Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 2 – Chapter 2 – Hints and a Vampire’s Determination

Dragon Necklace

Dimensional Gap – Ophis

Jin Skyward

"Welcome… Beru."

I greet the newly formed Shadow soldier.

"Who, is that?"

Ophis tilts her head confused by the new being that just popped out of nowhere. Beru glances at the Dragon God, but he ignores her in the end.

"He's… Beru, a soldier I created just now…"


The Dragon God looked confused.

"Why, do you need soldiers? You are strong… Are you making more?"

"I'm just paranoid… And yeah, I'll make one more when we return to the Dimensional Gap again, well, after I fight her since she wants me to prove myself or something."

I could see her nod beside me as she stared intently at Beru.

"He, is stronger than me."

She stated simply with her usual blank expression. I wonder how she really feels? Does she feel conflicted? Threatened? I rid myself of those thoughts for now and look back at Beru. He's kneeling there without saying a word.

I'm not done yet… Cúntóir, do it.

Cúntóir: Answer: Creating new being… Processing image… Appointing power level…

Cúntóir: Answer: Creation of the new being is complete.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Booooooom!!!!!!!

A large knight with a light purple glow, jet-black armor covering him from head to toe, a tattered black cape, and a long red hair-like ornament extending out of the back of his helmet, appears from the black and purple mist from the ground.

Once it has fully materialized, it kneels in front of me.

"My king…"

"Welcome, Igris."

Igris – Current Rank: Omniversal – Ex

I stare at the two. I'll make HIM when we're in the dimensional gap… I'll make him the peak of Omniversal as well…

I also create the sword that Igris uses but I make it a lot more powerful.


Sparks materialized in front of me as the long sword slowly formed.

[Item: Demon King's Long sword]:

+1m Strength

+1m Dexterity

Durability: Unbreakable


1. Storm of White Flames, which summons a miniature lightning storm within a certain area and activates automatically whenever the sword is swung.

2. Ignores and bypasses any and all defenses.

I smile and let the long sword float towards Igris.

"This is your weapon."

"I am eternally grateful, my king…"

Igris takes the sword and latches it onto his hip while constructing a baldric for it.

[Partner, why don't you look into the future if you're so worried and paranoid?]

{I agree with Ddraig, why haven't you done that yet?}

It's crossed my mind but I never got a chance to do it… Also, even if I look into the future, it might change due to my actions, you know?

Whatever, I'll look into the future once in a while… Let's go as far as the Riser Arc then…


Hmm, interesting. I saw two possible futures, honestly, I expected more, but that's what I got… Anyway, future one: Akeno wins the rating game for Rias, while Kiba and Shirone were a lot more effective and weren't knocked out of it, Akeno was the deciding factor.

She reached Ultimate-class, I also taught her anti-healing magic, combined with her Holy Lightning… Yeah, you can see how that would screw them over…

While Akeno hadn't used her Fallen Angel mode during the fight, I can guess that she hadn't developed it yet. That was fine though, as she carried them through it… But what surprised me, even more, was that someone else was there… Well two.

Asia and Gasper, it appears I started training Gasper soon and it appears Asia has joined the peerage. Gasper wore the paper bag over his head though, he also wasn't knocked out of the rating game which was surprising. He also showed a lot of athleticism during it too.

Asia was Middle-class in power by then too, perhaps I trained her as well? Seeing as how she mostly stayed with Rias, I didn't see much of her offensive capabilities…

The second future is where they lost. Akeno didn't master or learn the anti-healing magic on time, but she did reach Ultimate-class though. Asia wasn't in this, but Gasper was, but he was knocked out quite early in the game, Kiba and Shirone were basically exhausted by the end of it.

Riser was the only one left, but with his Phenex regeneration he outlasted them. He also had some Phenex tears on him.

But what was strange in both timelines was that… Riser Phenex was a lot stronger than he was in canon. A true High-class, he was true to his position of nobility and power.

Did he actually train in this timeline? Or is he being backed by someone too… Akeno won in the first future since she had mastered anti-healing rendering his regeneration and Phenex tears useless.

However, in the second future, she didn't have that and was outlasted even with her large demonic energy pool and stamina.

[Seems like you have two options here, Partner.]

{It seems so, future one or future two, which shall you choose?}

Based on logic, future 1, the peerage consists of both Asia and Gasper, and Akeno is at her peak while everyone else is doing well. Rias also got a lot stronger and had better strategies.

Future 2, is the worst, they're missing a healer in Asia, Gasper was a lot less powerful and they just had bad luck all around.

[What happened in both scenarios after the rating game?]

Future 1: I was invited to an after-party by Sirzechs, a few people showed up there, Sairaorg Bael, Latia Astaroth, Seekvaira Agares, and Diodora Astaroth. They congratulate Rias in her win much to their surprise.

But Rias says that Akeno has done the majority of the work. Diodora also eyed Asia, but when I was there, I revealed myself to Rias. Her reaction was amusing.

But in this future Riser didn't like or accept the loss. He stormed the place, I was there to stop him, traumatized him a bit, and made him fear dragons, just the usual.

Future 2: I had to barge into the wedding reception, took my mask off, and had to challenge Riser for Rias's hand in marriage much like what Zech's wanted me to do if she lost.

Of course, it ended up the same, I just gave him a bit of trauma and that was that.

{How did the Gremory girl react?}

We became good friends before her Rating Game... Well, she got close to Jin and a bit with the masked man. However, once she found out I was both of them... It kind of came full circle. I chuckled at the thought.

She hugged me and tried to kiss me. I stopped her both times, much to her dismay and annoyance. I sigh, yeah, that's as far as I looked into.

[It seems like nothing of note happened then.]

{You skipped what happened with Raynare…}

I'd rather not say anything about that… As I said earlier, the future is ever-changing, what I just told you both might completely change, you never know.

I'll most likely try to prepare for future 1, as I don't want to see Akeno seriously hurt. Just the thought of that pisses me off. Asia is also there, but since I haven't met her nor have I made any connections with her... It makes it difficult to feel the same... At least for now.


I hear Ophis call out to me.

Crap, how long have I been standing here? I turn to the loli dragon.


"Are you okay?"

She seemed worried.

"Yes, sorry I just spaced out, talking with Ddraig and all, you know?"

I sigh again, seeing the future is interesting, you can plan appropriately… But I feel weird doing it, like… I just spoiled myself? I like a bit of mystery so doing that was…

I turn back to Beru and Igris, I put my hand out as I put an Aura and mana suppression seal on them. They'll still have the same power, but the supernatural won't feel their presence. At best, they feel like walking corpses of low-class creatures.

"Both of you into my shadow for now and wait for further orders."

They nod and immediately disappear into my shadow. After they did that, I feel a tug on my arm, I turn to look at Ophis and she was pointing at the couch.


I nod and let her lead me there. We sat down and I served her some sweets. How can you eat so much of this stuff?

