Waifu Card Summon

Meeting A Chosen Hero

Celestine amongst a few others noticed a young woman walking fast inside the church with a gushing smile on her face, "Hey everybody, Mitsurugi and his party are back." 

"Kyaa! Really?" 

"Yes! I saw them with my own eyes. He's coming this way pretty soon." She said before turning around and going back outside along with a few others.

Celestine confused turned to Darkness for answers, but she didn't know either. So they turned to an older man in his forties as he was about to leave asking him, "Excuse me, who's this Mitsurugi person and why is everyone excited to see him?"

"Mitsurugi Kyouya is a famous up-and-coming adventurer that arrived here a few months ago. He's very popular with the ladies thanks to his looks and many are envious of his family heirloom. It also helps that he actually goes out to do hard dangerous quests instead of doing the easy ones, unlike some people who had higher levels than required." The old man informed them and stared at a few people who were looking away.

"I took an arrow to the knee so I can't fight as well anymore," One adventurer said as another gave an excuse that he was blind in both eyes while coincidentally staring at a priestess's ass as she bent down to pick something up. The old man scoffed at their excuses and did nothing else, too tired to deal with their bullshit.

"Thank you for the information," Celestine said as the old man gave her a nod before leaving and a few more followed behind.

"Shall we check this guy out?" Yomi asked before letting out a small yawn behind her hand, feeling bored. "We got nothing else to do next and he sounds a little interesting."

"I am a little curious about him," Celestine nodded in agreement and they both turned to Darkness for her opinion.

"Let's go," Darkness agreed leading them outside and they were all surprised by the fact that the street was quiet. They were simply standing on the street discreetly staring at a small group of three while talking to themselves waiting for them to come closer. 

"Surprised eh?" The same old man asked with a raised brow at their surprised looks. "Yeah, we don't openly praise the more powerful adventurers too much anymore since they get such a big head over it and become arrogant jackasses. They learned that the hard way a long time ago..." He trailed off unconsciously rubbing his leg with a sigh. "That's them right there, the one wearing the full armor is Mitsurugi Kyouya and those two are his companions Mio and Cremea."

Mitsurugi Kyouya is a handsome young man with light brown hair, dark eyes and he has a fit physique. He's wearing a full set of plate armor with shimmering blue color and gold gilded borders, as well as a wing motif on the chest area.

Under his armor, he wears a black cape hanging from his shoulders. A loose scarf-like red collar covers his neck, and on his head partially hidden by his hair he wears a gold circlet with a blue jewel in the center. He has his sword hanging in a black sheath on his waist. Overall, his appearance is reminiscent of a knight in shining armor or a charming prince.

Behind him was Cremea, a petite girl with purple eyes and green hair tied up in a ponytail. She wears a black and purple tub top along with a long blue scarf around her neck as well as dark brown stockings with green diamond markings on both sides and light brown boots.

Next to Cremea is Fio, an attractive young girl with a well-developed figure along with maroon-colored hair tied in two braids and purple eyes. She wears an orange tube top with a brown v-neck cut along with a skirt of the same color with white frills underneath. She also wears a short white hooded coat with two blue diamond-shaped pins.

Yomi stared at him for a few seconds before scoffing in disgust, looking away and Celestine let out a sigh remembering someone similar to him a long time ago. Yomi taking it the wrong way and with narrowed eyes poked Celestine in her side roughly causing her to let out a startled squeak in surprise at the unexpected attack. 

Thanks to Mitsurugi's high stats, it allowed him to hear her feminine squeak, which he turned his attention over towards the sound. He paused mid-step, spellbound by Celestine's otherworldly beauty, and thanks to his current mindset thinking that he's the chosen one, figured that meeting Celestine is destined. His proof is that most chosen heroes have a busty elf archer or healer who will join him to defeat the demon king along with a group of girls in his party. He was only broken out from his daze by Mio when she noticed that he stopped walking. 

Nearby a few girls were giggling thinking that one of them attracted his attention as he started walking towards them, but he ignored those young women who tried to fix themselves much to their chagrin as he smiled at the group behind them, "Hello ladies, my name is Mitsurugi Kyouya a sword master. May I ask for your names?"

Celestine not wanting to be rude, introduced herself, "My name is Celestine an Arch Priestess. This is Darkness a crusader and Yomi a warrior." Darkness waved and Yomi stared at him before turning her head away in disgust.

"An Arch Priestess, a Crusader, and Warrior, huh?" His eyes lit up and spoke, "Please join my party and we can defeat the demon king once and for all. Of course, I will buy you all the full set of premium equipment for your classes and anything else you may need or want. The balance of the team will be perfect. Me as a Swordmaster, Cremea and you, Yomi as the Warrior duo, Mio the Thief, Darkness as our Crusader, and most importantly, you Celestine, as our Arch Priestess. It's a perfect combination, I believe it's a match made in heaven."

