Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 4 – Chapter 5 – Part 2 – Shinto Gods and A Deal

Pocket Dimension

Jin Skyward

"Who do you think will win, Jin-sama?"

Shaula asked, she was sitting in front of me, as well as the other Electa except for Mothra and Godzilla. They were still in the Dimensional Gap.

"Realistically, Aurelia. But maybe Kiba can pull off a miracle? Or show us something new that will catch Aurelia off-guard and force her out of bounds."

"Kiba-san did achieve an unusual [Balance Break] with his [Sword Birth] Sacred Gear. Maybe he can do it again?"

Asia said as she cheered for her friend and peerage member. I'm not sure, but let's hope he does something amazing here.

Kiba Yuuto

"Are both fighters ready?"


"Of course."

Lianne-san was the arbiter for the match. Aurelia-san may be the most challenging opponent I have faced to date. If I don't include Jin-senpai. She is part of the 'Perfect' humans Jin-senpai created with Godly strength. I can't let my guard down here.

I summon a holy sword using [Blade Blacksmith] and ready myself. Aurelia-san did the same with her Greatsword, the [Arcadia].




As soon as Lianne-san started the match, Aurelia-san dashed towards me at a speed I couldn't follow and attacked me! I could barely block it in time. She was forcing me back slowly and I was nearing the end of the ring!

"Balance Break: Glory Drag Trooper!"

Multiple Knights appeared and attacked Aurelia-san! Two of them were quickly destroyed and the other managed to make her use her other arm! She was forced to hold her Greatsword with one arm giving me a chance to fight back.

Using every ounce of my strength I pushed her back! She smirked at me and jumped backward. I didn't let her have time to compose herself as I dashed towards her with my knights.

Tang! Clang! Kachiiiing!!!

My holy sword clashed with her Greatsword, as well as my knight's holy sword, but Aurelia-san didn't look like she was having any trouble…



I was pushed back by an enormous wind pressure! I look behind me at Aurelia-san as she had her Greatsword on her shoulder and gestured for me to attack her. With pleasure! As I ran back towards her, I sent several slashes at her!

Ksh! Ksh! Ksh! Gang! Tang! Kaching!

My knights also followed up with their own, but they were all easily repelled by Aurelia-san. Damn it! Is this… Really useless? Even after reaching Dragon God-class in strength after fifteen years of training… I couldn't even make her get serious?

"Why not use your [Sword Birth], Kiba Yuuto?"

I believe I have pushed this Sacred Gear to its limits, and thus wish to fight with it. However, for my [Blade Blacksmith]... I don't think I have. So please bear with me for a moment!"

I look at one of my knights and nod, it quickly joins my side… I had thought of this thanks to Jin-senpai giving me a small hint. 'Why not use a technique to fuse with your knights and make a scale mail-like armor?' is what he said. So, for the last few years, I had been perfecting it…!

The knight started to fuse with my body— My legs were covered in armor, along with my torso, arms, and shoulder. This is it! This is my strongest form with [Blade Blacksmith].

"Hooo? Now that's something new, Kiba Yuuto. Come."

"Yes! Here I come!"

Aura-blasting boosters appeared behind my back and combined with my [God Speed] I blasted towards Aurelia-san and appeared beside her! I then swung my sword to her side!






She blocked it?! At that speed?! They really are monsters...! I stabbed my sword into the ground to stop myself and looked back at Aurelia-san, who still had her confident smile plastered on her face.

"This is inspired by Jin's armor, isn't it? Interesting. You even have those boosters on your back. Hahaha, you really look up to him, huh?"

Of course! With his help and that of my comrades, I was able to acquire my [Sword of Betrayer] Balance Breaker and even this Sacred Gear's subspecies Balance Breaker!

"Yes, I do. So, I will show him and everyone my progress so far, even if I don't win."

I ready myself again and charge back at Aurelia-san. I summoned other knights and they fought alongside me. It was futile but, Aurelia-san had a smile on her face as we clashed swords, Jin-senpai changed my potential again during these last few years, but it's not enough to overcome her!

"Very well."


One moment I was charging toward Aurelia-san, the next— Everything turned black.

Jin Skyward

"Winner, Aurelia."

Lianne announces.

Kiba's armor vanished along with his Dragon Knights. I jumped toward the ring and healed the guy; he was asleep and the injuries that I just healed weren't anything major. Aurelia had essentially cut him multiple times and karate-chopped his neck.

I carry Kiba on my back and bring him to the stands. I place him down and sit back down in my seat. The next two that went up were… Kanami and Scathach. Student versus teacher, I wonder how this will play out? After reaching the top tier of Dragon God-class, Kanami decided to hone her skills and techniques.

She essentially arrived at the same place as the girls did in five years, though… I really did push them at the time. Ophis and Irene are the only ones who have reached Multiversal, and as I mentioned before, the rate at which you gain power slows considerably after reaching those levels.

Everyone else was in Universal at varying ranks, Kiba, Gasper, Serafall, Penemue, Kanami, Irina, and Griselda were near the peak of Dragon God-class. Scathach was the outlier since she kept on pushing and pushing until she reached Universal like the rest.

Kanami Minagawa

"Are both fighters ready?"

"Yes ma'am!"



I summon my spear and point it at Shishō.

"You've taught me a lot these fifteen years, Shishō! Let me show you the fruits of my labor!"

I jumped in and used all of my power from the start! I appear beside Shishō and thrust my spear! But she only needed to move her head an inch and dodged it! I saw a smile on her face as she looked at me.

"Then show me, stupid student of mine."

Clang! Tang! Ting! Ting!

Both of us disappear and clash several times in the limited space we had to fight in! Each time our weapons clashed, wind raged around us. The air reverberated around us as small shock waves erupted around the area.

Shishō was smiling as was I, in these last fifteen years, she's become an older sister figure to me. I dragged Natsume with me to train from time to time, Shishō helped her with magic while I was taught many things.


I sent a flurry of attacks toward Shishō but she dodged them all easily. She did the same thing and I managed to avoid quite a few and got a few light scratches! I jumped back and ignited my spear. These have become quite powerful since they grew with me… They're not just normal flames but—

"Hooo? Draconic flames? Ha-ha-ha, Jin sure does influence a lot of people."

Shishō laughs and powered up. She was overflowing with divinity as she took a stance. Yes, since I was around Jin a lot as well as the Ophis, Irene, Ddraig, and Albion. They influenced me a lot… Though Jin was the main reason.

The flames that were once orange had turned dark red. They danced around my spear and I readied myself.

"Here I come, Shishō!"



Shishō disappeared from my sight and I instinctively dropped down! When I did a spear appeared where I once was. Shishō had tried to kill me there! Wait wait wait! Isn't there a no-killing rule?!

"Good reaction, Kanami."

As she stomped at the spot, I rolled away and jumped backward quickly. No… Shishō knew I could dodge it so she attacked me that way.

Zang! Ting!

We clash again but I was being overpowered this time! Shishō was using even more strength to overpower me.

Ahh… I feel like I've been losing for the longest time, either before I became aware of the supernatural, or even during the Tournament of Power.


I covered myself in touki! I learned how to use this thanks to Kuroka and Shirone. Those two offered to teach a lot of us and many accepted the offer. I was one of them. I dashed back to Shishō and pretended to perform a thrust attack!

She falls for it and I duck down to sweep her with my leg! –but to my surprise, she was already jumping, I look back up and see her smiling at me… She read me like a book! Her foot—


Hit me in the face and sent me backwards. I stab my spear into the ground to stop myself from falling out of the arena. I was inches away from falling. I get up and look at Shishō, she was waiting for me. I look at Jin…and then back to Shishō.

"I didn't think I would use this here but… I guess it's fine."

"Hmmm? What are you talking about, Kanami?"

I smile at Shishō as a burst of white flames erupts from beneath me.


"Kanami, you seem to like using fire magic and flame manipulation."

Jin approached me as I sat down after sparring with Shishō. I guess I do? The spear he upgraded for me, and the magic I used mostly after being taught by Reni-san, Rossweisse-san, and Suzaku-san was fire magic.

"Yeah, I think so… Why do you say that, Jin?"

Afterwards, he sits down beside me and sighs.

"Well, I have a certain Sacred Gear I evolved not too long ago and it evolved from being a common Sacred Gear to being on par or maybe even stronger than the original thirteen Longinus."

He grins at me and my eyes widen… I-Is he…?

"Seeing as you love using fire magic so much and I didn't want to give this to Suzaku since her clan's still quite stubborn about Sacred Gears and all… I thought of giving it to you. How about it?"

"I-I… A-are you sure? I mean you did say you just evolved it into something amazing…"

"Yeah, I'm fine with it, so, what do you say?"


Flashback end

[Ashen Burst]!!


'If you don't mind, then please give me that Sacred Gear, Jin!'

I remember those words pretty clearly… The day he gave me my own Sacred Gear… [Ashen Burst].

"Hooo? What is this? Is it possibly a Sacred Gear? Did you awaken one… Or…"

Shishō looks over at Jin, as did many others. He just grinned and chuckled to himself. He then gives me a thumbs up.

"Go for it, Kanami."

I felt a weird warm feeling inside me. Yes, I'll try and do my best!

"Here I come, Shishō!"

The white flames of [Ashen Burst] surround my spear and override the dark red flames, however, it also mixed with the draconic energy, so—

"Draconic Ashen Flames… I like the sound of that."

I say to myself before sprinting towards Shishō! I slash down towards her as she parries it, but gained a surprised look when I pushed her back!


Dwosh! Ksh! Tang! Clang!

With my Sacred Gears flames, I was slowly pushing Shishō back as we clashed with our spears! I don't believe I'll win but if I can just do enough, then maybe she'll acknowledge me?!

