Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 19 – Part 2 – Arrivals*

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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Approaching the scene, I noticed the collapsed creature bore a striking resemblance to the one Natsume had recently taken on as a companion or pet. Currently residing in our universe, they were slated to accompany Azazel's group when they visited in a few weeks—a curious and mysterious being known as an Aunos Calba.

These small creatures were powerful yet endangered, to some degree. Observing its evident distress, I crouched down, gently placing my hand on its head to discern the source of its pain.

Conducting a swift examination of its body, I identified the issue. Without hesitation, I initiated a quick teleportation, whisking away everyone in proximity, including other animals and staff. Reflecting on the situation, Cúntóir and I realized we should have been more thorough in our assessments of these creatures. Yet, occasional oversights were inevitable.

Concern etched on her face, Asia inquired, "W-what's wrong, Aaron?"

"In every practical sense, that Aunos Calba is not alive anymore. Something else has taken control of its body," I informed her, leaving her even more stunned. "It's—"

"Eraomire Insurall. It's a creature that seizes control of its host's body, gradually extinguishing its life force from within before leaving to seek out another host. It's different from an Abyss Puppeteer, as they typically require 'consent' or wait for a vulnerable moment to take control. For instance, if the host loses the will to live, the Abyss Puppeteer seizes the opportunity to take control then," Citrina elucidated.

"...What she said, it'll—" The Auros Calba's body burst apart, scattering blood and entrails in all directions, giving way to the emergence of a new creature.

The newcomer had a peculiar appearance, to say the least. Its head resembled the skull of some unidentified animal, while a discernible ribcage and skeletal limbs adorned with bony hands and fingers constituted its upper body. With a total of four arms, the rest of its form was composed of an eerie blend of darkness and shadows, complete with a trailing tail.

"Aaron, mind if I throw in a suggestion?" Citrina inquired, and I signaled my agreement with a nod, not bothering to turn around. "I'm thinking of capturing this creature for a more in-depth study, perhaps even experimenting with it. And, what if we merge it with what your team snagged during the last mission to craft a whole new Sacred Gear, huh?"

The idea of fusing an Abyss Puppeteer and Eraomire Insurall to birth a new Sacred Gear piqued my interest. "A fusion like that does sound intriguing. Let's go ahead and give it a shot," I responded.

"Great. Allow me to handle its defeat; I'm itching to put my new sword to the test," Citrina declared, positioning herself in front of us.

With a nod, I silently approved and cast a barrier around us. "Go ahead and let loose. I've got us covered with a barrier," I assured her.

Citrina acknowledged with a nod before sprinting toward the Eraomire Insurall. In an instant, her sword became enveloped in a radiant golden energy, and with a swift movement, she vanished, reappearing behind the creature to deliver a downward swing.

The Eraomire Insurall emitted a shriek, responding with several dark hands materializing to intercept Citrina's sword mid-swing. Undeterred, she unleashed a brilliant golden blast, enveloping the formidable creature. Another anguished cry echoed as a pillar of darkness and shadows erupted from the Eraomire Insurall, compelling Citrina to leap back to our side.

"The Eraomire Insurall does have a few vulnerabilities. You might already be aware, but it's susceptible to holy, light, gold, silver, and cosmic energies. Similar to other creatures of its kind, their resistance can vary based on their strength, and this particular one is quite ancient, having likely faced numerous battles, making it exceptionally troublesome," Citrina elucidated.

"Are you going to be okay?" Göndul inquired, a hint of concern lacing her voice.

Citrina responded with confidence, "Yes, I've dealt with a few of these before. No need to fret. These creatures are well-documented, much more than those Abyss Puppeteers." With that assurance, she swiftly darted back towards the looming threat.

The Eraomire Insurall unleashed dark, shadowy hands in a menacing manner, attempting to ensnare her. However, Citrina adeptly wielded her sword, effortlessly cutting through the looming appendages. Witnessing her skill, I couldn't help but be impressed by her remarkable swordsmanship. She sliced through several attacks, closing the distance to the creature once again.

Abruptly, the monstrous entity adorned itself with sharp bone spikes that protruded menacingly from its body and the surrounding ground. Forced to leap backward, Citrina found herself airborne, seizing the opportunity to unleash a barrage of golden aura slashes towards the Eraomire Insurall.

Much to the creature's astonishment, Citrina's slashes cleaved through its body spikes and the encroaching darkness, landing true on its form.

The initial strikes hit their mark before the remaining slashes collided, resulting in a spectacular golden explosion enveloping the space around us. As the radiant aftermath settled, the creature bore significant damage, emitting another ear-piercing shriek before conjuring a wave of darkness and unleashing it in all directions.

Reacting swiftly, I erected a small protective barrier, shielding us from the impending attack. Meanwhile, above our shelter, Citrina harnessed her powers to craft resplendent golden wings, elevating herself gracefully.

With a confident smile directed at the creature, she soared towards it, executing a precise horizontal golden slash that obliterated the encroaching darkness wave.

Quickening her pace, Citrina deftly severed two of the creature's right arms before executing a nimble pivot and thrusting her weapon into its back. However, a sudden expression of surprise graced her face as a hand wrought from darkness struck her across the face, sending her tumbling backward.

"Hehe... your age played a part, huh?" she teased, and the creature responded with a silent, intense glare. Raising her sword, she remarked, "You shifted your heart before I could strike it. Who knew you had that move in your arsenal?"

Moved its heart? That wasn't your typical creature ability. If what Citrina mentioned earlier held true, then the extensive age of this creature must have granted it some rather unconventional skills. The saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" doesn't seem to apply here, at least not in this universe.

Swiftly advancing toward the Eraomire Insurall, she initiated another series of golden slashes, met in resistance by the creature's ominous darkness. The clash of the two opposing forces created a spectacle, and in the aftermath, Citrina reappeared behind the creature.

"Since you can move it, might as well hit every part of your body, right?" she remarked, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. Drawing her sword back, an even more intense golden glow emanated from the blade before she propelled it toward the Eraomire Insurall.

To the untrained observer, it seemed like a single thrust. However, owing to Citrina's exceptional skills and vast experience, that seemingly singular motion translated into a thousand precise attacks. In the span of a mere second, a multitude of holes manifested all over the Eraomire Insurall's body.

Among them, one proved fatal. The Eraomire Insurall emitted another agonized shriek before succumbing to the ground, its once formidable form now lifeless and defeated.

Swiftly, I hurried toward the injured creature, breathing life back into it and ensuring it remained calm. Subsequently, I transported it to an alternate dimension, where it hung in a suspended state until the moment arrived for it to play a role in my carefully laid plans. In that same dimension, the Abyss Puppeteer resided.

This specific pocket of existence was crafted with intent—an intentional space distinct from the one where I stored items in my [Inventory]. Placing living beings in that storage felt odd, prompting the creation of this new dimension. It stood in contrast to the Lavender Box, a container I still carried, designed not for safekeeping but to inflict torment upon those confined within.

Curiosity sparked within me as I turned my attention to Citrina. "Aldrake's stories suggest that you were the more seasoned one between them before the 100,000-year separation. Did you start your training at a young age?" I inquired.

Citrina nodded in response, delving into her past. "Yes, indeed. Aldrake, bless his heart, was quite timid during our youth and remained so until our forced parting. He didn't immerse himself in any form of training. Instead, his responsibilities were geared towards assuming the throne once our father, the King, passed away. While he focused on these matters, I seized the opportunity to pursue my own interests, relishing the freedom that came with it," she elucidated.

"I picked up how to manipulate our inborn abilities and delved into swordsmanship. Eirelis, our guard, taught me the basics, and we eventually connected with her master, who imparted the full spectrum of swordsmanship skills. Aldrake and I each have our strengths and weaknesses, but together, we compensate for any shortcomings."

She glanced aside, exhaling as I dispelled the remnants of blood, destruction, and the protective barrier. "Yet, it seems he's outpaced me in strength and technique during his isolation. He's matured considerably, although, amusingly, it still appears he's vulnerable when pitted against me," she shared, a mischievous grin playing on her lips.

Suddenly, Asia pulled at my sleeve, her gaze directed towards where the Auros Calba once rested. "Can you... bring it back to life?" she inquired, pointing at the now vacant spot.

I extended my arm and gently ran my fingers through Asia's hair. "I reckon Natsume's Auros Calba could use a companion," I shared with her before strolling back to the same spot. There, I proceeded to bring the little creature back to life. Asia approached, cradling the revived creature in her arms until it peacefully drifted off to sleep.

"That turned out to be more eventful than I expected in this place. I'll go check the rest to ensure there's nothing else like this," I informed them before heading off to where the other animals and staff were assembled.

In a nearby building, as I arrived, the staff were attentively tending to the various creatures housed there. A staff member spotted me and hurried over.

"Sir Aaron, it seems there's some sort of ailment spreading among these animals. Would you mind taking a look? One of our staff members witnessed the earlier skirmish, and we're certain it's not the Eraomire Insurall," the man in front of me relayed urgently.

"Sure thing," I agreed. We strolled over to one of the few animals present, and I conducted a thorough scan. Afterward, I extended my scrutiny to the others nearby, discovering the ominous presence of a local disease that claimed the lives of these creatures on an annual basis.

"Looks like Cosgue Repix, judging by the symptoms. This is quite common, isn't it?" I inquired, turning to the staff member for confirmation.

