Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 3 – Chapter 5 – Part 1 – Underworld and the Gathering

Japan, Kuoh

Jin Skyward

It was summer, both to the world and students alike. The Gremory peerage as well as everyone in my home had a small celebration, while we did have summer homework, I had gotten that done during the night before. I didn't want to think about it during my break.

The girls as well as Gasper and Kiba followed suit. They did their homework with my help and tutoring, so we were all free from that crap for the whole summer, we could focus on other things.

A few days have passed since then, Rias informed her peerage that they were heading to the Underworld for the rest of the summer vacation. I was invited along. I had the entire summer break to travel to those factions and pantheons so I agreed.

The other girls were welcome to join us, but many have their own things they want to do. Ingvild had the summer to spend with her friends as well as me, she had planned this week so I left her be. The girl looked guilty, but I told her she didn't have to live her life always asking for permission.

I'm not going to be keeping a chain around their neck and watching everything they do. Kuroka was going with Shirone. They said they could visit their mother again. Kuroka asked me if I could repair their old home. I didn't have any problems with it so that's a plan down the line.

Since the Peace Conference a lot of things have happened. Therefore, Reni had taken a lot of missions and assignments with her team Slash/Dog. This also meant we had less time as of late. I hate it, she hates it.

Right now I'm lying on someone's thighs. Whose are they? Grayfia. She didn't have her maid clothes on but casual home wear, short blue shorts, a white tank top, so I could experience her thighs to the fullest. She was just watching TV while stroking my head from time to time.

"Are you coming back to the Gremory territory with us tomorrow, Grayfia?"

I faced up as I asked her this question. Her breasts were blocking the view of her face, she answered and they jiggled.

"Yes, I am still the Head Maid for the Gremory family after all. I will also be supervising Millicas-sama's training as per usual. Since you are heading to the Underworld, Millicas-sama is quite excited to see you again."

"Right… I hadn't found time to come help him. I'll apologize to him, he's a big fan after all."

Rias and her peerage were packing their suitcases right now, they wanted to get that done so they can relax for the rest of the day. Reni was out on a mission for Grigori, I even had Natsume text me earlier complaining about it.

Another thing I have done since summer break started. I had renovated my home. I had obviously done it at night. Even though it's nothing like the Devil's homes in the Underworld and nothing like the giant mansions of rich people, it's still an upgrade.

My house has now become a four-story house. I also expanded the underground portion of my home. Previously, my home was just two stories, not including the attic. The ground floor or first floor, depending on what you call it, was mostly the same.

I had made them much, much larger though. The living room, kitchen, dining room, multiple closets to store things in, and two brand-new bathrooms. While they're not the same size as the one upstairs, they're still quite large. They also had a toilet in each of them.

Interestingly, the first and second floors remain the same, an infinite hallway with doors on either side, many of which are unoccupied, but the girl's previous rooms remained the same, I just made them larger on the inside.

Also, the previous bathroom was also made larger. It is kind of an inside open bath with a faux sky, but it still feels real. It's been designed like the open bath in Yasaka's home in Urakyoto.

The third or fourth floor is a large entertainment room. It houses all types of entertainment. From arcade games to high-end computers, to board games, a pool table, a small bar, a mini cinema, and a music system that was all around the room as well as a small jacuzzi.

Lastly, the top floor was another endless hallway, but this time, the doors led to normal storage. The inside was quite large because it was expanded, so anything that didn't need to be kept in there could be.

The roof was also redone, now it wasn't just a normal rooftop, it had its own space up there. Up there was a large jacuzzi, or the main one, as well as multiple chairs, benches, and tables. I also expanded the temperature panel to encompass the whole home, so we could control the temperature all over the home. This included the rooftop.

So we can stay up there in swimsuits even in the winter if we want. I also upgraded the combat fairies. I changed them from Multiversal to Omniversal. It was a small change but I thought it was time for a change.

I didn't do anything to the backyard except make it a little more spacious. I also added more places to sit, the same for the front garden, it was just a little bigger. I made the elevator in the entrance hall connect to the new floors too.


"…I'll go, sit tight."

We both heard a crash so I teleport to where I heard the noise. Once I was there, I saw Rias covered in a mountain of clothes. Did she need this much…?


"I'm fine!"

She burst through the pile of clothing that she was covered in. Her bedroom was a mess, multiple suitcases and bags littered it. It was spacious so she could have spread it all out, but chose to keep them all in one spot.

"I see…"

I snapped my fingers and cleaned the place up; I read her mind and knew where she wanted them all to go. In response to seeing her own clothes flying into suitcases and bags, she got up and stood by my side.

"You could have offered to do that earlier, you know…"

She looks at me with a bit of annoyance, I just shrug at her.

"I could, but I didn't… Well whatever, I'll head to Akeno, Shirone, and Asia's room and offer them this service."

"What would you like in return?"

What? I didn't want some kind of rewa—


She kissed me, well whatever, I didn't mind. A reward is a reward, it was a quick one as she smiled at me and sat on her bed.

"I'll go over some things, for now, thank you, Jin~"

I nod and leave her room as she waved at me. I walked to the rooms of each girl and did the same thing for them. I got a kiss from each of them… I'll head to Kiba and Gasper's home then… We're guys, so we won't need too many things, right?


You didn't need to answer me, Ddraig. I shake my head and go back to the living room. I relay back to Grayfia what had occurred, she gave me an amused smile.

"I'll help you with yours later. I'll go to Kiba and Gasper's home and help them out."


Valerie was standing behind me when I turned around. She had her usual dress on and waved me over. I walk to her and we stand in the entrance hallway.

"What's up?"

"One…. I want to go with you to the Underworld— No, I… Can I just go with you?"


I think I get what she means…? She wants to stay by my side for the summer, right? That's what she means? I don't mind… So, she wants to come with me to Kiba and Gasper's home right now?

"I think I get what you're trying to say, alright. I don't mind, I'm about to go to Gasper's home, want to tag along?"

She happily nods and stands beside me; we go to their home.

Crash! Thud!




Valerie and I stood there speechless at the sight in front of us. Kiba and Gasper were covered in clothes and suitcases. I stand corrected, they were going to bring a lot of clothes with them. I shake my head and snap my fingers. The clothes flew into their respective suitcases.

The two look shocked and surprised as they see me and Valerie standing there. The Dhampir girl waves to her childhood friend.

"Valerie! Jin-senpai!"

Gasper gets up and comes over to us, as well as Kiba.

"Thank you for the help, Jin-senpai…"

It's fine, Kiba, but please, don't say that while blushing at me. I still have very mixed feelings on that weird confession you gave me not too long ago.

"Right… Anyway, tomorrow we leave so you're both all set, right?"

I gesture to the suitcases and they nod, fine. Valerie and I spent the next few hours there. We chatted and played some games that Gasper owned. I clashed with Kiba for a little bit and we left for home.

I helped Grayfia pack that night. As well as telling the girls what I had planned, they were fine with it, since they can just contact me with the rings.

Next day

"So early… Couldn't we wait until later in the day…?"

Azazel looked like he had stayed up all night, either researching or looking at porn, both of these were plausible.

"Your own fault for staying up or whatever the hell you were doing."

"A little bit of sympathy goes a long way, Jin."

He grumbled at me but didn't deny what I said.

It was around ten in the morning when we set off, they had their luggage in their rings— The girls, meanwhile I had stored the ones for Gasper and Kiba into my [Inventory], Katerea's powers were still in there… What the hell do I do with it…?

She wasn't weak by any means, but… No one here will gain any benefits from using it on themselves.

Once we arrived at Kuoh station, we all headed to the elevators, and Rias beckoned Asia, Xenovia, Kuroka, Valerie, and I to follow her. It was the first time I would use this method to travel to the Underworld, you could say, I've been going there illegally.

"Yuuto and the rest of you who have used this before, come with Azazel afterwards."

"Yes, President."

Once we were in Rias took out a card, she pressed it against the electronic panel, and the elevator moved down. Asia, Valerie, Kuroka, and Xenovia were shocked. Rias looked at me expecting the same reaction but… I already knew, sorry, Rias.

She puffed her cheeks.

"You knew?"


"Haa…anyway, this is only known by the Devils. Ordinary humans can't access it, many areas such as this are spread across the entire town of Kuoh, you know?"

She had turned to Asia, Valerie, and Xenovia who were looking at her in awe. Hey guys… I had shown you many cool and mysterious things… And you never reacted like this…at least Kuroka wasn't that impressed by it...

'They're just used to it, you said it yourself, they've become numb.'

....I guess.

We kept going down for a full minute until we stopped. Afterwards the door opened, and she urged the four to go first while she followed after. I was the last to leave. In front of us was a vast artificial space, like a cave of sorts. But still looked like a train station.

We waited for everyone else to arrive, then the elevator made the same sound and everyone joined us. I created something and threw it at Azazel, who was still looking dead. Still aware of his surroundings he reflexively catches it.

"Can you not throw things at me?"

"It'll help you, just eat it."

He looks at me strangely, at the pill I threw at him, shrugged, and ate it. Almost immediately his mood changed, and he regained some energy.

"What the hell is this?! I feel like I just slept an entire month!"

"It gets rid of fatigue and refreshes you."

"I'll take a whole bottle, Jin!"

"Not for sale."

"Tch…. Whatever, thanks anyway."

Rias started to walk to a different platform, it seemed like we were heading to platform three. Once there we stood silently, I looked around and could see the lights were being powered by magic, it was like the ones in the Faerie Kingdom.

