Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 2 – Chapter 1 – Part 2 – Kyoto, Kuoh Academy and …

Another day

Jin Skyward



I was enjoying my day off again.

"Why must my time be interrupted? Why can't I enjoy these thighs for the day?"

I complained as I enjoyed Grayfia's lap pillow. I summoned my phone again.

"Who sent you?! Who do you work for?!"

I answered the phone, only to be lightly pinched on the side by Grayfia as she softly glared at me.

"Jin, please."

Serafall sounded tired.

"Hmm? What's got you all down in the dumps?"

"So-tan is ignoring me, and I haven't seen you in a while."

"Cheer up, Sera I—"

Grayfia took the phone from me, surprising me a bit.

"Jin is currently enjoying my lap pillow."

She flatly stated and handed my phone back to me. Safe to say I was stunned, I knew they had a rivalry, but I didn't think Fia would get…that childish about it.


She screamed into the phone, I had to recoil back.

"Sera, what are you calling me for?"

"Ugh! Fine! It's a request from Yasaka-san! I don't know the details but she wants you there today!"

She huffed and ended the call abruptly.

"I didn't know my maid could get that petty."

I look up at Fia as she was smirking.

"Our rivalry does not end on the battlefield or power. I am currently ahead of her."

I sat up leaving the comfort of her lap… A depressing day for fellow thigh enthusiasts.

"I should get started, I don't want to keep a client waiting…"

I grab Fia and hug her, I give her a kiss on the cheek and get up.

"Haah… Kyoto, here I come."

I see the Devil Maid blushing and touching her cheek.

"Small steps, Fia, small steps."

I had been slowly increasing my intimacy with Grayfia over the past couple of weeks. The bath incident was the last time we got that close to skinship— With the you know what. We had mostly hugged, cuddled and Grayfia even once joined me in bed along with the other girls, surprising them.

I decided on a whim to kiss her on a different spot today. She also has been fine with me using her lap pillows. She saw Ingvild giving me one and decided to offer me those quite regularly. I got to appreciate it.

"Anyway, I better get moving now. See you later tonight, Fia."

"Y-Yes… Come home safely, Jin."

I nod and teleport away.

Japan, Urakyoto

I had teleported directly in front of Yasaka's home, surprising the two Tengu guards. They flew down and greeted me.

"Hello, Jin, are you here for Yasaka-sama's request?"

"Yes, I am."

I summon two bottles of water and hand it to them

"You guys seem thirsty, here."

"Thank you"

They both thank me and part ways. I walk past them and make my way towards the front door; I push it open and spread my senses to locate the mother and daughter duo, I make my way there briskly as I wanted to see what this request Yasaka had.

On my way here, I came across a door, and I had not seen a maid. Peculiar… I push the door open and see the two of them having a tender— Er is it a tender moment? Yasaka was teasing Kunou about something and she was recoiling in embarrassment.

The two of them notice me, they turn their gaze towards me and smile.

"Hello, Jin, welcome back to my humble abode."

Yasaka greets me and gives me a wink.


Kunou had fully recovered and ran up to me, I start to pet her and her tails started to wag. She's like a puppy or cat… Do kitsune tails wag when they're happy? Kunou was content with what I was doing, I also notice she was wearing the hair clip I gave her, making me smile.

Kunou and I walk back to the table where Yasaka was at, I sat down and Kunou to my surprise sat down between my legs, it felt a bit weird as I had them crossed but she plopped down in the middle. Yasaka just smirked at her daughter but said nothing.

"So, Yasaka, what's the request you want me to do?"

I could see a mischievous smile creep up on her face. I don't like the look of that… It's déjà vu like Odin…

"I want you to be my husband and father to Kunou for the day, take us on a little outing, that is my request."


I was just stunned, this— This just came out of left field, how desperate is she for a new husband? I look down at Kunou who was blushing and avoiding eye contact with me.

"Is it not appropriate?"

She looked a bit worried but I shake my head.

"I don't mind, I was just a bit surprised by it. I got a request from Odin which was also a bit weird, simple— Like they didn't need me at all, I don't know what that old man was thinking…"

Yasaka chuckles at my dismay.

"Hmmm, so if I requested for you to impregnate me— Would you, do it?"


Kunou was mortified by what her mother said, she couldn't believe her vulgarity and bluntness.

What the fuck?

[Yo!!! Don't hesitate and do it, Partner! Hahaha!]

{I am not sure if Jin or you, are the horn dog, Ddraig.}

[Shut it!]

I was left speechless again.

"I— Err— Probably not, I'm not a prostitute, Yasaka."

I felt a little uncomfortable… This was a form of sexual harassment, right?

"My apologies, Jin, I was simply teasing you…"

I could see she was clearly regretting it and shook it off.

"It's fine, I just wasn't expecting it, that's all."

I look back at Kunou and notice she was still wearing what I gave her a few weeks back…

"By the way, Kunou-chan, you're still wearing the hair clip I gave you?"

"I-It's a present from you and I like it very much… So I wear it as much as I can…"

"I see, I'm glad you like it that much."

Unknown to me a smile had crept up on my face, I started to pet Kunou again as she let herself lean against me.

"Is there a place you want me to take you? If not, I'd like to continue the tour of Kyoto if you don't mind, since we— Err it was interrupted part way through."

Yasaka smiles and nods.

"I was intending to leave it up to you, Jin. I don't mind venturing out into Kyoto."

"Do you two need to change?"

She shakes her head again.

"No, we are already ready. We were just waiting for you; I have also already informed my guards about my outing."

"I see, well then."

I get up and carry Kunou along with me.

"Let's get this day started."

I put her back down, she seemed a bit annoyed by it. The other reason I wanted to check Kyoto was to see if any other beings have taken up residency here. I just wanted to see if anyone wished to jeopardize the safety of humans or the youkai who live here.

We make our way through the Youkai city as I'm greeted along with Yasaka and Kunou.

"Big bro!"

A familiar voice calls out to me and a few other youkai children run up to us. It's the same little youkai from before.

"Hey, there little man."

I put my hand out for a high-five and he happily gives me one.

"How have you been? Looks like you're out with your friends."

"Yeah! We've been training to get stronger! We want to be strong when we get older so we can protect our city and everyone we like!"

His friends nodded enthusiastically as he announced.

"I see, that's a very noble reason, keep it up."

I pat him on the head, I didn't think that small gesture I did for him would influence a younger generation of Youkai.

"Mmm! Well, we're going to keep training, see you around soon, big bro!"

They turn around and run off to train some more.

I wanted to tell him not to push himself too hard, but I hope their parents do it for me instead. It's a worthwhile goal to set for yourself, especially in the supernatural world. Without strength or power in it, you're nothing but fodder.

They also have high potential. A lot of them are Ultimate-class, and the one I helped before is peak Ultimate-class in potential.

Cúntóir: Answer: Potentials have always been made to be broken and surpassed. It is no different for those youkai's.

Yeah, I guessed as much.

[When will you change your harem's potential, Partner?]

{You have been putting it off, Jin.}

I was initially preparing to change it when I first delved into the [Pocket Dimension], but I'll do it just before the school year starts. I want to see how far they can push themselves before I change their potential to be Omniversal threats.

[I look forward to the ones who are not too fond of fighting. I can see it now… They defend themselves out of necessity and bam! Their opponent is one-shot! Haha!]

{I can see how that's amusing for you, Ddraig, however, they'll need time to reach that level.}

[I know! But a dragon can dream! We also have our own upgrades! Jin, Partner please use us at some point…]

Ddraig almost begged me there. I will, I mean I have to use you at some point, of course, I'll also need to reveal myself to Vali and stop the rivalry.

[Hmmm, good, good… I look forward to it.]

"It seems like you've influenced the younger generation. Perhaps you did do it on purpose…"

Yasaka mused as she smirked at me.

"No, I can tell you that much, I didn't plan for it, it really did just happen by coincidence."