I summon magic circles around Shishō and send out vines to try to immobilize her! But she easily destroyed them with her runes. Shishō jumps back and then dashes back towards me. I parry—


She disappeared from my sight and I felt a knee connect with my stomach… I swing my spear sideways to counter but—


She disappeared again and I felt a punch hit my waist sending me back near the edge again. Even with my Sacred Gear, and new powers, I still can't win… She really is amazing. Everyone's amazing. Kiba-kun from earlier managed to hold himself against Aurelia-san. It felt like he did more than me…

I still have a lot more room to grow, even the last fifteen years weren't enough. I don't have talent so I have to try harder than the rest…

I look back up at Shishō with a smile. This isn't my limit… I can still improve my technique, my movement… Everything!

With these thoughts in mind— I braved one of many powerhouses I'll encounter and fight.


"Here I come, Shishō!!!"

"A final stand, huh?"

Jin Skyward

Kanami was gathering a large number of white flames around her spear and cocked her arm back. Scathach did the same but with divine energy. I had heard from Natsume that she had copied Scathach's Gae Bolg when we first came here but with flames.

I wonder how that will fair with her upgraded Sacred Gear's flames. They had both finally finished charging up their attacks. Scathach jumps up into the air and threw her spear! Kanami matched it and threw hers as well.

Both spears were slowly approaching each other, the area had gone silent as they waited in bated breath for those two attacks to collide.



The arena was covered in a large explosion and we couldn't see anything for a few seconds. Eventually, the explosion subsided, and both women were still standing. Scathach had her spear back in her hands while Kanami was standing there unsteadily.

"Still not enough, huh…?"

She says weakly before falling to the floor unconscious.

"Winner, Scathach."

I teleport beside Kanami and heal her. She had a few minor injuries but since Scathach held back and she was a Dragon God-class being… She didn't get too badly injured.

"Heh, well done. I didn't think you'd reveal that now of all times, Kanami."

I jump back into the stands and put her beside Natsume as she looks proudly at her sleeping sister.

"She really got stronger, huh?"

"Yeah, she did."

"I always looked up to her but seeing her that determined, it reminded me of when we were younger."

Natsume started to stroke Kanami's hair and I retreated to my seat. I felt her gaze linger on me for a few seconds. The next match was… Oh, this should be interesting. Serafall versus Gabriel. The two of them step into the arena.

"Are both fighters ready?"

"Yes! Today, I will win against my biggest rival!"

"Hmmm? Yes, I'm ready, Lianne ~"

Lianne smiles at Gabriel—

"Then, begin!"

Serafall grins and spreads her arms out!

"First come first ser—"


Gabriel covered herself in touki and appeared in front of Serafall. She became alarmed and tried to change her attack but was uppercut by Gabriel as she was forced into the air.

"Yata no Kagami…"

Gabriel forms light between her hands and fires it towards Serafall. She panics and fires some demonic ice toward the attack. A small explosion occurs but—

She had been surprised when Gabriel appeared above her. Gabriel then follows up by kicking Serafall!


Serafall blocks it using a defensive spell and with her arms, but she was knocked away. The dust settles as Serafall stood up dusting herself.

"Mou! That was sneaky of you Gabriel-cha—"

"Winner, Gabriel."

"Eh? W-W-W-Wait, what?! Why?!"

Serafall was shocked as she looked at Lianne. Lianne just points to where she was standing, and she was out of bounds. Serafall looks to the ground and falls dramatically on all fours.

"No!!!!!!!!!! I lost in the stupidest way possible!!!"

Serafall unfolds her wings before flying toward me and clinging to me.

"Life… Is a lie… Console me."

"T-There, there…"

I started to pet Serafall as she kept carrying on with the act… I sigh inwardly and looked back at the arena. Gabriel flew away looking like she lost, she was staring our way while puffing her cheeks.

Serafall won one way or another…

The next match was between [King] and [Queen]. The long-time best friends, Rias and Akeno stood facing each other. Both of them had confident smiles on their faces as they were already showing each other their demonic powers.

"Are both fighters ready?"

They silently nodded.


Akeno Himejima

Rias launched a large ball of [Power of Destruction] towards me and I fired back with a large lightning blast with light infused with it at her attack. The two attacks collided and exploded. I didn't feel her move so I also stood still.

When the dust settled, we were staring at each other not making a move or sound. Over the years… I was always convinced that you were stronger than me, Rias. But when I met Jin and he took Kuroka, Reni, and I here for the first time… I started to get stronger and gain more confidence.

After fifteen years… We should be more or less the same in raw power, right? What about technique? Hand-to-hand combat? Other aspects? I want to find that out today… While I want to win… I don't mind losing either.

Rias opens her hand and small balls of [Power of Destruction] are created. It almost seemed like her brother's [Ruin the Extinct]… The balls then flew towards me! Covering my body with holy lightning, I unleashed draconic holy lightning attacks on the balls.

Again, the two attacks clash and they destroy each other.

"This will remain a stalemate if we don't change this, Akeno."

"I agree, Rias ~"

Rias summoned even more balls of [Power of Destruction] behind her and they slowly changed shape… They turned into small needles and then started to multiply. I touched the ground and—


A large magic circle appears and…


A dragon made out of lightning came out of it. I had asked Reni about her own ice dragon when she used an attack like this. President Sona might be able to do something like this. The dragon flies around me and then settles down.

I wave my hand and summon magic circles behind me. Large icicle spikes appear and they were also imbued with light. Rias finally launched her attacks at me! I also return fire and they strike each other. This time… I felt her move. She's not in the same spot as before—

Swipe! Bzzzt! Doom!

My holy lightning dragon attacked her as she tried to get closer to me… Haaa… We're really not compatible as opponents, aren't we?

Rias then appears back in front of me as she stares at me and then at the ground. What was she thinking? She then turns to Lianne.

"I surrender."


"Don't misunderstand, Akeno. I'm not looking down on you or anything like that… I just want to keep my current 'trump' card for our match against Sairaorg. When that's finished and if you still wish to continue, let's have a re-match."

She walks over to me and whispers into my ear—

"It's my way of confessing to him."

She pulls away as I look at her in surprise. Rias then walks away.

"Winner, Akeno."

Jin Skyward

"Now that was unexpected. I didn't think Rias would just throw in the towel like that. I wonder why?"

Shaula asked everyone, but no one answered her. I look at Rias as she smiles at me… What are you thinking about, Gremory…? Well, I won't pry and ask you at a later date…

"Who knows? She probably has her own reasons. Let's leave it at that… The next match is going to start…. Hmmm?"

"It seems like both participants are forfeiting the match?"

Lianne seemed a bit confused as Latia and Valerie were beside her. They both nod and go back to the stands. What the hell… Why? I look at the two and they shake their head. I mean, it's their choice, but I was kind of looking forward to it.

This time Reni and Rose step into the arena as they look at each other with unchanging expressions. They were quite serious about this…


Lianne starts the match suddenly—

Rossweisse created multiple magic circles behind her. They were all different. Norse, fairy, black, white, and other types. They all hurl their attacks at Reni! She calmly looks at the attacks and summons her wand. She makes a small gesture with it and—

The attacks vanished. Rossweisse looks on in shock and then summons her own wand.

"This looks like a Harry Potter fight…"

Everyone looks at me strangely before looking back at the match…


W-What…? How did Reni-san… It doesn't matter. I have to win this since I want to ask Jin for something, but the ones after Reni-san are quite strong, especially Aurelia-san. I wave my wand and create more magic circles behind me and launch the attacks toward her.

However, this is just a diversion. As soon as Reni-san waved her wand again... I dashed in front of her and punched her in the stomach!

"…This is…?!"

Crack! Shatter!

I had punched an ice doll! The doll shattered after I punched it. If the one I punched was a fake then where did—



A powerful impact struck me in the side and I was knocked away. I roll on the ground and then steady myself. I look back up as Reni-san had her fist covered in touki and she called out her Ice dolls.

She used regular ice magic to create that copy, made me punch it as a distraction, and then attacked me herself using touki. But why—


I felt my legs being covered in ice! I look down and see that it was already too late… I won't be taken down without a fight though…! I launched more attacks at Reni-san, but her ice dolls were countering them with their own attacks.

"Balance Break: Assoluto Argento Mondo."

The entire area around us started to be covered in ice… The temperature was rapidly decreasing, and my body was rapidly turning into ice. While I didn't feel cold, I couldn't move either…! This is her Balance Breaker…?

"Assoluto Argento Mondo. It's also known as the [Snow World Believed to be Eternal]. It has the ability to create a strong blizzard that can make a distinction between friend and foe. Right now Rose is an enemy."

Did Jin's prize distract me that much? And it made me lose my thoughts? Did I lose focus and let myself be tricked like this? I tried to break the ice with all my power but… It didn't budge. Reni-san is stronger than I am, so I can't break free from her prison…

"Winner, Reni!"

Once Lianne-san said those words, Reni-san canceled her [Balance Break] and ran to me.

"Are you okay? It doesn't hurt, does it?"

"I'm fine, Reni-san.... Hahaha I was too distracted by myself and lost focus. But a loss is a loss."

Did I get too comfortable with my new powers and become arrogant? I look at my hand and clench it. It's frustrating. I just wanted to be with Jin a little more… Are my desires holding me back? I look at Jin as he smiles at me.

I should consult someone about this… Scathach-san maybe? Lianne-san…? Or Jin…? I go back to the stands as I think about how pathetically I lost.

Jin Skyward

I was expecting a more intense fight between these two but I guess that's it, huh? I wonder what was distracting Rose. Her mind seemed to be on something else.

The next match should be Scathach versus Aurelia. This will—

Ring ~

My phone rang again and I took it out of my [Inventory], I answered it.

"Jin! Where are you?!"

Ahhh shit…

"Alright, alright, I'll be there. Give me a minute."

I throw my phone back into my [Inventory] and look at everyone.

"I'll reward everyone who participated. We'll need to leave now otherwise Azazel will keep complaining to me."


Everyone looks at Rose as she jumps up and looks quite happy with herself. She caught herself and blushed.

"I… Uhm… Excuse me…"

…Is it my fault she lost…?





