Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 19 – Part 8 – The Goddess of Rejuvenation

Third Person Point of View

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The unfulfilled promise lingered like a ghost from the past, haunting her memories even though she had long departed from the world. It wasn't just about honoring commitments to old friends, but also about a love that remained unspoken and lost. In the solace of her existence, she yearned for a second chance, a shot at redemption to make that promise a reality.

If life granted her a do-over, she swore to see it through, even if it meant facing the same peril she had encountered years ago. This elusive second chance became the beacon of her desires, a chance she craved more than anything, willing to embrace it even if it meant stepping into the realm of the afterlife with a fulfilled heart. She wished for that rare opportunity to rewrite the narrative of her past.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Lost in your own world again, Esina?" inquired a man, his grin stretching from ear to ear.

Esina responded with a playful smile, only to punctuate it with a cheeky slap on the man's face. "Don't invade my personal space, fool. Remember, I'm a goddess."

Rubbing his cheek, the man grumbled, "Did that really have to happen? Sheesh."

With an undisturbed smile, Esina retorted, "Lucius Benevolentia, self-proclaimed hero with no real deeds to boast. Earn your stripes in the hero department, and maybe, just maybe, I'll reconsider your standing."

Lucius, feeling a bit indignant, pointed an accusatory finger at the goddess. "I thought gods and goddesses were supposed to be all-loving and benevolent. You're certainly not living up to that expectation!"

Maintaining her enigmatic smile, Esina remarked, "Gods and goddesses aren't cut from the same cloth. I'm one of the unconventional ones, you see?" With a swift movement, she delivered another slap to Lucius, but instead of lingering pain, he felt his cheek mend miraculously, leaving him bewildered.

"I can unleash my healing powers at will. Given that I'm accompanying a rather foolish hero on this quest, you might find my abilities quite handy, don't you think?" Esina teased, her tone filled with a mischievous laugh. "So, be mindful of how you engage with me, fufu."

Lucius, taking a cautious step back, couldn't help but shiver at the goddess's words. 'Did I make the right choice in picking her as my journey companion?' he pondered.

"Now, shall we embark on this adventure of yours?" Esina inquired, her demeanor shifting from playful to poised, ready to set forth on the unfolding journey.

— ○ ● ○ —

Throughout their journey, they gathered kindred spirits, forging an alliance that would be remembered as the Resistance—the inaugural rendition of its kind. In the course of their journey, Esina's perception of Lucius underwent a profound change.

No longer did he exhibit the foolish antics and juvenile demeanor of yore; instead, he matured with each challenge, evolving into a selfless hero whose every action reflected a profound desire for the happiness and liberation of those around him. His dedication to opposing Phumera's oppressive reign turned him into a symbol of hope.

On one victorious night, as they reveled in their triumph on a distant planet, Esina found herself seated outside, gazing at the moon of this foreign world. To her surprise, Lucius joined her, his presence silent but reassuring in the moonlit solitude.

"Heh, did you noticed my change in the couple of months? So, did your opinion of me do a complete 180?" Lucius inquired, sporting a cheeky grin.

Esina reciprocated with a smile but swiftly followed it with a slap, leaving Lucius bewildered. "Yes, it did. You've upgraded from Foolish Lucius to Slightly Less Foolish Lucius," she replied with a teasing glint in her eyes.

"What!? Come on! I've done a lot of stuff. Can't I get a cooler title or something?" Lucius protested, earning a chuckle from Esina.

"A true hero seeks nothing in return, except for the joy and well-being of the people. You, on the other hand, have been a bit too explicit about your desires. While it makes sense for our journey, a real hero would inspire people to willingly offer their support, rather than asking for it. Lucius Benevolentia, you're far from the epitome of heroism, but keep striving," Esina advised, her words carrying a mix of critique and encouragement.

"True hero or not, it's impossible!" Lucius exclaimed, collapsing onto his back. "I want to liberate everyone and make them happy, but asking for nothing in return? That's just not feasible! I need food, maybe some upgraded armor and weaponry to enhance my fighting capabilities! Heck, I wouldn't mind having more companions!" he shouted with the enthusiasm of a child, squirming around in his exuberance.

Witnessing this display, Esina swiftly intervened with a punch to his stomach, expelling the air from his lungs. "But you must persist in your pursuit of being a true hero, even if attaining it seems impossible," she declared, rising to her feet. "As long as your heart is in the right place and your intentions are pure, I believe you'll mold yourself into your own ideal hero eventually. So, don't throw in the towel, Lucius."

As Esina turned her attention back to Lucius, she realized her punch had rendered him unconscious. Flustered, she hastily scanned their surroundings and sighed, muttering, "Maybe I shouldn't have hit you so hard."

"Esina!" A woman's voice echoed from a distance, prompting Esina to turn towards the source. It was Allysa, one of their newfound companions, calling out to her.

"Allysa, what's going on?" Esina inquired, perplexed by the urgency in the woman's voice.

"Phumera just made an announcement! Where's... why is Lucius knocked out!?" Allysa exclaimed, pointing at the unconscious Lucius.

"Never mind that, let's wake him up and find out what this announcement is about," Esina suggested, brushing off the concern about Lucius for the moment.

— ○ ● ○ —

As they reached the main city and its bustling square, the entire population seemed to have congregated. Suspended above them was a holographic screen featuring Phumera, capturing the attention of every resident and member of the Resistance.

In a resolute tone, Phumera's voice echoed through the square. [I will reiterate once more,] she announced. [The Resistance must disband, and any affiliation with them must cease. If your group or planet is discovered supporting them, we will not hesitate to annihilate or forcefully conquer you. And to the Resistance, if you continue to exist, we will be forced to eliminate you.]

A vehement response erupted from a burly man in the crowd, shouting defiantly at the screen, "Bring it on, you god damn whore!!"

[I repeat, we will—] Phumera began her speech anew, casting a murmur of worry across the square as residents and members of the Resistance contemplated the impending consequences.

Lucius and the members of the Resistance exchanged glances as the tension in the crowd escalated. Before any potential drama could unfold, the planet's ruler seized Lucius by the arm.

"Shall we talk in private?" the ruler suggested.

Lucius nodded in agreement, replying, "Yeah, let's do that."

Turning to address the gathered crowd, the leader declared, "We will disclose our decision following this meeting. For those eager to hear it, please wait by my office building, as we will reveal it immediately afterward."

With those words, Lucius and his comrades followed the leader, leaving the crowd behind and heading towards the confidential confines of their office building.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon entering the room, before Lucius and his group could take their seats, Alaxana, the leader, spoke decisively, "As the ruler of this planet, I declare our continued support for the Resistance. However, it's inevitable that some individuals may become hesitant or even hostile towards your group after hearing that declaration from Phumera."

A somber air settled in the room as Lucius and his companions absorbed the weight of Alaxana's words. Stepping forward, Lucius acknowledged, "We can't change that reality; we'll have to accept it. But is there a possibility for us to depart tonight instead of waiting for the next few days? We have no intentions of disbanding, and staying put will only make us more vulnerable to targeting. It's crucial for us to stay on the move now, more than ever."

"Lucius, I observed a shortage of supplies during your recent altercation. It's wise to address this matter promptly. Ideally, we should have secured the necessary resources before the public announcement, as the current revelation might discourage potential supporters."

Lucius, maintaining composure, responded with a pragmatic outlook, "We must remain hopeful for assistance. Regardless of the quantity, any support extended would be valuable. Do not overly concern yourself if we fall short of the desired amount; every contribution is significant."

Acknowledging Lucius's perspective, Alaxana conveyed her gratitude, stating, "Understood. I will promptly instruct my team to prepare the required provisions before our deliberations conclude."

Following a unanimous agreement, Lucius and his team assumed their seats, initiating an extensive one-hour discourse on their future plans and the strategic approaches they would employ in the liberation of planets.

— ○ ● ○ —

One hour after their strategic discussions, Lucius and his companions stepped out onto the balcony. A gathering of the planet's residents awaited them, their hushed conversations filling the air. Upon spotting Lucius and Alaxana, a ripple of whispers swept through the crowd.

Alaxana, raising her arm with authority, swiftly brought the murmurs to a halt. Her gaze swept over the assembly before she addressed them, "The commitment of our support to the Resistance and the cause championed by Hero Lucius remains steadfast. If any among you holds reservations, I won't compel your allegiance. However, for those choosing to stand by them, express your solidarity now. Lucius and his team are set to depart in an hour, resolute in continuing their mission."

"Glory to Hero Lucius!!" erupted a man's enthusiastic cry from the crowd.

"Kick Phumera's ass! Screw her and her organization!!" echoed another voice, setting off a chain reaction as the fervor spread. The cheers multiplied, creating an atmosphere of unwavering support.

However, a handful chose to remain silent, their internal conflict evident. Some, bearing guilt on their faces, reluctantly turned away. They prioritized self-preservation over allegiance to the Resistance, a decision laced with a tinge of shame given their past reliance on the organization's aid. The complexity of their emotions lingered, leaving them torn between survival and gratitude.

Alaxana turned to Lucius, seeking his reaction. "Well?" she inquired.

"This is acceptable. I appreciate their support," Lucius responded, raising his arm in acknowledgement. "We'll continue in our quest, and thank you for standing with us!" His voice resonated with gratitude as he addressed the crowd, and then he turned away, striding back into the building. "We have preparations to make before our departure. Let's get to it."

His team, with Esina as the lone deity amidst mortals, expressed agreement. Esina, balancing the roles of observer and participant, silently fell in line.

— ○ ● ○ —

Lucius found himself collapsing to his knees, overcome by sorrow. The rest of the group, excluding Esina, shared in his anguish, tears streaming down their faces as they absorbed the devastating news delivered by the galactic newspaper.

