Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 19 – Part 7 – The Abstion Purgers

Third Person Point of View

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Zhang Mei's party navigated the labyrinthine depths, steadily descending a level at a time. Surprisingly, not a single Abstion Purger had crossed their path thus far. On the fifth level, the enemies became more powerful, wielding slightly different gear, but they still posed little challenge to the seasoned group.

Upon entering yet another room on the fifth level, a menacing yellow toxic cloud loomed, targeting Zhang Mei's team. Stepping forward protectively, Oleander, a member of Roygun's peerage, extended his hand, unleashing a toxic gas of his own that collided with the oncoming poisonous haze.

"So, we finally got company? Took them long enough," Elsha queried, the group pausing as the toxic gases dissipated, revealing a lone figure before them.

The man sported short green hair, yellow eyes, brown skin, and donned a gray tank top paired with black, skin-tight pants. Completing his ensemble were long black boots, and various accessories adorned his neck and arms.

"I call dibs on the first round! I get to take them on!" the man declared, his voice echoing through a small portal. A distant, irate response followed, but the portal swiftly vanished.

"Hey there, intruders! I'm Genron, proud member of the Abstion Purgers, and I'm here to end you all!" he proclaimed, stomping his foot into the ground. Countless petioles and leaves shot up from the earth, hurtling toward Zhang Mei's group with malicious intent.

In response, a torrent of flames erupted from Zhang Mei's flank, annihilating the oncoming petioles and leaves. The fiery assault extended towards Genron, who chuckled and skillfully leaped away, deftly evading the attack and landing at a safe distance from the group.

"Let's get rid of him quickly; I can't stand his type," declared Tiamat, taking a step forward. She, responsible for the earlier fiery attack, fixed a piercing glare on Genron, who smirked defiantly in return.

"I'm not as weak as you think, lady. I can—" Genron began before being caught off guard. Tiamat, in a blink of an eye, appeared beside him. Focusing her energy into her fist, she delivered a powerful blow to Genron's side.

As Genron soared through the air, Tiamat sensed an oddity. 'That felt softer than expected,' she pondered, eyeing Genron, who had landed back on the ground. To her surprise, dense leaves and petioles had manifested on the side she had struck, forming a protective barrier or armor around Genron. 'It does that automatically?' Tiamat wondered, intrigued by the unexpected defense mechanism.

"Damn, you're—" Once again, Genron found himself unable to finish his sentence as Elsha appeared behind him, launching a punch at his back. Swiftly evading, Genron began to taunt her, but before he could gloat, Zhang Mei appeared on his other side, swinging her sword in a sweeping arc that cleanly severed his arm.

Though her initial target had been his head, Genron managed to raise his arm in time, sacrificing it to avoid a more fatal blow. In the wake of this rapid sequence, Genron blinked away, leaving behind only a small leaf. Zhang Mei and Elsha leaped back, evading the ensuing explosion that left a lingering cloud of green poison.

"You bitches really won't let me get a word in, huh? Are you that eager to kill me?" Genron grumbled, sounding a touch irritated.

"Mass murderers like you don't deserve anything more than what we're subjecting you to," Oleander retorted, adjusting his glasses with a steely gaze.

"You're murderers too! The Resistance kills our people as well; you don't think that's murder?" Genron retorted, conjuring weapons from leaves and petioles and unleashing them upon Zhang Mei's group.

"There's a significant difference between us," Liang Meiying shot back, her spear poised defensively against Genron's onslaught.

"That you're all weaker? Not a single iteration of the Resistance over the years has triumphed against Lady Phumera! Do you genuinely believe this 'new' one can pull it off? The initial Resistance was the strongest, all thanks to 'him'! Without him, they would have suffered even more humiliating defeats!" Genron exclaimed, a hint of disdain in his voice.

"Him? What the hell are you talking about?" Zhang Mei inquired.

Genron gazed at them incredulously, asking, "You seriously don't know who I'm talking about? Did the Resistance neglect to educate you about their 'god'? You guys really are lacking in so many departments!" he added, breaking into uncontrollable laughter.

Tiamat conjured a protective shield of flames in front of the group, swiftly incinerating Genron's attacks upon impact.

However, Genron halted his laughter, pointing at them with a smirk. "Listen closely because I'll share a little secret before I send you to your demise. His name was Lucius Benevolentia! He was known as 'The God of Hope and Joy' by the Resistance and many in our universe. That's the kind of impact he had on people, radiating hope and joy wherever he went."

Genron continued, a sly grin on his face. "He was insanely powerful, clashed with Lady Phumera multiple times, and some even dared to say he matched her strength. But here's the kicker: Lady Phumera merely restrained her power to understand Lucius's motivations. Once she discerned his reasons, she promptly killed him. That marked the beginning of the Resistance's downfall," he concluded, his smirk deepening.

"Regardless of the Resistance iteration or who supports them, they'll ultimately fail. If Lucius couldn't achieve victory with that much power, the current one stands no chance either—that's a fact," declared Genron confidently, his tone unwavering.

A heavy silence hung in the room as Zhang Mei's team processed the information. After a moment, Elsha broke the silence with a hint of amusement. "A fact? Can you say with confidence that Phumera can face an outer god head-on? Can she win against one? Defeat one? Kill one? If your answer is even a hint of 'no,' then you're living in a fantasy."

She continued, her grin widening, "My future husband happens to be an outer god, the one backing the Resistance. He's already implemented measures to counter Magnum Tenebrosum's reawakening, rendering Phumera's efforts inconsequential in the grand scheme of things." Elsha's gaze held a challenging glint as she exchanged glares with Genron.

Genron smirked triumphantly, his arm raised in a menacing gesture as he unleashed another barrage of attacks on Zhang Mei's group. This time, a familiar yellow poisonous cloud billowed out, swiftly enveloping the room.

A sinister chuckle escaped Genron's lips as Zhang Mei's group made no attempt to evade the toxic mist. "Ha! You're all stupid like I knew it! Why aren't you dodging it!?" he taunted.

Genron, always accustomed to emerging victorious in his encounters, took pride in the lethal efficacy of the poisonous cloud. The Abstion Purgers, his notorious group, had never failed when deploying their deadly arsenal of poisons, toxins, and diseases. It was a foolproof strategy, a surefire method to dispatch any enemy they encountered.

Little did Genron know, however, that every member of the Resistance on Viriterra Remetura possessed complete immunity and resistance to all forms of poisons, diseases, and toxins. In essence, his seemingly powerful poison was nothing more than a futile display against enemies who were impervious to his lethal concoctions.

Zhang Mei vanished from her position, catching Genron off guard. A sudden, searing pain shot through his remaining arm, and as he glanced down, he discovered that it, too, had been mercilessly severed. Startled, he swiftly summoned roots from the ground using his foot, fashioning a shield around him. The shield, reinforced with leaves and petioles, was meant to be an impenetrable defense.

However, all his efforts proved futile against Zhang Mei's prowess. With a single, precise swing of her blade, she dismantled his botanical barricade into minuscule fragments, leaving Genron utterly exposed. Confusion clouded his face as he grappled with the realization that his unique poison had no effect on his enemies.

In a panicked rage, he bellowed, "Why aren't you or you stupid friends dying!? Why is my poison not working!?"

Responding with a smug grin, Zhang Mei retorted, "Because we're immune, you idioooooot~!"

Zhang Mei, fueled by adrenaline, sprinted towards Genron, her sword aimed at his neck, intending to quickly end his life. Genron, displaying remarkable agility, ducked while enveloping his neck in a protective layer of vines, leaves, and petioles, accompanied by a vivid display of green and yellow energy.

Zhang Mei's sword sliced through the air, missing its target but unleashing a powerful shockwave that wreaked havoc on the surroundings. Observing the destruction, Genron leaped away, simultaneously launching sharpened and energized leaves toward Zhang Mei. Effortlessly, she deflected the onslaught, slicing through the projectiles with ease.

Anticipating a counterattack, Genron was taken aback when he saw Zhang Mei smiling at him, poised and ready with her hands firmly gripping the sword.

[Boost!] [Penetrate!]

The abrupt sound caught Genron's attention, and he swiftly turned to witness Elsha clad in her Balance Breaker armor, a crimson gauntlet hurtling towards his face. Despite Genron's attempt to defend himself, Elsha's fist quickly bypassed his guard, connecting with his face with bone-crushing force. His nose shattered, and sections of his face caved in as he was forcefully propelled backward, heading straight into the path of Zhang Mei, who poised herself for the impending strike.

To Genron's dismay, attempts to move proved futile; an inexplicable restraint gripped him. Glancing back at Zhang Mei's group, he realized the Quan sisters, Quan Xinyue and Quan Xiuying, had activated their abilities, rendering him immobilized.

"There are more of us! Even if I die, it won't—!" Genron attempted to protest, but Zhang Mei swiftly silenced him with a dismissive retort.

"Shut up already," she quipped, leaping towards him and effortlessly slicing him in half with a single fluid motion before gracefully landing back on the ground.

Quan Xiuying turned to her sister, Quan Xinyue, inquiring about her well-being, and Xinyue nodded in affirmation. "But you know, it's going to be easy to deal with them if their go-to power is ineffective against us," Quan Xiuying remarked, assessing the situation.

"I would prefer that. It's much more satisfying when we defeat them, and they realize their supposed strongest abilities are worthless," Elsha chimed in, her expression taking on a notably sadistic edge.

"Elsha, please don't do that; it's kind of creepy," Tiamat chided with a note of caution, earning a laugh from Elsha.

"Alright, let's keep going. I want to end this soon," announced Zhang Mei, her sudden proclamation confusing her teammates.

"Why?" queried Elsha as she joined Zhang Mei's side.

"N-no reason, I just want to get this done quickly and liberate the place. I mean, I want to see the goddess's soul too," explained Zhang Mei nervously, hinting at a deeper motivation behind their mission.

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Upon reaching the sixth level and navigating through a labyrinth of hallways and rooms, the group found themselves in a new, expansive chamber reminiscent of their encounter with Genron. To their surprise, they stumbled upon another member of the Abstion Purgers.

