clarity. "Are you truly capable of bringing them back to life?" he asked, his demeanor fitting a king.

"Yes," I affirmed, my own voice sounding serious. "The process is easily within my reach. However, I'm putting a condition: an end to your campaign of conquest. Peace remains out of reach in the middle of such ceaseless aggression. This also includes the current war efforts." My response matched his severity, a testament to the seriousness of the situation.

Valagor's piercing gaze bore into me, his expression inscrutable as silence filled the room. Deliberately, he closed his eyes, signaling the beginning of a deep contemplation that lingered for a full minute. Observing his son, Yinlaing, I noticed a similar pose of contemplation, with arms crossed in deference to his father's judgment. Similarly, Queen Jelania, though maintaining a vigilant gaze, deferred the final decision to her husband, the king.

Upon opening his eyes, Valagor's resolution was clear, tinged with a tangible hint of sadness. "I shall decline," he declared, his voice filled with conviction. "Our daughters, if they were here, would surely reject the idea of being exploited in such a manner. They would undoubtedly advocate for military action against Phumera. Thus, I choose to forgo the possibility of their revival, opting instead to bear the risk. Our war shall continue."

With unwavering determination, Valagor affirmed his commitment to the ongoing war, acknowledging the potential consequences of his decision.

"I will ask the question once more, offering you once final chance at salvation," I repeated, my tone serious and unwavering.

"I stand firm in my decision," Valagor confirmed, his voice steady, drawing a sigh of resignation from me.

With a resigned murmur, I rose from my seat. "Very well, the choice is yours," I muttered under my breath as I made to depart. "I did my best but it seems like you won't change your mind. If you are hellbent on war, then so be it. But heed my won't end well for you."

Before I could leave, Valagor's voice stopped me in my tracks. "I realize it may seem selfish, but please, return our daughters to us," he implored from behind me.

Turning to face him, I raised an eyebrow in contemplation. "There seems to be little incentive for me," I pointed out. "Bringing them back yields no benefit to me, and they may meet the same fate again once war starts, you understand?"

"Even now, I ask you to return them," Valagor pleaded, bowing his head, catching both me and Yinlaing off guard with his earnestness and desperation.

Considering the seriousness of the situation, I weighed my options carefully, my gaze lingering on Valagor and his wife before letting out a heavy sigh of resignation. "Don't get me, [DxD] or the Resistance involved with your war. If you agree to this, I will ensure their safe return," I reassured him before making my departure.

[Why did you agree, Partner?] Ddraig asked, his curiosity evident.

'I saw the inevitability of coercion, and so I chose this path. Regardless, their fate hangs in the balance. If they decide to end their war efforts, it is likely they will revert to their terroristic ways again—and we, the Resistance, will be forced to confront them once more,' I explained to Ddraig, acknowledging the complexities of our predicament.

{Where are you heading?} Albion inquired.

These two guys still kept the ability to communicate with me after I enhanced our communication infrastructure with their Sacred Gear. As a result, we can engage in conversation regardless of their physical proximity. This new capability allows us to converse from distant locations, even on different universes. To my surprise, I hadn't expected such a strong attachment between us, even though they also fulfill the role of elder siblings, which I was fine with.

'I'm making my way to Zeaina and Lyaina's bedrooms. I will revive them there and then return to the meeting room before traveling to the Resistance planet to speak with Yasevi,' I responded promptly, making my way towards Zeaina's room first.

Upon arrival, I tapped my foot against the ground, conjuring a magic circle onto her bed. Zeaina's body appeared on top of it, and I conducted a thorough assessment to ensure her well-being, verifying her previous abilities and overall health before departing. I replicated the process in Lyaina's room, ensuring everything was in order before retracing my steps back to the meeting room.

It did not take long for my return, and addressing the assembly, I announced, "The task is complete. I will take my leave now. The path you choose from now is your own, but heed this warning: aggression towards any planet outside of Phumera's jurisdiction will mark the Resistance as your enemies."

With that, I departed, leaving them to contemplate their next course of action.

Stepping outside, a young Phoshetoms approached me, brimming with enthusiasm. "You're that big cool guy from before! You have a lot of power. Can I have your autograph!?" he asked, his eyes glittering with excitement.

Taking in the tense atmosphere around us, I noticed the worry etched on the faces of the others, especially his parents, their expressions bordering on dread. Despite this, I knelt down to his level and obliged, signing the paper he presented to me. "You have potential," I said softly, "keep on training, but always remember to stay humble."