"So, how have you been, Ophis?"

Even before we sat on the couch there were books everywhere, though, Ophis had created a bookshelf and she had organized the books onto them. Only a few were on the floor, most likely the ones she was reading.

She points at the books on the ground as she keeps eating, she swallows the sweets and turns to me.

"Emotions… Are difficult to understand and comprehend…"

She looks back at the books and frowns.


I smiled wryly at her. Emotions and feelings come naturally to everyone since we're taught it at an early age. However, not everyone learns it. Sociopaths, psychopaths, and such have a hard time processing them.

But Ophis is a blank slate, she's probably seen a wide variety of them over her existence, but only now she's trying to understand and emulate them.

Hopefully, someday you can express them as naturally as others… I pat the Dragon God, getting a weird purr of approval from her. If she had a tail, it would be wagging right now… Much like Kunou.

"Jin, when are we going to visit, Irene?"

I was a bit surprised by her question and the fact she called the True Dragon by her name.

"Hmm, it'll be sometime this month. I still have some things to do. Requests and school, but we'll visit her soon."

"In the meantime, have you thought of a way to apologize to her? Or are you still thinking of a way?"

Ophis shakes her head. I guessed as much. But It's fine, she still has time.

"Alright, it's fine. You can think of a way to do it, or even a simple 'I'm sorry.' Would do it, I think she's quite a forgiving individual."

The Dragon God nods.

"Okay. I, shall go to sleep now."

"Very well, good night, Ophis."

I get up from the couch as she lays down on it and drifts off to sleep. I take one last look at her before putting away the necklace.

Japan, Kuoh

I had teleported back into my living room; the lights were off. Seems like everyone is asleep. What time is it Cúntóir?

Cúntóir: Answer: 11:11 p.m.

Pretty late. I nod to myself and make my way to my room, after opening it I see two women there. Akeno and Reni.

"You're late!"

Reni pouted as she started to repeatedly pat the spot between Akeno and herself.

"Welcome back, is everything okay?"

Akeno greets with a smile.

"Yeah, everything's just fine."

I notice Kuroka wasn't here.

"Where's Kuroka?"

"Shirone is here so she wanted to sleep in her room with her little sister tonight."

I nod, yeah that makes sense, they need some more bonding time. They only ever meet up on the rare occasion, and some of those are when she trains Shirone. I could see that Reni was getting more impatient as her patting was getting faster and she hugged the pillow even harder.


Akeno awkwardly smiled at her friend.

Who knew someone her age co—


"You were thinking of something rude, weren't you, Jin-kun?"

Reni asked while smiling, but her aura was not reflecting that smile at all. Akeno beside her shivered as she slowly backed away.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it."

As I chuckled, I jumped on the bed and pulled them close to me.

"Righty, let's go to sleep now."

They both agreed, Reni still a bit angry and huffy.


Third Person Point of View

Earlier in the evening

Raynare's group

"That fucking human! How dare he?!"

Raynare was pissed as she stomped around and threw random objects around the abandoned church.

"The audacity to scoff at me! Me!!??! He should be honored. I even gave him a fucking glance!"

She was pissed off at what Jin did earlier in the day. She had made contact with him, and gave him quality acting, but it didn't work, her pride took a hit. Mittelt snorted

"Maybe you're not that good-looking as yo—"

Shing! Crash!

Raynare threw a light spear at Mittelt, who reacted quickly and avoided the attack.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! You could have killed me, you bitch!"

"Shut your mouth, you flat-chested midget!"

"No brain and all that processing energy was put into your cow tits!"

She fired back, the two summoned light spears as they were about to try to murder each other.

"Enough! Both of you cut it out! If Darcel or worse Azrael found out we failed, we're good as dead!"

She was irritated at both of them, she didn't want to fail and die. The two glared at her but she ignored them.

"We just need to continue with the plan…"

She looks at the church door.

"The nun will arrive in a week or two, right?"

She turns back to Raynare. Raynare had dismissed her light spear and nodded

"The naïve and dumb nun will be here around that time. She's stupid, so it'll take her a while."

"She refused to use a magic circle to teleport, right?"

Dohnaseek asked and got a nod from her.

"Hmm, then what about Darcel? I haven't seen him the last few days."

"He's doing his own scouting, checking the location and planting some kind of communication jammer or whatever. So those little heiress bitches can't call their siblings for backup. It's apparently going around all of Kuoh."

They were a bit shocked by what they heard; they didn't think Darcel was this meticulous, which made Raynare shake her head.

"I will admit that he's psychotic, but he's still a professional— He's going above and beyond because he gets to fight the Red Dragon Emperor… Tch."

Raynare clicked her tongue when she remembered Jin.

"He seemed weak, I don't know what the big deal is… Whatever, we let him deal with that and we proceed with our own mission."

"So, the blonde nun will get here in a week or two?"

"Yeah, like I said earlier, she's dumb, clumsy as hell, can't speak other languages and her sense of direction is abysmal… Yeah, it'll take her time to get here."

She laughed followed by the others.

"I can just imagine the crap she's putting herself through now since she's so stupid…"

Dohnaseek smirked.

"She's already suffering before we kill her… Poor thing… Pfft…"

Mittelt had to hold back herself or she'd pee herself laughing.

"Do you want to torture her slowly or get it done quickly, Raynare?"

Dohnaseek turns to look at his leader. Raynare thinks about it for a few seconds and then shakes her head.

"We do it quickly, then support Darcel, a Stray Exorcist is joining us after all. It seems like Kokabiel sent him to us for backup. He's apparently experienced, but also has a few more screws that are loose."

Kalawarna sighs.

"Another psycho to the group for the mission… Great."

She was already weary of Darcel, now a psycho exorcist was joining them. Raynare shook her head and shrugged.

"Whatever, I'll keep trying to entice the Red Dragon Emperor. He already has a harem so it shouldn't be too difficult."

Raynare pauses and her face darkens.

"But if it doesn't happen when Asia arrives, then I'll have to take drastic measures."

Her subordinates nod as they wait for Darcel to return.

Next day

Jin Skyward

I had woken up earlier and since I had trouble breathing, now I didn't need to breathe. However, it felt weird, so when I opened my eyes... Reni had been laying on top of me as she was trying to suffocate me with her chest.

Normally most guys would be ecstatic about this. However, if it had been a normal person, well, I would have probably died of asphyxiation and I don't think you'd want to die that way. Or you might, I don't judge.

So, I had to gently pry her off me. Most recently, Akeno has been the most normal. Kuroka drools or falls off the bed completely and stays asleep, which is impressive in its own right. The one-time Grayfia slept with me, I didn't notice anything strange… So I need to sleep with her more to get a fair judge of her sleeping habits.

Akeno and Ingvild were also the same. The two times we slept together during our trip to Kyoto and Asgard were normal, though I did notice she likes to cling onto me like a body pillow.

