Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 3 – Chapter 5 – Part 2 – Bael, Astaroth and Belphegor


Gremory Territory

Jin Skyward

It was the next day and we had finished eating breakfast just a few minutes ago. Azazel also gave everyone their training regime; I looked over it and found that it was meant to hone their powers and give them greater control over them.

Azazel used all his current knowledge and also by estimating their powers at around what Sirzechs and Ajuka are at, he created them.

"…Haaa… Come on already, Jin isn't about to die and disappear, he'll be just absent for an entire month."

Azazel awkwardly scratched the back of his head as he watched the girl's dog piling me.

"Right, even though I said I might not see any of you until August, what I mean by that is I would visit every now and again to check up on all of you. I won't just not visit until the Rating game…"

I pry them off me as they looked dead, I've been spoiling them too much…

"I'll get moving, I'll leave them in your care Azazel."


As Valerie stood beside me, she had already said her goodbyes to Gasper earlier, which was calmer, but he was also crying as I left, which I didn't understand. I wave to them as Valerie and I leave for the Bael territory.

Bael Territory

I locate Sairaorg's aura and make my way there. Several servants and guards noticed me, but instead of stopping me, they warmly greeted me. We even stopped for a short while to talk, and they told me where Sairaorg was.

When we were nearing his location, I also felt that his peerage was with him. We reach a door and I knock on it.

Knock ~ Knock ~

"Hmmm? Please enter."

I push the door open and in front of me was Sairaorg, his peerage, his mother, and a few maids.

"Oh! Jin! So you came!"

"Yeah, sorry if I came early, I have a few places to visit today. I wanted to visit yours first."

He gets up and we shake hands, he also did the same with Valerie, he grabs my shoulder and pushes me towards a seat, and Valerie awkwardly follows along.

I sat across from himself and his mother, his peerage were on the opposite sides, and they greeted me with a nod. The maids immediately brought two new glasses and poured some tea.

"It's been a while, Jin-san."

"Yes, it has, have you been well? Do you feel 'off' in any way?"

Taking the glass in front of her, Valerie took a sip of the tea and listened in. Misla Bael shook her head as she had a warm smile on her face.

"No, I have not felt any sort of discomfort at all. In fact, I feel better than before I fell asleep."

Just to make sure, I look over her and it seems no negative effects were present, in fact, she grew in power slightly.

"I see, that's good to hear."

I nod and she puts her head down— No she was… Bowing?


"I want to thank you again, Jin-san. If it not for you, I may still be asleep to this day."

I wave her off, it wasn't a big deal and it's in the past.

"It's fine, it's not a big deal anymore, the past is the past, just enjoy the future."

Sairaorg nods and pats his mother on the back.

"Jin, I have two questions for you."

Sairaorg pauses to look at me, I give him a nod. He looks at his [Bishop] Coriana Andrealphus, she smiles back at him.


"Where do you plan on heading after this? Will you go to the other factions and pantheons?"

"Yeah, but first I'll be visiting Latia Astaroth and then Roygun Belphegor, once that's done, for the next month and until Rias and Sona's Rating game I'll be doing requests and reaching out to other factions to form an alliance."

"First, back to the Land of Fae in Ireland, after which I will probably make my way to Kyoto and meet up with the West youkai faction leader. Afterwards… If all works according to plan, I will travel to Greece and meet the Greek Gods."

"You have been contacted by the Greek Gods?"

Regulus spoke up from his seat and I nod…. That makes sense, he's the offspring of Typhon the King of Monsters in the Greek Mythology. Sphinx, Orthus, Lernean Hydra and Ladon are his siblings.

"Yeah, not too long ago they sent a messenger for me in Kuoh, they said I could go there anytime during my summer holidays, so I put them as last."

Regulus silently nods. I'm not sure of the status of his relationships with his 'parents' or 'siblings' so I won't probe any further. If I come across them, that's that.

"Anyway, both the Fae and West youkai are for the alliance I've made… Good relationships with them. So…"

I finish saying all that and turn to the [Bishop], when I do, she has a very small blush as she stares at me.


"Jin Skyward-sama. I, uh, I would like to… Send in a personal request… If that's allowed?"

"Well, I don't mind, but I want to hear what it's about."

"Gasper Vladi."

Gasper? My junior, that, 'Gya-suke'? The 'Gyaaaaaaaaaa' that he always makes when he's surprised or in a panic? What's up with her... Does she like him? How? Why? Where? When? What?





"Fuhahaha! You seemed confused, Jin!"

"That would be an understatement, Sairaorg, ahem, so, what about Gasper?"

"I would like to get to know him."

...What the hell does that have to do with me? Get some time off and visit him, I can just inform Rias and the others about this. Your or Gasper's romantic life has nothing to do with me.

[Now that's strange, you were quite insistent on Tobio and Sae from before.]

We are past that, can we please move on?


"Well, the only thing I can do is inform Rias of your intentions so you can freely visit his home or wherever they are at. Gasper's a pretty reserved person, so if you want to get to know him… It'll take time, longer than normal."

"I have no quarrels with that."

An instant response... You know, whatever their romance is... it's not my domain to trespass upon.

"Alright, I'll tell Rias about it then, maybe hint at—"

"No! Please don't, I want to do this by myself."

I nod, sure thing lady. Time to get moving then.

"If that's all, I'll get going then."

"Yes, that is all, thank you again, Jin."

I get up with Valerie, Sairaorg sees us out followed by his [Queen] Kuisha Abaddon. Sairaorg and I bumped fists this time. He walks back into the room but Kuisha Abaddon stays.

"Jin-san, may I speak with you… Privately?"

I look at Valerie as she smiles at me. I nod at Kuisha as she leads me a bit further away from Valerie. Kuisha made sure nobody was listening in. I think I know what she's about to say or ask me.

"Umm... Ahem, Jin-sama. I-I also want to send in a personal… Request…"

"If it's about your love and affection for your Master and [King] Sairaorg Bael. In fact, he has been aware of this for the last few months. After his loss against me, he reflected and saw things in a wider and broader sense."


Kuisha stood there speechless as she stared at me in disbelief.

"T-Then… Umm…"

"He said that he doesn't know yet, well that was months ago. Wait for him to sort out his feelings, once that is done. He will tell you, his answer."

"I see… Thank you very much. I will accept whatever answer he will give me, and whatever that is… It won't change our relationship."

She bows and thanks me again before leaving. I sigh and walk back to Valerie. Teenage love… Am I some kind of love guru now?



Valerie giggles at me, why are you laughing? Your way is also strange… Whatever. I look at the door one last time and teleport away.

Astaroth Territory

"I was here with Reni last time, they're not expecting me… So I'll just contact Latia right now."

I pull out my phone and send a text to Latia.

|Hey, I'm in the Astaroth territory.|

|Huh? Why?|

|I can't just visit you when I accompanied Rias to the Underworld during our summer vacation? That's pretty heartless of you, Latia, I'm hurt. Did those five years together mean nothing to you?|

|.....That's not what I meant. I just wished you sent this text earlier, perhaps yesterday. I could have prepared something for you|

|That was sarcasm, Latia…anyway, don't worry too much. I just wanted to see you, I'm with Valerie, we're walking to where you are right now.|

|Yes, very well. I shall wait here then. I will have some snacks and tea prepared.|


Tea and snacks… Posh people. I put away my phone. Also, why not coffee? I can request that, right? You know what… I summon a boba for myself and start drinking from it. When I did this, Valerie was looking at me strangely.

"It's boba tea, want to try it?"

I offer the drink to her as I put the straw in front of her.


Yeah, yeah indirect kiss and all that shit.


Sporting a small blush, Valerie slowly leaned in and took a sip from it, she had closed her eyes… For some reason.


"….Don't talk with your mouth full, but I'm glad you like it."

I hand it to her and summon a new one for myself. She gladly accepts it. The territory was littered with trees, bushes, and fancy decorations from old and new generations as we walked through it.