She didn't believe me again, but I didn't bother arguing with her.

"Yo! Bro!"

I hear the voice of the person who sold me those crackers before. I turn and see him there with a grin.

"Are you on a family outing with Yasaka-sama and Kunou-hime?"

He grinned, obviously trying to tease me— Us. Before I could reply to him, Yasaka hugs my arm and winks.

"Yes, we are currently on a family trip."

The youkai around us are slack-jawed by what their leader just did, especially the bunny-eared youkai. I shake Yasaka off my arm and chuckle.

"She's just teasing me so don't think too deeply about it, and I'm on a request for her right now."

The youkai around us laugh nervously and turn back to what they were doing. Kunou snickers at her mom and Yasaka begins to pout. Seeing someone her age pouting like this… It feels strange. Shaking my head, I begin to walk away, Kunou walking by my side, and Yasaka running to catch up with us.

"Jeez, why not humor me for a little?"

"If I did, I would have the Western Youkai Faction believing that I'm your lover or engaged to you or married, none of them are true."

"For the time being, you mean."

She smiled at me again, causing me to snort. We finally reach the barrier that separates the two places and we go through it.

Since I had to act like a husband and father, I let Yasaka hug my arm during our little day trip. I also let Kunou hold my hand for it too. We got a lot of comments pointing out the age difference. They'd all probably have an aneurysm if they found out Yasaka's real age.

What surprised the humans more was the age of our 'daughter' Kunou, so we got even weirder stares for that. Our first stop was a restaurant. This was because by the time we left Urakyoto it was already time for lunch, but a lot of the restaurants we went to were full.

"Oh dear, they're all quite full."

Yasaka puts her hand on her cheek clearly troubled by this. Additionally, I hear Kunou's stomach growl when I look at the girl who was blushing.

"Alright, follow me."

They both gave me confused looks but complied. I led them to the same park where Ingvild, Serafall, and I had lunch.

I decided to just summon some food. I made the roasted chicken drum sticks, shepherd's pie, and berry pie. I made enough for all of us to share. This is because I didn't know how much these two ate, I was too busy eating my share during breakfast during our first meeting.

"My, these do smell quite delicious."

Yasaka took a drum stick and bit into it. Her eyes lit up, and she happily consumed the rest. Kunou did the same thing as her mother. They also shared the same look as they ate the drum sticks. I also took one and ate one.

"Don't forget to try Shepard's pie and then the berry pie."

They nod and I summoned some forks. I gave them one each, and they began to take small pieces at first, before taking larger chunks of it, making me laugh.

"I can make more, no need to act like they'll disappear forever."

The two became embarrassed and slowed their eating pace.

"These are good, Jin."

"Mmm, I agree with Kunou, where did you get the recipes from?"

I chuckle.

"I merely copied these from Asgard. There's a quaint homey bar-restaurant there, the guy running the place is also friendly."

I had Cúntóir analyze the food while I ate them, so I could replicate them, another perk of having some super computer that's bound to me. You're the MVP Cúntóir.

Cúntóir: Answer: Hmph!

"Asgard? What is it like?"

Kunou was staring at me with anticipation as she was quite curious about the place. Laughing, I pulled out a handkerchief and wiped some food from her mouth. She blushed as I did. Yasaka smiled at this small interaction.

"It's like… Medieval meets futuristic sci-fi city with a very limited color scheme. I thought it would be mostly made up of Valkyries and the Norse Gods, but there are a few other races there— I don't know what they are but… Oh, no…"

I just remembered that I forgot to visit that bunny-eared being... Crap!

"Jin? What's wrong?"

Yasaka looked at me worriedly.

"It's nothing… I just remembered I forgot to pay someone a visit before I left… Haah… I'll do it when I go back, hopefully, he doesn't hate me."

"Even you can forget, Jin!"

Kunou found this quite amusing as she giggled at my expense.

"It just shows that we're not infallible, Jin."

Yasaka smiles at me.

"If you— Or we were to do that, it would look unnatural, like some character in a book. From the moment we are born, we have our flaws, that makes us… Alive."

"Yeah… You're right. I guess I put myself on too high of a pedestal for myself."

I guess from the moment I reincarnated here I tried to act perfectly, even though I failed miserably at that. In spite of the fact that I mostly forgot about my flaws from my previous life, my body-my soul did not.

[No matter how hard one tries to be perfect, they will never achieve that. Even Azathoth, why would he need to reincarnate lost souls? He could rid himself of any problem he wanted but doesn't, why is that?]

{Mmm, Ddraig is right. Since we are bound to our wielder, we feel many of their emotions… Sacred Gears do run on their current wielder's emotions, feelings, and will. That is how many have evolved over the years.}

Yeah, yeah, thanks, guys. Being perfect is not possible - Trying to create some kind of utopia is impossible, as long as there are beings with their own emotions and feelings, differences will always exist.

Gosh, this got a bit too deep. Dial it back a bit.

"This got a bit heavy, huh?"

I wipe some sauce off Kunou's mouth again, and she this time happily lets me.

"Mmm, so, what did that being in Asgard want you for?"

Yasaka decided to move the conversation along, which I was grateful for.

"He just wanted me to sign some things he made, merchandise he made of me. I wanted to get to my request, so I promised the guy I would get back to him before I left. I sincerely forgot, hopefully, we don't hold a grudge or something."

Yasaka giggles, so did Kunou.

"Well, we can only hope."

I just had a strained smile on my face and nodded along. Not too long after we finished our lunch, we left to explore Kyoto more. Yasaka led us to a place called Gion's Geishas and Temples. I didn't expect her to bring us here, especially with Kunou with us.

As we walked through the area, we saw a few people call out to us, and even a few Geishas waving at me, causing Yasaka to pull me back. The Geishas giggled at this. Kunou was still young so she was a bit confused as to why her mother acted like that.

Taking the father and husband thing a little too seriously there, Yasaka.

"Jin, anything to say about this area?"

I think she's looking for my explanations. I couldn't help but chuckle at that.

"Hmm, let's see, I'll make it short and without too many details."

I looked around a bit, as it's still daytime, it was quite a safe place to walk through, though I've heard it's also safe at night. I can only take the local's word for it.

"Famous as an entertainment and geisha district, Gion is an area of Kyoto that is well suited to exploring on foot. Located on the eastern bank of the Kamogawa River, Gion is an eclectic mix of modern architecture and historical beauty that provides a unique taste of numerous Japanese traditions, from the elaborately dressed geishas to well-preserved 17th-century restaurants and tea houses offering a glimpse of old Japan."

"Though, I have Grayfia or Akeno to serve me tea at times. I also do serve tea in return, but my way is a lot different— I guess more Westernized?"

I once watched Grayfia and Akeno make and pour tea for me once, it felt… Elegant? Mysterious? Like it had a lot more thought and meaning as they did it.

I usually just slapped on the kettle or used fire magic to boil the water, grab a tea bag, pour water in, and slap it in there. The difference in flavor was also there when we compared. Maybe I should get lessons from them…

"Having a harem is quite convenient, isn't it?"

"I don't just use them for getting things done, Yasaka…"

"I didn't mean it that way, but I mean— Having a helping hand around and company that you like is a wonderful convenience… Kunou and I are mostly by ourselves after all."

Okay, I feel like an asshole for answering like that.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that either. I mean, I could try and visit you guys more often, not just request-related…"

I saw Yasaka smile beside me and nod.

"Yes! That would be great, Jin!"

Kunou was excited about that proposition as well, making her mother laugh at her.

"Anyway… Centered on an area encompassing Hanami-Koji Street, Shijo-dori Street, and the waterside promenades of Shirakawa Minami-dori Street, Gion is also famous for its many fine temples. The best-known of these are the 15th-century Silver Pavilion (Ginkakuji) and the Chion-in Temple."

