Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 19 – Part 3 – Embers of Fortitude

Third Person Point of View

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On the spaceship housing the Slash Dog Team, Zhang Mei's team, and the Valkyrie Squad, a mere five minutes separated them from their destination, and the majority had already completed their preparations.

Within the cockpit, Latia found herself in the company of Astrid and Eliovan, who had chosen to remain on the ship to provide defense. Azathoth, a temporary addition, stood in silence, gazing ahead with an air of quiet contemplation.

The cockpit's doors swung open abruptly, allowing Natsume and Kanami to enter. Kanami, with an infectious energy, darted toward Azathoth, leaping onto her back and embracing her, leaving the cosmic being momentarily puzzled.

"Azz-zzy~! I have a question!" Kanami exclaimed with childlike curiosity.

Azathoth, looking back at Kanami, replied, "What is it?"

The innocence of Kanami's next question caught everyone off guard. "Can you get pregnant?" she asked, tilting her head with genuine curiosity. Natsume, in the background, facepalmed while blushing, leaving the rest of the group momentarily stunned by the unexpected inquiry.

"...If you're talking about Aaron, then yes. If you're referring to anyone else, it's just not possible," Azathoth responded in a straightforward manner.

Kanami released her grip on Azathoth and turned triumphantly to Natsume, exclaiming, "See! I told you!"

Natsume, visibly fatigued and disheartened, shook her head while casting a disappointed gaze at the others. "I warned her not to ask Azathoth a stupid question, but she went ahead anyway."

Kanami playfully spun around and suddenly halted, redirecting her attention to Azathoth, who maintained a steady gaze. "So, does that mean you're, like, bound to Aaron because you can only conceive his children?"

"Kanami," Latia interjected, turning to face her with an intense stare that made Kanami take a step back. "People can still form romantic relationships even if they can't have children—look at gay couples."

Kanami tilted her head in contemplation before nodding rapidly. "Oh, right! I forgot about that, oops, hahaha..." She chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of her head with a hint of embarrassment.

"We're approaching it," Latia announced, disrupting their casual conversation. Every occupant in the cockpit halted their activities, diverting their attention to the view beyond the window.

"Wha—didn't Aaron mention that most, if not all, plants are perpetually in darkness? So why...why is this planet so bright!?" Kanami queried, her finger gesturing towards Viriterra Remetura.

"It needs it," Azathoth responded, capturing their focus. "Aaron will contact us soon."

Right on cue, Aaron's voice filled the air. [Everyone on Latia's ship, I just found out something interesting about Viriterra Remetura. Do your best to enter the core, a god or the powers of a remnant god of this planet resides near its core. That's how and where most of the planet's items draw its healing powers from.]

"Wait, what?! A god's power is on this planet!?" Eliovan exclaimed, a mix of disbelief and awe coloring his expression. "I've only ever heard stories and rumors about gods existing in our universe, not including the outer god."

Latia inquired, her curiosity evident. "When you mentioned it needs it, do you mean the planet requires the light?"

Azathoth nodded in response. "Yes, precisely. This planet holds a unique status—it thrives on the power of a god. It requires light to sustain itself, a characteristic that sets it apart from most other celestial bodies in this vast universe. The god, whose essence forms the core of this planet, was exceptionally powerful. To put it in terms familiar to your universe, it would be akin to the strength of two Shivas at the peak of his power."

The revelation left Natsume astonished. "T-two Shiva-sama's? That's pretty amazing, isn't it?"

Eliovan, unfamiliar with the reference, sought clarification. "Shiva? Who's that?"

Göndul stepped in to explain, "Shiva-sama is a deity from a pantheon in our universe, renowned as the strongest god. He's deemed capable of standing up against 666, the creature we mentioned earlier."

Eliovan pondered, skepticism lingering in his gaze. "Hmm... but aren't most Eradicators and influential figures in Phumera's organization stronger than that? I mean, using Aaron's system, they're mostly Dragon God-class, right?" he questioned, still unconvinced by their assertions.

Latia took a moment to address Eliovan's doubts. "Let me break it down for you, Eliovan," she began. "Shiva-sama has not only existed for an extensive period but has also amassed both strength and wisdom. He imparts his knowledge to his pantheon and occasionally extends his guidance to humans on Earth in subtle ways. According to Aaron, everyone in the multiverse possesses a predetermined potential. In Shiva-sama's case, he has reached the pinnacle of God-class, and that's as far as his growth can go."

She continued, shedding light on Aaron's insights, "However, Aaron speculates that these fixed potentials can be shattered through rigorous training and significant life changes. Shiva-sama, being the strongest god in our universe, might have altered his potential at some point in his existence. That's what sets him apart and solidifies his reputation as the most powerful god in our universe."

Eliovan contemplated for a moment, acknowledging the power that longevity could bring. "Well, knowledge is power, and someone living that long is bound to be smart and possess vast wisdom. I'll take your word for it. One day, I'd love to visit your universe and meet these great gods myself," he expressed, a trace of excitement in his voice.

Latia shifted the conversation to the impending mission. "We should get everyone ready to go in. Aaron disabled the mist's ability to detect any infiltration techniques, especially teleportation in our case. Azathoth, can I rely on you for this?" she inquired.

Azathoth nodded in agreement. "Yes, it's a straightforward request, but I must warn you. Once you're spotted on that planet, what I did may not matter much," she cautioned.

"We're prepared for that," Latia assured. "I'll support everyone from here and defend alongside Eliovan and Astrid when reinforcements arrive. I doubt they'll target Ardvoria Deferilds since Abysnar is stationed there."

Latia's voice resonated through the spaceship's speakers, addressing all aboard. [Everyone, the teleportation sequence will begin shortly, please prepare yourselves,] she announced. She shifted her attention to those gathered around her, offering words of encouragement. "Good luck, and give your best to reach the core. Once things settle on the surface, we'll be right there with you. We just need to identify a suitable landing spot first."

The occupants in the cockpit nodded in agreement. Azathoth took charge, initiating the process to deactivate the mist's powers.

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Sparks and auras danced in the air, a vibrant display of energy clashing as the swords of Arthur Pendragon and Dairruna collided. The force pushed Dairruna back, yet she met the challenge with a smile. While Arthur possessed superior raw power, Dairruna, undeterred, was determined to savor the encounter.

Swiftly retracting her sword, Arthur's subsequent strike missed its mark, leaving him momentarily surprised. Prepared for the unexpected, Dairruna swung her sword at him, but with an almost agonizing slowness that left Arthur bewildered.

"What—!?" Arthur began to voice his confusion, a hint of insult in his tone. To his astonishment, numerous cuts materialized around him, prompting quick defensive maneuvers. The perplexity deepened as he blocked and parried, realizing, 'That was a slow swing, but it cut me! It wasn't anywhere near me,' he pondered, still in shock, while maintaining his vigilant defense.

Dairruna, in contrast to Arthur's past enemies, opted for silence, a wry grin playing on her lips. She had no intention of divulging the intricacies of her abilities; that would be foolish. Her deliberate swings persisted, and Arthur found himself continuously defending against them until he unleashed a burst of explosive power, obliterating the remaining onslaught of Dairruna's attacks. This unexpected turn left her momentarily taken aback.

Swiftly, Arthur repositioned himself, appearing behind her with a swift sword swing. To his astonishment, the barrage of attacks persisted from his original position. Reacting instinctively, he conjured a magic circle that propelled him away from Dairruna, creating a strategic distance between them.

"Hmm. You're not planning on using that circle thing again?" she inquired, casually resting her sword on her shoulder.

"I requested a duel as swordsmen, but if you're keen on utilizing everything at our disposal, then I won't hold back either," responded Arthur.

"For now, let's keep it simple with just our swords. A battle with just these can be quite fun in its own right," Dairruna remarked before swiftly disappearing. In the blink of an eye, she reappeared above Arthur, unleashing a torrent of purple energy slashes from her sword towards him.

Arthur met the onslaught with fervor, countering the strikes with his own slashes infused with the purity of holy energy. The clash culminated in another explosive burst, forcefully propelling them in opposite directions. Swiftly discerning the impending danger, Arthur skillfully maneuvered through the air, narrowly evading Dairruna's retaliatory strike.

A moment of confusion clouded Arthur's thoughts as he grappled with the unexpected challenge. 'I'm supposed to be faster than her, so how is she nearly outpacing me?' he pondered, swinging his blade to intercept Dairruna's, the collision echoing through the sky.

Sensing an escalating threat, Arthur swiftly pivoted, summoning a less durable blade to parry an oncoming attack. However, the summoned blade proved fragile, shattering upon impact, leaving Arthur vulnerable to invisible cuts that sliced across his body.

An audible click of his tongue conveyed his frustration as he forcefully swung his sword in a defensive arc, creating a protective circle of slashes. The powerful motion not only repelled Dairruna but also destroyed the invisible attacks, dispersing the imminent threat surrounding him.

Dairruna's smile graced her features before she vanished, leaving Arthur to catch only a glimpse before her sword hovered dangerously close to his face. Reacting with instinct, he arched his body backward, narrowly evading the lethal strike. Swiftly recovering, he pivoted around, only to be greeted by a relentless barrage of purple energy slashes unleashed by Dairruna.

Once more, Arthur danced with agility, narrowly dodging each attack. Utilizing his full speed, he reappeared beneath Dairruna, who greeted him with a confident smile, swinging her sword downward. This time, a colossal purple slash surged toward him, mirroring the earlier assault.

In response, Arthur wielded his sword with determination, conjuring his own formidable holy slash that clashed with the aura-infused attack from Dairruna's weapon. The clash resonated with power, creating a brief, intense moment of equilibrium.