"Anyway, hurry and get your things if they're still in your rooms. We will be leaving the [Pocket Dimension] right now."

The ones that still needed to get things. They went to my home and got their things, and the rest of us just waited outside. Scathach seemed a bit annoyed at the sudden cancellation of the tournament. The rest didn't seem to mind that much.

Even Aurelia. I look at her as she just smirked at me… What is she planning? Eventually, everybody came back out.


They nod and I cancel the [Pocket Dimension] and we were brought back out. I go over to the door and open it.

I glance at everyone and look over their current ranks…

Akeno Himejima: Universal – CC

Asia Argento: Universal – C

Gabriel: Universal – CCC

Gasper Vladi: Dragon God – AAA

Grayfia Lucifuge: Universal – CCC

Griselda Quarta: Dragon God – SSS

Ingvild Leviathan: Universal – CC

Irene Belserion: Universal – SSS

Irina Shidou: Dragon God – SS

Kanami Minagawa: Dragon God – SS

Kiba Yuuto: Dragon God – AAA

Kunou: Dragon God – Ex+++

Kuroka: Universal – CC

Latia Astaroth: Universal – C

Lavinia Reni: Universal – A

Natsume Minagawa: Universal – CC

Ophis: Universal – SSS

Penemue: Dragon God – SSS

Rias Gremory: Universal – CC

Rossweisse: Universal – CCC

Scathach: Universal – B

Serafall Leviathan: Dragon God – Ex+++

Shigune Nanaderu: Universal – CCC

Shirone Toujou: Universal – CC

Suzaku Himejima: Universal – B

Valerie Tepes: Universal – CCC

Xenovia Quarta: Universal – DDD

Yasaka: Universal – CCC

I nod satisfied with them for now, I'll try to aim for another fifteen in the near future. Hopefully, another fifteen will have some of them break into Multiversal…

"Sorry about this but I'll be heading to Grigori and then I'll come back."

"I'll come with you, Jin."

Penemue stands beside me and we leave.


"I'll get going then, how about you?"

"I'll accompany you, maybe I'm needed?"

I nod and we start walking toward Azazel's office. I already found his aura, the new Grigori more or less looks like the old one, structure and color-wise, but there are some changes here and there.

"By the way, Jin. The annual 'Leader of Fallen Angel Mahjong Competition' is going to start soon, care to watch it? It should be our three hundred and seventeenth competition."

"So, the leaders are the only participants, huh? How many did you win?"

To this, Penemue huffed. I guess she hadn't won yet? We kept on walking and talking about it.

"Who won the most then?"

"It's the smarter ones, such as Azazel, Sahariel, Shemhazai, and strangely Baraqiel. I along with everyone else can't win unless it's dumb luck. Maybe if you're there your luck can rub off on me?"

"Sure thing. Should I have you sit on my lap as you play?"

Penemue shook her head and looked away with a blush on her face. I chuckle at her as we reached his office. I touch the door and it automatically opens. We stepped through and in the room were… Azazel, Ajamu, Raynare, Kalawarna, Dohnaseek, Mittelt, and Shemhazai.

"Finally, you're here and you brought Penemue. Where the hell have you been to?"

"Somewhere, anyway… So, you want me to unseal their powers?"

"Yeah, anyway, I have some reports here."

He hands a few documents over to Mittelt and she walks over to me with a scowl on her face and hands it to me. It was a good chance to check on all of them as they delved into detail about how each of them has been progressing and who advocated for them.

Just like Raynare said, Kalawarna has been making significant progress and has a few fallen. Kouki advocating for her, whether that's because it's his crush on her speaking on his behalf or not, I'll ask another time.

Dohnaseek is the one with the most advocates, since he works in several departments and assists with many things. Even Penemue was on the list of advocates for him. I can trust her judgment on this. Kalawarna's and Raynare's lists also include her, when I take a quick glance at the lists.

Ajamu has also been making a lot of progress. A few weeks ago I returned some of his powers, but not fully as he couldn't wield Galatine. In light of the report and many voices advocating for him, especially team Slash/Dog, the decision becomes very clear. practically nonexistent with barely any progress. She needs a reality check. Maybe the other three really did turn a completely different leaf or they're just plotting but we'll see once I restore their powers. After reading them, I nodded.

"I see… Well, it's an easy decision for quite a lot of you, except for one…"

I glance at Mittelt as she glared at me while holding a broom that wasn't there a second ago. I look at the rest and sigh.

"Alright, but this is just the beginning. In the coming weeks and months, you'll be monitored by me."

I summon bracelets and they attached themselves to everyone except Ajamu and Mittelt. Since I trust team Slash/Dogs' judgment, Mittelt won't be included since she hasn't made any progress whatsoever.

"Those will monitor your emotions and usage of your powers. In short, I'll know about your emotions and mental health, and after a few months, I will come back and choose to remove these or not. It will depend on your actions again."

I then unseal their powers, they seemed a little relieved by this, except Mittelt who started to stomp her foot in annoyance.

"What the fuck? Why not me?!"

"You haven't improved yourself nor have you tried to reflect on your actions. These four have and are genuinely trying, you haven't. The last time we interacted you assumed that I was there to violate you. Perhaps you need to go to therapy and get a mental wellness check."

Mittelt gritted her teeth as she glared at me silently.

"Anyway, you have full access to your powers again, Ajamu. You can also wield Galatine again. I trust Slash/Dog's judgment so don't consider betraying them. The same with you three."


Kalawarna and Dohnaseek saluted me for some reason. Raynare just silently nodded, the same with Ajamu.

"My work here is done then. I'm going back home~"

"Are you going to the Shinto Gods right now?"

"No, in a few days."

I left the room and stretched my body before teleporting home, just as I was about to do so— I felt two people come out as well. I glance back and see Penemue and Raynare.

"Hey, need something?"

They glance at each other before Raynare bows to Penemue and walks away. She stands at a distance from us where she couldn't hear what we would talk about.

"What's up?"

"I spoke to Grayfia and the others about it during our time there. I'll be moving in, Jin."

I was a bit stunned by what she said. More roommates, huh?

"Sure thing… Did you already pick out a room? Or are you going to use the same one as you did in the replica?"

"The same one. Anyway, I'll be moving in when you're in the Shinto Gods' realm. I'll see you soon, Jin ~"

She slightly bends over and pokes my nose before turning to leave. I wasn't sure if I was imagining things but it seemed like she put a bit of sway in her hips while walking away.




{[Ow! What the hell, Rudra?!]}

Ignoring the fuss these three were making, Raynare started to walk back to me. When she gets here, we stand there in silence for a few seconds.

"H-How have you been…?"

"Good. I plan on taking it easy for a few days before I head to the Shinto Gods, you?"

"T-The other fallen I work with advocated for me, as well as Penemue-sama and Azazel-sama. Thank you for unsealing our powers, Jin."

She bows to me and I wave her off.

"You guys still need to prove that you won't go doing the same shit as you did a few months back. Until then, those bracelets will stay on, and only I can remove them."

"Yes, of course… I'll be leaving then, goodbye."

She bows again before leaving. She's still quite stiff around me even after we spent a few days together in Asgard. I shake my head and sigh, I'm not going to snap and kill you, Raynare… Asia already forgave you and I don't hold a grudge against you.

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward Household

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! It's on fire!!!"

"Sis!!! Why did you try cooking?!"

"I wanted to surprise Jin!!!"

"You're terrible at it! Also, why did you use your Sacred Gear's flames?!"

I had teleported back into my home and just heard screams. I look at everyone in the living room and they just pointed me to the kitchen. I quickly go there to see Grayfia sitting down looking 'calm' but her aura around her body said otherwise.

"So, what's happening here…? I heard a bit of what just transpired."

"I will need to teach Kanami how to cook properly. Yasaka, Suzaku, Kunou, and Sharon left for Kyoto. Serafall has retreated back into the Underworld and Gabriel is back in Heaven."



Grayfia lightly stepped with her left foot as ice erupted from the ground and stopped just as it reached the two sisters. They both freeze and back up.

"Behave. Both of you will take lessons from me starting now."

They both nodded at the same time without saying a word. Grayfia strikes again… Her age is really sho—

Squeeze ~ Pinch ~

Grayfia glared at me while pinching my cheek.

"My bad."

A few days later

"Time to head out then."

It was a school day and I had my Avatar go to school as I was traveling to the Shinto realm today with Akeno, Suzaku, and Shigune. I was a bit surprised when Reni didn't make a fuss but told me she was planning something for me… Whatever that is…


I turn to the three people with me and they nod, so I teleported us back to Kyoto.

Japan, Kyoto

I had teleported us just outside of Urakyoto just to be safe. It was a weekday and there were a lot of people out right now. From there, we walked in the direction of Takamagahara, the Shinto Gods' realm that separated from the human realm.

If my assumptions are right, then we need to pass through that barrier and go through Ame-no-ukihashi, also known as the 'Floating Bridge of Heaven'. Once there, a deity is supposed to be guarding the entrance into Takamagahara. Sarutahiko Ōkami the God of Earth.

"It is rumored that Takamagahara is located somewhere in Mount Kurama."

Suzaku says beside me. Mount Kurama, huh? I look north of Kyoto and at the mountain itself. It was supposed to be the largest mountain in all of Kyoto. It's also rumored to be where the King of Tengu lives. His name is Sōjōbō unless he also lives in Takamagahara, then we'll see him there.

Sōjōbō is rumored to be the one who taught the legendary Minamoto no Yoshitsune. But everything will be cleared up once we're there.

"Let's go then."

I check ahead and there aren't too many tourists there at the moment so we can probably teleport quite near the entrance. We walk to a spot where no one could see us teleport.

Mount Kurama

We arrive at a little alleyway near a home. We walk out of there and were greeted by a few houses around us, there was also a tourist center that probably also does tourist guides up the mountain.

