Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 4 – Chapter 5 – Part 3 – Yulgana, Goddess Physis, and Nighttime Rendezvous*


Suzaku Himejima

Lemon Start


"Haaa… Haaa… Nnggh…!"

Pah ~ Pah ~

T-Those two… They're really… I felt my heart quicken and… It stung a bit. Was I jealous? I wasn't part of Jin's harem… He treats me well but I think it's because… I'm a close family member of Akeno…

"Cummming…. ~~~"

I never thought I would hear Akeno say such words…

Splurt ~ Spurt ~

"…You came ~ Jin ~ kiss me ~… ~~"

I heard kissing sounds, and it also seems like Jin had an orgasm… I know it's wrong but… I felt a bit jealous. I also felt my own body responding to hearing such, lewd activities…

What's wrong with me…? Being turned on by hearing my cousin and her lover making love.

"Ooohh?! So deep… Haaa… Nngh, nnnhh!! Ha! Ha! Hehe ~ neee ~ Jin ~ do you like Suzaku-nee-san?"


"Akeno… Why are you asking me that?"

"Answer meeeehyaaaa! Don't thrust into me when I'm… Nnghm, ngh… Asking a question!"

Pah ~ Pah ~

"Well, yeah, I do…"

"Mmmh, haaah… Aahn…Ah, haaaah…. I mean do you… Love Nee-san?"

.....I caught myself as I waited with bated breath. I felt my own body tense as I waited for Jin to answer.

"…Well… Yeah."

Pah ~ Pah ~

I felt my face turn hot and my heartbeat quicken even more. Jin lik— Loves me…?

"I was interested in meeting her after finding out about her from Tobio. I mean the first time I heard her voice I kind of froze up and blamed it on Ddraig."

...So that was the real reason he didn't respond immediately?

"Nhggaaaaaaaaaaahh….!!! Don't…. Nnngh, haa… Haa… Aahn grind on my womb…!"

Plap ~

"Okay, mister, keep talking. I won't let you fuck me while we talk."

I hear him chuckle—

"Right, our relationship was slow since we mostly texted, but when I first saw her, I froze and again I blamed Ddraig for it but it didn't work since Ddraig came out and ratted me out."

"Anyway, during the first five years we got closer, then the Kyoto incident, then the fifteen years, and now we are closer. I mean, it would be pretty difficult not to be in love with her after that. But I need to find the right time to ask her too, you know…"

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh…!!! Nfwaaaaaah… Haaaaaanh!! Don't just suddenly thrust into me!!! ~~"

It felt like I had a fever since my face was so hot. I hear some shuffling… Did they get up?—


"Mmmmphch… Mmmph! It feels so good! My mind is going blank! Cum in me, Jin…!"

Pah ~ Pah ~

Akeno then starts to giggle—

"Hey… Pretend I'm Suzaku-onee-san…"

.....?! A-Akeno…?! W-What are you saying…?!

"Cum… In me… Don't you want to impregnate Nee-san…?"


Pah ~ Pah ~

"Nhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Mm, mmmmmmmmgh!!! Yesh, yesh…. So rough!!... Hyaaan ~~"

"…Shit… I'm cumming…"

Spurt ~ Splurt ~ Splurt ~

"Cummmminnngg! Aaaahhh!!! Ah! Nhaann…. Hehe… You came n Suzaku-nee-san… Do you really want to do that to her…?"

Jin didn't answer her but they started to sloppily kiss…

"Mmcph… Mmmch… Mmm… Mmphm… Mmmphc… Yesh… Kiisshhess… Mmmm ~~~"

….I hear them return back to Jin's futon and just started kissing even more… Those two… They know I'm awake… They did that on purpose…! I… I'm too hot and bothered to fall asleep…

Lemon End

Next Morning

Jin Skyward

Why did I play along with what Akeno was doing…? I had noticed that Suzaku had woken up but still went with it… Haaaa… Well, I did indirectly confess to her so she should be aware of my feelings now.

Akeno and Suzaku were already gone and I was waiting for Shigune to wake up—

Shuffle ~ Shuffle ~

I saw Shigune moving around her futon until she faced me. There was a small blush on her face. She was awake when Akeno and I did it.


"G-Good morning, J-Jin…"

"Sorry for the nightly activities."

Shigune immediately turned red and didn't try to deny whether she was awake or not. She nodded and got up. She started to try to fix her futon—

"I'll put them away just leave them."

As she did before, she nodded and quickly scurried out of the room. I chuckle and snap my fingers as all the futons and blankets started to be moved to where they were previously stored, and the room was quickly cleaned up.

I left the room and headed downstairs. Following their auras I stepped through a door and I was in a dining-type room. There were multiple tables and many chairs and stools around. I spot the girls at a table and join them.

"How's the food?"

"Amazing! Is what they should say!"

Before they could answer me, Uwabami came over with more food and answers for them. She had a cheeky smile on her face as she put more plates of food down.

"Yes, it tastes delicious, Uwabami-san."

Shigune answers making Uwabami give me a satisfied and smug look. I look strangely at her and shrug. I summoned some chopsticks and tried the food out; I could feel her gaze on me as I ate it felt a bit awkward.

"It's delicious, I like the texture and did you boil these vegetables for around an hour? And add salt to this—"

She looks stunned when I started to pick apart what she made. But she did nod along and answered my questions.

"I didn't think you would be this knowledgeable about cooking and food, Jin."

"Jin plans on opening a restaurant in the town where we live and then expanding it worldwide. Both in the human realm and in the supernatural ~"

Akeno answered for me and Uwabami looked to the side while thinking about something. We ate and talked about this, that, and the other. She eventually looks back at me—

"If what Akeno-chan said here was true then will you consider putting one here? If you gain permission from Amaterasu-sama that is…"

"Mmm, it's as you say. If I get permission to open a restaurant here, as well as in the other realms then I'll do just that. Why do you ask?"

She gains a wide smile on her face and slams her hands down on the table while getting uncomfortably close.

"A business proposition Combining the restaurant of the Middleman with my inn!! It will surely gain more customers, right?!"

"I guess so…?"

"How about it?!"

I look around the room and then scan the rest of the Inn. It will need a renovation, the Inn part and then my restaurant will be combined with this part of it. I don't see why not. This place was already popular…

"I don't mind but I'll need to think about it more. I have the funds, so we will need to renovate your Inn to be a bit more spacious. This area might become the restaurant area if certain areas are expanded. Those staying at the Inn will be able to get breakfast as part of the package if they stay the night? The same with dinner?"

Uwabami nods as she goes back to thinking and I turn back to eating. Akeno was just staring at me with a weird smile, smile, Yae, fox, wait a minute. Did she get that idea last night from Yae? Or one of her novels…? I look back at Akeno in horror as she looks at me confused.

"By the way, Jin. Where are we going today?"

Suzaku speaks up and glances at me. She had a small blush on her face and wasn't exactly looking me directly in the eyes. Instead, she was looking a tiny bit towards my side.

"Hmm-mmm, I was thinking of venturing to the Kitsunes realm. We'll need to ask Yoshitsune and Benkei how to get there though."

"Oh? Do you mean Yulgana? That's the name of their realm. The one giant city they live in is called 'Tailless City', I believe Inari-sama enjoys silly jokes and puns."

...….?!?!?! A pun connoisseur?! A fellow pun enjoyer?! Inari!!!

"That's worrying, Jin likes stupid jokes and puns. He may have found a comrade in Inari-sama then. My first wife's instincts are tingling."

"One giant city? Anything, in particular, you can say about it?"

"Very bright at night. It feels both old and modern, a lot of cherry blossoms around the place. As you visit those realms, such as Kitsune, Oni, and Tengu, please keep these things in mind. While they're mostly populated by those types of youkai. There are others there, like humans, and other youkai. But they are few and far between."

I see, that makes sense if this place is in relative peace. Wait a minute, who was leading the Kitsune then? If Amaterasu took in quite a few of them, the entire realm won't just be abandoned, right?"


"Good morning!!! Do you have more sake, Uwabami?!

Just then, Benkei's voice resounded throughout the Inn as she shouted quite loudly. Benkei, Yoshitsune, and Yoichi came through the door. Yoichi still looked quite tired and seemed like he didn't want to be woken up this early.

"Good morning, Jin, everyone."

"Good morning, Yoshitsune. You guys came here early."

"Yes, we wanted to be ready and cover as much ground as possible for the day! May we know where you want to go today?"

"Kitsune Realm, Yulgana, right? And the 'Tailless City'. I want to see it as well as catch up on Tamamo."

"Yulgana. I see, we shall head there then!"

I nod and continue to eat my breakfast. The three of them seated themselves at the next table. Uwabami asked if they wanted to have some breakfast but declined since they already ate.

"Can I have some sake then? Or at least refill my gourd?"

"It'll cost you, Benkei."

"I know ~ I'll pay the usual ~"

Uwabami sighed and disappeared into the back. It was still quite early and Benkei was already thinking of drinking…

"You sure do love drinking…"

"And you didn't get drunk even with the amount of drank last night."

"…I'm immune to getting drunk…"

"Lucky! So lucky! If I had that ability, I would drink all day every day!"

Benkei continued on a rant for the next minute before Uwabami came back with her gourd. Benkei then paid up, and immediately started to drink from her gourd making Yoichi, Yoshitsune, and Uwabami sigh at her.

We were nearly done eating our breakfast when I remember I wanted to ask Yoshitsune something.

"Yoshitsune. If Inari was dead and many of the Kitsunes were taken in by Amaterasu, who led the remaining ones in their realm?"

"Ah yes, it's Maho-sama. She's also a Nine-tailed fox much like Inari-sama. They were quite close, almost like sisters. Anyway, once she died, she decided to take over as ruler but since Inari-sama came back she has resumed the position."

"Maho-sama became her advisor, though I believe they rule together. While Inari-sama is here, Maho-sama has reverted back to ruling until the Alliance is signed."