His expression contorted into a frown as he responded, "That's troubling. Typically, Cosgue Repix selects a specific species each year to prevent any overpopulation issues, and the following year, it targets a different one, maintaining a balance in all species' populations."

Nodding in understanding, I remarked, "So the fact that multiple species are affected suggests that something is amiss. It's either an anomaly or a consequence of gathering these animals here, right?"

"Yes, it's quite unusual to see such a diverse gathering of species like this. If the disease were present in one of these creatures, it could disrupt its usual cycle. However, we usually keep a vigilant eye on these matters, much like Phumera's organization. Unless... unless something else is awry, the only plausible explanation is that it's an anomaly," the man explained.

"Let's focus on these guys for now, so I'll proceed to eradicate this disease from these animals," I assured him, raising my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. A small green orb materialized above me, and a beam of light connected itself to all the animals, swiftly purging them of the ailment.

I presented the purified ball to the man, its form solidified. "We've got a team of researchers and scientists in this planet; let's get them on the case. If they can't unearth anything, I'll give it a shot myself."

Eager agreement gleamed in his eyes as he nodded, taking the orb from me. He exited the building, presumably headed to deliver it to the Resistance's scientific and research division.

I gently tapped the side of my head, establishing a mental link with the man. 'You guys have the rest of the day. If it's not sorted by then, I'll take a look. If the issue is widespread, it could become problematic,' I conveyed through our mental connection.

'Y-yes, sir!' he responded, a hint of startlement evident in his reply.

Diligently, I proceeded to check and recheck all the animals, ensuring that the disease had been unequivocally eradicated. Satisfied with the results, I made my way back to rejoin my group. However, upon returning outside, there was no sign of them, except for Göndul.

Approaching her, I inquired, "Where's everyone else?"

Having left Shin in her care, she cradled him gently in her arms. "They went with Citrina. Xenovia and Irina were eager to test their swordsmanship against hers, and Asia accompanied them to provide support with the Aunos Calba," she explained.

Letting out a sigh, I mused, "I should've seen it coming, especially after witnessing Citrina's impressive skills." Taking a brief pause, my gaze shifted to Göndul, who appeared somewhat perplexed by my sudden attention. With a lighthearted grin, I tossed out a proposition, "How about a one-on-one date, then?"

Göndul, with a tired chuckle, responded, "If you don't mind spending time with an old woman like me."

"You're not old anymore, considering you regained your youth again. If we're discussing age, then I'm the one on the older side, combining the age of my souls and my physical years," I remarked, snorting at the irony.

"Then it's settled, an old people's date," Göndul declared, seizing my arm with a wink, earning an approving bark from Shin.

"Might as well," I agreed. And so, for the remainder of the day, Göndul and I opted for a more laid-back, albeit shorter, date.

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As the day dwindled down, Göndul and I found ourselves approaching the conclusion of our date. We had engaged in the customary activities one would expect, deciding to cap it off at the amusement park in Cosmosilica Terraflora. Despite the park being open, the limited population on this planet spared us from enduring long lines.

Presently, we found ourselves atop the Ferris wheel, gazing out at the sunset over Cosmosilica Terraflora. The view was truly remarkable, courtesy of a request I made to Cúntóir to alter the planetary conditions, ensuring our owned worlds weren't perpetually cloaked in darkness.

"Somehow, I feel more exhausted than after my usual dates," I remarked, stealing a glance at Göndul seated across from me.

With a soft laugh, she confessed, "Fufu, I suppose a woman like me can sap your energy, can't I? After all, I did lead you around to everything that caught my interest," she added, chuckling even more.

A tranquil silence settled around us as we observed the sun sinking on the horizon. Shin, who had been our constant companion throughout the day, now rested on my lap, worn out and peacefully asleep.

"I wonder what Rose would think when she finds out that I went on a date with her fiancé, fufu," Göndul suddenly remarked, rising from her spot and joining me on my side.

"Well," I began, gazing out of the side window with a nonchalant air. In a not-so-conspicuous location below, I noticed Rossweisse, attempting to hide behind a wall. Catching her eye, she swiftly concealed herself again. "I think she knows. She's been trailing us for a good part of our date," I pondered.

Göndul, with a playful grin, clambered onto my lap, settled herself, and peered out the window. After a brief scan, she spotted Rossweisse cautiously poking her head out once more. This time, Göndul playfully waved at her granddaughter, causing Rossweisse to panic and hurriedly retreat.

Once she completed the gesture, she lingered on my lap, effortlessly shifting Shin onto her own and taking a seat on mine. Her fingers found their way to Shin's head, gently stroking him. In that moment, her gaze met mine, and for an instant, it seemed like she might lean in for a kiss. Instead, I playfully poked her head.

"Consider the future, Göndul. Reflect on what you truly desire now. You're a woman with freedom, free to pursue what brings you joy. Be cautious about starting something based on a momentary decision or external pressures," I advised.

A faint, wistful smile graced her lips as she withdrew slightly. Her gaze shifted towards the window, and with a tinge of sadness, she confessed, "You're right. I have my youth back, thanks to you extending it. Despite my efforts in the weeks preceding our arrival here, it seems my husband isn't inclined to reconcile."

Despite her words, Göndul remained seated on my lap, and we lingered in that position until our ride concluded, prompting us to leave. Once again, she secured her place by latching onto my arm, making a playful request, "Please bring my granddaughter here. I'd like to... tease her a bit."

"You're quite the mischievous grandmother," I remarked, though I complied with her wish. Snapping my fingers, Rose was forcefully teleported before us. Göndul entrusted me with the still slumbering Shin and seized Rossweisse's hand, pulling her in her direction.

"Did you follow us during our date, young lady?" Göndul inquired sternly, causing Rose to freeze in her tracks.

Rose shot me a panicked glance, silently pleading for assistance. However, I raised my hand, offering a reassuring smile, and wished her luck. Despite my encouragement, a sense of betrayal painted her expression as she turned to face her grandmother, nodding in acknowledgment.

"I... bumped into Xenovia, Asia, and Irina. When I inquired about Aaron's whereabouts, they mentioned he was with Granny. So, thinking you two were on a date, I ended up accidentally trailing you," Rose confessed, her embarrassment evident.

"Accidentally followed us? No one accidentally shadows someone for anything, Rose. Be honest with me. Why did you follow us?" Göndul questioned, maintaining a facade of displeasure toward her granddaughter.

Rossweisse shifted uncomfortably, clearly hesitant to unveil the true reason. However, under the weight of persistent stares, she reluctantly spilled the beans. "I... I don't want my granny to steal my man!" she blurted out in her familiar accent, the one she adopts when conversing with Göndul.

Göndul, clearly puzzled, retorted, "Steal your man? What on earth are you talking about? He's got a whole harem, for crying out loud! Is there really stealing happening?"

Rossweisse's unease lingered, her reluctance to share the underlying reason evident in her squirming. "I just... It's a silly fear, okay? I know he has a harem, but I can't help worrying about my granny swooping in," she confessed, her voice carrying a mix of insecurity and humor.

"Don't fret, my little Rose," she uttered, prompting Rossweisse to lift her gaze. Göndul swiftly approached, planting a peck on my cheek. "Everything's fair and square between us," she affirmed, casting a reassuring smile at her stunned granddaughter.

"Didn't we just talk about avoiding impulsive decisions?" I questioned with a hint of incredulity.

Göndul shot me a look, accompanied by a wink and a playful sticking-out of her tongue. "Well, I just wanted to tease my little Rose a bit. No harm done, right?" she inquired, playful mischief evident in her tone, eliciting a sigh from me.

"Granny! Why would you do that!?" Rose exclaimed, rushing over and gradually pulling Göndul away. The commotion stirred Shin from his slumber, and he surveyed the scene with a tired yet perplexed expression. His gaze then shifted to me, head tilted in curiosity.

"Don't worry about it, Shin. It's just the usual challenges that come with having a harem," I reassured him. He nodded in understanding before settling back into his slumber.

And that's how my date concluded—a surprisingly eventful experience that surpassed my initial expectations. However, it marked not the end but a transition, as a handful of matters awaited my attention before calling it a day.

— ○ ● ○ —

Dinner had wrapped up a few minutes ago, yet my day lingered far from its conclusion. Numerous matters awaited my attention, starting with the ongoing issue of the disease. However, there was another item on the agenda—a bit of personal time with the Church Trio. They had broached the subject earlier, and Rias surprised me with a mention of it.

"Dear, are you busy?" Shigune inquired, making her way toward me. The Three MuskaPohs, like a playful entourage, raced towards me. In no time, they claimed their positions, two nestled in my arms and one perched atop my head.

"I'm somewhat busy. Is there something you need?" I responded, and she shook her head.

"I was just wondering if I could spend some time with you before you... um... join Asia-san's group," she confessed, a blush tinting her cheeks as she shyly averted her gaze.

"Poooo!" Poh chimed in from above, with Poon and Pon nodding in agreement. I couldn't help but chuckle at their playful antics.

I smiled in response to her, affirming, "Sure thing." Extending my hand, I invited her to intertwine her fingers with mine, and with a smile, Shigune accepted the gesture as we strolled away together.

Curiosity sparkled in her eyes as she inquired, "What needed your attention?" I proceeded to recount the events of our recent visit to the animal enclosure and the revelations we stumbled upon. Concern etched across her features, she questioned, "Should I dismiss Poh, Pon, and Poon due to this?"