There were multiple stairs ascending up and towards Mount Kurama. At each side of the stairs were red poles with lanterns attached to them. When I glanced at my companions, they too could feel the barrier.

"It's not a far walk, you guys ready?"

They nodded and we started to ascend the stairs of Mount Kurama. They looked around, but I was scanning the entire place for any signs of the supernatural and could feel small traces of them. Many of them were youkai but a few were human. I could also feel someone near the barrier, they were… Circle it, maybe a guard?

As we kept ascending more and more trees came into view and we also pass a gate, like the torii gates. We could see a little clearing with a temple of swords up ahead, but the barrier wasn't that way. I check to see if anyone else was around us but no one was.

I turn right and go into the woods; the girls follow me. I step over a railing and keep going north. I cast invisibility over us and we kept going up the mountain on a more unconventional path. The only things in our way were trees and large roots.

It didn't take us long to reach the barrier and the person who was patrolling the area was also standing there.

She has blue eyes and black hair past her waist, tied in a ponytail using a white ribbon, and has pale skin. Her body is very athletic but also quite petite. She wore some kind of school uniform and had a sword around her waist.

I undo the invisibility and she becomes alert and puts her hand near her sword ready to draw it.

"Who are you?"

I summon the letter I got from the Shinto Gods and make it float towards her. She squints her eyes and received the latter. She reads over it and her fighting spirit that was powering up immediately calmed down. She nods and looks back at us with a smile.

"Middleman-sama, forgive me for the hostility. If you pass through this barrier you will arrive at Ame-no-ukihashi. Normally Sarutahiko-sama is guarding the bridge but today they were called back to Amaterasu-sama's abode."

"I am Yoshitsune Minamoto, I may not look like the legends and rumors of Japan, but I am the same one… However, they do mistake me as male… That is my own blunder. A-Anyway, I shall be your guide. Please follow me."

She walks over to hand my letter back and she walks back and through the barrier first and we follow after her.


"Ara? ~ I didn't think the legendary Yoshitsune-san was a girl ~ she seems cute ~"

Akeno says beside me as she hugs my arm. When we arrived in Ame-no-ukihashi we looked around to see… It was mostly white, there were clouds in the distance and when you look below the bridge it was also just pure white.

In front of us was a portal, it was swirling with white, blue, light purple, and orange colors.

"This is the Ame-no-ukihashi, also known as the 'Floating Bridge of Heaven'. This is where Sarutahiko-sama is usually sitting and watching over visitors."

The bridge was quite long as we were still walking over it…

"Yoshitsune, what can you tell us about this realm? Like how big it is… What kind of beings live there, youkai? Spirits? Or anything will do…"

I ask her and she nods without turning to us.

"Ah yes, there are four areas in total, they are in their own sub-realm. Once we go through this we will be in our main realm, the one where the Gods and Goddesses govern. Takamagahara, as you know our leader is Amaterasu-sama."

"The main realm will have all kinds of youkai in it, from tengu to kappa, wolf, cat, kitsune, and others you can think of, and yes, humans like myself. We were blessed with immortality by the Gods there and we serve them."

"You may have heard of some famous historical figures apart from me, yes? Like the one you rescued, Middleman-sama. Tamamo no Mae. Two others I can tell you right now are Minamoto no Raiko or Yorimitsu, and the famous Oni, Shuten Doji."

"The Satan Lucifer got to Okita Souji before the Shinto Gods did so we didn't have a chance to recruit him into our realm, but if we did, he would be with us."

"The other realms are Kitsune, Oni, and Tengu. You may have heard of the King of the Tengu, yes?"

Yoshitsune turns to us and I nod.

"Sōjōbō, right? Are the rumors true? That he trained you?"

"Yes, when I was still young. He helped train me and hone my swordsmanship and many other things. I am indebted to him, while I mostly reside in Takamagahara, I do visit the Tengu realm."

We finally arrived at the portal after saying that. Yoshitsune looks at us first before entering, and we then pass through it as well.


"Yoshitsune! You're back how was— Who are they?"

"Benkei, Yoichi. That's the Middleman and he brought some companions with him."

Benkei? Yoichi? As in the Saitō Musashibō Benkei and Nasu no Yoichi? They do look like their Majikoi counterparts, but I didn't think I'd meet them here of all places…

"Hoo? So he's the Middleman, huh?"

"Pfft— Weren't you saying that you'd get an autograph signed by him, Yoichi?"

"S-Shut up Benkei!"

Yoichi blushes and turns away sulking as Benkei and Yoshitsune look at me. I walk over to them and put my hand up for a handshake.

"Jin Skyward, Middleman. Nice to meet you. I didn't think I'd meet two more famous historical figures here… Also, Benkei is a woman?"

"Reality is stranger than fiction, Jin-kun."

Yoichi has purple eyes and short grey hair. He also has a very athletic and ripped body build. He wears a black shirt with a unique pattern on it. He also wears another one over that as well as jeans.

Benkei is a pale-skinned girl with wavy black or dark ash hair that goes past her waist, and purple eyes. Benkei carries a staff and a gourd bottle in her left hand containing sake. She wears a messy-looking uniform with pantyhose and black shoes.

The girls join me as we look over the ridge down at Takamagahara and it was a pretty nice sight. Almost like old-era Japan. Much of the buildings are made of wood, both walls, and roofs. The rooftops were green, and the walls were pained brown. The thing that stood out the most was the large castle in the background.

Sakura trees were also spread throughout the city below us, a bridge also went over a small river going through the city. I could see many people down there, mainly youkais and a few humans. In the background were mountains that varied in size.

"So I can assume that Amaterasu lives in that castle with the other gods?"

"You assumed right, Jin-kun. Who would have thought you would resurrect a dead Goddess of ours, add to that fact you also rescued another Kitsune. You already had a good reputation before that but— Even some Gods here that were skeptical of you changed their mind because of that."

Benkei stood to my left and Akeno kept on clinging to me on my right. Suzaku and Shigune were beside her and Yoshitsune and Yoichi were by Benkei's side.

"I usually ask this but, are there any current problems here?"

"Problems? Not that I'm aware of, we're in relative peace here. Not including the random attacks by the Khaos Brigade, then we're fine."

Benkei answers the question and looks over to Yoshitsune and Yoichi, both of them shaking their heads.

"Anything over at those mountains?"

'Dragon mountain', just like the one in the Underworld. Ryūjin-sama is the Dragon of the sea and storms so he governs that part of this realm. Humanoid dragons and normal dragons are both welcome.

Benkei explains. I see, I look down at the city again.

"Better get started then. Who will inform the Gods that I'm here?"

Yoshitsune looks at Yoichi and he shrugs.

"I'll go tell the guards; they'll inform everyone. I'll see you soon, Middleman."

Yoichi then disappears from our sight. Yoshitsune gestures with her hand for us to follow her, she starts walking down the path toward the city along with Benkei. The two chat as we look around our surroundings.

The ridge connected to a small hill and on both sides of it had blooming cherry blossoms, the ground was littered with pink leaves. We walked down it as some youkai poked their heads out from behind the tree and waved at us.

"Middleman, Middleman!"

A few of them say. It looks like my arrival is already spreading. It didn't take us long to arrive by the bridge where there was an Oni and Tengu guard. The Oni was male and the Tengu was female.

"Benkei-sama, Yoshitsune-sama, welcome back. Is this the Middleman?"

"That's right, Kurota-kun. The one and only Middleman, Jin-kun."

"I see, welcome to our realm, Jin-sama."

Kurota has grey hair tied into a ponytail, red eyes, and had a scar on his right eye. He wore a mask that covered his mouth and it was golden-colored. He wore a unique-looking outfit that had shoulder guards and Chinese attire around his waist like Cao Cao. He gave the vibe of Oni 'ninja'. He also had a sword around his waist and two kama blades behind him.

The Tengu guard stared silently at me, showing very little expression. When Benkei walked over to her and pattered her head, she turned her attention away from me.

"This is Miu, she's a little weird but a good person."


She complained but Benkei just chuckled at her.

Miu has brown hair and light purple-colored eyes. Miu had a unique-looking kimono, it looked like the Iromuji variant, mostly in white and various shades of purple. She also had a sword on her hip.

"Anyway, let's go. Amaterasu-sama and the others should be aware of your arrival and will be waiting for you."

The two guards nod at us before we went onto the small bridge and go to the other side. We turn right and we could see many different houses, shops, and a few vendors along the street. Various youkai walked along the road, and a few were selling their goods.

"This place may be even more diverse than Urakyoto."

"Urakyoto? Oh, the West Youkai faction? Yes, our world is a lot bigger than theirs after all, not including the other realms. How is Yasaka-hime?"

"Well, she's part of Jin's harem if that counts ~"

Benkei seemingly knows Yasaka and Akeno answers for me. She stops and turns around to look at me, a wide smirk on her face.

"Hoooo? I didn't think Jin-kun's harem varied that much. To think that Yasaka-hime would be involved in a harem as large as yours."

Benkei chuckles before we continue on our way, we pass by a few more shops and come across a blacksmith. It had all sorts of weapons and armor displayed but…no one was there.

"Haaa… Kathleen-san isn't here, huh? I wonder where she went? Oh right, Kathleen-san is the local blacksmith here, I come here for repairs and to check out any new armor."

Yoshitsune sighs and explains who the person she was talking about.

"You mean me?"

We hear a female's voice behind us and we turn around. Kathleen is a well-endowed, beautiful woman with brown hair and aqua eyes. She wears a white collared shirt under a red vest, blacksmith gloves, and a long blue skirt. Along her waist is a blacksmith apron with several pouches.

"Kathleen-san. Where did you go? You normally don't leave your smithy unattended like that."

"I needed to buy some breakfast, I wasn't gone that long, Yoshitsune-sama."

The two seemed friendly with each other as their conversation was in a casual tone. After a brief exchange, Kathleen looks at me.

"Hmmm, is this the Middleman the city is fussing about? Nice to meet you, I'm Kathleen. If you need a new weapon or a piece of armor then stop by my place to get it."