There were also some low-class and high-class devils walking around. Most of the Low to Middle class were reincarnated devils, not all of them were humans, and a few were youkai and various other monsters.

Just then we come across a female devil, the way she carried herself was that of a High-class noble, she was clearly looking down on everyone else within the vicinity. No matter how you look at it, if we cross her she'll just cause trouble.

The female devil is tall in height, with straight waist-length blue hair that has split ends on both sides. She is quite busty, around Rossweisse's size. She has violet eyes. Like a typical noble devil, she is wearing some fancy garments and some ornaments on her.

She was walking our way with a maid and butler, we briefly make eye contact and I break it immediately, Valerie and I kept drinking our boba, and we walk past each other without a word, goo—

"You two, halt."

Valerie and I stopped, turned around and saw the female devil staring at us with her escorts. I point at myself and Valerie.

"Yes, you two. You seem familiar, speak."

"….Jin, Middleman."

"Ah yes, the famous middleman, how do you do? I am Silveteela Stolas, the current heiress of the Stolas clan, one of the few surviving members of the original 72 pillars of the Underworld. It's a pleasure."

She does a quick curtsy, as does the maid, and the butler bows.

The Stolas clan, huh? There weren't any mentions of any specific characters from there… So she's the heiress? I wonder what their specialty is.

Out of the 72 pillars only 32 remain, unless some are in hiding and are active right now. The ones I know are:

Bael, Agares, Vassago, Gamigin, Amon, Barbatos, Paimon, Sitri, Beleth, Zepar, Sallos, Purson, Naberius, Glasya-Labolas, Berith, Astaroth, Forneus, Asmoday, Furfur, Stolas, Phenex, Shax, Uvall, Furcas, Balam, Gremory, Oriax, Vapula, Valac, Andrealphus, Belial, and Dantalion.

There are the clans of 'Extra Demons' the ones I know are… Abaddon, Belphegor, Mammon, Lucifuge, Satanchia, Agaliarept, Fleurety, Sargatanas and Nebiros.

As long as I leave out Mephisto Pheles... Since he isn't interested in current government politics. He's currently the chairman of the Grauzauberer organization, the same one Reni is a member of.

"Likewise, we're in a hurry, so if you'll excuse us."

"Hohoho! Of course, my apologies. Come, you two."

She wasn't too unreasonable and let us leave, I'll never understand the mindset of those types. It's probably just due to the environment they were raised in. Can't do much until they're knocked down a peg or two.

"She was… Interesting."

"Well, her 'Hohoho-ing' reminds me of Kiyome Abe, whatever, let's keep moving."

A few low to Middle-class devils were staring at us now but didn't do anything so we quietly made it to Latia's residence.

"Jin, what if Zeoticus-san makes a surprise renovation to your home?"

"If he can even enter it, or bring in the workers. He— Zeoticus can enter my home, random workers? That's another story…"

"Oh… Right…"

We were nearly there, during that time, Valerie and I started to hold hands, I was the one who initiated it. She didn't seem to mind so we stayed like that.

We were inside her home, a few maids and butlers greeting us since they already knew me from before. Latia probably informed them I was coming. I was following her aura and finally made it to a different door than the one I was led to last time.

Knock ~ Knock ~

"Come in."

I push the door open and when both of us entered, I saw Latia…with someone else. A beautiful silver-haired petite girl with a side-upswept hairstyle, who has a pair of splendid breasts despite her petite build. The school uniform she wears appears to be from the Underworld.

That's… Iryuka Glasya-Labolas, she will be the next head of the clan after the Rating game between Sairaorg Bael and Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas, since Zephyrdor couldn't emotionally recover from the loss and beat down by Sairaorg.

"Hey, Latia, I'm here."

"Good day to you, Jin, Valerie."

She greets us with a smile. Valerie was also looking at the other female devil in the room. Latia noticing this, she nudges the girl to introduce herself. Coming out of her stupor, she nods at us.

"I'm Iryuka Glasya-Labolas. It's nice to meet the famed Red Dragon Emperor and Middleman that's been the talk of the supernatural world lately."

"Jin, middleman, I like cooking."


Latia glared at me with my… Lackluster and somewhat rude introduction. Iryuka wasn't too bothered by this, hell, she had a smirk on her face.

"Fine, fine. Jin Skyward, Third-year student of Kuoh Academy in the human world, current Red Dragon Emperor and Middleman...…. Also, Latia's daddy."


Latia quickly disappeared and reappeared in front of me. She reached out and squeezed both my cheeks quite firmly while embarrassingly glaring at me.

"W-What do you mean by D-D-Daddy?! Are you out of your mind?!"

Iryuka started to laugh loudly as she sat down and clutched her stomach. Latia didn't stop squeezing my cheeks. Latia had started to relax around me, even before the five years, she already reached that state, the five years amplified it.

"Ahahaha! I didn't know the Red Dragon Emperor had that kind of sense of humor, I'm already fond of you. You're a lot different from what Ravel told me about you."

Ravel? Oh right, they're classmates… What did she say about me? Noticing my questioning gaze, she continued.

"That you seemed stoic and intimidating. But seeing your interactions with Latia-san here, it's quite the opposite… Well, so far at least."

"What can I say? The skies are the limit."

Valerie and Latia were staring at me with disappointed looks.



Iryuka hit her palm with her fist seemingly understanding the pun with my last name. Skyward, the skies are the limit….. Badumtsss.....


Fuck you too.

"Your dry humor and puns never cease to amaze me, Jin."

Latia finally let go of me as she turned away from me, huffing a little. A noble girl, but can still act her age with a small push in that direction.

"Huu… Come, sit. I have the tea and snacks prepared."

Valerie and I nod, and we go to sit on the sofas there… Latia decided to sit beside me, Valerie to my left and Latia to my right. Is she a tsundere? No, I don't think so, she's just easily flustered. She's quite straightforward and upfront with her thoughts and feelings.

"So, Jin-san, you like cooking? Any other hobbies you like? How about we get to know each other?"

Iryuka sipped from her tea and ate a bit of the snacks Latia prepared… They were mostly biscuits, sweets, and… Some devil's snack I hadn't seen before.

"Sure, as I mentioned before, I like cooking…last night I actually spoke to the current head of the Gremory clan about setting up a restaurant in Kuoh before I enter college."

I feel Latia put a hand on my arm and lightly grip it. I turn to look at her as she looks at me with concern.

"Will you be able to handle all that? Don't you have to go to college? If you like, I can send some servants of the Astaroth clan to help with managing it, I can—"

"It's fine, Latia."

She's quite a worrywart at times, she knows what I'm capable of, but will sometimes act like this, I appreciate it though.

"I can just create beings, androids, robots, or get Gremory staff to help me before I hire some normal humans to help manage it. I'll also use an Avatar to attend most of my classes in college, I'll go there occasionally. I'll mostly just focus on my restaurant and whatever else I'm doing at that time."

"Is that so? Alright, but if you required assistance…"

"Yes, yes, I'll come to you or anyone else."

I pat her head. She's a little embarrassed, but that doesn't stop me. Thank you for offering, Latia.

"—Pffft… Ahem, my apologies…. Hehe… To think that Latia Astaroth-sama could act like that, Jin-san, you can make people do the strangest of things."

"I'm just concerned for…. A friend."

Iryuka grins.

"A friend, huh?"

Latia averts her eyes and blushes lightly; she said nothing else.

"Er— Continuing on, like I said, I like cooking, I guess… I like the Japanese otaku culture? Anime, manga, light novels, and such. I don't have any merchandise though. Hmmm…. I guess, sky gazing? If that's even a thing."

"Hmmm, the Underworld's sky is mostly purple though. Even after the current Satan's changed it to emulate the human world, it's still artificial."

"Yeah, I've heard, how about you?"

When Iryuka took a swig of her tea and closed her eyes, she assumed a thinking pose. Someone poked me with something. I turn to Valerie and she's holding a biscuit to my mouth. I eat it. She was happy with that response.