Maintaining her calm demeanor, Dairruna remarked, "You're confused, aren't you? In terms of technique, strength, and even speed, you surpass me by leagues. Yet, somehow, I manage to hold my ground against you. It's a confounding situation, isn't it? Many of my enemies in the past remained confused until their eventual death."

"I don't need a rundown of your technique. I'll overcome it and emerge victorious. Simple as that," Arthur retorted, maintaining his calm demeanor.

"I like your spirit. Let's continue and bring everything to the table," Dairruna responded, conjuring purple flames that coalesced into a small ring behind her. With a sudden burst of speed, she vanished, reappearing behind Arthur, leaving him momentarily stunned.

"All I've got is my speed, and that's all that matters," she declared, swinging her blade with swift precision. However, to her surprise, Arthur not only parried the attack but also delivered a powerful blow to her face, sending her reeling.

Arthur smiled confidently. "If speed is all you have, then I'm good. Victory will be mine." In Arthur's strategic mind, relying solely on one aspect of power was a fatal flaw. He understood that firsthand from his own experiences. If an opponent limited themselves to a single source of strength, it would inevitably lead to their downfall—just as it had for him in the past.

As Dairruna redirected her attention forward, Arthur seemed to have vanished. It wasn't until she touched her face that she discovered blood trickling down. A realization struck her—direct hits from Arthur were a swift path to defeat. 'I can't afford any more direct blows. I have to rely on my ability, [Paramount Shift], or else victory slips away,' she pondered, the urgency echoing in her thoughts.

Anticipating a new attack, she pivoted to her left, swiftly wielding her blade. However, what manifested was the formidable sword [Caliburn], clashing against hers with a resounding clang before spiraling upward. In an instant, Arthur materialized above her, seizing his weapon and bringing it down in a powerful swing.

With a grin, Dairruna intercepted the strike, yet the force overwhelmed her, pushing her downward alongside Arthur. Their clash continued as they descended, colliding into the murky swamp below.

'How is he even stronger than before? I thought he was already unleashing his full might! Did I miscalculate?' Panic surged within her, questioning the limits of Arthur's strength and the accuracy of her own calculations.

With swift agility, Arthur reappeared beside her, launching a knee strike in her direction. Reacting promptly, she sought to deflect the blow with her sword, but time betrayed her. In a last-ditch effort, she harnessed the power of her darkness to fashion a small shield before her. Despite her attempt, Arthur's knee found its mark, crashing into her face and sending her tumbling away.

As she struggled to regain composure, a wave of realization swept over her. 'This isn't going to end well. If this continued, defeat is imminent, and the consequences are dire. Capture, death, or worse—falling victim to Abysnar,' she pondered, a sense of urgency gripping her. With a decisive halt, she braced herself with her sword, determined to turn the tide of the battle unfolding before her.

Dairruna unleashed a sudden burst of speed, propelling herself forward with a even more energy. In a swift motion, she aimed a lightning-fast strike at Arthur, narrowly missing him but managing to graze his cheek.

Undeterred, Arthur retaliated with a flurry of insanely fast strikes, each one aimed with precision. Dairruna skillfully parried most of them, displaying her own prowess with the blade, but one managed to find its mark, piercing her shoulder.

As the clash unfolded, Dairruna couldn't help but be impressed. 'His strikes can pierce my armor,' she pondered, acknowledging the unexpected strength of the outer god's companions. Despite the intensity of the battle, a curious thought crossed her mind, 'I expected them to be strong, but not this strong. Well, if he does end up killing me, it's not a bad way to go,' she mused, maintaining a sense of grim appreciation for the strong opponent before her.

A smile appeared on Arthur's face in the wake of Dairruna's sudden acceleration. Swiftly, she attempted to land a blow on his chest, but Arthur effortlessly deflected it. "I've grasped your ability now—you won't be able to catch up with me anymore," he declared, leaving her visibly surprised.

"You can increase your speed up to a certain point at specific intervals. Once you've utilized this ability, there's a cooldown period, which explains why you revert to standard combat after the initial burst of speed. However, you've taken it a step further, haven't you? Not only can you boost your speed, but you've also enhanced your strength temporarily and other facets of yourself, correct?" he inquired, executing a forceful kick to her stomach, sending her tumbling backward.

A bead of blue sweat dripped from Dairruna's cheek as she fixed her gaze on Arthur. "Only a handful have identified my ability—Lady Phumera, Lady Yve, Abysnar, the other Eradicators, and one adversary from the past. They came close to ending me. And now, you're the latest addition to that list. Impressive," she admitted with an awe-struck tone.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Arthur retorted, his words hanging in the mostly silent air. It marked the final exchange between them, a tacit understanding of the imminent confrontation. Abruptly, they vanished, colliding in the middle of the unseen battleground. Like in their prior encounter, Arthur's strength prevailed over Dairruna's.

Dairruna harbored a crucial limitation in her ability, a threshold beyond which dire consequences loomed. If she exceeded this limit, the price to pay was steep—her heart would explode, a fatal drawback tethered to her unique power.

Typically, she ended her fights quickly, conscious of her limitations. However, sensing the complexities of dealing with Arthur, especially in the presence of his team, she opted to embrace the challenge.

The decision to engage in a duel with Arthur meant more than a simple clash of blades. If she emerged victorious, her strategy involved defeating Arthur's team one by one, a process lacking in fairness as she would slowly ambush them.

Another motivation behind accepting the duel was her yearning for a fair fight, an experience she had been deprived of for an extended period. Little did she realize that this desire would soon become a catalyst for her own undoing.

Dairruna summoned her vibrant purple flames, launching them towards Arthur, who skillfully sliced through the fiery assault. Undeterred, she unleashed orbs of darkness, only to witness a repeat performance as Arthur nullified them with the holy properties of his sword.

Closing the distance, Dairruna and Arthur clashed blades once more. This time, a subtle shift occurred in Arthur's expression. "Your strike lacked the force from earlier. Are you nearing your limit?" he inquired, noting the change in her offensive prowess.

In response, the woman before him grinned, evading a direct answer. "I don't retreat, sword bearer of the outer god. Let's continue this dance until my flames flicker out!" she declared, charging back into the fray with renewed determination.

Once more, her powers surged, a vivid display of their might. However, this time, an ominous sign manifested—blue blood seeped from her eyes, nose, and mouth, signaling a perilous strain as she pushed beyond her usual boundaries.

"Very well," Arthur responded calmly. In an instant, he reappeared behind her, a swift movement that shattered both her arms and sword into countless pieces.

"…Damn it…" she muttered, the defeat evident in her voice as she started descending toward the murky ground below. Amidst her descent, she caught sight of Arthur, his piercing blue eyes seemingly peering into the depths of her soul.

Crashing to the ground, Dairruna sensed the warmth escaping from her body. With the remnants of her fading strength, she extended her hand above her and uttered, "What a shitty life..." Her voice, almost lost in the echoes of defeat, carried the weight of resignation.

Her very existence was a product for combat, a creation molded by the scientists of Phumera's organization. The essence of her being underwent profound alterations, a testament to the manipulative hands that crafted her.

Originating from a different universe, she was an outsider, part of a small group abducted and subjected to ruthless experiments before being thrust into the harsh reality of this unfamiliar world.

Her "ability" wasn't a natural gift but rather artificially bestowed upon her. Regardless, she had to navigate the challenges of survival from a young age on this unfamiliar planet, relying on her adeptness at wielding this bestowed power. However, she was acutely aware that each time she harnessed it, she chipped away at her own lifespan.

"I want to see all of you again," she uttered, her words hanging in the air as she closed her eyes. Dairruna's origins traced back to a separation from her parents in her original universe, transmuting her into the entity she had become.

Unbeknownst to her, her parents had long met their demise, victims of the relentless demands imposed by the subordinates of the Ueboros. Their passing occurred well before hers.

Yet, amidst the bleakness of her circumstances, a glimmer of hope emerged. Upon reaching "that" place, she was reunited with her parents, patiently awaiting their turn for reincarnation—an eventuality that demanded a substantial amount of time.

Arthur descended to the ground, lowering himself beside Dairruna. His expression contorted into a frown as he expressed his discontent, "Despite defeating you, I can't shake this dissatisfaction. Whatever the cause, perhaps overcoming it will come after we defeat Abysnar and his entire faction."

With these contemplations swirling in his mind, Arthur conjured a petite flower and gently placed it on Dairruna's chest. Utilizing his magical abilities, he soared into the air, swiftly departing to rejoin his team, determined to catch up as they continued their mission.

— ○ ● ○ —

Haru, standing amidst fallen adversaries, remarked, "The closer we get, the more water we come across."

Yoru, vigilant, turned northward, cautioning, "...More are coming."

Roygun, joining forces with the dragon sisters, advised, "Let's remain alert. We don't know what other unknown factors we may encounter here."

As if in response to their collective focus, large roots erupted from the earth, launching a surprise assault. The trio swiftly retaliated, a seamless display of power and precision. Haru and Yoru, channeling their draconic energy, shattered the encroaching roots. Roygun, utilizing a blend of demonic powers and her [Crack] ability, disintegrated the giant roots into smaller, manageable vines before finishing them off with a surge of demonic power.

Following their successful defense against the attacks, a distant sound of applause caught their attention. Turning toward it, they spotted a man perched atop a peculiar creature.

This mysterious figure possessed medium-length white hair, piercing red eyes, and adorned himself in a regal ensemble—a black and red coat with a matching cape, paired with black pants and boots adorned with accents of red and gold.

"He looks like a vampire, or whatever they are—you know, like that Ecilon?" Haru remarked, her gaze fixed on the mysterious man.

"It appears the Resistance has graced our planet. We received word of your arrival earlier. How about we engage in a civilized discussion?" The vampire-like man grinned, baring his sharp fangs.