"Chion-in is one of Japan's most famous temples, notable for its 24-meter-high, two-story tower (Sammon-san), which houses the country's largest bell. Weighing 71 tons, it was cast in 1633, and is rung only during festivals in mid-April."

I finished my explanation and took a breath.

"I just missed the festivals here. I want to come again next year, maybe along with my harem, it would be fun."

I have no idea how many are going to be there; I'll definitely get a lot of attention… The thought of that is a bit headache-inducing.

"Well, you're always welcome here in Kyoto, Jin."

We as a 'family' toured around more spots in Kyoto, more lesser-known spots thanks to Yasaka so we could enjoy a bit of a calmer atmosphere. There were certainly a lot of tourists here, even at this time of the year.

We traveled to an undisclosed small lake. There were a few supernatural beings that frequented the place. However, since they knew who Yasaka was and when she told them who I was they were okay with us being there.

This also gave Kunou some time to let her energy out as she— No, we ran around playing. We played some tag and looked at some bugs we found around the place. Of course, I tried to involve Yasaka as much as I could during this.

With the line 'If I'm the father of Kunou and your husband for the day, then we're doing this like a real 'family.' Once I told her that she let loose a little bit… Two giant heads jiggled quite a bit when she did, a bit distracting, I won't lie.

Kunou was happy to see her mother let loose. However, she told me that she rarely did as she had to maintain her face as the leader of their faction.

Also, another reason why I didn't try to make my own faction is I'm no leader and it seemed like too much work. Finding a balance between fulfilling my own agenda and also keeping everyone happy by delegating crap to everyone.

Trying to keep people loyal without defecting, in-fighting… The list continues on and on, it doesn't fit me. At best, I could probably run a team or something, but my harem is different since I don't see them as expendable tools or anything along those lines. Your mindset will change over time as you rule your faction. This is unless you have others that will assist you. This will keep you on the same path you were on when you began.

The day was ending so we decided to visit one last place that I didn't get a chance to. The Kyoto Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, while it may seem boring and nothing too noteworthy, I just wanted to check the place out.

When we got there the sun was already starting to set. The number of people around the place had slowly started to dwindle so that meant we could take our time here.

As we walked around the place Kunou looked a bit irritated. I can understand why… She's too small to see most of the view. I stop and pick her up, surprising her a bit. I then put her on my shoulders.

"Is this a lot better, Kunou?"


She couldn't help but giggle and marvel at her new height. I also pull Yasaka closer to me, much to her surprise, but she leans her head onto my shoulder as we walked through the forest.

"It's very… Bamboo-ey."

I comment, making both of them giggle.

"Well, it's tranquil in a way, especially this time of day. Just you and your thoughts, well…"

I look at Yasaka and at Kunou.

And my family right now, so it's more enjoyable."

"Mmm-mmm, very enjoyable indeed Papa-san! ~"

Yasaka couldn't help but try teasing me again.

"Since we're nearly done, I'll let you call me that before we end it."

I might as well let her have some fun. After a moment of shock, she smiled at me.

"Let's go!"

After Kunou announced from my shoulders, we walked around enjoying each other's company. Lights started to come on as the sun was nearly out of sight, and the evening was almost upon us. When we rounded a corner we could see a few people— Perhaps a friend group. When one of them noticed us, they put a finger up to their lips to tell us to keep quiet.

We complied a bit confused, we made our way towards them and we could see a man on one knee, kneeling with a small box in his hand. There was a woman with a blindfold standing in front of him. Everyone was quite excited as they waited for the moment to happen.

It wouldn't be a terrible idea to make a proposal in such a place. I just hope it turns out well for him. I could see Yasaka watching intently, as did Kunou. It was the first time Kunou had probably seen a proposal in person.

Someone sneaks behind the girl and takes the blindfold off. She stares at her friend before she sees I would assume her boyfriend kneeling in front of her. Her eyes widen as the thought finally hits her.

"Keiko, will you marry me?"

He opens the box as he asks her the million-dollar question, a fine-looking ring with a diamond as the gemstone.

Keiko gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. Tears slowly started to fall from her eyes.


She screamed and jumped into her boyfriend's arms.

"Yes, I do! Kengo!"

The entire crowd, including us, cheered for the couple. I noticed that even more people had gathered while we waited for the show to start.

Kengo finally took the engagement ring out of the box and placed it on her finger, the couple kissed, and the crowd cheered again. Both of them started thanking their friends and the strangers who celebrated and congratulated them.

Everyone started to disperse once it was over. I would think they felt a little fuzzy after watching that display of affection.

"That was nice, wasn't it?"

We had slowly left the bamboo forest as the sun had fully set and the kitsune duo had to get back home.

"It was so romantic, mother!"

Kunou had gotten off my shoulders and started hopping around, still excited by the moment she experienced.

"I want something like that to happen to me in the future!"

I saw her briefly glance at me and smile.

"Yes, I would like such an occasion to happen to me too…"

I felt her tighten her grip on my arm.

Yeah, no pressure, right? I inwardly chuckle at the future proposals that I might have to do. I will just talk to each of them individually in the future about how I should proceed.

"Well, it's not every day you see a public proposal. The ones I've seen online have been… Well, rejections and man it was awkward."

I cringed as I recalled some failed proposals in this world and in my former one. Especially in front of a big crowd like that, couldn't be me.

"One must make sure that their significant other shares the same feelings as them. Also, speaking about such topics beforehand can avoid such outcomes."

Yasaka nods at her own statement, Kunou looking at her mother like she's some kind of wise god.

"Yeah, many men or sometimes women go into those expecting their significant other just to say yes, when there's a very real chance that they may say no. A lot of females also feel pressured to answer yes when they get put on the spot like that in public."

I could see Yasaka nodding along, though I could tell Kunou didn't understand much but wanted to join in and nodded as well. I pick the young lady up and prop her up near my chest.

"When you're older Kunou, you'll find that person you want to be with, for now just enjoy your time as a child, alright?"

She didn't answer me, but looked between Yasaka and me. I didn't trigger any kind of flag... Right?

[You've literally triggered both of them already. Why are you in denial?]

{It will take some time, but your efforts are bearing fruit.}

Haah, well whatever. I mean yeah, I wanted Yasaka in the end, but rushing into it is a bit… I did it with three— Er two, whatever.

"Ufufufu, don't worry Jin. I'm sure Kunou will find that person."

She gave me a mischievous smile, as she alluded to the answer that I know.

We made it back to the Youkai city and were greeted again by the locals, who were cheerful as ever. A few male youkai look at me with respect. I feel like they've just assumed some things, but trying to correct them would be pointless.

We made it to their house and the tengu guards greet us.

"Yasaka-sama, Kunou-hime and Jin-san, welcome back!"

Kunou and Yasaka nod and smile at them. I wave to them and summon some crackers and water; I throw it to them and they catch it.

"Thank you."

One of them immediately started to chug the water, making Kunou giggle.

"Good work, you two."

As we walk past them, I tap both of them on the shoulder as they nod to me. We make our way inside their home, and we go back to the room I dubbed 'the meeting room' when we got there Yasaka turns around and smiles.

"Thank you for today, Jin. I know the request was quite… Strange, but thank you for humoring Kunou and I."

I wave her off.

"Don't worry about it."

I summoned a piece of paper and handed it to her.

"That's my number, just contact me when you want to send me a request, or like what I said earlier. If you two want company just contact me there too."

"Thank you, Jin… But… I don't have a modern phone…"

She sported a small blush making me chuckle. I didn't expect that, well whatever.

"No worries."

I created the same model as Ingvild and I, as well as giving the other upgrades I gave for ours. I hand one to Yasaka and Kunou.

"Here, a present from me."

Both of them are a bit speechless as Kunou hugs my leg.

"Thank you…"

"No worries, Kunou-hime ~"

I say to her as we both laugh.

"I should get going… But before that."

I created two necklaces for the both of them. Both chains are gold, and the pendant part is shaped like foxes. Yasaka's and Kunou's are Gold and White, respectively. This is a reference to her future powers once she starts hanging around Ophis.