I then feel it on my other side… This time it was Latia, she had a more… Er, a serious look on her? Did this require that much focus? Regardless I also eat it, now both girls were satisfi—

Poke ~ Poke ~


[Aren't you popular?]

{You'll survive, Harem King-sama.}

Cúntóir: Answer: Jin, we shall try this later tonight, in your soul.


...…..Um, Cúntóir-san, what do you mean by that?

Cúntóir: Answer: You are my creator, master, and husband. I'm sorry to say, Akeno Himejima has already lost her place as the first wife.


This has turned into a difficult situation.


{I did not expect that declaration.}

'You have difficult times ahead, dealing with this many women, Jin. Good luck.'

Ignoring these four, I open my mouth and accept the biscuits being pushed against me. Iryuka finally opened her eyes.

"Mmm, I like… Gadgets, inventions! I have heard from Latia-san that you created those… Fairy androids? May I see them, please?"

"Sure thing."

I summon an android fairy and it flies around me; I give it instructions to go over to her. It does so and flies around her before landing on her shoulder. Iryuka was staring at it starry-eyed with a lot of excitement.

"Oooohhh! It's so… Tiny! W-Which model is this?!"

"General cleaning, I rarely use them since Grayfia is quite insistent in cleaning and being a maid. The one I have for Serafall and Sirzechs does their documents for them and nothing else."

I also have Sharon, but she's mostly with Yasaka and Kunou in Urakyoto.

"I can… Essentially make them do anything. I have some in my home that's combat oriented."

"….Yes! This is amazing! Very futuristic! Hmm? Hmmm… Yes, the ring that Latia-san has is also quite futuristic, did you make it, Jin-san?"

Iryuka showered me with weird praises, she then looks at the ring on Latia's finger, yeah, I gave her one during our time together in the [Pocket Dimension]. The android fairy eventually comes back to me and I dismiss it.

"Yeah, it has a lot of… Functions."

"Just like yours?"


The amount of colors on my own ring the [Yexal] has increased as a result of the number of girls I have given rings to. Iryuka looked at it and nodded.

"I'm interested!"

….What? I stare at her, the two beside me doing the same thing.

"What do you mean by that, Iryuka-san?"

Latia asks beside me, she hadn't let go of my arm since earlier, hell, she's gripping it tighter.

"I want to see the capabilities of the Red Dragon Emperor! You have that testing facility, right?"

Latia looks down with a defeated expression… I'm sorry, you probably didn't get anything of value from my first visit. What time is it even…?

Cúntóir: Answer: 11 a.m.

It's been that long? Well, I did spend some time in Sairaorg's home, but not for that long, here? Okay, maybe.

"I don't th—"

"I don't mind, I have upgraded the facilities since last time."

I give Latia a weird look as she shakes her head, she leans in close and whispers.

"Please go along with it… Even if, you destroy everything again…"

Are these two friends? Acquaintances? I look at Iryuka as she was off in her own world. If she transferred to Kuoh, she would be the same year as Shirone, Gasper, and Ravel. They would be first years.

In the end, we ended up returning to the same facility, but the area setup was different— Much simpler, just a physical and magical tester. I was surprised she didn't ask me to use my [Boosted Gear] or use my Scale mail with it...

"I'll repair this…"


As I murmured to myself, Iryuka tilted her head in confusion; Valerie giggled beside me, and Latia put her hand on her forehead, a headache settling in.

"Physical or Magical?"

"Hmmm, physical first if you don't mind."

'Just making sure, nothing…. Important is behind that thing, right? People, items, and such?'

I ask Latia telepathically; she shakes her head in response and I walk away nodding.


"Don't mind it, Iryuka-san."

I stood in front of the large purple crystal; how should I do this? When I look a bit half-assed doing it, she'll probably think it's defective, too much and— Oh who cares? Punch now think later.

I sent a punch towards the crystal—


It breaks, with my free hand I create a barrier that blocks the wind pressure from breaking the wall in front of us. This caused a shockwave and when it subsided, the ground in front of the crystal was destroyed.

Holding back paid off. I repaired everything that was destroyed and moved on to the test. This time the crystal was blue, and since I needed to use magic, I wasn't close to it this time. But what should I use? So many choices…

Valerie Tepes

"It's incredible, is his physical prowess comparable to Sairaorg Bael's? No— Greater? Perhaps, on the same level as the Satans?"

You have no idea, Iryuka-san…

"Hmm? Why is Jin-san just standing there?"

"He's just choosing in what to use…"

I answer her, she turns to me and nods.

"Valerie… Nice to meet you, Iryuka-san."

We have not formally introduced ourselves; it was mostly Jin and Latia-san speaking to Iryuka-san earlier. Was this the appropriate time to do this? I wasn't sure, but I went ahead with it.

"Yes, you too, Valerie-san. Hmm, are you part of Jin-san's harem?"

What a question to ask, Iryuka-san… Jin and his search for a harem is quite well known to the supernatural world, huh?

Whenever you mention Red Dragon Emperor or Middleman, the word harem comes to mind. Although I haven't heard him say it out loud, he may also have 'pervert' as a title, because of the 'harem' he seeks.

I'm sure Jin is aware of it, but I doubt he cares much. The two female devils were staring at me waiting for my answer.


Latia-san's eyes widen, I'm sorry, I lied… But I do… Like him. Even if we didn't do many things during those five years, it's difficult not to, even if he said it to me himself…

'Valerie, just because I saved and helped you don't mean you owe me anything, I just wanted to help Gasper, a friend, and energetic junior. What you do or who you fall in love with—'

He did not finish the sentence and left it at that. But he made it difficult, you know? But I did take his 'advice' seriously, we stayed friends— Comrades during those first three years… Yes, three years…

I'm sorry, Jin-san, I couldn't keep that promise. I slowly fell for you, Jin. Gasper… Encouraged me too once I told him. He was happy for me… I wasn't really asleep during the train ride to the Underworld— Well part of it.

"Heeeh, does that include you too, Latia-san?"

"N-No, as I mentioned before, we are friends."

"Denial it is."

I should confess soon…

Jin Skyward

I made my choice, a simple fireball spell. I open my palm and point it at the blue crystal.


Bwshhewwww ~

A medium-sized fireball left my palm and traveled at a normal speed towards the crystal, it then hit it—


It erupted into a medium-sized flame pillar but quickly died down, when it did the crystal was destroyed. Mmm, good, damage kept to a minimum and I did the tests. Job well done.

[Who are you?]

Ddraig, bite me. It doesn't matter if I'm fancy or look cool doing this, getting it done quickly is my goal.

[But we're in no rush?]

We don't know that, maybe Roygun is free and might, I don't know, ask me to do something absurd? Once that's done, we're off to Ireland.

[To the Faerie Kingdom, right? Do you think other Irish Gods will be there? Wasn't… Balor from there? The Evil God?]

Yes, the same was true of Lugh, the God of the Sun in Irish mythology. He's also part of the Tuatha Dé Danann, Oberon mentioned them before. Whatever, we can just see when we get there. I repair the damage and go back to the girls.

"Hmm-hmm, very impressive Jin-san. You could be a Satan if you reincarnated!"

"No, thanks, too much hassle, too much work. I'm lazy."

She looks at me strangely.

"But you'll be managing a restaurant?"

"One, for now, I think I can manage that, I'll also have help…"

Sharon, Lianne, Antares, and Grayfia for starters, I'll also, maybe, probably hire a manager down the line. I'll just be the owner and do that job instead…

"I— We should get going then. I still have Roygun Belphegor to visit."

"Belphegor-sama? The second ranker of the Rating games? Why? Did she request something from you, Jin?"

Er— Why does she look so serious now?

"No, she hasn't contacted me at all, I was just wondering, that's all. I'm also curious about the land the Belphegor clan owns. They've distanced themselves from the current government, right? So do these get their own land or do they just… You know, live in places that aren't 'owned'?"