Haru's body trembled at his proposition. "Now, that just sounds skeevy! I'd rather fight death itself over engaging in a civil discussion with a creep like you!"

"Then die...!" he declared, commanding his grotesque minions to launch an attack. These creatures, not typical beasts but rather large and bloated individuals, charged towards Haru, Yoru, and Roygun, their screams and cries echoing through the air. Upon reaching the trio, the creatures exploded, their grotesque demise accompanied by the man's maniacal laughter.

As the blood explosions subsided, he observed with a wicked grin that Haru, Yoru, and Roygun emerged unharmed. "I expected no less from the Resistance, aided by an outer god. I, Aaemur, shall entertain you for a while," he announced, conjuring humanoid creatures formed from blood.

These eerie creatures, comprised entirely of blood, manifested without faces but boasted a peculiar amalgamation of human-like teeth, crimson tentacles entwined around their bodies, and razor-sharp blades protruding from their arms. Their collective shriek reverberated through the air as they charged at Roygun's group.

Roygun, taking charge, directed her companions, "Haru, Yoru, handle the blood-spawned entities. I'll confront him."

"Roger~!" Haru acknowledged with enthusiasm. She lifted her arms, conjuring a substantial ball of flames. "Let's do this, Yoru! Eat this!" she declared, sending the blazing sphere hurtling toward the approaching blood-formed enemies.

The massive fireball collided with a dense cluster of these grotesque entities, resulting in a spectacular explosion. Its impact not only obliterated the blood creatures but also wrought havoc on the environment, evaporating nearby water and leaving the ground beneath charred and molten.

Capitalizing on the chaos, Yoru seamlessly joined the onslaught, unleashing a barrage of silver crescent moon-shaped attacks from her hands. With precision and swiftness, she sliced through the remaining assailants, leaving a trail of defeated enemies in her wake.

From the remains of the defeated foes, a resurgence occurred, giving rise to creatures even more formidable—taller, larger, and exuding an aura of enhanced strength. Another collective shriek echoed as these upgraded entities charged with renewed vigor towards Haru and Yoru.

"Wow, they're not going to stay down that easily, huh? Does that mean we gotta wait until Roygun defeats that weirdo?" Haru quizzically remarked, enveloping her body in touki and swiftly darting toward the advancing blood creatures.

"Probably?" Yoru responded, her uncertainty mirroring Haru's. Regardless, she joined her sister, both unleashing a barrage of strikes fueled by their touki and draconic energy upon the encroaching enemies.

Despite the upgraded strength of the blood creatures, Haru and Yoru's prowess proved overwhelming. As one of the creatures swung its razor-sharp blades, attempting to inflict harm, the sisters effortlessly countered with their touki, halting the attack with finesse.

"Heh, weaklings!" Haru exulted, her voice echoing as she delivered a powerful palm strike to one of the creatures, following it up with a fiery explosion from a conjured fireball.

"Haru, don't get conceited," cautioned Yoru, her movements fluid as she danced around, wielding blue touki blades to effortlessly slice through her enemies.

"I know! Aaron drilled it into me!" Haru responded, prompting a strange look from Yoru. Blushing, Haru hastily clarified, "Not like that!"

In the distance, Roygun and Aaemur stood locked in a tense confrontation. Aaemur, perched atop a colossal blood-formed creature, peered down at Roygun.

"You... you're not bad looking. Why don't you become one of my concubines?" Aaemur lecherously inquired, licking his lips.

"Unfortunately, I'm already interested in someone else, so I'll have to pass on the offer," Roygun retorted, her response accompanied by the summoning of a small ball of demonic aura. With a swift motion, she hurled it towards Aaemur.

Chuckling dismissively, Aaemur attempted to swat away the incoming attack. To his surprise, he found himself unable to deflect it, and before he could react, Roygun's demonic attack connected, sending him hurtling backward in a blast of powerful energy.

As the smoke dissipated, it revealed the aftermath: the creature Aaemur had been seated upon lay in ruins, a victim of Roygun's cunning use of her [Crack] ability, ensuring its permanent destruction.

In the distance, Aaemur rose from the debris, an expression of disbelief etched across his face. His jaw hung on by a precarious string of flesh, a testament to the severity of Roygun's attack.

However, harnessing his supernatural powers, Aaemur swiftly mended the damage, grinning defiantly as he propelled himself back toward Roygun. Undeterred, Roygun observed his regeneration and formulated a strategic plan.

She resolved to incorporate anti-healing and anti-regeneration elements into her forthcoming attacks, aiming to counter the supernatural resilience displayed by her vampire-like enemy.

"I didn't expect that level of power, but unfortunately for you, I can simply heal myself like this. It's pretty powerful, right? If I keep improving this ability, I can instantly repair any damage and hopefully evolve it for my brain, heart, and soul. Then I'll become a future Eradicator, kuku," Aaemur explained arrogantly, boasting of his regenerative prowess.

Crossing her arms, Roygun responded coolly, "I didn't ask for your future plans."

"Kekekehahaha! We don't have many women like you. I really want you now! We need more like you on this planet!" Aaemur exclaimed, his arrogance fueled by the belief in his god-like powers.

In a sudden twist of events, he vanished and reappeared behind Roygun, intending to say something and then attack her. However, to his utter surprise, Roygun had already positioned her right arms' index and middle fingers behind her, ready to unleash a potent demonic attack.

Aaemur swiftly conjured a small shield of blood in front of him, anticipating Roygun's impending attack. However, before she unleashed her move, she strategically used her clan's [Crack] ability. Disrupting the flow of the blood shield, Roygun effectively dispersed it, leaving Aaemur defenseless against her impending attack.

When Roygun turned to survey the aftermath, a substantial portion of the surrounding terrain lay obliterated. Aaemur, undeterred, had chosen to block the attack with his arms and cape. Despite the destruction, he maintained a grin, attempting to activate his healing abilities. To his shock, however, he found himself unable to do so. Confidence drained from his face, replaced by a growing sense of panic.

"W-why isn't it working?" Aaemur stammered, confusion etched across his face.

Roygun, having no patience for his bewilderment, declared, "You know, we've faced many arrogant idiots like you before. So, you acting like this isn't anything new. We've also come across some with the same powers too, so we can deal with them pretty easily."

In a blink, Roygun reappeared directly in front of Aaemur, her hand's finger pointing at him like a gun. "And getting rid of them is pretty easy," she asserted before unleashing another point-blank attack. The demonic energy surged forward, obliterating Aaemur's head and bringing an end to his arrogant existence.

The blood creatures that Haru and Yoru were engaged with immediately ceased their movements, collapsing to the ground and returning to their original state as ordinary blood. The dragon sisters released sighs of relief.

"Amazing job, Roygun-samaaaa~!" Haru jubilantly shouted, rushing towards Roygun and enveloping her in a tight hug. Yoru silently followed her sister, expressing her approval with a subtle thumbs-up.

Smiling at them, Roygun humbly said, "It wasn't anything special, but... I don't think we're done."

"Eh?" Haru responded, turning back around in tandem with Yoru. As they did, an enormous and peculiar creature, comprised of blood-red shadows, emerged from Aaemur's lifeless form.

"You think you killed me so easily? Me? The Great Aaemur? Please, don't be so arrogant! I was merely surprised by your powers. I'll take you seriously now!" he exclaimed angrily, a newfound determination burning in his eyes.

"Oh, he's taking us seriously now! They always say that!" Haru exclaimed cheerfully, pointing at Aaemur and laughing.

Aaemur, irritated by Haru's nonchalant response, swiftly conjured enormous blood tornadoes, a total of eight, and directed them toward Roygun's group.

"You shouldn't antagonize him, Haru," chided Yoru, expressing her concern.

Nodding sagely, Haru remarked, "You know, I would have liked to see Valerie or Gasper take this guy on—I mean, they're vampires and all, right?"

"Haru, it's time to stop joking around," warned Roygun, causing Haru to freeze and salute her.

"Aye, aye, captain! Yoru, let's go beat him up!" exclaimed Haru, and Yoru, albeit reluctantly, agreed with her sister.

"Why are you so... energetic, Haru?" questioned Yoru, puzzled by her sister's seemingly carefree attitude in the face of danger.

"Because... I get a reward along with Ophis if I defeat a certain number of enemies, or if I beat a really strong person!" Haru explained, shrouding her body with touki. "That's why I won't stop here!"

With determination blazing in her eyes, Haru raised her arm into the sky, conjuring a spear of flames that she gripped tightly. Aiming it at Aaemur, she unleashed the fiery projectile with all her might. The shockwave generated by her throw pulverized and annihilated the blood tornadoes heading their way, leaving both Roygun and Yoru astonished.

With a confident smile, Haru turned to Yoru just before her attack connected with Aaemur. She declared, "I'm going to catch up to you."

Aaemur, quick on his feet, conjured large walls of blood-red darkness in front of him, successfully blocking Haru's attack. However, the force of the impact still sent him reeling, a testament to the power of Haru's flames.

Roygun, observing the scene from behind, shook her head. 'What a strange way to motivate them, Aaron. Although I will admit that it's effective and works since you have most of us in your grasp,' she mused.

Approaching Haru, Roygun inquired, "What reward did Aaron promise you, Haru?"

"That's a secret! Because he said I can ask for whatever I want!" Haru exclaimed, pointing confidently in front of them. "But we have to finish this mission first, so let's do it!" With a swift motion, she unleashed several flame bullets from her fingertips toward Aaemur.

Countless large blood spears materialized around Aaemur, and he hurled them toward Haru's fiery onslaught. The two forces collided halfway, resulting in a spectacular explosion of fire and blood. Within the dissipating smoke, both Roygun and Yoru reappeared behind Aaemur, poised and ready to deliver a decisive strike.