I shook my head, assuring her, "It shouldn't have any impact on them, but..." I took a moment to touch each of them, ensuring to envelop them in a protective barrier of [Infinity] to ward off the potential threat of infection. "That should keep them safe. Does that work for you?"

"Mmm. Thank you," she expressed her gratitude, squeezing my hand a tad tighter. Subsequently, she decided to transition from merely holding my hand to a warm embrace.

Traversing the labyrinthine passages of the underground base, our journey took an interesting turn as we descended further into the planet via an elevator. The confined space provided an opportunity for casual conversation, and we engaged in idle chatter for the next few minutes until the elevator came to a halt, signaling our arrival at the Resistance's concealed research facilities.

Having overseen the relocation of their research operations underground, Cúntóir and I aimed to create more room and ensure the safety of the planet's other inhabitants. This strategic move aimed to prevent any mishaps during experiments that could potentially affect the local residents.

Surveying the surroundings, Shigune expressed her surprise, saying, "I had no idea this was here. I knew about their research facilities but had no clue they were situated in this hidden underground enclave."

Acknowledging her curiosity, I provided some insight, "There's a smaller facility on the surface, but it handles less risky experiments. The more hazardous and intricate research takes place down here, ensuring the safety of the broader population while allowing for more ambitious endeavors."

Glancing around, I located the designated destination based on the earlier instructions from a man we encountered earlier in the day. Taking the lead with Shigune in tow, we strolled down an extensive corridor adorned with numerous doors leading to various rooms. The distant hum of experiments echoed through the expansive space.

After a while, we reached a specific door on the left side, and upon entering, I extended the protective embrace of [Infinity] to cover Shigune. Outside the door, clear signs reminded us to don suits.

"Hey, I'm here. What did you guys find?" I inquired, catching the attention of a group of individuals clad in hazmat suits. "Oh, we have—" I quickly informed them about the capabilities of my [Infinity], and a visible relaxation washed over them as they absorbed the explanation.

A woman in the hazmat suit motioned for us to join her, prompting our approach with the Three MuskaPohs in tow.

"I'd like to kick things off by emphasizing that it was an anomaly, not a natural occurrence. However, I must admit, we've encountered something like this in the past, and dealing with it proved to be quite a hassle," the woman stated. "I go by the name Kaihra, by the way. Now, regarding this matter, it's the handiwork of the Abstion Purgers—they're the group behind all this."

"Abstion Purgers?" I echoed, seeking confirmation, and she responded with a nod.

"They're a small faction under the control of one of Abysnar's subordinates. Their main stomping ground is in Viriterra Remetura, and they're led by a woman named Baxicara. Whether their actions were intentional or a mere coincidence, that remains uncertain," Kaihra explained.

"As I mentioned, their usual hangout is Viriterra Remetura, but every now and then, they are dispatched for reasons unknown. Curiously, upon their return, a planet or a small group tends to meet a grim fate. Many of these incidents are marked by the victims suffering from strange and peculiar poisons, diseases, or other bizarre afflictions," Kaihra added.

Contemplating the Abstion Purgers and their unconventional methods of using poisons and afflictions as lethal tools, it occurred to me that the team heading to Viriterra Remetura would face an intriguing challenge. It became evident that I needed to carefully select the individuals for this mission to ensure its success.

Rudra chimed in with a piece of advice, 'You ought to grant them immunity to those threats while they're there, Aaron.'

'Absolutely, I'll take care of that,' I assured him. Turning my attention to the broader perspective, I declared, "Looking ahead, we need to be vigilant about potential threats within the creatures of your universe. Whether it's the Eraomire Insurall or any other hostile entities that might take residence in beings, we'll take measures to prevent their entry onto our planets."

Curious, I inquired, "Are there individuals with those specialties in the current Resistance?" Kaihra took a moment to ponder my question before giving a nod.

"Yep. Actually, there's this guy—well, he's a bit nuts, but he's got a knack for spotting these things. Right now, he's not around; he's off doing something specific on another planet. He assured us he'd be back before the operation kicks off," Kaihra elucidated. "Oh, and we call him BoomBoom. Weird, I know, but that's what he wanted us to call him; we don't even know his real name."

"BoomBoom? That's certainly an unconventional name, but I'll remember it. Where does he hang out?" I pressed for more details.

"Mmm... not entirely sure. It used to be some rundown cabin on the surface of our planet, but since you made changes, we're a bit in the dark. I'd guess it's still in the same place, but you'll have to wait until he gets back, as he usually heads straight home," Kaihra explained, leaving me with an intriguing yet incomplete picture.

"Got it, I'll remember that," I responded, prompting her to delve into further details about the peculiar disease. Apparently, it was a creation of Baxicara herself, designed with the sinister intention of obliterating any place the afflicted creature ventured into.

Kaihra also threw in a speculative twist, suggesting that someone within Baxicara's faction might be behind the entry of the Eraomire Insurall into the Auros Calba. However, her certainty was less than absolute, leaving room for ambiguity. It seemed like information worth sharing with the others, but that would have to wait for a separate gathering.

After the meeting concluded, I granted Kaihra the freedom to do as she pleased with the ball I had bestowed upon them earlier, albeit within reasonable limits. With that settled, we bid our farewells and departed.

Shigune, ever curious, inquired, "Where are we heading next?"

"Just one more stop. I was supposed to visit earlier today, but I had to reschedule. Fortunately, they were cool with it, claiming it's better timing this way," I explained, guiding our course to the next destination.

— ○ ● ○ —

"This is... a graveyard?" Shigune's surprise resonated in her question.

"Yes," I responded. The place we needed to visit before I joined the Church Trio was a vast expanse on the planet dedicated to a big graveyard, a somber resting ground for those who had sacrificed their lives in the Resistance. "You've heard about who Cao Cao and Isatha encountered during their mission to rescue Citrina, right?"

Shigune nodded, recalling, "A researcher for the Resistance, someone named Netesha. I heard she was well-liked."

"Yeah," I confirmed. "It seemed like Isatha had a close bond with her, as did Savina and the other leaders. Anyway, Cao Cao and Isatha asked me to come here, to see if there's anything I can do to bring her back. But from what I gathered from Cao Cao, bringing her back is nearly impossible. Her soul was obliterated; bringing her back seems like an insurmountable task," I explained, although what I said was a lie, I could bring her back since I brought back Aoife and Azathoth, but…

"...And resurrecting someone from a parallel timeline, even if it's almost identical to ours, isn't truly bringing back the same person, right?" Shigune inquired, and I acknowledged her query with a nod. Pon, nestled in my arms, emitted a mournful sound, seemingly sensing the somber undertone.

"I've had some encounters with Isatha, and Cao Cao has shared a few insights about her as well. I don't think she'd make such a demand from me, but I can't be entirely certain. Grief has a way of driving people to do unexpected things," I responded, contemplating the uncertainties surrounding Isatha's potential wishes.

Finally, we could no longer postpone the inevitable, and we entered the graveyard through the gate. Sensing their distinct auras, we hurriedly navigated our way toward their location. Our destination led us to a specific corner of the graveyard, where a sizable tree stood as a silent sentinel.

Under the canopy of branches, we discovered Cao Cao and Isatha. Isatha, in a crouched position, engaged in conversation with the grave. As our presence registered, they both turned to look in our direction. I raised my hand in acknowledgment while providing support to Pon and Poon.

Cao Cao offered a nod of recognition, and we promptly approached them. "Apologies for the delay; a few things cropped up," I explained.

Isatha, with a gentle smile, reassured, "No worries, Aaron. Netesha always appreciated nighttime visits."

"I'll cut to the chase then. Is there a way to bring her back to life?" Cao Cao inquired.

Without beating around the bush, I directed the question back at him, "Pretty simple, but you know the other rules. Are you okay with that?" Cao Cao gave a nod, signifying his understanding.

"There's no need," Isatha interjected abruptly. "Cúntóir tended to her body's injuries, and it looked like she was alive when we brought her back to our ship. After the mission, I sat by her and spoke to her. There was no way for her to respond, but I recalled a conversation we once had about death."

Isatha shifted her gaze to the night sky, continuing, "It was a hypothetical discussion. We pondered if one of us were to die and had a chance to return to life, what choice would we make? Remain in the eternal slumber or come back to the living?"

"I said I'd come back. I vowed to keep coming back until the battles ceased, and only when peace reigned would I gladly embrace permanent oblivion. But..." She paused, a sigh escaping her lips. "Netesha, she chose a different path. She wished to remain in eternal rest. Despite her love for life, the constant turmoil of battle became overwhelming. A quieter existence was what she yearned for."

Listening, I acknowledged, "I get where you're coming from, but have you considered asking her again?" My question prompted a puzzled gaze from Isatha.

"Somebody in [DxD] mentioned that once a soul is extinguished, it can't be resurrected," Isatha explained.

"True, that was how things worked before, but... let's just say I've found a workaround. Given this new information, what's your decision? I can temporarily bring her soul back, allowing her to choose. If she opts for resurrection, I'll make it happen. If she prefers eternal rest, her soul will fade away again. How does that plan strike you?" I inquired of Isatha.

After contemplating for a few moments, Isatha gave her agreement, prompting me to approach Netesha's grave. Placing my hand on the burial site, a small green wisp materialized, gradually taking on a human form, though missing its lower half.

"Hmm? Hmmmm?! Woah! Where am I? Isatha? Cao Cao?! Is this a graveyard? What the heck?!" Netesha exclaimed, her voice filled with bewilderment. Before her panic could escalate, I extended my finger towards her, delivering a crucial update to her knowledge. As the information settled in, her expression shifted to one of somber understanding. "Oh, so that happened... haha, how did I forget about that?"