His eyes widened with excitement. "Yes! I'll surpass even that Null person and you someday!" he exclaimed before dashing off, leaving behind a faint sense of melancholy. I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness, knowing all too well the fate awaiting his species. With a heavy heart, I let out a final sigh before departing from the planet.

— ○ ● ○ —

Returning to the underground base, a chaotic scene caught my attention in the distance. But before I could delve deeper, Esina suddenly appeared beside me, her hand reaching out to grasp mine with unmistakable excitement.

"Aaron!" she exclaimed, her face beaming with happiness. "It's happening! The tree is changing!" she declared, her voice filled with anticipation as she eagerly led me towards the surface of the planet.

Excitement swelled within me as I realized that the long-awaited moment had finally arrived. Danu, Esina, and Ebacan had diligently monitored the tree's transformation, and now, at last, it was unfolding before our eyes.

As we emerged onto the surface, the spectacle of the tree's metamorphosis became even more apparent. Esina swiftly teleported us to a location closer to the tree, where we joined Danu and Ebacan in witnessing the awe-inspiring event.

Quickly, we joined Danu and Ebacan, and I gave Ebacan a reassuring pat on the shoulder. He grinned at me and exclaimed, "It's giving birth!"

Danu couldn't resist interjecting with a light smack, accompanied by a playful reprimand, "No, it's not... Why do you always insist on saying that?" She pouted slightly, prompting me to affectionately pat her head in consolation.

"It's alright, that's just his way," I reassured Danu before turning my attention back to the tree. "But how long has it been in this state?" I inquired, observing the ongoing transformation.

"About ten minutes. Given its immense size, the process may take a while to fully unfold, but my instincts suggest that once the transformation commences in earnest, it will progress rapidly. At the moment, it seems to be preparing itself," Danu explained, her voice tinged with anticipation and confidence in her assessment.

As we stood in anticipation for those ten minutes, a growing crowd gathered, captivated by the spectacle unfolding before their eyes. The glow surrounding the tree intensified with each passing moment, casting a mesmerizing aura around its towering form. Then, at the exact mark of ten minutes, the entire body of the tree was enveloped in a brilliant ball of light, illuminating the surrounding area in a dazzling display.

The metamorphosis continued before us, with the roots extending outward from the tree's base, delicately weaving around the surrounding structures without causing harm. Some of the roots seamlessly integrated into the existing architecture, adding a unique and enchanting touch to the surroundings.

Meanwhile, the leaves on the tree began to emit a radiant rainbow glow, bathing the area in a kaleidoscope of colors that seemed to dance in the air. The newfound tree emanated a palpable sense of light and positivity, almost reminiscent of divine energy. Even the gods standing beside me could sense the remarkable transformation, their eyes widening in astonishment.

"It's like..." Esina gasped, her hands instinctively flying to cover her mouth in shock.

"Well, I'll be damned," Ebacan muttered, removing his glasses to get a clearer view of the breathtaking scene unfolding before us.

"Aaron... this is... it's like—" Danu stuttered, struggling to find the words to convey the magnitude of what we were witnessing.

I nodded in agreement with Danu's sentiment, understanding the profound significance of the moment. "Yes, it's the birth of a new divine tree. I never imagined that the combination of those three elements would lead to this," I admitted, unable to contain my grin at the astonishing sight unfolding before us.

As the metamorphosis reached its conclusion, a powerful and expansive pulse of pink energy surged forth from the newly transformed tree, engulfing the entire planet in its radiant glow. The tree now stood twice as tall and wide as its predecessor, its roots sprawling across the surrounding towns and villages, intertwining with the buildings in a mesmerizing display of symbiosis. Colorful, rainbow-hued fruits adorned its branches, hanging tantalizingly within reach.

Using my abilities, I plucked one of the fruits from the tree and brought it to me. The three gods accompanying me stared at it intently as I took a bite. However, Danu's expression quickly shifted from awe to horror as she snatched the fruit from my hand.

"Why did you eat it!?" she exclaimed in dismay, clearly alarmed by my impulsive action.

Savoring the fruit, I gave Danu a reassuring thumbs up. "It's delicious and boosts your stamina, so it'll be useful for a variety of tasks," I explained, hoping to ease her worries.