[Tragedy struck! Planet Lawespiry has been completely annihilated! Will Lady Phumera's rampage end soon? Will the Resistance finally stop running away and face them? Will more planets and people need to die?] The headlines echoed the grim reality, intensifying the weight of despair.

"Alaxana...!" Lucius' cry was filled with grief and rage, his tear-stained face fixated on the newspaper. The heartbreaking news propelled the group into a profound state of mourning and raised urgent questions about the relentless pursuit of Lady Phumera and the impending threat to countless lives.

Lawespiry, the very planet Lucius and his comrades had liberated months ago, now lay in ruins. Following their departure, the group had tirelessly pursued their mission to free the universe, with Alaxana's support extending to a new spaceship provided by the Resistance, serving as their home for the past few months.

However, the bitter truth unfolded as news of the Tyrant Phumera's conquest reached them. Just a month after their departure, one of the previously liberated planets succumbed to Phumera and her formidable "Eradicators" group. This harrowing pattern persisted, a cruel cycle where planets they had once freed fell prey to the relentless advance of Lady Phumera. Some were ruthlessly reclaimed, while others faced outright destruction for daring to resist.

The echoes of their efforts reverberated in tragedy, leaving Lucius and his group grappling with the heavy toll of their battles and questioning the efficacy of their endeavors.

"Dammi it! What the hell do we do now?" Menson, the burly man known for his bold declaration months ago, voiced the collective frustration.

Esina, breaking her silence, finally spoke up. "We must persist in our current course of action," she declared. Her words hung heavy in the air, eliciting disbelief from the group.

A wave of questions flooded in. "We're not going to fight them?" Menson questioned.

"Why avoid facing them, Lady Esina?" Janice, another member of the group, inquired.

Allysa, clearly perplexed, added, "What do you mean? Shouldn't we stand up to Phumera?"

Esina, maintaining a calm demeanor, elucidated, "As long as we endure, we must remain committed to our mission. However, none of you possess the strength required to engage Phumera directly. I, as a goddess, comprehend the extent of her powers, as well as those of Yve and some of their Eradicators." Her revelation left the group in a contemplative silence, absorbing the harsh reality of their current predicament.

A moment of solemnity settled as Esina paused and directed her gaze towards Lucius. "However," she continued, "I am but a mere member and observer. Ultimately, our course of action lies in Lucius's hands. Whatever he decides, I shall follow."

All eyes in the group turned towards Lucius, who, wiping away tears, rose to his feet. With determination etched on his face, he proclaimed, "We will persist in liberating as many places as possible for the next few years. We won't confront Phumera, her Eradicators or Yve until we have amassed enough strength. Is that clear?"

Reluctant nods and murmured agreements rippled through the group. Yet, Esina, with her divine insight, recognized this moment as Lucius's turning point. In her own opinion, heroes emerged from the crucible of tragedy, evolving into resilient figures destined to become the bedrock of their world—of society as she comprehended it.

As the others contemplated the path ahead, Esina clasped her hands together in prayer. In the silence of her hopes, she envisioned a triumphant conclusion to their arduous journey, trusting that the trials they faced would forge them into the victors she aspired them to be. The narrative of Lucius's saga, she believed, was unfolding, and in the crucible of adversity, a true hero was being shaped.

— ○ ● ○ —

Years elapsed, and through persistent struggle, the Resistance evolved into a formidable force capable of standing against Phumera and her emerging Eradicators. Although the recent narrow escape from a confrontation with one of the Eradicators had left them on edge, the Resistance, resilient as ever, found respite on their current planet.

Nestled within the Abyss Deltas, their base lay concealed beneath the surface of the fourth planet, shielded from prying eyes.

Today, in a momentous declaration, Lucius addressed the gathered supporters and members of the expanded Resistance. "Today... we go to war," he announced, a resolute tone underscoring the gravity of their mission.

"I will personally confront Phumera alongside two others, while the rest of you will be organized into groups to dismantle the existing Eradicators—all eight of them," Lucius added. A hushed silence enveloped the room as he began outlining the intricate details of their battle plans. The weight of the impending conflict hung in the air, and each member of the Resistance absorbed the magnitude of their collective mission.

— ○ ● ○ —

Two minutes before their departure, Esina strolled toward one of the bathrooms, intending to playfully tease Lucius and Alyssa as they had said they were going there too. This was a testament to the camaraderie that had flourished among them in the recent years. However, as she discreetly peeked around the corner, the sight of Lucius and Alyssa sharing a kiss caught her off guard.

Surprised but ultimately pleased, Esina silently retreated, a smile gradually spreading across her face. "Fufu, it seems those two have become quite open with each other. A positive sign, considering we're heading into the final battle. Once we emerge victorious, they can finally settle down."

For Esina, this marked a turning point, a prelude to a future she believed would be brighter and more fulfilling for each member of the Resistance. The impending final battle held the promise of positive change and a chance for newfound joy and stability.

— ○ ● ○ —

As their ships touched down at designated locations in the vast expanse of the universe, Janice and Esina prepared to accompany Lucius in the battle against Phumera. The remainder of the group geared up for the daunting task of facing the Eradicators, hoping to secure victory.

"Are you both ready?" Lucius inquired, receiving determined nods from Janice and Esina. "Today... we alter the future course of our universe permanently."

Lucius's unwavering confidence emanated, casting a reassuring aura that could sway the beliefs of anyone fortunate enough to witness it. On that fateful day, they all placed their trust in him, captivated by the promise of change, unaware of the hidden truths lurking beneath the surface.

— ○ ● ○ —

Kneeling amidst the destruction, Lucius grimaced in pain, his arm lost in the destructive clash that obliterated the once-thriving planet. Janice and Esina, though heavily wounded, clung to the flicker of hope that had so often manifested as miraculous victories when Lucius was at the helm.

Above them, Phumera stood on an elevated platform, exuding an overwhelming aura of power and confidence. A communication portal materialized beside her, and a sinister smile adorned her face as she turned to face Lucius's battered group.

A disconcerting laughter echoed as Phumera spoke, her disappointment evident. "Many claim you could rival my strength, Lucius. You have deeply disappointed me."

"I matched you a few years ago! I nearly beat you!" Lucius retorted, his words laced with determination as he struggled to steady his breathing amidst the wreckage of the once vibrant planet.

Phumera's voice carried a venomous hiss as she addressed Lucius, "You failed to recognize that I held back. I wished to question your motives and persuade you to join me, ensuring the survival of your comrades. But alas, you refused, and here we stand now."

Defiantly, Lucius retorted, "My friends and comrades are powerful! They've surely defeated some of your Eradicators. We even escaped a confrontation with them not too long ago!" As he spoke, he rose shakily, having been healed by both Esina and Janice.

A sinister smile stretched across Phumera's face, intensifying as she conjured a portal beside her, making all their faces pale. "These comrades of yours," she remarked, her tone dripping with ominous implications. The portal revealed a sight that left Lucius and his companions frozen in dread.

In the chilling live footage within the portal, Lucius and his companions witnessed the gruesome fate of their comrades, individuals they had interacted with just an hour ago. The scenes were harrowing—lifeless bodies, some mangled or torn into pieces, while others had their heads impaled on sharp poles, a cruel display in the conquered planets.

Phumera, reveling in the agony she inflicted, addressed Lucius with a sadistic question, "That reminds me... you were quite fond of this woman, weren't you?" The footage shifted, revealing Alyssa's head severed from her body, grotesquely displayed on a sharp pole.

Behind him, Janice gasped in horror, witnessing the brutal end of her friends. She was the first to react, attempting to leave her spot. However, before she could move, Phumera's smile returned, and with a sinister twist, Janice exploded, her blood and entrails spraying and splattering in a gruesome display.

A cascade of despair enveloped Lucius, the once-present smile vanishing even in the face of countless defeats. Rage surged through his body, fueling his powers to unprecedented heights.

"Phumeraaaaaaaaa!!!!!!" His anguished roar echoed through the void as he charged towards her, leaving destruction in his wake. The remnants of the already ravaged planet crumbled further, a testament to the ferocity of Lucius's unleashed wrath.

No matter the power or ability Lucius demonstrated, each move against Phumera was met with a disheartening futility. In an eerie spectacle, injuries inflicted upon Phumera seemed to be erased from existence, and the abilities he used dissipated as if they never existed. His defensive maneuvers proved equally futile, turning his own powers into instruments of harm, deepening the wounds he suffered.

Esina, a silent witness to the relentless struggle, attempted in vain to channel her divine healing powers. However, to her dismay, the divine power refused to work, leaving her on her knees, tears tracing the contours of her anguished expression.

The hope she had seen, the flicker of happiness just out of reach, crumbled before her eyes, replaced by a harrowing display of despair. The battle unfolded as a heart-wrenching testament to the limits of their strength and the cruel reality they faced.

Phumera's attention shifted suddenly to Esina, a malevolent smile etched on her face. In a swift and heart-wrenching motion, she impaled Lucius through his chest, abruptly halting his assault. The young man, now grievously injured, coughed up blood in a desperate attempt to respond.

"Damn you, I will—" Lucius began, his voice filled with defiance.

"I and Master Magnum Tenebrosum are the beginning and the end—nothing will stand in our way in conquering everything," Phumera announced with a chilling proclamation.

Before Lucius could retaliate, she injected his body with her power, causing it to erupt in a gruesome explosion. Blood and entrails scattered in a gruesome display, leaving Esina, still on her knees, to witness the devastating end of their valiant leader.

Phumera approached Esina, who remained paralyzed with shock. Gently tilting Esina's chin upward with a finger, Phumera delivered a chilling declaration, "I plan on eradicating all deities in our universe. However, I will spare a select few, utilizing their bodies, souls, and powers as fuel sources. I can still see some use in them after all, and that includes you, Esina."

"Why?" Esina questioned, her tears flowing more freely.