"Netesha... I don't want to prolong this, so let me ask you: do you still harbor the same sentiments as before? Recall our hypothetical scenario—if we were to die, would we return to life or remain in the realm of the deceased?" Isatha inquired with a touch of gravity in her voice.

"Well," Netesha paused, pondering the question, "after going through a bunch of stuff and biting the dust, it's not exactly a walk in the park. Plus, that jerk Westlock tortured me, and dammit, I want payback! Bring me back! Let me at him!" Her voice reverberated with raw anger, sending shockwaves through everyone present.

The sudden outburst left the gathering in a state of stunned silence, but instead of joining the solemnity, I erupted into laughter. After a brief moment of amusement, I composed myself and remarked, "I guess your earlier speech became a tad redundant, huh? Grudges seem to pack more punch than sentimental decisions."

Isatha, with an embarrassed facepalm, blushed, drawing a smirk from even Cao Cao. "I don't even know anymore..."

Shifting my attention to Netesha, I inquired, "So, just to double-check, you're keen on making a comeback to the land of the living?"

"Heck yeah! Bring me back, Daddy Toole! I need to lend a hand to the alliance and give that doodoo brain a good ass kicking!" Netesha exclaimed with infectious enthusiasm.

I couldn't help but chuckle, playfully pointing my finger at her. Utilizing my powers, I swiftly ushered her soul and body back into the realm of the living. As the life returned to her, so did her vibrant color, and she found herself clothed once again in her previous attire.

Netesha, brimming with newfound vitality, struck a pose—forming two peace signs in front of her left eye, cleverly concealing her right eye—before leaping into Isatha's arms, the two sharing an embrace.

"Now, I'm intrigued to see how she and the other Grigori, along with the [DxD] scientists and researchers, will interact. Can't wait until they arrive, kuku," I mumbled, prompting glances of unease from Cao Cao and Shigune. Even the Three MuskaPohs emitted worried sounds.

— ○ ● ○ —

Isatha and Netesha took the lead, intending to showcase Netesha's return to everyone. The potential chaos this might unleash in the late-night atmosphere was anyone's guess, but I figured it was probably okay. Meanwhile, Cao Cao chose to remain behind.

Approaching me, he greeted with a fist bump to the chest, expressing his gratitude, "Thanks."

I playfully teased, "Seeing your significant other smiling beats seeing them sad, doesn't it?"

The question brought a blush to Cao Cao's cheeks as he stammered, "W-we're not dating, but... yeah, it's better that way," before vanishing into the shadows.

Suddenly, Pon, Poh, and Poon exclaimed, "Pooo!" and promptly vanished, leaving me a tad bewildered.

Before I could seek an explanation from Shigune, she firmly took hold of my hand and declared, "I'm sorry, Dear." My head tilted in confusion, prompting her to clarify, "I will be monopolizing your time for the rest of the evening. I've informed Asia-san, Xenovia-san, and Irina-san."

I found myself in a moment of surprise, my gaze fixed on Shigune with a hint of bewilderment. Swiftly, she guided me away, and in the midst of this, messages pinged on my phone from all three of them.

Asia expressed her nonchalance about the situation, Xenovia echoed a similar sentiment of not minding, and Irina mentioned she would have preferred a one-on-one setting rather than a group setting. In an unexpected twist, things seemed to fall into place.

— ○ ● ○ —

Shigune guided us into my room, swiftly ushering me onto the bed with an oddly assertive demeanor, a behavior that strangely didn't bother me at all. Her eyes, fixed on mine, gradually flushed with a reddish hue as she continued to gaze intently.

In a hushed yet fervent tone, she expressed, "Please, dear, make love to me."

— ○ ● ○ —

Lemon Start

— ○ ● ○ —

Without any intention to turn her down, I settled comfortably on the bed, shedding my shirt in a playful manner. I tapped the mattress, invitingly stating, "Hell yeah, Shigune, come on!"

[...He made a reference before they bumped uglies. Partner, never change…never change…] remarked Ddraig before abruptly severing our link.

Undeterred, Shigune vigorously nodded, ready to proceed. However, as she began to disrobe, an unforeseen mishap led her to stumble and faceplant onto the ground. Suppressing a smirk, I rose to her aid, assisting her back to her feet and offering help in removing her clothes.

"Uuuuuu…I'm sorry, even though we're about to do something intimate, I fell like that," she apologized with a touch of embarrassment lingering in her voice.

"It's alright, just take it easy, Shigune. I'm not planning on making a quick escape," I assured her, and she nodded, though her cheeks flushed even deeper as I helped her out of her shirt. "...Why are you blushing so much? We've done lewd activities before on a regular basis," I inquired.

"B-because, um, we haven't really gone all the way before, and now... it's about to happen, so I'm feeling a bit nervous," she explained, her breath a tad uneven.

Gently moving Shigune onto my lap, I delicately cupped her breasts while using my powers to slowly remove the rest of her clothing. "No need to stress, Shigune. Let's take it slow, just like we always do," I reassured her, planting a soft kiss on the back of her neck, eliciting a shiver.

As our clothing gradually vanished, my excited member came to life between her thighs, eliciting soft moans from her. I continued to explore, fondling her breasts, kissing the back of her neck, occasionally adding a tantalizing lick.

"Mmm...nngh...uuu...hya..." Shigune moaned under my teasing. Her gaze shifted downward, where she delicately touched the tip of my member, initiating a slow and enticing fondling. She began moving her thighs, reciprocating the pleasure.

Unable to contain my amusement, I chuckled, capturing Shigune's attention. "You know, you do quite a number on me with those thighs of yours," I remarked with a smirk, causing her to blush even more.

"It just happened naturally, and you seem to enjoy it, dear," she responded, and I responded with a quick kiss on her lips.

"...Well, I can't deny that. Your thighs are quite delightful," I expressed, initiating a rhythmic upward thrust, mirroring her motions while playfully teasing her. Continuing my exploration, I delicately pinched and twisted her nipples, evoking another moan.

Shigune tugged on my arm, prompting another passionate kiss. Her tongue sought mine, and I reciprocated, our tongues entwining amidst the intensity. Simultaneously, I maintained the thrusting rhythm between her thighs and skillfully kneaded her breasts. The sensations melded, creating a symphony of desire and pleasure between us.

She interrupted our kiss and halted my movements by closing her thighs. "I'm ready; don't keep me waiting, dear," she urged, a sense of desperation in her voice.

I affirmed with a nod, my own excitement palpable after our shared intimacy. Gently placing Shigune on the bed, I parted her legs, revealing her evident arousal. A blush deepened on her face as she attempted to shield it with her hands. Despite her attempt at modesty, she peeked through her fingers, watching as I positioned myself above her entrance.

Leaning back, I gently removed her hands, replacing them with a tender kiss. Simultaneously, I guided my member into her, prompting a surprised yelp muffled by our ongoing kiss. Unfazed, I continued the motion, gradually penetrating until I breached her hymen. A momentary discomfort registered on Shigune's face, but soon, I settled comfortably inside her.

A slender rivulet of blood emerged from the point where our connection had just been. Breaking the kiss, Shigune expressed, "Surprisingly, it didn't hurt as much as I expected. I was just taken aback earlier."

"Well, considering what everyone has been through, the discomfort of breaking your hymen probably doesn't compare to the pain we've all endured," I replied, eliciting laughter from both of us.

Subsequently, Shigune enveloped her legs around me, asserting, "Go ahead. I can handle it, dear."

In compliance with her request, I withdrew my hips before propelling them forward again. Shigune emitted a slight pained grunt but conveyed through her expression that I should continue. And continue I did.

Similar to my initial experiences with other partners, I initiated a gentle rhythm, taking care not to cause discomfort or excessive pain. Despite Shigune's assurance of being fine, I was well aware that the initial moments could be uncomfortable, based on what others had shared with me in the past.

Much like the previous encounters, after maintaining a deliberate, unhurried pace for a full minute, Shigune's inner walls gradually eased, and the initial discomfort subsided. Her inner walls no longer seemed intent on trying rip off my member after each thrust.

Occasionally, her inner walls exhibited sporadic contractions, a phenomenon that puzzled me momentarily. Nevertheless, I persisted in my rhythmic movements, seamlessly transitioning between thrusts and the intimacy of our shared kisses. In response, Shigune reciprocated by wrapping her arms around my neck, deepening the connection between us.

Breaking our kiss, I slowly descended to explore the terrain of her breasts. Engaging with her left nipple, I alternated between gentle sucking and playful nibbling. Simultaneously, my attention turned to her right breast, where I began to skillfully pinch and knead, adding a layer of intensity to the escalating rhythm of my thrusts.

"Aaahhh~ Nnngh…hhk…haaa…haaa…!" Shigune's moans echoed in the room, her hand finding its place on my head, urging me on as I maintained my fervent actions. However, a sudden plea disrupted the symphony of passion. "W-wait, d-d-deaaaar~" Her body tensed, and her inner walls constricted around my member, compelling me to pause in my movements.

With a mischievous smirk playing on my lips, I raised my gaze to meet hers. "I didn't think you'd cum so easily, Shigune. Maybe I should make you more sensitivity using my powers~?"

"N-no, p-please don't, I-I wouldn't last if you did that," she stammered, her face growing warmer as her breath became ragged. As I resumed my movements, Shigune halted me with a desperate plea. "W-wait... I'm still sensitive—oooh!?"

