What If… Harry Potter

20 What if Harry lost his underage magic trial?

Just one more that I needed to get out. It's about 13,045 words.

Trigger warning: There's some questionable things and some descriptive sex mentioned. Participants are 17 and older, though.

Minister Fudge brought up the fact of Harry Potter's excessive magic use in the past. A blatant hover charm in front of muggles, blowing up his uncle's sister like a balloon and making her float away in front of muggles, and now performing a Patronus charm in front of muggles.

Albus Dumbledore tried to counter them by explaining the hover charm was performed by a house elf, not realizing that showed Harry's disregard for wizardkind's secrets. The Marge Dursley incident was caused by accidental magic, which inadvertently proved that Harry did not have a proper handle on his magic. The Patronus charm was performed in front of Harry's cousin, who knew about magic.

Unfortunately, the law as it was worded, did not account for that. The only requirement for breaking the law was doing magic where any muggle could see it, whether they knew about magic or not.

When Fudge attempted to bring up Harry's behaviour at school, Dumbledore refused to acknowledge it, because Harry's behaviour there was not relevant to the hearing, since the Ministry did not have the power to expel Hogwarts students or have the right to confiscate wands until charges were successfully proven.

“The Ministry does not have the authority to punish Harry for every bit of magic he has performed.” Albus stated, blandly.

“The laws can be changed when necessary!” Minister Fudge tried to bluster.

“Obviously, since it was necessary to call upon the entire Wizengamut to perform a full criminal trial for a simple case of underage magic.” Albus said and that made a few of the members feel shame while the rest felt insulted over their input being dismissed.

“I believe we have all heard enough about the evidence.” Fudge said and tapped his little gavel. “I call upon this august body to make their ruling.”

Amelia Bones nodded. “All those in favor of convicting Harry Potter of underage magic?”

Harry's heart fell when nearly two thirds of the room put up their hands, including the court scribe, Percy Weasley. He quickly counted the hands and wrote it down.

“All those in favor of acquittal?” Amelia asked and barely a third put up their hands, which included her and did not include Albus Dumbledore.

Percy wrote the number down and sat with a satisfied look on his face as he handed a copy to Minister Fudge. The man had the same satisfied look on his face when he read it and nodded.

“Mister Potter, you have been convicted of the crimes brought before this court.” Fudge said and the ugly toad-like woman in pink beside him let out a sickening girlish giggle. “The Wizengamut will retire to debate your sentence and will return when we decide an appropriate punishment for a delinquent such as yourself.”

When the room emptied of everyone except Dumbledore and Harry, the old man didn't even look at him. “I am terribly sorry, Harry. It seems I have miscalculated how much the smear campaign against us has affected everyone's judgment.”

Harry thought about yelling at the man for being so stupid and decided a few biting words would be better. “Do I have to become a Death Eater for you to get me another chance?”

Albus almost felt a physical jab right to his heart at hearing those words and the tone of Harry's voice. Before he could think of a response and possibly save the boy's crumbling opinion of him, the door to the side chamber opened and the members of the Wizengamut filed back in. When they were all seated, Minister Fudge took out a piece of parchment.

“As the British Wizarding World's governing body, an appropriate sentence has been decided.” Fudge said. “Due to your blatant disregard for the rule of law on multiple occasions, regardless if you have been charged with anything previously or not, you present a clear and present danger to wizardkind and the Statute of Secrecy.”

“No.” Dumbledore whispered.

“Therefore, you will be remanded to Azkaban Prison for no less than two years, at which time another hearing will be held to see if you are repentant of your crimes. Your wand and personal effects will be confiscated and held until your sentence is complete.” Fudge said and put the parchment down as he grinned. “Perhaps spending some time around your supposed attackers will knock some sense into your head.”

Harry was too shocked to curse at the man for taunting him. Two Aurors came forward and placed him in handcuffs, then relieved him of his small bag of gold and his wand. He didn't have anything else on him, so the evidence bag was pretty much empty.

Even now, Dumbledore didn't try to look at him as he was led away. He also didn't say anything and Harry's opinion of the man dropped so low that he wasn't surprised that he no longer cared about what the headmaster thought.

As soon as Harry was out of the room, Albus strode over to the Minister of Magic. “Cornelius, I implore you to reconsider this course of action.”

Fudge barked a laugh and Delores Umbridge giggled.

“I think your opinions are worth about the same as Mister Potter's.” Fudge said.

Albus held in his sigh at the rebuff. “At least put a gag order on the Daily Prophet. If word gets out that...”

“Gag them?” Fudge asked with another laugh and waved at the darkened gallery. “It's going to be front page news!”

Albus didn't bother holding in his sigh as a reporter and photographer came over and took Fudge's picture and asked him about his victory over the hardened criminal he had just served justice to. He gave the idiot a sad look, shook his head, and walked over to Amelia Bones.

“If I could bother you for a moment, Amelia?” Albus asked.

“The answer is no.” Amelia said and gathered a copy of the trial transcript from Percy, whom looked smug at her saying that to the headmaster.

“You don't even know what I was going to ask.” Albus countered.

“It doesn't matter. In the current environment, anything you ask for will be denied.” Amelia informed him and tucked the papers under her arm. “Good luck trying to keep your headmaster position after telling the Wizengamut that they don't have any power in Hogwarts.”

Albus could only stare at her back as she walked away.

“Idiot.” Amelia almost growled and the door to the courtroom closed with the sound of finality.


The Weasley Family were devastated when they heard the news. Ron sat on a chair with a blank expression on his face, Ginny sobbed uncontrollably and hugged her crying mother, while Fred and George stood with their father and they all had sad faces.

Hermione on the other hand, had a look of pure rage on her face as she glared at Dumbledore. “HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HARRY?!?”

“Miss Granger, I assure you that I didn't do anything to Harry.” Albus said in as placating of a manner as he possibly could. It didn't work.

“I gave you all those precedents! The court cases! The references! THE PROOF!” Hermione screeched. “AND YOU DIDN'T USE ANY OF IT!”

“Hermione, I think that's enough.” Mr. Weasley said.


Sirius put a hand on her shoulder and Hermione turned to give him a good yelling as well, then she started crying and hugged the frail man instead.

“Maybe we can break him out.” Ron suggested.

“Not bloody likely.” Sirius said. “After I escaped, they locked that place down tight. I can only imagine what it's like a year later.”

“Maybe they'll put him into the low security wing or something.” Ron said, grasping at any idea that could give them hope.

Sirius huffed and Albus looked as sad as everyone else.

“What is it?” Fred asked.

“There's no such thing as different security parts of the prison. It's just prison.” Sirius said. “The Dementors aren't kept in a single area or concentrate anywhere. They roam freely to all the prisoners and no one is spared.”

Everyone fell quiet as the crying eased and was reduced mostly to tears and sniffles.

“I never said I was sorry for turning on him last year.” Ron said and tears finally came to his eyes. “Now I'll never get the chance.”

“It's only two years.” Arthur said and it wasn't convincing, because he didn't believe it himself. He put a hand on Ron's shoulder and they all stayed there to comfort each other.

Albus gave the room a final look before he retreated and left the house. He would need to contact Severus as soon as possible. He needed to know what Voldemort's plans were going to be, now that Harry was out of the way.

Hermione's words burned in his mind, however. She really had done a lot of research and given him tons of evidence to counter the charges. He had thought appealing to the good natures of the Wizengamut would work and had ignored her efforts... and he lost.

Because of his smug arrogance, Albus Dumbledore lost the only real hope that the wizarding world had to survive the scourge that was Voldemort.


Unlike what Albus assumed, Voldemort didn't come right out into the open. That was odd, since there would be no one for the Light side to rally around if he revealed himself. Instead, he stayed in the background and continued to let Fudge and his supporters tear up the reputation of the Boy-Who-Lived and reveal the failures of Albus Dumbledore.