"We aim to overthrow Azathoth and become the true rulers of the omniverse. Magnum Tenebrosum has always harbored a disdain for the Dreamer, as they remain perpetually neutral to everything. The Omniverse is their home, their kingdom, yet they do nothing with it. Once we eliminate Azathoth, we will seize control and rule in our way," Phumera explained, revealing the grandiose ambition behind their ruthless conquest. The magnitude of the threat and the despair for the future of the omniverse sank deeper, leaving Esina to grapple with the horrifying reality unfolding before her.

"So you don't have an actual reason? You simply want to rule over everyone because you want to?" Esina inquired, her voice tinged with both sorrow and disbelief.

"Mere mortals wouldn't understand, but as a goddess, I thought you would at least comprehend our reasoning. Alas, you don't. It's quite unfortunate," Phumera replied, maintaining a sinister smile. The lack of clarity behind their motivations left Esina grappling with the senselessness of the unfolding chaos. Phumera's cryptic words about having a plan for her only deepened the uncertainty, casting a foreboding shadow over Esina's fate.

"...We may never see each other again, Esina. But if I or Master Magnum Tenebrosum ever feel like seeing you again, we may revive you," declared Phumera with an ominous finality. Without hesitation, she thrust her free hand into Esina's stomach, tearing out her soul from her body.

Creating a large green cube, Phumera stored Esina's soul within it. As Esina's body began to rapidly decay, Phumera manipulated time with her limited abilities, restoring it to its former state and placing it under stasis.

"I'll have two uses for your body and soul in the future. I've already chosen the planet. JJ-IJ7-Clukrum. It's a mouthful, so how about," Phumera paused for a brief moment, then proposed, "Viriterra Remetura. It's a play on the old language—meaning Verdant Miracles. Quite fitting for you, isn't it?" The words hung heavy in the air, marking the beginning of an uncertain fate for Esina and the ominous plans Phumera had laid out for her.

— ○ ● ○ —

Thousands of years passed, and Esina's soul lay dormant in its slumber, patiently waiting for the winds of fate to shift once more. Her yearning persisted, fueled by the desire to fulfill the promise she made to her friends, for her fallen comrades, and for Lucius, who had envisioned a peace more than anyone.

Lucius's words echoed in her mind, an indelible imprint that refused to fade away. 'Even if some people don't like the peace we want, I believe it's the right course of action. One day, I want everyone to remember those words I'll say when we finally achieve it.' The weight of those words bore down on her soul, a constant reminder of the unwavering vision that had driven them forward.

One day, she fervently hoped, that vision would come true. Not just for herself or her universe but for everyone—universal, no, multiversal peace. Esina's slumber endured, holding onto the possibility that one day, the dream they had fought for would materialize into a reality that transcended the boundaries of their existence.

...And then, in front of Esina, something inexplicably "cracked," marking the moment where her life began anew.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Uryaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!" echoed Zhang Mei's triumphant cry as they vanquished the final foe on the third floor. The group navigated the fourth floor unscathed, sidestepping any encounters with the remaining members of the Abstion Purgers.

However, the third floor presented a tougher challenge with even more powerful enemies sporting advanced gear. Despite their victories, a lingering sense of inadequacy clung to the group, particularly in Specion's eyes.

Liang Meiying turned to Specion, curiosity etched on her face, and inquired, "Who are the remaining members of the Abstion Purgers?"

Specion pondered momentarily before responding, "Excluding Baxicara herself, we've got Bhesla, Vihila, and Yoko. Typically, Bhesla patrols the fourth and third floors, so it's likely we'll face her beyond that door ahead. If our luck holds, Vihila and Yoko will be waiting on the first floor, and Baxicara is probably biding her time at the vault door where the goddess's soul resides."

"Alright, let's wrap this up!" Zhang Mei declared, delivering a powerful kick that sent the massive metallic door flying off its hinges.

Standing before them was a woman with flowing gray hair tied into a ponytail, her red eyes piercing the room. A green headband adorned with purple protrusions adorned her forehead, showcasing a distinctive diamond-shaped tattoo.

She donned a provocative purple and black dress with thorny accents by her thighs, complemented by black and golden tights paired with sleek black heels. Vibrant butterfly wings of various hues fluttered behind her, while she gripped a mysterious, grimoire-like item in her hand.

"Well, well, if it isn't true. Little Specion went behind our backs and joined the Resistance. I never would have thought it, considering how dedicated you seemed to Lord Abysnar and Lady Phumera," remarked the woman with a mix of surprise and disdain.

Specion chimed in, providing some context, "That's Bhesla for you. She specializes in poisons oozing from her body and wings. Moreover, she's got a knack for inducing sleep with them, not to mention her mastery over thorn and vine manipulation. Oh, and that peculiar item in her hands? An artifact of her own creation. We're still unraveling its full range of powers."

"Aw, cut it out with the praise; you're making me blush," Bhesla retorted playfully, feigning embarrassment. She extended her right arm towards them, commanding, "I'll make this quick, go to sleep." In response, small butterflies materialized around her, darting towards Zhang Mei's group.

"I'll—" began one of the team members.

However, Tiamat interjected, "Leave it to me. I want to get this done soon." Stepping forward, she extended her hand and unleashed a spiraling blaze of blue fiery energy, annihilating the butterflies and neutralizing their toxic payload. The display left Bhesla momentarily stunned.

"...Hmph, not bad, but you're not that strong. I can sense—"

"Silence, you heathen. Speak with your powers, not with your words," Tiamat declared, seemingly blinking into existence behind Bhesla with an air of undeniable authority.

Enveloped in the azure flames, Tiamat thrust her arms forward, slamming them into Bhesla's back and sending her reeling. Yet, Tiamat wasted no time, instantly appearing above Bhesla with her leg poised for a devastating strike that connected, forcing the woman to cough up blood.

However, to Tiamat's astonishment, Bhesla abruptly vanished only to reappear at a safe distance, laughing triumphantly. "You... touched my back and wings; now you're infected by my poison! Now sleep!" Bhesla declared dramatically, pointing at Tiamat, who maintained a stoic and expressionless demeanor despite the impending threat.

After a tense few seconds, nothing transpired, leaving Bhesla bewildered. Frantically, she continued attempting to unleash her powers on Tiamat, but to her dismay, nothing activated or worked, plunging her further into confusion.

In the blink of an eye, Tiamat reappeared behind Bhesla, asserting, "We're immune, so quit your stupid display." Swiftly, she seized Bhesla's left arm, tearing it from her body. Following this gruesome act, Tiamat delivered a point-blank breath attack, obliterating that side of the room in a spectacular display of power.

As the onslaught ceased, the aftermath revealed Bhesla, who had absorbed the entire attack head-on. Her body bore the scars of the intense attack, covered in burns, with her chest and half of her face charred. Gasping for breath, she raised her remaining arm in a display of resilience, screaming through the pain.

From the ground, an array of vines and roots adorned with thorns emerged, snaking their way towards Tiamat. Shrouded in darkness, these tendrils were typically accompanied by Bhesla's poisonous power. However, having acknowledged their immunity, Bhesla abandoned the notion of poisoning them.

In response, Tiamat wordlessly summoned her azure flames, enveloping her body as she calmly advanced towards the approaching thorns and vines. Upon contact, the dark-infused vegetation disintegrated, leaving Bhesla once again stupefied by the resilience of her enemies.

With swift precision, Tiamat closed the distance between them, thrusting her arm into Bhesla's chest and seizing her heart, crushing it mercilessly. Bhesla's life was extinguished in an instant, and Tiamat nonchalantly pushed the lifeless body away before reducing it to ashes with her azure flames. After a brief cleanup, she returned to her group.

"As expected of the strongest Dragon King. Watching her ruthlessly dismantle her opponent up close is quite a spectacle," remarked Elsha, a hint of pride in her tone.

"Was it ever confirmed that she's the strongest?" inquired Quan Xiuying.

"No, but among the current active five, I'd say Tiamat edges out as slightly more powerful than Vritra, who Genshirou Saji has as a Sacred Gear. Following that, it's Midgardsormr, based on sheer size, then Fafnir, and finally Yu-Long, judging by his performance in the International Rating Games," explained Elsha with a confident assessment of the Dragon Kings' hierarchy.

"Let's get going," declared Tiamat, enveloping her arm in touki before slamming it into the ground, obliterating the floor and compelling them to descend to the second level.

Specion, her hand on her face, remarked, "You really don't favor the conventional approach, do you?"

"It's a speedrun!" Zhang Mei exclaimed enthusiastically as they touched down on the second floor. "Anyway, time to clear this place out!"

Specion interjected, "No need. Since they know we're coming, they've likely relocated all personnel and fighters to the first floor. But if you want to explore, go ahead."

"Then I'll go," decided Quan Xinyue before disappearing from sight.

"Me too! Tiamat, get that fist ready to punch the ground when we get back!" commanded Zhang Mei, and Tiamat nodded in agreement, preparing for their return.

Approximately two minutes later, Quan Xinyue and Zhang Mei returned, each carrying sizable objects that left their teammates bewildered and Specion in a state of shock.

"W-why would you get those!?" Specion exclaimed, still taken aback. "Put them down gently! Reckless handling could trigger an explosion, wiping out the entire surface of the planet!"

Quan Xinyue and Zhang Mei exchanged glances, seemingly unfazed by Specion's warning. Without a word, they nonchalantly stored the objects in their rings, prompting Specion to facepalm and emit an audible sigh while simultaneously groaning. In Specion's mind, the realization settled that managing this unpredictable alliance would pose a considerable challenge.

Before she could delve further into her thoughts, Tiamat shattered the ground beneath them. As they descended, a multitude of weapons pointed at them greeted their sight. Reacting swiftly, Zhang Mei commanded, "Team, wipe them out!" In an instant, the entire team vanished, leaving Specion as the sole figure to land gracefully on the ground. The aftermath unfolded with a gruesome spectacle as blood, bones, and entrails scattered in every direction.