I crouch down and put the necklace around Kunou. She stares at the thing in awe and has the biggest smile on her face. I get up and face Yasaka— She was sporting a small blush and had lifted her hair up already. I chuckle a bit making her blush as I put the necklace around her as well.

"Now, these things will alert me if any of you two are in sudden danger, though it has to be you know, something serious and not just minor."

I finally turn around.

"I really should get going now, I've stayed a bit too long…"

I feel Yasaka pull me back and give me a kiss on the cheek.

"I like you even more, Jin. You make it difficult not to. I look forward to my future husband then ~"

She smiled, though it was different from the ones she usually does. I just shake my head at her. Kunou was looking at us with complicated expressions. She probably won't answer me if I ask, so I leave it at that.

"Alright, I'm gonna get going now."

I look at Yasaka one last time, curious as to what happened to her previous husband. I'll address that topic in the future. I pat Kunou one last time and teleport away.

Japan, Kuoh

When I teleported back home, I was in the living room, to my surprise I saw everyone there, with Shirone there as well.

"Welcome back, Jin. Where did you go today?"

Akeno asked me as she pulled me towards the couch and cuddled up to me. I look at Grayfia as she shook her head. Looks like she didn't tell them then.

"I went to Kyoto, Yasaka had a request for me."

"Kyoto, huh? What did Yasaka-nya have you do nya?"

Kuroka was sitting beside Shirone as she played with her hair much to her little sister's dismay.

"I… Well…"

I didn't want to exactly tell them, knowing they might just explode into chaos. But they were staring at me intently making it quite hard to just stay silent.

"Haah… She, well both mother and daughter wanted me to act like a father and husband for the day… So I guess… We went on a family outing?"

The room falls silent as I finish saying what I had done, all eyes on me, all blank. They slowly process this information until…


Akeno looked up at me mortified her grip on my arm tightening.

"Even Yasaka-nya isn't safe. Mr. Harem King is determined to get all women of the supernatural world at this rate."

Kuroka hugs Shirone.

"Shirone nya! Run away! That beast will get you! He already entices you with sweets! Nya!"


Shirone looked slightly irritated by the sudden skin ship and she couldn't put a sweet into her mouth.

"We must expect such things to become more common in the future."

Grayfia simply stated and closed her eyes.

"Yeah… I mean that's the whole reason he became the middleman, ahahaha…"

Ingvild also agreed with Grayfia.

"Huh? Is that true senpai?"

This was the first time Shirone was hearing this and was a bit surprised. I'm sorry, yes it's true… I literally have no other reason than that.

"Yes nya, that's why he's the middleman nya, he wants a harem and then peace second nya!"

Shirone shook her head and gave me a disappointed look.

Oof, did my progress with her go backwards? I smiled wryly at her not sure how to respond. Reni had snaked her way towards me and was hugging my other arm.

"At least Jin is honest about it!"

Oh, this angel is defending me! I started to pet her head earning a cute grunt of approval from the blonde.

"Someone who's defending me, thank you, Reni!"

But that came crashing down soon enough.

"But don't go around sleeping with women that are not in it, okay?"

The terrifying smile came back, and I chuckle at her. I don't do that… I have my own… Rules, I guess?

"I don't do that kind of thing, Reni, you know that…"

"Very good!"

Satisfied with my answer she goes back to burying her head into my shoulder. Another hectic day in this place…

One week before the start of the term

Japan, Kuoh

Kuoh Academy

Third Person Point of View

Ting! Ting!

Jin and Kiba were exchanging swords, Kiba was slightly beaten up as Jin had previously knocked him down a few times, however, due to his training his defenses and endurance has improved quite dramatically, while his speed hasn't increased too much, but there was a noticeable difference.

"What's wrong, Kiba? Is this your current limit?"

Jin asked the blond as he parried another slash from the Knight of Gremory.

"No, sir!"

Kiba shouted and sent out more slashes toward Jin, only for the masked boy to easily parry them.


Kiba sent another slash to Jin and so did he, their swords clashed and sparks began to fly, but Kiba was soon overpowered as he flew backwards landing on the ground.

"Kugh! Dammit!"

Kiba punched the ground frustrated when their sparring match began, he became furious when he saw Jin summon a sword with holy properties, in his blind rage he started to attack wildly but was quickly knocked down, over and over again.

"One more time, please!"

Jin only nodded at his request, Kiba after being manhandled for the last few minutes started to calm down and control his rage. He dashed towards Jin and swung down his sword, Jin jumped away as the Knight's sword hit the ground creating a large crater, much larger than the one he made before.

Clang! Ting! Bang!

Parry, slash, parry, slash. These next few minutes were Kiba's struggles to land a hit on Jin until he decided to knock him back down with a bit more force.


The Knight lay there, failing to get back up due to all the accumulated damage he had taken.

'I can still fight!'

Kiba said to himself but kept falling back down.


Jin let out a sigh and threw a healing slime at the young Knight.

"Kiba, relax for a moment."

While reluctant and still furious, he agreed.

"I can see you have a hate for holy swords, correct?"

Kiba nodded without answering. Jin put the word in front of him and snapped it in half, surprising the blond.


He was stupefied, he didn't know what to do or say, a holy sword— Destroyed just like that.

"This is a fake— A replica I made on the spot, while I don't know the reason for your hatred."

Jin lied again.

"But I may be able to give you some advice."

The blonde looked confused he sat there waiting for Jin to continue.

"Kiba Yuuto, do swords— The ones that you have hatred for have feelings? Their own consciousness? Beings that reside in them?"


Kiba was a bit confused by the question, but shook his head.

"N-No, how is this relevant?"

"I see, then what would happen if you finally got your revenge on these inanimate objects? Wouldn't it be possible for whoever created them to just do it all over again?"

"…No! I'll have… President get rid of them… So my comrades and I can finally have our peace…"

"If she did that, wouldn't that start some sort of problem between Heaven and the Underworld? These swords by default belong to the Church, the church is also associated with Heaven."

Jin looks at Kiba straight in the eyes

"What then? Are you willing to start another war just for revenge against some swords?"


Kiba was fuming but understood what Jin was saying to him, but he's held this hate and rage towards these things for so long, that he didn't know how to respond.

"Kiba, think."

Kiba looks up at Jin confused.

"Who truly was responsible for your suffering? Was it the swords? Or… Perhaps the person responsible for whatever hell you were put through?"


The realization hit him like a ton of bricks.

'The one… Who was responsible for everything?'

Kiba remembered a name and his heart exploded with rage.

'Valper Galilei…!!!'

"I can see you understood what I meant."

Kiba looked back up at Jin and nodded.

"I'm not saying to abandon your revenge, Kiba. I just want you to know that your rage and hate are directed at the wrong things."

"Items— Things— Those holy swords and relics can and will be restored or replicated over time, but if you cut out the source… Then, well you know what I mean."

"Yes, it will take me some time to fully change that hatred, but I can understand where you're coming from, Mask-san, thank you."

He gets up and pats himself down.

"I shall go and think about it, excuse me."

He bowed and walked away. Jin sighed, he didn't expect it to go as smoothly as he thought, while Kiba was still processing his emotions… Hopefully, it's a step in the right direction.

Jin Skyward

I had finished sparring with Kiba as he went to sulk— I mean think about what I had told him. Hopefully, he'll have a more level head when that time comes and not lose himself in his emotions. I don't want to baby them through everything, but giving them advice and a push in the right direction— I'm not against it.

I glance at the area where Kuroka and Shirone were training, I nod to myself and made my way there. The two sisters were also sparring, I had suggested this as I wanted to see Shirone's progress, and the two agreed to it.

"Stop! Dodging!"

Shirone complained as she sent another punch towards her sister, Kuroka easily dodging them.

"No, thank you nya!"

Kuroka playfully quipped back as Shirone became more annoyed.