"They own land, but not as substantial as the members of the original 72 pillars, since there are only 32 of us left, some lands have become mostly uninhabited, so the extra demon clans were given the choice to own some by the current government."

Latia answered my question, I nodded… I see, so that's how it works? I would guess those places that had buildings and such were demolished or left to ruin? The Underworld is the same size as the Earth, just without any bodies of water.

"Devil population is not as it once was, after all, that's why the Evil Piece system was created, we needed ways to increase our population… Add to the fact that birth rates are low among pure-blooded devils."

"That makes the Underworld feel even more vast, unlike human cities and numbers, humans populate the earth like rabbits."

She nods as I finish her sentence. Hmm, should I help them with this problem? Or let the brains of the future devils figure something out…?

"Anyway, seriously though, I need to get going."

I put a hand on Latia's head and pet her, she doesn't stop me but averts her eyes to the floor.

"I'll see you around, Latia. You're free to visit my home, you know…"

"I know, thank you. Goodbye for now, Jin."

"Farewell, Jin-san, it's been nice meeting you! Oh, can I have your number?"

I nod to Iryuka, summon a piece of paper, and give it to her. She looked excited by this… I guess I'm the robot's guy now— Along with Azazel, though he's more into that, I just make them for convenience rather than being a big fan of them.

Valerie stands beside me and we teleport away… Since I already knew of Roygun's aura, I just searched the entire Underworld for it, I found it at an obscure place…

Unknown Location

When Valerie and I teleported to where Roygun was we were met with an interesting sight. In front of us was a relatively large mansion, it wasn't in the size of the Gremory or Sitri but it was slightly bigger than Sairaorg's home.

Metal gates covered the entirety of the front entrance, there were two hedge mazes in the front, multiple floating lamps that were powered by demonic energy, the path in front was wide gravel and there was a large single fountain in the shape of a dragon.

By the gates, I would have expected guards, but there aren't any, so Valerie and I walked through, once we walked past the gates, we looked around us, and once we walked past the fountain two more hedge mazes were there, finally, we reached the front door.

Multiple grey pillars made of stone held up a large balcony above us, maybe it was a living room on the second floor? An office? Roygun's personal bedroom? The door was quite large as well, it was the color of black and gold, and the doorbell was in a shape of a horizontal fish-dragon mix.

I press it and the noise it made was of a dragon's roar, we wait a few seconds until a maid opens the door. She had the typical black and white maid costume, she was a devil, the more typical looking one, she had goat horns, the face of a human female, and sharp slits as eyes.

Her hair was black with golden tips, she stared at the two of us without saying a word.

"Uh… Is Roygun home?"

I break the silence as she blinks a few times before nodding.

"Yes, Roygun Belphegor-sama is currently within the residence, have you set up an appointment to meet her? Please state your name... Wait, where are the guards?"

"There are guards? The front gates were empty when we got here…"

The maid was confused as she stared at us blankly, when I said there were no guards, she facepalmed.

"Those bastards… I'll beat them up later… Haa… Forgive me, please state your name."

"Jin Skyward, Middleman, and Red Dragon Emperor, I don't have an appointment. I was just… In the area and thought I might visit Roygun, if she's unavailable we'll leave."

I summoned my [Boosted Gear] as further proof, when she heard and saw this her eyes got big as she nods.

"Y-Yes, I-I will go inform master right away! Please sit on this sofa for the time being!!!"

She hurriedly answers me as she points at the sofa by the entrance, there was a fancy-looking table and some snacks there. Then ran at full speed away from us.

"Why do people freak out when I properly introduce myself? It's getting ridiculous."

I say this as Valerie and I sat down on the sofa, I let myself sink into it as I instantly became lazy. Valerie giggled beside me, but also did the same thing, we were in a state of absolute relaxation.

I would estimate that the maid came back with the female devil in question after around six to seven minutes, she looked like she was sweating… How far was she from here? Or did she take her sweet time getting here?

Hmm? There were some other people behind her… Could they be part of her peerage? They finally approached us as both Valerie and I stood up.

"My oh my, to think, Jin Skyward-sama-chan would come and seek me out himself, did you miss me that badly?"

Roygun winked at me as she finished that sentence, the only man in the group rolled his eyes in annoyance, the…  Green-haired dragon shook its head disappointedly and the… The other female giggled into her fist.

Also, 'sama-chan'? First time I've heard that used in the same sentence. I sigh at her tiredly.

"I just happened to be in the area, curious as to why you hadn't contacted me, so I, along with my companion, decided to take a look. There were no guards at the front so we just waltz in."

"Ara ara ~ I should punish those two then~"

Roygun said playfully but smiled in the end.

"I'm glad you sought me out, Jin-chan. You seem to have come to the right conclusion, the ones behind me are in my peerage, allow me to introduce them to you."

She gestures to the black-haired male who had an unpleasant expression on his face, or rather, it looked more like he was fed up.

"This guy is Oleander, he's my [Queen] and yes, he's a dragon. He's just in human form right now, he's a High-level Dragon, a Poison Dragon if you will."

The dragon called Oleander, in his human form, Oleander appears as a handsome young man with long, straight black hair in a loose ponytail with bangs covering his right eye with small glasses on the bridge of his nose & red eyes. He has a calm, collected demeanor that reflects his slightly gloomy face. He is in his butler attire and a mail coach cravat tie.

"This one, my only [Knight], she took up both pieces, she's also a dragon, though, she doesn't have a dragon form since she already looks like this. Her name's Granberia."

Granberia? As in the one from Monster Girl Quest? First Sylph… Now her, I wonder if I'll see more of them in this world… But having two Dragons in her peerage, that's quite something. She really does look the same, down to the last detail.

In that game, she's known as a 'Dragonkin' a species of dragon that has a humanoid appearance but is not… Well, full.

"Next up, one of my [Bishop] my one and only mutation piece, this is Akane Himura, a former human magician, turned reincarnated devil, she's quite skilled in magic."

Akane Himura has flaxen hair that has a black ribbon tied on the left side and amber eyes. She wears a black dress. She held a staff in one hand as she waved to us with the other.

Once she finished introducing her peerage, she looks at Valerie with a questioning look.

"I am Valerie… One of Jin's… Um… Friends."

Roygun just smirks at Valerie and shakes her head.

"Is that so? Well, I welcome the both of you. I wasn't really busy… Just lazing about, waiting for my next Rating game, even though I'm the head of the clan… I've finished my current jobs already."

Oleander looks at her incredulously but doesn't say anything, so I can assume she's lying and hasn't done it?

"Have the two of you had lunch? It is around that time, no?"

"No, we haven't. We were planning to have some if you weren't here."

Roygun claps her hand happy with my answer as she gestures to the maid, she bows and runs away.

"Perfect, then join us."

Valerie and I walked beside Roygun with her peerage behind us. We casually chatted about how we've been for the past few months. Roygun has said that while her peerage train... She sometimes does, but not as hard as Sairaorg does... Although he is an exception among High-class devils.

It didn't take long to reach the dining room, as per usual, it was huge— Unnecessarily huge. On the table were multiple dishes of unknown origin. I didn't recognize a single one of them. However, each of them had a unique smell to them. I also didn't see any poison or tampering in them.

Valerie and I sat beside each other while Roygun and her peerage sat at different chairs, quite spread out.

"Please do enjoy yourselves."

It's lunch, why is this like a feast or dinner in the Gremory house… Well whatever, it's free food. We had to eat properly so no… Eating like pigs, well, it's not like Valerie ate like that.

"What are you doing after this, Roygun?"

"My peerage will be training, I will be watching them, would you two like to join?"

Join? Like watching or training? Seeing my confused face, she added.

"Watching, of course, unless you want to participate in training."

"I'll just watch…"

Valerie nodded beside me, and Roygun smiled at us.

We had finished lunch and were on our way to a training field that Roygun mentioned. It was below her home. According to her, it has a special barrier that will prevent any type of environmental harm. However, training dummies and the like can still be destroyed.