Eventually, a train appeared, I had been staring into space so I only noticed when Akeno held my hand and pulled me into it.

"So, this train is owned by the Gremory?"

Xenovia turns to Rias and asks, she nods.

"Yes, it is."


The departure whistle sounded; the train began to move.

We had chosen to sit down in the center of the train. Rias was in the first train car ahead of us, and it appeared that the rest of our group had to sit in the central train car behind it.

Valerie and I sat together on the seats facing away from the train's motion, and Akeno and Xenovia took the seats facing us. Shirone, Asia, Kuroka, Gasper, and Kiba took the seats next to us.

Then there was Azazel sitting at the end of the car, but— He had already entered sleep mode, even though I had just given him that pill...

The train started running for several minutes. The train advanced down the dark tunnel. I'd been told that this train was powered by a unique fuel that existed in the Underworld.

I wasn't too interested in it, I had infinite energy running in the basement of my house, if I sold that, I would be rich...! Nah, I already am...

"Seeing how fast we're traveling, we'll arrive in around an hour, right?"

I look at Akeno and she nods; Valerie had leaned on my shoulder and had fallen asleep. Gasper was looking at me with intense and focused eyes.

"Yes, that's right. Since it seems that this train passes through the dimensional barrier using official means before it eventually arrives at the Underworld."

"Heh, I've been teleporting in and out of the Underworld willy-nilly, like an Illegal person."

"Usually that's fine, but if other new household devils don't enter at least once by the official route, you'll be punished for illegally entering. That's why the others have to go through the official entry procedure."

"But… I doubt anyone could realistically do anything to you… So, that's probably why Lucifer-sama and the other Satans have said nothing."

Xenovia nodded beside Akeno as she gave me a strained smile.

"That's true."

Everyone hears Rias' voice and turns towards her. Alongside her was an elderly man. He had the appearance of a train conductor. He had a white beard on him. He took off his hat and bowed to us.

"Nice to meet you, all of the princess' new servant devils. I am Reynaldo, the conductor of the Gremory private train. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

He looks at me and smiles.

"It's also a pleasure, Middleman-san."

"Likewise, Reynaldo-san."

"I'm Asia Argento, her [Bishop], please treat me well, Reynaldo-san."

"I'm Xenovia Quarta, [Knight]. Please treat me well from now on."

With the greetings finished, the conductor— Reynaldo took out a unique device and captured the two of them in what seemed to be a monitor.


Asia and Xenovia were troubled by this action. Rias and Akeno seemed to know what it was. I also knew but kept quiet, might as well let them do the talking.

"This is a device from the Devil's world that checks and compares you. The fact that this train is formally entering the Underworld is very significant, and therefore all modes of transport require inspection."

"It would be a serious matter in the case that there is some fabrication. Currently, it would be quite serious if some uninvited guests occupied the train."

In layman's terms, it checks if you're the real person or not. It would be unnecessary trouble if an imposter came onboard.

"Your records give your piece designations, and when transmitted it is registered as data in the Underworld. That's why they check it with this machine. There's no problem. Since everyone here is who they say they are."

It made a few strange noises but then died down, and the two nodded, confirming that they were who they were. They weren't checking me? I didn't care, less hassle on my side.

"Is Azazel next?"

"He's fast asleep."

Rias asked Reynaldo but I interrupt and point towards the sleeping Governor. He also started to drool. What a carefree guy. Reynaldo let out a laugh as he was checked. The device confirmed that he was real.

"I shall make my leave then, Princess, again. It's a pleasure to see you, everyone."

Reynaldo bows once more and then leaves; Rias joins us as she sits next to Akeno. During all this Valerie hadn't woken up, and Gasper hadn't stopped watching us, he was really… Watching me intently…

Was he waiting for me to do something to Valerie?

[Maybe He's jealous?]

Just don't.

About forty minutes after our departure, we heard an announcement. Kiba, Asia, Gasper, and Shirone were playing cards. Kuroka who was previously beside Shirone had transformed into her cat form and was sleeping on my lap.

Valerie was still fast asleep, Xenovia was slowly nodding off herself until the announcement started.

[We will momentarily be breaking through the dimensional wall. We will momentarily be breaking through the dimensional wall.]

"Try looking outside."

At first, Rias had been seated in the front train car as a high-class devil, but she appeared to have been lonely and had spent the time in our car instead.

Following Rias' words, Xenovia pushed her face against the window along with Asia. And then— The scenery changed from the darkness of before, and a landscape appeared, a purple sky, and there were—

"Mountains! And trees too! Hahahaha! Amazing! Amaziiiiiiiing!"

Xenovia unintentionally babbled excitedly in a loud voice. But next to her, Asia was giddy with her cries of 'Amazing, amazing!' Because they were seeing a landscape they hadn't seen before, they were having fun.

Asia was only here for a brief time during the After-party of the Rating game between Rias and Riser, so she didn't get to see the scenery and views.

"It's fine if you open the window now."

Rias had given them permission, so Xenovia opened the window. The wind came in, they breathed in the air of the Underworld.

Not too long after that, we passed through the dimensional wall and were finally in the Underworld.

I could see the landscape of the Underworld from my seat. There were mountains and rivers as well. Trees also grew in abundance, and there were even forests. A town, there were many houses too.

"This area is already within Gremory territory."

Rias spoke proudly.

"Then, is everything including these train tracks we've been running on until now on the land of the Gremory family?"

Rias nodded at Asia's question. She seemed quite amazed; the same can be said for Xenovia.

As a result, the mountains and rivers in the town we passed before were part of her family's territory. The people of that town were vassals of this fiefdom. Devils and their old ways of living… It's like the feudal times of humanity, no, not like— Is.

"By the way, the Gremory Territory is the size of Honshu in Japan."


Xenovia shouted, she had been learning Japanese history and geography along with Asia in classes, and the two were even more surprised.

I nod and continue.

"The Underworld has the same amount of surface area as the human world, but the population here isn't the same as the human world. Even with Devils, Fallen Angels, and other races, it isn't that high. And since there are no oceans, the land is also spacious."

"Even if I said it's the size of Honshu, it's mostly unused space. It's mostly just forest and mountains."


Rias claps her hand and looks at Asia and Xenovia with a bright smile.

"That's right. Asia, Xenovia. Since part of my territory will be given to you all later, please tell me what places you want."

"W-We can have our own territory!?"

Asia asks in shock.

"All of you are servant devils to the next family head. Living in my territory as part of the Gremory group is permitted. Akeno, Yuuto, Koneko, and even Gasper possess land within my territory."


Rias made a map appear in the air with magic and then expanded it and showed it to them. It's the geography of the Underworld, but more specifically, it seems to be a map of Gremory territory.

Rias spoke with a pleasant smile.

"The red areas are places that have already been taken, so they're no good, but anywhere else is okay. Now, please point at the land you like. I'll give it to you."

For some ten-odd minutes after that, the train continued through this world that was unknown to me. I had closed my eyes and leaned my head on Valerie's.

I listened in to the conversation between the Gremory peerage. Asia and Xenovia picked the territories they wanted, Asia picked one near a village, and Xenovia decided to pick one near Asia so they could visit each other frequently in the future.

[We will soon arrive at the main residence of the Gremory family. We will soon be arriving at the Gremory main residence. Everyone, thank you for riding this train.]

Xenovia closed the window that was open when the announcement told us we were near the home. The train gradually slowed down its speed and eventually stopped.

Azazel had woken up somewhere during that time and was silently staring out the window. After it stopped, everyone started to get off. I shook Valerie awake; she had started to drool on my shoulder…

I also woke Kuroka up who transformed back into her human form. She quickly walked over to Shirone and clung to her; she didn't look too happy about it. She even muttered 'Get your cow breasts off me, Nee-sama…'.

"You're not getting off, Azazel-sensei?"

Kiba asked as he and Gasper were putting the cards away.

"Yes, I plan to keep traveling through Gremory territory like this and then visit Satan's territory. I have a meeting with Sirzechs and the others there."

"A so-called 'invitation'. Since it faces the main residence of the Gremory's, I'll come after I get to see them and finish my greetings."

Azazel-sensei waved his hand and explained this.

"How heartless, I wasn't invited?"

I smirked at Azazel and he rolled his eyes.

"Faction leader business you damn brat."

I just snort at him and leave. Rias shook her head at me.

"Say hi to my brother for me, Azazel."

Sensei waved his hand in response to Rias's words. Once we were all off, the train rang its bell again and left, Azazel gave a peace sign as he left.

When everyone turned around, including me—

"Welcome home, Rias-ojou-sama!"

Multiple voices resounded within the area. Welcoming Rias back to her home in the Gremory Territory.


Fireworks were set off, soldiers aimed their guns at the sky and fired, and people that looked as if they were from an orchestra band began to play simultaneously! A soldier on top of a mysterious creature waved a flag in the sky above.

"Talk about over the top, Rias... No, this is normal for you, how troublesome..."

I muttered to myself, Rias heard me and gave me a strained smile.

Looking carefully, there were a lot of butlers and maids among them too. When Rias approached them, they simultaneously bowed their heads and then,

"Welcome back, Rias-ojou-sama."

They welcomed her again.

"Thank you, everyone. I'm home. I've returned."

Rias also responded with a smile covering her whole face. Seeing that, the butlers and maids also smiled back.

And then a lady with a face I recognized appeared. It was the silver-haired maid, Grayfia. She had decided to teleport back instead of coming with us.