"I'm Jin, and yeah I might check this place out later."

"We should get going then ~ we'll see you around, Kath ~"

"Yes, goodbye for now, Yoshitsune-sama, Benkei-sama, Jin-san."

Kathleen nods before entering her smithy again. We start walking away and there was a straight road ahead of us and we could see the castle a lot more clearly now.  More and more cherry blossoms were present and there seemed to be a gate we had to pass through before getting to the castle.

As we approached it… There were two shops across from each other that advertised and sold… Novels? In front of them were two… Kitsunes. One was male and the other was female.

The male kitsune had long white hair, white ears, and red eyes. He wore a yellow nagagi kimono with a shoulder plate on his right shoulder and a single glove on his right arm that went up to his elbow.

The female Kitsune has purple eyes and long, muted pink hair that is tied at the bottom. She also has fox ears and a single pink tail. She wears a unique and stylized variation of clothing inspired by the colors of a shrine priestess' traditional outfit.

She wears a golden head accessory accompanied by matching golden earrings. The earrings are attached to her ears by diamond-shaped studs.

"Yae-san, Kogitsunemaru-san, what's wrong?"

"Yoshitsune-sama! Listen to this, this stupid fox won't stop trying to steal my customers!"

"Hooo? Are you not the one stealing mine, boy?"

The two Kitsunes glared at each other before stopping to look at us. They both seemed curious.

"Ah, this is Jin-san, the Middleman. He's here to…"

"Form that Alliance with the Shinto Gods."

Yoshitsune introduces me to the two and I finish her sentence for her. Both their eyes had a dangerous glint in them.

"Oya oya ~ so the gossip was true ~ welcome, Jin to our realm. It may not mean much, but thank you for bringing back two of our own."

"Yeah! I barely agree with this harlot, but thank you for saving Tamamo-sama and resurrecting Inari-sama!"

Two of our own…oh she means Tamamo and Inari. I nodded—

"Don't worry about it…. Yae, and… Kogitsunemaru?"

They both nod before running towards me as they held a book in each of their hand.

"Will you buy my novel, Jin?"

"No, no, no, buy from us, Jin-san! Ours is top quality, unlike hers!"

"Ignore this Buffoon, Yae's Publishing Shop has much better-quality novels."

"Haaaa?! Kogitsunemaru's Novels has better quality and quantity!"

The two of them start bickering back and forth so we decided to slip away from them. I look at Yoshitsune and Benkei as they chuckled to themselves.

"They're always like that, their shops are coincidentally across from one another and they have been competing with each other since. It usually accumulates at year-end sales and the loser buys the winner food and drinks for the night."

"Is that so…? They seem to get along in a strange manner."

The two of them chuckled again while agreeing. We eventually reach the gate and walk through it, in the distance I saw another single guard, it was a female and… A Tengu? As we got closer, she spots us and landed in front of us.

"Benkei-sama, Yoshitsune-sama, welcome back… Is this the Middleman and his companions?"

"Yeah, that's right, Sara-chan ~"

Sara is a woman with indigo hair cut into an uneven bob and golden eyes.

Her attire is primarily black and white, with hints of mauve, red, and gold. On the side of her head lies a red tengu mask that resembles a crow's face, having white accents, a black crest, and a hexagonal piece resembling a tokin.

Being a tengu, she has two pairs of black raven-like wings that can unfurl from her back and wields a black feather fan. She also wears red and gold tengu-geta sandals.

Sara nods and gestures for us to follow her.

"Amaterasu-sama and the other Gods are waiting for you; we were alerted by Yoichi-sama and others earlier. However, not everyone could make it, only a few."

She pushes open the large doors into the castle, the inside was mainly made out of wood with unique designs, many of them were of mythical animals and creatures such as dragons, kitsunes, and various youkai. There were floating balls of light illuminating the halls.

In front of us were stairs that split off into two, one went up and another went down. It looks like this place has some sort of underground section. Sara starts to walk over to the stairs that went to the next level and we follow her.

Akeno was still clinging onto me while I felt Suzaku had become a little tenser as we arrived inside. Shigune was behind me while grabbing a hold of my shirt. I reach over and hold Suzaku's hand as we make our way through the castle.

We go through some hallways and another flight of stairs, there were several types of furniture and decorations everywhere, typical old-era Japanese décor. There were also portraits of different people, I would assume they were the Gods of this realm. I did recognize Inari in one of them.

We eventually arrived at the door and Sara turns around to us before pushing it.

"While I understand that you're well known and have a reputation please be respectful to Amaterasu-sama and the others."

I nod. I was already planning on doing that, Sara. It also looks like Benkei and Yoshitsune were going in with us. Sara then turns around and pushes the doors open, once they do the various Gods in there turned to look at us.

"I have brought the Middleman, Amaterasu-sama."

Sara bows before walking to the side and standing there. I took this as a signal to walk forward alongside everyone else. Benkei and Yoshitsune joined Sara as I felt their gazes on me.

All the Gods and Goddesses were sitting around a rectangular table that was positioned horizontally. In the middle of the table was Amaterasu, if what Suzaku told me was true… Then the ones to her left and right are Fūjin and Raijin. The rest were sitting around the table.

Tsukuyomi, the Moon God dresses up the old Japanese kimono. He has a crown with a picture of a crescent moon on his top head. His face is good-looking and round in shape, with long white hair and a mature body posture.

Tenjin the Poetry God appears to be a middle-aged man in his late 50s, with grey hair that is shoulder length when down. He is normally seen wearing sokutai sugata, a very formal outfit worn by courtiers at the Imperial Japanese Court in the Heian and subsequent periods.

Susanoo the God of Sea and Storms is a handsome man with blonde hair and blue eyes. His hair is styled in a pompadour. His body is muscularly built and he has a cleft chin.

I didn't expect Susanoo to look like that… I can almost call him Johnny Bravo… Our eyes meet and he gives me a toothy grin.

Sarutahiko Ōkami appeared to be a helpless old man but was surprisingly fit and muscular for his age. He has a ponytail, a thick beard, and stretched earlobes with two piercings in both ears. Sarutahiko was commonly seen wearing a traditional man's kimono and a pair of getas with one ha (tooth).

Some of his physical characteristics are similar to those of buddhas and their buddharupas in Buddhist art, like large protruding ears, exaggerated eyebrows that curve upward, half-closed eyes, thin lips, and a hair bun that points to the top, and even a mustache.

Ryūjin the Dragon of Sea and Storms appears as a young man with shoulder-length hair, two long horns, and a facial tattoo over his right eye. He dons a dark coat over a long shirt, accompanied by loose pants tucked into pirate boots. His accessories include a necklace with three circular ornaments and black gloves that only partially cover his palm.

Inari was also there and she waved at me. I nodded to her back, beside her was…

Omoikane the God of Wisdom. He appears as a short old man with white hair and light skin. He is bald with bush eyebrows covering his eyes entirely, reaching his beard, which completely covers the lower part of his face with his small round nose being the only visible feature. He has stretched earlobes reaching down to his shoulders.

He wears traditional Japanese robes and a pointed hat. He carries his weather sack on his back. One of the weirder things I'm seeing is… Hachi, the God of War. He literally looks like Hikigaya Hachiman from Oregairu…

However, Hachiman is a man in his early thirties of average height and build. He has medium-short black hair and an ahoge. His most prominent feature is a set of dead fish eyes. Unlike most of the Deities here, he wears a black suit that's unbuttoned with no tie.

The last three were Fūjin, Raijin, and Amaterasu herself. To the left was Fūjin, the Goddess of Wind. Fujin's appearance is that of a beautiful, voluptuous woman in her 20s who is over 170 cm tall. She possesses long black hair and golden eyes.

She wears a set of black traditional Japanese kimono with unique floral designs along the bottom, and a pink undershirt similar to a hadajuban. She also wears a red Japanese-styled hairpin and piercings on the top of her hair, as well as worn oiran's sandals.

Raijin's appearance is that of an adult woman, with long braided violet hair behind her back, and on the right side of her head is attached a hairpin with pale violet flowers resembling morning glories and a fan-shaped piece.

Her eyes are purple and she has a beauty mark below her right eye. She wears a small crimson ribbon on her neck as a choker and a dark-colored bodysuit underneath her kimono.

The sleeves of her bodysuit completely cover her arms and are looped over her middle fingers with golden rings to partly cover her palms and the top of her hands, and her nails are painted purple.

Her kimono has an assortment of patterns in different shades of purple and crimson, along with a badge bearing the Lightning emblem tied to the front of her clothing below her right breast and a more elaborate emblem on a pauldron on her left shoulder.

On the back of her outfit, she wears a crimson bow with tassels. She wears dark purple thigh-high stockings with small diamond openings at the top and high-heeled sandals; the one on the right is adorned with two of the same violet flowers on her hairpin.

Finally, Amaterasu has hazel brown eyes and light, flowing brown hair, and she has white horns that point downwards. She is wearing what appears to be a white kariginu with an elaborately tied sash, nagabakama, and a Divine Cloak wrapped around her arms.

"Welcome, Jin Skyward. To our realm, Takamagahara. I trust that Yoshitsune and Benkei told you a little bit about our world, yes?"

I nod and she continues.

"Splendid. Without further ado, I would like to give you, our thanks. You saved Tamamo no Mae from the hands of the Khaos Brigade and as well as brought back to life our very own Goddess of Foxes, Inari. Words cannot describe in how thankful we are."

She bows and so does the other Gods. It felt weird and I put my hands up.

"Don't bow, that always feels weird for me, I was just doing my job as the Middleman. Inari was just a coincidence so I went with it."

They stop bowing and Amaterasu looks at me with a smile—

"Regardless, we still wish to thank you, so again, thank you, Jin. Now then for your visit, it's about joining the alliance, yes? We have already discussed it, but there will be documents, yes?"