I was walking a bit behind Roygun and Valerie, as the two of them started to chat about something. To my left is Oleander and my right is Akane. I was staring straight forward when I wanted to ask Akane a question.

"Hey, Akane."

She turns to me with a smile.


"Were you ever part of the Grauzauberer?"

When I glance at her, I see her with a stunned expression. She eventually snaps out of her stupor and nods.

"Y-Yeah! I was! I'm still part of it even though I've reincarnated as a devil… They come to me— The magicians, mostly low rankings ones with a lot of questions about how the devil's magic works. It's quite exhausting, really."

"How did you know?"

Everybody in the room was listening to our conversation as she looked at me questioningly.

"I just have the feeling, if I take what Roygun said at face value, then you would be a suitable candidate for joining that organization, as you are a skilled magician. By the way, do you know the magician called 'Lavinia Reni'?"

"Lavinia-senpai?! Yes! She's one of the top-class magicians in the organization! She's admired by so many! She even was asked out on dates so many times, a few had the guts to outright ask her to marry them! She's also the right-hand-woman of the chairman!"

"Her knowledge, understanding, and power is all top class! On top of that, she has a Sacred Gear making her even more powerful! Ahhh…. I want to be like her one day. But I've heard she hasn't visited lately; rumors are circulating around that she's occupied with something in Japan."

....She's that popular, huh? Did… Did I get lucky?

[You think?]

"She'll willingly take on apprentices that have potential and are willing to work hard! But if you're only doing that to get on her good side… She'll know, she's quite scary when angry."

Reni? Scary? Angry? I've never… Hmmm, well, Vali did seem quite scared when I said I would bring an angry Reni… I'll take their words for it then.

"Do you know her, Jin-san?"

Valerie giggled before I got to answer. She turns around to face Akane and answered for me.

"Know her? Jin is in a relationship with her… She's part of his harem, they're very close. Sometimes the other girls envy how close they are."

"...…It's you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Akane pointed at me and screamed.

"There was another rumor saying she found a boyfriend while in Japan! We knew that she had affiliations with Grigori and assumed it was someone from there! But who would have thought that the Red Dragon Emperor and Middleman was the one!!!"

She clutches her head and shakes it violently.

"This changes everything! Once some of the more bitter and violent ones from Grauzauberer find out, they'll be gunning for you, Jin-san! You're quite famous after all!"

Gunning for me? Like wanting to kill me? Reni is mine, bring it you stupid fucks. I'll end you all.

"It doesn't matter, I'll get rid of them then. If those individuals attack me for personal reasons— Romantic and other, then it won't reflect on your organization, right? I can just explain that to Mephisto Pheles, he may be reasonable."

"We're here."

Before we could continue our chat, Oleander interrupts us to say we had arrived at the training area. We go through an open door and it was… Again, large, though it made more sense since it's a training area.

When I look at it from a bird's eye view, it resembled the Narendra Modi Stadium from India, but much larger, if I had to guess, around ten times larger? It had stands on it, does Roygun hold public battles here or something? Maybe a form of entertainment for guests when she has parties…

"Alright, you may start your training, Jin, Valerie, come join me."

"We'll talk more later, Jin-san!"

I nod at Akane, I was still curious about her, I wonder why she reincarnated?

The three members of her peerage nod and walk away from us, each in different directions. Valerie and I fly to the stands and sit with Roygun.

Boom! Dooon! Tan! Tan! Swish!

Oleander and Granberia had started to spar against one another, Akane was on her own training her magic. They were all quite serious.


Oleander made slight movements to avoid Granberia's assault, even with two [Knight] pieces she still couldn't hit Oleander, but she didn't look bothered by it— Hell she was smiling, no grinning.

Oleander himself had a small smirk on him too.

"Those two are quite close since they're both dragons. While they are both proud and competitive, they are good friends, since they're part of my peerage they can put aside those differences."

"So, romance?"

Roygun shrugged her shoulders and shook her head.

"I wouldn't know, I do not involve myself with their romantic relationships unless it will reflect badly on the rest of the peerage, myself, or the clan. Though, I do suspect they are."

"Hmm, well, if they do produce an offspring… It will be powerful, two powerful parents will always do that after all…"

Millicas is an example. A Super Devil father and a Satan-class mother. Speaking of Satan Class… Roygun was also around that rank, she did say she sometimes trains, so does that mean she's a little bit stronger than canon?

"Hmm? Ara~ you've been staring at me quite passionately, Jin-kun ~"

"…You love Rating Games that much, huh?"

Roygun looked at me blankly, in a small state of surprise, she laughed and nodded.

"Yes, I have a great love for Rating Games. While my clan and family have no interests in the current government and its politics… I saw the potential of the Rating Games as a way to bring this clan back up."

"But they don't share the same ideas as me, but I still managed to reach the rank of second in it, I love it."

"…..Even with the use of the 'King piece'?"


Roygun eyes widen as she stared at me in silence. Valerie could see the change in atmosphere around us, she wasn't too sure on what was happening, she has no idea of the 'King piece' though, most devils don't… Only a few have it after all.

"King Pieces are rare Evil Pieces, created in the early days of the Rating Games' existence. Originally created by Ajuka Beelzebub, they were judged too dangerous due to the potential for rogue Devils to abuse them, with their production stopped early on. A total of twelve King Pieces were created."

"The characteristic of the King Piece is power enhancement, as it can strengthen the user by several folds. The strengthening is possible on a magnitude of ten or one hundred, as it can elevate a High-class Devil into power that is comparable to Ultimate-class and even strengthening some users to Satan-class powers."

"Nine were seized by the Great King Faction when they took control of the Rating Games. Due to the Rating Games being tied together with politics and economics, the Old Devils of the Great King Faction sought to manipulate the Rating Games from behind the scenes in order to increase their own influence and generate more money."

"By fixing matches through bestowing King Piece to certain Pure-blooded Devils from the 72 Pillars such as Roygun Belphegor and Bedeze Abaddon and using bribery to obtain the commercial rights for the popularity obtained by competing in Rating Games."


I finished my little explanation, I could see Valerie looking at me and Roygun in shock, heh, who would have thought, right? Like hell, old devil prejudice is still quite prevalent and wants to control the current Underworld in the shadows.

Panic, uncertainty, and shock were some of the emotions going through Roygun right now. She still hadn't said a word and was just staring at me, was she thinking of ways to silence me? Maybe play off what I said as a joke?

"Take that King Piece away from you, and you're back down to High-class instead of Satan-class, quite a large difference in power, right?"

"....Do you plan on exposing me? Us? The old devil faction?"

"Me? Personally? No, I'm just an outsider, a 'human', even if I try exposing you— I won't have much influence overall, I'm just a Middleman, I can't get too heavily involved in the politics of the Underworld."

"However, trust me on this, it will eventually come to light."

Even if the existence of this piece was kept as an absolute secret, rumors still spread back then, even Azazel heard of it. Cleria Belial who was interested in the rumors, investigated, found out, and was killed.

But it was more complicated than that. She was the previous overseer of Kuoh before Rias and Sona. While there, she met and fell in love with a human, Masaomi Yaegaki an exorcist of the Protestant Church and a subordinate of Touji Shidou, Irina's father.

After her discovery, the Bael clan and Great King Faction were able to learn of her discovery of the King Piece and her relationship with Masaomi.

Secretly allying with the Church under the pretext of trying to break up the relationship between her and Masaomi, the Great King Faction had her killed in order to preserve the King Piece's existence as a secret.

"Even if you're just using the King Piece for fun, you're still running the risk. When all of it comes to light, do you think the Belphegor clan will still keep you as Head? I doubt you would still be allowed to keep participating either."

"….Even still I will keep it, I love the Rating Games too much. As you said, I'm just using the King Piece for fun."

I shrug, it involved the politics, she's also getting a lot of money from it. I can't change her mind that easily, she's lived a longer time than me after all.

