Waifu Card Summon

Experimentation and Frog Exp

I couldn't help but stare at my skill potion as we waited for our waitress to arrive. When I cast, copy, on the potion while waiting for Kalawarner to show up, it worked, and yet it didn't at the same time. It copied everything inside out, but not the potion's effect itself. It's simply a very good copy that did nothing, which gave me the idea to sell multiple copies of it to my enemies and the black market auctions outside of this town. Though, only when I'm more powerful with a disguise and the ability to teleport out once I get my money.

Though when I tried it on the explosion potions, it worked and I didn't let out a burst of diabolical laughter no matter what anyone says. It also made me very curious about what makes this so special.

My attention was brought back to our table when I felt the gaze of the only other person in front of me. I smiled at her in response which seemed to annoy her by the way she narrowed her eyes at me.

I leaned in closer to her while putting the potion back into my inventory and raised an eyebrow in reply. We stared at each other not willing to be the first to speak, but I had the advantage of being the quiet kid back in high school.

A few minutes in and Kalawarner was the first to break our little contest by speaking, "So where is everyone else? Are they not coming?"

"No, they already ate a few hours ago and they're looking at a few books that I bought," I replied with a shrug. Our waitress finally arrived and after ordering, we lapsed into silence once again.

It lasted for a few minutes before I decided to speak first this time, "Did you enjoy your time by yourself?"

"...Yes, I did," She replied wondering where I'm going with this and was a little surprised when I didn't ask any more questions.

Our food arrived not long after and before I could start eating, Kalawarner's patience finally broke, "Why aren't you asking where I was, since you know I left my room."

"Why? I trust you to take care of yourself and you are a grown woman that can make her own decisions," I said before I started eating.

She stared at me like I was an idiot and said so, "You're an idiot you know that?"

I paused before swallowing my food, "I could instantly send you back to wherever you came from with a snap of my fingers if I wanted to," I said half lying staring straight into her eyes. "So, should I have someone keep an eye on you and have them report to me everything you do because I'm an idiot for trusting you?"

She opened her mouth to say yes, before pausing, thinking it through, and frowned looking away in annoyance. It took some time before she spoke up again, this time in a subdued tone, "I killed a couple of people a few hours ago."

"Did you wear a disguise for that? Did you make sure to burn the bodies to ash and scatter them so they wouldn't be revived?" I asked putting down my fork and stared straight at her.

"...Obviously, I'm not an idiot, though I'm surprised you're not yelling at me for killing them," Kalawarner said after a moment of hesitation, rolling her eyes.

"I'm not naive enough to think it wouldn't happen... not since the forest," I told her frowning at the memory of that burned face glaring up at me before he died. "We're going to need to kill the demon king generals to bring down the shield and there will be a lot of deaths before then too."

"At least you have the balls to acknowledge and follow through with it," Kalawarner said looking at me in a new light, happy that I'm not a wimp. She stood up, "Well, I'm going back to my room now and I hope you'll keep that resolve, good night."

I watched as Kalawarner added a bit of sway in her strut as she walked away and I received a message blocking my view. I opened it up and smiled a little before I started eating again.

[Kalawarner Relationship: 25-> 36]


(The next day 6:30 am)

I couldn't help but let a yawn escape as

I absentmindedly rubbed Celestine's and Kanae's hips in a small circular motion as Kanae snuggled even closer to my chest. I stared at my inventory, trying to make sure there was nothing inside I'm forgetting that could be important. 


1. Amulet of Dexterity N [+5 Dex]

2. Ring of Frost N [+5 Ice Dmg]

3. x1 XXXL Vibrating Dildo

4. x1 Skill Book

5. Tiara of Treasures R [Finds Treasures]

6. Ring of Illusions R [Casts Illusions]

7. Ring of Awareness R [360°Awareness]

8. x1 Skill potion (+5 Skill points)

10. Choker of Incantation N [Able to store 2 spells]

11. x1 Mystery Box

12. Teddy Bear N [+/- 5 Relationship Pts]

13. Talisman of Disease Resist R*

14. Talisman of Pickpocketing N*

15. Potion of Premonition R* [Able to see 10 minutes into the future]

16. Brew of Enhanced Luck R* [+20 Luck]

17. Elixir of Rejuvenation N* [+10 HP&MP]

18. Brew of Enhanced Sleep N* [8hrs]

19. Snow Sour Fruit Salad N* [Snow Resistance]

20. x1 Broken Stick 

21. x1 Vibrating Panties

22. x1 Box of Extra Small condoms

23. x1 Love Potion

24. x1 Elixir of Fire Protection 

25. x1 Pink Nail Polish


Which there are four other things that I forgot about, the mysterious box, the skill book, the love potion, and most importantly the vibrating panties. I could have given them to Darkness and she would have gladly worn them yesterday if I told her what they could do. It would have been interesting to see, maybe I could do that later, but for now, let's identify what those three items are and I frowned at the results I got.


