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Chapter 29

The next day. 


Yuuji and Aika patrolled around the school after their classes ended as part of the Disciplinary Committee. Normally, the chairwoman would’ve just had a few of the second and third year members of the committee do this kind of daily patrols after school and let the freshman return home for the day. 


However, with the number of course 2 students advocating other course 2 students to join the open forum where they will take on the Student Council President and “ask” for an end to discrimination against them that will take place tomorrow, she had every member of the Disciplinary Committee patrol in fear of troubles arising from conflicts between the course 2 and course 1 students. 


Her fears were understandable, given the drastic actions these course 2 students have committed to have their voices heard. But her fear stemmed from something even more dangerous. 


Blanche, the international anti-magic political organization whose manifesto called for an end to magician superiority within politics and eliminating discriminatory treatment caused by the absence of magical skills. At first glance, the group portrayed a gathering of brave and courageous people who seek justice for those discriminated by their lack of magical skills. However, in reality, they are simply one of the many anti-magic organizations that had delved into terrorism to acheive their own agendas. 


Upon hearing from Yuuji, Aika, and Tatsuya about the presence of egalites, youths who have been “persuaded” or exploited by Blanche into becoming their subordinates, within First highschool. The three had seen course 2 students who were advocating for an end to discrimination and persuading other course 2 students to join the open forum wearing tri-colored bracelets which was the symbol of the egalites


Just from this information, Mari could no longer underestimate the situation as just students demanding for a change without giving any comprehensible steps to achieve it. This was clearly an attack from a terrorist organization to their highschool. 


Upon finishing their patrol, Yuuji and Aika returned to the Disciplinary Committee’s Headquarters to give their report.


Entering the room after receiving the go ahead from within to their knocking, they saw the chairwoman standing before the window overlooking the courtyard, all alone. Her eyes were narrowed as she failed to hide her anxiousness from her expression. 


“Chairwoman. We have completed the patrol for today. No arrests were made.”


“No arrest from me too~”


Mari slowly turned towards them and sported a small smile, one that was obviously forced.


“Well, someone has to be either stupid or brave to cause problem when you two are around. Rather than that, I’m more concerned about tomorrow…”


“About the open forum is it…?”


“Yes… We’ve tightened the guards surrounding the school, but I still couldn’t help but worry.”


“It will be fine, Chairwoman~ Tatsuya’s going to be out there, right~? He’ll definitely take them out like they’re nothing~”


“Ah… You’re right. Someone who could beat that Hattori in a fight would be fine.”


“Mm~ Yuuji, Miyuki, me, and you will also be there to protect the students inside, so it should be fine~”


Mari sighed and smiled helplessly at Aika.


“You sure are an optimistic one, aren’t you?”


“I’m just confident~!”


Aika grinned cheerfully. After all, she knew that Tatsuya, she, and her beloved Yuuji would be able to handle it no problem. And if someone was hurt, she could just secretly heal them.


Yuuji and Tatsuya had been planning a whole lot to decrease the amount of casualties all this time, but Aika believed she could just heal them secretly even if they were to get hurt. Well, since she didn’t want her abilities to be known yet, she might have to make them faint first before doing it.


Either way, everything will be fine! They could just wipe this problem away quickly and then go to the big event she couldn’t wait for!!! The Nine Schools Competition!!!


“Mm. Then I’ll believe in you to thwart any kind of plans they have. You can leave protecting the students to me and the rest of the members.”




The next day. April 23, 2095.


Early in the morning, the “Open Forum Regarding The Elimination of Discrimination in the School” started within the main assembly hall where the matriculation ceremony was held.

Plenty of students, both course 1 and course 2, filled the seats of the massive hall. Members of the Disciplinary Committee were also stationed in the perimeters and amongst the student body that attended so they would be able to respond to any problems that would arise. 


On the stage were four course 2 students, members of egalites, and the president and vice president of the student council.


To the left of the stage, there was only one chair meant for the student council president, who will be the only one participating in the debate to represent the student council. The vice president was there only to protect the student council president and stood behind and slightly to the left of her chair. 


To the right of the stage were four chairs prepared for the opposing side, the members of egalites. Out of the four, three were filled as one of the members took the podium at the center of the stage to make his statement. 


“Compared to Course 1 Students, the treatment received by course 2 students is inferior discriminatory in all ways. Aren’t you trying to cover up that fact, chairwoman?”


He returned to his seat, and Mayumi walked up to the podium and took the stage. 


“You just pointed out that it was “in all ways”. What are you referring to specifically?”