I had slowly descended down the stairs as I had assumed it was still early in the morning. When I entered the dining room, I saw the clock that was mounted on the wall and it said that it was still seven in the morning.

Not summer anymore… So we need to get up early, I guess it's fine. They'll wake up soon enough. I take my gaze away from the clock and see Grayfia preparing breakfast. I walk up behind her and hug her.

"Morning Fia, what's for breakfast? Need help?"

When I hugged her, she didn't even lose her stride, but she did relax a bit.

"Good morning, Jin."

She quickly gives me a kiss on the cheek

"It's just a simple Japanese-style breakfast. Steamed rice, miso soup, fermented soy beans, grilled fish, seasoned dried seaweed, and kobachi."

"Also, thank you for the offer but it's relatively simple so you don't need to."

She explains this all to me while continuing with her preparations.

"Hmm, Rias would like this. Isn't she a Japanophile? Or is she just an otaku…"

This made Grayfia chuckle.

"Yes, she has quite a lot of objects and artifacts back in her own room in the Underworld, that's why she wanted to visit Japan in the first place."

As we fell into silence for a moment, I kept hugging Grayfia because she didn't seem to mind.

"Oh, yes, Ajuka-sama shall be sending a request to you soon. Perhaps during the weekend, he's aware that the school year for you has started."

"Hmm, well if it isn't anything urgent or time-consuming, I wouldn't mind doing them during the weekday."

I sigh.

"Well, if it's urgent then I can just leave an avatar or clone in my place and I can go do the request."

Grayfia turned around to look at me a bit shocked.

"You can make clones and avatars of yourself?"


What's with this reaction?

"Don't tell me you plan on…?"

She blushed and looked mortified at me.

"No! No! No! I am not into that!"

Just the thought of that makes my skin crawl. Apparently, Grayfia found my reaction amusing as she started to quietly laugh at me, so I let go of her and groan.

"Never in a million years, hell to the no!"

She smiles at me.

"You have shown to be quite possessive of us, haven't you? Gabriel in Grigori, Lavinia with your date and now this…"


Am I? I wasn't quite sure myself.

[Oh, hell you are.]

{Mmm, I remember you having quiet thoughts of ending Odin if he so much as touched Ingvild.}

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes.

Alright geez, I get it. What's up with the gang up? I sighed.


"I see no problem with that, it just shows you treasure us quite a bit."

She smiles at me, making me blush.


A few minutes later everyone started to wake up and come down to have breakfast. I decided to help Grayfia a bit to speed up the process.

Everyone was still quite tired and were sleepily swaying in their seats. Kuroka had used Shirone's head as a rest for her own chest, since it was still morning, she didn't have the energy to push her off.

"Sleep well, Shirone?"

"No… Nee-sama used me as a body pillow and I had trouble sleeping…"

She shakes her head and yawns after answering me.

"She also drooled on me…"

Kuroka blushed when her little sister mentioned that she drooled.

"You'll get used to it. I nearly have Kuroka drool on me on a daily basis. Why are you embarrassed? Everyone knows."

"That's besides the point nya!"

She had the energy to answer that before becoming tired again.

"Your sister also falls off the bed sometimes, she also doesn't wake up. I've got to hand it to her, that has to be a skill or something…"

"This is Kuroka bashing day nya… Jin is hurting me nya…"

She fakes some tears and hugs Akeno who still had her eyes closed. The necklace on me glows and Ophis appears.

"Good morning."

She greets everyone, and once she did that all eyes were immediately on her. Everyone was clearly shocked. That's… A first. When Ophis left the necklace in the past, she would usually just silently start eating, reading, or asking for lap pillows from me. But today of all days she greeted everyone with a good morning.

This is character development, right?!

"G-Good morning Ophis nya…"

Kuroka started it off and soon everyone greeted her, and as per usual, her seat is on my lap. I could see Shirone staring at the Dragon God, an expression I couldn't read.

I'm currently walking to school as Akeno, Ingvild, and Shirone have teleported directly to the Occult Research Clubroom. I was a tad jealous but didn't mind the walk through Kuoh.

…What the hell are those? I could feel some strange things being slowly put around Kuoh. I'll take a look after school… Is Raynare's group doing something? Not too long after I was approaching the entrance, I let out a yawn as I walked through it.

"Hey… It's him."

"Yeah… The senpai that competed with the regulars."

I could hear a few comments about me. I didn't think what I did warrant any attention.


{You literally competed with the schools' regulars; you seriously think that wouldn't attract attention?}

Point taken.

"Hey, Jin!"

I feel someone tap my shoulder. When I turn around it's one of the volleyball regulars. He's in the same year as me but different class.

"Oh, hey Eita-kun, what's up?"

One of the regulars, Eita, began walking beside me, giving us more attention.

"Oh, it's Eita-senpai! Is he trying to convince the new guy to join?"

"I was just wondering if you had made a decision yet."

"I got a few offers from clubs yesterday, I'm still deciding… I still have to check a few the rest of the week. I'll probably make a decision next week."

"I see, well I wouldn't be surprised, you're quite athletic."

He taps me on the shoulder once more.

"Anyway, we got some time to practice, see yeah!"

Eita then runs off to the gym.

"Good luck."

There are a few girls who are obsessed with the guy, so I wish him luck. He's quite popular but modest.


Classes were boring, since my smarts went up quite a bit when reincarnating I didn't have to worry about school anymore. Did I struggle in my past life? I'm not sure, but maybe I did.

The devils headed to their respected clubrooms. Ingvild seemed to have made some normal human friends and had chosen to hang out with them. I was happy for her, she seemed genuinely happy, but I had Beru go into her shadow just in case.

I know she can take care of herself and that no one is really a threat here, but hey, better than nothing, I guess… I was walking around the school as I sipped away at a carton of milk when I came across the Kendo club. I could see the perverted duo being scolded by the club members and then getting kicked out.

"Shit! Why?! Why can't we just look at sweet juicy thighs and tits?!"

Matsuda complained as tears streamed down his face.

"I told you, man! We should have just brought a camera and taken pictures!"

Motohama adds.

Isn't… Isn't that illegal in a way? I wasn't too sure but it felt like it was. I also have to commend them for the balls… Or stupidity that these two exert. They won't stop even after all the abuse they get. That has to mean something… Right?

They walk away talking loudly about obscene and lewd things. I walk up to the entrance and look in; a club member sees me and approaches me.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Jin, a new student. I was just taking a look at clubs. Does the school not have a Kendo club for guys?"

She asked suspiciously. She seems to relax when I tell her who I am. She shakes her head.

"Unfortunately, no this school doesn't, are you perhaps interested in Kendo?"

"I see… And yes, I am, I saw a few videos back in my country, it gave me a slight interest in the sport. But if it's an all-girls club then I'll get going."

I started to walk away but she called me back.

"Wait senpai!  I can ask our captain and club advisor if you could watch, I don't know if they'll agree but it's worth a shot, right?"

