While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 606: Earthy annoyances

If not for Makay's presence, then walking through the streets of this city with Eve could be taken as a pretty nice vacation. For some reason, I couldn't sense any hints of violence taking place anywhere around us, most likely meaning that either the people fighting in the vincity were capable of hiding all the hints of the fight happening, or there was some reason that kept this place safe for everyone inside.

Given how the inner part of the city, or at least the area that we were currently in, had a lot in common with what I grew accustomed to back in my original world of origin, I was more than happy to spend some time alone with Eve. After all, it would be hard for the two of us to find another opportunity where I could show her on a live example how did my world look like!

"First, we need to get you two tested and registered. I already experienced your strength, so you should be okay, but your woman might need a proof of strength to have her status as immortal confirmed."

Looking at the two of us with a strange look in his face, Makay informed us about the standard procedure before hastening his steps. With all three of us forming a single group in which only Makay knew his ways around, I had no other choice but to let Eve's armrest on my shoulder as I basically carried her around in order to match Makay's pace.

"Dear, there is no need for that…"

Using the fact how close she was to my ear, Eve whispered, clearly flustered by how everyone was throwing curious gazes at us. If the rules in this place were anything like in my old world, then seeing a man carrying a woman definitely didn't belong to the sights that one would expect to see while randomly leaving their home!

"We both know that there is a chance that you might be expecting. If there is even the slightest opportunity that this guess is right, then I can't allow you to walk faster than necessary. At this point, I can only hope that this test that Makay mentioned won't be too harsh on you…"

Even I knew how stupid my worries were. If not for Bonger's increasing my aptitude towards all kinds of energy and its usage, Eve might already reach the point slightly if not greatly above me! That's why worrying about her health was nothing but just an offshoot of my trauma caused by the time where I barely held her back from leaving this world.

"We are here. Now, don't you fucking dare act all high and mighty. Everyone in this tower is capable of killing all three of us with a single word of theirs, so make sure to act reasonably respectfully."

After a long time of marching, far longer than I expected when I first noticed the tower, Makay finally stopped in front of a huge gate leading to the insides of the tower that he mentioned several moments ago. 

Only now we were capable of truly gauging just how enormous this building was, even when compared to the sights that I had in my memory. No matter how I looked at the insanely high walls of the building, I couldn't help but realise that even the highest buildings that I saw on earth were dwarfed by just the part of this tower that I could see before the layer of clouds hid the rest of the building away from my sight.

"It's… enormous…"

Stunned by the sight at the foothold of the main tower of the city, I didn't even realise when Makay opened the huge gate.


A sudden and short sound instantly broke off my immersion, instantly making me put my guard up. Maybe it was the unfamiliar surroundings, maybe the fact that I didn't know what to expect from this place, but most likely it was caused by the fact that Eve was right beside me, but even the simple sound of someone snapping a picture of me was enough for my body to pump my veins full of adrenaline!

"I'm sorry if I startled you. According to the number of knocks, we learned that it's your first time in the city, so we simply adhered to the tradition of this place."

Raising my eyes, I could see the most stunning beauty that my eyes could even lay upon - outside of Eve obviously - gently smiling at me and my beloved wife while holding a simple, squarish object in her hands.

Noticing that she managed to grab my attention, this insane beauty who could easily rival Eve's cuteness if not for my feelings for her that turned the scales in my woman's favour moved her free hand to the back of the box before pulling a small piece of glistering paper from it.

"Here, take a look!"

Brimming with enthusiasm, the girl shown us the content of the paper, on which a photo of my amazed face was printed out, with Eve's immersed gaze glistering in the background. 

"Dear sir, if you want to register as an immortal in the city, we will have to take care of this photo and include it in our archives. Additionally, you will have to allow us to use it for promotion and commercial sake. As annoying as this earthy reality might be, we have to strictly adhere to the rules that the highest immortal council imposed on all the citizens."

Quickly explaining what could only be called the standard formulae, the girl's face exploded with even more happiness and energy when I powerlessly nodded my head in response. Maybe if she were to formulate it in any other way, then I would actually care for such formalities, yet given how used I was to simply tick the box for anything that had this kind of wording in it, a slight nod of my head was all that I could bother to do.

"Great, then with that out of the way, I would like to invite both of you, honoured guests, to participate in the standard testing formula that will confirm whether you have the right to join the immortal society of this city. Follow me!"

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