The debate went on back and forth as Yuuji, Aika, Miyuki, Suzune, and Mari stood on the side of the stage behind the curtains, standing by and listening to the debate. 


A few moments later, Mari sighed and shook her head.


“This is no longer a debate… It’s just “Mayumi bullying her opponents” the show…”


“Well, it is to be expected. Not only does the president excel in logical debate, the opposition were simply mewling children who could only cry out loud without giving tangible steps to be taken.”


Mari, Suzune, and Miyuki looked at Yuuji in surprise while Aika simply glanced at him. 


“Quite the harsh one, aren’t you…?”


“Well… I’ve been warned in the past that “youths tend to shout louder than listen more”, and to not be like that. I took the lesson to heart but I never really understood it until now…”


Yuuji smiled helplessly and turned his gaze from the stage to Mari. 


“But, it couldn’t be helped. People around this age, who think they’re mature and adult enough to make their own decisions and principles without having experiences, are the easiest to become riled up. Once they found something they could stand for, they won’t listen to anyone nor think deeply about their actions, and simply cry out their beliefs. And if someone doesn’t agree with them, they would be the enemy, and they will not stop until they conform to their beliefs.”


His lips curled into a smile as he shifted his gaze from the stunned chairwoman to the course 2 students who were struggling against the president.


“Well, it’s not like I don’t understand what they stand for. But making a ruckus and even threatening to harm their fellow students is simply not the right thing to do. I hope they could actually think of tangible steps to eliminate the discrimination without committing any crimes… If they could, I may actually help them out since I agree with their core belief.”


Her lips curled into a small smile as Mari crossed her arms and turned towards the stage. 


“I agree… Though, you know you are a teenager as well, don’t you?”


“Ahahaha… Well, I guess I’m saying that as a warning and a reminder to myself as well. I’m still quite prone to being overcome with emotions, as you may already realize.”


Mari snorted and placed a hand on Yuuji’s shoulder.


“Don’t worry. You’re far better than them. Or rather, to be overcome with emotions once in a while is normal. You’re mature enough as it is.”


“Thank you, chairwoman.”


They then turned their attention back to the stage.


“The magic-oriented clubs, with their high ratio of Course 1 students clearly received the lion’s share of the budget compared to the non-magic-oriented clubs mainly populated by Course 2 students! Isn’t that proof that preferential treatment for Course 1 students is overlooked even when it comes to extracurricular activities?”


“Even non-magical clubs, such as the legball team, which has compiled an excellent record in national competitions have been allotted sums that compare favorably to those given to the magic-oriented clubs. To say that the club allotments result from preferential treatment for Course 1 students is a misconception.”


Mayumi paused for a moment and continued.


“I won’t deny that there is discrimination amongst the students that is being pointed out… Blooms and weeds. These are terms that have been banned by the school, the student council, and the disciplinary committee. But unfortunately, I must admit that they are still in wide use.”


Frantic murmurs immediately spread across the student body as the taboo term was mentioned in the forum by the student council president herself. 


“It’s not just Course 1 students. Among the Course 2 students, there are those who despise themselves as Weeds, and are resigned as well as accepting of it. Yes, such lamentable culture does exist here. The issue is this barrier to awareness!”


Mayumi asserted with a commanding and powerful voice.


“As this school’s student council president, this barrier of awareness… is what I’ve always wanted to break down.”


The majority of the students watching, aside from the egalites, quieted down as they began to listen carefully and ponder her words.


“But that is not something that should be resolved by creating new discriminatory practices. Every one of us, from Course 1 and Course 2, are students of this school. And the time we spend here as students of this school for each of us, these three years are irreplaceable.”


One, two, four, ten. One by one, the students began to clap their hands before a grand applause filled the massive hall. Both Course 1 and Course 2 students clapped their hands, applauding the student council president, her ideals, and her beliefs. 


Yuuji stared at Mayumi with a smile. The normally cheerful, teasing, and cute senior of his now shined so brilliantly as her noble ideals were accepted by all. The Saegusa Mayumi he’s seeing now was certainly the most beautiful she had ever been, like a beautiful lily flower in full bloom. And he’s sure she’ll continue to shine beautifully just like this in the future. 


Unknown to him, Aika, who saw this expression, grinned like a cat before turning towards the student council president and licked her lips.