"Training and hard work will help you reach that power, Roygun-san."

Valerie stood up, she was staring at Roygun seriously….what's up with her? I could feel that Valerie was...a bit angry.

"I was only in Middle-class a few months ago, would you believe me if I told you I could rival the Gods right now?"


Roygun was staring at Valerie a bit shocked by her statement. Well, I did help her— Them with it, but yes, it did involve a lot of hard work from them. Fighting monsters that were a class or several higher than themselves. They were still in danger during those times, I even saved Valerie twice.

"If I'm being honest, if the Belphegor and Rias Gremory's peerage had a Rating Game right now, the same one as Riser Phenex, without special rules… They would win. Even with your [Crack] ability from your clan, it won't work on them."

"Your peerage is strong, but… Those guys are stronger, I personally helped them reach those powers after all. And when the youth Rating Game between Sona Sitri and Rias Gremory starts… And if they follow their current training regime, they'll win easily."

Special rules are special rules, in the Rating Game between them, they'll be playing in a replicated shopping mall of Kuoh, you CAN'T destroy the environment, the other rule is, that Gasper couldn't use his Sacred Gear.

As I said to them, they're at a huge disadvantage, that's why I told them to focus on getting better control of their powers. All of them have powerful attacks that wipe out large chunks of land, after all, if they went all out, a single attack could wipe out the entire stage of the game.



Valerie repeats the word that Roygun said, she stood up and look her straight in the eye.

"Please show me proof then, show me the fruits of this 'hard work' you speak of Valerie-san."

"So, you want to fight Valerie?"

Roygun nods, I look at Valerie as she silently stares at Roygun before nodding herself. I guess it's a fight now… That wasn't the direction I was going for, I was just hoping to persuade her to abandon the King Piece, though it's probably too late in the game to avoid being banned or kicked out of her clan when the scandal does come out.

"Alright, let's go down then. I'll be the arbiter."

"….Is this wise, Jin-sama?"

Oleander asks while standing beside me, Roygun's peerage hadn't left for the stands, they want to stand here watching. I didn't mind, though I doubt I could persuade them to go sit.

"It'll be fine, no killing blows and such are permitted. But it won't take long."

"Do you mean that Valerie-san can beat our [King]?"

His stone was neutral as were his emotions, I nod.

"Yeah, I think Valerie will end this quite quickly. I rarely see her that serious about most things, not that I'm saying she doesn't take anything seriously mind you."

"Are both fighters ready?"

Finishing my short exchange with Oleander I ask the two, and they both nod without saying a word.

"Alright, ready? Begin!"

Roygun disappeared from her spot as she reappears behind Valerie.


But to her surprise Valerie was already turned her way and was staring at her silently, her sharp eyes piercing her soul. Roygun quickly brought out her wings and flew away, visibly panicked.

"To think Valerie-san could keep up with our Master's speed, incredible."

Granberia said impressed by the Dhampir.

Valerie opens her palm towards Roygun… From above her came… Blood, and the blood started to quickly form a shape… The shape of a spear. The single blood spear then multiplied… There were hundreds— No thousands.

Alarmed, Roygun used her [Crack] ability on the blood spears, however upon doing so, they didn't work.

[Crack] is a unique power that creates a tear in most things within the range of the user. It has a high direct attack power, but if the user is skilled in its use, they can create a 'tear' in attacks.

In the future, Roygun revealed a new technique of her [Crack] ability, which allows her to expand the range of her ability as she could create a tear on a person or object that would accumulate over time.

I wonder if she'll be able to create it much faster?


Valerie made a hand gesture as the blood spears started to rain down on Roygun, while her [Crack] ability was useful, the blood spears— Valerie was a Dragon God class being— Her power far exceeded Roygun's and her [Crack].

According to Roygun, [Crack] cannot produce tears on those whose power exceeds the user's, such as True Satan or God-class beings, even more so for Dragon God-class beings like Valerie.

Left with no choice, Roygun had to dodge them… She did so—

Dooooom!!! Bang!!! Crash!!!

She looks back at the 'indestructible' field— The ground that was created has now been destroyed.

"She better dodge those perfectly, otherwise she'll be hurt seriously… But if she is, I can just heal her."


Roygun's peerage stare shocked at the destroyed ground. But she didn't, a few blood spears clipped parts of Roygun's body and she was injured.

"….Crimson bindings."

Blood shoots out of Valerie's palms as they moved quicker than Roygun could see, the blood turned into a net and completely wrapped itself around Roygun, with the use of her wings not possible, she fell to the ground.



Roygun quickly pushed herself up, the use of her arms and legs was not possible as she sat there… In bitter defeat at the hands of a young woman. Valerie hadn't taken a single step during that entire time. At most, she twisted her body in a different direction.

"Can you continue, Roygun?"

I ask her, even though the answer was quite obvious. But she didn't answer me, she tried to break free of the blood bindings, she tried so hard that her face turned red but was unsuccessful. After a few more struggles she admitted defeat.

"…It is my loss."

"Winner: Valerie."

I announce and we walk towards the downed Roygun, Valerie also joined us. Once there Valerie sighed and undid her [Crimson Binding], once she did so Roygun stretched a bit and shook her head. I also touch her shoulder to heal her.

I also touch the ground to repair any and all damages done.

"Thank you, Jin. You're very powerful, Valerie-san. I need to apologize as I thought you were bluffing earlier… My [Crack] ability did not work… Since if anyone else is much stronger than me, I can't use it on them."

"So you weren't lying about being as powerful as God-class beings. How fun."

Roygun was smiling even after her loss, upon hearing this her peerage was looking at Valerie with even more shock.

"At least she held back, you know those [Crimson Bindings] can drain your energy and if she wished— Your blood."

I say this while walking to Valerie and standing beside her.


Valerie was unamused after I revealed some of how her attack worked… I mean there's more to it, like making more blood spikes come out from them, essentially attacking or killing the target that it's bound to.

"My bad. We should get going, Valerie."

"Now, now, wait a minute, Jin."

Roygun walks over to me and hugs my left arm. She gives me a smirk as her [Queen] Oleander rolls his eyes.

"Why not stay the night? You still have the entirety of your summer holiday to go to those other factions, no?"


[That's true, Partner. Why not slow down a little? It feels like you have some sort of urgency.]

{That's right, Nyarlathotep is far away— Locked and imprisoned, being watched by Azathoth. Even with the 'children' she created, they can't get through the barrier you put around Earth, Jin.}

Cúntóir: Answer: I took the liberty of adding other effects if they do somehow come through, Jin. Energy/mana nullification, those beings that slip through or enter Earth can't use their powers that rely on any type of energy or mana.

Cúntóir: Answer: A weakening effect, it will significantly lower their overall power, using your power as a basis, it will weaken down to Dragon Gods at the minimum, if they are weak-willed, then it will be furthered.

...….What? Why didn't you tell me this earlier?

Cúntóir: Answer: I did it as an afterthought.

I sigh, it's still July 5, the rating game is August 20, I don't think I'll be stuck in those places for that long… Realistically, a day or two, maybe three if something happens.

[Didn't you say you wanted to speak with Akane more? Isn't this also an opportunity to be closer to Roygun?]

Alright, I get it already. I'll stay the night.

"Fine, we'll stay the night…"

"Hmm-hmm, I can speak to you more! Wait! Jin-san, you can contact Lavinia-senpai, right?!"

Akane was quite happy with it too—


"Party time!!!"



Ddraig came out of the Sacred Gear and screamed, I on reflex punched him in the stomach, which made him fall over clutching his stomach.

"F-Fuck… You… Partner… Ugh…"

"Ah—my bad, Ddraig. Introductions— This red-haired fellow— Is the [Welsh Dragon] Ddraig, I revived him recently, well a few months ago. But yeah, say hi Ddraig."

"...…Someone, punch him for me… Valerie…!"

I didn't hit you that hard, quit being dramatic.