Maho, huh? Another nine-tailed fox. I wonder how many are here? I've met a few already, right? Yasaka, Kunou, Tamamo, Inari and now this Maho individual. Eventually, we finished breakfast and decided to start the day.

Once we go outside, I glance at Yoichi.

"Where did you go yesterday man?"

"I-I was busy! I got a job from uh, someone!"

…He's pretty shit at lying. Benkei just laughed at him—

"You've always been terrible at lying, Yoichi."

"That's right, tell him that you were looking for a poster you wanted him to sign. The legendary Oppai and Ketsu Dragon is here after all."

"S-Shut up!!"

What a lively trio…

"So, how do we get to that realm?

"We will need to walk back to the castle. Sara-san stopped us because she saw you and didn't know you or your group. Did you see the stairs that led down to the entrance hallway? That's where we go to teleport to each realm."

"I see. Let's go then."

We quickly make our way through the streets of Takamagahara passing by the same smithy where Kathleen was as she waved to us. We passed by the two novel shops as Yae and Kogitsunemaru were already glaring at each other.

"A typical day, huh?"


We quickly approach the entrance and Sara was there, she nods at us and lets us through. Once through the door, we go to the stairs that led downwards. We had to walk down them for the next few minutes.

"Why is it so unnecessarily long…?"

"I also asked that when I first took them, Jin-kun."

Benkei answers me as she drank from her gourd. Akeno had been clinging to me the entire way, I was holding Shigune's hand and Suzaku was a lot calmer today which was a relief.

"Jin-kun, after this what's happening to you?"

Benkei glances at me as we continue to descend. I look at her and nod.

"If my stay here goes as planned then I have my exhibition match with Sairaorg Bael and after that the Bael and Gremory peerage Rating Game. I'm going to the Greek God's realm again to find a certain someone to help me get to the Egyptian Mythology."

"Oh right, I also have a School Culture Festival to work through as well. But yeah, it's something like that."

Benkei nods sagely and takes another sip from her gourd.

"Busy schedule, huh? Are you excited to graduate? Or are you also planning on applying to college?"

"Well since I have an Avatar or Clones assigned to school for me right now. I'll mostly have them do that and I'll focus on opening my restaurant. By that time, I should have more free time to do things that pertain to the supernatural side of things."

"I see, what about staff? Do you have anyone in mind?"

"…I do have one employed right now. She's my secretary, so I do need someone to help me. But I'll probably hire some students from Kuoh who want a part-time job. I don't think Kuoh has any problems with students having a part-time job."

I glance at Akeno and she shakes her head.

"I didn't read anything about that in the handbook but if you're worried you can ask President Sona about it."

"I'll do that then…"

We talked about everyday things until we eventually reached a basement sort of room. It was quite large for a basement. There were five floating flames in each corner and then in the middle of the ceiling. They gave off a light blue hue.

There were three door-like structures with magic teleportation symbols carved into the ground. Above the doors were signs showing where it would take you.

To the left was 'Oni', in the middle was 'Tengu' and finally 'Kitsune' was on the right.

"How do you get back here?"

Akeno asks and Yoshitsune points to the ground.

"In the middle of the floor is a larger symbol, so you'll be teleported to the middle, much like when we go to the Kitsune's, Oni's, or Tengu's."

I look down and could also see a larger teleportation symbol carved in the middle. Looking at the door it was quite a fit, only two or maybe three could fit at a time.

"We'll do it first and then the rest can follow."

A few seconds later Yoshitsune announces as they walk over to the door. They stand in the circle, and they are consumed by a short but bright blue light. They vanish. I gesture for the girls to go next.

"You three move ahead, I'll follow after."

They nodded as Akeno let go of my arm and Shigune with my hand. They stood there and were teleported away; I walked over to it and did the same thing.


Tailless City

When I teleported into the new realm I was in a similar structure as the last one, a basement. Though I could hear quite a lot of chatter above us so I can assume we're not that far from the surface.

I could see everyone standing there, so I stepped out of the circle.

"Let's go then. Above us is the tourist and information building, but your group should be fine since we're helping guide you."

Yoshitsune says and then turns around to walk up the stairs, as she was walking up I could see a few youkai come through, two of them were Kitsune's and another was one with a long neck. They stare at me with wide eyes as we passed by each other.

What was that about?

[They probably recognized you?]

Maybe. As we continued climbing, we quickly reached the surface. Our immediate view was of the open entrance door. I glanced behind me and saw a few counters with people behind them. One said 'Help & Information, and another that just said 'Toured Guides.' A few others were souvenir shops.

The Kitsunes manned two of them, while the rest were mostly male. I feel a tug on my arm and see Shigune pulling on my shirt. I followed them as she wrapped herself around my arm. Akeno sees this and smirks. She does the same to my other arm.

Once outside, I could see why Uwabami said that it was both modern and old. If I had to describe it the housing structure around the place was definitely modeled after old Japanese era types. However, I guess the 'feel' of the place felt modern.

Lantern lights were all around the place, as well as cherry blossoms, many buildings were clustered around and quite a lot of kitsunes were walking around.

"We don't know anything about the location, so we'd appreciate it if you would."

"Then to the alcohol store!"

Benkei announced as she started to walk away while dragging Yoichi who looked confused. Yoshitsune sighed in exasperation and followed after her. We did the same while looking around the place. There were a few food vendors out, as well as other vendors. They were selling various items, including many fox-related items.

Some were of the return of Tamamo and Inari, as well as the Middleman and Red Dra—

"Oh my god!!! It's the Red Dragon Emperor!!!!!!!"

I hear a scream behind me and I glance behind me. A small kitsune boy was pointing at me looking excited. Once he pointed this out many eyes were on me and the sudden realization hit all of them.

I was quickly surrounded, but I pulled in Akeno and Shigune toward me as Suzaku was pushed away by the crowd. I could see Yoshitsune panicking as she tried to control the situation but to no avail.

"Uwawawawa, Jin-san!!"

"It's him! The one who saved our Goddess!"

"Can I have an autograph?!"

"Sign my baby!"

"Let me have your babies!"

"I'm gay but can I also have your babies?!"

How would that work?! And no!!! What kind of demands are those?! Shigune appeared overwhelmed by the spectacle, while Akeno smiled as usual.

"You're quite popular here, huh?"

"…You think…?"

I sigh and shouted loudly—

"If you want an autograph or picture, make a line! Or we won't get anywhere!"

They all froze for a second before doing so. I was a bit surprised myself as I didn't think they would do what I said. They lined up and I started to work through each of their requests. I signed some stuff, took pictures, and had to refuse to impregnate some people…

All in all, it took around forty-five minutes to get everything done. Shigune and Akeno waited patiently by my side while the rest of them rejoined us.

"You seem used to this kind of thing."

Yoichi said beside me while pulling out a marker and poster. I deadpan at him and signed it, the guy seemed ecstatic and quickly put it away.

"Yeah, I had something similar happen in the Underworld. My role as an Oppai and Ketsu Dragon means I get to experience that kind of thing. I have some signings there, well once the Alliance is signed you can come over there since my show is produced from there."

I glance at Yoichi as he had an excited glint in his eyes…

"So, kids and their mothers approach you a lot, huh?"


Benkei nudged me and smirked.

"Looks like you're after MILFs, huh? I didn't think Skyward-sama was into that kind of thing~"

"No, I'm not—"

"Jin and Venelana-sama are quite close…"

Akeno looked at me with a smirk…. Oi!!!!!!!!! That's not helping at all!!

"I see, I see, I'll keep that in mind, Jin-kun~"


We hear more commotion from in front of us so we turn to look that way when— Tamamo came into sight. She sees us and hurriedly walks over to us.


She bows and smiles at us. She seemed a little modest, I kind of wanted to hear the 'Mikon!!!' Thing, but she's not exactly Nasuverse Tamamo, she just looks like her…

"You have come here for a visit?

"Yeah, I'm here for the alliance. They're still looking over it so I'm just exploring your realms. Today Kitsune, tomorrow, Oni or Tengu."

Tamamo nods and gestures for us to follow her.

"Then I shall lead you to where Inari-sama's abode is. Please follow me."

She starts to walk away and we follow after her. As we strolled through the Tailless City, we were greeted by many Kitsunes and some other youkai. The more notable ones are the Dog and Cat youkai. These are not the ones that Kuroka and Shirone belong to but other variants.

"Currently Maho-sama is the one governing the city in Inari-sama's absence. However, at night Inari-sama does come back. If you wish to see her you may wait at her residence until then."

Tamamo explains. I see, that makes sense since Ryūjin did go to Dragon Mountain at the end of the day. We continue to walk and Tamamo tells us some notable places to visit. Like the Kitsune waterfall, where many people train to use touki. A hot spring that you can visit together with the other sex or separately.

It's apparently a different area for each party of guests. So, if my group travels there, we can walk to one area by ourselves and Yoshitsune can go to another. But hot springs, huh? I'm interested. Maybe we can check it out before we return to Takamagahara.

Another notable area is an offering hall for Inari and Maho, although they're alive, but it was mostly for Inari when she was dead.

"What about the large rock formations in the distance? Or are they just, nothing?"

"There are some villages out there, for those who wish to live outside the hustle and bustle of the city. There is a well-known route and path to travel to them."

"I see…"

Country Kitsunes, huh? I wonder if they have an accent. We eventually reach the residence of Inari and Maho. It was near the east side of the city. It was quite informative. In front of us on both sides were stone statues of foxes. They both had glowing red eyes.

A small stone bridge with water on either side connects to another part. There was some kind of throne or area in front of us as the area was lit up by paper lanterns and candles.

"What are those things? Flying ghost fish…?"

Shigune points up and we look at them. Yeah, they look weird. I've never heard of them.

"Yes they are, they're harmless and just float above Inari-sama and Maho-sama's home. Come, she is waiting."