"Yeah, here you go…"

I snap my fingers and two hundred and fifty pages of paper appear in front of them. I'm sorry, but Odin became a sadist and added around fifty pages to it… They all look at it with some degree of surprise.

"It was two hundred and one. Geezer Odin became a little ass— Became a bit mischievous and decided to add fifty pages of relevant items onto there. Normally I would try to lessen it but… When I read through it myself, it was all relevant… That geezer…"

"I see, we shall go over these documents thoroughly then."

A few God's faces paled as they looked at the amount, they had to go through…

"I'll uh… Come back in a few days then? I'll go check out this world if you don't mind…"

"Yes, feel free to, Jin. Come now everyone, take a few pages each and read through them. Sara, fetch a maid for some refreshments, will you? This will take some time to go through. We will need to discuss the pros and cons of these terms."

"Yes, Amaterasu-sama."

"Benkei, Yoshitsune? Can you guide Jin and his companions around the world? Bring Yoichi as well."

"Yes, Amaterasu-sama"

"You betcha, Terasu-chan."

I turn around and walk away, Sara looked annoyed at Benkei being all casual with their leader but she didn't seem to mind. The two of them join me as Sara went ahead of us.

"Thank God I'm not part of that otherwise I would die of boredom while going through those!"

"I had to do that myself you know… Well anything new, so fifty pages of the Norse stuff. Then anything irrelevant can be put aside, did you know it was five hundred pages before I took it to the Norse? I cut it down to two hundred and one…"

"…Thank you for your hard work, Jin-kun! Do you want some sake?"

Benkei turns around and starts walking backward while offering her gourd to me…

"No, thank you…"

"Jin-san, where would you like to go to? I will assume you want to explore the other sub-realms, right?"

Yoshitsune asks and I nod. I want to check this place out a bit more before moving over to those realms. I may be able to see Tamamo when we go to the Kitsune realm.

"Yeah, that's the plan. But can you show me more of this place first?"


We were back outside and the first stop that Yoshitsune wanted to bring us to was… The two novel shops that belonged to Yae and Kogitsunemaru. We first went to Kogitsunemaru's shop much to Yae's dismay.

The inside of the shop was simple in design, with a few wooden shelves with a series of Light Novels on them. I recognized a few that Rias, Gasper, and I were reading.

"Hey, Kogitsunemaru, do you only sell Light Novels, or do you plan on expanding to like… Other books and manga?"

Kogitsunemaru was sitting by the counter reading a novel. He looks at us and nods.

"Yes, like that harlot across the street from me, I will be expanding my collection within the year. I just need to find some series that the residents of our realms like. She— Yae has already started to sell some… She might beat me this year… Tch."

Kogitsunemaru frowned while he looked across the street. I nod and continue looking through the line-up he had. We eventually finish and I bought some novels for Rias and Gasper.

"Thanks for your patronage and come again!"

We go across the street and greet Yae.

"Welcome… It seems you bought some novels from that barbarian's shop. My shop has more diversity, please take a look."

I see Akeno's eyes glint and follow their gaze….. Yae's shop had an eighteen-plus section and Akeno went over to it. She browsed the shelves for things she liked. Suzaku and Shigune stood beside me as we watched her eagerly look for whatever she was looking for.

"Hahaha! It seems your lover likes ecchi things, no?"


"It's for research purposes. Our private life is quite active, maybe I can spice things up a little? ~"

"Hoho? ~"

Akeno and Yae look at each other almost like they understood one another. She goes over to Akeno and whispers something into her ear, Akeno's eyes widen even more and she agrees with whatever Yae whispered to her.

"Hmm ~ seems like Jin-kun is quite active, huh?"

Benkei teased me while Yoshitsune sported a small blush while looking away. I would rather not comment. I also looked through what she had and found a few novels that Rias also wanted so I went ahead and bought them.

"Thanks for shopping here ~"

We left the shop as Akeno also bought some 'books' of her own. I look at her as she was quite happy with herself. I don't know what Yae said to her but… I'll be on guard just in case...

"Yoshitsune. Before we continue this tour… Is there an Inn here we can stay at? I want to try to get a place to stay before nighttime gets here."

"Ah yes, there's a well-known establishment here. Follow me, we know the owner well."

Yoshitsune nods as Benkei cheers with her gourd, it looks like she likes the place too. We slowly walk over to the place as they chatted about its history.

"Many visitors to our realm, even if they were few and far between have stayed in this place. It's Yamane Inn, the owner is called Uwabami-san… Well she's a youkai but… You'll see when you get there. She's a type of snake youkai."

Benkei was laughing to herself as Yoshitsune tried to explain to us, she's keeping it vague? I wonder why is she kind of a unique snake youkai? After a few minutes of walking an Inn came into view.

It was large in size and looked like your traditional Japanese old-style inn or hotel. Outside it was a sign that said 'Yamane Inn: Welcome all visitors' Yoshitsune along with Benkei enter the establishment followed by us.

"Uwabami-san, we're here with guests and customers!"

"Ara? Yoshitsune-chan, Benkei-chan, welcome…. Ara? Ara ara? Is this the Middleman? Welcome, to my little Inn. I'm Uwabami, the owner."

The inside of the inn was quite fancy looking, unlike the outside. It had expensive-looking furniture, a carpet, with polished wood for floors and walls. There was a small but unique-looking chandelier above us as well as some plans strew about the place.

In front of us was the owner, Uwabami.

Uwabami is a curvy woman with long blonde hair that is styled in curly locks in the front with folded curls in the back that is pressed by a curved plate and golden eyes with vertically slit pupils. Her most distinguishing feature is the three snakes, a rattlesnake, a yellow King cobra snake, and a Japanese rat snake that are seen protruding from her hair.

"…Is that what you meant by 'unique', Yoshitsune?"

I point towards the snakes protruding from her hair. Yoshitsune nodded and Benkei bursts into a fit of giggles while Uwabami glared at her.

"I do not look like your typical Lamia, or snake Youkai, yes? I was born to a human father and a snake youkai mother. Normally you would get a female lamia or snake youkai, but this is how I turned out."

She sighs and shakes her head.

"Anyway, is the Middleman staying here?"

"Yes, call me Jin. I'll stay here for a few days until Amaterasu and the other Gods read through the documents."

She nods and gestures for me to join her at the counter. We go over the details, how many rooms and the like.

"Will you and your harem be sharing the same room?"

I look over to the girls and they nodded.

"I'll take that as a yes then… Alright, take this key. Your room is on the second floor, there's sound insulation in there if you do get up to… Nightly activities."

Uwabami hands over a key and smirks at me and the girls. I turn around to see both Suzaku and Shigune blushing while Akeno was nodding sagely. I nod and put the key into my room confusing her.

"You're not checking it?"

"You're a fancy-looking lady, I'll trust in your judgment. Here."

I hand over the amount needed to pay for the room, as well as an extra tip of ¥145,3950, or around $10,000. Her eyes looked like they would pop out of her sockets.

"It's a tip, I won't accept it back."

"Ara ara? It seems like you might want some of my personal nightly activiti—"


I was pulled back suddenly; I turn to see Shigune and Akeno had pulled me back making Uwabami laugh at them.

"I'm joking, geez, your harem is quite protective of you, huh?"

Shigune isn't officially part of it but I can see what you mean… Even Suzaku has that 'smile' on her.

"Right, anyway, we'll come back here at night."

"We serve dinner and breakfast too you know? Come back here for it, unless you plan on eating out."

"We'll… Eat out, thanks though."

We finally left alongside our guides. Once outside Benkei looks at me and says—

"So, if I join that harem of yours, you'll give me some money? I could use some for more sake…"


I just blankly stare at her before shaking my head while sighing. She started to laugh and say she was kidding.

"But you must be loaded, huh? Since you just threw that much money away."

"I guess so? Anyway, where to next?"

"As mentioned earlier, our realm is relatively peaceful. However, Dragon Mountain would be the next best place to visit. Ryūjin-sama is in the castle; however, he will have appointed two of his seconds-in-command there."

"Two? Well sure why not? To the Dragon Mountain then!"

According to Yoshitsune and Benkei, the only way over there was on foot or flying. Ryūjin didn't make any kind of teleportation circle to the place so we were making our way there on foot.

Knowing the girls might want the more scenic route I didn't offer to teleport us there. We just left a different entrance into the city and were on the road. It was mostly open fields to either side of us but we were going up a sort of 'hill' and once we got up to it—

"Steep drop, huh?"

Below us, the environment changed. The grass was a lot more widespread while rock and stone became more prevalent. However, there were puddles of water or small lakes around, maybe they use them as a drinking source?

"Beyond this path, to the right is where the dragon's home is. As I mentioned before, humanoid dragons or full dragons live here. Sometimes humans also come here to learn to use 'Dragon Slayer' magic. However, it's very difficult magic to learn and master, so not many people know how to use it."

We started walking down the path and it became a bit windy.

"I know a thing or two about Dragon slayer magic."

"Really? Then you'll be popular among the Dragons here, anyone that can learn that powerful and rare magic will earn respect from them. I don't know about the other dragons across the world."

Benkei asked in surprise as we kept walking. We decided for me to use it once we get there as a little showcase for them. I didn't really mind…

We eventually walked down the path and turned right. In front of us was a large open area with huts, small houses, and holes in the side of the mountains. I could see all kinds of dragons and humanoid dragons there. There was no 'entrance' per se, instead just a giant open hole for us to enter.

Benkei and Yoshitsune lead the charge and we followed.

[Interesting, I will observe more, Jin.]


[Same, Partner.]

Ddraig, Albion, and to my surprise Velgrynd also announced their sudden interest… Well it did involve dragons so…

We entered the 'Dragon Mountain' and a humanoid dragon who was quite buff and was mostly colored black walked over to us.

"Benkei-san, Yoshitsune-san, welcome. Who are these with you?"

"Drefel, we're here with the Middleman and Red Dragon Emperor, though he's slowly being called the Dual Dragon Emperor as of late. He's here to visit."