Disregarding her request, I delved even deeper, reaching the entrance of her womb, eliciting a peculiar sound that escaped her lips, prompting a chuckle from me. My focus returned to her left nipple, where I resumed my attentiveness, alternating between sucking and nibbling, all while intensifying my thrusts.

Despite her initial attempt to deter me, Shigune's legs remained entwined around me. She maintained a consistent pressure and began to synchronize her own hip movements with my rhythm. It was intriguing; I hadn't manipulated her sensitivity with my powers, yet she responded as if I had.

This intimate act, typically shared with Akeno, Kuroka, and surprisingly Grayfia, took an unexpected turn with Shigune. The notion crossed my mind, contemplating bringing up this aspect with the others one day. Witnessing their expressions contort in pure ecstasy fueled a heightened arousal within me.

Shigune's moans echoed softly, escaping her lips as her body trembled beneath mine once more. Unexpectedly, she extended her tongue towards me, a silent plea for a kiss. I found myself surprised by the sudden turn of events, discovering a side of Shigune that was both erotic and insatiable.

Responding to her unspoken desire, I smiled and playfully stuck out my tongue. Our tongues engaged in a dance, a subtle battle for dominance. Despite Shigune's efforts, I skillfully suppressed her tongue and claimed another kiss. The exchange of saliva intensified, and she tightened her embrace, wrapping her arms and legs around my waist and neck.

With a teasing smile, I murmured to her, "You're quite greedy, Shigune... Well, I suppose it makes sense." She pouted in response but deepened our kiss again.

Reflecting on her background, I couldn't help but connect her voracious appetite to her family's gluttonous tendencies. This inclination seemed to extend to her affections for me, hidden beneath her usual shy and reserved demeanor. Taking the bold step of addressing me as "dear," Shigune had, in her own way, declared her passionate intentions over the months we known each other.

Feeling the approaching climax, I whispered, "I'm gonna cum soon," and intensified my rhythmic movements, provoking heightened moans from Shigune.

"Inside me...please, in me," she almost pleaded, her desperation evident in her voice.

No more verbal cues were necessary; my intentions were clear. As our bodies swayed in unison, our passionate kiss deepened, and the crescendo of pleasure approached rapidly.

A symphony of moans filled the air as Shigune's ecstasy manifested in vocal expressions. Simultaneously, I reached my own orgasm, hitting the depths of her womb, releasing my semen within her. She screamed into our kiss, her eyes losing focus as ecstasy consumed her.

I grunted involuntarily, the remnants of pleasure lingering in my limbs. Shigune's tongue continued its playful dance with mine as I released myself into her. A shiver coursed through both of us, and as the intensity waned, we reluctantly parted from our heated kiss.

Breathing heavily, Shigune shot me a glance, a faint smile playing on her lips. I withdrew from her, and a trickle of semen followed suit, marking the aftermath of our passionate encounter.

"Whew... that was quite something. I didn't—" I began, but the bed creaked as Shigune shifted. When I turned my gaze toward her again, a captivating scene unfolded. On all fours, she arched her back, provocatively presenting her ass to me.

"I want you inside all of me," Shigune declared with a desperate edge to her voice. Using her left hand, she grasped her own buttocks, spreading them apart. "In here too... put it in here."

This unexpected request left me momentarily speechless. The raw desire in her eyes created a charged atmosphere, and the invitation was both thrilling and unexpected.

A satisfied smile stretched across my face as I took hold of both her buttocks, playfully delivering a light smack to the left one, prompting a moan from Shigune. Gently positioning my still rigid member between her cheeks, I then sought out her anus, proceeding to carefully ease my way inside.

"Uuugggh…?!" she grunted, a mixture of discomfort and pleasure evident as I pressed my member into her.

Despite my efforts to alleviate any discomfort with a combination of my own essence, her natural lubrication, and a touch of magic, the process remained visibly challenging for Shigune. Upon achieving full penetration, she instinctively pushed me back making me sit crossed legged with me still inside her. She then rested her head against my chest.

"...This sensation, it's strange... there's this pressure in my belly and back," she murmured, the words slipping out between measured breaths.

"We can stop if it's too much," I suggested, but she vehemently shook her head.

"I want every inch of my body to familiarize itself with you and your d-dick. D-don't you dare stop now, dear," she asserted, a hint of anger in her tone, provoking a chuckle from me.

"That's alright, because I doubt I'll last for too long, having just experienced a climax, and your ass is really tight," I confessed to her, making her blush even more.

I gently nibbled on her earlobe, prompting a stifled moan from her lips. Whispering into her ear, I declared, "I'm going to move, Shigune."

"Mmm... finish in me again," she responded, sealing the statement with a peck on my cheek. Lifting her body, I repositioned myself, reintroducing my member into her ass. Her reaction was a peculiar sound, but undeterred, I persisted, engaging in a rhythmic dance that fully explored the depths of Shigune's backdoor.

"It's still... strange," she moaned, uncertainty lingering in her voice, though a subtle hint of enjoyment surfaced. Casting a glance backward, she initiated her own movements, syncing with my rhythm. "Am...I a pervert?" she questioned.

"We're all perverts, Shigune. The fact that we're having sex right now shouldn't bother you. Just enjoy the moment," I reassured her, my hands gently cupping her breasts, gradually increasing the intensity of my thrusting. With a deliberate squeeze and a teasing pinch of her nipple, I prompted soft moans from her.

"Fuck...I'm sorry. I won't last much longer," I admitted.

"Me... too..." she moaned in response. Shigune, seeking more connection, licked my neck, a silent request for another kiss. Obliging, we locked lips once more, her rhythmic movements growing more intense, hastening our shared climax.

Reaching over to the front, I maintained my hand's position to steady Shigune, simultaneously exploring and stimulating her clit with delicate movements.

"Hyaa?! B-both...!? Wait, Aaron...!?" she panicked, her moans reflecting surprise as her body stiffened and her asshole tightened around my member.

"Ah shit, I'm cumming…!" I gasped. The sudden tightening of Shigune's ass sent me over the edge, and I released my semen into her backdoor.

"Hya?! Nnnng...!" she moaned, her body responding to the intensity. The tightness of her vagina's insides felt almost overwhelming, as if my member might snap in two. It was evident she, too, had reached her own climax as her body shivered at the same time as mine.

The volume of release into her rear mirrored that in her vagina, leaving us both in the same position, taking a moment to regain our breath. Eventually, Shigune's body slumped back against my chest.

As I checked on her, a chuckle escaped me. "Jeez, passing out on me, huh? Well, I can't entirely blame you, losing both your virginities in one go," I whispered. Even in her slumber, she responded with a contented moan.

— ○ ● ○ —

Lemon End

— ○ ● ○ —

"Good morning, sleepyhead," I warmly welcomed Shigune as she roused from her slumber. Following our intimate moment together, she stirred to consciousness. While awaiting her awakening, I busied myself by exchanging messages with my mother and a few others back in our own universe.

"How long was I out?" she inquired, weariness evident in her gaze. I stowed my phone in my [Inventory], reclining beside her and embracing the comfort of each other.

"Just a bit over an hour. I took precautions, setting up a barrier around us once things got heated. There's a slim chance someone might have overheard us, but I scanned the vicinity, so I doubt it," I reassured her. Shigune's cheeks flushed once again, and she playfully landed a series of light punches on my arm.

"Considering what I just mentioned, let's make preparations because everyone is going to join us shortly. Would you be interested in joining us tonight? We could accommodate one more person," I inquired.

"Yes please, and thank you," she responded, placing her head on my arm. In agreement, I contacted Grayfia to make the necessary arrangements. The ensuing hours of the night unfolded with a certain degree of commotion, marked by Shigune's friends playfully teasing and extending their congratulations.

— ○ ● ○ —

Several weeks had elapsed, and today heralded the anticipated arrival of the remaining members of [DxD] to the Phantasma's universe. Positioned near the designated teleportation area, we stood in anticipation. As the designated time approached, I initiated the teleportation sequence.

A substantial portal materialized before us, serving as the gateway for the rest of [DxD] to step into this universe. Many of them displayed eager expressions, casting curious glances at their new surroundings.

"Yo. Glad you could join us," I remarked, extending a warm welcome. Azazel, their leader, approached me, attempting a playful hit that I skillfully intercepted. "Glad to know you haven't changed," I quipped, sharing a grin with him before sealing our camaraderie with a fist bump.

"This place isn't as... how do I put it? Gloomy? Depressing looking? Well, whatever. It's a lot more lively than I thought," Azazel commented, his eyes scanning the surroundings.

"It was when we got here, but I worked my own magic and changed it. Anyway, let's go. I teleported Vali's equipment to one of the hangars, so it should be ready to deploy anytime," I informed him.

"Wait, what?!" Vali exclaimed, rushing over to me. "It's there already? When? How? Can I go to it? Can I go on a test run?"

"When they teleported in, I transported it. Just use the designated field with the hangar, alright? Don't go overboard too, since you might need it during our next operation," I cautioned him.

He eagerly agreed and dashed toward the hangar with his team, excitement evident in his every step.

Azazel shook his head, an amused smile playing on his lips, as he observed Vali and his team departing. "And he's still acting like a kid, jeez," he remarked. "So, I'd like to meet with the leaders and afterward go to the research facilities."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Just follow me. We have a lot to talk about, so don't expect to see those places for a bit," I informed him, setting the tone for our conversation, and I began strolling away. In the background, the other new members of [DxD] were spirited away by those already present.