Shirone— or Koneko's current rank was Middle Class, she's a lot stronger than her canon counterpart, thanks to her constant training her speed was also a lot higher in her 'base' form. It's the same speed as her Nekomata form, I was excited to see how much it would increase when she used it.

But I didn't have to wait long.


Shirone lost her cool and used her [Nekomata Mode Level 2] covering herself in touki and showing her cat ears and tail, having an extra pair while in the mode. Her overall stats increased and Kuroka barely dodged the initial punch.

But, since she was Satan Class, she got used to the increase in power and speed quite quickly as she easily dodged her punch and kicks again.

"You have to try harder than that, Shirone nya!"

Kuroka sent a bullet of senjutsu aura towards her little sister, Shirone responded with the same attack but punched out a blast of senjutsu balls instead.

The two attacks collided, but Kuroka's were much more powerful and destroyed Shirone's, she had to jump out of the war in order to avoid the attack.

"Ugh… Nee-sama… How did you get so strong…?"

Shirone fell flat on her butt and was forced out of her Nekomata Mode.

Kuroka had landed beside her sister and started to pet her, they notice me and Kuroka points at me

"You can thank Jin for that nya."

Shirone looked at me curiously and I shrug.

"He got me to Satan-class nya, I can probably reach God Class strength in the future nya."


It was obvious that she couldn't believe what she was hearing

"Y-You're joking, right, Nee-sama…?"

"I wish I was nya, Jin is a lot stronger than he lets on, he's just… Lazy? Laid back? Well— He doesn't really care much about standing out or being proclaimed the strongest, all he cares about is us, and being lazy."

I chuckle at her statement.

"I mean, you're not wrong. Less attention on me, not including the middleman thing and soon-to-be Red Dragon Emperor, the better. Those are inevitable, the rest can be controlled… To an extent."

Unless I lose my cool in the future, which seems unlikely…

"You two don't need my help since Kuroka knows most about senjutsu and all that. Just stick to whatever training your sister has for you and go from there. You have a lot of potential, Shirone."

She nods and smiles.

"Yes, thank you, Jin-senpai."

"Okay nya, let's keep going."

Kuroka announces as Shirone loses her smile and groans, making the both of us chuckle.

I finally make my way to the last two, Rias and Akeno. However, Rias was mostly just watching Akeno as she was surprised by her sudden improvement in power.

"Akeno… How— How did you get to High-class in power?"

She was stupefied, it hasn't been that long since they last saw each other and Akeno was just Middle Class. Akeno turns back to her King and smiles; she gestures to me.

"You can thank my boyfriend for that."

Rias gives me a strange look and sighs.

"I'll take your word for it then…"

"How are you fairing in the new power increase? Good? Bad?"

"I'm doing fine… I feel like I can achieve something new…"

Akeno lets her wings out, 3 pairs, 6 wings in total. Rias stared shocked at her [Queen].

"You have three pairs of wings now?!"

Her [Queen] only nodded to her King while happily smiling.

"Once you reach Ultimate-class, you'll be able to achieve it. We can go back to that place and get you there."

"Mmm, I can ask my father about it more since he'll have more information about our blood and heritage."

Akeno retracted her wings and summoned Holy Lightning, but as soon as it came out of the circle, she started to control it, making it swirl around, go in zig-zag motions, and finally crashing the attack into the ground, creating a very large crater.

"Ufufufu, my control got better ~"

Akeno giggled to herself as her King watched in amazement at her new control and power output.

"Rias Gremory, how is your personal progress so far?"

"…I haven't improved too much, my demonic energy consumption decreased some and my control increased a little, I'm not too sure on how to proceed."

I nod.

"Show me."

I was curious about what she did for training, is she continuing what she had done a few weeks ago? Or did she change it? Rias closed her eyes and summoned two big-sized balls of [Power of Destruction] in both her hands, she opened her eyes and sent the two balls into the sky, they then collided with the barrier and explode.

The barrier stayed intact and didn't break.

"Hmm, interesting. As you said your consumption is slightly less than it was a few weeks ago, and your control is a lot better too, however… Why do you choose to use big attacks? Aren't those a lot more draining?"


Rias didn't have anything to say and just blushed


"Bigger isn't always better nor stronger, Rias Gremory."

I cut her off.

"Quality over quantity, efficiency over flashiness."

I summon a training dummy in front of us and then a small ball of fire on my right-hand index finger's tip. I launch the small ball of fire towards the dummy at a slow speed. I could see Rias confused at my actions.

Until the small ball of fire connected with the dummy.


A huge ball of fire consumed the thing and the area in front of it, it quickly dies out and everything in front of them was scorched. I turn back to Rias as she was staring at it in shock.

"Something like that. I'm sure you've seen your brother do similar things, yes?"

She nodded along to my question, still shocked. I reverse time on the area affected by my attack and bring it back to its previous state.

"Try to do this for the new few weeks, also don't forget to drain your demonic pool until it's basically dry to increase your pool even more, alright?"

"Yes sir. Also thank you."

"Once you gain more mastery to do something like that with your [Power of Destruction], you can try changing their shapes to other things, again, refer to your older brother, if you want more advice ask him or your mother."

Rias nods and stares at her hand and squeezes it shut, like an anime protagonist.

"Rias, it's fine that you want to be independent, but it's also okay to rely on others from time to time, it isn't a sign of weakness. But a sign of true maturity. Not everyone can achieve everything by themselves."

"I mean, your brother didn't win the civil war all by himself, now, did he?"

She shakes her head.

"See? He needed help and backing in order to achieve the things he's achieved. Making connections and friends is essential to becoming a successful leader and ruler."

"Rias, I can see you look up to him a lot, you also strive to be independent. But you have to know your own limits and that you can't overcome them straight away, you will need to train and then try again, or take a different approach to it."

Rias takes a moment to think of what I said to her and nods.

"I want to be independent; I admit that I have been quite spoiled since I was young, my brother doing quite a lot of it."

She shakes her head remembering him spoiling her as much as he could.

"But the way I was going about it… It was a bit childish, I wanted to be independent but not rely on anyone else apart from my own power, even though I knew I wasn't that powerful."

She looks me straight in the eyes, a fierce determination on her.

"I… I want to take better steps in a more mature independence and not be so childish anymore… As the future heiress of the Gremory clan, I can't stay like this forever."

I couldn't help but smile under my mask, I didn't do much but the amount of change that Rias is going through is mostly positive. She must have done a lot of sulking on her own, I wonder if Akeno had some influence on her. I look at her [Queen] and see she was smiling too.

"You're already on your way there, Rias Gremory, keep on going on this path and you surely will reach it in the end."

I give her a thumbs up.

"I'm proud of your growth, good job."

The heiress blushes and turns away clearly embarrassed by my praise.

"By the way, how about your [Bishop] you have hidden away?"

She looks at me a bit shocked and changes her attention to Akeno but she shakes her head.

"I don't know how you— No, maybe Onii-sama mentioned it or Grayfia… Anyway, I can't control him, I lack the power and he also lacks control himself."

"I will personally extend my request to Gasper as well, the next time I train guys, bring him out, even if you have to force him. He needs to start somewhere; he can't hide forever."

Rias ponders the thought for a moment before nodding.

"Okay, I'll bring him out. You've only had the intention of helping us out, I will trust you Mask-san."


I'll go break Valerie out too… So when the time comes, I can have that motivate Gasper, they're childhood friends too after all. It will also take a burden off the former Dhampir's mind.

Flashback end


Jin Skyward

I sigh since that wasn't even everything that happened over the course of the two weeks. It were the only notable things that did, as I stare out the window homeroom had ended and one of our classes started. I wasn't really paying attention and the teacher apparently noticed and called me up to the board to answer.

I heard a few of the students snicker at me. Well, I did just daydream for who knows how long…  When I got up to the board the teacher handed me a piece of chalk and there was a sentence in Japanese for me to translate into English.