{Your definition of 'hard' in comparison to ours is quite different.}

Valerie went over to the downed Ddraig and started to pat his back, the others were staring at him in disbelief.

"The power to resurrect beings? More new powers being revealed, Jin-kun."

"Ah— Right…. Keep it a secret."

I let out a bit of my aura, as they shakily nodded.

"Good. Anyway, we'll stay the night, you guys can continue… Training."


We had finished having an early dinner feast, much like lunch, Roygun had her servants prepare a lot of food. I didn't notice during lunch but, both all of her peerage are heavy eaters, not including Roygun, but…the two dragons ate a lot—

Well, three in this case… Ddraig decided to stay out and quickly recovered earlier, he chased me down for a bit before calming down. The strangely authoritative voice of Valerie made him stop. I was also lightly scolded by her.

We were currently in the living room, well one of them. It was quite spacious, with a TV, a giant fireplace, fancy furniture and decorations everywhere, a big chandelier, and a grand piano.

Piano… Shigune mentioned she liked playing it during the five years, I should get her a piano for a gift… Maybe a grand piano too…

The grand piano started to play, when I— We looked over, Oleander was playing it, he seemed like he used it quite often. It didn't sound like an amateur at all, a professional, but I'm no expert so I wouldn't know.

"Even as a dragon, he's quite… Gentle and elegant, no? There are many strange dragons out there, not many of them are the stereotype of 'might makes right' or it's all 'pride'."

"Yeah, it's pretty annoying seeing it shoved down your throat that dragons have to act a certain way. It's like their brains are hardwired to work or think a certain way… And not just dragons— Many things, it's pretty funny to read or see."

Roygun had come up to me— She sat down beside me and Valerie. We had just been relaxing before Oleander started to play the piano.


"Take devils for example, what would you think Humans think you do? Just based on the human media? Evil? Soul taking? Sinful bodies? Corruption? Out to kill anything? What about angels? Pure, only does good, does not wrong, prayers, wish granting and protection from evil."

"Fallen Angels? Near identical to devils really. A lot of bias everywhere, that's why humans are…never mind."

Roygun was smirking at me, the rest looking at me in curiosity.

"Are what? Do you dislike humans? Aren't you a human yourself?"

I snort.

"Human? I'm far from it, but yeah, I dislike humans. Arrogant, narcissistic, and many others. They've performed so many atrocities but still have the audacity to walk around like they're doing the world good."

"World war One, two, and three might happen sooner or later, the number of genocides that aren't reported on and swept under the rug, the 'church' that's supposed to do good, has so much corruption."

Kiba and Asia being victims.

"Abandoning children for fuck all reasons, constant drug abuse. Human sacrifices, cults, and all that other crap. How has humanity even lasted?"

"Child molesters, violators, and the stupidity of some humans are also sometimes mind-boggling. Of course, the supernatural beings aren't exactly innocent either."

I look at Valerie and bring her into a hug, the girl blushing.

"What happened to Valerie, the Great War, other crap, your crap, Khaos brigade, the other crap I have to deal with. When will it end? Will there be true peace? Doubt it. There will always be a group that will never like it— As mentioned, Khaos Brigade."

"They want to rule the world, make it a new? For what? To stroke their own egos? I don't get it, the world— While shit, is at an alright place, work towards bettering it."

"But humans are stuck on the most random crap. In theory, shouldn't they be exploring space? Conquering plants and finding new homes? Advancing their society into a new age of space!"

Akane decided to add in her own thoughts.

"Like the new gender of the week? Or finding safe spaces? Or feeling attacked by… Nothing? I've seen a lot of that over the past few years. I'm part of the supernatural so I started to mostly tune it out, but yeah, if you're human it sounds exhausting to deal with."

"New… Genders? Huh? There are new genders?"

Roygun was clearly confused. Akane went on to explain it and she frowned.

"I see… Well, alright… I don't… It's their problem really… So they can do what they want."

Roygun didn't know how to feel about it, but since she's a devil, human politics isn't really in her radar.

"I don't care about that, I just nod, agree, and accept what they want to identify as, I don't dive too deeply into it. If it makes them happy? Whatever, all the power to them. The ones that push and talk about it are few and far between."

"I mean… Yeah… It's just the loud minority."

Akane sighed as she agreed? I wasn't sure, but whatever, how did we even get here? Let's move on…

"Oh, right, Jin-san! Could I speak with Lavinia-senpai?"

"Let me check if she's free."

I take out my phone and text Reni.

|Hey, are you free? I met a junior of yours.|

|Jin!!! Yes, I'm free. With Shigune, Natsume, and me working together, these missions are very easy. Tobi, Kouki, and Sae have said they feel useless…. Ahaha…|

That makes sense, three Dragon God-class beings working together, I would be worried if those three could keep up… Actually it's nice seeing Sae in action since then… I want to see how far she's come.

|Who's the junior?|

|She's from Grauzauberer, she wants to speak with you… So, I'll call you, okay? You'll be on speaker.|

|Okay~ I want to hear your voice too~|

I smile and call Reni, while it rang, I put her on speaker. She finally picked up.

"Good evening ~ Jin, Valerie-chan~"

"Hi Reni—"


Valerie was cut off by Akane shouting Reni's name, Valerie was a bit surprised but laughed it off.

"Ara? ...Akane-chan? Oh! She's the junior you mentioned!"

"Yes! It's me! It's been a while! How have you been? Are you planning to visit the organization soon?! Are you getting married?!"

What the hell is that last question? Of course, we will, you cretin. I'm waiting for the right time to propose though.

"I've been well, Akane. I'll visit soon, maybe with Jin in tow, marriage? Hehe, that certainly will happen down the line ~"


I hand my phone to Akane as she starts to speak with Reni on things about Grauzauberer, while also catching up. I'll check up on the Gremory group then, I close my eyes…

Gremory Territory

"Good job guys, today— You managed to wipe out large chunks of land, well done."

Rias and her peerage look away in embarrassment, looks like they're having a review in one of the rooms in the Gremory home.

"I will assume that you guys were holding back and using a lot of control, yes?"

They nod.

"Alright it's fine, we still have a month and extra change to hone it more, tomorrow— I'll be bringing some extra help, but try to hold back MORE, I have no idea what holding back means to Jin but he's clearly rubbed off on all of you."

Akeno smirked as Azazel sighed disappointedly.

"You guys just need to tone down the amount you use, I'm sure Jin emphasized this before, right? Anyway, about tomorrow. Kiba, Okita Souji will be coming here to help you, Akeno, Baraqiel will be here."

"Shirone and Asia, you two have Kuroka so it's fine— Honestly you two have the best results so far. Though, Asia only needs to focus on her healing, support, and attaining [Balance Break]. Gasper, you're doing fine, a lot of your attacks aren't large or flashy so you have the best control as of now— Not including the two just mentioned."

"Xenovia, muscle brain, keep trying. I know Jin had you train with Durandal and your Sacred Gear, honestly— You just need to hold back and you'll be fine. Finally, Rias. [Power Of Destruction] is generally, well, destructive."

"Like Akeno, you'll need a lot of training— So I had asked Asteri Gremory if she was free, now not all days, but she can help you, so you better thank her."

Azazel got up and handed them all out pieces of paper, they all started to read them as he stood by the door.

"Dismissed, that's all for today. Go relax for the night and sleep early, we start earlier tomorrow."

He finally left. Once he did, Akeno slumped on her chair.


"Akeno…you'll survive without him for a month. You all will, geez…"

"…..Knowing Jin-senpai, he will be in another female's house right now or his own."


"No nya, I had a chat with Ingvild earlier this evening, he's not there."

"He did say he will visit Sairaorg Bael, Latia Astaroth, and Roygun Belphegor, perhaps he's in one of three?"

Kiba was the voice of… Reason? Gasper was nodding along with him.

Poke ~ Poke ~ Poke ~ Poke ~

I open my eyes back up since I felt someone constantly poking me. It was Akane. I look around and Ddraig was gone, did he go back into the [Boosted Gear]?