I turn around and smile. I guess having a good reputation isn't all that bad…

"Yeah, please do."

She nods and runs up to the captain and club advisor, she points to me and they look my way. I could see them think for a bit before nodding. The Kendo member runs back to me.

"They said you can watch as long as you stay by our advisors' side."

"I see, I'll do that then, thank you."

I nod and enter the gym, I walk over to the woman who was the advisor for the club, she's my history teacher surprisingly.

"I didn't expect to see you here, Sachiko-sensei."

I sat down against the pillar as she smiles at me. Sachiko was a relatively short woman 5'4 in height, with long black hair that covered her eyes with her bangs, from time to time you would see her hazel-brown eyes when she moved around while teaching. She had a gentle personality so she was quite popular with the students. She was still wearing her usual attire for teaching.

"Yes, I didn't expect you to come here Jin-kun."

She glances at me before turning back to watch the girls practicing.

"Is it true you're interested in Kendo?"

"Yeah, I saw a few videos back in Ireland and I saw a club at another school practicing the sport. It's quite rare to be practiced outside of Japan I heard."

"Yes, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, America, Canada, and Brazil are the countries that come to mind that practice the sport."

I nod, I didn't think that many countries practiced the sport…

"Would you like to try, Jin-kun?"

"I— No I'm good, I would rather not embarrass myself…"

I don't want more attention on myself, at the most I'll be swinging a stick around like what I did with Kiba a week ago. The guy has more technique than me, but since I was stronger and faster than him, it made up for it. Not including the fact that I could just copy his movements perfectly helped too.

Cúntóir: Answer: I can always put the necessary information for you to learn all types of sword styles from the omniverse.

Duly noted, but I'll stick with figuring out my own for now. But if I need to in the future then I'll ask you. Sachiko-sensei laughs at me.

"I see, but if you do want to in the future— You're more than welcome to."

"I appreciate it, sensei."

"By the way, have you chosen a club yet? Or do you plan on joining the going-home club?"

She stops laughing at me and asks me seriously.

"I've gotten a few offers, I'm still mulling them over, I should be able to give an answer starting next week."

"I see."

With that the conversation comes to a halt, for the next few minutes we silently watch the girls practice their swinging and one or two having a sparring match.

"I should get going, thank you for letting me watch them, sensei."

I get up and start to walk away.

"Yes, feel free to come by again, Jin-kun. Also, my offer still stands on trying it out."

She says, a few members also bid me farewell even though I didn't speak to them. Once outside I saw two juniors that were previously there.

"Damn it! How can he be allowed in there?! He got a free show!!"

Matsuda screams, they've apparently come back to the Kendo club to try peeping during that time.

"Senpai! How was it? Did you get a full look at their assets?! Tits?! Ass?! Thighs?! Nip—"


Motohama was interrupted with a strike to the head with a shinai, the bamboo stick they use for the sport.

"Ahhhhhh!! You bitch!!! What the fuck?!!"

He screamed and squirmed on the ground in pain as he clutches his head.

"Stop peeping on us, you perverts!"

This time it was Katase who had struck them, the girl beside her was Murayama.

"When will you learn? When will you learn that your actions have consequences?!"

Murayama adds while pointing her shinai at them. The two cower before running off. I snorted at the sight and left the area, having a bit of entertainment like that isn't a bad thing.

Cúntóir: Answer: Lunch is ending soon, return to the classroom.

Hearing Cúntóir's warning I nod to myself and make my way back to the main school building. On the way there I see Ingvild again laughing along with the same girls from earlier. Seems like she's getting well with them, a bit of normalcy in her life, huh? I think it's good… Before shit hits the fan later on.

After they giggle, In and I make eye contact as she smiles and waves to me. I return the favor and see her friends whisper to her, making Ingvild blush and shake her head.

"Hey, hey, In-chan, you know him?"

"The Uncrowned King of Kuoh Academy, ufufufu."

The what? Why the hell did I get such a weird title? Please tell me it doesn't stick with me…

"We— We were the two new students in our class… So we formed a quick friendship thanks to that, birds of the same feather, right?"

Ingvild nervously chuckled at them.

"Hmmm, if you say so In."

They clearly didn't believe her. I tap my wrist to signal that it is almost time for lunch. She sees this and nods, along with the other girls. One of them takes out their phone to check the time.

"Ah… Lunch is almost over… Let's go, we'll see you after school, In."

The other girl gets up and nods.

"Mmm, see you guys."

Ingvild waves at them and joins me.

"Looks like you made new friends, you guys going to hang out after school?"

We start to walk as we talk.

"Mmm, we made plans earlier. I'm glad I accepted your invitation, Jin, I never thought I'd get to experience this again…"

She trails off and starts to look around her.

"Well, we still have a full year to get through, you'll be making more memories with everyone."

She nods and we talk about random stuff that happened to us throughout the way, Ingvild saying that she's glad no one has confessed to her since yesterday.

After school

The bell rang, and everyone started to make their way out of the classroom to go home. Akeno winked at me before joining Rias to go to the Occult Research Club. Sona has been weirdly looking at me from time to time.

Is she planning on asking me for another chess game? While I don't mind, it's a bit of a hassle. Saji has been weird towards me, revering to me since I have a harem and hating me for it, it's quite weird. Ingvild walks over to me, I look behind her as I see the girls from lunch.

"Jin, I'll be going with my friends to town, I'll be home late today."

She whispered to me, earning a few glances from our classmates.

"Sure thing, have fun. Also, you don't need to ask for my permission."

I chuckle at her.

"I'm just telling you, silly. I know you can be a worry wart from time to time."

She giggles and joins her friends. I could hear them teasing her, and Ingvild being flustered starts denying whatever they were saying to her.

Beru, into her shadow. Obeying my command Beru quickly darts into Ingvild's shadow. Better safe than sorry.

I was near the school's entrance, joining everyone else that was in the 'Going home club', and I couldn't help but yawn. Seeing the sun slowly setting in the distance and the general atmosphere around me was enough to energize me.

I feel someone watching me and I turn to my right, I see Rias and Akeno watching me. Akeno smiled and nodded at me, and Rias did the same thing. Likewise, I return the gesture to them both. I'm most likely going to join the club; I wonder if she'll reveal the supernatural to me?

[More than likely, Partner.]

Hmmm… Well maybe she'll have me enter a contract with her? To keep it a secret I mean, seems like the natural response. I mentally run through possible scenarios she'll do to me once the reveals happen while I make my way through Kuoh.

"Thanks for your patronage, Jin! Come back any time!"

A man says to me after I buy some ingredients from him. I had gone to the supermarket and I was just buying some stuff that we might be low on. I had come across a few classmates of mine while shopping here, some invited me to karaoke but I had to decline and promised to go with them next time.