"Hmm? Oh! Spec-Spec, did you become their hostage?" the woman inquired with a casual tone. She sported vibrant green hair fashioned into twin drill tails, yellow eyes, and adorned a witch's hat crowned with cat ears. Her attire consisted of a daring black dress that left little to the imagination, complemented by a matching black skirt, tights, and heels. A conspicuous black tail protruded from behind her.

Standing beside her was a young boy, approximately 5'8" in height, with neatly cropped black hair and dull red eyes. He wore humble peasant clothing, and a sword was strapped to his back, hinting at his combat readiness.

"That woman is Hihiraki, and the boy beside her is her loyal servant and boytoy, Binlin. She can use your magic, as she studied it in a different universe and has incorporated her poison and toxins into her darkness manipulation. Be careful," Specion cautioned, providing vital information about the new enemy they were facing.

"Let's get this done!" exclaimed Zhang Mei, determined as she dashed toward Hihiraki. With a swift motion, she swung her sword towards her opponent, only to be surprised when Binlin appeared in front of Hihiraki, skillfully blocking the strike with his own sword.

Finding herself unexpectedly faced with Binlin, Zhang Mei's excitement peaked. Eager for a match against an opponent skilled with a sword, she declared, "Let's fight!" Binlin, though silent, conveyed his agreement through a gleam of excitement in his eyes. The two combatants swiftly vanished into the distance, embarking on a fierce battle of blades.

"What did you mean by that, Spec-Spec?" Hihiraki inquired, conjuring a broom and taking flight. Dark tendrils squirmed and wriggled beneath her, signaling an impending confrontation that put Zhang Mei's group on edge.

"I'm part of the Resistance now, I'd rather win and live," Specion nervously replied. The weight of her allegiance to the Resistance, underscored by the insignia she received from Aaron, added an extra layer of urgency. A solitary droplet of sweat rolled down her cheek as the tension in the room escalated.

"Baxicara and Lord Abysnar aren't going to be happy about that, you know? If they find out you betrayed them, they'll punish you, or even kill you~!" exclaimed Hihiraki cheerfully, her tone carrying a twisted sense of delight.

"They can't win against an outer god, so I'm fine," Specion replied, her voice tinged with nervousness. "I will help with this fight. Hihiraki isn't immune to her own abilities; she just has a high tolerance. If I use mine, we can slowly defeat her that way. Or you guys can handle her in your own way."

"Then slyly use it; we'll handle her in our own way—oh, hold on, Quan Xinyue!" exclaimed Liang Meiying, observing Quan Xinyue sprinting toward Hihiraki.

"Looks like someone took the bait? Fufu, prepare to meet your end stupid girl~!" Hihiraki declared as her tendrils of darkness shot toward Quan Xinyue. However, they abruptly froze upon reaching arms' length, leaving Hihiraki astonished.

Attempting to free her tentacles from their icy restraints proved futile for Hihiraki, who clicked her tongue in frustration. Undeterred, she conjured more tentacles, amalgamating them into larger forms before launching them at Quan Xinyue, now engulfed in jet-black flames.

Despite the inferno, Quan Xinyue's ice held firm, even freezing the very flames that cloaked the tentacles. This unexpected resilience left Hihiraki dumbfounded. She ascended higher in the room, exclaiming, "What's with that ice? Seriously, it's becoming quite the nuisance~"

Thrusting her foot forward and stomping on the ground, Quan Xinyue summoned ice humanoid apparitions encircling Hihiraki—four spectral entities that unleashed a barrage of diverse ice attacks. Hihiraki swiftly countered with her tentacles, wearing a frown. However, her vexation escalated as she realized her own tendrils were succumbing to the freezing effects.

Not one to endure defeat, Hihiraki promptly teleported away, emitting a frustrated sigh. "Irritating, incredibly irritating. Why isn't everything going in my favor? It usually does. It's that pesky Resistance causing the interference. I detest them, despise them—they should just die, die, die," she muttered incessantly, her eyes turning bloodshot in the process.

"Why is she muttering to herself like that?" Elsha questioned, observing the skirmish from a distance as Quan Xiuying hurried toward her sister to offer assistance.

"She has a tendency to get infuriated easily, though she isn't physically robust, so she refrains from direct confrontation. Instead, she vents her frustration by whispering to herself. Oddly enough, her powers tend to amplify the angrier she becomes," elucidated Specion.

Elsha nodded in understanding and conveyed the specifics to the Quan sisters, receiving a crisp "Roger" from them before resuming their battle. Meanwhile, Tiamat, concerned about Zhang Mei, took a step towards her.

"What about Zhang Mei? Will she be alright? That boy, Binlin, right? How's he faring?" inquired Tiamat, her gaze shifting in the direction of Zhang Mei.

"I'd suggest refraining from intervening with Zhang Mei. Binlin specializes in facing groups of individuals. His ability allows him to amplify his power, enabling him to match and even surpass groups. Engaging him in one-on-one combat is more favorable," Specion explained.

Tiamat halted her advance, opting to observe the ongoing clash between Binlin and Zhang Mei instead of joining the fray. Intrigued, she inquired further, "Hey, are they related in any way? What did you mean by Binlin being her boytoy?"

"Binlin hails from the planet Fengyun Fudi, while Hihiraki originated from Hanazora Eien. Both departed their home planets in pursuit of their own paths and eventually found themselves aligning with the leaders of their respective planets. Hihiraki became a subordinate under the command of Asisvud, the 14th Rank Eradicator, while Binlin served under the 4th Rank Virion Deamonne," Specion detailed as she attentively observed the ongoing battles.

"At some point, both leaders brought Binlin and Hihiraki to a meeting for reasons unbeknownst to me. All I can recount from there is that Lord Abysnar provoked them, engaged in a duel, and emerged victorious, compelling them to join his group instead. Somehow, in her twisted logic, Hihiraki blamed Binlin for their predicament and subjected him to abuse after defeating him in a duel upon their arrival here. She coerced him into an oath, and he's bound by it, unable to break free," Specion further explained.

"So, she's essentially subjecting him to abuse now?" Oleander questioned, having silently observed and absorbed the unfolding events. "If somehow they managed to break the oath, would they be free?"

"To my knowledge, no one has broken an oath thus far. However, there are rumors circulating about Yve and Lady Phumera possibly breaking theirs, either by tapping into Master Magnum Tenebrosum's powers or due to his favoritism owing to their unwavering loyalty," Specion elaborated. "But I must emphasize that these are mere speculations and rumors—nothing concrete is known."

Suddenly, colossal monsters, forged from the very essence of darkness, materialized around Hihiraki. These monstrous entities varied in shape and composition, each boasting a minimum power level equivalent to that of a Satan-class being.

Their bodies exuded an ominous "darkened" elemental aura, showcasing the formidable might they possessed. One of them wielded the earlier jet-black flames, another featured bitter jet-black ice, while yet another emitted visible dark green poisonous clouds.

"Xinyue, let's execute that move," Quan Xiuying proposed, receiving an affirmative nod from Xinyue. The duo charged towards the darkness-forged monsters, with Quan Xiuying accelerating to near invisibility.

She deftly maneuvered through the shadows, applying her technique—a series of low shimmering blue water strings—across each monstrous entity. Quan Xiuying swiftly reappeared on the opposite side, pointing her finger at Hihiraki like a precision weapon and unleashing a barrage of water bullets in her direction.

Hihiraki swiftly countered the incoming attack, erecting a defensive barrier of dark green darkness to block Quan Xiuying's water bullets. However, the tables turned abruptly as the surroundings were enveloped in a freezing cold, turning everything into an icy landscape. Hihiraki's attempts to retaliate with dark green bullets were thwarted as the frost immobilized her attacks and even her monstrous creations succumbed to Quan Xinyue's unyielding ice.

"Wha—w-why is it so c-cold!?" stammered Hihiraki, teeth clattering as ice began forming around her body. In a desperate attempt to counteract the encroaching chill, she summoned her jet-black flames, but they struggled against the pervasive cold.

Seizing the opportunity, Quan Xinyue appeared before Hihiraki, her usual stoic expression intact. "Because you're weak," she calmly stated before delivering a resounding kick to Hihiraki's face. The dark sorceress was sent tumbling off her broom, crashing violently onto the frozen ground.

Shakily rising to her feet, Hihiraki's eyes blazed even redder as she glared at the tenacious Quan sisters. The realization that her monstrous creations lay shattered around her intensified her fury, fueling the surge of her powers. With an enraged gesture, she extended both arms to the sides, unleashing an expansive and potent dark green cloud that swiftly enveloped the entire room. The air thickened with the ominous presence of her poisonous powers.

From the swirling abyss of her dark powers, Hihiraki conjured a fresh batch of tentacles made of darkness. These shadowy appendages surged towards the Quan sisters with rapid intensity, seeking to reclaim dominance in the ongoing battle.

Quan Xiuying, quick on her feet, crafted a whip from water and skillfully lashed it towards the encroaching monsters, ensnaring them in its watery coils. With a swift follow-up, she manifested blades of water along the whip's length, setting them into a rapid rotation that resulted in the decapitation of each darkened creature.

Simultaneously, Quan Xinyue leaped into action, hurling her spear toward the reforming monsters. However, the spear didn't strike them directly; instead, it embedded itself into the ground, triggering a freezing effect that encapsulated the creatures in ice. Adding to their plight, an anti-healing and anti-regeneration technique thwarted any attempts at self-repair, leaving the monsters in a vulnerable state.

In a final, decisive move, Quan Xinyue descended upon the defeated monsters, ensuring their demise. Seizing her spear, she swiftly turned her attention to Hihiraki, catching her off guard and impaling her through the stomach.

Hihiraki, bewildered and unable to process the sudden turn of events, widened her eyes in shock. Her attempt to retaliate with a massive ball of dark green energy from her mouth was effortlessly deflected by Quan Xinyue's swift slap, further infuriating the already enraged woman.

"Keep your eyes on the prize," admonished Quan Xiuying as she darted past Hihiraki. Simultaneously, she deftly manipulated her watery strings, binding them around Hihiraki's neck. Conjuring the same deadly blades of water, she executed a decisive stroke, severing Hihiraki's head from her body and ending the intense battle.