'Are they wild animals or something?' Specion pondered, surveying the aftermath of the carnage around her before shaking her head. Once the initial slaughter concluded, she directed the team, saying, "Follow me. It's not too far, and the first floor isn't as large as the others. They designed it this way to limit hiding places for any enemies who managed to descend this far."

As they navigated the first and final floor, they encountered numerous foes, easily dispatching them. Yet, in the distance, three powerful auras caught their attention, sparking excitement in Zhang Mei.

"What can you tell us about the last three? Knowing their fighting style may make it easier; otherwise, we'll just brute force it like usual," inquired Tiamat, seeking valuable information for their impending confrontation.

"Indeed, as you're well aware, the utilization of poisons is not uncommon among our ranks. However, it's important to note that both Yoko and Vihila tend to favor a more direct approach, relying on their weapons in the heat of battle. One might argue that their combat style exudes a certain sense of 'honor' within the team dynamics," Specion shared, her tone contemplative. "A newcomer, V, had recently joined the team, though her current whereabouts remained unknown."

"Vihila, a practitioner of the sword, and Yoko, wielding a scythe, exhibit a distinctive combat philosophy. They skillfully infuse their weapons with their poisons, occasionally using unique techniques to maximize their effectiveness. Despite the apparent fairness and honor showcased in their fights, the ultimate outcome for their enemies is inevitably sealed by the lethal toxins they employ," Specion continued, providing a nuanced perspective.

Their short journey led them to a large metallic door. Quan Xinyue and Zhang Mei, displaying their strength, simultaneously delivered powerful kicks that shattered the door into countless fragments. Beyond the breach lay a room occupied by two figures, awaiting them.

Yoko, the female warrior with cascading purple locks, foxlike ears, and mesmerizing purple eyes, donned an ensemble of black—a jacket, skirt, and knee-high boots. A majestic fox tail trailed behind her, and clutched in her hands was a large black scythe, adorned with a luminous purple crystal at its apex.

In stark contrast, Vihila presented a more imposing figure, clad in sleek black armor, complemented by gray pants and a voluminous black furry coat. His helmet, reminiscent of a fearsome dog or wolf, featured glowing red eye sockets. By his side, a pair of swords stood ready for action. Both Yoko and Vihila directed their attention to the group, surrounded by a cohort of personal guards and mercenaries.

"I'll take on Vihila since he uses swords," declared Zhang Mei, a note of excitement in her voice.

Liang Meiying promptly volunteered to join the fray alongside Zhang Mei, a gesture that received no objection. "I shall stand by your side in this battle," affirmed Liang Meiying.

"Then, Elsha and I will confront the youkai woman. The remainder of our forces, handle the surrounding enemies," commanded Tiamat with authoritative decisiveness. The team unanimously agreed to the distribution of roles. "Specion, advance towards the door and facilitate our entry; we will provide the necessary support."

"Understood," acknowledged Specion, her focus already shifting toward the metallic door as the impending battle was about to unfold around her.

With determined resolve, Zhang Mei and Liang Meiying surged forward, closing the distance between them and their enemy. Vihila, their chosen opponent, unsheathed both of his swords, imbuing them with an ominous darkness and a pulsating red energy. In a swift motion, he lunged towards the two women, slashing his sword downward.

However, Zhang Mei and Liang Meiying displayed remarkable agility, effortlessly vaulting over Vihila's attack. A quick glance backward revealed an empty space where Vihila had stood just moments ago. Their surprise turned to concern as they refocused on their opponent, only to find him mysteriously back in his original position, the energies surrounding his blades now intensified.

"Was that an illusion?" Zhang Mei questioned, a tinge of frustration in her voice. Anticipating the impending clash, both she and Liang Meiying infused their own blades with distinctive auras, readying themselves for the impending confrontation with the enigmatic armored warrior.

With both swords held horizontally above his shoulders, Vihila executed a seamless circular swing, propelling two air-compressed projectiles hurtling toward Zhang Mei and Liang Meiying. The projectiles transformed into menacing black and red slashes as they closed in on the agile duo.

In a synchronized response, Zhang Mei and Liang Meiying countered with a surge of their own aura-infused attacks. The clash between opposing forces created a dazzling explosion in the air, a manifestation of the raw power colliding between them. In the aftermath, the two women skillfully landed behind Vihila.

Undeterred, Zhang Mei charged headlong at Vihila, her excitement evident in her swift movements. Meanwhile, Liang Meiying strategically hung back, quickly deploying her invisible lines in an attempt to attach it to Vihila.

As Zhang Mei closed the distance, she unleashed a forceful horizontal slash with her blade, aiming directly at Vihila. The clash between their weapons sent shockwaves rippling through the air, scattering mercenaries in the vicinity. Zhang Mei couldn't help but smile at the spectacle of power she and Vihila were unleashing.

Curiosity gnawed at her, prompting Zhang Mei to question Vihila's motives. "Why are you doing this?" she inquired, seeking to unravel the enigma that surrounded their opponent.

In response, Vihila, mid-combat, offered a cryptic explanation. "It's a job, and I owe Baxicara a favor beyond words. Even if I detest this, my debt to her compels me to fulfill it."

Baffled by his response, Zhang Mei found herself momentarily pushed away by Vihila's counterattack. In retaliation, he unleashed a barrage of countless aura slashes, forcing Zhang Mei to swiftly dance and slice through them with precision. Undeterred, she enveloped her body in a protective aura and gracefully ascended into the air.

A predatory gleam sparkled in Zhang Mei's eyes as she licked her lips, a prelude to a surge of intensified aura enveloping her sword. Gripping the weapon firmly with both hands, she executed an overwhelming downward swing, unleashing a manifestation of power in the form of a silver and golden Western dragon head hurtling towards Vihila.

Caught off guard by the quick and powerful attack, Vihila reacted with reflexively, infusing his own blades with heightened energy that materialized into wolf heads. The dual wolf heads swung fiercely in an attempt to counter Zhang Mei's advancing attack.

A cacophony of clashing energies ensued, but it became evident that Zhang Mei's attack held superior strength. Her dragon-headed aura overwhelmed Vihila's defense, obliterating the wolf-headed attacks and enveloping the area in a powerful, circular silver explosion.

The unleashed force not only destroyed Vihila's counterattack but also proved devastating for the mercenaries in the vicinity, clearing a path and offering support to Zhang Mei's teammates in the unfolding skirmish.

In the aftermath of the explosive clash, Vihila stood battered, parts of his armor missing, and bearing the weight of severe injuries. Despite the evident toll, the determination in his stance betrayed a resolve to continue the fight. With relentless tenacity, he charged towards Zhang Mei, who met him with equal fervor.

As their blades collided once more, Zhang Mei sensed the marked difference in Vihila's strength, a testament to the impact of her earlier attack. Seizing the opportunity, she pushed him back, creating a momentary reprieve in their intense confrontation.

"Surrender now if you wish to live," Zhang Mei urged, a note of empathy in her voice. However, curiosity gripped her, and she couldn't help but inquire, "And why don't you use your poison? You guys were known for it."

In a breathless admission, Vihila revealed, "We were informed that your group is immune, so we won't bother with the poisons anymore!" The energy surrounding his body and armor surged, drawing upon his last reservoir of strength.

Suddenly, large crimson-black blades materialized from Vihila's legs. With a swift kick, he propelled them towards Zhang Mei, prompting her to agilely evade the deadly projectiles.

However, to Vihila's astonishment, Zhang Mei, her leg enveloped in a protective aura, deftly matched his kick with her own. The collision resulted in a resounding impact, causing Vihila to wince as his blades and armor disintegrated instantaneously under the overwhelming force.

Without a moment's hesitation, Zhang Mei propelled herself toward Vihila, delivering a powerful knee strike to his face, sending him reeling backward. Swiftly, she sheathed her sword and assumed a poised stance, her focus unwavering on the airborne Vihila.

With decisive move, Zhang Mei dashed towards the mid-air opponent. In a fluid motion, she drew her sword as she passed by him, swiftly landing on the ground and resheathing her weapon. "One Blade-Style: Lion's Song," she murmured under her breath, unleashing a devastating technique that sliced Vihila in half down the middle, bringing a decisive end to the intense battle.

Turning around, Zhang Mei sighed, reflecting on the effectiveness of the techniques Aaron had imparted to her. "I need to use more of those moves," she mused, a hint of satisfaction in her voice. With a respectful bow towards Vihila's lifeless form, she swiftly dashed away, her thoughts already turning to the other battles that lay ahead.

In the distance, a disheartened sigh escaped Liang Meiying's lips. "I didn't even get to do anything. Oh well, I can still use my lines on the others," she mumbled, resigned but not entirely deterred.

On the opposite end of the expansive room, Elsha and Tiamat found themselves engaged in a dance of evasion and questions with Yoko, the foxlike youkai wielding a menacing scythe. Yoko exhibited nimble footwork, gracefully sidestepping the women's attacks while maintaining an air of amusement.

Unbeknownst to her, Elsha and Tiamat deliberately held back, their focus more on extracting information than launching a full-blown attacks. Yoko, however, poured all her energy into evasive maneuvers, seemingly oblivious to their underlying intentions.

"Keep it up!" Yoko teased, leaping away and wielding her scythe with playful finesse. Elsha responded by summoning her [Boosted Gear], intercepting Yoko's swing before launching a powerful fist in her direction. Yoko, demonstrating her agility, narrowly evaded the attack, the tension in the room escalating as the intricate dance between the combatants continued.

"Take this seriously and answer our questions," demanded Tiamat, reaching for Yoko's tail. However, with agility, Yoko intercepted her own tail and leaped away.

"Oh no, I don't like fighting, and you two are being so rough!" Yoko protested, maintaining an air of playfulness amid the confrontation.