As we approached the open 'throne' area there was a female nine-tailed fox and a male kitsune. He looked like an attendee or a butler.

Maho is a beautiful and tall fox woman with a thin and alluring physique. Perhaps her most striking facial feature is her slit blue eyes that give off a languid yet sharp look. Her hair is neatly arranged, primarily white in color but gradually turning orange towards its tips.

Furthermore, Maho adorned her head with a variety of animal bones, horns, teeth, scales, and other ornaments, making her appearance majestic and somewhat mythical. On top of her head were a pair of sharp orange fox ears.

Adorning herself in a richly-colored kimono that vaguely exposes her thin white shoulders, Maho gives off an incredibly languid and relaxed air. She wears a primarily-blue kimono with a floral pattern, which features bright green edges and a collar.

She keeps it all together with a green belt that has a black floral pattern adorning it. Interestingly, her nine orange fox tails perfectly complement her attire. In addition, Maho was casually smoking her golden kiseru. I could feel some sort of magic coming from it.

The male Kitsune is a tall, handsome young man with white hair, white fox ears, pale skin, and two different colored eyes: his left, gold, and his right, blue.

His uniform consists of a black suit, gray undershirt, and maroon tie. He wears black half-gloves. He also has a katana on his hip.

"Maho-sama, I've brought Jin with me. He's the Middleman and current Dual Dragon Emperor."


{Dragon Emperor!!!!}

'Do titles mean that much in this world…?'

'To them, it does, Velgrynd. How would you feel if you were called the Scorch Oppai Dragon?'

'…I see.'

Maho stops smoking her kiseru and looks at me. She was sitting down as she did that and then got up.

"Welcome, Jin, was it? Welcome to Yulgana and the Tailless City. I am Maho, the previous ruler of this realm until you brought Inari-sama back to us. However, as you are here, she's departed for the time being and I will lead in her place."

"Nice place you got here, and yeah, I'm Jin. Nice to meet you, Maho."

She chuckles to herself.

"You are quite brazen, aren't you? Greeting me so nonchalantly is a change of pace. I quite like it."

She smirks at me and then looks at the women I was with. Both Shigune and Akeno were still hugging my arm and then she looked at Suzaku.

"It seems the rumors of your harem were true, interesting, Jin. Please do enjoy your stay here, even if it will be just a day. Also, thank you again for saving Tamamo here from Khaos Brigade and reviving our Goddess Inari. Though I would believe that you heard this from Amaterasu-sama, no?"

I nod.

"Very well, you are free to leave. Please do try out many of our delicacies."

As she blew out smoke from her kiseru, some smoke fell on my hand, and then I felt a piece of paper. I grip it and turn around.

"Yeah, I plan on doing so, thank you. I'll see you around then."

"Hmmmm. It's also a pleasure to see you again, Benkei, Yoshitsune, and Yoichi."

"Yes, you as well, Maho-san."

"See you around Maho-chi ~"


We started to walk away and I felt both of their gazes on my back. I don't know how to feel about her. I could sense that she meant well, but she's the scheming type. Maybe she has a more. I suppose that's the 'unhinged' part of her personality?

I open my hand to see a letter. I open it and it says 'If you wish for some nightly activities, come meet me here after midnight'. What does she take me for…?

[Maybe she meant something else?]

Like what?

[Maybe she's part of the Monkai association?]

But I could sense her, Ddraig.

[She may not have taken the vial yet. Maybe she needed their help? Or at least whatever the 'youkai' part of that faction of the Khaos Brigade was before they joined up, now she's in a tough spot?]

That, well, that doesn't seem too unimaginable. I'll check this out tonight then. But if you're wrong and if she's just horny, I'm meeting Tiamat.

[?! H-Huh?! How does that correlate?!]

"Maho-sama means well."

Tamamo starts as we walk away and enter the busy streets of the Yulgana.

"When Inari-sama died and before I disappeared there was a lot of unrest in our realm. Amaterasu helped as many of us as she could, giving jobs to her place of residence, and setting up a small district for kitsunes in Takamagahara."

"However, like any race, we wish to remain in the same place we were born in. We love Yulgana and the place that Inari-sama built. We lived here and made it to be where it was back then, so when Inari-sama died protecting Kyoto, a few tried to take over."

"It was working well for a certain time, however, I soon left Takamagahara and entered the human realm since I was curious about it. Many things happened and it led to my imprisonment. I have only heard this from Maho-sama so it may have some bias, but…"

"A group rose and called themselves 'Regum'. I believe that's Latin for—"


I finish for her and she nods.

"They did right for the kitsunes here for a certain time period. They kept up with what Inari-sama wanted, which was unity among our race and whatever others were here. However, a certain individual in that group wanted to rule like a tyrant, and the peace was interrupted."

"Fortunately, or unfortunately, whatever way you look at it, the peace that was prevalent in our realm was no more. He didn't go further than our realm. I believe he knew he couldn't stand against the Gods. Tamotsu, one of the leaders, began to 'off' his fellow leaders. He made them seem like accidents and eventually succeeded. He then took control of our realm."

"Tamotsu? Quite ironic. Doesn't that mean 'defender' or 'protector'?"

Akeno asked and Tamamo nodded.

"Yes. His rule only lasted a few years since Maho-sama and her group, along with her bodyguard, Soushi started a revolt and overthrew Tamotsu. He was executed a few days later after they had taken hold of where Inari-sama lived."

"Maho-sama can be a cold and calculating person. She systematically and slowly removed the 'black markets' and corruption from our realm. She used any means necessary; she did not want those times to come back to our realm. Even if it means being hated by some groups here."

Any means necessary, huh? I can see why some would hate her. Some may need to do some 'illegal' things to just get by in life. Whoever was close to those who were caught can hold a grudge. But from what I saw, even briefly, they were quite happy with their current life.

Perhaps I'm being naive here, but I wonder if there is a hidden 'underground' at work here?

"Multiple black markers tried to resurface over the years under her rule, but none were successful. A few tried to assassinate her, but Maho-sama is quite powerful, the same with Soushi, he's an excellent swordsman. As of now, there are no 'black markets' currently active."

"Since Inari-sama is back, Maho-sama has become her advisor. But in reality…"

Tamamo stops and gestures for us to come closer, so we do.

"She was appointed to a newly created position. After hearing of what she had done, Inari-sama deemed this newly created role a necessity. If I had to compare it to something, then it's akin to a 'black ops' type role?"

"They deal with the 'bad' side of our realm discreetly and quickly. It will never be open or known to the public. She and her group will be the heroes in the shadows."

The unsung heroes, huh?

"Let us change topics, it's become quite heavy. There is a local restaurant that Inari-sama, Maho-sama and I frequent, would you like to go there?"

I was about to say something when—

Growl ~ Growl ~

Yoichi and Shigune's stomachs growled like starved hyenas making both of them blush. The rest of us laugh at them as Shigune just pushed her head into my side trying to hide her embarrassment while Yoichi was relentlessly teased by Benkei.

"It seems like a good time for lunch now."

It wasn't a long walk but we eventually reached the restaurant Tamamo mentioned. It was called the 'Yozora Diner'. It was a humble establishment made out of white stone and a dark blue roof; the front had two windows that you could see inside the place.

Tamamo pushed open the doors as a bell chimed as we entered. Strangely enough, we were the only customers here, the tables and chairs were sectioned off by small walls and a small glass window. Seeing as there were quite a number of us—

"Should we split the groups up?"

I ask but Tamamo shakes her head.

"In the back. There's a more spacious room. Let's go there. I shall ask the owner."

As Tamamo finishes saying that, a female kitsune approaches us.

"Oya? Tamamo-chan ~ welcome, are you eating— Ah, Yoshitsune-sama, Yoichi-sama, and Benkei-sama are here, and those are your friends?"

The female kitsune looks at us with a cute head tilt.

"Yes, we're here to have lunch, Yozora. That is Jin, the Middleman and Red Dragon Emperor, he brought some companions with him. Could we use the back since there's quite a number of us…?"

Yozora is a young-looking kitsune female. She boasts a voluptuous figure and plum-colored hair with bangs that cover her left eye. Her hair is held back by four golden bird kanzashi along with a red flower ornament.

She has four big, purple fox tails with light purple tips. Yozora wears a red kimono with black linings and golden butterflies on the bottom of the sleeves. The kimono is held up in an impossibly-low neckline which nearly reveals her breasts. She is barefooted.

"Ara? The Middleman has graced my establishment ~ I would be honored, please follow me."

She walks away and we quickly follow after her. After passing through two doors, we entered what appeared to be the staff lounge and passed by the kitchen. It was quite spacious with various things in the room.

There was a little snack machine filled with Japanese snacks, a few cabinets, and a dispenser that had water, tea milk, soda, and other drinks. Yozora came over to us as we got ourselves seated and put menus down. I look over the menu and note everything. I then order what I wanted.

Maybe I should recreate a few of these with my own twist for my own restaurant. I mean I've thought of it before with other things I ate.

"Jin-san, where do you want to go after this?"

As we wait for our food Yoshitsune asked me a question. Where? Good question, where do I want to go? I thought back on what Tamamo had told me earlier.

"What about that waterfall? You said some youkai travel there to train? Can any of your three use touki?"

"I haven't been there yet myself, yes Benkei and I can use touki.Yoichi can't, well, he…"

"He's lazy and doesn't want to try learning how to use it. It would help him if he tried. Can you use it, Jin?"

Yoshitsune agreed to it. Touki… I'm surprised that Yoichi can't use it, but I more or less expected it from these two. Wouldn't it be beneficial for him? He is an archer after all. Increased speed and defense, maybe even coat your arrows with touki?

"Yeah, I can, though I thought Yoichi could use it."

I then went on to tell him my thoughts on it.

"I can use it, it's just I can't use it like you described so I just gave up on it. I mean, in emergencies I can use it to flee, you know?"

