What If… Harry Potter

21 What if Slughorn’s party turned out differently?

Yet another chapter with some questionable acts in it. I'm not sure why this idea popped into my head, it just did, so I'm offloading it onto you. Enjoy another 16,710 twisted words!

Harry was having a half-decent time at the December 20 Christmas party for the previously avoided Slughorn Club. He had met several influential and famous people, which Slughorn had a wonderful time introducing Harry to. That part Harry could have done without, although it did let him briefly talk to Gwenog Jones, the captain of the Holyhead Harpies.

Unfortunately, it was cut short when Harry was unceremoniously dragged away from the interesting woman and brought over to where Luna stood with a very tall pale man and a slightly dishevelled shorter man. The shorter man introduced himself as Eldred Warple, a famous celebrity author, and he was excited to do Harry's autobiography.

Just after Harry refused on the basis that he was still alive, the very tall man gently took him by the arm and eased him away from the eager author and Luna's wide eyes. The other people in the party seemed to fade away and Harry was suddenly outside and looking over a balcony.

“I sense a great conflict within you.” The very tall man said in a calm voice.

Harry gave him a brief look and then sighed. “I doubt you'll believe me, even if I told you.”

The tall man leaned on the railing, as if he didn't have a care in the world, and gave Harry a look that conveyed both interest and dismissal. It was such an odd combination that Harry turned to look right at him, which surprised the man.

“You can tell this is an act, can't you?” The man asked.

“Yeah.” Harry said and looked back out over the balcony into the night. “How tall are you, anyway?”

The man smiled briefly. “I'm six foot four.”

Harry chuckled and motioned to himself. “That's almost a foot taller than me. I'm only five foot five.”

The man reached out and lightly touched Harry's shoulder before he pulled his hand back, as if he knew Harry didn't like casual touching. “I think you have a few inches left on you before you're done.”

Harry almost felt bad about that, because that meant he would still be the shortest guy in his year, just like it had always been since his first year.

“That's a very sad look.” The man commented.

Harry gave him another glance before he sighed again. “My life is full of disappointments.”

The man gave him a pointed look, then he stood up to his full height. “If you don't remember my name from the introductions at the start of the party, I am called Sanguini.”

“I remember.” Harry said and held a hand out. “I'm Harry Potter.”

The man gave him his own sad smile and very carefully took Harry's hand. “You know I am a vampire, do you not?”

Harry nodded and shook the hand. “If you won't hold my fame against me, I won't hold your lack of pulse against you.”

Sanguini chuckled and let the warm hand go. “I must say that you are nothing like the stories being spread about you.”

“Which ones?” Harry asked as his eyes narrowed. “The ones about me being a nutter, the chosen one, the boy-who-lived, a blatant liar, an attention seeking brat, or...”

Sanguini held a hand up to stop the young man's rant. “All of them.” He said and lowered his hand. “I've watched you at the party and you do not enjoy your fame as you should. You do not like attention. You do not like that people want to get to know you because of your fame.”

Harry took a breath and let it out. “That's why I tried to avoid the Slug Club for as long as I could.”

Sanguini gave him a pointed look, looked inside the room where the party was being held, and then back at Harry's face. “That is part of the conflict in you.”

Harry didn't bother trying to deny it. “I need something from Slughorn and this is the only way I can get it.”

Sanguini lost the pointed look and shook his head. “You are never getting it this way. It is folly.”

Harry looked into the party and back out over the balcony. “I know. I've never been any good at this sort of thing.”

Sanguini lightly touched his shoulder again and took his hand back. “Are you not going to ask why I am trying to get to know you?”

Harry didn't bother trying to look at the man. “I'm really tempted to make a joke about you wanting to suck my blood, except I had a good defense teacher back in third year and we actually studied vampires.”

The man smiled and nodded. “I am not doing this for myself.” He said and turned to look out over the balcony. “My beautiful daughter has been looking for a very long time for someone to share her time with.”

“I'm only sixteen.” Harry said.

Sanguini smiled. “Technically, so is my daughter.”

Harry almost snorted and successfully held in his laugh. “Do you mean her years as a vampire or her age when she became one?”

Sanguini lightly touched Harry's shoulder once more. “Surprisingly both.” He said and his smile almost became predatory. “Would you like to meet her?”

Harry looked back into the party. “My date...”

“I believe Miss Lovegood said you were here as friends.” Sanguini said and Harry nodded. “Then I will give her your regrets for leaving the party early.”

Harry was a little startled at those words and looked back at the man's face. “Wait, aren't you...”

“Camilla, say hello.” Sanguini whispered.

“Hello, Harry.” A female voice whispered over the wind, then a pale hand seemed to form near Harry's shoulder, grabbed him with an iron grip, and Harry disappeared over the balcony's railing.

“Ah, young love. It's as fleeting as young life.” Sanguini whispered with a chuckle and went into the party once more. He was sure to meet someone that would enjoy one of his normal proclivities, as long as Warple stopped interfering and let him actually talk to the many young ladies present.


Harry woke up and he didn't know where he was. He blinked his eyes and it was still completely dark. When he raised his hands, they met cloth-covered wood. He pushed at whatever it was and it easily opened as candlelight poured into the darkness. He sat up and the last three days of activities seemed to flood into his brain.

He closed his eyes and let the memories go by his mind's eye and he watched them as if they were a movie and reminded himself of what happened. He had somehow flown without a broom and landed inside the Forbidden Forest and a beautiful young woman stood before him.

“Hi, Camilla.” Harry had said, because he assumed she had been the one that had greeted him on the balcony.

The pale woman had tilted her head slightly and her flowing black hair cascaded down her side. “You're not afraid of me at all, are you?”

“Why would I be?” Harry asked her.

“I could kill you before you could pull out your wand.” Camilla had responded.

Harry hadn't been phased in the least. “If you wanted me dead, dropping me off the balcony would have been the fastest way.”

Camilla let a smile form on her face. “What if I wanted you to suffer a long and painful death?”

Harry shrugged and felt like he had to explain. “I've been bitten by a basilisk and an an acromantula, severely beaten more times than I can count, starved since I was a kid, nearly killed half a dozen times, and survived a killing curse to the face.” He said and had no idea why he had shared so much. “I doubt there's anything you can do that will top that.”

Camilla had given him an incredulous stare for almost ten full seconds, then she laughed. “I believe I can think of one thing that you completely neglected to mention.”

Before Harry had a chance to ask her what she meant, her lips were on his and they had shared an epic kiss before they were on the ground. A few moments of passionate kissing later, Camilla had torn off her clothes and stood to give Harry a sight that he had never seen before. A beautiful woman's naked and eager body.

“This is all yours if you accept me fully.” Camilla said, her voice commanding and hopeful.

Harry could only nod before he was suddenly naked as well and felt unbelievable pleasure, the likes that no one could have ever felt before. After the beautiful dark vixen had ridden him like a cowgirl at a rodeo and he had blasted himself unimpeded inside of her, her fangs had sunk deep into his neck and he had thanked her for such a great gift and for saving him from his pitiful and horrible life.

What had followed that first encounter was a wonderful day of travelling, a day of staying in a beautiful castle, and a day of unrelenting pleasure and then exchanging more blood than he had ever thought a body could hold.

Now, here Harry was, inside the burial chamber of a vampire. His burial chamber.

“You've awoken, my love!” Camilla's voice said from across the room and Harry turned to see her wearing a crimson dress that showed off all of her womanly curves, despite her only being physically sixteen. “How do you feel?”

“I don't know.” Harry said, even though his normal response had always been that he was fine.

“Then hop out of there and let me get a good look at you.” Camilla ordered.

Surprisingly, Harry did not feel any compulsion to comply, despite her being the vampire that had created him.

“You don't feel any urge to listen and obey me?” Camilla asked, surprised.

Harry looked down at himself and saw he wore a pair of dress pants and a nice shirt. He hopped out of the coffin and looked back over to her. “I want to make you happy for saving me, and you're my girlfriend, so I really should do whatever you want.” He said and her eyes widened almost comically. “Are you okay?”

“I... I thought...” Camilla shook her head. “Your mind must be like a steel trap.”

Harry chuckled. “No, since Snape tore it apart trying to give me Occlumency lessons last year.”

Camilla seemed to stop breathing for several moments before she walked over to him. “Show me.”

Harry blinked his eyes at her. “I'm not sure what you mean.” He said, confused. “Do you have a pensieve or...”

Camilla clasped onto the cheeks of his face with her hands and pressed her forehead to his. “You are mine, Harry. Open your mind to mine and show me what happened.”

“I don't know howwww-ohhhhh!” Harry almost moaned as Camilla's mind seemed to open up, as did his own, and his thoughts flowed out and into her.

The two of them shared Harry's memories, as if both were spectators and participants, since they had two different perspectives and were sharing them with each other at the same time. It was both neat and weird, which described Harry's new life perfectly. After Harry's memories were sifted through like fingers through a bucket of water, Camilla's memories were added and the pair watched and experienced them as well.

The sharing process slowed down and eased away, probably because neither of them wanted it to stop. It had given them a level of intimacy that sleeping with each other hadn't achieved. Both Harry and Camilla opened their eyes to look into each other's gazes, only for the innocent look to become heated.

Their clothes disappeared and they rolled around on the stone floor as they fought to be the dominant partner to give the other pleasure, because they both knew the other deserved it more than they did. It eventually turned out to be a tie and the pair slammed themselves against each other so hard that they left dents in the floor and walls.

The looks of intensity told the other that they were doing the most work because it was the right thing to do, only for their efforts to still be equal and mutual satisfaction was soon achieved. They both cried out with pleasure and kissed passionately as their desires for each other were sated. For barely a moment.