“I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you what I hope for. In the student council, there is still a system that discriminates against Course 1 and Course 2 students. Under the current system, all officers except for the president must be nominated from among the Course 1 students. This regulation can only be overhauled during the general assembly convened during the reelection of the student council president. When I step down, my final task as student council president will be to do away with this regulation at the general assembly. People’s hearts can not be changed by force. And since that’s not the way to go, I plan to make as many improvements as I can in all other areas.


Once again, the sound of applause filled the massive hall. May they be Course 1 students or Course 2 students, none aside from the egalites, showed their support to the beautiful ideal and noble actions of the student council president. 


Just then, multiple explosions rumbled from outside and shook the entire hall and the ground beneath them. 


And with the explosions as a signal, the course 2 students allied with Blanche, the egalites raised from their seats to conduct their mission.


“Apprehend them!”


Mari’s order resounded through the communication devices held by Disciplinary members. Immediately, almost all of the egalites were apprehended by not only Disciplinary Committee members stationed all around, but also by the committee members disguised amongst the students that were ready for such a situation.


Aika, Miyuki, Suzune, and Mari apprehended the four members of egalites on the stage, while Yuuji restrained one egalite member near the stage with his magic. 


Just then, a loud shattering sound resounded from above them as a gas grenade was thrown through the window above. 


And just when it began to release a white gas onto its surroundings, Yuuji used his “gravity” to cause the gas to “fall” into the grenade rather than out. Then with a simple spell, he threw the grenade outside. 


“Hattori-senpai, I will leave the matter of protecting the president to you!”

Hanzo, who was looking at Yuuji in shock with his hand out and was about to cast a spell to the grenade, snapped out of his daze and nodded.




Yuuji nodded back to him and smiled softly at the shaken Mayumi, causing her to blush slightly. 


Just then, the entrance to the hall was breached by three masked infiltrators in full black military gear. They were also wearing gas masks in preparation for fighting within a hall filled with harmful gas. 


Yuuji’s intention turned towards the door from the sound and immediately restrained all of them with his magic. The air compression ring suddenly tightened around them and broke their arms causing them to let go of their live ammunition-filled auto rifles before making them float in the air, screaming and struggling in pain.


Then, Mari silenced them by filling their masks with nitrogen.


Seeing them pass out, Yuuji smiled helplessly and turned towards Mari.


“...Chairwoman, I restrained them all specifically so we can interrogate them later, you know?”


“Don’t worry. They’re not dead.”


“Well, they’re not but…”


Mari then put her communication device to her ears and asked the other disciplinary members about the situation. 


A few moments later, she let out a small sigh of relief and turned towards Yuuji.


“It seems like Tatsuya did his job well.”


“What’s the situation, chairwoman?”


“Most of the infiltrators are found unconscious. The rest were still fighting desperately, but it’ll only be a matter of time. The situation isn’t as chaotic as I expected it to be. You three, go and end this farce. I’ll stay here and lead the disciplinary committee members here.”






“Yes, chairwoman.”




Outside the hall, a massive brawl had ensued between the students, school security, and the infiltrators. 


Leo fought against the few that had knives and knocked them out one by one with his barefist. 


And when three of them started to cast their magic against him, they were suddenly restrained and flung up into the sky before falling down, unconscious.


Leo turned to his side and saw Yuuji lowering his hand as he, Aika, and Miyuki approached him.


“Yuuji! You guys, what the hell is going on-”




From behind him, Erika also approaches him at a brisk pace, holding a black, metallic, heavy glove-type CAD and a baton-type CAD in her arms. 


When she stopped, her gaze turned towards Yuuji and the other two and smiled.


“Seems like the backup is already here.”


The five searched for a safe place to huddle and found one near the back of the school. Upon arrival, Tatsuya, who was contacted by Yuuji, also came and they explained the situation to Leo and Erika.


“Terrorist? That means we can kick their butts no questions asked, right?”


Erika asked Yuuji with an excited grin.


“As long as they’re not students, then by all means. Though, you should still be careful… Even you are not invulnerable against bullets.”


Erika’s eyes widened in surprise for a moment and looked at Yuuji, his eyes full of concern. 


“I-I know that! I won’t get reckless.”


Erika responded and crossed her arms, averting her blushing face.


“That’s good. By the way, did you spot any other intruders…?”


“Their target is the library.”


Just then, another voice resounded from before them. 


“Ono Haruka-sensei…?”


Yuuji and Aika’s eye shined with a light of recognition. Although Ono Haruka was a supporting character, she was still an extremely recognizable character despite her most recognizable trait was hidden, albeith in futile, beneath a woolen turtleneck. 