Everyone who wasn't blind could see the way the wind was blowing, however. As the Light's support structure slowly crumbled and lost hope, the Dark gained almost immeasurable strength and they used it subtly and ruthlessly.

Over the first year of Harry's incarceration, certain laws were passed that allowed the compulsory registration of everyone's blood status. It didn't take long after that for harsh creature laws to be passed as well, because only those of pure blood were allowed to retain their positions of power in the ministry.

On the plus side, that action revealed most of the unsavoury characters that were behind it all, including the half-blood undersecretary that had paid to have her family history changed in the records. A simple interview with her father straightened things out and she was tossed in prison for getting caught.

That started a trend of unjust punishment for those of lesser blood to be persecuted for petty crimes and in some cases, completely made up. When they fought against being arrested for no reason, the metaphorical floodgates opened and everyone that the pure bloods thought were undesirable were rounded up.

By the end of Harry Potter's second year in prison, all muggleborns and muggle-raised witches and wizards had been tagged and branded. All half-bloods were marked as well, because they could potentially be saved if married into a proper pure blood family and produced a new generation of pure bloods.


Harry was in a sorry state when he was dragged into Courtroom Ten to be presented in front of the Wizengamut for his hearing. His hair was long and shaggy, his skin was dark and dirty from two years of no baths, and his temperament was almost catatonic, since he had two Dementors as guards.

“Harry Potter.” Minister Fudge said, his voice smug. “I hope that your first stay in prison has given you a new perspective on your actions.”

Harry didn't say anything and just stared off into the distance, despite being in a courtroom.

Percy Weasley took out a ruler and slapped it onto the desk he sat behind. “The prisoner will answer the Minister when he speaks to you!”

Harry's thousand yard stare changed to look at Percy. “Why... answer? You... are... nothing.”

“Excuse me?” Amelia Bones asked. She had survived the purges by sheer stubbornness. “What did you say?”

“You all... are nothing. Worthless... garbage.” Harry said and smiled to reveal rotted teeth and slightly demented eyes, since his glasses had been lost long ago. “You deserve... everything... Voldemort will do to you.”

Nearly everyone in the room flinched at the name and Harry cackled a laugh.

“The prisoner will refrain from speaking unless spoken to!” Percy spat.

Harry sat there, happy to prove his point.

“This hearing is to assess Harry Potter's fitness to return to polite society or be returned to prison for another two years.” Fudge said. He had been paid a lot of gold to ensure that Harry was released into Lucius Malfoy's custody, since the boy was almost of age and could still be controlled by a magical guardian. “I open the floor for debate.”

For the next hour, the discussion was pretty heated, especially from Amelia Bones. She fought hard to prove that Harry's two years had been excessive for a teenager to suffer through for a case of underage magic. She even produced a bunch of evidence that hadn't been presented at the first trial and nearly all of the Wizengamut realized that they had made a mistake.

The only ones not agreeing with that were the Dark faction, except they wanted him released, too. They reluctantly admitted that two years was long enough for the boy to suffer, even if he broke one of their most sacred laws.

“Does the prisoner have anything to say on his behalf before this august body makes it's ruling?” Fudge asked, magnanimously.

Harry looked at all of the expectant faces and knew that they all thought he was going to be grateful to them for rescuing him, despite the fact it had been them that put him in prison in the first place. He couldn't resist the temptation to destroy that belief and actually spoke his mind.

“You can... kiss my arse... and piss off.” Harry growled.

“Wh-what?” Fudge asked, surprised.

“Put me back... in my cell.” Harry said and looked at all the surprised faces. “I'd rather... rot in there... than be out here... with you idiots.”

Percy slapped the ruler on the desk again. “The prisoner will be respectful to the Minister!”

“Wanker. Bootlicker.” Harry said with a cackle. “ Diddle swallower.”

“SHUT UP!” Percy yelled and slammed the ruler several times.

Harry ignored him and kept calling the Minister different names, all of them derogatory.

Fudge did his best to talk over him. “All those in favor of ending the prisoner's sentence?”

Nearly all of them raised their hands, even the Dark faction.

“All those in favor of returning the prisoner to Azkaban?” Fudge asked and several hands went up, including Harry's. “Then we will deliberate to decide any conditions to be placed on him until his majority.”

When the members of the Wizengamut stood to leave, Harry exaggeratedly shook his chains.

“Hey, look!” Harry exclaimed and cackled a laugh. “I'm trying to escape!”

“NO!” Lucius Malfoy, Minister Fudge, and a good portion of the Dark faction shouted.

It didn't make any difference to the two Dementor guards as they moved forward and started to use their power. Harry screamed as his happy memory of this trial was violently sucked out of him. He shook and shivered as more and more was pulled out of him, then his body slumped down in the chair as his mouth opened.

“Stop that!” Fudge ordered just as a glowing dot started to float out of Harry's mouth. “As the minister, I order you to back off!”

The two Dementors stopped sucking and slowly moved back. The glowing dot seemed to hover there for several moments before it slowly drifted back into Harry's mouth.

A few seconds later, Harry sucked in a ragged breath.

“I don't think we need to debate this at all.” Amelia Bones said. “I recommend a minimum month long stay at St. Mungo's to have him treated for his exposure to Dementors. They have obviously affected him more than we know if he would prefer to have his soul sucked out instead of being free.”

Over two thirds of the Wizengamut agreed with her and Harry was put under Auror guard and taken to the wizard hospital for treatment. He would refuse it, of course. He knew that being dead would be preferable to whatever Fudge, the Death Eaters, and Voldemort had planned for him.


Harry had been sequestered for two weeks and under constant guard before Amelia Bones asked for a visit. He hadn't taken any of the prescribed potions and had to be stunned and the potions spelled into his stomach daily. His protests that he could be poisoned were ignored. To his surprise, Amelia Bones visited him personally and hadn't sent an underling.

“Mister Potter.” Amelia said and waved off the guards and they went outside the room to wait.

“The answer is no.” Harry said.

“Is it? What if I offered to release you from here early?”

“Still no.” Harry said.

Amelia looked at him from head to toe in the bed and he was frighteningly thin. From talking to her niece, he had always been so. It gave her a horrible thought that he had been starved in a similar manner to prison long before going to actual prison. That wasn't why she was there, however.

“I need your help.” Amelia admitted.

“Still no.” Harry said, dismissively.

“It will help you as well.” Amelia said.

“Doesn't matter.” Harry responded.

Amelia took a calming breath and let it out. “I want you to marry Susan and save her from marrying a Death Eater.”

Harry blinked his eyes for several seconds before he laughed.

“This isn't a laughing matter, Mister Potter.”

“Yes, it is!” Harry said and cackled. “You honestly think your family will live if I'm the one married to Susan! HA HA HA HA!”

Amelia was stunned and stood there as the young man that had suffered from two years of Dementor exposure, laughed at her as if it was the funniest thing he had ever heard.

“Oooo! Hooo!” Harry said when he finally calmed down several minutes later. “My sides hurt from laughing so hard.”

“Mister Potter...” Amelia started to say.

“Who am I supposed to marry if you're supposedly helping me?” Harry asked.

“It was supposed to be Pansy Parkinson...”

“Draco's fangirl whore?” Harry asked and laughed. “She'd spit on me before she'd ever talk to me!”

Amelia sighed. “She said almost the same thing, just not so calmly or without swearing.”

Harry nodded. “If not her, who did I get stuck with? Was it Greengrass or Davis? I'm sure those were the only two girls in the Slytherin dorms that didn't curse me in the hallways.”

Amelia paused to let the tension build up before she spoke. “Millicent Bulstrode.”