“You... are... wonderful.” Harry and Camilla whispered at the same time.

The pair gave each other longing looks as they felt lust fill them again, then they let out a soft laugh before Camilla couldn't stop her girlish giggles and Harry's laugh deepened as they held each other. They moved together once more and kissed as they took their time and shared each other fully and completely, their minds and bodies completely open to the other.

An unknown amount of time later, a statuesque blonde woman appeared and bowed to them. “Your father and host wishes to speak to you.”

Camilla let out a sigh and patted Harry's back. “Love, we need to get dressed.”

Harry sighed as well and slid out of her. Just laying there inside of her had been bliss, without even moving, and he was reluctant to let that go. He stood up from the floor and dust and rubble rolled off of him.

“Perhaps a shower first.” Camilla said with a smirk on her face.

Harry looked around at the floor and walls that they had pretty much destroyed. “I can't believe we did all this.”

Camilla stood up and her hand lightly touched his erection. “I couldn't be any less enthusiastic than you, Love.”

Harry smiled and gave her a kiss. “You know, it's never going to go away if you don't stop playing with it.”

“Is that a promise?” Camilla said with a sexy smile and flicked it with her fingertips.

Harry let out a laugh and didn't stop her from stroking it.

“The bath is this way.” The blonde woman said and waved out of the room.

“Thank you, Martine.” Camilla said and they followed the blonde.

The bath was a large one and there were five other nearly identical blondes waiting for them there. To Harry's surprise, three of them helped Camilla and three helped him. By helping him, they actually helped themselves to him, and their hands, mouths, and tongues touched him all over.

Harry hadn't experienced anything like sex before, so having three beautiful women pretty much have their way with him without actually going all the way, was a whole new experience for him. Of course, seeing a blonde enthusiastically licking his girlfriend and having a near identical blonde sucking him off, definitely made the experience that much more weird and enjoyable.

“We really... shouldn't be... playing with our food so much.” Camilla said and moaned as the other two blondes suckled on her rock hard nipples.

Her words made Harry pause and he looked down at the second blonde that was trying to edge out the one giving him an enthusiastic blowjob. His eyes easily saw the little marks scattered over the woman's body, most of which were in intimate areas, like on her breasts and inside her thighs.

“Choose me first, Lord.” The third blonde whispered and turned his head to offer him her neck. “If this isn't where you want to drink, then tell me where you want to taste and it is yours.”

Harry blinked his eyes and turned to look at Camilla to ask her what was going on, only to see her sink her fangs into Martine's nipple and the blonde let out such an erotic moan that Harry's own lust jumped to the forefront of his mind and he forgot that he was supposed to be taking a bath. He pulled his erection from the mouth of the second blonde and turned to pick up the third and shoved himself inside the woman's unprepared opening.

“OHHH!” She cried out and then she moaned as Harry's fangs sank into her neck. “YESSSSS!”

The blood in his mouth was like ambrosia and cocaine mixed together, which was an odd thought for him to have, only for him to realize it was Camilla's remembered thought after experiencing them for herself. They had shared so much of each other that Harry's mental references had changed and it didn't make him pause at all.

The blonde in his arms hugged him tenderly as he railed her and drank her lifeblood down. Her moans and squeals of pleasure drove him onward, only for a clamp like steel to grip his neck and stopped him from drinking more.

“Enough.” Camilla growled and she pulled him off of the blonde and she licked the bite. It healed over and the blonde looked like she was in heaven. “Drink too much and she will die.”

Harry's waist didn't stop moving as he thought about what just happened. “I... I almost...”

“It's called a feeding frenzy.” Camilla said and let his neck go. “Ingesting blood at the same time is very addictive.”

Harry felt himself ready to blow and pulled himself out of the blonde. The other two blondes were there and as he unloaded, they caught most of it and licked him and the third blonde to clean them up.

“I'm sorry. I almost did to her by mistake what you did to me on purpose.” Harry said.

Camilla sighed and shook her head. “No, Harry. What I did with you created a new vampire, one that I intend to be with for centuries.” She looked at the euphoric blonde on the floor that the other two blondes were lightly kissing and holding tenderly. “She would have died from blood loss, nothing more.”

Harry's face would have drained of blood if his skin wasn't already naturally pale. He pushed the other two blondes out of the way and looked into the half-lidded eyes of the third blonde.

“My... Lord.” She whispered.

“I'm terribly sorry.” Harry said and lightly caressed her face. “I lost control and...”

“My Lord, it's all right.” She said and took his hand to kiss the palm. “I knew the chance I took by offering to be your first offering and I was glad you accepted.”

“You could have died.” Harry whispered.

“Yes, and you would have learned a valuable lesson about always controlling your lust, both for the flesh and for the precious blood contained in our veins.” She said and rubbed his hand on the side of her face. “My Lady chose to not let you suffer and spared my life, even though I have given it to you, freely and willingly.”

Harry looked deep into her eyes and he somehow knew that she was completely okay with giving him all of her blood, either in bits or all at once, ending her life, just so he might live a little bit longer. He turned his head to look at Camilla with a question on his face.

“It can happen when we feed a bit too much. She's become a devoted thrall to you.”

“No, My Lady.” The blonde said and both she and Harry looked back down at her. “I am fully cognizant of my choices.”

“That... that shouldn't be possible.” Camilla whispered.

“It's My Lord's power.” The blonde said and smiled beautifully at Harry. “We can choose to do the things that we want.”

Camilla looked surprised for a moment, then laughed. “Of course it is. It makes sense.”

“What does?” Harry asked.

“Don't you see, Harry? All of your life you've never had a choice. You've always done everything that others have told you to do, even to your own detriment and unhealthiness.” Camilla motioned to the blonde. “Now that you've been given the power to do what you want, you've chosen to make it into giving others a choice of what they want to do.”

Harry sat back and thought about it. After seeing his own life like an outside observer and feeling Camilla's reaction to it, he knew she was right.

“I choose to be yours, My Lord.” The blonde said and tried to sit up. She wavered and fell back, only for Harry to be there and catch her instantly. She rested her head against his chest and hugged him. “I have chosen wisely.”

“What's your name?” Harry asked her as she snuggled into him.

“Margarite.” The blonde said.

“I am Melanie.” The second blonde said and sat next to them.

“I am Marlene.” The first blonde said and sat on his other side.

Harry looked at their faces, blonde hair, and naked bodies.

“We aren't related. Just the same body type.” Margarite said. “Our old Lord had a preference.”

“Old Lord?” Harry asked.

“Sanguini.” Margarite said. “He never partook of us like you have.”

Harry would have blushed if he could have.

“Oh! Thank you, My Lord.” Margarite said and moved in his arms and then her face was in his lap and she sucked him right in.

Camilla watched as all three blondes that had chosen to bathe her partner took turns pleasing him with their mouths and then with their bodies. It wasn't surprising to her that Harry gave as much of himself as they gave to him, since she knew him as intimately as he knew her.

Harry would do no less than return their affection, since he had almost none of it in his old life and had only just learned about it from her. Camilla did not comment about how sad that made her, that a living teenager had to learn how to show affection from an undead vampire. She didn't begrudge him as he had sex with all three blondes and they chose to give him their all, even their blood.

Sharing was caring, after all.


Sanguini looked at the newest vampire in his family and he couldn't have been more pleased. The process seemed to have done wonders for the young man. His stunted growth had been countered as his magical maturity was forced upon him the last three days, then his daughter performed the transformation ritual perfectly and cemented the changes permanently.

Harry was now five foot ten, lost the glasses, and his cursed scar was gone. That had been a scary thing to see the black ooze and hearing the scream from it as the ritual changed Harry from a living being into an undead creature of the night. On the positive side, his magic hadn't been consumed by the transformation process and he was still a wizard. That was a very rare occurrence.

“You wanted to see us, father?” Camilla asked as gave Harry a pointed look.

“Right. Sorry.” Harry said and sat her at her father's side at the table and sat beside her. “I'm still getting used to this Lord thing.”

Camilla gave his cheek a kiss and looked at her father expectantly.

“We need to decide if Harry should go back to Hogwarts when the Yule break is over.” Sanguini informed them and Camilla looked sad and Harry sighed. “I see. It's already been made.”

“We haven't discussed it.” Camilla said and took Harry's hand. “We know what has to happen, however.”

“Yes, Harry suddenly disappearing and staying that way might cause a few problems.” Sanguini said and his daughter and her new beau nodded. “As will your new appearance to those you consider close friends.”

Harry had a pensive look on his face for only a few seconds, then huffed. “So, no one.”

“Excuse me?” Camilla asked and squinted her eyes at him. “What about Ron and Hermione?”

“Ron's been sucking face with his girlfriend Lavender and we barely speak, even when in class, since he sits with her.” Harry said, annoyed. “Hermione's been a bit of a bitch and constantly on my ass about the Half Blood Prince's potions book, too.”

Camilla stared at him for a moment, then let out a laugh. “We can replace your glasses with better frames and clear glass, and no one will notice the changes!”

Harry smiled at her and nodded.

“You will have to take at least one of your thralls with you.” Sanguini said and that gained their attention.

“They aren't thralls, father.” Camilla said and gave a knowing look to Harry, whom looked a little embarrassed. “They're brides. Harry fully accepted them as part of his family instead of just using them as food.”

Sanguini looked genuinely surprised for a moment, then smiled. “We have to work out how to sneak one of them into the castle and to keep her fed, just so you can have a constant supply of life blood to feed from every day.”

“We'll buy a lot of blood replenishing potions for you to take for her as well. Margarite will need to keep her strength up.” Camilla added, knowing whom Harry would choose to take.