Seizing an opportunity, Elsha reappeared behind Yoko and cut to the chase, asking, "Are you from Hanazora Eien?" Without waiting for a response, she delivered a powerful blow with her red gauntlet, striking Yoko's stomach and sending her staggering.

Recovering from the impact, Yoko grimaced and questioned, "Ow...that hurt! Why did you do that?"

Elsha responded with a deadpan expression, "It's a fight, so we hurt each other."

Yoko, displaying her playful demeanor, stuck her tongue out at Tiamat and Elsha. Twirling her scythe with an air of mischief, she teased, "I'll fight you guys for a bit. I'm guessing little Kurotsume is with you, huh?"

Taken aback by the unexpected revelation, Tiamat inquired, "Do you know her?"

"Fight now, questions later!" Yoko declared, wasting no time as she dashed towards them. In an instant, multiple clones materialized around her, and they all lunged at Tiamat and Elsha in a synchronized assault.

Reacting swiftly, Elsha conjured a small red draconic energy ball, which she propelled forward before delivering a powerful punch. The resulting multi-directional [Dragon Shot] swiftly pierced through the clones, eliminating them with precision.

Meanwhile, Tiamat opted for a more hands-on approach, using her fists to grab and crush each clone's head. The rapid succession of her movements left even Elsha momentarily taken aback, showcasing Tiamat's remarkable speed and skill in swiftly dispatching the clones.

The original Yoko, recovering from the spectacle of her defeated clones, charged towards Tiamat, swinging her scythe with fervor. Tiamat, however, intercepted the attack with swift precision, catching the scythe and locking eyes with Yoko. A moment of awkward silence passed before Yoko attempted to diffuse the tension with a hesitant smile.

"O-okay, we can tal—" Yoko's attempt at diplomacy was abruptly cut short as Tiamat delivered a powerful punch to her face, rendering her briefly unconscious. Before Yoko could fully recover, Tiamat followed up with a swift kick, sending her crashing back against the wall, concluding their brief yet intense battle.

Standing over the fallen Yoko, both Elsha and Tiamat watched as she slowly regained consciousness. To their surprise, Yoko gazed up at them with a peculiar expression and exclaimed, "M-mommies!"

Confused, Tiamat questioned, "...Mommies?"

Without missing a beat, Yoko fervently declared, "Both of you, please marry me!" She dropped to all fours, bowing deeply and even slamming her head into the ground in a gesture of profound sincerity. The unexpected proposal left both Elsha and Tiamat bewildered, grappling with the sudden turn of events in the aftermath of their intense battle.

Tiamat, adopting a stern demeanor, pressed Yoko for answers. "No. Talk. How do you know Kurotsume?" she demanded.

Yoko flinched, her tail betraying a mixture of nervousness and excitement as she explained, "W-we escaped Hanazora Eien together but got separated. I'm guessing little Kuro didn't tell you about me? Well, that's typical of her since she's pretty withdrawn and shy."

"Shy? She's quite a cheeky brat, but you're right about her being withdrawn as she doesn't speak all that much with anyone. Nevertheless, she does want to take back your planet, Hanazora Eien," Tiamat responded, revealing some insight into Kurotsume's character.

With the revelation seemingly addressed, Elsha decided to shift the focus. "Well, everything else is settled here. Let's end Baxicara and be done with it. Aaron should be done soon too," she declared, turning away and walking off. Before fully leaving, she glanced back at Yoko and added, "Oh, and my answer is no too. My heart's already taken."

— ○ ● ○ —

With the exuberance of a curious puppy, Yoko enthusiastically joined the team, playfully walking around them. As they gathered by Specion's side, Tiamat inquired about the door's unresponsiveness.

"They changed the code; I can't access it," Specion frustratingly explained. Upon noticing Yoko's presence, he questioned, "You switched sides?"

Yoko, unfazed, replied, "Yeah. Also, I don't know the code, so don't bother asking. I mean, I'm stupid!" Her declaration came with a rapid wagging of her tail, showcasing a carefree attitude

Attempting an alternative approach, Quan Xinyue stepped forward and infused her right fist with touki, delivering a powerful blow to the gigantic door. The impact sent the door off its hinges, then frozen mid-flight by her ice manipulation. Quan Xinyue leapt towards the suspended door, delivering another punch that shattered it into countless pieces.

"This…solves it?" she mumbled, tilting her head in confusion as her teammates reacted with shock, perhaps not expecting the brute force approach that Quan Xinyue effortlessly demonstrated. The unorthodox door-opening method left the team momentarily taken aback, but it undeniably got the job done.

Continuing their journey, the team encountered a grim sight—numerous green tubes filled with green water and lifeless bodies. Specion clarified that these individuals were mostly rotting and deceased, kept by Baxicara as if they were morbid trophies.

After a few minutes of walking, they reached a vast open space. At its center stood a woman, patiently awaiting their arrival. The tension in the air heightened as the team prepared for the confrontation that awaited them in the heart of Baxicara's domain.

Baxicara, adorned with a witch-like hat in deep black, embellished with gray leaves, glowing green eyes, and a mouth resembling a pumpkin, along with luminous green earphones, fixed her gaze on Zhang Mei's group.

The tension in the air erupted as Zhang Mei swiftly lunged at Baxicara, attempting to sever her head with a powerful sword swing. However, a dark green mist intercepted Zhang Mei's blade, thwarting her attack. Undeterred, Zhang Mei pulled back, eyes narrowing in response to the unexpected defense, and she leapt back to her group.

Baxicara, unfazed by the attempted attack, taunted the group. "A bit feisty, aren't we? My poisons won't work, so I won't rely on them unfortunately. But I can fight in a different way, so all of you can come at me, don't be shy."

Sensing an opportunity, Liang Meiying whispered to her teammates, "Please distract her." Employing her invisible lines, she subtly snaked them towards Baxicara, aiming to create a diversion without alerting the enemy.

Amidst the standoff, Specion seized the chance to engage Baxicara verbally. "How about you answer my questions before we start?" she proposed, attempting to gain insight.

In a surprising twist, Baxicara turned the tables, posing a question of her own. "I'd like to ask you some too. Why did you change sides? Lord Abysnar was quite fond of you, you know? He would have made you a direct subordinate eventually, maybe even after today if we came out alive," she inquired, injecting a note of curiosity into the unfolding dialogue.

"I'm done; you can end it," Liang Meiying declared, surprising Baxicara. The sudden declaration left the woman confused and momentarily off guard. Liang Meiying seemed determined to bring an abrupt conclusion to the confrontation, driven by an unspoken resolve.

"End it? Please, I'm still quite powerful," Baxicara retorted, a hint of amusement in her voice as she laughed at Liang Meiying, who had confidently stepped forward.

Specion, observing the unfolding scene, focused intently on Liang Meiying. Unaware of her abilities, she anticipated a surprising move. However, nothing could have prepared her for what happened next. Liang Meiying abruptly raised her spear and, to Specion's shock, stabbed herself through the stomach.

The unexpected act sent ripples of astonishment between Specion and Baxicara. Specion and Baxicara, watched in disbelief, trying to comprehend Liang Meiying's inexplicable and seemingly self-destructive action.

"What are you doing!?" Specion exclaimed, attempting to grab Liang Meiying, but her teammates intervened, urging her to watch in suspense.

As Liang Meiying's mysterious act unfolded, Baxicara initially burst into laughter. However, her amusement was short-lived as an inexplicable sensation gripped her stomach—a disconcerting blend of warmth and cold. The laughter faltered as Baxicara realized she was bleeding.

Caught in a moment of shock, Baxicara glanced down to see the blood, only to look back at Liang Meiying, who remained unscathed. Liang Meiying then posed a perplexing question, "If I severed my own head, I wonder what would happen to you?"

"You wouldn't—" Baxicara's protest was abruptly cut off as Liang Meiying took a drastic and shocking course of action. She slit her own throat with her spear, causing Baxicara to drop to her knees, afflicted with the same injury. Desperation etched on her face, Baxicara attempted to heal herself, only to discover that her ability failed.

In a panic, Baxicara looked back at Liang Meiying, who proceeded to sever her own arms. The once powerful woman crumpled to the ground, unable to maintain her stance. In a final, decisive act, Liang Meiying thrust her spear into her own head, simultaneously with Zhang Mei stabbing her through the heart.

The mysterious transfer of injuries took its toll, and Baxicara succumbed to the collective wounds, ending her existence in a moment of unexpected self-inflicted demise. The abrupt and perplexing turn of events left Specion stunned, struggling to comprehend the powers that Liang Meiying possessed.

"She... can bring herself back to life normally. What did you do to prevent that?" Specion questioned, a note of unease in his voice.

Liang Meiying turned to face her, providing an explanation. "I had an inkling that she may be able to do that, so I targeted her healing ability, rendering it useless. I also thought, why not go a bit further? Using my ability, I found out that her ability was tied to a specific part of her body, so I targeted that too, severing it from her, making her unable to use it."

The revelation shed light on the intricacies of Liang Meiying's strategy. By selectively targeting and nullifying specific aspects of Baxicara's abilities, Liang Meiying had effectively neutralized the threat posed by the formidable woman. Specion, still grappling with the unexpected turn of events, absorbed the information, recognizing the strategic brilliance behind Liang Meiying's seemingly strange actions.

Specion remained speechless, her gaze fixed on Liang Meiying. Thoughts raced through her mind, contemplating the depths of her strategic brilliance. 'I had a hunch that Baxicara's powers were tied to her body, unlike others which are tied to their souls. But to think she would find it out so easily... What the hell is her ability?' Specion mused, captivated by the mystery surrounding Liang Meiying's unique skills.