To their astonishment, large bats made of blood swiftly emerged from Aaemur's back, hurtling toward them. The blood bats unleashed screeches, firing circular rings of blood followed by blood spheres.

Roygun, ever vigilant, pointed her arm towards the onslaught, utilizing her [Crack] ability to disrupt the attacks. Her strategic maneuver rendered the blood projectiles useless, transforming them back into regular blood.

Yoru followed up by launching balls of touki at the blood bats, swiftly ending their threat. Yet, before they could refocus on Aaemur, colossal spikes of blood erupted from the ground all around them. The menacing spikes aimed to strike them, forcing the Yoru and Roygun to skillfully maneuver around the attacks to avoid being hit.

"It... would be pretty strange to see Valerie and Gasper do this," remarked Yoru, deftly evading the onslaught.

"I believe Valerie can do something similar, although I doubt Gasper can, since he hasn't shown any signs of blood manipulation or magic," Roygun replied, finding amusement in the young dragon girl's musings amidst the chaotic battle.

Roygun, displaying her mastery of the [Crack] ability once more, created tears in the blood spikes, disrupting their formation and turning them back into regular blood. With the immediate threat neutralized, both Roygun and Yoru aimed their arms at Aaemur's back, unleashing streams of draconic and demonic auras in a combined attack.

Their formidable attack struck Aaemur's back, propelling him forward toward Haru, who swiftly shrouded her body with flames. With precise timing, she slammed her foot into Aaemur's body, launching him even higher into the sky.

As Haru observed Aaemur ascending, she raised her left arm, mimicking the action of pulling back an invisible bowstring. Prepared to unleash her next attack, a small memory played in her mind, momentarily giving her pause.

— ○ ● ○ —

Two weeks before [DxD] ventured to Ferrothos Prime and Aldrake's group embarked to Shadenvyre Machinara, many members of [DxD] were engaged in training within one of the newly constructed training areas courtesy of Aaron. In this particular zone, Haru honed her skills near Yoru.

"Haru," Aaron called out to her, prompting her to turn towards him.

"Oh, Aaron, how can I help you~?" she asked, her head tilting happily.

"I've been watching you train for a while now, and even back before we came here, I always wondered, did you have your own unique attack, move, or flames?" he inquired, leaving her slightly puzzled.

Tilting her head even further in confusion, she asked, "My own flame? I'll admit I don't have any unique attacks or techniques since I just copy the ones I've already seen, as they're effective. But creating my own flames seems impossible."

She continued, "Some dragons may develop their own unique 'flame' because of their inherent traits. Like Oleander-san, he has a more poisonous breath attack and flames since he's a poison dragon. I'm just a regular dragon, so I can't do anything like that."

Haru then glanced at Yoru, who tilted her head in curiosity. "Even Yoru developed her own flames and unique attacks since she's a bit more special than me. All I can do is make my flames a bit stronger than usual and make them melt things quicker," she explained, her tone carrying a hint of melancholy.

Suddenly, Aaron grabbed both of her shoulders, surprising her. "Then let's give you some new flames," he declared.

"N-new flames?" she asked, feeling a bit embarrassed as his face was unexpectedly close to hers. "W-what do you mean by that?"

He released his grip on her and explained, "It's as I say. I will give you new flames. These flames aren't new; they exist in another universe from a certain ability and eyes. But... I'll just give them to you as new flames. Will you accept it? It's quite hard to control and master. Hell, you'll definitely injure yourself while trying to master them. But... even then, will you accept it?"

Haru didn't hesitate and shouted, "Yes, please! I want to be more unique!"

Aaron chuckled at her enthusiasm and gently placed his hand on her head. "You're already very unique, Haru. You're like the sun, and you're quite easy to get along with. Many people here like you. With that said, I'll tell you what these flames are called from that universe—actually, you're already used to this name. It's called—"

— ○ ● ○ —

Haru released the invisible bowstring, initiating her attack. In the subsequent moments, an eerie stillness prevailed, giving the impression that nothing transpired. However, as seconds elapsed, colossal black flames materialized, wrapping themselves around Aaemur's form, consuming him entirely.

Aaron's voice reverberated within Haru's mind. 'It's called—'

"Amaterasu," Haru murmured, a droplet of sweat tracing a path down her cheek. "Aaron mentioned that they blaze with the intensity of the sun, possessing the capability to incinerate other flames. Moreover, they defy conventional methods of extinguishing and persist until their target is utterly reduced to ashes. With that said, only I wield the power to extinguish these flames."

Overhead, Aaemur's anguished screams pierced the air, a cacophony of agony and distress. His bewilderment intensified as he attempted to douse the flames enveloping his body with the nearby water. However, his efforts proved futile, for as soon as he neared the water, the water evaporated into nothingness.

"What the fuck is happening!! What are these flames!? It feels like my very soul is being burned!" Aaemur cried out in pain, his descent to the ground inevitable. His limbs rendered powerless, the intensity of the mysterious flames left him immobilized, a prisoner to their unrelenting torment.

"Are these the flames Aaron gave to you?" Yoru queried, joining Roygun by Haru's side.

Haru nodded energetically. "Yeah, they're called 'Amaterasu,' apparently. They came from a world full of ninjas! I want to visit that world in the future. Do you think Aaron might take us?"

Intrigued, Roygun sought more information. "A world full of ninjas? Did he elaborate on this world?"

Haru shook her head, a bemused expression on her face. "Nope. Aaron just mentioned that these flames originated from eyes, which sounded kind of strange. But, considering Aaron and the intricacies of different universes, it's probably way more complex than that."

"That's true," Roygun and Yoru chimed in unison.

They returned their attention to Aaemur, vigilant until the last trace of movement ceased within his lifeless form. Roygun approached, confirming his demise before touching the body. Haru, with a decisive gesture, dispelled the ominous black flames that once consumed him. Roygun, upon careful examination, detected no lingering signs of life. She turned to her companions and declared, "It's over. He's dead."

Yoru questioned, "…What should we do with him then? Aaron didn't mention bringing them to our side, and his powers seemed rather generic, so it didn't seem like he wanted them either."

Roygun, in agreement, nodded and distanced herself momentarily to communicate with Cúntóir and Aaron through her transceiver. After a brief pause, she returned, instructing Haru, "Burn him."

Haru hesitated, locking eyes with Roygun, but ultimately acquiesced. She made contact with Aaemur's body, shrouding it once more in the same jet-black flames. They watched in silence as the remains slowly turned to ash, carried away by the gentle caress of the wind.

"Alright, let's press on. It seems we're nearing Abysnar's personal base. Be prepared for additional bodies of water, maybe even an entire ocean to cross," Roygun cautioned, and the two dragon sisters nodded in unison, their readiness evident.

— ○ ● ○ —

"I'm ready to chew gum and kick ass! And I'm all out of ass to kick!" Inaie declared triumphantly after dispatching yet another enemy. She teamed up with Rias, Akeno, and Raynare, who, in the distance, had also triumphed over a horde of creatures that appeared around them.

The area they had teleported to could be described as an entire landmass dedicated to graves—a literal "graveyard continent." Tombstones dotted the landscape, dead trees stood as solemn witnesses, mutated crows circled above, and dilapidated buildings added to the eerie ambiance.

Fortunately, Inaie's group, seasoned in confronting such unsettling environments, faced the grim surroundings with stoic resolve. The presence of headstones and the desolate atmosphere didn't faze them as they efficiently dealt with their enemies.

"I'm surprised we haven't stumbled upon zombies or something," Inaie remarked, flying back to her companions.

Raynare shot her a peculiar look. "Do you really want something so cliché to happen?" she questioned, a hint of skepticism in her tone.

"Yeah! I want, like, a giant zombie to appear and be, I don't know, god-class or something?! We'd have to team up and take it down!" Inaie exclaimed with enthusiasm. Observing the reactions of her companions, she tilted her head and inquired, "What's up, guys? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Akeno couldn't contain her amusement as she giggled and pointed behind Inaie. As she turned around, Inaie was met with the sight of a colossal, zombie-like creature. Countless smaller entities they had battled had amalgamated into a towering monstrosity.

"Whoa! Does this place grant wishes too!?" Inaie quipped, laughter bubbling from her.

Raynare approached, seizing Inaie's head and applying pressure. "Don't go jinxing everything here, do you hear me...?"

"Yes, old hag Raynare-sama!" Inaie shouted, only to have Raynare tighten her grip. "Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!! I was joking! I'm sorry!!!"

"Alright, alright, calm down, you two. Let's deal with that thing first before we proceed. Cúntóir mentioned there's an artifact here that could be advantageous for the Resistance," Rias stated, clapping her hands to emphasize the urgency.

Raynare released her grip on Inaie and added, "Oh, right, that. It looks like a tambourine, right? What a weird thing to make an artifact."

Akeno produced a small device, projecting a hologram of the artifact. "Cúntóir mentioned that Abysnar just tossed it here, seeing no value in it. However, it has the potential to halve the time crops take to grow, typically reducing it from 90 days to 45 days. Given the extensive farming areas on the main planet of the Resistance, it could prove highly beneficial for all of us."

"But will it reach the entire area and space?" Inaie questioned, simultaneously launching a ball of light towards the towering zombie-like creature.

Inaie's attack struck the zombie-like creature, tearing a substantial hole in its stomach. However, any sense of victory was short-lived as the creature swiftly regenerated, replacing the damaged portion with new, zombie-like enemies. Witnessing this, Inaie placed her hands on her hips and tapped her foot in dissatisfaction.

"It will, once Cúntóir or Aaron makes modifications to it. But for now, in its current state, it won't cover even a quarter of the area," Akeno explained, stowing the device back into her ring.