"Welcome back, Ojou-sama. You arrived early. Above all, it's a relief that you were safe while traveling. Now, all family members, please board the carriage. We'll be returning to the main residence with this."

We were led by Grayfia to a gorgeous-looking carriage. The horse being used was supernaturally bred, it had a strange glint in its eyes.

Additionally, Grayfia was acting in her usual maid-like manner, being very professional, unlike how she's been at our house.

"I will travel with the servants. Since Asia seems a little anxious, as this is her first time."

"Understood. I've prepared a few vehicles, so please board whichever pleases you."

Grayfia consented to Rias's request. Me, Rias, Asia, Valerie, Xenovia, and Grayfia boarded the first carriage in front of us. The other members who stayed back took the next carriage.

Akeno was a bit disappointed since she was separated from me. I gave her a quick kiss, she was fine with that and finally left for her carriage.

Once we had boarded it, the carriage began to move forward.


After a few minutes of travel, we were finally nearing her home. Asia, Xenovia and Valerie stared at the mansion in awe. The two had never seen anything like this before. Valerie lived in a castle, but I doubt she saw it much from the outside.


"It's big as ever, I'll never get used to it…"

"You recently renovated our home, you know."

I smirk at her as she looks at me confused.

"'Our' home, huh? But yeah, you have a point, but it's not as big as this, Rias."

Rias looks to her side while twirling her head, sporting a small blush, I look at Grayfia— More specifically her thighs… Haa…. Can I even use those tonight?


I look back up as the girls were looking at me. Grayfia had opened her eyes, she had previously kept them closed. I could see a small smirk from her… Did she plan that? Sly little…

I look at her straight in the eyes and give her a brief 'vision' of what's to come tonight. Her eyes briefly widen but return to normal. This time, she was the one blushing.


"No flirting with the maid."

Rias pinched my cheek.

"She's my maid though."

"Yes, but right now she's the Gremory's Head Maid."


Whatever I just sigh and look back out the window…

Outside, beautiful flowers bloomed, water flowed out of a magnificently modeled fountain, and birds of various colors flew about. The carriage was advancing through what seemed to be the garden of Rias's home.

Now that I think about it, I hadn't really bothered looking around much when I visited… Not bad at all.

"We seem to have arrived."

After Rias murmured that, the carriage door opened. A butler-like man made a slight bow. Rias disembarked first, and then the rest of us followed from behind as well. The second carriage had also arrived, and Kiba and the others were getting off too.

The maids and butlers stood in line on both sides of us and made a path! A red carpet stretched out towards the huge castle, and the huge castle gate made a 'Gigigi' noise as it opened.

"Ojou-sama, and all the members of her group. Please move forward."

Grayfia made a slight bow and urged us forward.

"Come on, let's go."

It was when Rias started walking on the carpet. A small silhouette broke out from the line of maids and ran towards Rias.

"Rias-nee-sama! Jin-nii-sama! Welcome back!"

Rias embraced Millicas after he had emerged from the maids and butlers. He turns to me and bows.

...…Nii-sama? What? I quickly look back at Grayfia, she looked back at me with her usual expressionless face…no, she had a very small and unnoticeable smirk on her lips.

"Millicas! I'm back. You've gotten big, haven't you?'

Rias also lovingly hugged the boy back.

"U-Umm, Rias-onee-sama. Who is this child?"

When Asia asked, Rias introduced the boy.

"This child is Millicas Gremory. The son of my brother— Sirzechs Lucifer-sama. He's, my nephew."

"It's been a while, Millicas, sorry for not coming back. A few things happened that prevented me from helping with your training."

Millicas nodded understandingly at me.

"Come on, Millicas. Greet them. These two girls are the newly-added members of my group."

"Yes. I am Millicas Gremory. Nice to meet you."

"Come on, let's go into the residence."

Rias held hands with Millicas and headed towards the gate. The rest of us followed behind them. Both Gasper and Valerie stuck to my back and didn't let me go.

We then arrived at the main hall. There were stairs which led to the second floor in front of us. There was a huge chandelier on the ceiling. My house was now spacious, I was wondering if I should have one myself…

"Ojou-sama, I'd like to show everyone to their rooms at once."

Grayfia raised her hand and some maids gathered with us.

"Very well, I have to meet and greet mother and father after coming home as well."

Rias gave a 'Hmm' as she seemed to think of things to do after this.

"The master is out currently. He's expected to return by this evening. He said that he would have dinner with you and everyone for supper."

"I see, I understand, Grayfia. Then, I suppose we'll let everyone rest in their respective rooms for now."

"Yes. There should be no problem with using your room right now."

Hmm, I will most likely not be using that room much. Once things settle down, I'll be doing my own thing. I wish to visit certain devils before heading back to those factions.

[Like Sairaorg, Latia, and maybe Roygun? She hasn't contacted you at all, Partner.]

Perhaps I won't bother those invited to the devil meeting since I'll see him then. Latia yes, Roygun… I have no idea, maybe she just forgot? Or didn't have time?

"Ara, Rias. So you've returned."

At that moment, a woman's voice was heard from above. It seems Venelana has come down to greet us herself. As soon as Rias saw that person, she smiled.

"Mother. I've returned home."

"Ara, Jin-kun, you've come here as well? My, it's been some time since we last saw each other."

Venelana walked up to Rias and the two of them hugged. She turned to me and put a hand on my cheek.

....? What's she doing? I could feel that she was feeling… Mischievous? Oh, a little 'prank', huh?


Rias— No, everyone was staring at this interaction with surprise. I pretend to be surprised. She then begins to giggle to herself.

"Ara? Did my teasing not go well?"

She removes her hand and walks back to Millicas. The two of them stand facing us.

"Welcome to the Gremory home in the Underworld, please enjoy your summer vacation here."

After the meeting in the entrance hall a few hours ago, everyone was shown to their rooms. However, Asia and Valerie did not like to stay in their rooms, so I had told Grayfia they would stay in mine. She had no problems with that and made the arrangements.

Kuroka had left earlier saying she wanted to check out her old home and that she'd get Shirone and I at a different time.

For now, I, along with the two of them, were relaxing in my room, both of them reading a book. We will be having dinner with the Gremory family in two hours.

I stood on the veranda of my room and looked out at the view, which was not bad at all. It showed the garden of this home, in the distance there were some trees and homes, plus a few flying monsters in the sky.


Valerie stood beside me, seemingly finished or having stopped reading for the moment.

"So, how does it feel to be in the Underworld for the first time?"

"Strange, but it's been pleasant so far."

I feel sorry for her. After I rescued her and after she woke up. We haven't done much other than training and a few outings with the girls in Kuoh. I haven't taken her out to any spectacular place. Since Valerie wants to be by my side the whole summer, I'll take her with me when I visit the factions and pantheons.

I would assume her disappearance in the Tepes Faction has caused widespread panic, so they may be searching for her. I've already dealt with that. When she woke up, I had used an ability to mask her 'aura' or 'being', much like changing your IP with a VPN or such. You're still in the same spot physically, but now 'they' will think otherwise.

I also used another ability to alter her appearance to everyone but myself and the ones I deem safe to know. So I don't need to be concerned about that. I'll deal with the fallout when the time comes. But I doubt they could oppose me.

"Valerie, I'll be traveling to different factions and pantheons over the course of the summer break. You'll be coming along, right?"


"Good, since our first stop is Ireland, the Faerie Kingdom, after that we'll hit Kyoto and then meet the Greek Gods. I may bring a representative from the Fallen, Angels, and Devils with me to Greece, if things go south, which I don't think they will, and if I have to retaliate, I'll have witnesses that I did it out of 'self-defense' so I won't lose face as the middleman."

"….Do you know who you'll bring?"

"Serafall will only come from the devil's side. Maybe it will be Gabriel on the angels' side? For the fallen angels? I have no idea, maybe Shemhazai, Baraqiel, or Penemue?"

Valerie nods and walks back inside. The current leader of Mount Olympus is Zeus. As opposed to what I have seen in my old world's media, Zeus in this world is rather frivolous and also cares about humanity. Since he did willingly seal himself in the isolation barrier to fight Trihexa…

I wish to find out if any of the 'myths' surrounding him are true in this world. Nevertheless, I believe many of them to be true, including Poseidon. I will most likely meet others there too, especially since some new characters are showing up… I won't be surprised if some retain the same looks as other anime characters…

Hades, Apollon, Artemis, Erebus, Tartarus, Chronos, Hypnos, Oneiros, Eros, Hestia, Hephaestus, Astraea, Nyx, and many others…

Knock ~ Knock ~

"Asia-sama, Valerie-sama, Jin-sama, it's time for dinner."

Grayfia had come to tell us that it was time, it feels strange hearing her add 'sama' to my name. We nod, Asia and Valerie leave the room first, seems like Asia woke up while I was having an inner monologue.

I walk over and stand by Grayfia.

"So, you're still acting as Head Maid even now?"

"…Yes, Jin-sama."

I looked at her blankly as she kept staring at Asia and Valerie's forms… Alright, two can play at that game lady. I grab her ass and squeeze it; this makes her stiffen.

"…Mmm… J-Jin-sama, n-now is not the time…"

"Hmm, now that I think of it, hearing you all flustered while adding 'sama' to my name… Has awakened something inside me."

Grayfia said nothing, she also didn't remove my hand that was still squeezing her ass, but she was blushing. I eventually let go.

"I'll get going then."


