While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 603: Eve's ploy

Eve's words struck right into the crux of the matter. No matter how pleasant living in this location could be, especially with no visible threats that could be powerful enough to even be considered a danger, it was still impossible for the two, or rather three of us that soon might turn into four to live here. 

Because no matter how much we would strive for a peaceful life, this world couldn't accept this kind of heresy to exist. If we dared to cross the natural order of the things for too long, then sooner or later, an ill fate would surely befall us, be it in the form of some random event definitely not sparked by those fuckers that dared to call themselves gods or as a group of people that somehow would not only reach a higher level of power than us but also would found themselves in this place right in a situation that would instantly spark conflict.

Even thinking about this made me feel like ridiculing this natural order. Sadly, my words, emotions or feelings wouldn't influence the rules that governed this broken piece of shit, mistakenly called the world.

"That's true. While I don't think it would be a problem to wait for a while, there is definitely some kind of time limit that we are better off not crossing."

Initially, I thought that waiting here for the situation with Eve's pregnancy to clarify would be the best option. While I just said that we didn't know the day or the hour of when our doom would arrive, it would be a gross overestimate to think that slacking off for a few months would do us any harm. 

Especially with how insanely fast I managed to grow so damn powerful!

Just by compiling everything that I learned so far into a single thought construct, it became obvious that by reaching the level of immortals or at least growing powerful enough to match their strength, I joined an elite society of people that no longer affiliated themselves with the rest of the crowd that has yet to pass the trail of immortality.

But that also meant that I could no longer completely ignore the matters that immortals would normally tackle. Lord Makay already has shown to me that even if I attempt to stay away from it all, sooner or later, the politics, factions, schemes and all the other shitty stuff that humans loved to do to each other would catch up to me, not sparing me any time to prepare for its attack.

"For now, I think the most reasonable way to do with the situation is for me to go to that city alone. So far, it doesn't seem like this place could hold any more powerhouses, so you should be safe. Just in case, I will leave you the teleportation seed that will allow you to escape to my underdimension if a need arises. There, even if someone dares to follow you, you will be able to facilitate a power way greater than anything of those damned immortals could ever imagine."

This ploy was something that I came up with on the spot. Observing all the changes that were happening to my powers with Bonger inducted increase of my affinity towards magic and energy at large, I could generally create some assumptions about the source of the immortals' power as well. 

Given how they all did their best to purify all the positive energy from their bodies and tempered it in the entropy, it was clear that the longer this treatment lasted, the weaker their defences were against said positive energy. With how only immortals that reached the middle stages of the rank would pose any danger to Eve, just by facilitating the power that the core of my stronghold could provide to her, my wife would suddenly be capable of using the energy at immortal's level, while holding far more of it than any immortal alive could ever experience!

"No way. I left you alone after getting hurt for way too long…"

Suddenly acting up in a protest, Eve fixed her position on top of my lap before resting her head against my chest. Appearing as if she was hunting for the sound of my heart knocking, thanks to my senses I could feel her own heartbeat, quickly synchronising with my own.

"... Never again. I will never let you be so lonely again, even if it's only for a short moment."

Putting her hands behind my back, Eve pulled herself even tighter to me, as if refusing to let me go, even for the slightest of the moments. With her forehead rubbing relentlessly against my chest, I could tell how just mentioning the possibility of going to that immortal city alone filled her with anxiety.

"Don't worry dear. You should know that I won't do anything that would upset you."

Bringing my hand up and placing it on Eve's head, I brushed my fingers against her soft hair. Only when my dearest suddenly pulled away and looked at me with a smug smile on her delicious lips did I realise that she actually did me in!

"And don't you even dare to think that I won't hold you on to those words!"

Raising her hand and poking her forefinger against the tip of my nose in a playful matter, Eve suddenly leaned backwards while still holding on to my waist as she burst with a pearlish giggle.

"I guess I fucked up…"

Seeing her mischievous reaction, I realised that her actions were actually nothing more but a simple act, aimed at pushing me into a certain emotional state and softening my decision-making up. 

But I couldn't really blame her here. Just by thinking how I would react if something were to happen to her, and how I would anxiously await her return with all the worst scenarios plaguing my mind if she were to go to the immortal city by herself for some reason were enough to portray what Eve would feel in regard to me doing exactly the same!

"You didn't fuck up. You fucked me up!"

Still enjoying her moment of laughter, Eve momentarily calmed down only to put her finger on top of my lips and shout those words right into my ear. Shocked by this bout of unexpected ASMR, I could feel my entire body tremble under Eve's touch and voice.

"Anyway, it's decided. You are not going anywhere unless you take me with you!"

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