Huh, well, this is going to be easy. I wrote down the sentence and the teacher was surprised, so he added another sentence, and I answered correctly again. Does this dude not know I lived in a mainly English-speaking country before moving here?

This repeated a few more times, and finally, the male teacher gave up and sent me back to my chair.

[I… What was that all about?]

{I am also confused}

I wouldn't know, probably tried to embarrass the new student in front of the class? He's not exactly helping with me staying on the down-low with humans…

As I walk back to my seat, I see Akeno roll her eyes at me making me chuckle on the inside, In was just smiling at me, the same with the rest of the devils. I just shook my head and sat back down. I just hope that doesn't repeat, more trouble than necessary.


Third Person Point of View

Once the bell rang to indicate that lunch started, students started to leave the classroom to go buy their lunch or eat somewhere else. A few students stayed behind and brought their desks together and ate together as they gossiped.

Rias Gremory turned around to speak to Jin but to her surprise, the guy was gone, she turned to Akeno confused.

"Akeno? Where did Jin go?"


Akeno turned around from her seat to find her boyfriend missing.

"That's strange… I swear he was here just a few seconds ago."

Akeno looked at both Sona and Tsubaki, the two shook their heads. She did the same thing with Ingvild, but she was currently surrounded by a bunch of students who were asking her a bunch of questions.

"Ingvild-san where are you from?"

"Are you a model by chance?"

"What are your three siz—"

The male student who tried to ask the question was uppercut by a female, knocking him out. The others looked at the unconscious boy with pity.

"He's quite quick on his feet if he left that fast when the bell rang…"

Sona fixed her glasses and turned to look at the door, Jin still missing. Rias nodded and got up, followed by her fellow devils, she went up to a girl who was eating lunch by herself as she scrolled through her phone. When the girl looked up, she nearly spat out her food.

'The Student Council?! And the 2 Onee-sama's of the school!!'

She forcefully swallowed her food.

"H-How can I-I help you R-Rias-san?"

She stuttered out a bit confused as to why both groups approached her.

"Sakura-san, did you see where the new student went by any chance?"

Rias was the one who asked the question, the girl now named Sakura was curious as to why Rias Gremory wanted to know the new student's location.

"I-I-I think he said something about checking out the schools' clubs?!"

She cringed at herself for stuttering while speaking to them.

"I see, thank you."

Rias smiled at her and the two devil groups walked away. Once they did the girl slumped down as her heartbeat had quickened much to her confusion.

'I— I'm not a lesbian… Am I?'

Something awakened in that student that day, it would lead her down an interesting path in life.

Akeno came back into the room to get Ingvild, saying that her club president wanted to speak with her, the students obliged even though they wanted to speak with her more, but couldn't or wouldn't say anything back to Akeno because of her popularity. One In was out of the classroom she sighed in relief

"Thank you, Akeno… They were starting to ask very strange questions."

"Ufufufu, that's just how the populace is in this school, you'll get used to it soon enough."

Ingvild could only give her a strained smile as they joined the other devils.

The two devil groups go to each club and then outside to the gyms to try to find Jin, during their search Kiba, Koneko and Saji had joined them, so their group had grown a considerable amount, and the student populace were curious as to why such a group had formed.

Everywhere they went, the students in their way parted like the sea, they eventually reached a crowd outside one of the gyms.

"Hmm? There seems to be a large crowd in front of that gymnasium, perhaps he's there?"

Tsubaki pointed towards the gym and the group nodded and make their way there.

"What might be happening here?"

Sona asked as some students turn around to find the student council president there, a few panicked and run away. The ones with actual brain cells answer her.

"The new senior is in there; he's playing volleyball with the regulars and he's doing pretty well. I've heard some saying he'll get a starter spot if he chooses to join!"

A small boy with red hair answered excitedly, it looked like he was a new first-year student.

"I see, thank you. Excuse us."

Sona thanked the student and wriggled their way through the crowd and into the gym. What the student said was true, on the court they could see Jin playing volleyball. One of the regulars served the ball, and another received it on the other end, Jin ran up to the left


He shouted, and the setter nodded and set the ball for him. The opposite team lined up to block Jin.

Jin jumped, his vertical jump still surprising many students around them as to how high he went.


Jin spiked the ball, completely bypassing the wall of hands in front of him, the others behind the blockers failing to receive the ball due to the force Jin used. A whistle blew indicating a point to Jin's side.

"Nice, kill senpai."

The setting came up to Jin and held up his hand for a high-five.

Jin happily high-fived the junior back

"Nice set."

The next few minutes were a nearly one-sided beat down, thanks to Jin and his team naturally meshing well together, from the received, sets, spikes, and even serves. It was near impeccable.

Jin's team only needed one more point to win. Jin was up to serve, he spun the ball around his palm and look to his side to see the two peerages watching him, he gave them a quick smile before turning back to the game.

Jin threw the ball up, surprising the team.

"A jump serve?!"

Jin jumped and smacked the ball as hard as he could, well by human standards— If he used his Dragon God strength, every human would just die. The ball flew and landed at the very right top corner of the court making a loud thud.

Both teams were speechless at the power and accuracy the serve Jin did, the whistle blew indicating the end of the match "Winner A team!" the crowd of students watching cheered loudly as they didn't expect to see such a wonderful match between the team's regular.

"Nice serve, senpai. Do you plan on joining the club? From your performance, I doubt the coach would reject you."

The setter for Jin's team went up to him and shook his hand.

"I'm not entirely sure, I'm actually just a beginner haha…"

The setter gained a surprised look, along with the regulars around him.

"A-Are you serious? You seemed more like someone who had played their whole life!"

Another regular blurt out shocked.

"Yeah… I never played volleyball back in Ireland, well, maybe for P.E? But apart from that no… Football— Or soccer is the sport that dominated my country after all."

"Damn, you're a natural then senpai, maybe you definitely have the stamina and body since you probably played soccer, yes?"

"Yeah, I guess that just carried over, anyway I'll mull the decision over. Thanks for letting me play, Hiroto-kun."

"It's no problem senpai, anyone is welcomed to play during lunch."

The setter now named Hiroto thanked his senior and waved him off.

Jin Skyward

I had left the gym, the large crowd from earlier had dispersed, and the two peerages joined me outside.

"I didn't think I would warrant such a large party to be watching me play some volleyball."

"It's been some time, Rias."

I smile at her and she returns the gesture.

"Yes, it's been some time, Jin, I take it you're well?"

I could see Saji giving me strange looks, only for Sona to smack him.

"Saji, behave yourself."

She scolded her pawn.

"Yes ma'am…"

He grumbled but still looked at me annoyed. Why though? Please don't let him think of me as some kind of show-off pretty boy… I'm average, like c'mon dude.

[Vritra's host is quite amusing.]

{His natural potential is quite high; I look forward to his growth.}

Yeah, he made an interesting rival for Issei, he'll probably declare me one as well, when I reveal I'm the Red Dragon Emperor. I mused at the potential future. I most likely already motivated a lot of people in this world. I can also picture Sairaorg already thinking of me as a rival, the same with Vali, Tobio, Dulio, and Thor.

"Yeah, I've been good, is there a reason for…well all this?"

I spread my arms and gestured to all of them.

"Yes, I wanted to invite you to my club, it's called the Occult Research Club."

"Ah, the one that Akeno mentioned, yeah sure I don't mind."

I could see Sona confused by our interaction; she knows I'm the one training them but I don't think she knows I met Rias a few weeks ago…

"I met Rias a few weeks ago by chance, that's how we know each other."

She nods before turning to leave.

"I see, well, then we shall leave. Jin, I hope to see you after school."

"Sure, sure."

I wave them off and Rias looks at me strangely, I decided to tell her a little lie "She wants to know more about my past school, grades, and all that stuff, a bit of a hassle honestly…"

Rias giggles.

"That does sound like Sona. Now then, follow us, Jin."