"Ehhhh that's just an excuse, Yoichi ~ you just don't like training."

"I train on a daily basis!"

Benkei rolls her eyes at him and they begin to argue. I turn to look at Shigune who was playing with Poh whom she had summoned. I reach over and pat him on the head.



"He usually only lets me and team Slash/Dog touch him. I know he's gotten used to your presence, but it's still a surprise…"

Poh cutely lets out strange sounds as Shigune and I pet him. I look at Shigune, seeing her progress this far, especially where she was has been interesting. These two work quite well together now. Add in her own whip's devour effect and you essentially got two Poh's.

"Sorry for the wait ~"

Yozora eventually comes back with a few plates of food and starts to put them on the table, again—

Growl ~ Growl ~

Both Shigune and Yoichi's stomachs growled, we chuckle but begin to eat lunch while Yozora kept on coming with the dishes she made.

"Huuu! That was good, I thought I would die without food!"

Yoichi pats his stomach satisfied with the food he ate. Her family trait led Shigune to order a second and third serving before she was satisfied. No wonder she became hungry…she held back while eating at the Dravern and during breakfast.

"You should have said something, Shigune. I feel like I starved you now, you know? Kuroka's the house glutton so I never really noticed you have a little more to eat. Sorry."

"N-No, it's my fault. I should have said something…"

I nodded. At the very least she's full now… I'll keep that in mind when we go to the Tengu and Oni realms.

"How much, Yozora-san?"

"¥10,000 please~"

Tamamo's eyes widen and a look of panic appears on her face. Yozora starts to laugh, so I placed that amount on the table and added an extra ¥30,000 to it as a tip. She stopped herself and stared at the pile of cash.

"J-Jin-san, th-this is a bit too much…"

"It's fine, take it as a tip. It was delicious food."

Also, fifteen years of constant monster killing by everyone made me a quintillionaire? It's probably more of a question of whether such a word exists. I check my status and the gold section… There are way too many zeros on it for me to care or count…

"Th-Thank you very much!"

Yozora takes the money from the table and scurries back to the register or wherever she stores her money. We sit there for a few minutes just chatting and letting the food digest.

"Let's get started then. Will you be coming with us, Tamamo? Or do you have something to do?"

"I will be returning back to Maho-sama, as I said earlier, if you wish to meet Inari-sama come to her home tonight. Good day to you all."

Tamamo gets up and bows before leaving the room. We hear her and Yozora chat for a few seconds before she comes back in.

"Will all of you be leaving now?"

"Yes, thank you for the delicious food, Yozora-san."

"Oh, don't worry about it dear, come visit again!"

Suzaku thanks her as we get up to leave. She winks at me as I pass by and I awkwardly smile at her. We left through the entrance.

"So, how do we get there…?"

"I know of the way, but as I said I haven't been there yet. Follow me."

Yoshitsune started to walk away as this time we were heading west, the complete opposite way of Inari's home. On our way there we came across various kitsune who stopped me and asked me to sign some things for them or take a selfie.

We also passed by the hot springs that we will be traveling to before we end the day here. It seemed quite large and was away from most of the larger buildings. It also had some covers put on it to keep peeping toms from, well, peeping.

As we left the confines of the city, I could feel a few auras to where Yoshitsune was leading us to. I could feel a particularly powerful aura, they were at least Satan-class in strength. Outside the city, on this side, there were many trees and plant life unlike what I had seen when I first entered the place.

I had assumed that it would be mostly barren with few trees and mostly rocks and large stone structures, almost like the scenery on the way to Dragon Mountain. However, the further we walked, the more vegetation started to appear and it seemed to change, almost like we had entered into another realm or world.

Yoshitsune turns right and starts walking down a path that was created by individuals who had trudged through it countless times. It wasn't 'man-made' but rather 'man-constructed' if you get what I mean. No one deliberately went out of their way to do so, but—

It was made through countless trips here by determined individuals. If what they said was true, then those who are interested in learning how to access touki made this road— This path.

Eventually, we made it into a clearing. It was large and spacious, there was a single waterfall, and multiple steps made out of stones that connected directly to it.

To our left was a tree. It looked like it had threads or rope strewn around its branches, red and blue in color. To my immediate right was some sort of small unusual structure with some incense sticks that were still burning.

Around the area were a few youkais, mainly kitsunes who were meditating, two were sparring with touki over their body. A single kitsune stood near and under the waterfall.

The fox youkai with long white hair. His most noticeable characteristic is the fox mask that conceals the upper half of his face and his black tail that fades to turquoise.

He wears a grey kimono and matching trousers, a black coat with turquoise trimmings, and a pair of sandals. Three scrolls are strapped to the front of his outfit, while a very large scroll is strapped to his back. He carries a folding fan which is always shown folded.

He was the Satan-class being I felt. Strange, even Maho was only in peak Ultimate-class the same as the Soushi fellow. This guy was around the higher end of Satan-class. He looks towards us before walking over the stones and stands before us silently.

"Yoshitsune-san, Benkei-san and Yoichi-san. Welcome, how may I help you?"

"Oh! Youko! I didn't know you were here! So, you were the one helping train these youkais?"

"Yes, that's right. These are…?"

The Kitsune named Youko turns his attention toward us.

"Jin, Middleman."

I put my hand for a handshake and he accepts it, a small smile appears on his mouth.

"I see, we did hear some rumors that you were in our realm. Welcome to this humble waterfall where I train our future generation in how to properly use touki. I am Youko, one of Maho-sama's bodyguards. You may have met Soushi earlier, correct?"

I see, that makes sense. If he's one of her other bodyguards then…

"Yes, I didn't expect her to have another bodyguard."

Youko chuckles and shakes his head.

"I should correct myself, while I am her bodyguard. I am not on active duty as we are in times of peace. So, I took up this teaching position not too long ago. What is the purpose of your visit here?"

"Oh, nothing… I just heard there was a waterfall here and some youkai training. I became curious and here we are. Anyway, what's that tree for? Why does it have string or rope on it?"

Youko looks at me and then back to the tree.

"Around the revolt it sprouted. No one knows who made it or why it suddenly appeared. However, it is providing this area with increased life energy regeneration. That's why I chose this place to train the younger generation."

I nod and walk over to the tree and used [Observe] on it. What I saw was a bit, unexpected.


Physis…? Who the hell is Goddess Physis…?

Cúntóir: Answer: Goddess Physis is a Primordial Goddess of Nature in Greek Mythology; however, she isn't very well known. Much like Goddess Danu, she— Goddess Physis is a recluse. By choosing to isolate and watch over the country of Greece silently, and also to watch over the other Greek Gods.

What's up with nature Goddesses being recluses and silent protectors…? So, where is she right now?

Cúntóir: Answer: Alonissos, Greece. She is in her own realm much like Goddess Danu. From there she keeps an eye on the country.

Right then, why did she come here? And plant this tree?

Cúntóir: Answer: Searching...… Complete.

Cúntóir: Answer: Goddess Physis was here during the revolt as such she was dragged into the conflict unwillingly. However, she fled the scene and came to this spot, and found an injured woman who was Greek. In honor of her, she made her body into this tree.

Cúntóir: Answer: Not much is known about the female human who passed away, but she was a user of touki and a martial artist. She may have been in Japan to see the supernatural, came to this realm, and perished. A case of wrong place, wrong time.

Well, that sucks. Let's see if her soul is still here then. I kneel down and touch the ground.


Nothing, it looks like she already reincarnated. I guess her 'touki' still powers this area for some reason or another, or did Goddess Physis do something to it…? Well, maybe I can meet up with her before going into the Greek God's realm again.

"Jin? Did you find out something?"

I hear Akeno ask me as I stand up and turn around to see everyone looking at me, I shake my head.

"Someone died here during the revolt. A Goddess of a different mythology was also here. One thing led to another and the deceased human's touki powers up this area. It is literally powered by the dead."

Youko nods and looks at the tree.

"…It seems they were quite powerful— The Goddess, I mean."

"Yeah, she isn't well known. It makes me want to meet her in the future. Anyway, you're going to be training the next generation, right? Try to have them avoid physically damaging this or other ways…"

Youko nodded.

"Yes, that was my plan after hearing its backstory. To think such a tree had such a sad and rich history. One can't truly know all of life…"

He jumps and lands beside me then kneels down and puts his hands together. He was praying to it, he eventually stops his prayer and gets up, he turns to me and nodded. We both jump back to where the rest were.

"How are these guys progressing?"

"Very well. The ones sparring as you can see can use their touki. The ones meditating are trying to unlock theirs. Jin-san, can you use touki?"

I nodded and surrounded my body with golden, black, and blue touki. What happened to the white and red…? No, it's still there but not as prominent. Youko nodded satisfied and I dismissed my touki.

"It seems you're a natural wielder of it, that is quite rare to come by. Your touki's color is unique to you and is also quite dense, I fear my own would be no match for it."

I cancel my touki and could see his students were looking at me. I shrug, I didn't see a big deal about it. Byakko Shinra and Sairaorg could do it…

"Is that so? By the way is there anything interesting around here or is it just mostly wilderness?"

"It is mostly farmland if you keep going down the regular path. To the East is where villages are with smaller farmland, over here at the West there are larger fields since no one wants to live here. However, smaller families that tend to these farms do live here."

Farmland, huh? I nod and turn to the rest.

"I guess we're going back then, not much can be done on this side of the city. Sorry for the interruption, Youko."

"It is no trouble; I did find out more about this tree. Feel free to stop by again, Jin-san."

We start walking back the way we came as Youko and his students watch us leave. We eventually come to the road again and start walking back to the city.

"We should go to those hot springs at night, it's a bit too early."

We started walking back to the city while idly chatting. As we got closer it was pretty evident that there was some sort of commotion happening. Seeing this we decided to pick up our pace and jog back.