I with everyone else were sitting in the dining room. An extravagant meal so large that I doubt any of them could ever eat it all was piled on top of expensive-looking plates. It all seemed quite appetizing. Kuroka was already drooling but held back from just eating it all… I had advised her to be 'elegant'.

The servant devils and Rias were seated around the table. The same with Venelana, Millicas, Asteri who had joined us when dinner started, and Zeoticus.

"Please enjoy yourselves without holding back."

That is how dinner began with a word from Zeoticus. Everyone proceeded to eat with the appropriate table manners. Rias had taught them this during the five years in the [Pocket Dimension].

So, Xenovia and Asia were already prepared for this. Ingvild and Grayfia taught Valerie, though she had already partial knowledge of it, I would guess during her time in the castle or before.

Venelana and Zeoticus were quite surprised to see us eat elegantly, they looked proudly at Rias, who was slightly blushing.

Azazel hadn't come back yet, seems like the meeting is lasting longer than normal.

"Members of Rias' group, please think of this place as your home. Having just come to the Underworld, you're in an environment you don't understand. If there's something you want, please say so to the housemaids without reserve. They'll prepare it right away."

Rias's father cheerfully told us this. He must have directed this more to Xenovia and Asia, maybe even Valerie and I too. The rest have already been here before.

No, there's nothing in particular that I want anymore. I can just summon or create most things I want, also everyone should have most things since I did make them before we left.

"Jin-kun, it's been a while, we can discuss the opening of your restaurant in Kuoh and around the world later in detail."

"Yes, that seems appropriate."

I would have guessed that he would want to talk about cooking techniques and give each other tips too. Zeoticus nods at me with a pleasant smile satisfied with my answer.

"Hmmm, Jin-kun, about your home, would you like the Gremory's to renovate it?"

I didn't expect this, even Rias and Venelana looks at him with a questioning gaze. He notices this and laughs.

"It will be enviable that our daughter will marry you, so, I was thinking of making your home much larger."

Venelana nods, Millicas looked at me with starry eyes and Rias went red, she kept eating to hide it though.

"Thank you for the offer, but I have renovated it myself the past few days, while it's nothing too extravagant like your home, I believe it's in a fine place right now, everyone seemed to like it. But if I need assistance in the future then, I'll do so."

"Is that so? Then I shall take your word for it. Oh yes, if you wish, you may call me 'Father' from now on."

"Ara? Does that mean I'll be called 'Mother' then?"

A double attack from her parents… How do I go about this…? Since I have a more casual friendship with Sirzechs I could tell him to 'drop dead' when he told me to call him 'Onii-san' but these two…

"I'll… Think about it, but I'll refer to you two like I have so far."

"Father, Mother, I've been listening quietly until now, while I appreciate you helping me with my relationship with Jin, I would rather go at it at my own pace."

Rias who had stayed silent and embarrassed during our brief conversation had suddenly joined in. She's a lot calmer than what she would have said in canon. I glance back at the two parents and they nod. However, Venelana had more to say.

"I understand, Rias. However, you already canceled your engagement with Riser, remember? The fact that we permitted it should be seen of as special treatment."

"While I wasn't for it...How much effort do you think your father and Sirzechs had to put in, in order to take care of things with the other high-class devils?"

"Do you know that he told one noble that 'my selfish daughter canceled her engagement using the legendary dragon and middleman'? You may be the younger sister of a Satan, but there is still a limit."


Rias frowned but didn't say anything, so Venelana continued.

"Do you think Sirzechs is unrelated to what you do? Officially, that is true. However, everyone sees you as a Satan's younger sister."

"Right now, when the three great powers have formed an alliance, your position is known even by the lower classes of the other powers. You can't behave selfishly as you have in the past."

"And, above all else, everyone will pay attention to you from now on."

"Rias, you have been placed into that kind of position, you know? Your father and I have noticed how much you've improved since Jin came into your life, we acknowledge that, but we are still your parents and are only looking out for your best interests in mind."

I could feel Rias's emotions were changing, from anger to sadness to acceptance.

"...Yes, Mother."

After letting out a single breath, Venelana turned to us with a smile.

"I've shown something ugly to Rias' group members, haven't I? Forgive me, now let's have a more pleasant rest of dinner."

It was nighttime, everyone was asleep but I wasn't feeling tired. I had stayed with Valerie and Asia until they fell asleep. I had felt around the entire residence and a few maids, butlers, and Rias's parents were still awake.

Even Grayfia had gone to sleep, I had met up with her earlier and did the deed with the 'Master and Maid' role play, she was really into it…. So, that's why she's asleep… I feel like she wants me to play the role of 'Master' more, I'll try for her sake.

I was walking around with any destination in mind, I had felt Venelana's aura slowly approaching me, and when we finally meet, where the hallways meet, they formed a cross shape...when saw me she smiled.

"Ara, are you not feeling tired, Jin-kun?"

"No, I stayed with Asia and Valerie until they fell asleep. It's not the first time I've been here but I haven't explored the place much. I was also planning on speaking with your husband."

She smiled at me again and grabbed my hand.

"Jin-kun, please come with me, it won't take long."

I had no problems with that so I let her pull me along. We slowly walked through some hallways, up some stairs and arrived in front of a door. No one was in there.

[Partner, remember NO NTR!]

Ddraig, shut up, I obviously won't be doing anything like that…

[Just making sure…]

She pushes the door open and guides me in, the door closes behind us, it was a spacious room, almost like a ballroom…is she here to teach me or show me how to ballroom dance? This late at night?

"Now then, shall we?"


We take up the usual positions and we start to silently dance around the room. Step by step, motion by motion, we slowly covered the whole room with our dancing, the air tranquil, our footsteps and breathing were the only noticeable noise throughout it.

"Ara… You seem knowledgeable about this, Jin-kun."

"I had…. Some tutors, Grayfia and two other devil ladies beat it into me."

We kept dancing as Venelana giggled at me, but had a satisfied face. We eventually stop and I try to let go of her hand but she kept a firm grip on it.


She pulls me in and touches my cheeks with both her hands. She stares straight into my eyes.

"Jin-kun, please look after my daughter, she may be still childish at times, but the effect you're having on her— As well as your harem, is definitely a positive thing. While I said some harsh things to her during dinner, I— No, WE are proud of her."

"….I have lived a long life, and so has my husband… I manage his harem after all. I know when someone is going through something, I may not have said anything back during the classroom observations but…"

"I believe you can pull yourself through this… You have people around you that care for you, please rely on them."


Chu ~

My eyes widen when I felt her kiss my forehead, she quickly pulled away and smiled at me while sporting a small blush.


"Now then, my husband is waiting for you. I shall go to bed now, I will see you tomorrow, Jin-kun."

Venelana quickly but elegantly left the room. I was left there by myself.


I know, that meant nothing… She— They already see me as their 'son-in-law' a mother figure giving me some reassurance, I appreciate it.

[No, she—]

Leave it Ddraig. That's a future that can't be attained.


I also leave through the door and focus on Zeoticus's aura. I find him in a room which I will assume is his office.

Knock ~ Knock ~


When I pushed the door open, Zeoticus pushes his glasses up and smiles. He also puts down the documents he was holding.

"Ah, Jin-kun! Welcome! Come, come."

He gestures for me to sit at one of the chairs in front of his desk and I do so.


"I'm fine, thank you."

He nods as he pours himself more and takes a sip on it, I'll start then.

"Zeoticus, there are a few unoccupied buildings in Kuoh, there are two that are side by side, I was thinking of demolishing those and building it there."

"Hmm-hmm, are those the ones near the boutique and across the flower shop?"

"Yes, those two. Since I'm just one person, I can either hire normal humans or create some beings to work for me. In reality, if I start in Kuoh all I need is your family's permission to start a business there, I am part of the supernatural and you own that place after all."

Zeoticus nods along as he listened carefully.

"We can lend some of our servants to work there until you hire some normal workers or when you create your own staff, my son has forwarded that to me, not as a Satan but as a former Gremory. I see no problems with it, Jin-kun. However… How will you manage college while managing a restaurant?"

I smile at him and snap my fingers, an Avatar pops into existence beside me, we look identical, Zeoticus eyes widen but then he starts laughing.

"Of course! I just acknowledge you could create life, creating a clone or body double is child's play to you!"

I nod and dismiss the clone.

"Very well, so, after your graduation, perhaps before the start of college? Is that acceptable?"

"Yes, that should be fine, I will gradually think of a name for my restaurant."

"Hmmm, I shall send you my own names I come up with."

I nod and give him my number; he puts it away.

"Well then, I'll take my leave then. Goodnight, Zeoticus…."

"Yes, goodnight, Jin-kun… Right, my wife's lipstick is on your forehead, you may want to get rid of that, kuku."


He laughed at me as I left his office. I quickly get rid of the lipstick on me and go back to my room.


'When will you learn…'

{He never does, Rudra.}

'His tail is on fire.'

Next day

"You'll really meet us there, right?"

Rias asked me for the fourth time this morning, they were going to Lucifaad within the Satan's territory, the old capital of the Underworld where the previous Lucifer lived. The meeting was today.

I had told her during breakfast that I was meeting up with Kuroka along with Shirone, it won't take long and we would be there before them, probably.


Grayfia called out to Rias as Grayfia was standing by the train, Rias quickly gives me a hug, while Akeno was already hugging me from behind… Okay, all the girls were hugging me…

"Get going or you'll miss this…"

They finally let me go and they boarded the train, Valerie and Shirone were the ones left with me. The train rang as they started to move away.

"Haa…. This will be exhausting."

I don't look forward to meeting pompous stuck-up noble devils, I might literally kill them.