Breaking the silence, Tiamat took charge, burning Baxicara's lifeless body. "Anyway, now that's done," she declared, redirecting their attention. "Let's go open that vault, shall we?" Tiamat pointed towards a large vault-like door at the end of the room, signaling the final phase of their mission.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole observed the unfolding match from a distance. Initially, his intention was a swift termination of Abysnar's existence. However, with Vali joining the fray, he entrusted the responsibility to his younger sibling, allowing Vali to confront the Eradicator. The encounter seemed to be a walk in the park for Vali, who effortlessly handled the situation.

Abysnar and Vali found themselves on their sixth planet, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. The clash between them resulted in the annihilation of five planets, each confrontation inflicting significant damage on both combatants. Yet, a discernible discrepancy emerged in the toll taken on their bodies. Abysnar bore the brunt of the battle, his body marred by bruises, puncture wounds, and a conspicuously absent arm after he regrew both. In stark contrast, Vali Lucifer appeared unscathed, having seamlessly healed his previous injuries and restored his armor to pristine condition.

Intervening decisively, Aaron voiced his skepticism, "If you struggle against my younger brother, what delusion led you to believe you could contend with me?"

This remark, rather than quelling Abysnar's ire, only fueled his frustration. However, he opted not to express his anger verbally. Instead, he propelled himself toward Vali once more, initiating a close-quarters combat encounter. While their proficiency in this domain seemed evenly matched, Vali demonstrated a slight edge, leaving Abysnar bewildered given his extensive years of experience.

Launching a punch at Vali, Abysnar's attack was deftly evaded by the younger Lucifer, only for the evasion to be a feint. Abysnar's new arm assumed an uppercut position as had regrew another one, swiftly moving toward Vali. Yet, Vali adeptly blocked the incoming strike with his opposite hand, a sly smirk gracing his face. Seizing the opportunity, Vali forcefully collided his head with Abysnar's, sending the Eradicator staggering backward.

Vali's smirk persisted as he declared, "Divide."

{Divide – Maximum!!} Albion's proclamation resonated, further diminishing Abysnar's already waning power, eliciting a frustrated grumble from the Eradicator.

In an attempt to restore himself, Abysnar discovered an unexpected obstacle hindering his healing abilities. This development puzzled Vali, who had consciously refrained from employing the anti-healing and anti-regeneration capability bestowed upon him by Aaron.

"Aniki, what's going on?" Vali inquired, mirroring the confusion etched on Abysnar's face. Even the Eradicator momentarily diverted his attention towards Aaron, who calmly closed his eyes and reopened them after a brief pause.

"…Latia's group on Viriterra Remetura succeeded. They likely temporarily halted the healing items granted by the goddesses' soul on the planet after I provided them with the means to do so," Aaron explained. "Henceforth, Abysnar, you'll be engaging in combat without the luxury of regrowing your limbs. The healing abilities are off the table from this moment forward."

"Heh... I love the added challenge! Let's get to it, Vali Lucifer, younger brother of the outer god!" Abysnar exclaimed, and in an instant, both combatants vanished, leaving behind a planet that erupted in destruction mere seconds later.

Aaron shook his head as he observed the distant skirmish. The cosmic battle echoed with colossal blasts of energy and shockwaves, both Vali and Abysnar exchanging manic smiles. However, due to Vali's [Divide], Abysnar's once formidable powers had dwindled significantly, rendering him weaker than his original state.

In Aaron's calculations, Abysnar now stood at a mere Low-Tier Dragon God-class, a stark contrast to his former peak in the class and his gradual ascent towards Universal-class. Vali's strategic employment of [Divide] had effectively demoted Abysnar's power status.

Undeterred, Abysnar conjured an energy blast matching the size of the obliterated planet and hurled it towards Vali, who, in response, extended his arms, ready to counter the formidable attack.


{[[Satan Compression Divider!!!!!!!!!!!!]]}

An aura, an amalgamation of relentlessly brilliant silver and jet-black light, enveloped the space. This absolute energy caused the blast unleashed by Abysnar to compress, shrinking it into oblivion until everything surrounding it vanished into nothingness.

"What—!? What in the world is that!?" Abysnar exclaimed in shock. Before he could mount another attack, a tail shot out from Vali, piercing through space and connecting with Abysnar's arm.


The tail swiftly drained half of Abysnar's remaining stamina, channeling it directly into Vali, who absorbed the energy before retracting the appendage. Not only had Abysnar witnessed his powers diminish, but his stamina also took a significant hit, causing beads of sweat to form on his forehead. Vali seized the opportunity, delivering a powerful punch to Abysnar's face, the impact amplified by small thrusters encircling his wrist.

"Khhh!" groaned Abysnar as he was propelled into another planet. Vali wasted no time, slamming his metallic legs into Abysnar's stomach, eliciting a spurt of blood from the Eradicator.

Undeterred, Abysnar retaliated by activating one of his eyes, surprising Vali and flinging him off. Recovering swiftly, Abysnar ascended and charged toward Vali with undiminished determination, caring little for his dwindled strength. The Eradicator had abandoned all concerns about the outcome; he craved the thrill of battle, win or lose.

White and blue energy orbs materialized around Abysnar as he hurled them towards Vali. Quick on his feet, Vali employed [Reflect], redirecting the orbs back at Abysnar with precision.

Abysnar swiftly obliterated the incoming attacks with a powerful punch, showcasing the prowess of his combat skills. Unleashing another ocular ability, white spikes erupted from the planet they stood on, hurtling towards Vali. Quick to react, Vali employed [Divide], sapping the spikes of their power, and not satisfied with the reduction, he doubled down with [Divide – Maximum], further weakening the projectiles.

Vali responded with a barrage of demonic bullets, obliterating the spikes before closing the distance between them. However, as his fist surged towards Abysnar's face, an invisible force halted his punch, catching him off guard.

"Heh, I can—"

"Screw that," Vali interjected, cutting off Abysnar. The tail behind him merged with his arm, and the thrusters around his wrist expanded, breaking through the invisible barrier. Vali's enhanced fist collided with Abysnar's face, propelling him backward and causing a massive explosion that tore apart a significant portion of the planet beneath them.

Suddenly, Vali found himself under siege by sizable circular objects hurtling towards him, generating a gravitational force that ensnared everything in their proximity. Vali, determined to counter this unexpected attack, unleashed a barrage of demonic attacks. However, much to his frustration, the circular objects effortlessly absorbed his attacks.

Undeterred, Vali tirelessly experimented with various tactics, only to discover that conventional methods proved futile against these strange objects. It was only when he harnessed the power of his [Half Dimension] that he managed to gain an upper hand. By repeatedly utilizing this ability, Vali successfully diminished the size of the circular objects and drastically reduced their pulling radius, rendering them virtually impotent.

As the situation unfolded, Abysnar emerged once more from the fray, his upper torso bearing the scars of intense combat as they had been badly burned. The metallic contraption covering his mouth had succumbed to the heat, revealing a peculiar mouth adorned with an array of sharp teeth and tentacles.

"I'm far from finished, Vali Lucifer!" Abysnar bellowed, his enthusiasm undiminished despite the toll exacted on his exhausted body. Vali's relentless onslaught had drained Abysnar of his power and stamina, yet his determination burned unabated.

Closing the distance between them, Abysnar launched a forceful punch in Vali's direction, only to witness the nimble evasion of the young Lucifer. Seizing the opportunity, Vali swiftly retaliated with a devastating punch like his previous one, unleashing destructive force that wreaked havoc upon both the planet and Abysnar. Unlike before, however, Abysnar didn't recoil from the impact; instead, his body swayed in unison with the attack and the ensuing conflagration.

As the cataclysmic attack subsided, Abysnar staggered, disoriented, and attempted a weak punch aimed at Vali. Unfazed, Vali retracted his helmet, revealing a face marked by a sense of pity as he gracefully sidestepped Abysnar's weakened counterattack.

"Continuing this futile struggle would serve no purpose, Abysnar. It's time to bring this to an end," Vali declared resolutely, withdrawing his right arm and infusing it with power, preparing for a decisive punch that would spell the end of his enemy.

Vali's acknowledgment of Abysnar's latent strength was evident in his words, expressing a regretful desire for a battle at the pinnacle of Abysnar's abilities. However, the reality of the situation forced Vali to forgo that possibility.

"I had considered facing you at your peak, but things didn't turn out that way. 'That' option might have changed the scales, but the moment has passed," Vali reflected, his gaze fixed upon Abysnar with a mixture of regret and determination.

Despite Vali's mercy, Abysnar, though battered and on the brink of defeat, clung to a semblance of consciousness. Wobbling toward Vali, he muttered defiantly, "I'm not...dead yet...I can still...fight...!"

"I look forward to facing more enemies of your caliber, or perhaps even stronger," Vali exclaimed passionately, his words carrying a hint of anticipation and challenge as he unleashed his punch toward the Eradicator.

In the face of the impending strike, Abysnar couldn't suppress a wry smirk. As Vali's fist hurtled toward him, a wave of reflection swept over Abysnar. 'So, this is how it all ends, eh? It's been quite a journey. Not a bad life, though I do wish I reached my full potential,' he mused, a touch of nostalgia coloring his thoughts in the final moments of their clash.

As Vali's devastating punch reached its zenith, obliterating not only Abysnar but also fragments of the surrounding planet and distant planets, a cascade of bitter thoughts flooded Abysnar's mind. 'You bastards were utterly useless in the end too—Kyôka, Black Alice, Mard Geer. Despite my assistance in elevating you to such power levels, it's all gone to waste,' he lamented inwardly, frustration tainting his final contemplations.

In the aftermath, with the once formidable Eradicator reduced to ashes, Aaron, floating in the vastness of space, approached Vali. "Good job, you've defeated your first Eradicator. But you don't look so happy about it, why is that? Is it because you used [Divide]?" Aaron queried.

Vali nodded somberly, "Yeah. I might steer clear of using it in the future. It feels like I'm cheating since I want to fight my opponents at their strongest. I didn't even unleash the full extent of my abilities in this fight—just a glimpse. But I'll reserve [Divide] for dire situations only."