It was the first time Yuuji had seen anyone else in this world with the breast size comparable to his beloved girlfriend. 


Her eyes widened in surprise for a moment when Yuuji mentioned her name. As the counsellor and someone adept in collecting information, she would of course know of the name and appearance of the most handsome man and number one male freshman student in the entire school. But what shocked her most was the fact that she recognized her.




Tatsuya mentioned her name, snapping her out of her daze and turned towards him instead. 


“Excuse me… Ahem. Attacking you here was a diversion. Their main target is the library, and the main force has already gone in. Mibu-san is also there as well.”


“...Would you mind explaining all this later on?’


“I decline. At least, that’s what I wanted to say but… I guess it won’t fly.”


Haruka looked down for a moment, a pained expression on her face. But she looked up to Tatsuya a moment after with a determined expression.


“But in return, would you do me a favor…?”


“What is it?”


“I’m asking you this as the counselor, Ono Haruka! I want you to give Mibu-san a chance!”


Haruka continued.


“Since last year, she has been dealing with the gap between her accolades as a kendoist and her evaluation as a Course 2 student. I guess it was too tall of task for me. She ended up playing into their hands…So-”


“You’re too easy on her. Let’s go, Yuuji, Aika, Miyuki.”




Miyuki quickly followed after Tatsuya who had already started making his way to the library, while Yuuji and Aika sighed helplessly and bowed to Haruka before going after him.


“Oi Tatsuya! Aren’t you being too callous?!”

Tatsuya stopped and turned to him.


“Leo… You won’t be the only one getting hurt on misplaced sympathy.”


Tatsuya turned back and continued running as Erika and Leo also followed after him. 


Yuuji ran up to his side and whispered.


“...Is that fine? You could’ve said it differently, you know?”


“It is fine…”


“...If you say so.”




The brawl in front of the library was the most chaotic. Many students fought against the infiltrators in black in a complete mayhem. 


Even after Tatsuya eliminated many of them, there’s still even more of them enough to turn this place into a full on rumble. 


Yuuji used his magic as they ran, lifting up and slamming the ones on their way to the ground while Leo broke off from the rest of the group and fought them off, protecting their rear and preventing the infiltrator from stopping them. 


Yuuji, Aika, Tatsuya, Miyuki, and Erika then finally arrived in the library. In contrast to the outside, there was only silence within the library itself. 


Yuuji and Tatsuya immediately scanned the path before them.


“Two at the bottom of the stairs… One on top of it… and Four in the Special Reading Room on the second floor. Right, Tatsuya.”




“That’s incredible… With you here, Yuuji, ambushing us will be meaningless! And seeing you fling people and smashing them against the ground like that makes me want to fight you even less…”


Yuuji smirked at the red head.


“Are you still traumatized from that time?”

“N-No I’m not!”

Erika hit Yuuji’s shoulder in embarrassment, before Tatsuya sushed them down.




Yuuji giggled as Erika glared at him and pouted, her cheeks red in embarrassment, before turning to Tatsuya.


“So our guess is confirmed then? They’re here to steal the Magic University’s classified materials.”


“Ah… We need to prevent them from doing that.”


Suddenly, Erika jumped out of their hiding and faced the two guards at the bottom of the stairs. 


With her baton drawn out, she quickly made quick work of the two.




Yuuji called his name in surprise when she suddenly went of on her own. But when he saw the two guards groaning in pain on the ground, he smiled helplessly at Erika, who was giving him a peace sign. 


Then, a student from the top of the stair also came with a real blade in hand and strike at Erika, causing them to be in a swordlock.


“Go on first! I’ll stay here and take care of this!”


“Alright. Be careful.”


“You got it!”


Yuuji cast a spell and caused all four of them to float up and flew onto the second floor before landing. They then immediately head to the special reading room at the end of the hall. 


The room was protected with a heavy metal door that could only be opened with special permission, and after being breakthrough, it became the thing that protected the infiltrators inside from being disturbed.


Arriving before the heavy metal doors, Yuuji stepped in front as the vanguard with Aika closely behind him. Tatsuya stood by his side with his Silver Horn drawn, while Miyuki also had her CAD ready. 


Yuuji then raised his hand, and the sound of metal groaning from being bent and twisted resounded before bursting open, revealing three infiltraros by the terminal and Mibu Sayaka, looking at them in fear. 


“That is enough!”


Right after Yuuji said that, the hacking device burst into its constituent parts as Tatsuya pressed the trigger to his gun.


“W-What the hell?!”