"Good job," Quan Xinyue praised her sister as they approached the decapitated form of Hihiraki. However, to their surprise, the severed head continued to move, its fury undiminished.

"What kind of bullshit is this?! Why didn't my poison work on any of you?!?!" Hihiraki erupted in anger, her rage unabated.

Quan Xinyue began to offer an explanation, but Quan Xiuying swiftly intervened, placing her hand over her sister's and shaking her head. "We don't disclose our secrets to enemies. Don't worry about it," Quan Xiuying responded.

"Screw all of you! I'll take you all out with me!!!" Hihiraki screeched, and her severed body began to radiate an intense glow, signaling a potentially explosive retaliation.

Startled by the sudden turn of events, the sisters frantically tried to distance themselves, but alas, time was not on their side. Hihiraki's body erupted in a violent explosion, shattering the once-peaceful room and interrupting the fierce battle between Zhang Mei and Binlin. The blast tore through the ceiling, exposing fragments of the fifth floor, and cascaded down to unveil glimpses of the floor below, revealing the hidden secrets of the fourth floor.

Hihiraki, basking in her apparent victory, wore a triumphant smirk that soon faded into dismay as the smoke and debris settled. A protective barrier had shielded her body from completely annihilating the room, destroying only the specific location where the ceiling and floor had borne the brunt of the explosion.

Enter Tiamat, the unexpected architect of this barrier. Devoid of any amusement, she suddenly appeared beside Hihiraki, swiftly raising her hand with a cold gaze fixed on the woman. In an abrupt and ruthless move, she harnessed the power of fire, incinerating Hihiraki's life without a second thought.

"I never anticipated her resorting to such drastic measures," Quan Xiuying admitted nervously.

"Expect the unexpected—those are words to live by. With that said, let's head to the fourth floor. Zhang Mei will catch up once she wraps up her fight," Tiamat replied nonchalantly, positioning herself beside the opening leading down.

Aghast at Tiamat's unconventional approach, Specion stammered, "W-wait, you didn't blow things up just to avoid the usual descent, did you?" The incredulity was evident in Specion's voice as Tiamat only responded with a mischievous grin. "You really did, didn't you?!"

Tiamat offered no verbal confirmation, instead leaping into the hole. The Quan sisters and the rest of the group followed suit. Specion, left with a resigned sigh, cast a fleeting glance back at Zhang Mei before plunging into the hole herself.

Zhang Mei and Binlin clashed blades, a dazzling display of sparks illuminating the intensity of their confrontation. "Your 'master' is no more. Do you wish to continue this battle?" Zhang Mei inquired, her voice cutting through the tension.

"With her out of the picture, I can finally indulge in what I truly enjoy—facing formidable opponents who wield the blade," Binlin responded with a smirk. A shared moment of understanding passed between them before they forcefully repelled from each other.

In the brief stillness that followed, a hushed quiet settled over their surroundings. Then, as quietly as the stillness itself, they disappeared, leaving nothing but swirling dust as their swords clashed once more, generating a shockwave in the center. Yet, it became evident that Zhang Mei possessed the upper hand in sheer physical strength, surprising Binlin.

Little did he realize that Zhang Mei was intentionally holding back. She refrained from tapping into her clan's innate powers, relying solely on her honed physical strength and skills cultivated over the years.

In a sudden burst of speed, Zhang Mei vanished, leaving behind a trail of afterimages that executed deceptive feints, leaving Binlin in a state of bewilderment. Despite the confusion, he honed his focus, attempting to discern the genuine Zhang Mei among the illusions. Swiftly shifting to the right, he thrust his sword at a particular afterimage, only to realize it was a miscalculation.

"Not bad, but you're still green!" Zhang Mei's triumphant shout accompanied a swift kick to Binlin's face, sending him reeling backward. Recovering with swiftness, Binlin raised his sword in anticipation as Zhang Mei reappeared above him, executing a downward swing. While he managed to block the initial strike, the shock intensified as several cuts manifested around his arms and face, leaving him stunned by Zhang Mei's relentless and calculated attack.

As the clash intensified, Binlin marveled at Zhang Mei's unparalleled skill. Thoughts raced through his mind, contemplating the possibility of switching sides to learn from her extraordinary abilities. However, a sense of loyalty to Virion, the 4th ranked Eradicator held him back. 'I can't betray Lord Virion, but the temptation to learn from her is overwhelming,' he pondered amidst the relentless exchange.

Zhang Mei's sharp voice snapped him back to the present. "Don't let your mind wander during a duel, Binlin!" she exclaimed, pushing herself off him. Binlin executed a nimble backflip, landing on his feet. Zhang Mei, relentless in her pursuit, immediately charged back at him, unleashing a barrage of sword swings.

Binlin struggled to fend off her rapid attacks, realizing the vast gap in their abilities. Despite honing his skills and developing his own style over the years, he acknowledged that Zhang Mei's prowess exceeded his own.

While contemplating the possibility of learning from her, he continued to grapple with the internal conflict of loyalty to Virion. Unlike Hihiraki, Binlin recognized his limitations—he was only Satan-class in strength and lacked complete mastery of his craft, relying on a learned style acquired throughout his life.

"W-will you teach me if I switched sides?!" Binlin suddenly shouted in the midst of their intense duel.

"No! I have a boyfriend!" Zhang Mei responded, throwing both of them into confusion.

"What?" they exclaimed simultaneously, instinctively distancing themselves from each other.

"I..." Zhang Mei hesitated, attempting to clarify. "I don't think it's a good idea for you to learn from me. My style is a blend of various techniques I've tweaked to suit my comfort. Besides, my boyfriend, who you know as an outer god, has played a significant role in helping refining it over time."

"Or what? Did you fall for me as we fought?" Zhang Mei asked dismissively, breaking into laughter. However, Binlin's stunned silence provided an unexpected answer. "W-wait, seriously? I'm sorry, but I can't accept your feelings!" Zhang Mei exclaimed, caught off guard by the unforeseen revelation.

"N-no, I didn't! Ugh, whatever, let's continue!" Binlin shouted, clearly embarrassed. He charged back at Zhang Mei, who skillfully swept him off his feet with a powerful leg strike. In a hasty motion, she slammed her knee into his stomach, propelling him away. Zhang Mei wasted no time and pursued, unleashing a barrage of aura slashes at Binlin.

Forced to halt abruptly, Binlin crashed to the ground, scrambling to defend himself against the onslaught of aura slashes with swift and calculated movements.

With a forced smile, Zhang Mei addressed Binlin, "Could you please refrain from staring at my thighs and armpits? Let's just focus on the fight."

The discomfort stemming from such behavior had bothered Zhang Mei even before she entered a romantic relationship. However, after spending numerous years with Aaron in his [Pocket Dimension], alongside the additional time in the [Training Facility] and on the Resistance's planet, her aversion to such actions had only intensified.

Like the other girls in Aaron's harem, they all wished for him to view them in that way and not anyone else, even though achieving such exclusivity was nearly impossible.

"I can't help it, dammit! Wear more appropriate clothing!! Aren't you a swordswoman!? Appropriate clothing is a must!" Binlin shouted, his face flushed with embarrassment.

"Only idiots get distracted for such silly reasons!" retorted Zhang Mei, reappearing beside Binlin. In a seamless motion, she skillfully severed Binlin's right arm, the one clutching his blade.

Veins bulged on Binlin's forehead as he battled the urge to scream in pain. Despite the agony, he managed to grasp his severed arm, extracting the sword from it and swung it towards Zhang Mei with his remaining strength.

However, weakened and off-balance, Zhang Mei effortlessly parried his attack before severing his other arm. Unyielding, Binlin pressed on, forcing himself to his feet and lunging towards Zhang Mei, determination flickering in his eyes.

"A warrior doesn't give up even after losing his blade!" Binlin declared defiantly. Zhang Mei, with a smirk, swiftly thrust her sword into his chest, halting his advance. Locked in a tense gaze, Binlin inquired, "Won't you reconsider?"

"On which part?" Zhang Mei asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Date me, teach me your style, and let me side with the Resistance," Binlin proposed.

Awkwardly smiling, Zhang Mei responded, "I appreciate your feelings, but I can't accept them, nor can I accept you into the Resistance. It would be pretty awkward since you'd relentlessly pursue me. However, I might discuss it with my boyfriend, so don't give up just yet. But, if you reincarnate immediately, then it's impossible."

"I see..." Binlin replied, closing his eyes. Zhang Mei withdrew her sword from his chest, deftly flicking it to rid it of blood before sheathing it.

As Zhang Mei stared at the lifeless Binlin, she sighed and leaped away, heading towards the hole created by Hihiraki earlier. Descending to the fourth level's floor, she found herself deep in thought. "What's with everyone falling for me once I'm in a relationship? It doesn't make sense... even a few people in the Chinese Pantheon confessed their feelings to me after I told them I was dating Aaron."

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Zhang Mei identified the auras of her allies and swiftly dashed towards them, still perplexed by the unexpected turn of events.

— ○ ● ○ —

"It feels like a collision of futuristic sci-fi and ancient Egyptian," Helmwige remarked, the group led by Göndul ventured into the pyramid-esque structures. They discovered a colossal entrance forcefully pried open, prompting Göndul to utilize her magical abilities to detect signs of life within. Much to their surprise, someone else was already present.

"Let's not announce our presence to the entire pyramid, Helmwige, Schwertleite. We're treading into unknown territory, and this intruder might not be a friend. We can't rule out the possibility that they're an enemy, perhaps one of those Abstion Purgers," cautioned Göndul, opting for a more pragmatic approach.

"Y-yes, ma'am," Helmwige stammered nervously, and Schwertleite silently nodded in agreement.

Pressing further into the structure, the trio entered a room adorned with a plethora of items, many appearing either shattered or on the verge of breaking. Yet, it became evident to all three that these artifacts had been recently disturbed, evidenced by numerous marks and footprints scattered across the space.