"Well, I won't outright object, but be wary, Vali. In Phumera's organization, you'll encounter individuals who might feign sincerity, much like Sairaorg. But don't let appearances deceive you. There are some genuine people in it, though they are a rare breed," Aaron cautioned.

Vali acknowledged the advice with a nod, understanding the complexities of the power dynamics within the organization. Aaron, satisfied with Vali's reception, activated his transceiver after scrutinizing Viriterra Remetura, a triumphant smile playing on his lips. [Our operation is over. Abysnar has fallen, and both planets are under our control. Commence preparations, gather your essentials. Our team will soon mobilize to Viriterra Remetura,] he relayed the directive to all the teams, signaling the successful conclusion of their operation.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

Thirty minutes elapsed since our departure from Ardvoria Deferilds, Abysnar's now-defunct planet. Acknowledging its lack of utility to our cause, the collective decision within our group was unanimous: obliteration. Within the confines of our spaceship, I found myself in the cockpit, accompanied by Cúntóir, while the rest of the crew indulged in moments of respite.

With a quick gesture, I aimed my hand at the celestial body, initiating its gradual demise. The planet began to emit a soft glow before ultimately disappearing. The choice to avoid an explosion, sparing the galaxy from potential collateral damage, was a deliberate one.

"Are you okay with this decision?" Cúntóir inquired, addressing the ethical ramifications of our chosen course of action.

"Yeah, it's fine. That place was a lawless land, and from what I gathered from everyone else after our return, maintaining a planet like that would be detrimental. Unless I personally undertook the task of reforming it, but with the number of planets already under our control, adding another would burden us further. Besides, we have Viriterra Remetura to consider, and well, let's assess the situation when we arrive," I explained, recognizing the pragmatic reasons behind our decision.

Cúntóir, wearing a smile, probed, "Have you looked into the future of Viriterra Remetura? Or perhaps, your gaze is fixed upon the goddess you'll resurrected?"

With a chuckle, I retorted, "You possess the ability to foresee the future as well, so why are you asking me that?"

"Just making sure my husband hasn't lost his mind, that's all. Alright, let's set course for Viriterra Remetura," Cúntóir declared, taking her seat as I settled into mine, with her perching comfortably on my lap.

As the spaceship charted its course toward Viriterra Remetura, the cockpit doors swung open, ushering in Vali accompanied by Genbu, Calantha, and Lavinia. The trio displayed an unusual level of admiration for Vali, with Lavinia being particularly exuberant. Vali, seemingly unfazed, promptly disentangled himself from the fawning trio.

In a surprising turn of events, Vali seized my hand, then orchestrated an impromptu handholding session between Lavinia and me before he exited the cockpit with Genbu and Calantha in tow. The abruptness of the scene prompted laughter, as the trio departed without uttering a word.

Teasingly, I turned to Lavinia, "Seems like you were spoiling him too much, huh?" Her cheeks puffed up in response, and as our attention shifted to Cúntóir, they both made room for themselves on my lap.

"I just had a call with Liina-san, updating her on Vaa-kun's achievements. She was both proud and a bit worried, but after they had their conversation, she seemed to calm down. I wanted to shower him with praise and spoil him, but Genbu-chan and Calantha-chan beat me to it. Still, I couldn't resist joining in," Lavinia explained.

"And then, he reached his embarrassment threshold and came over to escape the fuss, didn't he?" I asked, prompting a nod from Lavinia.

"...What's our plan for Viriterra Remetura, Aaron?" Lavinia inquired suddenly.

Gazing into the vastness of space before turning my attention back to Lavinia, I elucidated, "I intend to revive the goddess and merge the entire planet with her, including her old body, to bolster her power. Additionally, there's another deity who died on that planet before it underwent its transformation. Phumera and Yve ended his existence a long time ago. He'll likely decline my offer for revival, so I plan to incorporate his powers into the goddess as well. This way, we avoid accumulating yet another independent planet in our arsenal."

"Reviving a goddess... does that mean the Resistance will have its own goddess? Excluding you and the others who arrived here with Azazel," Lavinia inquired.

"Exactly. Also, she's been obscured by time, her existence forgotten, and the texts detailing her erased long ago. However, I believe we can unearth them at the Abyss Deltas, the original base of the Resistance," I responded.

"What about the others? You mentioned there were... I think two more who were alive and in hiding, right?" Lavinia queried, adjusting her position for more comfort on my lap.

Cúntóir, this time, took the initiative to respond, stating, "Indeed, there are two more. We've located them, but whether they choose to accept our offer is entirely in their hands. As for others who could potentially be revived, I can perceive three of them. Beyond that, the rest have undergone rebirth in new universes."

Lavinia squinted at me, her curiosity evident. "...How many of them are goddesses?" she pressed.

Cúntóir, her gaze still fixed on me, continued with a narrowed scrutiny, "Out of the five, excluding the one in Viriterra Remetura, two are goddesses, while the remaining three are gods. It's an even split, three and three. Considering this, I propose that we prioritize rescuing one of the gods immediately after the ongoing operation."

Curious, Lavinia inquired, "Why the urgency?"

"They're on the brink of death, utilizing every resource to prolong their existence. Surprisingly, influencing them is quite straightforward. Moreover, they strongly advocate for peace—much like 'him' in the past," Cúntóir elucidated, shedding light on the critical circumstances and the potential for aligning their cause with a god supportive of peaceful endeavors.

"I'll personally visit them. I've got their whereabouts locked down, and I reckon I can convince them into joining us effortlessly. I'll bring a few friends along, but not too many, keeping it low-key," I articulated, and Lavinia fixed a penetrating gaze on me. "...Do you want to accompany me, Lavinia?"

She responded with a beaming smile, nestling her face into my shoulder contentedly.

Cúntóir then advised, "If you plan on bringing company, limit it to three, including yourself. So, you've got room for just one more companion. It's crucial to inform them sooner rather than later; otherwise, conflicts might arise."

"Conflicts, you say? Are you referring to the vacant slots on my team for the upcoming exhibition game in the World Tournament Rating Games?" I queried, and she affirmed with a nod.

"Why haven't you made your selections, Aaron?" Lavinia chimed in, equally perplexed.

"...We're headed to Rudra and Velgrynd's world down the line, and before that, we need to wrap up our mission here and in Evie Etoulde. Not to mention the matter with Mitsuya and Kirino. In both locales, I might get approached by potential team members, even from the Central World. They might want a shot at making the cut, which is why I've held off on choosing anyone other than Lavinia as my [Queen]," I elucidated.

"Teammates hailing from different worlds would undoubtedly pique human interest. Your plan involves forging a connection between Evie Etoulde, The Central World, and Crepuscule Phantasma through the Draconic Deus. This way, in the next World Tournament, team leaders can scout talents from all four universes, correct?" inquired Cúntóir, and I responded with a grin.

"Exactly. Beyond just recruiting promising youngsters into Team [DxD] from these diverse universes, we can inject more variety into future World Tournament games. Moreover, it'll contribute to elevating the power levels across all four universes collectively, making us collectively stronger. This, in turn, will facilitate future [DxD] members in tackling multiversal missions more efficiently," I elaborated.

Our conversation delved deeper into the intricate details of my vision for the future across the four universes, unraveling the intricate ways of how events would unfold.

— ○ ● ○ —

Guided by Cúntóir, we pinpointed our landing spot, discovering it coincided with the exact location where Latia's spacecraft had touched down. Prior to our descent, we strategically expanded the landing zone to ensure a secure arrival. Evidently aware of our presence, Latia, Eliovan, and Astrid swiftly approached us upon disembarking from our ship.

"Hey there! I'm guessing you stumbled upon something intriguing? You wouldn't just drop by for a casual greeting," I playfully quipped, earning a gentle glare from Latia.

"Well, we did stumble upon something fascinating, although it appears you might already be in the loop," Eliovan responded. "What about the others?" he inquired.

"Taking a break. Just the three of us this time, so let's hit the road," I responded, and we set off.

Upon our planetary touchdown, I extended an invitation to anyone interested in joining our exploration to assemble at the entrance door. No takers emerged, and after a two-minute wait, we embarked on our journey. Of course, the offer remained open for those who might change their minds.

We navigated through captivating landscapes, traversing imposing rock formations and verdant small forests, eventually arriving at a peculiar site adorned with square-ish circular formations surrounding a colossal crystal at its center. A distinct sense of divinity emanated from the enigmatic item.

Upon our arrival, I peered into the structure, observing the remnants of what once was. A corpse lay before me, significantly decayed, with only a few sections retaining any semblance of completeness, while the rest seemed to hover in an otherworldly suspension.

"Latia might have briefed you and deduced that I intend to revive her. With that in mind, I'll require her lifeless body. But before that, I'll descend to the core to commune with her soul. My plan involves the fusion of the goddess with her new vessel, incorporating both her former body and the essence of the planet itself," I disclosed, leaving Latia, Eliovan, and Astrid in a state of bewildered contemplation.

"Why integrate her with her former body?" inquired Latia.

"The prevailing belief is that the curative powers derive solely from the goddess's soul. However, the body also plays a crucial role in sustaining these powers. Had they obliterated this body entirely, the healing effects wouldn't be as effective. In truth, if they had maintained this body in optimal condition, the restorative abilities would be even more powerful. Unfortunately, its current state of decay limits its effectiveness to its present state," I elucidated.

"What does that mean?" inquired Astrid. I proceeded to clarify that the regenerative items utilized by members of Phumera's organization originated from this goddess. Eliminating it would result in the removal of their healing abilities, except for a select few who possessed those innate capabilities since birth.

"W-wouldn't resurrecting her benefit them instead!? Wouldn't it amplify the effectiveness!?" panicked Eliovan.