Harry looked at her with wide eyes for a moment. “Big girl, almost looks like a troll?”

Amelia nodded and Harry closed his eyes and looked thoughtful. “Mister Potter, if you help me...”

“Can you contact her for me? If I jump at this before the Dark Wanker can get to me, I might live past my birthday.”

Amelia felt full of relief. “Thank you. I'll tell Susan as soon as I get home and...”

“Susan? Why would you tell her?” Harry asked, confused. “I'm talking about Millie.”

“E-excuse me?” Amelia asked, surprised.

“I wonder if she wants a summer or fall wedding? It has to be after my birthday, since I can't legally marry until then.”

Amelia stared at him. “Your godfather...”

“Did you know that prisoners can have visitors?” Harry interrupted and Amelia closed her mouth. “Every day the guards tormented me that none of my friends and family came to see me. I was in there for two years and no letters, visits, or even verbal messages, despite the fact that I know there are Aurors that are members of the Order of the Phoenix that could pass them along.”

“Telling you that everything was stopped long before reaching the island won't matter, will it?” Amelia asked.

“Was it?” Harry asked and gave her a pointed look. “If it was, you must have it all somewhere. Or a record of it, anyway.” He said and she didn't respond. “That many attempts? Really?”

Amelia sighed. “I can only guess they assumed there was no point.”

“Riiight, no point to make any effort at all.” Harry said and closed his eyes. “Thank you for your offer to let me die quickly and needlessly. Please forgive me for not accepting it.”

“Mister Potter... Harry.” Amelia said and didn't try to keep the desperation out of her voice. “The people are starting to lose hope during these dark times. We need someone to rally behind and...”

“Still no.” Harry said and opened his eyes to look at her. “After everything you people let happen to me, not that you cared until you needed my help.” He glared at her. “You can all burn in hell.”

Amelia saw the hate in the young man's eyes and knew that she was not going to convince him of anything, let alone save the last member of her family. “What if I smuggle...”

“You would have done that already if you could get away with it.” Harry cut her off. “I'd suggest leaving and taking Susan with you, except they'll kill you faster if you run.”

Amelia could only nod and walked over to the room's door. She stopped with her hand on the door handle. “I shouldn't have to tell you that you could save at least one person from a horrible fate.”

“No, you don't have to.” Harry chuckled. “Isn't it just too bad that one person isn't myself?”

Amelia had no response to that and left.


Millicent Bulstrode couldn't believe it. In her hand was a letter from her intended. He had actually agreed! Her hands shook as she stared at the words of acceptance on the parchment and his proclamation of longing to see her. The words became blurry as tears formed in her eyes and it didn't bother her. Harry still had two weeks of mandatory healing and then he would be all hers.

“Millie, dear? Are you okay?” Her mother asked her.

“I'm f-fine.” Millicent said and handed her the letter.

“Oh!” The woman gasped and her eyes devoured the letter even faster than Millicent's had. “We need to get planning if he wants to leave the nuptials up to us.”

“Can everything be ready in two weeks?” Millicent asked.

Her mother startled slightly. “T-two weeks?”

Millicent stood up to her full six feet of height and glared at her much shorter mother. “I am not letting him have any chance of getting away. The day after his birthday, we will be married.”

“B-but... the Dark Lord...”

“Tell him he's too late.” Millicent said in a deadly voice. “Harry Potter is mine now and he can have him when I'm done with him.”

Her mother nodded and Millicent smiled.

Not even the Dark Lord himself could get in the way of her one true love!


Harry woke up the morning of his last day of treatment and felt a little thrill of magic flow through him. He was seventeen now and legally an adult. It didn't matter if he never finished his education or sat for his Owls and Newts. He could own his own wand and cast magic without restriction, and that was all that he cared about.

The door to his room opened and Harry's eyes widened as a six foot tall woman entered. Her face was a bit hard looking; but, it was nowhere near as bad as his horse-faced aunt. In fact, if you ignored the bushy eyebrows, the slightly wide nose, and the badly placed mole on her upper cheek, her face was kind of plain.

“Millicent.” Harry said and beamed a smile at her.

Millicent was surprised to see the happy look on her intended's face and she didn't let her internal joy stop her for long. “I'm here for you to give me an engagement ring and to tell you the details of the wedding tomorrow.”

Harry's eyes went to the small black box clenched in her hand. “I'm glad you thought ahead, since I'm not getting out of here until tomorrow.”

Again, Millicent was surprised by his acceptance. She held in her shout of happiness and walked over to the bed. She handed him the box and then held her hand out with her fingers splayed to let him put the ring on it.

Harry cackled a laugh at that and slipped out of the bed instead. He only wore a hospital gown and Millicent's eyes raked over him. That made him laugh more and he grabbed his pillow and dropped it to the floor and knelt on one knee as he opened the box.

“Millicent Bulstrode, will you accept this poor, wretched, broken, and unworthy man as your husband?” Harry asked and presented the ring to her.

Millicent's mouth dropped open at the proposal, since she had only expected him to hand her the ring back and not shock her by actually asking her to marry him. An arranged marriage didn't require it.

Harry knew what doing it this way would mean. He was tossing out all of Millicent's expectations, just as he would have if he had accepted Amelia's half-assed proposal on Susan's behalf. She hadn't even brought the girl along to help convince him to go along with it, so it had been easy to reject it. Harry wasn't going to half-ass this one, either.

Millicent visibly shivered as a huge smile spread across her face. “Yes, Harry. I accept.”

“Brilliant!” Harry said and slipped the engagement ring onto her finger, then tossed the box onto the bed as he stood. He was about four inches shorter than her, so he folded the pillow in half and stood on it to make up two inches. “Eh, close enough.” He said and wrapped his arms around her neck and pulled her down into a kiss.

Millicent was shocked at the forwardness, then she realized Harry was willingly kissing her. She let out a happy moan and wrapped her arms around Harry's back to keep the kiss going, even though neither of them had any experience kissing. It seemed to go on forever and Millicent wallowed in the feeling of his lips and tongue exploring her mouth. She returned the motions and it was enjoyed by the both of them.

Harry broke the kiss when Millicent's hands roamed down to grab his butt. “Millie! You need to save that for the wedding night that's so very far way!”

Millicent let out a laugh and gave him several squeezes before she reluctantly let him go. “You're lucky my family is traditional or you'd be naked already after a kiss like that.”

Harry cackled a laugh and sat down on the bed. “Yes, I'd be the first one naked.”

“You're wearing less than me.” Millicent said with a smirk and sat beside him.

“HA!” Harry barked and suddenly turned serious as he gave her a pointed look. “You said you're traditional. Does that mean...”

“Yes.” Millicent said and blushed. “I've never even had a boyfriend.”

Harry's serious face disappeared and he smiled. “Same here!”

Millicent huffed and her blush disappeared. “You better not be a poofter!”

Harry cackled and shook his head. “Neither boy nor girl has touched these emaciated loins.”

Millicent couldn't ignore the blatant invitation and blushed as she very slowly put her hand on his thigh. The hospital gown didn't cover much with Harry sitting down, so her hand easily slid down to his knee and then back up the inside of his thigh. She gently caressed the surprisingly soft skin and neither she nor Harry missed it when Harry's boxer shorts made quite the tent pole.

“Huh. It actually does still work like the healer said.” Harry said and stared at it. “Welcome back, Little Harry! I haven't seen you in forever!”

Millicent stared at it as well, because to her eyes, it was far from being little. She had nowhere near enough courage to touch it, though. Not right at that moment, anyway.

Harry had no such problem. He poked it a couple of times and it waggled at him. He let out a giggle that was a little hysterical and looked at Millicent's face. “Just so you know, I have no idea what to do with this thing.”

Millicent pretended to be a fish for several seconds as her mouth made similar motions, then she suddenly stood up and walked over to the door to yank it open. “MUM!”