▪︎Mysterious box: Could be anything inside. Depends on the user's luck.

▪︎Skill book: Able to pick one skill from any class. (Write in class and skill you want to learn from)

▪︎Love potion: Causes a powerful infatuation or obsession from the drinker.


I'm going to ignore the love potion since it's dangerous and instead, I focused on the other two items instead. I could temporarily increase my luck by 20 and have Celestine increase my luck by half before opening it. I could use my potion of premonition to see what would happen or I could wait until I level up a few more times and dump my points into luck. I let out a quiet sigh at my hesitation of not wanting to waste two good potions and planned to talk it out with my companions for their opinions. 

The skill book on the other hand is a gold mine, literally, that people will pay their entire fortune for or assassinate me. Though I still need to check discreetly and write in said skill I want to learn since it's blank.

"Nmmm, John? Why are you awake at this ungodly hour?" Kanae asked me suddenly and I froze before looking down staring straight into her squinting eyes.

"I always wake up at this time. Sorry, did I wake you?" I asked softly feeling a little bad and kissed her head as an apology. 

"Yes, but you can make it up to me later, but for now go back to sleep," She muttered repositioning herself as her leg overlapped mine before going back to sleep.

I said nothing and closed my eyes, following her example even if I can't thanks to my imagination of how to make it up to her. 


(10:38 am)

I let out a sigh before casting Alchemic fire, feeling a slight burning sensation traveling from my chest up to my arm and down onto my outstretched hand as a bluish fire formed burning the Lilac Silverleave. I watched as the herb burn slowly as the outer skin started breaking apart until only a few drops of blue-greenish liquid essence were left and I poured it into an empty vial. After making sure it was all there, I labeled the vial and put it next to other vials containing different colors of fluids from other plants that I bought.

I picked up one Lilac Silverleaves essence in one hand and my other hand had an essence of a herb called Pullino. "Combine," I said watching them all suddenly start glowing before they combined into one. 


I stared at the newly created potion on the table and then used identify on it. 


Potion of Light Feet: Gives the drinker +10 stat in dexterity for 15 min.


After that, I started creating more potions with different combinations of different herbs and identifying them.

[-800 MP]


▪︎Potion of Luck: Gives the drinker +10 stat in luck for 15 min.

▪︎Potion of Reverse Growth: Makes the drinker younger for a short time.

▪︎Potion of Invisibility: Gives the drinker Invisibility for 25 min.

▪︎Potion of Arachnid Venom: Gives -100 poison damage per second for 2 minutes.


I carefully placed the last one in my inventory, planning to create more later on after getting more Milmin flowers and Jumlin herb. I wrote down all the combinations I discovered in English and then sent them into my inventory. After making sure I left nothing behind, I was about to stand up, but someone stopped me by wrapping her around my neck. 

"Are you ready to know what kind of punishment you're about to receive for waking me up?" Kanae whispered, in a sultry yet playful tone that made my cock twitching a bit as I felt her arms started moving down towards my chest rubbing it before moving even lower to my crotch. Sadly, she stopped a few inches from making contact and moved back up from there before doing the same thing again, never quite touching.

"What is it?" I asked curiously, as I grabbed one of her hands and kissed it. 'If she plans on blue balling me again then two can play that game,' I thought looking at my new spell. 'Link sensation is a god tier spell and no one could convince me otherwise.'

She smiled mischievously and whispered into my ear, "You're going to... find out tonight." She then unwrapped her arms as she was about to leave after teasing me, but I didn't let her. 

I stood up still holding her hand, turning around to face the cheeky minx, and pulled her by her hips until she was pressed up against me. Kanae lightly gasped, looking up at me with a playful look in her eyes as I cupped her face, and kissed her, while groping her tight ass, causing her to moan lightly, her eyes closing in bliss. 

Her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me tighter against her, my hard cock grinding against her smooth stomach, and her bare breasts pressing up against my back.

After a few seconds, I started pulling back, but she didn't want it to end just yet as her hands started running through my hair pulling me back in a little painfully. In retaliation, I picked her hips up as her legs wrapped around my waist, pressing her panty-clad center against my strained erection as I moved her towards the table and sat her down spreading her legs.

Sadly, the fun had to end prematurely by someone as she stepped out of the bathroom, "You both do know that we have to get ready right? They're waiting for us."