"Upgrades, people, upgrades!" Inaie exclaimed, conjuring countless balls of light around them. With a swift motion, she launched them towards the colossal foe. This time, the resulting explosion was significantly larger, obliterating a substantial chunk of the desolate landscape.

"Oh, come on! I added anti-healing to that!" Inaie shouted in frustration as the colossal entity mended itself once again.

"I don't think it has anything to do with healing, Inaie. That... has to be just those things infinitely coming out of the ground," Raynare remarked. A realization struck her, and she pondered, "Wait, the ground?" Taking action, she aimed a ball of light towards the ground and unleashed it.

Akeno, Rias, and Inaie swiftly ascended to avoid the impending attack. The ground beneath them erupted, revealing a sizable chamber with a peculiar glowing orb that continuously spawned the unending horde of zombie-like enemies.

"Oh my god, they are zombies! Someone get the camera!!" Inaie exclaimed with glee, retrieving her phone and recording a brief video of the orb and its ceaseless zombie creations.

Raynare facepalmed, expressing her exasperation. "It's like we're dealing with a child... didn't Grayfia discipline her?"

Rias offered an explanation, "It's precisely because Grayfia disciplines her that she acts like this when she's not within earshot."

Akeno chimed in, "Inaie has been on her own for most of her life. She had to be an adult and was forced to skip out on her childhood and teenage years. So her acting like this makes more sense. Although she does take it a bit far at times, ahaha..." They observed Inaie, now hurling hundreds of light spears at the monster, her playful demeanor contrasting with the gravity of the situation.

Raynare, still unconvinced, remarked, "The rest of us didn't exactly have a happy childhood either, but we're not acting like that."

Akeno, adopting a more serious tone, called out, "Raynare." With a touch of unease, Raynare turned her attention to Akeno, prompting her to continue, "Do you plan on having children with Aaron?"

"H-huh? W-where's this suddenly coming from?" Raynare asked, a noticeable blush coloring her cheeks. Rias also regarded her friend and [Queen] with a questioning expression.

"Just answer me, please," Akeno insisted, maintaining her serious demeanor.

"Well... yeah, I guess I do? Why are you asking?" Raynare responded, her curiosity evident in her reply.

"Do you want your child to have a past like yours? Or do you want to make it a better one for them?" Akeno's question left Raynare momentarily speechless. Akeno continued, drawing a comparison with Inaie, "It's like with Inaie. She's older than Rias and me, but younger than you. Yet, she's experienced the same, if not more, loss and isolation than the rest of us."

"In a way, she's still a child in an adult's body, given that she was alone, unlike us. I had Rias and the rest of the Gremory peerage, and you had the Grigori along with your previous group. Inaie had no one. She was provided with food and necessities to survive, but more or less had no one to interact with," Akeno explained, shedding light on Inaie's unique circumstances.

Akeno smiled and redirected her attention to the colossal monstrosity. She raised her arm, and holy lightning crackled around it. An immense bolt of lightning descended from the skies, striking the giant enemy and leaving it momentarily stunned.

"We can talk about this another time, but I hope you can understand why Inaie acts like that from time to time—oh, and also, we're both hybrids since she's the daughter of Kokabiel," Akeno revealed.

Raynare thought to herself, 'Oh, right, I heard about that. She's that asshole's kid, huh? But... she doesn't seem bothered by it; I should ask her about it again. At the time, we were still getting to know each other, and she felt a bit dismissive about it.'

Rias offered a smile before conjuring several balls of [Power of Destruction]. She unleashed half of them on the monster in front of them and the remaining on the glowing orb beneath.

The section of the monster that Rias targeted didn't regenerate, as she ensured that the other zombie-like creatures couldn't breach it anymore. Balls of destruction hovered around, forming a protective barrier to prevent their reconvergence. Simultaneously, the targeted orb showed signs of damage but wasn't completely obliterated by her attack, surprising Rias.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't destroy this magnificent object, kind intruders," a voice echoed, drawing everyone's attention. The source was a wolf monster with pristine white fur, adorned in sophisticated noble attire with a jacket draped behind him and a cane in his left hand. Rounded sunglasses shielded his eyes, and a golden metallic jaw added an intriguing touch to his appearance.

"...Who are you?" Akeno inquired, her gaze fixed on him.

"Quite a fierce glare you have there, young lady. I am Lyudwik, the owner of this tranquil place you recently destroyed," he introduced himself with a bow.

"So you're one of Abysnar's subordinates?" Raynare inquired.

Contrary to their expectations, Lyudwik shook his head. "I was captured for this device, as it was created by me and a friend of mine. It started as a joke and turned into this powerful contraption. One day, Lady Phumera found out about it, and asked for it. My friend refused and was killed."

Lyudwik cast his gaze to the ground, his expression filled with guilt. "I am and was a coward. I didn't want to face death, so I accepted and was put here to keep working on it. However, I have delayed it over and over again, slowly progressing towards completion. But now, Lady Phumera is getting restless, as she thinks it will aid her in reawakening Magnum Tenebrosum."

"So they're forcing you to work on it?" Rias inquired, and Lyudwik nodded solemnly.

"I wish to join the Resistance, but my life and soul are tied to this contraption. Once I complete it, I will die but if it gets destroyed, I will also die, I lose regardless of what happens. But I implore you, please destroy it, as I see nothing good coming out of it," Lyudwik pleaded.

Rias pressed further, asking, "Why does Phumera think it will help reawaken the outer god?"

"My friend, Kielzen, was the one who made the blueprints for this and knew how it worked down to every part. I merely helped assemble it without asking too much about it. He was the brains between us, and I was the handyman," explained Lyudwik. "So I'm sorry; I don't know how it truly works, but..."

He pointed at the zombie-like monsters and explained, "I found these in a different universe and managed to input the necessary information to recreate them in mass. I don't know how it keeps running, but it feels like it has infinite energy."

Akeno's eyes widened with realization. "Infinite energy...? Wait, doesn't one of Abysnar's subordinates have infinite energy?" Her revelation struck a chord with the others, including Lyudwik.

"You don't mean Lady Noc—" Lyudwik began, but his words were cut short as a large purple hand pierced through his stomach. Shocked, he looked behind him to see a small portal had appeared, and the hand emerged from it.

"You've run out of use, Lyudwik. Go join your friend in the afterlife," said a woman's voice beyond the portal before the hand and the rift disappeared.

Lyudwik fell to his knees, coughing up blood. His demise was sudden, a stark shift from his appearance as a potential ally. The group was left in shock, witnessing an abrupt turn of events.

"I can... still..." Lyudwik attempted to utter, but his words were cut off.

"No, you won't," a voice echoed, and purple lines appeared all over Lyudwik, sending shocks through his body. Despite the pain, he seemed to accept his fate. Turning his gaze towards Rias's group, frozen in shock, he pleaded, "Please stop this. I don't know what it can do, but a person with common sense knows it won't end well if left unchecked."

In an eerie turn, Lyudwik dispersed into purple particles, carried away by a chilling wind. The circular orb's light intensified, absorbing both the zombie-like entities and the giant merged creature.

An explosion and a towering pillar of purple light erupted from the spot where everything merged, visible across the entire planet and from the spaceship where Aaron's group observed.

As the aftermath subsided, a colossal monster loomed before them. It surpassed the size of the previous creature by twentyfold, its body a bizarre combination of bones and eerie purple flesh. Clutched in its hands was a purple crystal emitting strange energy.

[This is Aaron. That thing... is a modeled after a monster from a different universe. Be careful, but you guys can still defeat it. The crystal it has is its weak point. Aim for it. You don't need to worry about capturing it or anything, just kill it,] Aaron's voice echoed in their minds, providing crucial information for the impending battle.

"We didn't know him for too long, but it's better to carry out his wishes, right? Let's kick this thing's ass!" Inaie declared, a note of seriousness in her normally playful tone.

Channeling even more power, she manifested sixteen wings—half fallen angel wings and half tengu wings. Without hesitation, Inaie aimed her hand towards the crystal and unleashed a barrage of blue flames and light attacks.

The giant monster responded by shaking the crystal in its hand, creating a strange yet oddly soothing sound. Subsequently, large purple energy beams shot forth from the crystal, intercepting Inaie's attacks. To her surprise, the beams transformed into massive mouths, devouring her attacks and continuing towards the group.

"Looks like it can eat our attacks. Since it's designed from a different universe, we need to find out its weakness first. Fire different attacks at it and inform us what works and what doesn't," Rias ordered.

Everyone nodded in agreement, and Akeno took the lead. She launched normal lightning, demonic lightning, and holy lightning at the enemy. To her surprise, the colossal monster managed to dodge all her attacks.

"I think it's weak to... lightning? It avoided my attacks," Akeno relayed her observation to the rest of the group.

Armed with the newfound knowledge about the monster's weakness, everyone unleashed a barrage of lightning attacks. However, the colossal creature swiftly evaded the attacks or used its crystal to conjure large shields, blocking the incoming lightning. The crystal then emitted a piercing shriek, destroying several ruined buildings around them.

Suddenly, smaller versions of the monster emerged from the ground, approximately fifteen of them, dashing towards Rias's group. Inaie conjured a large axe made of water and swung it at the summoned monsters. Five out of the fifteen were swiftly vanquished, but the others managed to evade the attack and continued their relentless advance.

In response, Rias clicked her fingers. Conjuring minuscule balls of [Power of Destruction], she sent them hurtling towards the approaching enemies. These tiny orbs went unnoticed by the monsters until they made contact. Upon impact, they rapidly expanded, obliterating the remaining foes and halting their advance.

"It looks like it can't defend against my [Power of Destruction]. Akeno, let's defeat it. Raynare, Inaie, please provide us support," relayed Rias.

"Roger that!" exclaimed Inaie.

"Fine," responded Raynare.