"Red Dragon Emperor? I see… It looks like our alliance is near, welcome to Dragon Mountain, our leader and ruler Ryūjin-sama isn't here as you know but… Yoru-sama and Haru-sama are here."

"I see, thank you Drefel. We'll get going to them then."

After leaving the humanoid dragon, we walked through Dragon Mountain. We passed by many hut-like homes, or simple homes made out of wood or stone. There were holes in the wall above us, and the dragons that had larger bodies flew into them, so I assume they are their homes.

There was a larger building in this entire place, it looked a lot more modern looking than the rest. I wonder if the guy was against me? Seeing as how this place is, or am I just stereotyping?

"Dragon Mountain is in the middle of renovating its entirety. Ryūjin-sama is the one who rules over it so they started with his home. I can tell from that look from you, Jin-san."

Yoshitsune smiles at me and I awkwardly cough into my fist. Okay… I was wrong. This building Ryūjin lived in looked like a Victorian home. That's the most accurate description I can give. From the color choices and design…

"This is where—"

Open ~ Close ~

"Hmm? Oh, if it isn't Yoshitsune and Benkei. What brings you here? We heard that the Middleman—"

"It seems like he's here, Yoru."

Two humanoid dragons came out of the home. To the left was a white-haired woman sporting red fringes. Her hair was tied in a ponytail, and she had red horns coming out of her head. She had elf-like ears with earrings on them. She had purple eyes and was wearing a white and red Qipao; her light purple tail could be seen protruding from the back. From her elbows down to her hands, she showed strange markings and a reddish shade.

The female beside her looked similar to her, except she had black hair that reached down to her waist, red eyes, and green horns. She had the same elf-like ears with earrings and also wore a Qipao, but it was turquoise. Her tail was similarly turquoise colored. She also had the same markings as the one beside her but in the shade of turquoise.

"Hello, Yoru, Haru, and yes we're here with the Middleman and Red Dragon Emperor."

Yoshitsune turns to me and gestures to both female humanoid dragons.

"To the left is Haru, and to the right is Yoru. They are Ryūjin-sama's second in command, he found them when they were young and has raised them. They are in a way… His daughters."

Velgrynd question. What's up with female dragons and Qipaos?


If you say so…

[Do you not like them, Jin? Qipaos and ponytails… The Haru female, isn't she an ideal woman, no?]

No comment, Irene.

'…I should change my clothing in the future…'

Please don't, Velgrynd.


"I see…nice to meet you, the name's Jin."

I put a hand out for a handshake and… Haru shakes it while smiling.

"Nice to meet you, Jin!"

"Ufufu, Qipaos, and ponytails… She hits the mark, right, Jin? ~"

Akeno says while hugging my back and looking over my shoulder. As we ended our handshake, Haru had a surprised expression on her face.


"Suzaku-onee-san also hits that mark~"


Suzaku sighs beside me while I hear Shigune whisper 'ponytail' behind me. Yoru seemed a bit wary of me and stuck close to Haru.

"So why did the Middleman come here?"

"He's just visiting the different locations of our realm. He also said he can use Dragon Slayer magic so we thought he can show it to you guys?"

Benkei answers Haru's question as she looked at me in surprise, even Yoru became a little interested. I felt a few eyes on me as the chattering around us stopped. I guess I gained some attention with that? I didn't think being able to use it was that big of a deal.

"Heeeeeee, really? That's something! Who taught you? Was it the [Welsh Dragon]? Or the [Vanishing Dragon]? Or both?"

"…Ddraig did."

Haru nods and turns to Yoru, and they both nod in agreement.

"Come with us! We have a dedicated area for training! It's just this way!"

Haru and Yoru began walking away from us and went to the East. We followed. There was also a small crowd of humanoid dragons, smaller dragons, and a few humans following us.

On the way, we passed a few buildings, including one that looked like an open butcher shop. However, some humanoids and small dragons were eating the meat raw or cooking it with their fire breath.

"This entire city is being illuminated by Ryūjin-sama's fire. Do you see the torches scattered around? As well as the floating flames? Those are his flames. Ryūjin-sama cares deeply for all dragons, whether they be humanoid, full, or hybrids. That's why he…"

Yoshitsune stops as she stares at the backs of Haru and Yoru. Maybe something happened to those two? Not many know that I'm a hybrid, many assume I'm still human with two Sacred Gears.

If I assume that Ryūjin was one of the ones against me coming here… Then maybe it has something to do with humans? Or even Sacred Gear wielders…? As I thought this over we eventually reach a wide open area that was mostly white stone.

"This is where we usually train, the smaller dragons, humanoids, and humans. The larger dragons train over there, where they can fit their whole body."

Haru explains to us and points further ahead of us to an even larger open space. I could see around three large dragons over there just waiting and watching us. I use [Observe] on both Yoru and Haru…both are Ultimate-class dragons and have special titles to them.

Yoru has [Dusk Dragon] and Haru has [Dawn Dragon]… Kind of fitting for them, color scheme and personality-wise. Haru looks at me expectantly while many others were also looking at me… I sigh and decided to get this over with…

"Let's go with that then… Mode: Lighting Flame Dragon."

Ksh!!!! Kztkztkztkzt!

Flames and lightning started to surround my body and I look at Haru as she had a wide smile on her, Yoru looked stunned.

"So, what do you want me to do…?"

Haru points towards… A dummy made out of stone. I nodded and punched toward it. It sends out a large lightning-flame beam toward the stone dummy—


I held back since I didn't want to cause unnecessary damage to this place. But I could always just repair it…once the dust settled there was a small hole in the mountain side and the stone dummy was obliterated.

"I can fix that…"

I point at the damage and it fixed itself. I cancel my Lighting flame dragon mode and look back at Haru.

"Amazing! You have such a high level of mastery over Dragon slayer magic!! The [Welsh Dragon] taught you well!"

The look of excitement was apparent from her face down to her body language as she jumped around while also looking at Yoru who was looking at me intently. There were also a few murmurs… Sorry lady but I didn't exactly spend years on mastering this…

"Uh yeah… So are we done—"

"Can you show us more of your moves or techniques?!"

I glance at the girls, Benkei and Yoshitsune. They seemed fine with staying here a little longer so… I decided to show them some stuff.

"I'll stick with just fire then."

When I ignited my fist, I began showing them the Fire Dragon Slayer techniques and moves of Natsu Dragneel. I held off using Fire Dragon King and God modes since that would be overkill. As time progressed, more spectators came by and started to ask me questions from the crowd.

"And that's all I know…"

The sun was begging to set and I didn't get a chance to go anywhere else. I was stuck here answering questions from many dragons, even Ddraig and Albion had to appear via their Sacred Gears to answer some things.

The crowd began to disperse as my Q&A session had ended for the day. Haru had to ask them as well as Benkei and Yoshitsune to leave since this wouldn't have ended otherwise.

"Haaa… I thought it would never end, thank you, guys."

[That was fun. I'll go relax then.]

{I concur.}

Both [Divine Dividing] and [Boosted Gear] vanished. I turn to the girls and we started to walk back into the city.

"Benkei, Yoshitsune, any place you recommend for dinner?"

Before they could answer me, Haru answers for them.

"Even though we're mostly dragons here, we do have a small tavern here that serves human meals! I recommend it, since those who frequently visit here to learn how to use dragon slayer magic give it high praise. It's called Dravern"

Dragon and tavern… Whoever the owner is they have the same naming sense as me. I chuckled inwardly and followed Haru and Yoru's lead. I looked over at Suzaku as she had been silent for the whole day has that been on her mind? I'll talk to her before going to sleep.

Shigune had been enjoying herself, though she had Poh out from time to time just hugging him. Now that I think about it, Poh was out when she couldn't be near me or hold onto me. If I told someone these quirky ladies are Universal level type beings, they would think I'm crazy.

We eventually reach the tavern called 'Dravern' and we go inside.

"Pops! We got some guests here!"

Haru shouted as a few of the patrons turned to look at us. They cheered and started to get a bit rowdy. We approach the bar and a humanoid dragon with brown scales and yellow eyes looks at us and nods.

"Hello there, I'm Dai, the owner of this cozy place. What can I get for you?"

We look at Haru and she starts ordering for us since we had no idea of what was being served. We saw no menu so…. We really had no idea… Maybe he should get some…?

"Hicc… Hiccc…"

"Easy there Shigune…"

I had never seen her drinking before, not even during both times in the [Pocket Dimension]. However, a bit of coaxing from Haru and she did…. She's a poor drinker. She had two cups and was drunk and woozy. Suzaku and Akeno declined to have some, but Benkei was—

"Uwahahaha! Bring me more!!!"

Extremely drunk, Yoshitsune opted to drink some juice. I was immune so I was fine but... She really was going wild. She was arm wrestling, roughhousing, in which she was winning quite easily, and just being generally rowdy.



"Oh, it's nothing. It's getting late, right? We should go back to the Inn."

Akeno checks the time on her phone and agrees. I pay for our meal and add a tip. Dai was quite happy with it and asked us to come back.

"I like you, Jin-kun. Come back here in the future, alright?"

"I'll try, Dai-san."

Yoshitsune restrained Benkei… And somehow we left the place. The night sky of Takamagahara. It was quite something since I could see a vast sea of stars in the sky, cloudless and there was a small breeze making it better. Even at night, there were still some dragons flying around. The place seems a little livelier than daytime.


"Oh, Ryūjin-sama, welcome back."

"Yoshitsune, good work…. She got drunk again?"

"It's how Benkei is… Oh, these are—"

"Jin, and his companions. I hope you enjoyed your day in Takamagahara and in Dragon Mountain. It's nice to meet you."

Ryūjin puts his hand out and I shake it.

"Likewise, Ryūjin. Haru and Yoru were great companions for the day."

"Is that so? I'm glad I raised them right…"

He had a nostalgic look before looking back at me—

"We're slowly reading through those documents. They're quite detailed. Who was the one who made it?"