Talk about being cliché, I wonder if In was invited to a karaoke as well? It's a possibility, but I'll just ask later when she gets home, but she'll probably tell me. As I walk out of the store, a guard bids me all.

"Have a good night, Jin."

"You too, K-san."

The guard never told me his name but said to refer to him as 'K' which was a bit weird but I got used to it. I checked his status before but he was just a normal human. He was in a gang when he was younger but left that behind and turned straight.

As I was walking home, I came across the same street again, and again I saw Raynare. But this time she was with other humans. She changed and altered their memories… Haah… How desperate can you be? I looked their way and she fake blushed again.

The girls around her started giggling like hyenas on crack, started to goad Raynare on, then one of them lightly pushes her towards my direction. Again, with her acting, she pretends to panic, turns around and scolds them. I was quite a distance away so I didn't hear them, but I more or less understood what the act was about.

"I'll… Do it in a few days, geez, stop it already!"

She said louder than necessary, probably wanting me to hear it.

Rather than worry about it, I headed to a nearby store to buy snacks. While I make them for Ophis, I buy most of them for the rest of us. The Dragon God didn't seem to mind, she started to treat the ones I make for her as 'special' I didn't see anything wrong with it so I blew it off.

I took a few snacks off the shelves and put them in a basket. Once I was satisfied with the amount, I headed up to the checkout.

"Here again huh, Jin?"

The store owner greeted me with a question. Since this shop was relatively small and was a staple in the area, it had a lot of regulars, me included.

"Yeah. Having a lot of people in your home tends to do that to you. I also don't want to buy most of your stock since there are a lot of people that frequent your store."

I chuckle and he nods sagely.

"I understand your reasoning and sentiment… But please buy more."

"I'll try to do that by tomorrow, Kazama-san."

I finished putting the snacks into a bag and left the store.

"You better, you brat!"

He shouts at me, making me snort.



Through my pocket, I take out my phone from [Inventory]. Gotta make it seem believable, you know.


The text came from Rossweisse, it wasn't uncommon as she would text me from time to time, mainly to vent or complain about Odin or the occasional teasing she got from the other Valkyries.

|Hey Rose, what's up?|

I decided to park myself at a wall to text her.

|Odin-sama and I are in the human world… But the reason for our visit is because he wanted to go into certain… Businesses and shops.|

Ahh… Those… Why doesn't he just ask some Valkyries that look up to him? I mean I would think he would do that, but instead, he goes to human brothels and prostitutes? He has to pay then…

|Ah, well— Er— Good luck.|

|So mean! This isn't the type of job I signed up for when I did!|

|I expected to be helping Odin-sama with more important business…. Not, this!|

Rossweisse sent me a picture of the outside of the hotel. Are they in the USA or something? That's the feeling I get from looking at the picture.

|I can't really do anything for you… So, good luck!|

|But, is that in the USA? It's just a gut feeling, are you okay with the language?|

|Yes, we're in the USA, and yes I'm fine with the language, I've studied it extensively.|

|I'm sorry Jin I have to go, Odin-sama just came out…|

|Alright, have… Er, fun?|

She just sent me crying emojis and the texting ended there. I pushed myself off the wall and started to walk towards the edges of Kuoh. I wanted to check out whatever weird thing I felt from this morning.

I followed the magical signature and found some kind of weird magical circle hidden behind some random debris and bushes. What the hell is this?

Cúntóir: Answer: Communication circle jammer, it will prevent the use of communication circles from being used once activated.

Raynare isn't that smart to put something like this up, it doesn't make any sense. Whatever the case I'll mess with it then. I added my little own spell on it, when it activates it'll 'look' normal, but it basically stops its intended purpose. Maybe Kokabiel or Azrael put them up to this?


I notice some auras making their way towards this spot, I decided to turn myself invisible to hide from them. The two individuals that showed up were none other than Kalawarna and Mittelt.

"Why the fuck do we have to check these things out? Didn't he say they were perfect?"

Mittelt the blonde midget fallen complains to her comrade.

"We're just going around to all of them to check if no one has tampered with them, it's all up to Darcel. We're just here to provide him support and do our own mission, which is to take the Sacred Gear from the dumb nun."

"He has been making these things and putting them around Kuoh, he wants to fight the Red Dragon Emperor without anyone interrupting after all."

Darcel? Who the hell is that? I was confused, I didn't hear anyone that was named that… Is this the case of alternate universe fuckery?

"Anyway, we'll also have that stray priest for backup, so there's zero chance we will fail."

"You mean having two psychopaths on the same team is an advantage? Yeah, woopty doo."

Mittelt sarcastically replied to the blue-haired fallen making her sigh.

"Regardless of what kind of being they are, we still have to deal with it. C'mon, we only have a few left to check."

The two fallen summoned their wings and flew away, leaving me with new details to digest. Darcel and the stray exorcist is Freed. Seems like Darcel is well known… I'll go ask Ash Crow about this.

I had left the outskirts of Kuoh and gone back to the populated streets; I'll check the other spots in a few minutes once those two are done with theirs.


I take my phone out again and checked it, I expected it to be Rossweisse again but to my surprise it was Suzaku.

|Hello, Jin. How are you?|

|Hey there Suzaku, I'm doing well, you?|

|I'm doing quite well, how has the day treated you?|

This has become a common occurrence between the two of us. Although we've mentioned the meeting a few times over the last few weeks, we mostly just texted about mundane stuff.

|It was going well until I had come across a few rogue fallen just now. Seems like they're planning on doing a few things to cause trouble. I'll deal with them soon enough…|

|Rogue fallen again…?|

|Yeah, don't worry about it. I can deal with them, anyway did you text me for any specific reason?|

Suzaku cares for people that she's close to, that includes Baraqiel, she doesn't associate him with rogues so she doesn't have a hatred for him.

|I see, yes, I am actually. I was thinking of having the meeting before the end of the month? I managed to clear up my schedule for a few days around that time.|

|I see, sure I can tell them that we'll meet up during that time, but do you have a location in mind?|

|I was… Thinking of either Grigori or Kuoh, maybe even your home…? If you don't mind that is.|

|I don't mind either place, I'll tell them both options and go from there, I'll get back to you with the answer.|

|Thank you, Jin. Have a nice evening.|

|Yeah, you too.|

With that our texting ended… Now then, time to go to the other places where those jammers are set up…

A few hours later

Skyward household

Dear god that took way too long, those two were slow as hell. I had managed to check two places before I caught up with the two fallen, they mostly argued and nearly fought with each other. Though it was Mittelt that instigated the fighting as Kalawarna tried to speak with her in a civilized manner.

So, I had to quietly follow them while being invisible all the time, I even managed to take a nap during one of them as it took them that long. I sigh as I opened the door and stepped inside.

"Welcome back, Jin."

I look up to see Grayfia there to greet me. I hit the palm of my hand with my fist in excitement!

"Wow is this how it feels like to be greeted by a maid when I get home?"