When we got to the city, there was some sort of fight happening between two people. It was a male kitsune and a female kitsune.

"What the hell did you say, you harlot? My father was just trying to make a living! And that dumb cunt of a leader had him imprisoned! My mother committed suicide because of grief and the loss of income!"

"While that is tragic, please accept my condolences. It does not excuse his way of earning a living. There are many ways of going about it! You as well as everyone here knows that if you go to the welfare center you would have been assisted!"

The male kitsune had brown hair and fur, his eyes were emerald green, and he wore the typical kimono. The angrier he got, the higher his power surged. The look on his face indicated this— It was one of fury. He was at least the peak of Middle-class.

The female Kitsune has short white hair with pointy fox ears and 9 tails. Her eyes are a blue color with extra red makeup. Attire wise she wears a black top with a black belt below her chest. She wears a blue miniskirt and knee-high tights. She also sports a long overcoat that has a white theme and blue trimmings.

"You fucking soulless bitches always spout out the same regurgitated crap! None of you actually care! The same happened to the uncle of one of my closest friends. He killed himself after his wife was imprisoned! There are hundreds of stories like this!"

"Care? What part of that is caring? That despicable Kyuubi has been nothing but venom in our eyes! Not once did they offer help or support!"


The male kitsune covered himself in touki and was about to attack the female kitsune, who had her eyes wide open in shock. As the male was about to lunge at her—

Benkei casually walked over in between them, summoned a staff, and tapped the male kitsune on the head—


He immediately fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

"Alright, show's over folks ~"

She put away her staff and started to casually drink from her gourd. Seeing who the female human was, the crowd obliged and started to disperse. The female kitsune came out of her shock and looked over at Benkei.

"Thank you for the help, Benkei-sama."

"Nyuhuhuhu ~ no worries, Rumi-chan ~ where's Momiji? Isn't she usually with you? You sisters are rarely seen apart."

"I was doing some quick rounds since my sister is busy at the moment. I did not think my short trip would end up like that, but I do sympathize with his situation, it can't be easy. But we do get many stories like his but they rarely get violent since they understand the severity of the situation their relative or parent was in."

The female kitsune now named Rumi answered Benkei as she nodded drunkenly along. She then looks at us and bows.

"Middleman-sama, I'm sorry for showing you such an unsightly sight in our realm."

"…It's inevitable, don't worry about it. How about you? Are you okay?"

"Ah yes, I'm used to it."

Used to it? You shouldn't be these things, it should lessen or at least not happen on a frequent basis…

"Ohhh ~ how about a short stop at their place then, Jin-kun? ~"

"I don't see why not? If they're okay with it."

"Yes, it's a public space, after all, feel free to visit us."

Rumi didn't mind so we started our journey to wherever they work at. Yoshitsune picked up the unconscious young male kitsune and brought him with us, she had the help of Yoichi. I look at the male kitsune. But are they really that desperate for money that they would do illegal things…?

Maybe I'm just spoiled, but I don't remember anything like that in my past life, or I was just willfully ignorant. Maybe we can have a much calmer talk when we get there and if he wakes up.

Our walk didn't last long as we stopped in front of a large building that said 'Youkai Help Centre'. She slides open the doors and we enter it. The inside was normal looking, with a few tables and chairs, plants, and normal décors like paintings and a large fan above us.

There was a reception desk in front of us and there was a receptionist there. She looked up at us and became alarmed. It was a dog youkai? She had those floppy ears, and pink hair but she mostly looked human apart from that.

"Rumi-san, welcome back. B-Benkei-sama, Yoshitsune-sama and Yoichi-sama too."

"Yo, Yuyui. You doing well?"

Benkei greeted her while waving her gourd at the girl. She had a strained smile while nodding.

"I'm back, is Nee-san still busy?"

"No, she just finished with her clients not too long ago. She should be in the break room, will everyone be with you…?"

"Yes, they'll be accompanying me. Are there any more clients for the day?"

"Not until later tonight, they had to reschedule for a family emergency."

"Very well. Then go take a break."


After finishing their conversation, the dog youkai, Yuyui bowed to us before leaving for her break. We followed Rumi as she went through a door on the left, then through another. We eventually reached a location similar to the one Yozora brought us to. But it was much larger and professional looking.

On one of the chairs was another Kyuubi, she looked similar to Rumi, could this be her sister?

"Nee-san I'm back."

She looks up and smiles.

"Welcome back, Rumi. Did you bring some guests? It's been some time, Benkei-sama, Yoshitsune-sama and Yoichi-sama."

"Yes, it's been a while, Momiji-san."

Momiji is a very tall and beautiful woman. She has long black hair with pointy fox ears and 9 tails. Her eyes are a fiery red color with extra red makeup to highlight her eyes. Attire wise she wears a white top with a black belt below her chest. She wears a red mini shirt with knee-high tights and also wears a long overcoat that has a red and black theme with gold trimmings.

"That is?"

She points at the unconscious kitsune and Rumi tells her of what had transpired. She frowns and solemnly nods.

"Another case like that, huh? Very well. Put him over on that chair and we shall wait for him to wake up. However…"

She looks at me and everyone else I was with and smiles.

"I did not think the Middleman would come here of all places. It isn't anything special you know? We are just simple helpers in our realm."

"Right place, right time? We just saw it all and decided to come here because Benkei suggested it."

"Come, let's get to know each other."

She gestures for us to sit down and we do. Akeno decided to sit on my lap and everyone gave her a strange look but she ignored it. Seems like she's feeling a little spoiled right now. I oblige and stroke her head as she lay it on my chest.

"So, what do you guys do here…?"

"The Youkai Help Centre assists individuals and families through health care, food stamps, unemployment compensation, housing assistance, and childcare assistance."

"The benefits available to an individual vary. Eligibility is determined based on factors surrounding the person's financial status. The factors involved can include the family unit's size, current income levels, or an assessed disability or another factor."

Momiji looks at the unconscious kitsune and nods. She summons fox fire on her fingertip and then touches the guy.


He immediately woke up screaming while swiping away at her hand, he became alarmed as all of us were staring at him. His eyes dart around quickly before spotting Rumi, he starts to power up again when Benkei matched him making him nervously stop.

"Now that we have your attention, please sit down and tell us why you decided to confront my sister like that. As well as the circumstances leading up to it."

He reluctantly sits down while glaring at the sisters and begins his story.

He had a fairly typical family, both his parents were of kitsune descent, and they had a normal life in many ways, but they didn't mind and enjoyed it. Both of his parents had normal jobs while also making enough time to spend with him as he grew up but it was eventually cut short.

He worked for a company that unknowingly was playing with fire, creating a new black market. However, the youth now named Ren said that his father had no idea and thought he was earning an honest living. But then one day their business was shut down and everyone that was working there was sent to prison.

They tried to plead their case but Maho made the final verdict before sentencing his father to nineteen years in prison. He says that his mother was never strong emotionally. She was always quite fragile in that sense. Therefore, seeing her husband being put into prison and also losing most of their family income, she chose another way out.

This left Ren all on his own, a father in prison and bitter at the world.

"I went to this damn place several fucking times for support! Even before his imprisonment was finalized!!! But each and every fucking time it's the same garbage of 'I'm sorry we can't do anything' or 'We cannot fight a losing battle, Maho-sama has the final say'."

"You call that trying?! Your asses didn't even move before saying that! No sorting through files, no phone calls, or anything like that! What the fuck? You expect me to deal with that shit? I'm homeless! I'm fucking fifteen years old!"

Momiji listened carefully and intently to his angry rant, the same with Rumi and the rest of us. I can understand where he's coming from. It really did sound and feel like everything was against him and his family.

However, that is only one side of the story, or even just what his parents told him. Maho and whoever else dealt with the matter must have investigated it more thoroughly, right? I felt Akeno tighten her grip around me, maybe she felt some pity for the guy?

Everyone else's reactions varied when I glanced at them. Benkei was too busy drinking sake, Yoshitsune had a serious expression and was listening earnestly, and Yoichi tried looking cool while leaning back on his chair.

Shigune had a sympathetic look on her face, while Suzaku frowned. But let's see what Momiji and Rumi have to say about this. The young kitsune eventually stops his angry rant and is visibly panting.

"I heard everything from your point of view. While much of what you said is true, I do apologize for your loss and situation. I will tell you why your applications were rejected on the spot."

"Maho-sama and her team investigated that new black market thoroughly before making the decision to finally shut it down. That place did its darnedest to conceal it in plain sight. She— Maho-sama said that they were in business for five years, that's how long your father worked there, yes?"

Ren reluctantly nodded. Momiji gets up and leaves the room but it didn't take long for her to come back with several documents. She sits back down and looks through a few of them before putting a few pieces of paper in front of Ren.

"In there is a detailed report of everything that had happened in those five years leading up to the fall of your father's company, as well as a recording in a form of a magical device. Every shady or illegal dealing they made, as well as what your father took part in."

"I'm sorry to say this but, your father was a lot more involved than what you're led to believe, Ren. He and the leader had been friends before becoming business partners. He was as involved in the decision-making process as was the leader."

Ren listened to Momiji as he read through the pieces of paper he was given, a look of utter disbelief and horror slowly appearing on his face. He touches the magical recording device and a small magic circle appeared; it showed several video recordings as well as audio to back up what Momiji had said.

"That is why your applications were almost immediately rejected. It's because your father was heavily involved, however, I can make an appeal to Maho-sama to allow a full review of your current situation."

"You are a minor after all. She may show some leniency and we can help you get back on your feet. However, I or Rumi have never dealt with your appeals, so who did it?"

Ren stared blankly at the paper for a full minute before replying.

"Some, some… Kitsune with a scar on his face, he had yellow fur?"

Momiji frowned and rubbed her forehead in annoyance and sighed heavily.

"Him, huh? Forgive me, Ren. He's what I call a more… 'Rowdy' employee. He's prone to mood swings and is biased toward cases such as yours. Some of his ancestors were killed during several downfalls of other black markets and corrupt groups."