Harry laughed as several people yelled complaints about her being so loud inside a hospital. He also watched as a short woman appeared and Millicent pulled her into the room and shut the door. She was decent looking, which meant Millie must look more like her father.

“Help.” Millicent said and pointed at Harry's tent pole.

“Wh-wh-what?” Millicent's mother asked, shocked.

“Neither of us knows what to do with it, so our wedding night is going to be a bit disappointing without some guidance.” Harry said and poked himself to make it waggle. “That's pretty much all I know.”

Millicent's mother stared at it, looked at her daughter's blank face, then looked at Harry's smile. “No one ever told you about it?”

“Nope! I was kept in the dark about everything.” Harry said and pat the bed beside him. “Can you explain a few things for us?”

“A... a few.” Millicent's mother said and walked over to the bed, changed her mind, and went to the door. She left for a few seconds and came back with a chair. She pointed to the spot beside Harry and Millicent sat there.

The door was locked and the chair was put in front of them.

Millicent's mother sat and couldn't ignore Harry's erection any longer, since it was right there in front of her face. “All right, I'll tell you both what you need know.” She said and reached over to pull Harry's boxers down.

Both Millicent's and Harry's mouths dropped open as the boxers dropped to the floor.

“This is a man's penis. Its primary function is bladder relief and its secondary one is sex and having kids.” Millicent's mother said and then proceeded to touch and caress it as she pointed out the different parts and their uses, before urging Millicent to try to learn the parts herself.

To Harry's unmitigated pleasure, he had the hands of two women fondling him as they were taught an anatomy lesson. To his surprise, Millicent's mother urged her daughter to kneel on the floor and to suck on it with her mouth. She wanted to show them what would happen when they had sex and what came out of the man when a baby was made.

Millicent's face was bright red and she didn't refuse, even though she knew she should be doing this only after they were married. Then again, she also knew that Harry Potter was hers and she could do whatever she wanted with him.

“Let us know when you start feeling funny.” Millicent's mother said to him.

Harry was pretty sure the woman was still cupping his balls, because he could see both of Millie's hands. “What's... your... name?”

Millicent's mother gave him a teasing smile. “A woman handles you and then you want to know her name?”

“It didn't... matter before.” Harry said and she laughed.

“Millie, suck harder and move your head more.” Her mother urged and Millie did so.

“Oh, Merlin!” Harry exclaimed and his breathing sped up as Millicent did a great impression of a vacuum.

“My name.” Millicent's mother said and tapped her daughter's head to get her to stop and moved her out of the way. “Is Margaret.”

Harry caught his breath as she gripped him tightly and then jerked him like a jackhammer.

“Open wide, dear.” Margaret said and Millicent did so and even stuck out her tongue. “That's perfect.”

Harry felt pressure building up inside and he wasn't sure what was going on, then he let out a yell as his body shook and a blast of whitish liquid blew out of the tip of his penis and went right into Millicent's waiting mouth. Another stream followed it and Harry felt weak as Millicent swallowed and then started sucking on him again.

“That's great, Millie!” Margaret said and let Harry go. “He'll do whatever you want if you keep him happy like this.”

“Mmm hmm.” Millicent hummed and kept sucking.

Margaret sat back and looked at Harry's shocked face. She gave him a wink and looked at her hand that had so vigorously jerked off the savior of the wizarding world. There was a bit of excess fluid on it, so she decided to give the ignorant boy a bit of a thrill. She slowly stuck out her tongue and carefully licked her hand clean.

“Oh, Merlin!” Harry exclaimed and he felt himself go again.

Millicent moaned as he did so, not realizing what had actually set him off. She swallowed it all and sat back to admire her handiwork. Harry's spent member gave her a sense of satisfaction that she couldn't really explain.

“That's only half of the lesson.” Margaret said and put a hand on Millicent's shoulder.

Millicent blushed and didn't have to be asked. She slipped off her outer robes and hopped up onto the bed. Her skirt was hiked up and her panties were dropped to the floor on top of Harry's boxers.

“This is a woman's vagina.” Margaret started to explain the parts, their uses, and didn't ask Harry to do anything. She had Millicent order him to touch her parts and then to start kissing and licking her, and he better do it right.

Half an hour later, Millicent was a quivering and soaked mess and her mother Margaret agreed that Harry had learned his lessons well. Thankfully, she didn't have them go all the way and only said that after they were both ready, his erection would be inserted multiple times and that was what sex was.

They only had to wait until tomorrow night for it and would share their first experiences with each other, as was proper. Harry gave her a shocked look after that comment and Margaret gave him a knowing look back.

“I hope you'll both be this diligent when your own children are old enough to get married.” Margaret said and Millicent nodded agreement.

Harry wasn't sure what to say or do about that. He also knew that it was odd for a mother to take such a particular interest in the sex lives of her children. That is, he assumed so. He knew his aunt sure as hell didn't want to know anything about sex or did anything with his uncle after Dudley was born.

That thought made Harry realize his own preconceptions about a proper family and how they acted were based on people he absolutely hated. The very last thing he ever wanted was to be like the Dursleys.

Without saying a word, Harry reached down and stroked himself a few times to get it hard, then stood up and gave a pointed look to Margaret.

“Harry? Why are you looking at me like mmm!” Margaret hummed as Harry shoved his erection into her mouth.

“You need to make sure our Millie did it right.” Harry said and ran his fingers through her dark hair.

“Mmm... hmm... hmm!” Margaret hummed.

Harry didn't care if she agreed or not, because it was already happening and he felt her do a few things with her tongue that Millie definitely needed to learn. He felt Millie's hand caress his back and then her hand clenched onto one of his butt cheeks.

Harry somehow knew the perfect thing to say in that moment. “I can't wait to put a baby in you.”

Both Millicent and her mother let out similar moans at his proclamation. The look of joy on their faces made him feel warm inside and he felt no regret as he spilled himself down Margaret's eager throat.


First thing in the morning had Harry dressed in new robes. Even tailor made clothes hung from his thin frame and he met with his soon-to-be family. He recognized one of them from Voldemort's resurrection ritual and didn't comment on it. He was introduced to Millicent's aged father, which meant her mother had been a young bride, probably a reward for service to the Dark Wanker.

His younger brother was the Death Eater he recognized and Harry shook his hand as if it meant nothing, and it didn't. Not really. Voldemort pretty much ran everything from behind the scenes anyway. It was easy to find that out, even without a regular subscription to the Daily Prophet.

The man's son, Millicent's cousin, was probably a Death Eater also. The slightly angry look on the young man's homely face meant that he probably wanted Millie all to himself. His aunt by marriage was a real looker, though. She had to have been bought, because she didn't look happy to be in the same room with the others.

Harry stepped close and gave the woman a hug to whisper in her ear. “After the wedding, we'll be family. I've always wanted a family.”

The woman looked surprised when Harry let her go.

“Please come by for tea and crumpets after the honeymoon.” Harry offered and she nodded. He looked at the other women, some quite a lot older and a few teenagers. “I'll send out invites to you all.”

“Why?” A thirteen year old girl asked.

Harry gave her a bright happy smile. “Because I want to get to know you.”

The girl looked at her uncle the Death Eater and back at Harry. She didn't say anything and just raised her eyebrows.

“That's exactly why.” Harry said with a cackling laugh and lightly touched her shoulder before he turned to Millicent. “Are you ready for this?”

“No.” Millicent said and sighed. “That's why I asked my uncle and cousins to come along.”

“The others and I will wait at the house for you.” Margaret said.

Harry nodded and slipped his arm around Millicent's waist. “My life is in your hands.”

Millicent put her arms around him to hug him close. “I'm never letting you go.”