"This is from Ajuka-sama."

Grayfia smirked and shook her head. She hands me a piece of paper.

I take it and read it…

"Hmm-hmm, blab bla bla, meet in Astaroth territory, bla bla bla, Latia wants to meet with me to discuss and experiment on something."

"Yes, they are in no hurry, so you can go to the Astaroth territory during the weekend."

"Cool, no rest weekend it is."

I throw the piece of paper into my [Inventory] and slump onto Grayfia surprising her a little.

"Did anyone tell you that you can be a bit childish from time to time?"

She chuckled as she laid my head on her chest and stroked my head. This feels nice, in more ways than one.

"Do you need help with dinner?"

I ask her while not changing my position. She lightly chops my head.

"That tickles… And no, I'll be fine on my own."

"If you say so…"

I remove myself from her chest, I wanted to stay there a bit more, but this is fine. She bows and leaves for the kitchen. I decided to go into the living room, when I get there, I'm greeted with an interesting sight, Shirone is on Reni's lap as she was petting her. Kuroka was kneeling in front of them taking pictures of the embarrassed Shirone.

Ingvild was to the right of Reni smiling at the scene. Akeno isn't here… Is she still doing her contracts? Maybe even training… How diligent of her.

"Hey there, this is an interesting sight to behold."

I chuckle and sit beside Reni. They greet me back and go back to what they were doing. I could see that Shirone was looking at me, begging to be helped. I just grinned and scratched her chin, making Kuroka's little sister even more embarrassed.

"Nyahaha, give it up Shirone nya."

Kuroka laughs at her sister's dismay, making her sigh in resignation. I change sides and sit in between Reni and Ingvild.

"How was your outing with your friends, In?"

She smiled and put her phone down.

"It was great! I'm texting with them just now… Anyway, we went to a new café that opened up and had some parfait, we went to some stores, like clothing and antique stores… We finished it by hanging out in the park, it was really fun…"

She gained a nostalgic look when she went over her time out.

"I'm glad you're making friends and having fun In."

I meant that and I hope she could see it, as she smiled and nodded at me.

"Yeah… So, there seems to be an increase in fallen activity around Kuoh, everyone keep your guard up. I know they're quite weak but you never know their backup…"

I turn to Reni as she tilts her head at me confused.

"Hey Reni, do you know a fallen that goes by Darcel?"

The blonde magician keeps petting Shirone as she answers me.

"No… I haven't heard of that name, maybe Tobio or Azazel knows?"

"I see, I'll go and do that then."

I stand up and teleport away.


I had teleported directly to Azazel's office, I could see Baraqiel there as they were discussing something. They notice my presence and turn to face me.

"Oh? Hey Jin, what's up?"

"Jin, it has been quite some time, I take that you and Akeno are well?"

Both greet me and Baraqiel asks about his daughter.

"Hey just here to ask about something and yes Akeno is doing quite well. I have something to say to you before I leave."

Azazel raises a brow, that seemed to pique his interest.

"Ask about something?"

"Yeah, do you know a Fallen Angel that goes by the name Darcel?"

The Governor's eyes widen but nods.

"Yeah, I have, but I haven't heard it in a while… I thought he went silent or died. He's an infamous rogue fallen that was present during the Great war, it seems like over the years he became stronger."

"He's quite brutal, he kills both the supernatural and normal humans, you have probably seen some very disturbing and brutal cases of murders over the history of humans, yes?"

"Yeah, a lot of them were unsolvable, does that mean that was him?"

"While not all of them were him, a lot of them were… Did you come across him?"

"No, but I did hear your subordinates— More specifically one of Raynare's subordinates talking about him working with them."


Azazel's face darkens.

"Darcel wasn't one to work with anyone, he mostly did things on his own… The only time was when someone clearly more powerful than him overpowers him and forces him to do it."

"Kokabiel or Azrael, yes?"

Again, Azazel is a bit surprised.

"How do you?— Never mind, why do I even ask. Yeah, we suspect it's one of them."

"Why not both? Maybe Kokabiel is working for Azrael, they seem to share the same philosophy."

"I heard from them that Darcel wants to fight me— More specifically the Red Dragon Emperor. I will deal with him, however, how do you want me to deal with Raynare's group? They most likely have defected, but if we play our cards right, we can get info from them."

Azazel puts his index finger under his chin as he thinks about the suggestion.

"They may try to take my Sacred Gear, though that's impossible for them to achieve. So, here are some options. I kill them and that's the end of it, or remove their powers and make them as powerful and useful as a newborn human baby or something else."

"I would suggest we take option two, remove their power and bring them back to Grigori for us to interrogate. If we can get information out of them, then we can stop whoever's plan this is from happening."

Baraqiel finally speaks up, Azazel looks at his friend and nods to himself.

"Hmm, yeah, I'll go with Baraqiel says. That seems to be the best option, please send all of them back to us."

"Then I'll do what I want with Darcel then, I doubt the guy would be willing to cooperate with your future interrogation. I would even wager that he'd kill himself even if I take away his powers."

Both fallen nod and agreed.

"Yeah, that seems like what he'd do. You can kill him or do what you want, he's already a rogue anyway…"

"Sure thing."

I turn to Baraqiel.

"I'll visit with Akeno soon; Suzaku and I have been texting and she wants to meet up at the end of the month. I'll discuss where the meet-up will take place when I bring Akeno here."

He's a bit surprised but nods

"I see, then I look forward to it, Jin."

"Pshh, now he's going for the Clan's head? How many damn Himejima women are you going to take?! Is Amaterasu next on your bucket list?!"

Azazel looks annoyed and he ended up shouting the last part of his rant.

"Who knows Ash Crow? Who really knows…"

I snort and turn to leave.

"Anyway, that's all I was here for. See you guys around."

I wave to them and teleport away.

Third Person Point of View


With Azazel and Baraqiel

Azazel turns to his long-time friend.

"You know, if that guy was unhinged and not have that kind of personality, he would have gone for Shuri as well…"

Baraqiel squints his eyes and gains an uncertain expression.

"I would rather not think or acknowledge that scenario at all…"

"Akeno-chan and Suzaku Himejima, he has the former, the latter is next. I also wasn't joking about that piece of shit going after Amaterasu."

Azazel scoffs at the thought. Baraqiel sighs

"I know, I just hope he doesn't neglect them… But that seems unlikely."

"You seriously put a lot of trust in him, even though you know he's gathering a harem."

Azazel had started to work on some documents as he continued his conversation with Baraqiel.

"While we haven't known each other for too long, I would like to say I know Jin's personality quite a bit. His interactions with Akeno also showed that he wouldn't do such a thing. Shuri and I are certain of that."

"So, whoever he pursues is none of our business, we already see him as a son-in-law after all."

"Kuhahaha! Look who's the one jumping the gun now!"

Azazel laughed at Baraqiel only for the Cadre to look at him in trepidation.