Pinch! Pinch! Pinch!

"Do not kill anyone."

Grayfia, Asteri, and Venelana had joined us to see off Rias and her peerage, they also pinched me… Great, triple pinching is in my future.

"I won't, probably."

"I know some of the more… Older and closed-minded noble devils will get on your nerves, but please do keep your calm, Jin-kun."

Asteri was the one who let go of me first, followed up by Venelana. Grayfia kept pinching me.

"Alright, alright, I won't. So please let go of me, Fia."

She sighs and finally does so.

"I'll get going too. I'll see you all this evening."

They nod as we teleport away.

Unknown Location


"When will they arrive nya? Doesn't Shirone and Rias have a meeting to go to today?"

I had been cleaning my previous home within this unnamed part of the Underworld, it was a little home that my mother and… That man had lived in. It wasn't anything extravagant but…it was 'home'.

Jin said he would fix it when he finally visits this place, today was that day… I had spent yesterday taking things out that I found important. If I was being honest, all of it was. I had memories here, whether they were fun or not…

I had created a grave and headstone for my mother, during the explosion her body was completely annihilated, bones and all, so there wasn't anything to bury. The same with that man. Even when I was still wanted, I would occasionally come here to just think.



I turn to my left and see Jin, Shirone, and Valerie, they finally came!

"Finally nya! Took you long enough nya!"

I run over and hug my little sister, she didn't resist. Over the months she stopped, though she around seventy percent of the time didn't hug me back, but I didn't mind. I let go and hug Jin too, as well as Valerie.

Valerie nya, you're being so weird with your way of getting close to Jin, but I can respect it nya.

"Now then! If you will, Jin-san!"

"'San'? Right, well I'll get to it then. Oh right, do you want me to get rid of that thing underneath?"

I nod, that place holds nothing of value anymore— No it never did to me or Shirone. I glance at my little sister as she blankly stares at the spot, it never gets easy, even more so for Shirone. I take a hold of her hand and she grips it back tight.

I see Jin nod and he snaps his fingers…

Rumble! Rumble! Shiing! Shiing! Klank! Thud! Bash!

The debris around the previous home was crushed and vanished, the place started to shake and rumble, then finally a bright pillar of light engulfed the home, once it vanished… My— Our previous home was restored.

"I made a normal basement, it's pretty spacious, I also added a barrier around the place, only the ones in our home can come and go. It also has the 'core' I made for my home. So, infinite energy."

"I haven't messed with anything else, once we go in… You can request whatever you want— If you want me to change anything that is."

Shirone and I both nod, we walk past Jin and open the door to our previous home. I turn back around as Jin starts to fix the surroundings too, the garden, little pond, trees, the path, the old swing set, and other small tidbits started to go back to their previous state.

We go inside as Valerie joins us.


Shirone lets go of my hand as she walks around the place, she starts to touch the furniture and anything else from our past. I could feel my own emotions starting to stir.

Shirone picks up a picture book that was on the table beside the armchair. She sits down and starts going through it.

Flick ~ Flick ~ Flick ~

She starts to go through it slowly, looking at each page, remembering the past… I remember mother going through that with the both of us…

Drip ~ Drip ~


I walk over to my little sister as tears started to slide down her cheeks, she was shaking as well.

"Nee-sama…. Mom… Use to…"

"I know… I remember."

I urge her to put the book down so we could explore the place a little more, along with Valerie we went to each room and I told her stories of the past.

"Here, Shirone first fell off the chair, she wanted more of the snacks mom had but… She couldn't reach it."

The tears that Shirone shed quickly dried up, as she was snickering remembering the memory. It wasn't all bad…

We went up to our old room… It was tiny, we both shared it… Across from it was our parents… Mother spent the majority of the time there alone… That man spent most of it down there…

We finally make our way downstairs to the new basement that Jin made, when we got there…it was mostly empty, but it was well lit with a single light, a few storage containers, a freezer, a small 'core' in the middle of the room in the ground, we could at it since it was inside a glass container of sorts.

"Well, it's pretty normal…"

The two of them nod as we leave the basement.

"That's all of it, huh?"


"It's a wonderful home, Kuroka-san, Shirone-san."

The three of us stood by the living room again, Jin hadn't come in the entire time… How long has it been?

"We've been in here for almost an hour… The train from President's home takes around three hours to reach Lucifaad, we still have time, Nee-sama."

"Jin… Hasn't come in here, has he?"

After Shirone told us we had more time, Valerie said what I had thought… What's he up to? We all look out the door but he wasn't outside, we leave the home and look around for him.

"…Over there."

Shirone used her senjutsu to locate Jin, she was pointing over to… Our mother's grave. Since he had fixed up the place, there was a path that led to her grave, trees were also surrounding the place.

"Mom's grave is over there…"

All three of us slowly walked over there, I and Shirone pointed at things and explain of the things we did in the past… Even more memories were here.

Once we were through the little path, we saw Jin. He was kneeling on one knee in front of our mother's grave. He silently stared at her grave without saying a word, he looked quite serious.


He let out a sigh and turned to us.

"Hey, sorry for not going in there. I was speaking to someone."

Speaking…? Was it mom's…

"Were you speaking to mom, Jin-senpai?"


"Yeah. She's a nice woman, I would have loved to meet her in person rather than just a spirit."

"Did you….?"

"Yeah. She declined, but… She said to leave you two to me."


"Hmmm ~ if you did revive her, Shirone, this beast might have tried to seduce her nya!"

…Uuhhh… Eh? That didn't work? They're all just staring at me… I tried to lighten the mood…

"Let's go. We can come back here anytime in the future."

Jin urges us forward, Valerie hugs me and goes back first. Shirone and I stood there looking at her grave. Jin touches us on the shoulder as he slowly makes us turn around and walk away.

"I heard a few stories from your childhood, I can't wait to tell everyone else."

"Nyaaa!!!! I knew it!!!"

"….Hehe, I have some stories about Nee-sama."

The mood around us started to lighten, Jin starts to tell us what mom told him… Khhh!! Why did she mention those ones?!

Fwshoooooooshhhh rustle rustle

The trees were suddenly rustling because of a sudden gust of wind…

[Shirone… Kuroka…. I love the both of you…!]


I— We kept walking forward, we didn't turn back… No, we won't look back anymore, we'll keep moving forward. I know Shirone feels the same way… We'll make her proud. We can make a better future, a future with peace.

Jin Skyward

"…Is that true, Jin-san?"

"I wouldn't lie about something like this, Fujimai-san."

I was by the grave of the two Nekomata's mother. I had called upon her spirit and are currently having a chat.

"I explained my rules to you, it's up to you if you want to be revived or not… But as you're aware…"

"I am about to reincarnate again…"

Yeah, she was close to finishing the process, not all souls immediately reincarnate, in a way, there was a waiting line or list, and in my case, I had to wait 87 quintillion years and that was by chance.

"Jin-san, please tell me how my daughters have been… I will decide after that."

I could see that she was serious… Depending on what I tell her, it will decide whether or not she will accept my offer to be revived.

[Just tell her the truth.]

'Yes, that seems to be the right course of action.'

I already planned on doing that… I take a deep sigh and tell her both stories of her daughters, what happened after the incident, how Shirone was taken in by the devils, and Kuroka was labeled a stray devil.

How both their life ended up, then to the day they both met me, and how their current life is. Fujimai had a range of emotions during this, from sadness, anger, to relief and finally happiness. At the end of my retelling, she looked relieved… Content.

"It seems like I am not needed then."


"Jin-sa— No, Jin-kun, please take care of my daughters for me."

"But… I can revive you; you can be alive again… Be with them, they miss you, you know?"

"….It's alright. I miss them… I really miss them, I want to hug them, let them tell me their worries, see them grow even more… Be there for their weddings… What parent wouldn't want that?"

"….But I have to go. As sad as it is… They've found a new family, both in the Gremory family as well as you and your lovers. Please… Fufu, you can take this as my blessings, Jin-kun."

"That's right, how about I tell you some stories of Kuroka and Shirone? Will you listen? Just this last wish from me..."

"….Sure thing ma'am."

For the next few minutes I listened in to the stories Fujimai told me, the silly things that the two sisters did as children, they were quite funny. But it eventually ended… She smiled at me and vanished… Why won't you accept? Should I just force it like Shuri…?


They're here.

We had reached the front garden again; the two sisters didn't seem all too sad which was great.

"Time to go, what are you going to do, Kuroka? Come with us?"

"I'll go with you nya."

I nod as I gesture for them to join me. Once they did, I teleport to Lucifaad.


Once we arrived in the old capital of the Underworld, we were met with many stares since we did just teleport in, many devils were staring at us. I located the building that the Satans were at and took note of the direction.

We still had time before Rias and the others got here so we just went around looking at the place. They would go from the basement, so I'll have to enter through the main entrance.

Two hours passed in a blink of an eye, so we were now outside the building, I was already wearing my usual clothing that I'm known for, I walk up to the guards in front of the building as they notice my group.


I summoned the [Boosted Gear] making their eyes widen.



The other guard stuttered out but was smacked by the other and corrected him.

"Jin-sama! Please, go ahead!"

I nod and go through with the other two, I kept my Sacred Gear out as a few devils were in there, they saw it on my arm and they became nervous. I walked up to one of the receptionists.

"I'm her—"

"Yes! Please go to the elevator on the left, Jin-sama."