Harry stood on his toes to kiss her lips and she blushed. “Let's go. We need to be at the bank in half an hour.”

Millicent nodded and looked at the men around her. They nodded back and then they all apparated and appeared on the road in front of the Burrow, the home of the Weasleys.

Harry was surprised at the state it was in, because it looked brand new. He noticed the nice addition on the side of the house and he somehow knew that it was for a newly married couple. It just seemed like a great place for someone staying near family to live in.

“I think you need to do this part without me by your side.” Millicent said and tried to let Harry go.

“Why?” Harry asked and held on.

“They know who I am and who my family are.”

Harry cackled a laugh. “I don't care what they think. I'm here for one thing and one thing only and they better hand it over.”

Millicent nodded and Harry led her over to the front door. Her family members spread out a bit and stayed at the edge of the property. Harry knocked on the door by banging it with his fist several times. He did this for two reasons. The first was because he was in a rush. The second was because he wanted to get someone's attention right away.

There were several shouts of surprise, a lot of grumbling, and then movement in the new addition led to the Burrow's front door opening to reveal Ron Weasley wearing expensive pyjamas.

“Yeah, what do you... want?” Ron's voice dropped off when he saw Harry standing there.

“I want all of my stolen property returned and your head on a spike, Weasel.” Harry said with a grin and his fist smashed into Ron's face and broke his nose.

“AHH!” Ron gasped and fell backwards onto the floor with his hands cupped around the bleeding orifice.

“Damn, your big beak was tough.” Harry hissed and shook his sore hand. “Millie? Can you silence him for me? His whining is really annoying.”

Millicent took out her wand to do that as the door to the addition opened.

“Ron!” Hermione gasped as she ran into the room and saw him on the floor. She wore matching pyjamas and knelt by him. “What happened?”

“He hib me!” Ron said and nodded at the front door as Millicent silenced him.

Hermione looked over and caught her breath. “Harry! Is that really you?”

“No, I'm his evil twin brother and I've come to have my revenge on all you traitors.” Harry spat at her.

“Traitors? What are you talking about?” Hermione asked.

Harry waved around at everything. “You don't seriously think all of this just magically appeared, do you? The money had to come from somewhere!”

Hermione shook her head. “That's not what happened, Harry. The ministry was going to confiscate your vault and...”

“Who told you that rubbish?” Millicent asked.

“Wh-what?” Hermione asked, surprised.

“The Lestrange brothers have been in prison for almost two decades and their vaults haven't been taken or claimed. Neither has Bellatrix been disowned from her family, so she still has her own personal vault, too.”

Hermione's face drained of color. “No, I... they said... I thought...”

“Those are some nice shiny engagement and wedding rings on your fingers there, Mrs. Weasel.” Harry said and Hermione winced. “Would be so kind as to go and retrieve the fat cow and tell her that she needs to return my vault key and she owes me all of the money she and her family stole from me?”

Hermione opened her mouth to say something, then she sighed. “I've been such a fool.”

“You wouldn't happen to know what the Weasel did with my father's invisibility cloak and my Firebolt, do you?” Harry asked.

“I... yes, I... I'll be right back.” Hermione said and stood. She didn't even look at Ron and quickly walked away. She went into the new addition and came back out a minute later, her face red. She handed over the cloak and a broom that looked like it had been put through the ringer.

“The only present my godfather ever gave me and you let him do this to it.” Harry said, his voice barely above a growl.

Tears poured from Hermione's eyes. “I'm sorry, Harry. I didn't realize he had been so rough with it.”

Harry looked at the thing and then looked at her. “I can only hope that he's been just as rough with you.”

Hermione's face went to a deeper red as she blushed hard and wiped at her eyes. “I'll go get Mrs. Weasley.”

Harry and Millicent stood outside the door and exchanged looks. Neither were surprised that the Weasleys were so bereft of courtesy to not invite them inside. Millicent sent several silent stingers and other non-visible curses at the redhead that was still on the floor and silently whining.

“Harry, dear!” Mrs. Weasley said loudly as she entered the room and rushed over.

Millicent used a tripping jinx on her and the overweight woman fell and slammed into the floor. She slid about a foot before she came to a stop right beside her son.

“Hand over my vault key or you're going to regret it.” Harry said, angrily.

“That vault's been closed.” Arthur said as he entered the room with his hands held up to show he wasn't carrying a wand.

“Really? Then where's the key?” Harry asked. “The goblins don't have it.”

Arthur looked surprised for a moment, then he sighed. “I'm such a fool.”

“That seems to be going around.” Harry spat at him. “Millie, dear. Several cutting hexes should let the cow remember where she put my key.”

“You wouldn't dare!” Mrs. Weasley said and slowly climbed to her knees, then she stood. “If you hurt me, I'll never tell you anything!”

“You?” Harry cackled and pointed at Ron. “We both know a much better target is right there.”

“NO!” Hermione, Mrs. Weasley, and Mr. Weasley shouted at the same time.

Ron silently screamed as a huge gash appeared on his forearm and blood gushed from the wound.

“STOP IT!” Hermione screeched and lunged to lay across her husband. “Harry, don't do this! This isn't you!”

Harry laughed at her. “So, even knowing I was wronged again, you still take his side?”

“What? No! I just... I love him and... I'm protecting you from...”

“From what? Spending time in prison? Been there, done that.” Harry asked and she looked stricken. “You just have to ask yourself if I'm willing to go back there to make you people pay for letting me rot in there!”

Hermione let out a sob and hugged Ron's arm to stem the bleeding.

“My. Key.” Harry said and pointed at Ron's leg.

“STOP!” Mrs. Weasley yelled and Millicent lowered her wand. “I'll go get it.”

They watched as the woman walked out of the room.

“So, do you think she actually will get my key or will she betray you and call for help?” Harry asked Arthur as he pointed his old wand at the man.

Arthur's mouth dropped open as the floo came to life in the other room.

“Betrayal it is.” Harry said and used a cutting curse on the man's neck.

“NOOOO!” Mrs. Weasley yelled as she ran back into the room with her wand raised to attack. Another tripping jinx had her back on the floor and Harry cast a cutting curse on her neck, too.

“Please... stop.” Hermione begged.

Ron silently screamed as both legs were sliced open.

“My wand's not working right because of what you did to me.” Harry said as three people ran into the room. Remus Lupin, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and Nymphadora Tonks.

“Drop your wands!” Kingsley ordered.

“I'm so glad that the Aurors are here! Yay!” Harry said with fake cheer. “We're just dealing with thieves and now you can arrest them if they haven't died yet.”

“What?” Kingsley and Tonks asked at the same time before they dove to try and save the adult Weasleys. Remus went to Ron and Hermione to try and help.

“Accio Harry Potter's vault key!” Millicent shouted and there was a sound of a smashed vase before a bronze key flew out of the master bedroom and it zoomed across the room.

Harry proved that he still had his seeker reflexes as he snatched it right out of the air before it hit Millicent. “This looks well used, doesn't it?”

“H-Harry, you... why...” Remus looked down at the blood on the floor.

“For the same reason you stayed away from me all those years I was abused by my filthy muggle relatives.” Harry said and Remus felt the blood drain from his face. “No, I'm not a werewolf, you moron. It was safer for everyone if I stayed away. Since I don't want any of you safe, here I am!”

That did not reassure Remus at all.

“Did you save them?” Harry asked and looked at the still breathing Weasleys. “Damn. I guess you have to arrest them.”

“Them?” Tonks asked and stood to train her wand on him. “You're the one under arrest!”

“For what? Retrieving my stolen property?” Harry asked and held up his cloak, mangled broom, and vault key.

“For attacking people in their own home!” Tonks shouted.

“I'm not in their home, idiot.” Harry said and pointed down to show he was still outside. “Now hurry up and cuff them and take them to prison to await their trials.”

