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Chapter 28

While Tatsuya was trying his best to play dumb during his talk with Mibu Sayaka, Yuuji and Aika returned home after finishing their meeting with the Disciplinary Committee. 


Curious stares, along with the usual jealous and awe stares, accompanied them as they walked out of the school together. And when they reached far enough where no students were there, their hands clasped onto each other. 


Yuuji never intended to hide his relationship with Aika in school. It was Aika who kept a certain distance from him and simply appeared as his super close friend. 


He had asked why she would do that, and she told him it was to prevent the prominent female characters around him who she wanted to take into Yuuji’s bed from losing hope immediately. After all, harem and various other romantic cultures an otaku could think of weren’t as popular in this world’s Japan than in Aika’s world. This was true especially in Yuuji’s world, where polygamy had been legalized by the government in order to prevent the rapidly declining population of the country. 


The Japan in Mahouka was still very reserved, which Yuuji realized when Erika got super embarrassed simply from having her blazer slightly disheveled. 


Thus, if Aika was known to be Yuuji’s girlfriend, those girls might lose hope and won’t even try to pursue a relationship with Yuuji before Aika could coax and convince them of being in Yuuji’s harem. And if they do, she won’t be able to taste their delicious-looking bodies!!!


Yuuji was truly speechless after hearing Aika’s explanation, but since it was her decision, he didn’t fight against it and simply let fate decide. At least, to make up for the time they couldn’t flirt in school, they’ve been flirting a lot outside of it and never missed a day of lovemaking except for when Tatsuya and Miyuki visited their home. 


The two went on a short after school date, visiting an ice cream shop and a taiyaki stand to eat during their walk and for a midnight snack in case they got a bit peckish during their night-long love-making session. 


With one hand holding a bag of taiyaki and the other holding each other’s hand, Yuuji and Aika soon arrived at their home. 


“Oh, that’s right. I meant to ask you sooner, but I forgot about it since we’re on a small date just now.”


“Hm? What is it?”


“Would you like to go on a date with me, a proper one…? We might be busy during the blanche incident and the nine schools competition after that, but… perhaps we could find some time after them?”


“Eh…? R-Really?! I’ll go!!! Of course I’ll go!!!! It’ll be our first date ever~! Eheheheh~ I’m so excited~!”


Aika jumped into Yuuji’s embrace and rubbed her face on his chest, humming in giddiness.


“Where are we going?”


“Hm, I was thinking of going to a hotspring over the weekend. It will just be the two of us. Wouldn’t that be romantic?”


“Uhn uhn!!! That’s a great idea~! Let’s do it~!!!! Hehehehe~ A hot spring date~ I can’t wait~”

Looking at Aika’s excitement, Yuuji also couldn’t help but smile and tightened his arms around her, smooshing her soft, massive breasts onto his chest. 


Then, unable to hold back the lust he had been accumulating all this time while Aika buried his arm in her breasts, Yuuji approached her sensitive ears and whispered with a deep voice. 


“Let’s plan our first date together while we take a bath. And while we’re on it, how about we practice making love while being in the bath?”


Yuuji tightened his hug and nibbled on her ears, causing her entire body to shiver and lose strength.

“Y-Yuuji… T-That’s unfair…”


“Hm? What’s unfair?”


“U-uuuhhh… You’re teasing me again… Carry me to the bathroom! Then I’ll show you who’s boss!!!”


“Hehehe, alright.”


Yuuji lifted her up into a princess carry, kissing her luscious, pink lips as she looked at him in a daze, and headed to the bath. 


A few hours after entering the bath, Yuuji and Aika finally took a bath together before they both soaked in the massive jacuzzi. 


Aika sat in front of Yuuji, leaning back to his chest and nuzzling to his neck while Yuuji wrapped his arms around her waist, embracing her closely. 


“By the way, do you already know which hot spring resort we’re going to go to for our date, Yuuji?”


“No… Since we’re in a different world, I’m not exactly sure if there'll be hot spring resorts that are famous from the world we came from. We might need to ask Tatsuya and Miyuki for their recommendations.”


“Oh, that’s a great idea! Let’s call them no-”


Just then, they heard Yuuji’s phone that he put on the side of the jacuzzi ringing. 


He picked it up and looked at the screen before showing it to Aika.. 


“Wow, what a coincidence.”


“Hehehe~ Are you and Tatsuya connected somehow~ You seemed to be in sync with him~”

“It’s just a coincidence.”


Yuuji karate chopped her head softly and answered the call.


“Yo Tatsuya. How was your date with Mibu Sayaka-senpai?”


A sight resounded from the other side, causing a grin to appear on Yuuji and Aika’s faces.