Rias and Akeno soared towards the monster, while Inaie and Raynare provided continuous support with their light attacks. The monster attempted to strike Rias and Akeno with its free hand, but a barrage of lightning attacks swiftly intercepted, obliterating its hand.

The monster shrieked in pain and frustration. Raising its bony, purple tail into the sky behind it, it conjured a large ball of purple energy and launched it towards Rias and Akeno. Just before impact, Rias raised her hand and fired a small ball of [Power of Destruction], infusing it with demonic lightning.

Her attack collided with the purple ball, and the demonic lightning obliterated it. The subsequent impact of the [Power of Destruction] struck the monster's face, tearing away a substantial chunk.

Despite the group's relentless attacks, the enormous monster persisted, launching even more purple energy balls towards them. Rias skillfully dealt with the projectiles, intercepting and neutralizing each one. Once they closed in on the colossal creature, Rias and Akeno unleashed a coordinated attack.

Bringing her hands together, Akeno conjured a large holy lightning halberd and hurled it at the monster, the weapon striking with formidable force. Yet, the assault didn't end there. The holy lightning halberd split into smaller lightning chunks, which rolled down the monster's body, continuously shocking it. Simultaneously, Rias aimed her fingers at the creature, firing small bullets of [Power of Destruction], gradually wearing down its colossal form.

Unexpectedly, the monster responded by raising the crystal while still being shocked. It transformed the crystal into a sword and swung it down in front of it, slicing through the land and creating an enormous crevice that scarred that part of the planet.

"Woah!? Be careful, mister, you might hit someone with that!" exclaimed Inaie as she created lightning using her youjutsu and magic, hurling it towards the monster.

"Like it'll listen to us," replied Raynare. She conjured chains made of light, which grabbed onto the monster's legs, restraining its movements. "That should keep it in place. Kill it already before it transforms or something!"

"If you say that, I'll jinx us!" Inaie replied, grinning at Raynare, who shot her a threatening look.

Yet, after their banter, the monster abruptly slammed its arms into the ground, unleashing a wild shriek. The crystal it held remained suspended in the sky, intensifying its light. Enormous bones and dense purple pillars erupted from the ground, aimed directly at Rias's group, adding a new layer of complexity to the already challenging battle.

Rias maintained her position, shrouding her body with [Power of Destruction], effectively neutralizing the incoming attacks aimed at her. Meanwhile, Akeno and the rest skillfully evaded the pillars, subsequently destroying them with lightning attacks once they moved a safe distance away from the monster.

With calculated precision, Rias aimed her hand at the creature, unleashing four balls of [Power of Destruction] that obliterated large chunks of the monster. A look of shock crossed the monster's face, seemingly expecting its own body parts to regenerate, only to be met with the realization that they did not.

The strategic insight dawned on Rias. 'Whatever it did, it expected its own body to heal, unlike earlier. Did... it turn that crystal into some kind of healing pillar? If so, then using the anti-healing technique after its transformation was a wise choice,' she pondered.

"Let's end it then," announced Rias. "I had wanted to try to do something to bring back Lyudwik, but it seems like only Aaron, Cúntóir, or Azathoth can do it right now." She aimed her hand at the monster once again, conjuring another ball of destruction.

This time, Rias heightened the power, causing the ball to radiate a mix of usual crimson and jet-black aura reminiscent of Aaron, along with streaks of yellow lightning. The attack also incorporated anti-healing and anti-regeneration elements, ensuring the monster wouldn't come back. It was an advanced version of her [Extinguished Star] technique, a lethal combination of destructive forces.

The monster, despite its futile attempts to move, remained restrained by Raynare's earlier chains. However, it opted for a last-ditch effort, opening its mouth and raising its tail to gather even more energy. Two gigantean balls of purple energy materialized before being unleashed in Rias's direction.

The streams of energy merged, forming an even larger, more menacing one that tore through the air toward Rias.

"Rias!" Inaie couldn't help but shout in worry as she watched the attacks coming towards her friend.

"It's fine," but Rias, calm and composed, reassured her. Pointing her [Extinguished Star] towards the incoming attack, she then fired the advanced technique towards it.

Rias's attack sliced through the monster's attack, dismantling it and abruptly putting an end to the threat. Her attack then continued its trajectory, flying towards the monster and entering its chest. It expanded, growing to twice the size of the monster, swiftly obliterating it. The creature's body began to crumble away, signifying its end.

Once Rias landed on the ground, she touched her transceiver and inquired, [Aaron, can we bring him back?]

[Would he even want to come back? I doubt he wants to... it's not over yet; that thing was just stolen,] replied Aaron.

"Eh?" Rias looked back at the spot where the sphere was and found that the rest of it was missing. "But it was just here!" she exclaimed in a panic but quickly composed herself. [Was it that woman?] she asked Aaron.

[More than likely. If you want to face her, go with Liember since she knows her; I can inform her about meeting up with you,] replied Aaron.

Rias cast a glance over her shoulder, finding unanimous agreement within her group. Inaie, displaying solidarity, offered a salute that brought a subtle smile to Rias's face. [Please. I want to at least end her life... if Liember is fine with that,] Rias voiced her thoughts.

[It's bound to be more complicated than a straightforward confrontation. Have a conversation with her and reach a consensus. Having said that, I'm on my way down,] Aaron's voice resonated, and in an instant, he materialized beside Rias.

His eyes fell on the sphere below, prompting him to leap down towards it. Amidst the wreckage of the room, he touched a fragment of the sphere, closing his eyes for a fleeting moment. Upon reopening them, he stood in contemplation, pondering something before leaping back up, only to be enthusiastically tackled by Akeno.

Gently patting Akeno's head, he remarked, "I'll discuss it with him, but it might be beneficial for you to join Liember now. She, alongside Roygun, Haru, and Yoru, is closest to Abysnar's stronghold. If you'd like, I can teleport you to Liember."

"Alright, we'll head to her. Thank you," Rias acknowledged, and the group gathered around her. Akeno, however, seemed reluctant to leave Aaron's side, remaining in close proximity for a few extra moments. "Akeno..." Rias called out to her friend.

With a bit of a pout, Akeno finally separated from Aaron and joined the rest of the group. As they departed, Aaron overheard Raynare muttering something about not being the only one wanting to stay, eliciting a smile from him. He turned back to the sphere and leaped down to the chamber below.

"Now then, let's have a small chat, shall we, Kielzen?" he muttered, reaching out to the device and extracting a fragment of Kielzen's consciousness.

A small, luminous blue orb materialized next to Aaron, fixing its gaze upon him. "Someone has finally contacted me. Is it safe to assume that things have gone awry, formidable one?" inquired Kielzen.

"Something like that. What can you tell me about this thing?" Aaron queried.

"Whatever notions Phumera planted in your mind, it's not quite accurate. It's rather straightforward, and it might not necessarily contribute to awakening Magnum Tenebrosum. At the very least, it could potentially create a diminished replica of him, significantly weaker," elucidated Kielzen.

He went on to explain, "This device essentially duplicates an item or person down to their molecular level and then reconstructs them. However, as I'm not the most powerful person in the world, I can only replicate the power to a certain extent. The power I've replicated was Phumera's, although not every copied item or entity will possess the same level of abilities as him. I made that alteration to prevent the possibility of an army of Phumera replicas becoming a reality."

"Phumera may have suspected that and altered it after I instructed her on its operation and subsequently killed me. Or she didn't suspect it, and it still functions on the same level. I am unsure. What has happened, formidable one?" inquired Kielzen.

Aaron pointed his finger at Kielzen, relaying the necessary information. "She hasn't suspected it, for better or worse. I believe her own greed has led her to believe that they can expedite the reawakening of Magnum Tenebrosum with it, for whatever reason she holds. Having said that, I have a question for you."

"...I see, so that's what happened so far. To think they would keep it here of all places," Kielzen expressed with a tinge of disappointment. "What do you want to ask, formidable one?"

"Do you wish to come back to life?" Aaron posed the question. "I can bring you and Lyudwik back to life. You both can return to the Resistance with us after today's operation."

Kielzen contemplated the question, a silence stretching into what felt like an eternity. Finally, he responded, "If Lyudwik is agreeable, then I shall rejoin him in the realm of the living."

Aaron chuckled in response, remarking, "You seem quite attached to him."

"We were lovers before I met my demise," Kielzen revealed, catching Aaron off guard.

"...I see, I didn't expect that. Anyway, I'll bring his soul back, and you two can discuss it," Aaron informed him. He turned around, summoning Lyudwik's soul before presenting it to Kielzen's consciousness. "Talk it out, and call me back when you're done," he instructed, then leaped back up to the surface.

[What now, Partner?] Ddraig asked.

Aaron surveyed the scene, the echoes of battles reverberating across the planet. His attention shifted to the team deployed to Viriterra Remetura, their mission underway.

"The device they made is quite powerful. Maybe we can utilize it ourselves, creating our own army or even just make replicas of fighters for training, who knows? The possibilities are endless. It can even recreate items. I wonder if I use myself as a power source, we may be able to create anything we want," he mused, but then a furrow creased his brow.

"...It's powerful, way too powerful now that I think about it. If I were to be the power source, they'll more or less have my powers. We'll need to use someone else. I'll just make a replica of it for myself and put one in Sanctuary," he said, nodding to himself with a hint of contemplation.

Before he could delve deeper into his thoughts, Lyudwik's voice called out, drawing Aaron's attention. He gracefully descended and inquired, "Did you make your decision? What is it?"

"We'll join the Resistance. That's what we originally wanted to do. The whole reason for the creation of this device was for that purpose. Originally, we wanted to capture an Eradicator and have them become the power source for this and go from there, but reality wasn't kind to us," explained Lyudwik.