"Perhaps... some kind of treasure hunter or something? The team did mention through the transceivers earlier that they're hiring mercenaries, and this could be one of them, their jackpot—stumbling upon these structures and raiding the place," Helmwige speculated.

Göndul considered the possibility, acknowledging, "It's not entirely implausible." The trio pressed on through the room, and their exploration led them to a peculiar find—a small staff severed in two.

"A staff, huh? Despite its state, there's a lingering power emanating from it. Göndul-sama, do want to add this broken relic to your collection?" inquired Schwertleite.

Delving deeper into her investigation, Göndul utilized her ring's capabilities to extract more information. Her expression shifted in astonishment. Curious, both Helmwige and Schwertleite followed suit, equally taken aback by the unexpected revelation they glimpsed through their respective rings.

"What an intriguing little thing. A weapon that grows in strength along with its chosen wielder. What kind of person would be foolish enough to destroy and throw away such a powerful weapon?" Göndul grumbled in mild annoyance. She carefully stowed the broken staff into her ring, declaring, "I'll enlist Azazel or Aaron to aid in its restoration later. For now, let's press onward."

And onward they pressed. Exiting the room, the group encountered more signs of the intruder's presence, coupled with distant sounds echoing ahead. Progressing through the structure, they traversed various rooms, each presenting a distinct blend of materials—from metallic grounds mixed with sand to perplexing wooden floors, leaving them momentarily puzzled by the architectural diversity within.

However, as they dismantled the wooden floors, an unexpected bounty of concealed treasures revealed itself, tempting the group to claim the newfound riches. Determined to preserve the artifacts, they gathered their newfound spoils. Their journey eventually guided them into a sprawling room, crafted in the shape of a prism, with an elevated platform at its center basking in the glow of artificial moonlight.

Perched on the platform stood a woman, adorned with long, blue-green hair pulled into a ponytail that matched the hue of her eyes. Golden earrings adorned her ears, and she wore a dark blue qipao embellished with intricate golden flower patterns. Completing her ensemble were black stockings and stylish blue heels.

Upon noticing Göndul's group, the woman gracefully turned, wearing a welcoming smile. "Let me take a wild guess—the Resistance?" she inquired with a hint of amusement.

"We are indeed. And who might you be?" inquired Göndul, brandishing her own [Mistilteinn Wand]—a gift from Aaron.

"No need for hostilities," the woman responded calmly. "I go by 'V.' It's a moniker my associates bestowed upon me. I'm one of the Abstion Purgers, although I must confess, I'm still navigating their peculiar way of life," V revealed.

"Why are you here? Are you attempting to steal that?" Helmwige interjected with a sharp tone, eyeing the item bathed in artificial moonlight.

V tilted her head, casting a thoughtful gaze behind her. "Possibly? I have a hobby for collecting ancient artifacts and items from my universe, and this grimoire holds a particular allure. Why do you ask? Is it something you seek? Do you want it?" she inquired, her curiosity evident.

"W-well, yeah, we do want it," Helmwige admitted hesitantly.

V responded with a nod, casually plucking the grimoire from its stand and nonchalantly tossing it toward Göndul. The older woman caught the magical book, leaving the rest of the group momentarily befuddled. Their perplexed expressions prompted a hearty laugh from V, further deepening the mystery of her intentions.

"I've amassed quite a haul from this place, including some lucrative items I can pawn for a hefty sum. So, consider the little book yours. If that's settled, I'll bid you farewell," V declared, gracefully leaping from the platform and strolling past the perplexed group led by Göndul.

"Wait a second! You don't think you can just stroll away, do you? You mentioned being a part of the Abstion Purgers. There's a possibility you might inform them of our presence here," Schwertleite called out, pivoting to face V, who came to a halt in response.

Without turning around, V responded, "I get your paranoia, but as I mentioned earlier, I'm one of the newest in the group. They don't fully trust me, and we don't engage in much conversation. In all honesty, I might even consider leaving the Abstion Purgers to pursue my passion for collecting ancient artifacts."

She glanced back at the group, a contemplative look in her eyes, and continued, "What would it take for you to trust me? My goals are entirely selfish. To be blunt, the team doesn't offer much, aside from a stable home—a luxury I currently lack. Building trust takes time, but I'm willing to prove my sincerity."

Before Schwertleite or Helmwige could formulate a response, Göndul took a step forward, proposing, "Why not consider joining the Resistance? Apart from occasional operations or small missions, you'll have the freedom to pursue your interests. Plus, we offer free housing and food courtesy of the outer god who supports us."

The unexpected suggestion left both Schwertleite and Helmwige in a state of shock, staring at Göndul in disbelief. V, too, stood there equally stunned by the proposition put forth by the older woman. However, amidst the surprise, V noticed Göndul's earnest expression, prompting her to seriously contemplate the unexpected offer.

"What other benefits come with joining the Resistance?" V inquired, shooting a glance back at Göndul.

Göndul, wearing a friendly smile, replied, "Well, what benefits would you like? We're generally generous with these things, though you might end up as one of Aaron's—the outer god's—personal subordinates."

V raised an eyebrow, addressing the rumors, "There are talks about him having a harem. Are you suggesting he might have an interest in my body?" She glanced at her own relatively voluptuous figure.

This elicited laughter from Göndul, who shook her head. "No, no. What I mean is, he might ask you for personal missions or the occasional odd job. Aaron may be a bit of a pervert, but he's not the way those rumors suggest," Göndul admitted, glancing at the blushing Helmwige and Schwertleite, who turned their heads away in response.

"Hmm, I'll need some time to think it over. In the meantime, I'll lend my assistance to your group and help with whatever you need. Your offer is rather tempting, I won't deny," replied V, considering the unexpected proposition.

"Fufu, excellent. Join us, then. We're heading to meet up with the other half of our team. They ventured northward," explained Göndul as the group began walking together.

"Northward? They'll encounter two mercenaries, and if they manage to surpass them, two trials await. The most notable landmark there is a giant pink tree. I've been there, but I haven't tackled the trials yet. My current team didn't provide much information to me; they merely gave me a brief rundown of what to expect," V added, shedding light on the upcoming challenges awaiting the group.

Continuing their conversation, the group eventually emerged outside the pyramid-like structure. As they exited, the imposing edifice began to crumble, prompting them to swiftly leap away. They watched as the structure rapidly collapsed in on itself, leaving a pile of debris in its wake.

With a raised arm, Helmwige posed two questions, "I have two questions. Do you have any knowledge about this place? And what abilities do you possess? We've heard that the Abstion Purgers wield powers related to poison, toxins, or diseases. Is that accurate?"

V motioned for the group to follow her to the center, where an eerie orange glow permeated the surroundings, giving the impression of an invisible bonfire and unseen torches flickering around them. "This place, from my discoveries, was once home to an ancient civilization that thrived underground," she began.

"They coexisted with a god named Osthureuk, residing in this subterranean realm. Based on what I could gather, their existence predates the transformation of this planet into its current state. However, substantial portions of this underground civilization remain concealed. I'm apprehensive about unintentionally damaging it or causing structural collapses by attempting to uncover hidden sections," V explained, shedding light on the mysterious history of the underground world they found themselves in.

"Aaron mentioned that the power source for this place is a goddess's corpse and soul. The core of this planet derives its energy from the soul, and her body may or may not still be present," disclosed Schwertleite.

"I can't claim to know much about that. Specion, another member of the Abstion Purgers, behaves strangely whenever I've inquired about the planet's history. Though I sense something unusual near its center, Specion did mention there are additional facilities below us. However, being new to the group, I've never explored those depths yet," elaborated V.

"Well, we can consult Aaron to unravel the mysteries of this place, and preservation shouldn't pose a problem. For now, let's depart. We can address these matters with him as we leave this underground world," suggested Göndul, and V promptly agreed as they made their way out of the mysterious realm. Although V conveniently avoided Helmwige's question about her powers.

— ○ ● ○ —

Once they returned to the surface, finding themselves at the remnants of the destroyed home, they swiftly departed and soared towards the gateway with a platform. Göndul separated from the group to update Aaron on their recent discoveries and discuss their next steps.

Left on their own, Helmwige, Schwertleite, and V stood together. V pointed ahead, noting, "You can't see it from here, but directly in front of us should be where the pink tree is. It's quite sizable, so brace yourselves for when we get there."

"Hehe, you don't have to worry about that. We come from a universe and realm where we also have a colossal tree, known as Yggdrasil or the World Tree. It's pretty immense, so big trees won't surprise us. Besides, the Resistance's planet features a pretty big tree as a central focal point too," Helmwige explained with a confident smile.

"Is that so? I look forward to it if I decide to join," V responded. Just then, Göndul rejoined the group, wearing a smile.

"The good news is we've informed the rest of the team about the place we found. Aaron, along with Cúntóir and Azathoth, will join us later to explore it. Regarding my proposition, Aaron mentioned having something to share with you that might sway your decision. With that settled, let's proceed. Once we arrive at a certain spot, one of the mercenaries who switched sides will be awaiting us," Göndul explained, setting the course for their next destination.

"Someone else switched sides as well?" inquired V, curiosity evident in her expression. She then speculated, "Is it Edlion? Crowler doesn't strike me as the type to switch allegiances easily, even with a substantial sum of money being used to persuade him."

"I don't have the name, but the description matches a girl with short white hair and a straightjacket. If that aligns with Edlion's appearance, then yes, it's her," Göndul clarified, shedding light on the identity of the individual who had changed sides.

"Yes, that's Edlion, alright. Let's go and meet up with her. I'll guide you guys to where I think she'll be waiting," offered V. The group unanimously agreed, taking to the skies and soaring toward their destination under V's guidance.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon reaching a sizable meadow that displayed some signs of damage, Göndul's group encountered two perplexing sights. Firstly, they spotted Edlion seated on a large rock, seemingly engrossed in playing with her own arms, leaving them bewildered. Secondly, their attention was drawn to a colossal golem adorned with grass and glowing eyes.

Descending beside Edlion, the group found her surprised by their arrival, particularly unaware of V's presence. "V...? Did you switch sides too?" Edlion inquired nervously.