"Hooo?" Ebacan pondered, intrigued by the information, before impulsively grabbing the fruit from Danu's hand and devouring it whole. However, his eyes widened in alarm as he started to choke on the large piece of fruit stuck in his throat.

Esina wasted no time in delivering a swift punch to his stomach, causing him to cough up the fruit with a grimace of discomfort. "...Ugh..." he grumbled, slightly wounded in pride by the experience.

"Don't be reckless, Ebacan. Aaron only took a small bite, while you tried to swallow the entire fruit, which is twice the size of an apple," scolded Esina, her tone tinged with exasperation.

Amused by the spectacle, I suggested, "Let's go check the core then." With a snap of my fingers, we were instantly transported to our destination. At the same time, I made sure to close the entrance to the tree, stating the need to inspect it for safety reasons to prevent any accidents.

Upon reaching the heart of the tree, a surprising scene unfolded before us: two small green creatures, one airborne and the other grounded, leisurely stretching and yawning. Upon noticing us, they eagerly approached, but Ebacan, unable to contain his excitement, rushed forward to greet them before anyone else.

"Oooooh! They're absolutely adorable! Come here, you little munchkins!" he exclaimed, attempting to embrace them, only to be taken aback as they evaded him and instead leapt into the arms of Danu and myself.

"What in the world!?" Ebacan exclaimed, utterly bewildered by the unforeseen turn of events.

As I cradled the creature that had come to me and Danu held the airborne one, it became clear that these endearing beings were physical embodiments of the tree itself—guardians brought to life by its transformative energy. Somehow, in its wisdom, the tree had chosen us, its "caretakers," likely due to our significant roles in its transformation. It was a peculiar coincidence that Danu and I were the ones chosen for this special bond.

"At least let me give 'em a hug," Ebacan grumbled with a pout after the animals turned him away.

I chuckled and offered the creature to him, but as he got close, it suddenly stood on its hind legs and delivered a powerful uppercut to Ebacan, sending him flying and crashing into the core. We braced ourselves for a reaction from the core, but to our relief, it just emitted a soft glow before returning to its peaceful state. However, Ebacan was still out cold, so I went to check on him.

"For a little guy, you can knock out gods from the ancient era," I marveled, impressed by the creature's unexpected strength. Upon closer inspection, I discovered that its current power rank was labeled as [Multiversal – EX], a revelation that caught me all off guard.

"Well... that does make sense," I pondered, impressed by the unexpected power exhibited by the little creature. In the following hours, we dedicated ourselves to bonding with the two endearing guardians and keeping a close watch on the core and the stability of the tree. Once we were satisfied that everything was in order, we opened up the area to the rest of the gathered crowd, and it quickly became a popular attraction.

— ○ ● ○ —

As dusk settled in, there was a palpable sense of anticipation in the air, mixed with a touch of chaos stemming from the recent events surrounding the transformation of the tree. Nevertheless, in the frenzied activity, preparations were in progress for several crucial missions, both for the Resistance and for my own pursuits.

The upcoming significant mission entailed two teams from Team [DxD] going on a covert operation to Etoce Rhirlara, with the goal of discreetly capturing Taphelis, an Ueboros member. As for my own mission, it was scheduled for a later time, focusing on investigating the potential trap set by Elanor on Raerea's planet, Stolonium.

In the company of Raerea, I contemplated who else would join our expedition, as the composition of the Slash Dog Team was still being considered. Lavinia and Suzaku had been invited to join the mission, and while they showed both eagerness and reluctance, as they also wanted to accompany me, they ultimately agreed to the invitation.

Seated in my office in Piualvan, I watched as Ravel and Yasevi entered. Ravel gave a polite wave and bow before taking her leave.

Turning my attention to Yasevi, I greeted her with a nod. "How can I help you, Yasevi? We've postponed your return to the planet until tomorrow, correct?"

Yasevi confirmed, "Yes, that's correct. However, I wished to discuss some details about my planet with you. I overheard discussions about your plans for our previous planet, and I'm curious—would it be feasible to merge the two planets, consolidating them into one and having it orbit this planet?"

Her unexpected proposition made me pause, but upon considering it, I saw its merit. "I see. Let's explore this possibility further. I can provide you with the layout of the new planet, and you can share everything you know about the old one. Together, we can collaborate to create a new one."

Yasevi readily agreed, and we delved into our discussions, exploring the potential for merging the two planets into a cohesive whole.

— ○ ● ○ —

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