"Anyway, come again in a few days and I'll see if I can do something about it. Ask for me personally, okay?"

Ren slowly nodded his head before leaving—


But he completely walked out the door…

"Hey, kid."

He turns to me as I called out for him. I summon a bag and threw it at him, he reflexively caught it and opened it.

"Keep yourself warm until you get the assistance, alright?"

He quickly nods before leaving the building, everyone looks at me strangely and I shrug. I just gave the guy some help. He said he was homeless at fifteen, I would rather not be if I was in his situation.

Chu ~ Chu ~

Due to those actions, Akeno showers me with kisses making everyone chuckle at her.

"He said that cases like his are everywhere, is that true?"

Momiji nods to my question.

"Yes and no. Cases like this are rare, but they do occur. As in their parent(s) were involved in it somehow, whether it was directly or indirectly, they will get punished regardless."

"Of course, he's young and not legally an adult, so leaving him on the streets would be detrimental on all our parts. He wasn't involved directly but was part of his family, however, he was also lied to by him, and our worker didn't accommodate him properly, that's our fault."

"Anyway, it's getting late and we'll be closing soon."

I glanced at the clock in the room and it was approaching six in the evening and nodded. We all started leaving the room and could see the youkai from earlier was already back and was typing away at her desk.

"Yuyui, it's time to close. You get too engrossed in your work you know?"

Yuyui, the dog youkai looks up at us and then at her watch before blushing. I could see that she had some takeaway food on her desk. Maybe she bought food and immediately came back? What a dedicated worker…

"Ah yes, I'll get ready to leave then."

Yuyui answers Momiji and quickly cleans up her desk and turns off her computer.

"Is your staff really this small?"

"No, we have more but today or the next few days since you're here they'll be in Takamagahara for other things."

It's my fault? My bad, I awkwardly chuckle as we left the building.

"Well then, have a nice night, Jin-san, everyone. We'll be returning home."

"Night ~"

Benkei waved to them. She was already drunk since she didn't stop drinking during that entire time. Now we should have dinner or head to the hot springs?

"Dinner or hot springs first?"

"They have both, Jin-san."

Ten points to Rudra!


Nothing… But yeah, I was hoping for something like that. I nod and we make our way to the hot springs. It wasn't long since we weren't too far from it. This is because we had to pass by it during that brief confrontation with Rumi and Ren.

Once we got there it was called… 'Kinosaki Onsen', isn't there one in the human realm called the same…? The three historical figures are ushered in first followed by us. When we got in there it was like any other onsen and a small reception desk to our left and a door beside it.

"Sakura-obaa-san, we're here to eat and use the onsen."

An old kitsune who looked to be in her seventies or eighties looked up from reading her newspaper and smiled at us.

"Oh, Yoshitsune-chan, Benkei-chan and Yoichi-kun. Welcome, welcome, dinner is it… Oya? Friends of yours?"

Yoshitsune nods and explains who we were, the lady started to laugh heartily and leave the counter to pat my back.

"My grandchildren love your show and merchandise. Since an inevitable alliance was coming, they started to broadcast your show here. Do you mind signing something for me?"

"N-Not at all ma'am, what should I sign…?"

She strolls back to the reception area, pulls out some posters, and brings out an old camera. She gives them to me and I summon a pen to sign them. I hand them back and she hands Yoshitsune the old camera. We take a picture together.

After that, we paid for the use of the onsen, and for our dinner.

"Let's go into the onsen first and then eat. It's healthier that way."

They look at me strangely and I explain.

"When you take a bath or shower right after eating dinner, it causes a slight decrease in body temperature. It is advisable to wait at least thirty to forty-five minutes after any meal before bathing. If possible, take a shower or bath before dinner and change into a light outfit."

"Hmmm, that's why mom told me that when younger…"

Akeno puts her hand on her cheek, probably thinking about the past when Shuri told her not to eat dinner before bathing. So, we all headed to the onsen. We go our separate ways; Yoichi and I go to our side and get undressed.

"I know this is the supernatural and this realm is based on old-era Japan, but I kind of expected it would be a unisex onsen, you know?"

"…If Benkei and Yoshitsune knew it would be unisex I would be knocked out and put in a random room, so…"

Poor dude. I quickly undressed and passed through the curtains to get to the onsen. It was quite large and down the middle, it was separated by a bamboo wall. I could hear the girls on the other side. I quickly enter the onsen with Yoichi behind me.


"You're like an old man, and I'm older than you, you know?"

"I get that a lot."

Yoichi and I get to talking about random things while the girls on the other side were kind of rowdy. What stood out was that Benkei was completely drunk and saying random things that made no sense.

"Jin, do you use a bow?"

"Mmmm, no not really. But I did have a small competition with the Goddess Artemis and won, though I suspect it was a fluke."

"Really? She's a skilled archer you know. Beating her isn't an easy feat."

[He's lying. They played multiple games and he won them all. Partner is just being humble.]

Ddraig's mark appeared and informed Yoichi. I sigh helplessly as I lean back to relax more.

"Hmm, I suspected as much. Even earlier in the day when we went to Youko-san and you revealed the secrets of that mysterious tree. You would normally need to be very powerful for that, you know? I doubt the power of the [Welsh Dragon] and [Vanishing Dragon] can do that."

"Trade secret, Yoichi. I can do a lot of things but it's not like they're anything to brag about, and even if they are. I don't since it's unnecessary and just brings unnecessary trouble my way."

"And the harem? You announced that, doesn't that give you trouble?"

"It's just a way for people to know what my intentions are. If I become interested in someone, I'll shoot my shot, if they're not interested, I'll move on. It's not like every woman I've come across is in my harem."


They're not.


....Yep, the same with Tiamat.


"Ah— Benkei!!"

Crash! Thud! Slam!

A low tremor accompanied by a crashing noise occurs. Yoichi and I look at the bamboo wall as it slowly falls over. The girls were wrapped around with towels as Yoshitsune lightly glares at us— Yoichi quickly gets up and runs away.

"What happened?"

I didn't leave even with her glaring at me as I looked at Akeno, Suzaku, and Shigune. They just smile and shake their heads.

"Benkei-san was drunk and fell over…"

Shigune answers me and I nod.

"I wonder who's the worst drunk… Rose or her? Though she can't get drunk anymore. Whatever, can she even have dinner at this rate?"

I get up and walk over to them. I grab Benkei's shoulder and help her up. Yoshitsune looks like she got over the 'being seen naked thing' since I'm so casual about it.

"Um, Jin-san, why are you so…"

"Casual about this? I mean I see my harem naked on a near consistent and daily basis. My sex life is also quite active. It would be weirder if I panic every time, I see a woman naked."

Yoshitsune blushes while nodding. I look at her as she takes Benkei off me and starts to go back into their dressing room.

"I can get out and help you, Yoshitsune."

"No, it's fine. I will take her to the lobby and let her cool off."

I turn to the other three—

"So, we should probably put this up…"

Akeno shakes her head and hugs me and starts sniffing me.

"I want to be with you in the onsen ~"

"Well, it's fine, right…? I didn't see it being not allowed."

I look back at the other two and they shook their heads, so I head over to their side and fix up the fallen wall. I had stored my clothes in my [Yexal] so it was fine. We sat back down and Akeno started to immediately try doing lewd stuff with me.

I felt her trying to touch my member through my towel and she kept on licking my neck while glancing at the other two. They were clearly blushing as they watched Akeno do this…

She clearly wasn't happy about it when I lightly chopped her head.


"Suzaku-onee-san and Shigune-chan were fine with listening to us last night ~ so it's fine if they watch fully right…?"



Suzaku tried to reprimand her as Shigune just sunk lower into the water.

"It's fine ~ they can even join in…"

Not taking no for an answer, Akeno starts to rub my member through the towel and it slowly became erect, all eyes were on it and I sighed.

"Fufufu ~ Little Jin is raring to go ~ what do you want? ~ my hands? Mouth? Thighs? Oh? It became bigger after that ~"


"W-W-W-W-W-W-What are you doing….?!"

Just as Akeno was about to start doing her thing, she was interrupted by Yoshitsune's voice. We look over to the entrance and could see her looking at Akeno with horror and she had become red in the face.

"…Servicing my husband?"

"You're not even married yet?!"

"We will be though? …I've done this plenty of times."

Akeno takes hold of my member and starts waving it. This makes it splash around in the water. Honestly, this is more comical than hot, this made Yoshitsune blush even more as she ran away.

"You scared her away. No sex for a month."


Akeno looked mortified and then I began to laugh, making her pout.

"But seriously though, not the right time, Akeno. What if that old kitsune lady came in?"

I also glance at both Shigune and Suzaku. Both looked away cutely making me chuckle again.

"Don't worry Jin. I'm sure Suzaku-onee-san will have her mouth on your c—"


Suzaku quickly appeared in front of Akeno and slapped her hand over her mouth. This in turn made her towel fall off and as a result, I got to see her entire naked body. In the [Pocket Dimension] I only saw part of it, mostly her upper half since she would mostly sit down when I joined them.

"Aye ~"

Akeno appeared behind Suzaku and pushed her toward me, she stumbled and slowly fell on top of me. Our faces were right in front of each other while— My erect member and her butt cheeks met each other.

We stare at each other before I sigh again.

"Akeno, was that really necessary—"

"Excuse me, Jin…"

Suzaku interrupted me as Suzaku leaned in and captured my lips. I was stunned, I wasn't expecting that! She was a tad awkward at it so I started to kiss her back and guide her. I wrapped my arms around her waist as we continued kissing.