The female devil didn't even let me finish, I nod and continue on our way, I take a brief glance at the place, it looked quite fancy, well this was the building for those nobles after all. Fancy multicolored carpet, with multiple clan symbols on it.

A couple of potted plants, lights powered up by demonic energy, the chairs, couches, and tables also looked quite fancy.

I entered the elevator with Kuroka, Shirone, and Valerie. The elevator traveled up quickly and we soon hit the top floor, it opened and we go through, still, with my [Boosted Gear] I show the employee and they let me through.

I could see ahead that Rias and everyone else was there, including Sairaorg and a few devils that I recognized.

"Shirone, go ahead of us."


Shirone quickened her pace and reached Rias, she looked a bit surprised but welcomed her, the Gremory peerage turned around as I de-summoned the Sacred Gear.

I put a hand up as they nod at me, Sairaorg had a grin on him. I arrive with the other two in front of Sairaorg.



He grins at me and we bump fists. When we did, he frowned a bit but he went back to his usual expression.

"It's been a while, how have you been? Is your mother doing well?"

"I am well, Jin and yes, she has been adjusting very well these last few months. She wants to meet with you and thank you personally in the future. If you have time that is."

"I probably will, I don't mind."

Rias started to talk to him again.

"So, what are you doing in a passage like this?"

"Ah, we came out here because it's so idiotic in there."

"…Idiotic? Have the other members also arrived then?"

"Agares and Astaroth have already arrived. Zephyrdor came last. Immediately after he arrived, Zephyrdor and Agares started arguing."

Sairaorg shook his head displeased with the situation, his peerage was also with him.

.....? I could see that Coriana Andrealphus, one of Sairaorg's [Bishop] was eyeing Gasper like… A prey. Gasper himself was awkwardly looking away, pretending like he wasn't noticing it—


The building shook violently as heard a sound from nearby, proud noble devils… Are they worse than human teenagers?

Worried by it, Rias without hesitation went to the big door from which the noise had come from.

"Geez, this is why I advised not meeting before the meeting."

Sighing, Sairaorg followed after Rias along with his peerage, I nod at the hooded Regulus and he did the same.

Beyond the opened big door— Was a banquet hall that was all smashed up, the tables, chairs, and decorations were all destroyed.

All the devils were split into two camps who glared at each other at the center of the room, weapons had been taken out, and there was an explosive air to the whole situation.

One side was made of evil-looking goblin-like devils. The other side seemed to be made of relatively ordinary devils. However, both groups gave off an aura that was full of cold killing intent.

"Zephyrdor, can you not help starting a fight at a place like this? Do you want to die? Do you really want to die? Even if I kill you, I won't be blamed by the people on top."

The two groups glared at each other. A female devil had said it coolly. Saying something fearful like 'I'll kill you'.

It was Seekvaira Agares. Seekvaira is a beautiful young woman in her late teens with long, pale greenish blonde hair, long slit pink eyes, and glasses that give off an impression of being cold rather than cool.

"Hah! I'll say it again, bitch! I said that I'd teach you in one shot in a private room with great trouble! The Agares' really doesn't like being without her guards, now does she?"

"Heh, is that why you're still a virgin who hasn't let a man come near her till now!? Geez, all the women of the families of the Satans stink of virgins and are unbearable! That's why I said that I'd do a formal opening ceremony for you!"

The devil who said that, he had a black magic-like tattoo on his face, and his green hair was standing on its end. There were also black magic-like tattoos on his upper body which was bare and uncovered. The ornaments on his pants jingled and clanked.

He fit the 'delinquent' stereotype all too well. Sairaorg who was beside me sighed, he sounded fed up with it all. I don't blame him, they're an annoying bunch, full of pride and bravado, like certain humans.

"They are the new generation, but act like this…the old devils and high-class devils knew this would happen… I don't want to have anything to do with such a useless thing, but it can't be helped."

After adjusting his neck with a snap, Sairaorg stepped forward to the two teams who were glaring at each other.

Sairaorg-san came between the two sides who looked like they were about to start brawling. The eyes of the Seekvaira Agares and Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas turned to him.

"Seekvaira, princess of the Agares family, and Zephyrdor, the rebel child of the Glasya-Labolas family. If you go any further than this, I will be your opponent. Listen, I know this is sudden, but this is your last warning. Depending on your next words and actions, I will use my fists without mercy."

He's become even more fearless, when I checked Sairaorg out… He had reached the peak of Satan Class, he didn't need much more time until he starts to push past Super Devil, hell, maybe even entering [Balance Break] he might reach it.

'Perhaps the Bael has reached his so-called [Breakdown the Beast] state?'

That also could have happened… We won't know until the Rating game between Bael and Gremory.

A vein started throbbing on the forehead of Zephyrdor at those words and turned red with anger.

"For the incompetent Bael family to—"


An intense blow resounded, before the delinquent could finish speaking, he was slammed into the wall of the hall by a blow from Sairaorg.


The delinquent fell off from the wall. He seemed to have already lost consciousness and fell face-down on the floor.

"I told you. That was your last warning."

In reaction to the actions of the overwhelming Sairaorg—

"You bastard!"

"Damn the Bael family!"

The delinquent's servants nearly rush forward from the momentum of losing their master, but—

"Look after your master. That's the first thing you should do. Even if you turn your swords towards me, you will gain nothing.

"The important function will be starting soon, so make sure your master recovers first."


The delinquent's family stopped moving at those words and then ran over to where their master had fallen down.

Next, Sairaorg turned to look at the Seekvaira Agares. I could understand why her expression stiffened; I motivated this man to be an even bigger monster. I am not sorry about it.

"There's still time. Put your make-up on again. It wouldn't do to attend the function while wearing something so bad."

"I-I understand."

Seekvaira Agares stuttered out, she turned back and then left the hall along with her family.

After confirming that, Sairaorg spoke to his own family.

"Call the staff. The hall is too messed up, and I won't be able to have tea with Rias and Jin like this."

"You got even stronger, Sairaorg."

"I can't stay weak forever."

He was gazing at me with concern, Sairaorg is a smart man, he probably noticed something was off with me when we bumped fists—

"Ah, Jin-senpai!!"

Then, I heard a familiar voice from nearby. When I turned around, people who wore the familiar Kuoh Academy uniform were there.

"So, it's Saji. Ah, Sona too."

"Hello, Rias, Jin."

It seemed that Saji and Sona had also arrived in the hall.

"I am Seekvaira Agares. The next head of the Agares family, rank Archduke."

The Gremory group and I were given a greeting by Seekvaira Agares from before— The princess of the Agares family.

After that incident, the reception hall had been restored by the magic of the staff members who ran over and had mostly been returned to normal.

The young people had gathered amongst themselves again and were exchanging greetings. We were all sitting around a table, with the delinquent from before and his servants left out.

"...Why is a human here? Isn't this a meeting between servants and noble families?"

Zephyrdor asked as he eyed me up, all other eyes went to me. I looked back at him blankly, I wonder why Zechs hadn't called me up yet or something… Why was I even allowed here? I'm no devil.

"Got lost, trying to find the candy factory."



The whole hall fell silent at my sentence, Rias had facepalmed, her peerage were trying to keep themselves from laughing, Sairaorg just let it out, he howled in laughter.

"….He is the Middleman and current Red Dragon Emperor, I was at the after-party of Rias Gremory's win over Riser Phenex, he had a duel with him…. Have you not kept up with the news of the Underworld?"

"He also recently oversaw the Peace Treaty signed by the three powers as well as helped protect them against an attack!"

Seekvaira went on a little tangent on Zephyrdor, he just rolled his eyes seemingly not interested, the other devils became a bit wearier after being told that.

"Right, Jin here has also bested me in a private duel I requested months back, even now I do not feel confident in beating him."



What kind of menu should I have for my restaurant? Hmm? Why are they all looking at me?


"…Jin, were you even paying attention?"

"No, I'm not a devil, so this has nothing to do with me, hell, I don't even know why I was invited by Zechs."


Rias took out a paper fan and hit me on the head, I let my head bobble like a bobble head toy. She needs to lighten up, but what I said was true. I could also see Diodora eyeing Asia.


He froze as well as everyone else. The devils near me were looking at me in shock.

"Keep those eyes forward, boy."

They all follow my gaze as Diodora Astaroth quickly moves his entire body to look somewhere else. Breaking the silence, Sairaorg laughed again and pats my back.

"Fuahahaha! Quite protective of your lovers now, aren't you, Jin?"


That little weaselly already drank Azrael's blood and he was at the peak of Ultimate-class, even with the blood he only went up that high? How weak are you? Whatever, let's cripple him now.



Diodora jolted up as he started to pat himself down, the devils around him looked at him confused, he looks back at me with suspicion, I give him a blank stare. Angry and annoyed he sat back down.

I permanently locked his powers to Low Class, he can't improve it, I also made his demonic pool abysmal… Heh, won't that be more entertaining?

A door opened over there and an employee came in.

"Sorry for making you all wait for so long. —Everyone is waiting."

Finally, this crap is starting!

The room that we young devils were all led to had a strange atmosphere about it.

There were seats placed in very high places here, and there were distinguished-looking people sitting there. What's more, there were distinguished-looking devils on the level above that as well.

There was a face I recognized on the next level above that— Satan Sirzechs Lucifer. Beside him was Serafall who winked at me. She wasn't dressed as a Magical girl today.

Cúntóir: Answer: Jin.


Cúntóir: Answer: Try looking into the future.

Huh? Why? All I'm going to see is a stupid eye.