"No. I'll sever the connection. Once the goddess is complete again, their healing abilities will cease. However, I intend to enhance her regenerative powers, making them even more formidable. This will provide the Resistance with a potent ally, ensuring our ultimate victory," I reassured him.

"Given that, the other groups are awaiting us down at the core. Gather around, and I'll transport us there," I instructed, subsequently condensing the sizable green crystal and securing it in my hand. As everyone assembled around me, I initiated the teleportation, whisking us away to the subterranean depths of the last planet.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon our descent, we were greeted to the sight of the rest of Latia's team, surrounded by an air of palpable frustration. Curious about the cause of their discontent, we approached, and Fusae, appearing somewhat flustered, hastened toward us.

"Aaron, Specion, one of the Abstion Purgers is facing a dilemma. We can no longer access the door. Apparently, we missed the time window, rendering the doors impenetrable. Moreover, the individual with the access key was killed earlier in the day, causing their card to melt away," Fusae elucidated.

Acknowledging the situation, I motioned for us to walk together, pondering possible solutions. "Brute force, perhaps?" I inquired.

Fusae sighed, her response laden with disappointment. "Quan Xinyue, Elsha, Tiamat, and others attempted it, but to no avail. The door exhibited an unexpected ability to absorb their powers. We explored alternative methods—magic, phasing through—but each attempt resulted in ejection."

"I'll inspect it," I declared, giving Fusae a reassuring pat on the head before briskly advancing toward a green-haired woman. "What's the issue?"

The woman, seemingly flustered, stammered, "W-well... a-are you the outer god?" Her voice resonated with a hint of familiarity, reminiscent of Specion from our earlier conversation.

"Yeah, that's me. Anyway, let me take a look," I responded, reaching out to touch the imposing vault door. Swiftly discerning the root of the problem, I found the situation rather amusing. Turning back to the woman, I questioned, "Did you even lay a finger on this? I know the others tried, but did you? How much do you comprehend about what lies beyond this door?"

She tilted her head curiously and replied, "The goddess's soul resides within it, and no, I hadn't touched it before. Why does that matter?"

"Sometimes, the strength of a person's soul or body can exert influence over a place. Similar to lingering ghosts tied to regrets or grudges in certain places," I elucidated, maintaining my hand on the door. "Perhaps you didn't notice, but this goddess harbors unfulfilled desires and was not prepared to leave this world yet."

Specion, visibly taken aback, inquired, "Are you suggesting that her powers or will are preventing us from opening this door?"

"Exactly," I affirmed. "The attacks from my companions earlier could have easily obliterated this obstacle, but her sheer willpower is keeping it firmly shut. Allow me to intervene." With that, I delved into the depths of the goddess's soul.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon my arrival, I found myself amidst apparent chaos, with two figures engaged in a fierce struggle with Phumera in the distance. To my left knelt the assumed goddess, hands clasped together in prayer.

Within moments, one of the combatants was forcefully flung towards us—a youkai, her brown hair in disarray, bearing the visible marks of a strenuous battle. Despite her injuries, she managed to heal herself. Subsequently, a man with white hair and piercing blue eyes suffered a similar fate, being hurled away.

In a startling turn of events, the youkai exploded right before my eyes, leaving me momentarily speechless. The white-haired man, undeterred, charged at Phumera only to meet his demise. As the dust settled, the surroundings underwent a drastic transformation, plunging into pitch-black darkness, while the woman to my left began to weep inconsolably.

Utilizing my [Observe], I discerned her name: "Esina." "Esina," I called out, prompting her to halt her weeping and turn toward me, visibly shocked to discover my presence.

"Who... are you?" she inquired, her distress evident. Instead of providing a direct answer, I approached her, knelt down, and gently poked her forehead, relaying pertinent details about myself and the purpose of my arrival.

Rising to my feet, I extended a hand toward her. "Let's join forces and reshape this world. Your friends wouldn't want their sacrifices to be in vain, right?" I proposed.

Still grappling with the abrupt revelation, Esina stared at me, her eyes unblinking, tears streaming down her face. "Will... you bring about peace?"

"I desire it, and I sense the same yearning in you, just as Lucius did. Join us, and together, we can turn that yearning into reality," I urged, extending an invitation for her to partake in our quest for peace.

"But we failed... what—" Esina began, her voice laden with despair.

<<Will this be enough?>> I questioned her, choosing to reveal, in part, my true nature.

Her eyes widened even further. "An... outer... god? W-why are you...?"

Dispelling the weight of such a revelation, I offered a smirk. "Details don't matter much in our current situation. Let's focus on forging a new path. The latest iteration of the Resistance is gaining momentum, and as one of its founding members, you should witness the changes it's bringing about. Let's get you a new body and shape a different now."

Despite her lingering hesitancy, I pressed on, adding, "Even if some people resist the idea of the peace we seek, I firmly believe it's the right course of action. One day, I want everyone to remember the words I'll utter when we finally achieve it." Her eyes widened in profound shock.

"So—" Before I could conclude my sentence, Esina abruptly got up to her feet, leaping toward me, catching me off guard and propelling both of us out of her soul. I had prearranged for a new body, resembling her old one, to be constructed upon our exit. While I had intended to engage in further conversation with Esina, her impromptu leap towards me proved to be an unexpected twist.

— ○ ● ○ —

Returning to the realm of reality, I found myself the center of attention. Seizing the vault door, I effortlessly tore it off its hinges and hurled it backward, sending it soaring over the accompanying [DxD] members.

The moment the doors swung open, a radiant fusion of gold and green light surged forth, accompanied by a powerful shockwave that sent everyone else sprawling backward—everyone except for me.

Emerging from the unveiled entrance was a lone figure, a woman of striking presence. Her long, blonde hair cascaded like golden silk, complementing the brightness of her blue eyes. Standing at a height comparable to Lavinia, she adorned herself in what appeared to be a nun's attire, predominantly blue and white. Adorning her neck was a cross-shaped golden necklace, signifying a certain solemnity.

Suddenly, a warm embrace enveloped my back, and upon turning around, I discovered Lavinia, her gaze sternly fixed on Esina as she approached us.

"Welcome back, Esina. How's your new body feeling?" I inquired, only to be met with a smile from Esina. Without uttering a word, she seized my collar, surprising everyone—including Lavinia—and then pulled me to her and planted a kiss on my lips.

"And there goes another one! Goooooood daaaaaaaaamnnnnn!!!" exclaimed Kanami from behind us before we heard a smack.

The momentary interlude was abruptly cut short as Lavinia pulled me away from Esina, positioning herself in front of me. "Get in line," she declared, eliciting a wide smile from Esina.

"I'll take your spot eventually," Esina retorted, igniting an unexpected rivalry with another woman.

Raising both hands, I administered soft karate chops to their heads. "Behave. We're not done yet. I need to merge Esina's old body with her, and then there's the matter of merging with the planet itself. But before we tackle the last one, I'm keen on exploring the place Göndul and her group stumbled onto."

Turning to Esina, I inquired, "Do you have any knowledge about it?" She shook her head in response.

Amidst the confusion, a voice piped up from the group, "Wait, wait, wait!! Slow down! Who's that!?"

I nodded and offered an explanation, "This is a goddess from the ancient era." However, my attempt at historical accuracy earned me a cheek pinch from Esina—evidently, she wasn't fond of being referred to as old. "She was alongside Lucius Benevolentia, the original leader of the first Resistance. You could say she's one of the founding members. Now that she's back among the living, please extend a warm welcome," I urged, fostering an understanding among the group.

Immediately afterward, particularly those who were natives of this universe, swarmed around Esina. Lavinia and I found ourselves pushed aside, but we didn't mind. The group bombarded Esina with numerous questions, and she seemed delighted to provide them with answers.

Turning our attention to Göndul's group, I addressed them, "Can you guide us to the location you discovered? And you must be V and Edlion, correct? Let's work together moving forward—well, at least with Edlion. How about you, V?"

V, the woman in a qipao, fixed her gaze on me and then averted it, pondering my question. After briefly observing the group surrounding Esina, she turned back to me. "I'll accept, but I'd like a unique role within the Resistance. Also, I have a favor to ask of you," she requested.

"Unique role? Let's hear your proposal, and what favor would you like?" I inquired. Lavinia, meanwhile, tightened her grip on my arm, casting a suspicious gaze at V, who nervously laughed in response.

V knelt down on one knee, bowing her head, and uttered, "Please give me a new name. I don't have one, and I was designated as 'V' by the Abstion Purgers. I've used false names before, but I'd like to discard my original name, as it brings unpleasant memories."

As V shared her request, recollections of Rias and Shirone's predicaments flashed through my mind. While I didn't need much time to contemplate the situation, I acknowledged that I lacked a complete understanding of her circumstances. Perhaps, learning more about her past and the reason behind her desire for a new name would provide the insight needed to persuade her. Until then, uncertainty lingered about whether persuasion would be possible or necessary.

"Alright, let's settle on Amina," I conveyed to her, observing the spark of interest in her eyes upon hearing the name. "In our universe, it carries diverse connotations, often synonymous with attributes like reliability and trustworthiness," I elucidated. Her reaction was a mix of surprise and curiosity as she fixed her gaze on me.

Extending my hand towards her, she willingly accepted, and I proceeded to bestow upon her the identical insignia bestowed upon Jalahad and Muyette. "So, let's work together from now on, Amina."

"Yes and thank you very much," Amina responded gracefully, offering a courteous bow.

Curiosity burning within me, I inquired, "Regarding your role from earlier, what does it involve?" Before Amina could articulate her response, Göndul interjected, diverting my attention from the pending answer.

"Let us leave now Aaron. You want to explore that place, right? Let's not keep things waiting," Göndul asserted, seizing my hand. In the background, Rossweisse's distant cry of "Aaaahhh!" resonated. In an instant, Göndul spirited me away, leaving the others behind. Even Lavinia, excluded from the teleportation, wore an expression of astonishment.

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