While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 605: Country-sized city

"Can we move out already? I don't really want to waste half of the day to wait for the two of you to wake up…"

Once again attempting to force us out of the comfortable confines of the sheets made with some leaves stuffed between two layers of animal skin. Given how Makay himself had to suffer the cold of the night thanks to the fact that he refused to go with me to the forest to hunt for the best with suitable skins, it was no wonder that he was pressing for our departure so desperately.

"Just a little bit more… It's too cosy in here…"

Half-awake, Eve refuted Makay's words while clinging to me. Given how I was the only one among the two of us that was actually properly awake, relying on Eve's sleepy voice was my best way to ignore Makay's urging. After all, I could fully admit that sleeping between a single layer of fur and a properly made sheet was surprisingly nice!

Most likely, only thanks to Eve's body warming me up through the entire night!

In the end, Eve took an entire hour - or somewhere around that as I had no way to actually measure the time properly without a modern clock as I was too lazy to assess the time by checking the position of the sun - before her dizziness finally gave up, allowing all three of us to properly wake up, clean the mess of our camp and move towards the city.

"Now, we need to be careful. No matter what the beasts will do, do not attack. I don't know the details, but it seems that the patriarchs of the city made an agreement with those bests that those travelling to the city cannot be attacked. That is, as long as they won't attack the beasts themselves."

Soon, Makay's advice proved to be essential, as their small group entered what looked to be an ancient tract, that despite the passage of time, still was in nearly perfect condition. The problem about this road lied in fact, that it went in a perfectly straight line through an open plain, where all that one had to do to spot some insanely powerful monsters, was to open his damned eyes!


Unable to stop myself from commenting when I saw yet another beast that even with all my power and desperation I would find it difficult to kill, I ignored how two other beasts looking like overgrown wolves jumped at us… Only to land a mere few meters away from our current position. Swinging their paws at us… Those beasts stopped the attack right as it was about to reach the skin of Eve, backing out with a hint of disappointment visible in their huge eyes.

"I don't know how long I will manage to hold myself back…"

Seeing this kind of arrogant attitude, I felt the anger bursting through my veins. Even if the actions of those beasts were aimed at nothing else but provoking a reaction our of us, it didn't change the fact that I couldn't accept some random small-fries daring to bare their fangs at my bellowed!

"Don't worry, we are almost there."

Ignoring my voice of protest, Makay kept his head straight, glued to the line of the building that we could already see in the distance. Step by step, as we were getting closer to this legendary city that the lord was so full of, I could see the attempts of the various beasts turning more and more desperate, all the way to the point where just about a single kilometre separated us from the first buildings. Only at that point, all those provocative attempts suddenly ended, allowing us to quickly cover the remaining distance that separated us from the city.

"It's not nearly as impressive as you described it to be."

Once we finally entered the street that had various houses and businesses built on both of its sides, I could stop myself from commenting in a huge disappointment. If this loosely converged group of homes and other buildings could be called a city, then the wooden house that I created at the outskirts of Makay's lands should be called an almighty fortress of the ancient folk!

"Are you sane? While we are in the city already, it will take us a few hours before we actually reach the actual busy part. Trust me, this city… It would be safe to say that it is nearly as huge as some of the smaller countries that you might travel through before you reached this continent."

Seeing a content smile that appeared on Makay's face, I realised that my reaction was exactly what he was aiming for. Seeing how happy he was with doing me in like that, just the sheer displeasure that I felt by allowing him to play me out like that made me shut my mouth for the rest of our long journey.

Step by step, we were passing by more and more congested areas, as if the number of people that lived in the area increased geometrically for every meter that we got closer to the actual centre of this huge city. Yet, even with how quickly everything seemed to grow with every single step of ours, it took us an actual few hours before the buildings around us turned from huge mansions and farmlands to an area that I could actually consider to be a city in the sense of the world that we were in.

But Makay didn't stop there.

Only after few hours of travel more, when the small buildings that were common in this cultivation world that lacked any resemblance of modern technology that I knew from earth were actually replaced by damned skyscrapers and monuments that if built on earth, would be a source for insane pride for any nation that would control them!

"Now, I can finally say that we reached the place. Do you see that insane tower in the distance? This is the main administration building for the entire city, where all immortals need to register for their position to be fully acknowledged."

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