Harry nodded. “I know six hidden ways to get into the castle, so that's no problem. I also have an invisibility cloak, so no one will see her, even if she stays in my dorm room all the time.”

Sanguini and Camilla looked surprised at those revelations.

“Since I have that potions book filled with secrets to make great potions, we only have to buy the ingredients for the potion and we can make them instead. You'll save a ton of money and I'll get a lot of practice with brewing.” Harry said and Sanguini nodded. “I'm not sure what to do about the food, though.”

“And your own meals.” Camilla said and Harry gave her an inquisitive look. “You can't eat solid food anymore. You'll get sick as your body rejects anything necessary to keep a living body healthy.”

Harry sighed. “I completely forgot about that.”

“It's all right, Harry. We've been doing this for a very long time. There are tons of tricks and tips we can share to allow you to appear to eat normally and not let any food whatsoever pass your lips.” Sanguini said and Camilla nodded in encouragement. “You can also gather that food to give to your thrall.”

Harry thought about that and it was a good plan. He also thought about something else. “The castle house elves provide the food there. What if we also used a house elf?”

“I'm sorry, Harry. A house elf can't survive with a vampire's family.” Camilla said. “We are not allowed to buy one, anyway.”

“Buy one?” Harry asked. “I thought... well...”

Sanguini smiled. “They don't roam around the countryside looking for work, Harry. They are usually bred and sold to rich families to take care of them and their children.”

“Dobby really is an odd one, then.” Harry said.


“The great Harry Potter sir has called Dobby!” Dobby said and then froze as two hungry growls came from Sanguini and Camilla. “Dobby sorry for interrupting!”


Harry looked at the spot where Dobby was and at the sad faces of the two vampires. “Okay, now I understand what you meant.”

“It's an automatic reaction to their magically energetic blood.” Sanguini said. “Even though it tastes horrible and can't sustain us, we can't help react...” He stopped talking at stared at Harry. “You didn't growl and hiss at him!”

“No, why would I?” Harry asked. “Dobby's my friend.”


“The great Harry Potter sir needs to not be calling Dobby near vampires!” Dobby shouted, heard two hisses, and disappeared again.


“Sorry, Dobby! I'll be more careful!” Harry said and the house elf didn't reappear, to his relief.

The two vampires exchanged looks and then looked at Harry.

“I think there are a few things we need to discuss before you return to school after New Year's Day.” Sanguini said and both Camilla and Harry nodded.

Needless to say, Margarite was overjoyed to have been chosen as Harry's donor. The other two brides were relieved when she promised to only let him have sex with her once a day and not as many times as he wanted, which made Harry wish he could still blush from embarrassment.


Harry was only slightly surprised that no one asked him where he had been for the last two weeks, not even his supposed friends, Ron and Hermione. Neither of them had gotten him gifts this year, either. Ron's excuse was he had used his little bit of money to spoil Lavender. Hermione said she forgot, even though she had bought Ron a Chudley Cannon's team jersey and claimed she hated him.

That told Harry exactly where he rated with both of them, which was unimportant. So, he told the both of them that he hoped they had wonderful lives without him to bother them anymore and left the two of them flabbergasted.

Classes started the next day and Harry sat by himself at the back of the Transfiguration classroom and put his books on the other chair at the desk, as if he was saving it for someone. It also kept him out of the dim light from the windows and he didn't have to rely on the Imperturbable Charm he learned back in third year to keep rain from hitting his glasses. Who knew that you could alter it with Arithmancy to reflect sunlight and cast it on skin?

Both Ron and Hermione gave him odd looks when they entered the classroom and saw where he was. Ron was with Lavender, so he wasn't going to try sitting with him. Hermione looked conflicted, because Harry was at the very back of the classroom and her normal seat for the last five and a half years was at the front, which was exactly why Harry sat where he sat.

“Trouble in paradise?” Parvati asked in a whisper and looked at the books on the second seat.

Harry gave her a smile and scooped up the books for her to sit. “I could say the same thing.”

Parvati sat and let out a soft sigh. “It's almost insufferable how sickening it is to have a best friend that wants to do nothing but snog an idiot that can't hold a conversation about anything except chess and Quiddich.”

“You should add food to that, only he eats it and doesn't have a clue how to cook it.” Harry said.

Parvati giggled and nodded. “Lavender's made a lot of headway with his table manners at least.”

“We can only hope.” Harry said. “Although, the distraction at the breakfast table was worth seeing the attempt to teach him, if only to hide that necklace.”

Parvati clamped her mouth shut and held in her laugh. Her eyes gave her amusement away, though.

Harry grinned at her as the class started. He took excessive notes, not realizing how easy it was to keep track of what McGonagall was saying, what he was writing, and also preforming the charm in his head as he listened.

When it came to the practical part of the class, Harry performed the spell perfectly on the first try and his teacup became a gerbil. It squeaked at him and scurried off the edge of the table and plopped onto the floor. That gained everyone's attention as the squealing thing scampered across the floor.

“You'd swear I threatened it with hot water or something.” Harry said with a laugh and held out his wand. “Accio teacup gerbil.”

The little furred thing flew back across the room and Harry caught it, which made the thing squeal harder.

“Geez, relax. I'll repair you when I change you back. Maybe next time try to not jump off the desk and hurt yourself.” Harry said and tapped the thing's head. “Reverto.”

The gerbil was in mid-squeak when it changed back and everyone saw the large crack up its side. Another wand tap and a silent Reparo later, it was perfectly fine.

“There, are you happy now? You're all fixed.” Harry said and realized it was completely silent in the classroom. He looked up from his teacup and saw everyone was staring at him. He was now glad that he couldn't blush from embarrassment.

“That will be twenty points to Griffindor for a perfectly performed transfiguration, Mister Potter.” McGonagall said.

Harry had the sudden urge to laugh at her, because he knew that the house points didn't matter, not with Snape taking them off for his stupid reasons. He held the laugh in and nodded instead.

“Since you've succeeded already, you can practice the hair changing charm until class is over.” McGonagall said and looked at the other students. “Everyone else, you can continue with today's exercise.”

That made the others go back to work and only Hermione let her eyes linger on Harry for a moment longer before she put her attention back onto her own teacup.

“How did you do that?” Parvati whispered and leaned in close. “You didn't even practice the wand movement beforehand.”

Harry thought about telling her that he had, several times, only in was in his head. She wouldn't believe that, though. “Have you ever seen an orchestra performing?”

Parvati blinked her eyes several times before she nodded.

“Pretend you're the leader. Use your wand as a baton, use the wand movements as if you're conducting the string section, and sing the spell in your mind.” Harry whispered back.

Parvati stared at him for a moment. “H-Harry, that... that can't possibly work.”

Harry moved her book closer and pointed to each movement. “This is for the violins, this is for the cello, this is for the viola, and this last one is for the double bass or contrabass, the biggest one.” He whispered and showed her the movements with his own wand. He hummed for her as he did so, then he pointed at her teacup. It transfigured into a pure black gerbil that stared at them as if shocked.

“Merlin.” Parvati whispered.

“It's easy if you use that trick.” Harry whispered back and tapped the thing's head without saying anything and it reverted back into a teacup. “Go ahead and practice. I'm going to see what I look like as a blond.”

Parvati gave him a particular look. “Dirty blond, almost sandy.” She breathed. “Shoulder length.”

Harry gave her a crooked smile. “Personal preference?”

Parvati blushed a little and nodded.

“As the lady wishes.” Harry said and performed the Crinus Muto spell silently and his hair changed and grew out from a black bird's nest mess into a wavy dirty blond down to his shoulders.

“S-s-sweet M-Merlin.” Parvati stuttered and stared at him.

Harry's mind flickered and a particular memory came to the forefront unbidden. He wasn't going to ignore it, now that he had the perfect opportunity to fix a past wrong. “Miss Patil, I sincerely apologize for my behavior at the Yule Ball. I was too caught up in my own problems to give you the date that you deserved.”

“H-Harry, I... I...” Parvati looked at a loss for words.

“I would like to make it up to you during this upcoming Hogsmeade weekend, if you would allow it.” Harry said and she nodded. “Shall I keep my hair like this for you as well?”

Parvati let out a shaky breath and nodded again.

“Brilliant.” Harry said and tapped his eyebrows to change them to match his hair, then cast a silence spell on the table. “I hope you like moustaches.”

“Wh-what?” Parvati asked and then had to slap a hand over her mouth to stop from laughing as a huge bushy blond moustache grew out under Harry's nose and it made him look like a walrus.

Harry saw her fighting to not laugh, so he wiggled his lips from side to side and the moustache actually waved to her. Parvati let out a loud snort and burst out laughing as tears came to her eyes. She ducked her head and tried, quite fruitlessly, to calm down. Every time she glanced at Harry, he wagged his outrageous moustache at her and she lost it every single time.

By the end of class, Parvati was practically draped over Harry and she had performed the transfiguration spell perfectly, thanks to Harry's visualization trick. He had reluctantly gotten rid of the moustache after expressing his disappointment that she didn't like his distinguished look. That only made Parvati laugh even more.

Everyone stared at them, probably because of Harry's new look and not because Parvati seemed to have a death grip on his arm and didn't look like she was letting it go anytime soon. And she didn't. She stayed by his side during every class they shared all morning and sat with him, her face full of happiness.

Lunch in the Great Hall was a bit awkward, because Parvati wanted to sit near her friend and Harry was no longer friends with Ron. Harry solved the problem by telling Parvati he needed to talk to her sister and to give her a similar apology. She thought that was a fantastic idea and sat beside Lavender.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that Parvati realized Harry might have meant making a date with Padma. She looked over to the Ravenclaw table and saw the still blond Harry Potter whispering in her sister's ear and the girl looked quite embarrassed and happy about it. The enthusiastic nod from Padma and the looks of surprise from the other girls around her, let Parvati know that he probably had made a date with her sister.