V responded cryptically, "Yes and no. I'll fill you in later. For now, did people go and undertake the trial?"

Edlion shared her concerns, "Yes, three individuals entered the world of illusions, and they've been in there for quite some time. I'm starting to get worried. I won't die if they don't come out, right?" she asked, panic evident in her voice.

"Those girls won't meet their end so easily; they're quite resilient, and having found fiancés, they won't depart this world too hastily since they've been wanting to find love for the longest time," reassured Göndul, amused by her own observation. Turning to Edlion, she inquired, "Is waiting the only course of action for us, young lady?"

"Y-yes, we can't interfere, or they'll meet their end within the trials," responded Edlion.

With a nod, Göndul conjured a table, stools, and some refreshments. "Let's wait here then. I believe those three will join us soon."

Reluctantly, everyone settled down, sipping tea as they awaited the return of the other three valkyries. Meanwhile, Edlion and V engaged in conversation, sharing information with Göndul's group about various aspects and locations on this mysterious planet.

— ○ ● ○ —

Brynhildr found herself back in Aaron's home, the two of them snuggled on a couch. With everyone else out for the day, it was a rare moment of tranquility for them both, and she decided to make the most of it.

As they shared this precious time, Brynhildr reveled in being pampered by her fiancé, wishing for the moment to stretch into eternity. "Aaron," she called his name, and he turned to her. Seizing what felt like the perfect moment, she closed her eyes, leaning in for a kiss. Aaron reciprocated, but what halted her was the term of endearment he used.

"Of course, babe," he said, causing Brynhildr to pause. She opened her eyes, gazing at Aaron with confusion. He also stopped, sensing her unease. "Is something wrong, babe?" he inquired.

"Babe." It was a word Aaron had never uttered with sincerity, always using it in joke. Yet, when he said it to Brynhildr—no, to Zelma—it felt disconcerting. A peculiar sensation swept over her, and she instinctively moved away from Aaron.

"D-did I do something wrong?" "Aaron" questioned, panic evident in his voice. However, Zelma didn't respond. Instead, she bolted out of the room, racing to her own bedroom. There, she rifled through her belongings, her mind swirling with suspicions. She had an inkling of what might be happening and decided to confirm her suspicions.

Searching through a specific spot in her room, she failed to find the item she sought. Confirming its absence, fury surged within her. Creating multiple magic circles around her, Zelma unleashed a relentless barrage of attacks, obliterating everything in her room and distorting the space around her in a burst of raw, unbridled power.

The illusion that had ensnared her for what felt like days, weeks, or even months abruptly dissipated. Returned to an endless pink and white expanse, Zelma frowned as she surveyed her surroundings.

A disembodied voice echoed around her, devoid of a discernible source. [That didn't take you long,] it remarked, the sound enveloping her from all directions, creating an eerie sensation.

"Who are you? Are you the one who subjected me to that?" Zelma questioned, a hint of hostility in her tone.

[It was your personal trial—your illusion. Although, I expected it to be vastly different. I suppose you merely desired a normal life with your fiancé, hmm?] inquired the voice, its mysterious nature adding to Zelma's disconcerting experience.

Zelma chose not to respond, maintaining her silence.

[Well, it doesn't matter. You passed, and I'll return you to reality. It was amusing to observe you blissfully unaware of the situation for a while,] the voice remarked before a drowsiness enveloped Zelma, causing her to gradually fall asleep.

Yes, that was the kind of dream and illusion Brynhildr—Zelma desired. A life that was ordinary, happy, and content with Aaron. Devoid of magic, devoid of struggle, and devoid of any looming threats. Despite her commitment to her gods, the alliance, and aiding those around her, what she truly longed for was something ordinary—something that most people would yearn for, wouldn't they?

— ○ ● ○ —

Ortlinde dashed around her store, caught in a whirlwind of preparations alongside Tsubaki for their grand opening. While Ortlinde shared Tsubaki's passion for writing, Ortlinde acknowledged her lack of talent in that field. However, spurred on by the encouragement of Tsubaki, Aaron, and their children, she chose to embrace a writing career.

After several challenging years filled with struggles and countless drafts, Ortlinde persevered. Finally, after meticulous editing and refinement, her work received approval. Today marked the culmination of their efforts as they opened their shared bookstore in the Underworld, a dream realized through determination and unwavering support.

"Mom, we still have two hours left before opening, and everything's ready already! Will you relax?" A young girl, Eikaina, asked with a frown on her face. She was the daughter of Ortlinde and Aaron, inheriting their silver hair and gray eyes from both parents. While she dressed in strict and professional clothing like her mother, she carried her father's warm and compassionate heart.

"She's right, Ortlinde. If we keep this up, it'll ruin us. Your novel is debuting today, and I'm releasing my seventh book," said Tsubaki, pausing to cease her frantic movements.

"Dad is also out there with Mirai-nee-chan trying to calm the crowd down... although Dad is keeping them occupied," added Eikaina with a huff.

"Fufu, that too, Ortlinde. Let's just calm it down, alright? I think Aaron's even giving them his food to pacify them," suggested Tsubaki. "I just hope my daughter doesn't go nuts too," she added, glancing at Mirai Shinra, who was energetically jumping up and down outside the store.

"Can we switch?! I want to be out there with Dad!" exclaimed Eikaina, her eyes filled with jealousy as she shot a longing glance toward the bustling crowd.

"I'll inform her and have you two switch in a bit," replied Ortlinde, finally setting down a table and allowing herself to relax. Surveying her surroundings, she felt a swell of pride in what she had accomplished. The bookstore, a culmination of years of hard work and dedication, was on the verge of opening its doors to the public. As well as her debut book, she was also married with a child, everything felt perfect.

However, amidst the sense of accomplishment, Ortlinde's attention was diverted by an oddity in the corner of her vision. A peculiar sight greeted her—an upside-down lamp. Intrigued, she approached it, only to find that her hand passed through it.

The lamp, rather than conforming to the laws of physics, started glitching, oscillating between being upright and upside down at irregular intervals. This unexpected anomaly left Ortlinde in a state of confusion, her curiosity piqued by the mysterious behavior of the glitching lamp.

"Mom? Is something wrong?" Eikaina asked, her concern evident as she observed her mother's intense gaze. "What are you looking at? Nothing's there?"

Startled, with panic rising within her, Ortlinde called Tsubaki over and pointed at the spot, attempting to explain what she had seen. To her surprise, Tsubaki had a similar reaction.

Desperate for answers, Ortlinde turned her gaze outside, attempting to catch Aaron's attention, only to find that the bustling crowd, along with Aaron and Mirai, had vanished. A wave of panic surged through her, and when she turned back to Tsubaki and Eikaina, they too had disappeared.

Reality hit her like a crushing blow, and she clutched her head as tears streamed down her face. "That's just cruel..."

[Did you enjoy it? It was a rather abrupt way of finding out. I mean, I tried being subtle about it, but you didn't see it, so I resorted to this,] said a voice, revealing the illusion that had unfolded before Ortlinde.

"I'm bringing Aaron here to slap you!" Ortlinde declared with anger, her frustration palpable. Wiping away her tears, she mumbled, "Maybe I'll come up with a new name for my daughter then..." before vanishing from the same white and pink world she had been thrust into after her illusion ended.

— ○ ● ○ —

Grimgerde danced the night away with Aaron by her side. They found themselves atop a particular mountain in a specific country, and she adorned her finest dress in celebration of their fifteen-year wedding anniversary. The setting was picturesque, and the atmosphere resonated with the joy of the occasion.

Yet, Grimgerde couldn't shake the awareness that it was all a facade. In the brief span within this fabricated reality, she had stumbled upon something peculiar. A fleeting anomaly that hinted at the artificial nature of the scenario. Despite this realization, she chose to push the thought aside, opting to immerse herself in the illusion. After all, it was her own desires and dreams that had birthed this surreal scenario, and she intended to relish every moment of this simulated celebration with the Aaron conjured by her own longing.

Once they ceased their dance on the mountaintop, Grimgerde settled beside the illusory Aaron, their gazes fixed on the moonlit night. A serene atmosphere enveloped them as they shared the beauty of the moment.

In her contemplative silence, Grimgerde mused, 'If this is the future I'll have, then all the things we're doing right now... I believe they're all worth it. A life full of joy awaits us not too far in the future.'

Just as she was about to vocalize her acknowledgment of the simulated nature of the world, the surroundings underwent a transformation, disrupting the tranquil scene around her.

[Hmm, I guess all of you passed. Well, after seeing the first one, I expected it,] remarked a voice. [Anyway, good luck with the second trial, and please tell that playboy fiancé of yours not to kill me. This is just a trial, dammit!] the voice added, its tone escalating into panic.

As Grimgerde started to fade from the illusory world, she laughed in response to the entity's frantic voice. "You should have thought about what you wanted to put us through!" she shouted before completely fading away, leaving the mysterious voice to ponder the consequences of its choices.

— ○ ● ○ —

"That was pretty easy~" remarked Grimgerde upon returning to reality.

Beside her, Brynhildr appeared annoyed, while Ortlinde was quietly sobbing to herself. Grimgerde pondered, 'We probably experienced vastly different illusions, huh? But why is Ortlinde crying?'

"Good work, let's get to the second trial, shall we?" asked Göndul from behind Brynhildr's group.

The three Valkyries turned around to find Göndul's group, now joined by a new person. After a quick exchange of information, they unanimously agreed to proceed. Turning their attention to the golem, it stared back at them.

"You have cleared the first trial; however, the second, which is the last, will be even harder. I wish you luck," it declared before descending to the ground, seemingly merging with the land.

Without hesitation, the group pressed forward toward the second trial, eager to confront whatever challenges lay ahead. The two new additions to the group were equally enthusiastic about discovering the nature of the next trial.

Arriving at a grassy platform, they were greeted by an awe-inspiring sight—a majestic tree adorned with vibrant pink leaves and surrounded by a subtle glow. Pink and purple water flowed from the tree, and large bird-like creatures, reminiscent of dragons, soared through the sky.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them trembled, and the entire platform began to rise. Göndul voiced her assumption, "I assume that this is the second trial," and the rest silently concurred.