Cúntóir: Answer: Please do it. It's important, since… Azathoth wants to make this a little easier for you, he has interfered.

….Interfered? What? Why? Why now? Why not earlier? You know what? Fuck, whatever.

I closed my eyes and tried looking into the future.

<Hi hi Jin-chan!>


The fuck is this bitch doing here?

<It's your future lover, Nyarlathotep-chan!>

She started to wave at me, my anger was at its peak, but I know I'll be stopped so I didn't bother. I stared at the eye angrily.





I replied back. This made the bitch burst into laughter.

<Hahahah! I don't know why Papazoth is speaking like this, he can talk normally you know? Well, whatever, he won't stop being cryptic, anyway. I was sent far away, hell I don't even know where I am!>


<You're confused, I love you so I'll explain. Papazoth… In your old world's words 'yeeted' me far away, he didn't like me messing with his successor he's been looking for so long, he's pretty fond of you now, you know? I'll be released from wherever this is when you evolve.>

She started to blow kisses at me, further annoying me.

<But you can probably end me by then, 'tis was brief, but alas our love was not meant to be. But I did do enough to give you a little bit more of an annoyance~>



Not good enough.

<Let me break it down for you ~~~ just kidding~ it's all a surprise ~ I'm a lot sneakier though, I can still watch you struggle from here, so! Make it into a porno for me! Eh? W-Wait! No Papazoth! Let me watch him during that time! That's the only time I get to masturbate!>


What a fucking pervert, what the fuck?

<Well don't worry Jin-chan! I'll try my hardest at breaking free! Maybe I'll be back soon! Give me a kiss pwease?!>

Ignoring the psycho, I turn to Azathoth.

"This doesn't change anything."



I start to leave when—

<Let me see your dick!!! I didn't get the right image for it! Ahhh!! Wait, no, okay! Here's a hint! I made babies! While they're not at the power of an Outer God, they're Multiversal! They're still asleep though, slowly getting used to their powers and new bodies as they sleep. They'll wake up soon though ~ Wuv chuu!!!>

<You're their papa in a way! Hubby! Hubby! Hehehe! You'll recognize them! I modeled them after characters you know ~ Pwease say I love you back! Jin-chan! Jin-chan!!!!!!>


More problems, so offspring's, huh? Then I need to get everyone to Omniversal soon… Or at least Multiversal...



"I'm leaving."

<Nooooooooooo!!!!!! Jin-chan!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, how about this?! Your past name! Your past name is A====, DAMMIT PAPAZOTH!!! Jin-chan!!!!!!!!!!!>

"I wish to build a school for the Rating Games in the Underworld."


So, everyone else has already told their dreams to the old fucks up there? When they heard this the higher-ups scrunched up their eyebrows.

"If it's learning about Rating Games, isn't there already one for that?"

As if checking, a higher-up asked this to Sona. Sona answered blandly.

"That is just a school where only High-class devils and devils of privileged rank are accepted. The school that I want to build is one where Low-class devils and reincarnated devils can also attend without any distinction."

Equality is what she wants, I can stand by that… It would be a good place for the future Underworld. Saji was also proudly listening to Sona's dream. However, those old bats won't take her seriously.


The laughter of the higher-ups ruled over the assembly hall. Sona's eyes had narrowed, and her face had become serious. Both Serafall and Sirzechs look at me worriedly.

[Keep calm, Partner.]

I'm not a child, I don't just react randomly. They're annoying but I won't just kill them unless it involved the name Nyarlathotep.

"That's impossible!"

"This is just brilliant!"

"I see! So you're a little girl who dreams!"

"It's good to be young! However, for the next head of the Sitri family to state such a dream, I have to say thank goodness that it was here at this place of introduction before your debut."

Even if the current Underworld has changed much from the past, discrimination between the high-class devils, low-class devils, and reincarnated devils still exists. There are also still a lot of people who believe that to be natural as well.

Sona and the current Satans want to change that, but these cu— Old devils make it a little harder.

"I'm serious."

Serafall also nodded strongly in agreement. She almost seemed to be saying 'Well said!' With her position as Satan, she couldn't support her younger sister, but even so, she seemed worried about her.

A higher-up spoke with cool-headed words.

"Sona Sitri-dono. Low-class devils and reincarnated devils merely work for their High-class devil masters and are only selected for their talent. Wouldn't building such a training institution make the old families, who value tradition and pride, lose face?"

"No matter how much people say that the world of devils has entered a period of change, change can be both good and bad. Something like teaching mere Low-class devils really is nothing of your concern…"


"Why have you been looking down on President's— On Sona-sama's dream like that while I've been listening silently!? It's strange! Why should you decide that it won't come true!? We're serious here!"

The one who couldn't remain silent anymore to these words was Saji.

"Be careful how you talk, young reincarnated devil. Sona-dono, your servant hasn't been properly trained.

One of the higher-ups warned.

"…I apologize. I'll speak to him later."

Sona said this without changing her expression at all. Saji became dumbfounded at her lack of reaction.

"President! Why!? These people, they mocked your— Our dream! Why, do you remain silent!?"

"Saji, be quiet. This isn't a place where you can display such an attitude. I simply told them my future goal. That's all."


Sona narrowed her eyes and scolded Saji. Saji also seemed to want to say something, but he held his tongue.

"In that case! If my Sona-chan wins magnificently in the games, you won't have any complaints, right? Since many things are granted by saving up good results in the games!"

Everyone was surprised by Serafall's sudden suggestion. The Satan in question was in a pissed-off mood, I don't blame her, I'm also quite annoyed by this point, only slightly though.

"Geez! You old men are all joining forces to torment my Sona-chan! Even I have my limit of endurance! If you bully her that much, I'll torment you as well!"

I couldn't help but snicker at this, a few devils beside me glance in my direction.

Serafall-sama spoke to the devil higher-ups with watery eyes. The higher-ups in question blinked their eyes at the livid Satan Leviathan and had trouble reacting.

Sona covered her face, seemingly embarrassed.

"I agree with Serafall."

All eyes turned to me as they watch the 'human' speak.

"As said by Serafall Leviathan, once you're at a high rank and saved many good results in the Rating Games, her dream can be granted. I believe she— Sona Sitri will rise up the ranks, along with her reincarnated servants."

"Hard work will always pay off in the end."

Saji was looking at me proudly, Sona was a bit shocked I stood up for her, I like them, so I don't mind saying something like this. The higher-ups look at me with a sneer.

"And you are? Why is a lowly human even here?"

I raise a brow and look at Sirzechs and Serafall, both turn sideways and pretend to whistle… Those little… They didn't inform these old geezers?

Did I get in here just by showing my [Boosted Gear] to the staff? Or did Rias have something to do with it since she was here earlier?


[Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker!!!!!]

Without a word I entered my [Balance Break] state with my [Boosted Gear] I retract the helmet and stare at the higher-ups, they all look at me in surprise.

"That's right, he's the [Welsh Dragon], Red Dragon Emperor and Middleman, Jin Skyward-kun."

Sirzechs seemed quite smug when he spoke and made my introduction.

"And my lover!!!!!!!!!"

Serafall shouted as she waved at me, the higher-ups, Sirzechs and the devils in there stare at her blankly. I facepalm.... Sera… We're not official yet, hell, we haven't interacted in quite a long time…

Ignoring what Serafall said, Sirzechs continued on. I also quietly exit my [Balance Break].

"Very well. Then, let's play the games, between these young people."

Everyone paid attention to Sirzechs' words.

"Rias, Sona, would you not like to fight each other?"

The two heiresses look at each other, Rias had a confident smile on her, and Sona looked a bit shocked.

Heh, she was rearing to go, huh? Did I turn her into a battle maniac?



Without minding them, Sirzechs continued.

"Originally, it was planned for Rias' game to take place in a few days. Azazel has gathered Rating Game fans from each of the powers, also under the pretext of watching the games of the young people before their debuts. That's why it's fine like this. Let's hold the game with Rias and Sona."

Eventually, Sona also started to show a scornful smile. She also intends to do it full-throttle.

"It may not be an official one, but it feels like fate to me that you would be my first Rating Game opponent, Rias."

"Now that we're competing with each other, I won't lose, Sona."

Sparks were flying right away; the two heiresses were glaring at each other.

It was Rias vs. Sona, the Occult Research Club vs the Student Council.

"A match between Rias-chan and Sona-chan! Yes ~ It may fire things up!"

Serafall also looked happy with how it turned out.

"The date of the competition is August 20th in human world time. You may each divide up your time as you like until then. The details will be sent again later."

By Sirzechs's decision, the Rating Game between Rias and Sona was going to start that way.

Once out Sairaorg and I promised each other that I will come visit him tomorrow to meet with his mother.

"I see, so it'll be a showdown with the Sitri group."

We had returned to the Gremory family's main residence. The one who had welcomed us there was Azazel.

We had gathered in the wide living room and given Azazel an account of the meeting from a short while ago.

"Today is July 4th, in human world time. So we have about a full month and then some until the showdown day."

"No need, these guys won't need to train in raw power, just technique, and control."

Everyone turns to me, I continue.

"I know the future rules of the game, all I'm going to say is, it's a huge disadvantage to this peerage."

"You could say, the Gremory peerage is all about strength and power, while Sitri peerage is technique and plans."

"Sirzechs knows that, Serafall knows that, so they'll probably put a huge disadvantage over this group so it won't be a one-sided show."

Azazel nods and asks me a question.

"Then will you be overseeing the Gremory peerage?"