When lunch was over, Harry returned to the Griffindor table to meet with Parvati and saw the accusing look on her face. He knew what she thought and didn't question how he did. He just accepted that was going to happen and rolled with it.

“Before you get angry, I didn't make a date with her.” Harry said and led her out of the Great Hall. “She wasn't my date for the Yule Ball; but, she did accept to be Ron's date when I asked her. I thought it was only fair for me to offer to study with her after school a few times to thank her for her sacrifice.”

Parvati gave him a surprised look and he smiled as he put an arm around her waist. She didn't try to push him away and leaned into him. “You really didn't ask her out? Are you sure? Her friends looked shocked.”

Harry chuckled. “They didn't realize who I was at first.”

“Oh. Ohhh.” Parvati said and then giggled as they came to a stop near a staircase. “That makes sense.”

“The only one that didn't react was Luna. She just stared a hole through me.” Harry said and Parvati laughed. “I need to find her later and apologize for leaving Slughorn's party early, too.”

“I have third period off, Altered Harry.” Luna said as she walked by them. “History of Magic.”

Neither Harry nor Parvati reacted to Harry's new name.

“See you then.” Harry said and Luna gave him an absent wave and disappeared down another hallway. “I've got potions in the dungeons for the first two periods.”

“Divination in the west tower for me.” Parvati said and tried to not sigh.

Harry couldn't resist teasing her, knowing she was reluctant to let him go. “For some reason, the thought of going down on you doesn't bother me.”

Parvati let out a startled squeak that was quite similar to what the gerbil let out when it jumped off the desk that morning.

Harry laughed a deep laugh and leaned in to kiss her cheek. “I'll see you tomorrow.”

“O-kay.” Parvati managed to say and watched as Harry walked away. She never noticed Lavender as the happy girl approached her.

“Someone's getting some later.” Lavender said, referring to herself.

“Oh, Merlin!” Parvati exclaimed, felt herself grow wet at the thought of Harry doing her, and let out another startled sound and ran for the closest girl's bathroom.

“What did I say?” Lavender asked and followed her friend.


“We're doing the Blood Replenishment Potion today.” Slughorn said when the few students he had in his Newt class had settled down at their work desks and had their cauldrons set up.

Harry felt giddy at hearing that. He had made tons of the potion during the Christmas break using the Half Blood Prince's notes and he could probably brew the thing in his sleep. He didn't bother looking at the instructions that Slughorn had pointed out on the board and gathered the different ingredients he would need from memory.

Everyone in class seemed to watch as Harry prepped all of the ingredients without looking at the board or his class book that was still inside his backpack. The only one truly shocked by this was Hermione, because she had been sure that Harry was going to cheat again and use the book.

Harry finished the potion half an hour early and Slughorn walked over to his desk. After a quick inspection, the professor happily proclaimed that it was a medical grade potion and would be happy to bottle it up for Harry to give to the hospital wing.

“Thank you for the compliment, professor.” Harry said and helped complete the task, put the vials into the case, and picked the case up. “Madam Pomfrey should be glad to see me without me being injured first.”

Slughorn laughed and patted his shoulder. “Yes, she should. Off you go, now. She will be in quite a good mood with you saving her so much work!”

“I'll be sure to tell her this is on your behalf, professor.” Harry said and indicated the case.

Slughorn grinned at him and looked very happy to hear that.

Harry left the classroom and took his time to go to the hospital wing. He had a lot of time to waste before Luna was out of class and he also needed to think of what to give her as an apology. Parvati was getting a replacement date and Padma was getting studying time with him. He had to come up with something to give the quirky blonde for accepting to be his date and going to the party as friends.

Madam Pomfrey was shocked at the marked potions that were medical grade, especially since Harry Potter's name was on them. She knew he was a horrible potions student, thanks to Severus proclaiming it every single time he had the chance. It wasn't until she unsealed one and checked it herself that she had to admit that perhaps she was wrong to accept the previous potions professor's word.

Harry ignored her, because he could hear all of her surface thoughts of disbelief. It was a little concerning that he could hear so much, until he realized the woman was practically shouting with her mental voice. Her disbelief was just that pronounced and she couldn't hide it.

After she accepted Slughorn's gift, Harry left the hospital wing and made his way across the castle to the right corridor and leaned against the wall. He had at least another twenty minutes before class ended and he hadn't come up with anything to offer Luna as an apology.

The classroom door opened and the blonde in question slipped out of the classroom. Harry took her books automatically and Luna smiled at him as she took his hand. She led him down the corridor and into an empty classroom. A few cleaning spells were applied to the closest desk and Harry put down her books.


“I'm sorry, Altered Harry. I can't become a blood whore for you.” Luna said and Harry's mouth dropped open. “I'm too tiny to lose that much blood all the time and potions just won't keep me healthy enough. I'm only fifteen.”


“I don't want to be fifteen forever, either. I need to mature for a few years before I'm grown enough to be happy with the state my body will be in by then.” Luna interrupted. “Then again, being nubile and desirable for eternity would make me quite the conversation piece.”


“I couldn't stand being accused of being underage for all time, though. I'd need an adult to accompany me everywhere and that would be terrible, even if the adult was you.” Luna said. “I think we need to wait for about five years. If I haven't found someone to love by then, I'll accept becoming a part of your coven.”


“You really need to stop arguing and accept my decisions as final, Altered Harry. No matter how much your body needs to join with mine, I must refuse on the grounds that it can only be the once.” Luna said, her voice even as if she was talking about the weather. “I know the temptation is almost irresistible; but, you must restrain yourself for our safety.”


Luna stepped close and looked up into his brilliant green eyes. “This is just as difficult for me as it is for you, Altered Harry. When you were Harry, we were friends. Now that you're like this, our friendship needs to change, too. What that includes depends on what happens between us today.”


“You can't let it go, can you? You're like a dog with a bone that sees another bone.” Luna said and sighed. “Oh, all right. I can't argue with you anymore.” She said and quickly undid his pants to pop him out, then she dropped her panties and sat on the edge of the desk with her legs spread. “Since you can't bite me, you're just going to have to settle for drinking my virginal blood after penetration.”

“LUNA!” Harry gasped and he was rock hard and had done exactly what she said. He had shoved himself into her and broke her hymen, then he buried his tongue inside of her and drank deeply from her sacrificial offering.

Luna screamed her joy at the feeling and moaned as Harry slurped and suckled on her. It seemed to go on forever and she had many, many orgasms before she saw Harry's bloody lips and the look of utter desire on his face as it hovered over her own face.

“Only... the once.” Luna whispered and she let her own desire show on her face.

“You drive a hard bargain, beautiful.” Harry growled and slipped himself into her and kissed her.

Luna's emotions felt like bursting from her chest, because she knew he meant what he said and that he really thought she was beautiful. She moaned loudly for him and wrapped her arms and legs around him as they made love right there on the desk. Then on the floor. Then against the wall. Then somehow on the ceiling.

It went on and on through the rest of the day and then the evening. When the time approached curfew, Luna halfheartedly asked for him to let their one and only time end. It made the both of them laugh, because they had inadvertently discovered the loophole of only being together one time. Never stopping.

Harry eased himself out of her and saw the slightly gaping hole where her perfect slit used to be. It was quite the mess from everything they had done that day and neither of them regretted what had happened.

“It will... snap back... eventually.” Luna said with a dreamy smile on her face.

Harry bent down and gave it several kisses and licks before he gave Luna's mouth the same treatment. “I think I need to apologize for you winning the argument that I don't regret losing.”

Luna giggled and shook her head. “Only once. I won't survive any more than that.”

Harry nodded and used his shirt to wipe at her body and then dressed her. “If it makes you feel any better about this, you taste absolutely delicious.”

Luna blushed deeply at the double compliment, one for her and one for her blood.

Harry left his shirt off and put on his robes, which gave him a kind of wild look to be both in and out of uniform at the same time.

“The tie, too.” Luna said and Harry put it on. “Yes, that's perfect. Thank you.”

Harry picked her up and held her close as Luna cuddled into his chest. He walked out of the classroom and avoided all of the people still in the hallways. No one saw them at all, even though they weren't concealing themselves. Luna didn't question it and just languished in his strong arms until they reached the entrance to Ravenclaw Tower.

“I have legs and no arms. I stand all day and never lay down. I can support many people and can be moved around, only my use is never changed. What am I?” The door knocker asked with a male voice.

“A chair.” Luna responded.

“Loony Loveless is not allowed in the tower tonight.” The door knocker said in a female voice.

Harry did his best to not let his anger out too much. “Who's voice is that?”

Luna didn't say anything and Harry gave her a pointed look. “Don't kill them. They aren't worth it.”

Harry saw the images of five girls that relentlessly picked on Luna since her first year and the dozens of others that either helped, laughed at her, or ignored her being bullied. She had suffered for five long years in that environment and she hadn't let it get to her. It reminded him of his own time at the Dursleys and he felt an eerie calm fill him.

“No, please.” Luna whispered.

Harry ignored her and reached out and grabbed the door knocker. He could somehow feel the magic it had been enchanted with and it reminded him of the Sorting hat. Unlike the hat, it was easily altered by spells and it had been changed to give Luna a hard time and refuse her entry. He wasn't going to stand for that, so he slowly closed his hand.