She turns to leave and everyone with the exception of Shirone and Akeno starts walking away.

"You have no idea how much I'm holding back right now…"

Akeno whispered to me.

"Already attracting some attention today, senpai."

Shirone grins at me and I pat her head. I pull out a few pieces of candy and hand them to her.

"Thank you."

She eats on and smiles.

"You'll get the attention when we get home Akeno, just deal with it for now, okay?"

She reluctantly nods and we start walking after the other two.

Occult Research Club

"Damn, this place feels creepy, talk about going above and beyond for your clubroom."

We made our way through the clubroom and into the maid building, table couches, and the desk where Rias is at most of the time. They all chuckled at my comment, Ingvild was staying by my side as usual while looking around wordlessly. I could see Rias was a bit suspicious as to why Ingvild was sticking so close to me but didn't pry further into it.

Shirone plops down on the couch, Ingvild and I also do the same, Akeno starts to pour tea and Kiba brings some snacks for us. Rias had sat on her chair behind her desk, she crosses her arms and looks around her room and then back to us.

"Akeno told me a little bit about your club, you guys do research and look into the occult right?"

Akeno came over to the both of us, put two cups in front of us, and poured tea into them.

"Yes, that's the gist of our club."

She closes her eyes for a moment before opening them back up again

"Tell me, Jin. Do you believe in the supernatural?"

"Hmm, I have never seen proof, but I do believe in them. I had an experience once… Well, maybe twice? But I think the second time may have just been sleep paralysis."

Rias was a bit surprised by my answer.

"What experience did you have?"

She was curious as to what I experienced as she took a sip of her tea.

"I mean it's nothing too groundbreaking, the house I lived in Ireland was never advertised as haunted…but one day when both my parents were out and I was alone. I went to get a drink of water, when I came back my door was violently shaking."

"All windows in the room were closed, earthquakes also happen very rarely in Ireland so I threw that theory away."

I chuckle while looking around the room.

"I won't lie, I was a bit freaked out when it happened."

I was pulling a random story I saw online a while ago… So I'm lying here.

"The other one was when I woke up early one day, around…three or four in the morning? Anyway, I tried to fall back asleep but then felt something grab my foot."

"I obviously panicked and tried to move, but couldn't. I already read about sleep paralysis before this happened so I thought it might have been it. So, I just closed my eyes and fell back asleep."

Rias was listening intently, and so was everyone else, I could see Akeno smirking at me all the way through.

"I see, perhaps it may have been a wandering spirit pulling a prank on you?"

Rias snorts. I'm well aware that Rias knows of Ingvild since Grayfia told me about it— Around a week ago, so she won't try asking her to be in her peerage.

"I also believe in the supernatural, but I haven't seen any proof yet…"

Ingvild adds getting a nod from Rias.

"Well, we welcome any and all new members to the club, would you both like to join?"

She claps her hands and look at us expectantly. I nod.

"Thank you, Rias, but let me think about this offer for a bit… If you don't mind?"

I could see her slightly deflate but nod.

"I also want to think about my decision…"

"I understand, please take your time."

She took another sip from her tea.

"I do hope you both take up the offer though."

"President, we should end it here, the lunch bell is about to ring."

Kiba interrupts his King and she nods.

"Very well, let's end it here for now, but you are more than welcome to drop by the club before you give me an answer."

Rias gets up and Akeno puts away the cups and plates. We all left the club to go back to class.

After school

"Haah… Finally! Let's go to the arcade man!"

A male student had gone up to another's desk and he agreed, then ran out the door. The bell had rung not too long ago and everyone was slowly making their way out of the room and school. Sona had given me a brief look and nod before leaving for the student council room followed by Tsubaki.

Rias had gone back to the ORC along with Akeno, she dragged Ingvild along with her. I was left to my own devices, I sigh. Better get to the student council then…

Third Person Point of View

With Akeno and Ingvild

Akeno and Ingvild had arrived back at the ORC, everyone in Rias's peerage were already present, Rias gave Ingvild a nod and she did so too.

"In, you can teleport home from here, but if you want to walk home then you're free to do so."

Ingvild nods and thanks Akeno.

"Mmm, thank you Akeno. I'll teleport home for today, it's been quite… Tiring."

"Okay ~ I'll see you at home then."

Ingvild teleports away and Akeno waved her off.

"Akeno-senpai, I'll be going there later…"

Koneko had stopped eating the candy Jin gave her earlier. Rias was a bit surprised

"Koneko? You're going to the mask-man's house?"

The cat girl nods

"I met him a few weeks ago… Nee-sama lives with him so I wanted to thank him properly."

"I see… Who gave you those?"

Rias nods and then points at the sweets that she was eating.


She popped another one into her mouth. Kiba chuckled.

"He does live up to the hype that Akeno-san has told us, he's already getting into Koneko-chan's good side too."

"Yes, Jin seems like he's athletic and has a good physique, if he accepts my invitation to the club, I'll reveal the supernatural to him… And I'll offer to reincarnate him."

"If he refuses?"

Akeno asks her King.

"I'll accept his decision, but I will have to enter a contract with him, so he won't reveal our existence to the world, but I don't believe Jin is that kind of person from the small interactions I've had with him."

Akeno nods satisfied with her reasoning.

"I see, that's fine then. Shall we start our club activities?"

"Yes, let's."

Jin Skyward

I had slowly made my way to the student council's room, seeing a few students on the way there, I also made contact with the perverted duo and Aika Kiryuu. They were mostly talking about perverted and lewd stuff, in a lot more detail than I would have liked to hear.

How can they talk about it so openly? I'd be embarrassed as hell, especially with all the weird stares I'd get. I shake the thoughts away, they're teenagers… I guess it's normal, albeit a bit extreme. I also came across Kiyome Abe, but we didn't interact, I just saw her leaving her classroom and presumably going to the tennis club.

I arrived in front of the door and knock, Saji opens the door and is surprised to see me. I go in and see the entire Sitri peerage there.

"Yo! So-tan, I'm here for the fateful world-ending chess match we set up."

I could see the others a bit shocked by the nickname I called their King.


Saji's eye twitched.

"W-What the hell are you calling the student council president?!"

"Saji, leave it. Now then I—"


Suddenly a magic circle appeared in the middle of the room, Serafall appeared from it and spins around and put up a peace sign in front of her face.

"Magical girl Levi-tan has arrived!"

The Satan announced. The peerage members become shocked and stare at me not sure on what to do.

"So-tan! Your big sister is here!"

Serafall lunged towards Sona only for her to dodge.


"Nee-sama… Please, you're one of the Four Satans, act like it for once…"

Sona sighs and looks back at me

"We also have a guest."


Saji screamed as he looked mortified at the person in front of him wearing a magical girl costume.

"You weren't listening when she told us?"

Momo Hanakai asked her junior.

"Ugh… Well…"

Saji tried to make an excuse but couldn't, earning a sigh from her.

"A guest?"

Serafall turned around to see me. I give her a small wave.


She screamed and bear-hugged me.


The force she tackled me with would destroy a building, I'm glad I absorb most of the impact, otherwise this part of the school would be no more.

"Sera, get off me!"

I asked her to but she clung to me even harder, I could see the rest of them shocked again. I sighed defeatedly.

"Allow me to introduce to you, Jin, the newly appointed middleman and the…"

She looks at me for confirmation and I nod.

"The Red Dragon Emperor."

She sighs and rubs her forehead.

"And I guess the man my sister is interested in… Even though he already has a harem…"

Saji's eyes widen at the realization

"You bastard! I knew it! You have a harem! Dammit, all!"

Saji fell to his knees as tears of jealously rolled down his face.

"So-tan, what's wrong with your [Pawn]?"

Sera stopped trying to crush me and turned her attention to Saji.

"Ignore him… Anyway, Jin and I were about to have a chess match."

"So-tan…you know what happens if you lose."