After hearing Mitsurugi's proposal, everyone was stunned for a few seconds before the citizens started talking among themselves. The young girls there were jealous at their luck.

Yomi was the first one to talk, "Fuck off! I belong to my ashikabi and I will never betray him for anything or anyone. The self-righteous way you talk made me cringe in disgust and your narcissistic tendencies pisses me off."

"What should I do? I feel physically repulsed by this man for some reason. I prefer active people over passive ones, but somehow that guy makes me want to beat him up," Darkness muttered in confusion with her arms wrapped around herself while leaning back away from him.

Celestine still smiling gently gave Mitsurugi hope until she opened her mouth and crushed it, "I'm sorry, but I don't like people like you. We three are already in a party and I'm happily spoken for."

Mio and Cremea both breathed a sigh of relief when Celestine turned him down. They turned to each other, silently communicating with their eyes saying that she was an opponent that none of them could defeat on their own. Especially Cremea who took super effective emotional damage at Celestine's womanly figure and she couldn't help but look down at her own chest comparing them to Celestine's. It was not something she could have won.

Mitsurugi didn't give up just yet, "I'll be at Hallen Inn for a few days if you change your mind." After that, he pulled back and went on his way to said inn.

Yomi spat at the floor as if she tasted something foul, watching him leave. "I think I just lost my appetite."

"Haha! That's the first time I saw someone act like that to him compared to some women who swoon when he talks to them. Names Kulhon," The old man, Kulhon, laughed introducing himself. "I like you girls, if you need anything, anything at all, just go to Luhgel's Store down in Yamin Street. I'll give you a discount for making me laugh so hard." He left after that, letting out a few chuckles every now and then as his figure disappeared.

Celestine noticing the looks they're getting, decided now is a good choice to leave. They soon left, walking back to the guild, noticing that there were fewer people outside at this time. After walking for a few more minutes, she noticed John and Kanae running toward them with a relieved look on their faces. Before she could greet them, she was tackled into a hug.

"E-eh, J-John? K-Kanae? What's wrong?" 

I didn't say anything and pulled Yomi into the hug when she drew closer much to her joy, which I felt it. After a few moments of our group hug, the moment was ruined by Darkness who said in a daze and with trembling shoulders, "What's this refreshing feeling? Seeing master and mistress showering affection with the other members of our party, leaving me out in the cold... this envious feeling burning inside my chest, mixed with bittersweet joy. Could this be the legendary N—?"

She didn't finish that sentence thanks to me pulling out a magical rope that I bought which I didn't expect to use just yet, "Bind!" 

It shot out of my hand heading towards a surprised Darkness who only had the chance to widen her eyes. "What? T-This…! Ugh… Ahhh!" The now bound up Darkness shouted in surprise and how the rope wrapped around her.

I blinked a few times in surprise before sighing in defeat and planned to pinch Wiz next time I see her when she didn't tell me this would happen. I should have known when she said that it's a very popular type of rope. Or, I should thank her because I was looking at something amazing.

Darkness panted lewdly, her face turned red and her body trembled, "Hah, hah... m-master! W-why are you always going beyond my wildest expectations?! Ummn, if you continue, hah, I-I don't think I can hold myself back for much longer. A-although I'm fine w-with it, you should w-watch the time and p-place…"

"Oh my..." Celestine gasped in surprise, Kanae simply raised her eyebrow at this development and Yomi smirked, watching with clear interest.

Darkness was tied up from her shoulders, down to her waist. The rope tying her up left her breasts completely untouched, which only accentuated them as she panted lewdly with both her hands bound behind her back, weakly kneeling on the road with a burning blush on her face. She was so lewd that she wouldn't be out of place on the covers of one of those BDSM type of magazines.

"What about the b-ball g-gag? D-don't you have one? What'll you do if I urhm..." She asked until I produce said ball gag after looking inside the bag and I'm not even surprised it was in there at this point.

I looked around the street and saw the passersby start whispering while looking at us both, some enviously and others in disbelief which then turned to disgust aimed at me. I could hear their whispering conversations, "Isn't he the one that broke his bed having sex with all those women?"

"To toy with his own teammate out in the open with children present, what a beast."

"What weird sexual games does that perverted man makes them do and can I join?"

"Urgh, lucky bastard! Ow ow! H-honey why are you hitting me?! Ow, I'm sorry... I said I'm sorry. Please stop hitting me." One guy cried out as his wife of 4 years started beating on him.

'Yup, my reputation is completely ruined now,' I thought before shrugging and decided to give up at this point. 'Time to embrace my inner Scum-zuma. I got nothing else to lose since my reputation was already bad.' 