[Aye sir!]

.....Alright, then Happy Dragneel.

"Jin? Jin! Jiiiin?! ~"

I take the phone from her. I turn off speaker mode and put the phone up to my ear.

"Sorry, I was just checking up on Rias, what's up?"

"I'm going to sleep, so since I still have things to do with my team. Good night ~ I love you~"

"I see, okay, good night, I love you too."

Reni ended the call first as Roygun and Akane were smirking at me.

"Isn't that sweet? Saying 'I love you' to one another, ah youth!"

"Mmm-mmm! Lavinia-senpai is super in love, invite me to the wedding!"

I shake my head and notice that Oleander hadn't stopped playing the piano during all of that, gotta give the guy props, well he's probably used to it, maybe…

"...…What are you doing?"

Roygun had a Maid give Valerie and I different rooms, of course, Valerie wanted to be with me, while also being in an unfamiliar place, switched rooms and was sleeping with me. She was currently fast asleep.

I had woken up because of a certain someone…

"Ehe ~"

"Don't 'Ehe' me, woman, why are you here?"

Roygun Belphegor snuck into my room and was currently straddling me, if this doesn't get as cliché as the next thing, then I don't know what is.

"I can't?"

"You can't."

She crosses her arms and sighs.

"Why not?"

I'm going to be a broken record to women who are like this… At least they're few and far between, right? So, I explained myself to her— She gave me an amused smile, in the end, also Valerie woke up during this. But kept pretending to sleep as she listened in.

"I'll use force then."

Isn't that just r-pe? Reverse r-pe, but it's still r-pe.

"If you couldn't win against Valerie, what makes you think you'll have any chance against me?"

She thinks about it for a few seconds before slumping her shoulders, finally admitting defeat.

"Then, I have to use the old fashion way, that's what your standards are anyway."


"Jin Skyward, I'll seduce you and make you fall for me…. Look forward to it."

She smiles and winks at me, finally getting off me and leaving the room. What an exhausting woman, going at her own pace…


"Sorry about that, let's just go back to sleep."

Valerie didn't answer me but she seemed happy with how I handled it…

"You can stay an extra day you know."

"We're fine, we overstayed our welcome, but I'll visit again in the future. I'll see you guys then."

Roygun wanted the both of us to stay an extra day, but I had to decline. Right now, it was around ten in the morning, and Valerie and I were going to Ireland. I summon a piece of paper and make it float to Roygun, then duplicate it for Akane.

"My number. Contact me that way."

"I sure will~"

"Thank you, Jin-san!"

She smiles and nods at us, and we finally leave.

Ireland, Cavan

Derrycarne woods

Valerie and I had arrived outside the barrier to the Fairies Kingdom, we go through the barrier…

Land of the Fae

Faerie Kingdom

Once the both of us step through I was back in this fantasy world again, the spirit guards from before see me and wave at me, Valerie and I walk over to them.

"Jin-sama, it's been some time, have you come to visit?"

"Yes, it's been some time… I'm here to offer the alliance and peace treaty."

"Ah! I see, very well… Please go ahead!"

Valerie and I walk past them and make our way through the streets of the kingdom, it hasn't changed much, but this time I was recognized even more. Valerie was looking around with a lot of excitement.


It was Spriggan, he turned around and noticed me, he nods at me and walks towards us.

"Jin, have you come here for the alliance?"

"Yeah, are both King and Queen free right now?"

He nods and turns around, looks like we're following him again. We silently follow him, Valerie still looking around in awe… Now that I think about it, it's almost like her heartscape, but this time she experienced it for real.

"Just like 'that' place, huh?"


She didn't give me a proper reply but just answered on auto-pilot, I'll let this place sink in… Hell— If we have time then we can visit the other places in this dimension. It was brief but I visited the Elf territory last time, maybe we can check the Dark Elf territory this time?

"Hi, Jin~"

I look up and see an Ariel following us. It was the Ariel from the inn…

"Oh, it's you, hi, how have you been?"

"Hehe ~ I'm well ~ are you staying the night again?"

"I'm not sure, if we are, I'll use your inn again if we do. We'll be paying this time though."

Happy with my answer she flew around Valerie and I; she tapped me a few times, winked, and flew away. At least she's energetic.

We had finished going up the… Leaf elevator… It still felt quite weird, Valerie took it in stride and didn't mind too much. I finally reached the throne room again.

"Oya? Jin-kun! My, I didn't think you would appear here this soon! Arere? Ah! It's summer break for high schoolers, yes? Mmm-mmm! That makes sense!"

Oberon greeted me as his usual self, in a way it's reassuring. Titania was beside him.

"Jin-san, it's been some time, I take you are here for the alliance and treaty?"


I summon a document that was already signed by the three other powers, Devils, Fallen Angel, and Angels. After the Peace Conference and after they signed the document, Azazel gave me this— Well not straight after. But a day or two later.

He said that there were already multiple of these and would make my life easier in the future. I also summon a bulkier set of papers; they'll need to read through this and see if they agree with them. Of course, if they have questions, they can ask me.

"Are those… Documents?"

I nod at Oberon's question. He didn't look too eager on reading them, I don't blame him, these tend to be boring.

"These ones, the bulkier ones are just meant to be read through, if you have questions or grievances just ask me. I'll answer them to the best of my abilities. This one is the one you sign if you both agree. I will also sign it to say I was the one who brought it here and oversaw it."

"I see… If you can then."

Titania nodded and I walked up to her and handed her the bulky documents, I gave the single piece of paper to Oberon, he seemed quite thankful.

"Hmm-hmm, by the way, Jin-kun, who's that? A new lover?"

Oberon quickly skimmed the piece of paper and pointed at Valerie. Valerie blushed and fidgeted a little.

"She's Valerie, I rescued her from… A difficult situation a few months back. For now? No, maybe soon though."

Valerie turned redder as Oberon let out a hearty laugh. I snap my fingers and summon a table with a few chairs.

"Wouldn't it be easier to go through those on there?"

I point to the newly summoned furniture, I tried to aesthetically match the place, and Oberon let out an 'Oh! Yes!' and Titania nodded along, I'm surprised that she hasn't, well, hit him.

We move over to the tables and chairs, I gesture for Valerie to join us, and I summon another chair as both King and Queen go through it. In a split second Oberon became serious and started to seriously read through all the benefits and things that will be available to them once they sign this alliance.

"Hmm-hmm, hey, Jin-kun what about this—"

Oberon leaned over and pointed at a paragraph.

"Hmm? Oh that, it's about—"

"Does this involve—"

Titania scooted over and showed the document to me.

"Yes, it does, it also—"

Two and a half hours later, they were done with going through the documents, Oberon had his head on the table, exhausted. He kept his serious attitude all through it, I can only assume it took a lot out of him.

But in the end, they seemed quite satisfied with all the advantages and benefits their Kingdom and people would receive from the other three factions.

Purchasable Phenex Tears, aid from all the three factions if they're attacked, cultural exchange, and other such things.

"Will you two want to discuss this between yourselves before making a decision?"

"Only for a little bit, I would say Titania is all for it, same with me!"

The Queen agreed with her husband with a small nod, I got up when—


I felt a presence of a new God appear in the throne room, no they were already here in the Kingdom, I had felt them earlier but I kept on answering and going through the documents with the King and Queen. They didn't seem hostile so I didn't react.

"Oya? Oya, Oya? Huhuhu! Who would have thought you of all Gods would show up here!"

Oberon looked over near the plant elevator and seemed quite happy, I look at Titania as she also had a pleasant smile on her face, Valerie had already turned around and was staring intently at this individual…

I finally did so too.


The being by the leaf elevator was an extremely beautiful woman. She has long purple hair and red eyes and wears a full-body outfit that highlights her curvaceous body, with metallic shoulder pads. She wears a black veil over her head and a short cloak over her shoulders, connected by the shoulder pads.

It's Scathach.

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