The creak of metal was exceptionally loud as Harry's closing hand crushed the thing. When his fingers met, the crunch of wood sounded and the snap of the enchantment breaking echoed through both the hallway and the Ravenclaw common room. Everyone turned to look, because the door was no longer kept closed by the enchantment, and they caught their breath when Harry Potter walked in with Luna Lovegood in his arms.

“I already know who did this.” Harry said and dropped the crushed door knocker onto the floor. The clang of the metal made a lot of people flinch.

“Whatever Loony told you is a lie.” Marietta Edgecombe said and her friends nodded, even Cho.

“Luna is too pure of a soul to tell me anything, you idiot.” Harry said and glared at her. “You just admitted it was you and your friends were in on it.”

“You can't prove anything.” Marietta said, smugly. “You just destroyed the evidence.”

Harry gave her a teeth baring grin. “Dobby!”


“The great Harry Potter sir is calling for Dobby again!” The eager house elf said, happily.

“Yes, my friend.” Harry said and the elf made a happy squeal sound. “Could you get the other Hogwarts house elves to hunt down all of Luna Lovegood's things in the castle and tell me where they were found and who stole them?”

“Wes be doing that right now!” Dobby said and popped away.

One of the girls let out a very unladylike curse and there was suddenly a huge pile of broken and damaged things, ruined parchment, and piles of dirty clothes and wrecked shoes.

“I need a chair.” Harry said and one appeared behind him. He sat down and put Luna in his lap. “Parchment and ink.”

Dobby popped in and handed both to him.

“Thank you, my friend.” Harry said and Luna held both for him as he took out a quill and dipped it in the ink. “What did you find, where was it, and who did it?”

Dobby told him everything, then another elf popped in and did the same thing. Then another elf and another, all in a row, and Harry had a huge list when he was done.

“Thats not be including the burned things and lost things wes can't find outside the castle.” The old elf said. “Thieves destroys and takes things home and wes can't leave Hoggywarts to gets them.”

Harry gave Luna the quill and reached out to pat the old elf on the shoulder. “Thank you for letting me know, old timer. You do your fellows proud every day.”

The old elf let out the same happy squeal that Dobby had before and nodded before he popped away.

“Prefects!” Harry snapped and six people flinched, two for the fifth years, two for the sixth years, and two for the seventh. “What do you have to say for yourselves for allowing this travesty to happen?”

The male seventh year gave him a dismissive look. “We don't have to answer to you, Potter.”

“No, you just have to answer to your Head of House, the other teachers, the school governors, and the parents of all the other students when they find out exactly how much bullying you allowed to happen.” Harry said and tucked the list away. He stood up with Luna still in his arms and gave them all a glare. “I sincerely hope that all those stolen and destroyed things are quickly returned or replaced, or everyone is going to know how horrible you people are.”

“You have no right to...” Marietta started to say.

“I have suffered from idiots like you because of my fame and I hate it just as much now as I did when you all accused me of being the Heir of Slytherin back in second year.” Harry spat at her. “You idiots love me one day and hate me the next and I expect it, because you are so ignorant of reality that it's funny. However...” He glared at them all again. “Luna has done NOTHING to any of you! For the supposed smartest students in the school, you are all utterly stupid to do what you did to an innocent girl for no reason!”

“She's Loony Lovegood!” Another girl said. “Just being who she is was enough!”

“Then I hope you are fully prepared to feel the same way.” Harry said and smiled at her scared look. “I'm going to commission the Weasley Twins to come after every single person on my new enemies list.”

“No!” A whole bunch of people shouted.

“How long before the bullying gets reported to Flitwick or another teacher? A minute? An hour?” Harry asked them and no one responded. “You all heard who was responsible for creating this garbage heap from Luna's possessions and NONE of you did anything to stop it or even brought it to a teacher's attention, not even the two nicest girls among you.”

Everyone looked around to figure out who he meant, except for the two he actually meant. Luna and Padma.

“They didn't step forward, because they knew it would only get worse and more vindictive, possibly for the both of them.” Harry said and everyone looked embarrassed, especially Luna and Padma. “I won't mention them for the same reason. No one deserves what you've done to Luna! NO ONE!”

Everyone flinched at Harry's yell and no one knew what to do about him. A set of quick footfalls sounded from the hallway and Professor Flitwick was there in the doorway. He stared at the ruined door that had protected the Ravenclaw House for a century and then his gaze saw the young man standing in front of a pile of garbage with one of his Ravenclaws in his arms.

Flitwick's eyes roamed over the students and saw the guilt and uncomfortable looks on their faces. He held in his sigh at the sight, because he knew this wasn't going to go well for him. He was ultimately responsible for his students and their actions, since they reflected on him and the House.

“I need to ask what is going on here.” Flitwick said and walked over to stand beside a transfigured Harry Potter with Luna Lovegood in his arms. “Although, the break-in alarm and the damsel in Mister Potter's arms is quite a large indication.”

“Miss Edgecombe and her friends thought it was funny to lock Luna out of the tower every few nights for years, usually without proper attire, like socks and shoes.” Harry said and Flitwick hissed angrily. “I can't go into details about exactly where she had to sleep during the winter months, because Luna is too much of a lady to tell her only friend what these horrible people have done to her.”

“I'm really your friend?” Luna asked in a soft whisper.

“You came with me to fight Death Eaters to save my innocent godfather. You had my back then and I wouldn't be much of a friend if I didn't have your back when you have to fight your own pack of Death Eaters.”

Gasps and sounds of disbelief came from Marietta and her friends.

“That accusation went over the line, Mister Potter.” Flitwick said with a glare at him.

“Really?” Harry asked with a smile. “Why don't we have all of the Ravenclaws pull up their left sleeves and find out?”

Two of the seventh year students looked nervous and one of them just so happened to be the prefect that talked back to Harry.

Flitwick did not miss their reactions and sighed. “As Head of Ravenclaw House, I should apologize for how my students have acted.” He said and a lot of them looked relieved. “Unfortunately, with years of proof of their deplorable behavior, I can't.”

Shocked looks appeared on everyone's faces.

“I don't stop or object to having some animosity in a student's life, since it builds character and shows how they can deal with it.” Flitwick said and looked at Luna. “I apologize for not noticing that the animosity towards you was from everyone and not just a few.”

“People usually only notice the jealous bints, since they make the most noise.” Harry said and the girls in question gave him glares. “I've recorded all the things here as evidence and the house elves said there are a few things burned up and some have been taken from the castle. Those you'll have to ask the criminals about.”

“I would like a copy of that list.” Flitwick said and Harry took it out. A wave of a wand gave Flitwick a copy and he quickly read it. “This... is hundreds of galleons worth...”

“Not counting her precious personal possessions that held sentimental value.” Harry said and looked into Luna's teary eyes. “Like the only picture she had of her dead mother.”

Luna let out a sob and tucked her face into Harry's chest and cried.

Flitwick let his own anger show on his face and turned to look right at Marietta. “Is this TRUE?!?”

The girl flinched and started crying.

“Save your fake tears!” Flitwick spat and shook the list at her. “I will see all of you have letters sent to your parents about what you've done and I'll let them retrieve whatever you've stolen from your classmate.”

That made a lot of them pale, because if there was one thing that scared a child, it was telling their parents when they were being bad. A lot of real tears joined the fake ones.

“Mister Potter, you can bring Miss Lovegood up to her dorm and put her to bed.” Flitwick said and saw several of the girls flinch. “Right after I check it out myself.”

“Oh, no.” Cho whispered and everyone watched as the short man stormed up the stairs and went to the fifth year dorms. There was an inarticulate yell of surprise and Flitwick came back downstairs. He pointed to all five girls. “Come with me to my office. I need to make a few floo calls about immediate suspensions.”

“NO!” Marietta shouted and shook her head.

“Your actions are a disgrace to this House and I will not have you sully it further.” Flitwick spat and turned to look at the four seventh years. “You four as well! I will not have actual Death Eaters training and recruiting in MY house!”

The prefect went for his wand and was hit with a red light. He fell to the floor, unconscious.

“Thank you, Mister Potter.” Flitwick said and used his own wand to bind the four young men and floated the unconscious one. He waved to the five girls and pointed to the open door. “March. Now.”

They did so, quite reluctantly, and Flitwick gave Harry a pointed look.

“I'll gather her things that aren't ruined and she can stay with me for a few days.” Harry offered.

Flitwick nodded and left the common room without fixing the door.

It didn't take long for Dobby to pack Luna's belongings and the ruined things were packed into another trunk. They didn't really need to be kept, since they recorded it all. Harry would try to repair them if he could, just for sentimentality's sake. Dobby popped both away and returned to meet Harry in the hallway.

“Youse can be using the head boy bedroom at the Griffy tower top.” Dobby said. “Head elf approved of it.”

Harry smiled and nodded. “Thanks, Dobby. Let him know we accept his generous offer and he can count Luna and I as friends.”

Dobby let out a squeak and popped away.

“H-Harry.” Luna whispered and looked up at him with tears still rolling down her cheeks.

“I'll keep our bargain, because you're right. Even though having you this cute and cuddly for eternity would please me immensely, I can't subject you to ridicule for the same amount of time for the same reason.”

Luna blushed and bit her lip for a moment, then she nodded. “I'll try to not disappoint you too much as I grow older, Harry.”

Harry chuckled. “I think I'm the one that should be worried about disappointing you.”

Luna nodded again. “You did ignore me when...”

“I didn't kill them, even though they deserve it.” Harry said. “I just ignored you not wanting to confront them.”

“And you destroyed a thousand year old locking enchantment.” Luna pointed out.

“We both know Flitwick can make one ten times better.” Harry said.

Luna blinked her eyes at him. “You... you did it to... wow.”