"Just expect a lot of grandchildren in the future then, Bar-Bar."

Baraqiel sent a bolt of holy lightning Azazel's way, but he dodged it.

"Don't call me that."

He glared at the Governor who had a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.

With Raynare's group

"So, is everything good?"

Darcel was sitting in a corner as he asked the two fallen, he was assigned to check the jamming circles.

"Y-Yeah, nothing out of the ordinary, they're all good."

Mittelt replied to the man nervously.

"Good, we wait for your dumb cunt nun and we start, truthfully I would want to start now."

"Be grateful I'm waiting otherwise I'd kill all of you and eat."

He glares at them and then sends an intense amount of blood lust and magic towards them, making them all to the ground.

"Y-Y-Yes sir!!!"

They managed to shout out, making Darcel retract his actions.

"Kukuku, make this entertaining for me… Red Dragon Emperor…"



Jin Skyward

"Oh wow, finally, it's been some time since this happened."

I was back in the white void, so I was dreaming again. But this time I was floating instead of standing on the white ground.


I turn to the left and see a lot of human-shaped outlines, there were hundreds— Thousands— Hell maybe millions.


I didn't understand what was going on.

"Why are there so many people? Is some kind of march happening? War?"

I could see some of the figures holding something— Akin to a stick or maybe a spear? Why would modern battles be fought with spears or sticks?

Boom! Boom!


I hear a sound above me and I quickly look up.


I could see two more human figures duking it out.

Boom! Boom!

I could see both of their mouths but no sound came from them, I also couldn't read the language they were speaking. I have the universal language skill though…? This is making less and less sense.

After exchanging brief words to each other the two shapes dashed towards each other again, everywhere they clashed the white void shook around them. The two seemed to be evenly matched in power.

Is this supposed to be my memory? But why does it feel so foreign?

The scene around the two changes, it seemed like they arrived at some sort of dessert or cliff area, their clash there also destroyed the surrounding around them. They stop and speak to each other again— A grin appears on both their mouths as they clash against each other again.


It looks like they're going to finish it.

The two figures back away from each other, it looks like they're preparing their final attacks against each other…

Shhhiiiiinnnggggg!!!!! Booooom!!!!!!

The clash produces a giant source of light, everything around them was seemingly obliterated from existence. The two figures sat beside each other, looking like they had run out of energy to continue.

I could see them laughing at one another. I decided to land in front of them, I walk towards them and reach out—

Japan, Kuoh


What the hell was that? Were those even my memories? I certainly don't remember humans back in my old world being able to do things like that…

[Did you have those dreams again, Partner?]

Yeah… I explain to the two what I saw, and they're also confused.

{Huh? Ddraig and I have certainly looked through your memories and didn't come across anything like that before…}

[Your world did have the supernatural, but it was weak. The most you had were remnants— The age of magic and gods long passed. That's why you only got sparse reactions whenever the humans there tried to contact the supernatural… They were already gone.]

{Jin, I've been meaning to say or ask… But why don't you just go into the multiverse— Maybe even omniverse and check it out? What I mean is go to your old world and check things out there, maybe it'll unlock your memories.}

[Albion has a point; I have also been wondering about that.]

I don't think Cúntóir would even guide me there, she's been silent about my past after all…also there's no guarantee that my old world is still intact. I have no idea how long I was dead for.

It could have been a few minutes, hours, days, weeks, years, or even millennia… I don't know. For all, I know my universe could be long gone.

{I didn't consider that, my apologies, Jin.}

No, it's fine, I've thought about it as well. Since Cúntóir's silent about the whole thing that's why I haven't dived into it that much.

[Wait, what about the voices then?]

What about them? I have no idea where to start, the voices I've heard aren't voices that I remember… Hell are they even my memories?

Also, with what Kuroka said before, are they even memories? Maybe they're someone trying to contact me from the present or even future…

Again, Cúntóir refuses to help me with it, probably due to Azathoth, so I have no idea where to start from. I'm curious, like really curious, but I can't try solving that puzzle since I have no starting place.

Realistically, where do I start? If I go to the multiverse or even omniverse… I would need to stop the time in this universe since I have no idea how time works out there, then if I blindly go around trying to find my old universe that may or may not exist will be even more time.

How long would I be out there searching? Days? Weeks? Months? Years? I don't know. I won't even add multiple versions of the same universe, because if they change, it won't be my universe since it's a new universe.


The two clearly don't know how to answer, maybe I went off a little bit… I've been frustrated with this as well.

Sorry about launching into a tirade on you two, but I want to say that I plan to take my time in my new life. It's a new opportunity. While yes, I want to find out about my past— The voices… It's all secondary to me.

I want to enjoy what I have now, while I do miss my old friends and family… I can't discard the new ones I made here. Also, the voices and dreams are slowly becoming more frequent… I'll piece all of it together eventually.

I sigh. Like earlier, I checked the future for the first time, but who knows how that will change? Will I follow the same exact actions and reach it? Or did it change because I looked into it?

I have the power to do anything, but I never asked for it, hell—I wasn't even aware I was dead and reincarnated until it happened. I don't think my past personality is too far from what I have now, so being granted all this power… Won't exactly change me.

It seemed unrealistic in the novels I read back then…most of them have a 180 change in personality once they get reincarnated, isekai'd, or reborn. In reality, that doesn't happen, you adapt and overcome… That's the most realistic approach I can come up with. I mean, that's how I did… I have the advantage of knowing things anyway.

A master manipulator… I'm not that smart, also takes too much effort, even with Cúntóir, the effort to do some much background manipulator is exhausting, even thinking about it.

Flexing my power everywhere I go? The closest thing I've done to that is the sparring matches I've been requested by individuals as my status as the middleman. That's already bothersome on its own… I have attention on me.

If I went out of my way to flex like some kind of crack baby— That's less time for me to relax, enjoy things with my girls and live my own life the way I want. The middleman status is just a scapegoat for going to different factions and pantheons to meet people— Women. I won't deny that.

I didn't see another way of doing things, so I carried on with that. The three factions do want peace after all. I just fast-forwarded it.

{What if Azathoth has already set this path for you, Jin?}

…I didn't think of that, maybe he did…then what I've been doing has been due to his influence? Fate?

Cúntóir: Answer: No.

What? I was surprised to hear Cúntóir during this time. I didn't think she'd join in.

Cúntóir: Answer: While Azathoth has expectations of you, he has torn you away from fate and you have no set path. What you do is your choice, no one truly controls you, except you. You are a blank slate to the Omniverse.

Then why do I not remember anything from my past? And what the hell is up with these voices?' I push my luck, maybe she'll give me an answer.

Cúntóir: Answer: …

Cúntóir: Answer: An unknown factor may have interfered during your reincarnation.

…Huh? She actually answered me…WHAT?!

{[Unknown factor?]}

The two were also curious as we got a straight— Well straight enough answer from Cúntóir.