"This place looks like a fantasy world from those books," he commented, eliciting a chuckle from me.

"That was the design I was going for. Just wait until you see the underground portion," I teased, guiding him toward the teleportation pad. As we activated it, the surroundings shifted, and we found ourselves beneath the surface.

"Holy shit! It's a sci-fi city!" he exclaimed in surprise, his eyes widening at the futuristic marvel around us.

"Azazel, language," chided Avezza, her disapproval evident in her tone.

Azazel expressed his dissatisfaction with a subtle click of his tongue, yet we persisted in our forward movement. All around, fellow members maintained a vigilant scan of their surroundings. The journey led us to the meeting room, where a swift commencement of discussions unfolded with the inclusion of new members.

"I'm—" Azazel began, but I interjected before he could elaborate.

"They already know, Azazel. I informed them in advance. Now, let me introduce you to the team and provide a glimpse of our upcoming plans. Share your thoughts; we value your input, and we'll disclose as much information as possible," I conveyed, cutting short his introductory statement.

He displayed a subtle hint of surprise but ultimately nodded in quiet agreement. Consequently, we proceeded to divulge the intricate details of recent events and outlined our forthcoming strategies. As we shared this information, he, along with the rest of the group, contemplated the nuances of our plans for a brief period.

"Well, why not? It appears that you all have a firm grasp on the situation, and your plans seem meticulously thought out. In essence, any contribution or insight from me or us would be redundant at this stage. Maybe, it's best for us to adhere to our roles as scientists and researchers, providing guidance, when necessary," responded Azazel with a dismissive tone, underlining his confidence in our capabilities.

"Are you sure?" Latia's voice carried surprise.

Azazel nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah. We'll stick to our roles, but when it comes to this universe's 'Sacred Gear System,' let me be part of the operation. I can't wait around for you to finish it, so I want to witness how it functions when the time comes," Azazel expressed with palpable excitement. His enthusiasm earned him a light smack from Avezza.

"But... I'd advise letting Vali accompany you for your next mission. It would serve as a good test run in an actual battle against a powerful opponent. If he combines everything, he should reach the pinnacle of a dragon god's power, or perhaps even surpass that—I'm not entirely sure. Use your unique ability to gauge it when it happens, and inform me upon your return," Azazel suggested.

"I don't mind," I responded, my words carrying a nonchalant air as we delved further into a discussion about the prospective operations that loomed on the horizon.

— ○ ● ○ —

An hour had passed since the conclusion of the meeting, and I found myself on the tranquil shores of Piualvan's lake. Anticipating the upcoming events, I sought solace amid the serene surroundings. The constant buzz of activity and the eagerness of others to explore the locale had become a tad overwhelming. A moment of quiet reflection seemed like a welcome respite.

Ddraig and Albion were notably absent, as was Cúntóir, each engrossed in their respective tasks. Vermara had Ddraig entangled in some matter, while Albion and Cúntóir were busy contributing to the planet's endeavors. The recent transformations in Cúntóir's appearance had sparked surprise among those who had recently ventured into this universe.

Grasping a pebble, I took aim and sent it skipping across the lake's surface. It danced and skidded, reaching the heart of the water before gradually descending. As I settled back onto the shore, gazing up at the sky, I unexpectedly locked eyes with someone.

"Perhaps you're a stalker?" I quipped, breaking the silence with a playful tone.

"I've recently been released from your prisons, and I wanted to speak to you," declared Jalahad. Beside him, Muyette, his lover, stood visibly nervous.

Rising from my spot, I faced them with a reassuring tone. "You don't need to be so nervous. I've received the directive from Cúntóir, and I look forward to working with both of you. For now, your task will be to help the people on this planet become better fighters, alright?"

They both nodded in response. These two were entrusted with the crucial mission of training the people of the Resistance.

In their universe, possessing potent abilities was common, but most couldn't harness them due to malnourishment and the constant pursuit by Phumera's organization. It was their responsibility to guide these individuals, enabling them to unlock and refine their formidable powers, a vital step in fortifying the Resistance against the looming threat.

I gestured toward them, marking their shoulders with a subtle dragon insignia. "This mark is your shield, a sign of your loyalty as my subordinates," I explained, making sure they understood its significance. "It sets you apart from others and serves as a safeguard, especially since I need to witness your commitment firsthand and ensure you're not mere spies for Phumera."

Expanding on the idea, I added, "These markings come with unique effects designed to support you in various scenarios. Rest assured, they're not just for show. Now, any questions from you two?"

Their eyes met, and Jalahad, after a moment of contemplation, nodded hesitantly. "Lady Cúntóir mentioned your potential focus on Viriterra Remetura and Ardvoria Deferilds. If that's true, exercise caution," he advised, his concern evident in his words.

I pondered for a moment before posing a question, "Hmm. What do you mean by that?"

Jalahad began to enlighten me, "Our understanding of them is limited, but aside from Abysnar himself, his right-hand woman poses a significant threat. Although we're uncertain about the extent of her abilities, there's a belief that she wields powers related to miracles, akin to one of your monikers."

Muyette chimed in, "There's speculation that she can either neutralize these miracles or even create her own, making her a formidable enemy. Additionally, she's said to possess gravity manipulation, and, though it's less substantiated, some suggest she has access to infinite energy."

"Infinite energy? That's intriguing. So, theoretically, she could unleash an endless barrage of attacks. But then, why hasn't she become an Eradicator? Could it be restricted to specific scenarios?" I inquired, seeking clarity on this mysterious foe's capabilities.

"We're unsure, I'm sorry. Besides that, the rest of them are mostly unknown, even Baxicara, known for her use of poisons, diseases, and curses. There's no information on the others, much like how the Eradicators and Ueboros handle their subordinates—knowledge is power, after all," explained Jalahad.

"Understood. Thank you for what you know; I'll ensure the others are informed," I replied, and with a swift teleportation, they vanished. Returning my gaze to the serene lake, I muttered, "Before we start the operation, I should conduct my own research."

Glancing over my shoulder, I inquired, "How long do you plan on hiding there, Layla?" The bushes rustled behind a cluster of trees, and Layla, one of the angels I had created for Heaven, tumbled toward me.

"I-I-I'm sorry!" she exclaimed, her voice quivering, and she nearly fell over. Reacting quickly, I rushed to catch her. "I'm sorry!" she repeated, her distress evident as she began to shake.

"Why are you here? Honestly, I didn't see that coming," I said, guiding Layla to be straightforward.

She began to mumble and stutter, struggling to form coherent words, so I intervened. "Just be honest with me, Layla. I won't get upset," I reassured her. After a moment of hesitation, she reluctantly disclosed her true reason for being there.

"I... I want to help you," she mumbled, still not fully truthful. With a vehement shake of her head, she admitted, "I missed you! I wanted to be close to Aaron-sama and be of use to him, so I came here! Altaria is aware and gave me permission, but I'm afraid Antares will be furious if he discovers it!" she declared, her breath quickening as anxiety took hold.

I embraced her, enveloping her in a warm hug, and gently ran my fingers through her hair. "See? That wasn't too difficult. Don't worry; I'll explain to Antares that I needed your assistance for something important. That way, he won't harbor any ill feelings towards you. Of course, I'll have to craft another angel to fill the void you're leaving behind. Heaven's going to miss two of its most powerful angels," I reassured her.

Layla's eyes widened in surprise, and she inquired, "A new [Electa]? You're creating a new one? Will it be a female angel?"

"Hmm? Yeah, I suppose so," I responded, contemplating the gender of the new angel. "Michael, Uriel, and Raphael are all male, and you, Gabriel, and Altaria are females. I wanted to maintain balance, but after creating this one, we'll have four females to three males. Perhaps I'll even the odds and create two new angels instead," I declared, nodding thoughtfully to myself.

Bending down, I etched two intricate magic circles onto the ground. Channeling my energy and replicating the method Cúntóir employed before, I breathed life into two new entities. On the right materialized a towering male angel.

Standing at an imposing 7 feet 6 inches, he possessed long gray locks, dull yellow eyes, and a flowing white beard. His attire comprised a white poet shirt, brown pants, and sturdy boots. A prominent scar adorned his forehead, and at his side, a shield stood ready.

On the opposing side emerged the female angel. Cascading white hair framed her features, complementing her striking red eyes. She adorned herself in predominantly silver armor with accents of white, red, and gray clothing. Gripped firmly in her hand was a gleaming rapier.

Gesturing towards the male angel, I declared, "Zerelius, that shall be your name." Turning to the female, I pointed and announced, "As for you, Ithelene." Concluding, I opened the floor to questions. "Any questions?" I inquired.

They both shook their heads, and I acknowledged with a nod. "Alright, now that you have the necessary information, I'll send you back to the Draconic Deus. Oh, and take this," I said, tossing them a small bracelet.

Zerelius inquired, "What might this be, Aaron-sama?"

"It's just a little something to let the others know who you are. That way, Heaven, Michael, and the rest won't mistake you for random enemies planning to attack them," I explained. "Ithelene, your task is to protect Altaria, while Zerelius, I'm assigning you to take up Gabriel/Layla's position."

Both of them nodded once again as I initiated the teleportation sequence. "Good luck, and pass my greetings to them," I wished them before they vanished from our universe. Turning to Layla, I said, "Now, you can stay here without worrying about your position back home."