“I am doing no such thing!” Tonks exclaimed.

“Kingsley, if she doesn't want to do her job, then I want her charged with dereliction of duty, threatening a law abiding citizen, interfering in private family business, breaking the pure blood marriage laws, abuse of power, and being an insensitive bitch.” Harry said, smugly. “My fiance will testify with the truth and her family, whom are standing right behind us at the edge of the property, are all witnesses as well.”

Kingsley sighed and stood. “Tonks, help me corral the prisoners.”

“Gladly!” Tonks said excitedly and walked towards Harry.

“Not them. The Weasleys.” Kingsley corrected.

Tonks stopped in her tracks and turned to face him. “You're joking!”

“He's right. They are the criminals.” Kingsley said. “This time.”

Harry cackled a laugh. “Hurry up! I want to see how their trial goes when I bring forth all of the evidence of their corruption, thievery, years of collusion, and anything else I can drown the court in!”

“You might want to feed them viritaserum as well.” Millicent added. “Blood traitors don't have the right to refuse.”

“Yes! That!” Harry said and hugged and kissed her. “Thank you!”

Millicent blushed and ducked her head a little. Even after what happened between them the day before, having Harry willingly kiss her like that made her embarrassed.

“I can't wait for the Wizengamut to award me this place as compensation for all the gold they stole.” Harry said and beamed a smile. “Maybe I should have the rest of the Weasleys arrested, just in case?”

“The rest of them that are here right now is all you can claim.” Kingsley said.

“Really?” Harry said and nodded behind himself.

“Hominum Revelio.” A male voice said and a female form glowed on the third floor landing.

“Tonks.” Kingsley said and nodded to the stairs.

Tonks gave Harry a glare before she stomped up the stairs. There were several shouts, some running feet, then a thud. An unhappy Tonks walked down the stairs with a floating Ginny behind her.

“Wonderful.” Harry said with a huge grin on his face. “As the future owner of this place, you have my permission to use the floo to take them to St. Mungo's and then the Ministry.”

Kingsley nodded and floated Arthur out of the room and the floo flared. He was back a minute later and took Molly. Tonks gave Harry another glare and took Ginny into the living room and disappeared. Remus helped Hermione stand and floated a still silent Ron out of the room.

The devastated look on Hermione's face as she left, told Harry that she knew the Weasleys were in serious trouble with the regime that was in power now. Even though she was married to a pure blood, it wasn't going to mean anything when her husband was declared a criminal. Stealing a family heirloom of incalculable value would have him sent to Azkaban.

“Are you really going to keep this place?” Millicent asked.

“What? This garbage dump?” Harry asked with a laugh. “I'm going to strip it of valuables and then burn it to the ground.”

“But, I thought...”

“What? That spending a few weeks here spread over several years would make me sentimental?” Harry asked and she nodded. “It's not a building that makes a family.” He said and hugged her before he used his wand to lock the doors and the windows. “It's the people in it.”

“And these people betrayed you.” Millicent said.

“Yes, and like I told Madam Bones when she wanted me to ditch you and marry her daughter instead, I hope they all burn in hell.” Harry told her.

Millicent's face went red as she blushed again and there were several sounds of approval from her family.

“We need to get to the bank and find out exactly how much they robbed me while I was rotting in prison.” Harry said and they walked over to the male Bulstrodes that waited for them. “Are you coming along to keep me in line or are you heading back to the house?”

All of the men turned to look at Millicent's father.

“I've seen a lot of malice in my life, so I know it when someone's faking it.” The older man said and glanced at his daughter, then looked at Harry. “We'll wait back at the house.”

Millicent let out a happy sound and hugged her father.

“Don't be late to your own wedding.” The older man said and briefly hugged her before he let her go and then he and the others apparated away.

Millicent turned and gave Harry a quick kiss and hugged him close. They apparated to outside the Leaky Cauldron and Harry shrunk his broom and put on his invisibility cloak. They went through the pub and entered Diagon Alley without trouble and went right to the bank. Millicent asked for a private area for family business and Harry revealed himself and presented his key.

The goblins were not happy that their wealthiest client had been robbed. Normally, their policy was if you had a vault key, you had access to the vault. However, since Harry was the heir to the previous Lord Black, that had passed away under suspicious circumstances, he had access to the Black Fortune that had been growing constantly for decades. If he pulled all of that money from circulation and called in all the loans made against it, it would destroy the wizarding economy.

A full accounting on the Potter account would be made and all stolen monies would be recovered. A copy of the file would be sent to the Ministry as evidence. If it somehow disappeared before the trial, it didn't matter. Another copy would be automatically sent when the tracking charm either disappeared or left the Ministry.

“I'll have lots of work for you when I'm granted the Weasley property.” Harry told the goblin. “I need a proper mansion built for my family to live in and it needs to be extensively warded.”

“That could be... very expensive.” The goblin hedged.

“As long a you don't cheat me, I honestly don't care how much it costs.” Harry informed him and both Millicent and the goblin caught their breaths. “I have several properties to sell to make up any extra funds that will be needed if it's necessary.”

The goblin nodded and assumed he meant the Black Family house at Grimmauld Place. He would find out later that Harry also meant his grandfather's old property that had been damaged in the war and the cottage where he had become the Boy-Who-Lived. As far as he was concerned, he could burn them both to the ground like he was going to do to the Burrow.


The wedding in the backyard of the Bulstrode Family house was a quiet affair, which was perfect for Harry's peace of mind, because he hated crowds and his fame that had become infamy. Only having Millicent's family and a few of their friends and their families, even if they were Death Eaters, put him at ease.

The only family not invited was the Malfoys, since Harry hated Draco and his father and would kill them at the next opportunity. There was also another reason for them to not be there. The old man conducting the ceremony had been surprised when Harry told him the name he would be marrying Millicent with. He was sure it was going to cause a huge stir and didn't want more drama than necessary.

Harry stood by himself at the altar, since he had no one and hadn't wanted any of his so-called friends there. He would investigate what happened to Sirius as soon as he could. His godfather would have been the only one who would have known what Harry's time in prison was like and he suspected the man had been removed to stop him from visiting.

Millicent was led down the aisle by her father and she wore a white wedding dress that made her look fantastic. She was a big girl and her dress fit her perfectly, which was a testament to both skill and magic.

Harry stared at her with wide eyes and everyone could see anticipation on his face. When they stopped by him and the officiator, Millicent's father shook Harry's hand, put Millicent's into it, and walked over to sit beside Margaret in the front pew. He left the bridal veil in place to keep Millicent's face hidden.

The officiator conducted a traditional wizarding ceremony and when he reached the right point and asked Lord Black if he accepted Millicent as his bride, nearly everyone in the yard shouted in surprise, even Millicent. The only one that didn't was her mother and she looked incredibly happy as tears rolled down her cheeks.

They exchanged rings and the officiator declared them Lord and Lady Black, the echelon of wizarding society, and bid Harry to kiss his bride. When Harry lifted the veil, he gasped at the sight. The bushy eyebrows were trimmed expertly, the badly placed hairy mole was gone, and her wider than normal nose was practically dainty by comparison.

“S-s-surprise.” Millicent whispered and blushed at the look of desire on Harry's face.

Harry beamed a smile at her. “You are definitely getting pregnant tonight!”

There were several shouts of indignation, two yells of surprise, and one quite loud yell of grandchildren.

Harry cackled a laugh and stood up on his toes to give Millicent a passionate kiss. “I mean, I was going to try a lot anyway. I just won't be stopping until I'm sure.”

Millicent's blush became fire engine red and she felt a little faint.

“At least wait until tonight.” Her father said sternly and also had a little smile on his face.