"What are you all looking at, huh?! This is how I discipline my comrades! You're the perverts for thinking of something so perverted, you filthy degenerates! You disgust me!" I yelled, glaring at them, watching their mixed reactions, a few looked confused, while some were unable to look at me and others glared right back, but they all had blushes on their faces.

I squatted down ignoring them and rubbed Darkness's head like she was my pet, who was squirming happily and panting heavily through the gag, "You shouldn't ruin our moment, ok? I was planning on rewarding you for taking care of them, but I guess you don't want it, do you?"

Hearing that, Darkness rapidly shook her head with tears in her eyes, silently apologizing for speaking without my permission. I stood back up lightly pulling on the rope as Darkness shakily stood up unused to it.

"So... why did you both come running and hugged us all of a sudden?" Yomi asked staring curiously at me and Darkness.

"Well, I felt your emotions Yomi, the annoyance/anger for a moment, and I thought something happened to you girls since we were almost ambushed ourselves," I said causing Yomi to perk up at that and I felt her happiness then love as she smiled at me.

She then made a face, "It's because we met someone disgusting that wanted us even though I—we already have you, my ashikabi." She didn't clarify anymore than that and we turned to the only other person for the answer.

"We met someone called Mitsurugi Kyouya who was coming back from completing a hard quest," Celestine explained, "He wanted us to join his party, but we declined."

"Oh, well I guess that's better than I expected," I sighed in relief, wondering why the name was familiar for some reason. "Do you know where Kalawarner went to? She wasn't in her room or the guild and she didn't leave a note."

"No, we haven't seen her since brunch," Celestine said turning to Yomi and Darkness who shook their heads in denial.

'I'll have words with her, but for now, I had someone to untie someone.' I thought with a troubled look. "I'll be back with Darkness after untying her," I said pulling on the rope, leading Darkness towards the alleyway nearby.

Yomi's stomach growled out her desire for food, "When we get back, I want to eat two smoked lizard burger steaks with fries and the crimson Neroid juice. What will you get Kanae?"

"I want to eat it too, so let's go to the tavern and order it before it could be sold out. What about you Celestine?"

Celestine pondered for a few seconds, "Maybe something like the grilled vrassel and cemlole salad." 


(In the alleyway two minutes before)

"I have two options for you to choose from for your reward," I said holding up two fingers. "The first is that I leave you like this and parade you around the town," I said as her face blushed harder and shuddered in desire, "Or option two, which is we continue where we left off in the forest and have you watch as I have sex without you touching yourself for a whole week."

"Mgh! … Mgh!" Darkness groaned quietly as if she wanted to say something.

"Hm? What's wrong?" I asked realizing that the look on her face changed to the of shame as if she might cry at any moment. I took off the ball gag from her mouth and leaned closer when she only mumbled.

"I have to go to the bathroom…" She said a little louder, trying to break the rope, but she wasn't able to. "This is, this is so embarrassing!" Darkness whimpered, staring up at me with tears in her eyes.

"I thought you liked to be embarrassed?" I asked raising one eyebrow wondering what should I do.

"Y-yes, but not like t-this… This is not the kind of humiliation I want…!"

Darkness whimpered with her shoulders trembling unable to look at me.

"Really? For some reason, I feel like leaving you like this, forcing you to walk invisible for hours until we reach the tavern's bathroom." I said walking closer to her as she walked backward until she hit the wall. 

I leaned closer, staring straight into her wide vulnerable eyes. Her lips parted slightly, gasping as I moved even closer, my mouth inches from her ear, whispering gently, "But I'll be merciful and untie you, we wouldn't want you to have an accident now, do we?"

Darkness gulped, her face heating up with a rush of blood to her face as she shuddered, "N-no and thank you." She moaned as the rope untangled itself from her and went back into the bag.

We returned after that and we all left, headed back to the guild with Darkness in the lead.


(A few hours later)

[Gained 900,000 Eris and 6,000 Exp]

[Gained ×5 Lvs]

[Kalawarner LV 16 (300/1,600)]

Kalawarner stretched her arms above her head, feeling refreshed by releasing her pent-up anger on those humans. She then created a fireball in her hand, and she couldn't help but stare at how easy it was to create it compared to her old world. Just putting points into said skill allows one to instantly know how to cast it without spending hours or days of practice.

She threw it at the butchered bodies, watching how they all started burning up before turning to ash, leaving scorch marks in their place. After that, she changed her form again into someone else before walking away from the second crime scene.

Kalawarner nonchalantly walked back up to her room and froze when she noticed John was standing outside her door staring at a potion in his hand. She had many excuses on the tip of her tongue, ready to be used if he wanted to know where she was, but it was completely pointless as he simply asked her, "Are you hungry?"

"I, uh, I could eat," She hesitantly replied, wary and confused, but he simply walked past her. He only stopped near the stairs to ask her if she was coming which she agreed before walking again without another word. 

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