"I see, then I'll bring you two back. I can create a replica of this, so I'll destroy it for now. Is that fine with you?" Aaron asked, his tone reflecting a mix of understanding.

"No need. We'll forge a superior one within the Resistance's stronghold, surpassing the current model. But, if my recollection serves me right, you mentioned in my memories that Nocethra stolen the remaining devices and is utilizing them, fueled by her infinite energy, am I correct?" inquired Kielzen.

"Yes," affirmed Aaron.

"Then please, end her and obliterate the contraption. We'll fashion a novel, enhanced iteration within the Resistance, but acquiring the essential materials will be imperative once more," elucidated Kielzen.

"That's fine. I can procure the materials for you. If you need better components, consider it done. Let me revive both of you for now," uttered Aaron, his hand making contact with the ground as he initiated the process of bringing the pair back to life.

It took mere moments for Aaron to breathe life back into the duo, materializing their physical forms before him. What caught his attention was the intriguing contrast between Kielzen, now bearing a human semblance, and Lyudwik, who retained his previous visage.

Kielzen sported short, dark grey hair, and his eyes glowed a striking shade of red. His physique exuded a toned prowess, clad in a lengthy black coat, matching pants, and sturdy boots. The ensemble was completed with rounded sunglasses perched confidently.

"You know, you look like a villain," Aaron remarked, his gaze fixed on Kielzen. Lyudwik couldn't contain his amusement, erupting into laughter as he affectionately patted Kielzen on the back, who responded with a wry smile directed at Aaron.

"I get that a lot," Kielzen replied, a hand casually resting on the back of his head. "My personality is nothing close to my appearance, though. I am half, what you call, a vampire, so perhaps a... dhampir?"

"A dhampir, huh? I have a junior and a lover that are dhampirs. Anyway," remarked Aaron, tapping his head, and in an instant, Laeronia materialized beside him.

"You called, Boss?" Laeronia inquired, his attention shifting to Lyudwik and Kielzen. Aaron transmitted the necessary information to Laeronia, who nodded in acknowledgment. Turning to the duo, he declared, "I'll transport you back to the Resistance's planet now. Take the time to recuperate. Provide me with a list of your requirements, and I'll ensure they're all gathered by tomorrow."

Surprise briefly flickered across the faces of Kielzen and Lyudwik, but they swiftly concurred and departed. Aaron leaped back to the surface, a casual flick of his hand obliterating the lingering sphere and the underground chamber.

"Now then, where should I go?" he pondered, his gaze drifting towards the direction of the Fated One.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron materialized at a specific location on the planet, surrounded by undulating mountainous terrain. The landscape featured hills and peaks, with rocky ground beneath his feet. Mere feet away stood the group comprising Velgrynd, Rossweisse, Lavinia, Danu, Suzaku, Aoife, and Azathoth.

As he observed them, a realization dawned on him. 'Looking at them, it feels like the 'Fated Ones' have expanded again after Rose, since Aoife and Azathoth are usually with these five, making them a regular seven,' he mused. With purposeful steps, he approached the group, only to be met with a sharp turn from Velgrynd, ready to attack until she recognized Aaron.

"Yo," he greeted them, hand raised in a casual gesture. "Let's make our way to—" Before he could finish, Lavinia and Aoife lunged at him and embraced him as their heads began rubbing against his chest. "To Abysnar's base."

"We heard that Liember and Roygun's group are the closest to it, right?" Suzaku inquired.

"Yeah, your—our group isn't too far from it either, but we are further away than those two, so let's make haste," said Aaron, swiftly catching up to the rest as Lavinia and Aoife continued to fawn over him.

"Earlier," Velgrynd began, "I felt something strange in the location of Rias' group. What was that about?"

Aaron nodded and proceeded to share the details of what he had discovered and the actions he had taken. "We'll need to defeat—no, we need to kill Nocethra or at least strip her of her powers. Rias... could pull it off, but she'll need to inform Liember beforehand and then leave Nocethra to me once she's captured," Aaron explained.

"You are... going to put that machine in [Sanctuary]? Hasn't Cúntóir only worked on it from time to time...?" Azathoth inquired.

Aaron offered a reassuring smile to Azathoth and replied, "You were preoccupied during those times, but we have been working on [Sanctuary] intermittently. It's making steady progress in becoming livable. Most rooms have been replicated from our home in Kuoh, so it's already quite comfortable. We just need to add and adjust a few things to make it completely livable and sustainable."

"Do you plan on moving there in the future?" Rossweisse questioned.

"Yeah, I want our family to move there. It will be the safest place in the omniverse and beyond. After that, our home in Kuoh and the Dimensional Gap. But I plan on giving our home in Kuoh to our children in the future too since they'll most likely want to go to Kuoh for education," he explained.

"Is that so? Well, let's keep forging ahead!" Velgrynd suddenly exclaimed, striding away with the others, leaving Aaron momentarily perplexed.

"They're feeling a bit bashful," Aoife observed.

"Exactly~!" added Lavinia with a mischievous giggle.

"I mean, it's a natural part of life, right? I'm not sure why they're getting all flustered about it," mused Aaron.

"Some folks are just not ready for that kind of talk, you know? Suzaku and Danu seem fine with it, but Rose-chan, Vel-Vel, and Azathoth seem a bit hesitant. Azathoth, in particular, seemed a bit off earlier," explained Lavinia.

"Well, fair point." Aaron shook his head. "Let's put that on hold for now and maybe have a chat with Azathoth later." With that, he effortlessly lifted Lavinia and Aoife, placing them on his shoulders, and dashed ahead of the group.

"Onwards our steed!" Lavinia declared, prompting a collective sigh from the others as they watched the trio revel in their childlike antics.

"Are you sure that they'll be good future parents?" Velgrynd asked incredulously.

"Keeping a bit of that youthful spirit isn't a bad idea, Velgrynd. It's a positive thing, you know? Some adults tend to forget they were once children, even those who swore not to replicate their parents' or grandparents' mistakes. Yet, some end up falling into the same traps. Some manage to catch themselves and correct their course, while others are too blinded by the notion of being an 'adult,'" Suzaku explained.

"Hmm... if you put it that way, then it might work," Velgrynd replied, and they quickened their pace to catch up with Aaron.

— ○ ● ○ —

On the planet Viriterra Remetura Latia's group had integrated with the teams exploring its vast terrain. Before departing the spaceship, Azathoth had generously offered to craft duplicates of their ship and clones of themselves, providing additional protection in space. In the event of any conflict, Latia would be promptly informed, allowing her to decide the appropriate course of action.

"This region of the planet is remarkably expansive, and it boasts numerous bodies of water," Latia observed. She aimed her ring at the water and utilized [Appraisal] before delicately touching the water and sampling it, leaving her companions perplexed. "It's sweet."

"Eh?! Seriously!? Let me try!" exclaimed Zhang Mei as she scooped up the water with her hands and took a sip. "Sweet? It tastes like coffee," she remarked, tilting her head in confusion. Other team members joined in tasting the water, each providing their interpretations, prompting Latia to contemplate its true nature.

The landscape surrounding Latia's group consisted of colossal rectangular rocks stacked upon one another, some adorned with grassy platforms, and smaller rectangular rocks perched atop them. These unique structures stretched as far as their eyes could discern, emphasizing the vastness of the planet. Although they couldn't determine its exact size, it dwarfed Earth, aligning with the scale of other planets disclosed by members of [DxD].

Curiosity sparked, Latia addressed Astrid and Eliovan, "Are the rocks here different from regular ones? What about these structures surrounding us?"

Astrid, drawing upon vague rumors about this locale, replied, "I don't have precise details, but what we shared earlier remains true... let's see." Astrid surveyed the surroundings, producing an orange knife from her ring. In a surprising move, she cut herself, drawing the attention of those around her. She then scooped up some water and drank it.

"Tastes like coffee with honey, and here," she remarked, displaying her healing wound, a testament to the peculiar properties of this mysterious place.

"The rocks here, as far as I can tell, are nothing special. They originate from the planet, and aside from the healing properties bestowed by the god, they're just ordinary rocks you can find anywhere. As for their peculiar shapes, I can only speculate that Abysnar or someone else shaped them into this form," elucidated Eliovan.

Quan Xinyue, a member of Zhang Mei's group and one of the few representatives from the Chinese Pantheon accompanying [DxD], suddenly gazed up at the tallest rock structure in their vicinity. Observing this, Zhang Mei inquired, "What's up, Quan Xinyue?"

Liang Meiying, also directing her attention upward with a smile, explained, "Quan Xinyue can easily sense other life forces when she's calm, and I believe there's something or someone up there." Liang Meiying pointed towards the towering rock structure, prompting everyone to follow her finger and focus on the highest point in their surroundings.

The atmosphere around them shifted, prompting Latia to issue swift commands. "We've already discussed our approach to this planet and the Abstion Purgers. All other groups, proceed with your missions; the rest, stay with me."

Her instructions were met with quick agreement, and the teams dispersed accordingly. The individuals left behind included Latia, Astrid, Eliovan, and Zhang Mei's group. Zhang Mei's team comprised only a handful of members, including Zhang Mei herself, Quan Xinyue, Liang Meiying, Tiamat, Quan Xiuying, Oleander, and Elsha.

In the tense moment, Tiamat's keen instincts kicked in, asserting, "It's a person, I'm 99% sure of it. I've come across a lot of people over my life, and that isn't a beast or anything close to it."

Suddenly, a formidable barrier enveloped them, its dark green hue casting an eerie atmosphere. A mysterious mist started to permeate the enclosed space.

As the mist thickened, Oleander analyzed the situation, stating, "It's some kind of poison being deployed in this barrier. They're trying to kill us with it or knock us out. I myself am immune to most poisons, but this is foreign to me. It was a wise suggestion from Aaron-sama to grant us immunity to all poisons, diseases, and toxins for this mission."