“I’m lucky we’re not on speaker… Please don’t say such a thing. Miyuki will freeze everything around her.”


“Ahahaha, I’m sorry. So? How did it go? Did you do well acting dumb?”


“Don’t worry. It went just like we expected. Mibu-senpai was upset that her swordsmanship was looked down upon due to her lack of talent in magic. She showed clear contempt towards the very idea of such discrimination. She also told me that all non-magic-oriented clubs have decided to unite and create a separate organization to the Extracurricular Activities Federation to present their arguments to the school in hopes to perhaps lessen the discrimination and advocate fairness to the treatments of these non-magic-oriented clubs.”


“I see… Well, we all know that they will barricade themselves in the broadcasting room to force the Student Council to a debate and then use that chance to attack the school and steal data from the library… Should we have the chairwoman strengthen the school’s defenses during that time?”


“We could. In fact, I’ve already planned on doing it as soon as possible. I’ll need your and Aika's help to convince the chairwoman.”


“Of course. Then, we’ll let them force the Student Council to a debate and then take care of the attack swiftly as planned.”

“Yes. We’ll rout them as quickly as possible. You and Aika should be in the hall when that happens. I’ll be outside and deal with the threat. We’ll reconvene in the library.”


“Roger that. You heard that, Aika?”


“Of course~ Leave it to us, Tatsuya~!”


“Alright. Then, that will be it for now. Though I want to ask something…”


“Hm? What is it?”


“Why do I hear water…?”


Yuuji and Aika immediately stiffen up. There was no way they could tell him that they’re taking a bath together after having sex!!!


“A-Ah! We’re in the pool! Aika wanted to play around, so I accompanied her here.”


“T-That’s right!”


“I see… Well then, that’s all I wanted to tell you about. I’ll leave you two to your fun. See you tomorrow.”


“A-Ah, see you tomorrow.”


“S-See you, Tatsuya~!”


The two let out a deep sigh after Yuuji ended the call, and sank deeper into the jacuzzi.


“Phew~ That was close…”


“Ah… Thankfully Tatsuya’s not that sharp in this kind of stuff…”


“...Let’s get out now.”






The next day. 


Yuuji, Aika, Tatsuya, and Miyuki met up with Mayumi, Mari, Suzune, and Azusa in the student council room to discuss the meeting between Tatsuya and Mibu Sayaka the previous day.


“About Mibu-senpai… It seems that the Disciplinary Committee’s activities have earned the students’ animosity.”


“Hm? What do you mean?”



Tatsuya then recounted his conversation with Sayaka.


“Trying to score points, huh? Well, Mibu is misunderstanding that part. The Disciplinary Committee is just an honorary post and isn’t subject to evaluation.”


She then glanced towards Yuuji with a wide grin.


“So all of your rampaging of detaining rule breakers and humiliating them by displaying them high in the air won’t be subject to evaluation, you know~?”


Yuuji looked at the grinning chairwoman with deadpan eyes as his smile twitched at the corner.


“I am very aware of that, chairwoman. And I’m not doing it to gain fame or infamy. It’s just the most efficient way of restraining them. I simply follow the path of least resistance.”


“Ufufufu~ I know.”


Yuuji sighed as Mari and Aika both giggled to his dismay.


“But it’s also a fact that the Disciplinary Committee wields considerable power within the school. Some will see you as misusing your authority. Well, but there is the possibility that someone has been manipulating that impression…”


“Do you know that person’s identity?”


“Eh? No, no. It’s just a rumor. Though many seemed to believe it given Yuuji-kun’s display, especially those who’re jealous of him…”


Mayumi smiled helplessly at Yuuji. 


“U-Ughh… I-I will take care to not be as flashy next time…”


“No, your methods are efficient and effective. There’s nothing wrong with it. You also prevented many from trying to try breaking the rules, otherwise they’ll taste the humiliation of being a mannequin up in the air and watched by many students. But I agree that there must be someone creating this narrative. If we knew who it was, then we would’ve already stopped him.”


“That isn’t what I was referring to. I was referring to the people behind whoever’s doing the manipulation.”




“For example, the anti-magic international political organization, Blanche…”



“Tatsuya-kun, how do you know that name?! Such classified information…”


“It’s impossible to keep a lid on all sources of rumors. On the contrary, I think such things should be fully disclosed. The government has been ineffectual in its handling of this matter.”


“...I agree. Despite the fact that there’s an organization hostile to magic, they cover it up and refuse to confront it head on.”


Mayumi lowered her head in shame. Although she had no control over it as the Student council president because it was something the government itself is doing, she still felt ashamed of the fact.


“President, it is something that can’t be helped, considering your position.”




Yuuji smiled softly, seeing her troubled expression. 