As the ground ascended, an enormous creature emerged, dwarfing even the already colossal tree. Its size was twice that of the impressive pink-leaved tree, leaving the group astonished by the scale of the challenge unfolding before them.

"W-wha—do they have to beat that?" asked Edlion, her voice laced with nervousness.

The colossal entity turned towards them, adorned with a peculiar mask for a face, its body covered in grass and trees, and strange horns resembling hair atop its head. A small portal materialized in front of the group, presenting the details of the trial that awaited them.

[Climb my body, reach the top, and touch the star. You cannot fly but can use your powers to make large leaps and jumps towards it. You have thirty minutes to accomplish this, and I will grant you access to the tree you seek.]

Brynhildr relayed the instructions to the rest of the group, and a moment of silence ensued. She then remarked, "I expected a fight, but we only need to go up it? It doesn't sound too hard." The group contemplated the challenge, pondering the best approach to ascend the colossal entity within the given time frame.

"Its body may have different challenges to try and stop us, Brynhildr, so there is still a challenge that awaits us. We were also informed earlier that Kanami's [First Commandment] was bypassed by a creature with a unique ability, so raw strength won't always decide that you win," said Göndul, her tone serious, earning a nod of acknowledgment from Brynhildr.

Observing the colossal creature, V added, "Judging from how it's posed, we can only ascend from the left side of its body and nowhere else. Unless we split into groups and go from the left side and through the middle, although the latter doesn't sound like it's a good idea." The group contemplated their options, considering the potential challenges presented by the entity's body and formulating a strategy to navigate this peculiar trial.

"Do we risk it or go the 'safe' route?" questioned V, prompting the group to consider their approach.

"Let's go the safe way, the route it's intending to give us. We'll stay with our teams but spread out a bit more. V, you will stay with us while Edlion will go with Brynhildr's group, understood?" commanded Göndul.

"Roger," the group responded in unison.

— ○ ● ○ —

Astrid unleashed a barrage of energy arrows from her bow, aiming to strike her opponent. However, the man effortlessly dodged every shot, gracefully gliding through the air with a mocking smirk directed at her.

His distinctive features included short white hair, piercing pure white eyes with no pupils, and a prominent scar on his neck. He donned a black military suit along with a matching cape.

The man's right hand bore a grotesque appearance, resembling a massive red monster's hand, while behind his back, red appendages protruded along with a tail of the same color. In contrast, his left hand appeared normal, and he wore sleek black boots, completing his strange and intimidating appearance.

Fhrohun, displaying incredible speed, lunged towards Astrid, transforming into a streak of blood before reappearing at her side in a disconcerting manner, leaving her visibly shocked. The straight-faced Fhrohun now wore a cruel smile as he swiped his right hand toward Astrid, the fingertips morphing into sharp claws.

Astrid, quick on her feet, clicked her tongue in frustration. Utilizing orange flames, she propelled herself away, creating distance between her and Fhrohun. Undeterred, she took aim once more, firing her yellow arrows enveloped in orange flames to enhance their power. The fiery projectiles streaked towards Fhrohun, challenging him with renewed intensity.

Fhrohun, underestimating the fiery arrows, swiped at them, expecting minimal resistance. To his astonishment, the arrows pierced through his hands, arm, and parts of his body. Perplexed, he stared at the holes, blood dripping from his wounded hand.

Seizing the opportunity, Astrid swiftly propelled herself beside Fhrohun, her leg covered in orange flames and yellow energy, as she delivered a powerful kick towards his head. However, she clicked her tongue in frustration, noticing the emergence of red protrusions on Fhrohun's head, lessening the impact of her strike. Despite this, the force was sufficient to knock him away.

Maintaining her offensive stance, Astrid aimed her hand at Fhrohun, conjuring multiple magic circles around him, piquing his interest. Without delay, she unleashed a series of elemental attacks, revealing her prowess in magic acquired from mentors such as Lavinia, Rossweisse, and Göndul. Astrid's innate affinity for magic allowed her to rapidly master these skills, turning her into a natural genius to those three's eyes.

Undeterred, Fhrohun effortlessly sliced apart most of the incoming magic attacks, showcasing his proficiency in defense. However, the light magic that Astrid had sent made him wince, revealing a vulnerability that she keenly observed. Recognizing that everyone, herself included, was still susceptible to light magic, Astrid honed in on this weakness.

With newfound focus, she drew her bowstring back and fired her yellow arrows once again. This time, she subtly infused them with light magic while also enveloping them in wind magic to increase their speed. The enhanced arrows found their mark, striking Fhrohun's arms and eliciting a growl of pain from him.

Infused with fury, Fhrohun surged towards Astrid, prepared to retaliate. Quick on her feet, Astrid employed replication magic, creating multiple replications of herself behind her. As Fhrohun closed in, she deftly switched places with one of her replicas, simultaneously charging her shot.

Fhrohun's strike connected with the replica, causing it to vanish in a puff of smoke. However, several more replicas approached him from various directions. In response, Fhrohun unleashed bloody spikes from his body, extending them to pierce multiple replicas. One lone replica, strategically positioned, arrived right in front of him.

Seizing the opportunity, Astrid swiftly swapped places with the remaining replica and unleashed her charged attack at point-blank range, aiming to exploit the opening created by Fhrohun's counteroffensive.

After absorbing Astrid's initial attack, she found herself compelled to retreat as Fhrohun's arm lunged towards her once more. Speedily, she deflected the impending strike using a magic circle, simultaneously launching herself out of harm's way. As the debris settled, it became evident that a shield, crafted from the crimson skin of Fhrohun, had absorbed much of the impact. Despite this defense, visible veins bulged around the skin, indicating that he hadn't escaped unscathed.

"I despise this form, and it's your doing. Prepare to meet your end," Fhrohun calmly declared, reappearing behind Astrid. Reacting swiftly, she propelled herself away, narrowly evading Fhrohun's clawed attack.

The air was covered with blood-red slashes that tore through space, mercilessly obliterating a colossal rock formation in the distance but missing Astrid. Unfazed, Fhrohun pursued Astrid, who retaliated with a barrage of arrows. Indifferent to some striking him and others missing, he pressed on, determined to end her life.

'Has he completely snapped?' Astrid pondered, deftly sidestepping another of his strikes. To her surprise, a blood-red blade came out of his right arm, swiftly targeting her. Reacting with reflexes honed in battle, Astrid raised her bow, skillfully deflecting the attack before propelling herself out of harm's reach.

Pointing her bow at Fhrohun, she unleashed a torrent of arrows, each one seeking its mark. However, Fhrohun remained unfazed, deftly avoiding lethal strikes while allowing the less threatening ones to pierce his body. The pain seemed inconsequential to him, a mere obstacle in his pursuit of one goal—ending Astrid's life.

"You're really persistent, you know that!?" Astrid exclaimed, narrowly evading another attack from Fhrohun. His right arm now sported blades, while a summoned dagger in the other hand aimed for her. Undeterred, Astrid faced the relentless onslaught with hope in her eyes.

Unfazed by Astrid's remark, Fhrohun quickly closed the distance, wielding his dagger with deadly intent. Astrid, displaying remarkable agility, deflected the dagger with a swift motion of her leg, gracefully landing on a nearby rock formation. Seizing the opportunity, she aimed her bow at Fhrohun, ready to counter-attack.

However, Fhrohun had a trick up his sleeve. He quickly aimed his right arm at Astrid and unleashed a barrage of blood bullets in her direction. In a synchronized dance of combat, Astrid retaliated by shooting her arrows at the blood projectiles, shattering them. The exchange continued, each countering the other's attacks.

Suddenly, Fhrohun landed on the rock formation, causing a substantial portion to crumble. To Astrid's astonishment, blood-red spikes shot forth from one of Fhrohun's feet, forcing her to ascend into the sky to evade the impending danger.

Abruptly, Fhrohun vanished, jolting Astrid with surprise. A sense of foreboding compelled her to spin around, only to find him shrouded in shadows, wearing an eerie smile. Before Astrid could muster a response, his right arm, now cloaked in darkness, lunged at her.

The shadowy appendage struck her with force, sending her careening through the air. She crashed through a rock formation, the debris scattering, and eventually landed in a small body of water.

"Ugh...this seems unwinnable," groaned Astrid as she rose, surveying her condition. "I'm not severely injured yet, but I can't see myself winning either."

"Then give up already and die!" Fhrohun's exclamation heralded his sudden appearance behind Astrid, his right arm descending with lethal intent. Reacting swiftly, Astrid turned, conjuring a magic circle that mitigated some of the damage. However, a slashing blow still found its mark on her chest, propelling her backward with a painful gash.

She crashed back to the ground but quickly got back up. Cradling her wound, Astrid assessed her situation. 'This isn't looking good, but I still have two Slime Pills. Maybe I can turn this around?' she pondered. Before she could fully contemplate her strategy, Fhrohun's knee connected with her face, sending her airborne once more.

In the midst of her mid-air turmoil, Astrid retrieved a Slime Pill from her ring, placing it in her mouth without swallowing. The stakes were high, and she knew she had only one chance to execute her plan without failing.

With her life force ebbing away from the grievous injury, Astrid knew she had a narrow window to execute her plan. Despite the blood loss, she focused on concealing her moves from Fhrohun, who remained fixated on his singular goal of ending her existence.

In the distance, Astrid covertly conjured arrows and various attacks, strategically concealing them from Fhrohun's notice. Oblivious to the subtle workings of Astrid's strategy, he relentlessly pursued her, his attention solely fixed on her demise.

Summoning the last reserves of her strength, Astrid grasped her bow, struggling to maintain composure as her breaths came in ragged gasps. With a determined effort, she unleashed a barrage of arrows, infused with a homing spell she had mastered.

Evading the initial onslaught of arrows, Fhrohun was taken aback as they tenaciously pursued him. In an attempt to shake them off, he swiftly changed his position, darting to a different spot, only to find the relentless arrows still tailing him.