Cúntóir: Answer: …

She's refusing to say anymore, but… It's a hint, a big hint. So, something happened during my reincarnation process, huh? I clench my hand 'But what? I don't feel any different…

I sigh. Well, whatever, you gave me some kind of hint. So, thank you. Guys keep an eye out for me.

{[Roger that.]}

Japan, Kuoh

Same week - Friday

Kuoh Academy

Jin Skyward


I stare at the Gremory peerage as they have lined up for training. I turn my gaze to Rias.

"Where's Gasper?"

She gives me a strained smile and points back to the club— Specifically at a slowly moving box.

"That's the best I could do, I had to coax him a lot…"

I sigh.

"It's fine."

I teleport the box beside me and take it off.

"Gyaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Please don't hurt me!!!"

The young boy shrieked as he tried to hurriedly crawl away. I stop him by grabbing his leg and holding him up, he instinctively stopped his skirt from flipping.


Rias tried to explain but I cut her off.

"A guy, I know."

I put the boy down as I summon a paper bag and put it on his head.

"Will this help a little bit?"

He's surprised by what I did, but he stops trying to run away.

"Oh? Oh? This is…"

"C'mon Gaspy, you can do it…"

Shirone tried to cheer on the little guy surprising him a bit.

"Yeah, take it from Shirone, you need to start to integrate yourself into society if you want to gain some confidence in yourself as well as courage."

I could see him squirming not knowing what to do.

"Yes, Gasper, I believe what the masked person is saying right."

Rias agrees with me.

"That's right Gasper-kun, it's one of the few ways to better yourself."

As Kiba frowns at himself, maybe due to his change in mind and heart about the holy swords? Time will only tell.

"Ufufufu, you can become a strong man in the future Gasper ~"

Shirone nods

"C'mon Gaspy."

"Khhhh! Okay! I'll try…"

Their encouragement… Or peer pressure got to him and he agrees.

"Good, the rest of you can start your training. Shirone, Kuroka will be here shortly."

Shirone goes over to Gasper and pats his shoulder.

"He's a good person."

She then brings out her Cat eats and tail, surprising the boy.

"He did help me with this after all."

She turns back to me and smiles, Shirone then walks away to the spot where she and Kuroka usually train at.

"…I already knew that… I follow your achievements and good deeds on the web that's accessible to devils…"

He turns to face me still nervous but decides to put some faith in me.

"Good, let's start off with a bang then."

I snap my fingers and summon big-breasted females and have them surround Gasper.


Another shriek from the young boy. He looked like he was going to faint due to the number of breasts being shoved towards him.



He unintentionally used his Sacred Gear. Gasper tried to run away when I grabbed him, surprising him even more.

"Y-You can move?! Hiiiieee I'm sorry!!!"

He covered his head with his arms and turned himself into a ball.

"So, this is [Forbidden Balor View], huh?"

I look around me as time was stopped.

"We'll need to work on your control, Gasper."

"You're not going to hurt me?"

He asked me which made me confused.

"Why would I hurt you?"

"I did this!"

He spread his arms as he tried to emphasize what he'd done to the world.

"It's fine, I can undo it. Anyone that's of a certain power threshold or has a certain type of Sacred Gear is not affected by it. So, in the future, there may be opponents you face that's not affected by it."

He visibly turned pale at the thought.

"Gasper, you need to get stronger, get confidence and courage. Isn't there someone you want to save?"

When I mentioned that his eyes grew wide and stared at me in shock.

"You know, I can easily save her for you… Even heal her, since she's not in the best of conditions right now."


Tears started to fall from his eyes and he quietly sobbed to himself.

"I'm weak… I'm scared of my powers… I always had to rely on other people… Even during that time… I wanted to the man but failed horribly."

"I nearly got myself killed and had to leave my childhood friend behind… I'm an utter failure of a man."

He falls silent as he finally says it out in the open.


I kneel down and I put a hand on his shoulder.

"We all start out somewhere, some are stronger than most upon birth, you are no exception. You were just a baby when all that happened…"

I look at the frozen Gremory peerage members.

"But you can always train to be able to use that power, master it, and in turn— You control that power, not the other way around."

"Take your master, for example, she's been slowly training and her control over her [Power of Destruction] has increased significantly, the same with Kiba, Shirone, and Akeno."

I look back at the guy.

"Don't you want to surprise and impress Valerie when she's free?"

"How do you…"

"I can't tell you that, but I can easily rescue her. I'm planning on doing that in the future, I have a gut feeling that she'll be subjected or is being subjected to a serious amount of torture right now."

After I mentioned that Gasper freezes, his magic slowly begins to rise. I slapped his shoulders startling him.

"For now, focus on this. Let me deal with that, and in the future, you two will meet again, alright?"


Gasper looks down at the ground for a significant amount of time… But he slowly looks back up at me as he wipes his tears away.


He says determinedly, eyes focused on a goal, and that's to get stronger.

"Good, that's how the men of Gremory are supposed to be."

I dismiss the holograms and undo Gasper's Sacred Gear.


The rest of the peerage is shocked.

"D-Did Gasper use his Sacred Gear?" Rias asks.

"Yeah, I just undid it, anyway, this guy right here."

I get up and gesture to him

"Is ready for some serious training, right?"

"Yes sir!"

Rias smiles and nods.

"Were you two talking during it?"

"Yeah, just getting some one-on-one guy talk out of the way. He's a lot more determined than you would initially think."

"Alright, first— You will start attending Kuoh Academy, and you'll be in the same year as Shirone."

His face temporarily pales but nods, good that's some progress on the guy.

"While I don't care that much if you cross dress… You should try to speak without stuttering, after that we can go from there."

"Y-Y-Yes, sir!"

I chuckle at him as he literally starts to stutter, the same with his peerage, he smiles at it though. What Gasper didn't notice is that I removed the paper bag from earlier.

"By the way Gasper, how does it feel doing and saying all this out in the open?"

He looks confused at me as I pull out the bag and wave it in front of him, he gains a shocked expression and starts touching his face.

"M-My bag!"

He lunges towards it and I dodge his attempts at taking it back.

"Please! Sir! Let me at least wear that for now!"

He pleaded. The rest of the time I was training them, I did give Gasper his paper bag back. I gave everyone instructions on what to focus on, it was mostly the same things as before. Since I wanted Gasper to gain some confidence in himself I had him start some physical training.

So, I chased him around the field for a bit with a holy sword coated in garlic. The screams the guy howled were nearly ear-piercing. But he did get a pretty decent workout from it. I could tell Rias was shocked by the sudden development from her bishop but was happy with it.


Third Person Point of View

"Ufufufufu, I hope you like my little prank on your universe… Little brother ~"

A tentacle brought a glass of liquid towards the being's hand as they took a sip from it.

"I hope the stronger enemies… Are to your liking ~"

A massive grin spread across the being's mouth

"Ufufufufufu ~"

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