Serafall looked at her sister with concern, but that quickly fades.

"Actually, if you do lose, we can just share Jin together."

She gives Sona a thumbs up.

"Lose quickly, So-tan!"

This prompted Sona to facepalm.

"We are playing this without the stakes… He was already aware of it; I would have guessed you told him."

Sera shakes her head, completely denying it.

"No, I didn't tell him… Maybe Akeno-tan did, or maybe Grayfia-chan?"

Sona motions for me to join her at the table where the game is going to be played. I nod and let the Satan cling onto me, she had wrapped herself onto quite tightly, if an outsider were looking at this, they'd think Serafall was a koala clinging onto a tree.

"Er… Will you be fine, like that?"

Sona looks between Serafall and I.

"Oh yeah, don't worry about it."

I waved her off as Sera kept rubbing her cheeks against mine.

"Very well…"

She still looked slightly disturbed by all of this, her peerage not faring too well, as Saji still hadn't recovered yet.

"Tsubaki-senpai… What stakes did Leviathan-sama mean?"

Ruruko Nimura asked their [Queen].

"Our [King], if she loses a chess game, or acknowledges someone is of the same or higher intelligence as her will be engaged to them."

"She had broken a previous engagement like so, she won't accept a partner that's dumber than her."

Tsubaki explained and stared at Saji, as the guy slumped even more.

"Yes, I won't marry anyone who isn't smarter than me…not many individuals like that exist in our world."

Sona nodded to herself.


"And that's checkmate, So-tan."

I stretched a bit, when I did so, Serafall snaked her way to my front and changed how she was hugging me.


Sona was confused, she looked at the board in front of her and was dumbfounded, the same with her [Queen].

"Hmm ~ So-tan lost ~ what shall we do?"

Serafall turned around to look at the board and gave her sister a sad smile

"You can do it So-tan!"


Sona demanded and I oblige.

2nd Game – Winner – Jin

3rd Game – Winner – Jin

4th…and so on, until Sona had lost ten times in a row, she was in utter disbelief.

I'm not the best at this, but with my prior knowledge and Cúntóir's help, it was a breeze. So, I didn't win on my own, sorry, Sona.

"…I admit defeat…"

Sona sighed and rubbed her forehead.

"Y-You! You're smart?!"

Saji had recovered and pointed at me, I gave the guy a weird look.

"Well, I wouldn't say I'm a genius, but I'm at least not stupid."

I turn back to Sona.

"Since this didn't involve your engagement, you can rest assured."

I pat Sera

"Also, please keep this a secret, Sera."

"Hmmm… Give me something so I'll keep it a secret."

She smirked at me.

"Haah… Fine."

She waited patiently, a hint of excitement and anticipation in her eyes.

I give her a quick peck on the cheek, the Satan stared at me dumbfounded— She slowly turned red, her sister— And her peerage were also surprised by what I did. Serafall quickly got off me.

"I'll get going! So-tan, don't worry I won't tell our parents about this!"

Serafall announced with a goofy grin on her and teleported away. I guess… She liked that? I chuckled as everyone was looking at me.

"Anyway, I should get going."

"Wait! Jin!"

I heard Tsubaki call out to me.


"Who's Ingvild Kyrie?"

Ahh, it's about that…

"Promise me you won't say anything about this."

I turn to the rest.

"The same with you lot."

They reluctantly nod.

"She's Ingvild Leviathan, a human devil hybrid, an original descendant."

Their eyes widen when I told them the information.

"Anyway, I'll see you guys tomorrow."

I wave to them as I exit the room.

Third Person Point of View

Student Council Room


Tsubaki called out to her King only for Sona to sigh.

"It's fine… I didn't expect to lose that easily, anyway, let's get started with our club activities."

Sona stared at the door that Jin just left through.

'I'm even more curious about you, Jin.'

"Yes, President!"

Jin Skyward

I was walking through the town of Kuoh as the sun slowly set, there were many students and workers on their way home, and I could see a few of them from my year and class.

A few days ago, I felt some supernatural activity around the town, it felt like fallen angels. I guess canon is slowly starting, I haven't been around Raynare and her group as I rarely saw them in Grigori.

Did they defect already? But she was quite loyal to Azazel, only wanting the Sacred Gear from Asia to impress him, I guess?

I've been monitoring them and they haven't done anything, they've mostly been scouting the town and hanging around the abandoned church. Asia also hasn't appeared yet, so there's still some time before it all goes down.

What do I do then? Do I outright kill them? Or make them as useless as newborns and hand them over to Azazel? I mean he could use the information from them… And if their powers are stripped from them— They can't exactly do much.

As I think of how I should deal with Raynare, I go by the shopping district of Kuoh, and a lot of students and normal people were there to buy groceries or hang out, I turn my head to watch them…but to my surprise, I see her there.

Raynare… No, she's in her disguise right now… Amano Yuuma. I stare at her and we make eye contact, she fakes a blush and looks away. She's quite convincing, no wonder Issei fell for it. If I didn't have prior knowledge then I would probably go down the same path as him.

I sigh and look away; I briefly saw that she was annoyed by my reaction made me laugh inside.

Back to Asia… What do I do with her? Have her die? I'd rather save her from such a traumatic experience… But Rias will need more peerage members in the future… Xenovia will join her, there's no stopping that.

She becomes a lot more open once she turns into a devil… I sigh again. I'll save Asia… And let her decide from there, seeing as how Rias has changed, she won't force a decision from the nun.

[You'll be taking her in then, Partner?]

{Asia didn't get a choice, she was dead at the time, only by reincarnating her was the only way to revive her.}

[Yes, but she also has the desire to grow a larger chest! Without being a devil, she can't achieve that…well I guess Jin can do it for her.]

{Hmmm, you may have a point.}

Alright, so save Asia…let her decide her own fate…

Skyward household

When I got home Ingvild, Kuroka and Reni were already there. I threw my bag into my Inventory, changed my clothes with magic, and sat on the couch.

Kuroka transformed into her cat form and plopped on top of my head, she yawned and fell asleep. Busy day?

"How was school, Jin?"

Reni asked me, I turn to look at In as she shook her head.

"I— We waited for you to come home; I didn't want to share my first day's experience without you."

Makes sense… Though, it's not that big of a deal…

"Alright, sure."

I told Reni what happened today, with Ingvild adding her things from her perspective.

"Also, some fallen have entered Kuoh, they're most likely rogue… I'll tell Ash Crow about it soon."

"Rogue fallen?"

Reni frowned.

"Could they be from the ones in France?"

"Possibly, I'm not entirely sure. Just keep a lookout, okay?"

Both girls nod, we decided to watch some videos on Youtube and wait for everyone else to come home.

Later that night

Dragon Necklace

Dimensional Gap – Ophis

I had entered the pendant that Ophis was residing in, the Dragon God was a bit surprised when I appeared in there.


"Hey, Ophis, just here to do a little something."

She looks confused but nods along. I summon some sweets for her and she happily takes them.


Cúntóir: Answer: Covering Pocket Dimension with Aura sealing barrier.

Now that I think about it… What will I do with Rose? Let her reincarnate as Rias's rook? Or… I sigh Whatever I'll go with the flow. Other stuff has happened already, canon will change quite drastically…

'Do it, Cúntóir.'

Cúntóir: Answer: Creating new being… Processing image… Appointing power level…

Cúntóir: Answer: Creation of new being complete

Shhhhhhhhh!!!! Boooom!!!!!!!

The ground in front of me explode in a black and purple mist, a being that had an insect body made out of shadows slowly rose from the ground, once they were finished, they proceeded to kneel in front of me.

The shadow being made a 'kekeke' type of noise.

"My Liege…"

It addressed me.

Ophis had joined my side when I did all this, her eyes slowly widening at the power she felt from the thing that came out of the ground.

"Welcome… Beru."

Beru – Current Rank: Omniversal – Ex

I grinned at my newly created guard.

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