"I'm pretty sure it was done by Azazel and Ajuka, they just had the other leaders tell them in what they wanted to add to it."

He nodded solemnly before looking behind us, probably at his own home. As I turned around, I saw the lights on and Haru waving at us from the window.

"Looks like they're waiting for you, we won't delay you any further."

"Yes. Thank you again, Jin, and good night."

He walks past us and gently taps me on the shoulder. We look at him as his silhouette slowly fades away.

"…Ryūjin-sama was against you visiting our realm. But I guess your own deeds and saving Tamamo-sama and reviving Inari-sama changed his opinion, much like two others."

I see, I guess my earlier theory was right. I nod and we continue on our journey back to the main city.

It didn't take us long and we parted ways with Yoshitsune and a drunken Benkei. We slowly made our way back to Yamane Inn. We walked through the front and Uwabami was there.

"Oh? Good evening~ how was your day?"

"Great, we mostly stayed at Dragon Mountain though."

"That place? You sure do have guts for being there. Only strong people venture there you know? But I guess you are one. You did bring back Tamamo-sama and Inari-sama. Did you guys have dinner yet?"

"Yeah at a place called 'Dravern' pretty fun place like many other taverns I've been to… Anyway, I got a drunk here that I need to put to bed. Good night, Uwabami."

"Yes, yes, good night. Make sure to have breakfast here, you did tip me a lot!"

"Sure, sure…"

We finally left and made our way to our room on the second floor. The room was quite large since there was no bed, but there were futons on the ground instead. We're going old school, huh? They were also ready so we didn't need to lay them out.

"Take your pick…I'll put Shigune on one."

Akeno changed into something else as she tapped her ring and then jumped into the futon to the right of the middle one. Suzaku did the same except for the jumping part and picked the left side near the door….

"I'll put Shigune here then, it's near the window and balcony so she can get some air."

I go to the furthest right and put her down. I touch her shoulder and change her clothes making it more comfortable for her. I guess I was in the middle then.

"Jin's in the middle ~"

But I didn't change yet.

"You guys can go ahead… I have someone that I need to meet up with."


"It'll be quick, don't worry about it."

I go over to Akeno and kiss her. She clung to me trying to keep me from going but I pried her off as she pouted at me.

"Fine, but be quick!"

I nod and glance at Suzaku, she seemed to want to say something but… I'll do that when I get back.

'Let's talk when I get back, okay? Try to get Akeno to fall asleep.'

She glances at me and nods. I turn around and jump out the window. I then bring out [Divine Dividing] and fly back towards Dragon Mountain.

Dragon Mountain

It didn't take me long to arrive, I fly over to the 'training' area I was in earlier in the day and fly further north. I could feel 'his' aura there and he hadn't moved since we were in Dravern. I spot him from a distance and he looks up with a smirk.

I land a little away from him and we stand there in silence.



That's right, Ignia was here, why? I don't know I'll ask him… Why he randomly showed up here.

"Why are you here?"

"Would you believe me that I wanted to see you?"


He puts his hands up before scratching the back of his head.

"I don't know if Mother did this purposely or if it was just my own personality, but as you are aware, I'm not a planner or schemer. I'm more of a battle maniac, you know?"

He pauses to look at me and then continues—

"You already met Frieza. I don't like him. Total weirdo, Lapis isn't any better, she's been having tantrums since you 'hurt' her, the last guy… I don't even know. I feel like he looks down on all of us but is also quite clueless, like a blank slate."

"If I'm being honest with you, the best chance of any of us joining your side? Is me and him."

Join my side? What the hell is this guy talking about? Switching sides… Can he even do that? I mean Nyarlathotep is locked up and has zero control over these guys, but she did give them a command in 'pranking' me.


"Mother is locked up; we both know that. All that I'm saying is… I'll be a double agent for you."

"What's in it for you?"

He grinned, and he had an excited look on his face.

"Be my sparring partner! And in the far future, let's go to another universe, and let me fight strong people! I don't give a shit about scheming or planning, or the stupid 'pranks' mother wants! I just want a good fight! Whether I die in those or not, I'm fine with it!"

I hadn't detected a single lie from him since he started talking… Now what should I choose? As powerful and as high in position as he is, an informant like him would be ideal. I can't wait forever for Vali to leave Khaos Brigade, so this guy is my next best option.

"You can put some binding contract over me or something! Like, if I lie or break it, I'll die!"

He still had that smirk on him but he was telling the truth…

"Tell me, the last sibling and I'll consider it."

She grins and nods.

"Meruem, that's his name. You're probably familiar with it, right? The blank slate? The Chimera King? If you play your cards right, you can have him by your side too. That guy can change sides if he finds the right, triggers!"


Him? The one from Hunter X Hunter? Ignia wasn't lying, he hasn't lied a single time during this conversation, but if what he was saying is true then… Meruem, huh? If he's Multiversal and if I can get him on my side, but who?

Who will be his 'Komugi' here?

"Where's Khaos Brigade located?"

"I knew you'd ask that but… I don't know. Lapis stops any of us from checking where it is. Although I can tell you with confidence… It's not in the human realm, it's most likely a realm created by mother. They did move bases."

"The last major base was located in Europe, Sweden. Other bases were in Russia, Norway, Spain, France, Romania, Malta, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Philippines, Australia, Mexico, and the State of Hawaii."

"Now though? I dunno, like I said, Mother made a new realm and hide it."

He answers me again truthfully…fine. I gesture for him to come closer and he does.

I touch his right arm and an invisible tattoo appears on it. If he as much as thinks of betraying me he will die and it will destroy his soul. I relay that to him and he smiled nervously.

"Then it's a done deal, Ignia. Report to me in what you know… Actually, do you know anything right now?"

He looks away sheepishly and whistles.

"I don't pay attention to any of them unless I'm involved, so no."

I sigh… This fucking idiot, whatever. I'll get future updates then.

"Fine, but pay attention from now on, even if it's subtly, or else Lapis will find out, alright?"

"I know… I know… Anyway, I said I was heading to Hawaii to check out the local myths and shit over there. I gotta get going. Remember, Father… Every time I tell you what I know, I get a sparring match out of you."

"I know."

He grins and vanishes in a flicker of flames. I have a double agent then… This will make things easier for me, but what should I do about Meruem? Well, whatever, I'll just deal with him when the time comes… Maybe have Ignia manipulate some stuff so he gets a bit of humanity in him.

"Haaa…. Whatever. Did you put it there too, Cúntóir?"

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, I implemented a tracking function, Jin.

I close my eyes and follow Ignia's movements, he definitely was in Hawaii… Cúntóir, warn me if I'm sitting here for too long, I still need to speak to Suzaku.

Cúntóir: Answer: Very well.

An hour later

"…Fuck, that didn't work."

Ignia spent an hour in Hawaii before… He literally just vanished. What Cúntóir put into that tattoo should be able to track him anywhere. Do tell me Nyarlathotep anticipated this…?

I closed my eyes and looked into the future.

<Oh! Jin-chan!!! Hii!!!!>

"…You, you hid Khaos Brigade somewhere, where is it?"

<Hehehe ~ now where the fun in telling you that! Did you try tracking one of our children? If you did ~ it'll just destroy whatever that was ~ only I, your wife can do such a thing and track our children! Well, before you evolve, but that's still not happening ~>

I spit at her, calling yourself my wife makes me sick, don't. But to my disgust and horror… She opened her mouth and swallowed it. I didn't think I spat that far…


Her body convulsed and… I look away….

<Haaa… Haaa… That was amazing! Again!>

"I'm leaving…"

Kuroka isn't as bad as you, and she's the biggest pervert I know… I glance at Azathoth's eye and it was just staring at our interaction. I shake my head and leave.

"I attract a lot of weirdos, don't I?"

{[You think?]}

I snort and fly back to the Inn.

When I get there… Akeno was asleep and Shigune was still asleep. Suzaku was sitting in a seiza on her futon as she waited for me. I quietly slip inside and tap her on the shoulder. She opens her eyes and… I touch her shoulder to teleport us out of there.

We ended up back on the ridge where we gazed down at the main city of Takamagahara. Once there we looked down at the city. Most of it had grown dark since many of the residents were asleep. I look at the bridge and the guards are nowhere to be found.

Did they go to sleep as well? They're quite lenient… I thought it would be a twenty-four-seven kind of thing…

"You've been pretty silent all day Suzaku, is something bothering you?"

I believe I know what it is, but it's better to confirm than 'think' I know what it is. Suzaku sighs and turns to look at me.

"I'm just nervous. I was nervous when I met Amaterasu-sama, but we didn't get to interact with her much… Maybe… when they're done reading through that?"

"Yeah, probably. I'll talk to her about it…she may even see this as a 'small' favor for me. I did help Tamamo and Inari. Now that I say it out loud…It sounds like I did that on purpose in order to get her help."

I awkwardly chuckle to myself. That wasn't the intended effect but whatever…

"…Please do."

I grab her hand and pulled her into a hug. She puts her head on my chest and hugs me back.

"Don't worry, Amaterasu should be able to help with that. If not… Well, we can try a more… Forceful approach, of course, with your permission. But it will be a last resort, so just keep that in mind."

"…Last resort… I don't think Shuri-obaa-san would like that…"

"Oh, I know. I've come to know what kind of person she is over the last few months. But as I said, it's a last resort. But I'm confident that Amaterasu will help you and your clan. Do you think they'll say no to a literal Shinto God asking them?"

Suzaku falls silent as she thinks about my question.

"…I do not believe so, but if they do…"

"Then Amaterasu might just use force herself, you said it yourself, right? She'll be cruel if necessary."


We stay like that for a few more seconds before separating.

"Let's go to bed now, shall we?"

She nods and we teleport back to the Inn.

An hour later


What the hell… My lower half felt weird… No, it felt good. I open my eyes and look down to see… Akeno with my member in her mouth.

"What are you doing…?"

"Jin, let's do it."



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