Frustration etched across his face, he maneuvered through the air, attempting to outsmart the enchanted projectiles. However, they proved unyielding, persistently pursuing him until he flew through a narrow incline, causing the arrows to collide and detonate, obliterating a small rock formation in the process.

During this diversion, Astrid completed her intricate setup, readying herself to confront Fhrohun head-on. As he returned to face her, he conjured a blood-red blade in his left hand, gripping it tightly. With a decisive lunge, he closed the distance towards Astrid, who stood her ground, bow aimed unwaveringly at her powerful enemy.

In a lightning-fast approach, Fhrohun closed in on Astrid as she unleashed a point-blank shot. Swiftly, he sliced through a couple of arrows, the impact of others still finding their mark. Rather than evading, Astrid strategically maneuvered her body to mitigate the severity of Fhrohun's attack, a calculated move to survive the onslaught.

His claws and dagger found their mark, stabbing into Astrid's stomach. To her horror, an additional jaw shot forth from Fhrohun's mouth, latching onto her cheek. The once-fierce warrior now lay on the ground, a portrait of vulnerability, bleeding profusely and struggling to keep her eyes open. Fhrohun, reveling in his sadistic triumph, grinned menacingly at her.

"Checkmate, isn't it?" he taunted.

"...Yeah...checkmate," Astrid replied, her voice strained. Summoning her remaining strength, she swallowed her pill, the restorative magic instantly healing her wounds. With newfound vigor, she kicked Fhrohun off her, triggering one of her concealed traps in the process.

Trapped within the resilient yellow webs, Fhrohun struggled in vain to break free, his every attempt thwarted by the unyielding constraints. Astrid, displaying a mix of smugness and weariness, took a deep breath. With her right arm pointed at Fhrohun and gestured like a gun, she ominously uttered, "Boom."

In response, a spectacle unfolded as hundreds of yellow arrows and an array of elemental projectiles materialized around them, all aimed at the ensnared Fhrohun. A visible paleness spread across his face as the impending onslaught loomed. Additional yellow webs manifested, adhering to Fhrohun's body, while powerful surges of electricity coursed through him, eliciting involuntary spasms.

Astrid unleashed her barrage of arrows, each piercing into various parts of Fhrohun's body. Although his unique red skin provided some defense, mitigating the damage, the arrows found vulnerable spots, including his neck and private area. Despite the brutality of the assault, Fhrohun endured, refusing to succumb to the relentless onslaught.

"You're one tough cookie, sheesh," Astrid exclaimed, her fatigue evident as she raised her arms. In unison, she conjured a colossal yellow magic circle above them, featuring a small red circle at its center. Emerging from the magic circle, a massive red and yellow arrow materialized, accompanied by an imposing hand.

"I like archery! Aaron said there's a goddess of archery from his universe that may visit in the future, so I think we'd get along!" Astrid shouted with a touch of humor, her words echoing through the battlefield. As the gigantic arrow descended, it struck Fhrohun with devastating force, obliterating him from existence along with a sizable section of the surrounding area. The battle's climax marked Astrid's victory, though weariness clung to her every movement.

As the smoke and debris settled, not a trace remained of Fhrohun's existence. Astrid, seated on the ground, released a heavy sigh, the gravity of the battle evident in her tired expression.

"T-that... was the third or fourth time I've come so close to death... never again! I'll take up Scathach and Aaron on that intense training after this, ugh…" she muttered to herself, weariness laced with a touch of frustration. Rising shakily to her feet, Astrid meticulously inspected her body for any lingering injuries, relieved to find none.

Yet, the echoes of battle persisted in the distance. Shockwaves reverberated through the air, signaling that Eliovan still grappled with his powerful enemy. Without hesitation, Astrid took to the skies once more, flying swiftly to join the ongoing struggle and stand by her comrade's side.

Arriving at the scene, Astrid observed Eliovan locked in combat with the mysterious woman from earlier, now identified as Kansie. Of similar stature to Eliovan, Kansie possessed long black hair tied in a high-arching ponytail, elf-like ears, and captivating green eyes. Her unconventional weaponry included a bottle of alcohol in one hand and a red handbag that doubled as a weapon in the other.

Astrid quickly consulted her ring for information, discovering that Kansie was a mercenary. A realization dawned on her, "W-wait, don't tell me that weirdo from earlier was also a mercenary? Crap, I didn't really look over the information earlier on him!" she exclaimed, a hint of frustration coloring her tone. Her attention refocused, Astrid narrowly evaded a red ball hurtling toward her, which rebounded off a rock formation and found its way back into Kansie's red bag.

"Hiccc…! L-l-little F-Fhrohun d-d-died, o-oh well~!" Kansie exclaimed, her voice tinged with both laughter and sorrow. Tears streamed down her face as she unleashed more red balls from her bag, kicking them towards Eliovan, who skillfully dodged the barrage.

"Why do I have to be paired up with an old hag? She's also pretty strong," Eliovan grumbled, frustration lacing his words as he continued to deftly dodge Kansie's relentless attacks. He let out a sigh after narrowly evading another red ball, only to find himself hesitating when he attempted to retaliate.

Eliovan had observed the danger in the red balls and deduced that even a slight touch could result in the complete destruction of his limbs. His analysis led him to a stark realization—Kansie's red bag was an untouchable force, a powerful shield that could render his attempts at attacking disastrous.

The prospect of losing his arms, hands, or legs dissuaded him from engaging directly, forcing him to reconsider his approach in the ongoing skirmish. The battle had taken an unexpected turn, with Eliovan grappling not only with Kansie's physical prowess but also with the strategic limitations imposed by her peculiar weapon.

"I'm not old! I'm still 3102 years old!!" Kansie angrily shouted in response to Eliovan's muttered remark. Undeterred, she produced another red ball, spat some alcohol on it, and kicked it toward Eliovan. To his surprise, the ball accelerated, forcing him to barely evade. However, a strand of his hair made contact, and it instantly disintegrated.

"Dammit!" grumbled Eliovan, frustrated by the close call. Before he could mount another attack, yellow arrows rained down on Kansie, prompting her to defend herself by using her red balls as makeshift shields.

"Eh?! Who's there?! Oh…you from earlier, wait, did widdle Fhrohun dieee!?" Kansie exclaimed repeatedly, a display that left both Eliovan and Astrid facepalming.

"Did she forget she already said that?" Astrid asked, arriving beside Eliovan.

"I believe she's drunk, so yes, it's plausible," replied the young man, shaking his head at the absurdity of the situation.

Before any further conversation could unfold, Kansie let out a scream, conjuring hundreds of the same red balls around them. With a pointed finger, she declared, "This ishhh for Fhrodhuuunnn!!"

"Don't touch those, or you'll instantly die. I have no idea how to defeat her without losing a limb, but I think ranged combat would be ideal, so I'll need your help. Let's work together," Eliovan urged, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. The duo swiftly engaged in a synchronized dance of dodging and weaving through the onslaught of red balls hurtling their way.

"Roger that!" Astrid responded with understanding, conjuring magic circles behind them. Her magic attacks clashed with Kansie's red balls, creating explosive bursts of energy. Amidst the chaos, Astrid unleashed a barrage of yellow arrows, aiming to exploit any opening in Kansie's defenses.

Kansie, undeterred, took a swig of her bottle and spat alcohol towards Astrid's arrows. The moment the alcohol made contact, the arrows quickly melted, leaving both Eliovan and Astrid baffled.

"W-what the hell is wrong with that woman's powers?" Eliovan questioned, evading another red ball. In response to the perplexing situation, Eliovan's body surged with touki, and he unleashed a volley of touki bullets towards Kansie.

Eliovan, like many in the Resistance, had gained access to touki through the assistance of Aaron, Sairaorg, Scathach, and Aurelia. Under Sairaorg's guidance, he had started to unlock the potential of his touki, honing his skills and gaining a solid understanding of its application. Though mastery eluded him, Eliovan wielded touki with efficiency, showcasing its power in the ongoing battle.

Kansie laughed mockingly at the touki bullets Eliovan unleashed. Undeterred, she threw a red ball at the oncoming projectiles, but she swiftly sliced it apart with a gesture of her hand. The red ball fragmented into smaller spheres, each colliding with the touki bullets in a chaotic display.

Seizing the opportunity amidst the smoke, Eliovan soared through it, unleashing an even larger touki bullet aimed directly at Kansie. This colossal projectile, thirty times the size of the standard ones, seemed to encapsulate the entire area, heralding a potentially decisive moment in the fierce confrontation.

"Oooooh! Bullet!!" Kansie exclaimed, gearing up for a counterattack. To her confusion, another figure entered the fray, swiftly swapping Kansie's bag and alcohol bottle with rocks. Bewildered, Kansie uttered a perplexed "E-ehhh?"

The newcomer, revealed to be Latia Astaroth, wielded her bag and bottle through telekinesis, floating them beside her. Latia then conjured white portal-like hands that ensnared Kansie, inducing panic as the drunk mercenary struggled in vain to break free.

Amidst Kansie's plight, Eliovan's massive touki bullet struck her, causing significant damage but not delivering a fatal blow. Seizing the moment, Latia summoned her grimoire, transforming it into a sword. With swift and decisive action, she dashed towards the horrified Kansie and decapitated her with a single stroke of her sword, ending the chaotic battle.

"L-Latia, you're done?" Eliovan asked, a sigh of relief escaping him as he and Astrid joined Latia, who caught Kansie's body with her telekinetic powers.

Latia nodded, and with a flick of her wrist, she transported them all back to the location of the giant crystal. Placing Kansie's lifeless body into her ring, Latia turned her attention to the crystal.

"The body... is usable, but respecting Aaron's wishes, I want to ask him and... potentially the goddess what she wants to do with it," Latia explained.

"H-huh? What do you mean by that? Do you...?" Astrid inquired, her curiosity evident.

"We're going to revive this goddess and potentially another god on this planet that was killed many years ago," Latia revealed, dropping a bombshell that left both Eliovan and Astrid shocked.