Their bodies were quickly shrouded in a faint and pale silver aura and the green mist had no effect on them.

Intrigue rippled through the air as a woman's voice echoed, "Oh? Now that's interesting. None of you are affected by this. I guess the Resistance came prepared to face us. I better inform Baxicara, kuku."

The members of [DxD] looked up, spotting a woman floating above them. Her presence exuded an air of mystery and authority. She possessed long, curly green hair, complemented by striking green eyes. Adorned with green earrings and a necklace containing a tube filled with a mysterious green liquid, she wore a long white lab coat over a black shirt, paired with white pants and black heels. Brown gloves adorned her hands.

With a mischievous chuckle, she remarked, "Hmm-hmm. I see little Eliovan and Astrid, but the rest I haven't seen before. I see, I see, they're from the outer god's group, aren't they? No, no, this won't do. I have to retreat; otherwise, I'll be defeated, kuku," before gracefully disappearing, leaving behind an air of uncertainty and a trail of unanswered questions.

The once-impenetrable green barrier shattered, and the lingering mist dissipated into nothingness. As they surveyed the surroundings, Tiamat began, "She's gone, she's—" Her words were cut short by an enormous explosion that resonated through the area, emanating from the very spot where Quan Xinyue had detected something.

With urgency in their movements, they swiftly flew towards the epicenter. Upon arrival, Latia and the rest were met with a disheartening sight. The platform they touched down on revealed the remnants of a once-standing building, now reduced to ruins. Scattered among the debris were various pieces of equipment, remnants of experiments and research.

Latia, wearing a frown, carefully examined the surroundings. "This must have been her base or a temporary hideout, right? She was likely the presence Quan Xinyue sensed earlier. If only we had acted quicker, we might have reached here in time to capture her," voiced Zhang Mei in frustration, the missed opportunity lingering in the air like a bitter aftertaste.

"No, she didn't get too far," Quan Xiuying chimed in, diverting everyone's attention. With a reassuring smile, she revealed a small, nearly translucent string made of water. "I attached this to her before she left. If we follow it, we'll find out where she went."

"Nice, Quan Xiuying!" Zhang Mei exclaimed, expressing her approval with a warm hug.

"...Zhang Mei, take your group and defeat her. I believe we can use her if we capture her. The rest, stay with me. I want to explore this place a bit more. If she spent an extended amount of time here, there must be other things hidden. But before you go, who was she? She seemed acquainted with you two," Latia inquired, turning her attention to Eliovan and Astrid.

"I've never met her before," Eliovan asserted. "So I have no idea how she knew me."

"She's Specion. I came across her once when I went to another planet to buy some supplies. I thought I had disguised myself well enough, but we faced off over there. She nearly killed me, but I managed to escape thanks to Branthar and Ramlar helping me," explained Astrid.

Furrowing her brow, Astrid added, "I don't know how she knows you, though. Zhang Mei, can you ask her how she knows Eliovan?"

Saluting her, Zhang Mei responded, "Roger that! Let's go, team!" before leaping away, following Quan Xiuying's string of water.

Latia, Eliovan, and Astrid found themselves alone in the aftermath, their comrades dispatched for various tasks. The trio set out to explore the area, curiosity guiding their steps. Before long, Eliovan signaled them from another platform, drawing their attention.

He held up a peculiar flower, prompting Latia to crouch beside him for a closer look. With a thoughtful expression, she employed her ring's [Appraisal] function, unraveling the mystery of the seemingly ordinary plant.

"It's a lever, one of twelve scattered here. Pull it like this," Latia demonstrated, her fingers deftly mimicking the action. A subtle click echoed through the air. "This triggers a mechanism, opening something..."

"So, we're on a lever hunt now, huh?" Astrid quipped, her tone laced with a hint of amusement. Latia, however, was quick to provide a strategic approach.

"Don't rely on appearances alone. Use your ring and necklace to detect the other levers. We need to be efficient; they shouldn't be too far from this spot, considering the mechanism's design. Let's find them and unravel the secrets Specion is concealing," Latia instructed, prompting the trio to disperse in search of the elusive levers.

The search proved fruitful as they efficiently utilized their [Appraisal] ability to locate ten of the levers. However, the eleventh lever remained elusive, leading to a sense of frustration among the trio. Running in circles and exploring every nook and cranny, they eventually found themselves back at the original rock structure's platform.

"I can't find it. Where did she hide the last one!?" Eliovan exclaimed in frustration, venting his disappointment by kicking at the grass beneath him.

"Don't let it get to you, Eliovan. We'll uncover it eventually. She's done a good job hiding it. We need to keep our cool; it wouldn't be ideal if it takes us the entire day to find it," Astrid remarked, attempting to soothe Eliovan's frustration while grappling with her own sense of irritation.

As Astrid and Eliovan stood there, processing the situation, Latia delved further into the interior of the decimated building. With her ring's [Appraisal] in action, she meticulously scanned the surroundings until her discerning gaze landed on a discreet pot adorned with a solitary flower. A subtle smile adorned Latia's face.

"Astrid! Eliovan!" Latia's triumphant call beckoned them, prompting the frustrated duo to swiftly converge on her location. Without uttering a single word, Latia unveiled her revelation, revealing the concealed pot.

"Wait, it was here all along? What in the all living fuc—heck is this?" Astrid exclaimed, refraining from venting her full frustration.

Eliovan, acknowledging the unexpected cleverness of Specion's ruse, remarked, "I have to admit, it was a shrewd move on her part. By making it seem like she obliterated everything, she effectively diverted our attention, preventing us from exploring this area initially."

At last, Latia seized the moment, grasping the final lever with certainty. The platform quivered beneath their feet as the mechanism initiated its purpose. Without a second thought, Latia rallied her companions, urging, "Let's fly up; whatever Specion concealed is likely housed within this structure."

In seamless agreement, the trio swiftly departed the remnants of the disheveled building, soaring into the open sky. As they ascended, the once-solid rock beneath them began its transformation, dissolving into obscurity. In its wake emerged an imposing, luminous green crystal, suspended in midair. A spectacle that left them befuddled and intrigued.

Puzzled, they approached the colossal crystal, their confusion escalating. Eliovan, unable to contain his bewilderment, questioned, "Is this all she hid—a massive crystal?"

Astrid, ever the witty one, chimed in, "Perhaps it's part of her weird pastime?"

Yet, Latia, with a furrowed brow, silenced her companions. Activating her [Appraisal], she directed her gaze at the enigmatic crystal. A hushed tension filled the air as Latia's eyes scanned the information on her display. A single bead of sweat traced a path down her cheek, signaling an unexpected revelation.

Eliovan, sensing the gravity of the moment, inquired, "What's the matter? Is there something extraordinary about it?"

Latia's revelation hung in the air like a heavy mist, casting a new light on the mysterious crystal before them. She spoke with a measured tone, "This crystal holds the body of the god assisting in powering the planet, but her soul is absent. I suspect it resides within the core—the very heart of the planet."

Astrid, unable to fathom the concept, questioned, "Body? But I don't see any semblance of a body in there."

Latia explained, "It likely fell victim to the destructive forces of Magnum Tenebrosum and Phumera. However, rather than obliteration, it seems they left a remnant. A remnant that Specion, in her own way, is preserving. Perhaps she has some ulterior motive—"

Eliovan interjected, finishing Latia's thought, "—Maybe an attempt to resurrect the goddess for her personal gain?" Latia nodded, confirming the shared concern among them.

Latia considered the options, weighing the potential dangers. She responded with something else, "Or... it might be Abysnar attempting to harness this power for himself, instructing Specion to manage it. This is all speculative for now. Let's reach out to Aaron or Cúntóir later and seek their insights. But, in the immediate, we should contact Zhang Mei's team."

Astrid expressed deeper concerns, "If Abysnar gains divinity through this, the repercussions could be severe. Who knows what might happen?"

Eliovan questioned their course of action, "So, what do we do with this crystal? We can't simply abandon it; someone might exploit it if we do."

Latia made a decision, "You two can leave. I'll stay and keep watch. After both operations conclude, I'll request Aaron's presence here."

Eliovan hesitated, "Are you sure? We could ask Aaron to address this immediately."

With a confident assurance, Latia assured her comrades, "Don't worry. I will remain here, defending this place, all the while issuing careful instructions through the transceivers we have and this." She unveiled a bracelet, and with a commanding gesture, she cloaked the vicinity in an impenetrable barrier.

"Go join any team you want and leave this to me," she reiterated. Reluctantly, the duo consented and faded from view. Latia then engaged her transceiver, inquiring, [This is Latia. Zhang Mei, can you hear me?]

[Lat-Lati, what's the matter!? Woah!? Hey! Watch it!] Zhang Mei's voice resonated, tinged with astonishment.

Swiftly, Latia relayed the intricacies of their discovery and the strategic plan. Zhang Mei's nervous chuckle echoed through the communication.

[No wonder. After we found her in her little lab, she quickly lost her shit, we also found her playing around with some green liquid. Unfortunately, we don't know what the hell it is. I'll tell you more about it once we have more information after we beat her!] exclaimed Zhang Mei.

[Alright, I'll leave it to you then,] said Latia with a reassuring tone before redirecting her focus to the enigmatic crystal. "Let's delve deeper and uncover the mysteries surrounding you," she muttered to herself, lifting her ring to examine the crystal more closely.

— ○ ● ○ —

Chapter 19 consists of 8 parts, and I plan to release them gradually on the platforms where I typically upload my content. However, due to my current illness, the rate of uploads may be slower. I am experiencing hypersensitivity throughout my entire body when I move, and I have also lost my appetite. Nevertheless, I am committed to delivering these chapters as quickly as I can manage.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.