“No one will ever be able to lock you out of the tower again, future sweetheart.” Harry said, smugly.

Luna pulled herself up to give him a quick kiss on the lips. “You're starting to make me regret that I forced you to only do me once.”

Harry laughed loudly and it echoed in the hallways.


Because Harry was not staying in his normal bed, he never noticed Ron's sudden behavioral change from being in love with Lavender to being in love with Romilda Vane two weeks after New Year's Day. Ron had taken the box of chocolates that had been left on Harry's bed and had ignored the note that said it was for Harry only.

Both Lavender and Hermione were quite upset about it, especially since Ron had no idea who Romilda was or what she looked like. After a quick investigation by both girls, they found the mostly eaten box of tainted chocolates and brought them and Ron to Madam Pomfrey. Her diagnosis of expired love potion overdose was quite the shock.

Also, since Harry spent so much of his spare time looking after Luna and escorting her to class, he never stumbled across Malfoy in the bathroom or had any kind of confrontation with him. This would turn out great for Harry, since he thoroughly enjoyed Luna's company and because the quirky blonde had such a strange outlook on life.

Luna completely accepted that Harry was now a vampire and he adored the girl even more than he thought he should. She easily noticed this and occasionally teased him about it, especially when he kept apologizing for having to leave her to go to his own classes after breakfast.

“You could swear we've been dating our whole lives with the way you're acting.” Luna whispered, because she only wanted Harry to hear her words. “I'm not going to hate you for doing your own thing, Harry.”

“I do.” Harry confessed and Luna blushed. “You don't know what these last few weeks have been like. I feel free and I have an actual friend and not someone that's just playing along and doesn't really care about me.” He said and saw the squinted look she gave him. He chuckled and hugged her. “Okay, I guess you would know what spending this time with you really means to me.”

Luna lost the accusing look and gave him a dreamy smile. “Yes, I know exactly what it means.”

“I just don't want you to get angry that I'm taking Parvati to Hogsmeade this weekend.” Harry said.

“Oh, I'm not worried about that. She's not going to do anything with you.” Luna said and Harry raised his eyebrows at her. “She's from a strict family and the most she'll let you do is kiss her and touch her boobs. You need to publicly declare to be her boyfriend and see her parents before she'll let you feel her up under her clothes.”

Harry stared at her and wasn't sure what to say.

“Ask Padma tonight when you study with her and she'll tell you the same thing.” Luna said and motioned for him to bend down. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a great snogging. “See you at lunch.”

“See you.” Harry said and watched her skip down the hallway and into class. He left there and went to the library instead of his Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It was a huge bone of contention between him, the headmaster, and Snape, because Harry wanted nothing to do with the vindictive man that was teaching Harry's favorite subject. He didn't want to end up hating it or have Snape ruin it for him.

A second year student approached him and handed him a note without a word. Harry thanked the boy and opened the note. It wasn't a request for another lesson with Dumbledore like he hoped. It was a reminder for him to get the right memory from Professor Slughorn.

Harry sighed and thought about what to do to get that memory, because it was apparently important to Dumbledore and the hunt for horcruxes. That brought Harry's mind to Voldemort and his growing influence in the wizarding world and inside the castle, like the four people that had dark marks in Ravenclaw and he caught his breath.

“Malfoy.” Harry whispered and put the book he was browsing through back on the shelf and ran to Griffindor tower. He went into the head boy's room and dove into his trunk. He pulled out the map and opened it up as he said the password and tapped it with his wand. “I need to find Malfoy.”

The map had a little arrow appear and it flowed up the parchment and pointed to the stairway to the seventh floor. Harry almost shouted with joy and left the map open and ran out of the tower. He was already on the seventh floor, so he was by the staircase a few seconds later. His hand reached out and grabbed Draco Malfoy by the neck, which made the boy squawk like a chicken.

“I hope you haven't forgotten about me.” Harry said and pulled Draco behind a tapestry and held him against the wall.

“Potter!” Draco said, angrily. “What do you want?”

Harry gave his neck a squeeze and leaned forward. He almost felt the other boy's mind peel open and he did not fight that feeling. “Tell me what you've been doing this year.”

Draco felt a very strong compulsion to do that and started talking. The very first thing he said was that the Dark Lord had chosen him and ordered him to kill Dumbledore, then he told Harry all of his plans. Imperiusing Rosemerta to Imperius Katie to give the necklace to Dumbledore, giving a poisoned bottle of mead to Slughorn to give to Dumbledore, and buying a vanishing cabinet to learn to repair the one in the Room of Lost Things that Voldemort told him how to enter.

Harry felt vindication fill him for being right about Draco being a Death Eater and no one had believed him, especially his so-called friends and Dumbledore. They had dismissed his concerns and that had angered Harry more than he cared to admit. Before, anyways. Now? He was pissed that he was right and he had no one to go to and expose Draco's confession.

It was at that moment that Harry realized something. He might not have someone to go to; but, he did have an avenue that he could use. He just had to wait until lunchtime to utilize it.


Ten minutes into lunch, the doors to the Great Hall banged, even though they were already open, and everyone in the hall turned to look. Some of the students gasped at the sight of Harry Potter carrying Draco Malfoy by the neck, quite threateningly.

“Go ahead and tell them what you told me.” Harry ordered as he let Draco's feet touch the floor.

“No!” Dumbledore and Snape exclaimed.

“My name is Draco and I am a loyal Death Eater.” Draco said and pulled up his left sleeve to show off his dark mark. That made a few students scream and point and more than a few of the Slytherins looked guilty and angry.

“Start with what you did to Katie.” Harry ordered and Draco did.

It shocked most of the Griffindors, especially Ron and Hermione. The look of gratitude on Katie's face was worth using Draco like this, though. His confession wasn't going to change Dumbledore's mind about how to handle the little bastard, so all Harry could do was make sure that everyone else knew the truth.

Dumbledore was going to have a hard time covering up Draco's crimes, especially since Slughorn had been included in the list of guilty parties, however inadvertently. The old man knew that Harry was never getting that unaltered memory out of the potions professor now.

“Harry, I hope you realize what you've done.” Dumbledore said, his voice sad and conveyed a lot of regret.

“I do.” Harry said. “Why don't you tell me what you think I've done.”

Dumbledore sighed. “You've put Mister Malfoy's family at considerable risk.”

“You mean his Death Eater father and his collaborative mother? The same people that give Voldemort and the other Death Eaters houseroom?” Harry asked and more screams came from him saying that name. He ignored them. “You have always been more concerned about the guilty and trying to save them than you have ever been concerned about the innocents they hurt!”

Gasps and shocked sounds came from everyone at his accusation.

“That's not true, Harry.” Dumbledore said. “I've always had your best interests at heart.”

“HA!” Harry barked and a few people jumped at the harshness it contained. “I sincerely doubt you forcing me to live with abusive muggles was in my best interest!” He spat. “TELL THE TRUTH!”

Everyone felt the pulse of magic as it flowed almost in a wave and hit the headmaster. The old man wavered slightly before his eyes focused on Harry and he began to speak.

“I did what was best for the wizarding world. The plight of a single individual is insignificant to the welfare of the entire world. You needed to be protected from Voldemort until it was time for you to sacrifice yourself to give the same protection you received from your mother to everyone else.” Dumbledore said, his voice normal and loud at the same time.

Everyone stared at him and they were all shocked, Snape most of all.

Harry just nodded. “I knew you've been stringing me along with all the fake lessons you've been giving me about Tom Riddle's background and how he grew up to become Voldemort.”

More soft screams came from the students hearing the name again.

“I needed to tell you about that to teach you how to search for the remaining horcuxes. Knowing how Voldemort thinks will let you hunt the items down easier.”

“Why do I have to do it?” Harry asked. “You've had how many years to do it yourself?”

Dumbledore sighed. “I didn't want to tell you at all. However, when I was cursed...” He moved his robes and showed off his withered hand. “My plans had to change and you need to continue in my stead.”

“So, you weren't going to train me at all until you absolutely had to?” Harry asked and the old man shook his head. “I'm glad to get all of that out in the open and now I know where I stand with you.”

“Excellent. You can resume your brooding and self-defeatism, encouraged by Severus and reinforced by your friends Mister Weasley and Miss Granger.” Dumbledore said. “I didn't even have to manipulate them to have their behaviors align you to the right path like I did last year.”

That gave everyone an even bigger shock.

Harry looked surprised for a moment, then laughed. “That was a bit more honesty than I expected; but, it's good to know my previous best mate and my ex-best friend are berks on their own merits and not because they were forced to be that way.”

“Hey!” Ron and Hermione gasped as they glared at him.

“We haven't spoken in almost a month and you never even noticed!” Harry almost shouted back at them and they both looked sad. “Piss off with the sad looks! You're not going to blame me again for making you feel bad about it! You did this to yourselves!”

That just made them look even sadder and silence fell.

“Potter! Let Malfoy go!” Snape spat.

“Why? So you can save him from his choices? From the truth? From going to prison for how many murder attempts?” Harry asked and Snape scowled at him. “Oh, right. It was done in school, which means Dumblemort is going to hide it all and the Aurors are never going to be called.”

“You would be endlessly hounded if I ever let the truth be known about you.” Dumbledore said.

That was the opening Harry didn't know he needed. “Why don't you tell everyone what you mean?”

“As you know, you are the child of prophecy. Only you can vanquish Voldemort. The entire weight of the task rests on your shoulders, since I will die before I could successfully manipulate you to weaken him first and defeat him myself.”

Everyone looked from Dumbledore to Harry and back again, only to see that neither person laughed or claimed it was a joke. The only one not doing that was Snape.