“Your plot is over. Stand down and we shall guarantee your safety until you are handed of to the officials.”


“Damn you!”


One of them shouted and took out a pistol, aiming it at Yuuji. But before he could shoot, lightning struck him through his chest.




His entire body shuddered tremendously from the electricity before he fell down onto the ground, unconscious. Smoke rose from his body, though his skin didn’t show any sign of burns.


Smiling devilishly at the rest of the two infiltrators, who looked at Aika in pure fear, Aika spoke in a terrifying tone anyone rarely hear.


“Next time you try to hurt my darling, I won’t be as merciful, okay~?”



“Mibu-senpai, this is reality.”


Sayaka snapped out of her shock from seeing someone being struck by lightning at the mention of her name and turned towards Tatsuya.


“A world where everyone is equal and receives the same treatment… No such place exists. If there is a world of equality, where talent and aptitude didn’t matter, it would be a place where everyone would be snubbed equally. Mibu-senpai, you are being used. This is the reality of that sweet-sounding ideal that someone else whispered to you.”


“But why… How did this happen…? Are you saying that trying to erase discrimination is a mistake?! I’m sure you yourself are being compared constantly to your close friends and little sister! And you must’ve suffered unjust humiliation! I’m sure you’ve been mocked by all around you!”


“I have no contempt for my brother… Nor do the two of them.”


Sayaka raised her head towards Miyuki, her eyes red with tears threatening to flow down her cheeks. 


“Even if everyone in this world but me were to slander, disparage, and mock my brother, I would still give him the same love and respect that I’ve always have. It is true that there are ignorant people who look down on my brother. But there are far more people who recognize how splendid he is.”


Sayaka turned her gaze slightly and looked at the two absolutely beautiful people by their side. The most famous first year students, Tsubakihara Yuuji and Kiryuu Aika, along with Miyuki who were known for their skill and appearance.


“Mibu-senpai… I pity you.”


“...What did you say?”

Sayaka widened her eyes in shock and glared at Miyuki.


“Wasn’t there anyone in your life who acknowledge you? Was magic the only unit of measurement which could measure your worth? My brother certainly acknowledged you. Your swordskills and your beauty.”


“...But those are just superficial things.”


Her face scrunched up into disdain and looked away.


“But they’re just as much a part of you…They’re what makes you attractive and define who you are, don’t they? Mibu-senpai, you and my brother have only just met. What exactly are you seeking from him…?”




“In the end, no one despised you as a “weed” more than yourself…”




“Mibu! Use the ri-”

“I told you to stay down, don’t I?”






A deep voice resounded before a crunching sound of bones breaking resounded, followed by screeching screams of men. Before they could even throw the smoke grenade, they felt a tremendous crushing force suddenly around their entire body, breaking their arms and legs.


Sayaka looked at the two men who had fainted on the floor and Yuuji in fear before he turned to her with a small smile.


“Don’t worry. I only crushed their arms and legs so they can’t run. A little healing magic to stick their bones together will do the trick.”


“Hehehe~ As for you, Mibu-senpai~”


Aika grinned and began approaching Sayaka slowly


“Kyaaa! Don’t come close-!”


Sayaka raised her hand, but before she could use her antinite ring, she felt her body suddenly becoming extremely heavy and her eyes slowly closing.


“You should sleep and take a rest, okay~? Think about Miyuki’s words just now.”


That was the last thing she could hear before an irresistible wave of sleepiness took over.


Aika caught Sayaka before she fell onto the ground and grinned at Yuuji, Tatsuya, and Miyuki.


“Now, Erika won’t have to break her ribs~”


“Mm. Good job, Aika.”




Miyuki looked at Aika with an impressed look.


“Did you just cast a spell to create a sleeping gas in that instant?”


“Uhn~ Yuuji made it for me~”


“That’s impressive… And it’s truly a potent one given Mibu-senpai immediately fell unconcsious…”


Tatsuya turned towards Yuuji with a proud smile.


“Impressive. That’s quite the short activation sequence given how potent it is.”


“I learned from the master, after all. Well, it still needs some adjustments. Normal magicians won’t be able to use it that easily. It’s only because of Aika’s massive calculation area that she could pull it off like that.”


“Mm. But it’s still very impressive knowing you wrote your first line of code a few weeks ago. You might even surpass me before you return.”


“Ahahaha, I’d be happy if I could be half as good as you. Anyway, let’s stop dawdling here and bring the Disciplinary committee people here to take care of these people. We also need to take Mibu-senpai to the nurse’s office.”










AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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