"U-um…I'm grateful, but…what will happen to me once we get back…?" she asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

"Nothing? Well, if you're keen on reclaiming your position, then that's fine. If not, Zerelius will continue in that role after we get back," I explained, noting a glimmer of hope in her expression.

"Th-then, can I stay with you when we get back?" she asked hesitantly.

"Hmm? I don't see a problem with that, Layla. There was never a restriction against it. Although, I suppose your responsibilities kept you quite occupied during that time, didn't they?" I inquired, to which she enthusiastically nodded in agreement. "Anyway, let's head back. I've had my share of relaxation here. We need to prepare for the journey to Ardvoria Deferilds and Viriterra Remetura. You'll be joining my team, Layla."

"Yes, Aaron-sama!" she exclaimed joyfully as we departed from Piualvan.

— ○ ● ○ —

Several days had elapsed, and our current journey led us to both Ardvoria Deferilds and Viriterra Remetura. Each team assigned to liberate the respective planets traveled on separate ships. On my vessel, I commanded my team, accompanied by Aurelia's and Vali's teams.

On the opposing ship, the Slash Dog Team, a diverse group including Shizuna and a few others, shared space with the Valkyrie Squad led by Göndul.

Approximately three hours away, we were approaching Ardvoria Deferilds first, while the other spaceship continued its course towards Viriterra Remetura, an additional thirty minutes away.

As before, I occupied the cockpit, overseeing operations and taking a moment to relax. My team, expansive in its composition, comprised not only Vali and Aurelia's members but also the formidable assembly of the Fated Ones, Aoife, Raynare, Gabriel, Akeno, Crom Cruach, and several others.

Some people joined because they wanted to be with me or participate on a mission. People like Crom Cruach simply wished to fight powerful enemies, so he tagged along. And of course on this ship Inaie, Grayfia and Raiko joined us as I had promised them, they could join on the next operation.

"I'll keep an eye on the spaceship with Azathoth and give out orders from here, Aaron, if you're okay with that," mentioned Cúntóir by my side.

"Yeah, that works for me," I replied.

"Mmm. Hmm, did you notice Liember acting strangely? She seems quite eager to go on this mission; I mean, she did beg you," observed Cúntóir, a hint of curiosity in her tone.

"I can only assume that she has some personal grudge against someone on Ardvoria Deferilds. No one would act that way without an ulterior motive," I responded, and Cúntóir nodded in agreement.

"Heh, then why not just ask me?" Liember interjected from behind as she entered the cockpit. She walked over, positioning herself on my other side. "I've got someone to settle the score with on Ardvoria Deferilds. She and I were once friends, but she chose to join Phumera's organization while I left to join the Resistance," she explained, a mixture of determination and unresolved history in her words.

Cúntóir directed a pointed question at Liember, "Should we spare her, or is capturing the better option?" Liember, thoughtful, gazed ahead without an immediate reply, adding an air of contemplation to the decision. This hesitation stirred curiosity, hinting at a deeper layer to their connection.

In due time, Liember broke her silence, revealing her inner conflict. "Ideally, I'd prefer capture, but realistically, I doubt she'd be swayed to change her allegiance or perspectives. Consequently, I'll take the responsibility of ending her life myself," she declared, exposing the intensity of her convictions.

Concerned for Liember's well-being, I offered support, "I'll arrange additional assistance for you. Jalahad and Muyette mentioned her possession of troublesome powers, making extra support crucial." Despite initial reluctance, Liember eventually consented to the aid.

After a brief pause, Liember broke the silence with a heavy sigh. "Her name's Nocethra. We hailed from different planets, our homes obliterated by Phumera. We crossed paths on another planet, initially united by friendship and a shared disdain for her organization."

A shadow crossed Liember's face, and a surge of her power escaped involuntarily. "I can't pinpoint what triggered it, but something changed within her. She started aligning with Phumera's beliefs and actions, deviating from the principles we once shared. Despite my efforts to guide her back, she continued down that dark path. Eventually, she vanished without a trace."

Liember's expression tightened as she continued, "The next I heard, she had joined Phumera's ranks, becoming a subordinate to Abysnar, an Eradicator. Her transformation baffled me, felt utterly out of character. Today, I'm determined to uncover the reasons behind her change, regardless of the outcome—whether I emerge alive or not is inconsequential," she conveyed, a mix of determination and a hint of resignation in her tone. As she finished recounting, a sense of calm settled over her.

"Well, the good news is, I'm not going to let you die," I reassured her, and a grin played on her lips in response.

"Really? You did manage to bring back Netesha, so my hopes are up for you," she remarked, giving me a playful smack on the back. Pausing for a moment, she seemed to contemplate something before throwing a proposition my way. "How about a reward if you successfully get me and her out of this mess alive? Can an outer god's power handle that much?" Her grin widened with a mischievous edge.

I matched her grin, replying, "Sure thing. If that's the deal, then make those dumplings you whipped up before and share the recipe. They were surprisingly good."

She appeared a bit surprised by my request but chuckled it off. "Deal. That's part of the reward. I'll spill the secrets once we're in the clear. Bye for now!" With a wave, she strolled out of the room.

"Aaron..." Cúntóir sighed, disappointment etched across her face as she gazed at me.

I feigned ignorance, responding with a casual "What?" as if oblivious to the weight of her words.

Frustrated, Cúntóir seized my cheeks, giving them a firm squeeze and stretching them. "You pretending you're clueless about what either of you said won't work on me...!"

Nonchalantly, I retorted, "I dun kyoh wheh yer talkin' bout (I don't know what you're talking about)." She eventually released my cheeks, and I massaged them while asking, "Regardless of what we meant, was what they told us about Viriterra Remetura true? I didn't get a chance to ask you before."

Cúntóir confirmed, "Yes. What they said was accurate—anything made on that planet can be turned into some kind of healing item. However, what they don't know, and I think Phumera and Yve suspect it, is that there are remnants of a god's power within the planet's core. Hence why they can turn anything into a healing item with certain properties, because that divine power is helping them."

"I see so that's the situation, huh? By the way, about gods, do they exist in this universe? I've asked around, but it seems like even people here aren't entirely sure. I've seen people with monikers that include 'god,' in them but I haven't encountered anyone with true divinity or power close to it," I inquired.

Cúntóir responded, "There used to be gods here, but Phumera, along with Magnum Tenebrosum, wiped them out. They sealed some in 'trials' and corrupted them. That's why some people venture into those trials to gain power, but the power they acquire comes with consequences."

"If you're wondering about active gods in this universe right now, there are two. However, they're in hiding, and their powers are quite feeble—so feeble that Phumera and Magnum Tenebrosum no longer consider them gods," she added, shedding light on the current state of divine beings.

Cúntóir pondered, her question hanging in the air, "What do you want to do with them? Help them? Free them? Help them gain back their divinity? Revive the dead gods?"

A chuckle escaped me involuntarily. In my previous world, gods were nonexistent, the supernatural realm remained elusive, or perhaps it lurked in the shadows, but during my lifetime, such occurrences were sporadic and almost anecdotal. Despite this, I held onto my belief in them.

"I'll take a wait-and-see approach. I want to meet them first, hear their words, and gauge their honesty. I possess the ability to discern truth from falsehood. If they deceive me in any way, I'll know. Once that's clear, I'll decide my course of action," I explained, and Cúntóir nodded in understanding.

"Regardless, let's hold off on discussing this further until everything settles. It's crucial to inform the others," I conveyed to her, and a hush settled between us. Despite the weight of the conversation, Cúntóir found her place on my lap, and together we embraced the quietude.

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Third Person Point of View

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[We're closing in on Ardvoria Deferilds, our destination. The Nivalis Nebula shrouds the planet, a cloak of protection they've cleverly employed. I can navigate through it effortlessly, so brace yourselves. I'll take up the rear, allowing the rest of you to disembark first,] Aaron relayed to his ship.

Addressing the occupants of the other vessel, he added, [Azathoth will temporarily join you to dispel the mist when you reach your designated planet. Keep in mind, though, that you'll have to leave someone or a group behind to guard the spacecraft, as reinforcements are likely to appear.]

The response from the other ship varied, and Aaron's vessel came to a halt just at the edge of the mist's detection range. To enhance their stealth, he had rendered both spaceships silent and invisible for this mission. Every planet on their target list had become wary of their group, making discretion and surprise crucial elements of their strategy.

[I'm initiating the teleportation sequence and also, Vali, don't just use your new toy right away, okay? We need to do some things before we blow up the planet,] he advised his little brother.

Following that, a brief countdown initiated, and Aaron positioned himself next to Cúntóir, who had claimed his spot in the cockpit.

"What happened to the reinforcements for the mission you undertook with Rias and Aldrake's group?" Aaron inquired.

A smile played on Cúntóir's lips as she responded, "I dispatched them with a mere wave of my hand."

Aaron, weariness etched across his face, managed a nod, choosing silence over further words. His thoughts dwelled on the fallen enemies, contemplating their power, particularly those of dragon god-class and beyond.

They didn't meet their demise through a powerful punch or an extravagant power, but through a simple flick of Cúntóir's wrist. Pity washed over Aaron, envisioning the humiliation they faced. The realization of their inglorious end might even drive them to contemplate ending their own existence.

"Everyone got teleported to the planet, Aaron. Are you heading there too?" she inquired.

"I'll hang back for a bit, watch things unfold," he replied. Cúntóir conjured an array of holographic monitors, each keeping a vigilant eye on individuals and teams spread out before them. "Let's see how they handle Abysnar's underlings."