“It... it's true?” A soft female voice asked.

“Yes, Luna.” Harry said and saw the tears she had in her eyes. “Dumbledore has been manipulating me my whole life and this is just the latest attempt.”

“Then I think you need to leave for a while.” Luna said and walked over to him from the end of the Griffindor table before she glanced at Draco.

“Right, just a second.” Harry said and leaned in close to Draco's ear and whispered several things.

Draco nodded and left his sleeve pulled up and walked over to the Slytherin table to sit beside Pansy Parkinson. She whispered harshly to him and he ignored it as he stared across the room at Harry.

“Let's go.” Harry said and Luna hopped up into his arms. “I'm sorry, Parvati. It looks like our date on the weekend has to be cancelled.”

Parvati didn't say anything and just stared at him, her mouth opened slightly and her eyes wide.

Harry glanced over at her sister and Padma blushed and nodded. He wouldn't have to apologize for missing their regular study session. After one last look at a stunned Ron and a pensive Hermione, Harry turned around and carried Luna out of the Great Hall.

Dumbledore's passive face changed to a look of horror and he dropped his head into his hands, one of which scratched his forehead because of the sharp jagged nails on his withered fingers. No one would notice that the scratch looked suspiciously like a lightning bolt.


Voldemort's report from Hogwarts was a shock to him, especially the rift between Potter and Dumbledore. He had always known that the Griffindor Golden Boy had been Dumbledore's pawn for years and it felt good to have the truth confirmed... and what a horrible truth it was.

Harry's home life would boost Voldemort's cause even more than his promises of power and rule would, because most magicals believed that muggles were beneath them. With the knowledge that several of them had been abusing the savior of the wizarding world for years, wizards and witches would flock to Voldemort to let them have revenge.

Voldemort tried to downplay the importance of his horcruxes, even though he was terrified that Dumbledore knew of them and had been showing Harry Potter his history and teaching him what items he would choose for them. He would need to make several trips to important locations to find and retrieve them and move them before Dumbledore got his hands on them.

The Dark Lord ignored the fact that six of his newest marked had been discovered and arrested in the school. It was only Azkaban prison and he had full access to it and would recover them on the weekend when he also raided several muggle neighborhoods.

This reassured his followers, especially the Malfoys, because they hadn't realized that Draco had failed in his impossible task. It was not going to go well for them, since their son had revealed where Voldemort was currently hiding. An immediate change of base would be required, since he knew the Aurors would not be raiding the Malfoy Manor until tomorrow.

Having spies in the Aurors and the Ministry of Magic was quite useful.


“My Love!” Camilla shouted when Harry appeared at the doors of the castle. She ran over to him and started to reach for him when she stopped and saw who he had with him. “I didn't know Margarite had a daughter.”

Luna giggled, Margarite blushed, and Harry laughed.

“I sincerely doubt magic could create someone as special as Luna twice, even though Margarite has been eagerly trying.” Harry said and put an arm over Luna's shoulder to give her a sideways hug. “This is Luna Lovegood and she was kind enough to remain my friend, even knowing what I am.”

Luna held a slender hand out to the tall dark haired vampire. “I'm one of Harry's future brides.”

Camilla looked absolutely delighted at the news and took the hand to shake it. “I've always enjoyed meeting the more independent minded that eventually choose this way of life after living their own enough to become tired of it.”

Luna nodded and let her hand go. “I've said five years, just to ensure I'll be grown enough to keep Harry happy.”

Camilla looked down at Luna's feet and slowly rose her eyes to end at Luna's face. “You are not going to grow much taller.”

“I know. My mother was short as well.” Luna said and her hands went to her chest. “I meant these.”

Camilla laughed and stepped back. “Then please, enter my home and be welcome. We do have food for our thralls and you will be taken care of.”

“I don't want to be a bother.” Luna said.

“Bother?” Camilla asked and waved her, Harry, and Margarite inside. Their trunks floated in behind them. “I believe Margarite, Melanie, and Marlene are going to enjoy having such a cute young woman to pamper and take care of.”

Luna looked at Melanie and saw her enthusiastic nod. She looked at Harry next and saw his happy smile. With confirmation that she wouldn't be any trouble, she nodded.

“Wonderful!” Camilla said and snapped her fingers. The other five thralls appeared and two stepped forward to scoop Luna up into their arms and hugged her, with Margarite joining in.

“Welcome to the family.” Harry said with a huge grin.

Luna was a bit overwhelmed by their complete acceptance of her and secretly admitted to herself that perhaps five years was a bit too long to make Harry wait.


A week later, Voldemort stood inside his secret cave of horrors that was filled with Inferi, and he had a near insensate muggle beside him that cried and babbled over his lost love. The Dark Lord stared at the fake locket in the nearly empty basin and he felt equal measures of terror and anger. One of his precious pieces of soul was missing, possibly destroyed.

He cast the killing curse at the muggle and pushed him away. The body rolled down the embankment and it splashed into the edge of the water. A bunch of white and waterlogged hands grabbed the body and started to tear it apart and pulled the pieces down into the now blood-stained water.

Voldemort waved his wand at the basin and let it refill with the madness potion and stepped into the boat. It moved on its own and he stood in the very center of it until it reached the edge of the cave. He strode along the edge and poked a sharp rock to add a touch of blood to the exit and left the cave behind.

His anger and terror did not blind him to his task, however. He had more places to check and horcruxes to ensure were still there and kept safe. A sharp crack had him in Little Hangleton and he went right to the old Gaunt shack, only to pause as he felt that all of his enchantments had been dismantled. He rushed into the ruined little house and stared at the torn up floorboards. The ring was gone.

The Dark Lord had suspected it, because there were very few places that Dumbledore could get that withering curse from. It had cost him a horcrux; but, it ensured Dumbledore's death. The old man would not last long. The problem was, his spy hadn't told him about either the curse or that Dumbledore was looking for his horcruxes. He would need to check on the diadem somehow, too.

Voldemort apparated away and landed at Nott Manor, his new base of operations. He went inside to where his most loyal follower slept. Bellatrix did not mind being woken up by her lord and readily accepted him into her bed, despite her still being married to her husband. For some reason, Voldemort didn't object to this and it was a very odd experience for the both of them.

When it was over, Voldemort ordered her to check her vault and to ensure that Hufflepuff's cup was still there. If it was, she was to retrieve it and return it to him. Bellatrix agreed and the pair coupled once more. Neither was surprised that it was still quite awkward.


Harry Potter and Luna Lovegood returned to school a month later, only to find that things had significantly changed. Minerva McGonagall was Headmistress and Dumbledore was in the hospital wing and was dying earlier than he expected, because Severus Snape had been killed by Voldemort several weeks ago for keeping vital information from him.

Harry's reaction was to laugh when he heard about it.

“Why are you laughing?” Hermione asked, her voice almost a shriek. “This is horrible! The Leader of the Light is dying and we are all in danger now!”

“Now I know there's something wrong with you, Hermione.” Harry said and fought down his amusement at the look on her face. “We've always been in danger since Voldemort returned. It's just that now no one can lie to themselves about it and have to face it.”

“It's still not funny!” Hermione exclaimed.

“No, it's hilarious!” Harry countered. “Snape died because he was stupid enough to think he could copy Dumblemort and keep secrets from the one person that needed to know.”

Hermione and everyone in the Griffindor common room stared at him. “This... this isn't about you.”

That removed Harry's restraint and he laughed and laughed. The other students backed away from his hysterical laughter and looked a little afraid. Most of them jerked when Harry's laugh cut off mid-guffaw as if he hadn't just been laughing.

“I feel so wonderful that I finally get to say this.” Harry said and seemed to loom over her. “You. Are. WRONG!”

Everyone flinched at his yell and the change in his demeanor, even Hermione.

“It's always been about me. Always. Even Dumblemort admitted that it's all on me.” Harry reminded her and she blushed from embarrassment. “The weight of the entire world is on my shoulders and he made sure that I was abused, weakened, and kept ignorant.”

Luna took Harry's hand and his face changed from accusation to happy instantly.

“I only came back here so that Luna can sit her Owls. As soon as the exams are done, so am I.” Harry said, which made more than a few people gasp. “If you'll excuse us, we have to visit Professor Flitwick and see how well recovering Luna's things has gone and if we need to call an end to the prank war.”

“W-wait!” A female voice called as they walked towards the portrait hole.

Harry and Luna stopped walking and turned to see Katie Bell walk over to them.

“Was it you?” Katie asked.

“Was it me what?” Harry asked with a crooked smile.

“Draco Malfoy turned himself over to the Aurors and admitted to his crimes, including what he did to me.” Katie said and she suddenly had the other two Griffindor Flying Foxes beside her. “The ministry fined him and gave me a share as one of his victims.” She looked into Harry's eyes. “They never do that.”

“No, they don't.” Harry said and let Luna's hand go. “That was the contents of Malfoy's school vault. I had him write that letter and turned over all that gold to you, since he's never going to need it.”

“B-b-but... but, I... why me?” Katie asked, her face red.

“I have a much better question.” Harry said and reached out to lightly caress her cheek. “Why not you?”

Katie closed her eyes briefly and her face went even redder. She opened her eyes and put a hand on Harry's that was still touching her cheek.

“Don't you deserve to be happy? To not have to worry about money after what happened? Does making the one that hurt you pay for his crimes not give you that much more happiness?” Harry asked her.

Katie stared into his brilliant green eyes and her heart beat really fast.

“Go ahead and kiss her. She needs it.” Luna said and reached up to remove Harry's glasses and then pulled out the hair tie that held back a massive wave of long dirty blond hair that seemed to puff out on its own.