“This school is a national institution, after all. And the country itself is trying to hide and restrict information about this. There’s nothing anyone in your position could do.”


Mayumi widened her eyes for a moment before a blush appeared on her face.


“T-Thank you, Yuuji-kun…”


The room went silent as the rest of them looked at the blushing Mayumi and the smiling Yuuji awkwardly. 


They couldn’t help but be impressed by Yuuji’s swift wooing of Mayumi by consoling her and saving her from the brink his friend had driven her into with perfect timing. Was it on purpose?


“A-Ahem. So Tatsuya-kun, how are you planning to deal with Mibu?”


Tatsuya turned towards Mari and answered.


“I am the one waiting for an answer. I will decide after hearing it.”


“I see… Then I’m counting on you. Yuuji, Aika, support him.”


“Of course. I have been discussing the matter with Tatsuya as well. I will be there to help.”


“Me too~ Don’t worry about it, chairwoman~!”

“Mm. Good answer.”


Tatsuya then turned towards Yuuji and met gazes. He nodded and him, and Yuuji returned his nod before turning towards the chairwoman once again.


“Actually, chairwoman. There’s something I would like to discuss with you. And if possible, I would like the assistance of the Student council as well.”


Mari crossed her arm and looked at Yuuji with her eyes narrowed as the others also turned their attention towards him. 


“Hm? What could that be?”


“It pertains to the defense of the school against infiltrators from a hostile organization.”




The next day, after class. An announcement to the entire academy resounded from the PA system. 


“Attention, all students! We are a volunteer coalition seeking to abolish discrimination within the school!”


Yuuji immediately turned towards Aika, who also turned to look at him, and nodded.


“So it started… Aika, let’s go.”




They both stood up from their seats and began exiting the class, leaving behind their bags.


“E-Eh? Yuuji-kun, Aika-chan? W-Where are you going?”


“To do our job as the Disciplinary Committee members~ See you later, Honoka-chan~ Shizuku-chan~”



Yuuji and Aika quickly made their way to the broadcasting room as the announcement continued.


“We demand an opportunity to negotiate on equal terms with the Student Council and the Extracurricular Activities Federation!”


Hah… I didn’t understand what Issei-jiisan meant when he advised me to listen more than speak louder since youths tend to speak louder. But now… It’s painfully obvious what he meant…


Students have already began murmuring about the contents of the announcement, and as they get closer to the broadcasting room, they could already see crowds blocking the hallway leading to it. 


They slipped past the crowd of students who were being held off by Disciplinary Committee members and arrived before the broadcasting room. In front of it, Juumoji Kaito, Mari, and Suzune had arrived along with several members of the committee.


“You’re here.”


“Forgive our tardiness. What is the situation?”


Just as Yuuji said that, Tatsuya and Miyuki also arrived at the broadcasting room. 


“They’ve cut off the power, so they won’t be broadcasting anymore. But, they’ve locked the door and barricaded themselves inside.”


“Did they steal the master key?”


“Yes… They have.”


“Hah… To think they’d even commit a crime.”


Yuuji let out a sigh as Suzune turned towards both Mari and Kaito. 


“Exactly. And for that reason, we should handle this with discretion to prevent them from blowing up any further.”


“Well, I wouldn’t expect them to suddenly become docile just because we’re being discreet. Even if it means being somewhat forceful, we should try to resolve this quickly.”


Mari decided as she looked at Yuuji. 


Knowing Yuuji’s magic, Mari thought it would be simple for him, who had displayed tremendous power with his magic, to blow open the door and apprehend everyone within. Not only that, there’s also Aika and Miyuki now here as well. Even disregarding the rest of the members of her committee, they’ve got more than enough power to blow open a simple door and resolve this matter quickly.


Seeing Mari’s gaze on him, Yuuji could guess what she was thinking. But there were several things that would go pretty bad if he were to bulldozer through this, so he turned towards Juumoji Kaitou. 


“...May I hear your opinion on this, Chairman Juumoji.”


Yuuji asked the stoic man beside Mari. He wanted to know how the other leaders think of this situation and how they want to handle this extremely sensitive and precarious situation. 


“...I don’t see any problem with negotiating with them. From the outset, this was just a pretext. If we refute it strongly enough, it should assuage their anxieties.”


“Then, shall we just stand by for the moment?”


Tatsuya asked.


“As far as that goes, I can’t come to a decision just yet. Their unlawful behavior can’t go unpunished, but I don’t find it criminal enough to warrant destroying school facilities for the sake of a speedy resolution.”


Yuuji smiled and nodded. 


In his opinion, using force to deal with them will just make them even more aggressive. Especially if he, a course 1 student, was the one who blast open the door and apprehend all of them. It’ll just fuel their anger even more and give them bullets to use in their speech. 