— ○ ● ○ —

Back with Göndul's group, they began their ascent of the giant entity. As hypothesized, the entire body of the guardian was filled with monsters and obstacles that posed a challenge to the group. The group aimed to reach the top and touch the star at the tip of the entity before the timer ran out, otherwise they failed.

Brynhildr's group, along with Edlion, took the lead in navigating through the obstacles, while Göndul's group provided essential support at the back. During their ascent along the guardian's arm, large gecko-like creatures with lightning eyebrows and jet-black tongues emerged from its body. These formidable creatures spat lightning-coated spears of darkness toward the group.

Edlion took decisive action, leaping forward to absorb the attacks with her straightjacket. Following this, Grimgerde, accompanied by Ortlinde, swiftly moved forward, eliminating the creatures and clearing the path for the group's continued ascent.

"How long left?" Helmwige inquired.

"Around twenty minutes. This place is long, large, and full of enemies and obstacles. It makes me wonder if we'll reach it," V replied.

"We'll make it, don't you worry," Göndul reassured, a confident smile on her face.

As they continued their ascent, they reached the elbow joint of the guardian's arm, encountering a surprising obstacle that stunned most of them.

"W-w-what the hell is whack-a-mole doing here?!" exclaimed Helmwige, bewildered by the unexpected appearance of the arcade game machine in such a peculiar location.

[Earn 999 points in less than a minute,] informed the text above the mysterious machine.

"This place, I believe, will make obstacles out of memories out of all of us, so something like this strange machine may have come from your memories," explained V. The group nodded in understanding, yet uncertainty lingered regarding who would take on the challenge.

To their surprise, Göndul herself stepped forward, grabbing the hammer before starting the game. Helmwige couldn't help but express her unease, asking, "U-um…can Göndul-sama play this game?"

"I don't know, I never seen her play before," replied Schwertleite. The unexpected obstacle not only tested their gaming skills but also hinted at the intriguing and personalized challenges the ascent of the guardian had in store for each member of the group.

[Ready?! Go! Whack! Whack! Whack!] the machine shouted, initiating the game.

As the first mole appeared, Göndul executed a lightning-fast strike that even V and Brynhildr couldn't follow, stunning everyone watching her play. In a display of impressive skill, Göndul racked up points rapidly, reaching 700 in just thirty seconds.

"E-e-eeeehhhhhh!? G-G-Göndul-sama is really good at this!" Helmwige shouted in utter shock. "How?! Why?! When did you get so good, Göndul-sama!?" The unexpected prowess displayed by Göndul added a layer of surprise to the already perplexing challenges they faced, making the ascent of the guardian an unpredictable and memorable journey for each member of the group.

"Fufu, I…had some time with Aaron before we came here, and he took me to the local arcade in Kuoh. I played a few rounds with him and Kuroka, who happened to come by with Ravel and Shirone. After that, I liked it so much I asked him to put one in my room, and I play regularly on it. My highest is 99,999 in a minute," explained Göndul, a slight blush tinting her cheeks.

After her revelation, the group was left even more stunned. Around the fifty-second mark, Göndul successfully completed and beat the challenge.

[Success! Please proceed!] the machine exclaimed before vanishing.

"Now then, shall we get going?" Göndul asked, a fond smile playing on her lips as she reminisced about that day. The group, still in awe of the unexpected skill displayed by the oldest valkyrie, agreed to continue their ascent.

— ○ ● ○ —

As their group reached the halfway point toward the shoulder, they encountered another formidable group of monsters. This time, these creatures bore a striking resemblance to Aaron's previous [Boosted Gear] red armor. Edlion and V found themselves puzzled by the strange sight, but the rest of the group recognized them instantly.

"Ugh, it reminds me of when Trihexa sent out those annoying plate mail armors en masse. They were annoying to deal with, and some even could regenerate if you didn't completely obliterate them. Don't tell me these are the same?" Grimgerde expressed her annoyance.

"We won't know until we hit them!" shouted Helmwige, conjuring multiple Norse-style magic circles and unleashing a myriad of different magic attacks at the red plate mail armors.

Upon the explosion of magical attacks on the armors, their fears became reality—the armors regenerated, as their numbers were overwhelming. Grimgerde and Helmwige couldn't help but groan audibly, realizing they were faced with a challenging and persistent enemy reminiscent of past encounters within their original universe.

"Those days don't evoke many pleasant memories for most, considering I, too, met my demise," remarked Göndul, taking a decisive step forward. In a deft display, she conjured multiple shimmering bubbles encircling them, directing them purposefully towards the imposing plate mails, ensnaring the metallic enemies within their bubbly confines.

"Nonetheless, we've undergone considerable growth since then, and dealing with these enemies should prove a simple task. With most of them now captured, execute them swiftly. Leave no remnants, or they'll regenerate," commanded Göndul, her gaze icy as she fixed it upon the crimson-clad plate mails.

In dutiful obedience, the others surged forward, closing in on the red plate mails. V's body became cloaked in a fusion of ebony and aqua-green energies. With swiftness, she thrust her hand towards one of the plate mails, delivering a forceful palm strike. The energy surged from her hand, transferring to the plate mail, causing it to detonate and dissolve within the azure embrace of the energetic attack.

The remaining members swiftly joined the fray, dispatching the rest of the plate mails with remarkable ease, a stark contrast to the challenges faced during the Draconic Deus war. However, Edlion grappled with the task, requiring multiple attacks to overcome the plate mails. Despite her eventual success, a faint blush adorned her features.

Göndul, sensing Edlion's struggle, offered words of encouragement, "Do not worry, Edlion. Mastery over certain abilities and techniques, particularly those guaranteeing a 'sure-hit-kill,' takes time to develop. Should you continue in allegiance with us, such proficiency may become second nature to you in due time."

"Ah, yes, thank you, Lady Göndul," Edlion replied, a hint of embarrassment coloring her cheeks. She realized she had rarely addressed someone with such formality, reserving such deference for conversations with someone like Phumera.

"Alright, everyone, let's push forward. I have a feeling we'll run into some kind of obstacle around the shoulder," Göndul exclaimed, spurring everyone to keep the momentum alive.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon reaching the shoulder, a small shooting range came into view, adding another layer of abnormality to their trial. The objective? Simple—every team member had to skillfully land bullseyes on the set targets. The catch? If a single shot missed its mark, the entire obstacle had to be tackled again.

Göndul, taking charge, surveyed the team with a curious yet encouraging gaze. "Who among us harbors a bit of uncertainty in their aim?" she inquired. The lone hand in the air belonged to Edlion.

With a hint of vulnerability, Edlion confessed, "I've recently acquired these new arms, you see. I'm still getting the hang of them, so delicate tasks like this pose a bit of a challenge for me. Mind if I take the lead and fail?"

"Alright, Edlion, go ahead and tackle it," urged Göndul, giving the green light to the apprehensive marksman. Engaging in a silent exchange of glances with Brynhildr, she approached Edlion, ready to share some insights.

As Edlion geared up for the challenge, Göndul and V, eyeing the ticking clock, realized they had roughly ten minutes left to conquer the remaining ascent. V speculated, "I have a hunch we might encounter a powerful foe right before reaching the summit. Perhaps a scaled-down version of the guardian we're perched upon. Not that any of you would break a sweat over it, I'm sure."

Göndul, nodding in agreement, added, "Indeed, combat won't be the stumbling block for us. The peculiar obstacles, though—they've been a mix of enjoyment and stress, especially for those less adept at handling the unexpected twists."

Brynhildr approached the duo, handing them the trial-provided firearm with a casual assurance. "It took Edlion eight times to finish it, but now it's down to you two," she informed, setting the stage for the final push.

"Let's wrap this up, then," Göndul declared with a casual tone. V took the gun first, swiftly acing her round, and handed the gun to Göndul. Then, Göndul stepped up, effortlessly hitting each bullseye as if it were second nature.

As they resumed their ascent, Helmwige, who had flawlessly navigated the shooting challenge, couldn't hold back her curiosity. "Göndul-sama, you're a master at so many things. Where did you hone these skills?" she inquired, the rest of the team chiming in as they skillfully dodged monster attacks, swiftly eliminating threats. Even V and Edlion, still in awe, couldn't help but marvel at Göndul's unrivaled composure.

Göndul, a hint of nostalgia and pain in her eyes, responded, "I've gathered a myriad of experiences over the years, including mastering firearms. Let's delve into those tales once we've wrapped up here, alright?" Her slightly pained expression left V and Edlion perplexed, but the rest of the team, attuned to Göndul's unspoken cues, hastened their ascent.

Just as they were on the cusp of reaching the star that adorned the summit, a subtle barrier materialized, cloaking their surroundings in an unforeseen obstacle.

Emerging from the guardian's head, a scaled-down replica of itself began its proclamation, [Well done on arriving here, warriors. This is the final trial—defeat me in combat and be given the pri—]

Before the miniature guardian could finish its sentence, a swift interruption occurred. A slender, white beam of energy shot forth, puncturing its head and silencing it instantly. The unexpected turn left everyone in awe, their gaze shifting to Göndul, wand raised, and an air of merciless determination about her.

In a bold move, she had dispatched the guardian without a moment's hesitation, leapt up, snatched the star, and gracefully touched back down on the ground, leaving her comrades in stunned silence.

Göndul turned her gaze to her teammates, a question lingering in her eyes. "Shall we rendezvous with the Slash Dog Team then? I sense they entered the meadow not too long ago," she suggested, a subtle anticipation in her voice.

Stunned by the unexpected conclusion to their trial, the rest of Göndul's team remained in a daze. The anticipation of a fierce battle with the guardian hung in the air, only to be shattered by Göndul's abrupt and decisive action.

The valkyries exchanged uncertain glances, their thoughts mirroring the unspoken understanding that Göndul's past and her previous divorce might have played a role in her swift resolution as it had been subtly mentioned. Perhaps, for her, concluding this trial without a prolonged struggle carried a significance beyond the surface challenges they faced.

Göndul, carrying the weight of her untold reasons, kept the truth close to her chest. Without divulging the real motive, she pivoted, clicking her fingers in a subtle gesture that whisked them away from the guardian's body, back to the serene meadow.

— ○ ● ○ —

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