We pulled back from each other, looking at each other breathing a little roughly, sighing in defeat before turning to look at a partially clothed Celestine wearing a matching pair of white bra and panties, with those long legs wrapped snugly in lacy white thigh-high stockings and garter belt attached. She gave us a look and we broke reluctantly broke apart before she left to get dressed.

We watched as her ass jiggled beautifully with each step hidden behind her underwear. "Well, we still have tonight to look forward to," I said giving Kanae one last kiss before letting go and watched as she jumped down going to the bathroom to get changed.



It's interesting that we all can do the frog extermination quest by ourselves and it counts to the overall quest for my mansion.

"Uh! Maybe I should have figured that they would still be fucking each other this early in the morning," I muttered angrily to myself watching a smaller group of frogs pairing up. 

"What do you mean? They always do that since it's their mating season," Darkness said like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"At least it's not that bad like it was two days ago," Celestine said trying to be helpful even if she couldn't quite look at the scene. It makes her feel uncomfortable and she suppressed the vision she had before meeting John.

"Let's get this over with," Kalawarner said stepping forward, "I'm curious about that new bar that opened up a few streets away."

"Don't forget that we need to make sure the bodies are whole, especially the bigger ones since the guild will pay extra for them. So try to aim for the head if possible," Kanae said reminding them, especially Yomi who was about to confront them.

Kalawarner seeing the perfect opportunity couldn't help but add to it, "Of course, unlike a certain someone, I know how to hold back and not lose my temper on such inferior creatures."

Yomi froze for a moment feeling her cheeks heating up before she huffed, pouting in anger, so what if she has a temper? So what if she uses her power to slice all of her problems into tiny little pieces? Her ashikabi likes her the way she is, but she'll try just to prove her wrong.

I cast create water, throwing it at a lone frog farther away than the rest and after that, I used Freeze to test something. 

[-120 MP]

"Hmm, that's interesting," I said watching it to start slowly burrowing itself underground to hibernate, but it stopped halfway, asleep. I used the same spells again to create a spear this time and punctured into its head.

[+400 Exp]

I turned to look at Darkness and I shouldn't be surprised by what I'm seeing. She's swinging her sword around completely missing all of her attacks as the frog just sat there watching her with a pitying look in its eyes. It couldn't even swallow her with all that armor she has on, so it decided to flatten her, but Darkness took it differently with her physical resistance being so high.

"Guh! Even this frog is starting to pity me," Darkness said miserably as she slumped down onto her knees and watched it die from Yomi attacking from above.

"Hah! Take that Kalawarner, I got my 4 kills and I didn't damage them so bad. How many did you kill, hmm?" Yomi asked looking all smug and turned to look at her.

"Oh? You're still working on that?" Kalawarner asked as she stretched next to 5 frog corpses. "I'm been finished since a few minutes ago." She said nonchalantly causing Yomi to grit her teeth in anger. 

Before it could break out into a fight, I hugged Yomi from behind to calm her down which worked and I said to them both, "Please don't fight with each other."

"Ok, my ashikabi," Yomi said sighing in happiness.

"Fine," Kalawarner agreed rolling her eyes even though she didn't start it, but she'll finish it.


From the outside, it looks snug, pleasant, and clean. It's difficult to see through the closed windows, but the sounds of dancing and singing from within can be felt outside. 

"Yup, this is it, The Lush Atmosphere," Kalawarner said pointing at the store on the right after we walked from the guild 20 minutes ago. 

"So how did you hear about this place?" Celestine asked curiously since it was a little out of the way.

"I heard rumors about this tavern, supposedly it's famous for something, but I can't remember what for," Kalawarner said before she walked through the thick, wooden door, which we were welcomed by joyful music and laughing voices. The bartender is swamped with work but still manages to welcome us with a smile.

It's as charming inside as it is on the outside. Squared, stone beams support the upper floor and the rows of small candles attached to them. The walls are littered with all sorts of memorabilia, though whether they're collected or donated is uncertain.

Several long tables are occupied by separate groups of people, all enjoying themselves, but they keep to themselves. The other, smaller tables are also occupied by people who are playing games and, judging by their laughter, are either telling jokes or great, perhaps embarrassing tales. Even most of the stools at the bar are occupied, though there are places left unoccupied scattered throughout the place.

"I think I know why it's so popular," I said staring judging by the number of men staring at all the waitresses, it's probably their beauty and charm. We manage to find a seat and prepare for what will undoubtedly be a great evening, hopefully. 

"Eh, well I heard the food is also good," Kalawarner added much to Yomi's interest. 

"Yeah?" Yomi asked brightly and looked through the menu. It was two pages long and had many appetizers and drinks. "Ooh~, your right. Let's see..."

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