“I agree with Juumoji-senpai. I do not think blasting open the door would be the best way to approach this. The more we use force, the more they’ll retaliate. So… Tatsuya, can you make them come out by themselves?”




“Eh? What do you mean…”


Tatsuya took out his phone as everyone turned to him and made a call.


“Hello. Is that you, Mibu-senpai? This is Shiba. So, where are you now? …Oh, so you’re inside the broadcasting room? How unfortunate…”


Mari turned towards Yuuji and looked at him with a mix of surprise and confusion on her face.


“Yuuji, how did he…”


“Tatsuya has been keeping in contact with Mibu Sayaka-senpai, who tried to recruit him to join her group, in hopes to gain valuable information on their motives. And it seems it’s paid off now.”


“...Did you predict this would happen?”


Yuuji’s lips curled into a smile that stunned both Mari and Suzune for a few moments.


“Of course not.”


He shrugged and turned towards Tatsuya, listening to his conversation. 


“Chairman Juumonji has agreed to negotiate with you. I have yet to confirm the student council’s position…”


Tatsuya turned towards Suzune, who snapped out of her daze after hearing the name of the organization she’s in, and nodded.


“No, the student council has agreed to negotiate as well. Thus, I would like to discuss the time and date of these negotiations with you… No, your freedom is guaranteed. Yes… Well then.”


Tatsuya ended the call and turned towards the three. 


“She says they will be coming out right away. So it would be best if we get ourselves into position… Except if you want Yuuji to handle this alone.”

Yuuji nodded and lifted up the sleeve of his left arm, revealing his bracelet-shaped CAD. 


“Eh? Positions?”


“Positions to put them into custody.”


“You… It seems to me that you just told them that you’d guarantee their freedom… And you’re just raring to go huh, Yuuji?”


“Well, given the drastic methods they're willing to use to get what they want, we can’t rule out the possibility of them using force to run away, right? Also, I can already guess this is what Tatsuya was planning considering his words.”


“Hah… What shrewd little juniors I have… Just don’t take it too far, alright?”


Mari sighed helplessly and glanced at Yuuji with a narrowed gaze.


“Of course.”


The moment the doors to the broadcasting room opened, everyone within the room was immediately held by an invisible force, causing their arms to stick to their body and restraining them completely, before their body began to float up. No matter how hard they flail their legs or try to break out of the restraint, the sheer force of the air compressing around them was too powerful for them to do anything. 


The other disciplinary members who saw this couldn’t help but stare in awe as a single person restrained all of them in an instant and made them float, completely helpless.


“What is the meaning of this?! Did you double-cross us?!”


Sayaka yelled out in shock as she ran towards Tatsuya with her hand up. But before she could touch him, Tatsuya held her hand and stopped her.


“Shiba didn’t double-cross you.”


“Chairman Juumonji…”


Kaito approached them as he looked at the students floating up in the room, struggling, before turning towards Sayaka.


“We’ll listen to your demands. But complying with your requests and approving of the measures you took are two different things.”


Then suddenly, a familiar, beautiful, bell-like voice resounded from behind them. And when they looked, they saw Mayumi approaching Yuuji and putting her hand on his shoulder with Suzune following closely behind.


“Would you mind releasing them?”





Yuuji kept his spell and turned towards his chairwoman, who looked bewilderedly towards Mayumi’s decision.


“I know what you’re going to say, Mari. But we can’t set up negotiations with Mibu-san alone now, can we? As long as they’re students at this school, there’s no reason to view them as flight risks.”


“We would never run away!”


Sayaka yelled at Mayumi when she insinuated they would flee from this.


“The school has decided to leave this matter in the hands of the student council.”




Mari exclaimed in surprise.


“Mibu-san, I would like to discuss our pending negotiations with your coalition. Would you mind coming with me?”


“Yes, that’s fine with me.”


Mibu said as Tatsuya let go of her wrists, before looking towards Yuuji.


Yuuji turned towards Mari, who nodded to him, and gently put all of the students he held down to the ground. 


The moment their feet touched the floor once more and felt the invisible force holding them vanish, they couldn’t help but look at Yuuji in fear. 


…Am I the villain now…?


Sayaka walked away along with Mayumi and Suzune, exiting the room. And following after them, the rest of the students held by Yuuji also run after them, but keeping a far distance between themselves and Yuuji.


“Ufufufu~ You’re completely treated like the bad guy just now huh, Yuuji~?”


Aika grinned teasingly as she popped up from his side. 


“Hah… Why am I the bad guy, now…?”


“Well after you restrain all of them with that ridiculous magic, it’s no wonder they’d become afraid.”


“Please don’t rub salt into my wounds, chairwoman…”








AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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