"Wooo ~ go Suzaku-nee-san~ Shigune-chan, do you want a turn?~"

I couldn't see her but I could feel that she was really embarrassed and didn't give Akeno an answer. Suzaku's pinch signaled to me that I should just focus on her. Sorry…

"Mmmh, nngh, chu… Chu… Mmm… Slrp…"

My first kiss with Suzaku quickly became sloppy due to my guidance, but she went along with it. But I could feel strange jealousy coming out of Akeno now. Hey, hey, you're the one who pushed for this situation to happen you know…?

"….Okay! That's enough!"

Akeno quickly got between us and was puffing her cheeks. Suzaku was a bit surprised and chuckled at her cousin.

"Forgive me, Akeno. I didn't mean to hog your lover…"

They then both glanced behind them as Shigune looked startled, Akeno quickly disappears and reappeared with Shigune. They sandwich Shigune between them as the girl looked startled and began to panic.

"Um, um, ah…"

Akeno then pushed Shigune towards me as her stomach made contact with my erect member making her even redder.

"Fifteen years ~ and you didn't do anything to them ~ now's the time, Jin ~"

"…Point taken, sorry about this, Shigune."


Chu ~

I tilt her chin up and capture her lips, making her eyes widen. However, she quickly closed her eyes and started to kiss me back. Just like Suzaku, she was clumsy, but she was trying her best. I feel like I should be a little slower with Shigune so we kept kissing normally, with no tongue involved.

After kissing for a few more seconds we separated, Shigune had a glazed-over look as she was breathing heavily after parting. She's really innocent and adorable like that…


Shigune covered her face in embarrassment but didn't move from her spot. As much as I'd like to get some action done. We should get out or Yoshitsune may think even lesser of us…

"We should get going, the owner might try looking in here if we stay too long…"

"I agree with Jin, we should get out."

"Fine ~"

Akeno and Suzaku got out first and started to walk away from us. Akeno decided to walk away while swinging her hips in an exaggerated manner, making me laugh. I turn back to Shigune who—


"…I wish my first kiss with you happened during our date. C-Can we say that this didn't count…? Also, I know I'm not as large as the others…"

The towel around Shigune had fallen off and her breasts were exposed to me. Well, she had grown in that regard just like everyone else that had stayed in the [Pocket Dimension], mostly in the height and chest department, but still.

"It's fine, Shigune. They did grow during our fifteen years in there…"

I reach out and touch her, causing her to stifle a moan. She didn't try to push me away though.

"But sure, we can say that this one didn't count and wait until our date."

She cutely nods before grabbing her towel and wrapping it around herself and scurrying off. Haaa. That nearly escalated, huh? Though I kind of wish that I kissed them in a more romantic setting, does that make me cheesy?


Not including either of your opinions.

'I have no idea.'


Cúntóir: Answer: Kiss me and find out, Jin.

[Down girl! –Ahhhhhhhhh!!! Why?!?!]

Okay, calm down you guys, don't bully Ddraig too much.


I sigh and finally stand up. I summon a towel around my waist and jump back over to the men's side and pass through that entrance. Once out I could see… A Benkei on a bench completely passed out and drooling.

Yoichi was standing by the entrance while looking outside while Yoshitsune was tending to Benkei. She sees me standing there, blushes, and turns away. I don't blame her; she did see something pretty lewd.

"How is she? Is she going to wake up any time soon?"


"Did you eat yet?"

"N-no, we were waiting for the rest of you…"

"I see, let's go then. Oi, Yoichi!"

Yoshitsune nods and Yoichi turns around to see me gesture to go eat. He nods and I carry Benkei with me to the dining room.

The dinner was a little silent since Benkei was asleep and Yoichi wasn't much of a talker. Yoshitsune was too embarrassed to even look at any of us and the old owner was busy reading her newspaper. So, the girls and I mostly spoke among ourselves.

"The day is coming to an end, Jin. What are your plans for tomorrow?"

"Oni realm. Yoshitsune mentioned something about Shuten Doji being there so I want to meet him."

"Her. Shuten Doji is female, another mistake made by humans. I am not bothered by their depiction of me, but she's not completely over it, she sometimes goes on rants about it."

Yoshitsune corrects my mistake, I nod and continue.

"I see, so are both Shuten Doji and Minamoto no Raiko still trying to, you know, kill one another?"

"No, however, they try to avoid each other as much as possible. They can cooperate if the need arises but they generally keep their conversations brief and avoid contact as much as possible. Minamoto no Raiko mostly travels all over the realms, and yes even the Oni realm to provide a helping hand."

"She wants to help people as much as possible. Over the years, she has relaxed, particularly her rougher side. In a way, she's like you, Jin. She wants peace more than anyone in this realm. She actually wants to meet you, a lot. She supports your unity of the supernatural, even going as far as saying she'll join with you in this pursuit."

I was a bit surprised. Though both of them are female, huh? Seeing as how Scathach and Tamamo look like their Nasuverse counterparts, though their personalities and backgrounds are nothing alike. I can just assume they also look like them…

"Really? That sounds great, I think. Anyway, I look forward to meeting her, whenever that is. Yoshitsune, can you tell us a little more about the Oni realm?"

She nods and thinks about it before telling us—

"It's not as big as Takamagahara or Yulgana, but its buildings are tall and more spaced. It's obviously mostly occupied by Oni youkai and they're led by Shuten Doji-sama. There's a lot more nature within the city and they're generally a calm species but, they do have some troublemakers."

"You will understand better when you travel to the realm tomorrow. The realm is called Zyoto. Shuten Doji-sama, named it after Kyoto in its honor, why? She never disclosed the reason. The city is called Vadaya. She gave no reason for the names."

Zyoto. Shuten has as strong of a naming sense as me, and Vadaya is a little more unique. It doesn't sound 'Japanese-esque' if I'm being honest. But hopefully, I can speak with her and find out more about why she named it and why she's here…

Yoshitsune suddenly gets up, as well as Yoichi—

"We shall go back to our homes for the night, Jin-san. Until tomorrow."

"See round, Jin."

Yoichi hauled Benkei like a sack of potatoes and they left, so I'm the designated payer now… I mean I don't mind since that's what I was intending to do. I shrug and continue eating my dinner.

"Jin, are you looking forward to your rematch with Sairaorg?"

Breaking the silence, Akeno asks me a question. I look at her and think about it, am I? I certainly hope I don't disappoint him or the crowd watching, I've heard many say they're looking forward to watching it…

It's not just being broadcasted in the Underworld, or our allies, but the ENTIRE supernatural world, many are curious about the Middleman after all I should try to make a good impression…

[You sound like you're applying for a job interview, Partner. Relax, don't think about it too deeply.]

Right, right, I'll just go with the flow, I guess. I don't have to hold back, I mean who would enjoy watching a one-hit K.O. live? I'll check Sairaorg's rank and then just power down my strength to that. I'll keep everything else the same…

{You would be surprised to find out that many people are fond of that concept, Jin.}

Poke ~ Poke ~


"Busy talking to the dragons? ~ Well you better answer my question, mister ~"

I felt someone poking me and it was Akeno. Then I smiled at her and nodded.

"I guess so? I mean I do have to hold back; this match is supposed to entertain the watchers. I can't just go in, one punch Sairaorg, and be done with it. It's like your Rating Games. You guys can end it quickly but, that wouldn't be entertaining to anyone, also—"

"They would put heavier restrictions on us."

Akeno finishes for me and I agree. Yeah, that. The Gremory peerage is a powerhouse among the youth devils, even more so than canon. They basically stomped the Sitri peerage in their last Rating Game… I can only wonder about future Rating Game rules.

[Each Gremory member can move one step at a time every thirty seconds.]

{Couldn't they just jump really far for each 'step'?}

[You and I think alike, White one.]


"Exactly, so it's better to hold back when fighting Sairaorg and his peerage but do try to estimate their battle strength before doing so. Raw power can be beaten with technique, teamwork, and experience if the gap isn't too large…"

"Anyway, let's get going."

I had finished eating my share and waited for the rest to do so. I walk over to the owner and hand her a bag of money. She's a bit startled and puts her newspaper down when she looked into the bag. I swear she would have a heart attack.

"Oppai Dragon-kun, this is…"

"It's fine, ma'am. I enjoyed my stay here, please keep it. When I come back, I intend to visit again."

"Thank you very much, and please do come again."

She nods humbly as she accepts my payment. I turn back to see that everyone was done and ready to leave. We double-checked that everything was in order before leaving. Once we are outside, we return to the teleportation circle we used.

"There's quite a bit of youkai using it."

Akeno points out and we agree. Therefore, we had to wait in line until our turn. However, surprisingly it wasn't that long of a wait. We eventually got on and made it through, of course, it was three per teleportation so I was last.


It wasn't time for the nightly rendezvous so I headed back to Takamagahara and to our Inn. Once there Uwabami greeted us.

"Oh? How was your trip to the Kitsune realm? Fluffy?"


None of them know, much like elves, I love Kitsunes so even with Yasaka and Kunou… I had to hold back a lot! I wanted to touch their fluffy tail a lot…

"You seem bothered by something, Jin."

We had reached our room and Suzaku pointed this out. Shit, was I being too obvious?

"Uh, no it's nothing…"


I sigh and give in.

"You know how I like elves?"

They nod.

"I like Kitsunes too. I had to hold back just constantly showering Yasaka and Kunou in affection otherwise they'd find me weird… Haaa… I at least wanted to touch their fluffy tail, how vexing…"

Akeno starts to giggle at me while Suzaku and Shigune sighed at my stupidity. Yes, I'm dumb and I have strange interests… Is it a fetish…? No, it's just a weird quirk…

"Well, you can touch something else to heal your broken heart~"

Squish ~ Boing ~

Akeno grabs me and pulls me down to the ground and makes me grope her breasts.

"Fufufufu ~ how is it, Skyward-sama ~"


"Don't flirt until we get the futons out and ready…"

Suzaku reprimanded us and I felt her trying to pull me away from Akeno. Akeno reluctantly did so and I snapped my fingers and the futons started to move back to where they were previously last night.