“No promises.” Harry said with a laugh and proudly walked down the aisle with his blushing bride on his arm. Her family had arranged a quick trip to France and they had a week of honeymoon at a nice villa to get to. A small reception would be first, though.

It turned out to be a very happy affair with a lot of drinking, laughing, and dancing. Harry acted a little foolishly, since he didn't care what people thought of him as he danced. All he cared about was seeing his wife's happy face as he made a fool of himself for her. It was quite freeing to not have a care in the world and he made sure that Millicent knew that it was because of her.

The portkey popped them away at ten at night and they had barely landed before Millicent had Harry's suit off and took him right there in the entryway of the villa. She was so frantic to have him that she barely felt losing her virginity and howled with pleasure as her secret dream had finally come true.

Harry Potter was completely hers.

They wouldn't find out until the next morning that the owners of the villa had been there to greet them and had witnessed the whole thing. The man and woman wouldn't tell them that seeing them so in love had sparked their own passion for each other and she had become pregnant as well.


Lord Voldemort sat on the throne-like chair in the main dining room of the Malfoy Manor and enjoyed eating breakfast as Milton Bulstrode told him about the events he had witnessed at both the Weasleys and at the wedding. He didn't let his shock show at hearing about how Harry had dealt with his old friends so ruthlessly.

Prison seems to have changed his temperament even more than Lucius suspected it would. Voldemort thought and glanced at the barely restrained anger on the blond man's face. I wonder if he's angry at being rebuffed or losing access to all of the Black Family gold and prestige?

Narcissa's completely blank face told everyone that looked at her that she was just as incensed as her husband was, only not for the same reason. Her son would no longer inherit, even if Harry Potter met a sticky end like his parents had.

The Daily Prophet was delivered and Draco paid the owl and handed the paper to his father without even looking at it. Lucius didn't unroll it and handed it to Voldemort without looking at the headline. It didn't quite make up for the boy's mistake of not handing it to Voldemort first; but, the Dark Lord let it go this time.

Voldemort was in a good mood this morning and opened the newspaper. He read the headline and laughed at the picture of the two adult Weasleys with healing gashes across their necks. They had been publicly declared thieves and would have a trial next week, because their accuser was away on their honeymoon until then.

“It seems Potter is cleaning up the trash for you.” Voldemort said and handed the paper back to Lucius.

The blond man accepted it and his wife leaned over his shoulder to read it with him.

“I'm surprised Dumbledore hasn't assaulted the boy already.” Lucius commented.

Voldemort sat back and thought about it. “If I recall from the secret trial transcript kept by the Unspeakables, the listening charm on the prisoner's chair caught Potter asking the old fool if he had to become a Death Eater to have another chance.”

The looks of shock on their faces was worth keeping that tidbit of information a secret for the last two years.

“That's why you haven't gone after him.” Narcissa whispered in awe. “You already have him.”

“Not quite. We all know he will never bow to me or work for me.” Voldemort said with a smile. “What I do have is him away from the supposed Leader of the Light and he will never fight to help them.”

“Which gives you both the moral victory and the potential for complete victory, even if you come out into the open and let the general population know you've returned.” Lucius added.

Narcissa made a soft sound of surprise. “He's not doing that!”

“Dear?” Lucius asked. “Who are you talking about?”

“Potter! He's not shouting from the rooftops that the Dark Lord is back. He's not even mentioning the lord's name.” Narcissa said and briefly looked at Voldemort's face before she dropped her gaze. “Forgive my impertinence, my lord. I meant no disrespect.”

Voldemort let out a little laugh. “You discovered my second reason for not going after him, either privately or publicly, so you are forgiven.”

“Thank you, my lord.”

“As long as you leave him alone, he will leave you alone.” Lucius said, his own understanding coming forth. “You have a truce with the Boy-Who-Lived without having to declare it.”

Voldemort nodded and folded his fingers as he rested his elbows on the table. “With Potter technically out of the way, what does this change of my plans moving forward?”

Lucius leaned close to his wife and they whispered for several minutes before he spoke. “If Potter truly is embracing the new laws as he claims, then we shouldn't block him appointing a regent to sit on the Wizengamut to sit both the Black and Potter seats that we've blocked while both were in prison.”

“What does that do for our numbers when added to the Bulstrode seat?” Voldemort asked.

“Added to... oh, Merlin.” Narcissa whispered. “How thin was the margin for the last legislative vote?”

“We lost by only six votes.” Lucius said. “If Potter can be declared for our side or even neutral, other votes will fall away or come to our side.”

Voldemort smiled a predatory smile. “Then have Narcissa set up a meeting with the new Lord Black. Perhaps a few advisory suggestions can sway the boy to put someone we approve of into those seats.”

Both Lucius and Narcissa shared the smile and nodded.

Draco sat there and didn't comment, even if he wanted to rant and rave at them for thinking they could trust Potter to do anything that they wanted. He would refuse anything they offered, just out of spite.


Harry felt like he was in heaven. He stood on the balcony of the villa's top floor and stared out at the rolling ocean waves as his wife sucked him off expertly. She had definitely learned her mother's tongue trick and he reacted to it and poured himself into her mouth and down her throat.

“Merlin's balls, Millie!” Harry exclaimed and ran his fingers through her soft dark hair. “You're amazing!”

Millie gave his softening member several kisses and licked her lips as she looked up at him with a satisfied look on her face.

“On the rail, please.” Harry ordered.

Millie stood up to show her nightie wasn't enough cloth to contain her nakedness and she turned around to lean over the rail and presented her dripping womanhood to him. She gasped as Harry's tongue dove into her and she gripped the rail with her hands and held on as Harry pleased her and spoiled her. She hoped with all her heart that he would keep doing this after their honeymoon was over.

If she could have read Harry's thoughts just then, she would have had an orgasm, because he planned to never stop. He hadn't felt this great or loved in his entire life and he wasn't going to give it up for anything or anyone. His own emotions were a mix of love and devotion for Millicent that bordered on obsession, which matched Millicent's own emotions for him.

Millicent cried out in pleasure as Harry's hardness entered her again and he pounded her into the railing. They were both glad it was made of metal, because he wasn't being gentle and she was a big girl. It was a lot for a railing to take, and take it the railing did, as did Millie. The newly minted lovers were very happy about it, too.


Narcissa sat across the coffee table and couldn't keep the shock off her face. She had been surprised that Harry had agreed so quickly to a meeting and what she saw happening on the couch in front of her, made her reconsider Harry's mental faculties. At least, inside her own mind. Out loud she said something completely different.

“Would your wife care to pause in her... duties... for a few minutes?” Narcissa asked. “We really should have the decisions made before lunchtime.”

“I'm... almost... ohhhh!” Harry moaned deeply and his wife let out a similar moan as she finished swallowing him down.

Millicent lifted her head from his lap and tucked him away before she sat up and looked at Narcissa smugly. “I apologize if our show of affection has made you feel uncomfortable, Mrs. Malfoy.”

Narcissa would never admit that she felt horny, not uncomfortable. She would also never admit that she enjoyed seeing another couple going at it and felt the unnatural urge to see if Harry felt as good in her own mouth as much as Millicent seemed to enjoy it.

“There's no need to concern yourself about that, Lady Black.” Narcissa said. “I did show up quite early for the meeting, after all.”

Millicent nodded and leaned into her husband. “Who do you recommend for the Black Family seat in the Wizengamut and who should sit in the Potter seat?”

This was the crucial moment for Narcissa's political future. Depending on how these two people reacted to her suggestions, this could be either very good for her or disastrous for the Dark faction.

“If I could be so bold, I would like to make a single suggestion for the person to sit on both seats.” Narcissa said and she tensed a little when only Millicent nodded. She took a deep breath and let it out as she looked directly into Harry Potter's brilliant green eyes. “I would nominate... myself.”