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"We're clear on the plan; I'm going ahead!" Vali declared, eager to take the lead. However, his impulsive move was swiftly halted as both Genbu and Calantha intervened, putting a pause on his momentum. "What's the deal?" he inquired, a hint of irritation in his tone.

Calantha, adopting a menacing demeanor, reminded Vali, "You remember our agreement, right?"

"Indeed, Vali-kun. We're in this together—the three of us, and the entire group, including Malacoda-san and Gogmagog-kun," Genbu added, a note of disappointment tinging his voice.

Bikou chimed in with a teasing tone, "Can't say no to your harem now, huh, Vali?" His amusement evident as he applauded.

Vali Lucifer, his patience tested, sighed in reluctant acceptance. "Fine, fine. Let's move out. Just don't hinder me when I unleash my new transformation."

"That's a suicide mission if anyone tries," Calantha warned.

Genbu added thoughtfully, "I've grown stronger, but even I find that new form a bit too much."

"Good," Vali responded affirmatively. Without hesitation, he activated his [Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive], his go-to Balance Breaker. In a swift motion, he took flight, leading his team into action.

Despite still having access to his original Balance Breaker, Vali found comfort in the familiarity of his enhanced [Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive]. Its stamina consumption had become virtually non-existent with his increased strength, allowing him to sustain it effortlessly for months.

As they progressed, two mysterious figures appeared in front of them. Both resembled colossal white humanoid dogs adorned in red and blue armor. The blue-armored dog began introducing themselves, but Vali interrupted, commanding, "Compress!" His outstretched arm signaled the activation of a powerful technique.

Albion echoed, {Compression Divider – Max!} The air crackled with energy as the compression magic took hold. A sense of unease crept over the two white humanoid dogs. The one in red armor started to panic, attempting to convey a message that was abruptly cut off as he vanished into thin air.

The blue-armored figure, in a state of confusion and panic, began to utter, "Wha—!? Sev—!" However, before he could finish his sentence, he too dissolved into nothingness, leaving behind an eerie silence. Vali's strategic use of compression had swiftly dealt with the unexpected foes, showcasing the prowess of his evolved abilities.

"Two down, let's keep going!" he declared, picking up speed with his team close behind.

Vali Lucifer had mastered his [Compression Divider], now able to half his target instantly. This ability reached new heights in his Diabolos Dragon Lucifer form, especially with his enhanced [Satan Compression Divider].

The attack originated from within, gradually erasing opponents while keeping them firmly rooted in place. This improvement provided a significant advantage, especially if the first attempt proved unsuccessful.

Despite the intense battle, Bikou couldn't help but observe their peculiar surroundings while riding on his Jindou Yun, the golden cloud. "This place feels a bit strange, doesn't it?"

Le Fay, flying on her broom with Arthur beside her, responded, "Mostly swampy terrain with trees and enormous metal spikes jutting out from the ground below."

The location they found themselves in, transported through space, was a swampy expanse on the planet. Similar to Abysnar's unconventional lifestyle, he granted autonomy to his "people." Their survival or demise rested solely on their own actions; the only mandate he imposed was a prohibition against attacking his abode. Adherence to this rule allowed them the freedom to live, contingent upon their strength.

As Abysnar observed, civilizations ebbed and flowed on the planet, providing him with a source of amusement. Concurrently, he quietly cultivated a select group, forming a cadre willing to assist him unconditionally.

The area that the Vali Team traversed once thrived as a bustling community, complete with its own set of laws, towns, and a small city. However, the eruption of a civil war one day shattered the harmony, leading to a catastrophic collapse. Eventually, monstrous entities native to the planet seized control, reducing the once-prosperous region to its current desolate state.

A massive, tentacle-like appendage shot out from the murky swamp, but Arthur swiftly sliced it apart using his trusty weapon, [Caliburn]. The monstrous creature shrieked in pain and burst forth from the depths, revealing not just one but a multitude of them—around twenty, each varying in size.

"Looks like our journey through here won't be a walk in the park," remarked Calantha, floating alongside Vali, who had come to a halt.

Vali grinned and exclaimed, "Well, it would be dull if it were easy! This is what I live for!" He urged his team, "Kill them! No, capture one. Aniki might want to experiment on it, and maybe Azazel too!"

His team chuckled, realizing that such a suggestion would have been unlikely from Vali in the past. The team members were well-equipped with items designed for capturing specific enemies—reminiscent of a Pokeball, a device they had encountered in recent months and had been available since the previous year.

His team swiftly dispersed, engaging the monstrous creatures encircling them. These beings bore a resemblance to colossal krakens but possessed an additional set of four legs, enabling them to traverse the land effortlessly. Intriguingly, they could also breathe outside the water. Adorning their heads were two imposing eyes capable of unleashing devastating beams—a perilous feature currently targeted at Vali.

Vali, undeterred, promptly used his ability [Reflect], redirecting the lethal attacks aimed at him. With agile finesse, he soared toward the largest creature, the one fixated on him. Initiating a relentless barrage of demonic attacks, he exploited the vulnerability of the creature's tentacles, swiftly obliterating them.

A triumphant grin played across Vali's face as he closed in on his enemy. Standing before one of the creature's eyes, he declared, "You may have killed lives in this town and claimed other travelers in the past, but we're not as weak as you think. See ya." With a grin on his face, he drove his fist into the creature's eyes, shattering it.

The creature unleashed a piercing shriek, writhing in pain as it desperately thrashed about, attempting to attack Vali with its menacing tentacles. Unfazed, Vali coolly extended his arm toward the encroaching appendages and uttered, "Compress."

A resounding command echoed through the chaos, {Compression Divider – Max!!} Albion's voice rang out, and in response, the tentacles surrounding the creature swiftly diminished, halving in an instant. Amidst the fading chaos, Albion's voice resonated once more, delivering unexpected insight, {Vali, those things are Satan-class at best. In our world, they could have been very dangerous for the average person.}

"Hooh? Satan-class, huh?" Vali mused with a hint of intrigue. "No wonder they've taken out so many people already. They're anything but weak. Well, regardless, I'll capture this one since it seems to be the largest," he declared, conjuring a Pokeball from his necklace.

Vali swiftly hurled the Pokeball at the frenzied creature, deftly capturing it in its confines. The ball, having fulfilled its purpose, zipped back to Vali's grasp, and he scrutinized it with curiosity. "Aniki mentioned we could peer into this thing... I think you press this?" he mused, pressing an additional button on the ball's side.

A petite screen appeared before him, revealing the creature's confinement and its healing process. "Hmm... so that's how it works. I wonder if these can be used on people. Did Aniki mention that?" he pondered aloud, contemplating the broader applications of the device.

{You weren't attentive midway through the meeting, likely too engrossed in thoughts about your new form. But yes, he mentioned it works on everything, even inanimate objects,} Albion retorted, his response laced with a subtle reminder of Vali's distraction.

A hint of a blush adorned Vali's cheeks as he remarked, "Can you blame me, it looked cool, you know? Whatever, it doesn't matter." His gaze shifted towards his team, who had just concluded their individual battles and regrouped around him.

Their brief reunion, however, was abruptly interrupted by a colossal purple slash tearing through the landscape, compelling their attention. Arthur swiftly unleashed a holy energy slash, while Vali countered with a large ball of demonic energy. The clash of these powerful forces echoed through the air before culminating in a dazzling explosion, casting a radiant wave across the sky.

"W-what the hell? An enemy!?" Bikou exclaimed, surprise evident in his voice.

"I was wondering who killed my little pets, but I guess we're finally being attacked, eh?" a feminine voice chimed in. "Hey, Abys-bys, we've got invaders here; better sound the alarm and inform everyone."

Before them stood a woman, adorned with prominent, radiant blue horns crowning her head, accompanied by piercing blue eyes and cascading locks of vibrant blue hair. Clad in a blend of black and purple armor, her boots oozed out an eerie glow while hovering there, and in her right hand, she wielded a large, glowing purple sword.

Grinning, she emitted an ominous energy, intensifying the atmosphere as she addressed them. "Hey there, I'm Dairruna. Ready for a showdown?" Her words hung in the air, laced with a challenge, while the aura surrounding her sword flickered with powerful intensity.

Bikou, wide-eyed and intrigued, couldn't help but voice his uncertainty. "A devil? Or wait, do they even exist in this universe?" His gaze remained fixed on Dairruna, seeking answers.

Before anyone else could reply, Arthur, with an almost ethereal presence, hovered in front of the group. With decisive authority, he proclaimed, "She wields the sword with skill. I'll take on this challenge; the rest of you, make your exit."

Arthur shifted his attention to Dairruna, his inquiry laced with a hint of madness. "As a fellow wielder of the sword, will you engage in a one-on-one battle with me and let my comrades pass?"

Amused by the proposition, Dairruna took a moment to mull it over before a sly grin adorned her face. "Not many ask for a respectful duel in our planet, considering it's often seen as stupid. However, I'll indulge you. Go ahead, and I assure you, I won't harm your companions," she declared with a playful grin.

Reluctantly, the remaining members of Vali's team cautiously maneuvered past Dairruna, who observed them with a calm demeanor. As they cleared the space, she redirected her attention to Arthur, who stood composed with his blade, [Caliburn], at his side.

"Let's see what you're made of then!" she exclaimed, her energy intensifying and casting a deep shade of purple over their surroundings.

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