“Ohhh.” Katie and several other girls softly moaned.

Harry smiled and stepped close to Katie, whom looked both scared and full of anticipation. “I really shouldn't be doing this.”

“Yes, too many witnesses.” Katie said and reached up to wrap her arms around his neck. “Just pretend we're all alone.”

Harry chuckled and put his arms around her waist and she gasped when she felt his erection press into her. “We are as alone as you want us to be.” He whispered to her and then bent his head slightly and kissed her like he kissed Camilla, as if she was his life and he had to thoroughly thank her for saving it.

Katie shivered and let out a very indecent moan before she enthusiastically kissed him back.

There was a bit of a strangled cry from across the room and Harry didn't need his enhanced vampire senses to know it was from Ginny Weasley. He ignored it, since there was no way that she would ever share him with another girl, let alone accept that he was a much different person than he used to be.

Harry broke the kiss and Katie let out a disappointed sound. He fully expected it, because Luna reacted the same way, even when she was the aggressor. “Thank you, Katie.”

“You're very welcome, Harry.” Katie said and let him go when he stepped back. “Wait! I'm supposed to be thanking you!”

“You just did.” Harry said and grinned at her blush.

“Now we can go.” Luna said and took his hand to lead him out through the portrait hole. “We might need to register your lips as dangerous weapons at the Ministry.”

Harry laughed as the door shut behind them and the students in the common room stood there and didn't really know what to do after seeing a scene like that.

“His tongue, too.” Katie whispered, only everyone heard her because it was so quiet.

“Damn, that really just happened.” Angelina said from beside her friend.

“I've been dating George for almost a year and I love him.” Alicia said and waved a hand in front of her face. “After seeing that, I want Harry to kiss me, too.”

“And all that hair.” Parvati added and a bunch of the girls nodded. She wouldn't tell them that he changed to blonde for her and seeing all that hair made her very happy.

“Do you think it was a potion or a spell?” Lavender asked. “I can never get that spell right unless I'm using two mirrors to see the back of my head.”

“Only two? I need three for even coverage.” An unnamed fourth year said.

That started off a huge group discussion about hair care products and spells that quickly made all of the guys in the room retreat to the edge of the room for safety and most of the girls gathered in the middle of the room.

The only two holdouts were Hermione and Ginny, since both of them were focused on Harry's new look and attitude. They both knew that they had lost much more than they previously thought they had. One because she had been told off in front of everyone and the other because she had been completely ignored, despite her attempts to make Harry jealous by dating other guys.


When Dumbledore finally passed away without passing on the Elder Wand, he died reassured that the Hollows would never be reunited. He had given up on Harry Potter saving them, because his mistakes had driven the boy so far from the Light.

Dumbledore never discovered that Harry was actually a vampire and it was that aspect that had given Harry the power to confront and force him to confess, which was 'the power he knew not' from the prophecy.

Less than a month later, the Ministry was completely taken over and controlled by Voldemort's followers, and no one knew about it. Since the Ministry controlled the Daily Prophet and Voldemort controlled the Ministry, the general population were only told what they wanted to hear. Everything was fine and Voldemort was still in hiding.


Thanks to Harry's constant presence around Luna, even during her classes because he said he wasn't letting her out of his sight with so much danger around, no other incidents happened at school for the rest of the year.

Luna sat her exams with an invisible Harry nearby. They didn't cheat, since Luna was already excessively smart and didn't need the help. Her Occlumency lessons with Camilla and Harry had given her a perfect memory and she used it ruthlessly as she crushed all of the Owl exams that she was allowed to take, even the extra classes she never participated in.

Harry paid a small bribe to the education department of the Ministry to have Luna's results marked first and they received them before the seventh years received their Newt scores. She had scored all Outstandings with distinctions, especially in the practicals, because she had awed all of the examiners. The shocked looks on McGonagall's and Flitwick's faces was worth Harry staying around to see them.

They packed up Luna's things, gathered the restitution money for her lost, stolen, and destroyed items from the last five years, and they left the school before the Hogwarts Express arrived. They would never know how disappointed a lot of the girls on the train would be, because Harry wasn't there for them to say goodbye to.


Less than four months later in October, on Halloween, Voldemort decided that he needed to openly take over and gathered his dark army to assault Hogwarts castle. Acromantulas, a handful of giants, all of his marked followers, a hundred Imperiused troops, a pack of werewolves, and a kiss of vampires.

It was the last group that would turn out to be his downfall.

They had spread out among the army and no one seemed to notice how many there actually were, which was exactly what the vampires had wanted. When the army had amassed at the edge of the wards of the castle and the wizards raised their wands to assault the barrier, every single vampire struck at the same time and tore out the throats of all of the controlling wizards, which broke their Imperius curses.

It started a feeding frenzy among the vampires, and the werewolves that were unable to control their animal instincts joined in as well. The freed witches and wizards, as well as the actual Death Eaters, started to panic as the blood gushed around and onto them.

They didn't realize it was a perfectly coordinated attack and that they weren't in danger unless they attacked the creatures, which most did to fend off the vampires and werewolves. They died almost immediately, because vampires and werewolves were not ones to sit idly by and let themselves be killed.

The acromantulas stayed off to the sides until it was advantageous for them, then the spiders grabbed the fallen bodies and fled with their quick and easy meals that they didn't have to fight for. The giants stood by and enjoyed the carnage, since they loved a good fight.

One of the vampires took the opportunity that presented and threw one of the feral werewolves at a giant, which attacked and tore at the giant's face. With a loud bellow, the giants waded into the conflict and their clubs and huge feet were used to smash and squash as many werewolves as possible. They were there to fight and a blatant invitation could not be denied.

At the very back of the gathering, Voldemort stood there with a shocked look on his face, because his carefully constructed battle plan had been completely torn apart, just like most of his followers and their pawns. Some fled, like the cowards he knew they would become if the battle turned against them, and he decided that he should leave as well, ignorant of the fact he matched his opinion of his minions.

Voldemort turned and felt something that felt like steel wrap around his neck. He didn't choke, which surprised him, then he felt his legs snap together and his wand arm be pulled off. It didn't gush blood like a normal arm would, since his body was a magical construct, and it just seeped out. The stump seemed to fold in on itself and sealed, stopping the small amount of stolen blood from leaving.

“I've come to take back what you stole from me.” Harry's voice hissed into his earhole.

Voldemort opened his mouth to ask what and felt fangs sink into his neck. He laughed instead. “Go ahead, Potter! You can't kill me like that! I'm immortal!”

Harry didn't say anything and kept feeding. Voldemort wasn't worried at all, and that was a mistake. What he didn't realize was that Harry was taking back what Voldemort stole from him during the resurrection ritual, his blood and his magic, since without Harry, the body couldn't exist.

A tall man faded into view in front of Voldemort and smiled. “You forget what we can do to magicals if they willingly accept a part of us into themselves.”

“Sanguini!” Voldemort spat. “You betrayed me!”

Sanguini chuckled. “You really should listen to your own deals when you make them, Mister Riddle.”

“Don't call me that!” Voldemort growled.

“You offered my family hunting rights if we helped you take down the rulers of your magical society.” Sanguini said. “You forgot that you've already taken over the society already and only had the school left to dominate.”

Voldemort felt a pull on his magic and fought against it.

“Since you wanted us to take the rulers down, we have done so and killed all of your people and the people you controlled. None are left to stop you from taking over.” Sanguini said with a smile and looked over the Dark Lord's shoulder. “I warned you that it would taste awful.”

Harry stopped sucking and threw up. “It's not even palatable! How can anyone live with this crap inside of them?”

“The insides match the outside.” Sanguini said, wisely.

“Good point.” Harry said and used his wand to sever Voldemort's other arm and used a healing spell to seal it.

“Do the legs as well. His magic should be distracted as it tries to heal the damage.” Sanguini suggested.

“Thanks.” Harry said and did as asked, then sank his fangs back into Voldemort's neck. He sucked on both the molasses-like blood and on the Dark Lord's magic, doing his best to concentrate on the soul connection, as if he was going to turn Voldemort into a vampire.

It was a secret technique that was only shared with those that were going to take over the family and expand its numbers, so Harry felt very grateful at being let into the secret. His magic surged and Voldemort's faltered, which was exactly what Harry needed to gain a foothold.

“Noooo...” Voldemort said and his voice trailed off. The drain on him was too much to bear and he slowly lost consciousness.

It took another ten minutes and several throwing up sessions for Harry to feel those last few tethers of Voldemort's soul. He concentrated on them and sucked out the magic sustaining them. He felt the links break and glanced at Sanguini.

The tall vampire waved off to the side and Camilla appeared holding the giant snake Nagini. She pulled out a knife and sliced through the abnormal creature's neck and both it and Voldemort's last horcrux died. Harry waited a moment and then sucked that last bit of magic and blood out of the maimed body he held.

With nary a sound, Voldemort passed from the world and was sent into the great beyond, believing he was always going to return to life. Death itself was going to have so much fun playing with his fractured soul.


Luna only waited three years until she was eighteen to accept Harry's offer. Not surprisingly, her father also accepted an offer from Sanguini, so he could spend eternity searching for the elusive creatures he had an insatiable curiosity to find. Both Xenophilius and Sanguini left on a decades long trip around the world and spent all of their time together and talking of creatures they found.

Luna stayed as an ageless human bride for almost twenty years before she finally gave in and was changed in a similar manner to Harry to become another vampire. Because it was Harry performing the ritual, Luna kept her magic and her quirky personality and outlook on life.

Camilla adored her as much as Harry and was relieved it had worked, so they became eternal sisters and had a lot of fun with their newly minted Vampire Lord.

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