There was complete silence for nearly ten seconds before Harry took his wife's hand.

“We agree.” Harry said.

“You shouldn't be so hasty to reject me and my credentials. I can provide several documents and reasons that I would be...” Narcissa paused in her defense that she just realized wasn't necessary. “Did you just agree with me?”

Harry grinned and Millicent let out a girlish giggle as they both nodded.

“I... well, I was so set to defend...”

“We know.” Millicent said. “Did you bring the contracts? We can fill them in and send you on your way to have you confirmed for both seats before the Weasel's trial.”

Narcissa nodded several times and ruffled through the folder of her papers and took out both contracts for the seats. It took them only a few minutes to have them filled out and Narcissa made copies of them and handed them over.

“With the important part out of the way, we have a little time left to discuss how you want to vote...”

“Whatever you decide is completely fine with us.” Harry said dismissively, to her surprise.

“Yes, the political arena is not one we want to be active in, so you can vote however you want.” Millicent said and waved nonchalantly at the contracts. “You can talk to father and let him know what way you're voting, just so he's not kept in the dark about it.”

Narcissa was stunned to hear that. They had just given her two seats in the legislature without argument and told her to also co-opt a third, just as she and Lucius had secretly planned with the Dark Lord. It was too good to be true and she wasn't sure that the Dark Lord was going to believe it.

“It was nice of you to come over so promptly to get these types of things handled so quickly.” Harry said and stood. “If you will excuse us, I have to bend my wife over the chair you're in and I doubt you will want such a close view of it.”

Narcissa's mouth dropped open at the blatant admission and didn't move.

Harry turned back to look at Millicent and she shrugged, so he helped her stand and stripped her off. His clothes joined hers on the floor and Millicent walked over to the chair Narcissa sat in and laid down across her lap.

“Sweet Merlin, look at that beautiful ass.” Harry said and stroked himself to hardness as he caressed Millicent's creamy white skin. He saw Narcissa's extremely shocked face at him playing with himself, so he wagged it at her before he shoved himself hard into Millicent.

“OHHH!” Millicent gasped and came, then she moaned constantly like a common whore as Harry took her right there on Narcissa's lap.

Twenty minutes later, Narcissa stared as Harry pulled out and a huge blast of white liquid shot out of him and splashed across Millicent's back.

“We need a bath, love.” A very sweaty Harry said and helped an also sweaty Millicent stand. They left their clothes on the floor and walked away.

Narcissa watched as Harry's expulsion rolled down Millicent's back and over her ass to drip onto the floor. She sat there for another half an hour before she realized she could stand up and leave. She gathered the contracts and her folder of papers before she walked over to the door of the sitting room.

Her eyes went back to that chair, that she called the sex chair in her head, and she left the Bulstrode's house with soaked underwear and felt full of frustration and need. When she reached home, she handed the folder to the Dark Lord without a word, grabbed her husband's hand, and dragged him to their bedroom.


Not surprisingly, Mrs. Weasley admitted to several crimes at the start of the trial, the least of which was theft, and accepted all of the blame. She thought she wouldn't have to take the truth serum if she confessed, not realizing that gave the prosecution the best reason to find out everything she had done and who else knew.

By the time she was done talking, Albus Dumbledore had a warrant out for his arrest, four of the Aurors had been fired and charged with collusion and breaking the law, and six more of Order of the Phoenix members were publicly shamed and had to quit their jobs in the Ministry and at Hogwarts.

The worst one was Remus Lupin, who had been there in the gallery as a witness for the Weasleys. He had been arrested and sent through the Death Veil for tearing Sirius Black apart during a violent werewolf change. His claim of not being able to afford the potion, despite multiple offers from friends offering to buy it for him, fell flat. That Sirius was a dog at the time made no difference.

Luckily, Hermione and Mr. Weasley had not been directly involved in the thefts, unlike Mrs. Weasley, Ron, Ginny, the Twins, and Percy Weasley. They had all needed money at some point and justified it by claiming that Harry was in prison and didn't need it. That they all thought he would stay there, only damned them.

All current properties, monies, assets, and inheritances were given to Harry in restitution, including Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes. Since Harry was already a silent partner and had given them their startup funds, they had convinced themselves that using more of his money to buy premises in Diagon Alley would help them succeed. It did. That they didn't bother paying the money back when they easily could, ruined them.

They were sentenced to prison for five years, plus a year for every hundred galleons spent. Mrs. Weasley's excessive spending, Ron's happy couple addition on the Burrow, Ginny's new wardrobe and expensive broom, the twins buying a building, and Percy buying an apartment, ensured that they all spent a very long time in prison.

Mr. Weasley lost the family vault as it was emptied and turned over to Harry, as was the deed to the Burrow and the surrounding lands. It was almost enough to cover the massive theft that his family had perpetrated on the boy and with a heavy heart, he signed over the one Weasley Family asset that he had sworn never to.

The branded muggleborn named Hermione Granger.

Harry wasn't completely heartless, though. He allowed her to keep her clothes, her books, her other possessions, and the wedding ring she wore.

“I can't believe... you're doing this.” Hermione said between sobs.

“Aren't you happy that I'm protecting you again?” Harry asked her.

“Wh-what... what do you mean?” Hermione asked and didn't bother wiping at her eyes.

“You really are ignorant about what you are.” Millicent said with a huff.

“I don't understand.” Hermione said.

“You know how house elves are seen and treated by the wizarding world.” Millicent said and Hermione nodded. “People see you as little more than a suitcase.”

“A... a... a what?!?” Hermione almost shouted.

“A suitcase. Something that people own, put things inside, and take with them when they go places.” Millicent said, smugly. “A common possession.”

“Don't worry, though. You're safe now. Ron's put enough of his things inside of you that I doubt anyone else will ever want to put their things inside of you, too.” Harry said with a huge smile.

“Do you prefer a scullery maid outfit or the French maid outfit?” Millicent asked.

“Oh, god!” Hermione groaned and dropped her head into her hands.

“Definitely scullery maid.” Harry said and laughed.


Narcissa's prediction that having the Potter and Black seats went exactly as she thought it would. With the supposed purely Light seat for the Potters firmly voting with the Black seat for the Dark faction, the remaining opposition in the Wizengamut fell apart with no one to rally behind. With no group remaining that was strong enough to oppose their powerful voting block, the Dark Faction took over the government without a fight.


Albus Dumbledore sat in his office at Hogwarts and read the reports of all the happenings in the wizarding world since Harry had been released. He had put off visiting the boy, because he didn't want to admit how much he had failed in protecting him from the rest of the world while also trying to give the boy a normal childhood.

If anyone but Albus had heard that motivation, they would have laughed in the old man's face. Harry had nothing like a normal childhood, unless Albus meant the Dursley's version of normal. Harry had suffered from that for most of his life and he hated his relatives because of it.

Albus picked up the newspaper that reported the marriage and successful honeymoon of Lord and Lady Black. It had been successful because the Lady Black was pregnant and it had already been confirmed as a boy. The old man sighed at the lost opportunity, because that should have been Ginerva's child in order to keep Harry firmly on the side of the Light.

He moved that paper aside and saw the latest edition with a photo of the Burrow ablaze and the euphoric face of Harry Potter as he watched it and the fire reflected in his glasses. The headline that a brand new Black Manor would be built to replace it for the resurgent Black Family, made Albus both happy and sad, because he was happy for the revitalization and sad because the house was Dark.

A sigh escaped his mouth as an owl flew into his office and dropped off another notice from the Wizengamut. He read his arrest warrant and slumped in his chair. The laws had become so intolerant of the Greater Good that unless he somehow removed all of the Dark Families, there was no way for their society to recover. Since he abhorred killing, he knew that their world was lost.

Albus let a tear out and it dropped down onto his colorful robes.

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