"It's done ~ "

Akeno happily cheered before bringing me back down and we flirted for the rest of the night until they fell asleep.


I got that letter from Maho and Inari should be in her home now too. Since I've already been there and know the layout teleporting there myself should be a lot easier. I slowly pry Akeno off me and got up.

I go over to the window and—

Tug ~


I turn around to see Shigune had gotten up and pulled on my shirt.


"I'm coming with you."

"…Alright, come here."

I hug Shigune and we teleport back to Yulgana.


Tailless City

I had teleported to the middle of the city and it was still bustling with life even in the middle of the night. I hold Shigune's hand and intertwine our fingers. I quickly locate Maho and Inari and we start walking toward her home.

"Jin… Why are we back here?"

"When we left Inari's home earlier, Maho blew some smoke towards me, right? She slipped some paper into my hand telling me to meet up with her—"

"To have sex?"

I stop and look at Shigune a bit stunned.

"Well, it said nightly activities. Ddraig concluded that it could be referring to something else, so that's why I decided to go back, and Inari returned as well."

" It wouldn't be a problem to see her again, right? You hadn't met her yet so…"

Shigune nods without saying anything else and we continue our walk toward her home. It was mostly silent as we didn't have much to say. Maybe it was because she was tired? It had been an eventful day after all.

We arrived at Inari's home and I could see Maho, Tamamo, and Inari. The guard Soushi wasn't anywhere to be seen. I looked for his aura and it was on the other side of the city, he's with Youko? We slowly approach them and they notice us.

Inari seemed a bit surprised but started waving our way.

"Jin! I didn't expect to see you here, did you need something? Or perhaps you came to see me?"

"Hmm. It's due to Tamamo and Maho, they did say you'd come back at night and…"

I look at Maho as she smiles at me. Tamamo and Inari stare at her with confused expressions. I take out the letter and hand it to Inari. Tamamo walks over and reads it with her, they slowly look back at Maho with dead-looking expressions.

Smack! Smack!

"Why. Must. You. Try. Seduce. Our. Guests?!"

Inari started to lightly hit Maho like a grandmother scolding their granddaughter or daughter… It seemed comical, even Tamamo sighed defeatedly after reading it.

"Jin-san, you didn't come here to actually do that, right?"

"Ddraig thought that it meant something else?"

I looked at Maho as she started to snicker while still being hit.

"You are thinking too much about it, Jin. I had no hidden agenda in that note. I simply wanted to have sex with you."


The rest of the room fell silent. Inari looked like she was about to lose her temper, while Tamamo looked at Maho slack-jawed. I felt Shigune's grip on my hand tighten and she started to slowly pull me away.

"Oya? It seems like your little lover there is quite protective, isn't she?"

I glanced at Shigune as she was squinting her eyes at Maho. Maho just smugly looked back at her.

"So, you really had no hidden meaning to it?"

I ask again and she nods. I sigh and shake my head.

"Looks like you're wrong, Ddraig."

[...Partner, I beg of you, don't do this…]

I look at my right hand and grin. We'll go meet Tiamat soon.


'Why is the [Welsh Dragon] so scared of this Tiamat person?'

Velgrynd asked and Albion answered her.

{To shorten the explanation. Before my final battle with Ddraig and before we died, he 'borrowed' several of Tiamat's treasures and then lost them. As you know, we died and were trapped in our respective Sacred Gears.}

{Oh right, Tiamat is one of the Five Great Dragon Kings and also the Chaos Karma Dragon. She's quite powerful, even making this idiot cower in fear.}

[H-Ha! I'm stronger than her now! I do not fear her!]

{Then go and meet her with Jin.}

[T-That's… A bit, well… I need time to you know, ahem, to prepare…]


Boom! Boom!

[Say that again! I fucking dare you!!!]

{You're a pussy!!!!!!!!}

Boom! Boom! Boom!

'Why not just find her treasures? Jin is capable of that; it'll be easy for him.'

That's my plan for getting on her good side…

"It seems the Middleman has stopped paying attention to us."

"Huh? Sorry talking to a rowdy dragon can make me zone out at times."

I come back to my sense and look back at everyone, Tamamo and Inari looked worried until I told them why I zoned out.

"So, will you have sex with me?"

"Do you just put out for anyone, lady?"

I deadpan at her, stunning her a bit. This time it was Inari's turn to snort at her.

"N-No! Are you insane? I only let the finest of men sleep with me!"

I looked at her incredulously, then at Inari and Tamamo. They just smiled at me and shook their heads.

"Right, sorry, not interested. I'm not a man whore who'll just agree to have sex with anyone, you know…"

She looked rather annoyed at me. Wait, did I just indirectly call her a whore? Oops…

"I have slept with two men in my life! Both were my former husbands!"

"Who lasted about a month before they mysteriously disappeared? They were 'men' from the 'black market'. That's what you told me, Maho-sama."

Tamamo added while still having a dead expression on her, Maho looked mortified at her.

"Those were necessary!"

"I never said that they weren't, Maho-sama."

Inari interrupts them and smiles—

"Tamamo is saying that you probably don't have the experience to satisfy Jin, he has a harem with whom he probably has sex on a regular basis, no?"


"Yes, he does."

Shigune answers for me as I look at her in surprise again, she's quite bold right now…

"Very well…"

Maho takes out her kiseru and blows smoke at me again. Maho seemed quite smug about it, but all it did was— Well, blow smoke into my face and I fan it away with my hand looking annoyed at her.

"What was that for? Why did you blow smoke into my face?"

I did feel her trying to put some charming effect on me but it didn't work. I just looked at her annoyed. She seemed stunned—

"Ah, ehm, well. Ahem. Forgive me, I did not mean to blow it directly into your face, Jin."

"…It's whatever, so if we have nothing else here, I'll head back to Takamagahara."

I give Maho the 'I know what you tried to do' look and she shivers. I turn around with Shigune and start walking away when—

"Wait, Jin. How about we sit and chat? We didn't get a chance to speak much back then."

I glanced at Shigune and she didn't seem to mind. I turn back around and see them walking towards a chabudai, a small Japanese table where you sit on legless chairs, cross-legged or in a seiza.

"I will get some tea."

Tamamo gets up and leaves us. Inari sat to my left while Shigune was to my right. Across from us was Maho, who seemed wary of me since I could resist her charming technique.



[You say you like cat girls, then elves and now Kitsunes. Are you perhaps a furry?]

Ddraig, say that again and I promise you, I will castrate you and make you eat your own balls.

[…I'll keep that in mind.]


"How have you been, Jin? Where do you plan on heading after today? How about after your visit to our realm?"

As Inari starts to ask questions, Tamamo came back and started to pour us all some tea. Once she was done, she sat beside Maho.

"Tomorrow, or well, later on, today, we'll be going to the realm of the Oni, the day after that will be the realm of the Tengu. That should be my last day here, and hopefully, you guys will be done with reading the documents?"

I look at Inari and she lightly chuckles.

"Yes, we're nearly done. What takes up the time is us discussing many of the pros and cons of being in the alliance. If I'm being honest…it's very beneficial."

"Right, a heads-up, Odin is looking to do a cultural exchange. He's a notorious pervert, so, you know."

"Be careful? Are you worried about us? Flattery won't get you anywhere, well, maybe a little."

Inari winks at me and I awkwardly chuckle at her.

"No, he tends to grope women quite a lot. He hasn't done it to any of my lovers, so I'm just giving you guys a warning or a heads-up."

I take a sip of the tea…. It's Matcha, I wasn't expecting them to have that here. I'm almost sure that these are regularly used during tea ceremonies. I've only tried it a handful of times, during my visit to Kyoto and well, in my home because of Rias.

"After the alliance is formed. I'll soon have my exhibition match with Sairaorg Bael, a Devil, and heir to his clan."

"Oh! The one that's going to be broadcasted throughout the supernatural world? My, how exciting! I will be watching it along with the other Gods and Goddesses ~ you better make it entertaining, Jin ~"

"I'm sure there will be an option in going to the stadium itself maybe some of you will be invited by Sirzechs, Michael, or Azazel to watch in a private VIP booth…"

"A front-row seat ~ we'll just need to wait and see, now, won't we?"

Inari and I have a casual conversation while the other two Kitsunes just listen in. Shigune was silently leaning against me— She had switched from holding my hand to hugging my arm. I quickly glance at her to see that she was slowly falling asleep.

"By the way, I heard that you like puns, Inari."

Both Maho and Tamamo groan out loud and gave me a pleading look. Inari smirked at me and nodded.

"I only tell them 'fur'(for) the fun of it."

Inari and I look at each other before breaking out into grins. I felt Shigune silently giggle beside me. I guess that woke her up a bit. The other two weren't that impressed.

"You're a real 'tail-blazer' (trail-blazer) with these puns, Inari."

"Please, stop…"


The two of us were enjoying this a bit too much so we decided to tell a few more puns before we stopped. Both Tamamo and Maho looked like they had been through war. Geez, it wasn't that bad…

"You two are finished, yes…?"

I look at Inari and then back to Maho and nodded.

"Fur (for) sure."

Maho slumped back down as Inari and I laughed to ourselves. I quickly check the time with Cúntóir and it was nearing one in the morning, we better get back then…

"Well, we better go back. It's nearing one in the morning and we still have a busy two days ahead of us. I'll probably see you on the last day, Inari."

She looked visibly sad, her tail during that entire time hadn't stopped wagging but she did agree in the end.

"Yes, it is getting quite late. I will see you soon then, Jin. Good night."

"Yeah, good night, Inari, Maho, Tamamo."

I look to my side and see that Shigune had fallen asleep while hugging my arm. I smile and pick her up.

"My, isn't she a princess, huh?"

I just smirk at what Maho said, is that her way of making a pun or something? I was carrying Shigune princess/bridal style. I say goodbye to them one last time before going back to Takamagahara.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.