"No. I have my own things and plans, I'm the Middleman, I have to go to some factions and pantheons. I was approached by a messenger from the Greek Gods, so I'll be going to Greece soon too."

"Even if you guys are powerful now, skipping out on training and becoming complacent will be your downfall, the ones who complain are failures that have never once worked hard in their life, whether they be part of the supernatural or normal humans."

"How do you think star human athletes keep their spots at the top? By eating Cheetos and fingering their assholes? No, by constantly working hard and honing themselves. While you guys won't go up in raw power, your technique and control still can."

They look a bit surprised by what I used as an example, but it should get through to them. I turn to Azazel.

"That reminds me, Azazel, I want to bring witnesses with me. This goes for all three powers. I'm taking a Fallen, An Angel, and a Devil."

"Witness? Hmm, I see where you're coming from… Alright, sure… I'll recommend Penemue then. You'll need to talk to the Satans and Michael in Heaven for the others."

"I'm fine with that. It'll only be during my visit to Greece, Mount Olympus."

He nods and turns back to the Gremory peerage, taking what I said into consideration, he tells them he'll have a regime on that then, control and technique.

I leave for my room.


Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, Jin?

Why did Azathoth decide to help me all of a sudden? He could have done that earlier, but didn't, so, why now?

Cúntóir: Answer: He may have had his reasons, perhaps even though you evolved into an Outer God, he may have wanted to see your value before acting? Nyarlathotep did say Azathoth has become fond of you… He searched for years to find a successor, you're his one and only chance now.

Whatever he gave me a bit of breathing room, but it looks like I have other problems now. Multiversal enemies, that will hunt me down when they wake up? I just need to get the girls to that level and they can fight them off.

I'll need more shadows and beings. They'll surely try to…Skip that.

Cúntóir cover this whole planet in a barrier that only I and other Outer Gods can break through or teleport into. Anything or anyone else can't get through without my expression permission.

[A big 'No u' to the ExE Gods, and Ghidorah then?]

'How will Velgrynd get here then…?'

When I feel her, I'll let her through, don't worry about that, Rudra. Also, make it undetectable by other Gods, it would be a hassle to deal with them questioning or bitching at everything.

Cúntóir: Answer: Processing… Covering 'Earth, Draconic Deus' in a barrier…..

Cúntóir: Answer: Complete…

I could feel something cover the whole planet; it was invisible. Cúntóir did any being notice this?

Cúntóir: Answer: Azathoth and most likely Nyarlathotep, only them. If another Outer God wakes, then they will too.


[Partner, what will you do now? Immediately go to the Faerie Kingdom? Asgard? Kyoto? Mount Olympus?]

I will visit Sairaorg first, he did say his mother wishes to thank me, after that, I'll check on Latia and then Roygun. Then I'll go to Ireland. I'll be bringing Valerie with me to all of them, anyone else will need to ask or tell me.

Later that night

It has been a few hours after dinner, everyone was relaxing at various places, tomorrow, the Gremory peerage will be doing their own training without me. I most likely won't see them until their Rating game against the Sitri peerage in August.

I already explained this to them, while they were sad, they understood why. I had to… Comfort Akeno for a bit she wouldn't stop clinging to me. This was the same for Kuroka, she'll be with Asia and Shirone.

"Jinnn don't leaveeee…."

I tried to get up but Akeno kept clinging to me…. Maybe I should just bring her along and ask her? Whatever I already plan on asking them all eventually.

"Fine… Asia can you come with me for a second?"

Asia was across from me, she tilts her head cutely but nodded, she was playing cards with Xenovia, and the girl was wracking her head at the game… I'm more surprised that Kuroka didn't slam her Purple eyes Purple Dragon onto the spot.

"That also means you're coming too, Akeno."

She was happy with that so she just clung to me as I walked away with Asia.

We had arrived in my room, on the way there… We came across Grayfia, so she also decided to join us.

I was not expecting to ask three of them at the same time about this… I wanted to take my time. It can't be helped then.


The three of them stood there, I deployed a sound canceling barrier around the room. I stared at the ground as they were looking at me waiting to continue.

"Jin-san? W-Why did you want to talk to me?"

Asia sounded worried, I don't blame her I didn't exactly say why, she trusts me quite deeply so she just went with me.

"Right. I already asked Reni this months ago, she already said yes… I was originally only going to ask Asia this, but seeing as how Akeno didn't let go of me and we met Grayfia along the way, I'll ask all three of you."

I was still staring at the ground when I said that, I finally look up, dawning my serious look.

"As you three know, I'm an Outer God. I'm basically immortal, I will live forever, do you see where I'm going with this?"

They didn't answer me, however, I can see their eyes widening so yes, they do understand where I'm going with this.

"I made Lavinia Reni immortal just like myself, she will be with me forever. I had mentioned this to her before your Rating game with Riser Phenex, but I only made her immortal just before the incident with Kokabiel and Azrael."

"I was originally going to ask Asia alone since she mentioned being with me forever… During a certain time. I was going to ask you, Asia Argento, if you were serious… But since you two are here. I will extend this question to the both of you."

I look at each of them straight in the eye.

"Will you stay with me? I can change it now… But if you don't have an answer yet, then please take your time and when you have your answer… Tell me. I will accept any of your answers. Whether your answer is a yes or no."

I sigh and turn around; I walk over to the veranda and look out into the night sky of the Underworld. The three of them had gone into deep thinking, the night sky here isn't half bad, but I like the night sky of the human world more.

Maybe because I was a human before being reborn here?

Yeah, I like the night sky.

[Yeah, I like the night sky.]

...…..? Huh? Hey, Ddraig, did you just repeat what I said?

[Huh? What are you talking about, Partner? I've just been sitting in my home reading a book that Cúntóir gave me.]

So it, wasn't you? Alright, my bad… That means that was… Me? I sounded weird if that was my past voice…


Did the rest of hear that?

{No, I'm afraid not, Jin.}

'No, sorry, Jin.'

Cúntóir: Answer: No.

I also like the night sky in my old life? I mean, that's a pretty common thing, I think… Astrology? Star watching? Me being a weird teenager and just looking at the sky? Maybe Azathoth is going to let me dream then, seeing as how I just heard that.


I turn around and see the three with serious expressions, I didn't think they would have an answer this soon.


"I have my answer… Though if I'm being honest. I had this answer for a long time now."

"I-I also have my answer!"

"You already heard my answer months ago, Jin. However, I will repeat it again."

Akeno, Asia, and Grayfia answered me in that order, I nod and walk back to them. I stand in front of them, and they look at one another as Akeno nods and starts first.

"Jin, I would expect you to know my answer already, as I'll be your first and official wife. But you're both dense and not at the same time, my answer is a yes, silly. I want to be with you forever… While my mother may pass again… At least dad and I would have lived a long life with her."

"I can always extend her lifespan…"

Akeno shakes her head at what I suggest… Well, I kind of expect Shuri to decline if I did offer it…

"I'm sure mom wants to live and die as a human with a normal life expectancy."

Live and die as a human… I wonder if someone will… No stop, now's not the time, Jin.

"I see, thank you."

"Ufufu ~ next up, Asia-chan ~"


Asia is both a confident and a nervous girl at the same time… How does that work? She's quite fearless when fighting, but when in normal situations she can revert back to her old nervous self. But that only happens from time to time.

"I-I meant what I said when I first sucked on your thing! I w-want to be with Jin-san forever!"


"Ara ara~ Ufufufu~"

"Such a confession happened during such an obscene time?"

Akeno and Grayfia looked at Asia, she slowly turned red as what she said had finally caught up to her.

"I-Is that so? Alright then… Thanks for confirming that, Asia."

Finally, Grayfia. She has a soft and content smile on her as she steps forward.

"'I will live to serve you for the rest of time, I just want to stand by your side and nothing more— That is all I wish for.'"

"That is what I said to you before, Jin. That hasn't changed, those feelings have only strengthened over time. So, my answer is also a yes."

I wouldn't forget those words that easily, Grayfia. I don't forget, not now, not ever. But… It's relieving to hear… Kuroka, she's part of the original three women who have been with me the longest… I need to ask her soon.

I nod and go over to Akeno; I was about to touch her shoulder when she grabbed my hand and intertwined it with hers. I let out a little chuckle and did it, her life span went from ten thousand to becoming immortal, she won't die of old age anymore…

I let go of Akeno's hand but she walks behind me and hugs me. Asia did the same thing, our hands intertwine and I made her immortal, finally Grayfia. She did things a bit differently…

"Oh my!"

"Ara ara, Grayfia-san is quite bold… Ufufufu."

Asia let out a little gasp and Akeno 'ufufu'd' behind me. She was looking over my shoulder. Grayfia also grabbed my hand, but instead of intertwining our hands, she put my hand on top of her right breast, my right, so it's her left breast…

No, she— Grayfia… Put my hand on top of her heart. Once she did so, she put both of her hands on top of mine, hugging it in a way. She did this all with her eyes closed.

This is… Adorable. I then change her to be immortal, and with that, these three are immortal like Reni and I…

Four so far then, I wonder who will decline… No, positive thinking, they'll all say yes! Maybe…

"Well, we're done, that's all I wanted to ask and do from you three..... Uh, thank you, by the way."

They said nothing as they just smiled at me…. Did I say something weird? After that we went back to everyone, some asked Asia and Akeno what happened, whether they tell them or not I didn't instruct them.

Akeno gave them a vague answer of 'All the girls will be pulled aside in the future, just wait'. They didn't understand but didn't pursue it and went back to what they were doing.

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